Consti 2 Notes Final
Consti 2 Notes Final
Consti 2 Notes Final
- Persons or things belonging to the Taxation is the rule and exemption is the
same class shall be taxed at the same exception. The burden of proof rests upon
rate the party claiming exemption to prove that
it is, in fact, covered by the exemption so
- Tax shall be strictly proportional to the Tax exemptions are construed strongly
relative value of the property against the claimant. Exemptions must be
shown to exist clearly and categorically, and
Requisites of valid classification: support by clear legal provision.
Where the tax exemption is granted
1. The standards that are used therefor
gratuitously, it may be validly revoked at
are substantial and not arbitrary
will, with or without cause. But if the
2. The categorization is germane to
exemption is granted for valuable
achieve the legislative purpose
consideration, it is deemed to partake of
3. The law applies, all things being equal,
the nature of a contract and the obligation
to both present and future conditions
thereof is protected against impairment.
4. The classification applies equally well
2 kinds of tax exemption
to all those belonging to the same
1. Constitutional exemption
ART. VI, SEC. 28(3), 1987
Zaldivar v. Sandiganbayan, 166 SCRA 316 - Objectionable under any and all
circumstance because it presents an
Due process as a constitutional precept does immediate danger to the welfare of the
not, always and in all situations, require trial-type community
proceedings. The essence of due process is to be - May be abated summarily
found in the reasonable opportunity to be heard and
to submit any evidence one may have in support of Nuisance per accidens
one’s defense. “To be heard” does not only mean - Objectionable only under some but not all
verbal arguments in court. One may be heard also circumstance, there being situations when
through pleadings. Where opportunity to be heard, it is perfectly legitimate and acceptable
either through oral arguments or pleadings, is - The right thing in the wrong place
accorded, there is no denial of due process. - May be abated only upon judicial
Right of confrontation - XPN: legislature has authorized its summary
abatement, provided the nuisance per
- Does not necessarily mean a physical face-
accidens is of trifling value only
to-face confrontation of the adversaries in
the court Presumption
- Merely means the right to be given an
opportunity to cross-examine and this right - GR: presumption are not deemed violative
of course can be done through the parties’ of due process
counsel - Provided:
o there is a rational or natural
Applied by the SC prior to the adoption of The interest of society and the maintenance
the clear and present danger rule of good government demand a full
If the words uttered create a dangerous discussion of public affair. Complete liberty
tendency which the State has a right to to comment on the conduct of public men
prevent, then such words are punishable. It is a scalpel in the case of free speech. The
is not necessary that some definite or sharp incision of its probe relieves the
immediate acts of force, violence, or abscesses of officialdom. Men in public life
unlawfulness be advocated. It is sufficient may suffer under a hostile and unjust
that such acts be advocated in general accusation; the wound may be relieved by
terms. Nor is it necessary that the language the balm of a clear conscience. A public
used be reasonably calculated to incite official must not be too thin-skinned with
persons to acts of force, violence or reference to comment upon his official acts.
unlawfulness. It is sufficient if the natural (US v. Bustos)
tendency and probable effect of the The people have a right to scrutinize and
utterance be to bring about the substantive commend or condemn the conduct of their
evil which the legislative body seeks to choses representatives in the government.
prevent. (Cabansag v. Fernandez) And as long as their comments are made in
A person could be punished for his ideas good faith and with justifiable ends, they
even if they only tended to create the evil are insulated from prosecution or damage
sought to be prevented. It was not suits for defamation even if such views are
necessary to actually create the evil; a found to be inaccurate or erroneous.
mere tendency toward the evil was A private individual may still be the subject
enough. of public comment even if he is not a public
official or at least a public figure, as long he
THE BALANCE-OF-INTEREST TEST is involved in a public issue.
When particular conduct is regulated in the Being a public figure does not automatically
interest of public order and the regulation destroy in toto a person’s right to privacy.
results in an indirect, conditional, partial The right to invade a person’s privacy to
abridgement of speech, the duty of the disseminate public information does not
courts is to determine which of the two extend to a fictional or novelized
conflicting interests demands the greater representation of a person, no matter how
protection under the particular public a figure he or she may be. (Lagunzad
circumstances. (American Communications v. Sotto Vda. De Gonzales)
Association v. Douds) Newspaper publications tending to impede,
If in a given situation it should appear that obstruct, embarrass or influence the courts
there is urgent necessity for protecting the in administering justice in a pending suit or
national security against improvident proceeding constitutes criminal contempt
exercise of freedom of expression, the right which is summarily punishable by the courts
must yield. But if no special justification (People v. Alarcon)
exists for curtailment of the freedom, the Neither the right of free speech nor the
interests of the State not being especially right to engage in political activities can be
threatened by its exercise, it is the right so construed or extend as to permit any
that must prevail. such liberties to a member of the bar. A
The flaw in this method, according to layman may, perhaps, pursue his theories of
Justice Black, is that it in effect allows the free speech or political activities until he
courts to decide that this freedom may not runs afoul of the penalties of libel or
be enforced unless they believe it is slander, or into some infraction of our
reasonable to do so. statutory law. A member of the bar can,
and will, be estopped at the point where he
infringes our Canons of Ethics; and if he
petition for the issuance of a writ of habeas corpus
is a special proceeding governed by Rule 102 of the
The writ of habeas corpus is a prerogative Rules of Court, as amended. In Ex Parte Billings, it
writ of liberty employed to test the validity was held that habeas corpus is that of a civil
of a person’s detention. If he is restrained proceeding in character. It seeks the enforcement
of his liberty, he or someone acting on his of civil rights. Resorting to the writ is not to inquire
behalf may file a petition for habeas corpus into the criminal act of which the complaint is
to secure his release. made, but into the right of liberty, notwithstanding
The writ is directed to the person detaining the act and the immediate purpose to be served is
another, commanding him to produce the relief from illegal restraint. The rule applies even
body of the prisoner at a designated time when instituted to arrest a criminal prosecution and
and place, with the day and cause of his secure freedom. When a prisoner petitions for a
caption and detention, to do, to submit to, writ of habeas corpus, he thereby commences a suit
and receive whatever the court or judge and prosecutes a case in that court.
awarding the writ shall consider in his
Habeas corpus is not in the nature of a writ of error;
nor intended as substitute for the trial court’s
It is issued only for the lone purpose of function. It cannot take the place of appeal,
obtaining relief for those illegally confined
certiorari or writ of error. The writ cannot be used
or imprisoned without sufficient legal basis. to investigate and consider questions of error that
It is not issued when the person is in might be raised relating to procedure or on the
custody because of a judicial process or a
merits. The inquiry in a habeas corpus proceeding is
valid judgment. (Fletcher v. Director of addressed to the question of whether the
Bureau of Corrections) proceedings and the assailed order are, for any
---------------------------------------- reason, null and void. The writ is not ordinarily
granted where the law provides for other remedies
MANGILA vs. PANGILINAN in the regular course, and in the absence of
exceptional circumstances. Moreover, habeas
G.R. No. 160739, July 17, 2013
corpus should not be granted in advance of trial.
FACTS: Mangila and four other persons were The orderly course of trial must be pursued and the
charged with syndicated estafa as well as violations usual remedies exhausted before resorting to the
of Republic Act 8042 with respect to the recruiting writ where exceptional circumstances are extant. In
and promising of overseas employment to several another case, it was held that habeas corpus cannot
complainants. After conducting a preliminary be issued as a writ of error or as a means of
examination of one of the complainants, the judge reviewing errors of law and irregularities not
ordered the arrest of Mangila and others without involving the questions of jurisdiction occurring
bail, and the records transmitted to the City during the course of the trial, subject to the caveat
that constitutional safeguards of human life and
The privilege of the writ of habeas The Supreme Court may review, in an
corpus shall not be suspended appropriate proceeding filed by any citizen,
except in cases of invasion or the sufficiency of the factual basis of the
rebellion when the public safety proclamation of martial law or the
requires it. suspension of the privilege of the writ
In the absence of the exceptional conditions of habeas corpus or the extension thereof,
mentioned, the privilege of the writ of and must promulgate its decision thereon
habeas corpus may not be suspended and within thirty days from its filing.
the individual shall be entitled to the full
protection of the writ against any attempt A state of martial law does not suspend the
to restrain him.
operation of the Constitution, nor supplant
the functioning of the civil courts or
Grounds for Suspension legislative assemblies, nor authorize the
conferment of jurisdiction on military courts
The president is entrusted with the power and agencies over civilians where civil
to suspend the privilege of the writ of courts are able to function, nor
habeas corpus. However, this power is not automatically suspend the privilege of the
writ of habeas corpus.
without limitations and may be revoked by
the Congress or the Supreme Court in The suspension of the privilege of the writ
proper cases. of habeas corpus shall apply only to
persons judicially charged for rebellion or
offenses inherent in, or directly connected
with, invasion.
SPEEDY DISPOSITION OF CASES (1) All cases or matters filed after the
effectivity of this Constitution must be
ART. III, SEC. 16, 1987 CONSTITUTION decided or resolved within twenty-four
months from date of submission for
All persons shall have the right to a speedy the Supreme Court, and, unless
disposition of their cases before all judicial, reduced by the Supreme Court, twelve
quasi-judicial, or administrative bodies. months for all lower collegiate
courts, and three months for all
Justice delayed is justice denied. other lower courts.
ART. III, SEC. 14(2), 1987 CONSTITUTION (2) A case or matter shall be deemed
submitted for decision or resolution
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused upon the filing of the last pending, brief,
shall be presumed innocent until the or memorandum required by the Rules
contrary is proved, and shall enjoy the right of Court or by the court itself.
to be heard by himself and counsel, to be
informed of the nature and cause of the (3) Upon the expiration of the
accusation against him, to have a speedy, corresponding period, a certification to
impartial, and public trial, to meet the this effect signed by the Chief Justice
witnesses face to face, and to have or the presiding judge shall forthwith be
issued and a copy thereof attached to
compulsory process to secure the
the record of the case or matter, and
attendance of witnesses and the
served upon the parties. The
production of evidence in his behalf.
certification shall state why a decision
However, after arraignment, trial may
or resolution has not been rendered or
proceed notwithstanding the absence of issued within said period.
the accused provided that he has been
duly notified and his failure to appear is (4) Despite the expiration of the
unjustifiable. applicable mandatory period, the court,
without prejudice to such responsibility
as may have been incurred in
ART. VIII, SEC. 5(5), 1987 CONSTITUTION consequence thereof, shall decide or
resolve the case or matter submitted
Promulgate rules concerning the thereto for determination, without
protection and enforcement of further delay.
constitutional rights, pleading, practice,
and procedure in all courts, the admission
to the practice of law, the Integrated Bar, ART. IX-A, SEC. 7, 1987 CONSTITUTION
and legal assistance to the
underprivileged. Such rules shall provide Each Commission shall decide by a
a simplified and inexpensive procedure majority vote of all its Members any case
for the speedy disposition of cases, or matter brought before it within sixty days
shall be uniform for all courts of the same from the date of its submission for decision
grade, and shall not diminish, increase, or or resolution. A case or matter is deemed
modify substantive rights. Rules of submitted for decision or resolution upon
procedure of special courts and quasi- the filing of the last pleading, brief, or
judicial bodies shall remain effective memorandum required by the rules of the
unless disapproved by the Supreme Court. Commission or by the Commission itself.
Unless otherwise provided by this
Constitution or by law, any decision, order,
or ruling of each Commission may be
brought to the Supreme Court on certiorari
by the aggrieved party within thirty days
from receipt of a copy thereof.
Inspired by the social justice policy and Such authority shall include an exemption
covered by the equal protection clause, this from payment of docket and other lawful fees,
rule has been implemented by several and of transcripts of stenographic notes which
provisions of the Rules of Court in favor of the court may order to be furnished him. The
the pauper litigant and by such laws as the amount of the docket and other lawful fees
Laurel law, which permits the provisional which the indigent was exempted from paying
release of the accused without the shall be a lien on any judgment rendered in
necessity of posting bail under certain the case favorable to the indigent, unless the
conditions. court otherwise provides.cralaw
The Integrated Bar of the Philippines
Any adverse party may contest the grant of
provides deserving indigents with free legal
such authority at any time before judgment is
aid and similar services are available from
rendered by the trial court. If the court should
the Department of Justice to litigants who
determine after hearing that the party
cannot afford retained counsel. There are
declared as an indigent is in fact a person with
also private legal assistance organizations
sufficient income or property, the proper
now functioning for the benefit of
docket and other lawful fees shall be assessed
penurious clients who otherwise might be
and collected by the clerk of court. If payment
unable to resort to the courts of justice
is not made within the time fixed by the court,
because only of their misfortune of being
execution shall issue for the payment thereof,
without prejudice to such other sanctions as
At the forefront among these agencies the court may impose.
which provide indigent litigants with legal
services, counselling and assistance is the
Public Attorney’s Office (PAO) which is
attached to the Department of Justice and
has scores of offices and hundreds of
lawyers all over the country.
Because of the importance of its role in our
society, it has been provided by both the
- Membership in a political
community with all its
concomitant rights and
- Whether natural-born or
naturalized, this status confers
upon the individual certain
(g) A declaration that the petitioner (g) School diploma and transcript of records
possesses all the qualifications and none of of the petitioner in the schools he attended
the disqualifications under this Act; in the Philippines. Should the petitioner
have minor children, a certification that his
(h) A declaration that the petitioner shall children are enrolled in a school where
never be a public charge; and Philippine history, government and civics
are taught and are part of the curriculum;
(i) A declaration that it is the petitioner’s and
true and honest intention to acquire
Philippine citizenship and to renounce (h) If gainfully employed, the income tax
absolutely and forever any prince, return for the past three (3) years.
potentate, State or sovereign, and
particularly the country of which the --------------------------------------------
applicant is a citizen or subject.
(2) The application shall be accompanied OF 2000 (R.A. 9139)
Status of Alien Wife and Minor Children. —
(a) Duplicate original or certified After the approval of the petition for
photocopies of petitioner’s birth certificate; administrative naturalization and cancellation of
applicant’s alien certificate of registration,
(b) Duplicate original or certified applicant’s alien lawful wife and minor children
photocopies of petitioner’s alien certificate may file a petition for cancellation of their alien
of registration and native born certificate of certificates of registration with the Committee
residence; subject to the payment of the filing fee of
Twenty thousand pesos (₱20,000.00) and
(c) Duplicate original or certified naturalization fee of Forty thousand pesos
photocopies of petitioner’s marriage (₱40,000.00) payable as follows: Twenty
certificate, if married, or the death certificate thousand pesos (₱20,000.00) upon the
of his spouse, if widowed, or the court approval of the petition and Twenty thousand
decree annulling his marriage, if such was pesos (₱20,000.00) upon the taking of the oath
the fact;
of allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines.
(d) Duplicate original or certified --------------------------------------
photocopies of birth certificates, alien
certificate of registration or native born SEC. 12, ADMINISTRATIVE NATURALIZATION LAW
certificate of residence if any, of petitioner’s OF 2000 (R.A. 9139)
minor children, wherever applicable;
Status of Alien Husband and Minor Children.
(e) Affidavit of financial capacity by the — If the applicant is a married woman, the
petitioner, and sworn statements on the approval of her petition for administrative
good moral character of the petitioner by at naturalization will not benefit her alien husband
least two (2) Filipino citizens of good but her minor children may file a petition for
reputation in his/her place of residence cancellation of their alien certificates of
stating that they have personally known the registration with the BI subject to the