Asce 7-22 CH 07 - For PC

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2  7.1 Definitions and Symbols

3  7.1.1 Definitions


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5  2022-1.0) of geocoded values of risk-targeted design ground snow load values.

6  DRIFT: The accumulation of wind-driven snow that results in a local surcharge load on the roof

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7  structure at locations such as a parapet or roof step.

8  FLAT ROOF SNOW LOAD: Uniform load for flat roofs.

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FREEZER BUILDINGS: Buildings in which the inside temperature is kept at or below
10  freezing. Buildings with an air space between the roof insulation layer above and a ceiling of the
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11  freezer area below are not considered freezer buildings.

12  GROUND SNOW LOAD: The site-specific weight of the accumulated snow at the ground
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13  level used to develop roof snow loads on the structure. It is a reliability targeted load.

14  MINIMUM SNOW LOAD: Snow load on low sloped roofs, including the roof snow load
15  immediately after a single snowstorm without wind.

16  PONDING: Refer to definitions in Chapter 8, Rain Loads.


17  PONDING INSTABILITY: Refer to definitions in Chapter 8, Rain Loads.


18  R-VALUE: A measure of the resistance to heat flow through a roof component or assembly per
19  unit area.

20  SLIPPERY SURFACE: Membranes with a smooth surface, e.g., glass, metal, or rubber.
21  Membranes with an embedded aggregate or mineral granule surface are not considered a slippery
22  surface.

1  SLOPED ROOF SNOW LOAD: Uniform load on horizontal projection of a sloped roof, also
2  known as the balanced load.

3  VENTILATED ROOF: Roof that allows exterior air to naturally circulate between the roof
4  surface above and the insulation layer below. The exterior air commonly flows from the eave to

5  the ridge.

6  7.1.2 Symbols

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7  Ce . = Exposure factor, as determined from Table 7.3-1.

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8  Cs = Slope factor, as determined from Figure 7.4-1.

9  Ct = Thermal factor, as determined from Table 7.3-2.

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h = Vertical separation distance, in feet (m), between the edge of a higher roof including any
11  parapet and the edge of a lower adjacent roof excluding any parapet.
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12  hb = Height of balanced snow load, determined by dividing ps by γ , ft (m).

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13  hc = Clear height from top of balanced snow load to (1) closest point on adjacent upper roof, (2)

14  top of parapet, or (3) top of a projection on the roof, ft (m).

15  hd = Height of snow drift, in ft (m).


16  hd 1 or hd 2 = Heights of snow drifts where two intersecting snow drifts can form, ft (m).

ho = Height of obstruction above the surface of the roof, ft (m).



18  lu = Length of the roof upwind of the drift, ft (m).

19  pd = Maximum intensity of drift surcharge load, in lb / ft 2 ( kN / m 2 ).

20  p f = Snow load on flat roofs (“flat” = roof slope  5 ), lb / ft 2 ( kN / m 2 ).

1  pg = Ground snow load, as determined from Figure 7.2-1 and Table 7.2-1; or a site-specific

2  analysis, lb / ft 2 ( kN / m 2 ).

3  pm = Minimum snow load for low-slope roofs, lb / ft 2 ( kN / m 2 ).

4  ps = Sloped roof (balanced) snow load, lb / ft 2 ( kN / m 2 ).

5  s = Horizontal separation distance between the edges of two adjacent buildings, ft (m).

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6  S = Roof slope run for a rise of one.

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7  w = Width of snow drift, ft (m).

8  w1 or w2 = Widths of snow drifts where two intersecting snow drifts can form, ft (m).

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W = Horizontal distance from eave to ridge, ft (m).
W2 = Percent time wind speed is above 10 mph (4.6 m/s) during winter (October through April).
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11  Winter Wind Parameter from Figure 7.6-1 and Table 7.2-1 for Alaska.

12  γ = Snow density, as determined from Equation (7.7-1), lb / ft 3 ( kN / m 3 ).

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13  θ = Roof slope on the leeward side, degrees.


14  7.2 Ground Snow Loads, pg


15  Ground snow loads, pg , to be used in the determination of design snow loads for roofs shall be
16  as set forth in Fig. 7.2-1 for the contiguous United States and Table 7.2-1 for Alaska. Site-

17  specific case studies shall be made to determine ground snow loads in areas designated CS in
18  Fig. 7.2-1 (see also Tables 7.2-2 through 7.2-8). Ground snow loads for sites at elevations above
19  the limits indicated in Fig. 7.2-1 and for all sites within the CS areas shall be approved by the
20  Authority Having Jurisdiction. Ground snow load determination for such sites shall be based on
21  an extreme value statistical analysis of data available in the vicinity of the site using a value with
22  a 2% annual probability of being exceeded (50-year mean recurrence interval).

1  Ground snow loads, pg, to be used in the determination of design snow loads shall be determined
2  using the ASCE Design Ground Snow Load Geodatabase. A graphical representation of the data
3  in the ASCE Design Ground Snow Load Geodatabase is shown in Figures 7.2-1A through 7.2-
4  1D for the conterminous United States and Table 7.2-1 for Alaska. Where the results from the
5  geodatabase indicate that a case study needs to be conducted for a specific location, the ground

6  snow load determination for the location shall be based on an analysis of data available in the
7  vicinity of the site, shall meet the reliability targets set forth in Table 1.3-1, and shall be

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8  approved by the Authority Having Jurisdiction.

USER NOTE: The ASCE Design Ground Snow Load Geodatabase of geocoded design

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ground snow load values for all four risk categories is available at or approved equivalent.

9  se N
Snow loads are zero for Hawaii, except in mountainous regions, as determined by the Authority
10  Having Jurisdiction.
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11  Exception: The snow load provisions of this chapter need not be considered for roofs or roof
12  members with no potential for drift accumulation or unbalanced snow loading where the ground
snow load, pg, is less than the factored roof live load used in design. For all other roofs or roof
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14  members, the snow load provisions in this chapter do not need to be considered in either of the
15  following situations:

16  • The ground snow load, pg, is less than, or equal to, 10 lb/ft2 (0.48 kN/m2) and the length of the

17  roof upwind from any potential drifting location, lu, is less than, or equal to, 100 ft (30.48 m).

18  • The ground snow load, pg, is less than, or equal to, 5 lb/ft2 (0.24 kN/m2) and the length of the

19  roof upwind from any potential drifting location, lu, is less than, or equal to, 300 ft (91.44 m).


21  The importance factor time the ground snow load, Is pg, shall be used as the balanced snow load
22  for snow accumulation surfaces, such as decks, balconies, and other near-ground level surfaces
23  or roofs of subterranean spaces, whose height above the ground surface is less than the depth of
24  the ground snow, hg ( hg  pg / γ ).



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4  FIGURE 7.2-1 Ground Snow Loads, pg , for the United States ( lb / ft 2 )



1  [NOTE: High-resolution JPEG-format files are available for publication for the following maps from the authors of the Change Proposal]

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4  FIGURE 7.2-1A. Ground snow loads, pg, for Risk Category I for the conterminous United States (lb/ft2).

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9  FIGURE 7.2-1B. Ground snow loads, pg, for Risk Category II for the conterminous United States (lb/ft2).


2  FIGURE 7.2-1C. Ground snow loads, pg, for Risk Category III for the conterminous United States (lb/ft2).

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6  FIGURE 7.2-1D. Ground snow loads, pg, for Risk Category IV for the conterminous United States (lb/ft2).

10  Table 7.2-1. Ground Snow Loads, pg , and Winter Wind Parameter, W2, for Alaskan Locations.

City/Town Elevation Ground Snow Load, pg1,2,4 Winter Wind

(ft) (lb/ft2) Parameter, W2

Risk Category


Adak 100 32 40 46 50 0.7

River3 64 80 92 100 0.2

Arctic Village 2,100 38 48 55 60 0.2

Bethel 100 51 64 74 80 0.7

Bettles 700 102 128 147 160 0.2

Cantwell 2,100 109 136 156 170 0.3

Cold Bay 100 45 56 64 70 0.8

Cordova 100 128 160 184 200 0.3

Deadhorse 100 32 40 46 50 0.6

Delta Junction 400 51 64 74 80 0.5

Dillingham 100 141 176 202 220 0.5

Emmonak 100 128 160 184 200 0.7

Fairbanks 1,200 77 96 110 120 0.1

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Fort Yukon 400 64 80 92 100 0.2

Galena 200 77 96 110 120 0.3
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Girdwood 200 179 224 258 280 0.2

Glennallen 1,400 58 72 83 90 0.2

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Haines 100 237 296 340 370 0.7

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Holy Cross 100 154 192 221 240 0.2

Homer3 500 58 72 83 90 0.5

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Iliamna 200 102 128 147 160 0.5

Juneau 100 90 112 129 140 0.5


Kaktovik 100 58 72 83 90 0.6


Kenai/Soldotna 200 83 104 120 130 0.4


Ketchikan 100 38 48 55 60 0.5


Kobuk 200 115 144 166 180 0.6

Kodiak 100 45 56 64 70 0.6

Kotzebue 100 77 96 110 120 0.6

McGrath 400 83 104 120 130 0.2

Nenana 400 96 120 138 150 0.2

Nikiski 200 102 128 147 160 0.4

Nome 100 90 112 129 140 0.6

Palmer/Wasilla 500 64 80 92 100 0.2

Petersburg 100 122 152 175 190 0.2

Point Hope 100 58 72 83 90 0.6

Saint Lawrence Island 100 122 152 175 190 0.8

Saint Paul Island 100 51 64 74 80 0.9

Seward 100 77 96 110 120 0.5

Sitka 100 64 80 92 100 0.4

Talkeetna 400 154 192 221 240 0.2

Tok 1,700 45 56 64 70 0.2

Umiat 300 38 48 55 60 0.2

Unalakleet 100 45 56 64 70 0.7

Unalaska 100 96 120 138 150 0.6

Utqiaġvik (Barrow) 100 32 40 46 50 0.6

Valdez 100 205 256 294 320 0.3

Wainwright 100 32 40 46 50 0.6

Whittier 100 346 432 497 540 0.3

Willow 300 102 128 147 160 0.2

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Yakutat 100 179 224 258 280 0.3

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1  Notes: To convert lb/ft2 to kN/m2, multiply by 0.0479. To convert feet to meters, multiply by 0.3048.

2  1. Statutory requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction are not included in this state ground snow load table.
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3  2. For locations where there is substantial change in altitude over the city/town, the load applies at and below the cited elevation within the

4  jurisdiction and up to 100 ft above the cited elevation, unless otherwise noted.
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5  3. For locations in Anchorage/Eagle River and Homer above the cited elevation, the ground snow load shall be increased by 15% for every
6  100 ft above the cited elevation.
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pg pg pg

Location lb / ft 2 kN / m 2 Location lb / ft 2 kN / m 2 Location lb / ft 2 kN / m 2


Adak 30 1.4 Galena 60 2.9 Petersburg 150 7.2

Anchorage 50 2.4 Gulkana 70 3.4 St. Paul 40 1.9

Angoon 70 3.4 Homer 40 1.9 Seward 50 2.4

Barrow 25 1.2 Juneau 60 2.9 Shemya 25 1.2

Barter 35 1.7 Kenai 70 3.4 Sitka 50 2.4

Bethel 40 1.9 Kodiak 30 1.4 Talkeetna 120 5.8

Big Delta 50 2.4 Kotzebue 60 2.9 Unalakleet 50 2.4

Cold Bay 25 1.2 McGrath 70 3.4 Valdez 160 7.7

Cordova 100 4.8 Nenana 80 3.8 Whittier 300 14.4

Fairbanks 60 2.9 Nome 70 3.4 Wrangell 60 2.9

Fort Yukon 60 2.9 Palmer 50 2.4 Yakutat 150 7.2


2  7.3 Flat Roof Snow Loads, p f

3  The flat roof snow load, p f , shall be calculated in lb / ft 2 ( kN / m 2 ) using the following formula:

4  𝑝 0.7𝐶 𝐶 𝐼 𝑝 (7.3-1)

5  7.3.1 Exposure Factor, Ce

6  The value for Ce shall be determined from Table 7.3-1.

7  Table 7.3-1. Exposure Factor, Ce .

Surface Roughness Category Exposure of Roofa

Fully Exposed Partially Exposed Sheltered
B (see Section 26.7) 0.9 1.0 1.2
C (see Section 26.7) 0.9 1.0 1.1
D (see Section 26.7) 0.8 0.9 1.0

Above the tree line in windswept mountainous areas 0.7 0.8 N/A
In Alaska, in areas where trees do not exist within a 2 0.7 0.8 N/A

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mi (3 km) radius of the site


or T D
The terrain category and roof exposure condition chosen shall be representative of the anticipated conditions during the life of the structure. An
10  exposure factor shall be determined for each roof of a structure.
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11  a
Definitions: Partially Exposed: All roofs except those indicated in the following text. Fully Exposed: Roofs exposed on all sides with no shelterb

12  afforded by terrain, higher structures, or trees. Roofs that contain several large pieces of mechanical equipment, parapets that extend above the
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13  height of the balanced snow load ( hb ), or other obstructions are not in this category. Sheltered: Roofs located tight in among conifers that qualify

14  as obstructions.
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15  b
Obstructions within a distance of 10ho provide “shelter,” where ho is the height of the obstruction above the roof level. If the only obstructions

16  are a few deciduous trees that are leafless in winter, the “fully exposed” category shall be used. Note that these are heights above the roof.
17  Heights used to establish the Exposure Category in Section 26.7 are heights above the ground.


19  7.3.2 Thermal Factor, C t


20  The value for Ct shall be determined from Tables 7.3-2 and 7.3-3.

21  Table 7.3-2. Thermal Factor, Ct .

Thermal Conditiona Ct

All structures except as indicated below 1.0 See

Table 7.3-

Unheated structures, open-air structures, Sstructures kept just above freezing [40 to 50 °F (4 to10 °C)], and other structures with 1.11.2
cold, ventilated roofs meeting the minimum requirements of the applicable energy code in which the thermal resistance (R-value)
between the ventilated space and the heated space exceeds 25F  h  ft 2 / Btu ( 4.4 K  m 2 / W )

Unheated and open air structures 1.2

Freezer building 1.3

Thermal Conditiona Ct

Continuously heated greenhousesb with a roof having a thermal resistance (R-value) less than 2.0°F x h x ft2 h∙ft2∙°F /Btu (0.4 m2·K 0.85
/W) or a thermal transmittance (U-factor) greater than 0.5 Btu/h·ft2·◦F (2.5 W/ m2·K)

1  a
These conditions shall be representative of the anticipated conditions during winters for the life of the structure.

2  b
Greenhouses with a constantly maintained interior temperature of 50 °F (10 °C) or more, at any point 3 ft (0.9 m) above the floor level during
3  winters and having either a maintenance attendant on duty at all times or a temperature alarm system to provide warning in the event of a heating
4  failure.

5  Table 7.3-3. Thermal Factor, Ct, for Heated Structures with Unventilated Roofsa.

Pg (psf [kPa])
Rroof Uroof
≤ 10 20 30 40 50 60 ≥ 70
(h∙ft2∙°F /Btu (Btu/h·ft2·◦F
[0.48] [0.96] [1.44] [1.92] [2.40] [2.88] [3.36]
[m2∙K/W]) [W/m2∙K])
≤ 20 [3.52] ≥ 0.050 [0.284] 1.20 1.11 1.05 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00
30 [5.28] 0.033 [0.189] 1.20 1.17 1.14 1.13 1.12 1.11 1.10

40 [7.04] 0.025 [0.142] 1.20 1.19 1.17 1.16 1.16 1.15 1.15
50 [8.80]b 0.020 [0.114]b 1.20 1.20 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.18 1.18

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6  a
For values of Pg and Rroof that fall between those shown in the table, linear interpolation may be used to determine the value of Ct.

7  b
For values of Rroof > 50 h∙ft2∙°F /Btu (8.80 m2∙K/W) or Uroof < 0.020 Btu/h∙ft2∙°F (0.114 W/m2∙K), Ct should be taken as equal to 1.2.
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9  For values of Pg and Rroof that fall between those shown in Table 7.3-3, linear interpolation may be used to determine the value of Ct.
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11  7.3.3 Importance Factor, I s .

12  The value for I s shall be determined from Table 1.5-2 based on the Risk Category from Table 1.5-1.
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13  7.3.3 Minimum Snow Load for Low-Slope Roofs, pm


14  A minimum roof snow load, pm , shall only apply to monoslope, hip, and gable roofs with slopes less than 15 degrees and to curved roofs where

15  the vertical angle from the eaves to the crown is less than 10 degrees. The minimum roof snow load for low-slope roofs shall be obtained as

16  follows: using the following formula


17  Where pg is 20 lb / ft 2 ( 0.96 kN / m 2 ) or less:

18  pm  I s pg (Importance Factor times pg )

19  Where pg exceeds 20 lb / ft 2 ( 0.96 kN / m 2 ):

20  pm  20( I s ) (20 lb / ft 2 times Importance Factor)

21  pm  0.96( I s ) (0.96 kN / m2 times Importance Factor)

22  where pg is equal to or less than the value of the minimum snow load upper limit, pm,max, shown in Table 7.3-4:

23  pm = pg


25  where pg is greater than the value of the minimum snow load upper limit, pm,max, shown in Table 7.3-4:

26  pm = pm,max


28  Table 7.3-4. Minimum Snow Loads for Low-Slope Roofs.

Risk Category pm,max
I 25 lb/ft2 (1.20 kN/m2)
II 30 lb/ft2 (1.44 kN/m2)
III 35 lb/ft2 (1.68 kN/m2)
IV 40 lb/ft2 (1.92 kN/m2)

2  This minimum roof snow load isshall be a separate uniform load case. It need not be used in determining, or in combination with, drift, sliding,
3  unbalanced, or partial loads.

4  7.4 Sloped Roof Snow Loads, ps

5  Snow loads acting on a sloping surface shall be assumed to act on the horizontal projection of that surface. The sloped roof (balanced) snow load,
6  ps , shall be obtained by multiplying the flat roof snow load, p f , by the roof slope factor, Cs :

7  ps  Cs p f (7.4-1)

8  Values of Cs for warm roofs, cold roofs, curved roofs, and multiple roofs are determined from Sections 7.4.1 through 7.4.4. The thermal factor,

9  Ct , from Table 7.3-2 determines if a roof is “cold” or “warm.” “Slippery surface” values shall be used only where the roof’s surface is

10  unobstructed and sufficient space is available below the eaves to accept all the sliding snow. A roof shall be considered unobstructed if no objects

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11  exist on it that prevent snow on it from sliding. Roof areas with snow retention devices shall not be considered unobstructed. Slippery surfaces

12  shall include metal, slate, glass, and bituminous, rubber, and plastic membranes with a smooth surface. Membranes with an embedded aggregate
13  or mineral granule surface shall not be considered smooth. Asphalt shingles, wood shingles, and shakes shall not be considered slippery.
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14  7.4.1 Warm Roof Slope Factor, C s
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15  For warm roofs ( Ct  1.0 as determined from Table 7.3-2) with an unobstructed slippery surface that allows snow to slide off the eaves, the roof

16  slope factor Cs shall be determined using the dashed line in Fig. 7.4-1a, provided that for nonventilated warm roofs, their thermal resistance (R-
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17  value) equals or exceeds 30 ft 2 hrF / Btu ( 5.3C m2 / W ) and for warm ventilated roofs, their R-value equals or exceeds 20 ft 2 hrF / Btu (

18  3.5C m2 / W ). Exterior air shall be able to circulate freely under a ventilated roof from its eaves to its ridge. For warm roofs that do not meet the
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19  aforementioned conditions, the solid line in Fig. 7.4-1a shall be used to determine the roof slope factor Cs . The Slope Factor, Cs, shall be

20  determined using Figure 7.4-1, as outlined in Table 7.4-1.





24  Figure 7.4-1. Graphs for determining roof slope factor, Cs, for warm and cold roofs.
25  Note: See Tables 7.3-2 and 7.3-3 for Ct definitions.

26  7.4.2 Cold Roof Slope Factor, C s .

27  Cold roofs are those with a Ct  1.0 as determined from Table 7.3-2. For cold roofs with Ct  1.1 and an unobstructed slippery surface that

28  allows snow to slide off the eaves, the roof slope factor Cs shall be determined using the dashed line in Fig. 7.4-1b. For all other cold roofs with

29  Ct  1.1 , the solid line in Fig. 7.4-1b shall be used to determine the roof slope factor Cs . For cold roofs with Ct  1.2 or larger and an

1  unobstructed slippery surface that allows snow to slide off the eaves, the roof slope factor Cs shall be determined using the dashed line on Fig.

2  7.4-1c. For all other cold roofs with Ct  1.2 or larger, the solid line in Fig. 7.4-1c shall be used to determine the roof slope factor Cs .

3  7.4.32 Roof Slope Factor for Curved Roofs

4  Portions of curved roofs that have a slope exceeding 70 degrees shall be considered free of snow load (i.e., Cs  0 ). Balanced loads shall be

5  determined from the balanced load diagrams in Figure 7.4-2, with Cs determined from the appropriate curve in Figure 7.4-1.

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9  FIGURE 7.4-2. Balanced and unbalanced loads for curved roofs.

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11  7.4.43 Roof Slope Factor for Multiple Folded Plate, Sawtooth, and Barrel Vault Roofs

12  Multiple folded plate, sawtooth, or barrel vault roofs shall have a Cs  1.0 , with no reduction in snow load because of slope (i.e., ps  p f ).

13  7.4.54 Ice Dams and Icicles along Eaves


14  Two types of warm Unventilated roofs that drain water over their eaves shall be capable of sustaining a uniformly distributed load of 2 p f on all

15  overhanging portions if the structure’s Thermal Factor, Ct, is equal to, or less than, 1.1 per Section 7.3.2.: those that are unventilated and have an
16  R-value less than 30 ft 2 hrF / Btu ( 5.3C m2 / W ) and those that are ventilated and have an R-value less than 20 ft 2 hrF / Btu ( 3.5C m2 / W ).
17  The load on the overhang shall be based upon the flat roof snow load for the heated portion of the roof upslope of the exterior wall. No other
18  loads, except dead loads, shall be present on the roof when this uniformly distributed load is applied.

19  Where Ct is less than or equal to 1.1, the Slope Factor, Cs, shall be determined in accordance with Figure 7.4-1a. Where Ct is greater than 1.1 and
20  less than 1.2, the slope factor, Cs, shall be determined in accordance with Figure 7.4-1b. Where Ct is equal to, or greater than, 1.2, the slope
21  factor, Cs, shall be determined in accordance with Figure 7.4-1c.

22  7.4.65 Sloped Roof Snow Loads for Air-Supported Structures

23  Roof snow loading for air-supported structures with vinyl coated exterior fabric shall be as shown in Figure 7.4-3.



3  FIGURE 7.4-3. Sloped roof snow load for air-supported structures.

4  7.5 Partial Loading

5  The effect of having selected spans loaded with the balanced snow load, and remaining spans loaded with half the balanced snow load, shall be
6  investigated as follows.

7  7.5.1 Continuous Beam Systems

8  Continuous beam systems shall be investigated for the effects of the three loadings shown in Figure 7.5-1:

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9  Case 1: Full balanced snow load on either exterior span and half the balanced snow load on all other spans.

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Case 2: Half the balanced snow load on either exterior span and full balanced snow load on all other spans.

11  Case 3: All possible combinations of full balanced snow load on any two adjacent spans and half the balanced snow load on all other spans.
For this case, there will be ( n – 1 ) possible combinations, where n equals the number of spans in the continuous beam system.
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FIGURE 7.5-1. Partial loading diagrams for continuous beams.



16  If a cantilever is present in any of the above cases, it shall be considered to be a span.

17  Partial load provisions need not be applied to structural members that span perpendicular to the ridgeline in gable roofs with slopes between 1/2
18  on 12 (2.38 degrees) and 7 on 12 (30.3 degrees).

19  7.5.2 Other Structural Systems

20  Areas sustaining only half the balanced snow load shall be chosen so as to produce the greatest effects on members being analyzed.

21  7.6 Unbalanced Roof Snow Loads

22  Balanced and unbalanced loads shall be analyzed separately. Winds from all directions shall be accounted for when establishing unbalanced
23  loads.

24  7.6.1 Unbalanced Snow Loads for Hip and Gable Roofs

25  For hip and gable roofs with a slope exceeding 7 on 12 (30.2 degrees), or with a slope less than 1/2 on 12 (2.38 degrees), unbalanced snow loads
26  are not required to be applied. Roofs with an eave to ridge distance, W , of 20 ft (6.1 m) or less that have simply supported prismatic members
27  spanning from ridge to eave shall be designed to resist an unbalanced uniform snow load on the leeward side equal to pg. For these roofs, the
28  windward side shall be unloaded. For all other gable roofs, the unbalanced load shall consist of 0.3 ps on the windward side, ps on the leeward

1  side plus a rectangular surcharge with magnitude hd γ / S and horizontal extent from the ridge 8hd S / 3 where hd is the drift height from Fig.

2  7.6-1 from Equation 7.6-1 with lu equal to the eave to ridge distance for the windward portion of the roof, W .

3  The drift height ℎ is given by

. . .
4  ℎ 1.5 7.6-1

5  where the winter wind parameter 𝑊 for the site is given in Figure 7.6-1 and Table 7.2-1 for Alaska.

6  For W less than 20 ft (6.1 m), use W  lu  20ft (6.1 m) in Fig. 7.6-1. Balanced and unbalanced loading diagrams are presented in Figure 7.6-2.

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10  Notes: If lu  20 ft , use lu  20 ft , except hd for this small fetch case need not be taken greater than  ( I s p g lu / 4 ) where lu is the actual fetch
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11  distance, not the minimum fetch of 20 ft.

2 2
12  To convert lb/ ft to kN / m , multiply by 0.0479. To convert feet to meters, multiply by 0.3048.
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13  Figure 7.6-1 Graph and Equation for Determining Drift Ratio DR


15  FIGURE 7.6-1. Map of winter wind parameter, 𝑾𝟐 .



3  FIGURE 7.6-2. Balanced and unbalanced snow loads for hip and gable roofs.

4  7.6.2 Unbalanced Snow Loads for Curved Roofs

5  Portions of curved roofs that have a slope exceeding 70 degrees shall be considered free of snow load. If the slope of a straight line from the

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6  eaves (or the 70 degree point, if present) to the crown is less than 10 degrees or greater than 60 degrees, unbalanced snow loads shall not be taken

7  into account. or T D
8  Unbalanced loads shall be determined according to the loading diagrams in Figure 7.4-2. In all cases, the windward side shall be considered free
9  of snow. If the ground or another roof abuts a Case 2 or Case 3 (see Figure 7.4-2) curved roof at or within 3 ft (0.9 m) of its eaves, the snow load
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10  shall not be decreased between the 30 degree point and the eaves but shall remain constant at the 30 degree point value. This distribution is shown
11  as a dashed line in Figure 7.4-2.
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12  7.6.3 Unbalanced Snow Loads for Multiple Folded Plate, Sawtooth, and Barrel Vault Roofs

13  Unbalanced loads shall be applied to folded plate, sawtooth, and barrel-vaulted multiple roofs with a slope exceeding 3/8 in. on 12 (1.79
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14  degrees). According to Section 7.4.4, Cs  1.0 for such roofs, and the balanced snow load equals p f . The unbalanced snow load shall increase

15  from one-half the balanced load at the ridge or crown (i.e., 0.5 p f ) to two times the balanced load given in Section 7.4.4 divided by C e at the

valley (i.e., 2 p f / Ce ). Balanced and unbalanced loading diagrams for a sawtooth roof are presented in Figure 7.6-3. However, the snow surface


17  above the valley shall not be at an elevation higher than the snow above the ridge. Snow depths shall be determined by dividing the snow load by

18  the density of that snow from Equation (7.7-1), which is in Section 7.7.1.



21  FIGURE 7.6-3. Balanced and unbalanced snow loads for a sawtooth roof.

22  7.6.4 Unbalanced Snow Loads for Dome Roofs

23  Unbalanced snow loads shall be applied to domes and similar rounded structures. Snow loads, determined in the same manner as for curved roofs
24  in Section 7.6.2, shall be applied to the downwind 90 degree sector in plan view. At both edges of this sector, the load shall decrease linearly to
25  zero over sectors of 22.5 degree each. There shall be no snow load on the remaining 225 degree upwind sector.

26  7.7 Drifts on Lower Roofs (Aerodynamic Shade)

1  Roofs shall be designed to sustain localized loads from snowdrifts that form in the wind shadow of (1) higher portions of the same structure, and
2  (2) adjacent structures and terrain features.

3  7.7.1 Lower Roof of a Structure

4  Snow that forms drifts comes from a higher roof or, with the wind from the opposite direction, from the roof on which the drift is located. These
5  two kinds of drifts (“leeward” and “windward,” respectively) are shown in Figure 7.7-1. The geometry of the surcharge load due to snow drifting
6  shall be approximated by a triangle, as shown in Figure 7.7-2. Drift loads shall be superimposed on the balanced snow load. If hc / hb is less than

7  0.2, drift loads are not required to be applied.


11  FIGURE 7.7-1. Drifts formed at windward and leeward steps.


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FIGURE 7.7-2. Configuration of snowdrifts on lower roofs.

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15  For leeward drifts, the drift height, hd , shall be determined directly from Fig. 7.6-1Equation 7.6-1 using the length of the upper roof. However,

16  the drift height need not be taken as larger than 60% of the length of the lower level roof. For windward drifts, the drift height shall be determined
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17  by substituting the length of the lower roof for lu into Fig. 7.6-1Equation 7.6-1 and using three-quarters of hd as determined from Fig. 7.6-1 as

18  the drift height. The larger of these two heights shall be used in design. If this height For leeward drifts, if hd is equal to or less than hc , the drift

19  width, w , shall equal 4hd and the drift height shall equal hd . If this height exceeds hc , the drift width, w , shall equal 4hd2 / hc and the drift height

20  shall equal hc . However, For leeward drifts, the drift width, w , shall not be greater than8hc . For windward drifts, the drift width shall be taken as

21  eight times the windward drift height or (8(.75hd) = 6hd). If the drift width for either windward or leeward drifts, w , exceeds the width of the

22  lower roof, the drift shall taper linearly to zero at the far end of the lower level roof. Windward and leeward drifts shall be checked independently

23  to determine which controls the structural design of each member. The maximum intensity of the drift surcharge load, p d , equals hd γ , where

24  snow density, γ , is defined in Equation (7.7-1):

25  γ  0.13 p g  14 but not more than 30 lb / ft 3 (7.7-1)

26  γ  0.426 p g  2.2, but not more than 4.7 kN / m 3 (

27  This density shall also be used to determine hb by dividing ps by γ (in SI: also multiply by 102 to get the depth in m).

28  7.7.2 Adjacent Structures

29  If the horizontal separation distance between adjacent structures, s , is less than 20 ft (6.1 m) and less than six times the vertical separation
30  distance ( s  6 h ), then the requirements for the leeward drift of Section 7.7.1 shall be used to determine the drift load on the lower structure. The

31  height of the snow drift shall be the smaller of hd , based upon the length of the adjacent higher structure, and (6h  s) / 6 . The horizontal extent of

32  the drift shall be the smaller of 6hd or ( 6h  s ).

33  For windward drifts, the requirements of Section 7.7.1 shall be used. The resulting drift is permitted to be truncated.

34  7.7.3 Intersecting Drifts at Low Roofs

1  Intersecting drifts shall be evaluated at reentrant corners, parapet wall corners, intersections of gable roof with the roof step wall of a taller roof
2  and other similar geometries. Section 7.7.1 shall be used to determine the snow drift geometry for each direction. At reentrant corners and parapet
3  wall corners, the provisions in Section 7.7.1 shall be used to determine the individual snow drift geometry. Where the two snowdrifts intersect,
4  the larger of the two snowdrift depths shall govern, as shown in Figure 7.7-3. Intersecting snowdrift loads shall be considered to occur
5  concurrently, except that the two drift loads need not be superimposed.

8  FIGURE 7.7-3. Configuration of intersecting snowdrifts at lower roof.

9  For leeward intersecting snowdrifts at reentrant corners, the length of the upper roof applicable for each snowdrift shall be used with lu parallel

10  to w1 for the first drift and lu parallel to w 2 for the second drift. For windward snowdrifts, the lengths of the lower roof shall be used for lu .

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7.8 Roof Projections and Parapets


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The method for windward drifts in Section 7.7.1 shall be used to calculate drift loads on all sides of roof projections and at parapet walls. The
13  height of such drifts shall be taken as three-quarters the drift height from Fig. 7.6-1Equation 7.6-1 (i.e., 0.75hd ). For parapet walls, lu shall be

14  taken equal to the length of the roof upwind of the wall. For roof projections, lu shall be taken equal to the greater of the length of the roof
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15  upwind or downwind of the projection.

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16  EXCEPTION: Drift loads shall not be required where the side of the roof projection is less than 15 ft (4.6 m) or the clear distance between the
17  height of the balanced snow load, hb , and the bottom of the projection (including horizontal supports) is at least 2 ft (0.61 m).
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18  7.9 Sliding Snow

19  The load caused by snow sliding off a sloped roof onto a lower roof shall be determined for slippery upper roofs with slopes greater than ¼ on 12,
20  and for other (i.e., nonslippery) upper roofs with slopes greater than 2 on 12. The total sliding load per unit length of eave shall be 0.4 p f W , where

21  W is the horizontal distance from the eave to ridge for the sloped upper roof. The sliding load shall be distributed uniformly on the lower roof

22  over a distance of 15 ft (4.6 m) from the upper roof eave. If the width of the lower roof is less than 15 ft (4.6 m), the sliding load shall be reduced
23  proportionally.

24  The sliding snow load shall not be further reduced unless a portion of the snow on the upper roof is blocked from sliding onto the lower roof by
25  snow already on the lower roof.

26  For separated structures, sliding loads shall be considered when h / s  1 and s < 15 ft (s < 4.6 m). The horizontal extent of the sliding load on the
27  lower roof shall be 15  s with s in feet ( 4.6  s with s in meters), and the load per unit length shall be 0.4 p f W (15  s ) / 15 with s in feet (

28  0.4 p f W (4.6  s ) / 4.6 with s in meters).

29  Sliding loads shall be superimposed on the balanced snow load and need not be used in combination with drift, unbalanced, partial, or rain-on-
30  snow loads.

31  7.10 Rain-On-Snow Surcharge Load

32  For locations where 𝑝 is less than, or equal to, the value of pm,max given in Table 7.3-3 20lb/ft (0.96kN/𝑚 ) or less, but not zero, all roofs with
33  slopes (in degrees) less than 𝑊/50 with 𝑊 in ft (in SI: 𝑊/15.2with 𝑊 in m) shall include a 8 lb/ft (0.38 kN/𝑚 ) a 5lb/ft (0.24kN/𝑚 ) rain-
34  on-snow surcharge load. This additional load applies only to the sloped roof (balanced) load case and need not be used in combination with drift,
35  sliding, unbalanced, minimum, or partial loads.

36  7.11 Ponding Instability

1  Susceptible bays shall be designed to preclude ponding instability. Roof deflections caused by full snow loads shall be evaluated when
2  determining the likelihood of ponding instability (see Section 8.4).

3  7.12 Existing Roofs

4  Existing roofs shall be evaluated for increased snow loads caused by additions or alterations. Owners or agents for owners of an existing lower
5  roof shall be advised of the potential for increased snow loads, where a higher roof is constructed within 20 ft (6.1 m). See footnote to Table 7.3-1
6  and Section 7.7.2.

7  7.13 Snow on Open-Frame Equipment Structures

8  Open-frame equipment structures shall be designed for snow loads, in accordance with Sections 7.13.1 through 7.13.4. The thermal factor,
9  Ct  1.2 , shall be used in determination of snow loads for unheated open-frame equipment structures.

10  7.13.1 Snow at Top Level

11  Flat roof snow loads ( p f ) and drift loads shall be applied at the top level of the structure where there is flooring or elements that can retain snow.

12  Open frame members with a width of more than 8 in. (200 mm) shall be considered snow retaining surfaces. The top level shall be designed for
13  snowdrifts, in accordance with Sections 7.7 and 7.9, where there are wind walls or equivalent obstructions.

14  7.13.2 Snow at Levels below the Top Level

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15  At all levels with flooring (grating, checkered plate, etc.) located below a level with flooring, the flat roof snow load shall be applied over a

16  portion of that flooring level near any open edge in accordance with Figure 7.13-1. The flat roof snow load shall extend from the upwind edge of
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17  the flooring a horizontal distance equal to the vertical difference in elevation between the level in question and the next floor above.
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20  FIGURE 7.13-1. Open-frame equipment structures.


21  7.13.3 Snow Loads on Pipes and Cable Trays

22  Individual pipes and cable trays with a diameter (pipe) or width (tray) less than, or equal to, 0.73 p f / γ shall be designed for a triangular snow

23  load in accordance with Figure 7.13-2a. Individual pipes and cable trays with a diameter (pipe) or width (tray) greater than 0.73 p f / γ shall be

24  designed for a trapezoidal snow load, in accordance with Figure 7.13-2b. Snow loads on pipes are not required to be considered if the wintertime
25  external surface temperature of the pipe is greater than 45 °F (7.2 °C).



28  FIGURE 7.13-2a. Snow load on individual pipes and cable trays with diameter or width less than, or equal to, 0.73 p f / γ .

1  Note: D , pipe diameter  2 x insulation thickness (as applicable); P f , flat roof snow load; θ , assumed angle of repose = 70 degrees.

5  FIGURE 7.13-2b. Snow load on individual pipes and cable trays with diameter or width greater than 0.73 p f /  .

6  Note: D , pipe diameter  2 x insulation thickness (as applicable);

7  P f , flat roof snow load; θ , assumed angle of repose = 70 degrees.


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9  Where the spacing between multiple adjacent pipes or cable trays at the same elevations is less than the height of the flat roof snow load ( p f / γ ),

10  an additional uniform cornice load of p f shall be applied in the spaces between the pipes or cable trays, as shown in Figure 7.13-3. For S p  h ,
or T D
11  the additional cornice loads need not be applied.

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15  FIGURE 7.13-3. Snow load on multiple cable trays/pipes at same elevation.

16  7.13.4 Snow Loads on Equipment and Equipment Platforms


Snow loads on the structure shall include snow accumulation on equipment and equipment platforms that can retain snow. Snow accumulation

18  need not be considered on equipment with a wintertime external surface temperature greater than 45 °F (7.2 °C).


20  In lieu of the requirements specified in Sections 7.3 through 7.13, the design snow loads shall be permitted to be determined by thermal
21  performance studies and scale-model studies in wind tunnels or water flumes conducted in accordance with the requirements of ASCE 49 and this
22  section. Snow loads determined using these studies shall be based on the ground snow loads outlined in Section 7.2 and shall be derived to be
23  consistent with the reliability targets outlined in Chapter 1.

24  7.14.1 Limitations on Snow Loads Derived from Scale Model Studies

25  Snow loads derived based on scale-model studies shall not be taken as less than 80% of those specified in Sections 7.2 through 7.13 unless an
26  independent peer review is conducted in accordance with Section When an independent peer review is conducted, the design snow
27  loads shall not be taken as less than 60% of those specified in Sections 7.2 through 7.13.

28  7.14.2 Consideration of Thermal Performance in Model Studies

29  If the study includes an assessment of the thermal performance of the building or structure, the roof insulation value shall not be taken as less than
30  R20 [U=0.05 Btu/(h ft2 ˚F)] and the internal temperature shall not be taken as greater than 70 ˚F, with the exception of continuously heated

1  greenhouses as outlined in Table 7.3-2, where the expected thermal properties and internal temperatures may be considered. In lieu of modeling
2  the thermal performance, the thermal factor outlined in Section 7.3.2 is permitted to be applied to the scale model snow load.

3  7.1415 Consensus Standards and other Referenced Documents

4  No consensus standards and other documents that shall be considered part of this standard are referenced in this chapter.

5  This section lists the consensus standards and other documents that shall be considered part of this standard to the extent referenced in this
6  chapter.

7  ASCE 49, Wind Tunnel Testing for Buildings and Other Structures, American Society of Civil Engineers, 2020.

8  Cited in: Section 7.14


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2  Figure CC.2-5. 20-year MRI ground snow load values for the conterminous US.

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