The Great Balloon Race v2
The Great Balloon Race v2
The Great Balloon Race v2
The purpose of this activity is to use Newton’s 3 laws of motion in a practical way. Your
task is to design and build a balloon racer that can transverse the classroom, in the
shortest amount of time possible. If the racer cannot make it to the other side of the room,
the group who makes it the furthest will be the winner.
1st Place: 10 extra credit points
2nd Place: 8 extra credit points
3rd Place : 6 extra credit points
4th and 5th: 4 extra credit points
1. Design your racer. Mr. Schwaller will show you the bare minimum that each racer
must have.
2. You will need to draw a schematic of your design. Include views from the side and
from the front.
3. Write up a materials list of what you will need to build your racer. The only materials
provided for you will be 2 balloons, scotch tape, a straw, and scissors. Anything else
your group wants will have to come from the group. Include in your materials list
who is responsible for bringing each item.
4. Bring together all the materials that have been brought. If someone has not brought
materials, make a note of it.
5. Build the racer. Each person should help in some way. One person working on the
racer while everyone else stands around will hurt your grade.
1. Each team will get at least one chance to run their racer. The one that goes the farthest
wins. If more than one make it the entire length of the course, then whoever had the
fastest time will be the winner.
Conclusion Essay:
You will need to write an essay at the conclusion of this lab. It will be four paragraphs
long. You must write how Newton’s three laws of motion affected your balloon racer.
You should write one paragraph for each law, including a definition of the law, and 3-4
sentences explaining how it pertains to your racer. A fourth paragraph will be an overall
conclusion to the project. How did you do, what would you do differently next time, and
what did you learn from this experience?
This essay will be written during class, as an exam item. This means that you will have to
write all 4 paragraphs in a testing situation. You are encouraged to write your essay ahead
of time, gathering ideas and information along the way. This will help you prepare for
this essay-style exam. It is up to you how much or how little you prepare. Keep in mind
that you will not have access to your pre-written material during the classroom writing
The essay’s will be typed up on computer, and then e-mailed to me. You will need to
know your username and password and have access to your e-mail account, so make sure
this gets handled a head of time. Failure to do so will affect your grade. To test if you
know how to get access to your school e-mail, try getting online between now and the
date of the exam, and e-mail me a test e-mail. That way we will not have any problems
the day of.