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MMW Reaction Paper

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Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Sta Mesa, Manila

Assignment #1

Reaction Paper about The Math Mystery Mathematics in Nature and

Universe: Science Documentary 2016

Mathematics in Modern World

Submitted to: Mr. Oscar Poloyapoy

Date of Submission: May 5, 2021

The Math Mystery Mathematics in Nature and Universe is a Science Documentary way back
2016. On the first few minutes of the video it really doesn't captured my interest because I’m not
into documentary videos. I was also bored and sleepy because of the speaker's voice. However,
as the speaker stated new facts and information in detailed, my curiosity increases. Before
watching this documentary, what I only knew is that Mathematics and Science are related with
each other, and some of the mathematical equation cannot be used in our daily lives but after
watching this documentary I was wrong. And I realized that there is a deeper and reasonable
reason why Mathematics and Science are related and important.

In this video it shows that Mathematics is the Universal Language and perhaps civilization
greatest achievements. While watching this documentary I realized that I experienced some of
the concepts mentioned, but I just didn’t noticed it and they are somehow connected to
Mathematics. Like when I accidentally dropped my phone and wallet, though they have different
weight they still fell on the same time. According to Aristotle, heavier objects fall faster but
that’s not what happened when I dropped two things with different weight. And there is Galileo
Galilei made a reasonable explanation and contradict what Aristotle told about the falling

I was amazed when they said that Mathematics can also be found in nature. Say for example the
Fibbonaci sequence. According to Mario Livio Fibonacci sequence quite frequently appear in
nature and Christopher Gole said that Fibonacci numbers do appear a lot in botany. I was even
more amazed when the speaker said that pi tells us which colors should appear in a rainbow and
how middle sea should sound on a piano. Last that amazed me is when the speaker said that
Mathematics can also be found in music. I was amazed because I thought music is one of the
many way to express people’s feeling and it doesn’t have any connection in Mathematics.
According to a Greek philosopher Pythagoras a beautiful musical relationship is also a beautiful
mathematical relationship.

I can somehow relate when Mak Tegmark said he sees a similitary in our world and computer
game because everytime after I played any computer games, I always asked myself what if this
life is also a game and there is someone who’s controlling us like we do in computer games.

After watching the video I was still shocked that Mathematics can go this far because at first I
really thought that Mathematics can only answer “how many or how much”. This video taught
me that Mathematics is everywhere, it can be seen from the structure of the flowers, the music
we hear, to the patterns of constellation and Mathematics does so well in explaining the universe.
According to Galileo Galilei “Mathematics could be used as a tool to uncovered and discovered
the hidden rules of our world”. Whether Mathematics is invented or discovered or Mathematics
is effective or not. We still can’t deny the fact that Mathematics has a big contribution in our
daily lives and in our world. It may still great math mystery, but on the brighter side it had a big
impact in what our world can do and what our world now.


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