Learning Module: Living Things and Their Environment

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Science G7| Q3

Living Things and


This learning module (LM) was developed by the Private Education Assistance
Committee under the GASTPE Program of the Department of Education. The learning
modules were written by the PEAC Junior High School (JHS) Trainers and were used as
exemplars either as a sample for presentation or for workshop purposes in the JHS In-
Service Training (INSET) program for teachers in private schools.

The LM is designed for online learning and can also be used for blended learning and
remote learning modalities. The year indicated on the cover of this LM refers to the year
when the LM was used as an exemplar in the JHS INSET and the year it was written or
revised. For instance, 2017 means the LM was written in SY 2016-2017 and was used in
the 2017 Summer JHS INSET. The quarter indicated on the cover refers to the quarter of
the current curriculum guide at the time the LM was written. The most recently revised
LMs were in 2018 and 2019.

The LM is also designed such that it encourages independent and self-regulated learning
among the students and develops their 21st century skills. It is written in such a way that
the teacher is communicating directly to the learner. Participants in the JHS INSET are
trained how to unpack the standards and competencies from the K-12 curriculum guides
to identify desired results and design standards-based assessment and instruction.
Hence, the teachers are trained how to write their own standards-based learning plan.

The parts or stages of this LM include Explore, Firm Up, Deepen and Transfer. It is
possible that some links or online resources in some parts of this LM may no longer be
available, thus, teachers are urged to provide alternative learning resources or reading
materials they deem fit for their students which are aligned with the standards and
competencies. Teachers are encouraged to write their own standards-based learning
plan or learning module with respect to attainment of their school’s vision and mission.

The learning modules developed by PEAC are aligned with the K to 12 Basic Education
Curriculum of the Department of Education. Public school teachers may also download
and use the learning modules.

Schools, teachers and students may reproduce the LM so long as such reproduction is
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Module No. 3: Living Things And

Their Environment
Lesson 1: Parts and Functions of Living Things

Introduction and Focus Questions

Have you ever played basketball? Or at least watched a basketball

game? A basketball team is made up of individuals with different
responsibilities, but with one goal – to score more points (baskets) than the
opponent. In the same way, our bodies are made up of individual parts that
interact and work together to perform essential functions and keep us alive.
The organization and interaction of the important structures found in living
things are the topics you will encounter in this module.

As you go through the lesson, think about this question: How do the
different parts and functions of an organism keep an organism alive
and healthy? How do microorganisms perform essential life functions?


In this lesson, you will go through the following topics:

Title You’ll learn to… Estimated

Parts and  Explain why the cell is considered the 8 hrs.
Functions basic structural and functional unit of all
 Differentiate plant and animal cells
according to presence or absence of
certain organelles.
 Identify beneficial and harmful

Levels of  Differentiate cells, tissues, organs, and 8 hrs.

Organization and organ systems from each other.
Coordination  Explain how the different structures are
organized to carry out certain functions.

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under the GASTPE Program of the Department of Education
Concept Map of the Lesson

Here is a simple map of the toopics you will cover in this lesson:

Expected Skills

To do well in this lesson, you need to remember and do the following:

1. Read the instructions carefully before starting anything.

2. Complete all the activities and worksheets.
3. Look up the meaning of words that you do not know.
4. You will frequently come across discussion questions as you go through
different lessons. Keep a notebook (or use the Notepad) where you can write
(and revise) your answers to these questions. Use also the notebook to jot
down short notes, draw diagrams, and summarize what you have just read.
5. For worksheets and reports that need to be submitted, use the provided
checklist and rubric to evaluate your work before submission.
6. Allow time for relaxation and recreation when you are mentally tired. Make a
time table to schedule your study and recreation.

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Let’s find out how much you already know about this module. Click on
the letter that you think best answers the question. Please answer all items.
After taking this short test, you will see your score. Take note of the items that
you were not able to correctly answer and look for the right answer as you go
through this module.

1. The organelle pointed by the arrow has which of the following functions?

A. control center of the cell

B. site of metabolic processes
C. storage of nutrients and water
D. synthesizer of proteins

2. When looking at thin or transparent cells or tissue sections such as onion

or amoeba cells, you must decrease the amount of light that passes
through the specimen. Which of the following should be done to decrease
the light intensity?
A. Adjust the fine focusing knob.
B. Move the body tube downward.
C. Reduce the iris diaphragm aperture.
D. Switch to high power objective (HPO).

3. Which of the following sets of organelles can be found in all plant, animal,
and bacterial cells?
A. cell membrane and ribosome
B. cell wall and chloroplast
C. cytosol and vacuole
D. nucleus and mitochondria

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4. A certain microorganism has cell wall as its outermost protective layer.
The presence of chloroplasts and chlorophyll in its cell indicates that it is
capable of photosynthesis. However, there is no nuclear membrane to
enclose its DNA. This microorganism is most likely a/an:
A. algae
B. bacterium
C. fungus
D. protozoa

5. Which pair of organ systems is involved in providing nutrients to every

part of the body?
A. immune system & digestive system
B. digestive system & circulatory system
C. circulatory system & respiratory system
D. respiratory system & immune system

6. The liver and the pancreas produce substances that help in digestion;
these substances come into contact with food by way of the
A. large intestine.
B. stomach.
C. esophagus.
D. small intestine.

7. The branches into the left and right bronchi to conduct air
into and out of the lungs.
A. trachea
B. alveolus
C. ventricle
D. bronchiole

8. A strong allows our bodies to resist different kinds of

diseases that we may be exposed to.
A. reproductive system
B. muscular system
C. immune system
D. skeletal system

9. An animal cell had its nucleus removed by means of a fine glass tube.
The cell was not damaged. It was put in a solution that induces cell
division. For one day, it continued to survive, but it did not undergo cell
division. An intact cell used as a control divided twice in that time. What
can you conclude from this experiment about the role of nucleus in the
A. The nucleus controls the cell’s activities.
B. The nucleus is essential for cell division.
C. The nucleus is essential for life to continue.

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D. The nucleus contains the genetic material.

10. Regarding cell type, which one of the following is unlike the others?
A. a human heart muscle cell
B. cell of the green plant, Elodea
C. Streptococcus bacterial cell
D. the unicellular eukaryote, Paramecium

11. A group of students wants to study the effect of temperature on the

growth of microorganisms. Three test tubes are labelled A, B, and C
respectively. Each test tube is filled with 10 ml of freshly prepared nutrient
broth. Using a sterile glass rod, some culture of the microorganism
Bacillus subtilis are transferred into test tubes A, B, and C, then stoppered
immediately. The appearance of the broth in each tube is observed and
recorded. Test tube A is put in the refrigerator; Test tube B in a water bath
set at 80°C; and Test tube C is kept at room temperature. After two days,
the test tubes are taken out. The appearance of nutrient broth in each test
tube is observed and recorded.

Test Tube Temperature (°C) Appearance of Appearance of

nutrient broth at nutrient broth
the beginning after two days
A 5 Clear Clear
B 80 Clear Clear
C 30 Clear Cloudy

What can be concluded from this experiment?

A. Microorganisms grow and multiply rapidly in extremely low or high
B. Microorganisms grow and multiply rapidly in moderately warm
conditions such as room temperature.
C. The growth of microorganisms is affected by temperature.
D. The growth of microorganisms is not affected by temperature.

12. A girl was noticed to make wheezing sounds and labored breathing as
seen when her shoulders would raise every time she inhaled. From these
observations, one can be thought of suffering from
A. constipation.
B. arthritis.
C. asthma.
D. cold.

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13. Patricia learned from class that voluntary movements (walking, reaching,
etc.) are under the control of the somatic nervous system. Upon viewing a
YouTube video of a motor nerve injury patient, she was not surprised to
see that the patient
A. was able to juggle a soccer ball with his feet.
B. mentioned that he was not experiencing any digestive problems.
C. was doing sit-ups to strengthen his abdominal muscles.
D. needed to be in a wheelchair to move around from place to place.

14. While playing basketball, Jack felt like he broke his ankle, but the doctor
says he tore a ligament instead. What did he tear?
A. the connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone
B. the connective tissue that joins two bones
C. the bags of fluid that allows smooth movement of a joint
D. the cartilage that lines the end of a bone

15. Stem cells differ from other kinds of cells in the body. All stem cells—
regardless of their source—have three general properties: they are
capable of dividing and renewing themselves for long periods; they are
unspecialized; and they can give rise to specialized cell types.

All of the following are potential therapeutic uses of stem cells except
A. Alter an adult individual’s genetic make-up
B. Generate new cells for the immune system
C. Repair damage to heart muscles after a heart attack
D. Replace neurons after an accident

16. Antibiotics are also known as antibacterials. They are drugs used to treat
infections caused by bacteria. Microorganisms, however, are capable of
evolving resistance to antibiotics, i.e., they are able to survive exposure to
such drugs over time. Which of the following practices will most likely lead
to the development of antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria?
A. Using the entire prescription as recommended by doctor
B. Buying and taking over-the-counter antibiotic drugs*
C. Proper disposal of unused and out-of-date medications
D. Taking antibiotics only as directed by your doctor

17. An epidemic has recently stricken your locality. This is the first time that
such disease affected your area. The health office in your locality is in
urgent need of pertinent information about the causes of the epidemic and
is looking for ways to solve the problem. As a health worker, you were
tasked to gather such information. Which of the following is the best form
of presentation?
A. Audio-visual presentation
B. Brochure
C. Case study

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D. Poster

18. A treadmill is a good exercise machine for the circulatory and respiratory
systems because
A. its correct use demands substantial effort from the heart and the
B. it makes the large muscles of the legs contract at the same time.
C. it is a good stress test as performed in hospitals.
D. it stresses the heart without stressing the lungs.

19. During your boy scout camping, you noticed that you have been having
difficulty moving your bowels. You told yourself that maybe you should
choose carefully the kinds of food that you will eat in your next meal. So
when dinner came,
A. You loaded on carb-rich foods like pasta, rice, and mashed
B. You decided to take in pineapples, mangoes, and vegetable salad.
C. You zeroed in on hotdogs, bacon, and other processed meats.
D. You had several bags of chips with different dips.

20. Your little brother just had a heavy meal and was lying in bed when he
complained of difficulty breathing. To your knowledge, he has no lung-
related problems at all. Since you were the only ones at home during that
A. you decided to perform the Heimlich maneuver on your brother
while he was lying in bed.
B. you cupped his back repeatedly to loosen the phlegm.
C. you gave him several glasses of water so he could breathe more
D. you asked him to sit up or walk around if it was possible.

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under the GASTPE Program of the Department of Education

Let’s start the module by recalling what you know about the parts and
functions of living things.

Activity 1.1: Anticipation-Reaction Guide

Given below are statements about cells and microorganisms. Decide whether the
statement is correct or not. Click on the button that corresponds to your answer.
You need only to accomplish the Before the Lesson column. Click on “Save” to
save your response.

Before the After the

Lesson Statements Lesson
O O 1. The cell is the smallest unit capable of O O
performing all life functions.

O O 2. Cells are circular, hollow structures that O O

serve as building blocks of living things.

O O 3. The two types of cells are plant cells and O O

animal cells.

O O 4. There are various types of microscopes to O O

serve different purposes.
O O 5. The structures in living things are O O
organized to carry out related functions.
O O 6. All living things are made up of cells, O O
tissues, organs, and organ systems.
O O 7. Bacteria do not have cells, and need O O
animals and humans in order to live.
O O 8. Microorganisms such as bacteria are O O
harmful to health and environment
because they are sources of diseases
and pollution.

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under the GASTPE Program of the Department of Education
Are you confident with all your answers? You’ll discover the right
responses to the statements as you go through the activities for this lesson.

Activity 1.2: Picture Analysis

Think about the following question: How small can a living organism

Now look at the picture below. What do you think is shown in the picture?

Look at the orange oval structures in the picture. They are actually bacterial
cells on the tip of a pin. These cells have been magnified many times so that
we can see them.

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Tip of 
a pin 


A bacterium is a living organism. And it’s many times smaller than the tip of a pin!

Answer the following discussion questions:

1. How can such a tiny cell do so much?

2. What is the cell’s structure and how is it related to its functions?
3. How do the different parts and functions of a microorganism like
bacteria work together to keep it functioning?

End of Explore
You just tried finding out how much you presently know about cells and
microorganisms. You’ll get to learn more about their parts and functions as
we move on to the next part. You’ll also find out the answers to the questions
presented above.

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under the GASTPE Program of the Department of Education
Your goal in this section is to learn and understand key features of the
cell. You will be introduced to the parts, functions, and organization of the cell.
You will also look at how microorganisms perform life functions and survive
despite their small size.

As the concepts become clear to you through the different activities, always
think about the answers to these questions: How does structure relate to
function in living systems? How do microorganisms perform essential
life functions?

Activity 1.3: Development of the Cell Theory: A Timeline

Have you tried making a timeline of the memorable events in your life? Timelines
help us easily see how things or events change or progress over time. Click on
the link below to learn about how the discovery of the cells and the development
of the cell theory came about.

http://www.timetoast.com/timelines/23002 - development of cell theory

While going through the timeline, please be guided by the following


1. Who are the scientists involved in the discovery and development

of the cell theory? What are their contributions?
2. How important are their contributions to what we presently know
about the cell?
3. What does this situation tell us about how theories are developed
in Science?

To summarize, the cell theory states that:

1. A cell is the basic unit of life. This means that nothing smaller
than the cell is alive. An organism with only one cell (unicellular
organism) exhibits all the characteristics of life. No smaller unit exists
that is able to grow, take in food, respond to its environment, and

2. All living things are made up of cells. A unicellular organism is

necessarily a cell. Other organisms are more complex. For example,
gumamela (Hibiscus) plant and rabbit are multicellular. The figures

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below show that a gumamela leaf is composed of many cells, and
the intestinal lining of a rabbit is also composed of cells.

Cells have distinct forms – a bone cell looks quite different from a
nerve cell, and they both look quite different from the cell of a
gumamela leaf. The cells that make up a multicellular organism are
specialized in structure and function. You’ll know more about
different cell types in the next topic.

3. New cells arise only from pre-existing cells. Remember that

part of the timeline where the idea of spontaneous generation was
disproved? Living things do not come from non-living things. In the
same way, cells can only come from other cells.

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Activity 1.4: Analogy

Cells are very small structures. Have you ever asked: Why are cells so small?
Is the size related to the function?

For example, which has smaller cells, plants or animals? Why do you think so?
Do smaller animals have smaller cells than bigger animals?

To find out, try this activity about surface area-to-volume ratio of cubes.
Consider three cubes A, B, and C of sides 1 cm, 2 cm, and 3 cm, respectively.
Each cube represents a cell.

A  B  C 

Complete the following table:

Cube Surface area (cm2) Volume Surface area:

(cm3) volume

What happens to the surface area to volume ratio as the cube (cell)
becomes bigger?

Your calculations should show that as the cell becomes bigger, the
surface area to volume ratio decreases. The smallest cell of the
same shape has the largest surface area to volume ratio.

A cell needs a surface area large enough to allow sufficient nutrients

to enter and to rid itself of wastes. Small cells, not large cells, are
more likely to have this adequate surface area. We would expect
then that cells which perform lots of activities have to remain small.

Some cells specialize in absorption. The intestinal cells for example

need to have increased surface area to absorb more digested foods.
Thus, you will notice in the image below that its structure consists of
surface foldings.

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Nerve cells and some large plant cells are long and thin to be able to
perform better their functions in relaying signals (nerve cells) and
conduction (some plant cells).

Go back then to the question: How does structure relate to function

in living systems?

Activity 1.5: Operating Virtual Microscopes

Read the following carefully:

From previous activities, it should be clear to you that cells are very small and
they cannot be seen by the naked eye. Therefore, tools are used to better study
them. One such tool is a microscope. Below is an image of a compound light
microscope, or student’s microscope.

Click on the microscope to

learn about the compound
light microscope, its uses,
and parts.

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Exercise 1.1.

Make sure you can recall the parts and functions of the microscope as you take
the following online quizzes:

http://www.biologycorner.com/microquiz/# - naming the parts of the microscope

http://nhscience.lonestar.edu/biol/dropdrag/microscope2.htm - matching
microscope parts with their functions

You should Robert Hooke?
notice that Whatlook
the cells is his contribution
empty to the
and appear discovery of
cells? Below is an image of the piece of cork that Hooke saw under
However, you will find out later that there are even smaller structures histhat can
be found inside the cell. To be able to view and study these cellular parts,
other types of microscopes were invented.

Learn more about the different types of microscope through the following
interactive site:

and-Interactives/Meet-the-Microscopes - learn about 4 different types of
microscope. You will act as a research assistant who will be working with
different microscopes to assist scientists with their research

How are the different parts of the microscope related to its


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Activity 1.6: Use of Multimedia Interactives

Recall that some microscopes have very high magnification and

resolution that enable scientists to view and study even smaller structures that
can be found inside the cell.

The cell operates as a system. It is made up of structures/organelles that

work together to keep the cell functioning. How do the different parts and
functions work together to keep an organism alive and healthy?

A. Cell Parts and Functions

Click on the following sites to know the different parts of a cell:

http://www.ibiblio.org/virtualcell/ - virtual cell web page

http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/begin/cells/insideacell/ - tour inside a cell

Exercise 1.2.

Summarize what you learned by completing the following table:

Cell Structure/Organelle Function

You can also try to complete this online quiz:

http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/health/anatomy/cell/cell_quiz.htm - quiz on the
parts and functions of a cell

Go over the different parts of a cell and their functions again. Can you
cite specific examples where you have seen how the structure is
related to its function? Enumerate as many examples as you can.
How is the function of an organelle related to the other

B. Comparing Plant and Animal Cells

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Come up with tentative answers to the following questions:
1. What structures in animals are not found in plants? On the other
hand, what structures in plants are not found in animals?
2. What activities can be performed by animals which cannot be done
by plants? On the other hand, what activities can be performed by
plants which cannot be done by animals?
3. What are the reasons for these differences?
4. Do you think cell structure has something to do with the
differences between plants and animals? Explain.

Click on the link and learn about the difference between plant and animal cells:

http://www.cellsalive.com/cells/cell_model.htm - comparing plant and animal cells

Exercise 1.3.

Make a Venn diagram to compare and contrast animal and plant cells in terms of
the presence or absence of certain organelles.

Plant  Animal 
Cells  Cells 

Go back to the four questions given at the start of this activity on

comparing plant and animal cells. Do you think cell structure has
something to do with the differences between plants and animals?

C. Comparing Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells

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Prokaryotic cells (pro, before, and karyon, nucleus) are so named
because they lack a membrane-bound nucleus. Eukaryotic cells (eu,
true, karyon, nucleus), on the other hand, possess a nucleus.
Prokaryotic cells are very small in size as compared to eukaryotic
cells. Aside from this, there are other important differences between
the two types of cell.

Find out these differences through this interactive site:

/cell_structure.htm - prokaryotic and eukaryotic (animal and plant cells) cells

Exercise 1.4.

To check your understanding, accomplish the following task:

Research on the structure of the following:

1. Elodea leaf cells
2. Streptococcus cell
3. Paramecium cell

Find enough information to be able to complete this table. Click on “Submit” to

check your answers.

Cell Shape Present or Absent? (P or A?) Prokaryotic

Cell Cell Nucleus Cyto- Vacuoles or
Wall Membrane plasm Eukaryotic?



Answer Key:

Cell Shape Present or Absent? (P or A) Prokaryotic

Cell Cell Nucleu Cyto- Vacuole or
Wal Membran s plas s Eukaryotic
l e m ?
Elodea Cuboidal P P P P P Prokaryotic

Streptococcu Spherical P P A P A Eukaryotic

Paramecium Elongate P P P P P Eukaryotic

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1. Based on your observations, do all cells have
a. the same shape?
b. the same structure inside?
c. nucleus?
d. cell wall?
e. cell membrane?
2. What structures are common to all cells?
3. Why do cells have different shapes and structures?
4. What makes it possible for prokaryotic cells to survive and function
despite the absence of a nucleus and other membrane-bound

End of Firm-Up
In this section, the discussion was about the cell – the basic structural and
functional unit of living things. You learned about the cell’s structure, function,
and types. You also tried to explore how cells can be studied using different
Go back to the previous section and compare your initial ideas with the
discussion. How much of your initial ideas are found in the discussion? Which
ideas are different and need revision?

Now that you know the important ideas about this topic, let’s go deeper by
moving on to the next section.

Now that you have learned about the structure of different types of cells,
your goal in this section is to take a closer look at how this structure allows
organisms to perform essential life functions. How are the parts organized
to carry out certain functions? How do the different parts and functions
of an organism keep an organism alive and healthy?

You’ll also learn more about how microorganisms perform life functions,
survive, and affect more complex organisms.

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Activity 1.7: Webpage Reading – Common Microorganisms

During your previous activity (Activity 1.6), you are given this question:
What makes it possible for prokaryotic cells to survive and function
despite the absence of a nucleus and other membrane-bound

Now you will understand how prokaryotic and unicellular organisms like
bacteria perform essential life functions. You will also look at and learn about
some eukaryotic microorganisms.

As you go through the following webpages, think about the following question:
How do microorganisms perform essential life functions?

http://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/E/Eubacteria.html -
information about bacteria
http://www.mcwdn.org/Animals/PROTOZOA.html - protozoa
http://tolweb.org/notes/?note_id=52 – algae (protists with chloroplasts)
http://www.wisc-online.com/Objects/ViewObject.aspx?ID=bio304 – fungi kingdom

Exercise 1.5.

Complete the following table. You may consult other references or read more

Special/Unique Effects to higher organisms

structures that and the environment
Microorganism Characteristics allow the
organisms to Benefits Harm
perform life

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Activity 1.8: Systems Analysis

Now, let us look more deeply at multicellular organisms. Plants,

animals, and humans are considered more complex organisms. Cells
with related function are grouped into tissues; similar tissues form
organs; and related organs work together in an organ system. It is
important to remember that the different parts of our body are
interdependent. Body systems do not function in isolation. They
interact in order to keep the organism functioning.

Recall that the cell operates as a system. It is made up of parts that

work together to perform the various cellular processes. Cells are the
building blocks of life. They are the simplest units that have all the
characteristics of life. Many chemical reactions occur continually
inside your cells to keep you alive. Thus, we can look at the cell as a
chemical factory.
 It takes in raw materials.
 Then, it processes these materials to make new molecules.
 These molecules can either be used by the cell itself or
transported to other parts of the body. For example, cells inside
the pancreas make a hormone called insulin. Insulin is
transported to the liver and muscles, where it causes the liver
and muscles to convert glucose to glycogen for storage.

For your task:

1. Review the different parts of the cell and their corresponding functions.
2. Describe how the parts affect one another.
3. Read the following article about the effect of environmental stress on cell
structure and function.

Identify one cellular organelle that is affected by environmental stresses.

Describe the change in that part.
4. Formulate a hypothesis to explain what might happen to the whole cell as
a result of the change you described previously.

After completing the systems analysis, please take time to rethink your
answers to the following questions: How are the parts organized to
carry out certain functions? How do they work together to keep the
organism functioning and surviving?

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Activity 1.9: Article Analysis

Have you ever heard of stem cells? The discovery of stem cells is considered a
major scientific breakthrough. Find out more information about stem cells by
quickly going over this site:

http://stemcells.nih.gov/info/basics/ - stem cell basics

Apart from stem cells, all other cells of multicellular organisms become
specialized. They develop into particular types that carry out specific functions.
For example, the human body has liver cells, muscle cells, nerve cells, and skin
cells. A plant has xylem cells, phloem cells, and root hair cells.

How is cell structure related to cell function? Examples:

 Why are nerve cells long and thin?
 Why is nucleus absent in red blood cells?
 Why are there more mitochondria present in muscle cells than
in skin cells?
 What are the organelles included in the endomembrane system?
How do their structures allow them to coordinate and communicate
with each other and manufacture necessary cellular products?

Let us now go back to stem cells. If specialized cells perform particular functions
for an organism, what benefit can we gain from unspecialized cells like stem
cells? You probably read about their potential uses especially in the field of
medicine. The article found in the link below tells about one of stem cells’ many
potential benefits:
http://www.naturalnews.com/020935_stem_cell_research_cells.html - Stem Cells
Used to Grow Human Liver in the Laboratory

Use the following questions as guide for your analysis:

1. How did the scientists involved in the study made use of stem
2. What is the potential impact of the discovery to the field of
3. What does the situation in the article tell us about the
organization of cells in the human body?

Is the human body simply a collection of cells that come in different

shapes and sizes?

Your answer should be NO. In more complex organisms, cells of

similar function group together to form tissues; similar tissues form
organs; and organs performing related functions make up organ

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This level of organization is not found among unicellular organisms
(like the prokaryotes and some microorganisms that you encountered
from previous activity).

End of Deepen
In this section, the discussion was about the organization and structure of the
different cellular structures in order to perform important functions. You also
looked at how microorganisms survive despite having simpler structures.

What new realizations do you have about the topic? What new connections
have you made for yourself? What questions do you still have?

Now that you have a deeper understanding of the topic, you are ready to do
the tasks in the next section.

Your goal in this section is apply your learning to real life situations. You
will be given a practical task which will demonstrate your understanding.

Activity 1.10: Anticipation-Reaction Guide

Given again are statements about cells and microorganisms. Decide whether the
statement is correct or not based on what you learned and understood from the
lessons. Click on the button that corresponds to your answer. You now need to
accomplish the After the Lesson column. Click on the link to open the chart and
click “Save.”

Before the After the

Lesson Statements Lesson
O O 1. The cell is the smallest unit capable of O O
performing all life functions.

O O 2. Cells are circular, hollow structures that O O

serve as building blocks of living things.

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Cells come in different shapes, not only
circular; and there are even smaller
structures and organelles found inside the

O O 3. The two types of cells are plant cells and O O

animal cells.
You may have thought that only plants
and animals have cells. Fact is all living
things, including microorganisms, have
one or more cells. Cells may also be
classified as prokaryotic or eukaryotic.

O O 4. There are various types of microscopes to O O

serve different purposes.

O O 5. The structures in living things are O O

organized to carry out related functions.

O O 6. All living things are made up of cells, O O

tissues, organs, and organ systems.
Remember that some organisms have
only one cell. Some organisms, despite
having many cells, retain the cellular level
of organization and do not have tissues
and organs.

O O 7. Bacteria do not have cells, and need O O

animals and humans in order to live.
You may think that all bacteria are
parasitic and dependent upon other living
things to survive. That is not true for all

O O 8. Microorganisms such as bacteria are O O

harmful to health and environment
because they are sources of diseases and
It’s common misconception that bacteria
always cause bad things. Many of them
are actually ecologically important and are
essential components of many food

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Compare your answers before and after the lesson. What new knowledge and
understandings have you gained about how parts relate to function in
living things?

Activity 1.11: Research Work

Gather three to five recent and related research articles about the cell.
Make use of various sources – journals, magazines, and internet.

Make a summary of each article. Then, put together and synthesize the
information found in the different researches you gathered. From your
synthesis, justify how the study of cells can help improve the lives of
many organisms, e.g. promotion of proper nutrition and healthful habits.

End of Transfer
In this section, your task was to relate the importance of studying the cells in
the improvement of the quality of life.

How did you find the task? How did the task help you see the real world use
of the topic?

Write a reflective journal following this format:

What I Did What I Learned How I Can Use What Surprises I

It Experienced

You have completed this lesson. You can now move on to the next lesson for
this module.

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Lesson 1.2 Levels of Organization and Coordination

You learned from the previous lesson that organisms are not merely
collections of parts and structures that perform specific functions. Rather,
these parts are organized to carry out a goal. In this lesson, you will learn
more about the levels of organization in multicellular organisms, with
particular focus on the human body. Let’s begin the module by clarifying the
importance of organization in living systems.

Activity 2.1: KWL Chart

Below is a KWL chart. It will help you check your understanding of the lessons.
For now, fill in the K and W column with your ideas regarding the question: Why
must there be levels of organization in all organisms? How does it help
keep an organism alive and healthy? Click on “Save” to save your response.

What I Know What I Want to Know What I Learned

Activity 2.2: Webpage Reading

How is life organized around cells? The webpage you will find in the link below
gives a review of the previous lesson about the cell as the basic unit of life, and a
preparation for the upcoming lesson on levels of organization:

http://www.learner.org/courses/essential/life/session1/closer1.html - levels of
organization built around the cell

Answer the following questions:

1. Why is the cell the basic unit of structure and function in living
2. How is life organized around cells?

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3. Do all organisms, from simplest to the most complex, follow the
same levels of organization? Why or why not?

End of Explore:
You started exploring the different levels of organization in organisms and
tried to determine its importance. Find out if your ideas are correct as we
move on to the next part. You’ll also learn the answers to the questions
presented above.

From cellular level of organization, you now move on to tissues, organs,

and organ systems. Your goal in this section is to learn and understand how
different organs and organ systems work. How do the organ systems
coordinate to keep the organism alive? Be sure to determine the roles and
importance of each system.

As you go through the different organ systems of the body, continuously ask
yourself these questions: How is structure related to function? Why must
there be levels of organization in all organisms?

Activity 2.3: Collaborative Learning

Make a list of the important organs found in our bodies. What made you say they
are important? Look at the first organ you listed. Do you think it can perform its
function well even without the other organs in your list?

In this activity, you will work together with other online learners, just like how
our organs work together to keep us alive. Assign one body system to each
learner; you are expected to study well the system assigned to you.

Then, put together the information that each learner has gathered. Make a table
to show similarities and differences among the body systems while considering
its functions as well as organs involved. Make sure everyone is involved in
deciding how your final output (table) will look like.

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1. In what ways are the body systems similar? In what ways are they
2. Do these similarities and differences contribute to the main goal of
keeping the organism healthy? How?
3. Were you able to see how one organ’s structure is related to its
function? Give examples.

Activity 2.4: Video Viewing

Learn more about the different organs and organ systems by watching these

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hgm8-xeiBpA – major organs in the human


For auditory learners: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vL2XZji-Uco – body

systems rap

After viewing the video, make a two-column chart that focuses on the major
organ of each system that was mentioned as well as its corresponding function.

Organ Function

Exercise 2.1.

Check how well you learned the different body systems through the following
online quizzes:



Activity 2.5: Systems Analysis

Several organs work together for the organ system to function efficiently. What
happens if one of the organs fail to function?

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Find out the answers by performing this task:

End of Firm Up:

In this section, the discussion was about the different organ systems and their

Go back to your KWL chart. How much of your initial ideas are found in the
discussion? Which ideas are different and need revision?

Now that you know the important ideas about this topic, let’s go deeper by
moving on to the next section.

1. Consider the following situation:

The human lungs are made up of millions of tiny, thin-walled sacs called
alveoli. These sacs increase the surface area of the lungs for efficient gas

Emphysema is a disease closely linked with cigarette smoking. It occurs

when the alveoli lose elasticity. Air becomes trapped in the alveoli, causing
them to eventually stretch and rupture.

2. Identify the organ system that is affected. Identify the part that is not
functioning well. Discuss how this malfunction can affect the whole organ
system and the organism. Follow the steps in conducting systems analysis
that you did during the study of cell structure and function. This time though,
think in terms of organs working together in an organ system, and different
organ systems interacting to keep the organism functioning.

3. Make a summary of your analysis by writing a paragraph that explains how

 causes difficulty in breathing;
 affects the removal of carbon dioxide from the blood and the delivery
of oxygen to cells. What other organ systems are affected when
carbon dioxide is not removed from the blood, and oxygen not
delivered to cells? Discuss thoroughly your answer to this question.

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Remember the last time you exercised. What are your body’s responses
to exercise?
You probably answered the following:
 increased heart rate and breathing rate (Why?)
 muscles hurt (Why?)
 sweating (What is the effect of sweating to our bodies?)
 flushing (Why does this happen?)

What organ systems are worked out when you exercise? Explain. Relate your
answer to why exercise is good for our bodies.

Your goal in this section is to take a closer look at organization by

learning how organ systems interact. Pay closer attention to the
interdependence of the body systems. How are the different systems
organized to carry out life functions? How do the parts work together to
keep our bodies healthy?

Activity 2.6: Formulating a Generalization

Think about these questions: What levels of organization have you

learned so far? What is/are the benefit(s) of organizing structures of
the same function? If there are levels of organization, does it
contribute to keeping our bodies healthy and well-functioning?

Enrich your ideas by looking at this link:

35665 - levels of organization in the study of Biology

Using the link above, and the questions as guide, make a generalization as to
why there are levels of organization.

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Exercise 2.2.

It’s now time to assess your understanding of the levels of organization and
interactions among organ systems.

A. Explain the differences in the following sets of words:

1. cell – tissue
2. organ system – organ
3. digestion – respiration
4. absorption – excretion
5. alveoli – villi

B. Explain how each set of organ systems interact to perform related function.
You can either write your explanation, or explain through simple diagrams.
1. Digestive system and Circulatory system
2. Circulatory system and Respiratory system
3. Nervous system and Muscular system
4. Digestive system and Excretory system

Activity 2.7: Case Analysis

Our bodies are complex structures made up of many parts. Good health depends
upon the proper functioning of all these parts.

Read the following case:

After being overweight during his entire college life, a 22-year old male
decided to go to the gym to lift weights in order to achieve his ideal
weight. Because of this, he also decided to take a lot of vitamin C and
spinach. He believes that these will not only strengthen his bones as
Reading he performs his weight training in the gym, but protects himself from
injury as well. Together with the weight training, he also figured out
that he should also watch what he eats.

Six months since he started his weight training, all he had was
spinach salad during his meals. Lately, he noticed a discomfort on the
small of his back which eventually developed into pain. This caused
him to stop going to the gym and made him consult a doctor. Even
before seeing the doctor, he was already suspecting that the weight
training that he’s been doing caused the back pain. After the interview
with the doctor, he was surprised that the doctor wanted him to
undergo a urinalysis. He had no idea why the doctor would want his
urine checked when his reason for the consultation was the back pain
that was probably caused by lifting weights.

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When the urinalysis results came out, the doctor immediately noticed
the high level of RBC (red blood cells) that was much higher than the
normal, acceptable value. The doctor explained that this could indicate
the formation of salt crystals in his kidneys. If the condition worsens,
he could have kidney stones. All of the “ingredients” for a kidney stone
formation were there. His diet, together with the vitamin C
supplements, will lead to chemical reactions that form calcium salts.
The doctor also explained to him that the condition is quite common in
his age group. After prescribing some medications, he was then
referred by the doctor to a dietician to help him eat the right foods as
he tries to lose weight.

Use the sample case above to guide you as you perform this task:

Blood tests help doctors check for certain diseases and conditions. They also
help check the function of your organs and show how well treatments are

A blood test is done to Patient X. The test was done before eating, and revealed
a high level of sugar.

Is Patient X healthy?
What tissues or organs are malfunctioning?

Make an analysis of patient X’s possible condition. Supplement your analysis

with relevant research.

Once you are done with your analysis, make a self-assessment of your work.
What are the best points of my analysis? What are the parts that caused me
difficulty and may need improvement? How did this activity help me make better
sense of the concepts I’m learning?

Then, go back to the question: How do the different parts and

functions of an organism keep an organism alive and healthy?

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Activity 2.8: “Muscles mean movement.”

Source: Our Human Body Classroom Activities, Activity 10 p. 164


No part of our body moves without muscles. Muscles move the food in our
intestines and they make the muscular irises in our eyes open and close to adjust
to the light. Cardiac muscle, found in our heart, and smooth muscle found in our
digestive tract and blood vessels, moves without our conscious involvement.
Skeletal muscles are the muscles attached to bones. These muscles move when
we consciously make the decision to move them. Skeletal muscles often work in
pairs, one contracting and the other relaxing in turn, to move bones at our joints.

What to do:
Perform each of the actions overleaf, very slowly. Feel the muscles that are
tensing up as you do them. Color in each of the muscles that contract with
each movement onto the diagrams found below. (Print out the diagrams,
color them, and submit to your teacher during your next meeting.)

1. Bend your knee and lift it up in front of your body. Imagine there is tacky
glue sticking your foot to the ground.
2. Imagine you are lifting a very heavy jug off a table and up towards your
3. Imagine you are putting the heavy jug back on the table.
4. Plant your feet on the ground side by side. Imagine that a very strong wind
is blowing into your face almost blowing you over but you are standing up
against it.
5. Imagine you are kicking a football in slow motion.
6. Imagine you are rowing a very heavy boat by pulling the oars back against
the water in slow motion.
7. Lift your heels off the ground and carefully roll your weight onto the front of
your feet like a dancer.
8. Drop your chin on to your chest then slowly lift your head up so that you
are looking straight ahead of you.
9. Imagine that you are about to bowl a bowling ball in slow motion and you
are swinging your arm backwards for the bowl.

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What actions can you think of that use other muscles in your body?

Work in groups of 3 or 4 to choose a song and make up an aerobics routine.

Choose ten different muscles in the body and think of exercises that moves each
of them. Present your aerobics routine to the class and make sure you call out
which muscles you are exercising as you do each new movement.

Process questions:
1. How is the use of oxygen maximized when performing aerobic
2. Can the routines of an aerobic exercise happen without our
conscious control?
3. Considering your answers to the questions above, what value
does one system have in relation to the other systems? Why?

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End of Deepen:
In this section, you looked closely at how organs and organ systems interact
to maintain proper functioning of the body.

What new realizations do you have about the topic? What new connections
have you made for yourself? What questions do you still have?

Now that you have a deeper understanding of the topic, you are ready to do
the tasks in the next section.

Your goal in this section is apply your learning to real life situations. You
will be given a practical task which will demonstrate your understanding.

Activity 2.9: KWL Chart

Integrate all the concepts you learned by filling in the L column of this KWL chart.
Write your final answers to the question: Why must there be levels of
organization in all organisms? How does it help keep an organism alive
and healthy? Click on the link to open the chart and click “Save.”

What I Know What I Want to Know What I Learned

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Activity 2.10: Concept Mapping

Use a concept map to show the interconnectedness among the different

systems of the body for an individual to function efficiently.

Activity 2.11: Transfer Task

The municipal health office in your town is gathering information about

the common medical conditions affecting its residents. You and 4
other health workers in your barangay are tasked to complete a case
TASK study about any common health problem in your area.

You will do actual observations, interviews, and research about the

chosen case. After the period of investigation, you are to submit a
written report of the case study to the members of the municipal health

Your case study is expected to: demonstrate your understanding of

structures and functions; contain sound analysis and
recommendations based on research and observation.

RUBRIC: Case Study

STANDARDS Understandin Analysis, Communicatio Content

SCALE g Evaluation, and n
Demonstrates Presents an Analysis and Provides
in-depth insightful and explanations exhaustive
Exemplary understanding thorough analysis are clearly and reliable
4 of the topic of most issues written; makes backgroun
identified; effective use of d
Supports grammar, information
diagnosis and spelling, and about the
opinions with vocabulary; area;
strong arguments extremely well- Information
and evidence; organized; provided is
Presents detailed, thoroughly clearly
realistic, and documents all relevant to
appropriate sources of the
recommendations information objective of
supported by the the study
presented and
concepts from the
Supplements case
study with

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extensive and
relevant research

STANDARDS Understandin Analysis, Communicatio Content

SCALE g Evaluation, and n
Demonstrates Presents a Analysis and Provides
acceptable thorough analysis explanations accurate
Accomplishe understanding of most issues are indicated; backgroun
d of the topic identified; demonstrates d
3 Supports correct use of information
diagnosis and grammar, ;
opinions with spelling, and Information
reasons and vocabulary; provided is
evidence; well-organized; related to
Presents specific, documents all the
realistic, and sources of objective of
appropriate information the study
supported by the
presented and
concepts from the
Supplements case
study with relevant

Demonstrates Presents a Analysis and Provides

partial superficial analysis explanations unrelated
Developing understanding of most issues are insufficient; backgroun
2 of the topic identified; inconsistent d
Supports use of information
diagnosis and grammar, ;
opinions with spelling, and Some
limited reasons vocabulary; information
and evidence; poorly- are not
Presents realistic, organized; relevant to
and appropriate limited the
recommendations documentation objective of
supported by the of sources the study
presented and
concepts from the
Supplements case
study with limited

Developed by the Private Education Assistance Committee 37

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Demonstrates Presents an Analysis and No
erroneous incomplete or explanations backgroun
Beginning understanding erroneous analysis are erroneous; d
1 of the topic of issues wrong use of information
identified; grammar, ;
Supports spelling, and
diagnosis and vocabulary;
opinions with few lacks
reasons and organization; no
limited evidence; documentation
Presents of sources
with little, if any,
support from the
presented and
concepts from the
Supplements case
study, if at all, with


In this section, your task was to make a case study about the health problems
that are affecting your locality. Through the task, were you able to see how
the different parts and functions of an organism keep an organism alive
and healthy?

How did you find the performance task? How did the task help you see the
real world use of the topic?

Reflect on your experiences in the entire module. You may use the following
guide questions:
 What is/are the most important lesson/s you learned in this module?
 What activities did you find most engaging? Why?
 What activities did you find difficult and frustrating? What have you
done to accomplish them?
 What are now your insights and realizations about keeping your body

You have completed this module. Before you go to the next module, you have
to answer the following post-assessment questions.

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It’s now time to evaluate your learning. Click on the letter of the answer
that you think best answers the question. Your score will only appear after
you answer all items. If you do well, you may move on to the next module. If
your score is not at the expected level, you have to go back and take the
module again.

1. What would most likely happen to the cell if the structures pointed by the
arrow were not functioning?

A. The cell produces antibodies.

B. There is uncontrolled cell division.
C. The synthesis of enzymes stops.
D. Wastes will accumulate.

2. What structures could most likely be observed in cells in the low-power

field of a compound light microscope?
A. Cell walls and chloroplasts
B. Golgi bodies and mitochondria
C. Lysosomes and DNA
D. Ribosomes and endoplasmic reticulum

3. Which of the following sets of organelles can be found in both plant and
animal cells?
A. cell membrane and cell wall
B. nucleus and mitochondria
C. ribosomes and centriole
D. vacuole and chloroplast

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4. A certain unicellular organism is heterotrophic, i.e. it cannot make its own
food molecules and must get them from other organisms. It possesses a
cell wall which is made up of a carbohydrate called chitin. This
microorganism is most likely a/an:
A. algae
B. bacterium
C. fungus
D. protozoa

5. Which pair of organ systems ensures that our bodies are supplied with the
needed nutrients?
A. immune system & digestive system
B. digestive system & circulatory system
C. circulatory system & respiratory system
D. respiratory system & immune system

6. The liver and the pancreas are also digestive organs even though they
don’t come into contact with food; these organs produce substances that
chemically digest food by way of the
A. large intestine.
B. stomach.
C. esophagus.
D. small intestine.

7. Air travels into and out of the lungs as the branches

into the left and right bronchi.
A. trachea
B. alveolus
C. ventricle
D. bronchiole

8. A strong immune system allows our bodies to resist different kinds of

that we may be exposed to.
A. organisms
B. situations
C. diseases
D. organs

9. Certain cells of the immune system, called plasma cells, produce large
numbers of special proteins, called antibodies, which are important in
fighting off infections. The plasma cells make large numbers of these
antibody proteins and “secrete” them, releasing them outside the cell.
Which among the following organelles is most likely to be highly
developed in plasma cells?
A. Golgi apparatus
B. Mitochondria

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C. Nucleus
D. Vacuole

10. Regarding cell type, which one of the following is unlike the others?
A. a human skin cell
B. cell of the photosynthetic green algae
C. Coleus plant cells
D. leaf cells of aratilis

11. A group of students wants to study the effect of pH on the growth of

microorganisms. Three test tubes are labelled A, B, and C respectively.
Each test tube is filled with 10 ml of freshly prepared nutrient broth. Five
drops of hydrochloric acid are added to test tube A; 5 drops of sodium
hydroxide to test tube B; and distilled water to test tube C. Using a sterile
glass rod, some culture of the microorganism Bacillus subtilis are
transferred into test tubes A, B, and C, then stoppered immediately. The
appearance of the broth in each tube is observed and recorded. All tubes
are kept in a cupboard in the laboratory. After two days, the test tubes are
taken out. The appearance of nutrient broth in each test tube is observed
and recorded.

Test Content of test pH Appearance Appearance

Tube tube condition of nutrient of nutrient
broth at the broth after
beginning two days
A Nutrient broth + Acidic Clear Clear
B Nutrient broth + Alkaline Clear Clear
C Nutrient broth + Neutral Clear Cloudy
Distilled water

What can be concluded from this experiment?

A. Microorganisms grow and multiply rapidly in acidic conditions.
B. Microorganisms grow and multiply rapidly in alkaline conditions.
C. Microorganisms grow and multiply rapidly in neutral conditions.
D. The growth of microorganisms is affected by pH.

12. While waiting for your turn to see the doctor, a girl was rushed into the
clinic and was said to be suffering from an asthma attack. From what you
know about asthma, you would expect to observe from the girl
A. complaints of joint pains.
B. complaints of stomach ache.
C. whistling sound when breathing.

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D. flailing arms and legs.
13. Patricia learned from class that voluntary movements (walking, reaching,
etc.) are under the control of the somatic nervous system. Her friend
recently got involved in a road accident and was diagnosed to have a
motor nerve injury, Patricia was not surprised to see that her friend
A. was able to walk around the hospital room unassisted.
B. mentioned that she was not experiencing any digestive problems.
C. was doing squats to strengthen her thigh muscles.
D. needed to be in a wheelchair to move around from place to place.

14. While executing some of his ballet moves, Jack felt like he broke his
ankle, but the doctor says he tore a ligament instead. What did he tear?
A. the connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone
B. the connective tissue that joins two bones
C. the bags of fluid that allows smooth movement of a joint
D. the cartilage that lines the end of a bone

15. Read the excerpt below:

Placental Stem Cells Demonstrate High Therapeutic Potential

Scientists report that placental stem cells with important therapeutic properties can
be harvested in large quantities from the fetal side of human placentas (called the
The chorion is a part of the afterbirth and is normally discarded after delivery, but it
contains stem cells of fetal origin that appear to be pluripotent, able to differentiate
into different types of human cells, such as lung, liver, or brain cells.
Functional placental stem cells can be isolated from either fresh or frozen term
human placentas. (www.stemcellresearchnews.com)

Having read the excerpt, which can you suggest as the best thing to do
with the chorions?
A. Discard them after delivery.
B. Give them back to the mother.
C. Store them for future therapeutic needs.
D. Transplant the stem cells to the new born.

16. Antibiotic resistance happens when an antibiotic has lost its ability to
effectively control or kill bacterial growth. The bacteria targeted become
'resistant' and continue to multiply despite the presence of the antibiotic.
Which of the following practices will help prevent antibiotic resistance in
pathogenic bacteria?
A. Flush out-of-date or unused medications down the toilet.
B. Stop taking the antibiotics once you feel better.
C. Take antibiotic drugs only as directed by your doctor.
D. Take the antibiotics longer than the prescribed days.

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17. An epidemic has recently stricken your locality. This is the first time that
such disease affected your area. The health office in your locality is in
urgent need of pertinent information about the causes of the epidemic and
is looking for ways to solve the problem. As a health worker, you were
tasked to complete a case study about the disease. Which of the following
should you keep in mind as you complete your study?
A. You should be able to conduct interview to all the members of the
community affected by the disease.
B. You should be able to pinpoint, through rigid investigation of cases,
who the source of the epidemic is.
C. You should carefully make an analysis of the case based on actual
observations and relevant research.
D. You should, in your discussion, make use of highly technical terms
to make your study more convincing.

18. Using a treadmill is the right choice as an exercise machine for the
circulatory and respiratory systems because
A. its correct use demands substantial effort from the heart and the
B. it makes the large muscles of the legs contract at the same time.
C. it is a good stress test as performed in hospitals.
D. it stresses the heart without stressing the lungs.

19. Your mother was getting worried because your 3-year old brother had
been crying since the night before and complained of pain as he clutched
his stomach. So in your next meal,
A. you advised him to load on pasta, rice, and mashed potatoes.
B. you encouraged him to take in pineapples, mangoes, and
vegetable salad.
C. you gave him big servings of hotdogs, bacon, and other processed
D. you prepared several bags of chips with different dips for him.

20. Your little brother just came from a birthday party and told you that he had
a heavy meal. He was lying in bed and was noticeably having difficulty
breathing. To your knowledge, he has no lung-related problems at all.
Since he asked you to do something to relieve him of his present
A. you decided to perform the Heimlich maneuver on your brother
while he was lying in bed.
B. you cupped his back repeatedly to loosen the phlegm.
C. you gave him several glasses of water so he could breathe more
D. you asked him to sit up or walk around if it was possible.

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algae Type of protist that carries on photosynthesis; unicellular forms are a part
of phytoplankton, and multicellular forms are called seaweed.
bacterium Microorganisms that contain prokaryotic cells and have their own
unique genetic, biochemical, and physiological characteristics
cell Smallest unit that displays the properties of life
cell membrane Membrane surrounding the cytoplasm that functions to regulate
the entrance and exit of molecules from the cell
cell theory One of the major theories of biology; states that the cell is the basic
unit of life, organisms are made up of cells, and cells come only from pre-
existing cells.
cell wall Structure that surrounds a plant, protistan, fungal, or bacterial cell and
maintains the cell’s shape and rigidity.
cytoplasm Contents of a cell between the nucleus and the plasma membrane
that contains the organelles.
eukaryotic cell (eukaryote) Type of cell that has a membrane-bounded nucleus
and membranous organelles.
fungi Saprotrophic decomposer; body is made up of filaments called hyphae
that form a mass called a mycelium.
hypothesis Supposition that is formulated after making an observation; it can be
tested by obtaining more data, often by experimentation.
insulin Hormone secreted by the pancreas that lowers the blood glucose level
by promoting the uptake of glucose by cells and the conversion of glucose to
glycogen by the liver and skeletal muscles.
muscular system System of muscles that produces movement, both within the
body and of its limbs; principal components are skeletal muscle, smooth
muscle, and cardiac muscle.
nucleus Membrane-bounded organelle that contains chromosomes and controls
the structure and function of the cell.
organ Combination of two or more different tissues performing a common
organelle Small membranous structure in the cytoplasm having a specific
structure and function.
organism Individual living thing.
organ system Group of related organs working together.
prokaryotic cell (prokaryote) Organism that lacks the membrane-bounded
nucleus and membranous organelles typical of eukaryotes.
protozoa Heterotrophic, unicellular protist that moves by flagella, cilia, or
pseudopodia, or is immobile.
stem cells Biological cells found in all multicellular organisms, that can divide
(through mitosis) and differentiate into diverse specialized cell types and can
self-renew to produce more stem cells.

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surface-area-to-volume ratio Ratio of a cell’s outside area to its internal
tissue Group of similar cells that perform a common function.
urinalysis Array of tests performed on urine; one of the most common methods
of medical diagnosis.
vacuole Membrane-bounded sac, larger than a vesicle; usually functions in
storage and can contain a variety of substances.


http://www.timetoast.com/timelines/23002 - development of cell theory

http://www.microscope-microscope.org/basic/microscope-parts.htm - introduction
to the compound light microscope

http://www.biologycorner.com/microquiz/# - naming the parts of the microscope

http://nhscience.lonestar.edu/biol/dropdrag/microscope2.htm - matching
microscope parts with their functions

and-Interactives/Meet-the-Microscopes - learn about 4 different types of

http://www.ibiblio.org/virtualcell/ - virtual cell web page

http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/begin/cells/insideacell/ - tour inside a cell

http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/health/anatomy/cell/cell_quiz.htm - quiz on the

parts and functions of a cell

http://www.cellsalive.com/cells/cell_model.htm - comparing plant and animal cells

/cell_structure.htm - prokaryotic and eukaryotic (animal and plant cells) cells

http://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/E/Eubacteria.html -
information about bacteria

http://www.mcwdn.org/Animals/PROTOZOA.html - protozoa

http://tolweb.org/notes/?note_id=52 – algae (protists with chloroplasts)

http://www.wisc-online.com/Objects/ViewObject.aspx?ID=bio304 – fungi kingdom

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http://www.hawkeshealth.net/community/archive/index.php/t-4412.html - effect of
environmental stress on cell structure and function

http://stemcells.nih.gov/info/basics/ - stem cell basics

http://www.naturalnews.com/020935_stem_cell_research_cells.html - Stem Cells

Used to Grow Human Liver in the Laboratory

http://www.learner.org/courses/essential/life/session1/closer1.html - levels of
organization built around the cell

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hgm8-xeiBpA – major organs in the human


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vL2XZji-Uco – body systems rap

http://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/story.php?title=organ-systems – quiz on
body systems

http://www.biology4kids.com/extras/quiz_systintro/index.html - quiz on animal


35665 - levels of organization in the study of Biology

http://museumvictoria.com.au/pages/2314/our-human-body-classroom-1-13.pdf -
“Muscles mean movement” activity and worksheet

Image Credits:

http://plantali.blogspot.com/ - image of a plant cell

http://www.psmicrographs.co.uk/bacteria-on-a-pin-point-/science-image/12190d -
bacteria on a pinpoint
http://wifelysteps.com/2006/03/20/gumamela-dreaming/ - gumamela plant
http://www.wallcoo.net/animal/rabbit/html/wallpaper29.html - rabbit
http://www.superstock.com/stock-photos-images/1566-399492 - dicotyledon
mesophyll cells
http://mbio.asm.org/content/2/1/e00338-10/F4.large.jpg - intestinal cells of rabbit
http://db2.photoresearchers.com/preview/SB9765.html - surface foldings of small
http://compoundlightmicroscope.org/ - compound light microscope
pictures/26-hooke-cell-cork.html - Hooke’s cork cells

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Lesson 2: Heredity: Inheritance and Variation

Introduction and Focus Questions

Why is it that neither you nor your siblings look exactly the same as
your parents? Right now, you might be well aware of some hints of your father
– and even your mother – not just in the way you look, but even with some
mannerisms or behavior. It is possible that the same is true between you and
your siblings, but why is it that you don’t look exactly like any of them when
you have the same parents?

You will find answers to this question in this lesson. You will learn
about the varied ways that organisms reproduce. Why are there different
types of reproduction?


In this lesson, you will go through the following topics:

Title You’ll learn to… Estimated

Types of  Compare asexual and 2 hours
Reproduction sexual reproduction.
 Describe the process of

Variation  Differentiate offspring 4 hours

resulting from asexual
reproduction with that
from sexual reproduction
in terms of similarities to

Inheritance  Determine how traits are 4 hours

passed from parent to

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Concept Map of the Lesson

Here is a simple map of the topics you will cover in this lesson:

Lesson 2.1:
Asexual and Sexual

Lesson 2.2:
Variation (similarities and differences of
organisms resulting from asexual and
sexual reproduction)

Lesson 2.3:
Inheritance (how traits are passed from
parents to offspring)

Expected Skills

To do well in this lesson, you need to remember and do the following:

a) Identify and remember the key terms in each lesson. Take note of the
examples given.
b) Read and study carefully the resources and online links.
c) Answer all questions and exercises as best as you can.
d) Take down notes as you go along.

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Let’s find out how much you already know about this module. Click on
the letter that you think best answers the question. Please answer all items.
After taking this short test, you will see your score. Take note of the items that
you were not able to correctly answer and look for the right answer as you go
through this module.

1. Which cell structure is responsible in passing on traits from parent to

a. centrioles
b. chromosomes
c. lysosomes
d. vacuoles

2. What biological process leads to an increase in the population of species?

a. circulation
b. digestion
c. reproduction
d. respiration

3. Which cellular process leads to an increase in the number of cells and is used
for growth and repair?
a. meiosis
b. mitosis
c. osmosis
d. photosynthesis

4. Which organic molecule is said to be involved in the passing on of traits from

parents to offspring?
a. carbohydrates
b. fats
c. nucleic acids
d. proteins

5. Which cellular process leads to an increase in the number of cells but a

decrease in the number of chromosomes contained by each?
a. meiosis
b. mitosis
c. osmosis
d. photosynthesis

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6. Which will not influence variation in the genes?
a. chromosome number
b. crossing over
c. meiosis
d. random mating

7. What is the male reproductive part of a plant?

a. flower
b. petals
c. pistil
d. stamen

8. What is the female reproductive part of a plant?

a. flower
b. petals
c. pistil
d. stamen

9. A mutated plant bears flowers with no stamen. This plant can have
fertilization if
a. egg cells are cross-pollinated to it.
b. a longer style is grown to the ovaries.
c. the stigma is removed from it.
d. pollen is cross-pollinated to it.

10. An organism that was formed through asexual reproduction

a. will be exactly the same as the parent.
b. will have little similarities with the parent.
c. will have some similarities with the parent.
d. will have no similarities with the parent.

11. An organism formed by way of asexual reproduction

a. will respond to the environment the same way as its parent.
b. will have new responses to the environment compared to its parent.
c. can be assumed to belong to the kingdom plantae.
d. can be assumed to belong to the kingdom protista.

12. Asexually-reproducing organisms are similar to sexually-reproducing

a. in that their offspring are exactly alike as the parents.
b. in that both are expected to increase the population.
c. in that male and female gametes are required in the process.
d. in that mutations are equally expected in both types of reproduction.

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13. Plants that reproduce sexually
a. must be mobile in order to perform the process effectively.
b. might use underground stems, modified leaves, and the like.
c. rely on the flower parts to perform the reproductive process.
d. are exclusively found only in warm, tropical regions of the Earth.

14. During asexual and sexual reproduction,

a. the nucleus of a cell plays a vital role.
b. the most important cell structure would be the chromosomes.*
c. centrioles and spindle fibers ensure that traits are passed on efficiently.
d. it is only plants that fully depend on the centrioles and spindle fibers.

15. You attended a symposium that promoted forest conservation and

preservation. According to the botanist giving the talk, asexual reproduction
a. is well-suited for mangroves in a coniferous forest.
b. is well-suited for acacias in an underwater forest.
c. is ideal in an environment with minimal changes in condition.
d. is ideal in an environment with continuously fluctuating conditions.

16. You found out that a certain shrub in your neighborhood has a scent that can
effectively keep away mosquitoes from your house. Because of this, you
would want to grow more of it while making sure that the said effect against
mosquitoes is kept. You therefore decided
a. to propagate it via asexual reproduction.
b. to transfer some of its pollen to the flowers of a similar-looking shrub.
c. to transfer the ovaries to the same shrub.
d. to add fertilizer in the plot where the shrubs will be planted.

17. Basti was nominated to head their barangay’s clean and green program. He
determined that his top priority should be to put up a vegetable garden in
every vacant lot in the community. With the vegetable seeds they have at
hand, he decided to increase the amount of plants by
a. collecting old mirrors to reflect more sunlight where the seeds will be
planted to facilitate photosynthesis.
b. increasing the distance of the planted seeds from each other so less
soil will be used up by each.
c. learning how each species reproduce and considering the manner in
which they will be propagated.
d. adding sugar to the water and pesticide solution that is sprayed onto
the vegetable seeds.

18. During your educational tour in a strawberry research institute in Baguio, you
were shown different strawberry species. Strawberries are classified as
stolons, or plant species that can increase in number using only one main
plant. From the information that you have gathered in the tour, you could
generalize that

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a. the new strawberry plants that will develop from the main plant are
identical to it in terms of all its traits.
b. the new strawberry plants that will develop from the main plant would
have half of its traits come from the main plant.
c. strawberries can be grown effectively in the Philippines only in
research institutes.
d. strawberries are species that grow buds in order to grow new plants.

19. While you walked through the Makiling Botanic Garden, you noticed a tree
with remnants of many flowers but no fruit or seed developing. There are no
other trees like this one within the confines of the sprawling garden. What
could explain this occurrence?
a. It is a female tree and no male trees of the same species are near
enough for pollination to happen.
b. It is a tree that requires exposure to salt water similar to the mangrove.
c. It is a male tree that requires another male tree in order to perform
d. It is a female tree and no other female trees can be used to transfer
the ovaries from one tree to another.

20. For your dream house, you would want to grow grass on your lawn. From
observation, you noticed that grass flowers do not have petals nor sepals.
Grass flowers reproduce sexually. In order for your plan to materialize,
a. you would put up a house in a windy neighbourhood.
b. you would purchase butterflies from a butterfly farm for pollination.
c. you would spray nectar on the flowers to attract pollinators.
d. you would purchase butterflies and spray the flowers with nectar.

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Let’s start the module by understanding some terms in reproduction.

You’ll also look at the two modes of reproduction – asexual and sexual.

Activity 1: KWL Chart

Below is a KWL chart. It will help you check your understanding of the lessons.
For now, fill in the K and W column with your ideas regarding the following
questions: Why are there different types of reproduction? Click on “Save” to
save your response.

What I Know What I Want to Know What I Learned

Activity 2: Video viewing

You will be watching video clips on asexual and sexual reproduction. Just click
on the following links:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfbhwq95Duc (asexual reproduction),

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6akNYlkehY (asexual reproduction),
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaSIjIzAtYA (sexual reproduction),
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuYrFwDuYn0&feature=related (sexual

Answer the following questions:

 What similarities and differences can be stated from the two types
of reproduction?
 Why are there different types of reproduction?

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End of Explore
You have just given your initial ideas on the types of reproduction after
watching the video clips. Let’s now find out what science says about the
questions you answered by doing the next part.

Your goal in this section is to learn and understand key concepts in

asexual and sexual reproduction. You will also broaden your ideas regarding
other similarities and differences among organisms that use sexual or asexual

Activity 3: Webpage reading

Why must there be different types of reproduction? Find out answers to this
question by reading the following:

“Sex is Costly, So Why Don't Animals Reproduce Asexually?”

Compare the two modes of reproduction – asexual and sexual – by enumerating
their advantages and disadvantages. Use the “weighing scale graphic organizer”
given below:

Asexual Sexual
Reproduction Reproduction

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1. Why must there be different types of reproduction?

2. Why do some organisms undergo asexual reproduction? Sexual
3. Does one type of reproduction “weigh” more than the other? Why or
why not?

For your enrichment, read this webpage on evolution and learn how sexual
reproduction plays an important role in the process:

Activity 4: Video viewing

The main difference between asexual and sexual reproduction is that

the latter requires the union of gametes from two parents. How is that
made possible during sexual reproduction? Find out by watching the
following clips:

You will be watching video clips on the process of fertilization both for plants and
animals. Just click on the link: Plant reproduction: Methods of Pollination


Fertilization refers to the union of gametes from two parents. You’ve

seen from the videos how this is accomplished in plants and humans.

However, consider the following situations. Determine how different

each situation is to the process you’ve seen from the videos.
 Female salmons deposit unfertilized eggs in the substrate and the
male will swim by and fertilize them. (To know more, read about
external fertilization.)
 The roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans is a hermaphrodite – this
animal produces both sperm and eggs. Thus, it can self-fertilize.
Eggs develop in the hermaphrodite body, and are then laid. (To
know more, read about self-fertilization and parthenogenesis)
 Watch this video on intrauterine insemination (IUI):

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Process Questions:

1. What do the above situations tell us about fertilization and sexual

reproduction? How is reproduction related to the environment of the
organism? Why can’t there be only one form of reproduction?
2. Does sexual reproduction always require genital contact? If your
answer is no, in what other ways can the union of gametes happen?

End of Firm-Up
In this section, you tried to look at more ways by which we can differentiate
asexual and sexual reproduction. You also learned how fertilization takes

Go back to the previous section and compare your initial ideas with the
discussion. How much of your initial ideas are found in the discussion? Which
ideas are different and need revision?

Your goal in this section is to take a closer look at variation. How can
sexual reproduction bring about variation? You’ll also learn about some
aspects of inheritance. How are the traits of the parents passed on to the
offspring? You will also be able to know how the type of reproduction affects
the traits that will be inherited by the offspring.

Activity 5: Webpage reading

Click on the following link to learn about inheritance and acquired characteristics:

“Hey, where did you get that from?” http://betterlesson.com/lesson/37917/3-3-


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Questions to answer based on the reading:

1. Name two traits you inherited from your parents.

2. Name two traits you acquired throughout your life.
3. List five traits that are inherited in animals (any animal or group of
animals you can think of)
4. List at least three traits that are acquired in animals (any animal or
group of animals you can think of)
5. Can you list more than 4 traits that are inherited in plants? Why
would these be the traits? What is the advantage of having them?
6. Can plants acquire traits? If so, list all that you can think of and
determine the purpose of having them.

Activity 6: Karyotyping

From the previous activity, you learned about inherited and acquired traits. How
are these traits passed from the parents to the offspring?

The answer lies inside the cell. The cell’s nucleus contains the genetic
material, DNA, packed in structures called chromosomes. It is the
genetic material, packaged into chromosomes, that is passed to the
offspring during reproduction.
How does that happen during sexual and asexual reproduction? Find
out by doing the succeeding activities.

Take a look at the picture below:


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The picture shown above is a karyotype. It is an organized profile of a
person's chromosomes. The elongated structures are the
chromosomes. In a karyotype, chromosomes are arranged and
numbered by size, from largest to smallest.

This arrangement helps scientists quickly identify chromosomal

alterations that may result in a genetic disorder. A normal human
karyotype has 46 chromosomes. A disorder or abnormality is detected
if the karyotype shows too many or too few chromosomes, missing
pieces of chromosomes, or mixed-up pieces of chromosomes. How can
a cell end up with too many or too few chromosomes?

To answer that question, you need to know how human cells normally get 46
chromosomes. Watch the animation about meiosis found in this link:


Meiosis is the cell division process that produces egg and sperm cells (gametes).

To test your understanding, do this cut-and-paste karyotyping activity:

1. Print this pdf of the chromosomes:
2. Cut the chromosomes out. Then arrange them in pairs.

Answer the following questions after doing the activity:

1. What did you notice with the resulting chromosome set in the
2. Why must chromosomes pair up with specific chromosomes and not
just any chromosome in the set?
3. What does each member of the chromosome pair represent?

Activity 7: Why are there differences in inherited traits?

You are asked to do an exercise on meiosis by forming haploid gametes from the
candy chromosomes. In your family, you are the eldest of 3 sisters; you have
straight hair and light skin tone. On the other hand, both your younger sisters have
wavy hair and fair complexion. In this exercise, you must be able to show how traits
are randomly combined.

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Analysis questions:

1. If another child will be born into this family, is it possible to have

another type of hair? Skin tone?
2. If yes, why do you say so? If no, explain why you think it is so.
3. What do you think is the importance of having traits combine

Below are links for a karyotype that shows one possible outcome if a mistake
happens during the random combination of chromosomes. In particular, it shows
the medical condition called Down syndrome, which occurs in 1 every 700 births.



In this next activity, you will apply your understanding of random

combination of traits from the previous activities on karyotyping and inheritance
of traits. This will allow you to predict the next generation offspring by putting
into consideration the concepts on dominance and recessiveness of traits.

Activity 8: Angry Birds Genetics

In the popular video game Angry Birds, there are 5 kinds of birds with different
appearances and characteristics (traits).

1. You are to predict the possible offspring that would be produced by

choosing any 2 of the 5 birds to represent the parents. Students will provide
the alleles of a possible offspring using the candy chromosomes as well as
the phenotype (observable traits) of the offspring.

Parent 1 Parent 2 Offspring

Genotype Phenotype Genotype Phenotype Genotype Phenotype

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Angry Bird Traits*
1. Black Color is dominant over all colors.
Beak is recessive.

2. Yellow Color is dominant to red and white.

Beak is dominant to blue and black.

3. Blue Color is dominant to yellow and white.

Beak is dominant to red and black.

4. Red Color is dominant to white.

Beak is dominant to yellow and black.

5. White Color is recessive.

Beak is dominant over all shapes and

Perform a cross of the resulting offspring. Determine the new set of offspring that
will result from this cross.

Parent 1 Parent 2 Possible Offspring

Genotype Phenotype Genotype Phenotype Genotype Phenotype

*Disclaimer: Traits that have been used in this exercise are only hypothetical and
for genetics exercise purposes only.

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How are the traits of the parents passed on to the offspring?

End of Deepen
In this section, the discussion was about heredity and variation, and
how traits are passed from parents to offspring. How similar, or different can
organisms be as a result of sexual or asexual reproduction? How are the
traits inherited via asexual reproduction? Sexual reproduction? Why should
different organisms perform different types of reproduction?

Different organisms require different types of reproduction; the factors

for such may involve: the size of the organism, as this determines the energy
needed for the process, the mobility of the organism, in terms of the need to
find a mate or otherwise, as well as the environment, which may influence the
suitable type of reproduction for a certain species.

What new realizations do you have about the topic? What new
connections about reproduction, heredity, and variation have you made for

Now that you have a deeper understanding of the topic, you are ready to do
the tasks in the next section.

Your goal in this section is apply your learning to real life situations. You
will be given a practical task which will demonstrate your understanding.

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Activity 9: KWL Chart

Integrate all the concepts you learned by filling in the L column of this KWL chart.
Write your final answers to the question: Why must there be different types of
reproduction? Click on the link to open the chart and click “Save.”

What I Know What I Want to Know What I Learned

Activity 10: Webpage reading on Plant Asexual Reproduction

Read the information/reports about plant propagation found in the following links:
1. www.irri.org
2. http://www.bpi.da.gov.ph/report.php
3. http://www.fao.org/docrep/005/ac451e/ac451e07.htm

From the links given above, choose one report that can be improved. Identify
specific points that may need further improvement. Write your justifications.

Activity 11: Transfer Task

You will investigate various methods of vegetative propagation in

plants and determine the advantages of both sexual and asexual
reproduction for the survival and variability of the plant kingdom.
You are a member of the Sangguniang Kabataan environmental
committee. As such, you have been tasked to help ensure that the open
spaces in the barangay become “green” by propagating different plant

Your committee will submit a recommendation containing a list of

plant species which you believe is best to grow in that area. Together with
the list, your committee will indicate suitable methods in propagating the
said plant species. The SK chairperson will approve budget requests for
seedlings based on the committee’s recommendations. The
recommendations found in their report will be evaluated based on content,
practicality of recommendation, and organization.

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STANDARDS Content Practicality of Organization
SCALE recommendation
Provides The Details of the
exhaustive and recommendations recommendation are
Exemplary reliable given were in line placed in a logical
4 background with the goals of the order and their
information barangay and presentation
about the area; appropriate to its effectively keeps the
Information financial capabilities, interest of the reader.
provided is highly detailed in
clearly relevant terms of the areas
to the objective where seeds can be
of the study planted, what seeds
can be planted, and
the estimated cost
of the whole project.

STANDARDS Content Practicality of Organization

SCALE recommendation
Provides The Details are placed in
accurate recommendations a logical order,
Accomplished background given were in line thereby helping the
3 information; with the goals of the reader understand
Information barangay and the report without
provided is appropriate to its difficulty.
related to the financial capabilities.
objective of the

Provides The Some details are not

unrelated recommendations in a logical or
Developing background given were in line expected order, and
2 information; with the goals but has the potential to
Some too expensive for confuse the reader.
information are the financial
not relevant to capability of the
the objective of barangay.
the study

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No background The Many details are not
information recommendations in a logical or
Beginning given were not in expected order.
1 line with the goals of There is little sense
the barangay. that the writing is

In this section, your task was to make a recommendation containing a list of
suitable plant species and best methods of propagating them.

How did you find the performance task? How did the task help you see the
real world use of the topic?

You have completed this lesson. Before you go to the next lesson, you have
to answer the following post-assessment questions.

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It’s now time to evaluate your learning. Click on the letter of the answer
that you think best answers the question. Your score will only appear after
you answer all items. If you do well, you may move on to the next module. If
your score is not at the expected level, you have to go back and take the
module again.

1. Which cell structure ensures that the characteristics of the parent/s are
passed on to the offspring?
a. centrioles
b. chromosomes
c. lysosomes
d. vacuoles

2. _________ is the biological process that will result to an increase in the

population of species.
a. circulation
b. digestion
c. reproduction
d. respiration

3. _________ is responsible in the growth of an organism as well as repair of

worn out or injured parts due to an increase in the number of cells.
a. meiosis
b. mitosis
c. osmosis
d. photosynthesis

4. Among the molecules that make up an organism, which is said to be involved

in the passing on of traits from parents to offspring?
a. carbohydrates
b. fats
c. nucleic acids
d. proteins

5. Which cellular process has the ability to increase the number of cells yet
results to a decrease in the number of chromosomes contained by each?
a. meiosis
b. mitosis
c. osmosis
d. photosynthesis

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6. The following are factors that can lead to gene variation, except
a. chromosome number
b. crossing over
c. meiosis
d. random mating

7. The __________is the male reproductive part of a plant.

a. flower
b. petals
c. pistil
d. stamen

8. The __________is the female reproductive part of a plant.

a. flower
b. petals
c. pistil
d. stamen

9. If a plant has an unusual condition wherein stamens are not formed,

fertilization in this plant can occur only if
a. egg cells are cross-pollinated to it.
b. a longer style is grown to the ovaries.
c. the stigma is removed from it.
d. pollen is cross-pollinated to it.

10. If an organism is exactly the same as its parent,

a. the organism was formed via asexual reproduction.
b. the organism was formed via sexual reproduction.
c. it has traits that came from 2 sets of different chromosomes.
d. it did not receive chromosomes from its parent.

11. An organism formed by way of will respond to the

environment the same way as its parent.
a. asexual reproduction
b. sexual reproduction
c. combining genes from plants and protists
d. combining genes from plants and fungi

12. The common thing between asexually-reproducing organisms and sexually-

reproducing organisms is
a. that their offspring are exactly alike as the parents.
b. that both are expected to increase the population.
c. that male and female gametes are required in the process.
d. that mutations are equally expected in both types of reproduction.

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13. Plants that depend on pollination
a. must be mobile in order to perform the process effectively.
b. might use underground stems, modified leaves, and the like.
c. rely on the flower parts to perform the reproductive process.
d. are exclusively found only in warm, tropical regions of the Earth.

14. During asexual and sexual reproduction,

a. the nuclear membrane begins to thicken to protect the ribosomes.
b. the most important cell structure would be the chromosomes.
c. cell plate and spindle fibers ensure that traits are passed on efficiently.
d. it is only plants that fully depend on the cell plates and spindle fibers.

15. You attended a symposium that promoted forest conservation and

preservation. According to the botanist giving the talk, asexual reproduction
a. is well-suited for mangroves in a coniferous forest.
b. is well-suited for acacias in an underwater forest.
c. is ideal in an environment that does not require too much adaptive
capability in plants.
d. is ideal in an environment with regularly fluctuating conditions based
on animal migratory patterns.

16. You found out that a certain shrub in your neighborhood has a scent that can
effectively keep away mosquitoes from your house. Because of this, you
would want to grow more of it while making sure that the said effect against
mosquitoes is kept. You therefore decided to do the following, except
a. to propagate it using its stems.
b. to transfer some of its pollen to the pistil of a similar-looking shrub.
c. to propagate it using its stolons.
d. to propagate it using its runners.

17. Basti was nominated to head their barangay’s clean and green program. He
determined that his top priority should be to put up a vegetable garden in
every vacant lot in the community. With the vegetable seeds they have at
hand, he decided to increase the amount of plants by
a. putting a roof over the newly-planted seeds to facilitate photosynthesis.
b. decreasing the distance of the planted seeds from each other while
increasing the number of seeds per spot.
c. learning how each species reproduce and considering the manner in
which they will be propagated.
d. spraying distilled water and pesticide solution onto the vegetable

18. During your educational tour in a strawberry research institute in Baguio, you
were shown different strawberry species. Strawberries are classified as
stolons, or plant species that can increase in number using only one main

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plant. From the information that you have gathered in the tour, you could
generalize that
a. the new strawberry plants will have traits no different from the main
plant from where it was grown.
b. the new strawberry plants that will develop from the main plant would
have half of its traits come from the main plant.
c. strawberries benefit from insect pollinators since they are stolons.
d. strawberries have colourful pollen that would attract various animals.

19. While you walked through the Makiling Botanic Garden, you noticed a tree
with remnants of many flowers but no fruit or seed developing. There are no
other trees like this one within the confines of the sprawling garden. What
could explain this occurrence?
a. It is a female tree and no male trees of the same species are near
enough for pollination to happen.
b. It is a tree that requires a forest fire to allow its seeds to be spread.
c. It is a female tree that requires another female tree in order to perform
d. It is a female tree and no other female trees can be used to transfer
the ovaries from one tree to another.

20. For your dream house, you would want to grow grass on your lawn. From
observation, you noticed that grass flowers do not have petals or sepals.
Grass flowers reproduce sexually. In order for your plan to materialize,
a. you would put up a house in a windy neighborhood.
b. you would cut stems and plant them on the ground.
c. you would cover the grasses to dampen the winds blowing on flowers.
d. you would purchase butterflies and spray the flowers with nectar.

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reproduction – biological process that leads to the formation of new

offspring; may be sexual or asexual

sexual reproduction – reproductive process that necessitates the union of

egg and sperm cell; leads to the formation of offspring with variations in

asexual reproduction – chromosomes provided by only one parent, thus

offspring formed will be exactly alike to the parent

Inheritance – how traits are passed from parents to offspring

karyotype – an arrangement of homologous chromosomes to show how

parents contribute to the traits of the next generation offspring

haploid – half the number of chromosomes compared to body cells of an


gametes – sex cells; contain half the number of chromosomes compared to

body cells

dominant traits – are expressed whether the genotype is homologous (both

alleles are dominant) or heterozygous (one allele is dominant while the
other is recessive)

recessive traits – are masked by dominant traits when the genotype is

heterozygous; expressed only in the homologous form (both alleles are

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfbhwq95Duc - asexual reproduction

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6akNYlkehY - asexual reproduction

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaSIjIzAtYA - sexual reproduction

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuYrFwDuYn0&feature=related - sexual

asexually-a334616#ixzz1y7t9dSQM – “Sex is Costly, So Why Don't Animals
Reproduce Asexually?”

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuYrFwDuYn0 - Plant reproduction: Methods

of Pollination

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXNaTRs83hE – human fertilization

doc?from=tree&lessonID=37917 – “Hey, where did you get that from?”


http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/begin/traits/predictdisorder/ - animation
about meiosis


http://www.ibguides.com/biology/notes/evolution - sexual reproduction and


- cut and paste karyotyping activity

http://www.medicinafetala.ro/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/karyotype.gif -

MFWbsSk/s400/0syndrome+down+3.gif – Down Syndrome karyotype

http://www.healthoncare.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Trisomy-21.jpg - Down
Syndrome baby

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www.irri.org – official website of International Rice Research Institute

http://www.bpi.da.gov.ph/report.php - Annual report of the Bureau of Plant Industry

http://www.fao.org/docrep/005/ac451e/ac451e07.htm - Cashew Propagation

Report by the United Nations through the Food and Agriculture Organization

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Introduction and Focus Questions

Have you ever been part of a team sent out for a mission? What was
the impact of your contribution to the achievement of the team’s goal? What
were the problems or consequences of one team member’s absence or
inefficiency? Each one of us is part of a bigger whole; each organism is
vitally linked to everything else in its environment. The different interactions
occurring within our environment and their effect on the stability and balance
of nature are the lessons you will learn from this module.

As you go through this module, think of the following questions: How

do living things affect the environment? Do living things help or harm
the environment? How can there be harmony between living things and
the environment?


In this lesson, you will go through the following topics:

Title You’ll learn to… Estimated

Basic Units of  Describe the levels of organization in 4 hrs.
Ecology the study of ecology.
 Identify which of the things found in the
environment are biotic or abiotic.

Interrelationships  Explain how the different 10 hrs.

in Ecosystems interrelationships between organisms
and their environment affect the
stability of an ecosystem.
Biodiversity  Discuss the different threats and 8 hours
Conservation pressures facing Philippine biodiversity.
Initiatives  Explain the importance of individual
and collective actions on biodiversity

Concept Map of the Module

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Here is a simple map of the lessons you will cover in this module:

Expected Skills

To do well in this module, you need to remember and do the following:

7. Read the instructions carefully before starting anything.

8. Complete all the activities and worksheets.
9. Look up the meaning of words that you do not know.
10. Keep a notebook (or use the Notepad) where you can write (and revise) your
answers to discussion questions, jot down short notes, draw diagrams, and
summarize what you have just read.
11. Use the provided checklist and rubric to evaluate your work in worksheets
and reports before submitting it.
12. Allow time for relaxation and recreation when you are mentally tired. Make a
time table to schedule your study and recreation.

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Let’s find out how much you already know about ecology and its related
concepts. Click on the letter that you think best answers the question. Please
answer all items. After taking this short test, you will see your score. Take
note of the items that you were not able to correctly answer and look for the
right answer as you go through this module.

1. Which of the following statements best summarizes the scope of ecology?

A. Biological and physical components of the environment
B. Interaction of organisms with their environment
C. Interdependence of all living things on Earth
D. Relationship of organisms with other organisms

2. A group of individuals of different species occupying a particular area is

called what?
A. Biosphere
B. Community
C. Ecosystem
D. Population

3. Which group represents a population?

A. All the vertebrates living in the Philippines
B. All the Homo sapiens living in the Philippines
C. All the plant and animal species found in the Philippines
D. All the flowering plants found in the Philippines

4. A certain plant requires moisture, oxygen, carbon dioxide, light, and

minerals in order to survive. This shows that a living organism depends on
A. abiotic factors.
B. biotic factors.
C. material cycling.
D. symbiotic relationships.

5. Which of the statements most correctly describes ecological niche?

A. It is the place where the organism lives.
B. It is the sudden change in an ecosystem.
C. It is the organism’s functional role in the community.
D. It refers to the interactions occurring in an ecosystem.

6. What are organisms that feed on both plants and animals called?
A. Carnivores
B. Detritivores
C. Herbivores

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D. Omnivores

7. What type of ecological relationship occurs between the organisms in the

given picture?

A. Commensalism
B. Competition
C. Mutualism
D. Parasitism

For numbers 8-9, refer to the example of an aquatic food chain given

Algae and floating plants Aquatic crustaceans Fish

Which of the organisms is a secondary consumer?
A. Algae and floating plants
B. Aquatic crustaceans
C. Fish
D. Raccoons

9. What is the most likely scenario if we exhausted the fishery through over-
fishing, and fish is no longer part of the food chain?
A. Algae and other floating plants will increase in number.
B. Many aquatic crustaceans will go hungry and die.
C. The population of raccoons will increase.
D. There will be overpopulation of crustaceans.

10. The most likely result of a group of squirrels relying on limited resources
would be
A. a great diversity of food for squirrels.
B. an increase in the number of squirrels.
C. competition between the squirrels.
D. increased habitats for the squirrels.

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11. Which statement concerning the energy in the pyramid below is correct?

Consumer 3

Consumer 2

Consumer 1


A. The producer organisms contain the least amount of stored energy.

B. Stored energy decreases from consumer 2 to consumer 3.
C. Consumer 3 contains the greatest amount of stored energy.
D. Stored energy increases from the producer to consumer 1.

12. Lemna sp. is a free-floating aquatic plant. A certain experiment

investigated the effect of change of pH on the population growth rate of
Lemna. The following were the results when the plants were immersed in
different pH conditions for five days:

Beaker Condition (pH) Number of plants

Beginning of End of
experiment experiment
A Acidic 20 17
B Alkaline 20 15
C Neutral 20 27

Based from the result of the experiment, in which of the following will the
Lemna plant grow best?
A. Lake with pH 7.2
B. Pond with pH 8.8
C. River with pH 4.7
D. Sea with pH 8.4

13. Which of the following situations will cause the greatest pressure to
biodiversity and will directly lead to biodiversity loss?
A. Conversion of forests to agricultural lands
B. Increasing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
C. Introduction of non-native species to a tropical forest
D. Overconsumption of crops and fruits

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14. Refer to the following illustrations:

Which of the following statements is true about the two habitats?

A. Habitat A has greater biodiversity than Habitat B.
B. Habitat B has higher species richness than Habitat A.
C. Habitat A has higher species density than Habitat B.
D. Habitats A and B have equal biodiversity indices.

15. A new type of fuel gives off excessive amounts of smoke. Before this type
of fuel can be widely used, what would an ecologist want to know?
A. If it has an effective mechanism of producing energy
B. If the fuel will be widely accepted by consumers
C. How its smoke will affect the environment
D. How much will it cost to produce the fuel

16. In June of 1983, a reddish brown patch was observed in a body of water
in Samar Islands. This was not reported and nobody attached any
significance to it. A few days later, a total of 13 families were presented at
the Samar Provincial Hospital with signs and symptoms of numbness,
tingling sensation around the lips, tongue, and throat, vomiting, and
difficulties in breathing after consuming an evening meal of boiled
mussels. If you were the investigator of the said case, what would you
have concluded?
A. The patch indicates an explosion of algal population, and a toxin is
passed on from the algae to the mussels to humans.
B. The patch indicates proliferation of algae which compete with
fishes and other shellfishes for oxygen and other resources.
C. The red brown patch is an indication of how badly polluted the
water is, and how it is affecting organisms that depend on water.
D. The reddish brown patches are chemical toxins that contaminated
the water, and poisoned the mussels and humans consequently.

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17. You are a member of a group of nutritionists/dieticians that want to start a
campaign with the slogan, “Eat lower on the food chain – it is good for the
planet.” The said campaign aims to increase people’s awareness as to
how their food preferences affect the ecosystem, and to suggest creative
ways of planning a diet that is not ecologically damaging. You want to be
able to convince as many people as possible--people of varying ages and
professions. Which the following is the best form of presentation?
A. Case study
B. Health primer
C. Public advisory
D. Scientific paper

18. A non-government organization advocates protection of

endemic/endangered species. As a member, your research team is
tasked to assess the biodiversity of your locality, citing its various
endemic/endangered species in relation to the ecosystem of the place,
and then craft a proposed endemic/endangered flora and fauna protection
and conservation bill. What should be the characteristics of your bill so
that it will be convincing to the government officials?
A. comprehensive, cost-efficient, and innovative
B. cost-efficient, practical, and persuasive
C. scientific, innovative, and comprehensive
D. scientific, persuasive, and practical

19. As a response to the country’s problems on biodiversity, the Republic Act

No. 7586 is enacted. The act is providing for the establishment and
management of national integrated protected areas system in the
Philippines. You are a member of the Conservation International-
Philippines, tasked to identify and delineate potential protected areas in
the country. Which of the following justifications will you first consider in
determining key biodiversity areas?
A. The area is filled with economically-important and export-quality
fruits, fishes, and trees.
B. The area is habitat to many rare, endemic, and endangered
species of plants and animals.
C. The area is home to indigenous cultural communities that has
distinct customs and traditions.
D. The area provides opportunities for public enjoyment through
recreation and tourism.

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20. You and your friends decided to visit Coron Island in Palawan as a
summer getaway. As an advocate of ecotourism, which of the following
activities will you not recommend to your friends?
A. Diving and snorkelling at Kayangan Lake
and hot spring
B. Purchasing animal skins and feathers as
C. Taking pictures of karst limestone
formations in the island
D. Watching Coron’s birds – Palawan Hornbill
and cockatoo

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Let’s begin by gathering your thoughts about the relationship of living
things with their environment.

Activity 1: I-R-F Chart

Given below is an I-R-F sheet. Fill in the first column (I column) of the I-R-F sheet
with your ideas and answers to the following questions: Do living things help or
harm the environment? How can there be harmony between living things
and the environment? Click on “Save” to save your response.

Initial Revised Final

Activity 2: Picture Analysis

Take a close look at this first picture. Describe what you see.

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Now look at this second picture. How is it different from the first picture? How is it

In the process of you analyzing and describing the pictures, you may have
thought of the words harmony, balance, interdependence, relationship, and
interaction. In this third picture, come up with as many examples of situations that
illustrate the concepts of harmony, relationship and interaction.

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Questions to Answer:

4. Why are harmonious relationships important in nature?

5. What could happen if the balance is upset?
6. How can there be harmony between living things and the

End of Explore
You just tried finding out different relationships occurring in nature. You’ll get
to learn more kinds of relationships as we move on to the next part. You’ll
also find out the answers to the questions presented above.

Your goal in this section is to learn and understand key concepts in

ecology. You will be introduced to different terms that are important in the
study of interrelationships. Be sure to distinguish one term from another.

As the concepts of ecology and the environment become clear to you through
the succeeding activities, do not forget to think about how living things relate
to them. Do living things help or harm the environment? How can there
be harmony between living things and the environment?

Activity 3: Introduction to Ecology

Read thoroughly the following material. Pause once in a while to answer the
check-up questions.

In Greek, the term "Ecology" means "house" or "place to live".

Ecology is the study of how organisms interact with one another and
with their physical and chemical environment. It is concerned with the
biology of groups of organisms and with functional processes on the
Reading 1 land, in the oceans and freshwater, and in the air.

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The table below summarizes the realm of ecology:

Biosphere - all of the Earth’s ecosystems together

Ecosystems - community of different species interacting

with one another and with their non-living
environment of matter and energy
- populations of all the different species
occupying a particular place
Populations 2.

- group of individuals of the same species

occupying a given area at the same time

- any form of life

Can you give one example each of an organism, a population, a

community, and an ecosystem?

Species is a group of organisms that resemble one another in

appearance, behavior, chemistry, and genetic structure. Each species
can breed with one another to produce fertile offspring under natural
Reading 1

The word 'ecosystem' refers to the whole community of organisms

and their environment taken as a single functioning unit. Today, the
term means the basic functional unit in ecology. It contains organisms,
populations, and communities, each having unique properties and
influence on each other.

Ecosystem also represents an order of systems below the so-

called biosphere, and that a collection of similar ecosystems makes up
the conceptual notion of a biome.

There are both natural and man-made ecosystems. Natural

ecosystems range from giant biomes like forests, to regional
ecosystems like mountains and lakes, to the smallest tide pools and
mud puddles. Man-made ecosystems, on the other hand, are products
of land development, such as lakes, ponds, canals, parks and gardens.
Others, such as farms, orchards and vegetable gardens, are

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Whether created for recreation, food, irrigation or observation
(such as an aquarium or ant farm), man-made ecosystems are always
designed to suit an outside purpose. Natural ecosystems, on the other
hand, are self-contained and exist only to perpetuate their own

Man-made ecosystems are far less complex than natural

ecosystems. They have little organic diversity and their food webs are
relatively simple.

Natural ecosystems are self-regulatory, meaning that they don't

require any outside assistance to function. Without the intervention of
people, man-made ecosystems would decay and die.

1. Can you think of examples of natural and man-made ecosystems

found in your area?
2. Do you think that the words balance, stability, harmony, and
interaction can be associated with ecology and ecosystem? In what

Exercise 1
Summarize your reading through a definition frame:

Definition Frame for Ecology

Term: the subject to be defined
Set: the general category in which
the term belongs
Gross characteristics: those
characteristics that separate the term
from other elements in the set

Activity 4: Field Activity – Explore an Ecosystem

You were able to define ecology and distinguish its different units from
each other. Now, are you ready to see ecology in action? For this next
activity, you may refer to your completed definition frame and see how the
concepts you’ve read and written come alive in nature.

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1. Look for an unmanaged area near your place.
2. Use a string to partition a segment of your chosen area.
3. Examine closely the area.
4. List down all living things observed in the area.
5. List down the non-living factors that you think contributes to the survival of
the living things.

Answer the following analysis questions:

1. What are the living things found in your area? Identify them and infer
their possible roles.
2. How are the survival needs of the living things in your area met?
3. Cite one physical factor in the area that can change. If this physical
factor changes, will it affect the whole area? How?

The environment of an organism relates to the features (including

physical, chemical and biological) that are significant to its existence.
They are:
• abiotic characteristics such as atmospheric gases,
temperature, fire and wind, and components such as mineral
nutrients and water;
• food, or nutrients required for the organism;
• living habitat wherein to rest, sleep, hide and reproduce;
• and even other organisms of the same species and of other

1. What are the components of the environment where you are in at

the moment?
2. Is your environment peaceful and balanced? Does it support all
your needs?

Abiotic components refer to the non-living factors such as pH,

temperature, light intensity, humidity, topography, and microclimate. A
habitat is the place where an organism or population lives. The habitat
should be complete with all abiotic factors necessary for the survival of
the organism.

Biotic components refer to all the living organisms found in the

ecosystem. Each organism has a functional role in its community. This
is called ecological niche. It could be the species' status in terms of

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its activities, its rate of metabolism and growth, its effect on other
organisms with which it has contact, or its ability to modify important
operations in the ecosystem.

Think of one example for each of the abiotic and biotic components.
Then, think of an interaction that could be occurring between the two
components. Does this interaction have anything to do with maintaining
harmony between living things and the environment?

Exercise 2.

After reading about and exploring the different units of ecology and the
ecosystem, let’s check on how well you can distinguish important ecological
concepts and terms.

Match the terms in Column A with their descriptions in Column B. Click on

“Submit” to check your answers.

Column A Column B
Abiotic Functional role of an organism
Ecological Niche Group of different species interacting with each
other and with their physical environment
Ecosystem Group of similar species living in an area
Habitat Non-living component
Population Place where an organism lives

End of Firm-Up
In this section, the discussion was about the realms of ecology and the basic
concepts to be remembered about the ecosystem.

If you will recall, ecosystem refers to the whole community of living things and
its environment, taken as a single functioning unit. How can living things
and the environment function together efficiently? In what ways do living
things help the environment? In what ways do they harm the

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Your goal in this section is to take a closer look at some aspects about
the ecosystem. Pay closer attention now to how the living components of the
ecosystem affect the nonliving components and the rest of the environment.
How can there be harmony between living things and the environment?
Let’s deal with this question more deeply in the next section.

Activity 5: Situation Analysis

Read carefully the situation given below. Click on selected terms to learn more
about them.

The Philippine Eagle Center located at Malagos, Calinan, Davao

City is home to about 36 Philippine Eagles (Pithecophaga jefferyi), 18
of which are captive-bred. The site is located at a preserved watershed
area of the Davao City Water District. The area is maintained by the
Reading 2 Philippine Eagle Foundation, a private, non-profit organization
dedicated to saving the Philippine Eagle and its rainforest habitat. The
species is endangered because of modifications in their natural
environment. This is the reason they are confined to this man-made
park. The budget for the maintenance of the park is high, but it is able
to maintain its operation with the help of many foundations, private
corporations, and individuals who advocate eagle preservation.

However, it is also a fact that there are many urban poor in the city
who need the same support as the eagles. It is estimated that the
financial support afforded to the Eagle Foundation is enough to support
a Gawad Kalinga community in the nearby area.

Answer the following questions to help you analyze the situation given

1. Pretend that you are an ecologist who is one of the sponsors of the
Philippine Eagle Foundation. Justify why you have to prioritize the
eagle project over the homeless human population.
2. What are the implications of your decision?
3. The Philippine Eagle Center is a managed ecosystem. Suggest
some measures to maintain ecological balance in the park. How
can harmonious relationships be maintained between the eagles
and their new habitat? How can it be maintained between the

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residents and their community? Can the eagles and the urban poor
living in the same city co-exist harmoniously?

Activity 6: I-R-F Chart

Go back to the previous section and compare your initial ideas with the
discussion. How much of your initial ideas are found in the discussion? Which
ideas are different and need revision? Revise your I-R-F by accomplishing the
second column (R column) of the I-R-F sheet. Click on the link to open the chart
and click “Save.”

Initial Revised Final

End of Deepen
In this section, the discussion was about the basic units of ecology. It gives
you a general picture of the living things and their environment.

What new realizations do you have about the topic? What new connections
have you made for yourself? What questions do you still have? Fill-in the
Learned, Affirmed, Challenged cards given below.

Learned Affirmed Challenged

What new realizations What new connections What questions do you

and learning do you have you made? still have? Which
have about the topic? Which of your old areas seem difficult for
ideas have been you? Which do you
confirmed / affirmed? want to explore

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(note to the editor and stylists: There is deliberately no transfer section here.
Student clicks Next and Lesson 2 shows up)

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Module 5: Interactions of LivingThings with their Environment> Lesson 2: Interrelationships in

Activity 1: Picture Analysis

Take a look at another set of picture and answer the same set of questions you
tried answering at the start of the module.

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Answer the following discussion questions:

1. Why are harmonious relationships important in nature?

2. What could happen if the balance is upset?
How can there be harmony between living things and the environment?

End of Explore
You’ll get to learn more kinds of relationships occurring in the ecosystem as
we move on to the next part. You’ll also find out the answers to the questions
presented above.

Your goal in this section is to learn about the different relationships

within the ecosystem. How do these relationships affect the environment? Do
the interactions bring positive or negative impact? Do living things help or
harm the environment?
You will also look at energy flows and material cycles in the ecosystem, and
you will describe how these relationships affect the balance of nature. You
then go back to the question: How can there be harmony between living
things and the environment?

Activity 2: Laboratory Activity

Read carefully the experiment given below. Answer all questions and fill in all
data blanks.

I. Objectives:
 Determine the type of interaction occurring between rice and corn
planted in the same field.
 Identify the effect of this interaction on the growth of the plants.

Based on the objectives, write a problem statement for this experiment:

II. Problem Statement:

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Next, formulate your hypothesis:
III. Hypothesis:

IV. Materials:
 Three seedling trays (2 m x 1 m each), garden soil, corn seedlings (not
less than 1,200), and rice seedlings (not less than 1,200)

V. Procedure:
1. Three seedling trays with garden soil are labeled as A, B, and C.
2. The seedlings are planted at a distance of 5 cm from each other in each
tray as shown in the figure below:


Key: R = rice; C = corn

3. Each tray is watered daily with the same amount of water for a month.
4. After one month, 10 plants are picked at random from each tray and the
height of each plant is measured.
5. The results are recorded and presented in a table below.

Having read the procedure, identify the experimental variables:

Independent (Manipulated) variable:
Dependent (Responding) variable:
Control (Fixed) variable:

Why are variables important in any experimental procedure?


VI. Results:

Seedling Height of plants (cm)

Tray/ Type of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mean
A (rice) 36.3 34.7 36.1 35.0 35.1 35.0 36.1 36.3 35.7 36.0 35.63
B (corn) 40.2 41.3 39.4 40.8 44.2 38.6 39.3 41.4 42.0 40.8 40.80

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C (rice) 25.7 26.0 26.3 24.8 25.0 25.4 25.3 26.1 23.8 24.2 25.26
C (corn) 45.1 44.0 46.3 46.0 46.4 45.8 45.0 45.0 45.7 44.9 45.42

Draw an appropriate graph for the data:

VII. Discussion:

Write a thorough interpretation and discussion of the results of the experiment.

Use the following questions as guide:
 Describe the growth and height of plants in each tray.
 What is the difference between the growth of plants in Trays A and B
and that in Tray C?
 Infer the possible interactions occurring between the plants placed in
Trays A, B, and C.
 How does the presence of other organisms of the same kind, or of a
different kind, affect the growth of the plants?
 How do living things affect other living things? How do they affect the

VIII. Conclusion
From the results and discussion, formulate a conclusion.

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Activity 3: Ecological Relationships

Recall that the ecosystem refers to the whole community of

organisms and their physical environment. There are two basic
components: biotic and abiotic. These components are interacting with
each other – biotic components interact with the abiotic components,
or with the other biotic components. Let’s first go through the
interrelationships between both biotic components.
In the experiment that you examined, what type of relationship do
you think have occurred among rice plants, among corn plants, and
between rice and corn plants?

We call this biotic relationship competition. It is the type of

interaction between organisms living in the same habitat and
competing for limited resources. Plants compete for water, light,
nutrients, and space. Animals compete for food, space, and breeding

What other types of competition in ecosystems can you think of?

The barracuda and the shark may also compete for the same food
such as the small fishes, and this is another example of competition.

There are two types of competition: intraspecific and interspecific

competition. Intraspecific competition refers to the competition among
organisms of the same species. Interspecific competition refers to
competition among organisms of different species.

Go back to the experiment and find out which situations represent

intraspecific and interspecific competition. Then, answer the following
1. Is competition important to maintaining a harmonious relationship
between living things and the environment? Why or why not?
2. Can you consider humans as a great threat and competitors to
other organisms in the ecosystem? In what way?

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You have just learned one type of relationship. There are other types of
biotic interactions. Most of these relationships are feeding relationships.
Read the next material to learn more about these relationships.

To have you guided, below is a graphic summary of the different relationships

occurring in nature:

Have you ever imagined life without your relatives, neighbors, and
friends? Life could be very incomplete and boring. It is the interactions
you have that give life to your everyday activities. Organisms interact
with one another in many ways. The relationships may benefit one and
Reading 3 harm the other, benefit both or harm both. When organisms live in close
association with one another, they are said to have a symbiotic

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Examine the diagram below. Have you ever seen this underwater?
Well, if you live close to the sea, you must be familiar with this. Do you
know of any relationship that exists between the organisms in this

This picture shows the presence of corals and algae. Are you familiar
with algae? They are commonly called seaweeds. They belong to
kingdom Protista, and are photosynthetic. In this type of relationship, the
corals provide shelter for the algae that live on the body of the polyps.
The algae in return give nourishment to the corals. This type of
symbiotic relationship is called mutualism. Individuals in this
relationship all benefit from the association established. There is a close
association with each other.

The next picture shows a diagram of a leech sucking blood from the
arm of a man. Have you seen one like this before? Were you afraid? In
the province, it is common to see leeches attached to the skin of
carabaos, cows and other animals.

Do you know the type of relationship that exists between the leech
and the man in the picture? A parasite is an organism that depends on
the host for food. In this case, which one is the parasite? Why do you
say so? If your answer is leech you are right! Leeches are ectoparasites
that depend on the host’s blood for food. They produce an anticoagulant
called hirudin that prevents clotting while blood is being sucked. In this
case, the man is the host and is harmed. The harm done to the host may
range from slight to extreme.

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Examine the next diagram. What do you see? Have you been to a
place with this type of trees/plants? If you have experienced taking a
walk in a forest, you must be familiar with this. The plant in the diagram
is locally known as the bird’s nest. It usually grows among the trunks of
trees in thick forests. You will observe that many big trees are hosts to
smaller plants like ferns, mosses and the like.

This figure illustrates commensalism, a symbiotic relationship

where one individual benefits from another without causing harm to the

The type of relationship that exists between the ferns (or other plants)
and the tree is called commensalism. The tree provides the support to
the ferns, but it does not gain or lose anything.

Can you suggest other examples of this type of relationships? Have

you seen a blue crab with a sea anemone on its back? This is also
another example of commensalism. Here, the crab is the host and the
guest is the sea anemone. In this case, the sea anemone gets a free
ride from the crab and free food as well! Sea anemones are attached to
a substrate and they are not mobile. Thus they attach themselves to a

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host such as the crab which moves from one place to another. Some
scraps of food from the crab may also reach the sea anemone at the
back. The crab is neither harmed nor benefited in this case. This
relationship is shown in the picture below.

A crab with sea anemone concealed at the back

Now, let us consider other biotic relationships that exist in nature.


Take a look at the picture below. Can you predict what will happen

A predator is usually a big animal

What type of relationship is this? Can you guess? The picture

shows a shark going after the small fishes to eat them. The small
fishes are helpless! In this type of relationship, the shark is the
predator, much bigger and more powerful, while the small fishes are
the prey. They are directly attacked by the predator. This relationship is
called predation. Do you know of other examples of this type of

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Do you know that there are organisms that may live together only for
some time because one species secretes a toxic or lethal substance that
could kill the other species? Are you familiar with some of them? A
certain species of Artemisia (damong maria) secrete a substance that
can kill the grasses that may grow around them. This is an example of

It has been found in laboratories that bacteria cannot be grown mixed

with other species of fungi or mold which in this case emit substances
that are lethal to the bacteria.

Look at the diagram below. This is an example of a bacterial

culture with fungi. The two may live together for some time. However, if
the fungi will secrete toxic substances, eventually, no bacteria will
survive and only the fungi will remain. This is called allelopathy. It
involves the production and release of chemical substances by one
species that inhibit the growth of another. Allelopathic substances range
from acids to bases to simple organic compounds.

An example of Allelopathy

Answer the following exercises to see how much you have learned.

Exercise 1.

Fill out the table below with correct information about the given ecological

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Component 1 Component 2 THINGS AFFECT

Exercise 2. (https://dnet01.ode.state.oh.us)

Figure out the relationships on each card. Drag it on the sheet under one of the
symbiotic relationships: Predator-Prey, Parasitism, Mutualism or Commensalism.
Click on “Submit” to check your answers.

Bacteria Moss Dogs Squirrels

Human Intestines Trees Fleas Trees

Whales Butterfly Figs Remora

Barnacles Flower Fig Wasps Sharks

Owl Field Digger Wasp Clown Fish Venus flytrap

Mice Fly Sea anemone Insects

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Rafflesia plant Ants Tapeworm Trees

Vine Acacia Trees Mammal Orchids

Human head Trees Yucca moth Eagle

Lice Mistletoe Yucca plant Rabbit

Commensalism Mutualism Parasitism Predator/Prey

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Moss +; Trees 0
Squirrels +; Trees 0
Whales 0; Barnacles +
Sharksuckers (remora) +; Sharks 0
Trees 0; Orchids +

Bacteria +; Human intestines +
Butterfly +; Flower +
Ants +; Acacia Tree +
Yucca plant+; Yucca moth +
Figs+; Fig Wasps+
Clown Fish +; Sea Anemone +

Fleas +; Dogs-
Trees-; Mistletoe +
Human -; Lice +
Field Digger Wasp+; Fly –
Tapeworm+; mammal –
Rafflesia plant+; Vine –

Owl +; Mouse –
Venus Fly Trap +; Insect –
Eagle +; Rabbit –

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Activity 4: Internet Exploration

Now that you have learned about the different biotic relationships, let’s
see how these feeding relationships occur within the ecosystem through the
food chain and food web.

Click on the links to learn about food chain and food web.

As you navigate through the web pages, be guided by the following


1. What is the source of energy for ecosystems?

2. Differentiate the following terms: herbivores, omnivores, carnivores,
detritivores, and decomposers.
3. After having constructed several food chains through the activities,
formulate your own definition of a food chain.
4. How is a food chain different from a food web?
5. How does a change in one population in the food chain affect the other
6. What is bioaccumulation? How is it related to the food chain and the
food web?

Here are the websites you will explore. Click on all additional links and perform
all activities:

http://www.vtaide.com/png/foodchains.htm - information and activities about

food chain and food web

ction.cfm - interactive site about food chain; also provides information about

Activity 5: My Food Chain

As you may have learned, we human beings take active part in the food
chains and food webs of the ecosystem where we belong. Through this next
activity, you’ll get to see what kind of food chain you participate in, or build.

Make a list of the food you ate for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Trace the
probable links in the food chain that lead up to you eating each food.

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Questions to Answer:

1. Which are producers?

2. Which use producers as their source of food?
3. Which eat another consumer?
4. If the number of persons who eat the same kind of food that you ate
increases, what will happen to your food web?
5. What will happen to your food web if you will decide to change your
feeding habit from being omnivorous to herbivorous?

You may be thinking by now that interactions only happen among living
things. Bear in mind that interactions within ecosystems are not limited
to interactions happening among biotic components only. These biotic
components, the organisms, have to interact with the abiotic
components of the ecosystem too. Simply put, living things have to
interact with their non-living environment.

What abiotic components are necessary for the survival of organisms in

the biosphere? Enumerate as many examples as you can. How do living
things affect the environment and its abiotic components? Do living
things help or harm the environment? These are questions that you should
find answers to in the next activity.

In this next activity, you will be focusing on relationships occurring

between the biotic and abiotic components of the ecosystem. Particularly, you
will focus on two abiotic factors: energy and nutrients.

Activity 6: Video Analysis

Watch the video found in this link to see how energy and nutrients enter the
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_RBHfjZsUQ – Energy Flow and Nutrient
Cycles in the Ecosystem

Questions to Answer:

1. How is energy from the Sun transferred from one biotic component to
the next?
2. How are nutrients transferred from one biotic component to the next?

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3. Differentiate the movement of energy and movement of nutrients in the

In an ecosystem, energy flows through a food chain from one

organism to the next. Nutrients, on the other hand, move in a cycle
through the ecosystem.

Let’s see through this next video what happens to the amount of energy
transferred from one organism to another.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqUFvd0J1ds&feature=related – Energy

Questions to Answer:

1. Do organisms release energy? In what form?

2. What are trophic levels in the food chain?
3. Why can energy flow be represented as energy pyramids?
4. What is the 10% rule? If there are 10,000 J of energy acquired by the
producer, how much energy is received by the primary, secondary, and
tertiary consumers?
5. Why can’t the 100% of energy be transferred from one organism to the

This time, look at how nutrients move in a cycle within the ecosystem. See how it
is different from the movement of energy.

– Nutrient Cycles

Questions to Answer:

1. How do different elements move in a cycle?

2. What are the ways by which carbon is acquired by the organism or
released to the environment?
3. What could happen if too much CO2 is released to the environment?

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Open the links below to learn more about the different nutrient cycles.

Use the following questions as guide to your exploration:

1. What are the important nutrients that move in a cycle in the

2. What are situations which prove to you that these nutrients go through
a cycle? Cite as many as you can.

ogen/em05_pg20_nitrogen.swf - Nitrogen cycle

http://earthguide.ucsd.edu/earthguide/diagrams/watercycle/ - Water cycle

http://www.epa.gov/ogwdw/kids/flash/flash_watercycle.html - Water cycle

e.swf - Phosphorus cycle

Exercise 3.

Diagram the difference between the movement of energy and nutrients

(materials) within the ecosystem.

Discuss how this movement of energy and nutrients contribute to ecosystem

balance. How can there be harmony between living things and the

Activity 7: I-R-F Chart

Summarize your newly-acquired learning by adding more information to the

second column (R column) of the I-R-F sheet. Click on the link to open your
previous chart. Don’t forget to click “Save” once you’re done.

Initial Revised Final

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End of Firm Up:
In this section, the discussion was about the various interrelationships
occurring in the ecosystem.

Relate these interrelationships to the balance of nature. How do the

interactions help maintain the balance of nature and the harmony
between living things and their environment?

Now that you know the important ideas about this topic, let’s go deeper by
moving on to the next section.

Your goal in this section is to take a closer look at some current issues
about interrelationships within ecosystems. We, humans, are important
components of the ecosystem. Many negative occurrences in the
environment, however, are attributed to human activities. Let’s look at how
different activities affect the stability of an ecosystem.

Activity 8: Situation analysis

Read carefully the recent news clip given below:

Starfish outbreak threatens corals in Negros

by Carine Asutilla, ABS-CBN News Central Visayas
Posted at 12/02/2011 10:42 PM, www.abs-cbnnews.com
Reading 4

MANILA, Philippines – Photographs taken by divers in Barangay Siit,

Siaton, Negros Oriental showed dead corals, and the cause of death
are crown-of-thorns starfish.

Jamie Ingram, owner of a diving resort, is worried over the degradation

of the coral reef, which is the main tourist attraction in the area. He has
spent P40,000 as payment for those who have caught the starfish.

"We got the local fishermen involved, we got them to dive and put a
bounty on the crown-of-thorns, we are paying them per piece.

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Unfortunately, we are not seeing the end of the battle yet,” said

The said starfish are nocturnal and attack only at night. In one night,
over 14,000 starfish were collected.

“Ito ‘yung corals na kinain ng starfish. Kaya kailangan talagang kunin

na mga ito para na rin sa kabuhayan namin. Saan nalang kaya
maninirahan ang mga isda kung sira na lahat ng corals?" said
fisherman Francisco Diaz.

Because of the huge number of starfish, the Department of

Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) has declared an outbreak
in the area. Marine biologist Anabele Barillo is worried because
hectares of coral reef are in danger.

"One of the reasons actually ay ‘yung pagkawala ng predator niya na

triton shells. The past years, kinokolekta ito ng mga fishers natin
beyond the capability of nature to recover. Another reason could be
attributed to solid and liquid waste na nandoon sa coastal area," said

The last time an outbreak was declared in the area was in 1997.

The DENR is now checking the extent of the damage caused by the
crown-of-thorns starfish.-- ANC

Questions to Answer:

1. What are the interactions involved in the above situation? Determine

ALL interactions.
2. What happened to the balance and harmony in their interactions?
What are its effects and consequences?

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3. What was the solution done by the locals regarding the problem? How
would you assess their solution? What better long-term solution can
you offer?

Exercise 4.

Draw a food web showing solutions to the starfish outbreak.

Here’s another news clip. Read carefully and answer the analysis questions.

Illegal logging blamed for Cagayan de Oro flash floods

by: Andreo C. Calonzo December 18, 2011 9:20pm,
Reading 5
Rampant illegal logging activities in the mountains of northern
Mindanao may have caused the heavy flooding during the onslaught of
tropical storm Sendong last Friday evening to early Saturday, a local
official said Sunday.

Mayor Vicente Emano of Cagayan De Oro City, one of the areas

heavily affected by the storm, said the disaster that hit his constituents
could have been prevented if illegal logging activities in the mountains
surrounding the city were stopped a long time ago.

“Palagi na ho akong nagsasalita na ihinto itong illegal logging pero

hanggang ngayon hindi pa rin nahihinto. Nagpapatuloy pa rin,” he said
in an interview over GMA News TV.

He added that the dwindling forest cover in the area could no longer
prevent rainwater from the mountains from flowing downstream to
rivers, causing flash floods in low-lying areas.

“Hindi naman gaano kalakas ang ulan dito. Ang nangyari nito, ‘yung
buhos n'ung ulan doon sa bundok, nag-flash flood. Pagdating dito,
bigla na lang laki ng ilog namin… Ang nangyayari rito, wala na
nakakapigil na mga kahoy sa tubig galing sa bundok,” Emano said.

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Emano proposed that a moratorium on all logging activities in northern
Mindanao should be declared after the disaster caused by Sendong,
which killed more than 300 people, many of them children.

A total of 332 people have been confirmed dead due to flash floods
caused by Sendong, based on latest data from the National Disaster
Risk Reduction Management Council (NDRRMC) as of Sunday
afternoon. The Philippine National Red Cross, however, has already
pegged Sendong’s death toll to 521.

Last February, President Benigno Aquino III declared a total log ban in
the country, but illegal logging activities continue in northern Mindanao.

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) office

in the region said last month that it was able to confiscate some P4
million worth of timber from illegal loggers in the area from February to
November this year.

With the news articles as reference, re-think your ideas and answers to
the following questions:
1. Do living things help or harm the environment?
2. How can there be harmony between living things and the

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End of Deepen:
In this section, the discussion was about the different interactions occurring in
the ecosystem. Ecological relationships are crucial to maintaining the balance
of nature and stability of ecosystems.

What new realizations do you have about the topic? What new connections
have you made for yourself? What questions do you still have? Fill-in the
Learned, Affirmed, Challenged cards given below.

Learned Affirmed Challenged

What new realizations What new connections What questions do you

and learning do you have you made? still have? Which
have about the topic? Which of your old areas seem difficult for
ideas have been you? Which do you
confirmed / affirmed? want to explore

Now that you have a deeper understanding of the topic and the relevant
issues associated with maintaining balance of nature, you are ready to do the
task in the next section.

Your goal in this section is to apply your learning to real life situations.
You will be given a practical task which will demonstrate your understanding
of interrelationships in ecosystems.

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You are to conduct an experimental inquiry about certain
environmental problems occurring within our ecosystems.
TASK Choose one from among the following ecosystems:
 Forest ecosystem
 Lake, pond, or swamp ecosystem (Lentic ecosystem)
 Farm ecosystem
 Urban ecosystem (cities, towns, and urban strips created by humans)

Below are the steps that you will follow:

1. Observe closely your chosen ecosystem. Follow the procedures of the

field activity (Explore an Ecosystem) done during the early part of the
module. Particularly, observe for irregularities that may lead to a
problem in the ecosystem.
2. Explain what you have observed. What theories or rules could explain
what you have observed?
3. Based on your explanation, make a prediction or hypothesis.
4. Set up a simple experiment or activity to test your prediction or
5. Explain the results of your experiment in light of your explanation. If
necessary, revise your explanation or prediction, or conduct another

Write all your answers in the provided Experimental Inquiry Worksheet.

Click “Save” to keep a copy of your work.


Explanation / Theories Involved:


Experiment to test hypothesis:

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Questions to stimulate experimental inquiry:

a. How do the living things present affect the ecosystem?
b. How does the environment affect the living things in the area?

End of Transfer:
In this section, your task was to complete an experimental inquiry.

How did you find the task? How did the task help you see the real world use
of the topic?

You have completed this lesson. You can now move on to the last lesson for
this module.

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Activity 1: Picture Analysis

Compare and contrast the two pictures:

What interactions are affected by forest denudation?

What are the consequences of upsetting the balance of nature? Go to

this link and read a blog about the effects of deforestation:

Reading 6 http://lyrfutures08.wordpress.com/category/effects/

End of Explore
You just finished trying to identify certain negative effects of upsetting the
balance of nature, more specifically deforestation. One of the effects of
deforestation is loss of biological diversity. Learn more about biodiversity in
the next part of this lesson. Meanwhile, relax and see this video about how
rich the biodiversity is in the Philippines:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTJYMMhXHxs – Haribon’s TVC about

Biodiversity Conservation

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Your goal in this section is to learn what biodiversity is, its importance,
and the measures and initiatives taken to conserve it.
Harmony in nature is upset with the loss of biodiversity. Therefore, as
you progress through this section, always think about situations that prove to
you how that statement is true. Also, think about ways to restore that
harmony. How can we maintain the harmony between living things and
the environment? You will also critically examine existing laws on
biodiversity conservation in this section. That should give you enough ideas
on how we can better protect and manage our ecosystems.

Activity 2: Internet Exploration

Prior to internet exploration, accomplish the anticipation-reaction guide provided

below. Place your answers in the 2nd column BEFORE clicking on the links.
Then, AFTER browsing through the provided links, write your answers on the 3rd

Questions Answers Answers

Before Exploration After Exploration
What is Biodiversity?

Why is biodiversity

What are the present

threats to biodiversity?

How does balance of

nature preserve

Click on the following link to learn more about biodiversity. Make sure to also
open all additional links:

http://library.thinkquest.org/08aug/00473/balancenature.html - Biodiversity

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Closely related to the concept of biodiversity is species richness or
species diversity and species density.
A certain habitat’s species richness refers to the number of kinds of
species in the area. Species density refers to the number of species
in the area.

Which habitat has greater biodiversity? The habitat with higher species
richness, or the one with higher species density? Explain.

Now, focus on the biodiversity of the Philippines. Click on the link below to find
out more:

http://www.eoearth.org/article/Biological_diversity_in_the_Philippines -
Biological Diversity in the Philippines

Activity 3.3: I-R-F Chart

It’s now time for you to complete the third column (F column) of the I-R-F sheet.
Finalize your learning and ideas and prepare to submit this sheet. Again click on
the link to open the chart. Then, click “Save” to keep a final copy of your chart.

Initial Revised Final

End of Firm Up:

In this section, the discussion was all about biodiversity. This lesson will be
able to integrate your knowledge about ecosystem and its interactions, and
the need for biodiversity conservation.

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How can there be harmony between living things and the

environment? How does biodiversity conservation contribute to maintaining
a balanced ecosystem? Your goal in this section is to take a critical look at
some of the initiatives of the government to conserve biodiversity. You will
also gain firsthand experience on assessing the impact of human activities on
the biodiversity in the ecosystem.

Activity 4: Writing a reaction paper

Gather at least three articles that discuss human activities and situations that
pose a threat to the biodiversity of the Philippines. The news articles may be from
online newspapers or broadsheets.

Write a one-page reaction paper on the articles you have read. Submit the paper
and attach the articles read.

Activity 5: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Critical

Examination of existing laws on biodiversity conservation

Ecological Impact Assessment (EIA) refers to a wide range of

predictive tasks within environmental planning. It focuses on the
prediction and evaluation of the effects of human activities on the
structure and functions of normal ecosystem components, including

Open the pdf file containing a sample EIA conducted on a landfill in

Naga City by clicking this link:
Reading 7

Read thoroughly the Description of the EIA Process found on pages 2-

4 of the file. What are the steps in conducting an EIA? (Refer to EIA

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Now, do not be overwhelmed by the terms you may have encountered
while reading. The methods for conducting EIA can be simply
summarized in 5 phases:

Phases of Environmental Impact Assessment

Lee and Añes (2008) Lecture Notes in Environmental Science: The Economy of Nature
and Ecology of Man

Phase 1: What information is needed and how

Defining Study Goals precise must it be
 for minimizing potential environmental
 for concerned groups to know how
they will be affected?

Phase 2:  What area will be affected?

Identifying Potential  What organisms or ecological
Impacts functions will be affected?
 What major ecological components
(air, water, land, structures, and living
organisms) will be affected?
 What ecological interactions will be
 What are indirect effects that may be
triggered at a future time or a different

Phase 3: Describing Baseline Conditions:

Baseline Conditions  What are the significant features of
and Predicting the ecosystem at present?
Significant Impacts  What is the condition of the physical
resources at present?
 What are the interactions occurring
between ecological components at

 What will be the major effects of the
proposed actions and undertaking,
based on experiments, modelling,
published case studies, scientific
data, or established ecological
principles, theories, and laws?

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Phase 4:  What are more environment-friendly
Considering alternatives?
Alternatives to the  What steps could be taken to mitigate
Proposed Action or lessen adverse environmental
effects of the proposed project?

Phase 5:  Communicate the findings of the

Communication of proposed project.
Findings and

Quickly go over the sample EIA again and look for the different phases described

Click on the link below to look at another sample EIA.

You may go over the whole text but you are only required to read
thoroughly and understand the non-technical summary found on pp.
Reading 8 11-19.

Exercise 1.

Fill out the table below with actual information found in the EIA you have just
read (http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PNADG551.pdf).

Phase 1:
Defining Study
Phase 2:
Identifying Potential
Phase 3:
Describing Baseline
Conditions and
Significant Impacts
Phase 4:
Alternatives to the
Proposed Action

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Phase 5:
Communication of
Findings and

Among the important considerations in developing an EIA are the

currently existing environmental laws. Click on the links below and go
over the full text (PDF Version) of the following republic acts
concerning biodiversity conservation in the Philippines:
Reading 9

http://www.psdn.org.ph/chmbio/pd1586.html - Presidential Decree no.

1586 or the Philippine Environmental Impact Statement System

http://www.iapad.org/publications/legislation/phl_ra_7586_nipas.pdf -

http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PNADL681.pdf - Philippine Forest and

Wildlife Law Enforcement

http://www.searca.org/bic/info_kits/policies/eo247.html -
Bioprospecting Act

Exercise 2.

Use the following graphic organizer for evaluating the different laws. You may do
further research to help you accomplish the 3rd and 4th columns.

LAWS Basic Provisions At present How it can be
improved in the

Activity 6: Ecological Impact Assessment

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It’s now time for you to conduct your own Ecological Impact
Assessment for any one of the following human activities:
 Reclaimed coastal land
 Conversion of natural areas into residential or industrial lots
 Construction of high-rise buildings

Specifically, you will assess the impact of these activities on the

biodiversity in your locality.

You will submit a written report of your EIA. The report should contain
the following: (You are only required to do Phases 1, 3, and, 4.)

1. Description of baseline conditions

2. Discussion of potential impacts (through case studies, modelling,
and theoretical considerations)
3. Suggested management and controlling strategies

 This activity will serve as your preparation for the major transfer
(performance) task.
 Any questions or inquiries that you have should be addressed to the
 As you complete your EIA, always ask for feedback from the checker.
 Do self-evaluation before submitting your final EIA.

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End of DEEPEN:
In this section, the discussion was about the different biodiversity
conservation laws. The activity allowed you to reflect on current practices
about biodiversity conservation and suggest ways to improve them.

What new realizations do you have about the topic? What new connections
have you made for yourself? What questions do you still have? Fill-up the
Learned, Affirmed, and Challenged cards given below:

Learned Affirmed Challenged

What new realizations What new connections What questions do you

and learning do you have you made? still have? Which
have about the topic? Which of your old areas seem difficult for
ideas have been you? Which do you
confirmed / affirmed? want to explore

Now that you have a deeper understanding of the topic and the relevant
issues associated with biodiversity conservation, you are ready to do the task
in the next section.


Your goal in this section is to apply your learning in real life situations.
You will be given a practical task which will demonstrate your understanding.

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The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) System refers to the
comprehensive process of assessing the significance of the effects of
a project or undertaking on the quality of the physical, biological, and
TASK socio-economic environment. It also entails designing appropriate
measures as well as environmental quality-enhancing alternatives.

A certain business corporation is located near an identified protected

area in your locality. Pursuant to the EIS System, the said corporation
is currently applying for an Environmental Compliance Certificate
(ECC) so that they can continue with their projects and undertaking.
Your team of environmental assessors is tasked to help the company
achieve an ECC. The executives are interested to know the potential
impacts of their business and projects on the nearby protected area;
and more importantly, they want to hear possible ways and measures
by which they can minimize, if not totally eliminate, such negative

You will prepare a report of your assessment and proposal, and

present it to the business executives. The report is expected to be
comprehensive, based on accurate scientific data, and proposes
environmental-friendly measures that are practical and realistic.

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STANDARDS Content Organization Use of Conservation

SCALE (Background Scientific Data and
Information) to Justify Management
Proposals and Plans
Provides Logical and Convincingly Proposed
exhaustive and interesting discusses, management
reliable sequencing of based on rich and
Exemplary background ideas through and elaborate conservation
4 information well- scientific data, plans reflect in-
about the area; developed the potential depth
Information and engaging environmental understanding
provided is paragraphs impact of the of the
clearly relevant corporation’s relationships
to the objective activities and and processes
of the study undertakings; happening
Expresses within the
information chosen
clearly and ecosystem.
concisely Management
making the plans promote
proposal original,
reasonable and practical, and
highly innovative
convincing techniques

Provides Logical Adequately Proposed

Accomplished comprehensive sequencing of discusses, management
3 and accurate ideas through based on and
background well- accurate conservation
information developed scientific data, plans reflect
about the area; paragraphs the potential clear
Information environmental understanding
provided is impact of the of the
relevant to the corporation’s relationships
objective of the activities and and processes
study undertakings; happening
Expresses within the

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clearly and chosen
concisely ecosystem.
making the Management
proposal plans promote
reasonable and realistic,
convincing practical, and

Provides Some ideas Discusses the Proposed

Developing background are not potential management
2 information logically environmental and
about the area; sequenced, impact of the conservation
Some making them corporation’s plans reflect
information are appear activities and some flawed
not relevant to “hanging” and undertakings and incomplete
the objective of irrelevant but with understanding
the study minimal use of the
and reference relationships
to scientific and processes
data; Some happening
important within the
information not chosen
expressed ecosystem.
clearly making Management
the proposal plans are
unconvincing in innovative but
certain parts not very
realistic and

Provides Lack of logical Superficial Proposed

Beginning incomplete organization; discussion of management
1 background Statements the potential and
information and environmental conservation
about the area; paragraphs impact of the plans reflect
Many of the lack corporation’s lack of
information are coherence activities and understanding
not relevant to undertakings, of the
the objective of and with very relationships
the study few or almost and processes
no reference to happening

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scientific data; within the
Many important chosen
information not ecosystem;
expressed Management
clearly making plans are
the proposal unrealistic and
unconvincing impractical

Your task was to apply concepts learned about Biodiversity Conservation
Initiatives in a practical situation. How did you find the performance task? How
did the task help you see the impact of human activities to the ecosystem?

Having gone through the whole module, what are now your thoughts
regarding these questions: How do living things affect the environment?
Do living things help or harm the environment? How can there be
harmony between living things and the environment?

Write a reflective journal relating your experiences in completing the transfer


You have completed this module. Before you go to the next module, you have
to answer the following post-assessment.

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It’s now time to evaluate your learning. Click on the letter of the answer
that you think best answers the question. Your score will only appear after
you answer all items. If you do well, you may move on to the next module. If
your score is not at the expected level, you have to go back and take the
module again.

1. Which of the following problems is investigated in ecology?

A. Air Pollution and Global Warming
B. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions
C. Frequent occurrence of road accidents
D. Rising incident of genetic diseases

2. This refers to a group of different species interacting with one another and
with their non-living environment.
A. Biosphere
B. Community
C. Ecosystem
D. Population

3. Which group represents a population?

A. Corals of the Puerto Galera marine reserve
B. Benguet pines from the Mt. Pulag National Park
C. Dipterocarp trees of Mt. Makiling forest reserve
D. Mammals found in the Mt. Apo Natural Park

4. A student measured some abiotic factors present in an aquarium in the

science laboratory. Which data did the student most likely record?
A. the number of each type of green plant and each type of snail
B. the size and number of each species of fish
C. the temperature and oxygen content of the water
D. the weight and color of each type of scavenger

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5. Which of the following is an example of ecological niche?
A. Decomposer
B. Food chain
C. Forest
D. Parasitism

6. What are organisms that feed on dead organisms called?

A. Carnivores
B. Detritivores
C. Herbivores
D. Omnivores

7. Which of the following describes the relationship between grasses and

other vegetable plants in the garden?
A. Commensalism
B. Competition
C. Mutualism
D. Parasitism

For numbers 8-9, refer to the given food web in a grassland ecosystem:

8. Which of the organisms is a primary consumer?

A. Hawk
B. Grasshopper
C. Lizard
D. Snake

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9. A significant decrease in the snake population occurs. After a certain
period of time, which of the following will most likely be observed in the
A. Decrease in the mouse population
B. Decrease in the rabbit population
C. Increase in the grass population
D. Increase in the hawk population

10. Hawks and owls living in the same area compete for the same type of
mouse for food. Which situation would lead to the greatest problem in the
food supply?
A. an increase in the owl population
B. an increase in the mouse population
C. a decrease in the hawk population
D. a decrease in the owl population

11. The figure shows the energy flow in a food chain.

10,000 kJ X Y

If 80% of the energy is lost from one trophic level to the next, how much
energy is received by organisms in Y?
A. 400 kJ
B. 1,600 kJ
C. 2,000 kJ
D. 8,000 kJ

12. Nitrates and phosphates from inorganic fertilizers used in agriculture may
run-off to nearby bodies of water. An increase in nitrate and phosphate
triggers excessive growth of algae in marine environments. What is its
effect on fishes and other marine animals?
A. Bad, because the algae pollutes the water and makes it turbid
B. Bad, because the algae decreases oxygen available for the fish
C. Good, because the algae will absorb excess CO2 when they
D. Good, because more algae means more food for the fishes

13. Which human activity would most likely result in the addition of an
organism to the endangered species list?
A. Cover cropping
B. Habitat destruction
C. Use of erosion controls
D. Use of pollution controls

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14. Refer to the following data gathered in a 50 m x 50 m quadrat sampling of
forest / agricultural lands:

Quadrat 1 Quadrat 2
Plant species Frequency Plant Species Frequency

Musa sapientum (banana) 2 Musa sapientum (banana) 4

Mangifera indica (mango) 6 Mangifera indica (mango) 8
Moringa oleifera 1 Moringa oleifera 0
(malunggay) 2 (malunggay) 0
Psidium guajava (guava) 1 Psidium guajava (guava) 0
Leucaena glauca (ipil-ipil) 1 Leucaena glauca (ipil-ipil) 1
Anacardium occidentale Anacardium occidentale
(cashew) (cashew)

Which of the following statements is true about the two habitats?

A. Quadrat 1 has greater biodiversity than Quadrat 2.
B. Quadrat 2 has higher species richness than Quadrat 1.
C. Quadrat 1 has higher species density than Quadrat 2.
D. Quadrats 1 and 2 have equal biodiversity indices.

15. A new species of plant will be introduced to a plantation. Before planting,

which of the following will an ecologist be most interested in knowing?
A. If the plant can easily grow on the native soil of the plantation
B. If the plant has any special growth requirements
C. If the plant is edible, or has any special or unique uses
D. If the plant may compete with other plants for resources

16. You and your friend heard from the news that a certain river very far from
your locality is contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), a
class of compounds known for their persistence and toxicity to organisms.
Your friend did not pay attention and thinks that this is not going to pose a
threat to your area. You disagreed, and gave a simple explanation as to
how this situation can be threatening. Which of the following is the most
probable explanation?
A. PCBs may be taken in by primary consumers then passed to
different organisms through the food chain.
B. PCBs may enter the water cycle, mix with evaporated water, and
fall on land as acid rain.
C. PCBs may lower the quality of water for human consumption,
thereby causing water-borne diseases.
D. PCBs may pollute the air which all of us are inhaling, potentially
causing respiratory problems.

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17. You heard a certain campaign with the slogan, “Eat lower on the food
chain – it is good for the planet.” How will you best interpret this in a way
that will be understood by grade school pupils?
A. “It is healthier for both our body and our environment if we eat less
meat and more vegetables and fruits.”
B. “It is less environmentally-damaging if we take in foods that are
found at the bottom of the food chain.”
C. “Let us help solve the environmental problems by eating less
frequently in fastfood chains.”
D. “Our choice of what to eat and drink affects the natural processes
happening in our environment.”

18. A non-government organization advocates protection of

endemic/endangered species. Your research team is tasked to assess
the biodiversity of your locality citing its various endemic/endangered
species in relation to the ecosystem of the place. How will you present
your biodiversity assessment to the officials from the Department of
Environment and Natural Resources?
A. Audio-visual presentation
B. Brochure
C. Case study
D. Poster

19. R.A. 7586, otherwise known as the National Integrated Protected Areas
System Act, provides for the establishment and management of
“protected areas” in the Philippines. You are a member of the Community
Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO) of your locality.
You’re doing a study of a certain area in your locality that you think should
be established as a protected area. Which of the following is the
foremost reason for believing so?
A. Because the area is a tourist spot, it brings income and creates
opportunities for employment.
B. People from your community depend on the resources of the area
for food and livelihood.
C. The area is habitat to many rare, endemic, and endangered
species of plants and animals.
D. There is a large population of indigenous people living together
peacefully in the area.

20. In one of your class trips to a forest, you saw a rare plant that seemed to
be growing only in that particular locality. For your investigatory research,
you decided to investigate the biological and ecological characteristics of
the said plant. However, that requires you to get many samples of the
plant. Based on the laws of bioprospecting, do you think you should
pursue your research?

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A. No, because the plant may already be listed as endangered
B. No, because taking plant samples is prohibited by the Philippine
C. Yes, because there are important benefits to be derived from the
D. Yes, because everyone has the right to obtain resources from

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abiotic – non-living; referring to physical and chemical properties of an

alleopathy – involves the production and release of chemical substances by one
species that inhibit the growth of another
amensalism – a relationship in which a product of one organism has a negative
effect on another organism
bioaccumulation – accumulation of substances, such as pesticides, or other
organic chemicals in an organism
biodiversity – variation among organisms found in the ecosystem
biome – any of the world’s major ecosystems, often classified according to the
predominant vegetation and characterized by adaptations of organisms to
that particular environment
biosphere – the entire portion of the Earth inhabited by life; the sum of all the
planet’s ecosystems
biotic – pertaining to the living organisms in the environment
captive breeding – process of breeding animals in human-controlled
carnivore – an animal that mainly eats other animals
commensalism – a symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits but
the other is neither helped nor harmed
community – an assemblage of populations of different species living together in
an area
competition – a type of interaction between organisms living in the same habitat
and competing for limited resources
control variable – any factor that remains unchanged in an experiment
decomposer – any organism that absorbs nutrients from non-living organic
material and wastes of living organisms and converts them to inorganic forms;
a detritivore
dependent variable – the factor that is measured in the experiment; what is
affected during the experiment
detritivore – a consumer that derives its energy and nutrients from non-living
organic material and wastes of living organisms; a decomposer
ecological niche – the sum of a species’ use of the biotic and abiotic resources
in its environment
ecology – the study of how organisms interact with each other and their
ecosystem – all the organisms in a given area as well as the abiotic factors with
which they interact
environment – circumstances and conditions that surround an organism or
group of organisms; includes all other forms of life on Earth and its nonliving
Environmental Impact Assessment – wide range of predictive tasks within
environmental planning; focuses on the prediction and evaluation of the

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effects of human activities on the structure and functions of normal ecosystem
Environmental Impact Statement System – comprehensive process of
assessing the significance of the effects of a project or undertaking on the
quality of the physical, biological, and socio-economic environment, and
designing appropriate measures as well as environmental quality-enhancing
food chain – the pathway along which food energy is transferred from one
organism to another, beginning with producers
food web – interconnected feeding relationships in an ecosystem; interlinked
food chains
forest denudation – the stripping of a forest by depriving it of something it needs
in order to exist
habitat – ecological or environmental area that is inhabited by a particular
species of animal, plant or other type of organism
herbivore – an animal that mainly eats plants or algae
independent variable – a variable that is manipulated to determine the value of
dependent variables
mutualism – a symbiotic relationship in which both participants benefit
omnivore – an animal that regularly eats animals as well as plants or algae
organism – any form of life
parasitism – a symbiotic relationship in which one organism, the parasite,
benefits at the expense of another, the host, by living either within or on the
population – group of individuals of the same species that can interbreed and
produce fertile offspring
predation – an interaction in which one species, the predator, eats the other, the
producer – an organism that produces organic compounds through
photosynthesis or other chemosynthetic reactions
reclamation – process of creating new land from sea or riverbeds
species – group of organisms that resemble one another in appearance,
behavior, chemistry, and genetic make-up; can produce offspring of their own
species density – number of species in a given area
species richness – number of kinds of species in a given area
symbiosis – an ecological relationship between organisms of two different
species that live together in direct and intimate contact
trophic level – each feeding level in a food chain

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http://www.worldscibooks.com/etextbook/6137/6137_chap01.pdf - Basic
Ecological Principles

http://www.elmhurst.edu/~chm/vchembook/184ph.html - pH

http://www.eoearth.org/article/Temperature - temperature

http://www.cropsreview.com/light-intensity.html - light intensity

m - humidity

http://www.ehow.com/facts_5399701_definition-topography.html - topography

http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-a-microclimate.htm - microclimate

www.philippineeagle.org – about the Philippine eagle

http://water.epa.gov/type/watersheds/whatis.cfm - What is a watershed?

http://www.gk1world.com/NewOurVision - Gawad Kalinga website

https://dnet01.ode.state.oh.us – exercises on biotic relationships

http://www.vtaide.com/png/foodchains.htm - information and activities about food

chain and food web

n.cfm - interactive site about food chain; also provides information about

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_RBHfjZsUQ – video titled Energy Flow and

Nutrient Cycles in the Ecosystem

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqUFvd0J1ds&feature=related – video titled

Energy Flow

http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=Bh1nUCD7aaE –
video on Nutrient Cycles

n/em05_pg20_nitrogen.swf - Nitrogen cycle

http://earthguide.ucsd.edu/earthguide/diagrams/watercycle/ - Water cycle

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http://www.epa.gov/ogwdw/kids/flash/flash_watercycle.html - Water cycle

wf - Phosphorus cycle

blamed-for-cagayan-de-oro-flash-floods - news clip on illegal logging and flash

threatens-corals-negros - news clip about starfish outbreak

http://lyrfutures08.wordpress.com/category/effects/ - personal blog about the

effects of deforestation

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTJYMMhXHxs – Haribon’s TVC about

Biodiversity Conservation

http://library.thinkquest.org/08aug/00473/balancenature.html - Biodiversity Basics

http://www.eoearth.org/article/Biological_diversity_in_the_Philippines - Biological
Diversity in the Philippines

http://www.adb.org/Documents/Environment/PHI/43906/43906-01-phi-eia.pdf -
sample Environmental Impact Assessment Report – Secured Landfill Project of
the Cebu Provincial Government

http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PNADG551.pdf - sample Environmental Impact

Assessment Report – Solid Waste Management in Lebanon

http://www.psdn.org.ph/chmbio/pd1586.html - Presidential Decree no. 1586 or

the Philippine Environmental Impact Statement System (PEISS)

http://www.iapad.org/publications/legislation/phl_ra_7586_nipas.pdf - NIPAS Act

full text

http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PNADL681.pdf - Philippine Forest and Wildlife Law


http://www.searca.org/bic/info_kits/policies/eo247.html - Bioprospecting Act

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Image Credits:

http://chitoirigo.multiply.com/photos/album/128 - map of Calamian group of


http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-11597569/stock-photo-dragon-boat-racing.html -
dragon boat racing

philharmonic-orchestra-completes-goodwill-concert-in-beijing - Philippine
Philharmonic orchestra

http://www.hikekorea.net/?p=342 – lush forest

http://www.mnh.si.edu/exhibits/ocean_hall/marine_debris.html - trash-filled
albatross nesting area

http://lyrfutures08.wordpress.com/category/effects/ - denuded forest

http://www.tutorvista.com/content/biology/biology-iv/ecosystem/food-web.php -
grassland ecosystem food web

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