Isupport Set Up Document: Profile Site Application Responsibility Value User
Isupport Set Up Document: Profile Site Application Responsibility Value User
Isupport Set Up Document: Profile Site Application Responsibility Value User
1) Enable the iSupport Module through Oracle Application Manager using sysadmin login :
Steps :
Oracle Application Manager > Home > Site Map > Administration > Licence Manager > Products
Select Licence E-BUsiness Suit > Click Continue > Check the checkbox for iSupport > Click Next > Click
Steps :
Navigator : System Administrator > System > System Profile Values
i) Check for the System Profile HZ:Generate Party Number. If it is set to 'NO' at site level then set it to
'YES' at application level for iSupport. After that clear cache and bounce the apache server.
HZ:Generate Party No Yes
URL Example :
JTF_UM_MERCHANT_ Tata Communications
JTF_PRIMARY_USE <Primary User Name>
iii) Setting Oracle Common Application Component (JTT) Profile Options
3) Set up the JTF properties for Company Key components and Quick Find window key components
for iSupport using the IBU as the code selected from LOV.
Steps :
1. Log in to the JTF user interface as sysadmin/sysadmin.
2. Navigate to Settings > System > Advanced. Select Oracle iSupport’s product
code, IBU, from the View LOV.
3. Set the following company key components to appropriate values. These properties
are used while sending out Home Page subscription e-mails:
4. To confirm the set up of Quick Find window items, verify that the following
values are set for the property 'search.factories' :
• oracle.apps.ibu.requests.bean.RequestSearchFactory
• oracle.apps.ibu.knowledge.bean.TechLibSearchFactory
• oracle.apps.ibu.communities.bean.MyForumSearchFactory
• oracle.apps.csi.qk.CsiqkInstanceFactory
• oracle.apps.cs.knowledge.bean.SolutionSearchFactory
• oracle.apps.cs.knowledge.bean.SolutionCategorySearchFactory
5. Next, verify that the Quick Find window key components are set according to what
the business processes require. Remove any items that you do not wish to use
• When deleting items, be sure to remove the pairs of items that end in .categories
and .desc.
Here is an example of what the seeded components will be:
Oracle Install Base:
The value of this component is ICSIETINSTANCE_ITEMDESCRIPTION.
The value of this component is IInstanceSearch.
The value of this component is FORUMS.
The value of this component is MyForumSearch.item.
Oracle Knowledge Management:
The value of this component is SOLUTIONS.
The value of this component is SMSSearch.item.
Marketing Encyclopedia System (MES):
The value of this component is LIBRARY.
The value of this component is TechLibSearch.item.
Service Request:
The value of this component is SERVICE REQUESTS;
The value of this component is RequestSearch.item.
4) Chek for the CRM foundation setup for Notes, Resources and Assignment Manager modules(Its the
prerequisite for iSupport to work)
Steps :
1) Log in to the JTF user interface as sysadmin/sysadmin.
2) Navigate to Users > Setup > User Types
3) Click on the hyperlink for user type name.
4) Check the checkbox for Enable self service registration
5) Select the registration template and Application as iSupport.
6) For the option Approvals field, select 'JTF User Approval' if approval is required or select 'No approval is required' if user
approval is not required. Click Next
7) Select the Responsibility for the user type default responsibility. Check the checkbox 'Assign the Changed Responsibility
to existing users of this type.
8) Assign Default roles to the user type. Check the checkbox 'Assign the Changed role to existing users of this type'.Click
9) Select the Enrollment for the user type as 'Self Service Support over the Web'. Click next.
10) Click Update.
11) Repeat the above steps for Business User, Individual User and Primary User.
6) Set up the iSupport System Administrator and assign proper roles to this user.
Employee has been defined using Oracle Human Resources Management System.
Steps :
Associate User Name with Employee and Assign Responsibility
1. Log in to the Oracle Forms application as sysadmin. Select System Administrator
responsibility. Navigate to Security > User > Define. The Users window opens.
2. In the Users window, enter the username for the Oracle iSupport Administrator. An
example is IBUADMIN. (IBU is the product code for Oracle iSupport.)
3. Associate the user with an employee by using the Person LOV in the User
Form. Select the desired association by double-clicking on the employee name.
4. Tab to Password field and enter a password. Tab to clear the field and re-enter the
same password to validate.
5. In the Responsibilities tab, select the iSupport System Administrator responsibility.
6. Save changes.
7. Still using System Administrator responsibility, navigate to Profile > System.
8. Query with the username in the username field and JTF%DEF% in the Profile field.
9. Set the following profile option at the user level for the administrator:
This tells the system that the default application for this user is Oracle
iSupport, whose application ID is 672.
10. Find the responsibility ID for the IBU_SYS_ADMIN responsibility (see steps below)
and enter that value as the JTF_PROFILE_DEFAULT_RESPONSIBILITY value. Set at
user level.
This tells the system that the default responsibility for this user is IBU_SYS_ADMIN.
11. Save and close the window.
Assign Role(s)
1. Login to Oracle Web Based Application through jtf login with sysadmin as user.
2. Navigate to Users > Registration > User Maintenance.
3. Find the user who will be the Oracle iSupport Administrator. Select the underlined
hyperlink of the username.
4. Select Roles. Assign IBU_SYSTEM_ADMIN and IBU_REG_USER to the user.
5. Select Update.
6. Log out.
7) Set up the Guest User for iSupport and set the guest user profile values accordingly(Please refer
iSupport Implementation and User Guide in case of any issues)
Steps :
1. From the System Administrator responsibility, navigate to Security > User > Define form.
Query the GUEST user. If it is not there create it
Make sure the responsibility 'iSupport Guest User' is assigned to the user.
create customer called "GUEST" and then associate that to the GUEST user using System Administrator > Security > User
> Define
2.Set the following profile options:
Oracle iSupport: Enable Guest User > Yes
Oracle iSupport: Guest User Responsibility Name > iSupport Guest User
3. Set the profile option 'JTF_PROFILE_DEFAULT_RESPONSIBILITY' at the user level ( for the GUEST
user) to the responsibility ID of ''iSupport Guest User' . To find this you can run this query.
SQL> select responsibility_id, responsibility_name from fnd_responsibility_tl where
responsibility_name = 'iSupport Guest User';
set profile option JTF_PROFILE_DEFAULT_APPLICATION to 672 (iSupport) for GUEST user.
4.Check that responsibilities "iSupport Guest User" is not end dated.
5.Using CRM HTML Administrator responsibility, query up the GUEST user in Users->User Maintenance.
Then click on Roles and make sure the user has the following roles:
After these bounce Apache and try the Following URL:
Steps :
1) Login to JTF login with sysadmin user.
2) Click on Settings > System > Advanced
3) Select IBU in the View ; Click Create
4) Enter the following values
Key : Value : ibuhpage.jsp
5) Click Update
Approval :
1. Log in to the JTF login page as sysadmin.
2. Navigate to Users > Registration > Pending Approvals.
3. In the Request Summary window, select the appropriate underlined username.
4. Fill in the mandatory information. Select Next.
5. Select the Accounts button. Choose the company account(s) to associate with the
user. Select Next.
6. Enter any comments in the Comments area. Select Accept.
10) Set up the iSupport Employee user and assign proper roles to this user.
Employee has been defined using Oracle Human Resources Management System
Steps :
1. Log into Oracle Forms application as sysadmin. Select System Administrator
2. Navigate to Security > User > Define. The Users window appears.
3. Enter a Username for the user.
4. On the User window, associate the new username with the employee: Click in
the Person field on the User window. Search for the employee by clicking on the
LOV field {...}, entering a partial value and clicking Find. Select the employee by
double-clicking the employee name.
5. In the Password field, enter a password for the username. Use the Tab key to clear
the Password field, and then re-enter the password to validate.
6. If desired, limit the number of days this password will be valid by entering a value
in days in either the Accesses or Days fields. The user will be prompted to change
this password after x number of days/accesses, where x represents the value that
you entered in the Days field or Accesses field. If you select None, the user will not
be required to change the password.
7. In the Responsibility tab, click in the Responsibility field. Select the LOV {...} that
appears, and enter %iSupport% to query for Oracle iSupport responsibilities.
8. Choose the 'iSupport Employee User' responsibility.
9. Under Effective Dates, enter an the effective date in the From field.
10. Save and close the window.
Steps :
1. Select the Register Here link on the iSupport Homepage (ibuhpage).
2. Select Business User from the list of User Types. Select Next.
3. Enter the company ID in the textbox and Submit. The company ID is a unique
number assigned during company registration.
4. Enter required information on the User Registration window. Select Next. The Available Enrollments window appears.
5. In the Enrollments window, select Self-Service Support Over the Web and select
Next. A confirmation message appears. Select Next.
1. Log in to the JTF login page as sysadmin. Navigate to Users > Registration >
Pending Approvals.
2. In the Request Summary window, select the appropriate underlined username.
3. Fill in the mandatory information. Select Next.
4. Select the Accounts button. Choose the company account(s) to associate with the
user. Select Next.
5. Enter any comments in the Comments area. Select Accept.
Steps :
1. Select the Register Here link on the iSupport Homepage (ibuhpage). In the list of available user types, select
Individual User. Select Next.
2. Enter required information on the User Registration window. Select Submit. The Available Enrollments window appears.
3. Select Self-Service Support Over the Web and select Next. A confirmation message
Steps :
Navigator : Application Developer > Application > Messages
Change the message to be displayed for guest user.
14) Setup the iSupport Homepage : for the following iSupport responsibilities :
a) iSupport Individual User
b) iSupport Business User
c) iSupport Guest User
1. Log in to the JTF login page as the Oracle iSupport Administrator.
2. Navigate to Administration > Homepage > Content.
The Manage Home Page Content page appears and shows the content including
content from MES.
3. Click Add Content from MES. The Add Content from MES page appears.
4. Select the check box for any content that you wish to add.
5. Adjust the default rows as desired.
6. Click Add Content.
The Manage Home Page Content page appears and shows your added content
and a confirmation message.
i) Creating Categories
Steps :
1. At the JTF login, log in as the Oracle iSupport Administrator.
2. Navigate to Administration > Forum > Category > Create. The Create New
Category window appears.
3. You can choose to have the category exist at the topmost (root) level, or you can
structure the category to be a sub-category of another category.
Of course, the very first category that you create will be at the Category Root
level. Thus, for the first one, leave the Choose a parent category field set to
Category Root.
Guidelines for creating additional categories:
• Leave the drop-down menu set to Root to create a category at the top-most level.
• Select the parent category to create a sub-category within a category.
4. Enter a name for the Category in the Enter the name of the new category field.
5. Select an Access Type. Access type determines who can view the category on the
UI. Access options are:
Open - All users can view/access.
Restrict - Only members of a usergroup can view/access. For more information, see
Restricting Access to Categories or Forums, page 4-28.
Close - This option closes the category or forum to all users except the Oracle
iSupport administrator.
6. Select Create. Respond to the confirmation message.
Steps :
1. At the JTF login, log in as the Oracle iSupport Administrator.
2. Navigate to Administration > Forum > Usergroup > Associate.
3. Choose a category or forum from the drop-down list.
4. Select a Usergroup to associate with the Forum.
5. Select Associate.
6. A confirmation window appears.
i) Company Logo :
Steps :
Replace the file OraCorpBnd.gif in the $OA_MEDIA (Or $OA_MEDIA/US) directory with the company logo. The new file
must be named OraCorpBnd.gif. The standard Oracle logo is 134x31 Pixels.
Steps :
1. Log on to Oracle Forms as sysadmin and select the Customer Support responsibility.
2. Navigate to Setup > Notes > Source and Note Type Mapping. The Mapping Objects
window appears.
3. Find the Source Object Public Service Requests:
1. Enter Query mode (F11).
2. Enter Public Service Requests in Source Object field.
3. Execute the query (Ctrl + F11).
4. Ensure that the note types you are using are mapped to iSupport in the Application
Steps :
1. Log on to Oracle Forms as sysadmin and select the Customer Support responsibility.
2. Navigate to Setup > Service Requests > Request Types
3. Enter the following values for the SR Type :
a) Type
b) Status Group Name
c) Start Date
d) DFF values
e) Description
f) Workflow Name
4. Check the check boxes : Auto launch workflow, Abort Workflow on Final Status wthout warning, Web Entry
17) Map SR Types to the iSupport Responsibilities : iSupport Business User, iSupport Employee User,
iSupport Individual User
Steps :
1. Log on to Oracle Forms as sysadmin and select the Customer Support responsibility.
2. Navigate to Setup > Service Requests > Type-Responsibility Mapping
3. Click on Add Resposibility
4. Select the iSupport Responsibility, Classification as Self Service User and Access as Select Request Types. Click
5. Click on Add Another Row. Enter the name of the SR Types and search.
6. Check the serached SR Type and click Select.
7. Enter the Status Group and Start Date for the SR Type
8. Click Finish.
9. Repeat the above steps for iSupport Business user, iSupport Individual user, iSupport Employee User
Steps :
1. Log in to the JTF login as Oracle iSupport Administrator.
2. Navigate to Administration > Support > Request Management > Template. The
Service Request Template Administration window appears.
3. In an empty textbox in the Template Name column, enter a meaningful name for
the new template.
4. In the Short Code column, enter a meaningful code for the template. The code
must be less than 8 characters and should indicate an overall category for the
template. For example, a short code for a template used for Toshiba laptop service
requests could have a short code of TOSH_LAP.
Note: In this release of Oracle iSupport, the Short Code field is non-functional, but it
is recommended that you use it so that when it is utilized in a future release, existing
templates will already be using it. In a future release, the short code will help route
service requests. The short code is not exposed to end users.
5. Select Add. The window refreshes and displays a confirmation message.
6. Next, select effective dates for the template. Click on the hyperlink of the template
name. The Modify Template window appears.
7. In the Template Info area, select the calendar icon next to the Start Date field and
choose an effective start date for the template. Do the same for End Date. (You
can also use the End Date function to disable existing templates.) All of the date
steps are optional.
Renaming the template and altering the Short Code can be done here as well.
8. Select Update. A confirmation message appears.
9. Next, associate the template with a product. Select the underlined hyperlink of the
appropriate template. The Modify Template window appears.
10. In the Associate Attribute, Attribute to Associate: Product area, select Modify. The
Associate Product window appears.
11. From the Available Product list, select the desired association(s) and use the right
(>) arrow button to move them to the Associated Product column. Select Update
and then Back (bottom of window) to return to the Associate Attribute area of
the Modify Template window.
12. Next, associate an urgency to the template. Select the underlined hyperlink of the
appropriate template. The Modify Template window appears.
13. In the Associate Attribute, Attribute to Associate: Urgency area, select Modify. The
Associate Urgency window appears.
14. From the Available Urgencies list, select the desired association(s) and use the
right (>) arrow button to move them to the Associated Urgencies column. Select
Update and then Back (bottom of window) to return to the Associate Attribute
area of the Modify Template window.
15. Next, define questions and answers for the template. Select the underlined hyperlink
of the appropriate template. The Modify Template window appears.
16. Set up Questions on Template: In the Modify Template window, the Template
Detail area will list any questions associated with the template. If none is associated, there will be an empty text box. Enter a
question for the template in the
empty Question field.
17. Select Answer Type: You have two options for Answer types:
18. Choice - This is a pick-list type answer and can be used in scoring. Scoring is used
for determining the Severity of the Service Request.
19. Free Text - This is a free-form answer; you can specify the number of lines allowed
for the answer (see below). This answer cannot be used in scoring.
20. If your question requires a Choice-type answer, select whether you wish the answer
to be used in scoring/weighting when determining severities for submissions which
use this template (see Set Severity Thresholds below). Answers to the question
will be weighted from 1 to 9 during the Answer setup (see Set up Answers for a
Choice Question below).
21. To enforce that the user is required to answer the question, select Yes in the Response
Required field. Mandatory questions force the user to provide an answer before
the application will continue creating the request. To make the question optional
for the end user, choose No.
22. Select Add. The window refreshes, with the question appearing as an underlined
link in the Template Detail area.
23. To sort the questions, select Sort and use the up and down arrows in the Sort
Questions window to arrange the questions in the desired order. Use the back button
to return to the Modify Template page.
24. Optionally, to edit a question, click on the hyperlink of the question you wish
to modify.
25. Set up Answers for a Choice Question: In the Template Detail area, click the
underlined hyperlink of a question. The Define Question and Answer window
26. Enter an answer for the question in an empty textbox.
The answers you set up here becomes a pick-list for the end user, and the answer
you select as a default appears as the default answer on the user side.
27. For each Choice-type answer, set a value of 1-9. After the end user answers the
questions, the application will add up these values and the final score will be used to
determine the severity of the Service Request, based on the Severity Thresholds you
set (see below).
28. For Text-type questions, you will not need to determine answers. Instead, in the
Define Question and Answer window, select the number of rows the user will be
limited to when answering.
29. Select Update to save changes, and Back to return to the previous window.
30. Next, set up severity thresholds for the template. Select the underlined hyperlink of
the appropriate template. The Modify Template window appears.
Use the Set Severity area to set Severity Thresholds for the template. The severities
listed here come from the Severity setups in TeleService. For each Severity, enter a
value in the Start and End Threshold boxes. Do not define overlapping thresholds or
ranges (see examples, below). The weighting you gave to each scorable question
in the defining answers step above will be calculated and used here. The user responses to all questions used in scoring are
averaged, and the score determines
the severity level.
The sum score from all of the scorable answers is determined by the application and
compared to the total possible. The percentage is determined by the application, and
the appropriate threshold is assigned.
Sample scenario related to this setup
You have defined a new template with two questions on it. Each question has three
possible answers, for a total of six answers defined by the administrator, and two
possible answers for the user (user can only select one answer per question).
In this example, you have set up each of the question’s three answers with identical
scores: 1, 4, and 5. Since the user can only select one answer per question, the
highest possible score in this scenario would be 10 (highest score for each question is
5, and 5 plus 5 is 10). (The user cannot see these scores.)
The user selects an answer from the first question with a score of 1. He selects an
answer from the second question with a score of 4. Thus, the total of the two answers
is 5. The application find the score of 5 and compares it against the total possible
answer points, which in this case is 10. From there, the application formulates a
percentage of answers scored (5) verses a total possible score (10). The percentage in
this case is be 50%. Then, based on the severity thresholds you set (see the example
below), the application determines the severity, for example, high, medium, and
low. Here are the thresholds set for this example:
High - Start Threshold = 61%; End Threshold = 100%
Medium - Start Threshold = 31%; End Threshold = 60%
Low - Start Threshold = 0%; End Threshold = 30%
31. When finished entering severity thresholds, select Update.
18) Modification in the Support Resources bin on the Homepage for different users
Steps :
1. Navigator : Application Developer > Application > Menu
2. Query with menu name as 'IBU_BUS_USER_HELP_MENU' (For Business User)
3. Delete the line items which are not required.
4. Click Save
5. Repeat the above steps for the following menus :
a) IBU_EMP_USER_HELP_MENU - ( For Employee User)
b) IBU_GUEST_USER_HELP_MENU – (For Guest User)
c) IBU_IND_USER_HELP_MENU – (For Individual User)
d) IBU_PRI_USER_HELP_MENU – (For Primary User)
19) Modification in the existing Menu/Function
----As per the user's requirement