International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning
International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning
International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning
November - 2018
Throughout the world, mathematics plays a vital role for the educational and
developmental aspirations of any country. The quest to teach mathematical knowledge
in a viable and effective way so as to induce creativity and applicability among
learners is an ongoing challenge, especially for developing countries. A better
understanding of how students learn mathematics coupled with effective application
of mathematical e-learning can enhance meaningful learning of mathematics and
make the subject more exciting. In this note, we introduce a mathematical e-learning
model suitable for the modern digital era based on the learning theories of social
constructivism, social realism, and connectivity. We then discuss the feasibility of
implementing the model on an open source e-learning platform. Our findings reveal
that the platform offers a developer's tool for coding and customizing templates to
attain higher levels of usage and interactivity in which learners can create and control
learning objects while they observe the results.
On the other hand, while efforts towards improving e-learning usage in developing
countries are gathering pace, most of the works has been general in perspective and
only few have emphasized mathematical e-learning specifically (Juan, Huertas,
Cuypers, & Loch, 2012; Namukasa, Quinn, & Kaahwa, 2010; Elijah, 2012).
Additionally, there is a big gap to fill with respect to designing new feasible
mathematical e-learning models that are focused at revitalizing the interest, creativity,
and applicability of mathematical knowledge for technological advancement in
developing countries (Barnes & Venter, 2008). This note is to introduce a
mathematical learning model for developing countries as a suitable and effective
model for the modern digital era. First, we briefly explore three vital theories of
learning to be considered as the basis of the model. Next, we propose a model and
discuss the feasibility of implementing the model on an open source e-learning
platform. We pose the following key questions that will guide our study: (i) what are
the suitable underlying theories for effective mathematical e-learning in the model?
And (ii) what are the key features a mathematical e-learning platform should offer that
makes mathematics more discernible to learners?
The goal of realism in education is to encourage active learning that captures most of
the senses of the human being (Ravi, 2016). Pedagogically, the teacher's role from the
realism perspective is to pass on mathematical truth to students whose main role is to
absorb the knowledge and make sense out of it. This approach was dominant before
1970s in the developed world (Young, 2008). However, unabated realism in the
developing world has resulted in a teacher-centered approach, which has caused
students to lag behind especially in science, technology, and mathematical
application. In addition, the level of research publications in mathematics from
developing countries is either very low or almost nonexistent (Barnes & Venter, 2008;
Namukasa et al., 2010; Elijah, 2012).
Figure 1 shows the overall structure of the MCIEC model. First, motivation is one of
the three key pillars of the model. Many studies have explored the link between
mathematics and motivation in terms of achievement and competence (Pokay &
Blumenfeld, 1990; Midgley, Feldlaufer, & Eccles, 1989). In the MCIEC model,
motivation focuses on the content being taught in terms of clearly manifesting the
necessity of the content both in academic and practical value to the learners. A better
understanding of how students learn mathematics coupled with effective application
of mathematical e-learning can enhance meaningful learning of mathematics and
make the subject more exciting (Waege, 2009; McElroy, O'Loughlin, Townsend, &
Simonovits, 2011).
The second key pillar of the MCIEC model is context. Koohang, Riley, and Smith
(2009) view contextualization as the design of learning activities, and Perin (2011)
identifies key themes of contextualization. Many studies are advocating for a form of
contextualization in which much effort is spent on turning the mathematics content
into a language the student clearly understands or is familiar to, so that the transition
into the mathematical language of rules and symbols becomes a mere formality (Berns
& Erickson, 2001; Guthrie, Anderson, Alao, & Rinehart, 1999; Klinger, 2011). In our
model, contextualisation focuses on the need to align the content in terms of global
perspective, local perspective, and students' experiences. The teacher guides in
identifying world events, practices, and issues to relate to the content, then
incorporates in local matters as well as students' experiences and abilities. As an
illustration for contextualization process, we relate the content to students' previous
knowledge on solving simultaneous equations. We explain some word problems
involving traffic flow, merchandize, and daily shopping, and then seek individual
student abilities and rely on this to sequence the explanation and activities. This form
of contextualisation will spur curiosity and also help align the content to student's
pace of learning.
The interactivity is the coming together of the teacher, learners, and technology to
facilitate the teaching and learning process. Wood and Ashfield (2008) explain that
interactions between teacher, pupils, and technology necessitate more than the
transmission of knowledge from either teacher or technology to learner. Figure 2
present the flow chart for supporting a highly interactive learning process in the
MCIEC model. Students attempt the first step of the problem. If they get the first step,
they are directed to the next step. Otherwise, they can select from three options,
namely, requesting for a hint so as to try again, seeking extra help from content, using
audio-visuals or teacher, and/or proceeding to the next step of the solution. Their
study style will be recorded and the teacher can rely on it to provide appropriate
guidance. An open platform Xerte Online Toolkits (XOT), adapted to this study, has
many features that offer learners high levels of interactivity. A goal of the model
MCIEC, is to create mathematical e-learning models with high interactivity, so as to
stimulate the learner's own thought process, creativity, and applicability.
Dynamic Evaluation
Evaluation plays a crucial part of completing all aspects of the MCIEC model.
Dynamic evaluation seeks to evaluate the learners in such a way as to cater for the
learner's context, learning ability, and pace, as well innovativeness. Lui, Lo, and Yiu
(2013) listed four levels of learning activities based on Bloom's taxonomy of learning
domains, which are to acquire knowledge, practice and apply, explore and evaluate,
propose, and create (Bloom, Engelhart, Furst, Hill, & Krathwohl, 1956). The
appropriate evaluation of these activities should be based on learner context, such as
assessment of learning, pace of students, ability, and group versus individual
contribution to activities. E-learning platforms should be designed to provide
feedback, track scores, and subsequently direct the appropriate sequencing of
activities to fit the learners' context.
This comes at the tail end of the lesson or topic. The aim is to show how the
knowledge acquired by students is connected to diverse academic and practical fields.
For example, we relate the knowledge of solving simultaneous equations to diverse
fields, such as linear regression, electric circuits, and garbage collection. We then
request students to work in groups to formulate a system of linear equations that
solves any of the problems in these or other fields. Connectivity also serves as a
checkpoint for the entire lesson or topic.
The MCIEC model, in summary, does not view the theories of constructivism,
realism, and connectivism as antagonistic. Instead it uniquely taps into the strength of
each of the theories to build a mathematical e-learning model that offers practical
guidelines of mathematical e-learning pedagogy that stimulate creativity and
applicability in learners. In particular, the model asserts that intrinsic motivation in
higher learners of mathematics is achieved by emphasizing the academic and practical
value of the mathematics content. Based on these aspects, the MCIEC approach can
make the mathematics content less abstract and more user-friendly, while allowing for
the different talents that learners possess to flourish, enabling them to develop
creative, innovative, and adaptable students.
Figure 3 is an example to explain how we can create a highly interactive process with
math text. Students are supposed to solve the problem by inserting answers in the
boxes. In an interactive e-learning system, a complement should appear once the
number inserted in by the student is a correct one and the student will be encouraged
to go to the next step. If the answer is incorrect, a hint is provided immediately and
the student can be provided with options to get extra review, audio-visual help, peer
support, or teacher support. In this way, both the student and the teacher will know
which steps were most challenging to the learner.
In both traditional and e-learning methods, assessment and feedback in the context of
mathematics teaching and learning is the most effective instruction tool (Warden,
2000; Anderson et al., 2001). Assessment in mathematics needs to be well structured
and sequenced. Tempelaar, Kuperus, Cuypers, Kooij, Vrie, and Heck (2012) stated
that for effective mathematical assessment, all problems should produce authentic
input from students arising from a carefully designed repertoire of items. It should
ensure a comprehensive coverage of the domain and allow for adaptive assessment, in
which the choice of a new question is based on the student's previous responses. This
kind of assessment ensures that learner's capabilities and experiences are catered for
and the student is asked only a small but relevant subset of questions.
In this study, we propose a mathematical e-learning model MCIEC, for making
mathematical learning more interesting, meaningful, and applicable to the learners
beyond the classroom knowledge. The teaching of mathematics beyond the primary
level in most developing countries mainly emphasizes preparing students for high-
stake national exams rather than linking the content to real life problem solving skills.
The curricula are not well-aligned to the needs or abilities of the majority of learners
and the failure rates for mathematics are extremely high (Namukasa et al., 2010). To
overcome these challenges, the MCIEC model emphasizes a flexible approach to
teaching mathematics in which motivation, context, and dynamic evaluation are the
backbone of any content design or delivery. The model places greater responsibility to
the teachers to be more innovative and create materials that suit the learners' abilities
and environment. In addition, the model requires teachers to accord more time and
effort on explaining the relevancy of the mathematics content before moving onto the
mathematics in the content. It is easier for the student to put in much effort to
understand the mathematics in the content once the interest, motivation, and context
has been attained.
On the other hand, many developing countries do not have enough technological
circumstance for constructing an e-learning environment. One way to overcome this
problem is to use open source platforms. We employed the open platform XOT for
instantiating the MCIEC model in this study. The platform offers several
functionalities to create dynamic and interactive content that can provide students a
richer learning experience. The platform can be used both online and offline, thereby
overcoming the problem of limited and intermittent internet prevalent in most
developing countries.
An evaluation of the trial phase of the model was carried out. The students' responses
and instructors' observations show that the MCIEC model based on the XOT e-
learning platform has proven to be an interesting and effective learning environment.
Instructors pointed out immediate feedback about students' understanding as their
favorite functionality of the environment, and students responded that they achieve
enhanced understanding. In particular, the groups of students reported using
considerably less time (average = 5.2 minutes, standard deviation = 2.1 minutes) to
understand and solve problems that tested application compared to groups of students
that didn't use the model. Based on this, we firmly believe the environment gives both
teachers and students a rich flexible learning environment to spur creativity and
applicability of mathematics knowledge.
For further development of the model, materials will be developed using XOT and
several Moodle plugins such as the Formulas question type so as to fully utilize all the
features of the model and create an enhanced learning experience for the learners. The
model will be implemented in a rural based university in Uganda and periodical
surveys carried out to further evaluate the model in comparison to other previously
used models. More teachers will be trained on how to fully implement the model and
user guidelines will be prepared.
This paper was supported by research funds of Chonbuk National University in 2017.
This work was also partially supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea
(NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIP) (NRF-2016R1A2B1010253).