Evaluating Megawatt-Scale Smart Solar Inverters: A Commissioned 2.5-Mw DC Supply For Testing Grid-Tie Inverters
Evaluating Megawatt-Scale Smart Solar Inverters: A Commissioned 2.5-Mw DC Supply For Testing Grid-Tie Inverters
Evaluating Megawatt-Scale Smart Solar Inverters: A Commissioned 2.5-Mw DC Supply For Testing Grid-Tie Inverters
Evaluating Megawatt-Scale
Smart Solar Inverters
California Rule 21. dc supply must be able to remain online through all these
This article describes a retrofit of an existing medium- ac side events and not trip offline during the course of
voltage, nine-level Taiwan Electric Company (TECO)- each test. Because many of these tests involve the inverter
Westinghouse VersaBridge series-connected H-bridge tripping offline from full power, the dc supply must be
(SCHB) inverter to supply isolated dc power up to 2,500 A able to accommodate load rejections without long-term
at 1,000 Vdc for central inverter testing with reconfigura- effects. Additional features were added to this design to
tion options for 1,500-Vdc systems. Special attention was help with output overvoltage mitigation during these large
given to load rejection capabilities because the desired load rejection events.
tests involved fast inverter transitions from full power to Commercial, off-the-shelf power electronic grid simula-
zero power. Simulations in PLECS and controller hard- tors and dc supplies are available for low-power applica-
ware-in-the-loop experiments with the RTDS simulator tions but difficult to acquire at megawatt scale [4]. At our
were used for initial controller design. The existing SCHB facility, a high-power grid simulator using SCHB invert-
phase-shifted, pulsewidth modulation (PWM) scheme for ers from TECO-Westinghouse Motor Company has been
series multilevel topology led to a four-phase interleaved developed using four modular power amplifier units
output stage topology in a six-parallel module configura- (PAUs) [5]–[7]. To reduce the costs of adding dc supply
tion without any modifications to the existing VersaBridge capability for inverter testing, a retrofit approach was cho-
controller. Commissioning results are shown along with sen rather than a commercially available solution. An out-
experimental results for the first inverter test article at put stage for one PAU was designed to supply dc power,
2,500 A, 900 V. thus for allowing testing of high-power PV inverters [8].
The first priority was to focus on 1,000-Vdc-class inverters
California Rule 21 in the range of 2.5 MW, with provisions to reconfigure the
Grid integration testing for PV inverters typically involves supply to accommodate the next generation of 1,500-Vdc-
a simulated grid and a dc source. These two systems class PV inverters. The motivation for such a large supply
enable suites of tests, such as those described in UL Stan- is driven by grid integration testing of large central invert-
dard 1741 [1] and IEEE Standard 1547 [2], to be performed ers near 2 MW [9], [10]. Using only one of the PAUs to
on the PV inverter to obtain certification. The latest revi- power the dc supply leaves the other three available for
sion of UL Standard 1741 Supplement A includes voltage operation as an emulated ac grid to which the inverter
and frequency ride-through tables from California Rule output can be connected.
21 [3] (hereinafter referred to as Rule 21) as an example of
testing to an interconnection standard or source require- Retrofit Design Approach with Interleaving
ment document. Frequency ride-through requirements One major goal of the design was to leverage as much
in Rule 21 widen the frequency range within which existing equipment as possible to limit costs and required
an inverter must maintain operation. If the frequency floor space and, most importantly, also to reduce soft-
remains outside the threshold beyond the trip time, ware development and verification testing. This led to a
the inverter must trip as usual. The only difference this design that used one of four existing amplifiers, with an
can cause for a dc supply during testing, compared to a additional output stage to be housed in cabinets adjacent
conventional source requirement, is that the inverter is to the amplifier. Using this approach also allowed the
permitted to reduce its real power output to the point of integration of data acquisition and control with the exist-
ceasing if the frequency reaches 61.5 Hz (or some other ing facility system (as opposed to a commercial solution,
mutually agreed frequency value) [3]. which would likely have required more involved integra-
More drastic differences in comparison to IEEE Stan- tion with proprietary software) [8].
dard 1547-2003 are in the voltage ride-through section
of Rule 21. These differences have since been reconciled Existing Series-Connected H-Bridge Inverter
in the newly published IEEE Standard 1547-2018 revision Four Versabridge PAUs from TECO-Westinghouse were
with Category III ride-through tables. For low-voltage previously commissioned at our facility to act as a grid
conditions, inverters must remain in operation down to simulator. Each PAU has two nine-level SCHB inverters
0.5 per unit (p.u.) ac voltage. This mandatory operation broken up into eight slices with four isolated, series-
is defined as >80% of predisturbance current. Compared connected cells (i.e., power cubes) for each of its three
to the inverter tripping offline, this fast, transient event phases, as shown in Figure 1. Cubes A1, B1, and C1 are
can cause a near-50% load reduction within the inverter the phase output terminals of inverter 1, with the negative
response time, followed by a load increase back to nomi- pole of cubes A4, B4, and C4 tied to neutral. Inverter 2
nal in the same amount of time. If a grid voltage condi- consists of cubes 5–8 parallel to inverter 1, with cube 5 as
tion below 0.5 p.u. occurs, the inverter must momentarily the output terminal. The power cubes have a three-phase
cease but not trip, i.e., export <10% of the predisturbance boost rectifier to produce a regulated 1,000-Vdc link for
current. Additionally, if the grid voltage returns to normal, the output H-bridge, and all of the cubes’ insulated gate
then it must return to service within 2 s. In each case, the bipolar transistors (IGBTs) are 1,700-V, 600-A modules.
Slice 8
Slice 7 A8
Slice 6 A7
Slice 5 A6
Slice 4 A5 B8
Slice 3 A4 B7
Slice 2 A3 B6
Slice 1 A2 B5 C8
Bridge A
A1 B4 C7
4,160-V B3 C6
Input N
BC B2 C5
Bridge B
A B1 C4
B C C3
C Bridge C
C1 N
FIGURE 1. The PAU topology with eight slices, three power cubes, and one transformer per slice. Output H-bridge series connections for ac
output mode are shown between slices 1–4 and 5–8. For the dc supply, these series connections are removed.
The cube dc link voltage set point can also be trimmed Phase-shifted PWM with double-edge sampling
through software up to 1,100 V without accelerated aging enables individual cube control using the existing PAU-
of the dc link capacitors. Cubes are connected in series grid simulator controller system. During previous tests
using modular copper bus bars located on the top of the of the PWM system, the series bus bar connections were
PAU cabinets. This modular slice approach allows easy removed from between the cubes, and the open circuit
access to the output of each set of cube terminals, which output voltages were measured [12]. The default PWM car-
is important for reconfigurability. rier frequency of each H-bridge is 600 Hz.
Figure 3(a) shows a proof-of-concept test that each
Phase-Shifted Carrier PWM H-bridge output (A1–A4) can be individually controlled,
The PAUs use phase-shifted, triangle-carrier PWM to gen- even though they share a common duty cycle from the
erate firing pulses for the H-bridges within a phase leg control packet. Simply by counting how many 12-kHz
[11]. The PWM method, which includes double-edge sam- packets have been sent and adjusting the duty cycle after
pling, has previously been experimentally validated [12]. an S/H occurs for a particular cube, a new duty cycle (and
The PAU control system includes a plastic optical fiber sign) can be sent to the next cube. Recall that all cubes
communication channel to allow external duty cycle input with the same prefix letter receive the same duty cycle
from a grid simulator controller at 12 kHz—sufficient for from the 12-kHz optical-fiber packets (carrying over from
the double-edge sampled 600-Hz carriers with 45° phase the original multilevel ac inverter controller architecture).
shifting. Figure 2 shows the four phase-shifted 600-Hz Considering the point in Figures 2 and 3(a) imme-
triangle carriers for the output H-bridges illustrating the diately prior to the S/H for cube A1, the duty cycle is
double-edge sampling points, denoted by S/H (i.e., sam- negative and of small magnitude. Immediately follow-
ple and hold), as well as vertical lines and asterisk mark- ing cube A1’s S/H, the dc supply controller increases the
ers showing the 12-kHz communication packet timing. duty cycle magnitude but remains negative and sends out
Controller Architecture
The dc supply controller is based on a National Instru- Table 1. The output stage module components
ments (NI) reconfigurable input/output (RIO) architecture
Component Value
using a PXI (PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation) chassis.
A real-time operating system runs on an NI-8135 Intel- L1–L4 300 µH
based controller, and all time-critical feedback control is C1 4.6 mF
performed by a pair of NI-7842R multifunction RIO field-
L5 200 µH
programmable gate array (FPGA) cards that use Virtex-5
LX50 FPGAs and include analog-to-digital converters with R1 5Ω
signal conditioning to support eight analog inputs each. IGBTs Powerex CM200DX-34SA
An IEEE Standard 1588 precision time protocol card in Diodes Microsemi fast recovery diodes
the same chassis with PXI triggers allows the FPGA cards APTDF400AK120G
to timestamp control variables and analog measurements
for data logging, which are streamed to a RAID disk. This
approach allows for a high degree of time synchroniza-
tion across all of the channels [16]. The dynamic brake
IGBTs are controlled by one of the 7842R cards via plastic
Ipk Ls
optical fiber for firing pulses and gate-driver fault feed- Ls
Vac – Vdc
back. –Vdc
Commissioning Results
After the construction of each cabinet, component clear-
ances were double-checked, followed by high-potential
testing. All of the semiconductors were bypassed using D_Rise D_Fall
0 T/2
shooting wire, and the isolation-to-ground was checked (c)
using an ac high-potential test up to 4 kV. Next, cabinet
by cabinet, the dc capacitor was charged using an aux-
iliary power supply up to 900 V; the power supply was FIGURE 6. AC positive half-cycle current waveforms and quasi-
square wave pulses for various dc bus voltages: (a) a low dc bus
then removed, and the dynamic brake chopper was tested voltage, (b) a medium dc bus voltage, and (c) a high dc bus voltage.
to discharge the capacitor energy. After each cabinet
was tested, the final installation in the single-row lineup precommissioning. Full-power commissioning was com-
was completed, followed by reduced-scale power testing pleted in conjunction with a megawatt-scale PV inverter.
of individual modules. Due to the limited availability of
resistive load banks rated for 1,000 Vdc, this concluded
100 A /div 1,000
FIGURE 9. An oscilloscope capture of module input currents IL1, IL2,
IL3, and IL4 (channels 1–4) during a test with all six supply modules –1,000
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
totaling 2.25 MW, 900 Vdc.
Time (s)
IA (V) IB (V) IC (V)
I1 (b)
450 I2
Module Output Current (A)
3,000 4,000
2,000 2,000
1,000 Pac (kW) 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 –2,000
Time (s) 0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125 0.15
(a) Time (s)
1,000 VAN (V) VBN (V) VCN (V)
950 Zoom-In Vac (V)
900 (a)
850 1,000
800 500
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Time (s) 0
(b) –500
0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125 0.15
0 Idc (A)
Time (s)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 IA (V) IB (V) IC (V)
Time (s)
(c) (b)
FIGURE 12. A low-voltage momentary cessation test, 0 p.u. ac Vdc (V)
voltage for 67 ms returning to 1 p.u. within 2 s. (a) Power at 950
medium voltage ac, (b) dc supply voltage, and (c) dc supply current.
Low-Voltage Ride-Through
The following test sequence shows the inverter response 0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125 0.15
to a low-grid voltage condition, 0.55 p.u. for 67 ms. Based Time (s)
on the Rule 21 ride-through table, this is in region LV2 (c)
(0.5–0.7 p.u. grid voltage), so the inverter must continue 4,000
supplying ac power out to a 10-s trip time. As mentioned Idc (A)
previously, ac currents should remain at >80% of the pre- 2,000
disturbance value. Figure 11 shows the line-neutral volt- 0
ages and phase currents at the medium-voltage side of the
transformer as well as the dc supply voltage and current. –2,000
0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125 0.15
The dc voltage swells slightly during the low-grid voltage
Time (s)
condition but remains within the inverter dc input range. (d)
During the low-voltage condition, the inverter continues 100
to supply the required ac current, but due to the near- DutyPAU %
0.5 p.u. grid voltage of the dc and ac power, it is nearly 50 DutyDB %
half of the predisturbance value, as evidenced by the dc
current cut by roughly half. The inverter recovers with a 0
large dc current draw with some overshoot, but the dc 0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125 0.15
supply remains online without tripping and the dc voltage Time (s)
quickly recovers.
Low-Voltage Momentary Cessation FIGURE 13. A zoom-in plot for low-voltage momentary cessation
testing: 0 p.u. ac voltage for 67 ms returning to 1 p.u. (a) MV L-N
The next test was for the LV3 region (0.5–0 p.u. grid volt- voltages, (b) MV phase currents, (c) dc voltage, (d) dc current, and
age). This region in Rule 21 is unique, and still under some (e) duty cycles for PAU and dynamic brake.
interpretation, in that the inverter must momentarily cease
to energize the grid without tripping so long as the grid a manner different from that of the LV1 and LV2 regions;
voltage recovers to above 0.5 p.u. within 1 s, and if not, this particular inverter returns to service within approxi-
the inverter is allowed to trip. As mentioned previously, mately one 60-Hz cycle. Rather, if the grid voltage recovers
this momentary cessation is <10% of the predisturbance ac from an LV3 region, the inverter has 2 s to return to ser-
current. Additionally, the inverter is allowed to recover in vice. From a dc supply perspective, this potentially mild,
slow return to service is much easier to handle than the Author Information
near-immediate recovery seen in Figure 11. Jesse Leonard (jpleona@clemson.edu), Ramtin Hadidi,
For this test, the grid voltage was reduced to 0 p.u. for J. Curtiss Fox, Thomas Salem, Benjamin Gislason, and
67 ms then returned back to 1 p.u. (Figure 12 shows the Mark H. McKinney are with the Clemson University
entire sequence and Figure 13 the first 150 ms). Figure Duke Energy eGRID Center, North Charleston, South Caro-
12 clearly illustrates the initial ac power cut to 0 kW, a lina. Leonard, Hadidi, Fox, and Gislason are Members of
momentary cessation followed by a return to service with- the IEEE. McKinney is a Senior Member of the IEEE. This
in 2 s once the grid voltage returns to nominal. article first appeared as “Design and Commissioning of
The more interesting aspect is the dc supply response 2.5 MW dc Supply for Evaluating Megawatt Scale Smart
to the near-immediate 2,000-kW load rejection. First, Solar Inverters” at the 2016 IEEE IAS Annual Meeting. This
recall that this is still a momentary cessation by the invert- article was reviewed by the IAS Power Systems Engineer-
er; the inverter ac and dc breakers remained closed for ing Committee.
the duration of the test. Figure 13 shows the line-neutral
voltages and phase currents at the isolation transformer’s References
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