Lecture1.PDF 70
Lecture1.PDF 70
Lecture1.PDF 70
4 Lectures
Flood Routing
Module 5
Topics to be covered
Module 5
Module 5
( Subramanya, 1984)
Module 5
Applications of Flood Routing
Water conveyance (Spillway) systems
Protective measures
Hydro-system operation
Water Dynamics:
Ungauged rivers
Peak flow estimation
River-aquifer interaction
Module 5
Types of flood routing
Flow f(time)
Continuity equation and Flow/Storage relationship
Flow f(space, time)
Continuity and Momentum equations
Module 5
Flow Routing Analysis
Q Transfer
Function Q Outflow
I (t ) = Inflow
Upstream Q (t ) = Outflow
Downstream hydrograph
Module 5
Flow Routing Analysis Contd…
Q Tp t
Tp t
Tp t
Module 5
Flood Routing Methods
Module 5
Hydrologic routing
Reservoir routing
2. Muskingum method
Storage is linear function of I and Q
Channel routing
Module 5
Continuity equation for hydrologic routing
Module 5
Continuity equation for hydrologic routing Contd..
Rate change of flow storage can be also represented by this following equation:
Change in storage
Change in time
Even if the inflow hydrograph, I(t) is known, this equation cannot be solved directly
to obtain the outflow hydrograph, Q(t), because both Q and S are unknown. A
second relation, the storage function is needed to relate S, I, and Q. The particular
form of the storage equation depends on the system: a reservoir or a river reach.
Module 5