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Module 5

4 Lectures

Flood Routing

Prof. Subhankar Karmakar

IIT Bombay
The objective of this module is to introduce the concepts and

methods of lumped and distributed flood routing along with

an insight into Muskingum method.

Module 5
Topics to be covered

 Lumped flow routing

 Level pool method
 Kinematic wave/Channel routing
 Muskingum method

 Distributed Flow routing

 Diffusion wave routing
 Muskingum-Cunge method

 Dynamic wave routing

Module 5
Module 5

Lecture 1: Introduction to flood routing

Flood Routing

“Flood routing is a technique of determining the flood

hydrograph at a section of a river by utilizing the data of

flood flow at one or more upstream sections.”

( Subramanya, 1984)
Module 5
Applications of Flood Routing

For accounting changes in flow hydrograph as a flood wave passes downstream

 Flood Forecasting
 Flood Protection
 Flood Warning

Water conveyance (Spillway) systems
Protective measures
Hydro-system operation

Water Dynamics:
Ungauged rivers
Peak flow estimation
River-aquifer interaction

Module 5
Types of flood routing

 Lumped/hydrologic
 Flow f(time)
 Continuity equation and Flow/Storage relationship

 Distributed/hydraulic
 Flow  f(space, time)
 Continuity and Momentum equations

Module 5
Flow Routing Analysis

It is a procedure to determine the flow hydrograph at a point on a watershed from a

known hydrograph upstream.


Q Transfer
Function Q Outflow

I (t ) = Inflow
Upstream Q (t ) = Outflow
Downstream hydrograph

Module 5
Flow Routing Analysis Contd…

As flood wave travels downstream, it undergoes

Peak attenuation Qp

Q Tp t

Tp t


Tp t
Module 5
Flood Routing Methods

Lumped / Hydrologic flow routing:

Flow is calculated as a function of time alone at a particular location.
Hydrologic routing methods employ essentially the equation of continuity and
flow/storage relationship

Distributed / Hydraulic routing:

Flow is calculated as a function of space and time throughout the system
Hydraulic methods use continuity and momentum equation along with the
equation of motion of unsteady flow (St. Venant equations).

Module 5
Hydrologic routing

1. Level pool method (Modified Puls)

 Storage is nonlinear function of Q

 Reservoir routing

2. Muskingum method
 Storage is linear function of I and Q

 Channel routing

3. Series of reservoir models

 Storage is linear function of Q and its time derivatives

Module 5
Continuity equation for hydrologic routing

Flood hydrograph through a reservoir or a channel reach is a gradually varied

unsteady flow. If we consider some hydrologic system with input I(t), output Q(t), and
storage S(t), then the equation of continuity in hydrologic routing methods is the
Change in storage
Change in time

Module 5
Continuity equation for hydrologic routing Contd..

Rate change of flow storage can be also represented by this following equation:

Change in storage
Change in time

Even if the inflow hydrograph, I(t) is known, this equation cannot be solved directly

to obtain the outflow hydrograph, Q(t), because both Q and S are unknown. A

second relation, the storage function is needed to relate S, I, and Q. The particular

form of the storage equation depends on the system: a reservoir or a river reach.

Module 5

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