Gemini 9 Voice Communications Transcript

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(T_tle Unc]Ass_ted)

_I IX-AVoiceCCmru'_CA?TONS

"This document contains information affecting the

national defense of the United States within the
me;ning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18. U. S. C.
section 793 & 794. The transmission or the revelation
of its cOntentsin any manner to an unautnorized person
is prohibited by law."

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CC Gemini IX, this is Houston reading you loud and
clear. Like to advise you that the Address 72
that we'll be looking for is 25743.

P Okay. Got it, Neil. 257&3. Thank you.

C Hello, Tanks. This is Gemini IX. How do you read

on UHF?

CC Roger. Tank is reading you loud and clear,

Gemini IX. How me?

C Roger, Gordo. Loud and clear.

CC Okay.

C Hello, Flight° Gemini IX. How do you read on the


CC Read you loud and clear, Gemini IX.

C Roger. Loud and clear.

CC Okay. Good luck.

CC Gemini IX. How do you read on your UHF?

C ... Gemlni IX. I read loud and clear ... the

final count down.

CC Roger. Have a good flight.

C Okay, Bill. Thanks for the support.

C The plan is check. Guess everything's good.

Lock, lock.

P Everything's locked here.

C Roger. Chair up.

P I still hook up.

CC Roger.

CC I pick up T minus 3 in 2 m_utes.

C Looks like the clouds are going away, Gene.

P Yes. It's beautiful out there. Cot the count

about 1 minute?

P Houston CAP COM, Gemini IX.

CC Go ahead, IX. Houston reads you loud and clear.

P That 7 - 25743 was post-IVAR burn. Is that


CC That 's right.

P Okay.

CC Pick up the count in 20 seconds.

CC Gemini IX. How do you read ... ?

C Gordo, Gemini IX reads you loud and clear.

CC Very fine.

C Roger. Thanks a lot.

CC ... count on my Mark.

CC 3, 2, 1,


CC T minus 3.

CC Roger.

P Come on light'

CC GemuiniSupport SPC. Do you verify tran_m4ssion?

P No light in here.

C Wowee !


CC Minus 2 minutes, Gem4ui IX.

C Roger.

CC DCS, STC. Sequence _3.

C And I think we're going to make it, _ene.

P Yes.

: C That's why they worked up that new procedure.

CC Gemini IX, PC. Launch vehicle is transferring

ihterr_l power.

CC Stand by for engine gimbaling. You copy, Gemini


P Roger. Standing by.

C (Laughter)

P What do you know?

CC Minus 1 minute.

P Okay, TP. Let's get him.

C We'll have a good one, Gene.

C Stand by for the power.

CC Stage 2-P valves coming open in 5 seconds.

CC Minus _O seconds.

P Wow'

C That was good one.

CC 30 seconds.

CC T m_nus 20.

CC T minus 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, _, 3, 2, 1



00:00:02 C We're on the way: Clock is started.

00:00:08 P Beautiful, Tom' We're going:

OO:OO:10 C Yes.

00:O0:16 P Cabin is starting to seal.

00:00:18 C Roll Program initiated on time.

OO:OO:21 CC Roger. Roll.

00:00:23 C And Roll complete.

00:00:24 CC Roll complete.

00:00:26 C Pitch Program initiate.

00:00:27 CC Roger on the Pitch.

00:00:33 P Looks real good here, Tom.

00:00:40 P Boy, we're really moving out now'

OO:O0:_1 CC Lift-off 13:39:33: 13:39:33:

00:00:42 C Right: We're on our way.

00:00:44 P Gee: Are we moving:

OO:OO:&6 C We're moving now, Gene.

O0:OO :_7 P Holy Smolie!

OO:O0:_8 C We've only got 1-1/2 g's.

00:00:50 CC MARK.

00:00:51 CC 50 seconds.

OO:OO:53 C Roger. Mode 2, Neil.

00:00:55 P And cabin sealed at 6.0.

00:01:01 CC Roger on the cabin.

OO:O1:O_ C Starting to vibrate and shake.

00:01:06 P Boy, I can't see in that sun:

00:01:21 C Can't see a thing.

00:01:22 P Can't see anything.

O0:O1:24 P Everything looking good so far.

00:01:27 C Neil, ... got the sun right in my face.

00:01:32 CC We didn't copy that, Tom.

00:01:_2 C I can't see a thing. The sun's right in my

face ...

00:01:_4 CC Still didn't copy you, Tom.

O0:Ol:&6 P Roger. We have the sun in our eyes. Keep us

closely advised, Neil.

00:01:_8 CC Okay. I've got you now. You're in Mode 2 now.

Advise no DCS updates now.

00:01:56 P No ...

00:01:58 CC No DCS. Okay, Slim.

00:02:00 P Roger. Understand. Negative DCS update.

00:02:02 C ... can't reach it.

00:02:09 C We'll have to keep my hand up here.

00:02:10 P Okay ...

00:02:17 P Okay. Needles looking good. Everything looks


00:02:19 CC You're GO for Staging, Gemini IX.

00:02:21 C Tell them we're GO.

00:02:22 P Roger. Understand. We're GO. And we are GO:

00:02:24 CC Roger.

00:02:26 P I have the horizon, Tom.

00:02:28 C Yes. Good show.

00:02:30 C Okay. 30, 1, 2.

00:02:33 P Oh, there's the fireball:

00:02:37 C Yes, we had a beautiful fireball. Staging is GO.

00:02:40 CC Roger.

00:02:41 C Okay. High rate.

00:02:42 P Okay.

00:02:45 C Okay. We pulled 5 g's for the first stage.

00:02:48 C Something is burning.

00:02:49 P It's start and stop.

OO:02:50 C Guidance Initiate, Neil.

OO:02:51 CC 0kay. Guidance.

00:02:56 P And she's coming back in.

00:02:58 C Steering looks realgood, Nell.

00:02:59 P Needles are coming - oh, the horizon is beauti-


00:03:00 CC Roger.

00:03:04 P Oh, that's fantastic'

00:03:06 C I've got ...

00:03:14 P Oh, Tom. That's great:

00:O3:18 P Okay. She came through booster firing and the -

00:03:24 P Everything's looking good so far, Tom.

00:03:27 P 03:25.

00:03:28 C Looks good.

00:03:30 P Okay. We've got 1/2 degree negative yaw and
1/2 degree negative pitch on the needle.

00:03:37 P Oh, Tom:

OO:O3:38 C Take another look.

OO:O3:_O P Oh, that's so pretty!

00:O3:_3 P Okay, Tom. Everything is looking good so far.

00:O3:_8 C Run a little longer, we're only pulling 1-3/_


00:03:52 P Okay, the IOS- showing about 1 degree negative

yaw, and 1 degree for the pitch.

O0:O&:05 P Make that a 1/2 degree, Tom.

00:0_:09 P How fantastic this is'

OO:0&:18 P Okay. Here comes the g loading. It's going - -

00:O_:20 C Yes. We're going through. Hey, we're pulling


00:0_:22 CC IX. You're GO on the ground.

00:0_:26 C Roger, Houston. IX GO here.

00:0_:27 P Ail systems are GO, Tom. We're looking good.

00:O_:29 CC Advise you can expect some large - out-of-plane

on the IVAR which won't burn.

00:O_:32 C Roger.

00:O_:33 CC And you may have a little bit of out-of-plane on

the steering, building up at the end there.

00:O_:37 C Okay. We'll be looking for it, Neil.

00:O_:39 P Roger. We're showing 0 pitch, and yaw is start-

ing to build up at 1 degree now.

OO:O_:_7 CC Roger.

OO:O_:50 C Almost 3 g's.

00:04,:57 P Oh baby' Keep going, just keep going'

00:0/+:61 C ... we're getting it now.

00:04,:63 P How's it look, Neil- Tom?

00:05:05 C 5 mtnutes and ... 5.8 g's.

00:05:06 P Okay. We're starting to build up our yaw. Pitch

is right on.

OO:05:11 C Okay.

00:05:14 CC MARK.

OO:05:15 CC V/VR is .8.

00:05:16 C Roger. Pulling 3 flat.

00:05:23 P There it is - our yaw going.

00:05:28 C Okay. 30, 1, 2, 3, _, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

00:05:_1 P There it is.

OO:05:_2 C SECO.... Zero.

OO:05:44 CC Roger. SECO.

00:05 :_5 P You're on.

OO:05:&7 C IVIs read 60 forward.

00:05:50 CC Roger. 60 forward. You are GO for IVAR.

00:05:52 P 25706.

00:05:54 C Okay.

00:05:55 CC Roger. Over IVI.

00:05:56 C Roger.

00:05:58 P 714, Tom.

00:06:02 C Okay. Stand by.

00:06:05 C Go ahead.

OO :O6:08 P Plus 27 on the IVAR.

00:06:09 C RATE CCtV/AND.

00:O6:12 C I'm reading 17 forward, 26 left and 153 down.

OO:06:19 CC Roger.

OO:06:21 P 21, Tom. Forward.

OO:06:25 C Give us ...

00:06:26 P 21 forward on this.

OO:06:28 C Okay.

00:06:29 P Houston, _mlrLi IX. At SECO, Address 72 reads

251 - 714; 95 is plus 0021.

00:06:_O C Okay.

00:O6:&2 CC Roger. Say again Address 72. That's 25714.

00:06:_7 C What do we have now, Gene?

00:O6:&9 P Okay. Let me read it.

00:06:53 P Okay. 14 to go, Tom.

00:06:5L C 14 to go.

00:06:56 P Have you tested it at all?

00:06:57 C Yes, I tested it.

00:06:59 P Okay. ]4 to go.

OO:07:O1 C Roger.

00:07:07 C How m_ny do we have to go now?

00:07:O8 P Okay. 6 to go.

OO:07:10 C Roger.

00:07:12 P Your IVAR's looking good on it.

OO:07:15 C About now.

00:07:16 P Okay. Looks zero.

00:07:18 P Where did you thrust? We're going up in the air,

aren't we?

00:07:20 P Did you test on the needles?

00:O7:21 C Yes !

00:07:22 P Okay.

00:07:25 C Okay. We all set?

00'07:28 P Okay. Ail set. Reading 52.

00:07:30 C That's a good one.

00:07:3_ C Pitch down here.

OO:07:_2 C That's a nice one.

00:07:52 C Plat and ...

OO :07:53 P Okay.

00:07:59 CC Gemini IX, Houston radio check.

OO:O8:O1 C Houston, read you loud and clear.

00:08:03 CC Okay. Reading you the same.

OO:08:O_ P Houston, post-burn 72 reads 257_9; 95 is minus

0002; 52 is all zeros.

OO :O8:14 CC Roger. Copy.

00:O8:17 P Okay. Let's go on the Insertion Check List,

Tom. Your Boost Insert, SAFE.

OO:08:21 C Roger.

00:08:26 P Look at the horizon area.

00:08:28 CC Roger. Gemini IX. Your 1-Alpha time is 15:55.

00:08:38 P Gemtui IX. Roger. 15:55, 1-Alpha.

OO:08:h4 P Okay, Tom. Retro Rocket Squibs, SAFE.

00:08:_6 C Roger. SAFE.

00:O8:_7 P Boost Insert, SAFE; Maneuver Controller OFF and


OO:08:50 C Roger.

00:08:55 P Okay. Sequential Light Test.

00:O9:01 P Whenever you get a chance, our restraints are


OO:09:17 P Okay.

00:09:20 P This is on. Let's get this on.

00:09:22 C Houston, Gemini IX. The Primary Scanners look


00:09:26 CC Roger. Understand. Your insertion is 86 by 150.

OO:09:31 C Roger.

OO:O9:3_ P Roger. Copy 86 by 150.

00:09:35 CC That's affirm.

00:09:37 C And Fuel Quantity is 95 percent.

OO:09:_O CC And your lift-off time _as on time, 39:33.

OO:O9:47 C Roger .... in-plane.

00:09:50 P Roger. Copy. 13:39:33 lift-off.

OO:O9:5_ P Okay, Tom. Let's go over your Sequential Light


00:09:59 C Okay. Go ahead.

00:10:00 CC 20 seconds to LOS.

00:10:02 P Okay. I'm good here.

00:10:05 C GROWN.

00:10:06 P GREEN.

O0:l0:08 C Got them.

O0:10:09 P 0kay. We've got them.

O0:10:11 C Good show.

00:10:12 P Okay. Your left Secondary 02, CLOSe).

00:10:19 P Okay. You can jettison your window cover, and

I '11 finish mfne.

00:10:22 P Main circuit breaker to the GO. (Battery test)

00:10:31 P Okay. Checking each amp and volt reading.

00:10:33 C Lots of goodies on there.

00:l0:35 P Continuing with Antenna Electrical Check.

00:10:37 C Get these burns okay?

O0:10:41 P I'll get the firing check.

00:10:45 P Main line looks good. She should go around

some more.

00:10:47 C There she goes.

00:11:02 P Did she go?

00:11:03 C Yes.

00:11:0_ P Okay. Number 1 battery is about 23; Number 2 is

24; Number 3 is 22; and Number _ is 23.

00:11:23 P Fuel cells are looking pretty good, Tom. Get

your gear stowed and then I'll get ...

00:11:30 C Okay. The scanners looking good.

00:11:35 P Okay. Let me get this thing off so I can open
my _ visor.

00:11:47 C It was quite a ride, wasn't it?

O0:11:50 P Pretty fantastic.

00:11:52 C ...


00:16:33 CC Gemini IX, Canary CAP COM.

00:16:35 C This is Gemlui IX here.

00:16:37 CC Roger. Have your Phase-Adjust Maneuver here,

if you are ready to copy.

00:16:40 P Any time.

00:16:41 CC Roger. GET B: 49 plus 05; Delta-V, 73.6; burn

time, 1 plus 39; yaw O, pitch O; Address 25,
00736; Address 26, all zeros; Address 27, all
zeros; thrusters, aft; Maneuver, Posigrade.
You're Phase-Adjust. Do you copy?

00:17:15 P Canary, say again all through yaw O and pitch O,


00:17:20 CC Roger. Address 25, 00736; Addresses 26 and 27,

all zeros; thrusters, aft; Maneuver, Posigrade.
Phase-Adjust - -

00:17:38 P Canary, Gemini IX. Roger. I'd like GET B,

Delta-V and Delta-T, please.

00:17:43 CC Roger. GET B: _9 plus 05; Delta-V, 73.6; Delta-

T, 1 plus 39.

OO:17:57 P Gemini IX. Roger. Phase Maneuver is 49 plus

05; Delta-V, 73.6; duration is 1 plus 39; yaw
O, pitch O; 25 is 00736; 26 all zeros; 27 all
zeros; aft thrusters; Posigrade.

OO:18:17 CC Roger. That 's correct.

O0:18:19 C And the Insertion Check was Just complete.

OO:18:21 CC Roger. Thank you.

00:18:23 CC I have your 2-1 update.

OO:18:27 C Can we have a moment ?

00:18:29 CC Say again, Gemini IX.

00:18:30 C If you'll stand by, we'll copy in a minute.

00:18:32 CC Roger.

OO:18:52 C Canary, Gemini IX. Go with 2-1.

OO:18:53 CC Roger. GET RC: O1:26:31; RET &OOK, 07 plus

59; RET RB, 14 plus 37; roll left 85, roll
right 95.

00:19:17 P Gemini IX. Roger. 2-1 GET RC is 01:26:31;

_OOK is 07 plus 59; reverse bank at 1_ plus
37; left 85 degrees, bank right 95.

00:19:31 CC Roger, Gemini IX. Stand by for your UHF check

when you are ready.

00:19:36 P Roger. Switching over to UHF 2. We'll give you

a call in 30 seconds.

00:19:39 CC Roger.

00:19:5_ P Canary, this is Ge_tni IX on UHF. How do you

read me?

00:19:57 CC Roger. Read you loud and clear, Gemini IX.

Let's go back to Number 1.

00:20:00 P Number 1.

00:25:02 CC Gemini IX, this is Houston.

00:25:0_ C Roger. This is Gemini IX. Go.

00:25:07 CC Roger. I'd like to give you GET time hack. It

will be 25:15 in three seconds.

00:25:16 CC MARK.

00:25:17 C We're right on. Our water boiler is stlil ...


00:25:21 CC Okay. And we're holding you 86 by /44 at

Bermuda. I'd like to give you a new maneuver.

OO:25:31 C Roger.

00:25:33 CC Roger. We have apogee at 147 now out of Canary.

We_il give you the maneuver changes based on

OO:25:&1 CC Okay. You ready to copy?

OO:25:_3 P Stand by. Ready to copy. Go.

00:25:&6 CC Okay. GET B is _9:O3; Delta-V, 75.0; burn time,

1 plus kO; Address 25 is 00750. Ail the rest
are the same.

00:26:11 P Okay, Neil. I've got GET B at _9 plus 03;

Delta-V, 75.0; duration is 1 plus _0; yaw O,
pitch O; 25, 00750; 26, O; 27, O; aft thrusters;

00:26:30 CC That's correct.


00:35:05 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

00:35:07 C This is Gemini IX, Houston. Read you loud and


00:35:10 CC Roger, Tom. We have a pointing star for you.

It's Theta Aquilae. That's 7 degrees down and
1 degree right.

O0:35:24 C Roger.

00:35:28 CC It's Thsta Aquilae. It's on your SC-1 chart and

it's close to Altair.

00:35:3& C Roger.

00:36:22 CC Gemini IX. Would you take - check Tape Recorder
Power circuit breaker, please.

00:36:36 C Houston, Gemini IX ...

00:36:40 CC We're reading you a little bit garbled, Tom.

That was check your Tape Recorder Power circuit

00:36:47 C Roger.

OO:49:0_ P I felt that one! I felt that one, Tom:

00:49:09 P I sure felt that.

00:49:23 C Go.

00:49:25 P Okay. The burn time is 1:40 so we should read -

5043 at the completion time. Right?

OO:49:30 C Right.

00:49:39 P We still have about 40 - 50 percent yet to go.

00:49:59 P Feels like I urinated out in my pants.

OO:50:O1 P Oop: That went in the report.

00:50:04 C That's all right .... still burning?

00:50:08 P Yes.

OO:50:11 C Okay.

00:50:16 P The quantity is 5043 on the counter and I get to

go on 80.

00:50:28 P Okay. I have about 13 to go. l'm 80.

00:50:32 P Going over 82. Got about 10 seconds to burn.

00:50:40 C Okay. Hit it.

00:50:42 P Okay. There's 82. 82 is good.

00:50:47 P All zeros. 81 plus 2. That's good enough.

00:50:59 P Okay,

00:51:0_ P He wants - -

00:51:05 C Hit it again ... two tenths is good enough.

O0:51:11 P One tenth.

OO:51:12 C One tenth plus - -

00:51:18 P Plus one tenth on 80, plus two tenths on 81 and

zero on 82.

00:51:20 C - - Good show!


00:51:21 C Hello, Carr_rvon. Gemini IX.

00:51:24 CC Go ahead, Gemini IX.

O0:51:25 C Roger. Completed our purge right on time; re-

siduals were for ... We're standing by for the
Accelerometer Bias Check. We'll give you a -_11
as soon as we have all addresses to zero.

OO:51:_1 CC Roger. Would you give us that residual again,


OO:51:_5 P Roger. Address 80, plus one tenth; 81, plus two
tenths; 82, was zero.

OO:51:55 CC Roger. Now we'll give you a GO on the radiator.

You can place the Evaporator switch to NOR_&_L.

OO:52:O1 C Roger. NORMAL.

00:52:07 C We're showing all zeros for 25:67 ... Ready to


00:52:12 CC Stand by one, Gemini IX.

O0:52:_2 CC IX, Carnarvon.

00:52:_3 C Carnarvon, IX. Go.

00:52:44 CC Carnarvon's having some telemetry problems.
I'll give you a call as soon as we're set up

00:52:47 C Okay.

00:53:09 CC Gemini IX, Carnarvon.

O0:53:l0 C Gemini IX. Go.

00:53:12 CC Roger. Will you cycle back to PRELAUNCH and

then back to CATCH-UP, please?

OO:53:15 C Roger. How about going to R_DEZVOUS posltion?

O0:53:17 CC Okay.

00:53:22 CC Roger. We'll start the Accelerometer Bias


00:53:25 C Roger. START COMP this ...

00:53:30 C Do you have us GO for 16-17

OO:53:3A CC Roger. You're GO for 16-1.

00:55:24 CC Gemini IX, Carnarvon. Would you place the

Quantity Read switch to ECS 02?

00:55:29 C Come to ECS 02 .

00:55:50 CC FUEL CkNT 02.

00:55:53 C Roger. FUEL C_L 02 .


00:56:24 C H2.

O0:56:_0 CC The Quantity Read is OFF.

00:56:_5 C Roger. It's OFF.

OO:56:_6 CC Would you give us an OAMS Quantity readout,


00:56:55 C OAMS Quantity reads 82 percent.


O0:56:58 CC Roger.

00:57:40 CC Gemini IX, Carnarvon. We've completed our

accelerometer bias suum_ries.

O0:57:45 C Fine.


01:10:07 CC Gemini IX, Houston standing by.

O1:10:11 C Roger, Houston.

01:12:23 CC Gemini IX, Houston. Can you tell us whether

you saw any drift on your IVI during your
Accelerometer Bias Checks?

01:12:30 C Roger. Just did now .... we saw the UP go to

a 1 ... UP to 1, very small.

01:12:43 CC Roger. UP went to 1 and LEFT-RIGHT went to 1.

Is that right?

O1:12:47 C That 's right.

01:12:49 CC Okay.

O1:12:50 C Want another one?

01:12:52 CC Stand by. I don't think it's required.

O1:12:55 C Roger.

01:12:56 CC We will update your Accelerometer Bias over the


01:13:03 C Houston, say again.

01:13:04 CC We will update your Accelerometer Bias over the


O1:13:08 C Roger.


01:17:37 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii.

01:17:39 C Hawaii, Gemini IX.

01:17:4,1 CC Roger. You look real good here on the gruund.

We have a 250-nautical-m_le-range update for

01:17:&8 P Roger. Stand by.

01:17:52 C Go ahead, Hawaii.

01:17:5_ CC Roger. GET: Ol:&O:O0.

O1:18:02 P Roger. O1:&O:00.

01:18:05 CC We also have a Flight Plan update for you.

01:18:08 C Roger. Go ahead.

01:18:11 CC Node: O1:/3:39; Rev 1, 172.6 degrees west;

right ascension, 20:09.

01:18:3& C Roger. Node: O1:13:39; Rev 1, 172.6 degrees

west; right ascension, 20:09.

01:18:_6 CC Roger. We have turned the L-Band ON on the

ATDA and it looks good.

O1:18:50 C Real fine.

01:21:12 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii. We're at LOS m_nus 1 and

all systems look good.

O1:21:17 P Gemini IX. Roger.


01:28:08 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

O1:28:13 C Houston, IX here. Go.

01:28:16 CC Roger. Your 180-r_uti_l-mtle tlme is 1 plus 56.

01:28:22 C Roger. 1 plus 56.

01:28:24 CC And 1OO nautical miles will be 2 plus 39.

O1:28:29 C Roger.

01:28:33 CC Okay. This current maneuver plan that we're

working on, Tom, has a Delta-H at 12 nautical
miles and a TPI at 4 minutes before sunset.

O1:28:42 C Roger. Delta-H, 12 miles; TPI at _ minutes

before sunset. Sounds real good.

01:28:48 CC Roger. There will be no stars for either burn.

01:28:52 C Say again.

O1:28:53 CC You won't have any stars for either burn. One's
in daylight and one's pointed down.

01:28:58 C I've come to the decision that it's real hard

to see stars.

01:29:02 CC Roger.


01:29:35 C Houston, Gemini IX.

01:29:38 CC Houston, Tom.

01:29:39 C Roger, Neil. My Left Auxiliary Receptacle -

evidently the total unit over there is inoper-
ative, so we're going to make a little make-
shift here, and use a cord stretched across the
cockpit to the Receptacle Right Auxiliary.

01:29:53 CC Roger. Understand. You're - I guess both sides

are on that same breaker, right?

O1:30:00 P Right.

O1:30:O1 C It's definitely in the connector and the con-

nector is loose on the receptacle. There,
we'ye got it.

O1:30:O6 CC I'm with you.

O1:30:07 C Squared away.

01:30:23 CC Okay. You want to go to PR_AUNCH now, Tom,

for the Accelerometer Bias change.

01:30:28 C Going to PR_AUNCH.

O1:30:32 C PRET.AUNCH.

01:30:35 CC Okay.

O1:31:O2 CC Okay. Your bias is being changed _ow, IX.

01:31:O7 C ...

01:31:16 CC We didn't read you that time. Understand you

did get a light.

01:31:21 C Roger. That's affirmative. Now we're going to

take some pictures. How do you read me on the

01:31:28 CC We're reading you loud with a little bi_ of

garb±e, Tom.

01:31:32 C Roger.

01:31:33 CC Can you change that receptacle cord from one

side to the other for later in the flight?

01:31:41 C It's the receptacle itself, Neil. We're going

to still make the effort to complete the ren-
dezvous and check it out.

O1:31:_8 CC Okay.

01:32:17 CC Advise your bias looks good now, Gemini IX.

O1:32:20 C Roger.


O1:39:10 CC Gemini IX, Houston. Got your maneuver message

when you are ready to copy.

01:39:15 C Gemini IX. Go.

01:39:17 CC Okay. GET B: 01:55:17; Delta-V, 14.6; burn

time, 19 seconds; yaw 67, 67 degrees left,
pitch 44 up, 44 up; Address 25, 000_1; Address
26, 90102; Address 27, 00097; aft thrusters;
Posigrade Up, nerth. That's Corrective Com-
bination. Go ahead.

01:_0:07 C Roger. Houston. Gemini IX. On our NCC at

GET B: 01:55:17; Delta-V, 14.6; duration, 19
seconds; yaw 67 degrees left, /j+degrees up;
Address 25 is 000_1, 26 is 90102, 27 is 00097;
aft thrusters; Up in north.

Ol:&O:_O CC That's correct and Posigrade. Stand by for NSR

as soon as we get it.

O1:kO :_6 C Roger. We understand.

01:_1:16 CC Okay. Stand by for NSR.

Ol:&l:19 C Go ahead, Houston.

01:_1:21 CC Okay. GET B: 2 plus 24 plus 51; Delta-V,

5&.O; burn time, 1 plus 11, that's 1 plus 11;
yaw 3 left, pitch _1 down, _1 down; Address 25,
00_09; Address 26, 00352; Address 27, 00020;
aft thrusters; Posigrade Down, north. That's
NSR. Go ahead.

01:&2:13 C Roger. NSR: 02:24:51; Delta-V, 5_.0; duration

is 1 plus 11; yaw is 3 left, pitch is &l down;
25, O0_09; 26, 00352; 27, 00020; aft thrusters;
Posigrade Down and north.

01:_2:37 CC That's correct. You're on your own now.

Ol:&2:_O C Roger. We're all set to go, Neil.

Ol:&3:O_ CC Okay, IX. Give you a GET time hack at O1:_3:10.

O1:_3:11 CC MARK. O1:_3:10.

01:&3:13 C Roger. We're right on, Houston.

01:_3:15 CC Okay.


01:&5:30 CC Gemini IX, Houston. We're about half a

minute from LOS. You still have a vet7 s_all
bias in the aczelerometer. Looks like, for
worse case TPI, we will be off about a couple-
of-tenths of a foot per second. You might have
a look at it.

01:_5:_8 C Roger, Houston. Sure will.

01:5_:20 C Recording for MCC. The burn is 1 plus 55 plus


O1:5_:31 P Okay. There's ten.

01:54:5_ P Go to RATE COMMAND - there's 13.

01:55:04 C RATE COMMAND.

O1:55:06 P 14, 15, 16, -

01:55:20 P MARK.

O1:55:22 C Burning.

O1:55:25 P Okay. I've got your timing. Should be a 19-

second burn.

01:55:39 C MARK.

01:55:_2 P That was the 10-second burn right on the money.

01:55:44 C Okay. 82 is zero.

01:55:_7 P 82 is zero. 81.

01:55:5_ C Two tenths.

01:55:55 P Minus two.

01:55:56 C 81. Do you want to ...

01:55:59 P Let me hit it again.

01:56:O1 C Zero.

01:56:O6 P 80 is minus ...

01:56:07 CC Gemini IX, Houston standing by.

01:56:10 C Roger. Just completed all of the residuals.

Let it go.

01:56:12 P Skip it.

01:56:13 P Okay.

01:56:27 C There we go. There we go. Call in the residuals

to him.

O1:56:31 P Who's that, Houston or Canaries?

O1:56:32 C Houston.

01:56:3_ P Houston, Gemini IX. Burn was on time. All re-

siduals are zero. 80, 81 and 82 all zeros.

01:56:_1 CC Very good.

01:56:_6 P Okay. Back to PULSE.

01:5S:_9 C Good show. Back to PULSE.

O1:56:51 C Going to R]]IDEZVOUS.

01:_6:53 C Back to CATCH-UP.

01:56:59 C Plat to ...

01:57:O1 C Okay. You can put 81 percent after that, if you

want to. 81 percent l_mtt.

01:57:06 P Houston, Gemini IX. Fuel Quantity is 81 percent.

O1:57:O9 C ... 81 percent.

01:57:13 CC You're 81 percent.

o1:57:22 CC Houston is one m4nute fro_ LOS.

01:57:25 C Roger. Read you loud and clear.

O1:57:26 C Whew! I'm awful glad at this IGS support.

O1:57:28 P Yes, so am I.

O1:57:37 P Boy, you sure sit on top of the cockpit, don't

O1:57:41 C Yes. You feel like you're bent over, head down.

01:57:56 P I lost a pencil somewhere.

O1:57:57 C Sure, '_11 find it. We'll find it on the ship.

O1:58:05 P Well.

O1:58:08 P Yes, but in case I break this one, I'll need one
in a hurry.

O1:58:10 C I've got plenty. I've got two over here - and
we're back Alining the Platform.

01:58:20 P Okay.

01:58:21 C ... to CATCH-UP.

O1:58:25 CC Houston is one minute from LOS.

01:58:27 C Roger. We're Realining the Platform.

01:58:_4 P Okay, T°m, she's all set in. This one is going
to be Posigrade Down and north. It's going to be
3 degrees left and _1 degrees down.

O1:58:_8 C 3 degrees left.

01:58:_9 P And _1 degrees down.

O1:58:50 C I hope.

01:59:01 P Boy, RATE COMMAND is a heck of a lot tighter

than simulation.

O1:59:O6 C It's really tight.

O1:59:10 P Boy! _1 degrees down. That's a big one$

O1:59:18 P Do you want to get that center box and stow it,

O1:59:20 C When's the next burn we'll be running?


01:59:22 P Next burn is at 02:24:51.

O1:59:27 C 02:24:51. Okay.

O1:59:32 C O2:24:51. Good.

O1:59:35 C Go ahead and start ... start working on it.

O1:59:39 P This cord is a pain in the neck.

O1:59:_4 P Let's go to Record, OFF.

O1:59:45 C _ feet per second.


02:09:16 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

02:09:35 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

O2:10:O5 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

O2:10:O8 C Roger, Houston. Gemini IX. Go ahead.

O2:10:10 CC Roger. We're reading you now. Give you a time

hack here. It will be 2 hours, 10 minutes and
20 seconds.

O2:10:20 CC MARK.

02:10:22 C Roger. We're right on.

O2:10:25 CC Okay. And _ minutes after NSR your pointing will

be 5.5 degrees above horizontal; azimuth, O; and
your range, 109 miles with a Range-P_te of 126
feet per second.

O2:10:45 C Roger. Understand 109 miles and 126 feet per


O2:10:_9 CC Roger. 5.5 degrees above horizontal.

O2:11:O6 C Houston ... Say again.

O2:11:11 CC That elevation was 5.5 degrees.

02:11:]4 C Roger. 5·5.

02:11:17 CC Roger.

O2:11:59 C Houston, this is Gemini IX. Were you trying to


02:12:03 CC No we weren't, Tom. Advise you are about 150

nautical miles. Have you had any ACQ - radar
acquisition blinking yet?

O2:12:15 C Not yet, but we'll give you a call when we have

02:12:17 CC Roger.

02:13:22 C Houston, Gemini IX.

02:13:24 CC This is Houston. Go ahead.

02:13:25 C Roger. There appears to be a radar lock-on.

02:13:28 CC Roger. Can you read out the range, please?

02:13:35 C We are 129._5 miles and we'll get you a Range-

Rate shortly.

02:13:_0 CC Roger.

O2:13:&9 C And we've lost radar lock. I just lost it


O2:13:52 CC Roger. Understand you've lost it.

O2:13:5& C Came back in again, and out.

O2:14:O2 C Houston, Gemini IX. We did get a Range-Rate of

201 feet per second. I don't know how good that

O2:l&:08 CC Roger. 201.

O2:14:38 C Houston, Gemini IX. We are at 127 and a half

miles; Range-Rate, 190.

O2:14:44 CC Houston. Roger.

O2:15:10 C Houston, Gemini IX. Estimate azimuth Range-Rate,
34; elevation, 6-1/2 degrees.

02:15:17 CC Houston. Roger. And we're about 1 minute from


02:15:23 C Roger. The radar keeps breaking lock Just as


02:15:28 CC I understand.

02:23:41 P Okay. We're coming up for NSR burn at 02:24:51.

We've got about a minute to go.

02:23:43 C Let's recycleagain back in the ...

02:23:46 P 54 feet per second.

02:23:52 C Okay. Put back to CATCH-UP.

02:23:58 C The needles aren't coming in.

02:24:03 P No.

02:24:05 C Try again. We should have left it then. There

we go. Okay. Just leave it there.

02:24:10 P Okay. We're losing the radar lock-on, but that's


O2:24:13 C ...

O2:24:17 P 24:51, Tom. We've got 30 seconds.

02:24:19 C Okay.

02:24:21 P Are you in RATE COMMAND?

02:24:23 C Roger. In RATE COMMAND.


02:24:27 CC Gemini IX, Carnarvon CAP COM. We're standing by.

02:24:29 C Roger. Be burning shortly. Are we on Record?

O2:24:3_ P 23+:51. You've got 20 seconds.

02:24:37 P On Record. Go to RATE COMMAND.

02:24:39 C Okay. I'll just put it right here to the last


02:24:_1 P Okay. You've got 10 seconds.


O2:24:_9 C ... 51.

02:24:51 P Okay. It is _7.

02:24:52 P 8, 9, 50, BURN.

02:24:53 C MARK.

02:24:5_ C BURN.

02:24:55 P We're burning, Carr_rvon.

02:24:58 CC Roger.

02:25:25 P Our radar lock's holding pretty good, isn't it?

02:25:3/+ P The needle isn't moving each time. I wonder


02:25:_1 C I don't know.

02:25:_9 P Got about 10 seconds to burn.

02:25:53 C Okay.

O2:26:O1 C Okay. Hit it:

02:26:08 P Okay. 80 - let's see, 80, 81 and 82. You've

got to go down just a little.

02:26:20 P Let me hit it again. Okay. Stand by.

02:26:25 C That's good. 82 is one.

02:26:27 P Yes.

02:26:3_ C 81 is 1.

O2:26:_3 C It's coming in, too.

O2:26:51 P Yes.

02:26:52 C Six tenths.

02:26:56 P One squeeze.

02:26:57 C Hit it!

02:26:58 P I don't believe that. Why would - -

02:27:01 C Okay. Just let it go.

02:27:O_ C Zero, zero. Make it a zero, okay?

02:27:08 P Carmarvon, this is Gemini IX. Burn is complete.

The residuals: 80 is O; 81 is 1; 82 is 1.

02:27:17 CC Roger. Standing by for your fuel cell purge.

02:27:20 P Roger. Comlng up on the purge.

02:27:27 C Did you get the time up there?

02:27:28 P For what?

O2:27:31 C Did you start ... ?

02:27:35 P Did I get the time ... ?

02:28:53 C Carnarvon, Gemini IX. Purged hydrogen Sections

1 and 2, got a Delta-P light. Presently purging
oxygen Section 1.

02:29:O1 CC Roger.

02:32:25 CC Gemini IX, we're 30 seconds to LOS.

02:32:29 C ... Roger. We got about 20 seconds on the Sec-

tion 2 02 purge and I did not get any lights.

02:32:36 CC Roger. Would it be possible for me to get an

OAMS Quantity readout from you before LOS here?

02:32:40 P Roger. Reading 73 percent.

02:32:42 CC Roger.

02:32:47 C Carnarvon, we also need a Bravo.

02:32:_9 CC Roger.

02:32:50 CC Gemini.

02:32:51 C Gemini IX, fuel cell purge is complete. Every-

thing looks good.

02:32:53 CC Roger.


02:50:28 C Hello, Hawaii. Gemini IX.

02:50:30 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii.

02:50:32 C Roger. We've had a computer malfunction. Want

to clue you in on it.

02:50:39 CC Roger. Go ahead.

02:50:42 C Okay. We noticed this after the NSR burn. Every

time we would go fr_nR_qDEZVOUS back to CATCH-U_
the COMP light would come on without starting and
the IVIs would display. This showed we were get-
ting some signal in that would start the compu-
tation cycle. Okay, went to P_NDEZVOUS and after
the total data points, we got the first solution
displayed. The START COMP light then r_me on and
it cranked up the solution for this range, and it
would not give a second data point. We went over
to CATCH-UP and it had the same values in CATCH-
UP that we had in RENDEZVOUS and, naturally, the
light was on, which shows that we are holding it
in the register. It appears that after every
eighth data point all we'll get is that solution
and nothingmore. Our Delta-Delta-R shows that
we are about 2-1/2miles high for 15 which is12.5
and the list isn't too bad and the radar is doing
beautifully. You want to relay that on to Hous_a_


O2:51:49 CC Roger. Will do.

02:51:55 CC Everything is looking real good here on the

ground. We still read you've got solid lock.

02:52:00 C Roger. We do have solid locking. Occasionally

it will break and the needles act too wild.

02:52:05 CC Roger.

O2:53:21 C Hawaii, Gemini IX. We're back in Rendezvous Mode

to try to stay Closed Loop. We are getting good
Delta-R's out of our computation. We will let
you know when we get our next solution.

02:53:32 CC Roger. Will do. And Houston says they'll talk

to you about the problem over the States.

02:53:36 C Roger. It's just the same as if we START COMP

every time we turn to the Catch-up and Rendezvous

O2:53:42 CC Roger. Understand.

02:53:50 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii. Houston says they confirm

the Delta-H.

02:53:55 C Roger.

02:54:56 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii.

02:54:57 C Hawaii. Go.

02:54:59 CC The ATDA has been configured for Rendezvous and

all lights are ON at this time.

02:55:03 C Roger. Real fine.

02:55:17 P Hawaii, this is Gemini IX. We're presently 8

degrees and 76.67 miles; Range-Hate, 126.

02:55:24 CC Roger. Copy.

O2:56:17 C Hawaii. Gemini IX is 8.6 degrees; 74.58 miles;

125, Range-Rate.


02:59:52 C Hello, Hawaii. Gemini IX.

03:OO:01 CC Hello, Gemini IX. Houston here.

03:00:03 C Roger. Houston, Gemini IX. We've just gone

through another cycle on the computer in the
Rendezvous Mode. It brings up the first solution
and then immediately goes down to give us the
same as if we had pushed START COMP, Neil.

03:00:15 CC Roger. And understand it does that at the eighth

data point. Is that correct?

O3:OO:18 C Yes. We're coming up to 9 degrees and going down

to Aline the Platform.

03:00:22 CC Roger. Understand you are going to Aline now.

We're going to try to work out the best time we
can for you to cycle into Rendezvous Mode so that
you get a correc_ solution at the proper time.

03:00:36 C Okay. We already thought about this one up here.

03:00:40 CC I'm sure you did.

03:02:09 C Hello, Houston. IX here.

03:02:10 CC Go ahead, IX.

O3:O2:13 C Okay. We just thought of another thing up here,

Neil. If we get that solution right at that
point, and it's bad, and we have to go to CATCH-
UP to make the burns, we will have to treat the
IVIs to do it.

03:02:27 CC Roger.


03:02:52 C Our analysis on-board, Houston, is that something

is initiating the START COMP cycle. We noticed


this Just as we finished the NSR burn.

03:03:0/, CC Roger. We're with you. Just to advise you here,

you've got less than 1 mile relative ellipbicity,
so it's going to be reasonably easy to predict
the proper TPI.

03:03:17 C Roger. Our Delta-Delta-R shows we're in pretty

good shape, too, up here.

03:03:21 CC Roger.

03:06:39 P Houston, Gemini IX. 9.6 degrees; range, 61.67;

Range-Rate, 125.

03:10:20 C Hello, Houston. Gemini IX.

03:10:22 CC Go ahead.

03:10:24 C Roger. We're still Alining the Platform here,


03:10:26 CC Roger. Understand.

03:10:30 P Houston, IX. Elevation, 10.5 degrees; range,

57.55; Range-Rate, 128.

03:10:37 CC Houston. Roger.

03:11:20 C Houston, Gemini IX. Elevation, 11.1; range,


03:11:27 CC Houston.

03:13:13 C Houston, Gemini IX. No elevation; range is 53.fi4;

Range-Rate, 121.

03:13:20 CC Houston. Roger.

03:13:39 C Houston, this is IX. We're complete with the

Platform Alin_ent. We're pitching up to the

O3:13:50 CC IX. Houston has turned TPI up when you are ready
to copy.

03:13:54 C Roger. Ready to copy.


03:13:56 CC Roger. GET B: 03:35:35; GTNsR Delta-V, 11044,

26.8; burn time, 35 seconds; Address 25, 00231;
Address 26, 90134; Address 27, 90020; that's
26.7 forward, 1.3 up, 2.2 right; range, 28.4
nautical miles. Range-Rate, 115; azimuth 0.5
left;elevation, 27.4 up.

03:14:57 P Roger. Houston. GET burn is 03:35:35; GTNSR

011044; Delta-V, 26.8; Delta-T, 35 seconds; 25,
00235- correction 00231; 26, 90134; 27, 90020;
26.7 forward, 1.3 up, 2.2 right; range, 28.4;
115 Range-Rate; azimuth, 0.5 left; elevation
27.4 up.

03:15:&2 CC Houston. Roger.

03:15:52 C Houston, Gemini IX. Say again GET burn, please.

03:15:56 CC Roger. It's 03:35:35.

03:15:59 P That's 03:35:35. Thank you.

03:16:01 C And we've had another COMP cycle and it's done
e_ctly the same as the previous cycles. As
soon as the first solution was displayed it went
to the total vector to RENDEZVOUS at that point.

03:16:15 CC That's correct. Understand.

03:19:28 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

03:19:32 C Houston, IX. Go.

03:19:33 CC Roger, Tom. I'm sure you've been looking at thia

Our estimate for the ttme to switch into Rendez-
vous Mode is at 15.3 degrees for 3 hours, 20
minutes, 05 seconds.

03:19:49 C Roger. Checks pretty close to what we've come

up with. However, we're going to have to put
some addresses in the computer and check them

O3:19:59 CC Roger. Your darkness time is - your TPI is cur-

rently 5 m_nutes, about 5-1/2 m_nutes before sun-


03:20:06 C 5-1/2 before sunset.

03:20:20 CC Roger. Did you switch into R_DEZVOUS now?

03:20:25 C Roger. We switched to the R_DEZVOUS.

03:20:26 CC Okay.

O3:21:22 C Hello, Houston. Gemini IX.

03:21:27 CC Roger.

03:21:30 C I've got a real faint light out there by the

reticles. Too early to tell.

03:21:35 CC Good show! Can you tell us what time you went
into Rendezvous Mode?

03:21:37 C I've got it. I've got it in reflected sunlight

now as about a 6-magnitude star.

03:21:42 CC Roger. Good.

O3:21:54 C Houston, Gemini IX. The boresights between the

optics and the radar look very good.

03:22:01 CC Very good. We're approaching LOS.

03:22:03 P Roger.

03:27:12 CC Gemini IX, Houston standing by.

03:27:44 CC Gemini IX, Houston standing by.

03:27:46 C Pressurized element did detect sunlight in here.

03:27:51 CC Okay. Tom, it won't hurt you to go ahead and

press START COMP after you get your solution.

03:27:57 C Roger.

03:27:59 CC Reccenend it.

03:28:02 P Gemini IX. Elevation, 19.4; range, 231 miles;

Range-Rate, 119.

03:29:33 C Houston, Gemini IX....

03:29:38 CC Houston. Could not copy.

03:29:41 C Houston, this is Gemini IX. The optical bore-

sight is within a ... degree of the radar bore-

03:29:47 CC Roger. Understand.

03:31:05 P Houston, Gemini IX. At 22 degrees, 32 miles.

03:31:14 CC Houston. You're a bit garbled, Gene.

O3:31:19 P 7:20; 22 degrees. Okay. The time that I want,

Tom, is going to be 9 minutes. Don't let me
miss it.

O3:31:24 C 9 m_uutes. Okay. It's 8:17.

03:32:10 C 8:55, 6, 7, 8, 9 minutes. Right on the dude.

O3:32:19 P 26, that's Point C. There's Point C and there's

our solution. 26 forward, 4 right and 9 up.

03:32:24 C Okay. And at least we finished.

03:32:29 P What is it?

03:32:31 C 26 forward, 4 right and 9 up.

O3:32:39 P 26 forward - -

03:32:43 C _ right and 9 up.

03:32:47 P - - 4 right and 9 up. They gave us 26.7 and a

1.3 up. Go - go ahead, push START COMP. That
was Point C.

03:32:53 C I can't get a light.

03:32:57 P Go ahead.... we broke ...

03:33:00 P Okay. I need a good point at 10:40, Tom.

03:33:07 C Houston, Gemini IX. We've got the solution

worked out real good with Point C, but when I
pushed START C0_P no light comes on. We'll
stand by for the light and see if we get it.


The Closed Loop is 26 forward, 3 right and 8 up.

03:33:24 P Okay. At 10:40 I need a big point, Tom.

03:33:26 C 10:40. Okay. I'll be right on it.

03:33:31 P Did you push START COMP?

03:33:32 C Yes. Pushing - -

03:33:36 CC Houston. Copy 26 forward, 3 right and 8 up.

03:33:39 C - - Roger.

03:33:46 C You want 10:40, right?

03:33:49 P Yes.

O3:33:51 C Ail right.

03:33:53 P We there?

03:33:56 P Mark it right there and we're on it' Point D.

O3:3&:00 P 25.2, 27.96. Okay. 115, 28, 24 forward, 24

forward and - -

03:34:03 CC ...

O3:3&:48 P - - O up/down.

03:34:53 P Okay. You get 8 there and the Ground gave us

1.3 up and I get O.

03:34:54 C Give the_ our backup real quick.

O3:3&:55 P Houston, Gemini IX. Point D is elevation 25.2,

range 27.96, 115 Range-Rate. Backup solution
gives 24 forward, O up/down.

03:35 :OO CC Roger.

03:35:13 P Okay. Do you want to go to - go with the - -

03:35:17 C Let's go with yours.

03:35:18 P - - 24 forward, 0 up/down.


03:35:25 P The Ground gets 1.3 up and Closed Loop goes 8 up.

03:35:31 C Let's take the 1 up. Okay? Let's take 27 for-

ward. Okay?

03:35:33 P That' s - that's backup?

03:35:34 C Yes. 27 forward and 1 up. Okay?

03:35:39 P Okay.

03:35:43 P Just in case you can't crank that in, there's

03:35:44 C How much right?

03:35:46 P They said 2.2.

03:35:48 C Right?

03:35:50 P Yes.

03:35:52 C START COMP. We're burning.

03:35:54 P What time is it? 12 - -

03:35:56 C 12:50. Is that on time?

03:35:57 P Exmctly on time.

03:36:00 C We're burning. G_m4ni IX's burning.

0_:36:04 P Closed Loop may be - you wen_ 27 forward, 1 up

and how many right?

CJ:36:10 C 2 right.

03:36:14 P 2 right. You're burning it, right?

03:36:16 C One.

03:36:39 C MARK.

03:36:43 P Okay. We'll get our clocks started at 13:30.

Looks like you initiated fairly well on the
angle, Tom.

03:36:46 C Okay.

03:36:51 P Here, let me get 25, 6 and 7 in 0 if I can. That

right here?

03:36:58 C No, not yet. Not yet. Don't do anything with


03:37:00 P Okay. You can set your clock to 1 minute.

03:37:03 C Okay. It's coming down to 1 m4nute.

03:37:08 C ... functions ...

O3:37:10 P 27 forward, 1 up and 1 right. Affirm?

O3:37:13 C Yes.

O3:37:15 C 1 minute. Now if we can see in this 'thingwe

can only get i minute.

03:37:22 P Okay. 15 seconds. Hey: Z see it.

03:37:24 C Oh yes: It's out there, man. It's really out

there [

03:37:25 P Boy, I hope that's not the shroud ...

03:37:26 P Okay. Coming up on 1 m_rlute. Ready? Start your


03:37:27 P Mark lt.

03:37:33 C Narked it.

03:37:43 C Did you time my burn by any chance?

03:37:55 P No, Tom, Z didn't. I was starting to and we hit

it so fast then.

03:38:05 P Houston, Gemini IX. Is that 29.9, 23.31 miles?

Range-Rate is 14,2.

03:38:/+6 C There! It's working.

03:38:51 P What is?


03:38:54 C Closed Loop. It snapped off.

03:38:58 P Okay. Let's go to - I want an angle and a Range-

Rate of 225.

03;38;59 C It's still in my reflected sunlight.

03:39:01 P Ready.

03:39:03 P Mark it.

03:39:04 C Stand by.

03:39:05 P We've got it right on.

03:39:22 P We may have to go up on this one, Tom.

03:39:29 C This Closed Loop has been pretty good.

03:40:49 P Loop is cranking.

O3:_O:53 C Yes, you can see it out there. We're getting

dark. It's still in reflected sunlight. It's
going to disappear shortly. It's getting dim.
It's getting very dim. And I have the flashing

03:41:15 P You have them?

03:41:17 C Houston, Gemdni IX. I've got the ACQ lights.

03:41:22 P I've got them too. I see them. Oh great, Tom:

4.9. We're going to have a little UP correction
on this one, but --

03:41:24 C Ail right. We're in business.

03:41:27 P And we're cranking, by the way.

03:41:31 P Let's see, _.9 - 4.9 and 35.

03:41:36 C I don't have them.

03:41:39 P I had them though.

03:41:41 C Yes, I did earlier.


03:41:42 P ...

03:_1:43 C The ACQ lights have disappeared again.

O3:_1:47 P Three of them.

03:41:55 C Three of them, right?

03:42:00 P Three or four of them.

03:42:05 C Well, I've lost them. Still tracking the radar.

O3:42:10 P 2 aft and 3 up. Okay?

03:&2:1_ C Yes' Now I've completely lost them, Gene.

03:42:19 P Maybe roll a little bit. They were on though,

Tom, I saw them.

03:42:21 C Yes.

03:_2:23 P Saw them blinking.

03:_2 ·24 C There they are '

O3:42:26 P Yes, there they are.

O3:_2:27 C There they are again!

O3:_2:28 P Okay. 7 minutes. We're going to have a slight

UP correction, Tom.

03 :_2:30 C Good?

03:42:34 P What time do you have?

03:42:36 C Okay. 5:56.

O3:_2:39 P Okay. We've got another minute to go ...

O3:_2:_1 C ... Just a faint little ...

03:42:44 P 34.8 ... 34.8


03:42:48 C Hello, RKV, Gemini IX.

03:44:20 CC Gemini IX. Houston standing by.

O3:_J+:38 CC Gemiui IX. Houston standing by.

03:44:42 P Roger. This is Gemini IX at 7 minutes, ele-

vation, 5.69.

03:50:14 P Elevation, 54.3; range, 9.35; Range-Rate, 89 feet

per second.

O3:50:21 CC Roger. We're less than a minute from LOS.

03:53:34 C Okay. The burn is at 16:_0 after transfer 5

degrees right in the reticle and still see the
flashing light.

03:53:50 C 1 up, 1 aft, 20. Okay. 7 miles and 63.3.

03:53:53 P 19 minutes, Tom.

03:54:12 P Okay. Here's our plot coming right in here.

Okay? Okay. What are we coming up on now,
anything much?

03:54:24 C 17:40.

03:54:25 P Okay.

03:54:29 P Boy, I feel bent over like a pretzel:

03:54:34 C There are no stars out there either.

03:54:38 P No, that moon is Just blinding. You don't have

any of them (stars) period:

O3:54:41 P Sure glad there are flashing lights.

O3:5_:43 C I've got some running lights on him.

03:54:47 P I've lost him entirely now.

O3:5_:53 C What _s that?


03:5_:55 P Hey, that is Scorpio. The head of Scorpio be-

hind the moon.

O3:5_:59 C Yes.

03:55:02 P And Antares.

03:55:05 P I've never seen anything so bright as that moon.

03:55:07 C Yes, it's blinding me.

03:55:13 P I don't have him at all now.

03:55:16 C I don't either. I'm tracking him on radar. The

needles are - -

03:55:19 P Okay. 19 minutes. Radar looks pretty good.

03:55:24 C - - Sure does. Lots better than what we've

been getting.

O3:55:3_ P What did we do with the ... by the way?

03:55:36 C I've got it.

03:55:37 P Okay.

03:55:38 P Okay. Ready?

03:55:/+0 P Mark it.

03:55:/+2 C I've got him again.

03:55:_3 P How's the angle?

03:55:44 C Now. I hit it. I'm right on him.

O3:55:_8 P 7 seconds late, but we'll take it.

03:55:50 C 7 seconds late only.

03:55:53 P 7 seconds. 72.5, 5.13 miles, Range-Rate is 55

feet per second. Looks fairly good, Tom. Matter
fact, this is looking real good. 72.5, 5.13.
Coming right in here.


03:56:38 C Good show. We have to get in there someh_


O3:56:41 P How about a planet, or can you tell it?

03:56:&3 C I can't really tell it yet, little bit of bias -

maybe when I rolled to the right I goofed this
up, but I think the Closed Loop will probably
take us back in.

O3:56:&6 P I didn't like the Closed Loop transfer, but the

correction seemed to be all right.

03:56:53 C Yes.

03:56:55 P Look at those needles!

03:57:00 C ... I don't have any flashing lights either,


03:57:0_ P Yes. Just do the best you can and I'll take a

03:57:08 C Hit it.

O3:57:10 P MARK.

03:57:14 C Can't tell ...

03:57:26 P 77.1 degrees, &.&O miles and 53 feet per second.

03:57:33 C I've lost my place.

O3:57:&2 P Okay. I need a critical angle at 22 minutes.

03:57:53 C There he is. I can see the red light on him

now. The moon is giving him reflected moonlight.

03:58:00 P Yes, reflected moonlight is right. It sure is.

You can almost see him tumble.

03:58:O1 C Yes.

03:58:02 P Watch the ACQ light go around now.


03:58:03 C Yes.

03:58:05 P Okay. At 22 minutes I need a 4:40:76.

03:58:07 C This is Gemini IX transmitting in the blind. We

have him in reflected moonlight at appro_mately
4 miles.

O3:58:17 P Am _ right - I don't expect this correction to

be little or nothing, Tom. Okay.

O3:58:19 C Oh, look at that moonlight!

03:58:24 P Reflected moonlight: I can almost see an ACQ

light, I think.

O3:58:31 P Sure can. I see something red. Okay, Tom.

Here we go. 19:O7. That's all right, 22:07.
You re_dy?

03:58:43 P Mark it.

03:59:00 C Who have we got this going away to.

03:59:05 P The Out-of-Plane that's looking around ...

03:59:07 C A little left.

O3:59:10 P 10.8 in 83.

03:59:24 C 10.8.

O3:59:19 P See, the trouble is you give me one radar angle

and one visual angle and that's what hurts.

03:59:21 C Yes.

03:59:22 P This says about 3 down.

03:59:33 C Well, if we'd have applied that number we'd have

really gone down.


03:59:34 CC Gemini IX, Carnarvon CAP COM. We're standing by.

03:59:38 C Roger. Carnarvon. We've got the ATDA in reflected

moonlight at about 3 1/2 miles and it looks like
we've got the Out-of-Plane wired and we're coming
up the pipe.

03:59:43 CC Good shOw'

03:59:50 P 04 on aft and 3 down, but I - I'd buy 3 down. One's

a radar angle and one's a visual angle.

03:59:58 C I think our Out-of-Plane is just about O.

04:00:00 P 83. Okay. I'm going to take an angle and give it

to them right now.

04:00:02 P You on?

04:00:08 C Yes. 23, 25. Coming up with the solution.

04:00:12 P That burn is going to play heck with us.

04:00:22 P Carnarvon, we're at 88.2 degrees and 3 miles.

O4:O0:24 C 3 forwsrd and 2 down.

04:O0:25 CC Roger.

04:00:26 C 3 forward and 2 down?

04:OO:27 P Right.

04:O0:28 C Okay.

04:OO:31 C MARK.

04:00:36 P You don't even need the forward. What'd you put,
2 forward or 3?

04:00:38 C 3. It's right in there, Gene. PUISE okay. Go


04:00:42 P Okay. Let's see if we can zero 25, 6 and 7.

04:00:44 C Okay. Going to CATCH-UP.

04:00:48 P Carnarvon. We just applied the Closed-Loop solu-

tion of 3 forward and 2 down.

04:00:58 C Okay. Go ahead now that we're in CATCH-UP, Gene.

Hey, the thing isn't.

04:01:04 P No it isn't.

04:01:05 C Holding steady at 45 feet per second.

04:O1:17 P Okay. Looks good.

04:O1:22 P Okay.

04:01:24 C Lean it forward just a bit.

04:01:27 P I can see the red ACQ lights all right. Okay, Tom,
what time do you have? 25?

04:O1:28 C Yes.

04:01:31 P Going to get an angle?

04:01:33 C Yes.

04 :Ol:35 P Okay. Now get it.

04:O1:43 C GOt it.

04:01:46 P Oh.'

04:01:48 C Carnarvon, Gemini IX. We have the red running

lights at this time, 2-_2 miles.

04:01:53 CC Roger.

04:01:57 C Oh, we're going to brake right into the moon, Gene.

04:O1:59 P Yes.

04:02:05 C Carnarvon, Gemini IX. It looks like we're going to

be braking directly into the moon and it should be
an interesting problem.

04:02:06 CC Roger.

04:O2:12 P Gemini IX. Elevation 94.9, range 2.37 miles, 39
feet per second.

04:02:22 P Coming up right under, Tom. Here's your last


04:02:25 C Good show, Gene.

04:02:29 P Okay. I want to get on LOS here, Tom, at about

5 minutes after - 5 seconds after.

04:02:36 P Don:t use the moon for inertial reference.

04:02:41 C (Laughter) Okay.

04:02:43 P Okay. You ready?

04:02:44 P Mark it.

O4:02:51 C Go, Gene.

04:02:58 P Too fast. Way too fast, Tom. 2 miles.

04:03:02 P Carnarvon, Gemini IX. Elevation 99.0 degrees, 2

miles, 37 feet per second.

O4:O3:10 P Okay, Tom. Let me take another one on this, but

that was 4 - no, that's about right, I'm sorry,
that's exactly right. 4.1 degrees in a minute.
Let's try it again.

04:03:20 C I'm right on it. Now you can see it tumble.

04:03:22 P Right here. Here we go. You can see it t,:mble

because of the ACQ light.

04:03:23 C The two red ones.

04:03:24 P Okay. At 5 seconds aft, I want to see 103 degrees.

04:03:27 C Okay. Are you ready?

04:03:28 P Mark it.

O4:03:32 C Got it. I might have been off a tenth.

04:03:53 P 1.67 miles.

04:04:02 P This is Gemini IX. Elevation 102.7, 1.67 miles,
and 34 feet per second and we can actually deter-
mine that it is tumbling because of the ACQ light
and the running light variations.

04:04:21 CC Roger.

04:04:23 P Okay, Tom. Let's see if we can get another one

here at - I want to see abOut 106.7 to 107. You

04:04:29 C Yes.

04:04:30 P There goes your radar. Okay?

04:04:31 C It's coming in and out.

04:04:32 P Stand by.

04:04:33 P Mark it.

04:04:37 P That's all right. 106.8, Tom. We're null iner-


04:04:40 C Good shOw, Gene.

04:04:41 P Gemini IX is 106.8 degrees, 1.32 miles and 34 feet

per second.

04:05:01 P Okay, again. I'll take it, Tom, at - Boy, no stars'

04:05:03 C No stars at all'

04:05:36 P Okay. Let's try and get this one.

04:05:38 C I've got one, but - -

04:05:40 P Get inertial.

04:05:42 CC Gemini IX, Carnarvon. We're 30 seconds to LOS.

04:05:43 C Roger. And we've got it wired inertial.

04:05:47 C This is Gemini IX at i mile. We can determine

distance between the running lights.

04:05:50 CC Roger.

04:05:55 P Point 98.

04:04:59 C Should we burn to brake it down some?

04:06:00 P Yes,let's go to push START COMP.

04:06:02 C I've got a START COMP. Brake her down.

04:06:04 P 32 feet per second, Tom. You might just as well

take it down to 20.

04:O6:10 C Okay. Stand by. RATE CO_ND to burn.

O4:O6:14 P Houston. Gemini IX at llO.1 degrees; i mile; 32

feet per second, and we're braking off to 20 feet
per second at this time.

04:06:29 C Okay. There's ll-back to PULSE.

04:06:48 P Okay. _t's get some LOS, Tom, anytime you can

04:06:49 C Okay.

04:06:52 P Now you have a little star out there on that rascal.
Look at him.

04:06:54 C Got a little star for you.

04:06:56 P Okay. If you've got a little star, I'll give you

the ranges here.

04:06:59 P Inertially we look pretty good but is anything,

maybe we were just - -

04:07:02 C I can see the red and green lights now on the ATDA.

04:07:04 P - - just a little and we want to keep going down.

04:07:05 C Going down.

04:07:07 P GO down; I agree.

04:07:10 P GO down for 5 seconds.

04:07:13 P Stand by. Okay. You got that star behind him?


04:07:19 C Yes. I have just one little star.

04:07:21 P .64 miles. And you've got about - you should have
about 20 feet per second.

04:07:26 C I 'll look at that.

04:07:27 P There's 19 feet per second, Tom.

04:07:28 C That's good, Gene.

04:07:29 C Okay. NOw ... you back, push START COMP.

04:07:30 C MARK.

04:O7:31 C Go.

04:07:32 P Okay. You're coming in on half a mile with 19 feet

per secOnd. You're still going down a little.
Still going down a little. Out-of-Plane looks good.

04:07:44 C Maybe a little more to the left.

04:07:46 P A little left, maybe. Coming up on a half mile.

Just hold your 19 feet per second, Tom. DOwn and
left a little. See, we're following that moon all
the way up. That's why it's so bright. Okay.
YOu're at a half mile right now at 19 feet per

04:08:04 C Up or down ...

04:08:07 P You're at 22 feet per second. Look, it's still

going down a bit, Tom. It's not tnmbling much now.
Okay, there's - coming up on 2600 feet. There's
2400 feet and 22 feet per secOnd. 2200 feet and
22 feet per second. Tom, you might want to take
off - -

04:08:38 C Let's take off some more.

04:08:40 P - - Okay. Push -

04:08:41 P Okay. You're good. Press START COMP.

04:08:42 P You're coming in at 1800 feet, 22 feet per second.

Are you in RATE CO_IID? Okay. 1800 feet. She's


still going down, Tom. I think you have it now.

Inside 1800 feet.

04:09:05 C What have we got?

04:09:06 P YOu've got about 13 - you have 12 feet per second.

You've got ll feet per second and you're at 1500,
1400 feet. Okay. You only have 7 feet per second
now, Tom, so hold it. You've only got 7 feet per
second. And you're at 12 - 1300 feet.

04:09:28 C Man, it looks like a Christmas tree out there.

04:09:33 P You only have 7 feet per second and you're at -

computer's working okay. You're about 1000 feet
right now. I wonder if I should try to get any
pictures of this.

04:09:44 C Yes. Go ahead and try one final sequence.

04:09:50 P You're at 1200 feet ...

04:10:03 C I think we have the In-Plane, Out-of-Plane wired.

04:10:04 P Okay. You're at 7 feet per second ...

O4:10:O7 C ...

04:10:09 C Oh, there he is.' The whole thing.' The whole moose:
Look at that, man'

04:lO:lO P He's not moving either.

04:lO:ll C He isn't moving at all.

04:10:12 P Okay. Tom, you're at 7 feet per second and you're

at ... a thousand feet.

04:10:19 C Well, maybe I'll knock it down a little more.

04:10:21 P 7 feet per second right now. You're at 900 feet.

04:10:25 C I've got 5 feet per second on the gage.

04:l0:27 P Okay.

04:10:29 P Coming in at 800 feet. Still at 900 feet right now.

04:10:34 C That's a weird looking machine, isn't it?

04:10:36 P Doesn't look like it's t,,mbling. It may be rolllng,

but - it sure is.

04:10:42 C Would you believe that there's a nose cone on that


04:10:44 P I don't know.

04:10:53 P I don't know, Tom. The back of the TDA is painted;

there can't be a nose cone on it, can there?

O4:10:57 C I can't tell.

04:10:59 P Okay. COme onbaby, you're 5 feet per second and

you're at 780 feet. Want me to turn the ACQ lights
off? Any time you do, let me know.

04:11:O9 C No, no, let's leave them on.

04:11:14 C We still have 60 percent fuel remaining.

O4:11:16 P Okay. Tom, you're at 660 feet.

O4 :ll:21 C Roger. 660 feet.

04:11:24 P We're right In-Plane at 2 feet per second on this


04:22:27 C I've got abOut 5.

04:ll:28 P Okay.

04:11:34 P Okay. Your angle is about 130 degrees now, so it's

looking good. You're at 600 feet right now. 540
feet. Boy, it's going to be nice to see that in
daylight - we're looking at the TDA:

O4:11:49 C Hey, we've got it'

O5:11:50 P We're looking at the TDA' Sec, - -

04:11:52 C Look at that moose:

04:11:54 P ... in it.

04:11:55 C Look at that moose'

04:11:56 C I'm going to knock it down some - -

04:11:57 P It's upside down, but we're looking at it'

04:12:01 P Back up a few seconds; tape recorder just went out.

04:12:04 P Half a "Sec". Will the lights stay on?

O4:12:08 P Boy, I wish we had a - this was daylight, we could

see this thing better, Tom. You're coming in on
it. What's your Range-Rate? You're at 360 feet.

04:12:16 C Okay. I'll brake it down.

04:12:19 P 360 feet right now.

04:12:22 C Think I've got to stop ...

04:12:25 P Can't see which way I'm looking.

04:12:27 P We're looking at the bottom because it's not

t-m_ling very fast.

04:12:35 C I can't really tell.

04:12:37 P You're at 300 feet.

04:12:40 C The shroud is half open. The shroud is half open

on that thing'

04:12:43 P Is it?

04:12:44 C It's half open'

04:12:46 P It sure is.'

04:12:49 C The back pin didn't fire.

04:12:51 P It's there but it's half open all right - -


04:12:52 C - - It didn't fire.

04:12:54 P It's like a clamshell. It's like a clamshell, Tom.

O4:13:01 P Okay. You're 240 feet. LiWe a clamshell.

O4:13:O4 C Turn on the Dock light. Let's give it a try.

O4:13:09 P There's the shroud looking right at us.

04:13:11 C Hello, Houston. Gemini IX.

04:13:16 P Half open. It's half off too, Tom, because the
aft lights are visible - well, they didn't come
out, but they are both working. Half open, Tom.
Loo_ at that thing: You could almost knock it
off' I feel certain you could. The band didn't
break, I don't think.

O4:13:37 C What's the range?

04:13:38 P Okay. Range is 120 feet right now.

04:13:42 C Looks like those have extended.

O4:13:44 P Look at that thingJ Darn it! What a messJ What's

hanging from it, too. Okay. It's rolling our way,
Tom; there's the dipole extended.


04:25:18 C Hello, Houston. Gemini IX.

04:25:20 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii.

04:25:21 C How are you? I've got a weird looking machine


04:25:25 CC What does it look like?

04:25:26 C Okay. Both the clamshells of the nose cones are
still on, but they are open wide. The front re-
lease has let go, the back closing bolts attached
to the ATDA have both fired and it appears that
one of the bolts from the band has fired. What's
keeping it together is the slip disconnect for a
small electrical connector that fires the bolt on
the band.

04: 25:54 CC Roger. Understand.

04:25:55 C So the jaws are like an alligator jaw that's open

at 25 to 30 degrees. Both the piston springs look
like they are fully extended.

04:26:06 CC Roger.

04:26:11 C Both of the back parts of the nose cone have separ-
ated from the ATDA and it looks like it's just held
on by some inconceivable force there. Everything
looks good.

04:26:26 CC Roger. Understand. What types of rates have you

got? HOw bad is it tumbling?

04:26:33 C Okay. It's about 3 to 4 degrees per second.

04:27:37 C 58 percent fuel remaining. We're stationkeeping

to keep it out here between lO and 30 feet from

04:27:38 CC Roger. Copy.

04:27:51 C All the ...

04:27:54 C ... here.

04:27:58 CC Say again, Gemini IX.

04:27:59 C Roger. It appears that the basic rate is in roll.

The body axis right nOw is merely horizontal. Very
slight bit of yaw technically inconceivable and the
big rates are in roll.

04:28:11 CC Roger. Understand. Do you think there's any possi-

bility of breaking the cone or shaking it loose by
going through a few Unrigidizing-to-Rigidizing Sequences?

04:28:21 C Well, I might give it a try.

04:28:25 CC Roger.

04:28:38 C Again, did you copy the information that it appears

that the back explosive bolts connected to the ATDA
have fired? Also, it is very evident that one of
the strap bolts has fired, but also there is a
small quick-disconnect from the pyros that fired
the bolts from the strap. Those are still attached.

04:28:56 C And the ATDA is basically open. So the cone is

open 3 to 4 inches at the back on both sides. It's
gone out in a 30-degree angle and the strap is around

04:29:09 CC Roger. Understand. Are you in such a position

where you could watch the Unrigidizing-to Rigidiz-

04:29:15 C Stand by one.

04:29:47 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii.

04:29:48 C Hawaii, Gemini IX. I can also see the back two
springs, the back small spring, the little 30-pound
springs. We're up to about 5 to l0 feet and
jockeying it into position here. And the back bolt
is definitely fired. I can see the spring. It's
got the two shells apart about 2 inches. The two
halves are 2 inches - you can see that the ...
and the pyros - the cables on the pyros - the front
el-m_hell against the strap has fired. You can see
the black smudge marks on it. I 'm now about 3 feet
from it and those electrical connectors - the quick-
disconnect did not connect on either one of them.

04:30:40 CC They did not disconnect? Is that right?

04:30:22 C - - the band is holding the whole mass together.

Stand by one and let me give you a distance on
this other one.

04:30:55 C Yes, I'm trying to find the cable disconnect. I

can't see the cable disconnect. OC course, it
would be taut. Okay, the other one. The spring
is gone from the back of the other half one and ~

no, pardon me_ it's still there. It's separated
from - the back is completely separated 3 to 4
inches and I'll give you another good check. Oh,
wait. What's holding the whole mass on there is
the band. And half the time these pyro disconnects
will work.

04: 31:24 CC Roger. Understand.

04:31:26 CC We've got about 3 minutes here until our IDS. We'd
like to go through one Rigidizing and Unrigidizing
Sequence and have you watch it, if you'll get into
position where you could watch it for them.

04:31:35 C Stand by one. I don't want to be too close when

those things cut loose.

04:31:40 CC Roger. Understand.

04:31:41 C Okay. NOw on the other side, both explosive bolts

on the band have fired; the band is held intact by
all four of those electrical pyros that fired the
bolts. Looks like somebody did not hook up a dis-
connect cable.

04:3].:54 CC Roger. Understand.

04:31:56 C The disconnects did not disconnect. That's the

only thing that's holding the whole mass intact.

04:32:O1 CC Roger.

04:32:04 C Don't Unrigidize here. Could we hack it over the


04:32:07 CC Roger. I was just going to suggest it. I'm

getting too close to LOS.

04:32:10 C Yes, and I'm too close to the nose cone, too.

O4:32:12 CC Roger.

04:32:18 C Pass that word on to Houston that all four explosive

bolts have fired and it is basically free from the
ATDA but just barely held on by those four little
pyro wires there.

04:32:28 CC Roger.

04:32:29 C Those little wires on the strap of the disconnector.

04:32:34 CC Roger. Understand.

04:32:35 C And we have 58 percent OAMS fuel remaining.

04: 32: 37 CC Roger.

04:32:42 C It looks like an angry alligator out here rotating


04:32:46 CC I can imagine.

04:32:57 C Pass the wOrd On to Houston we can stationkeep here

quite awhile, and ,Lqo have a suggestion that we
might put out our docking bar and go tap it.

04:33:01 CC Roger. Stand by.

04: 33:03 C Roger.

04:33:18 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii.

04:33:20 C Go, Hawaii.

04:33:22 CC Houston wants to wait and take a look at it and

start cycling the Adapter over the States.

04:33:27 C We'll get back in the same position. Again pass

on to them that all four explosive bolts have
fired and it's basically the three of the ...
resting on it. ATDA adapter - four little pyro
wires on the adapter that are holding the whole

04:33:42 CC Okay. We're having LOS.

04:33:44 C The springs have just about extended full force.


04:35:53 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

04:35:55 C Hello, Houston. Gemini IX.

04:35:57 CC Reading you loud and clear.

04:35:59 C Roger. I'm out here about 20 feet from it and I

guess you got the word that all four explosive
bolts did fire. The back separation devices have
separated from the ATDA, just hanging loosely on
it. It's the four small pyro wires that go to the
strap bolts that are holding it together. The two -
the strap bolts have fired.

04:36:21 CC Roger. Understand, and the wire bundle disconnects-

can you see anything about those?

04:36:32 C No. They're buried in there too much, Nell. I

can't see it.

04:36:36 CC Roger. Understand.

04:36:37 C The clamshells at the adapter are between 4 to 5

inches apart. Those little coil springs, one of
them is kind of deployed; the other one is still
attached. The basic nose cone has detached from
the ATDA ring. The only thing holding it together
are those four wires that go - that went to the
initiation on the explosive bolts of the strap.

04:36:57 CC Understand. Can yOu - you cannot tell whether the

disconnects have pulled? Is that correct? The
wire bundle disconnects?

04:37:08 C That's affirmative. What's holding it together are

the four small plugs that should have quick-
disconnects on the pyros on the strap. The whole
thing is just loosely hanging on there. We're
standing by for an Unrigidized Sequencing. If you
can give it right now, it wOuld be great.

04:37:26 CC Roger. We'll have to wait until we get over Texas.

04:37:30 C Okay.

04:37:33 CC Oh, wait a minute_ It will be about 6 minutes from

now when we're over - when wa get in Canaveral

04:37:40 C Okay. We're standing by to get movies when you


04:37:49 CC Okay. I've got a maneuver message for you for a
Radial Sep when you're ready to copy.

04:37:54 C Roger. Radial Sep. Do you want us to stand by

here and talk this thing over for a minute and see
if we can't possibly - I'd like to look at the idea
of possibly extending the docking bar and going up
and tapping it and maybe the whole thing may fall

O4:38:10 CC Okay. We've got about 23 minutes left to Radial

Sep. I'd like to give you that dope first.

04:38:20 P Go. Go ahead, Nell.

04:38:22 CC Okay. GET B is 04:01:00: Delta-V, 20.0; burn time,

35 seconds; pitch it 90 down; Address 25, zeros;
Address 26, 90200; 27, zero; forward thrusters; Up

04:38:55 P This is Gemini IX. Say Delta-V - and Address is

25, 6 and 7 again, please.

04:39:03 CC Roger. 25 is all zeros; 26, 90200; and 27, zero.

That Delta-V is 20 feet per second.

04:39:18 P Roger. We got it. GET B is 05:01:O0: Delta-V,

20; 25-second burn time; 25, all zeros; 26 is
90200; 27 is zero and forward thrusters, Up.

04:39:34 CC Roger .... that perhaps the cables hadn't pulled

the disconnects to the wire bundles, in which case
we would definitely have to wait until - with the
Contingency Plan B - wait until later to look at
that. We will go ahead and exercise that ATDA as
soon as we get acquisition at the Cape. Your
Platform Alinement prior to this SEP will be here
about 5 minutes from now, so you've got that much
time to see what you like.

04:40:07 C Okay. Okay, Nell. From here it looks like it's

possible that the wire bundles could have separated
but it's real hard to see. Again, has everybody
squared away what's holding the thing together?

04:40:24 CC Well, I think everybody down here is pretty well

convinced by your description of the situation.

O4:40:31 C Okay. I can't really tell whether - whether this -
we have twO big umbilicals that go to the ATDA. I
can't tell whether those are still attached or not,
but it's the four little wires that go into each
end of the explosive bolts on the strap that's
supposed to have a disconnect on it, and those are
all intact. All four explosive bolts are fired
so it's just the little disconnect umbilicals on
the strap that have not pulled. All four of them
are still intact. And all four should have pulled.

04:41:O2 CC Roger. We're with you, Tom.

O4:41:39 P Houston, Gemini IX.

04:41:41 CC Go ahead.

04:41:43 CC This is Houston. Go ahead.

04:41:45 P Roger. On the Rendezvous - we initiated with 27

forward, i up - which was not quite Closed-Loop.
The computer then, however, did fUnction properly
to give us our proper corrections and it appears
that it is working all right on all modes at the
present time.

04:42:08 CC All right. Houston copied.

04:42:15 CC Did you send the L-Band Comm_nd, Gene?

04:42:40 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

04:42:44 P Go ahead, Houston.

04:42:46 CC Did you send that L-Band Command?

04:42:49 P We did send an L-Band Command. The ACQ lights

are off.

04:42:52 CC Roger. Understand. And can you tell us the status

of your START COMP light when you're in CATCH-UP?

04:43:07 P START COMP light is working fine. Everything

apprears to be normal.

04:43:16 P It was just a little anxious to Rendezvous, I

guess. After we once accepted its solution, things
went real well.


04: 43: 22 CC Okay.

04:43:25 C And we still have about 57 percent fuel.

04: 43: 28 CC Good.

04:43:40 C We'll stay here and get in a good positzon anytime

that - -

04:43:45 CC Okay. And then - hOw long will it take you to get
in a position for Platform Aline as soon as this
is over?

04:43:51 C Not too long.

04:43:54 CC Okay. We're going to be running out of - of aline-

ment time here.

04:44:12 CC Your ... will probably be in about 5 minutes or so,

so we'll have probably a little shorter alinement
time. We'll be okay.

04:44:22 C Okay. I'm getting into position now.

04: 44: 24 CC Roger.

04:44:37 C Nell, have you gotten any reading on my suggestion

about extending the docking bar and giving it a

04:44:43 CC Well, we're pretty convinced, due to telemetry

signals from the cables, that they are still
plugged in.

04:44:51 C Okay. Well, it's barely - it looks like it's

barely - that's right, the big cables may still
be there, but once that strap goes, the whole thing
should deploy.

04:45:03 CC Right. Are you ready to watch for - we're ready

to send the commands now.

04: 45: 07 C Okay. Stand by.

04:45:09 CC Let us know as soon as you're ready.

04: 45: l0 C Okay.

04:45:21 C Okay. We're right behind it, Nell. Send the

04: 45: 24 CC Roger.

04:45:47 CC Okay. Rigidizing now.

04:45:50 C It's moving - it's moving all around.

04:45:55 P When you Rigidized the clamshell, the alligator

jaws came closed slightly.

04:45:59 CC Roger.

04: 46:32 CC Okay. Unrigidizing.

04:46:34 C The whole mess rotates about 15 degrees on it.

04:46:36 CC Okay. That's a pretty good signal then. We'll

plan to go ahead with Separation Burn at this

04:46:42 C Okay, Neil.

04:46:44 C I'm in position to start the Aline.

04:47:04 CC Okay. You've got about 14 minutes until Separation

Burn so - guide your Platform Aline in positioning

04: 47: ll C Roger.

04:50:03 CC Gemini IX, Houston. We're going to be evaluating

the shroud situation during the EVA preparation
period. How does it look as far as being able to
make that Separation time?

04:50:13 C We're working on it. I think we'll hack it, Neil.

04:50:16 CC Okay. Let us know.

04:50:37 C Houston, Gemini IX. We 'ye finished Alining the

Platform and we're moving around in position.

04:52:21 C Hello, Houston. Gemini IX.

04:52:23 CC Houston here.


0_:52:25 C Roger. We're now directly above the ATDA and I'm
getting into position for the burn.
O&:52:3_ CC Okay. How did you think your Alinement went?

O_:52:37 C The needles came out pretty smooth.

0_:52:_0 CC Okay.

O5:00:15 CC Gemini IX, RKV CAP COM. We're standing by for

your maneuver in approximately i minute.

05:00:22 C Roger. We're in position.

05:00:24 CC Roger.

O5:00:_0 P REV, Gemini IX. Stand by for a Mark. Commence

with the burn.

05:00:_5 CC Roger.

O5:O1:00 P MARK. The burn.

05 :Ol:O1 CC Roger.

05:01:O7 CC You're right on.

O5:01:37 CC End the burn.

O5:01:_5 CC Gemini IX, RKV.

05 :O1:47 C Stand by.
05:02:10 C REV. Let's make sure we don't have flashing
lights now and the L-Band on.
O5:O2:15 CC Say again.

05:02:23 CC Gemini IX, RKV. Would you say again, please?

05:02:25 C Would you make sure that the ACQ lights are
commanded ON?
05:02:28 CC Roger. We just turned them ON.
O5:O2:_3 P RKV, Gemini IX. All residuals are zero.

O5:O2:&7 CC Roger. Very good.

O5:O2:&9 C And the fuel remaining is 50 percent.
05:02:52 CC Roger.


05:02:56 CC This is the Cape. Could you give us an evalu-

ation of the range in which you can see the ACQ
lights when you were making initial Rendezvous,
and also how effective you thought the ACQ lights

05:03:09 C Roger. We saw them for the first time right after
docking for quite a time. Then we lost them in
the sunlight. It was for about 30 miles. It might
have been closer. As soon as we went in the dark-
ness we saw them and then we lost them occasionally.

05:03:27 CC Okay.

05:03:29 C And we saw the cabin-reflected burn light at about

5 or 6 miles, and we saw the RED running light at
a good & to 5 miles.

05:03:39 CC Roger.

05:05:08 C RKV, Gemini IX. I now have the ACQ lights on the
Gemini to outline the history of duration of roll.

05:05:15 CC Roger. Very good.

05:05:17 C Distance is now about 1 mile.

05:05:21 CC Roger.

05:05:38 CC Gemini IX, RKV. We'll have LOS in about a minute


05:05:&3 C Roger. RKV.


05:20:21 C Houston, Gemini IX.

05:20:26 C Hello, Canary. Gemini IX.

05:20:31 CC Gemini IX. Houston is standing by for Tananarive.

05:20:35 C Roger, Houston. Gemini IX. We're now about 5

miles from Separation and the RED running light
comes in very distinguished to give us the ground

down below.

05:20:50 CC Roger. Understand.

05:21:12 CC Gene, the Comm Tech says they were waving and
smiling the first pass over.

05:21:16 C Okay, Flight.

05:26:50 CC Gemini IX, Houston's about 1 minute from LOS.

05:27:00 C Roger, Gemtni IX. Our objective looks nominal on

the data plot.

05:27:09 CC Very good.

05:30:12 C ... equal period.

O5:30:14 C RENDEZVOUS now. We can see the RED running lights

on the ATDA at 9 miles.

05:30:21 P 8.55 here, too.

05:30:23 C I'd better go up on the line, hadn't I?

05:30:26 P No not yet. That's what you're suppose to do.

05:30:29 P Oh yes, yes. Wait a minute.

O5:30:33 C What,s up?

05:30:35 C 30 minutes.

O5:30:_0 P It's O,O,O degrees - yes, 30 minutes.

O5:30:&5 C ... the line.

05:30:50 P You can go up on the line right now.

05:30:55 P Boy. That's visual crossing at 30 minutes, as far

as I'm concerned.

05:30:57 C Look at that. It Just -you could see it cross the

horizon. It's Just kind of like a gray bulk. See
the night airglow?


O5:31:_3 C You want the last one, Gene? You've been working

O5:31:_7 P They're not that good anymore.

05:31 :_9 C (Laughter)

O5:3A:09 C Did you see the monster?

05:3_:11 P Not yet.

05:35:02 C How we doing?

05:35:07 P I don_t know. We,ll have to cross ... reticle in

about L5 minutes. We've got to mark, it, don't

O5:35:16 C I,m Just trying to get that 12-degree mark.

05:35:59 P The yaw is still stuck.

05:36:02 C Okay. Just a minute here.

05:36:06 C Well, Just a minute, Gene.

05:36:08 C Okay .... left for you.

05:36:1A C Do you have that flashing duck out there? I don't

have him at all.

O5:36:16 P Yes, that's enough.

05:36:20 C Let me know in a little bit so I can come back and

Aline this Platform.

O5:36:35 P It will be about three or four more minutes. I

want to get the 6 and the 12-degree marking and
then we want to get their horizons about - that's
at Al, and the horizon crosses about A5 on your
reticle - zero on your reticle° You've got thunder
down there and lightning.

05:36:50 C Yes.

05:37:02 C The flashing lights Just went off.

O5:37:19 P I wish the flashing light would roll around.


05:37:35 P There it is.

O5:37:_O C Got it?

05:38:28 C Hew are you doing?

05:38:31 P Just waiting for 12 degrees to come up.

05:38:33 P You probably could - might Just as well go ahead

and Aline, Tom.

05:38:36 C Can you see it?

05:38:38 P Yes, I can see it. I don't knew - it's pretty

tough to see it while you're alining though.

05:38:AA P But we,re a_ays yet from it, coming up in about 3

or _ minutes though.

05:39:1_ P Just like the simulator? Right?

05:39:20 P Oh, I Just saw a falling - a star.

05:39:21 C Did you?

05:39:22 P Yes.

05:39:26 C One never knows when you might see a falling star.

05:39:27 P We on?


05:_:A1 CC Gemini IX, CSQ CAP COM.

05:_4:_4 C CSQ, Gemini IX.

O5:44:_6 CC Roger, G_w_ni IX. You can start your fuel cell
purge at your convenience and advise the ne_t
ground station of your results. It does not have
to occur over a ground station. Recopy.

05:L5:00 C Roger, CSQ, on the fuel cell purge. We're Just

about to the Horizontal-Adjust Maneuver.


05:/+5:05 CC Roger. Understand, and we're standing by.

05:L7:56 C CSQ, Gemini IX.

05:&7:58 CC Gemini IX, CSQ CAP COM. GO.

05 :/+8:01 C Roger. We have passed the Horizontal-Adjust Ma-

neuver. We are exactly nominal and our corrections
aPe zero.

05 :_8:O9 CC Roger.


06:00:2& C Hello, Hawaii. Gemini IX.

06:00:27 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii.

06:00:28 C Roger. We,re still Alined in our Platform. We,re

standing by to roll inverted in appro_mately 15

06:00:37 CC Roger. We,ll be getting a tape dump from you this

pas S.

06:00:&l C Say it again.

06:OO:A2 CC We,ll be getting a tape dump from you this pass.

06 :OO:4_ C Okay.

O6:OO:&6 C This one's off the ATDA, isn't it?

06:00:50 CC We haven,t got any more words on it.

06:00:53 C Okay. Well, first we suggest that we give it one

more try to bump it with our docking bar and see
if we can't break it loose.

O6:O1:02 CC Houston has your input.

06 :O1:Ok P Okay.

06:05:&5 C Recording at 1 hour and & minutes after separation.


06:05:49 P Looking at the target in reflected sunlight. Get-

ting ready for TPI. Setting in 47 degrees on the
sextant. The target is in the background of
lighted earth and arising clouds and it's almost
impossible to keep track of the target. Waiting
for the 47 degrees to come up, and the target and
horizon are superimposed. You almost have to keep
the target in the sky, keep the horizon Just above
it, and keep inkling up to the angle, but then you
have no reading of the angle unless you take the
sextant from your eye and actually read it. It,s
almost impossible to keep track of the target in
the background.

06:06:30 CC G_ni IX, Hawaii. If you can, I'd like an on-

board OAMB Prop Quantity, please.

06:06:33 P Roger. Now reading 49 percent.

06:06:35 CC Roger.

06:06:47 P Tom, I may let you write down some numbers.

06:06:50 C Okay. Any time.

06:06:52 P Will you be able to?

06:06:54 C Sure.

06:06:57 P Okay. When I get this sextant, I,m going to - I'm

going to - -

06:07:02 C Got to be in boresight - -

06:07:03 P - - also get - you,ll have to boresight - I'll get

96, 36 and 35. You can write those down.

O6:O7:11 C Okay. 96 ...

O6:O7:&A P Boy, it,s almost impossible to get these, these

angles where the horizon -when you've got to get
down in the bottom of the Spacecraft, Tom.

06:07:50 C Is that right?

06:07:52 P Oh, boy: You see the horizon's almost out of view.


And I keep floating up to the top of the Space-

craft, I can't stay down here. I've got to stay
very Iow and very close.

06:08:18 P Nominally, this 96 should be what? We,ll tell how

close we are. Hers it is right here.

06:08:26 C 96 should be 31 degrees.

06:08:35 C 26 - 3.

06:08:A2 P You see the problem here is I cannot - -

06:O8:_5 C You got ...

O6:O8:_7 C Give me a quick 30-eecond fix.

O6:08:_9 CC G_m4ni IX, Hawaii. We have 30 seconds to LOS.

06:08:52 C ...

06:08:5A P Is that right -that ...

06:08:56 C 6.32.

06:08:59 C You've got 27 degrees, ne wonder your Beta isn't ...

O6:09:01 P Well, the first one we want is - 30.

06:09:03 C 30 what?

06:09:06 P I can't stay down and forward in the Spacecraft

and you also can't set in _7 degrees in here very

06:09:38 P Coming close.

O6:10:14 P Coming close, Tom.

06:10:38 P Atta boy, Tom.

06:10:39 C Okay.

06:10:_O P Yes. I want you - the _n thing is when I say

Mark, Mark the time.

06:10:A2 C Okay.


06:10:_6 P Stand by.

06:10 :&8 C Yes.

06:10:_9 P Stand by.

O6:10:56 P Mark the time.

O6:10:57 C Roger.

O6:10:58 P 9:55. Write it down.

O6:11:O2 P Time?

06:11:O6 C What is it, _77

O6:11:O9 P 20.9 degrees. 5.5_ miles.


O6:11:13 CC Gemini IX, Houston standing by.

06:11:14 P Okay.

06:11:18 C Okay.

06:11:21 C Should I write them in the right col-mn here, or...

06:11:23 P That,s right. 5.5_, 36 feet per second. The main

thing is, did you get the tfme?

O6:11:28 C 9:55.

06:11:29 P Okay. Fine. And, 26 feet per second on that one.

O6:11:33 P Okay. And on the next one, Just write the next
ones in and I'11 make the calculations if I can
see the horizon.

O6:11:_5 P It's going to be a real touch and go one here be-

cause ...

O6:12:O6 C Shouldn't 30.9 be down at the bottom? 5.&5 be here?

O6:12:19 P Did I foul up on this? You still voice setting?

06:12:23 C Yes.


06:12:25 P I fouled up, that's all right. 1,11 get it. 1,11
make it up. I fouled up. Sorry Tom, I'll get it,
1,11 get it.

06:12:33 P Boresight.

O6:12:35 C I'm boresighted.

O6:12:37 P What time is it right now?

O6:12:38 C 11:35.

06:12:39 P Okay.

06:12:_0 P T_me?

O6:13:_3 CC Gm, nj IX, Houston standing by.

O6:13:_5 C Roger. We're approaching terminal phase of this ...

06:17:36 CC Gemini IX, if _o_ have time, confirm that you have
sent the L-Band CO-.,A_d.

O6:17:_ C What? That we have sent the L-Band Co--mAud,Neil?

06:17:50 CC Roger. Confirm.

06:17:52 C Roger. Over. We have a solid lock-on here. Neil,

we have been in reflected sumllght ever since we
turned over upside down starting up. We Just com-
pleted TPI.

O6:18:0_ CC Roger. We're with you.

O6:18:O6 C Okay. And everything's looking good.

O6:19:O6 CC Good. Houston. We understand that you have turned

the ACQ lights OFF. Is that correct?

06:19:12 C Negative. We have not turned the ACQ lights OFF.

06:19:14 CC Okay. We're running pretty "scotch" on power on

this thing, so I'd l_ke to have you turn them off
when you can.

06:19:22 P Roger. We'll turn them off right now. Neil.


06:19:25 CC Okay.

06:19:29 P M.A.P. verified.

06:20:30 CC Okay.

06:20:&1 P Houston, Gemini IX. Our pitch angle is now about

5_ degrees.

06:20:L6 CC Houston. Roger.

06:21:06 C Okay. One hour and 20 minutes from initiation.

Pitch angle is about 56 degrees down, taking sex-
tant sighting.

06:21:18 P Checking corrections.

06:21:30 P I'm going to get an angle to the sun,s edges.

06:21:_9 P Okay. We got it?

06:21:52 C Yes. She is boresighted.

06:22:11 P 27 feet per second. You've got the tlmes? ...

zero. 80 degrees, 80 degrees and about 2 minutes.
... might be able to recover, Tom.

06:22:30 P 55:22.

06:22:33 C Oh, look at that ...

06:22:35 P Right here. Caught you back on a curve.

06:22:A0 C Good show!

06:22:A2 P I hope we're not overshooting it.

06:22:L5 P Okay, Tom. In about another minute we should be

coming up about 6_ degrees. I wanted to get a
good sextant sighting for Chuck because he wants
this badly.

06:22:59 C What do you think of the sextant there?

06:23:03 P Well, it's all right but you've got such 11rafted
space to work with. It's got 14mttations more at


night than it does during the day. If I could

Just make sure I get the horizon on this next one.
You see, I'm forced way down in the corner of this
thing and I can barely see the horizon, and l_ke
this one - I don't know if we'll get this one or
not, Tom.

06:23:30 P If we do, it will be by the hair of our chinny

chin chin:

06:23:37 C Okay. Second correction is two seconds down.

Stand by. I'll get it here.

06:27:00 C MARK.

O6:27:01 P Okay. Let's go into LOS real quick.

06:27 :Od C Going into LOS.

06:27:06 P Okay. And we're inside and let me get our - -

06:27:09 C We should sit here at zero, you might check that.

06:27:11 P - - .91 miles. Okay, and we've got 19 feet per

second and we're ready to check LOS at any time.

06:27:21 C Okay. I'm on him.

06:27:22 P Got him.

06:27:2_ P Mark it. You,re on him. You,re accurate enough

for LOS?

06:27:28 C Yes.

06:27:29 P Okay.

06:27:30 P 67.9.

O6:27:_4 P Okay. You're at 0.8 of a mile and you're about 19

feet per second coming up on another IDS.

06:27:52 P Are you ready?

06:27:52 C Yes.

06:27:55 P Mark it.

06:27:56 C Yes.

06:27:59 P 67.9. That means it's zero, Tom. On a zero, that

means you want to go up. Let me Just check this
in 30 seconds. 67.9. That means you,re here and
you,re at 0.7 of a mile. That means you,re on and
probably want to go up. Okay.

O6:28:18 C On it.

06:28:19 P Stand by in 5 seconda.

06:28:23 P Mark it.

O6:28:2& C Got it.

06:28:30 P Okay. Go up the angles - -

06:28:32 C Okay. How much?

06:28:33 P - - Okay. 7 seconds up.

06:28:37 C 32 to 39.

06:28:40 P Stand by.

06:28:42 P Mark it. Okay. Your range - that last lock cor-
rection was no good. Bad correction. Okay.
Coming in at 1/2 mile, Tom. We've got to check
LOS all the way because you have no stars.

06:28:52 C Yes. It's really starting to grow out there.

06:28:57 P Okay. You're 19 feet per second. How about LOS?

06:29:01 C Good enough. Shoot it.

06:29:03 P Okay. Right now.

06:29:07 C Another half a m_le you can really see him go out
there to brake it. Optically, you can easily Judge
the half mile.

06:29:13 P 3.9 to brake.

06:29:16 C Okay. I'd better start knocking it down before

too long.


06:29:19 P Okay. You,re inside a half mile. You,ve got about

19 feet per second, Tom, and thrust up, up, up.
Keep going up and let me check range.

06:29:33 P Okay. You're inside a half a mile. Better start


06:29:37 C Okay. Braking it down.

06:29:39 P You thrusted up 10 seconds, that was good. You

got 19 feet per second.

06:29:22 P And - 1,11 probably pull off nine of it.

06:29:29 P If I keep going around that - -

06:29:52 C We,re right in-plane.

06:29:53 P - - Okay. But you've still got to go up.

06:29:59 C I can see the angry claws right now.

06:30:00 P You still have to go up.

06:30:05 P Okay. You're 2,000 feet. Okay. Hold it Tom.

What do you have on there? You,ve got about 11
feet per second.

06:30:11 C Okay.

06:30:13 P You're at 2,000 feet.

O6:30:18 C Got to go up.

06:30:20 P 11 feet per second and 2,000 feet.

06:30:23 C You can really ... easy to brake.

06:30:22 P Okay.

06:30:27 C Right In-Plane.

06:30:30 P Okay, but you're 1800 feet. Keep that ball going
around and you're at 7 feet per second. Real good
shape: 18OO feet, 7 feet per second.

06:30:_4 C Okay, I'll--


06:30:26 P Watch his -watch this ball now.

06:30:2? - - Optically, I can see him grow. There is no

trouble about seeing him grow.

06:30:52 C I wonder if we knocked that Range-Rate down too


06:30:57 P 7 feet per second.

06:30:59 P Okay. Thrust up for 5 seconds, Tom.

O6:31:01 C Okay. Up. I can see the shroud of the ATDA.

O6:31:O2 P Ail right.

O6:31:O7 P Mark it.

O6:31:O9 C Okay.

O6:31:13 C Coming in.

O6:31:17 P 15OO feet.

O6:31:23 C Oh, look at it' Beautiful!

O6:31:25 P 7 feet per second.

06:31:29 C You can tell you're growing. Just no trouble at

all telling you're growing.

O6:31:33 P That last sextant's reading was down in the bottom

of the corner; it was almost impossible, and that's
what happened on that one. Okay, Tom, you're at -
14OO feet. You've got a good Range-Rate, 7 feet
per second. You,re coming right under h_m. Your
angle,s very slowly going up - going - you could
probably thrust up for another 2 seconds. Mark it.
Stand by.

06:32:00 P Mark it.

O6:32:O1 C I don,t want to use too much more fuel here.

06:32:02 P Okay.

06:32:07 P You've got 7 feet per second and you,re probably


coming in at 1200 feet.

06:32:13 P Okay. You're inside of 1200 feet.

06:32:18 P Boy. I really screwed up on that one, Tom. I'm


06:32:23 P We had a good transfer through and good second

correction. The third correction is what hurt us.

06:32:30 C I'd estlmate we're about 10OO feet, optically.

06:32:33 P Okay. We're 10OO feet exactly.

06:32:3_ C ...

06:32:35 P 960 feet.

06:32:37 C I can see it in the reticles.

06:32:38 P Okay. She's moving around the ball. You're moving

in 90 degrees. You're in good shape. You've got
7 feet per second, 7 feet per second. Okay. You're
at 800 feet.

06:32:59 P 780 feet, Tom, 7 feet per second.

06:33:09 C Okay. Run some off.

06:33:16 P 660 feet.

06:33:18 C Hey, you can see us growing pretty good. There,

1,11 knock a little bit off.

O6:33:21 P 7 feet per second at 660 feet, and you,re going

around the ball to 90 degrees.

06:33:37 P 5AO feet.

06:33:_2 P You,ve got about 2 to 3-feet-per-second, Tom.

06:33:_7 C That's Just what I want.

06:33:51 C Hello, Houston. Gemini IX.

06:33:5A P Okay. You're going around to 90 degrees. In real

good shape, Tom, and you've got _20 feet.


06:3L:01 C Hello Houston, Gemini IX.

06:34.:08 C Oh, look at that son-of-a-gun do it,

06:3L:10 P Okay. You're coming right up under it at 90 de-

grees, You've got 5-feet-per-second closing.

06:3L:18 P You're at 360 feet.

O6:3L:2_ C Yes. You can see Just the length of it out there -
outline of it.

06:3d:29 P Look at that banana claw there.


O6:3L:36 CC Gemini IX, RKV CAP COM will be standing by until

you stabilize and start stationkeeping.

06:34:38 C Roger, RKV.

06:3_ :LO P Check your Range-Rate.

O6:3L:43 C RKV, Gemini IX. We're there.

O6:3_:_5 P 360 feet.

O6:3L:L7 C We broke optically and I'd estimate we're about

200 feet just slowly closing in.

O6'3L:51 P 2 feet per second. You,re in good shape. And,

we're coming around. We,ll be heads up, we'll keep
coming this way, Tom.

06:35:09 P Barely closing. Still at 360.

O6:35:10 C ...

06:35:14 P See those claws look at you. Boy, your window is

filthy. I can see from here.

06:35:25 C Yes.

06:35:27 P It's 300 feet, Tom.


06:35:42 P 2-feet-per-second closing, 300 feet.

06:35:54 P 240 feet.

06:36:05 C I've got _2 percent fuel.

O6:36:10 P Yes. I should have done better on that one.

O6:36:1A P If I had ignored that third correction that I used

with that last sextant reading, we would have -
we would have probably come right on in, - and it's

06:36:27 Hello. This is Gemini IX transmitting in the blind.

How do you read?

06:36:30 CC Gp_4ui IX, this is RKV. Reading you loud and clear.

06:36:32 C Okay. We have completed the optical rendezvous and

are stationkeeping about 1OO feet from the ATDA and
closing in.

06:36 :&O CC Roger.

06:36:45 C I have 42 percent fuel rema4rning.

O6:36:47 CC Roger. Understand. _2 percent.

06:36:49 C Roger.

O6:36:51 CC Roger. I have some information for you when you're

ready to copy.

06:36:53 C Wait till we get a fuel cell purge here.

06:37:03 P Wow: That sunlight:

06:37:06 C Can you see him now?

06:37:09 P Yes. He,s right in front of me. I can't tell much

about him, though.

O6:37:12 C Okay.

O6:37:13 P We're drifting up. If you yaw to the right a little

bit you'll have him.


O6:37:33 P This is Gp_ini IX. Go ahead with your update, RKV.

06:37:35 CC Roger. First, I have some information for you.

The people at the Cape and Houston do not believe
we can get the shroud separated.

06:37 :_7 C Okay.

O6:37:_8 CC - - and so we,ll go on with the Sep Maneuver and

want to advise you to use minimum OA_ during your
stationkeeping period. If you have on-board read-
ings of AO percent, we'll have enough to - for the
rest of the Flight Plan.

06:38:Od C Roger. We have ...

06:38:05 P ... to the right. Watch it, Tom, I can't see him,
he's in the sun.

06:38:08 CC Okay. If you're ready to copy I have your Sep


06:38:10 C Okay. Watch it.

06:38:11 P Stand by one.

06:38:12 CC Standing by here.

O6:38:18 P I can,t even tell - see how close we are, Tom.

Yaw to the right. I can,t see it - oh, I guess
we're - -

06:38:23 C I,ve got h_m. I,ve got him.

O6:38:2L P - - I can,t even - -

06:38:29 C Okay. He's coming over to your side.

06:38:30 P - - Okay.

06:38:33 C Okay. Go ahead with your message now.

O6:38:3A CC Roger. This is your Sep Maneuver. GET B: 07:1&:58;

Delta-V, 3.7; burn time, 6 seconds; yaw 0, pitch O;
Address 25, 90037; Address 26, all zeros; Address
27, all zeros; thrusters forward; Maneuver Retro-
grade. Over.


06:39:13 P R_mind me of the BEF, too.

06:39:16 CC Over.

06:39:17 P Roger. Understand. Stand by one.

06:39:23 C IIve got him.

06:39:27 P That's a good boy, Tom.

06:39:28 P This is G_,4ui IX. I am in the process of purging

02 on Section 2 at this time and the Sop Maneuver
is GET B: 07:1_:58; Delta-V, 3.7; Delta-2 is 6
seconds; yaw O, pitch O; 25 is 90037; 26 and 27,
all zeros; forward thrusters; Retrograde.

06:39:55 CC That's of - Roger.

06:_0:13 C RKV. We could turn the ACQ off - the running light
off, if you want.

06:_0:21 CC Roger, IX. Want to advise you to start that ma-

neuver behind the ATDA.

06:20:27 C Roger. We are in a _Ew attitude now. We will

Aline BEF.

06 :kO:31 CC Roger.

06:_2:28 CC Gem_ui IX, REV. Like to have you turn the L-Band
radar off and turn it on prior to the Sop Maneuver.

O6:_2:38 C L-Band coming off.

06:_2:22 CC Reason for that is it's getting a little bit warm.

We've got about 30 seconds till LOS and we'll be
standing by.

06:42:_7 C Roger. We're Alining Platform BEF and we'll make

the Retrograde from that one.

06 :_2:51 CC Roger.

06:_6:10 C Okay. To continue on the debriefing on the Optical

Rendezvous, it was very easy to see the size of the
ATDA, with the nose cone grow at 1 mile. The angle
subtended in the optical reticle was very good.


Suggest the most practical way of determining the

pitch angle is to boresight continually and get
pitch off the ball or ou_ of the computer, instead
of using the sextant for the initiation of Q. And
it was very easy to ascertain when approximately
1/2 mile angle. We did not brake until we reached
appro_mately 2000 feet, at which t_me we could see
the angle that the ATDA subtended in the reticle.

06:A7:01 C It was very easy to see the ATDA grow all the way
through the complete maneuver.


06:56:02 CC Gemini IX, Houston. Standing by for your fuel cell

purge report.

06:56:41 CC G_m_ni IX, Houston.

06:57:23 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

06:57:26 C Houston, Gemini IX.

06:57:28 CC Roger. How,d the purge go?

06:57:31 C Say again.

06:57:32 CC How,d your fuel cell purge go?

06:57:35 C Real good.

06:57:37 CC Okay. Listen, what,s the maw_zm range you think

you were able to see the ACQ lights at night?

O6:57:A5 C Right after TPI we saw the ACQ lights.

06:57:A9 CC Roger. Right after TPI.

O6:57:5A C Roger. Then they faded out as the vehicle rotated. I

O6:58:O1 CC I understand that it faded out. What do you think

the max_,,,mrange was there?

06:58:12 C ... estimate it.


06:58:22 CC Something l_ke 25 miles, right?

06:58:35 C We,ll estimate we saw it Just as soon it passed ...

around 25 miles.

06:58:A1 CC Roger. I understand.

06:58:&7 CC How's that alligator?

07:lA:A9 C Okay. Separation burn at 7:1A:58. Standing by for

3.7-feet-per-eecond burn.

07:14:5& P 53, 5&, 55, 56, 57, O, burn.

O7:15:O3 C Counting down 3, 2, 1-

07:15 :O& C Mark it.

O7:15:10 C Okay. Hit 82. 1,11 get the other one.

07:15:12 P Yes.

07:15:15 P I Just want to see because we're looking for 37,

actually ...

O7:15:20 C That's good. 82 is O, 81 - is 2/1Oths of a foot

per second.

07:15:30 P Okay. I can get it - -

O7:15:32 C Okay. Give it a blip right.

07:15:33 P - - Okay.

O7:15:37 P Oh, way too much on it.

07:15:39 C&P Zero.

07:15:LO C 80.

O7:15 :&l P About 2.

O7:16:00 C Go ahead and pull the thing aft.

07:16:01 P Proceeding aft.

07:16:02 C Hold it. - Okay. That's recycling.


07:].6:03 C Sync.

07:16:09 P All zeros.

07:16:12 C Going to PRELAUNCH. Let,s get the computer OFF,

to say the least.

07:16:18 P Maneuver Controller is OFF.

07:16:20 C Roger. Mine's coming unstowed. Now -

07:16:39 C Something's wrong.

07:16:42 C Let's turn the computer OFF. Okay?

07:16:44. P We have PRELAUNCH. Let,s turn it OFF. We don't

need it.

07:16:49 C Will I need the Platform? Know what I mean?

07:17:35 P Where are we?

07:17:40 C Now we,ll go down like this, slowly come back.

07:17:4%, C Yes. I wonder where we are over the world.

O7:17:49 P Yes. Feel like getting this UCD off before it ex-

07:17:5L C Yes. Let's - go at this one at a time.

O7:17:56 P Roger. One at a time.

07:17:58 C Yes.

07:17:59 P ... stand by.


07:18:41 CC CSQ CAP COM.

07:18:43 C CSQ CAP COM.

07:18:44 C We have completed Retrograde.


O7:18:&8 CC Roger.

O7:18:59 C Power Control switches are ON.

O7:19:01 CC They are ON. Understand.

O7:19:12 C Okay. I have the ...

O7:19:20 CC Your CRYO Quantity read ...

07:19:48 CC Would you place your CRYO Quantity read to FUEL

CELL 02?

O7:21:O6 C CSQ, G_m4ui IX. We would like to power-down ·.·

Platform. We have already got our computer OFF.

07:21:12 CC Roger· Stand by one.

07:21:21 CC We,d ]_ke you to change your radar ... ten minutes
after your maneuver, and if you're satisfied, turn
your radar off until the next ... and power-down
·.. before proceeding with your power-down.

O7:21:51 C Roger. We,ve already done that.

07:21:53 CC Roger· Would you give me an OAMS Prop readout


07:21:56 C ...

07:22:03 CC Roger. Understand.

07:22:12 CC We have nothing further for you at this time,

Gemini IX. Standing by.

07:24:26 CC Gemini IX, CSQ CAP COM.

07:24:28 C CSQ, go ahead.

07:24:30 CC We have a Flight Plan update for you·

07:24:32 C Roger. Stand by.

07:24:51 C G-m_ni IX, go ahead.

07:24:52 CC Roger at Hawaii. Time: 07:37:00; crew status



07:25:07 CC Sleep period from 08:00:00 to 09:00:00. At CSQ:

Time, 08:5L:00; PLA update; fuel cell purge and
CRYO Quantity readout. Sleep period from 09:00:00
to 17:OO:00. Did you copy?

07:26:00 C Roger. We have a crew status report at Hawaii at

07:37:00, and a sleep period from 08:00:00 to
09:00:00, CSQ, and we'll pick you up at O8:5& to
PLA update; fuel cell purge, CRYO Quantity switch
readout; sleep period from 09:00:00 to 17:OO:OO.

07:26:30 CC That,s affirmative. We have nothing further for

you, Gemini IX.

07:26:3& C Roger ....

07:26:&0 CC And we,re showing you CO as you go by.

07:26:44 C Roger.


07:38:00 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii.

07:38:02 C Hawaii, IX here.

07:38:0& CC Roger. How,s it going?

07:38:06 C Real good. We,re powering-down now and we,ve

completed the Optical Rendezvous real good - right
on schedule, and there,s no trouble at all braking
optically and it fell in sight Just like we plauned
it would. Right now we 're powered-down and are
getting squared away to start the eat period.

07:38:27 CC Roger. Understand. We expected to see a thermo-

meter in somebody,s mouth at this time.

07:38:38 C We'll give you one.

07:38:40 CC Okay. Have you got your Control Power switch OPEN
on OAMS?

O7:38:_6 C Control Power is CLOSED. Control Power is OFF.


07:38:50 CC Roger. Understand.

07:38:5& P If you knew what we were doing you wouldn't have

expected to see that thermometer.

07:38:57 CC Roger. Understand.

07:39:28 CC Gemini IX, Hewaii.

07:39:29 C Go ahead, Hawaii.

07:39:32 CC During your power-down, did you stay in PRELAUNCH

for 18 seconds before you proceeded with the

07:39:40 C That's affirm. We stayed in PRELAUNCH, got the

light, and then powered-down about 15 minutes later.

07:39:45 CC Okay. You did get the COMPUTER RUN light?

07:39:48 C That's affirm.

07:39:49 CC Okay. Have you tried switching the auxiliary

receptacle yet?

07:39:53 C No. We,ll troubleshoot that in a little bit here.

07:39:56 CC Okay. Very good.

07:40:03 CC Okay. We have a good reading on the Command Pilot

on the oral temp.

07:40:07 C Okay. Here comes the Pilot.

07:&0:41 CC Do you happen to have any food or water report to

us as yet?

07:40:53 C Yes. We completed eating one meal. We're getting

ready to start another one and 1,11 give you a hack
on the water in a second.

07:41:00 CC Roger.

07:41:30 C We,ve had 40 ounces of water split about equally.

07:41:37 CC Roger. Understand. Could you identify that meal

for us?


07:L1:52 C Roger. Meal C, Day 2. Meal C and we split it.

07%1:56 CC Roger. Thank you.

07:A2:3_ CC Gemini IX, Hawaii. We have a valid oral temp on

both crew members.

07:L2 :/+7 C Okay.

07:L2:51 CC Do you have any comments to make on the thermal

condition up there? How does it feel?

07:A2:56 C Roger. We were warm during both the Rendezvous

and new that we've powered-down we're starting to
cool off. We,re still running Suit Fans 1 and 2.
Neither one of us was perspiring at all, though.

07:&3:07 CC Okay. Very good.


08:10:15 CC Gemini IX, REV.

08:10:17 C Hello, RKV. Gemini IX here.

08:10:20 CC Roger. We're showing on the ground that you still

have both A pumps on Primary and Secondary Loop.
Was that to help to cool down or Just what was the

08:10:31 C Affirmative. We still feel warm, that's why we

are on Pumps I and 2. We wanted to leave them on
a little while till we got cool.

08:10:38 CC Roger. Very good.

08:lO:L1 CC Okay. There,s been a slight change on this Re-

Rendezvous because of the problem with ATDA ACQ
lights. We,re considering the Re-Rendezvous with
an approach from above in daylight. What do you
think about that?

08:ll:O1 C ...

08:ll:O& CC Say again.


O8:11:O6 C It doesn't make any difference. We can Rendezvous

in about any type of situation you can give us.

08:11:11 CC Okay. They,d would like to try this type of an

approach, daylight from above.

O8:11:27 CC Okay, Gemini IX. We,d also like to get confirmation

that you have the C-Band in the COMMAND position.

08:11:35 C We've got the Adapter CONTINUOUS RFW_TRY ... will


08:11:A2 CC Roger.

08:11:52 C Right now, on Gemini IX, our fuel budget looks

pretty good.

08:11:58 CC Say again, please.

O8:12:OO C Roger. Looks like we have enough fuel to hack it.

O8:12:03 CC Okay. Roger. Very good.

O8:12:_8 CC Okay, Gemini IX. We Just put a Tx into the Space-

craft to turn T/M off for us after our LOS.

O8:13:55 C Roger. We saw the light.

O8:13:57 CC Roger.

O8:17:24 CC Gemini IX, RKV. We have about one minute to LOS.

O8:17:29 C Roger.


O8:31:18 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

O8:31:29 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

O8:31:32 C Go, Houston. Gemini IX here.

O8:31:3& CC Roger, Tom. I have some questions from the Cape

concerning the shroud.


08:31:L1 C Go ahead. I guess we,re the experts.

O8:31:d3 CC I'm sure you are. I understand the shroud gap at

the base is about 3 to _ inches. Is that correct?

O8:31:51 C Roger. That is affirmative. It's about 3 to

inches wide down at the base. Both of the ex-
plosive bolts at the base of the shroud, where it
attaches to the TDA, fired, and you can see the
little coiled springs in between. One coil spring
was attached sort of between both of them, and the
other coil spring wasn't ...

08:32:16 CC Roger. Understand. Can you estimate the gap be-

tween the shroud at the strap and also at the apex?

08:32:26 C Again there are the small wires hooked to a con-

nection ... and bolts.

08:32:39 CC IX, Houston.

08:32:50 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

08:33:10 C ... maximum. When the signal was sent to Un-

rigidize, the control unit moved back and forth
like it was real loose there. I'd say about 15 to
20 degrees.

08:33:23 CC Roger, Tom. Let me ask you some questions about

it. Can you estimate the distance between the
shroud at the strap, and also at the apex? Over.

08:33:32 C Say again, please.

08:33:33 CC Distance between the shroud halves at the strap

and at the apex.

O8:33:A2 C Roger. At the strap it,s kind of hard to say -

we have 6 inches or more.

08:33:53 CC Yes.

08:33:55 C About 6 inches.

08:33:57 CC Okay. What about at the apex of it?


08:3_:00 C At the top of it?

08:3L :02 CC Affirm.

08:3&:OA C 2-1/2 feet, maybe 3 feet.

08:3_:07 CC Okay. Does the strap appear to be tight, or does

it appear to be loose on it?

O8:3h:12 C It looks like the shroud has extended out to the

length of those two pyro connectors on each bolt
and opened the back end about _ inches. Open it
up like a couple of jaws and you'll have the total
configuration. The angle between the two halves
is a good 20 degrees, maybe in excess of that.

08:3&:28 CC Okay. Can you tell the length of the spring cart-
ridges? Can you see those well enough to tell me
if they look like they,re fully extended?

08:3_:39 C The spring cartridges Just about reached their

full stroke for the ones we saw at the Cape the
other day.

O8:3A:_6 CC Okay. Understand. Does it look like you can get

to the lanyard on the pyro wire Just inside the
shroud? Over.

O8:3A:56 C There are four connectors there but from what I

can see the biggest question in my mind is whether
the lanyards were ever installed.

08:35:05 CC Okay. You think the lanyards are not even there,

08:35:08 C I looked - probably we flew in within a couple of

feet. That's about as close as I could get in
position. I'd say the closest we got was about
2 feet, and I could plainly see the insulation on
the wiring. It was frayed. You could see the
connectors where they hooked into the bolts and
the way it was holding, but I couldn't actually
see the lanyards on it.

08:35:31 CC Okay. I understand. If that thing is open far

enough, do you think you could get in to pull the
lanyard on the QD on the umbilical? Over.


08:35 :&3 C Say again.

08:35:LL CC Do you think you could pull the lanyard on t_e

quick disconnect inside the shroud?

08:35:53 C Well, 1,11 ask Gene to talk to you on that.

08:35:55 CC Understand. One last question on the shroud. Has

it moved in relationship to the TDA? Has it
shifted fore and aft, or has it rotated any? Over.

08:36:06 C Pitched up and down, when it Unrigidized and

Rigidized - opened and closed a little bit and it
rotated. The total X-Axis of the shroud pitched
up and down a little bit, about 15 degrees. The
Jaws opened a little bit.

08:36:23 CC Understand. Did you say it did rotate also?

08:36:29 C No, not much rotation ... mostly Just the total
shroud ... pitched up and down about 15 degrees.

08:36:37 CC Okay. I understand. I think we,ve talked about

that shroud long enough. You can ignore this
locking on the target again at CSQ. Don't bothei-
doing that. We ,re satisfied with the Separation
ourselves and the S-12 Experimenter wants you to
listen for the door opening when you activate that
before the sleep period. Over.

08:36:59 C Say again, Dick, on the door.

08:37:02 CC When you activate S-12, the Experimenter would

like to have you listen and see if you can hear
the door opening.

08:37:11 C Roger. Will do that.

08:37:16 C Houston, Gemini IX. What are the latest plans for
EVA in the morning? Are we going to do it with the
ATDA or without it?

08:37:25 CC Tom, we're going to do it with the ATDA and we,ll

do the EVA preparation right after Re-Rendezvous.

08:37:3L C Roger.


/ !

08:37:37 CC If we do that Re-Rendezvous in daylight, which we

would like to do down here, we're going to cut a
little bit into your EVA preparation, but it still
should give you about 3 hours and 45 minutes. Over.

08:37:50 C Okay. We,ll probably be there when you get them.

08:37:54 CC Well, don't rush it. We think we'll give you

plenty of time to do that but it will be after
the Re-Rendezvous.

08:38:03 C How does the fuel budget look down there? It looks
like we have plenty for using the Delta-H of 7

08:38:09 CC Yes. We think you're in good shape.

08:38:11 C Yes. I think we,re in real good shape on the fuel.

Okay, we're still keeping both Coolant Pumps A and
B on. We,re still a little warm in here.

08:38:25 CC Okay. You m_ght as well leave them on until you

cool down and we'll t_l_ to you about the temper-
ature over CSQ.

08:38:35 C Okay. Real fine, Dick.

08:38:47 CC IX, Houston. Tom, have you had a chance to look

at that auxiliary receptacle yet?

08:38:53 C No, we're still busy trying to get some ... squared
away. We,ll do this in the next hour or so.

08:38:58 CC Okay. If you can,t get that left one fixed, we,ve
got it planned down here that you can use the right
one, but we'll hold up and wait and see what you
say about it.

08:39:08 C Okay.

O8:39:31 CC IX, Houston. We,ve got 15 seconds to Tananarive

at LOS. We'll see you later.

08:39:37 C Roger.


08:55:25 CC Gemini IX, CSQ CAP COM.

08:55:29 C Gemini IX. Go, CSQ.

08:55:32 CC Roger. We show you GO on the ground. We,d like

to inform you that we,re going to comm_nd the L-
Band OFF on the ATDA.

08:55:39 C Roger.

08:55:&0 CC Roger. You can start your fuel cell purge any
time now.

08:55:&3 C Okay. I'm at purge.

08:55:53 CC And we also have a PLA and a Flight Plan update

for you to copy when you,re ready.

08:56:0A C Roger. Understand. I'll give you a call in a


08:56:07 CC Roger.

08:57:03 P CSQ, Gemini IX. I'll go ahead and take some of

those PLA updates and I'll have to stop you
during - I'm still going on with the purge.

08:57:09 CC Roger. I understand. Area 7-3: at 10:08:32; RET

&OOK, 21 plus 06; RET RB, 26 plus 57; bank angle
for all areas, roll left 85, roll right 95.
Weather in this area is marginal. No Separation
Maneuver is required for any area. Area 8-3:
ll:&&:18; RET &OOK, 21 plus 02: RET RB, 26 plu_
58. Weather marginal. Area 9-3: GET RC, 13:18:56;
RET &OOK, 20 plus 57; RET RB, 26 plus 57. Weather
good. Area 10-Delta, that's Area one zero Delta:
GET-RC, 1_:17:05; RET &OOK, 21 plus 3&: RET RB, 26
plus 57. Weather good. Area 11-2: GET-RC,
15:51:56; RET &OOK, 21 plus 23; RET RB, 27 plus 05.
Weather good. Area 12-2: GET-RC, 17:25:56 ...
weather good ... Did you copy?

09:00:32 P This is Gemini IX. Roger. We got all the updates,

weather, and understand all ... bank left 85, bank



09:00:40 CC That's affirmative. No Separation Maneuver re-


09:00:44 P Roger. We got it, thank you.

09:00:46 CC Are you ready for a Flight Plan update?

09:00:49 P Stand by one.

09:01:24 CC Gemini IX. Be advised we're going to turn the

adapter C-Band off on the ATDA.

09:01:32 P Roger. Understand, and you can go ahead with the

update; our purge is complete.

09:01:37 CC Would you switch your Quantity Read switch to ECS


09:01:41 P ECS 02.

09:01:45 CC Node at a t_me of O7:13:19: Rev 5, 95.3 east;

right ascension. Then bring your Quantity Read
switch to FUEL CELL 02.... 20 hours O1 minutes.
Title CL-12. Would you place your Quantity Read
switch to FUEL CF.T.T.H27

09:02:50 C Yes.

09:02:53 CC ... Time: 09:00:00 ... Sequence 01, after all

overboard dumps. Do you copy?


09:12:50 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii.

09:12:52 C Hawaii, IX.

09:12:54 CC Roger. Everything is looking good on the ground.

We'd like for you to place your Quantity Read
switch to FUEL CELL H2 position, please.

09:13:00 C Roger.


09:13:0L CC Roger. We,re going to get a tape dump on you this

pass. We have a Flight Plan update for you if
you're ready to copy.

O9:13:22 P Ail right, Hawaii. Gemini IX.

09:13:2& CC Okay. You probably have par'_of this. Node:

07:13:19; Rev 5, 95.3 east; right ascension, 20
hours O1 minute. S-12: 09:00:00; O1 after all
overboard dump S-12: 17:OO:00; 02. That's all.

09:14:22 P Gemini IX. Roger. We have node at 07:13:19;

Rev 5, 95.3 east; right ascension, 20 hours O1
minute S-12: 09:00; O1 after all overboard dumps
S-12: 17:00, 02.

09:1A:43 CC That's 17:00:00, Sequence Number 2.

09:1A:_9 P I got it. Sequence 1 and Sequence 2.

09:14:51 CC Roger. And also there is a tropical storm that

will be 77 miles south of your ground track at an
elapsed time of O9:21:30, if you happen to be in
the right attitude to look at it.

09:15:12 P Okay. We' 11 give it a try.

09:15:1A CC Okay. You can place your Quantity Read switch

back to the OFF position.

09:15:25 CC Have you had time to get around to that auxiliary

receptacle yet?

09:15:31 P Negative. We haven't.

09:15:32 CC Roger.

09:15:37 P It operates the camera all right. The problem w_

had was operating the sight. We,ve done a little
switching around, but we can't - -we haven't
really made any good thorough troubleshooting yet.

09:15 :_9 CC Roger. I understand.

09:16:08 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii.

09:16:10 P Go, Hawaii.


09:16:12 CC The camera was what they were really worried about.

09:16:16 P Okay. We were pretty worried about the sight

there for a while but we rigged it up from the
right receptacle and the camera works okay from
the left.

09:16:23 CC Okay. Very good.

09:20:30 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii. We have 30 seconds to LOS and

are standing by.

09:20:35 P Gemini IX. Roger.

09:20:39 C Looks like weare going to miss that storm. We're

pointed up and to the northwest right now.


17 :&5:01 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

17:_5:06 CC G_m_ui IX, Houston standing by for your call.

17:_5:09 C Good morning, Houston. Gemini IX.

17:_5:10 CC Good morning. How are you doing?

17:_5:11 C Warmed up. We ran down to O, O, 0 degrees.

17:45:15 CC You say you do have your - started your power-up?

17:_5:18 C Roger. Platform is up. Fairly well alined.

17:_5:22 CC Okay. Is your computer up yet?

17:_5:24 C No. Get it up in Just a second.

17:45:27 CC Okay. Like to have you turn it on and tell us

whether you get a running light.

17:45:31 C Roger.

17:&5:32 CC In PRELAUNCH.

17:45:37 C Computer coming ON.


17:_5:39 CC And while you're waiting you can turn the S-12
collector door CLOSED.

17:_5:_5 C Roger. We've already got the collector door


17:L5:_8 CC Roger.

17:&5:51 CC And I've got a RT change and some m_neuver updates

when you're ready to copy.

17:_6:15 C Houston, Gemini IX. We have a Computer Running

light at 8:26.

17:_6:20 CC Very good. I'm glad to hear that. And let me

know when you're ready to copy the RT and maneu-
ver updates.

17:L6:51 P Go ahead, Neil.

17:&6:52 CC Okay. Your RT is now - that's Address 5L, 74966.

This is a fairly big change but we,ve checked it

17:_7:08 P Understand. 5d is now 7_966.

17:_7:12 CC Roger. And your elevation angle of depression,

angle to Aline the Platform, will be minus 9 de-

17:L7:19 P Roger. Understand.

17:&7:21 CC Okay. And don't forget that you,ve got to change

Address 2_.

17:47:27 P Okay.

17:47:30 CC Okay. We,re ready for - your Height-Adjust Maneu-


17:47:42 P Okay, shoot.

17:_7:43 CC Okay. Let me give you the Phase-Adjust first.

GET B: 18:23:19; Delta-V, 20.0; burn time, 3
seconds; yaw O, pitch O; Address 25, 00020; 26
and 27, all zeros; aft thrusters; Posigrade. I '11
go ahead with the Height-Adjust now. GET B is


19:O8:16; Delta-V, 17.O burn time, 22 seconds;

yaw O, pitch O; Address 25, 00170; Address 26,
all zero; Address 27, zeros; aft thrusters, Posi-
grade. That's Height-Adjust. Go ahead.

17:&8:&7 P Okay. Now was that two Height-Adjust? Was the

first one Height-Adjust also?

17:&8:51 CC First one, Phase-Adjust.

17:48:53 P Okay.

17:48:56 P Phase-Adjust is at 18:23:18: 2 feet per second;

3-second burn; yaw O, pitch O; 25 is 00020; 26
and 27, all zeros; aft thrusters; Posigrade.

17:49:13 CC Roger. That's correct. I've got a node update.

17:49:18 P I'd l_ke the GET Burn at Height-Adjust, please.

17:49:22 CC Okay. The GET Burn of the Height-Adjust is


17:49:33 P Got 19:O8:1 something.

17:&9:36 CC That's 19:O8:16.

17:29:41 P 16, Roger. And I copied the rest to be 17 feet

per second; 22-second burn; yaw O, pitch O; 25,
00170; 6 and 7, all zeros; aft thrusters, Posigrade.

17:49:53 CC That's correct. And I have a node for you.

17:49:58 P Okay.

17:50:O1 CC Its t_me is 16:14:21: Rev 11, 23 degree west;

right ascension, 19 hours 50 minutes.

17:50:23 P Roger. Copied Node to be 16:14:21; Rev 11, 23

degrees west; right ascension, 19 hours 50 minutes.

17:50:32 CC Roger. That,s correct. You can do a fuel cell

purge between now and Canaries, which will be
about 5 minutes or so from now. And they will
have a block update on PLA's at Canaries and ad-
vise that their - they've got a shroud in work.
Dave Scott's out at Los Angeles working on a -


the procedures for it.

17:51:O5 P Okay, fine. And you say go ahead with the fuel
cell purge now?

17:51:09 CC Yes, that's correct.

17:51:12 CC And we're approaching LOS here. We,ll give you

the PLA,s over Canaries.

17:51:17 C Roger. How are you reading us, Nell?

17:51:20 CC Reading you loud and clear, Tom.


17:56:1L C Flight. Gemini IX to Canary CAP COM.

17:56:17 C Canary, Gemini IX.

17:56:19 CC Roger. I have a PLA update for you when you're

ready to copy.

17:56:22 C Can you give us a hack at a GET 17:57:007

L7:56:28 CC Roger. Will do.

17:56:32 CC 30 minutes, 30 seconds to hack.

17:56:/+5 P After the hack you can go ahead with the update.

17:56:&7 CC Roger. Will do.

17:56:58 CC 3, 2, 1,

17:57:01 CC MARK. 17:57:00.

17:57:05 C Roger. Give us a hack at ten Just for recheck.

17:57:07 CC Roger. 3, 2, 1,

17:57:11 CC MARK. Ten seconds.

17:57:13 C Roger. We're in sync.


17:57:15 CC Roger.

17:57:36 CC Gemini IX, are you ready for your PLA update?

17:57:&1 P Roger. Ail set - any time.

17:57:2/, CC Roger. 13-2: 19:02:32; 21 plus 22, 27 plus 22;

roll left 85, roll right 95; weather, good;
negative Sep Maneuver. 14-1: 20:28:25; 22 plus
35; 28 plus 25; roll left 85, roll right 95;
weather, good; negative Sep Maneuver. 15-1:
22:06:07; 21 plus 11; 26 plus 59; left 85, right
95: weather, good; Sep Maneuver. 16-1: 23:&l:&O;
- 21 plus 18.

17:59:26 CC Affirmative on a Sep Maneuver.

17:59:33 CC Gemini IX. The last three columns are all the
same from here on out, so we'll Just give you the
first. Okay?

17:59:38 P Okay. And now what were the first two areas that
you gave me?

17:59:&3 CC Say again.

17:59:&5 P Give me the first two areas, Just the area. I

got all the numbers but the areas on the first two.

17:59:50 CC Okay. The first area was 13-2; the second area

17:59:57 P Okay. You can go ahead.

17:59:59 CC Okay. The next area is 17-2: 25:26:01; 21 plus

15; 27 plus 12. Could you put your Quantity Read
switch to ECS 02?

18:O0:20 P Roger.

18:00:2& CC Okay. Area 18-&: 28-:07:53; 21 plus 11; 27 plus

16. Area 19-&: 29:&3:26; 21 plus 18:27 plus 19.
Area 20-3: - Gemini IX, give us FUEL CELL 02,
please. Okay. - Area 20-3: 31:02:25; 21 plus 02;
27 plus 07; and give us FUEL CELL H2.

18:01:31 CC That's the end of the PLA update, Gemini IX.


18:O1:35 P Roger. The only question I have is 20-3 RET V.

Please say again.

18:Ol:&l CC RET V for Area 20-3:27 plus 07.

18:O1:&6 P Roger. And the only two that require Sep Maneu-
vers are 15-1 and 16-1. Is that correct?

18:O1:51 CC That,s affirmative. Negative on that. The Sep

Maneuver comes from 15-1 through all the rest.
15-1 through 20-3. You have a Sep Maneuver with
all of those.

18:02:03 P Roger. I've got them all.

18:O2:O5 CC Okay. Could you give us a Prop Quantity re_dou%.


18:O2:11 P Roger. Reading about 39 percent.

18:O2:12 CC Roger. Copy _9.

18:O2:19 CC We have you as GO on the ground here, Gemini IX.

How did your fuel cells purge ge?

18:O2:23 P Fuel cell purge went well and we're GO up here.

18:02:26 CC Roger.

18:O2:5& CC Gemini IX, Canaries. We did -we have Just turned

the L-Band Beacon ON on the ATDA.

18:O2:59 P Roger.

18:O3:12 CC IX, Canaries. You can turn your Quantity Read

OFF at this time.


18:O&:23 CC Gemini IX, Houston. 1 minute from LOS at Kano.

18:O&:29 C Roger. Houston. We,re all set up for our burn.

18:O&:&l CC Roger. Congratulations for making it past 7-3.


18:0_:L7 C Roger, Neil. Thank you.

18:23:19 C Rates adjust.

18:23:20 P Mark it.

18:23:25 P Okay.

18:23:29 C ...

18:23:33 P 82 is O, 81 is minus 1, - and 80 is zero.

18:23:57 C The next burn ...

18:2_:01 C Let,s put the thing in RENDEZVOUS.

18:2L:OL P Okay. The next burn is at 19:08:16.

18:24:O9 C What about that time ...?

18:2_:11 P Oh, yes. That,s almost an hour away. 19:O8:16.



18:33:44 CC G_m4ni IX, Carnarvon CAP COM.

18:33:&8 C Carnarvon, IX.

18:33:_9 CC Roger. How did the Phase-Adjust go?

18:33:51 C On time and all residuals zero.

18:33:53 CC Roger. Would you give me a readout of AMU H2, 02

pressure and temperature.

18:3_:O5 P Okay. Temperature is holding and has been holding

at about 65 degrees and pressure is locked on 85

18:3_:15 CC Roger.

18:3&:21 CC I have a Flight Plan update. A short one for you

when you're ready to copy.


18:34:28 P Stand by one.

18:3&:51 P Okay, Bill, go ahead.

18:3A:55 CC Okay. At 19 hours, 19 minutes: Antigua, Rev 13;

a GO/NO-GO for 31-1. At 19 hours 30 minutes:
Canaries, Rev 13; a crew status report.

18:35:17 P Say that time again at Canaries for crew status?

18:35:20 CC 19 plus 30.

18:35:21 P 19 plus 30. Roger.

18:35:25 CC Okay. And I also have a star update for you.

18:35:&A P Okay. Go with the star update.

18:35:A7 CC Okay. Time: 19:O8:16; and I don.t know if I can

pronounce it, but I'll give it a try, Alpheratz,
or would you buy Alpheratz? It's 3.5 degrees up
and 4 degrees left.

18:36:O6 CC That,s Alpheratz.

18:36:O8 P Alpheratz sounds good. 19:O8:16; 3.5 up; A left.

18:36:12 CC Roger.

18:36:36 CC Gemini IX, Carnarvon. We're coming up on LOS in

about 40 seconds.

18:36:A7 P Gemini IX. Roger.

19:O7:24 C We're approaching Height-Adjust for the third

rendezvous. Delta-V to be applied is 7-8 feet per
second Posigrade at 19:O8:16.

19:O7:AT C ... rate.

19:O7:59 C An Alpha burn should do it.

19:O8:O2 P Okay. Don't forget Plat.

19:O8:12 P 10, 13, 14, 15-

19:O8:17 P MARK.


19:O8:18 C Mark it.

19:O8:39 P Okay.

19:O8:_4 P That,s good ...


19:18:50 CC G_mini IX, Houston.

19:18:24 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

19:18:_O C Hello, Houston. Gemini IX. How do you read?

19:18:42 CC Roger, Tom. Read you loud and clear. How me?

19:18:L5 C Roger. Read you loud and clear now, Neil.

19:18:&8 CC Okay. Could you give us a Peroxide Temperature,


19:18:52 C Roger. 65 degrees.

19:18:55 CC Roger. 65 degrees. And I have an NSR update for

you when you're ready to copy.

19:19:O2 C Roger. Stand by.

19:19:O6 C Ready to copy.

19:19:08 CC Okay. GET B: 19:53:27; Delta-V, 14.3; burn time,

25 seconds; ya_ 180, pitch 20 down, 20 down;
Address 25, OO13_; Address 26, 9OO&9; Address 27,
zeros; forward thrusters; Posigrade Up. Go ahead.

19:20:00 P Houston, Gemini IX. You were coming in somewhat

broken on that. NSR update: GET B is 19:A5:27;
Delta-V is 14.3; duration is 25 seconds; yaw 180,
pitch 20 down; 25, OO13h; 26, 900_9; 27, zeros;
forward; Posigrade Up.

19:20:32 CC That,s correct except I'd like to correct your

GET B. That,s 19:53:27. Go ahead.

19:20:&3 P Roger. Got 19:53:27 GET B.


19:20:A7 CC That's right. And we're using the forward

thrusters here so that you all have - you won't
have to turn around and lose radar lock and that

19:20:56 P Fine. Thank you.

19:20:58 CC Okay. Give us Prop Quantity, please.

19:21:O3 C Roger. Prop Quantity is 35 percent.

19:21:O7 CC Okay. 35. And you,ll have a crew status report

over Canaries in about 10 minutes or so. Like to
tell you what the maneuver plan is right now.

19:21:19 C Okay.

19:21:21 CC Okay. After NSR you'll have about an hour and

five minutes before TPI and you,ll be hitting TPI
Just about sunrise, and the rest of the maneuver
from TPI on in will be in daylight.

19:21:39 C Roger.

19:21:A1 CC And we,re talking about seeing whether we can

get the lights on for you before TPI, for backup.

19:21:&9 C How,s the power doing on the ATDA? Is it getting

pretty low?

19:21:5& CC Yes. We don't have any too much in those squib


19:21:58 C Okay.

19:22:O6 CC How,d your Height Maneuver come out?

19:22:08 C Ail residuals were zero. We had ...

19:22:12 CC Very good.

19:22:17 C We,re yawing around now to 180.

19:22:22 CC Okay. Like to advise you you,re GO for 31-1.

19:22:26 C Roger. 31-1.


19:22:30 C How are things in Houston this mo_f._ng?

19:22:32 CC Oh, we're busy as beavers down ihere.

19:22:35 C I can imagine.

19:22:_7 P You guys keep some terrible hours down there.

19:22:51 CC Yes. You do, too. Astros lost last night to

Pittsburgh 7 to 2.

19:22:58 P How'd the Cubs do?

19:23:01 CC Stand by.

19:23:03 CC Cubs lost 8 to 6 to Cincinnati.

19:23:08 P I,m a double loser.

19:23:10 CC You,ve got to expect a few losses.

19:23:_O CC We've just been talking to Dave Scott and Jim

McDivitt at some length. They,ve been climbing
around the shroud out at Douglas for the last few
hours and they advised the outside is no problem.
The inside may turn out to be a problem. There,s
quite a few sharp edges and things on the inside,
cotter keys, and one thing or another.

19:2A:06 C Roger.

19:2_:59 CC Did you happen to Just punch START COMP or change

modes or something in the computer?

19:25:O5 C Yes. I checked out my load at 25, 6 and 7.

19:25:O9 CC Okay. Big Brother,s watching down here.

19:25:13 C Roger, Neil. Looks like our computer has cleared

up completely. It was only about the first day
after you know ... when we ran into this problem,
and late yesterday evening everything looked real

19:25:25 CC Okay, Tom. It looks all okay on the ground to us,



19:25:29 C Okay. I don,t know what the glitch was.

19:25:32 C Also, we changed cords and I had Gene,s utility

cord, so I've got my camera in the optical sight
going okay over here.

19:25 :&O CC Roger. I understand.

19:26:01 CC Do you have - you don't have the radar on yet, do


19:26:06 C No, I don't. You want me to turn it on?

19:26:08 CC Stand by.

19:26:13 CC Yes, we'd 11ke to have you turn it on and see if

you can get a lock, and maybe you can report a
range reading over the Canaries and help FIDO a
little bit here.

19:26:23 C Roger. We got it too. Stand by.

19:26:32 CC We're not going to have much track after NSR to

help you out with.

19:26:38 C Okay.

19:27:27 CC Houston,s about to have LOS at Antigua.

19:27:31 C Roger. Neil, we're txjlng to Aline the Platform


19:27 '33 CC Right.


19:32:0& CC Gemini IX, CAP COM. We have a valid oral temp on

both Pilot and Command Pilot.

19:32:14 C Roger. We have forward radar lock. We,ll give

you some ranges.

19:32:17 CC Roger. I have a coelliptic update when you,re

ready to copy.

19:32:2A C Go ahead.

19:32:27 CC GET B: 19:5&:2&; Delta-V, IA.&; burn time, 0 plus

25; yaw 180, pitch 38 down; Address 25, OOllA;
Address 26, 90089; Address 27, all zeros; thrusters
forward; Maneuver Posigrade and Up; Coelliptic.
Do you copy?

19:33:0& P Roger. NSR update: GET B is 19:5&:2&; IA.k; 25

seconds burn t_me; yaw 180, pitch 38 down; 25 is
00114; 26 is 90089; 27, all zeros; forward
thrusters; Posigrade Up.

19:33:28 CC That's affirmative, Gamtni.

19:33:A4 P Canaries, we,re now at 83.8 miles.

19:33:&8 CC Roger. Copy.

19:33:57 CC Gemini IX. We,re standing by for your food report.

19:3&:O2 C Roger. We have consumed A-l/2 meals and 110 ounces

of water.

19:3&:10 CC Roger. 110 ounces.

19:3&:50 CC G-mtni IX, could you also give me a sleep report?

19:3&:55 C We had eight hours of dozing.

19:3&:58 CC Roger. Copy.

19:36:20 P Canaries, we're at 82.3 miles with a Range-Rate

of 69 feet per second.

19:36:26 CC Roger. Copy.


19:39:56 CC Gemini IX, Houston standing by.

19:39:59 C Roger, Houston. We,re Alining the Platform and

approaching NSR.

19:&O:O3 CC Okay. It looks like you've got good radar. We

are willing to turn those lights on for you if
you think you'd like to have them prior to TPI.


But it would mean that you'd have to turn them

off, you'd have to send a Command to turn them
off, Just as soon as you got in daylight. Thought
you wouldn't need them.

19:_0:25 C Okay .... turn them on right at the last minute

and then we can ... It's getting daylight.

19:&0:36 CC I didn,t copy you there, Tom.

19:&O:&O C Turned the ACQ lights on at the latest possible

station and we will turn them off as soon as we
hit daylight.

19:&O:&9 CC Okay. We'll do that. We,ll turn them on at

Carnarvon. That's at 20 hours and about 12 by
20 hours and 10 minutes.

19:5&:O2 P Okay. Coming up on the N - NSR burn at 19:5&:2&

for the Rendezvous from above; 10 seconds to
initiate, - in RATE COMMAND.

19:54:12 P 2, 1-

19:5&:25 P Burn it.

19:5&:27 P Clock is started.

19:5&:&9 C ... is the ...

19:5&:51 C Okay. 81, - 82 is minus 02, 81 is O1.

19:55:33 C Looks good. 80 is zero. That's good.

19:55:37 P Okay. Starting the clock in NSR.

19:55:Al C Roger.

19:55:&_ C And we have about 32 percent fuel remaining.

19:55:5_ P 32.

19:56:08 P You can set your clock if you like.

19:56:11 P Now, let's see. Coming up on 2 minutes now. So

you can set it to 3 or &.


19:57:08 P What have you got your clock set for?

19:57:10 C 3 minutes.

19:57:14 P Okay. About 10 seconds here.

19:57:2_ P 3, 2, 1-

19:57:25 P Mark it.

19:57:26 P Three minutes. Did you get it?

19:57:27 C Yes.

19:57:29 P 7, 8, 9, 10. Okay?

19:57:5/, P Go into RENDEZVOUS with _ minutes and see what


20_00:18 C ... we,re down 10 degrees already ...

20:00:25 P Give me an angle and I'll get it for you the next

20:00:30 P ...

20:00:31 C MARK.

20:00:3_ C ...

20:00:_6 P Yes. Nominally we're pretty close on this.

20:00 :_7 C ...

20:00:5_ P Let,s see there,s - F-189 is NOMINAL.

20:00:58 C We're supposed to Aline the Platform.

20:01:00 P At 9 degrees; that's right.

20:01:02 C ...

20:01:03 P So go ahead.

20:01:10 P Right now ... is .01 but we'll have what happens

20:01:12 P Yes.

20:01:13 C ...

20:01:18 P That's only one - -

20:02:10 C Did you happen to find my sunglasses ...

20:02:12 P - - It's right up here.

20:02:13 C Good show!

20:03:01 P Okay. Ail the numbers are in.

20:03 :&7 C ...

20:03:L8 P Do I have any? Yes. I've got some here somewhere.

20:03:51 P I read 69 here at 9 minutes. We passed 9 minutes.

20:03:5/+ C Copy. 9 minutes.

20:0&:25 P Here you are, Tom.

20:0A:32 C 1,11 just have one piece.

20:0A:36 P You can have both if you want to.

20:0A:38 C I've got a bunch of them.

20:04:&9 P Yes. Between us we have plenty.

20:05:1A P ... this is going to be a real bear, you know it?

20:05:17 P I wonder if I should put that suit fan on?

20:05:2_ C ...

20:05:25 P This one over here.

20:05:27 C You've got the Polaroid, don't you?

20:05:58 P Much better.

20:06:01 C Yes. We ... should stay on better ...

20:06:20 P What time have you got?

20:06:21 C 11 ...


20:07:17 CC Gemini IX, Carnarvon CAP COM.

20:07:23 C Carnarvon, IX. Go.

20:07:26 CC Roger. Would you turn the Tape Recorder Power

circuit breaker OFF?

20:07:30 C Roger. OFF.

20:07:35 CC Would you verify the Telemetry Standby Control

switch is OFF?

20:07:&O C OFF. It,s OFF.

20:07:/42 CC Roger.

20:07:51 C Delta, Delta-R still looking good?

20:07:53 P That's affirm. .0..0.

20:07:56 CC Could you give us a Prop Quantity readout.

20:07:58 C Roger. 32 percent.

20:08:01 CC Roger.

20:08:0& CC How did the NSR burn go?

20:08:05 C On time and 8Owas O, 81 was one tenth, and 82

was about two tenths.

20:O8:12 CC Roger.

20:O8:16 P Point 50 ... with 59.

20:08:26 CC I've got a Terminal Phase Backup for you when

you're ready to copy.

20:08:32 C Stand by.

20:08:36 C Okay. Go.


20:08:38 CC GTV: 20:55:28; GTNsR OI:Oi:OA; Delta-V, 16.7;

burn time, 0 plus 21; Core 25, 90147; Core 26,
00075; Core 27, 00020; 16.5&; 0.3 up and 2.5
right; range 16.3 nautical miles; Range-Rate 6A
feet per second; azimuth, 178.5 right; elevation,
27.A down; range and Range-Rate are 2 minutea and
10 seconds prior to TPI.

20:O9:A8 P This is Gemtni IX. Roger. We got the Backup.

Thank you.

20:09:51 CC Roger.

20:10:22 CC Would you give me a range and Range-Rate?

20:10:38 C Right now we're 5A.3 miles.

20:10:A5 CC Roger.

20:10:A8 C And 86 feet per second.

20:10:50 CC Roger.

20:10:58 CC The ACQ lights are on, IX.

20:11:00 C Roger.

CC Gemini IX, Carnarvon. We're one minute to LOS.

C Roger ...

P Carnarvon. Gemini IX is at 51.9 miles, 88 feet

per second. Address 8A is not reading out pro-
perly, so negative angle at this time.

CC Roger.


20:51:52 CC Gemini IX, Houston standing by.

20:52:29 C From the rendezvous from above, we have reflected

moonlight on the target.

20:52:A2 P What's the range?


20:52:43 C 20 miles?

20:52:44 P Range is about 20 miles, Tom.

20:52:51 P We,re going to initiate after the ground time,

but that's all right because we're - if you,ve got
it, that's all that counts.

20:52:54 C ...

20:52:57 P 59 minutes. We,ll get good angles.

20:53:O1 CC This is Houston. No answer required. Remember

to turn ACQ llghts off.

20:53:08 C Roger. Neil, we have no ACQ lights. Thus far

I've got him in reflected moonlight at 20 miles.

20:53:IA CC Roger. Understand.

20:53:22 C Right on the angle.

20:53:38 P 21 miles.

20:53:55 P 18.7 initiate.

20:54:00 P Houston, Gemini IX. Elevation 200.9; range 21.O4.

20:54:09 CC Roger.

20:54:11 P Okay. At 40, Tom.

20:54:13 C Pretty good. Turn the ACQ lights OFF at 40 ...

20:54:17 P Roger.

20:54:22 P Okay. At AO I want ... 21.

20:54:32 P Here's where we are Tom.

20:54:34 C Where,s it, Gene?

20:54:36 P Right there.

20:54:37 C Good show, Got NOMINAL, right?

20:54:41 P The next one is probably going to be Point B.


20:54:43 C Here comes sunrise and I may lose the ATDA.

20:54:45 P Okay at 40 -

20:55:00 P Okay, I want an angle at 40.

20:55:10 P 201.7 not quite in. No it's .8.

20:55:24 C We're still in reflected moonlight and now going

to reflected sunlight. We can break out into the

20:55:37 P Houston. Elevation at 201.7; range 19.2; Range-

Rate 70.

20:55:46 CC Roger.

20:55:48 P Right. This one is going to be Point B at 220.

Hold onto him if you can.

20:55:53 C ... get ...

20:56:00 P Are you holding onto him?

20:56:05 C Yes.

20:56:10 C Yes. I've got him in reflected sunlight.

20:56:15 P This is Point B coming up.

20:56:17 C And ...

20:56:21 P 220 at the time.

20:56:22 C Okay. 1,11 be on him.

20:56:28 P It might even be Point C, so hold onto it.

20:56:42 P Okay.

20:56:43 C Stand by.

20:56:&4 P Okay.

20:56:45 C Got him.

20:56:59 P That was Point B.


20:57:00 C Still have him in reflected sunlight in a sunrise


20:57:15 C Caught like a particle of dust.

20:57:28 P Houston, Gemini IX. Elevation 203.0; 18.82 miles;

66 feet per second.

20:57:36 CC Houston. Roger.

20:57:37 C Starting to loose him.

20:57:38 P That was Point B, Tom.

20:57:39 C Come on, hang on. That's all.

20:57:40 P You don't have him?

20:57:&1 C No. That's all she wrote.

20:57:&2 P Okay. That's & minutes ....

20:57:&3 C Lost him Just before - Point C, in the clouds.

20:57:_5 CC Houston's co_m_nded ACQ lights OFF.

20:57:&8 P See you in the clouds.

20:57:51 P The next point is Point C though. I may not get

a backup - yet I may.

20:57:56 C Okay. I'm flying radar needles.

20:57:58 P Okay.

20:58:03 P Don't let me miss - 5, A minutes. Okay?

20:58:0& C Yes.

20:58:20 P Okay. Is that L minutes?

20:58:23 C _ minutes and L seconds to go.

20:58:2L P Okay.

20:58:26 P Mark it.


20:58:27 C Got it: Now one was an optical angle. The other
was radar. Sorry about that, Gene.

20:58:31 P That's all right.

20:58:36 P What,s Point C?

20:58:37 C Point C is 37. Looking pretty good. Want to


20:58:&5 P ... two way ...

20:58:&7 C I know he's out there. I can't see him at all.

20:58:55 P Push START COMP.

20:58:56 C START COMP pushed.

20:59:02 C 19 forward, 2 left and _ down. Would you believe


20:59:10 P Okay. Well they gave - I don't like the down.

20:59:12 C I don,t either.

20:59:16 P Houston, Gemini IX. Elevation 2OL.2; range 17:72.

Don,t let me - -

20:59:21 CC Houston. Roger.

20:59:25 P - - Ground gave 60.5 forward, 3/1Oths up, and

205 - 2.5 right and you have left.

20:59:3L C What do you have?

20:59:36 P I don,t have it, Joe. I,ve got to get Point D at

5:_O. 20&.2 and 7/1Oths.

20:59:38 C ... I'll get it.

20:59:&2 C Houston. Closed-Loop is 20 forward, 2 left,

3 down.

20:59:&8 P I don,t like the down, Tom. Because we're

coming - -

20:59:&9 CC Got it.


20:59:50 P - - we're coming down.

20:59:51 C Yes. I don't like the down either. The down

doesn't look good from here at this time.

20:59:53 C Telemetry doesn,t look good from here at this


20:59:5L P Okay. 5:LO, Tom. This is my angle for backup.

20:59:58 C Okay. I'm on the radar needles for you.

21:OO :O_ P Mark it.

21:OO:O5 C Right. I sure did.

21:OO:12 P 20 -

21:O1:&5 P Houston, Gemini IX. Data point D is 206.0; 16.60

miles; Range-Rate, 66.

21:O1:53 CC Houston. Roger.

21:O1:57 C Houston, this is IX. We're taking the backup

solution, staying Closed-Loop.

21:O2:O1 CC Roger. Understand.

21:02:07 C Backup reads 17 forward and 3 up; 17 forward and

3 up.

21:O2:12 CC Houston. Roger.

21:07:22 C Houston. Gemini IX transmitting into blind. We

will Aline Platform after five minutes. Have 30
percent fuel remaining.

21:O7:29 CC Roger, IX. Canary CAP COM. Roger. We copy.

21:O7:35 C Roger. We will Aline Platform. The Closed-Loop

is cranking and we used a backup solution. We
have 30 percent fuel remA4ning.

21:O7:_3 CC Roger. Copy.

21:O7:_5 C And we cannot see him against the sunlit ocean

below, even though we are down to 12 miles.


21:07:A9 CC Roger.

21:07:52 C Radar is doing beautiful.

21:O8:23 P Canary, this is Gemini IX. Last point: elevation,

215.6; range, 11.7 miles.


21:10:01 P Canary, this is Gemini IX. We're up, Alining.

No angle. No Range-Rate. We're at 10.21 miles.

21:10:16 CC Roger.

21:11:A8 C Canary, this is Gemini IX. We,re Alining and I

do not get any range or Range-Rate out of the
computer at this t_me.

21:11:55 CC Roger, Gemini IX.

21:13:35 P Houston, Gemini IX, or Canary, Gemini IX. Ele-

vation, 227.2; 7.18 miles.

21:13:_1 CC Roger.

21:13:_3 C And we're passing over the sand dunes of the

Sahara and note also some of the lava flows here
and we're looking straight down at him and I still
can't see him.

21:13:51 CC Roger, IX.

21:13:56 C Still no visual contact with the target at this

time. We're at 7 miles.

21:1_:OO P Right here, Tom. Right inside. See?

21:14:O6 C Yes.

21:14:O7 P Shall we - -

21:14:08 C We,ll whip the stuff out of him.

21:14:10 P -- ... break.

21:14:13 P Should give us a boosting error at 11:_0.


21:14:19 C Say, there's the sand dunes. 1,11 photograph

one. Now don't worry about me. We'll make the

21:14:25 P You ought to see him come across that.

21:14:29 C Oh, shoot:

21:14:36 P Computer lights are ON. Got anything yet?

21:14:_ C ... A forward, 5 left, and 1 up.

21:14:_8 P _ aft.

21:14:&9 C _ forward - -

21:1A:50 P - - h aft - -

21:14:51 C - - 3 aft, - & aft.

21:14:52 P _ aft.

21:14:53 C 5 left, 1 up. Looking good.

21:14:57 P Take the 1 up and _ aft. I don,t care about the

5 left. It's up to you.

21:15:O3 C Do you want the 1 up?

21:15:0& P Yes. 1,11 take the 1 up.

21:15:O6 C ...

21:15:O7 P Yes. You can take the aft.

21:15:08 C Yes ....

21:15:25 P Do you take the left or half of it?

21:15:27 C Half of it.

21:15:33 P Okay. 13 minutes I want an angle, Tom. - Okay?

What are we coming up on, 12 minutes or 137

21:15 :_3 C 13.

21:15 :_4 P Okay.


21:15 :A9 P Mark it.

21:16:10 P Canary, this is Gemini IX. Elevation, 233.9;

5.79 miles; 51 feet per second.

21:16:21 CC Houston standing by.

21:17:57 CC Houston standing by.

21:17:59 C Roger, Houston. We're down to a little over 3

miles, looking straight down into the Sahara
Desert and no visual contact. We,re locked on
forward on radar.

21:18:09 CC Understand.

21:18:12 P Houston, elevation is 238.A; range, 5.06; Range-

Rate, _9.

21:18:23 CC Houston. Roger.

21:20:05 C Houston, this is Gemini IX. Elevation, 2U,.O;

range, 4.31; Range-Rate, AA.

21:20:14 CC Houston. Roger.

21:20:20 CC Houston is one minute to LOS.

21:20:22 C Roger.

21:20:31 CC Okay, IX. Houston. Advise your fuel cutoff is

5 percent on the gage.

21:20:_A C Down to 3 miles and still no visual contact with

the target centered on.

21:20:A9 CC Houston, Roger.

21:21:08 C Houston, Roger. Finally have a look at what,s

down there and request ...

21:21:14 CC Houston. Roger.


21:_2:03 C Hello, Houston. Gemini IX.


21:&2:07 CC Go ahead, IX. This is Carnarvon.

21:42:09 C Okay, Carnarvon. We're in position with them.

We have 18 percent fuel remaining.

21:&2:15 CC Roger.

21:42:16 C And what's our status now on EVA?

21:42:21 CC Stand by one.

21:42:33 C Carnarvon, Gemini IX.

21:&2:39 CC Go ahead, IX.

21:42:41 C It's going to take us a lot of fuel to stay here

for EVA for three hours.

21:42:&A CC Roger. Understand. Stand by one. I'll talk to


21:43:15 CC Gemini IX, Carnarvon.

21:43:17 C Go ahead, Carnarvon.

21:43:19 CC We,d like you to go ahead and stationkeep until

you get to the States and we,ll brief you over
the States, and go ahead and continue with your
EVA preparation.

21:43:30 C Good.

21:&3:56 CC Gemini IX, Carnarvon.

21:_:03 C We don,t have a chance to do anything for a little

bit here.

21:&3+:07 CC Okay. Well, we,re standing by here if you want

to start the purge.

21:&A:iO C Okay. I'll go purge them.

21:&4:&2 CC Gemini IX, Carnarvon. Would you turn off the L-

Band radar?

21:44:_8 C Roger. You mean our L-Band?


21:44:52 CC Okay.

21:44:55 C Are you talking about our L-Band?

21:45:01 CC That's affirmative.

21:45:06 C It's OFF.

21:_5:53 C Carnarvon, Gemini IX. Are we still in contact?

21:45:56 CC That's affirmative.

21:45:58 C It appears I've got about 17 percent fuel.

21:46:O1 CC Roger.

21:46:02 C And we're going to go through a lot of it station-

keeping during 3 hours. Would you pass that on
to Flight?

21:46:10 CC We copy.

21:46:11 CC Will you last?

21:46:12 C Roger. Now that we look at the problem, this is

going to take quite a bit of fuel to stationkeep
here for three hours, compared to the EVA.

21:46:20 CC Roger. We understand.

21:46:22 C Better delete from our preparation period ...

21:&6:26 CC Roger.

21:_6:38 CC IX, Carnarvon. We.d like you to go ahead with

your eat period and mi_tmtze your usage of the
fuel. We,ll talk to you over the States.

21:_9:27 CC Gemini IX, Carnarvon.

21:49:30 C Go ahead, Carnarvon.

21:49:31 CC Would you place your Quantity Read to ECS 02?

21:49:58 CC FUEL CELL 02.

21:50:10 CC FUEL CELL H2.


21:50:23 CC Quantity Read to OFF and we're standing by.


22:0_:57 CC Gemini IX, this is Houston.

22:05:01 C Roger, Houston. How do you read?

22:05:06 C Houston, Gemini IX.

22:05:08 CC Roger. We,re reading you loud with a little

garble. Advise we'd like to look at your station-
keeping between here and the States to see what
your fuel consumption does. Like to have your
evaluation of how you think you will be able to
do stationkeeping and EVA preparation at the same

22:05:32 C Okay. We both Just finished talking it over.

Right now we're both pretty well bushed. But I'm
afraid it would be against my Judgement to go a-
head and do the EVA at this time. We,ve got about,
I,d estimate about 16 or 17 percent fuel remaining
and if we did all the experiments which we have
planned and everything else, Gene and I talked it
over, and we think it might be better for both of
us to knock it off for awhile. Do some experi-
ments and try in the morning, unless you have a
specific plan with the ATDA out here where we can
do some good with it. I don't see where we can
gain a whole lot. Over.

22:06:17 CC Roger. Tom. I followed that. Probably - we're

about two minutes to LOS. We'll be talking to
you here at the States. We have acquisition at

22:06:35 C Roger. 22:23. I think we might be able to stretch

it on fuel with the shortage and do some experi-
ments later ... and if we could accomplish some
specific task I,d say GO. We,re also - both of us
are pretty well beat out at this time

22:06:50 CC Okay. We,ll see you in about 15 minutes.


22:22:26 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

22:22:28 C Gemini IX. Go.

22:22:31 CC Roger. It's the Ground recommendation that we

postpone the EVA activity until the third day.
Would you agree with that?

22:22:42 C We concur very heartily with that recommendation.

22:22:_7 CC Roger. Good. The next thing we,d like to do is

fire up the ATDA A-ring during this stateside
pass and cycle the rates and the cone. Would you
be in a position to observe and photograph that

22:23:06 C Roger. We're headed on the stateside pass and

I'm in the sunrise right now, Neil. My camera
is all set up; be able to follow the whole works.

22:23:14 CC Ail right. We'd like to have a word from you

when you think the lighting will be satisfactory
and you're in a good position to begin that

22:23:27 C Okay.

22:2_:&7 P Houston, this is Gemini IX.

22:2&:_9 CC Go ahead.

22:2&:51 P Were you able to find out, Neil, whether there is

anything we could do EVA to the TDA that might
afford us some docking?

22:2£:59 CC We,ve looked into it rather extensively and we had

some possible action. However, we did not have a
very high confidence level in this action.

22:25:13 P Tom and I discussed this whole thing and I guess

the real little real-tlme evaluation of what we
have done in the past 20 hours or so and what we've
got to do leads us to believe probably that the
third day EVA might be better.


22:25:28 CC Roger. We,re in agreement with that at this

point, and we're continuing the flight pla_tng
activity in that direction.

22:25:35 P That's better.


22:27:2L CC IX, we're over about the middle of Texas pass.

Now we're standing by for your recommendation.

22:27:31 C Okay. We,re set to photograph - go ahead and

turn on the RCS if you want to.

22:27:38 CC Okay. We'll let you know as we do each action



22:28:39 CC IX, Houston standing by here. We're waiting for

telemetry from the ATDA. Should have it squared
away in a second.

22:28:&8 C Roger.

22:29:38 CC Select an RCS A now.

22:29:L1 C Roger.

22:29:48 C We're taking pictures.

22:30:07 C Neil, same thing happened, same drift rates.

22:30:10 CC Okay.

22:30:56 C It still has the same rates, Nell.

22:30:59 CC Okay. We're still about a few seconds away, I

guess. Hope we don't run you out of film.

22:31:16 CC RCS power ON.

22:31:27 C Hurry up. Let,s stop it right away....


22:31:3& C Now it's stopped.

22:31:36 CC Roger.

22:31:_1 C Looks like it's pretty well damped.

22:31:/+2 CC Roger.

22:31:53 C Right away it starts drifting now. You turned it

ON and OFF. Now it's started to roll to the left;
estimate about two degrees per second, maybe three.

22:32:01 CC Roger.

22:32:OL C Give us the Mark when you turn it or_

22:32:05 CC Okay.

22:32:13 CC Okay. Go into high-rate.

22:32:32 C I didn't see it fire there at all.

22:32:35 CC Okay.

22:32:46 C We're still in Iow rate, Neil.

22:32:48 CC Okay.

22:32:51 CC High rate.

22:32:53 CC MARK.

22:32:57 C There it goes. It,s really kicking up through

RCS, Neil°

22:33:00 CC Roger.

22:33:07 CC Okay. We're going to cycle the nose cone now.

22:33:10 C Okay.

22:33:17 C Let us know when you cycle it.

22:33:22 CC Okay. We,re coming up on Rigidize.

22:33:39 C Thrusters are still continuing to fire quite a

lot. We're Just about regular reentry, Neil.


22:33:_5 CC Okay. Rigidize.

22:33:50 C Oh, they,re really tossing the thruster fuel out


22:3_:O8 C Those thrusters are firing Just about ... pretty

good duty cycle.

22:3_:1A CC We're with you.

22:3A:17 C Now they're still firing.

22:3_:31 CC Okay. We,re going to Unrigidize now.

22:3_:35 C Stand by to reload the film.

22:3_:_5 C Go ahead.

22:3A:59 C Hold off. We,re right in the sun now.

22:35:03 CC Okay. We're going to lose the carrier here pretty


22:35:21 C Okay. Go ahead now. Look at those thrusters.

Those thrusters are really going through a rapid
duty cycle, at least of 50-50.

22:35:3A CC Go into low rate now?

22:35:56 C He should be out of RCS fuel before long.

22:36:09 CC Okay. We're getting T/M dropout now.

22:36:13 C Do you want to set us up for a Separation Maneu-

ver from it?

22:36:18 CC Stand by.

22:36:21 C Do you want us to stationkeep for another revo-


22:36:23 C I,ve got about 12 percent fuel.

22:36:26 CC Okay. We,re going to be at Canary in a few

minutes. We,ll give you that dope there. What,s
your Propellant Quantity now?


22:36:31 C Roger. 12 percent, about 12 to 13 percent.

22:36:3L CC Okay. Tom.

22:36:39 C Man: Those RCS thrusters are still firing real


22:36:42 CC Okay.

22:37:01 CC We lost T/M but we're going ahead and sending RCS

22:37:05 C Roger.

22:37:11 CC Tell us if you see it stop firing.

22:37:12 C It stopped.

22:37:1L CC Okay.

22:38:35 CC Okay. We're approaching LOS at Bermuda, Tom.

Canaries will pick you up in three to four m_nutes.

22:38:_0 C Roger.

22:42:27 CC G_tni IX, Canary CAP COM.

22:22:51 C Roger, Canary. We,re about 3 feet a_ay from the

Monster taking some pictures. Go ahead.

22:42:55 CC Okay. We'd like for you to do a 3-foot-per-eecond

Retrograde Maneuver at your convenience and give
us the time, please.

22:23:03 C Roger. We,re still snapping pictures.

22:23:06 CC Okay. We're standing by. Ail systems look good.

22:23:16 P Except the one we,re taking a picture of:

22:4_:23 C Canary, this is IX here. We,re going to have

plenty of documentary evidence of what caused the

22:24:27 CC Say again, IX?

22:_:29 C Roger. We,re going to have plenty of documentary


evidence as to what caused the failure.

22:_:54 CC Roger. We're in the process right now of turning

the L-Band ON for you.

22:43,:57 C Okay.

22:45:11 CC Gemini IX, we'd like for you to conserve as much

fuel as you can from here on out and we,ll update
you later on the flight tfme.

22:45:21 C Okay. We are slowly drifting away from it and

after we get squared away and finish our pictures
here I won't use any more fuel. We,ll go ahead
and do 3-foot-per-second Retrograde.

22:_5:30 CC Roger. Copy.

22:53:57 CC Gemini IX, Houston. Standing by.

22:53:59 C Roger. We're getting squared away for our 3-foot-

per-second Retrograde Burn. We,ve still got him
in sight, exposed a lot of film, and hope to give
you a call over Carnarvon or Tananarive.

22:5A:12 CC Roger. We're standing by. Ail we need is the

time and velocity of the burn.

22:54:16 C Roger.

23:O2:&7 C Hello, Houston. Gemini IX.

23:02:58 C Hello, Houston. This is Gemini IX.

23:O3:11 CC Gemini IX, Houston standing by.

23:03:12 C Roger. This is Gemini IX. We're making a 3-

foot-per-second at 59:00.

23:03:25 CC IX, Houston. Say again the time, please.

23:03:31 C Roger. 22:59:00.

23:03:56 CC Gemini IX, Houston. Copied the Separation Maneu-

ver at 22:59:00. Is that affirmative?

23:0_:06 C That is affirmative.


23 :O&:09 CC Roger. Was that a 3-foot-per-second Retrograde?

23 :O&:13 C Yes.

23 :OA:15 CC Roger.

23:0A:17 C This is Gemini IX. Say again.

23:O4:2& CC Gem_rniIX, Houston. Understand that was a 3-

foot-per-second Retrograde Burn. Is that affir-

23:0&:31 C That is affirmative.

23:0&:33 CC Roger, Tom. Anticipate when we come across the

States in the next pass that we,ll do an Acceler-
ometer Bias Check all the way across the States.
We will take a good look at it. So you can pre-
pare for it even before you get there and you can
let it run all the way across.

23 :O&:53 C Roger. Will do.

23:O5:06 C ... Re-Rendezvous for 2&-hour period between the


23:05:20 CC Gemini IX, Houston. Wefre having a little trouble

reading you. Say again, please.


23:18:O2 CC Gemini IX, Carnarvon CAP COM. We,re standing by.

23:18:05 C Roger, Carnarvon. We're Just getting squared a-

way here in the cockpit.

23:18:10 CC Roger.

23:18:12 C We are through with all our Bias Check across the
States and our computer,s all set up.

23:18:16 CC Okay.

23:18:29 CC On that 3-foot-per-second burn, which thrusters

did you use?


23:18:3_ C Roger. We used the forward-firing Numbers 11 and


23:18:38 CC Roger. We copy.


23:56:07 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

23:56:09 C Houston, Gemini IX.

23:56:11 CC Roger, IX. We,re standing by for Accelerometer

Bias Check all the way across.

23:56:16 C Roger. I have Address 25, 26.and 27 all zero and

pushing START COMP.

23:56:22 CC Roger. Just let it go and nc thrusting and we'll

watch it. I have a Flight P]an update for you.

23:56:29 C Roger.

23:56:32 CC Roger. Node: Ascending Node; Rev 15; 158.6 west.

And your Flight Plan update for the next couple of
revolutions -we,re going to give you an eat
period starting right now, at your convenience,
and give you a couple of revolutions of rest and
we'll pick you up at the end of Rev 17, beginning
Rev 18 over the States again.

23:57:O8 CC Roger. Sounds good. What time will that be?

23:57:13 CC Roger. We'll pick you at - Hawaii time at the

end of Rev 17 is 26:52. It will be appro_tmately
27:10, 27:15.

23:57:27 C Sounds real good. We want to get a little snooze

here and eat some for awhile.

23:57:33 CC Okay. While we're watching t:hisBias Check we'd

also like to brief you on crossfeeds. We want to
open the crossfeed now and see if this will balance
those tanks; we can close the crossfeed at the
beginning of EVA in the morning and we will not
have to open it up again. So if we do it now,
we'll be all set for the rest of the flight.


23:58:03 C Roger. You want to go ahead and open it at this


23:58:O_ CC Well, 1,11 Just go ahead and read the procedures

to you. Quantity Read switch to FUEL CELL 02 .

23:58:11 C Roger. FUEL CELL 02.

23:58:14 CC Okay. G and R Control Bus ON switch to EXPERIMENT


23:58:20 C Roger. Bus ON to EXPERIMENT position.

23:58:22 CC Crossfeed switch OPEN.

23:58:26 C Roger. Crossfeed switch coming OPEN. Then we

are to standby.

23:58:3d CC Okay. Understand Pyro Fire to Agena Control, Bus

Arm switch to SAFE.

23:58:39 C Switch to SAFE.

23:58:_2 CC Fuel Cell 02 Heater, OFF.

23:58:&6 C Fuel Cell 02 Heater, OFF.

23:58:48 CC Quantity Read switch to ECS 02 for 20 seconds.

23:58:52 C Roger. ECS 02.

23:59:30 CC IX, Houston. Quantity Read switch FUEL CELL H2.

23:59:38 C FUEL CELL H2.

23:59:39 CC Roger. You can leave it there for 20 seconds and

then OFF.

2_:OO:11 C H2 coming OFF.

2L:00:17 CC Roger. Cryo gage switched OFF.

2A:O0:19 C Roger.

24:00:23 CC Tom, that's all I have right now for you and we,ll
watch you going across. You can relax for a while.


24:00:29 C Ail the ... were done on that last rendezvous. I

think we learned a whole lot about rendezvous from
those last two and also from the first one.

24:00:37 CC Yes, I think we all did on those.

24:OO:41 C That was quite a chore. I'll clue you, on that

last one, everything was goir_greal good. Hope
we came out okay on it.

24:00:48 CC Okay. Real fine. Real glad it happened that way.

24:00:54 C But you talk about being busy as a left-handed

paper-hanger trying to go optically and also IFR,
that was really a chore:

24:01:00 CC Yes, well that's nothing new, is it?

24:01:03 C No, just like flying the old ...

24:01:09 CC Well, it looked like a pretty good show from down


24:01:12 C Thank you.

24:01:15 C Yes. We used our Backup Initiate, which was real

close to what the Ground,s was. The Closed-Loop
was off a little. We could see this from the

24:01:2_ CC Understand.

24:01:26 C This being Closed-Loop would have thrown us in

the wrong way. Our Delta, Delta-R shows exactly
what we had instantly, and the ground solution
was good, and so was our on-board backup. We
kept a Closed-Loop and used the modified first
Mtdcourse. We took the backr_p- the Closed-Loop
for the final Midcourse.

2_:01:46 CC Fine. Sounds good. At least we know how to do

them now, don't we?

2A:01:49 C Yes.

2A :02:05 CC IX, Houston.


2L:02:06 C Go ahead.

2&:02:O8 CC Tom, just an overall look here. What we're

looking at this afternoon, after you have a couple
of revolutions to rest, Just pick up some of your
experiments, D-IA and S-11,s. We can update those
later for you, and we' 11 update them in REAL-TIME
for you to do them after your rest period. We're
trying to get the EVA tomorrow morning as late
as possible, still maintaining stateside coverage
so we can give you a good 10-hour rest period to-
night before EVA Prep.

2&:02:&A C That sounds real good. Give us a good accurate

Propellant Quantity from the ground readout. I'm
showing about 11 percent here.

2L:02:5t CC Stand by.

2_:04:36 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

2&:04:38 C Go ahead.

24:04:39 CC Roger. Your On-Board Gage reading agrees with

our reading within 1 percent, which means you
have appro_mately 50 pounds of fuel remaining.

24:04:49 C Roger.

24:12:57 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

24:12:59 C Houston, IX. Go.

2&:13:00 CC Roger. We're about to have LOS in a minute and a

h,lf or so and we,ll be looking at you while you,re
taking a little rest here for awhile.

24:13:10 C Okay. Do you want the computer OFF, Dick?

24:13:12 CC Stand by

24:13:22 CC IX, Houston. Roger. You can shut down the com-
puter on normal procedures.

2&:13:29 C We, 11 leave the Platform ON.

2_:13:33 CC Roger. Understand. Tell Gene I'm sorry about his


Cubs last night, but we'll try again tonight.

2&:13:39 C Okay. You know how the Cubs are.

2&:13:43 P I'll be a winner tomorrow anyway, no matter how

you look at it, Dick.

2&:13:&6 CC I'm sure you will.

2&:13:50 P Yes, try a little harder. I lost 2 out of 2


2&:13:5& CC Say again.

2&:l&:Ol P Yes, the Astros and the Cubs.

2&:IA:O& CC Well, I lost one of them with you, so that's

pretty close. Chris said the Yankees won.

2& :lA:14 P Say again.

2&:14:16 CC The Yankees won yesterday.

2&:lL:18 P Thanks a lot. Who are they?

2&:1_:22 CC You not only got the wrong te_m-, you got the
wrong league.

2&:ld:26 P Yankee who?

2&:14:29 CC Good night.


26:31:49 CC Gemini IX, Carnarvon CAP COM.

26:31:59 CC G_m_ni IX, Carnarvon CAP COM.

26:32:02 P Carnarvon, this is Gemini IX. Go.

26:32:05 CC Okay. Stand by to copy a Flight Plan update.

26:32:09 P Okay. Give me a minute.

26:32:12 CC Roger.


26:32:51 P Okay, Carnarvon. Fire away.

26:32:5& CC Roger. The title is D-14, that's Delta-iL: Time,

26:52:3&; Mode Number, Alpha Romeo; Remarks, ex-
tend antenna. The second item, D-I&% Time,
27:16:33; Mode Number, Alpha Romeo. For third
item, D-I_: Time, 28:28:25; Mode Number, Alpha
T_m,. That,s all.

26:3&:02 P Okay. We've got three D-l&'s: one at 26:52:3&,

Alpha Romeo; 26:16:33, Alpha Romeo.

26:3&:17 CC Negative.

26:3&:18 P 29:28:25, Alpha T.-hua.

26:3& :22 CC Negative.

26:3&:25 CC The third D-I_: 28:28:25, Alpha Lima.

26:3&:31 P Roger. I have it down as 28:28:25, Alpha TJ_ma.

26:3&:37 CC And the second one is 27:16:33.

26:3&:&3 P Okay. Gemini IX calling CAP COM.

26:3&:&7 CC Go ahead. Carnarvon.

26:3&:&9 CC The second D-IA is 27:16:33.

26:3&:5& P Roger. I've got it 27:16:33.

26:3&:58 CC Roger. Alpha Romeo.

26:35:01 P Got it.

26:35:06 C Thanks for the rest, it sure helps.

26:35:09 CC You,re welcome.

26:37:03 CC Gemini IX, Carnarvon. 1 minute to LOS.

26:37:06 C Roger, Carnarvon. We,re Alining the Platform so

we can give ... away.

26:37:11 CC Roger.



26:57:10 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii.

26:57:12 CC All systems are GO on the ground and we're

standing by.

26:57:15 C Roger. We're in the middle of D-IA.

26:57:17 CC Roger.

26:57:51 C Hawaii, Gemini IX.

26:57:53 CC Go ahead.

26:57:55 C When I go to FUEL CELL Hr, Quantity, I get the


26:58:O1 CC Stand by.

26:58:18 CC Okay. We,re getting the same readout on the

ground as that. Our pressure reading is 250,
which is normal.

26:58:29 P Understand you,re getting a zero quantity reading

on the ground but a normal pressure reading.

26:58:32 CC That's affirm.

26:58:3A P Okay. Would you - keep a good look on it.

26:58:37 CC Sure will. Why don't you leave it in that position

until you get across the States?

26:58:A0 P Okay.


27:05:12 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

27:05:14 C Houston, Gemini IX.

27:O5:16 CC Roger. Reading you loud and clear. Understand

you want to update your Accelerometer Bias. You


can go PRELAUNCH in the computer anytime.

27:05:30 C PHELAUNCH. And did Hawaii advise you about our

Quantity reading on hydrogen?

27:05:35 CC Roger. We,re looking at it down here. The

pressure looks good -we're also getting a zero
reading and we'll look at that over Texas with a
calibration test.

27:05 :&5 C Okay.

27:05:&7 CC I've got a continuous Flight Plan update for you

when you're ready to copy.

27:05:55 P Go ahead, Neil. Ready to copy.

27:05:58 CC Roger. Over the RXV at 29:05 we,ll give you a

PLA update.

27:06:07 CC S-Ii at 29:16:27; Sequence Number 01.

27:06:21 CC S-ii: 29:&9:02; Sequence 03.

27:06:3& CC D-i_: 30:0&:25; Mode, Alpha Lima.

27:06:_6 CC S-II: 20:&6:&5; Sequence 02. S-II: 31:19:20;

Sequence 03.

27:07:05 CC D-i_: 31:39:57; Mode, Alpha Lima. S-II: 32:17:0&;

Sequence 01. S-ii: 32:&9:39; Sequence 03. D-IA:
33:15:3&; Alpha Romeo. Over.

27:07:&7 P Roger. Gemini IX. Had a little pencil trouble

on the first three. Would you repeat those three?

27:07:52 CC Roger. S-ii: 29:16:27, Sequence 01. S-II:

29:&9:02; Sequence 03. D-IA: 30:0&:25, Alpha
Lima. Over.

27:08:19 P Okay. We've got them all, Houston.

27:08:21 CC Roger.

27:08:25 P And the fuel cells up here are looking real good.
No indication other than the Quantity reading zero


27:08:31 CC Roger. Understand, the Quantity. The pressure

is looking good down here. We'll catch this over
Texas in a few seconds.


27:10:19 P Houston, Gemini IX.

27:10:21 CC Gemini IX, Houston. Go.

27:10:23 P Roger. Just for information - my main batteries

read, in order: 21, 2&, 22 and 23 both respec-

27:10:37 CC This is Houston. Roger. Copied.

27:11:02 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

27:11:04 P Go, Houston.

27:11:06 CC Roger. Is Quantity Read switch FUEL CELL H27

27:11:09 P It's FUEL CELL H2 at this time.

27:11:11 CC Roger. Calibrate Number 1 for 30 seconds.

27:11:14 P Operate Number 1 for 30 seconds.

27:11:22 P MARK.

27:11:24 CC Roger.

27:11:50 P MARK.

27:11:51 P 30 seconds.

27:11:52 CC Roger. Calibrate Number 2 for 30 seconds.

27:11:59 P Roger.

27:12:02 CC Roger.

27:12:30 P MARK.

27:12:31 P 30 seconds.


27:12:32 CC Roger. Understand 30-eecond MARK.

27:12:A0 P Houston, let us know when we can have our computer

back. We've got a D-IA coming up.

27:12:22 CC Roger. We're leaving PRELAUNCH. We're sending

the Accelerometer Bias at this time.

27:12:5A P Roger. Received your update.

27:12:58 CC Roger. Let us look at it a minute.

27:13:01 P Okay. Was that 27:16:33 a good time for D-IA?

27:13:06 CC Roger. 27:16:33.

27:13:09 P Okay.

27:13:34 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

27:13:36 P Go, Houston.

27:13:37 CC Roger. Your Accelerometer Bias update looks good.

You can have your computer back.

27:13 :_1 P Thank you.

27:12:17 CC Gemini IX, Houston

27:1A:19 P Go, Houston.

27:12:21 CC Roger. On your Fuel Cell H2, temperatures and

pressures look real good and they are steady. We
suspect we may have trouble with a sensor in the

27:12:31 P Okay, Dick. Thanks a lot. Do you want us to turn

Quantity Read switch to OFF?

27:12:37 CC That,s affirmative.

27:14:21 P Okay. Quantity reads OFF at this time.

27:lA:AA CC Roger. You may check it from time to t_me; it

may come back in.

27:lA:A7 P Okay.


27:17:&6 C Houston, Gemini IX. Is D-14 experiment being re-


27:17:51 CC Stand by. We received it in Hawaii. Let me


27:22:44 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

27:22:&8 P Go ahead, Houston.

27:22:&9 CC Roger, IX. We can,t tell you how the data is

being received at Antigua till after the pass.
'We'11 let you know, though, and we' 11 have a fuel
cell purge at Ascension at approximately 27:33:00.
We,ll purge Section 2 first. Over.

27:23:10 P Roger. Understand. Fuel cell purge at 27:33:00,

Section 2 first - I've been alternating these
sections, by the way, on the purges.

27:23:18 CC Roger. Understand.

27:23:21 P And I see by that last experiment update you,re

watching out for your favorite 11 group.

27:23:26 CC Yes sir. Lots of those.

CC Gemini IX, Houston.

P Go ahead, Houston.

CC Roger. We,re thirty seconds to LOS and we did

get good data at Antigua on D-IA.

P Say you did get good data?

CC That 's affirmative.

P Good.

27:33:20 CC Gemini IX, Houston. We're standing by for your

fuel cell purge.

27:36:22 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

27:36:2& C Houston. Go.


27:36:26 CC Roger, Tom. How,s the fuel cell purge looking?

27:36:29 C Say again.

27:36:31 CC How is the fuel cell purge going?

27:36:3& C Great:

27:36:38 CC Roger. Understand.


27:52:2& CC Gemini IX, Houston.

27:52:28 C Gemini IX. Gc_

27:52:30 CC Roger. Tom. We,re Just standing by on this

pass. We have nothing for you.

27:52:32 C We're getting ready to do the D-14 over Hawaii.

27:52:36 CC Roger. Understand.


28:05:&1 CC Gemini IX, Carnarvon CAP COM. We have nothing

for you this pass. We,ll be standing by.

28:05 :&7 C Roger. Carnarvon.

28:06:03 CC We do have one question for you, Tom.

28:06:05 C Shoot.

28:06:06 CC The local folks down here are wondering if you

had a chance to see much of Australia?

28:O6:11 C No. Not really. It's been pretty much looking at

other things - the ATDA on the rendezvous and it's
been kind of cloudy, too.

28:O6:19 CC Roger.


28:06:24 C You had a few thunderstorms around here; we could

tell that.

28:06:26 CC Yes. Tonight was the first time we've had rain
in about nine months.

28:06:30 C Yes. We could see the lightning down there.

28:06:35 P Say Bill, how did they get you off your favorite
boat and into Australia?

28:06:37 CC Well, I used to put you guys to bed all the time,
so now they let me wake you up.

28:06:47 C Sorry about that 2-week delay.

28:06:52 CC Yes. It's pretty rough down here.

28:10:51 CC Gemini IX, Carnarvon. We,ve one minute to IDS.

28:10:55 C Gemini IX.

28:10:57 CC We'll see you tomorrow.

28:10:59 C Roger.


28:33:36 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii. We're receiving your D-IA

data and it looks real good.

28:33:40 C Gemini IX. Roger. Thank you.

28:38:39 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii. We,re 30 seconds to IDS and

standing by.

28:38:43 C Gemini IX.

28:40:25 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

28:40:27 C Houston, Gemini IX.

28:40:29 CC Roger, Tom. Looks like we have another good pass

at Hawaii for D-14.


28:40:34 C Roger.

28:40:36 CC I have a sequence change to one of your S-11,s

when you're ready to copy.

28:_0:40 C Okay. Stand by.

28:h0:_6 C Go.

28:40:48 CC Roger. The S-II at 30:46:45: make the Sequence

01. Over.

28:20:58 C Roger. Got it.

28:21:02 CC Okay. We,ve been looking at your water down here

a little bit. And ECOM tells me that we are
losing a little bit of nitrogen out of the gas
pressure of the Fuel Cell Regulation System.
There is not a problem. Surgeon said you can
stand to drink a little more of it. You might
start tapping it a little bit if you'd like.

28:41:25 C Okay. We thought we did a pretty good Job

drinking on it. We,ll go ahead and concentrate
on drinking.

28:_1:32 CC Okay. We,ll watch here. I think if you take a

little over a long period of time it would be the
beat way to do it.

28:A1:38 C Roger.

28:A1:41 CC And I've got a G and C status here for you if

you,re interested in all that. We,ve got down
here - it looks like as far as the OAMB are con-
cerned - fuel remaining is 48 pounds, oxidizer
remaining is about 78. On-board gage should read
about 11 percent and usable fuel gives us about
82 pounds. This is plenty of OAMB for Attitude
Control for the rest of the flight plan.

28:42:O5 C Real good.

28:42:08 CC On the computer, it seems to us down here that

it's working normally at this time. Accelerometer
Bias update was good. It,s almost perfect at this
time. That START COMP problem we had after the


first rendezvous -during the first rendezvous,

has not reappeared and we think that problem may
have been either in the START COMP button or in
the Electronic Latch Internal of the computer.

28:_2:35 C Okay. Roger. It hasn,t showrLup since the first


28:42:_0 CC Okay. We do have a procedure for you when you

load Module 5. We,ll play that Just at 25, 26 and
27 and we think we may be able to correct it in
case it shows up, but we' 11 brief you on this
when we load Module 4.

28:42:56 C Roger. Module _. I thought you said 5 at first.

28:_3:00 CC I think I did but I meant 4.

28:_3:02 C Roger.

28:43:04 CC Okay. Ail other G and C systems look real good.

Temperatures, pressures and voltages are all real

28:43:10 C Okay, Dick. It's still warm here if we do any

activity. So far we,re running both suit fans.

28:43:16 CC Okay. Understand. As far as the ECON status is

concerned, PCM tape recorder has now functioned
in the Playback mode. What we,ll do with that
thing, we,ll Just leave it; looks like it's the
beginning of the tape. We,ll leave it off until
Just prior to EVA tomorrow morning. Hope that we
may be able to get some AMU data on it.

28:43:38 C Roger. Real fine. Thank you.

28:_3:42 CC And your Fuel Cell H2 Quantity tape sensor looks

like it is gone. Everything else concerning that
looks okay. We're going to calculate hydrogen
quantity from amp hours and keep you posted on
that one.

28:43:57 C Okay. The last we sa_ of it, Dick, we were real

good. We were way up over 87 percent this morning.

28:44:03 CC Okay. It doesn't look to us like there are any


leaks. The system integrity looks good and we

really think it is a sensor in that case. Looks
like your stacks in the section are storing load
real well up there.

28:&&:17 C Right.

28:&&:18 CC Okay. And coolant loops - - both of them look

real good and I understand you are on both A
pumps at this time to keep a little cool.

28:&4:25 C That's affirmative.

28:_:27 CC Okay. That's really all that we have here at

this time. We,ll be standing by.

28:A&:31 C Roger.


28:&5:03 CC IX, Houston.

28:&5:05 C Houston, IX.

28:&5:O7 CC Roger. How about putting your Quantity Read

switch to ECS 02 .

28:&5:13 C ... Go. We have a reading of about 65 - 6& 1/2


28:&5:19 CC Roger. Understand you,re reading 6&-1/2 percent.

28:&5:52 CC Gemini IX, Houston. Go to FUEL CELL 02.

28:&5:57 C FUEL CELL 02.

28:&6:33 CC G_mtni IX, Houston. Go to FUEL CELL HYDROGEN.


28:&7:03 CC G-mini IX, Houston. You can go to Quantity Read,

OFF. Everything looks good down here.

28:&7:09 C Quantity Read to OFF. Could you give us the

latest GET hack?


28:&7:1_ CC Roger. 1,11 give you a hack at 28:47:20.

28:47:20 CC MARK. 20.

28:47:2& P Roger. We,re right on.

28:47:26 CC Okay. Have a Flight Plan update for you.

28:47:31 P Go.

28:/+7:37 P Go ahead, Dick.

28:47:39 CC Roger. At CSQ at 32:59:00, we,ll expect a crew

status report; you,ll have a fuel cell purge, and
a Cryo Quantity readout again.

28:48:01 C When,s this, Dick?

28:48:03 CC At CSQ, at 32:59:00.

28:48:08 C Roger. 32:59:00.

28:48:11 CC Roger. Than at 33:30:00 you power-down; at

33:30 to 34:30 have an eat period and from 34:30
to 4J4:30sleep period. Over.

28:48:35 C Roger. Power-down at 32:59:00 and ... yes, we've

got all the other ones. Sleep period started at
44 - from 34:30 to 44:30.

28:48:50 CC Roger. And that power-down was at 33:30, and

your crew status at CSQ at 32:59.

28:48:57 C Roger.

28:48:58 CC Okay.

28:49:29 C Houston, Gemini IX.

28:49:32 CC IX, Houston. Go.

28:49:34 C Roger. We,d like to stay powered-up for about 15

minutes after the initial power-down and complete
D-I_. We could do a better job with everything

28:49:53 CC Roger. Understand the D-]J,at 33:15:34.


28:50:01 C Roger.

28:50:02 CC Roger. I agree with that.

28:50:17 CC IX, Houston.

28:50:19 C Go ahead.

28:50:22 CC Roger, Tom. We didn,t have you powering down

until 33:30 which is 15minutes after your l_t

28:50:29 C Okay. Right. We,ve got it.

28:50:31 CC Okay.

29:00:03 CC Gemini IX, Houston. We're one minute LOS Antigua.


29:0&:28 CC Gemini IX, RKV CAP COM.

29:0&:31 C RKV, IX here. GO.

29:0&:33 CC Roger. Got a Flight Plan - I mean a PLA update

for you.

29:0A:52 C Roger. RKVo Go ahead.

29:0A:53 CC Roger. Area 21-3: GET RC, 32:37:55; RET AOOK,

21 plus 06; RET RB 27:11; weather marginal. Area
22-3: 3&:13:20; 21 plus 17; 28 plus 16; weather
marginal. Area 23-3: 35:&8:65; 21 plus 2A; 27
plus 37; weather marginal. Area 22-A Bravo:
37:A2:12; 21 plus 21; 27 plus 21; weather good.
Area 25-Bravo: 29:17:5h; 21 plus 26; 27 plus 25;
weather good. Area 26-2: 39:56:30; 20 plus 50;
26 plus A8; weather good. Area 27-2 Charlie:
dl:32:O&; 20 plus 52; 27 plus O&; weather good.
Area 28-1 Charlie: &3:00:&2; 20 plus 50; 26 plus
57; weather good. Bank angle for all areas:
roll right 95. No Sep Maneuver for any area.

29:08:11 C What I missed was the GET RC of Area 22-3_


29:08:14 CC Say again.

29:O8:16 C Roger. The GET RC of Area 22-3.

29:08:19 CC Roger. That is 34:13:20.

29:08:26 C Roger. Out.

29:08:32 CC Roger. We have nothing further for you, Gemini

IX. You,re looking good here on the ground.
We' 11 be standing by.

29:10:51 C Record switch is ON.

29:10:59 C ... 29:16:27. Now, what were we going to ...

29:11:19 C Where,s the horizon?

29:11:21 P ...

29:11:23 C ...

29:11:33 C Got the airglow - right below the moon.

29:11:43 CC Gemini IX, RKV. Got about one minute to LOS.

29:11:47 C Roger. We have sunrise over here ...

29:11:53 CC Would you say again, please?

29:11:56 C Roger. We're setting up for S-ii.

29:11:58 CC Roger.

29:12:52 C ... Gene. She,s yours; I don,t know what ...

29:12:59 P Oh, the cockpit position ... just I thought ...

29:13:23 C ... moon reflecting down.


29:13:27 CC Gemini IX, Houston with a COM check through



29:13:33 C Roger, Houston. Gemini IX.

29:13:37 C Read you five-by-five with a lot of background

noise. We,re starting S-ii.

29:13:A6 CC Gemini IX, Houston. Roger. Read you loud and


29:13:52 C Roger. This should be interesting, we have a

full moon right over the horizon.

29:13:57 CC Roger. I understand. Full moon on the horizon.

We,ll be watching you.

29:14:03 P Notice how much I yaw, and watch this go off

about 30 degrees ...

29:14:12 C I,ve got sunshine coming back. Sunset still

hitting me over here.

29:14:23 C 30 degrees. Let me know when you want to stop

the rates.

29:14:29 P Boy, the cockpit position is so terrible, I

can't get - I can't get down any further.

29:14:3A P Going to be about - -

29:14:39 C How far?

29:14:A1 P - - almost.

29:14:A3 C ... around from here.

29:14:A5 P ... we,re going ... here.

29:lA:A9 C We,re over at 300 ... You want me to stop the


29:1A:52 C You want me to stop the yaw for you?

29:12:55 P Yes. Stop the yaw.

29:15:13 P Okay, Tom.

29:15:15 P Hold our yaw ...


29:15:30 C Okay. Use the filter to start with.

29:15:_4 P I guess this is going to be a long process. Boy,

oh boy:

29:15:53 P Thirty ...

29:16:07 P MARK.

29:16:1_ P Hold the rate right there.

29:16:16 C Okay.

29:16:23 P Okay. I'll fix your ... now okay, pal.

29:16:26 C Ready.

29:16:27 P Stand by.

29:16:28 P Mark it.

29:16:29 C Ready. Go.

29:16:30 P Stand by.

29:16:31 C Hold it. Go.

29:16:_5 C 15 seconds.

29:16:50 C Mark it.

29:16:51 C 20.

29:17:06 C Okay.

29:17:08 P Still one clip left.

29:17:11 P Okay. Stand by.

29:17:13 P Mark it.

29:17:15 C Go for 5.

29:17:20 C MARK.

29:17:21 P Stand by - -


29:17:22 C 2

29:17:2_ P - - one clip left.

29:17:28 C MARK. 1001, 1OO2.

29:17:31 C MARK.

29:17:32 C Okay. Now the sun is still shining out on the


29:17:36 P Well, go ahead and yaw over there.

29:17:39 C That would ... we,ll take a good look at 2_O

degrees. I'11 tell you what - you can pitch
down about 25 degrees.

29:17:50 P Boy, this cockpit position is terrible: Back her

around 90 degrees, Tom.

29:18:O7 C Sun's going down pretty rapidly. We'll go around

to 2&O.

29:18:13 P I should be able to take a picture.

29:19:14 C We're getting close to it.

29:19:20 P Okay. Roll left a little bit.

29:19:35 P ...

29:19:AA C Seems to be the reverse process, right?

29:19:46 P ... I better pull it around ...

29:19:52 C I have damped the rates Just a little.

29:19:59 P Pitch down a little bit here_

29:20:09 C See anything out the window, Gene?

29:20:16 P Okay. Stand by.

29:20:19 C Yes.

29:20:20 P MARK.


29:20:22 C 1001, 1002.

20:20:23 P Stop.

20:20:27 C Okay. Ready for the next one.

29:20:28 P Yes.

29:20:30 C Stand by.

29:20:32 P MARK.

29:20:35 C 1, 2, 3, &,

29:20:39 C MARK.

29:20:&0 C Okay. 20 seconds ... filter.

29:21:02 P Down a little bit.

29:21:09 P Little more.

29:21:33 P ...

29:21:35 C Okay.

29:21:_0 C Get the roll up.

29:21:&3 C Ready.

29:21:&A P Yea.

29:21:_5 C MARK.

29:22:03 C Stand by.

29:22:06 C MARK.

29:22:09 P Okay. Let,s go over the left.

29:22:10 C Left again?

29:22:11 P Okay. Yes, left again.

29:22:14 C We go from 2&O back to 150.

29:22:24 P 1507

29:22:26 C 150.

29:22:37 C It's kind of a dirty brown the way that thing

looks out there.

29:22:&0 P Yes.

29:22:&2 C White and yellow on top.

29:23:1& C Do you have to be done at any particular time?

You know, we can take our t_me going around.

29:33:17 P No. We have to be there for sunrise ...

29:23:21 C Back where we started?

29:23:23 P ... have to be there for one or ... No, that's

right ...

29:2&:11 C ... one ...

29:23:16 P ... got to push down.

29:2&:22 C ... roll right ...

29:2&:&4 P ... roll right.

29:25:19 P ... Roll right.

29:25:23 C Still ...

29:25:25 P Yes ... golly, I can't move down here.

29:25:29 P Pitch down and ... roll right.

29:25 :kO C Ail right. Stop.

29:25 :&2 P ... stop.

29:25:44 C 20 seconds. Stand by.

29:25 :&5 C MARK.

29:26:03 C Stand by.

29:26:06 C MARK.

29:26:08 P Oh Boy ...


29:26:19 P ... okay on this side.

29:26:21 C 5 seconds.

29:26:22 P ... I can,t stay down here. This is just


29:26:32 C It should be more ... than the way it is.

29:26:3_ P I can't get my legs in under.

29:26:39 C ...

29:26:41 P ... Tom, I can't get - - Boy, talk about a work

load trying to get under this thing,

29:27:13 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

29:27:16 C Roger. We're going through a little bit of a

gymnastic here with S-ii.

29:27:20 CC Roger. Understand.

29:27:21 CC Okay.

29:27:29 P Boy, think I,d rather patch this darn box ...

29:27:30 P Roll left ... yaw right.

29:27:40 C ...

29:27:_2 P I can't get down here ...

29:27:45 P Roll left.

29:27:49 P Can't stay down there ...

29:28:06 P Roll left.

29:28:30 P Okay. Stand by.

29:28:32 C Okay. I'll get the rate scaling. Rate check ye_
for 5 seconds.

29:28:40 P Okay.

29:28:41 C Ready.


29:28:_2 C MARK.

29:28:L7 C Stand by.

29:28:50 C MARK.

29:28:52 C 2 seconds. Stand by.

29:28:5L C MARK.

29:28:55 C 1001, 1002.

29:28:57 C MARK.

29:29:00 P Whew! That's almost ...

29:29:08 C Going to O ... It,s a real lock, it had been

Alined with the ... on the Spacecraft ... data,
beautiful data ...

29:29:21 P I Just checked in on Ground. You know where I

am? I'm down sitting on that attitude controller,
trying to do this and it Just doesn't work ...

29:30:02 P I want to go to LO degrees - 60 degrees.

29:30:06 C 60 degrees.

29:30:08 P Right. 50 or 60?

29:30:15 C Yes. This experiment takes much more fuel than

I think people orginally thought, because of the
attitude the camera's mounted in ... what we have
to do to get ... Okay, coming up ...

29:30:27 P This a 2-eecond exposure. Our pitch is down and

roll is good.

29:30:51 P By the way ... our thruster ...

29:31:13 C How are we doing on pitch?

29:31:1_ P We're still coming down. Give it a roll right.

Another one.

29:31:L2 P Roll right.

29:32:50 C ...

29:32:57 C Ready.

29:33:02 C MARK.

29:33:O_ C MARK.

29:33:06 C ...

29:33:10 C Ready.

29:33:18 C ...

29:33:48 C ...

29:34.:0_ C MARK.

29:3_ :09 C Stand by.

29:3_:10 C MARK.

29:3L:15 C ... That completes the sequence.

29:3_:45 C Stand by.

29:34:46 C MARK.

29:35:05 C Stand by.

29:35:06 C MARK.

29:35:33 P ... 09, 29 seconds.

29:37:06 C S-II, Sequence 03, sunrise data at a GET of


29:37:09 C ... About.


29:a9:04 CC Gemini IX, CSQ CAP COM.

29:49:06 C Stand by.

29:49:07 C Okay. Stand by.

29:49:09 C MARK.

29:49:12 C Stand by.

29:49:19 C MARK.

29:49:23 C Stand by.

29:49:22 C MARK.

29:49:28 C Stand by.

29:49:29 C MARK.

29:49:34 C CSQ, Gemini IX. Go ahead. We were in the middle

of the S-ll experLment.

29:49:37 CC Roger. My mistake for contacting you. We show

you GO on the ground. Everything looks real fine
from here. Standing by.

29:49:_ C We just finished S-il.

29:49:47 CC Roger.

29:49:49 C Ready for D-14.

29:49:50 CC Roger. Understand.

29:49:52 C D-14 is 30:04, right. Right?

29:50:52 C Left. Yaw to the left.

30:O&:27 C ... time?

30:04:29 P 30:04:25 ...

30:04:30 P Mark it. It's ON.

30:0_:31 C Attitude is ON.


30:O9:&O CC Gemini IX, Hawaii. We're receiving your D-IL

data and it looks real good.

30:09:&5 C Gemini IX. Roger.


30:16:32 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

30:16:33 C Houston, Gemini IX.

30:16:35 CC Roger, Tom. We are standing by. We don't have

anything for you this pass, except one question.
i If you can recall when you closed the S-12 door,
do you have any idea how long that door was run-
ning before it closed? Over.

30:16:52 C We couldn't hear it operate,

30:16:55 CC Okay. Fine, thank you.

30:16:56 C No, we couldn't hear it operate, either open or


30:17:01 P ... it's not locked.

30:17:O3 P ... Did he say that?

30:17:05 C Yes. It just now locked. We'll get more data

on it tonight.

30:17:08 CC Ail right. I have another question on opening

that up again, i_ it took longer than 30 seconds
to close. I doubt if you could estimate that.

30:17:18 C When did you close the door?

30:17:24 P Just left it closed; Just put it closed and left


30:17:27 CC Roger.

30:17:28 C Next one is what, one of yours?

30:17:29 P Yes. 30:&6, Tom.

30:17:32 P O1 again. Same thing. One of yours and one of

mine and one of yours.

30:17:38 C Put the ... around 30 degrees. It won't even go

around to 360 when we come back.

30:17:_1 P Okay.

30:17:&7 C It looks like ... all kinds of cheese dropped

down there, doesn't it?

30:17:_9 P Boy! Sure does, doesn't it?

30:18:O9 CC Gemini IX, Houston. I have a nodal update for

you, if you are ready to copy.

30:18:14 C Nodal update? Okay. Stand by.

30:18:23 C Go ahead.

30:18:24 CC 29:_6:20; Rev 19, 129.1 ... &5 hours, 33 minutes,

right ascension.

30:18:_3 P Say again longitude and right ascension.

30:18:&5 CC Roger. Longitude 109.18; right ascension, 19

hours, 33 minutes.

30:18:&9 P 17 or 197

30:18:51 CC 19.

30:19:O1 P Roger. We've got it. Thank you, Dick.

30:19:O3 C What's the ... angle?

30:19:O6 P 19:35, right ascension.

30:19:08 C What was the time for that dude?

30:19:10 P We should have an eraser up here.

30:19:12 P Had 21:46:40.

30:19:14 C 21 or 31:467

30:19:18 C What was the time there?

30:19:21 P 21:46:40.

30:19:29 C Houston, Gemini IX.

30:19:30 P What revolution are we on?

30:19:32 CC This is Houston. Go.

30:19:33 C ... Rev 20.

30:19:34 P Okay.

30:19:36 P Say again the time on that nodal update.

30:19:41 CC Roger. Time, 29:46:00; Rev 19.

30:19:49 CC Okay. We've got it. 29:46:40.

30:19:55 CC 29:46:20.

30:20:13 P Where are we that there's no clouds around here?

30:20:19 C Somewhere over California.

30:21:24 C What did we yaw to?

30:21:49 P Ready?

30:21:51 C 20 seconds.

30:21:52 P Ready now?

30:21:54 C Standby.

30:21:55 C MARK.

30:24:05 CC Gemini IX, Houston. One minute to LOS.

30:24:09 C Roger.


30:39:&6 CC Gemini IX, REV CAP CC_. We have nothing for you
this pass. We are standing by.

30:39:52 C RKV. Roger.

30:48:14 C Stand by.

30:48:15 C MARK.

30:48:32 C MARK.

30:48:41 C ... Now 5 seconds worth ... 5 seconds.

30:48:56 C ...

30:49:00 C Standby.

30:_9:O1 C MARK.

30:49:05 C 3.4.

30:49:07 C MARK.

30:49:12 C ... 5.

30:49:13 C MARK.

30:49:17 C MARK.

30:52:A1 C Standby.

30:52:42 C MARK.

30:52:45 C Stand by.

30:52:46 C MARK.

30:52:51 C Ready for 5 seconds. Stand by.

30:52:53 C MARK.

30:52:55 C Standby.

30:54:33 C MARK.

30:54:50 C Standby.

30:54:53 C MARK.

30:54:56 P ... sun is bright.

30:55:0_ C ...

30:55:13 C Stand by.

30:55:14 C MARK.

30:55:17 C Complete Sequence 2.

30:55:19 P Sequence 1, you mean.

30:55:21 C Sequence 1. Right. We'll go to Sequence 3 ...

31:O5:O4 C Hello, Carnarvon. Gemini ]_.

31:O5:O6 CC ... this is Tananarive talking to someone ...

31:O5:O8 C Tananarive, Gemini IX.

31:05:42 CC Gemini IX, Tananarive.

31:O5:&6 C Roger. Your maintenance people are keying your

transmitter quite a bit.

31:O5:50 CC Roger. Understand.

31:05:52 CC Have a little circuit noise down here.

31:O5:53 C Roger.

31:O5:5_ P Okay. What's the time on this other one, Tom?

31:19:24 C 31:19:40.

31:19:25 P We have lots of time to go.

31:19:26 C Okay.

31:20:O4 P MARK. Transmitter's on.

31:20:O5 C Okay ... zipper bags ...

31:20:07 P Okay. That w_s after the first day, Tom. Those
zipper bags for the ...


31:23:A6 CC Gemini IX, CSQ CAP CC_. You need not answer. We
have nothing special for you at this time. We
show your vehicle as GO. We are standing by.

31:23:58 C Gemini IX. Roger, CSQ.

CC Gemini IX. We have you GO and we are at LOS, we

Just received an answer.


31:46:21 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii. We're receiving your D-IA

data and all systems look good.

31:46:25 C Gemini IX. Roger.

31:&6:28 C Hawaii, Gemini IX. Could you check with Houston

and find out what their latest estimate of our
hydrogen quantity is, please?

31:46:36 CC Roger. Will do.

31:46:51 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii.

31:46:52 C Go, Hawaii.

31:46:54 CC Their current figure is 78 percent.

31:46: 57 C Roger.

31:49:51 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii. We have 1 minute to LOS and

wefre standing by.

31:49:55 C Roger.


CC Gemini IX, RKV CAP COM. You need not acknowledge

this transmission. We've got you GO on the ground
and are standing by.

CC Gemini IX, RKV. We have about a m_uute to LOS.

Will be standing by.

C Roger.

32:37:45 CC Gemini IX, Houston is standing by. We have noth-

ing for you this pass.

32:37:51 C ...


33:00:34 CC Gemini IX, CSQ CAP COM. We have a valid temper-

ature on the Con,hand Pilot. Kindly disregard, at
this time, the temperature. We're standing by for
your food and water report and fuel cell purge, at
your convenience.

33:00:50 C Roger. 128 ounces of water and four meals.

33:00:59 CC Roger. Could you break the water report down as

Pilot and Command Pilot, please?

33:01:O5 C Well, that's splitting it 50-50.

33:O1:08 CC Roger. Understand.

33:01:32 CC Gemini IX, could you also give me a water gun

count, please?

33:01:41 C Roger. 021_hl_.

33:01:47 CC Roger. Copy 021:l:t:.

33:02:06 CC Roger, Gemini IX. We have a valid temperature on

the Pilot at this time. You can remove the ther-


33:O5:A3 CC Gemini IX, would you place your Quantity Read

switch to F_S 02, please?

33:06:07 CC Quantity Read switch to FUEL CELL 02.

33:06:29 CC Quantity Read switch to FUEL CELL H2, please.

33:06:55 CC And place your Quantity Read switch to OFF and

would you give me a report on your S-ii?

33:07:04 P Roger. We received - completed all S-il and up-

dated the Flight Plan. We repeated all D-14's
with the exception of the last one. Coming up at

33:07:1d CC Roger. We show you as GO and you're around 20

seconds - 30 seconds from our LOS.


33:19:A1 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii.

33:19:42 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii.

33:19:44 C Hawaii, Gemini IX.

33:19:A6 CC Roger. If you have time during this D-14, I have

a Flight Plan update for you.

33:19:52 C Okay. I can copy it in Just a minute.

33:19:56 P 0o ahead with the update.

33:19:58 CC S-12: 3_:30, Sequence O1. S-12: 44:30; Sequence

02. 44:30 through 45:30: eat period; _5:30
through 49:30: EVA preparations.

33:20:59 P Roger, Hawaii. Gemini IX. S-12: 3A:30; Sequence

O1. S-12: 44:30; Sequence 02. 44:30 through 45:30:
eat period. EVA preparation is 45:30 through 49:30.

33:21:22 CC That's affirmative. And if we get near our LOS,

I'll be turning your Adapter C-Band OFF.

33:21:28 P Roger.

33:21:39 CC Roger. Houston would like for you to keep working
on that water. They say you've got a pretty big
day coming up tomorrow.

33:21:/+6 P Okay. Will do.

33:22:18 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii.

33:22:21 C Go ahead, Hawaii.

33:22:22 CC This will be about all the air-to-ground conver-

sations we'll have with you for awhile and we won't
be calling you any more for some time, unless some-
thing comes up we need you for.

33:22:32 P Okay. Thank you very much.


44:54:11 CC Gemini IX, Houston. Did you take any water at all?

44:54:16 C ... We've got a little problem with the water build-
ing up. What does your counter read?

: 44:54:22 C Stand by, Neil.

44:54:24 C 2472, 02472.

44:54:31 CC Okay. Well, we're going to have you - have you

taken any water at all out this morning?

44:54:51 C We started drinking - just started drinking now.

44:55:02 CC Well, we're going to have to dump some water. Our

suggestion here is to dump it through the water
boiler. We have a procedure we're ready to give
you when you're ready to copy.

44:55:17 C Okay.

44:55:32 CC What it amounts to is dumping about 2 pounds of

water, which is 66 counts on t_'_egun.

44:55:42 C Go ahead with the procedure, Neil.

_4:55:&3 CC Okay. We w_nt to put the Radiator to BYPASS now.

_:55:51 C Okay.

&J_:55:53 CC Okay. Then your Water valve and Condensate valve

in NORMAL, which I expect is where they are.

_4:56:03 C Roger. Both in NORMAL.

24:56:06 CC Okay. Then we'll want to squirt out, using the

water gun, into the M5 receptacle and put the
Waste valve in ETAP.

&4:56:33 C Roger. Put the water gun to the M5 receptacle and

put the Waste valve to EVAP.

44:56:38 CC Roger. Then put the Selector valve on the M5

collector to BYPASS and shoot 66 clicks of the
water gun in there and see how much you ,beunce
around inside the cabin.

44:57:14 CC Another thing we'd like to have you do, when you
get a chance, is close the S-12 doors.

44:57:20 C We Just closed them.

42+:58:38 CC Gem4ni IX, Houston. We've got a Flight Plan up-

date for you when you're ready to copy. I don't
mean to get you too busy here, but let me know.
We've got about 10 minutes yet before we lose

&4:58:Sk C Okay.

44:59:0& CC Let us know when you start clicking the gun, too.

24:59:07 C Roger. We already started clicking the gun.

44:59:10 CC Roger. You're clicking it now?

44:59:11 C Roger.

44:59:12 CC Okay. I'm trying to watch your pressure down


44:59:37 C Okay, Neil. Ready to copy.


_L:59:&O CC Okay. We have first a node for you. It's

44:48:09; Remarks: Rev 28, 121.7 west; right
ascension, 19 hours 14 minutes; time of 45:11.
At Canary is the crew status report, PLA update,
fuel cell purge.

45:00:39 C Cot it.

45:00:40 CC Okay. At 45:30: EVA preparation start.

45:OO:53 C Okay.

45:00:54 CC At 46:28, we'll have a GO/NO-GO for 46-1.

45:O1:07 C Roger. Good.

45:O1:08 CC At 48:58: GO/NO-GO for depressurization.

45:O1:23 C Roger.

45:O1:24 CC And your sunrise time, Tom, is 49:26:34.

45:O1:34 C Roger. 49:26:3_: for sunrise and depressurization.

45:01:40 CC That's right.

45:02:08 CC Now if you can drink some more water or put some
in some water bags there, why it'11 probably help
the margin we've got for the next 4 or 5 hours.

45:02:20 C Roger.

45:02:55 C We've done 25 clicks into the w_ter boiler.

45:02:59 CC Roger.

45:03:00 C And I'm bringing the Spacecraft to a stabilized

position, which should help eat it up.

A5:03:07 CC Okay. You do have your Radiator in BYPASS, don't


45:03:10 C Affirmative.

45:03:11 CC Okay.

45:O3:13 C And we added evaporate pressure right on top of

evaporate ...

45:03:18 CC Okay. That 's good.

&5:O&:&O CC Want to remind you here too, Tom, that over the
Canaries in about lO minutes - 6 to lO minutes -
they'll be giving you a PLA update. You might
make sure you've got that right book out.

&5:O5:51 C And we still have the Evaporator Pressure valve

OPEN, and I've got the heat to it.

&5:O5:57 CC Okay, Tom. We're expecting it. How many clicks

are you up to?

_5:o6:o3 c 39.

45:06:0L+ CC 39?

&5:06:08 C Roger. LO now.

&5:06:09 CC Okay.

_5:07:_2 CC Okay. We're about to lose you here, Tom. Let's

stop wherever you are and get a gun count.

&5:O7:53 C We're at &7 clicks. The digits are 2530.

_5:07:57 CC Okay. Your last reading 2530?

_5:08:02 CC Okay. Canaries will have you here in _ or 5 min-


_5:08:08 C You want us to continue on until we get the total

load dumped, right?

&5:08:12 CC No. Let's Just leave it go right there. That's

good enough.

&5:08:lA C Roger.


_5:11:36 CC Gemini IX, Canary CAP COM.

45:11:40 C Canary, IX. Go.

45:11:41 CC Roger. Would you put your thermometers in for

the oral temp?

45:13:13 CC Gemini IX, Canary. We have a valid temp on both.

Would you place your Radiator to FLOW?

45:13:21 C FLOW?

45:13:22 CC Roger.

45:13:26 C I'm standing by for the PLA update.

45:13:28 CC Roger. We'd also like your water management

system back to NORMAL configuration and Evaporator
Heater OFF.

45:13:35 C Evap Heat is OFF.

45:13:37 CC Okay, IX. I'll give you the area and the times
and then we'll go back for the bank angles and

45:13:43 P Roger. Stand by one, please.

45:13:45 CC Roger. Standing by.

45:14:05 CC Gemini IX, do you still have an EVAPORATOR PRESSUPI


45:14:07 C Negative. It's out and I've got the Heater OFF,
but I'm ready to copy.

45:14:11 CC Roger.

45:14:27 CC Gemini IX. Area 29-1: 44:34:30; 20 plus 48; 26

plus 58. Area 30-1: 46:10:O2; 20 plus 58; 27 plus
09. Area 31-1: 47:44:48; 21 plus 12; 27 plus 38.
Area 32-4: 50:37:23; 20 plus 5;5;26 plus 50. Area
33-4:52:10 - correction on that - the GET RC is
52:12:49; 21 plus 05; 27 plus 18. Area 34-4:
53:48:18; 21 plus 12; 27 plus 33. Area 35-3:
55:07:29; 20 plus 49; 26 plus 50. Area 36-3:
56:42:55; 20 plus 59; 27 plus 07. Area 37-3:
58:18:23; 21 plus 13; 27 plus 22. Are you ready
for your bank angles?


45:16:d6 C Go.

45:16:47 CC Roger. All the bank angles are as follows: roll

left 85, roll right 95. The weather in the fol-
lowing areas is marginal. 30-1, 31-1, 35-3, 36-3
and 37-3. There is no Sep Maneuver associated with
any of these areas. Do you copy?

45:17:22 C Roger. Gemini IX. Would you give me the times

again for 29-1 and 30-1, just GET.

45:17:30 CC Roger. 29-1: 44:34:30; 30-1: 46:10:02.

45:17:_5 C Got them all.

45:17:46 CC Roger.

45:17:48 C Water panel is NORMAL and we're starting to move

the Platform up now in Horizon Scan mode.

45:18:27 CC Gemini IX, we'd like a food and water report from
each crewman.

45:18:31 C Stand by.

_5:18:38 C Okay. Since the last time, we've only had about
40 ounces of water and we dumped some in the water
boiler and we've had one meal apiece.

45:18:54 CC Can you give me a sleep report?

45:18:57 C Roger. We had about 4 hours of solid sleep and for

about 6 to 8 hours we dozed.

_5:19:06 CC Roger. Copy.

45:19:18 CC You're looking good, Gemini. You can go ahead

with your fuel cell purge when you're ready.

45:19:28 P Fine. Roger.


45:48:01 CC Gemini IX, Carnarvon CAP COM. All systems are GO.
Would you place the Quantity Read switch to ECS 02?

45:48:07 P Gemini IX. Roger.

45:48:23 CC FUEL CELL 02 .

45:48:37 CC FUEL CELL H2.

45:49:05 CC Quantity Read's OFF.

45:49:13 CC When you don't have a mouthful up there, we'd like

a Prop Quantity readout, when you get a chance.

45:49:18 C About 7 percent.

45:49:19 CC Okay.

45:49:20 C 6 to 7 percent.

45:54:59 P Roger, Carnarvon.


46:29:28 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

46:29:30 P Go ahead, Houston.

46:29:31 CC Roger, Gene. We're going to go ahead early on this

Crossfeed so we can take a look at it across the
States. We'll go ahead and close the Crossfeed,
with Fuel Cell 02 Heater OFF, and we'll come back
on with that Heater at Carna_Ton. We want to watch
that pressure, temperature on that for awhile.

46:29:53 P Okay. The Fuel Cell 02 Heater is OFF now and you
want the Crossfeed CLOSED. Is that correct?

46:29:58 CC That 's affinmative.

46:30:00 P Okay. It's CLOSED and the Heater is OFF.

46:30:03 CC Roger. Got some good news for you. Your Cubs won
yesterday, 5 to 3.

46:30:07 P Great: How'd the Astros do?

46:30:09 CC Well, I'm sorry to say they were on the wrong end

of a 9 to 6 score.

46:30:13 P Yes, I was batting zero yesterday, 500 today, maybe

a thousand tomorrow.

46:30:19 CC That's a boy' How about a thousand by noon?

46:30:21 P Yes, that's all right.

46:31:35 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

46:31:37 P Roger, Houston.

46:31:39 CC Roger. You have your GO for 46-1.

46:31:43 P Thank you.

46:31:55 P How's the weather down there today?

46:31:57 CC Well, it was a little foggy when I came in this

morning. I think it's probably going to be nice.
It's real good now, the latecomers say.

46:34:44 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

46:34:46 C Houston, IX.

46:34:47 CC The little test we ran a little while ago with

that water, Tom, and dumping that stuff overboard,
we're not quite sure what's happening, so would you
give us a gun count when you complete drinking water
any time in the next two revolutions?

46:35:05 C Okay. Roger .... we'll give you one later on.

46:35:09 CC Roger.

46:35:51 CC IX, Houston. On that water - we only need that

when you're through drinking, just before the EVA.
That's all we're really interested in, and we do
want you to tank up on that stuff.

46:36:O2 C Roger. We've been going pretty good on it.

46:36:05 CC That's a boy!

46:36:35 C Right now we're putting on the Y connectors and


taping the connections.

46:36:43 CC Houston. Roger.

46:42:36 CC Gemini IX, Houston. We have approximately 1 min-

ute to LOS and from now on we'll be passive. We'll
give you a call at AOS and 1 minute from LOS.

46:42:48 C Roger. We'll keep you informed. We're getting Y

connectors on and working through there.

46:42:54 CC Roger.

46:42:55 C Sequence 24.

46:42:56 CC Roger, Tom. Thank you.


46:47:20 CC Gemini IX, Canary CAP COM. We have you GO on the

ground. You need not acknowledge this transmission.
We are standing by.

46:49:34 C Canary, you can inform Houstcn we've got the big
snake out of the black box.

46:49:38 CC Roger, IX.


46:55:48 CC Gemini IX, Houston. Standing by.

46:55:52 P Roger, Houston. We're still at it.

46:55:56 CC Okay.

46:59:00 CC Gemini IX, Houston. You can go back to Fuel Cell

02 Heater to AUTO, at your convenience. Over.

46:59:49 C Got it, Dick.

47:01:45 CC 1 minute LOS, Kano.


47:01:59 C Roger. We have Sequence 40.

47:O2'01 CC Roger, Tom. Thank you.


47:08:15 CC Gemini IX, Houston. Standing by.

47:O8:18 C ...

47:10:39 CC IX, Houston. Go.

47:10:41 C I was having a little trouble with the Plat mode

here. I'll let you know about it.

47:10:48 CC You're having a little trouble with what, Tom?

47:10:51 C Roger. It was Plat mode. It was in PLAT until we

took off in a big roll on me. I'll keep you in-
formed. I've got it back, coming back to O, O, O

47:11:00 CC Roger. Understand.

&7:13:27 C Houston, Gemini IX.

47:13:29 CC Gemini IX, Houston. Go.

47:13:31 C I may need No. 3 Thruster. I'm not sure. Stand


47:13:35 CC Roger. Understand No. 3.

47:13:46 C Either yaw right or roll left ...

47'13:51 CC Roger.

47:14:19 C Okay. You still ...

47:14:27 CC This is Houston. Roger, Tom - we have 1 minute

LOS, Tananarive.

47:14:33 CC Tom, what was that last ... No. 3 Thruster is out?

47:14:37 C Roger. No. 3 Thruster is out.


47:14:45 C ... secondary retrofire power is ... Thruster.

No. 3 Thruster is out.

_7:1L:57 CC Roger, Tom. Understand. Suggest roll logic to


47:15:02 C ...


47:22:45 P Hello, Carnarvon. Gemini IX.

47:22:_7 CC Go ahead, IX.

47:22:48 P Roger. Pass this on to Houston. I've got a real

weird situation here with the control system.

&7:22:53 CC Go ahead.

47:22:54 P ... Part of your PRIMARY or SECONDARY ACME BIAS.

When I'm in PLAT, I'm O, O, 0 degrees now, and to
Aline the Platform, I steer to the yaw needles,
but I have to steer away to be away from the roll
and pitch needles. To get the Platform to O, 0, 0
is like being in the 180 NSR brake. Know which way
the needles go?

_7:23:17 CC Roger.

47:23:19 P My yaw needle brings the Platform right in, or I

have to move the pitch needles up. I have to pitch
down to bring it in, or when the roll needle is to
the right I have to roll left_ Looks like the logic
is reversed on the roll and pitch.

47:23:32 CC Okay. Stand by.

47:24:26 CC Are you in ACME SECONDARY logic?


power. SECONDARY ACME BIAS power gives the same

&7:2_:37 CC Roger.

47:24:39 P Now, I'll go to SECONDARY ACME logic.

47:24:58 P Okay. SECONDARY logic, pitch gives the same as

PRIMARY. The pitch needle is fly away ... when
you're O, O, O degrees.

47:25:22 P The roll is the same. Whether in PRIMARY or SEC-

ONDARY ACME logic makes no difference. The yaw
and pitch and probably the roll and pitch needles
are fly away ... at O, O, O degrees.

47:25:34 CC Roger.

47:25:39 P It gave me PLAT and suddenly spun me up to about,

I'd say, 20 to 30 degrees per second until I caught

47:25:47 CC Roger.

47:25:48 P I'm now in PULSE at O, O, O degrees ... between

PLAT and ATT ... and status is GO on the EVA list.

47:25:57 CC Roger. Understand.

47:26:44 CC Run a little test and give us a shout here.

47:26:47 P Okay. I'll call you through the RATE COMMAND,

to be okay as far as the control motion ...

47:26:54 CC Good show.

47:26:57 P When shall I come in and knock it off in EVA pre-

paration here?

47:27:03 P We'll check No. 3 Thruster here in just a minute.

47:28:13 C Okay. Houston, Gemini IX. I'm in Plat mode now,

O, O, O and it looks good.

47:28:18 CC Okay. Tom, we'll see you around next time.

47:28:20 C Roger. Good show. We thought about everything

but the brake. We were on the recorder through
all types of control motions. Okay. We're going
on with the sequence.

47:28:29 CC Roger.


47:43:19 CC Gemini IX, Houston standing by.

47:43:21 C Roger, Houston. It looks like we're all squared

away. We're in LOS.

47:&3:28 CC Roger.

47:&3:35 C Sorry about that breaker.

47:43:39 CC There'll be days like that.

47:43:42 C Find these little curses now and then.


48:00:33 CC Gemini IX, Houston standing by.

48:00:44 C This is Gemini IX. We're ...

48:O1:01 CC Houston. Roger.

&8:06:34 CC Gemini IX, Houston. For your information, we're

expecting a Manual Duty -Manual Heater Duty Cycle
on the umbilical of & minutes ON, 10 minutes OFF.

48:06:49 CC Gemini IX. Roger. What about your Power Circuits


48:18:_5 CC IX. Houston's about 1 minute from LOS at Antigua.

48:18:51 C Roger, Houston.

48:19:08 C Houston, Gemini IX.

48:19:O9 CC Go ahead.

48:19:11 C Roger. Sounds like ... the Relief valve on the

EI_S is popping.

48:19:18 CC Say again, please.

48:19:19 C Roger. Sounds like the ELSS Relief valve is con-

tinuously popping.

48:19:27 CC Roger. Understand.


48:25:46 CC Gemini IX, Canary CAP COM. We have you GO on the

ground. You need not acknowledge. We're standing
_8:25:55 C Roger. Sequence 70.

48:26:55 C Roger, Canaries. And you can tell Houston the

Cabin Pressure Relief valve is repeatedly popping

48:27:O1 CC Roger. Cabin Pressure Relief.

_8:27:O3 C Surely but slowly.

_8:27:07 CC Roger.

48:28:19 CC Gemini IX, Houston standing by.

48:28:22 C ...

48:28:29 CC Houston. Roger.


48:34:03 C Houston, Gemini IX.

48:34:04 CC Gemini IX. Go ahead.

48:3_:05 C Roger. We're both - looks like we won't get any

schedule here. Working particularly on the water
gun. The counter reads 2650 when we' re looking
straight at it.

48:34:17 CC Okay. Thank you, Tom.


48:3A:20 C All the systems look real good.

48:34:21 CC Very good.

48:34:34 C ...

48:34:53 CC We'll give you that Sunrise Check at Tananarive.

We're 1 minute to LOS.


48:42:34 CC Gemini IX, Houston standing by.

48:42:36 C ...

48:42:57 CC Roger, Tom. Not reading you very well. Let's

wait until you get more elevation.

48:44:12 CC Gemini IX, Houston standing by for your message


48:44:14 C Roger. We're well ahead of past time ... drink

some water.

_8:44:24 CC Roger.

48:44:27 C ...

48:44:34 CC I couldn't get that. Would you like to have a

time hack on your Event Timer for sunrise?

48:44:41 C Okay.

48:44:43 CC Okay. It's set up 20 minutes - we'll give you a

20-minute time hack in about 1 minute, 45 seconds.

48:44:55 C 20 minutes.

48:44:56 CC Roger.

48:46:21 CC Okay. We're about 15 seconds now to 20 minutes,

counting up.

48:46:31 CC 3, 2, 1,

48:46:35 CC MARK.

48:49:15 CC Gemini IX, Houston. 1 minute to LOS Tananarive.

48:49:20 C ...


48:58:47 CC Gemini IX, Carrmrvon CAP COM.

48:58:_9 C Carnarvon. Ready to go.

48:58:51 CC Roger. Would you close the Tape Recorder circuit


48:58:57 C Close?

48:58:59 CC Roger.

48:59:18 C Carnarvon, this is IX. Everything is GO here.

48:59:21 CC Roger. Give us a minute or two here.

48:59'50 CC Gemini IX, Carnarvon CAP COM. You're GO for de-

pressurizing the cabin.

48:59:54 C Roger. We'll depressurize at this time.

48:59:58 CC Roger. Have a good trip.

48:59:59 C Roger. See you next go-around.

49:OO:O1 CC Roger.

49:02:46 CC Gemini IX. Have you closed the EV visor yet?

49:02:48 C Gemini IX. Negative.

49:02:50 CC Roger.

49:03:18 CC Gemini IX, Carm_rvon.

49:03:20 C Go, Carnarvon.

49:03:21 CC Okay. I'm reading 791 on ECS 02 pressure. You


want to put your Heater ON and crank it up?

_9:18:&8 P Okay. I'm at .2 and I'm satisfied.

_9:18:52 C Roger. I'm at 4.0.

_9:18:56 C ...

_9:19:02 C ... cabin is ¥2 psi, l-l/2 psi.

49:19:17 P Okay. And I read 5.

&9:19:24 C Still reads 3-1/2. 1 psi, cabin pressure return-

lng to 1/2 psi.

49:19:28 C Suit pressure is holding 3.7.

49:19:33 P And I'm holding about 4.2.

49:19:37 C Cabin stands at 1/2 psi and bY suit is holding good.

49:19:_2 C Okay. We're at 1/2 psi, Gene.

49:19:_4 C We're just depressurizing the cabin. All systems

are holding good.

49:19:45 P Yes. And I'm at _.2. Okay?

49:19:46 C Roger ....

49:19:48 C You all come back ...


_9:19:50 CC Gemini IX, Houston. Standing by.

49:19:54 C I have Just depressurized the cabin and all sys-

tems are holding pressure good, 1/4 of a psi.

49:20:01 CC Can't read it.

49:20:03 C Cabin's in all the way. We are going to close our

right-hand hatch while we sleep, and the cabin's
in now (pressure is holding).

49:20:06 CC Understand. Very good.

49:20:08 P Okay. You're down now, you want to - -

49:20:13 C I'll hang on ...

20:16 C It 's locked.

49:20:18 C We've got 7 minutes to go to sunrise, so leave the

s_m visor down.

49:20:24 P Okay. I can't because it's wedged but I'll get it

down as soon as I open the hatch.

49:20:27 C Sunrise: unlock the hatch, push the Spacecraft

hatch so it'sunlocked. We're at 1/4 psi pressure
reading ... We've got about 6 m_nutes to go to

49:20:4_1 C You want to go ahead and get some of that out of

the way?

49:20:43 P Get what out of the way?

49:20:45 C Get the hatch opening out of the way. Do you want
to stay there awhile? Can you see?

49:20:53 P The only way I can see - as soon as I see the sun's
rays coming over, Tom - well although we're using
water ...

49:21:13 C ... see bottom line.

49:21:18 P Went valve is open all the way. Is that right?

49:21:22 C Roger.

49:21:23 P Okay. And I read 4.0. You going to put it in VOX?

49:21:32 C Pushing thing to VOX.

49:21:34 C Houston, Gemini IX. We now get into VOX.

49:21:35 CC Okay, Tom. I am reading you loud and clear right


49:21:36 C How you read me, Gene?


49:21:37 P Okay. I'm reading you loud and clear, Tom, and
I'm reading about 4.1 right now.

49:21:_3 C Roger. We've got 5 minutes to go to midnight.

d9:21:46 P Ail right.

_9:21:_7 C Before we've got to ...

_9:21:50 C If we see anything that looks bad we'll go ahead

and stop it.

49:21:53 CC Okay.

49:21:54 P Okay. Everything looks good. Why don't we go

ahead and pop it?

49:21:56 C Okay. Go ahead. I'm holding this down.

49:22:01 P Okay. We're opening the hatch now.

49:22:02 C Roger. Stroke Number 1 and I'm going to hold it

for you.

49:22:06 C I don't see the dogs - -

49:22:08 P ... now.

&9:22:17 C - - The dogs are starting to rotate.

49:22:23 C Very slowly.

49:22:27 P Yes the ... in the way here.

_9:22:30 C Scoot it over.

49:22:31 P Yes.

&9:22:32 C There you go.

&9:22:33 P Is it moving?

49:22:34 C I can't see it from here.

49:22:35 P There they go.

&9:22:39 C Stand by for the pop. Real easy ..° psi, Gene.


_9:22:_7 P Okay. They should be open right now, Tom.

_9:22:_9 C Okay.

_9:22:51 P Hatches com_ng open.

_9:22:52 C Hatches coming open.

_9:22:5_ P Hatches open.

&9:22:55 C Ail right. We have good ship-to-suit pressure,


&9:22:59 P Suit pressure looks like about _, Tom.

&9:23:O1 C I'm holding a good 3-1/2, Gene.

&9:23:O3 P Okay. It's still a little dark out, isn't it?

&9:23:O& C Yes, it's kind of dark out there. All right, I'm
going to do something there, then start the check

&9:23:13 P Okay.

&9:23:15 C C_in and Drive selectors to LOCK position.

&9:23:18 P The lock and the handle are stowed.

&9:23:19 C Roger. We're on the first page ...

&9:23:25 P Okay. Let me shove the hatch further up, Tom.

&9:23:26 C Okay. Now to throw the hatch a quarter ...

_9:23:30 P Well - -

_9:23:3& C Wait a mtnute. It feels kind of stiff here,

doesn't it?

&9:23:36 P - - Yes. Yes, a little bit.

_9:23:37 C It sure does.

&9:23:39 P It's pretty dark out here.

&9:23:&O C I can't even see the light in front of you, Gene.

49:23:42 P All right.

49:23:44 C Now it looks like it's getting daylight.

49:23:51 P Man, the hatch is stiff:

_9:23:52 C Is it stiff?

49:23:56 C As soon as the MAC thermal people make their latest

calculations, we'll have a solution. How are you

49:2_:03 P Yes. Standing in the seat now.

49:24:06 C Okay. I've got the garbage bag for you if you're
ready to heave it out.

_9:24:11 P Yes.

49:24:12 P You better give it to me here, Tom.

49:24:13 C Okay.

_9:24:18 P What? My heel caught on something?

_9:24:19 C It's caught on the seat.

49:24:20 P That's all right. I'm all right now.

49:24:23 C Okay. Here comes the garbage bag.

49:24:25 C 3 feet-per-second Retrograde. Okay?

49:24:27 P Oh, man ' I can't --

49:24:32 C ...

49:24:35 P - - Hallelujah:

49:24:36 C Okay. We've gotten rid of the garbage ...

49:24:39 P Boy, is it beautiful out there, Tom!

49:24:40 C Yes, it sure looks pretty.

_9:24:_2 P I_ll grab my Hasselblad and take a picture of that.

/+9:24:/+3 C Okay.

49:24:_4 P But I can't turn around fast enough.

49:2_:&6 C Okay. Don't try. Let's go ahead with the next


49:24:49 P Okay. Afraid to see how these hatches work for


49:24:51 C Okay. How do they feel to you, Gene?

&9:24:52 P I have to see how the handrails are.

49:24:56 P Well, it's hard to grab hold, but they'll be all

right, I guess.

49:25:O1 C You're kind of rocking the boat. The Plat mode is

taking care of the situation, so we're okay.

49:25:06 P Well, I might try installing - the handrail in the

back is out and it's a little dark, but I may be
able to get this one.

49:25:15 C Yes.

49:25:18 P I got that one, she's out.

49: 25:23 C Got him?

49:25:24 C Don't worry about it.

49:25:25 C Put the visor down when you're ready.

49:25:26 P Yes. Suit pressure - -

49:25:27 C How's your suit pressure, Gene?

49:25:28 P - - I can't see it, it's too dark out.

49:25:29 C Don't worry about it, Gene. Mine's holding 3-1/2.

49:25:35 C That's great. Just pull your EV visor down with

the pressure getting right out there.

49:25:37 P Okay. My visor is down now, Tom.

49:25:39 C Okay. I'm going to push up on Spacecraft ...
there, we've got that.

49:25:43 C Okay. Position the Gain and Drive selectors to

LOCK. Roger.

49:25:49 P I checked the Gain selector.

49:25:51 C Both Gain selectors do lock, Gene.

49:25:54 P Okay. I'll check again but I already put the_

there, Tom.

_9:25:56 C Okay. Final check on all systems, all Spacecraft


49:26:03 P Stand by. Wait a minute, let me check these.

They're locked and they're GO.

49:26:08 C Real good. Can you stand on your feet?

49:26:11 P Yes, and I _nt to float out.

49:26:14 C We've got the left-hand aft foot well pouch Jet-
tisoned. Next thing is our little experiment
called S-12.

29:26:20 P It's a little bit dark yet, Tom. Let me see.

49:26:23 C Well, just stand out there and look at the sunrise,
Gene. It looks pretty from here.

49:26:30 P It looks like I'm holding about 3.9 right now.

49:26:32 C Okay. I'm holding 3.5 in my suit and - -

49:26:35 P Yes, and I'm ... slow and very comfortable.

49:26:37 C - - Real good show:

49:26:39 C I'm going to pump up the ECS 02 to make sure you've

got a good go at 700.

49:26:47 P Okay. I'm turning around. Will try to get S-12

now, Tom.

49:26:49 C Okay. We'11 retrieve S-12.


49:26:52 C That sun is bright!

49:26:59 P I guess it is.

49:27:06 P Pull my leg down, Tom.

49:27:07 C Which leg?

49:27:O8 P That one. Yes. Okay.

49:27:10 P If I get on the instrument panel, I keep from

c_t _ out.

49:27:11 C Okay.

49:27:13 P Okay. Suit pressure seeas to be holding at 4.

_9:27:15 C Okay.

49:27:18 P Everything else is pretty nominal right now.

49:27:20 C My suit pressure is 3.6.

49:27:23 C I feel real good.

49:27:32 C It feels good to have the computer running again.

1 minute after sn_wise.

49:27:39 P Okay. The S-12 lanyard's gone.

49:27:44 C Roger.

49:27:46 P Here comes S-12, Tom.

49:27:47 C Okay. I'm waiting for it.

49:27:49 P Okay.

_9:27:50 C Let me get it.

49:27:51 P Oh.

49:27:52 C Hang on to that ...

49:27:54 P I've still got it.

49:27:55 C Right. I've got S-12,

49'27:56 P Okay. I'm letting go.

49:27:59 C Roger.

49'28:01 C Man, I've got S-12 kind of secured down in my

foot well.

49:28:06 P Okay.

49:28:07 C Among other things.

49:28:08 P Yes, join the club.

49:28:09 C Yes, how about that:

49:28:11 C Okay. We've got them.

49:28:13 C Check 02 pressure. You've got to build it up

when you can.

49:28:15 C Deploy the handrails?

49:28:17 C Got those?

49:28:18 P Handrail is deployed.

49:28:20 C Position cutters.

49:28:22 P Okay. Come on there, you cutters.

49:28:23 C Got them?

49:28:27 C ...

49:28:31 P Seven.

49:28:32 P Okay. I'm trying to get them now, Tom.

49:28:33 C Ail right.

49:28:46 P That's a long way back to that handrail.

49:28:47 C Is it?

49:28:48 P Yes.

&9:29:O6 C Want to hold your foot here, Gene?

49:29:08 P Yes. You'd better hold me so I don't leave you.

49:29:11 C I 'ye got you now.

49:29:15 C Hanging on, Gene.

49:29:18 P Okay.

49:29:25 C ...

49:29:27 P No. It's pretty much of a bear to get at these

things because the handrail is so far back.

49:29:29 C Roger.

49:29:30 P But I think I can reach it.

49:29:35 C What do you see back there? Any hoses off the
back end?

49:29:37 P What?

49:29:49 P I think the cutters will stay.

49:29:51 C Okay.

49:29:54 C Okmy. We' 11 install the 16mm EV camera now.

49:29:55 P Pull me back down.

49:29:56 C I'll pull you down. Here you come in. Coming

49:29:59 P Okay. Pull me down some more.

40:30:O1 C Coming down. Keep your legs together.

49:30:03 P O_y.

49:30:04 C Come back here!

49:30:05 P Okay.

49:30:08 C Install the 16mm camera with 5_ lens.

49:30:13 P Okay. Tom, put me back a little more.

49 '30'15 C Okay.

_9:30:17 P I don't see anything waving off the adapter from


_9:30:20 C Good show. I've got you down in the seat now, Gene.

_9:30'30 P Got to move my Hasselblad around a little bit.

49:30:31 C Okay.

_9'30:35 P Okay. Let me tighten these devils.

_9:30:37 C Got it?

_9:30:39 P Okay.

_9:30:40 C I'm holding you down here.

49:30:42 P Got the camera. Now let me check the settings

again, Tom.

49:30:44 C Okay.

_9:30:45 P Six frames per second, 1/2OOth of a second.

_9:30:49 C That 's right.

_9:30:51 P And f:16. Right?

&9:30:56 P It's a strange world out here, you know it?

49:30:57 C Yes. The stuff looks like the frame of a Ford

except o..

_9:31:18 P Come back here, camera:

_9:31:19 C Got it?

_9:31:20 P Yes.

&9:31:21 C How are you doing?

_9:31:22 P I had it in but it wouldn't snap down.

_9:31:23 C Okay. Try it again.


49:31:_1 P Pull me down, Tom.

49:31:_2 C What?

49:31:43 P Pull me down. Whoops! Okay.

_9:31:56 P I don't understand that. Let me see.

/+9:32:O1 C I've got your leg.

49:32:03 P Okay. Hold on to me a second.

49:32:25 P Well, that was a hard fit but it's in.

/+9:32:26 ¢ It's in?

/+9:32:27 C Good show, Gene.

&9:32:29 P Okay, Tom, let me turn around before I float out.

49:32:30 C Let me help, Gene.

_9:32:31 P Pull that leg down.

49:32:32 C9 I've got this leg coming down.

49:32:34 C There we go.

49:32:37 C How's the EV Hasselblad on the _-qS?

_9:32:39 P I'm all right.

49:32:_1 P Medium flow and I've still got 3.9.

49:32:_4 C Okay.

49:32:_8 P How does the shrouding look to you now on this - -

49:32:49 C It looks good.

49:32:50 P - - this camera.

49:32:51 C It looks pretty good. I'm ready to let you out.

The next thing is to attach the Hasselblad to the


ELSS chest pack.

49:32:56 P Okay.

49:32:57 C Put the lanyard and Velcro on.

49:33:06 P Hey, and while I'm standing here, Tom, let me at

least get a picture.

49:33:l0 C All right.

/,9:33:13 P We'll find out how easy it is to be able to take

pictures with this thing.

/+9:33:15 C You're the highest photographer in the world, right?

49:33:20 P (Laughter) Not the highest paid, the highest.

49:33:22 C Not the highest paid, but the highest photographer.

I guess that'e something ...

49:33:27 P Man, is that beautifull

/+9:33:29 C Yes, it looks good, doesn't it?

/+9:33:30 P Oh, boy, Tom:

49:33:31 C Okay. We're running pretty good on our Flight

Plarl_ now,

/+9:33:39 C Okay. The next big ite_ is to take the umbilical

out of the bag and feed it out. Then move back
to the docking bar, Gene.

_9:33:_6 P Okay.


49:33:48 CC Look, fellows, about - you broke the docking bar?

49:33:52 P Nail, get back to work on the thrusters.

49:33:53 C Let me know when you start back toward the aft
thrusters and I ,11 shut off the control power.

49:33:56 P Okay. Let me take a breather, Tom.

49:33:57 C Okay. Take it easy and relax.

49:34:01 P Boy, everything wants to ride up. The EI_S wants

to ride up in my face. Everything I let go of
goes up.

49:34:11 P Let me get these Velcro pads on.

49:34:12 C Okay.

49:34:13 CC Houston standing by.

49:34:14 P Affirmed.

49:34:15 CC Okay.

49:34:37 C Those look real sneaky.

49:34:39 P Say Dick, if you're listening and I know you are,

boy, you've got a beauty ccmztng.

49:34:49 C Houston, Gemini IX. How do you read me?

49:34:54 CC We read you loud and clear, Tom.

49:34:56 C Don't you read me okay on VOX, Nail?

49:34:59 CC Roger. You're clipping a little bit, Tom, but

we're getting most of it.

49:35:00 C Okay. We've got the EVA camera put up and we're
t,W_ng a break here to relax.

49:35:04 C Gene's taking a couple of pictures, standing on the

seat. We ,11 be going on with the Flight Plan shortly.


49:35:06 CC Okay.

49:35:11 CC Very good.

49:35:13 P Okay. I'm relaxed for a second, Tom.

49:35:15 C While I'm having the break, I think I'll relax and
have a cup of coffee.

49:35:19 CC Okay.

49:35:21 P On the next pass, we'll talk to you and George

(George Low, NASA official). I'm sure you don't
want to talk now.

49:35:27 P What part of California are we going to come up on,

do they know?

49:35:30 C Neil, it looks like we're going to be coming up on

BaJa California. That's about right on the track ...

49:35:41 CC Yes. That's right, Tom.

49:35:46 C Okay. Gene feels real good in EI_8 now.

49:35:49 C The temperatures are good; our suit pressures are

holding real good.

49:35:54 CC Houston. Roger.

49:35:56 C Okay.

49:36:11 P About 2 more minutes, Tom.

49:36:16 C Okay. You want to pass me a belt around? Is that

what our next step is?

49:36:18 P Okay. I'm going to see if I can get out of here,

Tom and -

49:36:20 P I passed it up.

_9:36:22 C Okay. I'll help guide your feet out, Gene, and
I'll start taking some pretty pictures. Don't
back off the Scanner Heater circuit breaker,
whatever you do.

49:36:36 C Ease on out there, Gene. Here we go.

49:36:38 P Whew' We're coming right over LA, I think.

49:36:40 C ...

49:36:42 P I can see Edwards - I can see the Islands.

49:36:43 P I want to go up. I've got to give myself a shove


49:36:46 P I saw Edwards. That's a pretty lakeside.

49:36:51 C See the F-4 near the runway?

49:36:52 P Yes.

49:36:54 C That was a little thing the Air Force built.

49:37:05 P Okay. Can yom keep a bearing in there or what?

49:37:09 P I'm keeping the bearing as close3j as I can.

49:37:11 p Okay.

49:37:14 P Can you get it?

49:37:26 P We're south of LA. There's BaJa California.

49:37:31 C Yes. Look out for ... T_ke ...

49:37:36 C Okay. Can you pull that in anymore?

49:37:40 P Okay.

49:37:43 P That's about it, Pete, for today.

49:37:44 CC ...

49:37:45 C I can't, you've got some ...

49:37:_8 P Taking a picture of BaJa right here.

49:37:49 C Okay.

49:38:09 C Say, is that terrific.' 6ene'a taking a picture of

Baja California, looking ...

49: 38:14 CC Houston. Roger.

49:38:21 P See how everything goes up, Tom?

49:38:23 C Yea. Even out here.

49:38: 27 P Okay.

49:38:29 C Right on the nose. Roger.

49:38:33 P Okay. Wait a minute.

49:38:35 C Take it a little bit slower ...

49:38:44 C Pressure holding good?

49:38:46 P Yes, mine's holding good.

49:38:49 C No possible leak?

49:38:52 P Okay. You better give the camera now.

49:38:55 C Wait a minute here; I'll switch it.

49:39:07 P That space is rolling along out here.

49: 39: 09 C Yes.

49:39:11 C 12 minutes, 30 seconds ...

49:39:19 P Okay. I'm going to see if I can get out of

here, Tom.

49:39:21 C Okay. I'll - almost good.

49:39:36 C Good enough for a day.

49:39:42 P If I'm going to go out, I got to get mvself pushed



49:39:55 P I can't get there unless I come down a little bit.

49:39:56 C You want to come back in and let me help you with
this ?

49:39:57 P Yes.

49:39:59 C Give me your foot.

49:40:06 P Okay. Let it go now.

49:40:08 C You've really changed the moment of inertia of

the Spacecraft.

49:40:10 P Okay. Let it go, Tom.

49:40:13 C Don't let it suck you sway.

49:40:20 C It looks pretty out there, Gene. It surely wants

to float up though.

49:40:25 P Yes.

49:40:30 C Now we've got the docking bar mirror. Looks Like
you're upside down and have all kinds of snake
around you.

49:40:39 P Hello, there' If I can get over here, I'll take

a picture, Tom.

49:40:44 C Okay. I don't know how long you can hold out
there; you want to float up right away.

49:40:46 P Yes. Boy, it's really hard to get any torquing

with one hand:

49:40:49 C Yes, I can see that.

49:40:51 O If you let go, you're going to fly right off that

49:40:54 ¢ Hold it ... with the Spacecraft Plat mode ...

49:41:01 P If I can ever get hold of it with m_ other hand.

49:41:06 C Yes. C_ay. Let me get some pictures of the ...


49:41:10 C Smile.

49:41:25 P Boy, am I smiling:

49:41:27 C Okay. I 'ye got a picture, Gene.


49:41:30 P I'd like you to smile.

49:41:31 C Okay, I'll smile. I've got a picture. I'll get

back in and we'll press right on with the Flight
Plans. I've got another of you.

49:41:44 C Okay. Mark 15 minutes and 10 seconds after going

out there.

49:41:49 P Okay, Tom.

49:41:51 C All right.

49:41:54 P I'm going to pitch off here to the left.

49:41:58 C Okay. Come on over to the left.

49:42:03 P To my left over here?

49: 42:04 C To your le ft.

49:42:06 P Okay. I'll come to your left. It doesn't m-ke

any difference.

49:42:07 C Come on down there so I can help you down ...

49:42:10 C Let me know if you get down near those thrusters.

49:42:13 P I don't know where I'm going right now, so hold on.

49:42:15 P Yes. I'm getting there, Tom.

49:42:17 C Well, let me know when you get on the adapter.

Maybe you ought to bang on it now.

49:42:22 C Let me know to shut it off. Shut them off?

49:42:25 P Yes. I'm all right.

49: 42: 26 C Okay.

49:42:27 P Okay. I've got the snake all over me.

49:42:30 C You've got what?

49: 42: 31 P Snake all over me.

49:42:36 P Have you got this other camera on?


49:42:37 C I've got the EVA csm_ra on. You're looking good
all right.

49:42:42 P Okay. If I can push off, I'm going to try to get

out here where I can evaluate this umbilical.

49:42:46 C Okay. Go ahead. (Laughter)

49:42:53 P I can't get my feet in the right place to push off.

49:43:06 P There goes your dump.

49:43:07 C That's all right.

49:43:08 P Okay, Tom. Here I go.

49:43:10 C Okay. There you go, Gene. Real good.

49:43:15 P I got caught.

49:43:22 C Guaymas, IX here. Looks llWe the umbilical by

itself is a pretty hard row to hoe. 4

49:43:30 C What do you think, Gene?

49:43:31 P Yes, it's not the best.

49:43:34 C Okay, Houston. He's right by my left window now

slowly rotating. I'll take a picture.

49:43:42 P I can't get over here, Tom, to get where I want to


49:43:46 P Okay. See if I can get a start and push away.

49:43:49 C All right. I'll be all right.

49:43:50 C Okay. Go ahead - taking a picture of you.

49:43:54 C Okay. 17 minutes and 20 secomds after snnwise.

49:44:06 P Okay, Tom. I'm going straight for you.

49:44:08 C Okay, I can see you in the darkness while we're

here and appears ... looking real good. Let me
know when yom get near those thrusters.


49:44:12 P Yes. I can see you in the cockpit. I'm overhead;

you're real good.

49:44:22 P Okay. I've Just been back towards them, Tom.

49:44:25 C Co_e back in soon as I turn them off.

49:44:30 P You better turn them off, I can't - ...

49:44:32 C I'm going to take a ... picture through the mirror.

49:44:41 C Let me know when you ... I've got to get the thing
Alined up ...

49:44:56 P Okay. I'm out in front now.

49:44:58 C I'm going to go to PULSE now.

49:45:06 P Okay. I'm going further out in front, Tom.

49:45:08 C Okay. It really disturbed the heck out of the

platform here.

49:45:15 P Boy, what a beautiful SpacecraFt, Golly'

49:45:18 C Okay. I want to get back in Plat mode here.

49:45:22 P I'm trying to get out in front here where I can

get a good evaluation of pod and this umbilical.

49:45:30 C Yes, I've got it coming back into O, O, O degrees.

49:45:32 P I'm going to try to get over on your side and

evaluate those Velcro pads, Tom.

49:45:34 C Okay.

49:45:46 P Okay. I'm driFting back towards the adapter, Tom.

49:45:49 C You are? Okay. I'm in Pulse mode.

49:45:51 P Okay.

49:45:58 C Let me know when you're near one of those thrusters.

49:46:10 C Like mY hand, bring ... torch.

49:46:12 P Okay. What happened, I started using one of those
Velcro pads and - I lost it. It came right off my

49:46:20 P Well, I'm right outside your window.

49:46:32 C I'm going to PUt_E.

49:46:34 P Say again?

49:46:37 C Going to _.

49:46:39 P Well, I can for a little bit but I want to evaluate

these hand pads if I can.

49:$6:49 P Okay. Now I 'm stuck on this thing with s hand pad
right now but they won't stay. The Velcro's not
strong enough here.

49:46:54 C Velcro won't hack it, right?

49:46:56 P Well, not there it won't, unless that nose is burned

off slightly.

49:47:O1 C You going back on that adapter again?

49:47:03 P Yes. Wait a minute.

49:47:08 C I 'm going to Plat mode. Where are you?

49:47:13 P I 'm right on top of your window.

49:47:14 C I've got a picture of you.

49:47:18 C You'll have to put sole torque on the Spacecraft,


49:47:20 P The only control I have is the ,,mhilicaland, of

course, the shorter it ks, the better control I've

49:_7:26 C Yes.

49:47:27 C Okay. We've got 20 minutes of s,m_ise and 30 min-

utes tO s,,n_et.

49:47:30 P Okay.


49:47:34 C Okay. 35 minutes and we'll change that film pack.


49:47:39 P Okay, Tom.

49:47:44 C ... Looks like ...

49:47:51 P Watch it, Tom, I'm coe_tng down. I'm trying to go

up here now if I can, away from you. Right out in

49:48:03 C I 'm going to go back to Plat mode.

49:48:06 P Okay. I'm at the end of the _tmbilical.

49: 48: 08 C Okay.

49:48:10 P Man, is it - -

49:48:12 C Yes, you look like a real snake out there.

49:48:20 C You're going end over end, Gene.

49:48:21 P - - Yes.

49:48:44 P I want to see what I can do around the nose here.

49:48: 46 C Okay.

49:49:01 P Oh, boy. A11 I did was twitch m_ fingers and I

gave myself a torque that would'nt quit.

49:49:04 C ...

49:49:13 C Okay. Come on over in front of the window and I

can get a picture of you. Go on with your evalua-

49: 49: 20 P Yes.

49:49:27 P Boy, the shorter the umbilical, there's obviously

much better room you've got.

49:49:30 C Yes.

49:49:31 P When I get back there, I'll try this other hand
pad, but so far it doesn't look like it's stiff

49:49:42 C You'd better shorten up on your umbilical there,

49:49:44 P Yes. As soon as I find it, Tom.

49:49:46 C Okay.

49:49:56 P There goes that other hand pad. I couldn't keep

them on.

49:50:01 C Okay. Understand. The Velero hand pads came right

off your ...

49:50:03 P One - one c_,_ right off my hand.

49:50:10 C This is really a fine piece of gear. I can see you

real well.

49:50:15 P Okay, Tom. I'll come back to the hatch here for a
second. What ti_e is it?

49:50:20 C Okay. Fine. It's about 24 minutes after sunrise.

49:50:34 P It takes a lot longer to get anywhere with this

,_mbilical than anyone figured, I 'm sure.

49:50:42 C Okay. Your foot Just kicked m_ head here. Do you

want me to help you in the hatch, Gene?

49:50:51 P Well, (laughter), I don't have any torque capa-


49:50:56 C Let me have your foot with my hand here and I'll
see what I can do for you.

49:51:01 P How's that?

49:51:O6 C Just kick your foot forward just a little bit.

49:51:10 C Come on. Don't kick that dear Heater circuit

breaker, whatever you do.

49:51:15 P Okay. I've got one foot.

49:51:18 C Okay. Now you're coming in.

49: 51:20 P Okay.

49:51:26 C Okay, Gene, c_ on down. Come on down. How are
you doing there?

49:51:34 P I must be under sea,thing. Okay.

49:51:39 C Pretty good?

49:51:41 P It looks like you had a nice l_uch ....

49:51:46 C How steady are you now, Gene?

49:51:49 P Okay, Tom. I'm going to slow down and take a rest.

49:51:54 C Okay.

49:51:58 C Houston, Gemini IX. How do you read?

49:52:O1 CC We still read you, Tom.

49:52:02 C Okay. Gene is finished with the ,_mbilicalevalua-

tion and it looks pretty rubbery out on the adapter.
When I get back there in the cockpit I can see him
real well with his docking bar mirror. It's a
real useful piece of gear. Our suit pressures are
holding good and we're both real comfortable in the
suits. We're standing by to ...

49:52:22 CC Roger. We've got that.

49:52:38 P Boy, this thing really snakes, you know it?

49:52:54 C About 6 minutes and 20 seconds to go.

49:53:44 P ... time res-mp ...

49:53:50 P Tom, can you read me?

49:53:51 C ...

49:54:01 P ...

49:54:09 P It's still running.

49:54:10 C ...

49:54:19 P ...

49:54:27 C What's that?

49:54:28 P ...

49:54:58 C I_.LI.o at Grand Turk.

49:55:01 CC ...

49:55:06 C Little warm in spots.

49:55:28 CC Gemini IX, Nouston. Let's take a check on that

primary tank pressure now.

49:55:35 CC B,,_ it up.

49:55:46 P Pretty fantastic out here, Tom.

49:55:51 C ...

49:55:56 P ...

49:56:26 CC Houston to ... LOS.

49:56:55 P Okay. Stay with that, Tom.

49:56:57 C ... all squared away for you, Gene.

49:57:00 P ...

49:57:28 CC LOS Antigua.

49:59:22 C Yes.

49:59:28 C Okay, okay at 3P minutes.

50:00:32 C Let's go over the part about the trip back to the
adapter. It gave scm_ pretty good torques to the
Spacecraft, so get back out of the way of the
thrusters as soon as you can when you get back

50:O0:42 P Okay.

50:00:43 C I'll have to place it in Pulse mode here.

50:00:46 P It may be better because I'll be going back on the

rails this time.

50:O0:54 C Okay.

50:01:20 P How are we doing on time?

50:01:22 C 34 minutes. Do you want to go back to the adapter

earlier, or just stay here and relax?

50:01:29 P Oh, it's probably going to take a little bit more

time to close the hatch than I thought. The seal
is still soft.

50:01:37 C What?

50:01:38 P The seal is still soft.

50:01:39 C Yes, it is.

50:01:48 CC Gemini IX, Houston standing by over Ascension.

(Note: Transmissions through 50:05:21 were garbled. Unable to clarify. )

50:O1:51 C Roger ...

50:02:03 CC Okay. We're not reading you very well yet.

50:02:06 C ...

50:02:08 CC Roger.

50:02:18 CC Tom, can you see whether the Tape Recorder Power
circuit breaker is ON or OFF on the right console?

50:02:32 C It is ON.

50:02:33 CC Okay.

50:02:42 C ...

50 :O2:57 C ...

50:02:57 P ... close the hatch.

50:03:01 C ... I don't think so.

50:03:31 P Get out here so I can see ...

50:03:46 P ...


50:03:51 P ·..

50:03:57 P ..-

50:04:00 P ...

50:04:o3 C ...

50:04:19 P Pretty close.

50:04:22 C ...

50:04:27 P Okay .... out there.

50:04:29 C Okay.

50:04:34 P ...

50:04:38 O ...

50:04:40 P ...

5o:o4:45 c ...

50:05:03 C ... hold it back to 20 degrees.

50:05:12 P ... all the way, go ahead.

50:05:14 P Can you ...?

50:05:16 C ...

50:05:21 P ···

50:11:11 P Let's go real slow, Tom. I have no EV lights back

here. You'd better turn them on.

50:11:13 C You have the lights on?

50:11:14 P No.

50:11:15 C Want me to turn them on?

50:11:16 P Yes.

50:11:17 C Good show. Let me get this thing coming around here.

50:11:49 C I'm having some trouble on them, Gene. Just a

50:11:53 P I want the lights and thrusters.

50:11:54 C I've got the lights on.

50:11:56 P Okay. I've only got one of them on back here. The
one light.

50:11:58 C One light. Roger.

50:12: l0 P Okay.

50:12:12 C Pull your umbilical to remove slack. You all

squared sway?

50:12:15 P Yes.

50:12:16 C Unstow and position mirrors.

50:12:21 P Stand by.

50:12:58 P Okay, the mirrors are out.

50:13:00 C Okay. I bet you have a fantastic view back there,


50:13:03 P I don't know. I'm looking the wrong way.

50:13:06 C That's right. Okay.

50:13:10 C Unstow pen lights and actuate lights; attach Velcro

to the hand bars.

50:13:36 P Yes. N,,m_er i is working.

50:13:37 C Good show'

50:13:44 P ... going to try to get around back here.

50:13 :_6 C Is it?

50:13:47 P Yes.

50:13:56 P And the other one does not work. How's that?

50:13:58 C What's this?

50:13:59 P The one on each side.

50:14:00 C Okay. One pen light doesn't work, one EVA light
doesn't work.

50:14:l0 C Okay.

50:14:12 C Ready for the next step?

50:14:15 P Yes. Let's go slow though.

50:14:17 C I'm going back in Plat mode. Stand by for a couple

of bumps.

50:14:25 C Okay. We're back in Plat mode, Gene.

50:14:29 P Okay.

50:14:30 C Okay?

50:14:32 C The next one is: Connect black tether j,,_er hook
to the AMU tether ring.

50:14:39 P Okay. If I can find it.

50:14:41 C Right. Understand you are back in the adapter and

it is very hot.

50:15:58 P Yes, it's very, very hot.

50:16:O8 C Go back to Houston ... burn.

50:16:14 C Hello, Houston. C_=tni IX.

50:16:20 C Houston, Gemini IX.

50:16:36 P Yes. We're really cooking back here.

50:16:37 C Okay. Just take your time, Gene.

50:16:54 C One thing about it, we allocated ourselves plenty

of t_m_ and we're starting to use one of these
little unknown things like the hatch and all that.

50:17:05 C Okay, Gene. Nighttime coming your way shortly.


50:17:08 P Okay. I'm going to wait until it gets here.

50:17:14 C How do the lights work? As good as we hoped?

50:17:16 P It's not dark back here yet.

50:17:22 P They're only half as good. Only one is on.

50:17:25 C How's that other pen light? You have the pen light
that's going to help you there?

50:17:29 P Yes. I've got one pen light and one EVA light.

50:17: 30 C Roger.

50:17:31 P The umbilical hung up back there, Tom.

50:17:32 C It did hang up. Right_

50:17:33 P Yes.

50:17:34 C But you got it loose?

50:17:35 P Yes.

50:17:36 C Good show, Gene.

50:18:13 P At about 3.9.

50:18:15 C Okay. How's the temperature inside the suit, Gene?

50:18:16 P Hot and warm on my back.

50:18:17 C Hot and warm on your back. I can imagine the sun
beating down on you.

50:18:38 P How much time do we have before s,m_et?

50:18:_O C I can set up and see the sunset in my rear-view

mirror. I'm up in no time here, Gene.

50:18:48 P You are?

50:19:15 C Still working on the ... relation to relaxing.

50:19:17 P Just relaxing, Tom. I'm ready to start here in a

minute. What's the next step?


50:19:22 C Okay. Unstow tether bag and connect both orange

AMU tether hooks to ring on ,,mbiltealtether.

50:19:32 P Okay. Stand by.

50:19:37 C Hello, Houston. G_m_ni IX.

50:19:44 C Hello, Houston. Gemini IX.

50:19:49 CC Gemini IX, Houston. Standing by. We're reading

you weak end garbled.

50:19:55 C Roger. Gene'a in the adapter now. Going through

Step 7 here, attach the tether bag and he's con-
siderably warmer on the back. I believe it is from
what we anticipated, so we are taking a break here
until he cools off.

50:20:09 CC We can't mRke you out, Tom.

50:20:12 C Roger. I 'il have the Tananarive CAP COM Relayer

contact you.

50:20:34 C Okay. Going back to medium flow. Place time at

54 minutes (EVA time from hatch opening).


50:20:41 C Hello, Houston. Gemini IX.

50:20:51 CC Houston. Go ahead.

50:20:53 C Roger, Houston. Gemini IX. Our ECS 02 quantity

is now 47 percent.

50:21:03 C Would you ree_m,_ud that we open the croeafeed

between the ECS 02 and the fuel cell 02?

50:21:17 CC This is Houston. We're not reading you very well

at all.

50:21:27 C How's it going, Gene?

50:21:30 P I'm still trying to get these darn hooks, Tom.

50:21:32 C Okay.


50:21:47 P Let it go in the high flow until I cool off.

50:21:49 C Okay.

50:21:58 C Houston, Gemini IX. How do you read?

50:22:34 C Hello, Houston. Gemini IX. Do you read through


50:22:43 C Tananarive contact, Gemini IX.

50:22:46 CC Gemini IX, Tananarive contact. Go ahead.

50:22:48 C Roger. Relay to Houston. Our ECS Quantity - our

ECS 02 Quantity is 46 percent. Do they recommend
that I open the valve, please?

50:22:58 CC ECS Quantity 46 percent. Did they recommend that

you open the crossfeed?

50:23:04 C That is affirmative.

50:23:17 P These darn hooks, Tom.

50:23:18 C What's wrong, Gene?

50:23:19 P Can't get the tether back on.

50:23:23 C Can't get it out?

50:23:24 P Can't get it on.

50:23:31 C Is it harder than what we did on the simulator.

50:23:32 P Boy_

50:23:34 C What's wrong, Gene?

50:23:36 P If I can make the hooks, I'll be all right.

50:23:39 C Are you getting the hooks attached to your

umbilical ring?

50:23:41 P Yes.

50:24:01 CC Gemini IX, Tananarive.


50:24:04 C Roger. I heard Houston. The answer is negative.

50:24:05 CC Very good.

50:24:10 C O_ay. You still working on hooking these hooks up?

50:24:12 P Yes.

50:24:14 C Okay. Just take your time hooking it up.

50:24:16 C Here comes the moon up full ahead. A good moon

shot - -

50:24:17 CC Gemini IX, contact Tananarive.... read at 46

percent ... Is that correct?

50:24:25 C Tananarive contact. This is Gemini IX. That is

affirmative. 46 percent.

50:24:32 C Tananarive. Tell them that we have to use con-

siderably higher rate to keep the Pilot cool.

50:24:39 CC You have to use considerably higher rate to keep

the Pilot cool. Is that correct?

50:24:44 C That's affirmative.

50:25:01 C What did you say, Gene?

50:25:03 P I've got my hooks on the ring.

50:25:10 C Okay, Gene. You got both of them hooked now?

50:25:14 P Just one of them.

50:25:25 C Yes. You should be starting to cool off, now that

nighttime is here.

50:25:28 P I almost got this other bad one, but I can't get

50:25:32 C What's wrong? It's hard to hook?

50:25:37 P The ,_mbilicalis flying all over the place and

the ... Tom.

50:25:51 C Okay. Just take your time on it, Gene. Take your


50:25:58 C ... your nmhilical to ...

50:26:10 P I can't get the tether hooked on this cargo.

50:26:20 C Why, are the rings too small?

50:26:22 P No. They're just too hard to get at.

50:26:27 C Roger. Just take your time. We've got plenty of


50:26:29 P I've got the 125-foot hook on, Tom. I'm tempted to
leave the other one for awhile.

50:26:31 C Okay. Just leave it. Go ahead.

50:26:33 P I'm going to leave it.

50:26:34 C Go ahead.

50:26:36 C Okay. The next item: inspect AMUbattery cases

and verify RCS handles in stowed position.

50:26:49 P Check.

50:26:53 P Okay. Battery cases are GO.

50:26:55 C Okay.

50:27:O1 P RCS handles stowed.

50:27:10 P And that one's stowed.

50:27:11 C Okay.

50:27:14 C Okay. Install attitude controller arm, and verify

all six positions.

50:27:29 P Okay. It's going to be a bad one.

50:27:39 P Oh, shucks_

50:27:44 C It's worse than under - under simulation.

50:27:46 P You can't - can't get two hands in there.

50:27:57 P Oh, you bad one.

50:27:59 C Get it yet?

50:28:00 P No.

50:28:03 P In 1 g you float up and your stops just won't quite

hack it.

50:28:08 P I 'ye got to rest a minute.

50:28:09 C Okay. Take your time.

50:28:13 C If you can't get enough force there to get the

thing to pull down out of that slot -

50:28:33 C Any luck yet, Gene?

50:28:34 P No.

50:28:41 P Yes. I've got it.

50:28:42 C Got it. Good show.'

50:28:58 C We've got to turn all six positions. You have to '
pull the other one.
50:29:03 P Okay. Let's go.

50:29:04 C Okay. Let's unstow the translational controller and

check it at all four positions.

50:29:19 C How are you doing, Gene?

50:29:22 P Getting there, Tom.

50:29:23 C Good.

50:29:39 C Still working on the translational controller,


50:29:41 P Yes. Coming up to it now.

50:29:49 C I can tell you're heated back there ....

50:29:50 C GOt her?

50:29:51 P Yes.

50:29:52 C Good show, Gene.'

50: 29: 53 C Okay.

50:29:54 P Wait a minute. It's not all the way down.

50:30: 03 P Okay.

50:30:08 C Okay ....

50:30:09 P Who said this visor wouldn't fog up?

50:30:10 P Is it fogging on you?

50:30:11 P Yes.

50:30:12 C Okay.

50:30:14 C Understand visor is fogging. Okay. Next break,

attach those temperature sensors if you can see

50:30:24 C You're going to have the moon back there in just a


50:30:27 P Okay. I've got the temperature sensors on. I had

them both on, and one fell off.

50:30:29 C Okay. Attach - unstow and attach to the controller

arm in the following order: Oxygen hose - -

50:30:40 P I've got to take a rest, Tom.

50:30:41 C - - Take your time, Gene.

50:30:44 C We're not in bad shape at all.

50:30:49 C You'll have the moon up in just a minute back there

and that should be able to help you.

50:30:56 P Phew: Okay. Read - what's the first one, oxygen?

50:31:03 C Oxygen hose.

50:31:05 P I've got plenty of light.

50:31:06 C You've got plenty of light.

50:31:O9 P It's the tendency to float up out of these
stirrups that gets to you.

50:31:lO 0 Okay.

50:31:15 0 Restraint barness.

50:31:17 P Wait a minute.

50:31:22 P Here's the oxygen hose. You can't bend down here
like you can in i g.

50:31:29 C I'll say. Yes.

50:31:46 P I'm working up a good heat load, I'll tell you.

50:31:48 C Yes. I can imagine.

50:31:51 C I think the worst part is over there, isn't it?

50:31:56 P You son-of-a-gun.

50:31:58 C What are you working au, the restraint harness?

50:31:59 P Yes.

50:32:22 P Okay. I've got one side of it. Let me get the
other side.

50:32:32 P The other visor's - visor's fogging up all over

the place.

50:32:36 C Go to HIGH RATE if you have to, Gene.

50:32:38 P I am HIGH RATE.

50:33:03 P Okay. I've got the other side.

50:33:04 C Okay.... next is electrical umbilical.

50:33:10 P I'm really fogging up, Tom.

50:33:11 C Take your time.

50:33:17 P Real good.


50:33:22 C Housvon, Gemini IX.

50:33:27 C Carnarvon, Gemini IX.

50:33:32 P Okay.

50:33:51 C Hey, we have Hydrogen Pressure of ...

50:33:58 C Prepare to this ... read ...

50:34:01 CC Carnarvon is standing by.

50:34:05 C Roger .... is zero.

50:34:09 C Full ...

50:34:14 C The gage isn't open yet so let's see what happens.

50:34:18 C It's ... open ... now.

50:34:29 C Zero ...

50:34:50 C Affirmative.

50:35:02 C ... Gemini has ... of O0 ... the Oxygen valve's

been reading 02 ...

50:35:19 CC Give them another call, Bill.

50:35:37 C ... up ... no good.

50:35:48 C Peroxide is still 455. Temperature is good.

50:35:50 C How does the oxygen pressure look?

50:35:51 P Still opening the valve.

50:36:08 CC Carnarvon is standing by.

50:36:10 P Okay. It's open.

50:36:11 C Roger.

50:36:14 C Okay. You've got the Oxygen valve open?

50:36:16 C What do you read on oxygen pressure?

50:36:18 P Wait till I get back down there.

50:36:34 P The oxygen reads about 7,500 and the nitrogen is

up around 3,000. I can't quite read it.

50:36:40 C Okay. So it looks ]_We we're in good shape then,


50:36:42 P Yes.

50:36:44 C Okay. Mode Selector switch to MANUAL and VOX

switch to VOX.

50:36:46 P There, that way?

50:36:48 C Okay. Release the nozzle extensions.

50:36:56 P Okay. Nozzle extensions are released.

50:36:57 P There's Number 1.

50:36:58 C Okay.

50:36:59 P Boy, is this fogging - this visor's fogging up:

50:37:01 C Is it?

50:37:03 P Yes. Here's Number 2.

50:37:04 C Roger. Okay.

50:37:06 C H202. T/M Selector switch is BACKPACK.

50:37:12 P BACKPACK.

50:37:15 C Okay. Turn left 180 degrees and back into the A_J.

50:37:20 P Tom, we've got the Battery switch to GO.

50:37:22 C Okay. Main Power switch ON.

50:37:24 P Okay. Main Power switch is ON. The lights are ON

and we 'ye got power.

50:37:32 C Okay. H202 T/M Selector switch to BACKPACK, right?

50:37:36 P That's affirm.

50:37:37 P Boy, I'm fogged up. My pressure - my pressure

reading is fogged up, my visor's fogged up and I'm
in high-flow.

50:37:43 C Okay. Just turn it - can you see at all, Gene?

50:37:46 P Yes. I can see.

50:37:47 C Okay. Turn around 180 degrees and back in the AMU
and relax.

50:37:53 C Carnarvon, Gemini IX.

50:37:54 CC Go ahead, IX.

50:37:56 C Okay. He's fogging real bad and we have to use

high-flow to keep the fogging down to minimum and
the attitude controller arms and the maneuver con-
troller arms presented far more difficulty to us
in zero g than they did in the simulation. The big
problem now is his thrust gage is fogged and his
visor is fogged 8nd we're just taking it easy here.

50: 38: 20 CC Roger.

50:38:22 C Okay, Gene. How we doing?

50:38:27 P I don't know. I'll let you know.

50:38:34 P Well, believe it or not, I think I've gotten

turned around.

50:38:44 C Carnarvon, Gemini IX. If you read, Houston, our

ECS 02 Pressure is 42 percent. 42 percent.

50:38:54 CC Say again.

50:38:56 C Roger. Houston, our ECS Quantity is 42 percent.

50:38:58 CC Understand.

50:39:05 P Boy'

50:39:07 C How are you doing, Gene?


50:39:08 P Really fogged up, Tom.

50:39:lO C Okay.

50:39:15 CC That quantity is right on the money, Tom.

50:39:17 C Okay. He has to use higher rate to keep from

fogging quite a bit.

50:39:29 C Okay. Let me know when you're ready to position

it. Are you in the AMU now, Gene? All squared

50:39:39 P Let me take another look.

50:39:41 C How much can you see out of that fogged up visor?

50:39:43 P Oh, I can see in spots. I guess I'm in, Tom.

50:39:48 C Okay. It says position tether to avoid tangling.

I don't know whether you can do that or not.

50:39:53 P Yes. I did that already.

50:39:56 C Okay. EI_S Power circuit breakers coming OPEN,


50:40:03 C MARK.

50:40:04 C ELSS Power circuit breaker OPEN.

50:40:05 P Okay. I guess the light went off. I didn't even

know whether it was on.

50:40:08 C Okay. Verify the availability of AMU electrical

umbilical and change from Spacecraft to A_
electrical systems. Now do you want to hang on
and get rested before you do that?

50:40:20 P How are we doing on time?

50:40:23 C We're about 3 minutes behind on a 10-minute


50:40:27 C That's right. Just sit there and rest, Gene. You
just take it easy. If we're going to have any
trouble with visibility on loosening electrical

oarts, let's just take our time.

50:40:36 C I'll leave the decision up to you whether you want

to change that ... let's take a rest.

50:40:46 P Roger. We're at ceiling and laying here sideways.

50:40:48 C Yes, I can imagine.

50:40:53 C You have it on still in high-flow?

50:40:58 P Still reading about 3.9, Tom.

50:41:00 C Okay. Good.

50:41:03 C How is the suit temperature, pretty hot?

50:41:05 P It's w_rm enough.

50:41:O6 C Okay.

50:41:O8 P Remember now, I've only got one tether hook con-
nected; that's a 125-footer.

50:41:12 C Yes. You're still connected to the umbilical,


50:41:14 P Right.

50:41:20 C Carnarvon, Gemini IX.

50:41:22 C We had a lot of difficulty hooking up those two -

those tether hooks and working up a heat load so the
only one we have hooked up is the 125-footer. It's
still hooked to the umbilical.

50:41:32 CC Carnarvon understands.

50:41:44 P I'm just sitting here resting a minute, Tom.

50:41:46 C Take your time, Gene.

50:41:48 C Is the visor starting to clear?

50:41:50 P If I don't breathe.

50:41:56 P But I don't recommend that.


50:42:03 CC Carnarvon's coming up on LOS, Gemini IX.

50:42:10 P Okay, Tom. I'll go ahead and m,ke the electrical


50:42:11 C Roger. Carnarvon. We're going to make the

electrical changeover. He's had a little bit of
a rest and our ECS 02 is 41 percent. Relay that
on to Houston so they can make a rec_ndation
to us when we hit Canton.

50:42:24 CC We're real happy with that, Tom.

50:42:27 C Okay. Real good.

50:42:29 P Okay, Tom. Here com-s the electrical changeover.

50:42:32 C Okay.

C We'll go back to the electrical umbilical ...

C Houston, Gemini IX.

CC Houston is here, Gemini IX. We're reading you

pretty weak. Go ahead.

CC Gemini IX, Houston. Go ahead.

C ... computer ...

50:59:04 C Very good.

50:59:13 C ...

50:59:19 C Hello, Houston. Gemini IX.

50:59:23 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii.

50:59:24 C Roger, Hawaii. Would you relay to Houston for me?

50:59:27 CC Roger. Go ahead.

50:59:29 C We had about 4 or 5 ti_s more work than what we

anticipated and the Pilot's visor is completely
fogged over, nearly frozen into him. I 'm having
him stay there and just relax. Also, our cowmm_ca-
tions are very poor. He has a lot of garble.

Every transmission I can barely read. Also, the
attitude controller arm malfunctioned completely.
If the situation doesn't improve - also, he's having
trouble getting the restraint harness hooked-up ...
call it NO-GO on the AMU. We'll stay here and rest
for awhile. If he gets them pulled up we'll take a
good look at it. If it does clear up right away,
we'll go back to the first ... electrical umbilical
and call it NO-GO on AMN. Over.

51:00:17 CC Roger. Copy.

51:00:19 C Relay that to Houston.

51:00:20 CC Roger.

51:O0:30 C See if you can get the reading on the umbilical.

51:OO:33 CC S_y again, Gemini IX.

51:00:35 C Very good, Hawaii. Go.

51:OO:40 CC Were you calling, Gemini IX?

51:OO:42 C I was talking to the Pilot.

51: OO:43 CC Roger.

51:OO:45 C The Pilot has already made the electrical connection

to the AMU.

51:00:54 CC Roger. Copy. He has made the electrical connection

to the AMU.

51:00:58 C That's affirmative. That's the only connection he

has made and he's fogged over completely.

51:01:04 CC Roger. I'll relay this to Houston.

51:01:06 C When the sun gets back there, also - his co,wmmica-
tions to me are very poor and garbled.

51:Ol:ll CC Roger.

51:01:14 C Right now getting ... to the back and hoping for
less fog.


51:01:18 CC Roger.

51:O1:37 C Gemini IX to Houston. Better check the right-hand

hatch. It is weak. It's fairly free to move for
the first couple of degrees.

51:01:50 CC Roger. You say the right hand hatch moves freely?

51:O1:53 C Right .... of course it moved freely when it became

nearly closed.

51:O2:O2 CC Roger. Understand.

51:02:05 C Okay, Gene. How are you doing?

51:O2:O9 C ... up about 25 degrees.

51:O2:28 P Okay .... just let me relax.

51:02:37 C Well, can you see out at all? Can you see out at
all, Gene? Okay .... be okay. Okay. This is
your chance ... Okay. You can't get anywhere.
I'll tell Houston NO-GO. Still fogged up and can't
get the arm controller ,m_towed on the ... When
you can see enough, switch back to the Spacecraft
electrical umbilical.


51:03:29 C Hawaii, Gemini IX.

51:03:31 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii.

51:O3:32 C I'm giving a No-GO for AMU. Pilot's fogged up

completely. The AMNtransmitter is garbled. I
can barely read it. The attitude controller arm
will not unstow to the proper position and I want
him to switch back to the Spacecraft electrical

51:O3:49 CC Okay. We have that.

51:03:52 C He had to spend 4 to 5 times more energy than what

we had ... experience at zero g in the airplane.

51:O4:01 CC Roger. Understand. And Houston agrees with the

51:O4:04 C Roger.

51:04:12 C Roger. We've also been working with one light.

We have one EVA light good and only one pen light

51:04:44 C Roger. Hawaii. Gene said to pass on that he hated

to do it but he doesn't have any choice and neither
do I.

51:04:49 CC Roger. We understand.

51:05:18 C Let me know when you get ready to switch back to

the electrical umbilical.

51:05:20 P I'm on it now. I'm going to try to get out of this

thing now_ if I can.

51:05:28 C Okay.

51:05:33 P I'm still fogged up.

51:05:37 C Did you read us, Hawaii, on our transmission?

51:05:42 CC Roger. We copy.

51:05:44 C Roger. He's had a little difficulty getting out

of the AMU. He's still fogged up. He's ...
Spacecraft electrical ,,mbilical.

51:05:50 CC Roger. We copy.

51:05:59 P Okay, Tom. I'm unfogging in the middle a little

bit. Okay. You better turn off the attitude
control systems, I guess. I'll try and come around
the adapter.

51:06:20 C Okay. Cannot open it.

51:u6:21 P I'm facing it, and I cannot get it open.

51:06:24 C Cannot get it open .... Okay. It's a NO-GO ....

51:06:33 P Okay. Wait a minute, Tom. I want to try one more


51:06:36 C Oh.

51:06:39 C How's the fogging, Gene?

51:O6:41 P Still about 75 percent fogged.

51:06:43 C Okay.

51:O6:45 P Okay, Tom. I do have the outer ... doors open now.

51:O6:49 C Well, what do you want to do? Do you want to call

it quits?

51:06:52 P I'm still fogged up. I don't know what I can get
out of it.

91:O6:55 C Okay. Come on out of it.

51:O7:14 C Turn it off ...

51:O7:23 P ...

51:O7:53 C ... Do you want to come on inside or do you want

to wait out there a little while? ...

51:O8:09 P ...

51:08:44 C ...

91:08:54 P It's still fogged up.

51:08:56 C Okay.

51:O9:OO CC Gemini IX, Houston standing by.

51:O9:03 C ... Houston. We got Gene back in the hatch. He's

still completely fogged up.

51:09:08 CC We're with you, Tom.

51:O9:11 C ...

51:O9:17 P ... Get some of this stuff in here and stay in here
for a minute and see what happens.

51:09:24 C Okay. Why don't you Just stand there and relax for
awhile, Gene? Let me know when you get unfogged.

51:09:32 P ...

51:09:45 P Sorry about that AMU.

51:09:46 C Yes.

51:09:49 P ... Take her around again so we could have seen.

51:10:02 C ... unfogged, Gene? Okay, Houston. Sun is up

pretty high overhead and Gene is still fogged over.
How do you read?

51:10:12 CC Roger. We're reading you loud and clear now, Tom.

51:10:14 C Okay. Hated to call it quits with that A_ but we

had no choice.

51:10:20 CC Roger. We concur.

51:10:35 P ...

51:10:38 C Still fog_ ed?

51:10:39 P Still about 50 percent fogged over.

51:10:42 C Roger ....

51:10:43 P Did you get this?

51:10:51 C What about for the nighttime? ... In case you go

into a fog we can take you ... if you do we're going
to cut it off.

51:10:58 P How much time do we have to go to nighttime?

51:ll:OO C We have ...

51:11:O3 P Okay. I'm either re-fogged or I'm staying fogged

right now.

51:ll:12 CC Tom, this is Houston. You might have Gene check

his emergency bottle pressure when he gets a

51:ll:19 C Roger. We will ... he's on HIGH RATE, Neil, and

he is still foggy.


51:11:26 CC Roger. When he can see well enough to read that

bottle pressure, we'd like to get an idea what it

51:11:31 C Roger. Will do.

51:ll:35 C Gene, can you read your emergency ... pressure on

the check?

51:11:40 P Yes, about 6800.

51:ll:43 C Houston. Did you copy? 6800.

51:11:45 CC Roger. Very good.

51:11:49 P Hey. Looks like there's an airplane in the contrails

down there.

51:11:53 C Could you see real well?

51:11:54 P I can see right through my nose but I can't see in

front of my eyeballs.

51:12:O1 C We're coming up on IA. I've got the frost-free


51:12:12 CC That's some kind of a first, Tom.

51:12:15 C ... I'll have to agree with you.

51:12:19 P Hey, Tom, what's that guy doing with the Texas
driver's license out there on the California

51:12: 24 C Which freeway?

51:12:26 P There. That motorcycle.

51:12:28 C The Golden Gate Freeway?

51:12: 29 P Yes.

51:12:34 C Okay, Gene. Now much can you see out now?

51:12:36 P Okay. My left eye I can see through, and I can

see over my nose. The whole right side and extreme
left side are still fogged.

51:12:43 C Okay, Houston· He can just see through his nose
and one little hole in his left eye. And I can
see in the mirror he's pretty well fogged over to
about 60 to 70 percent of his visor.

51:12:53 CC Roger, Tom. And we're copying Gene pretty good too.

51:12: 57 C Okay.

51:13:02 P I am going to take a little rest, Tom.

51:13:04 C Okay. You take a little rest now. In fact, we'll

be passing right over IA.

51:13:21 C Okay, Gene. How about feeling the hatch. Put your
finger there and feel the hatch ... to see what it's

51:13:27 P ...

51:13:29 C Okay, Bill ....

51:13:33 CC Roger, Tom.

51:13:50 P ... let me sit here for a minute.

51:13:56 P The left side has cleared up pretty well ....

pressure gage is 80 percent fogged over. I can
see it's still reading somewhere around 4 psi.

51:14:51 P Hey, Nell. You might tell everyone down there

that's concerned, that I 'm sure sorry about this.

51:14:59 CC Houston, Tom. Tell him we're not concerned a bit.

51:15:O4 C Well, it was the only way we could play it and

the safest way.

51:15:09 P I'd like - while I'm standing here I might brief

you. The umbilical did hang out, by the way.
One armrail was deployed, the footrail was de-
ployed, the left armrail and the _mbilical guard
were not deployed. They were hung up with the ...
I was able to get back there without any problem·
I say it was just hanging loose and I sprung the
·.. loose and the armrail came out and the un_bilical
guard came out, so I was ... away. I had the

starboard EVA light back there. I had one pen
light. I think one of the problems was that Just
before sunset I bet my backpack must have gotten
over 100 degrees because it was really hot. And
right after it got cold, my visor started fogging
up and I could do part of the things with the
fogged visor, but I Just couldn't see enough of
what I was trying to get at when the visor fogged
completely over.

51:16:ll CC Tom, we copy.

51:16:13 P And it's still not clear. I guess about 40 percent

fogged right now on the eye level.

51:16:21 C It looks just about clear here. The sun's pretty

high anyway.

51:16:27 P I'd ]ike to ask Houston ... just stand here now.
My pressure gage is still fogged and it's around
4 psi.

51:16:36 C Okay. One thing, how about getting the docking

mirror back in.

51:16:42 P You want that out of there?

51:16:44 C Yes. We want it out of there.

51:16:46 P Okay. I'll go up and get it.

51:17:26 C You bet.

51:17:37 P I'm slipping forward, forward to do it. I am

coming up on it.... hold it, please ...

51:19:53 C ... phase we've got about 31 minutes left. If

you've fogged up, I don't want you to try it.

51:20:12 P I'm fogging up again and working here in high-flow.

51:20:15 C Houston, Gemini IX.

51:20:17 CC Houston, Go.

51:20:19 C Okay. Just started happening . He started fogging

up when he went up to retrieve the docking bar.

I'm going to make the recommendation that we retrieve
this before sunset.

51:20:28 CC Roger. We agree with that, Tom.

51:20:31 C Okay. He is still out there taking pictures,

basically. Except we're having trouble closing
the hatch and we're going to go ahead and close
the hatch.

51:20:48 C ...

51:20:54 C Okay. Come on. (Laughter)

51:20:57 P That's what I need - a ballet lesson.

51:20:58 C ... no, legs together - legs together ...

51:21:09 P ...

51:21:29 CC How are you doing?

51:21:30 C We're doing good, Gene. I've got the ... _]mbilical
... Probably take us to sun_et.

51:21:43 C Houston, Gemini IX. Give our regrets to Dr. Knapp.

I see just no other way to play it.

51:21:48 CC Roger.

51:21:50 P Did you get through?

51:21:51 C Yes.

51:22:32 P ... forward ...

51:22:37 C There you go.

51:22:43 P ... Tom. I'm really fogged up. I guess I'm

getting more fogged up.

51:22:49 C Okay, Houston. He continues to get more fogged up

just from standing here. We may have green glass.
51:22:56 CC Roger. We concur.

51:22:58 P Okay, Tom. How does it look down there?


51:23:07 C Pretty good.

51:23:21 P Tom.

51:23:22 C I'll see you, Gene.

51:23:25 P Okay. There it goes.

51:23:34 C Still fogging, right?

51:23:36 P Still fogging.

51:23:37 C Still fogging on NIGE RATE? 39 percent. Okay.

51:23:43 CC Houston. Roger.

51:23:46 C Put your left foot forward.

51:24:01 P -..

51:24:O4 C ...

51:24:11 CC Hey, Tom. Did you bring the EVA c,m_ra in?

51:24:15 C We did, Nell. I've got it in.

51:24:16 CC Okay. Good.

51:24:18 C You look pretty good.

51:24:28 P Boy: Ami tired:

51:24:30 C He's starting to fog now, Houston.

51:24:38 P ... at about a ...

51:24:55 P I'm starting to fog up at eye level. Hey, Houston,

... this way. My face towards you.

51:25:19 P I don't think I'll make it that way.

51:26:53 C Houston. That hatch was harder to close than we

thought it would.

51:26:56 CC Roger. We've got about 5 minutes to Antigua LOS,



51:27:02 C ... film ... they let it go.

51:27:33 C We are having a very big deal getting this hatch

closed. I don't think I'd like to do this again,
would you?

51:27:46 P No, I wouldn't.

51:28:45 C Let's take a rest before closing the hatch.

51:28:50 CC Roger. We got about 3 minutes yet and then there

will be 8 minutes before you get to RKV.

51:28:56 C Roger.

51:29:01 P ...

51:30:00 P Is that the last one_

51:30:O3 C ...

51:30:20 P Message for you.

51:30:23 C Okay, Houston. We've got the hatch closed.

51:30:27 CC Good work, Tom.

51:30:30 P ... place for it but ...

51:30:39 C Don't push it. It's got to be pulled.

51:30:52 P ... don't pull anymore.

51: 30: 53 C Whooppee

51:30:54 P Is that it?

51:30:55 C Yes, we've got the hatch locked.

51:30:58 CC Good, Tom. Glad to hear that. You've got about a

minute yet and then it's about 4minutes until RKV.

51:31:05 P Let's pressurize this cabin, Tom. Close the valve.

51:31:O7 C Okay.

51:31:25 P I think we got the last one now. Is that it?

51:31:42 P What are you doing?

51:32:06 C Okay, Houston. Cabin pressure starting up. _2


51:32:13 P Okay. Put the ...

51:32:17 CC Houston copies.


51:35:23 C ... fog pusher.

51:35:26 P Oh, man.' Solid, Tom.'

51:35:31 CC Gemini IX, RKV. Standing by.

51:35:34 C ... to RKV. Our cabin pressure is 2 and building


51: 35: 39 CC Roger. Copy.

51:35:40 C Just thought you would be interested in knowing

that the Pilot was completely fogged over.

51:35:46 CC Roger.

51:35:48 C ... and he's still fogged over.

51:35:51 C Pressure is up to about 2-1/4.

51:35:54 CC Roger.

51:35:58 P R_KV, I hope you were smiling.

51:36:03 CC Roger. We are.

51:36:06 P So are we, believe it or not.

51:36:11 C I think we've learned a lot .... learned a lot.

51:36:14 CC That's affirm.

51:36:20 P I can tell you one thing, Tom - that once I was
back there, my chances were about 50-50.

51:36:31 C More like 70-30.

51:36:44 P Back there I couldn't see anything, and the sunlight

on one side, and visor was so fogged I couldn't see

51:37:05 P ... I could hear you, but only in spots.

51:37:10 P Did you push the audio tone?

51:37:20 P I could read you loud and clear when I could read
you, but I could tell you were talking and I didn't
get anything at all.

51:37:26 CC Gemini IX, RKV.

51:37:28 C RKV, Gemini IX.

51:37:30 CC Roger. Would you turn your ECS 02 Manual Heater


51:37:37 P That's Cabin Pressure, ON, Tom.

51:37:43 P Let me know when ...

51:37:52 C Cabin pressure 3.13.

51:37:55 CC Roger.

51:38:07 P Darn. I should be able ...

51:38:43 C Okay ... RKV, Gemini IX. We're up to 4 psi.

51: 38: 48 CC Roger. Copy.

51:38:54 P RKV_ Gemini IX.

51:38:56 CC Go, IX.

51:38:58 P You might ask Houston whether or not they have any
more D~14's planned for us. If they do, we'd better
just take the first one and take a look at it because
I broke off the antenna.

51:39:08 CC Roger.

51:39:29 P We're pressurized, Tom. I can't get the visor open.


51:39:38 C Yes. I would.

51:39:41 P Or take it off. One or the other. I can't get it


51:39:57 CC Gemini IX, RKV. We'll have LOS in about a minute.

51: 40: O1 C Roger.

51:40:09 P RKV, it's going to take us quite a while to clean

house here.

51:40:18 CC Say again, please?

51:40:20 P It'll take us a few hours to clean house here.

51:40:22 CC Roger.

51:40:51 C }low are you doing?

51:41:56 CC Gemini IX, Houston standing by.

51:42:O1 C Roger, Houston. Our cabin pressure is 5.5, and

for your information, Gene fogged over completely
during the Ingress Maneuver.

51:42:14 CC Houston copies.

51:42:15 C Okay .... all squared away.

51:42:29 CC Houston copies.

51:42:49 C ... in the wrong direction.


51:56:06 CC G_mini IX, Houston standing by, Tananarive.

51:56:10 C ...

51:56:17 CC Okay. We're having trouble talking to you over

this station again. We'll be standing by.

51:56:21 C ...


52:02:07 CC Gemini IX, Houston. If you read, we're recommending,

after you get the cockpit cleaned, that you have an
eat period for the - about the next hour.

52:02:23 C Tananarive ...

52:30:37 CC Gemini IX, this is CSQ Surgeon. We have full-scale.

52:30:45 CC Gemini IX, this is CSQ Surgeon. We have all blood

pressure, exercise. Give me a Mark.

52:30:52 P Roger.

52:30:53 P MARK.

52:31:11 CC Gemini IX, CSQ Surgeon. Your cuff is full-scale.

52:36:39 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii.

52:36:42 P Go ahead, Hawaii.

52:36:43 CC Okay. We have three small items for you, if you

have the time.

52:36:47 P To write down?

52:36:48 CC Negative.

52:36:50 P Okay. Go ahead.

52:36:51 CC We'd like for you to check RCS Ring A No. i Pitch
circuit breaker - see if it's CLOSED.

52:37:00 P It was OPEN.

52:37:02 CC Okay. We see it on the ground. And we'd like to

verify the T/M switch in the REAL-TIME and ACQAID

52:37:09 P Okay. It's in REAL-TIME and ACQAID now.

52:37:12 CC Roger. Would you go to the EXPERIMENT position on

the Propellant Indicator switch and give us a read-
out pressure and temperature on H202 ?

52:37:21 P Okay. It looks like we bang a few switches around

here, don't we? It's reading 460 right now -

pressure - and 65 degrees Fahrenheit temperature,
and our question is probably what you've been
considering. Do you want us to get rid of it or
not ?

52:37:40 CC They'll talk to you over the States about that.

52: 37: 43 P Okay.

52:37:49 P Any circuit breakers we kicked around?

52:37:51 CC We don't see any from here.

52:37:57 CC Everything else looks real good.

52:37:59 P Okay. Thenk you.

52:38:01 CC We'll be standing by.

52:38:06 P You can tell Houston they'll probably see our water
comsu_tion go up rapidly.

52:38 :lO CC Say again.

52:38:12 P You can tell Houston they'll probably see our water
co_umption go up rapdily.

52:38:15 CC I don't doubt it.

52:39:28 C Hawaii, Gemini IX.

52:39:30 CC Gemfn_ IX, Hawaii.

52:39:31 C Roger. I'd like to have somebody give us an accurate

readout on our latest Propellant Quantity, please..

52: 39:36 CC Roger.

52:39:41 CC We'd like an on-board Prop Quantity readout.

52:39:45 C Okay. By knocking out the parallax, I'd say 4 per-

cent, maybe 3.

52:39:53 CC Roger.

52:40:03 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii.


52:40:05 C Go.

52:40:07 CC They'll be giving you some updates on these

quantities over the States.

52: 40:12 C Roger.

52:43:04 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii. We have i minute to LOS and

standing by.

52:43:08 C Roger, Hawaii.

52:43:55 CC Hawaii has LOS.


52:44:49 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

52:44:54 C Houston, Gemini IX. Go.

52:44:56 CC Roger, Tom. We'd like to have from Gene his best
recollection of the configuration of the AMU at the
time he left; that is, in terms of connections,
tether, arms, the valves, et cetera.

52:45:20 P Houston. Can you read us okay? We're reading you


52:45:23 CC Okay. We're reading you loud and clear, so go


52:45:26 P Okay. I'm not sure of all you asked for, but when
I went back there after I closed the hatch, I went
back over the top all the way down to the handrails
and - .-

52:45:35 CC Stand by.

52:45:37 CC Stand by.

52:45:39 P - - Extend the attitude controller arms.

52:45:41 CC Stand by.

52:45:42 P Saw the umbilical guard come over the back of the

adapter, so I figured that they did not extend.

52:45:47 CC Stand by.

52:45:51 CC Do you read it? Do you read, Houston?

52:45:54 P Houston, do you read?

52:45:55 CC Yes. What we want to know, Gene, is the configura-

tion of that AMU as it is now. Right now, as best
you know it.

52:46:02 P Okay. The AMI/, as it is now, has the Oxygen valve,

OPEN, Hydrogen valve, OPEN. On my gage, I have 80
percent peroxide quantity. The Battery switch is

52:46:26 CC Okay. How about the arm and the tether?

52:46:37 C Houston, Gemini IX. You're coming in broken.

52:46:40 CC Roger. We got all that. We'd like to have the

condition of the arm, the ,_mbilical and the tether -
the restraint.

52:46:51 P Down.

52:46:54 P The attitude control arm is up and locked. It's

in the flyable position. The tether was discarded,
and it cleared the Spacecraft.

52: 47: 09 CC Roger.

52:47:21 CC Say again the position of the left, arm

52:47:26 P The left arm is down. Not locked, but all the
way down.

52:47:31 CC Roger. All the way down.

52:47:32 CC Now, how about any other electrical or hoses?

52:47:41 CC Are they still curved to the pack, or are they

loose or what ?

52:47:46 P The tin hose is Velcroed to the - to the arm con-

troller. The restraint harness on _th sides is

Velcroed to the arm controller, and the electrical
connection, I believe, is Velcroed. I think I've
got it back down but I cannot verify it.

52:48:06 CC Roger. We have all that.

52:48:14 CC Okay. For your information, the - your on-board

quantity indicates 20 pounds of fuel. The source
pressure indicates 28 pounds of fuel. The ground
equations indicate 35 pounds.

52:48:30 P Roger. We've got that. Thank you.

52:48:32 CC Okay. And I've got a maneuver update when you're

ready to copy.

52:48:36 C Roger. Houston, we have that. Is that fuel only

or is that fuel and oxidizer?

52:48:42 C Fuel only.

52:48:43 C Roger.

52:48:44 CC We got a - we'd like to do this Orbit Shaping to get

your true anomaly in the right place, if you'd agree
with that.

52:48:51 C Roger. That sounds real good, Nell.

52:48:54 CC Okay. We'll have that. When you're ready to copy,

I'i1 give it to you.

52:48:58 C Okay. Want to do that right away?

52:49:00 CC It will be at 53:41.

52: 49: 04 C Okay.

52:49:06 CC That's about an hour frcm now, over Tananarive.

52:49:09 C Okay. We've got the Platform all Alined here and
we are in good shape. Stand by one and we'll copy

52:49:15 CC Okay. I can tell you first it's going to be a 25-

foot-per-second burn. We'd like to monitor your -
have you monitor your VW tank, your reserve tank,
during the burn, and if it starts to go down, you

stop your burn at that point.

52:49:34 ¢ Shoot for 25 feet per second or if VW t_nk starts

down, we ,11 stop the burn.

i 52:49:38 CC That's right. And let us know how many feet per
second you burned.

52: 49:41 C Roger.


52:49:52 C Go ahead with the GET.

52:49:53 CC Okay. GET B: 53:41:35; Delta-V, 25; burn time,

31 seconds; yaw 180, pitch O; Address 25, 90250;
Address 26, zero; 27, zero; aft thrusters; Retro-
grade. Go ahead.

52:50:27 C Roger. GET Burn: 53:41:35; Delta-V, 25 feet per

second; Delta-T, 31 seconds burn ttm_; yaw 180,
pitch O; Address 25, 90250; 26 and 27, zeros; aft
thrusters; Retrograde Maneuver.

52:50:52 CC That is correct and you can turn your crossfeed ON.

52:50:59 C Cross feed coming OPEN.

52:51:09 CC Our current approach is not to jettison AMU unless

we feel for some reason we have to.

52:51:18 C Roger. We were going to ask you about that. What

was your recom_mndation?

52:51:22 CC Well, we're sure going to keep it for awhile. I

want to watch these pressures and I'm sure you'll
be watching them too.

52:51:29 C Roger.

52:51:32 C Bob, we leared a whole lot out of the EVA. It was

a real worthwhile exercise.

52:51:35 CC Yes. We certainly agree with that.

52:51:40 C In fact, I wished you would have gotten some ...
data on the previous one.

52:51:44 CC Say again.

52:51:50 C I said I'd wished you'd have been able to get this
da_a on the previous-one.

52:51:52 CC Yes. But it looks ]_We you got a lot of the data
we would 've got.

52:51:55 C Yes. I think it was still a real fine exercise.

We hated to give up the AMH portion of it, but we
did do some good ,,mbilical evaluation and we got
some pictures. We also got a lot of thermal inputs
to give back to the people.

52:52:11 CC Yes. We can see that it was very valuable. You

know the EVA bottle is empty.

52:52:19 P Thanks a lot.

52:52:20 C Tha_k_ a lot, Dick.

52:52:22 P Still batting 500, Dick, but a lot smarter.

52:52:26 CC Yes. You did good work, friend.

52:52:29 P You don't know how much.

52:52:31 CC Yes, I do. I was watching you.

52:52:36 CC The Surgeon told me.

52:52:39 C Houston, Gemini IX. Would you give us a tim-

hack, please?

52:52:41 CC Roger. It will be 52:45.

52:52:45 CC MARK.

52:52:48 C Right on.


52:53:20 CC Okay. Tom, we're expecting this AMU pressure to go


up and it may go up over 500. Then it's con-
ceivable that you could get a light here scmetime
along the way.

52:53:37 C Okay.

52:53:38 C We'll think on it, Neil.

52:53:40 CC Okay. We're going to be thinking about it som_

more on the ground here.

52:53:46 C Roger.

52:54:14 CC Looks like, Tom, that we are not planning to

jettison the AMU, even if that light does come on.
However, in the configuration you have it - we
don't see any reason why we won't be able to
jettison it if, for some reason, we have to.

52: 54:33 C Roger.

52:56:18 CC Houston is about a minute from LOS

52:56:22 P Roger, Nell. We'll be set up and we'll make the

burn according to instructions.

52:56:28 CC Right. The guys down here think you made a real
good show there, Gene.

52:56:34 P Like I say, I feel I'm only batting 500 but that's
better than nothing.

52:56:40 CC We're with you.

52:56:45 P Tom thinks I need some ballet lessons.

52:56:48 CC (Laughter)

52:56:52 CC You want me to give them to you?

52:56:56 P Not exactly.


53:08:54 CC Gemini IX, RKV.

53:08:55 C RKV, Gemini IX.

53:08:57 CC Roger. Could you do a Fuel cell purge for us at

this time?

53:09:02 C ...

53:O9:12 CC We'd like to have you do a Section i purge and

then a Section 2.

53:09:46 P Okay, RKV. I'm with you now. You want Section 1

53:09:51 CC That's affirm.

53:10:01 P Okay. Purging hydrogen, Section 1.

53:10:04 C Roger. We understand.

53:10:20 P Purge hydrogen in Section 2.

53:10:22 CC Roger.

53:10:25 P Fuel cells have been working real good up here.

53:10:28 CC They're r-nning real beautiFul down here. This is

the nicest I 'ye ever _een fuel cells running.

53:10:41 P And we're on the oxygen purge, Section 1.

53:10:43 CC Roger.

53:10:46 P They've been holding very well here. Voltages

have been holding on good. Very well balanced.

53:10:52 CC Yes. I've never seen one before that ran this
close on the current. Hold really in there.

53:11:22 CC Gemini IX, RKV. When you get a chance, could you
give us a water gun count, please?

P Roger. Water gun now reads 2706.

CC Roger. Copy 2706.

P We're starting on this ATDA Com,_nd Signaling.

53:12:47 P Gemini IX. We're now purging oxygen, Section 2.

53:12:51 CC Roger. Right with you.

53:12:53 P And the AMU tank pressure is holding.

53:12:56 CC Roger.

53:14:38 CC Gemini IX, RKV. Just for your information, we

turned the L-Band beacon OFF on the ATDA and we
also turned ACQ lights ON on the ATDA. We are
pretty well powering the ATDA up.

53:14:53 P Roger. Can you give us an idea where it is in our

relation now to where it will be after our burn?

53:15: O0 CC Roger. Stand by.

53:15:16 CC Last information we have here on the ground is

that - Houston's going to get a better look at it
now - is that it should be a slightly higher orbit
than what you have. It should be about - was 185
miles long.

53:15:32 P Okay. Thank you.

53:15:43 CC Okay. Would you place your Quantity Read switch

to the - let's see - FUEL CELL 02 position?

53:15:54 P Okay. i_dEL CELL 02.

53:16:20 CC Flight just advised that the ATDA is 160 miles

behind you.

53:16:26 P Roger. And the transponder's ON?

53:16:29 CC That's affirm.

53:16:31 P Okay. We'll do a little interrogating here.

53:16:33 CC Roger. We notice you have your radio on.

53:16:36 P Okay. Will you give us i_dEL CELL }{2 quantity,


53:16:40 CC _13EL CELL H2.

53:16:48 CC Okay. You can go back to ECS 02.

53:16:52 P ECS 02.

53:17:12 CC You can even turn it off if you want to, or however
you want to leave it.

53:17:29 P This is IX. How is the hydrogen quantity holding


53:17:34 CC Our transducer has failed and we're not getting

any indication down here on the ground on it so - ~

53:24:03 C Gemini IX recording at 53:23:59. We have radar

lock-on with the ATDA, 159.12 miles.

53:24:10 P Solid.

53:24:11 C Solid lock.

53:24:16 P Looks like the angle's down - that can't be, can

53:24:23 P Down about minus 4 or 5 degrees.

53:24:31 C ... radar in attitude ...

53:24:33 P What?

53:24:34 P Yes. I am in radar now. Look's about 4 or 5


53:24:39 P And that says 12 feet per second.

53:24:41 C That's about right.

53:24:45 P Pitch down about 5 degrees, 159.17 miles. We Just

lost lock. Just got lock on again. Pretty good,
you know it?

53:25:15 P Yes. We're opening, Tom, at 2 feet per second now,

but that may not be the right reading.

53:25:24 P It's 159.20 miles.

53:25:31 P Just lost lock. Just got lock back. 5 feet per
second, opening.

53:25:39 P Lock. We're losing, gaining, getting lock,

intermittently. Most of the time it's on and now
it's off again.

53:25:52 P Remember, this has to be stowed back up here, Tom.

There's no use for the c_mera box S-12.

53:26:04 P This is Gemini IX. GET at 53 hours, 26 minutes.

We have radar lock on the ATDA, 159.28 miles.
Pitch down about 3 degrees and we're opening at 2
feet per second.

53:26:30 C Do you have your swizzle stick over there?


53:30:27 P ... Gemini IX.

53:30:32 CC Gemini IX, this is Houston. How do you read?

53:30:35 P Gemini IX. We read you loud and clear. A lot of

noise going on ...

53:30:41 P ...

53:30:48 CC Gene, you're coming in very garbled. I've got

some dope for you, though. Your H2 quantity is
around 40 to 46 percent and is okay. We're getting
a Flight Plan update ready and we'll send it up at
Hawaii. Over.

53:31:05 P Roger. Understand. Flight Plan update at Hawaii

and H2 quantity is okay.

53:31:11 C And what about ...

53:32:16 P Gemini IX. At GET of 53 hours 32 minutes. We're

opening at 2 feet per second. Range is now 159
miles, 159.92 miles - at l0 feet per second.

53:39:04 P This is Gemini IX. It's now 160.88 miles. Range-

Rate is 17 feet per second. It's 53:39 and we're
standing by to make our burn.

53:41:14 C Okay. We have just burnt. Coming into 53:41.

53:41:28 P Okay. I'll watch the regulated pressure and time
to burn.

53:41:36 C 32, 33, 34, 35, BURN.

53:41:48 P Regulator pressure is holding, Tom. 13 feet to

go; l0 to go; starting to drop.

53:41:59 C 290 to 330. Did you make it?

53:42:07 P Okay, Tom. Burn was 29 seconds and we're at 295.

She dropped to 290 so she's - I think we're right
at that point.

53:42:23 C Good show: We've got 25 feet per second before


53:42:26 P Want to interrogate 81, 82? Says 3 feet per second,

Tom, 82 down. We want to go 3-feet-per-second
down. Still got 2 to go.

53:42:50 C Let it go. What do we have?

53:42:56 P Okay. At that point.

53:43:00 C ...

53:43:14 P Will you give me that book to write on? That one
right there is good enough. That little one where
the burn is.

53:43:24 C This one?

53:43:26 P I know it. 81 is plus 6, 82 is 2.2, 80 is minus

1.3. Okay?

53:43:56 P See. It's just starting to go down, Tom.

53:44:02 P Okay. We've made our fuel nominal burn and - to

the ATDA at 53:46, it's 161.34 miles. Range-Rate
is 5 feet-per-second_ closing at the moment. It
appears that the needles show pitch down about 2

53:44:40 C Okay. Now I know the rates.

53:44:48 P I think that's got it. Anyt_,_ you say you're ready.

53:44:52 C Go.


53:53:28 CC Gemini IX, CSQ CAP CaM.

53:53:32 C Okay, CSQ. Go ahead.

53:53:34 CC Roger. Have you completed your maneuver?

53:53:36 C Roger. Maneuver has been completed on time. We

hit the ... times just to the west of ... pick up
residuals ...

53:53:49 CC Roger. Understand. Can you give me an OAMS Prop

Quantity reading, please?

53:53:54 C OAMS Prop Quantity I have now indicated as zero.

53:53:59 CC Roger. Would you give me your OAMS Reserve T_nk


53:54:02 C Roger. We have now 295.

53:54:06 CC Roger. Understand. We have nothing further for

you at this time.

53:54:12 P CSQ, Gemini IX.

53:54:14 CC Go ahead, Gemini IX. CSQ.

53:54:16 P Residuals on that burn were Address 80 minus 0013.

53:54:22 CC Roger.

53:54:24 P 81 is 00006; 82 is 00022.

53:54:35 CC Okay. Would you give _e an Address 81, please?

53:54:38 P Roger. 81 was 00006.

53:54:43 CC Roger. Understand. I copy.

53:54:45 P And just ... of burn there was an indication that

the OAMS regulated pressure was dropping down to

about 285 to 290. Now it's up again to around 290.

53:55:00 CC Roger. Understand.

53:55:07 C CSQ, Gemini IX. Are we supposed to get a Flight

Plan update at Hawaii?

53:55:1-1 CC That's affirmative, Gemini IX.

53:55:13 C All right. Roger.

53:56:26 P CSQ, Gemini IX.

53:56:29 P We've been reading the L-Band on the ATDA for about
15 minutes. The Range-Rate is very slow. We were
opening prior to our burn and then we started to
close very slowly and we are approximately 162.75
miles with a Range-Rate of plus 26 feet per second.

53:56:49 CC Roger. Understand.

53:56:52 P The lock-on is pretty solid. Occasionally it drops

out, but it looks like a pretty good lock-on.

53:56:57 CC Roger.

53:5?:30 C If you will give us a Mark prior to LOS, I'll give

you another Range and RAnge-Rate ...

53:57:36 CC Roger.

54:OO:16 CC Gemini IX. On my Mark would you give me a Range

and a Range-Rate, please?

54:00:21 C ... Roger.

54:00:27 CC MARK.

54:00:32 P On your Ymrk, Range is 164.72 miles.

54:00:43 P Range-Rate is 51 feet per second, overtake.

54:00:46 P 51 feet per second.

54:00:48 CC Roger. Understand.

54:01:00 CC Okay. You are just about to leave us here,

Gemini IX. We show you as GO as you are going
over the hill.

54:01:10 P All right. Roger.


54:11:19 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii.

54:11:21 C Hello, Hawaii. Gemini IX.

54:11:23 CC Roger, I have a Flight Plan update for you.

54:11:28 C Roger. Be ready to copy in 1 minute.

54:11:29 CC Roger.

54:11:45 C Hawaii, Gemini IX. Go.

54:11:47 CC Roger. 54:38:34 through 54:47:28: photographs of

South America; 70mm Hasselblad, 80mm lens; strip
chart; weather and film permitting. These should
be nadir photographs.

54:12:18 C Roger.

54:12:21 CC 55:30 - stand by. 54:57:00. This is an S-1. Start

with Milky Way exposures. Take two exposures of each
of the four horizons starting north, then west,
south and east. 55:30:00: Load re-entry module
tape; then power-down except for rate gyros.

54:13:11 CC Stand by, Gemini IX.

54:13:24 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii. That time for loading the re-
entry module should be approximately 55:46:37.
That will be Hawaii acquisition on the next rev-
olution. Also, over Hawaii, on the next revolution,
it's 55:46:18 crew status report. S-11: 56:49:17;
Sequence 02, southern horizon only. Use Ace,mr for
yaw attitude. CSQ: 57:04:02; PLA update. RKV
58:00:00; purge fuel cell_ and Cryo Quantity read-
out. 57:30:00 through 58:30:00: eat period.
58:30:00 through 66:30:00: sleep period. 66:30
through 67:30:00: eat period. 66:38:52 over

Carnarvon: purge fuel ceLLs and CrYo Quantity
readout. That's all.

54:15:38 C Roger, Hawaii. Could you give us the first times

for the South America strip chart?

54:15:43 CC Roger. 54:38:34 through 54:47:28.

54:15:59 C Roger.

54:16:O3 CC We'd also like for you to think about the w_ight
update of the Spacecraft at this time. Such items
that you have jettisoned and the A_t of the 02
and the ELSS and such as this.

54:16:15 C Roger. The ELSS has approximately 1 pound of

oxygen left in it.

54:16:25 CC Roger.

54:16:28 C And the Jettison items were estimated to be

approximately 2 pounds.

54:16:36 CC The number of items jettisoned should add up to

around 2 pounds.

54:16:44 P That's affirm. That's internal from the Space-

craft and, of course, there was the S-12 steering
and the ...

54:16:59 CC Roger. I copy.

54:18:03 C Hawaii, Gemini IX.

54:18:05 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii.

54:18:07 C I'd liWe to give you the status of the D-14


54:18:09 CC Okay.

54:18:11 C Okay. I broke it about two-thirds of the way

down. I actually broke the casing; it seemed to
snap - semi-snap back in place. Apparently there
is a cable or a line through it. It'a not spring-
loaded like the UItFnose antenna. It may or may
not work. I don't know whether you want to try it.

54:18:34 CC I believe they've canceled the rest of the D-14

54:18:37 C Okay.

54:18:41 CC We're at LOS minus l, Gemini IX.


54:45:10 CC Gemini IX, RKV standing by.

54:45:12 C Roger, RKV. We're taking a quick nap.

54:45:14 CC Roger.

54:49:15 CC C_mini IX, RKV here. For your information, I'd

like to have you transfer about 4 pounds of water
to the water boiler. That's 134 count. Start that
over the CSQ.

54:49:25 C 104 counts of water to the water boiler.

54:49:28 CC 134.

54:49:30 C 134.

54:49:31 CC Affirmative.

54:49:38 CC RKV. That's 132 counts.

54:49:41 CC Correction on that, Gemini. That's 132 counts.

54:49:50 C Roger.

54:50:24 C REV, this is Gemini IX. We'll start drinking quite

a bit here, too.

54:50:28 CC Roger.

54:50:29 C You want 134 - 132more than what we have now.

54:50:33 CC That's affirmative.


54:50:55 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

54:50:57 C Roger, Houston. We're in the middle of a ...

54:55:32 P Hey, Tom: I think that would have been off.

54:55:36 P ... be 8.

54:55:40 P When I tell you, pitch up, Tom.

54:55:46 P Pitch up.

54:55:54 C Got the other one going?

54:55:57 P Yes. I do now. Don't thrust.

54:56:26 C Okay. Go on to the other horizon.

54:56:46 P Turn the ... back on.

54:56:49 C Sure glad that little fuel will do all of this.

54:56:59 P I am too.

54:57:06 P What's next on the agenda?

54:57:34 P Have to load the computer, so you might want to

bring the computer up in between tt_s. I can
be here.

54:57:40 P Hawaii, 55:46.

54:57:42 C Get most of it okay?

54:57:45 P Yes.

54:58:02 C Don't have a ... How's that one?

54:58:08 P Very well; you've got an open.

54:58 :lO C An open.

54:58:12 P No, left, don't you?

54:58:14 C No, to the right.

54:58:52 P Okay. Anytime.

54:58:54 C Okay. Looks good where ...

54:58:56 P Okay ....

54:58:57 C All set?

54:58:58 P Anytime you say.

54:59:00 C Hit it.

54:59:12 P When I tell you, you can d_m? the rates, then you
can damp some more. You're drifting down and left.
Don't do anything yet.

54:59:34 P Okay. You can thrust. Okay. Don't do anything.

55:00:17 C Go on for the next one, if you'd like.

55 :Ol:ll P ... over CSQ. Should work with that off the West

55:01:14 C Yes. I know but that's - -

55:01:17 P Before you get to Hawaii?

55:01:20 C - - We'll never be able to transfer there.

55:01:26 P When do we get there?

55:01:34 C Load Module 4 down there.

55:01:39 CC We're having an S-11 down here ....

55:01:49 P Crew status at Hawaii?

55:01:57 CC Okay. They're there.

55:02:05 P You will even get EVA. I'll tell you because - -

55:02:07 C You ready?

55:02:32 P - - When I tell you, roll left.

55:03:24 C Okay.

55:03:27 P You got a big spot of lightning in that, right at

the last.

55:03:31 C What did you call it?

55:03:33 P Big spot of lightning.

55:03:42 C All kinds of b-ropersright now. Boy'

55:04:04 C The sun's coming up.

55:04:06 P Look at the lights down there.

55:04:10 P Australia, you suppose?

55:04:12 P Let's see now- no w_ -,,_tbe - -

55:04:23 C ...

55:04:24 P - - Another city. Look at that one down there.

55:05:14 P We have everything b,mg up on it, Tom.

55:05:20 P We are over Africa, South Africa.

55:05:25 C This is Gemini IX.

55:05:27 P Up a little, Tom. No, you're all right. I guess

you're at 40 degrees. That's good. Anyt_w_,
when you're ready.

55:05:54 C Okay. I've got it.

55:05:56 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

55:05:59 C Roger, Houston. We're in the middle of an S-1

photograph right now.

55:06:05 CC We have a procedure for you, if you're ready to

copy it.

55:06:13 C Stand by one. We're still on Experiment S-1.

55:06:16 CC Roger.

55:06:20 P Is this Gemini CAP COM?

55:06:29 P Go right.

55:06:30 C Okay.

55:06:32 C Procedure on 1. I wonder - -

55:06:36 CC This is Houston standing by. We'll send the pro-

cedure up at CSQ.

55:06:41 C - - Roger.

55:07:04 P Okay.

55:07:07 P Don't you want to get any Milky Way pictures with

55:07:13 P We've got 1 to CSQ.

55:07:17 C Milky Way is straight up the pipe.

55:07:22 P Yaw left, to the left.

55:07:26 C Yes.

55:07:27 P Yaw left more - more than your nose. Yaw to the
left a bit.

55:07:42 P Keep going left.

55:O7:51 C See up there.

55:07:53 P Yes. I can see it.

55:07:54 P If you stop - stop it all.

55:08:03 P Then you'll have to tell me when you're stopped.

55:08:09 P Don't let it yaw any more. You're yawing too far.

55:08:11 P Too far. Oh, you're all right yet.

55:08:13 P Go.

55:08:14 C Okay.

55:08:27 P Still ro11_ng left a little bit.

55:08:30 C I)811_ of fire'

55:08:46 P Okay. Go up the Milky Way now, if you can, Tom.

No matter whether it's perfect, just go up to
window level on the horizon. It doesn't make any
difference what roll you have, just so you hold it.
Any time.

55:09:52 C Okay.

55:09:54 P Go up some more, if you can.

55:09:55 C Want me to go from here?

55:09:57 P Just go up to that level. GO up about 30 degrees

high - l0 degrees high, I mean.

55:10:22 P Okay. Stop it somewhere in there.

55:10:27 C Really shooting it up.

55:10:30 P I've taken 2, 4, 6, 8, l0 and I ruined the first

one; 2, 4, 6, 8, 10.

55:10:38 P Ready?

55:11:09 P GO on up some more.

55 :ll:17 C S-12.

55:11:27 P Yaw just a little right, you're coming too far.

You seem to be about 320.

55:11:40 P We're not getting any because of the moon. Can't

get anything here because of the moon. Might be
able to get the rest of them on another one.

55 :]_l:50 C Okay.

55:11:51 P You ready?

55 :ll:55 C Okay.

55:12:25 P Okay. We can't go any higher. The moon's up


55:12:28 P How many have we taken of the Milky Way?

55:12:30 C Three.

55:12:32 P It was four.

55:12:33 C Want me to take some more of the horizon while

we're here?

55:12:38 P That was four at eight to 12 ...

55:12:49 P Where is the tape?

55:12:51 P You've got this ail on tape?

55:12:54 P Tape's been on, I guess, and you want to tell them
what we're doing?

55:12:57 P We have taken two pictures, S-l; two pictures,

northern horizon, western horizon, southern
horizon and eastern horizon. Two pictures of the
Milky Way; one of northeast horizon and we have
taken four pictures - that's a total of 12 and I
ruined the first shot. Pictures ...

55:13:20 P Couldn't go any further on the horizon because the

moon was up there toward the beacon.

55:13:38 C Want to pitch down some more?

55:13:44 P Yes, a little bit.

55:13:49 P Two more pictures of the eastern horizon.

55:13:52 C One more picture of eastern horizon.

55:14:11 P And knowing now that - with my experience, EVA, I

can appreciate that it would have not only been
difficult, but impossible to hold this camera for
30 seconds in any one direction.

55:14:33 C S-1 is completed with 18 exposures .... 56.

55:14:44 P Have you got the Platform Alined so we can load

Module 4?


55:28:24 CC Gemini IX, CSQ CAP COM.

55:28:25 C CSQ, Gemini IX. We're loading water into the

water boiler.

55:28:29 CC Roger. Could you give me the gun count prior to

the start?

55:28:33 C It was 2715.

55:28:35 CC Roger. And that's a 132-gun count?

55:28:39 C Roger. When they told us that, we started at 2175.

We drank quite a bit. We are now at 27_7.

55:28:49 CC Roger. Understand. I have a mc_{ule-loadingpro-

cedure for you when you're ready to copy.

55:28:57 C Okay.... busy - we're loading the water boiler

right now.

55:29:07 CC Roger. Understand.

55:29:09 C ... regular procedure ... on-board.

55:29:14 CC Roger. This is a new procedure, Gemini IX.

55:29:30 C Okay, CSQ. Go ahead.

55:29:31 CC Roger. Step 1: Switch to CATCH-UP; clarify IVI's

do not drive. Step 2: set smmll numbers in IVI's.
Step 3: insert into the MDIU, Address 25, all zero;
Address 26, all zeros; Address 27, all zeros. Step
_: push START COMP IVY's, 23 to zero. Step 5:
switch to PRELAUNCH. Step 6: at 55:46:00 load
Module 4, be in automatic. Step 7: switch to RE-
HRqTRY. Step 8: verify Computer Run light stays
OFF. Step 9: switch to P_EYAUNCH. Did you copy?

55:31:27 C Roger. Repeat Step 8, please.

55:31:30 CC Step 8: verify Co_nputerRun light stays OFF.

55:31:_2 P Roger. I'd like to read it back to you real quick.

55:31:44 CC Go.

55:31:45 P Number 1: switch to CATCH-UP; clarify IVI's do

not drive. Set small numbers in IVI. Set 25, 6
and 7, all zeros. Step 4 is push START COMP; IVI's
to zero. Step 5 PR_AUNCH. At 55:46:00, load
Module 4, be in the automatic. Step 7: switch to
_kW_TRY.Verify Computer light is OFF. Step 9:
switch to PRELAUNCH.

55:32:15 CC That's affirmative. And at this time I have a

Flight Plan update.

55:32:21 P Go ahead with the Flight Plan update, and if we

have any anomaly prior to Step 6, should we con-
tinue or not?

55:32:28 CC Stand by one.

55:32:35 CC Stand by. We're checking on it. We'd like to

know what the anomaly is before we proceed past
Step 6.

55:32:45 P We would like to know what the anomaly is before


55:32:49 P Roger. Understand. Go ahead with your update.

55:32:51 CC Roger. Final: CSQ at 57:04:00; computer, PRE-

LAUNCH. 46-1: TR and computer update. Did you

55:33:17 P Roger. Copied.

55:33:23 P CSQ: 57:O&:00; computer, PR_AUNCH. 46-1: TR

and computer update.

55:33:29 CC That's affirmative.

55:33:32 CC We have nothing further for you at this time. We

show you as GO.

55:33:35 P Roger. And one question. Is this procedure prior

to loading the normal weights for the ATM - is it
about this START COMP business that we had the
other day?

55:33:45 CC That's correct.

55:33:46 CC That 's affirmative.

55:33:47 P Okay. Thank you.

55:34:41 P CSQ, this is Gemini IX.

55:34:44 CC Go, Gemini IX.

55:34:45 P First, Step 1 - you want me to insert the numbers

in the IVI's when I go to CATCH-UP?

55:34:53 CC Stand by.

55:35:09 CC Roger. They want to insert the ss_ll numbers in

the IVI's to see if they will go to zero.

55:35:14 P Roger. They do go to zero. I umderstand you want

me to verify that they do not drive.

55:35:20 CC That's affirmative.

55:35:22 P Okay. We'll try it right there.

55:35:27 CC Stand by.


55:46:55 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii

55:46:56 P Go, Hawaii.

55:46:57 CC Roger. Has either of you started on the oral

temperature yet?

55:47:02 P That 's affirm.

55:47:03 CC Roger. I have a little change to that AT}{loading

procedure, if you'd like to copy it.

55:47:11 P Go ahead.

55:47:12 CC Okay. We'd just like for you to go to CATCH-UP on

the computer and then pick up the sequence you

already have at Number 3.

55:_7:23 P Roger. Understand.

55:_9:01 CC Gemini IX Pilot. We have a good temperature on


55:_9:09 P Gemini IX. Roger. And I'm - starting on Step 6

of loading the ATM.

55:&9:15 CC Roger. We've been following you down here.

55:49:20 CC You're looking okay at this time.

55:49:22 P Affirmative and everything GO and we'll get the

rest of the crew status report as soon as the
Pilot can talk.

55:49:28 P Correction, Command Pilot.

55:49:29 CC Roger. Understand.

55:49:3_ CC Okay. We have a good temperature on the Command


55:49:5& C Hawaii, Gemini IX. A - water count now 2764 and

we will continue drinking until we have 2847 on
the gage.

55:50:05 CC Roger. You have 2764 at this time; you'll continue

until 28_7.

55:50:11 C Roger. That's to give us that 132 squirts into the

water boiler.

55:50:13 CC Roger.

55:50:17 CC Have you both been drinking about the same or have
you - or is one of you thirstier than the other?

55:50:22 C Gene has had about three times as much of that

since EVA.

55:50:28 CC About three times as much since EVA?

55:50:29 C Roger.

55:50:38 CC Okay. Have you got any food to report?

55:50:_3 C Yes. We've each had one meal today and we don't
know what to do with the second one.

55:50:/+7 CC Roger.

55:51:02 CC How do you feel today compared with yesterday,

when you started to delay the EVA until today -
as far as tiredness and physical feeling?

55:51:11 C Roger. We feel a lot - we feel about twice as

good. We both had to kind of - little drowsy

55:51:20 CC Roger. Understand.

55:51:26 P Hawaii, it appears that Module A-Alpha is going

on in.

55:51:29 CC Roger.

55:52:14 CC G_nini IX, Hawaii.

55:52:15 P Go, Hawaii.

55:52:16 CC Okay. I have a snell Flight Dian up_a_e for you

if you're ready to copy.

55:52:21 P Go ahead.

55:52:22 CC Node: 55:18:51; Rev 35, 77.0 degrees east; right

ascension, 19 hours, O1 minute.

55:52:46 P Roger. We got the Node: 55:18:51; Rev 35, 77 -

correction, 77 degrees east; right ascension, 19
hours, O1 minute.

55:52:56 CC Roger. That 's affirmative.

55:5A:24 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii. We have 1 minute until LOS.

55:5_:29 P C_m_ui IX, Roger.

55:55:03 CC Hawaii has LOS.

55:55:05 P Hawaii, Gemini IX. Module 4-Alpha has been
loaded and - -


56:20:57 CC Gem_ui IX, RKV. Would you go to the EXP_IM_

position and give us a readout on the Hydrogen
Peroxide Pressure and Temperature, please?

56:21:06 P Roger. We're there now and it's 60 degrees and

480 psi.

56:21:12 CC Roger. Copy 60 degrees, 480 psi.

56:21:18 P Confirm, and the - ATM - the computer is loaded

and it's been verified with A-Bravo and verified
·.. and verified 4-Alpha and 4-Bravo.

56:21:30 CC Roger. Very good.

56:21:33 P Ail procedures checked out.

56:21:35 CC Roger.

56:21:42 CC You're looking good from down here. We have

nothing further for you.

56:21:46 P Roger. Thank you.

56:26:50 CC RKV has about 1 minute until LOS.

56:26:54 P Roger.

C This is a continuation of the debriefing on the

Rendezvous. One trimming will complete the first
Rendezvous. Radar was turned on and lock was
obtained intermittently at 130 miles. It occured
at 120 nautical miles. After NMR we started to
make data points throughout TPI. They showed
that we were fairly ... in our effort ... 12-1/2

P The altitude -

P Altitude ... shows us to be 12-1/2 miles. Our

Delta, Delta-R held between /+7and /.+9,.4.9negative,
and this is based on a 50-nautical mile range. Just
e_ctly a little over 2-1/2 miles difference, so
we're probably 200 miles to the ATDA. Apparently
so. We went into Rendezvous mode, as I recall
from the charts.

C And we noticed a computer problem prior to where

the START COMP was initiated.

P That was just on the last burn after the NSR burn
and ...

C The computer was switched to Rendezvous mode.

P After eight data points, we got a solution with the

computer. Our first solution was expected - but
then the computer also reacted Just as if you had
pushed START COMP, giving us an unauthorized sol-
ution. We re-initialized the computer and went
into the Rendezvous mode. We went down through
eight data points and picked up another solution,
at which time the computer and the IVI's gave us
a seluticn as did the MDIU and the computer. We
had selected that as our Open Loop. This happened
twice in a row.

P The number of data points that was required to get

a Closed Loop solution - and if we switched into
the Closed Loop at 3:20:05 GET, we would get a
solution that would - the computer would give us,
if this START COMP cycle repeated itself, that
solution would be our TPI Solution based upon -
going into RENDEZVOUS. We caught this - we were
in the process of talking about this when ...
rendezvous 03:20:17 or 12 seconds late. We - what
am I doing - Okay.

C ...

P The solution that the computer came up with turned

out to come right down on the predicted time of
Point Charlie or Point C, from the charts. However,
this time was a little bit off. I am not sure how
this time coincides with the back-up ttme for TPI
burn, but the Closed Loop did come up Just as pre-
dicted and with this automatic START COMP function

it had, the solution was apparently a good solution.
The time, as far as we are concerned for TPI, how-
ever, differed with the ground. The computer gave
us 26 forward, 8 up and & right. It differed with
the ground. The ground gave us 26.7 forward, 1.3
up, 2.2 right. Backup correction, 24 forward and
O up/down. We went with sort of a compromise be-
cause we did not like the 8 up from the Closed
Loop at all and we did not have too much confidence
in the computer.

P We went with 27 forward, 1 up and 2 right, which

was basica]ly a compromise betweer the ground and
back-up solution. It looked good to us, which was
our on-board back-up. Now one thing about the on-
board and back-up rendezvous information. On both
this and the other rendezvous, many times we were
dependent on making corrections based on our radar
angle and then the elevation angle. Wherever we
could, we tried to take the two angles to get the
Delta-Delta-R difference of ..., so as a result,
we did compromise on this TPI and went with what
appeared to be the ground solution.

C Okay. With respect to the lighting, approaching

TPI. We first saw a speck of light that could be
compared with about a fifth or sixth-magnitude
star and it was in excess of 50 miles. The ATDA
appeared in the darkness as about a zero-eagnitude
star. Continuing on, we made our first back-up
solution measurement in 1 to _ m_nutes after trans-
fer into reflected sunlight, and the ATDA disap-
peared into darkness for appro_mately 5 minutes,
so the overall condition from the ground with re-
spect to the Phasing and the NSR was exactly on

P I m_ght add that the Closed-Loop solution from the

computer came right on time. The COMP light came
right on the predicted time of my burn. In other
words, I predicted back-up burn time accurately
and my COMP light came on exactly on time. The
re_son we did not like the 8 up on Closed-Loop
solution was that there was little or no ellipticity
and it just didn't appear right to us. As it turned
out, it was a good thing we did not burn it. The
first correction obviously was initiated as Closed-


Loop. We decided to see what the Closed-Loop

was going to give us on its first correction. It
came up with 2 aft and 3 up as my back-up solution.
We did get a Closed-Loop solution to go with it.
Closed-Loop solution was 2 aft, 2 up and 3 left.
My back-up solution said 3 aft and & up. They both
tended to agree. Whether or not there was a df*-
ference in thia optical sight angle, I don't know,
but for some reason we did go with the Closed-Loop.
It looked good to us. It even looked better to
us than the back-up solution. It looked pretty
poor to us on the basis of its own correction,
because we did not burn the 8 up in TPI. On the
third correction, which is back-up, I got 1 aft
and 1 up. We burned zero on the fourth correction.
Our insert correction gave 3 forward, 2 down;
back-up solution 0 forward and 3 down. We burned,
in Closed-Loop, 3 forward and 2 down. After that
point, the corrections,we felt, were very small
and the back-up solutions agreed with the Closed-
Loop. We went Closed-Loop and came right up the
pipe. We had very few LOS probl_m_ to control at
all. They were all within boundaries and we had
little or no braking problems at 1 mile. As I
recall, we took off about 20 - which brought us
down to somewhere around 20 feet a second and all
the COMP ... must have been ...

C Tmmediately after going into darkness we saw the

flashing light. The ATDA went into darkness at
approximately 20 miles ... we immediately saw a
flashing light. The flashing light stayed on for
15 seconds and disappeared. After this time, we
would intermittently see the flashing light. As
long as certainly 12 mi]es to 13 miles away, we
could see a slight red light when there was no
flashing and, as we progressed on, the ATDA finally
came in the vicinity of the moon. The maneuver
for the initial line of sight was held constant
and was done with the moon, before we made the
final correction to the right. The sky was lit up
so brightly by the full moon that very little ...
background could be seen. The ATDA from approx-
imately A miles was in very brilliantly reflecting
moonlight. We could see the flashing light and
the RED, GR_RN and AMB_ lights at that time.
There was a final brake at approximately 1/2 mile.

We could tell that the cone lights were on and,
as we approached within 1OOO feet, everything
looked in good shape on the ATDA since we could
see the cone lights and a part of the ATDA. Then,
as we closed in further, we could see the moonlight
and extensions on the nose of the ATDA. It became
very obvious, there in the moonlight, that the nose
shroud had not Jettisoned· The shroud was open
like a set of jaws, appro_mately 30 degrees off,
not ... Braking went very smooth and we had 58
percent fuel remaining at the end of the first
run. Equal period orbit initiation at Omega 80
·.. it was determined in real time that ... the
ATDA was going ... orbit rendezvous. At this time
we Alined the Platform ... made a good Platform
Alinement and proceeded directly on top of the
ATDA ... initial maneuver on time. As we fell
behind the ATDA, of course, we could see the run-
ning lights, particularly the RED running lights
on the ATDA. Approximately 13 miles, pardon me,
up to appromdmately 8 miles in darkness ...

P The sextant practice that was to occur after

separation, or I mile through 3 miles, was
attempted but could not be done for a couple of
reasons. At first we were at too steep an angle to
acquire the horizon out of the Spacecraft window
while we were boresighted on the target. In ad-
dition, seeing a target that was as bright and
white as the ATDA was, it was impossible to see
the target against the ground background. We
discovered that it was very difficult during
Rendezvous even up to as close, as I recall, a
mile because we were coming in from above ....
so, as a result, none of the sextant practice was
actually done because I could not acquire the
target visually at all. I did get a sextant read-
ing at 12 degrees to give us a back-up to our
Horizontal-Adjust Maneuver. Nominal was &l:OS,
our time was &1:22. And then we gcc a GET of
local horizon crossing of &5:20 and &5:33 was
nominal. This gave us a Horizontal-Adjust maneuver
of .1-foot-per-second forward and .2-foot-per-
second out, which ended up in time to be O forward
and .5 foot-per-second up. I decided we would not
burn. Now, regarding Terminal-Phase Initiation,
we were coming in real well at - Tom.

C At this time we continued to track him on radar
throughout this maneuver ... The ATDA was only 8
to 9 miles in front of us. It was impossible to
see. We rolled to keep the sun from us. It be-
came brilliantly lit in sunlight and I would
estlmate it was a ma3_mum of about a zero-mag-
nitude star at dawn. He grew in intensity all the
way through the rest of the maneuver. It was very
easy to see, a shorb time after sunrise.

P I made a slight error at first. I took 47 degrees

for my second angle instead of 43 degrees. As a
result, I missed my whole transfer. I looked for
a second angle first and of course, I missed the
first angle. I was too late to go back. I didn't
think it was worthwhile waiting for a sextant angle,
then I regrouped and took the Delta-Theta that went
with it, because I thought the de/ay too long. So
what I did, I regrouped at that time and I took -
I computed TPI from Delta-Theta ... I could have
gotten a sextant reading of 8 degrees very easily.
We initiated ... TPI slightly late at 114.29 and
nominal is 112.51. We had to go with this method
and then, plotting ourselves on the chart, started
courses that seemed correct. Even though TPI was
/ate, I felt that we caught it pretty well. Now
the first correction, because TPI was late ... I
again lost the sextant correction - because we'd
gone past that sextant angle as a result of the
late TPI - so I computed it again with Delta-Theta,
from the ball and the time, and got 0 aft and 2
down. Now I was all prepared on the second correc-
tion. I got my sextant angle, but the second sex-
rant angle was 80 degrees, and an 80 degree angle
is almost impossible to get in the Spacecraft.
Cramped far down in the left bottom corner of the
window, I was not able to pick the horizon out. I
feel that this correction went very good. I com-
puted it with a combination of sextant angles and
Delta-Theta and came up with the time and a Delta-
Theta, but the correction was slightly biased or
ended up to be a bad correction because of the
last sextant angle. Delta-Theta was good, but
the 80-degree sextant angle was bad. You Just
didn't have enough room for error up here, whether
you held perpendicular to the horizon or not, and
I think this was the difficulty.


P I came up with 2 down. I feel this correction

probably should have been 0 or close to it....
quite a bit of line-of-sight correction in the
mode prior to braking. Like to talk about the
lighting and braking, Tom?

C Right. After TPI, the reflected sunlight con-

tinued to increase to a more brilliant light than
the planets by the ttme that we were in ... 3
miles. There was no difficulty in seeing it. I
used the optical sight out of the window optically
for all the braking. At 1 mile the nose cone and
the complete body of the ATDA was the size of the
total of Agena. I tried braking at approximately
- well, I would estimate 3/4 of a m_le - continued
in brake and arrived at stationkeeping position
well before sunset. We made the Rendezvous in the
inverted position. The terminal phase on up pre-
sented no difficulty whatsoever.

P I personally feel that the reason we were so -

could so ably see the target in reflected sunlight
was that big white nose cone. It was silver with
a dull burnished al,-.tnum,was very dull and burn-
ished where that white should have shown out there.

C On the Rendezvous from above, we continued it in

after the NSR maneuver.

P Closed-Loop solutions for the total velocity ...

total velocity and we didn't get a repeat of
START COMP cycle and TI and VT looked real good.
Occasionally we'd get one about every fourth or
fifth solution that came up that would be higher
than the preceding one, but generally they came
down in a fairly systematic order. We had a lot
of faith in our Closed-Loop by the time it came.
However, we saw ... ellipticity for about - let
me see ... mile Delta-H. We were about 8 m1les
·.. and then we were ... and then we were still
going. We were still going up when we hit TPI
and our computer gave out ... the pass over the
RKV. I'll repeat what I was going to say. We
noticed an ellipticity .. we were about 1/2 mile
over our desired 7-1/2 miles. We started out
about a 1/4 of a mile high and went up to 1/2
mile high. We then started coming hack down and


we went through 7-1/2 miles in Delta-Delta ...

ail the way as high as ...

CC Ascension, AOS ...

P ... a 1/3 of a, 3/10 of a mile, 1/3 of a mile.

But we got the Closed-Loop ... properly. The
Closed-Loop gave us 19 forward and & down and
I'd like to point out ... 1/2 forward and 3/10 up.
·.. in the Closed-Loop gave us 2 left. We didn't
like the down and at that time we left it ... to
the ground so there were two things about the
Closed-Loop we didn't like ... much more logical,
so we went with 17 forward and 3 up, essentially
the back-up solution for Terminal Phase Initiate.
The COMP light came ON at 7:50, time 7:50, and we
initiated a correction at 8 minutes. I predicted
it to come on at 7:50, so we're pretty close there.
Our first correction on back-up data was O forward
and 3 down.

C Alined the Platform.

P Then we Alined the Platform at that time. Cloged-

Loop or Open-Loop back-up information ... the
Closed-Loop gave us & aft, 1 up and 5 left. We
burnt & aft, 1 up and 3 left. With the Closed-
Loop, the up looked good on the basis of our
initial transfer. Here again the computer - al-
though we did not - ... the first correction gave
us 1 up ... both the primary ... computer solutions
are debatable, I believe. Like to talk, too, about
our lighting, Tom.

C Now.

C Prior to transfer, we could see the - target flash-

ing light and, suddenly, just before daylight we
noticed a small light that grew in intensity. It
was the brightest reflecting target we have ever
seen. I would estimate that it was _ to 5 times
brighter than Sirius, against the earth's surface
just before sunrise with reflected moonlight on it.
We had this at 20 miles. As sunrise occured, the
lighting changed from moonlight into sunlight and
the intensity of the target decreased all the way
through. We finally came out over the desert areas,


where we lost the target completely.

P This is where it became extremely difficult to

get good angles because we were going from bore-
sight to radar and radar to - hey, Tom, I don't
know e_actly' they were not obviously really
steady and some of our corrections ... but as I
recall, we did not have visual contact until -
correction, we were doing line-of-sight control
and you were radar-boresighted and I think it was
to a mile before we had it.

C During this time we had reflected sunlight from

the desert and I could not see my pattern on the
optical reticle. There was no possible way to see
the target. I tried to adjust the needles, which
had fluctuated in somewhat of a previously pre-
scribed manner. The Range-Rate needle was far in
excess of nominal and continually fluctuating be-
tween 12 to 15 feet per second. I finally could
see a faint speck in the distance,3 to 3-1/2 miles.
This was not ... by reticle. Finally, as we crossed
the Red Sea, I could see you coming up on the white
target, against a blue ocean, but 1 mile was approx-
imately the maximmm that we could see under this
condition. And during this time the radar needles
fluctuated back and forth ... We continued in to
one-half mile, we got a good Range-Rate and the
line-of-sight was going good ... Range-Rate to a
negative value. For this we had to make a 7 to lO-
foot-per-second positive forward thrust. At this
time we continued on until we were stationkeeping.

P The third correction back-up gave 2 aft and 2 down

and then we could see rapidly that we were crossing
angles. The fourth correction gave Closed-Loop:
2 forward, l0 down and 7 right; i aft, 5 down, and
we burned. Apparently Tom could see errors develop-
lng, as I recall, from the ball. We burned a total
of ... We went in on the basis of LOS at that point
and we had quite a bit of line-of-sight control,
which worked out fine. We had to force it down
because our angles were crossing too steeply ...
come up into the sun as I recall it was happening
at that time. I think the one thing we ought to
remember from this Rendezvous ... showed suddenly
during the equal-period orbit was that when you're


looking down at daylight with an earth background,

the target is almost impossible to see.

C Also, the motion that you experienced as you are

down to a vertical position going across the ground
is something phenomenal. The relative positions,
even when you can see plainly, are very hard to
ascertain; as is the Job of looking at your Flight
Director Attitude Indicator, optically tracking and
also cross-checking your radar.

P As the target goes across the ground, it is im-

possible to try to pinpoint it against any ter_-ain,
looking down. It was just impossible to acquire
it even after we thought we would. We might add that
on our third day here today, we turned on our radar
and got a fairly steady lock-out up through about
179 miles, at which time we changed our attitudes
and did not follow it any further.


56:42:37 CC Gemini IX, Gemini IX. This is Houston at

Tananarive. We're standing by. We have nothing
for you this pass.

56:_2:_6 P Roger. Houston, you're coming in loud and clear.

56:42:51 CC Roger.

56:_2:5_ P ...

56:_2:57 CC Finally.

56:_6:32 CC Gemini IX, this is Houston. We have 1 minute to

LOS. Have a good night's sleep. Real good show,

56:_6:_2 C What was the last transmission ...

A6:&6:_6 CC Roger. We have 1 minute to LOS. Have a good

night's sleep. And a real good show, Gene.

56:_6:56 P ...


57:05:32 CC Gemini IX, CSQ CAP COM.

57:05:34 P CSQ, Gemini IX. Go.

57:05:36 CC Roger. I have a new TR time for you.

57:05:39 P Go.

57:05:40 CC Roger. Transmitting TR .

57:05:53 CC You're in sync, Gemini IX.

57:06:10 P Gemini IX is copying down and I'm ready to Copy

your PLA.

57:O6:14 CC Roger. I have a load to transmit.

57:06:18 CC Roger, Gemini IX. I have a load to transmit.

And you are in sync.

57:06:27 CC ...

57:06:30 CC MARK.

57:06:35 P Gemini IX has received the load.

57:06:44 CC Roger. We verify on the ground that your load is

good. Stand by for a pass message. Area 44 -
46-1: GET RC, 71:56:47; RET 40OK, 19 plus 49.

57:07:20 P Go, CSQ.

57:07:21 CC Area &6-1: GET RC, 71:46:47; RET 40OK, 19 plus

49. RET RV, 26 plus 39; bank left 50, bank right
60. Do you copy?

57:08:00 P Roger. _6-1: GET RC, 71:_6:_7; 4OOK at 19 plus

49; first bank at 26 plus 09, left bank 50, bank
right 60.

57:08:13 CC Roger. ATMIV quantities: Core 03, 63906; Core O&,

34967; Core 65, 01766; Core 66, 3d743; Core 07,
65417; Core 08, _0833; Core 09, 15294; Core 10,


02756; Core 11, 28500. Did you copy?

57:09:23 P This is Gemini IX. Roger. Got them all and I'll
check them if there's any anomaly. I'11 check

57:O9:31 CC Roger. Understand. I have your PLA update for


57:09:37 CC Would like you to stay in PRETAUNCH until we tell

you to switch.

57:O9:_6 CC Are you ready for the PLA?

57:O9:_8 P Go.

57:O9:51 CC Area 38-3: 59:5_:_6; RET kOOK, 19 plus 20; 25 plus

27. Area 39-D: 60:49:&3; 20 plus 53; 23 plus 56.
Area &O-2: 62:25:36; 20 plus &2; 25 plus 31.
Area 41-2: 63:59:27; 20 plus 27: 25 plus 17. Area
_2-2: 65:35:27; 20 plus 15; 25 plus 09. Area _3-2:
67:11:O8; 20 plus O&; 25 plus 26. Area _4-1: 68:
37:08; ;_ plus 10; 25 plus 22. Area _5-1: 70:11:
51; 20 plus 03; 25 plus 32. Bank angles for all
areas: Roll left 85, roll right 95. Weather in
all areas, good. Sep Maneuvers, none. Did you


57:23:17 C Hawaii, Gemini IX.

57:23:19 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii.

57:23:21 C Roger. We're sitting here going over things from

Flight. What 's our latest ...

57:23:27 CC Stand by and I'll get the latest.

57:23:30 P Gemini IX. Also, we didn't receive anything after

43-2 from CSQ.

57:23:35 CC Roger. I have the rest of that for you.

57:23:50 CC G_m_ni IX, Hawaii.


57:23:52 P Go.

57:23:5_ CC Okay. Your apogee, 157.5; perigee, 245.6.

57:24:09 P Roger.

57:24:10 CC Okay. Did you get all of _3-27

57:23:24 P Roger. Got all of 4.3-2.

57:24:17 CC Roger. Stand by for - I have two more items.

4_-1: 68:37:08; 20 plus 10; 25 plus 22; and all
the hank angles are roll left 85, roll right 95.
The weather is good in all areas and there's no
Sep Maneuver. _5-1: 70:11:51; 20 plus 03; 25
plus 32. And that's all.

57:25:12 P Was that _5-17

57:25:15 CC Roger. That was _5-1.

57:25:20 P Okay. We've got them all. We've got the bank
angles and the weather. Thank you.

57:25:24 CC Roger.

57:25:33 P How long would you like us to leave the computer


57:25:37 CC Stand by.

57:26:02 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii. You can go ahead and complete

the powering down.

67:26:05 C Roger.

57:28:31 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii. We have i m_uute to LOS.

Standing by.

57:28:35 P Roger. Thank you very much, Hawaii. See you in

the morning, I guess.

57:28:38 CC Roger. We'll be looking for you.


57:55:51 CC Gemini IX, R/fYCAP COt_.

57:55:53 C REV, Gemini IX. Go.

57:55:55 CC Roger. We'd like to get this fuel cell purge

started and we'd like you to start with Section

57:56:19 CC IX, REV. We'd like to get an on-board reading of

the Hydrogen Peroxide Pressure and Temperature.

57:56:28 C Roger. Stand by.

57:56:35 C Hydrogen Peroxide Pressure is 48; Temperature,

6& degrees.

57:56:_2 CC Roger. Copy 48 and 64 degrees.

57:56:54 CC Okay. We'd like to have you turn your Tape Re-
corder Power circuit breaker to the OP_ position.

57:57:02 C OPEN.

57:57:20 CC And we'd like to get a feel fram you, G-mtni IX,
on that 132 counts of water. Did you drink any of
it? Do you have much feel for how much you drank
of it?

57:57:31 C Roger. We drank - out of 132, we drank a good 70

of it.

57:57:36 CC Roger. Copy 70.

57:58:O1 CC IX, RKV. I'd like to know if that was equal

amount between the both of you or - -

57:58:08 C Roger. It's about equal between us.

57:58:10 CC - - Roger. Thank you.

57:58:13 CC Okay. As soon as we get these fuel cells purged

and get a Cryo Quantity readout, we'll put you to
bed and let you sleep the rest of the night.

57:58:22 C All right. Sounds good.

57:58:24 C We're still dictating on tape about today's

activity and also the Rendezvous.

57:58:28 CC Roger.

58:O1:OO CC IX, RKV.

58:O1:O3 C 0o ahead.

58:O1:O4 CC Okay. We notice you're still on A pump in your

primary loop and the control valve temps are com-
ing on down just like you did last night. It might
get a bit cold in there in awhile.

58:01:20 P Right. We're going to B now.

58:O1:23 CC Roger. We 've got you.

58:01:24 P And we're on ECS 02 at this time.

58:01:29 CC Okay. If you'll switch to FUEL CkUL 02.

58:O1:32 P Go.

58:O1:38 P Now we've got the ECS 02 Heater OFF. Fuel Cell H2
and 02 Heaters ON.

58:01:42 CC Roger.

58:01:52 CC Okay, IX. You can move your switch back to the
OFF position.

58:01:58 P Roger. It's OFF.

58:O1:59 CC Roger. We're all finished with you and you can
have a good night's sleep. We'll be watching
you here down on the ground.

58:02:06 C That's ...

58:O2:18 CC We'll see you back at the ranch, IX. We won't see
you again tomorrow.

58:02:23 C Roger.

58:02:26 P Thanks for all the help.

58:02:28 CC Roger. It's been a pleasure.

58:O2:31 C How have the seas been down there these times?

58:02:3& CC It's been nice and calm, a nice sunny day.

58:02:&0 CC IX, Houston BLACK FLIGHT says they'll see you back
at Houston.

58:23:10 P This is the EVA debriefing for this afternoon. We

had about four hours for the EVA preparation, of
which we took less than three. We thought things
went very well during the EVA preparation; of
course, as usual we had the snake in the cabin, but
we sat here for approximately &5 minutes. We were
ready to go except for pilot pressurization, check
out emergency ELSS supply, &5 mia:utesbefore sunrise
and then 25 minutes before sunrise we went ahead and
did this. We egressed about 10 minutes before sun-
rise, got the hatch fully open. The pilot was act-
ually standing in his seat in darkness - still we
got no sun coming over the horizon at all.

58:24:10 C This was approximately a GET of _9:16, &9 hours and

16 minutes.

58:24:24 P And the first thing we did - and the first thing I
did - I looked around, reached back and saw the
EV bar extended on the adapter section. I just
reached over and extended the bar on the retro sec-
tion. I'm sure glad it did because it came in handy

58:24:53 C Experienced some difficulty on that.

58:2A:5_ P The EV camera bracket was very difficult to put in

the holder. As a matter of fact, I had to get two
hands on it at one time. Very, very difficult in
zero g. Then I put on the cutters - I wrapped them
around the - the IN hole that was out there. That
was again a little more difficult job than predicted,
because everything had to be one-handed, and some
time - because you have to hold on with the other
hand - because if you don't find some way to hold
on you are going to drift right out and do a somer-

sault right over on top of what you're doing. As
a matter of fact, I did it a number of times and
I'm pretty sure that that's what broke the D-lA
antenna. I actually sat on it - laid on it with
my back but - got the cutters out there and got
those wrapped around - took the EV Hasselblad and
put it in on the chest pack, snapped it on. Ail
this went fairly smoothly, pretty much the way we
had planned it. We had the cameras positioned well
on top of the - Tom had it - or we got the umbilical
out at that time, and Tom, you had some coments on
that I guess you might want to read.

58:26:09 C Roger. On the umbilical, we had a number of dif-

ficulties. Also, when you were standing on the
seat, you had some difficulty in maintaining posi-
tion. I had to help hold your feet down.

58:26:27 C When you're working near the Spacecraft, if you did

not have something directly to grab, your feet would
float up.

58:26:&1 P Apparent through the whole EVA period was the fact
that whenever you float, you float up and if you
hold on to something, whether it be the docking
bar, handrail, or what it is, you do not have -
unless you've got two hands firmly implanted or a
foot or a hand or something - you do not have enough
strength in your wrist to overcome the inertia of
your body floating up. You Just can't keep your
arms that rigid. And you can't get two hands on
it, generally, if it's the same thing like the
docking bar or one article because - it's not that
you can't reach - close your hands in front of you
- but when you're trying to hold on to something,
you need to do more than close your hand, you need
to grab it and strengthen - or straighten out your
wrist. The combination of the ELSS, plus the dif-
ficulty in reaching, makes this impossible. I
think the main problem starts in the cockpit. The
fact that you start floating up all the time.
Whenever you're outside, it's always up, you never
float down. Even with a slight perturbation you
float for a little bit, and then you - you're on
your way up again, especially true Tom, on the
adapter work. The next thing was that he put the
docking mirror, he handed me the docking mirror,

and I put it on the docking bar. Of course, the
first thing is to get to the docking bar and I
tried to give myself a shove with my feet from the
hatch and also hold on to the RCS thrusters° Once
you get your hand in an RCS thruster, you can pull
yourself forward - it's pretty easy to hit the
docking bar but until - until you get yourself
alined fairly well with a thruster in a docking
bar position, you're just going to float up and
force yourself down. I got the m_rror on and Tom
seemed to like that real well.

58:28:39 C Right. The mirror is a wonderful device for keep-

ing track of the person who's outside anytime he's
not in your field of view. I could see Gene right
when he was going back to the adapter, when he was
outside my field of view behind me here - out of
the field of view of my window.

58:29:00 P And than I - I pushed off, attempting to get in

position first to push off from the Spacecraft.
I found that holding the umbilical very short, so
you could position your feet somewhere on the
Spacecraft, and get yourself a fairly good thrust
action through the center of gravity. The only
problem is your feet do not stay on the Spacecraft
- you can't keep them on the Spacecraft. So I
pushed off a number of times and a couple of times
got out to the full extent of the umbilical and,
here again, you can talk about what is the best
way to pull in on an umbilical - Jerk in or - a
slow pull. From my short experience today, I
feel that a slow pull is much, much better. But
- you can't - even a slow pull is very difficult
to direct to the center of gravity. So what hap-
pens, even a slow pnll will give your body ro-
tation. It's not the rotation that's so bad, but
it's the fact you you also pull yourself in towards
the Spacecraft, and the chance of your hitting the
Spacecraft with your back or your helmet or on the
side is very very good. Also, when I pulled in
again, I always floated to the top, never to the
bottom. Of course, this has something to do, I
feel, with the umbilical direction, but I think it
had more of a - more to do with the same general
tendency that we had here in the Spacecraft to
float up. Not truly being zero g. Tom, you watched

some of this, didn't you?

58:30:32 C Right. Everytime you'd get out there and start to

maneuver, you always tended to go straight up -
float up.

58:30:38 P Again, I think this was not so much because of the

manner in which the umbilical was routed, but be-
cause of the general tendency to go up. I can't
stress too much how difficult it is to hold on to
a single bar such as the docking bar and keep your
body rigid there partially in the attitude you so
desire, because it keeps you - all at once the
Spacecraft floats back up under you, and it takes
an awful strong wrist if one hand is to hold that
- to hold your whole body down and rigid, and two
hands to use ELSS, which is in front of you - it's
an almost impossible task. I had the Velcro pads
on my hands, and I got hack to the right-hand side
of the Spacecraft. I started to use them and got
my left hand in. I started to put my right hand in
and I got it in there. But when I pulled my left
hand out, I pulled the Velcro pad right off my
hand. I didn't clench my fist apparently tight
enough to hold the Velcro pad to stay there and I
- my hand came right out. But another thing that's
very obvious, even with Velcro pads, if you try
to walk around the surface of the Spacecraft, it
would take a great deal of strength and wrist act-
tion to keep your body stiff. I don't think you
would be able to develop this type of torque with
the Velcro pads, because again your feet will tend
to go right on over the top of you because you tend
to float up. If you, for instance, got on the star-
board side of the Spacecraft and kept your hands
in thoseVelcro pads, you'd probably do a complete
somersault and stand on your head and might be
laying on your back across the adapter - just be-
cause of that tendency again to float up. I guess
after that I came back to the hatch. It was fairly
easy to work your way up to the hatch, step by step,
pulling slowly on the umbilical - Just give a slow
jerk and then reach out and try to grab another
piece of the umbilical and make a sort of vectorial
correction to your direction of motion. A very
slow pull on a short umbilical and you can - you
can tend to control your attitude somewhat better

and, of course, make corrections to your trans-
lations. I got back in the hatch and handed Tom
the EV camera and he changed the lens and the film
pack. I guess, Tom, without difficulty, because
you sure handed it back in a hurry.

58:33:09 C Right. There was no difficulty at all, strapped

in here.

58:33:15 P Then I put it back in and the camera again was

very difficult to get back in the slot. But I
did get it in and locked. Then I stepped out of
the hatch. I had to get the umbilical clear, so
I first held on to the short end of the umbilical
- maybe about a foot from where it was attached
to the hatch - and then attempted to close the
hatch that way. It took quite a bit of effort and
time to close the hatch because it was very stiff
in the semi-open and fully-open modes. It was
very loose in the last one - 8-10 inches of travel
Just before locking. But it took quite a bit of
work. I got it partially closed and then, as I had
planned earlier, I was going to work my way back
to where I could hold on to the handrail on the
retro adapter and close the hatch that way. I
finally got it fully closed. Tom pulled a little
bit from inside and I'm sure at the end much more.
We finally got it shoved all the way closed and I
was able to sort of control by body movements -
one hand being on the hatch, rigid as well as push-
ing on it, and the other hand being on the arm rail.
Then we got the hatch closed, and I began to work
my way back to the back of the adapter. While I
was still in the retro area, Tom cut off the thru-
sters and I told him to blow the EVA bars and he
did; he said he did, and i_ediately I knew that
we had problems there because I did not see the
umbilical guide come around the adapter. So I
continued to work my way back there and, had I
been able to hold myself rigid enough back there,
I would have taken a picture, but the only thing
to hold on to was the adapter handrail and that
meant holding on out to my left and looking around
a fairly Jagged, but a very clean, adapter separ-
ation plane. So I didn't get a picture. I could
see that the foot rail was deployed, the handrail
on the far side was deployed - which would be the

bottom of the Spacecraft. The handrail and the
umbilical guide on my side, or on the top of the
Spacecraft, were not deployed and the bathtub was
hung up. I worked myself back around to where I
could - I was about a third of the way into the
adapter - and I just took a slight jolt or tug.
I pulled on the handrail, and it broke the bathtub
loose. It went sailing back - I gave a fair Delta-
P, I guess - and the umbilical guard extended very
slowly, as expected. It didn't give my any problems
at all. Had I anticipated any when I looked back
there, I wouldn't have gone in to do it, but I
could see fairly well what the problem was and I
knew the handrails extended very slowly. Had it
been the foot rail, I would have given it a second
thought. But then I threaded the umbilical through
the guide - pulled it - and looked over the top of
the Spacecraft to see that it was taut. It looked
very taut to me and out of the way of all thrusters.
However, when I began to put it in the umbilical
guard on the handrail, I was about a foot from
the mark that we had placed on this umbilical, so
I began to wonder. I did work my way back to take
another look at it on the adapter, pulled it tight,
and it looked good to me, so I worked my way back
into the adapter again. Now, here again it's very
difficult to do things one-handed because of the
strong wrist required. There's always a tendency
to float up. If you hold on with one hand, your
feet are going to come right on over the top of
you. The stirrups are undoubtly the greatest
thing that's happened, but even they, I think,
should be configured somewhat, because it's pretty
much of a very difficult task to don the AMU or
probably any other vehicle in the adapter area.

58:37:25 P I feel that without stirrups at all, just relying

on something like Velcro or to hold one foot under
the handrail - or one hand under the foot rail and
one foot on top - would have been impossible be-
cause in donning the AMU, you have to have both
hands free almost all the time. This requires you
to be able to stay in the foot rail. It's a little
bit different in i g. In i g you could put your
feet in those rails, lean over and down to the
fringe where the tether was, make all your tether
hookings, tie into the extension without any prob-

lems at all. Here today, every time I would bend
down there, I would float out. Then if I stiffened
my ankles real tight and bent down there, it was
an extremely difficult work load. I got the tether
rig tied to my jumper with ease. Started out on a
small tether hook, which I could do in 1 g with
no problem at all, pressurized. But I had a great
deal of difficulty with it today. I tried the large
hook. I had a great deal of difficulty with it
also, mainly because I needed two hands and I
couldn't rely on two hands all the t_me. I couldn't
rely on my feet to keep me in the sti_ps and I
couldn't rely on two hands to utilize in mating
these hooks. I had to use one hand sometime to hold
on with and force myself down in the stirrups. I
finally got the large tether hook mated and I spent
so much time on the other one that I decided that I
was good for 125 feet of tether and I'd only go out
so far on the first 25 feet. So I was tethered
good, anyway, from the umbilical - from myself
through the umbilical to the 125 feet. Tom, I
think you turned these lights on about this time.

58:39:14 C Right.

58:39:15 P No, a little bit before that you turned them on

because to get at the tether portside I had to
take out the pen light.

58:39:24 C Right. Did you float out of the stirrups at any

time? Did you float out of the stirrups one time
or a couple times?

58:39:30 P I floated out of the stirrups continually - and

that was one of my - that's why it took so much
time. I'd say wait until I get in position again
because it was a two-footed and a one-handed task
to stay in the stirrups. Again it was Just a prob-
lem of floating up. But again the adapter didn't
have anything hanging from it at all, Just a pure,
clean separation, Tom. Nothing back there at all.
It was sharp in placed because I could see that
fairly well. Let's see. We went though the
checkoff list normally. Oh, the lights. We had
the light - as I was facing the AMU - the light
on the right worked, the one on the left did not.
I had one good pen light so I put it on the left.

I figured this would give me ample light, because
I need most of the light on the left-hand side
anyway to make my connection. We went through
the normal donning of the AMU much more slowly -
because of holding myself in position and - than
we'd otherwise have to do. We can bend over to
make and break these connections from the AMU.
1 g pressurized is about 50% easier than 0 g.
But I got all the AMU connections loose and fasten-
ed to the arm rails, went ahead and got the arm
rails down. Here agan, retro were pyro-tested
within 1 g pressurized; even in the zero g airplane
pressurized, it is for some reason easier than this
was. This was a very, very tough, two-handed oper-
ation. The point being, if I could get two hands
on it the way I wanted to, it would be all right,
but to get my body up where I could get two hands
on it and reach around the bulky ELSS, my feet
would come right out of the stirrups. I couldn't
keep them in there at all, and this was a problem,
Tom. Finally, got them both down. By that time
I was probably a little bit bushed, but got them
both down and got the hat wings installed. I even
put the - the thermal - these little thermal tabs
we had on there, and later on I noticed there was
only one on there. I noticed also, when we got in
with the ELSS, but I definitely did put both of
them on there. I guess one had floated away. May-
be I just picked it up again when I leaned over to
do something. We went through the procedures of
checking out the nitrogen pressure and the oxygen
and so forth and I swore here again I have never
seen an oxygen valve that was as tight as this.

58:_2:32 C I heard - I heard you say that.

58:_2:33 P Never at anytime.

58:_2:3_ C I think actually it was probably frozen.

58:&2:36 P I felt for sure that the oxygen valve was frozen.
I finally got to it and I finally was able - or I
got to it all right - and I had no problem because
it was one-handed. I held on with the other hand
and had both feet in the stirrups in this case,
because I was able to keep them there with my right
hand. Opening that thing with the left hand was the I

highest - was one of the highest valve forces
I've ever felt on an AMU. I got it open, checked
the pressures, and the nigrogen pressure looked
like it was about 3000 and - I knew it was up there
- I couldn't see exactly because of the size of the
gage. The nitrogen pressure - or oxygen pressure
I could read upwards about 7000. So it looked
good to me. We turned on the power switch and I
got the light and I turned around and backed in.
Now backing in, I must say - and I figured it
would be, was an easier job in zero g than it was
in 1 g because I was able to - I was much lighter
and was able to sort of give myself a little
twist and twist myself right around. I came in
low and out of the way of the thruster extensions
on the AMU and got back in the AMU and sat down.
Prior to doing this, the sun was going down while
I still had my back to the west. The sun was go-
lng down and I was going through - it took me a
long time to work on these arms and get the AMU
prepared to turn around and doff. The sun was
just almost unbearably hot on my back from about
the thigh on up to the small of my back. It Just
felt like I was sitting on a hot stove. I just
had to - I - I was fine up until that point on
medium flow - I had to go to high flow on the
ELSS and I just had to wait there because even
my hands, holding on to these handrails, I could
feel in my fLngerttps how hot my hands were. It
was just phenomenal - I couldn't believe things
would be that hot. I just had to wait until things
cooled off. Then about the time the sun went down,
my visor started fogging and it started fogging
slowly and I continued on, turned around, got in
the AMU and then things started fogging up quite
a bit. I got the tether positioned - out of the
bag - positioned out of the way on the handrail
where I wanted it, which looked pretty good, al-
though floating at O g there's more umbilical and
thether lines floating around than you'll ever
believe. But you could keep track of them and
keep them untangled. We then broke the electrical
connection that went on the AMU - the AMU electrical
connection - and I verified VOX that we had a COM
check. Tom, you want to comment on that?

58:_5:27 C The COM check. When Gene would transmit the first

part of his word - say the first word, or the first
part of his first word would come in very clear,
followed by a series of warbles all the rest of
the way through. Sometimes it was running like
the two words through a series of warbles. In
these warbles he was practically unreadable. To
me it presented a very marginal case as far as
co,m_anications. If everything else had gone all
right, I would have said GO when the AMU - with
this type of communications.

58:_5:58 P I felt the communications were marginal too. The

VOX was much more sensitive than I've ever - ever
heard it for some reason. I pushed - I think I
solved the proble_ - I pushed the mike as far
away with my lips and tongue as I could get them
from my mouth, and that seemed to solve the VOX
problem. However, when Tom would talk, he'd be
fairly clear but I could tell that I obviously
lost, I don't know, at least 10 or 15 to 20 per-
cent of his conversation. There was also a lot of
background noise, and I brought up the left-hand
rail and I tried to p_,llthe talk mode. I had
the same results, so I knew it wasn't just VOX.
It was Just the general coJumc__ications.They were
acceptable, but not nearly as good as I had hoped
they would be or as good as they checked out on
the ground. About this time, my visor was really
fogging up and I looked at my pressure gage. It
was fogging up as a matter of fact, right now
it's - I don't know how many hours later - 8 hours
later - and there's - it's still solid water.

58:_7:O2 C Nearly 10 hours later. And you still can't read

it, can you?

58:_7:O5 P Slowly, cross - slowly - no I can't read it -

slowly around the edges, it's good for 30 mtnutes,
but it's Just solid with water. That's the way
my visor was. It just got - it got Just completely
fogged up and I could Just about see that there
was light glowing out there, and that's about it.
That's why I tried to use the mirror to see things,
and couldn't see through them at all because I
couldn't see. I could feel, though, that my right
controller - my attitude controller was not. I
don't know why because this had happened the last

58:50:08 P I actually - when we decided to come out of the
adapter and give up on the AMU, I made sure all
my connections were undone and I jettisoned the
tether to make sure that got out of the way.
Came back without much difficulty. I came back,
actually, with the sun visor up. I did not have
it down - it was daylight - I did not have it
down. I worked my way around the adapter over
the handrail.

58:50:&1 C Please keep your feet up.

58:50:&5 P Well, I could just begin to see now, through

around a spot around my nose. The trouble is
that spot stayed there --

58:50:51 C That's right, you had a spot around your nose

where you could see.

58:50:52 P - - Around the center of the plate. The whole

side here was fogged up and the whole side over
here was fogged up. And I came around on the
handrails and worked my way into the seat area
and stood there for awhile because, admittedly,
I was probably pretty tired by this time, and
wanted to see what that visor would do. I put
my sun visor down at this time because there
didn't seem to be much appreciable change in the
visor. It was daylight, so I thought it advisable
to go ahead and put it down. I waited there for
awhile and it slowly started to clear, but it
would have been an hour in the sun before the
water cleared out of it and, as I say, even here
my pressure gage is still - still full of water.
I couldn't read my pressure gage out there, even
when I could see through my visor. We covered
the EV camera and I handed the Hasselblad to Tom.
I stayed out there for awhile and contemplated
whether we should wait for darkness for S-1 or
not. We decided we'd go ahead and try to get
in. We gathered up the umbilical and worked my
way in.

58:52:07 C The Egress Maneuver proved every bit as difficult

as what we anticipated, with respect to complexity
of gear to be handled. We'd gone though it many
times so we were prepared for it, but it was still

a long tedious process. The hatch was also hard
to open to the extent of the ... egress. Also
hard to close for the first part of the stroke.

58:52:31 P I think the hatch made it difficu]t for me to

egress because I'd get personally in and then I'd
try to pull the hatch and it was extremely stiff.
When it was open 20 or 30 degrees - extremely
stiff, and I had to get partially out to bring it
in, and then try to go through my egress again
and this was difficult. I knew I wasn't all the
way down in with my knees when I leaned back, but
we had the hatch coming, so I just pushed down
with all I had from my arms and, believe it or
not, Tom was able to - the last - 6 or 8 or lO
inches in fast travel was very easy. Tom was
able to get a good inertia on it and we locked
it the first time. The trouble is - one thing
I was trying to get clear from the hatch area,
Tom, was the oxygen lines and my tiedown cord,
and there was a line from the umbilical guard
that was floating around, and I didn't want to
get anything caught in the hatch seal. There
were a number of things that were floating out _n
that area. I think just - I know there's _ny
more things I'm going to remember - but some
things that are probably worth mentioning. I
feel that all our egress work in the zero-g air-
plane is well and good, but it ought to be done
after we're good and tired. The umbilical: I've
got a note here on umbilical or egress, and I
don't remember e_ctly what it was but it will
come back to me I'm sure. The body inertia out
there, again is a big thing; that - your tendency
to float up - tendency not to be able to stabilize
yourself with one hand by holding on to anything.
Unless you've got extremely strong wrists, I think
this is almost impossible for the average person
to do and the ELSS prevents you from holding on to
the same point or the same bar with both hands.
If you can't get close enough to it, such as the
docking bar, which is away behind the nose, or
there's some obvious reason that you can't get
close enough to hold on to anything unless it's
right in front of the ELSS - you have to reach
for a little bit. I think the S-i, after my ex-
perience with working - standing - in the cockpit

and working in the cockpit - it's well and easy
to say just go ahead and lean on the hatch or lean
on the adapter and take a picture. If you just
even stand in the hatch or the hatch area or the
seat, Command Pilot Tom had to either hold my feet
down or had to lock them under something. You're
always floating in one direction or another, and
to take S-1 _ictures for 30-second exposure.
times I feel would have been impossible, and I
don't feel we lost a thing. I hope possibly we
gained something by taking the pictures from in-
side the Spacecraft.

58:55:23 C Also, every slight motion he made, even standing

up, would fire the thrusters. We were in Plat
mode. One example, when you went to the adapter
and I turned off the control power for approximately
30 seconds, at the end of this time we were yawed
over 1OO degrees and pitched down 30 degrees - -

58:55:50 P I couldn't tell - I was so busy wrapped up in

everything else - -

58'55:52 C - - Just for the torques you generated. I think

that for the rest of the Gemini program, the ideal
way is the way we did it. Use the Plat mode and
Automatic Rate Stabilize Reference mode, because
when Gene was working in the adapter, tugging on
those arms, the Plat mode was firing continuously
back there. The disturbing torques displaced on
the Spacecraft were very difficult to overcome
in Pulse mode. It would take a Direct mode in

58:56:22 P I feel that procedures in our planning were well

thought out. I think they would have sufficed,
but there were a number of unknown terms of oper-
ating back in the adapter section. Our experience
thus far in EVA is to Just let us work out in
front of the Spacecraft a little bit - a little
umbilical work but - we just - we just - never
have done - never have done any long-term tasks
such as working in the adapter. And you've got
to fix yourself, fix your position back there or
it's Just such a workload - and such a task that
it's almost unbelievable. I don't feel all was
lost; as a matter of fact, I feel a great deal was

gained. I feel that I was able to accomplish a
great deal of work back there and look situations
over and see what was happening, such as getting
rid of the bathtub and what-have-you and, as I
say, I think our procedures would have accomplished
what we sst out to do, but we obviously overlooked
a number of very _11 things, one of which is the
restriction that ELSS does give you when you want
to reach out in front of you and you have to have
two hands. I also - I will say that I don't feel
that a large hook for anything is adequate. I
think we ought to build one larger and make things
easy - and not make things adequate for EVA any-
more, but make them easy for EVA, which means
going to the extreme of our logical thinking for
normal 1 g flying. I know this is true, now.
Okay, Tom, you might mention something about
opening the left hatch with all the stuff you
have in your - -

58:58:02 C Right. With all the gear I had in my footwell,

umbilical bag, which was later out, the S-10, and
the other gear that I had stowed in the footwell,
I think it would have been nearly an impessible
task for me to open the hatch and do the egress
after that. I could have opened the hatch, but
I think there was a very low probability that I
ever would have been able to get my hatch closed.
8o _ - opening the Commmnd Pilot's hatch during
the Gemini program, I think is a last ditch resort
and should be considered very carefully before it
is ever attempted.

58:58:_7 P - - It is difficult for me to say whether we -

how the water in the _w.qSwent - it did get hot
toward the end - a little warm. I don't neces-
sarily attribute it to ELSS, I attribute it to
the - maybe to my workload, but I think it per-
formed very well. I was doing fine on medium
flow until I got that sun on my hack and that was
Just - that was Just unbelievably hot. Maybe I
was in the focal point of the gold curtain back
there; I don't know, but most of the heat was
focused on my hack and the hack of my legs, not
on the front, and it was unbearably hot. High
flow didn't put a dent in it, and I think this is
what started everything to fog up. The best way

obviously to do it is out-of-plane so you don't
have that sun on your back, but then I'm sure
there are going to be some stationkeeping prob-
lams with other vehicles, at which time I know
we'll have a lot to elaborate on later, probably.
But I don't know. If we ever work in the adapter
again, we're certainly going to have to consider
that sun going down.

58:59:51 C Right.

58:59:56 P I failed to mention that during egress we did lose

one roll of film. We don't know which one it was
- exposed - unexposed - but we did lose one.

66:38:48 CC Gemini IX, Carnarvon CAP COM.

66:39:04 CC Gemini IX, Carnarvon CAP COM.

66:39:09 C This is Gemini IX. How do you read me?

66:39:14 CC Gemini IX, Carnarvon CAP COM. We're standing

by for your fuel cell purge.

66:39:29 C Hello, Carnarvon. Gemini IX.

66:39:31 CC Gemini IX, Carnarvon. We're standing by for your

fuel cell purge.

66:39:46 C Hello, Carnarvon. Gemini IX.

66:39:49 CC Gemini IX, Carnarvon CAP COM.

66:39:53 C Roger, Carnarvon. Gemini IX. How do you read?

66:39:57 CC Loud and clear. How ms?

66:39:59 C Roger. We'll get your purge in just a minute.

66:40:O1 CC Roger.

66:&2:51 CC Gemini IX, Carnarvon.

66:42:54 C Go ahead, Carnarvon.

66:42:55 CC Could you give me an on-board readout of your

H202 pressure?

66:43:00 P Roger. It's about full-scale here, 500.

66:g3:O7 CC Roger. Copy.

66:43:08 P It's 60 degrees.

66:43:53 CC Gemini IX, Carnarvon CAP COM.

66:43:55 C Go ahead, Carnarvon.

66:43:56 CC Okay. When you complete your fuel purge, will

you begin to power-up an Alinement Check List?

66:44:02 C Roger.

66:44:07 CC Okay, Gem_ui IX. Carnarvon here.

66:44:10 CC Will you stand by to copy a Flight Plan update?

66:44:13 C Roger.

66:44:34 C Go ahead with your update, Carnarvon.

66:44:35 CC Rog_:-. Item i is a node: Time, 68:47:45;

Remarks, Rev 43, 130 degrees west; right
ascension, 18 huurs l.J;
minutes. Second
item, final Canary Islands: Time, 67:37:40;
Remarks, crew status report; then begin stowing

66:45:39 CC Gemini IX, Carnarvon CAP COM.

66:45:42 P Go ahead, Carnarvon. Fuel cell purge is complete.

Those the only two items?

66:45:_6 CC Roger. Will you put your Cryo Quantity Read

switch to ECS 02?

66:45:54 P Roger. ECS 02.

66:46:04 P Okay. FUEL CELL 02.

66:46:16 CC Gemini IX, Carnarvon. Will you switch to FUEL

CELL 02?

66:46:21 P FUEL CELL 02.

66:46:28 CC FUEL CELL H2.

66:46:32 P H2.

66:46:33 CC Roger.

67:25:13 CC Gemini IX, this is Houston.

67:25:15 C Good morning, Houston. Gemini IX.

67:25:19 CC Roger. How's everything going up there?

67:25:22 C Roger. Pretty good. We've got the Platform

Alined O, O, 0 degrees, and computer should
go in on a different update mode. Our stowage
is pretty well squared away.

67:25:34 CC Okay. We have a message for you on the computer

problem that we had the other day. You'11 have
to START COMP. When you get to switching into
REENTRY, the computer running light comes on.
An alterr_te procedure is to switch out of RE-
ENTRY to a spare position, which is one detent
clockwise of REENTRY, and then switch back to
REENTRY 1 second prior to retrofire.

67:26:13 C Okay. We've Just gone to RE_2_rRYon the computer

and the light does not came on.

67:26:17 CC Okay. Good.

67:26:35 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

67:26:37 C GO, Houston.

67:26:38 CC Roger. I've got some ball scores here if you're


67_2_:_2 C Okay. Let's here them, Buzz.

67:26:44 CC Roger. Which ones are you interested in? I've

got the whole "smear" here.

67:26:47 C Let's try the Astros and the Cubs.

67:26:53 CC Okay. Pittsburgh 10, the Astros 5.

67:27:O1 C You struck out. Try again.

67:27:05 CC Well, if I can read this message, it looks like

the Reds 5 - the Reds 8 and the Cubs 3.

67'27:12 C Yes, you ought to go back to sweeping the streets;

you struck out again.

67:27:16 CC Doesn't sound very good, right? Okay. We had a

tornado in Enid, Oklahoma. How's that one?

67:27:24 C In Enid?

67:27:25 CC Yes.

67:27:27 C How's the weather in Houston?

67:27:30 CC Looked pretty good when I came in.

67:27:33 C Pretty dark out, right?

67:27:39 CC Can you see anything of a tropical storm about,

oh, a little bit behind you right now. There is
supposed to be a storm building south of Cuba
called - it'll be called Alma, if it reaches that

57:27:56 C We're in darkness right now, Buzz. Can you give

us a latitude and longitude on it?

67:28:21 CC How about 85 degrees west and about 18 degrees


67:28:27 C 85 and 18. Okay.

67:28:22 P Looks like we pass just about over it next time


67:28:36 CC On the Cubs, Gene - had a double header. The

first one was Reds 8, and the Cubs 3, and the
second one, Cubs won 9 - 5.

67:28:46 P Yippee:

67:2_:5_ P Out of two teams, I haven't gotten many wins this


67:29:22 CC Say again?

67:29:27 P I said out of two teams, I don't have many wins

this week.

67:29:5_ P Is poor Ed going out pulling his hair out after


67:30:03 CC Gemini IX, Houston. I didn't read your last

transmission. Could you give us a Propellant
Quantity, please?

67:30:09 C Roger. We're reading zero on the gage, but we

still haven't had a drop on our fuel regulated
pressure, so we're not on the Volkswagen tank yet.

67:30:20 CC Okay. I understand. What's that pressure Show-

ing now?

67:30:24 C Say again?

67:30:25 CC What is the pressure showing now?

67:30:27 C Roger. 305.

67:30:29 CC Good enough. Ready to get a vector to go get

the ATDA?

67:30:36 C Say again. We've got a little bit of fuel left;

we might try to work in a fourth one.

67:30:44 CC Might as well.

67:30:57 C We had good solid lock on the radar yesterday.

170 miles on it.

67:31:03 CC Yes. That was real good.

67:31:14 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

67:31:16 C Go ahead.

67:31:18 CC What sort of reading are you getting now on

your Cabin Pressure?

67:31:22 C Roger. We're about _.8.

67:31:24 CC Roger. That's quite close to what we've got

67:31:28 C It has been holding about 4.9 to 4.8 all night


67:31:31 CC Okay. Very good.

67:32:00 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

67:32:02 P Go ahead, Houston.

67:32:03 CC Roger, Gene. Chris is wondering when he ought

to get the cigars out to light up, once you hit
the water.

67:32:12 P When he sees our smiling face on the carrier,

and I'11 buy.

67:32:16 CC You'll buy, is that right?

67:32:27 C Tell Chris that I might even break training

after splashdown and smoke one, too.

67:32:36 CC I'm not sure I read that right.

67:32:39 C You did.

67:32:41 CC Okay. We'll be seeing you, oh, perhaps later

on this afternoon.

67:32:45 P Roger.

67:33:41 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

67:33:43 C Go ahead, Houston. With you.

67:33:45 CC Roger. I'd like to remind you of a crew status

report over Canaries and put the temperature
probes in at, oh, about i mtnute. We've got 1
minute to LOS.

67:33:56 C Roger.


67:38:11 CC Gemini IX, Canary CAP COM. We have a valid oral

temp. We're standing by for your third water

67:38:19 C Roger. The water gun now reads 2925 and both crew
members have had two meals since yesterday evening.

67:38:33 C It looks like it's nice and sunny out in the

Canaries today.

67:38:36 CC Yes. It's a lovely day outside here.

67:38:39 C I'm going to snap a couple of pictures.

67:39:19 CC Gemini IX, Canaries. Could you give us a sleep

report also?

67:39:23 C Roger. Pilot had 5 hours sleep, Cowmm_ndPilot had

6 hetu_s.

67:39:31 CC Roger. Copy.

67:39:37 CC You're looking real good on the ground here,

Gemini IX. We'll be standing by.

67:39:41 C Roger. We're powered up to Platform . . . We're

going to take some pictures on this pass and then
finish the stowage.

67:39:46 CC Okay. Very good.

67:40:23 P Canaries, IX. Which isl_ud is the tracking site


67:_0:28 CC It's on the Grand Canary Isl_ud.

67:4,0:31 P Is that the big one in the middle?

67:_0:33 CC Right, that's the big one. Way down at the south

67:_O:39 P Got any trees down there?

67:/+0:43 CC Just a few right on the end.


68:13:3_ CC Gemini IX, Carnarvon.

68:13:42 P Go ahead, Carnarvon.

68:13:_3 CC Roger. We don't have anything for you. If you

need anything, give us a call.

68:13:&8 P Will do. Thank you, Bill.


68:55:16 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

68:55:20 C Houston, Gemini IX.

68:55:22 CC Good morning, Tom. We're standing by.

68:55:2_ C Roger. In our Pre-Retro Check during stowage, as

I was ahecking through the cockpit, I knocked off
one of the Electronic 1_mer circuit breakers for
about 1 second and got it back on. Checked; all
the clocks run the same as the electric clock does.

68:55:_6 CC Okay. We're not reading you too well. Wait till
we get a little more elevation here.

68:55:_8 C Okay.


68:56:28 CC IX, Houston. You say you find your Electronic

Timer circuit breaker knocked off for a little bit
and it's reset.

68:56:35 C Roger. I caught it when I knocked it off and got

it right back on. Probably a second or so off.
We'll have to recheck all the clocks for sync.

68:56:&5 CC We'll have to update that thing anyway.

68:56:_7 C Yes. Okay.

69:03:33 C Houston, Gemiui IX.

69:03:36 CC Go ahead, IX.

69:03:37 C Roger. We should be approaching that tropical

storm about now. We'11 pitch down and see if we
can take a look at it.

69:03:_2 CC Okay. That's the one in your landing area.

69:03:_9 C That's Just about in the landing area. Right?

69:O_:01 CC Roger. We have you approaching 250 on your VW

tank. When you get to that value you might arm it.

69 :O_:10 C Roger.

69:O7:13 C Houston, Gemini IX. We're arming the Volkswagen

tank at this time.

69:O7:17 CC Okay, Tom.

69:07:24 C And it works good.

69:07:27 CC Yes, we have it. Pressure coming up.

69:08:53 CC Houston is about 1 minute from LOS at Bermuda.

69:08:57 C Roger.


69:15:3_ CC Gemini IX, Canary CAP COM. You're looking good on

the ground. We're standing by.

69:15:38 C Roger. Canary. We're Just taking a few pictures


69:15:_2 CC Roger.


69:2_:O9 CC Gemini IX. Houston stand_mg by.


69:2_:13 C Roger, Houston. Loud and clear.

69:24:15 CC You're the same.

69:24:17 C Houston, Gemini IX. Would you relay the word to

Captain Hartley to have the big ship right on the
1_uding point?

69:24:24 CC You bet we will!

69:24:25 C Okay.

69:24:27 CC Tom, your IVI versus bank angle chart is satisfac-

tory for this orbit.

69:24:36 C Roger.

69:28:35 CC Gemini IX, Houston approaching LOS.


69:48:51 CC Gemini IX, Carnarvon

69:48:52 C Go ahead, Carnarvon

69:48:53 CC I've got some reentry information for you when

you're ready to copy.

69:48:57 C Roger. You're coming in very weak. Go ahead.

69:49:00 CC I say we have some reentry information for you when

you're ready to copy.

69:49:04 C Ready to copy.

69:49:07 CC Okay. This is the 46-1: your nominal IVI's are

aft 298 and down 112; bank angle additional deflec-
tion at 0 is 189; 55 is plus 45, and 90 is 75;
pitch gimbal at 40OK 90. You _n' t have a lighted
horizon at Retro, but you will at 40OK. Begin
blackout at 22 plus 08; end blackout at 20 plus 75;
RET of drogue, 28 plus 47; RET main, 30 plus 21.
Use your back-up curves for bank angle 146 degrees.

69:50:33 P Carnarvon. 46-1: understand IVI's are 298 and

112: downrange needle deflection zero degrees is
plus 189; the 55 degrees is _5; 90 degrees is 75.

69:50:53 CC That's minus 75.

69:50:5_ P Minus 75. Roger. And pitch gimbal is _OOK, 90


69:50:59 CC Roger.

69:51:03 P ... that was blackout at 22 plus 08; end blackout

at 27 plus 05; and drogue at 28:_7; main at 30 plus

69:51:19 CC That's affirm.

69:51:25 CC I've got some weather here for you.

69:51:28 C Okay. Go ahead.

69:51:31 CC Okay. The clouds are 2,000 scattered visibility

at 8 miles, your winds are 120 at 12, the waves are
2 to 3 feet, your altimeter setting is 30.12, and
the aircraft in the area are Air-Boss 1 and Air-
Boss 2.

69:51:58 C Roger. Got the weather. Altimeter is 30.12; Air-

Boss 1; Air-Boss 2 update.

69:52:03 CC That's affirm.

69:52:10 P ...

69:52:12 CC Roger.

69:52:15 CC Have you checked the main batteries yet?

69:52:19 P About an hour ago. I'11 give them another check.

69:52:22 CC Okay. I'd like to get the voltages from you.

69:52:25 P You want the reading?

69:52:26 CC That's affirm.

69:52:33 P Number 1 at 22.2.

69:52:37 CC Roger.

69:52:&6 CC Roger.

69:52:50 P Number 3 is 21.8.

69:52:52 CC Roger.

69:52:59 P _ is 23.

69:53 :O1 CC Roger. Got them all.

69:55:23 C Carnarvon, Gemini IX.

69:55:26 CC Go ahead, IX.

69:55:28 C What's the position Bill had on GET?

69:55:31 CC Roger. I'll give you a Mark at 69:56:00, in about

30 seconds.

69:55:57 CC Stand by. 3, 2, 1,

69:56:00 CC MARK.

69:56:01 CC 56 minutes.

69:56:03 C Okay.

69:56:24 C Give me a Mark at 56 minutes.

69:56:28 CC 3, 2, 1,

69:56:30 CC MARK.

69:56:33 C ...

69:56:_3 CC We're kO seconds LOS, Gemini IX.

69:56:_8 C Roger.


70:27:35 CC Gemini IX, Houston.

70:27:38 C Go ahead, Houston. Gemtui IX.


70:27:/+0 CC Okay. We've got your Retro pad when you are ready
to copy.

70:27:50 P Stand by one.

70:27:52 C This is Gemini IX. I'll go ahead and arm the RCS
rings at this time.

70:28:01 C Go ahead. I'll do the bookkeeping.

70:28:08 CC Have you armed it yet, Tom?

70:28:10 C Not yet, Neil.

70:28:11 CC Okay. Hold off till we get over - a couple minutes

here - till we get to Texas and will have T/M.

70:28:17 C Give me a m_rk when you want me to.

70:28:19 CC Okay.

70:28:23 C Go ahead with the pad, Neil.

70:28:25 CC Okay. This is _6-1: GET RC, 71:_6:_4; _OOK, 19

plus 52; RET RB, 25 plus _2; bank left 50, bank
right 50. I think you got the rest of the stuff
on that page.

70:28:4,7 C Yes, I've got it.

70:28:57 P Okay. /+6-1: GET RC is 71:_6:44; _OOK, 19 plus

left bank at 25 plus 4..2;left bank 50, right bank

70:29:10 CC Right, and I have your MDIU stuff when you're ready
to copy.

70:29:14 C Go ahead.

70:29:16 CC Okay. Address 03, 6_OO6; Address O&, 3/.775;

Address 65, 01881; Address 66, 34487; Address 07,
65556; Address 08, /+0832;Address 09, 15295;
Address 10, 07771; Address 11, 28500. Go ahead.

70:30:08 P Roger. 03, 6/+006;O_ is 3_775; 65 is 01881; 66 is

34487; 07 is 65556; 08 is /+0832;09 is 15295; 10
is 07771; 11, 28500.

70:30:38 CC That's correct.

70:30:_2 C Do we have a loaded computer at this time?

70:30:51 CC Negative. Your computer is not loaded yet.

70:30:53 C Okay.

70:30:55 CC Okay. That bank right was 60 degrees; bank left

50; bank right 60.

70:31:O1 C Bank right 60.

70:31:O6 CC Okay. We're ready to transmit the load now.

70:31:O9 CC You all set?

70:31:10 C We're all set.

70:31:14 CC Okay. Transmitting now.

70:31:_0 CC Did you get a light on that, Gene?

70:31:_3 P This time I received it.

70:31:_6 CC Okay. We're ready at Arm RCS when you're ready.

70:31:52 C Roger. Arm your RCS now.

70:31:59 CC And we're ready for you to turn the batteries on.

70:32:O_ C ...

70:32:07 C Okay. The ... should read 2500, ... 2450.

70:32:16 0¢ Roger. We agree with that.

70:32:18 P These batteries are ON. We have a light.

70:32:25 CC Okay. And we would like to have you check your

peroxide temperature and pressure, please.

70:32:3_ P Okay. Peroxide pressure seems to have dropped to

500 psi, and t_m_erature is about 65.

70:32:39 CC Roger. We copy. Would you put your Antenna Selec-

tor to B_TRY, please?


70:32 :_4 P Antenna, RWk_rrRY.

70:32 :k6 CC Okay.

70:32:57 CC Okay. Your load looks good, based on the com_uter

readout on the ground.

70:33:02 P Roger. Same thing here.

70:33:11 P Is our TR m4nus 256 out?

70:33:14 CC Say again.

70:34:_2 CC Okay, IX. We're ready to transmit TR.

70:3_:_6 C Okay. We,re ready for it. Standing by. Okay.

70:3_:55 CC It's okay on the ground.

70:3&:57 C Okay. They all check out good.

70:3_:59 CC Good.

70:35:07 C Okay, Houston. Gemini IX. Both RCS rings A and B

check out good. Ail control modes.

70:35:15 CC Roger, Tom.

70:36:23 C Houston, Gemini IX. Our Pre-Retro Check List is

complete at this time. Take a break at this time.

70:36:31 CC Roger.

70:36:37 C ... Captain Hartley guarantees big boat is on the


70:36:43 CC We couldn't copy that, Tom.

70:36:_6 C Roger. Does Captain Hartley g,,aranteethat the big

boat's going to be on the spot?

70:36:52 CC I think that you'll know where you're lauding bet-

ter than they know where they are.

70:36:57 C Roger.

70:36:59 CC Be careful.

70:37:23 0 Houston, Gemini IX. Do you want he to leave the
m_n power up or . . . most of the time?

70:37:32 CC Yes. Let's leave them up for the rest of the time.

70:37:37 C Okay.


70:39:51 CC Gemini IX, Houston. You want to give us a status

report on your reentry stowage and Pre-Retro Check

70:39:58 C Roger. We have completed all the reentry stowage

and we have completed all the Pre-Retro Check
List. Standing by now for TR minus 256.

70 :_O:08 CC Roger.


70 :Al:50 C Houston, Gemini IX.

70:_1:52 CC Go ahead.

70:_1:53 C Request GET time hack please, now.

70:_1:59 CC Okay. The GET time hack is - let's see - 70:42:10

on my Mark.

70:42:11 CC MARK. 70:42:10.

70:42:13 C Right on. Thank you.

70 :_3:59 C Houston, Gemini IX.

70 :_/+
:01 CC Go ahead.

70:&4:03 C Roger. You might have ECON check our water quan-
tity pressure ... We can't get a full charge to
the gun any more.

70:&A:12 CC Roger. We understand that you can't get a full

charge to the gun. We're about to get to LOS.
We'll probably talk to you at Canary.

70 :A4:20 C Roger.


70:49:49 CC Gemini IX, Canary CAP COM. We have you GO on the

ground and we're standing by.

70:_9:55 P Thank you, Canary.

70:49:57 C We Alined the Platform at this t_me. Heading

straight to the water and everything is smooth.

70:50:02 CC Very good.


70:56:56 CC Gemini IX, Houston standing by.

70:56:59 C Roger, Houston.


71:09:28 CC Gemini IX, Houston standing by.

71:09:31 C Roger, Houston. We're still Alining the Platform

and taking it easy.

71:O9:37 CC Roger.

71:16:35 CC Gemini IX, Houston. Approaching LOS, Tananarive.

71:16:51 P He has LOS.

71:21:O2 C We are at TR minus 256 now.

71:21:03 P No COMP Light. Is that right?

71:21:O5 C Yes.

71:21:08 C ... 256. Got all the primary circuit breakers
checked, by the way?

71:21:32 P Okay. I am going to the Recharger switch right

now. It's OPEN.

71:21:40 C OPEN.

71:22:O2 P TR minus 256 Second Check List. I'll Just read

this out to you, Tom. Okay?

71:22:05 C Sounds good.

71:22:13 P Got a crazy sky out there. Look at that!

71:22:24 C Looks like we're going to see it like that for a-


71:22:26 P Yes.

71:22:37 C Boy, that,s beautiful!

71:22:58 P Oh, that looks like something out of a Biblical

story; a couple of stars shining, an orange and
a blue sky.

71:23:04 C Hold_ug steady.

71:23:07 P A ragged horizon.


71:24:OO CC Gemini IX, Carnarvon.

71:24:03 P Go ahead, Carnarvon. Gemini IX.

71:24:06 CC Roger. We would like to give you a time hack to

be set up 20 minutes in your event timer.

71:2_:11 P Roger. We're current_v set up but we'd like a

time hack to check it.

71:24:16 CC Roger. I'll give you a hack at 22 minutes.

71:24:20 P Roger.

71:24:39 P How close are we, Tom?

71:24:_1 CC 5 seconds, 4, 3, 2, 1,

71:24:45 CC MARK.

71:24:50 P Roger. We're right on the event timer and also on

the computer. We're counting down real well.

71:24:56 CC Okay.

71:24:59 P Computer is in REENTRY at this time.

71:25 :O1 CC Roger.

71:25:06 CC We don't have anything else for you. We'll be

standing by. Have a good trip home!

71:25:10 P Okay. Thanks a lot for the help, Bill.

71:25:12 CC Roger.

71:25:13 C We'll see you back in Houston.

71:25:43 C Okay. We'll get these other punches right on the

i minute.

71:25:49 P Okay.

71:25:50 C Everything's running fine. Everything's i minute

down and i minute up.

71:26:11 P Okay. I've got the 256-Second Check List completed

down at the bottom, and my part at the top, with
the exception of where I am right now. I'll read
right through.

71:26:17 C Okay.

71:26:19 P And - you will be ...

71:26:/+3 C Have you got your D-Ring ON?

71:26:46 P No. It's J_mmed.

71:26:51 C Are you having any luck?

71:26:53 P Well, I just pulled the pin out about a quarter of

an inch so I can get it out, because it's so hard
to get out.

71:27:05 C Think I'll do the same thing after Retrofire.

71:27:19 C After you get your camera on the floor, then pull
your D-Ring out.

71:27:24 P Yes.

71:27:26 C Ail we need is one of them.

71:27:28 P Okay.

71:27:5_ C It's bank left 60, bank right 60.

71:27:56 P Yes.

71:28:57 C Nights are a little long since the star is leaving.

71:29:22 C Yes. The old bear has performed real good for us,

71:29:29 C Yes.

71:29:32 P That's our reentry and float.

71:30:46 C The float is about impossible to get out, isn't it?

71:30:_8 P Yes. Mine was real tough, even on the pad. Down
there Jim had to get there with both hands and tie
mine on.

71:31:O9 C Yes. I've got mine out about half way.

71:31:11 P Okay.

71:31:25 C ...

71:31:44 CC Carnarvon has 1 minute to LOS.


71:31:46 P Roger. Carnarvon.

71:32:50 C There's our friend Gomeisa, way up there.

71:33:51 P Looks like the Platform is pretty well Alined.

Okay. We 're about 10 minutes.

71:35:OO P Are you happy with the Alinement?

71:35:O3 C We'll stay at this rate if you want us to. We'll

stretch it as far as what's coming down now.

71:35:07 P Okay.

71:35:37 P No, we're not. We're about 10 minutes right now.

71:35:&4 C TR minus 256 Check List.

71:35:54 C Hello ...

71:35:55 P Hello, Carrier: Can you hear us now?

71:36:OO CC Roger. Thie is reentry of Gem&mi IX.You are at 10

minutes, 40 seconds to splash uown. Your Retro-
fire, 71:06:45.

71:36:16 P Okay. O4:16. I'll read these off to you, Tom.

71:36:31 C Those fuel cells are still holding good.

71:36:33 P Yes, of course. Indicate battery c_rrentm as

well as fuel cell currents conflict as far as m_in
current. That's why they are a little unbalanced,
but they are looking real well.

71:36:43 P Okay. - on Reentry ON, ON, ON.

71:37:_9 P Here she goes.

71:37:53 P Count down at about almost 9 minutes.

71:38:12 P Okay. Faceplates are down.

71:39:10 C See the stars out there - look, there's our friend
Gomeisa for you'

71:39:17 P Okay.

71:39:22 P Facep_te is closed and locked.

71:40:15 P Okay. Event timer is in sync. Computer's R_E.NTRY.

Squib batteries are ON. Maiu Batteries are all ON.
Prop gages are indicating RCS A. Record switch is
CONTINUOUS. Cryogenic is OFF.

71:40:31 P Calibration circuit breaker is coming OFF.

71:40:54 P Are the circuit breakers all verified up here, Tom?

71:40:58 C Yes.

71:40:59 P Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. They're all


71:41:30 C They are all ON?

71:41:38 P Okay. It's about five m_uutes.

71:_2:25 P 4:25. We ought to get these things lit up here in

a minute. There it is, 4:16. Okay, Tom, Attitude
Control, PULSE.

71:_2:31 C Yes.

71'1_2:33 P Platform, ORB RATE.

71:42:35 C What?

71:42:37 P What?

71:_2:41 P FDR, FLAT; F_, RATE.

71:_2:_4 P FDI Scale Range, HIGH.

71:42:46 C Yes.

71:42:47 P Attitude Control, RATE COMMAND.

71:42:49 P Verify three Rate Gyros at PRIMARY. OANS Attitude

Control circuit breaker, OFF.

71:_2:56 P OAMS Prop Motor valves, OFF.

71:_2:57 C I'm in ORB RATE.


71:42:59 P Okay. Your're in ORB RATE.

71:43:05 P Okay. You want them to go to RCS.

71:43:12 P RCS, ACME.

71:43:16 P Got Control?

71:43:17 C Sure do.

71:43:18 P Okay. OAMS Circuit Control Motor valve coming OFF.

71:43:23 P Okay. OAMS Prop Motor valve is coming OFF.

71:43:27 P Okay. You want to go to RATE COMMAND.

71:43:37 P Control Spacecraft to Retro-Attitude; and Retro-

Power, ARM.

71:43:44 C Control Mode.

71:43:47 P And we've got it ali timed and the 256 Check List
is complete. I've got the rest over here.

71:43:51 P You've got your Retro-Power, ON. And you've got

RCS and you want to go to RATE COMMAND and
we'll be all set.

71:44:07 P Okay. We're waiting for - -


71:44:08 CC Gemini IX, Houston. Standing by.

71:44:13 C Roger. Houston. We're - time is 2:30.

71:44:17 CC We're not reading you very well yet.

71:44:19 P Roger. The TR minus 256 Check List is complete.

l.:23 CC Roger. Understand.

71:44:32 C That's good to know.

71:44:33 P Coming up about 2 minutes, Tom.

71:44:35 P You're in Retro-Attitude and next thing you've got
to do is go to RATE COMMAND.

71:_4:43 P ...

71:44:_4 C Yes ...

71:44:47 P Okay. RATE COMMAND.

71:44:50 C Wow: Something - -

71:44:53 P Yes.

71:44:56 P Boy: I can see everything firing out there:

71:45:00 C Tell me when it's full up.

71:45:02 P Full up.

71:45:O6 C Boy: Am I scared:

71:45:10 P Okay. You've got about 1 minute coming up, Tom.

At one minute we'll push these.

71:45:25 P We're all set up over here to get rid of these

things, arentt we?

71:45:29 C We're on and it's full.

71:45:31 P Okay.

71:45:36 C Circuit breakers are coming- -

71:45:40 P Coming up on 1 minute to Retrofire.

71:45:42 C Roger.

71:45:43 CC 60 seconds.

71:45:44 P Is that it?

71:45:45 CC MARK.

71:_5:_6 P Ready?

71:45:47 CC 1 minute.

71:45:48 P There's OAMS; there's Electric; and here goes
Adapter. Wow! That went all right.


71:46 :O1 C Okay.

71:46:03 P TR minus 30. We want Retro Rocket Squibs, ARM.

71:46:08 C Okay.

71:46:14 CC 30 seconds.

71:46:15 C How are we doing on time, Sir?

71:46:17 C 30.

71:46:18 C Get the time to Retro.

71:46:19 P l, 2, 3, 4-

71:46:24 P Okay. And TR minus 10. Give me a Mark on 10. I:'m

on the Auto Retro.

71:46:27 C Get ready.

71:46:31 P Okay. I'm going to arm it, Tom.

71:46:33 C Okay.

71:46:34 P I'm ARM Retro. Ail set for MANUAL RETROFIRE.

71:46:35 CC 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

71:46:44 CC RETROFIRE:

71:46:47 C Good one, baby:

71:46:49 P Come on. Keep going, baby!

71:46:50 P 2, 3, -

71:47:01 P - 4, delay on that one.

71:47:09 P 4 good Retros.

71:47:11 CC Roger.

71:47:12 C Was it 3?

71:47:16 P Okay, Tom. Turn your Retrofire START COMP light

O_ -- --

71:47:19 C Okay. IVI's read 296 aft, 4 right, 125 down.

71:47:29 CC Roger Say again your 4.

71:47:31 C Roger. 296.

71:47:32 CC 296. Sounds like a good one.

71:47:35 P Ready. Go.

71:47:36 P Okay, Tom. Here goes the Retro Adapter.

71:47:46 P Okay. I guess w_'re coming home, baby.

71:47:A8 C I guess so.

71:47:53 P Okay. Set your clock for 3 three minutes. I'll

give you a 3-minute time hack.

71:47:57 P Okay. Retro jettison armed. Retro-Jett was pushed

and we got EETRO JETT.

71:A8:02 C Confirm that, too.

71:48:04 P Okay. Your on RCS Ring-A and in pulse. We're in

REENTRY. START COMP light did come ON.

71:48:11 C START COMP light, ON.

71:48:13 P And we're in a minute and a half.

71:48:16 P Okay. Confirm Retro-Jett. On time, Bill.

71:48:18 C Roger. Retro-Jett on time, Bill.

71:48:20 CC Roger. Tom.

71:48:22 C IVI's still read 296 up, 4 right, and 125 down.

71:48:26 CC Roger. Thank you.

71:48:32 C And we're rolling inverted at this time.

71:48:34 CC Roger, Copy.

71:48:35 P Stopping. 296 aft, 4 right.

71:48:41 P Is that right? 125 down. Now left to 981, 12.

71:49:15 C ... We get 3 ...

71:49:16 P Say again.

71:49:18 C 46, 44, - 49 - -

71:49:20 P Okay. Coming up on 3 minutes, Tom. I'll give you

a hack.

71:49:31 P Okay. Your Retro Power is SAFE.

71:49:32 C Go.

71:49:33 P Retro-Jett, SAFE.

71:49:34 C Go.

71:49:35 P Retro Rocket squibs, SAFE.

71:49:37 C Go.

71:49:38 P FDR-Computer.

71:49:42 P Stand by for the time hack, Tom. 2 seconds.


71:49:46 P UP.

71:49:51 P Okay. You got started, didn't you?

71:49:53 C Yes.

71:49:55 P Okay. FDI scale HIGH. Our RCS Control Power B,

OFF. Attitude Control, PULSE. Boost Insert Con-
trol i and 2 circuit breakers, OPEN.

71:50:06 P Retro Sequence Control I and 2, OPEN. And the

Scanner switch is OFF.

71:50:16 P Tighten and lock restraint harness. Check hatch

pawls, NEUTRAL. Check Thermo circuit breaker,

OPEN. Okay. Fuel Cell Control 1 and 2 coming
OPEN. ECS, all the heat is OFF.

71:50:49 P What do I put the Cabin Air Recirc valve at, 45?

71:50:51 C 45.

71:50:53 P Okay. 45.

71:50:59 C You are roll and burn. FDR-COMP and FDM-ATTITUDE.

Stations check as are. Report Check List complete.

71:51:10 P Houston, Gemini IX. Our Post-Retro Check List is


71:51:15 CC Roger.

71:51:20 P See, a minus 2. Minus 2, plus 13. Minus 2 and

plus 13.

71:51:55 P 65 degrees would be the back-up, Tom.


71:52:O1 CC Gemini, Hawaii.

71:52:O3 C Hawaii, Gemini IX.

71:52:O4 CC Roger. If you'll set 6 minutes in your elapsed

timer I'll give you a hack on time since Retrofire.

71:52:14 CC 30 seconds.

71:52:20 P Roger. We're counting now on the event timer but

go ahead and give us a hack at 6 minutes, Hawaii.

71:52:25 CC Roger. Will do.

71:52:32 P Yes. The back-up would be 65 degrees.

71:52:43 CC 3, 2, l,

71:52:45 CC MARK.

71:52:51 P Roger. We're on it.

71:52:5_ CC Gemini IX, Hawaii.

71:53:03 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii.

71:53:O7 C Hawaii, Gemini IX. We were inverted and we have

an inverted horizon.

71:53:12 CC Roger. Were you with me over the Mark?

71:53:14 C We're right on it.

71:53:16 CC Roger.

71:53:17 CC Do you have air AUTO RETRO?

71:53:18 C Sure did. Had the Automatic Retro 296 aft,

right, and 125 down.

71:53:29 CC Roger. Your attitude is normal.

71:53:31 C Right on the money.

71:53:32 P Okay, Tom. Back-up with this time. 65 degrees

and we will reverse bank 3 seconds earlier than
what they gave us.

71:53 :_2 CC Okay?

71:53 :_ C That's affirm.

71:53:_6 C Couldn't we get a lot of these switches off now?

You get the Maneuver Thrusters, 1,11 get all
these - -

71:53:50 P Okay. You get those on that side, and I'll take
a look at what we have over here.

71:S&:O1 C - - These Attitude Control and Fuel and Temperature

are all OFF. Cryo Quantity is OFF. Okay, Turn
the Heater - Left Heater is OFF. Right P_eateris
OFF. Fuel Cell is OFF.

71:5&:29 P Okay, Tom. You were at nominal. Aft was 296, you
had 298. And nominal up/down was 112 and you had

71:5_:_3 P Boy! There was a delay between the third and

fourth retro.

71:5_:_6 C Yes.

71:5_:&7 P Boy, oh boy!

71:5_:50 P Okay. You've got the P and the dOOK over there,
right ?

71:5h :55 C Check.

71:5_:58 P Okay. I'm all set till we get to 7OK.

71:55:02 C Okay. Lock. Retro aft. Understand ... to left.

Start blackout.

71:55:11 CC Gemini IX, Hawaii. We have 1 minute to LOS and

standing by.

71:55:14 C Roger, Hawaii. See you back in Houston.

71:55:17 CC Roger.

71:55:22 P That,s a real kick, isn't it?

71:55:2_ C Real long steady -

71:55:26 P Man: I tell you though, I waited a long time for

that fourth retro.

71:55:35 P Okay, Tom. Let's fly the Reentry the way we can.

71:55:38 C Power on ...

71:55:_9 C Okay ...

71:55:59 P What time is it? I've got all the Fuel Cell swit-
ches OFF and my circuit breaker panel's OFF - or
I can get it OFF. And we can get all these pumps
OFF. We don't have them any more, do we?

71:56:09 C Fuel Pumps coming OFF.

71:56 :ll P Okay.

71:56:14 P And what was tape t_me, Tom?

71:56:20 C 19 plus 52.

71:56:37 P 18 plus 52. Okay. I've got that written down.
It's back here, though.

71:56:41 C Get ready and I'll call them off before I hit it

71:56:_7 P Okay.

71:56:_8 C I've got the jettison right there.

71:57:06 C How about a little computer.

71:57:09 P You bet your life it came on normaLLy. I would

push START COMP - I don't want it to freeze so - -

71:57:19 P Yes. Let's see, we've got 2300 in Ring A, 2300

in Ring B.

71:57:23 C ...

71:57:26 P And we're using the remainder at this t_me. Scan-

ners are OFF; Gyros are ON; Radar is OFF. I guess
we can't push much else off, Tom.

71:57:40 C Ail set on you? Over there on the pulse?

71:57:46 P Yes. Ail set.

71:57:47 C Really going to feel good to feel these g's. I'm

not kidding you.

71:57:50 P How high do you think we'll get up there?

71:57:52 C ... what we had going out on lock.

71:57:55 P Oh, really?

71:57:56 C Packed itself way down.

71:58:34 P Picked up sunlight.

71:58:36 P Oh boy!

71:58:&1 C That's it now. There's no doubt about it.

71:58:43 P Man, that's - that's really - really somethingl

71:58:53 P You got that horizon? I don't see the horizon.

71:58:55 C Had it for a second.

71:58:58 P Okay.

71:59:35 P Well, we're still moving east, according to the


71:59:39 C Well, I've got the horizon out there now. Look.

71:59:48 P Boy: That's pretty out there, Tom.

71:59:51 C Far as seeing sights, you haven,t seen anything

yet. Wait till you see the big fireball.

72:OO:4J+ P What's all that stuff coming out there behind us?

72:OO:46 C Oh, just some pyro.

72:00:50 P Why did yo_lstart ret_.opack Just now?

72:00:53 C The retro pack will be behind us and above us and

look like it's up there.

72:01:14 P There's that horizon.

72:01:27 P If you want to, go to left to 50 degrees.

72:01:29 C Okay.

72:01:_5 P I've got to show a little bias in that last bit of

information I gave you.

72:01:48 CC Hello, Gemini IX. This your Houston Prime Contrac-

tor standing by.

72:01:49 P I said 65, b_t that s based on 55 being nominal.

So it would be bank left 60 degrees, Tom, in case
we lose the computer.

72:02:09 P And it would be reverse maiu type.

72:02:37 P Okay? If we lose comp at left bank 60, and reverse

bank on time, or would it be bank left 60 and bank
right - let's see - 50.

72:03:30 P We're over the US.

72:03:56 C Retro bank nominal is left 50 degrees.


72:03:57 P Retro bank nominal is left 50 degrees. Got that

written down there?

72:04:02 C Yes.

72:04:03 P If you don't, I'll look it up again.

72:04:l0 C The right ...

72:04:12 P Okay. If you,ve got it, I won't look it up. Left

50 degrees I'm sure but those numbers I gave you
were back-up angles - back-up "lost comp angles"
based upon our Retrofire. I feel certain we'll get
an update here pretty sudden anyway.

72:04:52 P Bank left 50, bank right 60. You have the other
numbers now? Okay.

72:O5:13 P There's the moon up there.


72:05:18 CC Okay, Gemini IX. We're ready with the Retro update
when you're ready to copy.

72:05:2_ P Go.

72:05:25 CC 400K is 19 plus 37. Skip down to blackout. That's

22 plus 01; end blackout, 27 plus 07; drogue, 28
plus 43; main, 30 plus 08. Your downrange needle
deflection, l0 plus 94.

72:05:50 P Roger. We've got our 4OOK, 19 plus 37; blackout,

22 plus O1; and blackout, 27 plus 07; drogue at
28 plus 43; main at 30 plus 08; downrange, lO plus

72:06:11 P Okay. 40OK is 19 plus 37, Tom.

72:06:25 CC There's a - that looks like it was based on your

I_I 's. We '11 be getting you any other data we
can from radar.

72:06:32 P Roger. Understand.

72:06:35 C Hey, and we have the deflection within one second
_OOK !

72:06:38 CC Very good.

72:06:/+2 C Going to roll left 50 degrees.

72:06 :_4 P Okay, Tom. Roll left 50.

72:07:05 C Real good beginning.

72:07:17 CC Gemini IX, Houston. Got your bank angle?

72:07:23 C Roger. We're rolling left 50 right now.

72:07:29 CC Okay. Your back-up bank angles are 28 degrees

left, and bank right 38. RET RB is 25 plus 27.

72:O7:_0 P Back-up bank left 28: bank right 38; RET RB 25

plus 27.

72:07 :_5 CC Roger.

72:07 :_6 C Check.

72:07:53 P That's back-up, Tom. 50 degrees. Go to 50'de-


72:07:57 C Okay.

72:07:58 P Okay. This is back-up angle of 50 degrees.

72:08:01 C What's our status?

72:08:03 P They haven't had any banks yet, have they?

72:08:05 C Yes.

72:08:32 C ...

72:08:35 P Yes.

72:08:37 P Okay. Even the computer is GO, Tom.

72:08:38 CC See you after blackout.

72:08:39 C Okay. Go ahead. Put it on, Gene.


72:08:_ P Roger. Blackout is 22 plus 01.

72:08:59 P No Guidance yet, right?

72:09:01 C No.

72:09:03 P What time's that thing supposed to ring in?

72:09:19 P There's Guidance, Tom. Turn deflection in about

20, 40, 80, 120, miles. 120 miles. Want you to
roll right for that position.

72:09:36 C Roll right? ... high?

72:09:39 C Say again.

72:09:40 C There's Guidance, Tom. Turn-rate needle deflection

is about 20, 40, 80 - about 120 miles.

72:09:41 P Okay. It's coming in real nice.

72:09:45 P All for roll right.

72:09:47 C You want to fly it?

72:09:49 P Fly it. It looks good. That's what they said

about 94 when we got 120.

72:09:53 C Okay.

72:09:54 P We just passed over Houston.

72:10:00 P Look at that!

72:10:05 P Okay. It's calling for bank right slightly. Push

START COMP and a full left.

72:10:20 P Keep going now. You've got a good braking line,


72:10:_8 P I got another minute and a half yet.

72:10: 53 P Tell you when.

72:10:58 P Beautiful out here, isn't it?

72:11:00 P Okay. Still full left and earth is coming slowly,



72:11:07 P Starting to come in slowly and we're com4ng in at

low range.

72:11:22 C ...

72:11:27 P Okay, She's com4ng in Tom, slowly. You're about

kO miles till earth. _0 miles to it. Still coming
in closer. You can go ahead and tnrn it if you
want to.

72:11:_2 C Okay.

72:11:&3 P Okay. It's beautiful ....

72:11:50 P Okay. Now we're going to start rolling downrange

Just about any time. Crossrange looks real good.

72:12:00 P Boy' What a fireball, Whew:

72:12:02 P Okay. C¢,_uding you roll right. What a fireball'

72:12:14 P Boy: We're really doing something, aren't we?

72:12:18 C 2 g's.

72:12:20 P Okay.

72:12:21 C 2 g's.

72:12:22 P Boy! It's Just about 5.

72:12:24 P Okay. Still holding on. The time is Just about


72:12:26 C That's good enough. Boy, look at that fire'

72:13:06 P Okay. GO on roll right, Tom.

72:13:11 P Beautiful,

72:13:12 C Keep rolling right.

72:13:22 P I wish I could catch up with those n,,mherslike he


72:13:26 C Keep ro]ltng right.

72:13:29 P Keep it rolling right. Beautiful!

72:13:47 C Beautiful!

72:13:50 C Roger.

72:13:51 P Okay.

72:14:05 C I think we're coming at it.

72:1&:07 CC Gemini IX, Houston. You're drogue and main times

are good.

72:14:16 C Roger. Can you read me?

72:14:27 CC Read you loud and clear.

72:14:32 C We are absolutely GO.

72:14:3_ CC Very good.

72:14:_8 C We're rolling to the left. 2-1/2 feet.

72:14:56 CC Roger. We're with you.

72:15:00 P You're right over the top of it. You're right over
the top of it; right over the carrier.

72:15:08 P Right over the top of it right now. You're barely

in sight.

72:]5:16 CC Gemini IX, West Lant. You're on.

72:15:17 C Roger. West Lant. We're ... coming down.

72:15:19 CC Gemini IX, give us your reading. Over.

72:15:21 C Roger. Stand by.

72:15:25 C ...

72:15:29 P Okay.

72:15:33 CC ... West TAut. We have you on radar in our vicin-

ity. Do have your position. Over.

72:15:44 CC Stand by for the drogue.

72: ]5:46 C Okay.

72:15:48 C Drogue.

72:15:50 P There it is !

72:15:53 C We've got the drogue out. Coming down.

72:15: 58 CC Where are you, Gemini IX? Are you braking now?
I can hear you but I can't read. Keep talking.

72:16:02 P Gemini IX. Roger. Estimating about 2 miles over

the target. 2 miles long.

72:16:10 CC Roger. Understand your estimating close to here.

72:16:14 P Roger. Estimating 2-1/2 miles long. 2-1/2 miles


72:16:18 CC 2-1/2 miles from Wasp. We concur.

72:16:24 C Liquid coming over the cockpit. Better get your

gear because ...

72:16:34 C At 20,000 feet ... How are we doing?

72:16:37 CC Roger, Gemini IX.

72:16:48 C How is the cockpit?

72:16:50 P Don't ask me.

72:16:55 P We don't have a main yet.

72:16:57 C Okay.

72:17:OO C This is Gemini IX. Estim-ting 3.3 miles long.

3.3 miles long.

72:17:05 CC Roger. You are estimating 3.3 miles long.

72:17:09 P Roger.

72:17:12 C Stand by.

72:17:17 P There it is. Oh! Beautiful, baby'

72:17:19 C Beautiful:


72:17:22 P Gemini IX. We're on the m_in chute at this time.

72:17:27 C Great.

72:17:29 P Beautiful! What a sight: Wish I had a picture of


72:17:33 C ...

72:17:36 P Yes, I do too.

72:17:39 C I'll go in that one.

72:17 :LO P Okay.

72:17:41 C Let's hold on before we do our ...

72:17 :_2 P Okay.

72:17:A3 P Gemini IX. Est_m=ting 3.5 miles long. We're on

the main this time.

72:17 :_9 C Switch now?

72:17:52 P Okay. What didn't I do?

72:17:5k C You got everything done.

72:17:56 P Okay. I gave them an estimate.

72:17:58 C Okay. Your ready to go to ADF.

72:17:59 P Okay. Do you want to cut these off?

72:18:O1 C Okay.

72:18:02 P Okay.

72:18:O_ C Put ...

72:18:08 P Hope they don't burn it.

72:18:12 P Okay, Tom. Do you want - -

72:18:17 C Stand by to go to Landing Attitude.

72:18:18 P - - Okay.

72:18:19 C Ready.

72:18:21 CC Okay. Gemini IX ... we have you directly ahead

of the Wasp visually. Over.

72:18:22 P Ready .... Wasp manually over. Wasp. Roger.

Have you got two points? We're going down. Give
my congratulations to your Captain Hartley for be-
on the spot.

72:18:31 CC Roger, Gemini. Welcome aboard.

72:18:41 C Roger. We thank you.

72:18:44 P ... 6 ... 63.6.

72:18:51 C Have you got us tracked?

72:18:53 CC Roger. West Lant.radar affirmative. Everybody

in the Station says you're about 2 miles ahead.

72:18:55 C Roger. Hope you've got us on TV.

72:19:00 CC Roger. You will be, very shortly. Careful.

72:19:03 C Altitude, 3000 feet.

72:19:07 P Okay, Tom. Post-_n Check List.

72:19:O9 CC Roger. We have you in sight.

72:19:14 C Roger. I've got a tapper up here some place.

72:19:18 P Okay. We're on the rescue beacon.

72:19:21 P My ACQ is OFF.

72:19:2/+ P My ACQ is OFF.

72:19:27 CC Gemini TX. YOu're on TV ....

72:19:29 C How about that?

72:19:36 C _rnewl

72:19:37 P The ComRuter switch, OFF.

72:19:41 C Tell Captain Hartley we'd like to come aboard
shortly, in the Spacecraft.

72:19:43 CC Roger. Bring you up on the elevator.

72:19:48 C Sounds good to us, Sir.

72:19:50 CC Number 207.

72:19:52 CC Roger ....

72:19:54 P Tom, I see it out there. It's a good ... too,


72:19:55 C (Laughter)

72:19:56 P It was a good distance, too, right? Just missed

it. Look at all the stuff I've got a_ound my feet

72:20:02 C Okay. We'll stand by now and I'll get that, once
we hit the water.

72:20:06 P What time do we hit?

72:20:07 C About 15OO feet.

72:20:09 P Make sure your pin is in.

72:20: 10 C Okay. My pin is in.

72:20:20 P Computer, 0FF.

72:20:21 CC Gemini IX, what's your altitude? Over.

72:20:24 C Roger. Passing 900 feet.

72:20:26 CC Roger.

72:20:29 C Roger. Put a clamp to the ...

72:20:30 CC Coming into sight. The R and R Section has hit

the water.

72:20:31 P Oops' I'll get it.

72:20:36 P Okay. Let's go to OFF on the Platform ... section.

72:20:39 P I'm not sure we,ll pick up narrative upon land-
ing ...

72:20:43 P SPLASHDOWNI Go ahead, Tom.

72:20:50 C We're on our way in, hang on.

72:20:52 P Son-of-a-gun: Excuse my language.

72:20:54 P Whew: Golly:

72:20:57 C That was the worst of the whole shebang.

72:20:58 P Nan' That was a real hit!

72:21:06 C Oh, we're leaking. We're leaking water, too.

72:21:11 C This is Gemini IX. We're atarting to leak water.

Get this thing ...

72:21:14 P Let's ... the ... valve open.

72:21:15 C Get the swimmers over here ASAP:

72:21:22 C Boy, something popped.

72:21:24 P Whew! Boy, did we get hot. Yes, we,re leaking


72:21:31 C Hello. What's you_ - -

72:21:33 P We got a partial puncture, I think, Tom.

72:21:35 CC ...

72:21:36 CC ... they are flying right now. Over.

72:21:40 C ... Roger. Out.

72:21:44 C Roger ... we're starting to leak a little water ...

72:22:13 CC ... save ... and pick up that _arachute ... right
quick ... Spacecraft. Over.

72:22:38 C Roger. Okay. When we hit, we sprung a bulkhead

and have a little water ... we get ...

72:22:49 CC Gemini IX. This ... Leader. We're estimating _5
minutes to pick you up. Over.

72:22:56 C Well, we're in good shape here.

72:23:02 CC ...

72:23:_3 CC The collar is around the Spacecraft now and it has

not yet been inflated. The swimmers are still at-
taching the final point. The Spacecraft looks in
good shape.

72:23:56 C ... Roger.

72:26:38 C ...

72:26:d6 CC The raft is now attached to the collar - -

72:26:_8 C ...

72:26:5_ C ...


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