Gemini 4 PAO Transcript

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Tape 1, Page 1

This is Gemini Control Houston. Good morning. The

pilots got up this morning shortly after 4:00 a.m. They

had a brief physical in the Manned Space Flight Operations

Building on Merritt Island, and after that, breakfast. They

left the Manned Space Flight Operations Building at 5:22 a.m.

and arrived at the suit-up area adjacent to Pad 19 at approx-

imately 5:35, They were suited and had completed their

pre-breathing denitrogenation checks by 7:00 a.m. and left

the pad a few minutes after 7:O0. They left for Pad 19 and

they arrived at Pad 19 at 7:08 a.m. They were in the ele-

vator within a minute and went over the sill, as we call,

..-.- -- it, or stepped into the spacecraft at 7:12. In general the

count has run about 5 minutes ahead of schedule this morning.

We have excellent weather at the Cape area which will be

covered in more detail with a report from the Cape shortly.

Here in Hcuston, the board looks very good. Our status is

quite good, as a matter of fact . . . We are making computer

runs, we are checking the individual consoles and they all

look very good and green at this point. This is Gemini

Control, Houston, at 20 minutes after the hour.

This is Gemini Cape control. Our countdown is proceeding

excellently at this time, we are currently at 86 minutes and

30 seconds and counting. The countdown has gone very web1

- L. ._.^.. ~. ..-^. ~~_-----.-._ * ..“. _ ._. -_- _ ._

Mission Commentary Transcript

Tape 1, Page 2

this morning. We have just received a report from the

blockhouse that we are still some 12 minutes ahead in the 1, ._-_._

L -
events of this morning's count. As you probably have seen,

both hatches have been closed. Astronaut Ed White's hatch

was closed at .X:31 a.m. EST, one minute later the command

pilot's also was closed. The astronauts, just prior to

hatch closure completed a series of blood pressure tests

with the flight surgeons in the blockhouse. Currently going

on are several tests at the launch pad, a warm up for final

guidance checks with the Titan II launch vehicle. Our

weather this morning also looks good at the current time.

The forecast of the launch area is 2 to 4/10's cloud cover

at 3,000 feet. We have a wind at 5 to 10 knots in the East,

a temperature of 80 degrees. The mission has been informed

that the weather conditions throughout the rest of the world

are in a Go condition for launch. The Ai.lantic Ocean will ! ~2

have extensive cloud ceilings of about 1,500 feet. Around

and south of Bermuda with some scattered showers. The

mid-Pacific forecast is for scattered, broken clouds with

a ceiling of 1,000 feet. On the West pacific storm Carla

that was pyphoon Carla several I days ago is reported to still

be weakening and is not expected to be any problem to the

mission itself. This is Gemini Cape Control at 84 minutes

and 47 seconds and counting.

Mission Commentary Transcript

This is Gemini Control, Houston. The count minus -

I'm sorry. Our clock here, our countdown clock is running

a trajectory test and is not accurate. At this time we are

looking here from the Control Center Houston at the, some

of the vital measurements coming from the spacecraft's

at Mercury and the respiration rate of Jim McDivit and Ed

White.-- Yery nominal values and the reading and the telem-

etry is quite clean. The count dontinues very much on

schedule. The earlier count ran as much as 12 minutes

ahead of schedule. We are also want to bring you up to

date in the network's status, the around the world status.

At Tanaverie, we are without voice contact and very likely

will not be able to have voice contact relayed through

Tanaverie, and at the Rose Knot Victor Ship, which for this

mission is parked approximately 1,000 miles off the South

America& Chilian coast is without teletype. Other than

that, our entire*range of stations around the world is up and

XX all elements are working very nicely. This is Gemini

Control at 46 minutes after the hour.

This is Gemini Control at the Cape. The count is now

T-63 minutes and counting. -T-63. Bur countdown continues

to go excellently at Launch Complex 19. Astronauts Jim

McDivit and Ed White have just completed purging their cabin

that is bri i?ing 100 percent oxygen into the cabin which will

-... ,
Mission Commentary Transcript
Tape 2, Page 2

cabin.. It will remain this way through lift-off. We now

have the cabin purged and both astronauts are reporting

back to the pad in a series of switch tests. In this

particular test, the command pilot and the pilot check

with the blockhouse to reaffirm that all the switches axe

on their panels are set in the proper ~exitrie~x condition.

At the launch pad we are ready to gear up for one of our

final guidance tests. All systems are go here at the Cape

coming up on 62 minutes and counting. This is Gemini

launch control at the Cape.

This is Gemini Control at the Cape. we are now at

54 minutes and counting. T minus 54. Our count continues

to go smoothly and at the present time in the spacecraft

Astronaut ed White is preparing to give a report to the

blockhouse on the status of the spacecraft as far as the

cabin is concerned, the various temperatures L in the cabin,

the suit circuit as part of the environmental control system

further information
and the status of gages and / the cabin and the

spacecraft propulsion system. Ed White is coming up and

he is reporting it. This will be checked with gages and

with information in the block house. In the meantime as

far as the launch vehicle is concerned we are gearing up

Mission Commentary Transcript 'I'ape 2, PLf'e 3

for a test with the Air Force Eastern Test Rnnge on some

missile tracking telemetry. This is Gemini Control at the

Cape coming up on T-53 minutes and counting. Mark, T-53

minutes and counting.

This is Gemini Control in Houston. The count is T-45

minutes and proceeding and we're right on the money. Moving

right ahead with all the pre-launch verifications in the

spacecraft. About a half an hour ago, shortly after he

entered the spacecraft, Jim McDivitt put in a phone call

to his wife in Houston. They chatted for about 5 minutes.

We are unable to confirm at this time whether Ed White has

talked to his home or not. Ed's been fairly busy with a

series of communications checks. Meanwhile the viewing

room here at Houston and I am sure at the Cape also, is

filling up. Congressman Bob Casey from Houston is here,

Dr. Robert Seamans, the Associate Administrator of NASA

is in a chair in the viewing area here, along with some of

our better known astronauts. Former astronaut John Glenn

has been in the Control Center for the past hour. Wally

Schirra is down on the floor of the control center at this

time chatting with Gus Grissom who will be the capsule

communicator during the launch phase from this center.

Our general status continues to be excellent. This is

Gemini Control.
Mission Commentary Transcript
Tape 2, Page 4

This is Gemini Control at the Cape. Our countdown

continues to run smoothly here at Complex 19. All conditions

look good. Our count is still a little bit ahead, launch

vehicle test conductor has given permission to the pool to

lower the erector a little earlier than planned. We do not

have a specific time at this time. The erector is due to

be lowered at T-35. This is Gemini Control at the Cape.

T-38 minutes and 20 seconds and counting.

This is Gemini Control at the Cape. We are now at

T-35 minutes and 20 seconds and counting. We are coming

up on T-35 and some 5 seconds. T-34 minutes and 59 seconds

and holding. This is Gemini Control at the Cape. Holding

at T-34 minutes and 59 seconds holding. We will get infor-

mation to you on the hold momentarily.

This is Gemini Control at the Cape. We are now at

T-34 minutes and 59 seconds a.nd holding. I have a report

from the blockhouse and difficulty is concerned with the

erector around the Gemini 4 launch vehicle. The explanation

at the present time is we have an electrical failure in the

erector system. We are not able to lower the erector at the

present time. The extent of the hold is not known at this

time. T-34 minues and 59 seconds and holding. This is

Gemini Control at the Cape.

Mission Commentary Transcript
Tape 2, Page j
This is Gemini 4 at the Cape. Our hold on the mission

still remains at T-34 minutes and 59 seconds. The difficulty

as reported earlier is with the erector on the launch pad.

The launch vehicle test conductor has just reported that he

estimates the hold time at about 30 minutes. The plan is to

get some of the crew up on the launch pad to take a look to

see how we stand. As far as trying to determine the difficulty':.

from the blockhouse, the launch vehicle test conductor further

reports that there are no red line problems in the blockhouse,

that is, all the gages in the blockhouse give no indication _

of the difficulty. We expect to have more information shortly.

We are holding at T-34 mines and 59 seconds. This is

Gemini Control at the Cape.

This is Gemini Control at the Cape. Our hold remains

at T-34 minutes and 59 seconds and holding. .From the

blockhouse astronaut Schweikart reported to the astronauts

in the Gemini 4 spacecraft that the hold was estimated to

be about 30 minutes. Astronaut Ed White replied back to

Schweikart "We are all squared away." We are still looking

to determine our exact problem and awaiting word from

the launch vehicle test conductor on the status of our

erector problem. We are holding at T-34 minutes and 59

seconds. This is Gemini Control at the Cape.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 2, page 6

This is Gemini Control at the Cape. As you can see

now looking at Launch Complex Pad. 19 our erector is starting

to move. Still holding at T-34 minutes and 59 seconds.

It is expected that the count may be resumed in a matter

of some 12 to 15 minutes. We expect to have further infor-

mation on the resumption of the count dhortly. This is

Gemini Control at the Cape.

This is Gemini Control at the Cape. The launch vehicle

test conductor has reported back to mission control that our

ddfficulty in the erector was concerned apparently with a

faulty relay in a relay box at the base of the gantry

erector on launch complex 19. This relay has been replaced.

The erector has started to move. The plan is to once again

raise the erector to ti its full position, however, before

continuing with the count. We are going to make one more

check of the erector prior to resuming the count. This

is Gemini Control at the Cape at T-34 minutes and 59 seconds

and holdingi

This is Gemini Control at the Cape. To further clai:i:fy

our problem with the faulty relay at the base of the erector.

The relay was not replaced. The relay did not close and an
attempt to check it out,/physically, that is manually,
depressed the relay to make it close. We are now checking

on certain locks on the erector to determine that we will

be able to lower the erector. It's several feet away

n .
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_- -
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 2, Page 7

from the spacecraft now. Still taking several more tests. '

When we are ready to lower we then will faJe to clear the

crew ix the launch pad and resume the count. We are still

at T-34 minutes and 59 seconds and holding. Here in the

Mission Control Center at the Cape at the capsule communi-

cator's console we have chief astronaut Alan Shepard and

the backup pilots for the Cemini 4 flight. The prime

backup @ilot, Frank Borman was at the launch pad during

the early checkouts. *Frank then went to the trailer when

the poime crew came to dress at launch complex 16. Frank

briefed astronauts Jim McDivitt and Ed White on the status

of the m$ision at that time. In the meantime, the backup

pilot, Jim Love11 remained in the spacecraft making final

checks up to the time the prime pilots McDivitt and White

came to the launch pad and were inserted in the spacecraft.

Both Borman and Love11 are with astronaut Alan Shepard at

the capsule communicator console in Mission Control at the

Cape. From the v&wing room cue astronauts Pete Conrad, who is

the pilot for the GT-5 mission and astronaut Neil Armstrong

who was the prime backup pilot for the Gemini 5 mission.

Also in the viewing center is Dr. George Mueller who is

NASA's Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight. We

are still holding at T-34 minutes and 59 seconds. This is

Gemini Control at the Cape.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 2, Page 6

This is Gemini Control at the Cape. We are still

at T-34 minutes and 59 seconds and holding. We now have

the report from the launch pad that we are still encountering

difficulties with the erector on the launch pad. We felt

that we had solved our electronics problem by closing,

ti~i$fx physically closing.the relay we discussed earlier,

that is a relay in a relay box at the base of the erector,

however, it is now reported by the crew out at the pad

they have further difficulties with the erector. The

difficulty concerns a cable that rides down with the erector

as it is hydraulically lowered. This cable in turn is used

to raise the erector at different times. The cable has

slack in it, is the report. The cable is controlled by

a winch based at the launch pad. Because of this slack

an automatic override comes in and cuts bn the erector

lowering process. As a result we are now checking in the

cable rope itself in an attempt to solve this problem of

the slack in the line. The test conductor on the pad

reports that he does have tti an RX estimate on the

extent of the hold. As soon as we get further information

we will pass it on to you. We are still holding at T-34

minutes and 59 seconds. This is Gemini Control at the


Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 3, Page 1

This is Gemini Control at the Cape. We are still holding at

T-34 minutes 59 seconds at Launch Complex 19. The crew . . . the

pad area doing further investigation on our cable problem that was

discussed earlier. They are still looking over the situation, we

do not have an estimate on the hold at this time. This is Gemini

Launch Control at the Cape.

This is Gemini Control at the Cape. We are still at T-34

minutes and 59 seconds and holding. We are continuing our tests

with the erector on the launch complex. You may note that the
erector has moved slightly from its umbilical tower as the test

continue. We are moving a matter of a few feet from the tower,

but the plan is not to move the erector at this time. The erector
is moving slightly as part of the test that is currently in progress
to determine the full extent of our difficulty. The Iaunch Vehicle

Test Conductor has been able to give no further information on the

length of the hold at this time. We are at T-34 minutes 59 seconds

and holding. This is Gemini Launch Control at the Cape.

This is Gemini Control at the Cape. As you can see at Launch

Complex 19, we are now starting to lower the erector as we continue

our tests. We will know shortly whether we will be able to fully

lower the erector at this time. This is still a test continuing.

We will pass on the information to you shortly. We are still holding

at T-34 minutes and 59 seconds. This is Gemini Control at the Cape.

This is Gemini Control Houston. We are still holding at T-35

minutes, but we expect to pick up the count momentarily. The erector

has been lowered and we expect within a minute or two to resume the
Tape 3, Page 2
Mission Commentary Transcript

Count. A final status check is being taken at this time in the blockhouse

to - preparatory to picking up the count. Meanwhile, during this hold

which began an hour and 10 minutes ago, the crew has passed the time,
released a part of the time taking catnaps. Astronaut Rusty Schweiker,

who is in the Mission Control Center at the Cape advised them when the

hold started that he would wake them up when we had planned to resume.
The reference was of course a hopefully to break a little of attention

in this countdown. The problem appears to have been in an electrical

governor on the erector lowering device. It has been repaired and we

are satisfied the erector is properly down and in its place. We have
been asked many times in the last half hour what effect this hour and
10 minute hold might have on our planned extravehicular activity in

the second revolution of this mission, and Mission Director Criss Craft
advises that it will have no effect. We will still plan to begin the
extravehicular activity at 3 hours into the mission at the - near the

end of the second revolution. This is Houston Gemini Control still

holding at T~35minutes.
And counting - T-34 minutes and mark - 50 seconds. T-34 minutes
50 seconds and counting on the Gemini Flight. On this point in the
countdown in the blockhouse we are ready to turn over the remainder

of the countdown to the automatic sequencer in the blockhouse. 7he

sequencer itself will check some 70 different items during the terminal
-phase of the count prior to ignition and lift-off. We are now counting

on the Gemini 4. !&is is Gemini LaunchControl at the Cape.

,- . - . ___
“,_ *. ..-.-
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 13, Page 5

This is Gemini Control in Houston. We are proceeding the count

at T-30 minutes and moving ahead. And, barring further difficulties,

4 we should be off at 15 minutes after the hour. A little more than 30

minutes - just under 30 minutes from now. Our status on the network

which we have not report on now for more than an hour looks as follows:

it is absolutely green. Earlier we reported Tanaverie had some voice

relay problems, those have been cleared up. The RKV seems to have

cleared up its teletype circuit problem, and the board at this time,
all of our stations around the world are reporting no difficulties
at all, and this is very much the situation with the spacecraft and

the launch vehicle at the Cape. Say for one small electrical problem

in the lowering device at Pad 19. This is Gemini Control Houston.

This is Gemini Control at the Cape coming up on T-25 minutes

and counting in 5 seconds. MARK. T-25 minutes and counting on the

Gemini 4 flight. At this stage in the count, Astronaut Ed White is

ready to start a series of verifications as far as voltage readings

are concerned in his cabin, in the pilot's cabin itsel'f. This series
of readings will be current readings and voltage readings will be

passed onto the block house and to the Control Centers involved. This

is to insure that all readings are correct before proceeding with the
count. Our count is once again running smoothly now at T-24 minutes

and 30 seconds away from lift-off prior to the Gemini 4 flight. This

is Gemini launch Control at the Cape.

This is Gemini Control Houston. The count T-20 minutes and

counting. We have, within the last 3 minutes, completed an OAMS

thruster check on the adapter on the spacecraft and it had worked out
very nicely. All the thrusters, the two up, the two down, the two yaw
thrusters, the two forward thrusters would not check, but the others
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 3, Page 4

worked out entirely satisfactorily. We, within the last minute, have

completed a complete systems check in the blockhouse. That was go

in all of some 13 or 14 elements which were all that were polled.

The mission looks very good, now proceeding at T-19 minutes at this

time. This is Gemini Control Houston.

On the Gemini 4 mission. All systems are gocd at this time.

Even at this stage of the countdown some of the checks had been performed
earlier, then planned in the countdown because the count is once

again proceeding so well. All conditions are go at the present time.

Fifteen minutes and 30 seconds prior to lift-off. This is Gemini

Launch Control at the Cape.

The Pilot . is now conducting a test with the Eastern Test Range on
telgmetry between the range tranking systems and the guidance and
other equipment from the vehicle itself and sending back signals on

the progress of the launch. We are still in a go condition at 9 and

one-half minutes and counting.

This is Gemini Launch Control at the Cape.

Go ahead flight

This is Gemini Control Houston with the count T-5 minutes and

counting. At T-7 minutes we completed a spacecraft Test Conductors

Status check and all elements were green and go. At the conclusion

of that status check spacecraft test conductor Frank Wittek of the

Kennedy Space Center signed off to Jim McDivit with a short message
which simply said "OK Jim, have a good flight". In the last minute

the launch launch vehicle test conductor Frank Carret of Martin

Company is conducting his status check. The board looks just as

Green as the spacecraft. The count T-4 minutes and 30 seconds and
proceeding. This is Gemini Control Houston.
Mission Commentary 'Transcript Tape 3, Page 5 ,

This is Gemini Launch Control at the Cape. We are at 2 minutes

and 41 seconds and counting. At this final stage of the countdown we

are just finishing up our final guidance check with the launch vehicle.

All systems look good, both in the Gemini 4 spacecraft where Pilots

Jim McDivit and Ed White and with the launch vehicle on the pad.

This is Gemini Launch Control at 2 minutes 20 seconds and counting.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 4, Page 1

vehicle has gone to ineernal power. The launch vehicle

is now on its own battery power. All systems still looking

good and with the launch vehicle itself. This is Gemini

Cape Control, ~-60 seconds and counting. T-50. T-40.

T-30 seconds and counting, all final checks in the countdown

still looking good at this time. T-20 seconds and counting.

Minus 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, O!! Ignition',".'

(Houston) Liftoff. We have a liftoff at 16 minutes

after the hour. Climbing very nicely. We have a roll

program initiated. Roll program completed McDivitt reported,

and the pitch program has been initiated.

Forty seconds is in and surgeon says everything looks

fine. Mark 50 seconds and we're go.

Guidance reports a Go. The flight rrajectory looks

very, very close to right on the nonimal value.

We just had a short transmission from Gemini 4 where

both of them are beautiful..beautiful.

Gus Grissom advises the Gemini 4 spacecraft at one

minute forty seconds, this means a change in the abort

mode if necessary, doesn't look like its necessary from

this point. We're having some transmission difficulty from

the spacecraft, the transmissions are intermittent.

Two minutes and 7 seconds into the flight and everything

looks fine here.

n .- - . r
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Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 4, Page 2

McDivitt reports Gemini 4 is Go for staging which will

occur is a few seconds. Pilot Whi$ advises he's received

an update on the computer for that spacecraft. We have

staging and its been confirmed here on the ground. The

thrust looks good on the second stage. our radio guidance

system which controls the terminal phase of powered flight

has gone into effect and is working very nicely. Three

minutes into the migion, three minutes.

And the trajectory plot is right on the line both in

lofting and all other elements we're right on the money.

Gus Grissom advises Jim McDivitt everything looks

great, Jim, and Jim says his displays in the spacecraft

look just as good t as those in the control center.

Three minutes and fort@ seconds.

Mission Director Chris Kraft going from'console to

console here and from each one he gets a completely confident

and assured report that everything looks good. We're four

minutes into the mission and McDivitt, in a very, very calm

voice says it looks great up here. Kraft is advised to

stand by for a final/check before we go to the final

minute E?X before engine cuboff. Kraft has told Grissom

Mission Commentary Transcript '/'ape 4, Pq<e 5

to give Jim McDivitt a Go, its been received and McDivitt

advises he also is Go.

Four minutes and 50 seconds and our values are right

on the money.

We're standing by for point 8, that point where we

have acquired 80 percent of the velocity, 80 percent.

Five minutes and 17 seconds in. Guidance says we're

solid, both systems, the primary system in the booster and

the video guidance system. Five minutes and 30 seconds.

Stand by for sustainer engine cutoff. SEC0 McDivitt says,

and Grissom confirms here on the ground we have a SECO.

Flight plan calls for McDivitt to uh....we've been

given a Go by Kris Craft. Chris repeats Go Gemini 4.

We are standin by to get a signal from McDivitt to

find out when he separates from that second stage.

Six minutes and 50 seconds in. Gemini 4 has been

asked to switch to another channel to clear up some....

here we come... .Jim McDivitt advises he has an incremental

velocity indicator within the spacecraft during the separation

maneuver which has occurred within the last minute read

as follows: 20 forward, 7 right and 2 down.

L-.. . .- _. ,, ___~._ _._-^__._ ..-.-- _ -- ----.-- - --..

Tape 4, P-e 4
Mission Commentary Transcript

. ..And McDivitt advises he's turning around at this

time to face the booster. He says the second stage which

he now has in view looks pretty, he says its also tumbling


This is Gemini Control in Houston, eight minutes and

30 seconds in on the mission, Grissom here, the capsule

communications operator has just passed to Jim McDivitt

and'Ed White' via our Bermuda station the following orbital

elements: 100 statute miles at perigee, 175 statute miles

at apogee. Uh.. this is exactly what the book calls for.

We're 9 minutes in . . . . and, uh, stand by and we'll be pre-

pared in a very few minutes to play the booster phase

tape conversation for you....stand by.

This is Gemini Control, Houston. The spacecraft at

this time is directly over our Canary Island station it

is beginning its passage across the African continent, we

are, uh, in excellent voice contact now. The crew has

switched to a second, or backup unit UHF channel which

reads much clearer than did the other UHF channel we

were using in the launch phase.

Mission Commentary Transcript Yape 4, Pace >

Communications are coming through. They are excellent.

Upon contact in the Canary Station. Jim McDivitt was advised

that his status looks excellent from the ground and McDivitt

came back with a Roger, thank you. They've read out their

onboard quantities which appear, uh, which appear to be quite

nominal in the spacecraft at this point. They are being

updated as to the time and exact references for a recovery

should one become necessary at the end of the first revoltuion.

We've received nothing in this first 20 minutes of flight

which would make such a recovery neceseary but it is standard

procedure to pass this along. We can hear Ed White's big

baritone voice booming in now, into the Canary Station

being relayed back here. This is Gemini Control at 20 minutes

after the hour.

. . . . . . . ..the spacecraft seems to be.......very nicely

and the two crewman working hard at this time to line up

their platform in preparation for this early rendezvous

maneuver. The, uh, the, we monitored the conversation

very carefully over the Canazies and they were asked what

their distance from the booster wass we thought we heard

Ed White say its about 500 feet away, but, uh, I cannot

confer irm he actually said that....1 thought I heard him

say 500 feet. If, uh, in fact he did say 500 that would
Mission Commenatry Transcript Tape 4, Page 6

rhymne very nicely with the approximate* distance that, uh,

wherein the two vehicles should be located. Uh...we, uh,

should update you on the types of cameras being carried

aboard. We have not one, but two, 16 millimeter movie

cameras. One will be mounted about a foot aft of the cabin

that is on the adapter during the extra vehicular maneuver:

White will mount this after he opens the door and it will

take 16-millimeter color movies'at a rate of six frames

per second. Uh, in the other window McDivitt will operate

a 16-millimeter camera, uh, each camera has approximately

100 feet film or some 15 minutes. The addition of the

camera on the adapter was a fairly last minute thing finally

arrived at during the last two days at the Cape. Uh...

White also will operate a counterex camera on his little

maneuvering unit as he is out in space. In addition to that

will be available in the spacecraft a 70millimeter Hassel

camera. At this time the spacecraft is traveling on the

edge of the Kano acquisition circle 28 minutes into the

mission . . ..we have the tape for you on the Canary Island

pass, we'll play this tape for you at this time. This is

Gemini Control Houston.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 4, Page 7

.m.... at this time, 1'11 give you a count, 1, 2 ,3,

4, 5.

Say again, would you?

Roger, we understand. Shift to UHF #l and give me a

count please.

Gemini Iv Cap Cam, shift to TJHF #l and give me a count.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UHF #l, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Roger, Canary Cap Corn reads you loud and .........

Gemini 4, Canary Cap Corn, please advise which radiator

to flow at 4000.

Canary, Houston, Flight,

Go Ahead Flight.

2-11673+35. 013+25, 2+18+47 and ask him far he is

away from the launch vehicle.



How far are you from the launch vehicle?

Roger......... we are aligning the platform and its

gone below our lower left and ~XH really

Ask him about track with the launch vehicle.

I have it in sight, its about directly below me....

it's below us now, about 4 or 5 hundred feet....

(End of Tape)
Tape 5, Page 1
Mission Commentary Transcript
This is Gemini Control Houston. We are 39 minutes into the

mission. The spacecraft is just east of the Tanaverive Malagassy

station over the Indian Ocean. We have not been in touch with the

spacecraft since the Canaries. Gus Grissom our communicator here

attempted a voice relay transmission through Tanaverive, but if

it was successful in reaching the spacecraft, we do not know. mey
did not respond. During this period, as the spacecraft moved across
Africa, the flight plan called for Ed White to perform an all important
suit integrity check on his suit. We should next have contact with

the spacecraft over the Carnarvon station in 3 to 5 minutes from

now. This is Gemini Control Houston.

Fifty seconds to go. The Carnarvon Station just established

contact with the Gemini 4 spacecraft and the opening commentary was

the question from Carnarvon, how does everything look. Jim McDivit
came back very promptly, we're go. Everything here looks green.
He has - he is now discussing his - some of the maneuvers he performed
to get the booster in sight and he has confirmed our estimate at the

Canaries at which point we was 4 to 500 feet from the second stage.
All of his systems onboard give entirely nominal values at this time,
he said everything couldn't look better and we are having a very

active discussion over the Carnarvon station. This is Gemini Control

at 8 minutes after the hour.

This is Gemini Control Houston. We are 20 minutes after the

hour and during the recent pass over Carnarvon, some 2 minutes ago,

Gemini 4 was given a go for three orbits. Three orbits. Perhaps

1 - -
Tape 5, Page2
Mission Commentary Transcript

even more important, the Dr. Berry, our flight surgeon, has made an

evaluation of the data of the medical data to this point, and he

has advised mission director Cris Craft, that the Pilot, Ed White,

a8 far as the surgeon is concerned, is go for the extravehicular

activity. He is quite satisfied with the values he has seen in this

first half of the orbit. Our apogee, again, 175 statute miles, our

perigee, 100 miles. We are estimating the time of a revolution at

94 minutes, that is the time back to the Cape during the pass Cormnand

Pilot Jim McDivit reported that the li&ts on the booster were

working very nicely. He said they could observe the booster about
a half mile away which is precisely the distance it should be.
Mission Director Craft complimented the Carnarvon station at the end

of the pass on the quality of the material received. Very shortly,

McDivit and White should be seeing the first IKIQIEX of, hopefully,

about 62 sunrises that they should observe in the next 4 days.

Starting across the Pacific at this time, we have the Carnarvon tape

ready and will play it for you right now.

cc MXQ Gemini 4, Carnarvon Cap Corn

C Come in Cap Corn, this is Gemini 4.

cc Roger, give me your status

C Roger, we are go, and everything looks great.

cc Roger, Gemini 4. You look good here on the ground. Can you
give me your battery readouts please.

C Okay, standby.

.^ ,_i ___.... .I_. 1 --I- . ” ,. _-. .- . -.

_ -_.._ -
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 5, Page 3

cc Gemini 4, you can/your secondary Pump A off, the evaporators
and . . . . your radiator looks good.

C Roger, evaporators normal, secondary Pump A is off, . . . . looks

cc Okay, m can you . . .. on your quantity . . . swithh.

C Roger, come on.

cc Roger.

cc We have good acquisition of flight and the radar is tracking

C Roger.
cc I am standing by for battery readouts.

cc While youre doing that, can the command pilot give me a little
information on the booster. The distance, what you had to do
to get up close to see it, and how is the light working.

C Roger, the light is working fine. But I can't tell exactly how
far away I am from it. I guess I am probably around a half a
mile or so. The booster started 'turning right as we came off

of it. I tried to get the range down and I got it down to what

looked like 20 degrees per second but as soon as we got off and

I got around to see it it was tumbling.

cc Okay . . .

‘C I got about 30 ft/sec out of my windows here.

cc Okay

C The booster fell away pretty yar rapidly and got below us like

we were a considerable distance in our velocity and I have

been xw . struggling here to not let it get

too far from me.
Tape 5, Page 4
Mission Commentary Trnascrlpt

cc Alrighty. Will you give me a better readout . . .

cc Standing by for a blood pressure from the pilot.

cc Flight, Carnarvon.

cc Go ahead.

cc Okay, we have negative acquisition beacon and negative lockon

,the booster.

cc Roger.
cc I'll give you a time hack at 16:09:00.
c . . . . this is Gemini 4. I see the light of the moon down

below me.

cc Okay, 3, 2, 1 MARK.

cc Did you receive my time hack.

C Roger, we got the time hack and standing by for the adapter .

cc 'Go ahead

c .
IEd Amperage
C Roger 1 lA 2C are 24, they all look good. !v readings

h IA is 6, 1B is 10, 1C is 11, 2A is 10, 2B is 5,

2~ is 6.
cc Okay, showing 24 on 2A B, m and C also.

C Roger, I'm getting 24 on all my amps after that.

cc Okay, your mains are good.
C That is affirmative. me mains all g checked out good.

cc Okay, give me a go for . . . .

.. . -.
p i i 2 L
L L - - A Ir A L L Ir - - -

. .I”...
Mission Commt~ntnry Transcript

cc I am giving; you a new load.

c Okay, it's ~omirig in.

cc Okay, I've got the load here. We have a new TR time. We are
cf standing by for the pilot's blood pressure. Are you ready to

copy t3 your update times.

C Roger, Copy the update times, pilot's blood pressure.

cc Okay.

cc 2-1, 170, 3+40 01 32 39 2a.8, 8+62, over

C Roger, please give me first J+ quantities, please.

cc Say again which one you want repeated.

C Roger, the first 4 quantities.

cc 2-1, 170, 3+40 01 32 39, over.

C Roger, yould you say in a . . . I can read.
cc Roger, you want to try them again?

C . . ,
cc 2-1, 170,. 3+40 01 32 ~~~ED~~EXX2+18, 8+32 over

C Roger. 2-1, 170, 3+40 01 32 34 , 2+18, 8+32.

cc On your GVTRC, that is 01 32 39, over

C Niner. 01 32 39.
cc Roger. Affirmative. Your orbit is about 86.8, by 150.6.
C Roger, 86.8 by 150.6. Sounds good.

cc Roger, we need that blood bressure on the pilot.

C Roger, that will be coming at you next.

cc Roger. And I will need your accelerometer miles.

C You have to stand by for the accelerometer miles, I just can't

keep the . . . . . . stand still.

cc Okay, you can give it to Guaymas.

C I'm afCaid that you will have to wait for another orbit or two.

L A 1 L.

._.- . __ ..__^-. -.. - ----- ------.--.

‘? 6, i’tLC;e 1
Mission Commentary Transcript

This is Gemini Control Houston, 1 hour and 25 minutes

into the flight of Cemini 4 and the spacecraft rapidly

approaching the west coast of Mexico. As the spacecraft

moved across the Pacific we attempted a voice relay through

the Canton Station, it was unsuccessful. We did not contact

them however the Canton Station was reading some telemetry

values as it passed over. To repeat, our apogee is 175

statute miles, our perigee 100 statute miles, our revolution

period an estimated 94 minutes. We've had report from

Jim McDivitt of the Canarvon that the lights were working

very well on the booster - he could see the booster - it

was about a half a mile from him, uh... in that pass Dr.

Berry advised that based on the medical data up to Canarvon

Ed White was Go for the EVA maneuver in the next revolution.

The mission director also passed to the crew a Go for at

least three or... three revolutions. The tumble rate of

the booster which is some 28 feet long, 10 feet in diameter,

and has a ground, if it were on the ground it would weigh

about 6,000 pounds, otherwords, roughly the size of a house

trailer, uh.. it's somewhere between 20 and 40 degrees,

-------------that is a pretty sharp tumbling rate and could

have an impact on our rendezvous, that is we, advise before

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 6, Page 2

the mission the tumbling rate was fairly high we'd not come

too close to the booster. Interestingly, during the lift-off

phase, we had an EKG monitor not only on Pilot Ed White and

Command Pilot Jim McDivitt, but we're also calibrating the EKG,

the heart rate of Chris Kraft, the Mission Director, and the

Flight Surgeon, Dr. Berry. The values were these: at lift-off

Jim McDivitt's heart rate was 150 - which was about the expected

value - Pilot Ed White was 120; the Mission Director, Chris

Kraft's heart rate was 135, and Dr. Berry's - the Flight Surgeon,

was an unusually low 81. This is Gemini Control as we have now

just established contact with Gemini 4 from our Guaymas station.

Gemini Control, Houston.

This is Gemini Control, Houston. One hour and 32 minutes

into the mission. The spacecraft is slightly east of the White

Sands station at this time. We've had communication between

Guaymas and White Sands. Pilot Jim McDivitt is advised at this

time he has used approximately 100 feet per second - or in other

words, about 50 percent of his OAMS capability in attempting to

maneuver close to the booster. He's been cautioned to attempt

no further maneuvers at this point. He has just received a

Go - a confirming Go - for the extra-vehicular activity. His

Tape 6, Papif? 5
Mission Commentary Transcript

distance from the booster remaining somewhere between a half

mile at apogee and something like three or four hundred feet

at perigee. The cabin pressure has been reported as holding

between 5 and 5.5 pounds per square inch. McDivitt is asking

for a precise reading on the orbit of the second stage, which

would become very critical in the event that we do attempt to

close on it further. However, additional closing is not indi-

cated at this time because of the high usage rate thus far in

the flight, and his attempts so far to close on it. This is

Gemini Control, one hour and 34 minutes into the mission.

We're going to start the Guaymas tape in 15 seconds.

This is Gemini Control, Houston. We'd like to play for

you the - at this time - the tape of the conversation as the

spacecraft moved across the United States.

CC Guaymas PCN solid.

S/C Roger.

S/C Guaymas, Gemini 4.

CC Gemini 4, Guaymas Cap Corn.

S/C Roger, Guaymas, we still have the booster. We're out quite

a ways from it now. It's taken a little more fuel than

we had anticipated. We've got 61 in the fore and aft

window and the after 37 left and 36 up at the present time.


Tape 6, Page 4
Mission Commentary Transcript

We appear right now to be just about holding our own with it.

Of course, we should - as we progress here - we should start

to close with it but it's out further than we had hoped to

let it get right now.

CC Roger, I copy.

S/C Is there any way of giving me a quick check on what my

orbit is. This thing is way below me.

CC Wilco.

S/C Say again.

S/C I say the booster is way below me. Could you tell me what

my present orbit is as soon as possible.

CC Roger, We're working on it.

CC We'll do that.

Kraft: Tell him it'll probably be this pass over the States

before we can get it to him.

cc Say again, flight.

Kraft: Probably be after the pass over the States before we

can get it to him.

CC Gemini 4, we'll update you with the orbit calculations

sometime after the pass over the States.

S/C Roger, understand. And bsides our cabin pressure seems

_. j .- .__.----.. ._ *
?ape 6, Page 5
Mission Commentary Transcript

to be holding even here below 5. It stabilized out initially

at 5.5 and decreased to 5.25 and then went back up to 5-l/2

and it's now down a little below 5.

cc Roger, we copy.

S/C Would you want to get a confirmation for me on that on the


cc Roger, we're working on it. Put your quantity . . . rate

S/C Roger, going to read.

S/C‘Guaymas, this is Gemini 4. We're going to have to get

resolution right away. Do you want me to really make a major

effort to close with this thing or to save the fuel?

Kraft: I think we should save the fuel.

s/t Guaymas, do you read Gemini 4?

cc Roger. We copy. We suggest that you stand by. We want to

save the fuel.

s/c Roger. I guess we've already expended about a hundred

feet per second.

cc You've expended a hundred feet per second? Roger.

Kraft: I don't think it's worth it.

cc We're finished with the quantity readings.

cc Gemini 4.

WC Roger.
Mission Commentary Transcript ':'apc- 6, Page 6

cc You can place the quantity read switch to off.

s/c Rog.

cc Flight, Guaymas.

Kraft: Go ahead.

CC Ok. On the ground, the cabin's holding fairly steady at

5.2* Did you copy the readouts of the spacecraft?

Kraft: Affirmative. You might tell him that as far as we're

concerned we want to save the fuel. We're concerned about the

lifetime more than we are matching that booster.

cc ' Gemini 4, Guaymas Cap Corn. Flight advises that he'd like

to save the fuel. You'll be advised over the Cape.

S/C I just can't wait till I get to the Cape. I guess we're

just going to &ve to watch it go away. I'd like to save

enough to help bring me down - I don't want to get down to

wherever it's going.

cc Roger.

Kraft: Tell him to forget it.

CC Ok. I guess we'll scrub it.

S/C Ok. Get me a tag on my orbit as quick as you can.

cc We're working on it. Did you get that, Flight?

Kraft: Affirmative - I got that.

Mission Commentary Transcript Yap0 6, Page 7

cc Gemini 4, Houston Cap Corn.

s/c Go ahead, Houston. Gemini 4.

cc Jim, we estimate you've used about 50 percent of your

OAMS capabiality at this time.

s/c Roger, I think we ought to knock it off, Gus. It's

probably 3 or 4 miles away and we just can't close up.

cc Right. Knock off - no more rendezvousing with the booster.

s/c Ok. Roger.

CC Ok. We're giving you a go for your EVA at thistime.

S/C ok.

cc I'm going to give you . .

S/C What kind of an orbit am I in now?

cc We're working on it but you may not get it till you get

to the Canaries.

S/C Ok.

CC Ok. I'm going to give you your 3-1, 3-4 and 4-4 times.

Tell me when you're ready to copy.

s/c Stand by one.

cc Roger.

s/c Be advised I'm going to let the booster go and . . . we're

going to aline the platform back to conserve fuel.

cc Roger.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 6, Page F:

cc Gemini 4, Houston.

S/C Go ahead, Houston. Gemini 4 is ready to copy.

cc Roger. 3-1, 171 3 plus 42, 18, 19, 03. 2 plus 23, 8

plus 42. Want to read those back to me?

S/C Roger. 3-1, 171 3 plus 42, 18, 19, 03. 2 plus 23, 8

plus 42.
Mission Commentary Transcript

This Is Gemini Control Houston. The spacecraft at this time

is over the Canary Station. We are 1 hour and 51 minutes into the

mission. Since the pass across the United States, the Mission

Director and his Systems Advisors have consulted and based on the

usage of fuel up to this point which is - the usage has been an

estimated 160 feet/set available out of a total of 360 feet/set

available leaving him 200 feet per second, the Mission Director

has decided not to attempt any closer approaches to the booster

that is, he will not attempt the Gemini 4 spacecraft will not

attempt to come closer to the booster during the - during this

revolution when we will attempt extravehicular activity, and he

will not attempt to come any closer during the fifth revolution as

previously announced.
Mission Commentary Transcript

The new elements for the spacecraft has resulted in maneuvering

during the first revolution or 103 mile perigee that's statute miles,

and 180 miles apogee. White has been busy the last 5 minutes

unstowing his extravehicular equipflent and adjusting it, getting ready

for his - the hatch opening. This is Gemini Control at one hour and

52 minutes into the flight. This is Gemini Control Houston. Two

hours and ILL minutes into the mission with the spacecraft over the

Tanaverie station.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 7, Patye :

As the spacecraft moved across the African continent, Ed White

was busy going through the detailed checklist, some 40 items long,

and preparing for his extravehicular maneuver, getting his gear out

of various storage boxes, putting it in place, moving the switches

to the right position and presumably, he has accomplished most of

that preliminary work at this time. We see no constraints at all on

the extravehicular activity at this particular moment. They look

very good in the spacecraft. The Pilot and the Command Pilot have

been advised that they can play their attitudes anyway they like,

that is they can be hatch up, or hatch down during the extravehicular

activity, and, in
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 7, ia;: 4

general, we are looking very good. We would like to play for you

now the conversation recorded as the spacecraft moved across the

African continent, and we have that tape for you now.

cc Gemini 4, Houston Cap Corn. Gemini 4, Houston Cap Corn.

cc Be advised, you are not key in our transmitter.

cc Okay, could you give me a manual key.

cc Roger, will manual key.

cc Gemini 4, Houston Cap Corn. Gemini 4, Houston Cap Corn.

Houston, this is an advisory, we are manually keying you.

cc Roger, I'm not getting any report back. Gemini 4, Houston

Cap Corn.
Houston, be advised, you are now key.

cc Gemini 4, Houston Cap Corn, over.

s/c Come in Houston acdtxGemini 4, how do you

Cap Com, $EU!XX&~~UXDXE


cc I read you loud and clear Champ. Say, for your attitudes for

ETA, go ahead with the same attitudes you planned, that is

BEF and 180 degrees roll. That should be the best for photographic


s/c Roger.

cc And to get the picture of the spacecraft your best bet would
be to move out forward.

s/c Say again.

cc Your best sun angle for getting a picture of the spacecraft would

be to move out forward from the spacecraft.

‘I’ape ‘I, l’a.!‘,f! ‘;

Miss,ioll Commentary Transcript

S/C Roger, will move out forward. We'll be BEF upside down.

CC Roger.

s/c It is a getting a bit crowded in here, Gus.

cc I'll bet.
Gemini 4,
cc Hey, Jim. Jim, this is Houston. XS@@X&@, Houston.

CANO, are you still manually keying?

Negative. We will manual key if you wish.

cc Okay, manual key. Key, I'd like to talk to him one more time.

We are manually keyed.

cc Gemini, Houston.

Houston, this is CANO, would you try to key.

cc Gemini, this is Houston.

s/c Come in Houston, Gemini 4.

cc Hey, Jim. You don't have to go upside down if you don't want

to whatever position is best for you.

We have no constrain on your attitude.

Houston, be advised that you are intermittently keyed. We

will manually key you.

cc Gemini 4, Houston.

Houston, this is Kano. Be advised that you are manually keyed.

ISA30 here, , . .

'hpc 0, Page 1
Mission Commentary Transcript

This is Gemini Control, Houston. Two hours and 25 minutes

into this mission. And l.,ithin the last 30 seconds we've

established contact with the Gemini 4 spacecraft at Carnarvan.

Pilot Jim McDivitt - Command Pilot Jim McDivitt at this time

is giving the ground the blood pressure reading. He advises

that Ed White is in the final stages of hooking up his umbilical

and his other equipments necessary for the extra-vehicular

equipment - for the extra-vehicular exercise - pardon me. He

also advises that things are running a little slow on the

checklist but apparently it's nothing too serious. Within

six minutes, the general plan calls for Ed White to switch

over to his extra-vehicular equipment and go off the spacecraft

cabin environmental control system, at which point he'll make

a final check of all his emergency equipment for that extra-

vehicular maneuver. Let's tune in now to the tape as it's

started - the conversation at Carnarvan.

s/c . . .right now. He's trying to get his umbilical on.

CC ok. We need a blood pressure reading from the Command Pilot.

s/c Stand by one. You might advise Flight, by way of the

land lines that we're running late on this thing. There's a

lot to do and we're having trouble keeping track of all this.

CC Ok. Copy that, Flight?

Mission Commentary Transcript

s/c Roger. I'll give you a blood pressure as soon as I

get around to it.

cc Roger. Flight, Carnarvan.

Flight: Go ahead.

cc He‘s running late on his flight plan.

Flight We understand.

CC Ok. I'm going to cut off on the count checks.

S/C You want it back on continuous?

cc That's affirmative. Back on continuous.

S/C Do you want both on or just the reentry one?

cc . . . temperature.

S/C ok. As soon as I get the blood pressure, then I'll give

you . . .

CC Ok. Radar track at Carnarvan.

CC ok. Give me a . . - for about 10 seconds.

s/c Roger. I can't give you a good blood pressure. The bulb

popped off.

cc Flight, Carnarvan.

Flight Go ahead

cc He's having trouble with the blood pressure bulb. It just

popped off. You want to give him the EVA go?

Flight Affirmative
Mission Commentary Transcript !'ape 6, Ix;e f

cc Roger, we'll go without the blood pressure then.

Flight Affirmative.

cc Gemini 4, you are go for the EVA and decompression. Dis-

regard the blood pressure unless you've got ten minutes. Then

try and get a pressure. We'd appreciate it.

S/C We don't have any time at all. We're really pressed here.

CC Ok.

cc Ok, between your first and your second repressurization

in that wait period, we want you to put your radiator in bypass

and in the flow after you repressurize the second time.

WC Roger.

s/c Just advised Cap Corn that we're running a little late and

we might not be ready at Hawaii.

cc All right - he knows that.

Flight You might tell him if he doesn't make it this pass,

we*11 take his evaluation and we'll do it next pass. If he

doesn't think he can make it.

cc All right. Houston advises that if you are unable to

make it this time, we'll take your evaluation and we'll pick it

up on the next pass.

s/c Roger, understand that.

Tape 8 , Paf:e /1
Mission Commentary Transcript

CC ok. You don't have to acknowledge this. You're in

an 89.2 by 155 orbit. And it's a 4.8 day lifetime.

This is Gemini Control, Houston. Two hours and 35

minutes into the mission. And Ed White and Jim McDivitt are

making their final preparations for an extra-vehicular activity:

at this point the spacecraft is on the northeast coast of

Australia. Meanwhile, within the last minute, we've been

advised by our Department of Defense recovery room here at

Houston that an airplane - a C-54 telemetry airplane is having

some engine trouble. Its position right now is 350 miles south

of Bermuda. It's returning to Bermuda with one engine out.

The situation is not considered critical, however, other air-

planes will go out and meet the C-54 and bring it in to.Bermuda.

The aircraft with engine trouble is estimating Bermuda in about

one hour and fifty minutes from now - ten minutes before noon

CST. This is Gemini Control.

This is Gemini Control, Houston. Within the past minute

the Canton station has raised the Gemini 4 spacecraft and the

Command Pilot, Jim McDivitt, advises that all is in readiness

for the extra vehicular maneuver. Here in the Control Center,

the Mission Director wanted to pass along the information that

Mission Commentary Transcript 'i'ap 8, Page 5

if they were at all rushed on the flight plan just to hold off

for one pass and do it the next pass. But the word from Gemini

4 is that all the connections have been made and they're quite

ready and prepared to undertake the extra-vehicular maneuver.

They're standing by momentarily for some word from Hawaii at

which point - or within a few minutes of LOS at Hawaii - we're

not just sure, the right hatch door should be opened. This is

Gemini Control, two hours and 49 minutes into the mission.

This is Gemini Control, Houston. The Hawaii station has

just been in touch with Command Pilot Jim McDivitt. He

apparently has decided that things were a bit too rushed and

has elected to wait until the next pass around in order to

attempt his extra-vehicular activity. The first indication

we had of this was the cabin pressure reading on the ground

which still showed something over 5 pounds of cabin pressure.

Within seconds after that, Jim McDivitt's voice came up on

the loop and he said that they had decided to wait until the

next revolution. Apparently all of the connections and the

unstowing of articles got a little hectic there over Carnarvan.

We did note that Ed White was working awfully hard to get his -

all of his connections strapped on. The feeling here was that,

if they so elected, they could certainly wait until another

'rape 8, Page 6
Mission Commentary Transcript

revolution and they have taken that choice. This is Gemini

Control. The spacecraft at this time is some 700 to 800

miles southeast of Hawaii, proceeding toward the United States.

We should have contact from our California station within three

to four minutes and we expect no further advisories until that

point. I want to reaffirm that the status aboard appears to be

excellent at this time. The pilots have elected to wait one

more pass before attempting the extra-vehicular activity. Two

hours and 53 minutes into the mission. This is Gemini Control,


This is Gemini Control, Houston. We have re-racked the

tape from the Hawaii pass and are prepared to play it for you.

I think you'll note the unusual clarity of the conversation.

As best I can recall it's about the cleanest one we've had so

far into the flight. Could we have that tape now, please.

cc Gemini 4, Hawaii Cap Corn. Do you copy?

s/e Rv=r, Hawaii. I read you loud and clear.

cc Roger. What is your status.

S/C Standby one.

cc Houston Flight, the cabin pressure is 5.4 on my meter here

on the ground.

S/C Hawaii, Gemini 4.

cc Go ahead, Gemini 4.
‘ihpc? 8, Page 7
Mission Commentary Transcript

S/C Next pass around. I don't think we want to try it.

cc Understand next pass around.

Flight: Tell him we're happy with that.

cc Roger, Gemini 4. We're happy with that.

Flight: Hawaii, Houston Flight.

cc Go ahead, Flight.

Flight: Tell him to get back on the normal suit circuit.

cc Roger. Gemini 4, Hawaii Cap Corn.

s/c Stand by one.

S/C ok. Go ahead, Hawaii.

cc Roger. Flight advises go back on normal suit circuit until

next round and then go back over Carnavan.

s/c Roger. That's what we're doing right now. We just plan

in action.

cc Roger, understand.
Mission Commentary Transcript

This is Gemini Control Houston. Three hours into the mission

and within the past minute, 30 seconds actually, our California

Station has raised the spacecraft, Gus Grissom is in conversation

with Jim McDivit at this time and let's tune in live on that

conversation as it moves across the United States.

. . . .

cc Say again.

s/c Just wanted to confirm if we had passed the retrofire time.

cc Hey Jim, you do have your computer on, don't YOU?

s/c Negative, I don't have it on. Do you want it on at this


cc Ah, roger, cut it on. We are going to give you a 4-4 time.

SIC Okay, I thought we were going to get it later. I'll cut

it on at this time.

cc Prelaunch mode.

s/c Roger, prelaunch

s/c . . . . on, over

cc Say again Jim.

s/c I say my computer lights on, we're ready.

cc Roger.

. . . . .

cc I think you did a smart thing back there.


s/c Yeah, it would have been a short flight if we kept pushing

that bottle around.

Tape 9, Pace 2
Mission Commentary Transcript

cc Yeah, sounds like you have been awfully busy this first couple

of orbits , you know.

s/c It would have been impossible. We had never got the EXA gone

at all.

s/c It was . . . . . and it's really nice.

Cap Corn, Cape Flight.

cc Go ahead.
Get him to describe his status inside the cockpit in regard to

the equipment, what he's got hooked up and ready to go with.

cc Okay. Hey, Jim, Jim, this is Houston. Gemini 4 Houston Cap


s/c Go ahead Houston, 'Gemini 4.

cc How about describing the way the cockpit is layed out now with

all of your gear out.

s/c Okay, Well, we've got to the get out position here and when .we

finally called it quits it was obvious that we wern't going to

make it at that time without really rushing, and I didn't want

to do that.

cc Roger.

s/c Roger. He has most of the equipment on him right now. I've

got the gun and the camera and the hatch fitting, the fitting
to couple the two suit hoods together with, that is all the

paraf inelia on him right now, but he is on suit circuit, got

the repress valve off, and we are just about all set to go.

I think that when we get right over Africa, we are going to go

through the checklist again, and when we get to Canarvon, we

I 1 f L I,
L L A L .A. *r 1L I *- L irh P- h .. --
Mission Commentary Transcript

will be all set.

cc Roger. Have you taken any pictures yet?
s/c No, as a matter of a fact, we really haven't had time to

. . .

cc Okay, you haven't had any time yet, have you.

s/c It is a nice spacecraft though, Gus.

cc Good. Do you have the shutoff valve on the chest pack closed?

s/c Roger, it is.

cc Okay.

s/c Okay, we get her update then?

Did you get any update Pete, retro?

Yes sir. The computer works done in and the TR clock.


Got that Cap Corn.

cc Roger, I got it okay.

Cap Corn, just to verify, he never started a depressurization.

Is that correct.

cc Gemini 4. Gemini 4, Houston.

California, LOS

cc Gemini 4 Houston. Gemini 4, Houston.

California is LOS.

Texas, go to air-to-ground remote.

Roger, Texas is in air-to-ground remote.

cc Gemini 4, Houston Cap Corn.

'rape 9, Page 4
Mission Commentary Transcript

s/c Gemini 4, do you read me now.

cc Roger, I lost you there for a minute. Say, you never did start

to decompress, did you?

s/c Say again.

cc Did you ever start decompressing.

q/c Negative, we never started decompressing.

cc Roger, I understand.

s/c . . . . this is Gemini 4. I think we are right over Texas now.

cc You say you are coming right over big T.

s/c Roger, we are.

CC See any of it?

s/c . . . .

SIC We are over the Gulf right now.

cc Right over the Gulf, huh. Has your weather been good around the


s/c We haven't really had time to look out . . . . . .

cc Roger, can you still see the booster?

s/c I don't even know where it is right now Gus.

cc Roger.

s/c We saw it just after we . . . . .

cc you are getting awfully garbled.

s/c Roger, I say again. We saw it when we in the darkness, but we

haven't seen it since we got back out into the light.

cc Roger, I understand yousaw it on the dark side.

_. .-. .-. “.l_...- - .. .

Mission Commentary Transcript

cc Gemini 4, you still with me?

Gemini 4, Houston Cap Corn.

S/C EQ@XXvs Go ahead Houston, Gemini 4.

cc Roger, we just switch remote. Is Hd still there?

s/c Yeah, he just doesn't like to talk, I guess.

s/c . . . .

cc Roger, did you get pretty heated up getting all that gear out?

s/c Roger, I got pretty warm.

cc How do you feel now?

s/c Fine

cc Good.

cc Did you guys have any water to drink yet?

s/c Negative.

I think the booster should be about 32 miles ahead of him and

about 3 miles below him.

Did you copy that Cap Cam?

cc Jim, we figure that the booster should be about 32 miles ahead

of you and 5 miles below you at this time.

S/C 32 ahead and 5 below?

cc Roger.

s/c We just got a beautiful view of the whole state of Florida.

as we are passing over it now.

cc You got Florida in sight, huh?

s/c From the top to the bottom.

Mission Commentary Transcript 'rape 9, Page 6

cc Very good.

s/c We are looking right down at the Cape now. You can see the launch

complexes down there. It is quite clear.

cc Hey, Jim. Gemini 4. We would like for you to turn your cabin

wx heat exchanger on until you get ready to decompress, and fan.

s/c Ah, roger. We are not getting hot if that is what you're worried


cc Our cabin temperature is getting up a little.

s/c Okay.

s/c Cap Corn, Gemini 4.

cc Go ahead. This is Houston, Go ahead.

s/c Roger. How about turning the computer off?

cc Affirmative.
Turn it off.

Don't forget to drink some water now.

s/c Yeah, can we turn the computer off.

cc Roger, turn the computer off.

s/c Houston, Gemini 4, do you read.

cc Roger, we read you. Go ahead.

s/c Roger, how about turning the computer off.

cc Roger, turn off the computer!

s/c OKAY!
This is Gemini Control.Houston. For the last 15 minutes you

have listened to the conversation as the spacecraft moved across the

United States. Apparently, we have lost signal, lost contact with

the Bermuda Station. Three hours *and 15 minutes into the mission.
Tape 9, Pace 7
Mission Commentary Transcript

We apparently have lost contact with our Bermuda station at this

time. For the last 15 minutes we have been listening to a live

transmission from the spacecraft and generally, I guess it might

be characterized as a settleing down sort of past. Jim, getting

another transmission, another conversation from &&IX McDivit and

Grissom. Let's go back to that conversation.

cc Gemini 4, Houston.

s/c Go ahead Houston, Gemini 4.

cc As you come over Ascension I am going to try and give you

a check. Air-to-ground hasn't worked too well today and we

sure would like to get that one up.

s/c Roger, we'll be waiting.

cc Roger.

s/c Would you advise that we've both had a drink and I had 10 12.

cc Roger.

This is Gemini Control Houston., We're still getting a good

solid TM contact from Bermuda. The voice circuit however,

became noisy as you probably noted during that last conversation.

The burden of it was that over Ascension the spacecraft and the

ground will attempt a voice contact. We are interested in the

quality of that contact which will be remoted back here from

Ascension Island in the Central South Atlantic Ocean. This is

Gemini Control at 3 hours and 18 minutes into the mission.

Mission Commentary Transcript

This is Gemini Control Houston. Three hours and 48 minutes into

the mission. Spacecraft off the southeast coast of Africa. We have

not acquired by our ground remote circuit with the Tanaverive Station,

I repeat, we did not acquire the spacecraft. We have had trouble with

that Tanaverie relay all morning. It did work once, it did not work

this time. We are estimating our extravehicular activity to begin in

approximately 35 to 40 minutes from now over Hawaii. Earlier, we

mentioned an airplane in trouble south of Bermuda. That airplane has

now been intercepted with several other aircraft. It's estimated to

be in Bermuda at Kin&ey Air Force Base in approximately 20 minutes.

This is Gemini Control.

This is Gemini Control Houston 4 hours and 1 minute into the

mission. The Canarvon Station in western Australia is in touch with

the Gemini 4 spacecraft at this time and Command Pilot Jim McDivit

reports the status is excellent onboard and they are prepared to

start the wt%~&x depressurization of the cabin preliminary to the

extravehicular activity. In the last minute the - we had a blood

pressure reading from both the Command Pilot and the Pilot. The

blood. pressure readings came through loud and clear and they are

quite nominal values. The sequence of events here calls for depressuri-

zation followed by final check list, preliminary to opening that hatch.

They are estimating that that would occur over the Hawaii station.

Our contact should be even better on this pass then it would have been

on the previous pass. Meanwhile, most of the flight controllers here

have taken about a 10 to 15 minute break, they have had a sandwich and
a cup of coffee, and they have returned to their consoles in preparation
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 10, Page2

for this important maneuver. This is Gemini Control.

'l&is is Gemini Control in Houston. We are still in touch with

the Gemini 4 spacecraft over Western Australia, and we are prepared

to play at that time a tape of that conversation which is still in

progress. Let's hear the tape now.

s/c Hello Carnarvon. Hello Carnarvon. Gemini IV.

Cc!’ Gemini IV. Carnarvon CAPCOM

s/c Roger Carnarvon, Gemini IV. How do you read?

cc Loud and clear. Over.

s/c Loud and clear.

cc Roger. Will you turn your cabin fan off. Heat exchanger to 4 1.

s/c Roger. Cabin fan off and cabin heat exchanger to 4 1.

cc Roger. We would like a blood pressure from the cormnand pilot.

What is your status for EVA?

s/c The status is GO for EVA.

cc Okay. You are GO for EVA from here. In for decompression.

. . . epressurization. Could you give us the blood pressure

on the command pilot?

s/c Roger. I'm going to try to give you a blood pressure right now.

cc Alright.

Okay, keep coming. It is coming up.

Your pulse is till scale.

Could you give me about 10 seconds on your quanity read switch,


s/c Quantity read is on.

cc Roger.
'I'ape 10, I'al:e 3
Miss -011 Commentary Transcript

s/c Quantity read is on.

cc Roger. Okay we gota good blood pressure from you. Now, your

right secondary O2 should be open. Your left secondary O2 should

be closed.

s/c Affirmative. That's the configuration. The left is closed the

right is open. I understand we have a GO to start the decom-

pression. Is that right?

cc That's affirmative. GO for decompression and a GO for EVA.

s/c Roger. I expect to be out . . . .I will call near Hawaii.

cc Roger. Very good.

cc Flight, Carnarvon.

FLT Go ahead.

cc Okay. You got any-thing you want to pass to them.

FLT Negative.

cc Okay. I'm going to cut off the conversation to them then.

FLT We would like to have the quantity switch to read throughout

the pass, starting now -

Mission Commentary Transcript EVA-l
Elt0 e:
This is Gemini Control. Four hours and 24 minutes into
the mission. The Hawaii station has just established contact

and the pilot Jim McDivitt advises the cabin has been depres-

surized. It is reading zero. We are standing by for a Go

from Hawaii to open that hatch. Meanwhile, we've been advised

by Flight Dynamics that the booster, the second stage booster,

is approximately 65 miles in front of the spacecraft and about

three miles below it. It is not known whether the pilot or

the command pilot will be able to see it. Meanwhile Ed White

reports he's feeling fine. And standby for a mark from Hawaii.

This is Gemini Control. White has opened the door - he

has stood up and it's a most relaxed period. McDivitt reports

that White is standing in the seat. Let's hear that conversation

live right now while is standing up in the seat - the hatch is

open. Let's go with a live broadcast. from Gemini 4.

CC Flight, Hawaii.

Flight Go ahead.

CC Emergency 02 is 3400 psi.

Flt Roger, we copy.

cc Roger. He is standing in the seat.

??lt Roger, we copy.

‘rape 11
Mission Commentary Transcript EVA-2

cc All systems on the ground look good.

Flight Roger.
WC Our ECS is real good. It's reading still 50 percent.

Looks like we're not even using any.

cc We concur on the ground.

s/c Hell, Hawaii, hello, Hawaii

cc We understand.

Flight . . you're having him get out?

cc Roger, flight, we're go. He's got some nice elevated

rates which we expected and he‘s really speeded it up but he

looks great - let's go (This transmission was from the Flight


Flight Hawaii, Houston.

cc Houston Flight, Hawaii Cap Corn. Go.

Flight Tell him we're ready to have him get out when he is.

cc Roger, I understand.

Flight Tell him to give us a mark.

cc Gemini 4, Hawaii Cap Corn.

s/c Come in, Hawaii, Gemini 4.

cc Roger. We just had word from Houston we're ready to have

you get out whenever you're ready. Give us a mark when you

egress the spacecraft.

't'ape 11
Mission Commentary Transcript EVA-3

WC Okay we've got our Go now - is that right?

cc Affirmative.

S/c ok. '

cc Be sure and give us a mark when he egresses.

S/C Ok. We're still doing a little work right here.

cc Roger, understand.

Flight Get his status, Hawaii.

cc Hawaii Cap Corn, what is your status now?

WC We're about ready to start getting out. Ed just got one

of his gloves back on and he'll put another one on and we're

ready to go.

cc Can you repeat Gemini 4?

WC He's ready to egress right now.

cc Gemini 4, Hawaii Cap Corn. Can you repeat your last trans-


cc Gemini 4, Hawaii Cap Corn. Do you copy?

cc Gemini 4, Hawaii Cap Corn. Do you copy?

This is Gemini Control, Apparently the spacecraft has

lost contact. The Hawaii station advises that "I think the

last transmission was 'He is getting out right now' at 45

past the hour. Very shortly after that transmission we had

'"ape 11
Mission Commentary Transcript EVA-4

loss of sight. Gus Grissom, Cap Corn here, isn't so sure that

that was the burden of the message. It'll be several minutes

before we can establish whether he did leave the spacecraft

at that time or not. In any case, he was feeling good. The

surgeon was entirely satisfied with what he was reading and the

weather over the United States looks like it's going to cooperate.

The weather in the southwest is clear over Arizona. Moving

farther east, partly cloudy over Texas and Louisiana, scattered

. clouds over Florida. So, in general, the viewing while White

is out in space over the United States should be excellent. We'll

stand by for a recontact with our California station in perhaps

two minutes.. This is Gemini Control at four hours and 31 minutes

into the mission.

This is Gemini Control, Houston. Gus Grissom has just

established contact with the spacecraft. McDivitt confirmed

that White did leave the spacecraft. He said he looks great.

He's outside working his maneuvering unit and Jim is quite

exuberant about the performance that he's witnessing at this

time. Let's cut in live now and listen to what White says.

We've not heard him say anything over his comm loop, but let's

tune in on that conversation.

This is Gemini Control. The voice you hear repeating

. .
Mission Commentary Transcript EVA-5

"It's working - keep talking there" is Jim McDivitt -

CC Tell him to keep talking - we're receiving Ed through

your VOX. .

S/C Ok. We'll go to VOX then. Ok, Ed, they're receiving us

Tell them what you think.

White: Cap Corn, the maneuvering unit is good. The only problem

I have is that I haven't got enough fuel. I've exhausted the

fuel now and I was able ti maneuver myself down to the bottom

of the spacecraft and I was roght up on top of the ddapter.

. . . Jim and came back into his view. The only thing I am . .

. . . Over my head and I'm looking right down and it looks like

we're coming up on the coast of California. And I'm going in

slow rotation to the right. There is absolutely no disorient-

ation association.

S/C One thing .about it when Ed gets out there and starts

whipping around it sure makes the spacecraft tough to control.

cc Is he taking pictures?

WC Of the ocean. This is only my guess. He took the first


cc Take some pictures.

White: I'm going to work on getting some pictures, Jim.

Tape 11
Mission Commentary Transcript EVA-6

S/C Ok. Get out in front where I can see you again.

1've only got about three in the Hasselblad.

White: Ok.

s/c Where are you?

White: Right out in front now. I don't have the control I had

any more . .

cc And you've got about five minutes.

mite: I want to get out and shoot some more pictures . . .

S/C ok. ~'rn going to start firing the thrusters now.

White: There's no difficulty in recontacting the spacecraft.

It's all very . . . particularly in trying to move back . .

I'm very thankful in having the experience to be first. Right

now I'm on top of the . . . the window. I pulled myself in

and put myself in . .

S/C Move slowly and I'll take your picture.

Haney: Can he see the booster, Gus?

White: Right now I could maneuver much better if I just had the

gun but I'll manage. . .

S/C Ok. Stay right there if you can.

This is Gemini Control, Houston. . . Here they are again.

WC Ed, will you please roll around. Right now we're pointing

,. ,__.
-..-_. . -. .
'I'ape 11
Mission Commentary Transcript EVA-7

just about straight down to the ground.

White: Ok, now I'm taking a look back at the adapter - I'm

looking back there. Couldn't see . . . The thrusters are

clean. The sun in space is not blinding but it's quite nice.

Also the Velcro that we put on seems to be in good shape. . .

I'm coming back down on the spacecraft. I can sit out here and

see the whole California coast.Looking on further out . . .

Flight, this is Surgeon. The data looks great here.

Flight: How's his EKG?

Surgeon: It looks great, Flight. He's just ripping along

here at a great rate.

This is Gemini Control, Houston. Here on the ground we're

watching a scope of the heart action and respirations.

s/c For your information, Ed, we're only down to 48 percent on

our 02. And the ECS 02 pressure is about 830 so it's staying

right up there.

White: . .

WC Oh, yeah, is that right? Where it's attached to you or

where it's attached to the spacecraft?

White: Where it's attached to the spacecraft.

cc Gemini 4, this is Houston Cap Corn

WC Hey, Ed, smile.

'Papr! 11
Mission Commentary Transcript EVA-8

White: I'm looking right down your gun barrel, huh? All


SIC Let me take a close-up picture of you.

s/c YOU smeared up my windshield, you dirty dog. You see how

it's all smeared up there.

White: Yep.

s/c Looks like there's a coating on the outside and you've

rubbed it off. That's apparently what you've done.

cc Gemini 4, Houston Cap Corn.

s/c The spacecraft rates are up about one degree per second in

pitch and yaw and about a half degree per second in roll.

s/c Ed, I don't even know exactly where we are but it looks

like we're about over Texas.

cc Gemini 4, Houston Cap Corn.

WC As a matter of fact that area looks like Houston down


cc Gemini 4, Houston Cap Corn

WC Hey, Gus, I don't know if you read us but we're right over


White: .,. we're looking right down on Houston.

WC Go on out and look.

cc Gemini 4, Houston

WC Yeah, that's Galveston Bay right there. Hey, Ed, can you
&ape 11

Mission Commentary Transcript EVA-9

see it on your side of the spacecraft.

White: I'll get a picture.

s/c Can you ‘see the camera here?

White: Yeah.

s/c Is it pointing at you.

White: No, Not now.

s/c Which way.

White: . . . I'm not getting a picture.

s/c . Now don't get back there where the -

White: I'm right behind you and right above where . .

cc Gemini 4, Houston.

White: . . .

s/c That'11 really be it, huh?

White: Yeah.

cc Gemini 4, Houston. .
White: . . . . of the Texas . . . I only shot about three or


s/c Is that right? Well, I've taken a lot but they're not

very good. You're in too close for most of them. I finally put

the focus down to about 8 feet or so.

cc Gemini 4, Houston,
Tape 11
Mission Commentary Transcript EVA-10

s/c You know, Ed, this thing about the reference we were

talking about looks like it's sure right.

cc Gemini 4, Houston.

s/c Let's see what Kleinknecht has got to say.

,Flight: The flight director says get back in.

WC Gus, this is Jim. Got any message for us.

cc Gemini 4, get back in.

S/C Ok.

WC I don't know. We're coming over the west there and they

want you to come back in now.

cc Roger. We've been trying to talk to you for a while here.

White: This is fun.

s/c Well, back in. Come on.

White: . . . to come back to you, but I'm coming.

s/c Youstill havethree and.a half or four days ago, buddy.

White: I'm coming.

s/c OK.

cc You've got about four minutes to Bermuda LOS.

cc Gemini 4, Houston Cap Corn.,

White: I'm trying to .. .

s/c Ok, Ok. Don't wear yourself out now. Just come on in.

s/c How you doing there?

White: The spacecraft really looks like it's . . . . because

'L'ape 11
Mission Commentary Transcript EVA-11

whenever a piece of dirt or something goes by it always heads

right for that door and goes on out.

S/C Ok - whoops, take it easy now.

White: Ok. ~'rn on top of it right now.

s/c ok, you're right on top. Come on in then.

White: The hand hold on that spacecraft is fantastic. You can

really . . . . Aren't you going to hold my hand?

S/C No, come on in the . . .

WC Ed, come on in here.

White: All right.

WC I'll put the gun up.

White: I'll open the door and come through there.

S/C Ok. Let's not lose this camera now. I don't quite have

it. A little bit more. Ok. I've got it.

White: . .

s/c Yeah, we sort-of talked about that -

White: Huh?

WC We sort of talked about that didn't get very much of a


White: No.

WC Come on. Let's get back in here before it gets dark.

Tape 12
Mission Commentary Transcript EVA-12

White: It's the saddest moment of my life.

s/c Well, you're going to find it sadder when we have to

come down with this whole thing.

White: I'm coming.

S/C Ok. Come on now.

cc Gemini 4, Houston Cap Corn.

WC Let's see you get those hand dogs fixed now.

cc Gemini 4, Houston Cap Corn.

s/c I'm just putting all this stuff down here . . .

I'm going on in a minute. No time to talk now - I'm pulling in

his air hose. Ok. Any messages for us Houston?

Flight: Yeah, get back in.

cc Are you getting him back in?

s/c Yeah, he's standing in the seat now and his legs are down

below the instrument panel.

cc Ok, get him back in. You're going to have Bermuda LOS

in about 20 seconds.

s/c Ok, he's coming in. He's having some trouble getting

back there in the spacecraft.

cc Are your cabin lights up bright in case you hit darkness?

This is Gemini Control, Houston. We apparently have lost

the signal in Bermuda after an extraordinary 20-minute conversation

f. -..--- _-- I .-
Mission Commentary Transcript EVA-13

with Pilot Jim McDivitt and Ed White. The reason for the
delay in receipt of the'signal from Houston was, of course,

that McDivitt had his key so - in a position so that he could

not receive the signal up here. No great concern on the ground.

The conversation was certainly stimulating and we are assuming

by now, at last report we have Ed down in the seat and we're

assuming by now that they're about to close the door on that.

And We're now hearing McDivitt again.

s/c . . especially what kind of pictures we had there - . .

cc Roger.

Flight: What did he say, Gus.

cc That he was busy and would rather not talk to us.

This is Gemini Control, Houston. We have lost signal

with Bermuda. At our last report, McDivitt was - everything was

going along all right. We're standing by right now. We expect

to get a cue from the Flight Director as to when we'll next

depressurize and open the spacecraft. This is, according to

our original plan, in order to jettison some of the bulkier

gear. Among theitems to be discarded in space are the chest

pack, the emergency chest pack that Ed used, the space

maneuvering unit, the umbilical, a number of items. There's

some question as to whether the maneuvering unit will be

discarded. It's not too bulky. At very least, the propulsion -

Mission Commentary Transcript EVA-14

the oxygen propulsion bottles.on the maneuvering unit will be

discarded, perhaps the little thruster - oxygen thruster engines

will be retained in the spacecraft. This is Gemini Control, four

hours and 53 minutes into the mission.

Mission Commentary Transcript
(First tape after EVA)

This is Gemini'Control Houston. We are 5 hours and 10 minutes

into the mission. To review for you the times, approximate times of

the extravehicular activity of Major White. We estimate here that

the hatch was open, the right hatch was opened at 42 minutes after

the hour. We have a time hack on his, his actual pushaway from the

spacecraft at 45 minutes after the hour. He was back in and standing

on the seat at 5 minutes after the hour, some 20 minutes after he

left the spacecraft. We have not had an approximate time of closure,

however. Ascension was reading the spacecraft on some telemetry

channels. They did not raise it by voice as it passed over that

station a very few minutes ago. Right now, its approaching the

Tanarive Station and then we also have a station which may or may

not be able to raise it at Pretoria South Africa. The next major

discussion we can look from for is the Carnarvon Station, some 8 to

10 minutes from now. The spacecraft is in a darkside right now.

Our data here shows approximately 2 pounds of fuel, 2 pounds of fuel

were used to maintain attitude during the extravehicular activity.

The mission seems to be proceeding very nicely at 5 hours and 11

minutes in. This is Gemini Control Houston.

This is Gemini Control Houston. 5 hours and 31 minutes into

the mission with the spacecraft almost dead center over the Indian

Ocean. Cur last contact - the last advisory on the progress of the

Tnpe 13, Page 2
MisL 'on Commentary Transcript

was from Ascension. We did not establish voice contact there.

Everything from that point

was fairly optim&tic. We still are unable
to supply a precise time on hatch closure, however, we have the

Carnarvon station coming up with communications from Carnarvon have

been excellent all day. We have a report that both Mrs. McDivit and

Mrs. White are in route to the Control Center now. They plan - this

is a little unscheduled visit. I think they want to stop by and

shake a few hands with some people here who followed the - this

extravehicular .activity very closely since wxk2RtpxbawP+mwFww

it's beginning. 'Ihis is Gemini Control at 5 hours and 32 minutes

into the flight.

This is Gemini Control Houston. Within the last minute we

have established contact with the Gemini 4 spacecraft at Carnarvon.

Jim McDivit's first words were "Hello Carnarvon, nice to have some-
one to talk to again". He apparently noted the long blank in the

network also. He advised us that the cabin has been repressurized

and holding nicely at 5.1 psi. He has been given an update and a go

for at least a 6 revolution flight which is his next nominal landing

point should anything develop between now and then. I emphasize

that this is just a routine update. All of the values we have heard

sound entirely nominal. We want to stand by and listen to additional

discussions. This is Gemini Control at 5 hours and 35 minutes.

” r ._._ c
L P - - I a A.. Ir c L i i A i . - - -

Mission Commentary Transcripts Tape 14 Page 1

This is Gemini Control, Houston, five hours and 44 minutes


into the mission. We've just completed a conversation between

the Gemini 4 spacecraft and the Carnarvan station. And during

the course of the pass, Jim McDivitt advised that the cabin

had repressurized to 5.2 pounds. He advised that he had elected

not to depressurize, as had been called for in the earlier

flight plan. He didn't pass along a reason. The best guess here

in the Control Center is that they probably decided that they'd

like to keep the equipment as a souvenir. He did indicate they

were going ahead and stowing the gear and he also advised that

they could see the booster flashing some 60 miles away. We have

re-racked that tape for you and we're prepared to play it for you

.at this time. This is Gemini Control.

WC Gemini 4, Carnarvon, read you loud and clear. How so you

read me. Over.

cc Cap Corn Carnarvap,Gemini 4. Gemini 4, Gemini 4, Carnarvan

reads you loud and clear. Over.

cc Gemini 4, Carnarvan Cap Corn.

S/C Hello, Carnarvan, hello, Carnarvan, Gemini 4.

cc Gemini 4, Carnarvan Cap Corn.

S/C Carnarvan, Gemini 4. Do you Read me?

cc Roger, loud and clear.

Mission Commentary Transcilpt Tape 14, Page 2

S/C Loud and clear. It's nice to have somebody to talk to again. ,-

cc Roger, it's good fo hear you. How are things going?

S/C ok. We're back inside the spacecraft. We're repressurized

to 5 psi. We are not, I say again, we are not going to

depressurize the spacecraft again.

cc 'Roger, understand. How are you feeling?

WC Say again.

cc How are your feeling?

S/C Very, very fine. We're feeling great.

cc ' Roger; Can you give me a battery readout, please.

s/c Roger. Battery readout coming up.

cc Roger.

S/C- Before you get the battery readout, do you want me to stay

powered up or do you want me to start power down?

cc Negative. I'd like you to keep the power on your computer

on until I estimate your time and loads. Then if you are Go,

we'll power you down.

S/C Ok, I'm going to bring the computer on the line now. It's not

on yet.

CC Roger. Turn your computer up. If your platform is off, you

can leave it off.

WC It is.
Mission commentary ,Transcript _. Tape 14, Page 3

S/C 6-l/2. la is 24 volts.

cc Say again, please.

s/c Roger. la and 1.b are 6-l/2 .,

cc Volts?

s/c That's amps. And 24 volts.

cc Go ahead.

s/c lc is 7 amps. 24 volts.

', '-,
cc Roger.
s/c 2a is 7 and a half. 24.

cc Roger,

WC 6;aqd a half - 24.

cc Roger.
1 .,
s/c 2c is 5 and a half - 24 and they look good. The RCS a and b

are both holding up fine.

cc Roger. We're going, to give you a Go for 6 more. I'll

. . ;:.*.
update load for you with maneuver. And a 6.4 for you without

maneuver time.

S/C Would you stand by one, please.

s/c Carnarvan, we won't wait for that one now. We've got

all his equipment in the spacecraft,right now and we're trying

to get it stowed away in a reasonable manner.

CC Ok, understand. I'm going to update your command load first

Mission Comentary Transcript Tape 14, Page 4

And then we'll copy the times when you're ready.

S/C We're ready right now.

CC OK. Just make a PR.

WC I've got it.

cc Roger. Got it in. And you've got a valid 4.4 without....

maneuver. Over.

S/c Understand, we're good for 4.4.

CC OK. Ready to copy your time.

S/C Roger

cc 4-4 1053 3+18 21 08 57 3+00 8+43

S/C Roger, reading back. Area 4-4 1533 18 210857 3+00.8+43.

Affirm this will be done in the following manner - the burns -

110 aft, 43 forward.

S/C Correction. 113 aft, 43 forward. .

CC Roger. You can power down your platforming computer at this


S/C Roger. Clear. Power down.

CC OK. You can turn your quantity read switch off.

S/C Quantities down. So we're going to power down and read ydu

out several other things at this time also-

cc All right. Want to copy some 6.4 times?

S/C Stand by.

Mission Comentary Transcript Tape 14, Page 5

cc 6-4 00 00 01 00 08 54 8+12 16+19. That's it.

s/c Roger. Would you read back the GMT and retrocommand on

64. I can make the 00, Delta V 00 8+12 6+19, and I didn't copy

on the retro time.

cc Roger. That's 01-00 08 54.

WC Roger. I understand. That's 00 08 54. Got it.

cc That's affirmative.

S/C Roger.

CC OK. We have set your adapter C-band beacon to command.

S/c We have set it to command.

cc Roger. We're going to turn it off.

S/C Carnarvan, This is Gemini 4. It looks like our booster's

still out there flashing away.

cc Roger, 4. How far do you think it is?

s/c I really can't tell. It's -- looks like it's about five

or six miles perpendicular to our flight path. Maybe it's more

than that. It could be as far out as twenty miles perpendicular

to us.

cc Roger. Is your adapter C-band in command now?

WC Roger. It is. OK. It looks like I'm ready to turn it off.

s/c Flight, Carnarvan.

Mission Comentary Transcript Tape 14, Page 6

Flt Go ahead.

cc The only thing that didn't work properly is I'm not sure
whether I got that beacon off. It's in command. I tried to

turn it off and just then I had telemetry IDS so I don't know

whether it went off - I don't - I didn‘t get a map deck.

Flight Roger. I understand.

cc But no telemetry. Everything else went normal. And he

sees the booster out there, but he doesn't know whether it's

five or six miles or twenty miles -- it's perpendicular to his

flight path.

Flt Rog. We copied everything. Good pass.

cc Roger. That's affirm.

This is Gemini Control, Houston. We are six hours and

five minutes into the mission. We've just had a short discussion

with the Gemini 4 spacecraft over Hawaii. It was very brief, on

the order of less than a minute. It did develop in that

discussion that there was apparently some small difficulty

in closing the hatch. It was not described in any detail,

and we had asked the spacecraft for a'hatch closure time. They

said they'd figure it out and advise us. They did advise

that Ed White discarded one of the thermal gloves - protective

gloves - that he was wearing. He also discarded a gold over-

visor that he wore while outside the spacecraft. The systems

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 14, Page 7

report from Hawaii was excellent. All the spacecraft systems

functioning very nicely. The cabin pressure holding nicely

at 5.2. Meanwhile, both Pat McDivitt and Pat White, the wives

of these two pilots, are here in the control center. They've

been here approximately a half hour. They have been chatting

with Dr. Gilruth and with Congressman Casey. This is Gemini

Control at six hours and seven minutes into the mission.

This is Gemini Control, Houston, six hours and fourteen

minutes into the mission with the spacecraft moving across

the south central United States. It's been an unusually

quiet pass to date, due largely to the fact that Jim McDivitt

has been taking an oral temperature and, therefore, has stayed

off communications. The communications, themselves, have not

been the best. We don't know whether we have a problem in our

ground site remoting or whether we have a problem in the space-

craft. We plan to work both ends of it in an attempt to clean

up communications. When we do have them, they're noisy, and

we attempted during the earlier part of this pass to go to

using the high frequency communications system via California.

That was an extremely weak and unreadable signal. We're back

on UHF now. We can hear McDivitt, but it is just barely

intelligible. This is Mission Control, Houston, six hours and

fifteen minutes into the mission.

Mission Commentary Transcript

This is Gemini Control Houston. We are 6 hours and 21 minutes

i into the mission. In this pass across the states, we read out medical
values onboard, our flight surgeon here in Houston has been in direct
ccnversation with both the Command Pilot and the Pilot. One of the

more interesting aspects of the C' ,:;;', I ::aLiun was '1 r. " rl L.'

Dr. Berry as to whether Ed White had any disorientation while he

was extravehicular. White came back very strongly that he had

absolutely no disorientation. He, in fact said that marvel~~~l at the

fact that in no matter what position he seemed to assume, or what

kind of whirl he went into, he was at no time disoriented. He has,

White, that is, has been advised as to go to sleep for about a 11 hour

period. Jim.McDivit, meanwhile, who sounds a little sleepy too, has

advised that he will pick up the fli&t plan as it existed and begin

to begin to program his fuel against his various experiments. This

is Gemini Control at 6 hours and 22 minutes into the mission.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 16, Page 1

This is Gemini Control. We are now 7 hours and 59

minutes into the mission. Voice communication with the

spacecraft was'made within the last hour between the tracking

ship Coastal Sentry Quebec and through the Houston communica-

tions center here, talking to the spacecraft through the

Guaymas and California stations on a remote loop. While the

spacecraft was talking to the CoasGilSentrv Quebec, that

tracking ship gave the spacecraft commander a Go for 18

revolutions. McDivitt said his spacecraft was in a Go

condition. The tracking station advised Jim that he looked

very good. At that time McDivitt also made a medical pass

and a blood pressure reading was obtained. Here at the

Gemini Control Center in Houston everything has calmed down

after the EVA. Flight Director Eugene Kranz anticipates no

additional maneuvers will be needed to maintain our four

day orbital lifetime. At the present, the spacecraft is

orbiting at approximately 185 statute miles apogee and 103

statute miles perigee. The fuel remaining aboard the

spacecraft is greater than anticipated since we scrubbed

the rendezvous exercise.- The oxygen consumpr;ion is normal,

. ,

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 16, Page 2
as expected.

The Houston communicator ,during a pass over Southern

California ark& that . tha EVA glove bo put in 8 plastic

bag, and sealed, and stowed away. The'purpose of this is

for an analysis, which will be made, on the ground when the

spacecraft comes home. During the EVA exercise, Pilot White

brushed against the glass window of the spacecraft and they

want to see if anything brushed off with it.

This is Gemini Control, we are now 8 hours and 34 minutes in

the mission.

End of Tape 16
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 17
Page 1

At this time the spacecraft is over the Indian Ocean and we are
into a quiet period of the flight. Pilot Ed White Is sleeping.
Spacecraft commander Jim McDivitt is guiding the spacecraft and

cLT;;municating with the ground at long intervals in between. To

sum up our situation the Gemini IV spacecraft has been given a

GO for 18 revolutions. McDivitt has reported that he and Ed White

are in a GO condition. me oxygen and fuel supply are in good

quantities aboard the spacecraft and at this point in the flight

everything is GO. This is Gemini control.

This is Gemini control. We are now 9 hours and 19 minutes into tile
mission. The Gemini VI spacecraft is passing over the Pacific Occ2:i
on the day side of the world. It is in the sixth revolution. Fli&,t

surgeon Dr. Dwayne Catterson reports that thus far the medical reaci-

outs on the flight crew look real great. Pilot Ed White is still

asleep. Dr. Catterson reported that White ate some bacon and egg

bites, toast and orange juice before going to sleep. Both astr0nauL.s

have taken water. White did not comment on the food. We had com-

munication with the spacecraft at 8 hours and 37 minutes into the

mission, while it was over the Coastal Sentry Quebec, in the Pacific

Ocean. At that time the Coastal Sentry Quebec updated landing area
times for the flight crew. The Coastal Sentry Quebec also reported

that all spacecraft systems looked good. Flight Director Gene Kranz

has ,just ordered a halt to voice communications with the spacecraft

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 17

because its position relative to the ground tracking stations on tT1I.s

pass makes communications difficult and he wishes to spare the flt&-l1,

crew this difficulty. This is Gemini control.
This is Gemini control.. We are now 9 hours and 38 minutes into the

mission. At the present time the spacecraft has just passed over the

Rose Knot Victor, the tracking ship located off the east coast of

Sduth America. During this pass, the Rose Knot Victor communicator

passed on an updated flight plan for the crew. He advised the com-

mand pilot to start his sleep period at 11 hours into . the flight.

That is approximately 1 hour and i from now. -And to sleep for ap-

proximately 4 hours. He also instructed the pilot to give a medicul

pass - type 'one - at the time the command pilot would be starting his

sleep period. We have had very little voice cormnunication with the

spacecraft. In fact, until this communication with the Rose Knot

Victor we have been out of communication for at least 45 minutes.

Communication has been difficult due to the elevation and angles at

which the spacecraft is passing over the tracking station. *And for

this reason Flight Director Gene Kranz has ordered that voice com-

munication with the spacecraft be kept at a minimin. This is Gemini


This tape had 2 pages.

. I

Nission Commentary Transcript Tape 18
Page 1
This is Gemini Control at 10 hours and 9 minutes into the flight. We

will be out of voice with the spacecraft for approximately another

$ hour. .At this

time the spacecraft is over the Indian Ocean and ic
ab7i)ut to come up on another sunrise. Flight Director Gene Kranz is

starting the flight crew back.on the regular flight plan. He has

programed times for measurements of outside radiation and of the

earth's magnetic field relative to the spacecraft. He has also

programed the experiment to measure radiation inside the spacecraft.

The first experiment designated D-8 will be made approximately 1 I,(.ilir

from now. 'Ihe latter two designated MSC 1 and 2 commence in approx':.-

mately 2 and $ hours. Flight surgeon Dr. Dwayne Catterson reports

that all the medical data he.has received looks perfectly normal at

this time. Mis.sion Director Chrisphor Id" aft has just returned to

visit the mission control center.., Obviously to see how things arc

going.. They are all going real well. This is Gemini control.

This is Gemini,control. We have not had

communication with the flight crew for approximately 1 and l/2 hours.

However, we expect to be contacted by voice from the Hawaian tracking

station within moments. Flight Director Gene Kaanz has ask the

Hawaiian station to conduct a UHF comnications check with the space-

craft. .He also asked them to use a minimum amount of spacecraft

fuel for this check. Delayed time telemetry will also be relayed

,from the spacecraft to the ground station. Passing over the Coastal

Sentry Quebectracking station, 'uat prior to pulling into the range


of $he Hawaiian station the flight surgeon at the Coastal Sentry

>:ission Commentary Transcript Tape 18
Page 2

Quebec reported the pilot is sleeping very soundly. We are not abc~ul.
ready to transmit live communications between the spacecraft and the
Rawaian tracking station. This is Gemini control.

'I:;is is Gemini control. We are now llhours and 8 minutes into the

::!ission. The spacecraft is now passing over the Rose Knot Victor,

3 tracking ship located off ,thc east coast of Pueru, South America.

The Rose Knot Victor is giving the flight crew block updates for
landing areas in 6 orbit increments. Pilot Ed White has completed

his sleep period and he has given the ship's flight surgeon a blotxl

pressure check for aeromedical type pass I. This also included an

orat temperature check and he used the bungee cord exerciser. This

was followed by another blood pressure check. Pilot Ed White also

gave a report on food, water, and sleep. He said he woke up about

20 minutes ago. He did get some sleep but not a sound sleep. His

report on food and water intake was not clear and we did not get.a

good report on that. This is Gemini control.

Tnis is Gemini control. Gemini IV spacecraft is now Uhours and

39 minutes into its mission. At the present time it is passing just

outside the tracking range of the Tanna Reed tracking station. We are

in the eighth revolution. We have been out of voice contact with the
flight crew since passing over the Rose Knott Victor, some 30 minutes
ago. At this time according to our flight plan the spacecraft commander

Jim PlcDivitt is in his scheduled sleep period. Pilot Ed White is busy

conddcting the D-8 radiation experiment - measuring the radiation 'level

inside the spacecraft. And also the MSC 1 and MSC 2 experiment< MSC 1
Tape 18
Nission Commentary Transcript Page 3

calls for measuring radiation outside the spacecraft. MSC 2 monitors

the direction and volume of the earth's magnetic field. Results of

these experiments‘are scheduled to be relayed to the Hawaiian station,

whI' n the spacecraft passes that area. This is Gemini control.

'ihis is Gemini control. Spacecraft Gemini IV is now 12 hours and

': minutes into its mission. At this time it is on the day side of

the world passing over the Coastal Sentry Quebec tracking ship in the

Pacific Ocean. We have had no voice communication with the space-

craft for approximately 1 hour. At that time a medical pass was

made over the tracking ship, Rose Knot Victor. .Cornmand pilot Jim

McDivitt is in his sleep period. Pilot Ed White has been busy with

various experiments according to our 'flight plan. Here in the misnlc-1\

control center some members of the blue team of flight controllers

have already arrived. They are scheduled to take over direction of

this flight in about 1 hour. The Coastal Sentry Quebec has reported

to flight director Gene Kranz that the cabin pressure aboard Gemini

spacecraft IV is 5.4 lb/sq in. This is Gemini control.

This tape had 3 pages

. ,

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 19
Page 1

This is Gemini control.

. We are now 12 hours and 39 minutes into our

mission. At the present time the spacecraft is over the Rose Knot

Victor tracking ship, off the west coast of South America. Which

incidently. -is on the night side of the world. The tracking.ship

is conducting,an environmental control systems check with the -flight

crew. There will also be a telemetry transmission from the space-

craft to the Rose Knot Victor tracking ship. This is Gemini control
we are in revolution eight.

This is Gemini control. We are now 12 hours and 53 minutes into

the mission.. Spacecraft Gemini IV has passed out of range of the

Rose Knot Victor tracking ship, off the west coast of South America

During voice communication with the ground pilot Ed White reported

that he had had very good maneuver.control using the maneuvering

unit while doing his ,EVA:outside the spacecraft. He said he had

a little trouble when he was not using the maneuvering unit. White

also said he could see the entire state of Texas, the Clear Lake

Area, and the Manned Spacecraft Center. At the present time, he

said, he can see the Southern Cross, various stars, and other con-

stallations. We will now transmit the voice tape between the pilot

J3d White and the Rose Knot Victor tracking ship.

. I
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape .I9
Page 2

Flight RKV Systems . . .

cc RKV, Gemini IV

. . .

cc Request tiat yhu mark your primary O2 s'ource pressure . .

Flight RKVsystems your pad 93- change the.REZRB to 15 minutes ' .

47 seconds. 1547 'RETBR.

s/c Say again RKV,

cc . . . . . .

Flight RETRB for 93 .is 1547.

/ Say-again 1547.

cc . . .

Flight Roger, roger.

cc If you wish to find out how you look right now'- fine and I

am reading you quite well and also received . . .

s/c Roger.

CC RKV systems say again. I cannot read you through the under-

g?TOWld. %o ahead now.

Flight Roger. Your g-3 pad message was incorrecton RETRB.The correct

RETRB for g-3 is 15 plus 47.

cc Roger. I understand. 15 plus

. . . .update for you.::

. -. , Roger . . .

cc 4 Roger. g-3 . 043619 0-j' plus 59 15 plus 47. Do you copy?

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape19

s/c . . . . . .04361.9 07 59 15 47
cc. Thats affirmative.

s:/c Roger. Would you relay to . . . .

said that we were outand over . , , .

but we were able to see the coast of Texas quite clearly and

. . .

Flight RKV CAPCOMHouston Flight.

s/c . see considerably more . . .

Flight RKV CAPCOMHouston Flight.

s/c . .. . . . the whole state of.Florida. We went right

near . . . .

Flight RKV CAPCOMHouston flight.

WC islands and about that time we had the . . .

Flight RKV CAP COMHouston flight.

FLIGHT Goddard, ring RKV for me, please


FLIGHT Go ahead, RKV

RKV Do you copy

FLIGHT Roger, we copied, we are trying to get - you gave them the wrong

400 time

RKV Very good, FLIGHT has been copying your transmissions.

s/c . I Roger


7 -.
F‘ - : -
L L - -_ A I a. .L c a. i L tL L i - -
Mission Commentary Transcript

FLIGHT Tracking ship RKV due west of Peru in South America

The orbit presently is 101 mile perigee by 191 apogee. The command _

pilot is scheduled to sleep at the present time. This is Gemini


FLIGHT This is Gemini Control, 13 hours 34 minutes into the flight. The

S/C should now be in contact with Coastal Sentry Quebec tracking

ship off the island of Guam due east of Japan. There was a shift

change here in Mission Control Center, Houston, at approximately

lo:15 central standard time at which time the so-called blue team

of flight controllers relieved the flight team-headed by Fli;$t

Director- Gene Krantz. The new Flight Director for the blue team

is Mr. John Hodge. The flight surgeon on this team is Dr. D.

Owens Coons. Capsule communicator relieving the white team CAPCO?4

is Eugene Cernon. This is Gemini Control.

This is Houston, are you there CAPCOM?

FLIGHT Look at the perspective releases and see what you pick up..

FLIGHT This is Gemini Control, 15 hours, 39 minutes after lift-off.

Gemini 4 S/C presently over the central Pacific and will bc in

radio oontact with Rose Knot Victor 6 minutes from now. Tli? contact

will last approximately 7 minutes 21 seconds. The Houston S/C

Communicator Gene Cernon was unable to establish contact with the

S/C through the Canton Island Voice Remoting Station. The

Command Pilot is due foxy a medical data pass while passing over

the Rose Knot Victor tracking ship. This is Gemini Control.

. ,

/, . .. _ _ .^ . *- _-_..“-__ .
Mission Commentary Transcript Taprs '/

FLIGHT This is Gemini Control 16 hours 39 minutes after lift-off. Thrf

Gemini 4 spacecraft is presently leaving China coast and will

be passing-over the Phillippine Islands in about 5 minutes and

over the Solomon Islands in the southwest Pacific in the next

15 minutes. The next contact with the tracking station will be

with the Rose Knot Victor tracking ship west of Peru some 40

minutes from now. This is Gemini Control.

FLIGHT The first 39 minutes after lift-off, Gemini 4 spacecraft is

presently over the South central Atlantic approaching acquir;;,.liz

by the Canary Islands tracking st,ation. The Flight Surgeon illi

the third shift here in the Control Center, Dr. D. Gwen Coo:;.;,

reports that the medical data check on pilot, Ed White, duril,;;

the 10th revolution relayed to the Rose Knot Victor trackin'!::

ship by the delayed tape playback showed that White's medic::jl.

responses, heart rate, blood pressure, electrocardiogram, e1.c.

were all normal. He also reports that both astronauts' res&zses

have settled to a resting rate.

FLIGHT We now have a tape recording of communications between Gemini 11

and the tracking ship, Rose Knot Victor at the end of tine

revolution. The tape follows. This is Gemini Control.

RKV Gemini 4, Flight asks how are you doing at getting things stowed
away and if you are getting a little crowded up there.

s/c 4 Indeed we are crowded. We have got most of that junk down in

the foot well, and I guess we are going to have to hold some of

it during reentry.

- L - -
Mission Commentary Transcript

on the thing until I thought we were going to break it right.

out of,the hatch, and we got it going. .: . . So I don't think

, -.
we ought to try opening it up any more.
'\ '
RIiv Yph!, it a good idea to keep it closed.

S/C Roger. : I found out what the trouble was when I got down close

I tell,you one thing, I am giad that we got that

', trouble
: . . .
3x v Now, you with all that extra training,, it sure pays off at times.
Rkv FLIGHT, did you copy, over.

FLIGHT Roger, we got all of that. That is just about the same conclusions
\ :, ..
we came to. 'That'.s very good.

Roger .'

G&ini 4;&'re coming up on that attitude circling: Anything


RKV' &*inj.:&,.m -- '.

/, . z
RKV Roger, e-&&thing'. / normal here oh'the ground. We got the Cape
Camp all right came -in real solid, . ; . : put it-badk on Cape Comp

and"it looks good. 'We haven't played any,back

FLIGHT Very good. It seems that since we have gone to this reentry antenna

we are getting quite good communications.

IWJ Yeah, it has certainly helped. Give them:the pressure sitting

950 psi, cabin pressure'at 3.2 psi.

FLIGHT Very good

We got the flight plan updates to him and he is copying them

i real clear and came back with the whole thing.


I .
Nission Commentary Transcript Tape 1'1
Page 6,

RKV Boy oh boy! Sounds. like a lot of fun.

s/c . . . \ trying to figure out what to do with all the

stuff I've got.

z: \I Well, let's see, there Is u lot of empty space up there arc+A:i'j

You= If you could get to it.

FLIGHT RKV, this is Houston FLIGHT.

FLIGHT You might ask him to go briefly over the trouble he had closii:g

the hatch because that's good communication with you now, we can

read him loud and clear.


Flight advises that they have very good communication on th-i:;,

they're remoting and would like for you to go over the problcnrlis
you had with the hatch closure.

s/c Roger, the gear that you have when you go around when you .puil

the handle back and forth. One of them is the gear that sori;d

acts as a ratchet - a little filter with a system in it

that engages this ratchet. We had a little trouble with tent

before we got it open. Af'ter we got it open we had difficulty

in getting this ratchet to work. Also, we had a great deal of

difficulty in getting the hatch to close far enough so that we

could even start ratcheting it. We had to point the ratchet in

. . with our hand on every go until we got it started. We pulled


That's about It from here, FLIGHT

FLIGHT Roger, that cleared a few things up for us.
Roger, it sure is a pleasure having good communications for

a change.

Rage 8

This is Gemini Control, 18 hours The Gemliii 4

39 minutes after lift-off.
'is presently over the South Pacific, just east of New Zeal.and~U‘!Fne next
station contact will be in 13 minutes when voice and telemetry will again
by acquired from the tracking ship, Rose Knot Victor. No voice &tact

ii::s been made with the spacecraft since the pass over the Rose Knot Victor
at the end of the 11th revolution. This is Gemini Control.

This is Gemini Control. It is now 19 hours 9 minutes after lift-off,

beginning of the 13th revolution. Gemini 4 spacecraft-is now in the

Atlantic, north of Trinidad. During the pass over the tracking ship,

Rose Knot Victor, beginning about 16 minutes ago, the crew received retro-

fire times for several of the next planned landing areas. This is a routine
procedure and allows the crew to make a closed-loop reentry should it

become necessary. Retrofire updates are routinely passed up to the crew

at intervals. The Rose Knot Victor CAPCOMreported that the spacecrait
systems all looked good on the telemetry readouts. The Rose Knot Victor

will have a respite until the 21st revolution. Next contact-will be with

the Canary Islands tracking station 6 minutes from nuw. This is Geniini

Control. 19 minutes after lift-off. We now have a tape

recording of the recent pass by Gemini 4 spacecraft over the Rose Knot

Victor in which retrofire times for several planned landing areas were

routinely passed up to the spacecraft crew to allow them to make a closed-

loop. reentry should it become necessary. Retrofire updates are routinely

passed up to the crew at these intervals. The tape follows.

Page 9


You should have acquisition.

Roger. We have contact.

Gemini 4, Gemini 4, RKV CAPCOM. Do you read?

Roger, we read you clear, a little background noise.

Gemini 4, RKV CAPCOM


I have a whole bunch of stuff to pass up to you.

Okay go ahead.
Roger. I've got a map update. Itwill be a . . . .

Roger. 49 73 degrees west.

I have a correction to the flight plan. You will be taped up

on the 13th rev over Canary Islands, and the taped for the Ctirnarvon

will be changed to the 14th rev.

Okay, taped up over Canary on 13th and Carnarvon on 14th.

Roger standby for retro updates.

Are you reading? .

Roger, I am

15 BRAVO 14603 -t 32 11 01 48 12 + 09 14-2 1~1 03+7 11 56 46 3+17

E-1-36 14 130 02 46 12 35 16 12+59 15-l 121 +34 13 21 00 04+07

09-i-03 15 BRAVO 121 02+34 14 10 30 12+22 16-1 140 3~26 14 54 40

3+14 8t35 65 BRAVO 096 02+03 15 50 26 1l+28 17-l 158 3+48 16 08

08 2+39 o&O0 17 BRAVO 087 01+51 17 06 03 10+0-j Do you copy?

. I

Page 10

s/c I got dawn to 17-l . . 3+48 That is all I will be able

to give it to you.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #20, Page 1

This is Gemini Control. It is now 19 hours and 30

minutes after liftoff. The Gemini 4 spacecraft is now

over the Indian Ocean just west of India. The crpclcecraft

is in an orbit; with a perigee of 101 statute miles and a

apogee of 179 statute miles. Communications during the

last pass over the Canary Island tracking station were

quite good. The next tracking staLon to make contact with

the spacecraft will be the Canarvon, Australia station 12

minutes from now. This is Gemini Control. .

This is Gemini Control, 19 hours, 46 minutes after

liftoff. We now have a tape recording between Gemini 4

spacecraft and the Canary Island tracking station during

the 13th revolution. The figures given between the CapCom

and the spacecraft crew on the apogee and perigee of the

orbit are in nautical miles. To .get statute miles you need

to add about 15 percent. This is Gemini Control, the tape


s/c : Roger, GFTRC. 16282802+3908+22.

CC:'/ Roger, I have that, thank you.

s/c : Canary, what's my current apogee and perigee?

cc: Say Again.

s/c : Canary, what's my current apogee and perigee?

cc: Standby. Houston flight. CapCom. what is present

apogee and perigee?

,_- I i
, I ..’

Mission Commentary Transcript I- Tape ‘ #20,.Page. .2

.. . ,A.,__ .:
F: : Present,estivqtg is.88by 155.7. . We-are.wqiting . -on your

data to upda%~tha.t.
.I : ‘! , _ . .. _. -.;,: _: ;,. I: :., .-’: . 1 .T.. .. ‘. . ,

cc : Th,ey.yill give
j l
'..I Apogee
~I'', is'155.7,
.' .per,,igee,
. 8?.

you bettqr ..I. da-ta . afterlJhey.get- s.our rad?$ track.,.

s/c: Ok?q* r. A'; i ,*< :' . ., .'. ,. '_ ). .: '. ;I __ -'. ,. ,

^ .. ,,..* .r
. . :' -: .:: i. ,..
'. -. ,.^ : , .

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. . . _ I,

“’ ‘,


. :. . ., ..

.- -. -.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #21, Page 1

This is Gemini Control. Twenty hours and eight minutes

after liftoff. During the 13th revolution pass over the

Canarvon Tracking Station in Australia some minor changes

to the flight plan as well as some updates to routine plan

landing area retrofire times were passed up to the crew.

We have now a tape of the voice transmissions between the

spacecraft and the Canarvon station. The tape follows.

This is Gemini Control.

cc: Gemini 4, how to you read. .

s/c: Ah, Roger, read you loud and clear. HOW do you, over?

cc: Ah, Roger. Loud and clear.

s/c: Ah, Roger.

cc: Will you turn to party lead switch on, please.

s/c : Okay, we've got it.

cc: Radar Track at Canarvon. Have you completed M

exercise experiment?

s/c : ------------medical pass.

cc: Allrighty. I'd like a readout in primary 02 pressu,e

and quantity from you please.

s/c: Roger. Primary 02 pressure is 970 psi, quantity is

about 39)i percent.

cc: Ah, I got this.

F: Canarvon Cap Corn, this is Houston Flight.
cc: Houston Flight.

F. Roger, we would like for him to put on,his C-band,

adaptor C-band switch t.o continuous at 11+52+43.

cc: Roge'r, Idopy. _ *.'

F: Back 'to command at 59+23.

cc: Roger.

F: Go Ahead.

cc: ---------------Do you copy? These are some changes to

your flight plan.. -

s,,! : 'It'&oKay, Go ahead. -,

cc: Like for you to switch your adaptor C-band beacon switch

to the continuous position at 115243.

spc: Rogers.. C-band adaptor switch'continuous at.ll5243.

cc: Roger. We would like for you to go back to command at

115923. ;

s/c : Roger. Back to Cominand at 115923.

cc: That correct. Flight, Canarvon.

F: Go ahead.

cc: Confirm the GMTRC of the spacecraft is 180243.

s/c: I have a question, Canavron. Looks like we are getting

back on the fuel line in order to do the rest of the flight

plan as originally scheduled. Is that correct?
cc: Ah, Roger, that's correct.

..- ..- .
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape ..#2.1, Page 3

s/c : Okay. In my flight plan it shows me going to s&eep

at the last time of about.2030 or SO, cloes t;iid L Vst;ill ho.i&


cc: Affirmative.

s/c : okay.

F: Say again, Canarvon, This is Houston.

cc: I Okay. He was checking on his flight plan,. he';j gorina

go to sleep at 2030. :

F: Roger. What was your question regarding. clocks? :,

cc: Are you showing a GMTRC of 180242 -----elapsed.time

we'll take up' the .'fl-ight plan, we'll be -back on a. ,fuel line

time at “that ‘tin+,’ correct? ‘* ” .. ‘: : ., ,. . _,

s/c : Okay. .... . ..

F: Canarvon. This is Houston. Nega'tive!.on,use of fuel,

we'll talk to him later on that.

cc: okay, what about that GMTRC?

F: Standby.

cc: 'Cause 'I want to‘,change it - it doesn't look good here

at all.

F: Canarvon; this is Houston.

cc :?I Go ahead, flight.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape#21, Page 4

F:] Understand time should be 18-1;17+56+03.

cc: Okay, you check flight. That's a....I'll talk

to you about it later.'

F: Roger.

F:. Canarvon, this is Houston.

cc: Houston Flight, Canarvon.

F: Are you skin-tracking?

cc: We are beacon tracking.

F: Beacon tracking'?? .

cc: Affirm. -

F: I.say, .we didn't intend to have the beacon on at this

time, you're down at 4 degrees. Make sure he gets it'off

before the end of your pass.

cc: Roger, -we've had LOX TX.

F: Roger.

(Hou)Long count on the PA0 release line, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,

7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. out.

(hou) Testing on the P90 Release Circuit., 1, 2,345, 6, 7

8, 9 10, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5,4, 3, 2, 1. Do you read, Cape?

. . . . . . . . . . ..Eastern..Carribbean Ocean acquisition by

the Antiqua Tracking Station. There have been no earlier


. ^.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #21, Page 5

contacts with the spacecraft since the passover Canarvon,

Australia some 40 minutes ago. The next station to have

contact wLth the spacecraft will be Bermuda two minutes

from now. This is Gemini control.

. .

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape # 22, Pscjc 1

This is Gemini Control Houston, 21 hours and 39 minutes

into the mission. The spacecraft just passed over the

Canarvon Station which we had a rather lengthy discussion

with Pilot Ed White. White reported among other things that

he had had a very sound sleep earlier, he said Jim McDivitt

is asleep at this time. He reported his cabin pressure at

5.7 psi and he reviewed other quantities which looked

very favorable - oxygen, for instance, he uh, had at 1casL

40 percent supply left which is slightly above what had been

programed. The-Mission Director Chris Kraft is considering

at this time ordering the Gemini 4 crew to return to the

flight plan as laid out, until, at this particular time.

Uh, that is, he's going.ahead with the normal oms usage, etc.

He feels that we, uh, from all the information collected

during this first day of flight, that, uh, we have enough

reserve to continue with the flight pLan as originally

laid out. This is Gemini Control at 21 hours and 40,minutes

into the mission.

This is Gemini Control Houston. Twenty two hours and

8 minutes into the mission with the spacecraft moving across

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape,#22, -Page 2

the .Gulf of Mexico. The, uh, our, we are returning to our,

on the next pass will be coming up, will be very,much like

the first rev of

yesterday. We are just starting
_. the 15th
rev. At 22 .hours a-nd 8..hours into the mission. This is

Gemini contro&,
. .
,,Thisis Gemini Control Kouston, .22 hours 26 minutos.into

the flightof .Gemini .4. The spa,ce, now in contact with

the Canary Stations. A very few minutes, ago we_a had a most;

interesting con.versati.on-between CapCom Gus Grissom here in

Houston and Ed.White. .Ed discussed-at.Jength,-his wa&k 1,.

space;,. he-points, out in the,conversation,that over Houston

he.. could, see not only Galveston .Bay-. but, Clear Lake., a s~~;;li

body of water only~a_mile,from..this ,yanned Space-cr.aft Cc:i;ler.

He.a.lso the.vivid-bl.ues in the Gulf and the

Carribean area. He'sa-id, uh,:. on, this uh, revolution, wiiiie

passing over Australia he couid see, very c.Searly the J.i$Lts

of Perth. .He has been advised-to follow the normal flic;L:t

plan with all the maneuvering.During the night the piiocs

among other things.;.photographedK took;several pictures of

Typhoon Carla.. A-t,this time we have :racked up the tape on

the Bermuda conversation and we'd like to play it for you.

Here's the tape.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #22, Page 3

cc: okay, the last thing I tried to get to you beforu I

lost you just a few seconds ,ago'was that, 'the, uh, be

judicious in the use of your fuel. We think we've got-

enough to complete the whole flight plan now.

s/c: landmark sightings.

cc: Roger, don't worry about that while in Africa, because

that 92 miles away and you're only about 114 miles k&h at
: :
that time.

s/c : Roger We'll'be looking for'.itt' that's 'a real gooa one

for it and we won't use much fuel. Looks like JimI's 'hretty

corked off for now, he hasn't stirred for 'the last hour and.
a haif.
cc: Okay, I have a news release right here'about Mike's

baseball team. You want to take it and pass it on to him?

s/c : Affirmative.

cc: Right, the Hawks won their PeeWee League 3-2. They

beat the Falcons. The Hawks got three runs on two hits,

the Falcons got two runs on three hits.

s/c: Ah, Roger. Understand. The Hawks won 3-2.

cc: Roger. Hey, uh,' Here's a headline of the Post today,

you might pass on also. Sounds pretty good. Big headlines

. .
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #22, Page 4
are: "Ah, Ed, ;',ease Get Back in the Spaceship::"

s/c : Say again.

cc: The headlines are "Ah, Ed, please Get Back in t?c Spaceship::"

s/c : Say sgafn, I‘m not l.z2tting it.

cc: Say again.

s/c: Say again, I'm not getting it...

cc: Say again, I'm not reading you.

s/c: It has tough in get in,. real tough to .get back .in.

That was sure something out there.

cc: Ah good,, I have you.

s/c: Were yell reading us? We never knew when yall were

reading us or not?
cc: Yeah, you're box was keyed off # we couldn‘t get

to .you. we were trying to tell you your time was up and to get

back. Never could get through to you at all. .

s/c: In some ways I'm glad you didn't.

cc: Yeah, ha, I could tell that.

s/c: trying to get pictures out

there, I never did get pictures with my still camera to my


Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #22, Page;

s/c : read on the outdoor $16 millimeter

a we should be getting something with that.

cc: Yeah, we,should get some good ones. Could you give us

quanlity read for about 10 seconds?

s/c : Quality coming up for test.

cc: Have you had anything to eat yet?

S/C:]I'm in the middle of my first course of and expect

' a good
some chicken salad, finish it off with ssxfem? salad and

orange juice.

cc: We've got your qualities so we'll leave you alone a;ld

let you eat.

s/c: Say again?

cc: I said, you can turn your quality read off and we'ii

leave you alone and let you eat.

s/c: It's good to talk to you, you get all the news from
the home front. When we went over hOwtOn I could actually

see, when I was outside I could see the Gulf and Galveston.

cc: Hey t Ed. When you came over on the night pass did you

actually see buildings?

s/c : On the night pass?

cc: Yeah, you said you could see ..

. ,
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #22, Page 6
S/C:. No, I couldn't see, see any buildings, and you might

relay to the uh, as we came over on this last

pass I could see the light of Sidney loud and clear and the


cc: Very Good: Ed, uh, you're talking about walking on the

spacecraft, were you actually walking'on it?

s/c : Yes, I was. I was using thetether to pull myself down

towards the spacecraft and I was right on top-of it, as a'

matter of fact. tether operation, works preL.Ly

good, but‘its 'still hard to get any traction on- the top of,

but when you pull yourself down, you do get a little bit.

6/C: We need some suction cups or magnets, I guess.

s/c: Yeah got on the adapter too

that might have (fade out)

cc: We lost . . . . where is he? Uh.....

. ,

p:::,; I.

This is Gemini Control 23 hours 40 minutes into the mission. mc 3JJticr.'-

craft is coming across Central America at this time, and we have juzt
sent a command out to turn telemetry on and we should be 1n contact with
the spacecraft momentarily. We have a report from the weather man that

the weather over the state should make for very good viewing from tnct
spacecraft. The California coast only fair is the forecast, but as we

move east it gets better. The weather man says that the viewing over

Florida, for instance, should be very good. In the Gulf area, partly

cloudy, but it should make for good viewing. Meanwhile out in the Pacific

the typhoon babe, which we have heard so much about the last few days,
has downgraded to a tropical storm. It is over Shanghai at the presc:::t

time with winds of about 40 knots. We have a report also on what WILS~

typhoon Carla. It is no more and was downgraded during the night to a

tropical storm. It is something less than a tropical storm at this time.

Neither of those systems are going to present us with any trouble. WC

have been looking at an electrical usage curve here in talking with our

guidance navigation control officer about it, and in his words were i"at

on electrical power. The curve shows that at this point we though w.2

would have had about 1700 amp hours remaining and as a matter of fnC"i
we7 i%ter than 1800 amp hours remaining. This is Gemini Control at

23 hours and 42 minutes into the mission. We still have not established

contact, but we will momentarily and will be back with you when we do.

. ,

NOTE : There wi 11 not be Tape ii:‘24 dut:
to mi snumberi ng of T pe Boxes
>lission Commentary Transcript Tape 25, Page 1

This is Gemini Control Houston, 24 hours, 10 minutes

into the flight on the 16th revolution, with the spacecraft

southeast of the Kano, Nigeria station. The current elements

for our orbit are as follows: 178 statues miles apogee, 178

statue miles apogee, 102 miles apogee, that statute. Our

information is 32.56 degrees to the equator. The period of

each revolution is one hour, 34 minutes, and 20 seconds. One

hour, 34 minutes, and 20 seconds. In the last five minutes

we've been in conversation with our flight surgeon, Dr. Berry,

and he passes along the following information on the sleep

and eat cycle of these two men. Ed White slept EcI;px lightly

from 6 hours and 30 minutes into the mission to 10 hours and

30 minutes into the mission. The sleep was described as

little more than dozing. He was then awakefor 5% hours

at which time he went back to sleep for a four hour period

and at least the first part of that period which extended

from 16 hours in to 20 hours, was described as a deep and

restful sleep. We know that White has eaten at least two

Z&XX meals and probably more. Each pilot has drunk about

a pint and a half of water which, uh, appears to Dr. Berry

toabe quite an adequate consumption. Jim McDivitt slept


- .- .-
I-- P
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.-. ,
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 25, Page 2

and again his first sleep period was described as a light

one. He went to sleep a,t 11 hours‘and 15 minutes into the

mission: he awakened at 15 hours and 30 minutes in. He was

then 'awake for five hours, he‘tient back-to sleep at 20 hours

and 30 minutes elapsed time and awoke'up a few minutes ago

after a<good solid 3 and a half hours Xf sleep. Jim also

has had two meals. Neither man at this time has 'had a bowel
. .
movement and Dr. Berry says this is expected. It is the

result of the low residue diet they were on prior ,to the
flight. He sakl it would not surprise him if neither had

a bowel.movement to&y. Perhaps it might be tomorrow before

we, uh, ' either" has one. '*Thisis Gemini Control-at 24 hours

13 minutes into the mission. .- '

: ,
(End of Tape.25)

. ,

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #26, Page 1

This is Gemini Control Houston, 24 hours and 40

minutes into the mission. Some 8 minutes ago the Canarvon

station acquired the spacecraft: a very brief discussion

ensued with the pilot Ed white: he said everything looked

fine, and the Capsule Communicator at Canarvon assured

him that everything looked just as good on the ground.

The flight plan for this next revolution calls for, or

for the last part of this 16th revolution, calls for a

medical update over GuaymaS. We will do some HF checks

during the next hour or two and we are having the flight

plan marked.for us now so that we can barely read it.

All in all everything is moving along very nicely. The

spacecraft directly over Australia at this time. This

is Gemini Control .out at 24 hours and 41 minutes into .

the mission.

(end of Tape 26)


Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #27, Page 1

This is Gemini Control, 25 hours and 12 minutes into

the mission. In . the last minute we've established contact

with our Guaymas station with the Gemini 4 spacecraft. Earlier

we had reported that Jim McDivitt.was awake. We had reported

that he awoke about 24 hours into the mission. That report

was in error. He has continued to sleep, he's been asleep

a little more than 5 hours, apparently very deep and restful

sleep. We've been comparing notes with the ECOn Environmental

Control Officer here in the Control Center, and he advises

1 that we have about 35 pounds of oxygen remaining. That is

out of a total . ..we lifted off with ebout 50 pounds of

breathing oxygen.on board. He tells me that the pilots used

a little over 9 pounds in performing the extravehicular

activity yesterday. Their normal consumption rate is 2.2

pounds per day, per man. This gives us plenty of pad on

the oxygen department. We also have in the spacecraft ...

we lose about one pound per day in leakage and this is the

acceptable value on that. With the spacecraft coming across

the, uh... Mexico at this time, let's cut in and see if

Ed White has anything to say for a live transmission. Stand by.

NoTE:~lAudio unable to pick up this transmission.

Mission Commentary Transcript : Tape #27., ~' J?aP ?,_.: ,,
I : .* ;

This is Gemini Control, Houstont .~r.r....r.r....r....

>,i '.. .' y* ;, I i -. 1 ., .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Live
-' r: :
.I-- :. .. .1 r., We'v.F.:,moved
_I i
across the _
United States;.; and you may have mipsed the la,st portion of
.e.1 ; _.. 1 , j 2 .,- I- ,'. -.'d' :
that, we're s,ti.:l receiving. Stand by..-,<We're_' , right on the
-. 1 . .:' ., _ :,,+ .' .T..'3.i .: .- _ :.-.d
tail end of what will be the 1a.s.t transmission from Bermuda,
,. ".‘ i.. i .(.f :. .-. ;.,s;::
the circuit is getting noisy and ragge$. You p,robably heard
<. >...... <,,, : ;I; _.I .
Mcpivitt report that he , had not slept particularly soundly.
' '. 1 ,,., ,a..; 9 !J _ . . :.
He dozqedr:ajbgt,,and he advised that 1when.. ; ., there is radio
: --:,v. Lli ...I ‘,A : :-. .T ,
contact he ca,n't ,,I, get *.,:-
his radio >y all ., the way down - it's designed
..i ', .;. : :;,
. $ ,. \ et j
that way,and it ,Idoes
..rt. make for-a..,rather fitful,?sleep, apparently.
, *. ,. f ..i i:.
He did reporf earlier, howev,er,that he slept verysoundly :
i.'., .:'- :<y. ..L :I .*r>:; "1; .:r: _, i-t ." '. 4'-: ,
on his earlier sleep cycle. This is Gem.ini Control starting
;w: *?:_' .;.,>c;; ;: C.
. .<,,‘ ..'"' 7.9 : ;I ". '
the 17th revolution-9at
.. . ;' ,.. \ \ . 2.5 hours a.nd 26 minu,tes into .. :.: the flight.
'C'. T"W.
(End Of Tape #W : ., <
.I. :, ,‘.T F, ‘.- .L ‘. ! ~ ‘.

i. : ‘.

^ ..’ _

_ .-.

: -

Page 1

This is Gemini Control at Houston, 25 hours and 39 minutes into the

Mission, Ihe spacecraft some BOO to 700 miles south of the Kano Nigeria
Station. During the next hour and one-half, the Gemini 4 crew will perform

at least three checks of their HF radio transmitting equipment. This

system is not used for normal flight mission activity. It is used, however,

during reentry and close to the water in the recovery process. The primary

mode of communication voice communication during a flight is UHF. We

had a marginal contact with the Gemini 4 spacecraft a few minutes ago

at the Canary statJon. It was right on the outer edge of the Canarrles'

contact capability. It was not a long transmission, a very brief sort

of contact at which time an update 'time was passed up to the pilot on one

of the RF checks. Everything moving alang very nicely, 25 hours and 40

minutes into the mission.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #29, Page 1

This is Gemini Control at 26 hours and 9 minutes into

the flight. At this time the spacecraft is in contact with

the Canarvon Station. The medical quantities are being

reviewed, the command pilot has just performed a blood

pressure check and they are being queried now on their food

and water consumption. The flight seems to be progressing

very nicely at this point. This is Gemini Control.

(End of Tape # 29)

Page 1

This is Gemini Control Houston, 26 hours 41 minutes into the mission.

We have just lost contact with the Hawaii station in a brief pass there,

but a most interesting pass. I mentioned earlier that Pat McDivitt and

Pat White entered the control center about 15 to 20 minutes ago. In the

course of chatting with Mr. Chris Kraft, he asked them if they would like

to talk to their husbands during this pass across the United States. They
both eagerly accepted the offer, and they are down on the floor of the

Control Center at this time prepared to talk if communications are solid.

The conversation will probably await until-the latter portion of the

pass. We should be in contact with the California station momentarily.

We have not yet established it. This is Gemini Control.

Page 1

This is Gemini Control Houston, 26 hours 54 minutes into the mission.

In the last few minutes here in the Control Center, we have had a most

unusual occurrence. \ Pat McDivitt and Pat White came down on the floor.

They plugged into the mission director's console and had an extraordinary

chat with their husbands. They very kindly consented to share that con-

versation with us, and we are prepared to play that tape for you right

FLIGHT We've got your wives here so put McDivitt on now.

Mrs. McDivitt: Jim

Jim McDivitt: Pat

Mrs. McDivitt: Do you hear me?

Jim McDivitt: Roger. I can hear you. Loud and Clear

Mrs. McDivitt: You are doing great.

Jim McDivitt: Yeah, we seem to be coming along good in all . . .

How are you?

Mrs. McDivitt: me -

Jim McDivitt: How are you?

Mrs. McDivitt: I'm fine, and how are you?

Jim McDivitt: Pretty good. I'm over California right now.

Mrs. McDivitt: Can't you stop over Texas?

Jim McDivitt: I'll be over Texas in about 3 minutes.

Mrs. McDivitt: Hurry it up.

Jim McDivitt: How are the kids making out?

Mrs. McDivitt: Fine, fine. They think you are at the Cape.

Jim McDivitt: At Cocoa Reach, huh?

Mrs. McDivitt: Bat's the way they think.

Page 2
.’ ,

Jim McDivitt: Is everything going okay?

Mrs. McDivitt: Yes, beautifully, beautifully.

Jim,McDivitt: You being good?

Mrs. McDivitt: I'm always good, Are you being good?

Jim McDiyitt: I haven't much choice, all I can do is sleep and look
.._. -/ : _.
out the window.

Mrs. McDivitt: No room to move around?

Jim McDivitt: 'Huh?

Mrs. McDivitt: No room to move around?

Jim McDivitt: Not much. Ed is cluttering up the place.

Mrs. McDivitt: Turn the computer on. , .'

Jim McDivitt: Turn the computer on, yes'mam-

Mrs. McDivitt: Okay, sir. ,'L.

Jim McDivitt: -The' computer is on.

FLIGHT: Is Ed awake?

Jim McDivitt: Yes, he is.

Mrs. McDivitt: Be a good boy now, kid.

FLIGHT. Now switch head'sets.

Ed White: . . .

FLIGHT Say again

Ed White: Are you on coaip for . . .

FLIGHT Is this Ed? We will get you . . . down here in a second.

Mrs. White: Good morning.

Ed White: Got to push a button, honey.

Mrs. White: Good morning.

Paw 3

Ed White: How are you doing?

Mrs. White: Fine.

. Ed White: You have to push the button when you talk and let it g0 SO

I can talk.

Mrs. White: You are really looking good.

Ed White: Looks pretty good from up here. We are passing over - coming

up on the west Texas area within a minute or so.

Mrs. White: Good

Mrs. White: Didn't hear you.

Ed White: Pat, repeat it.

Mrs. White: It looked like you were having a wonderful time yesterday.

Ed White: Quite a time we had, it was quite a time.

Mrs. White: I can't wait to talk to you about it.

Ed White: . . .

Mrs. White: Fine

Ed White: Okay, honey, I'll see you later.

Mrs. White: Okay, have a good flight.

Ed White: Take care, honey, bye bye.

Mrs. White: Bye

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 32, Page 1

This is Gemini Control, Houston, 27 hours and 30 minutes

into the mission, on the 18th revolution. From Carnarvan, we've

just had a report that they've skin-tracked with the radfrs the

second stage of the Gemi-i launch vehicle, They report that

it's running some 4 minutes and 10 seconds ahead of the space-

craft. We have no elements available on the orbit the second

stage is in at this time. Meanwhile the two Pats, Mrs. McDivitt

and Mrs. White, are still with us here in the Control Center.

They've been in an animated conversation with Dr. Berry, our

Flight Surgeon, and Mission Director, Chris Kraft, for much of

the past hour. They seem delighted with the progress of the

flight, as their conversations with their husbands indicated.

Jim Love11 has also joined the group here. Jim Love11 is the

backup pilot to Ed White on this mission. Meanwhile, Ed White

should be sleeping at this time. He's due for a two-hour sleep

at this period. We do not know whether he's taking advantage

of it or not. He's been awake for seven hours. In the next

pass over the United States, Jim McDivitt will perform what we

call an M-3 experiment: that is, he will use the inflight

exerciser. The exerciser is a rubbery, or a bungee, cord affixed

to the floor of the spacecraft. Each crewman pulls the cord

at the rate of one pull per second for about 30 seconds. Each
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 32, Page 2

crewman exercises in conjunction with an aeromedical pass

over a ground station, in which readouts are made of oral

temperature and blood pressure. The astronaut then exercises

with the exerciser and again inflates the blood pressure cuff

for a ground station readout. The two crewmen use the exerciser

three times daily, additionally, without an aeromedical pass.

And, as we've been talking, the Carnarvan station sounds as if

it has acquired the spacecraft. The contact was a slightly

unintelligible one - a lot of noise on the circuit. But

momentarily, they should be in good voice contact as the Gemini

craft will go almost directly over the Carnarvan station. This

is Gemini Control.
Page 1

This is Gemini Control, Houston, 28 hours 9 minutes into the mission.

Within the last minute,, the spacecraft has come in solid contact with the

Hawaii station. It is directly over the Hawaii station. However, we have

had no conversation between the pilots and the ground at this time. That

circuit out there today is quite clean. We are standing by trying to

monitor to see if there is any conversation coming in. We have heard none.

The Hawaii CAPCOMhas called, but the pilots are obviously otherwise

occupied. This is Gemini Control.

Page 1

This is Gemini Control Houston, 28 hours 34 minutes into the mission.

We are now entering the 19th circuit around the earth. The Gemini 4 space-

craft lost signal - lost contact with the Bermuda station at 1:48 Central

standard time , just 3 minutes ago. This was one of the quietest passes

across the United States. It started with a medical exercise involving

Jim McDivitt at the Guaymas station. This, of course, requires exercise because
it involves an oral temperature./ Ed White is about to drop off to sleep, We
have indications he has been getting set to go to sleep for much of the last
orbit , perhaps dozing a bit the surgeon advises.
In the course of the pass, Gus Grissom talked to Jim McDivitt and asked

Jim to look at his hatch mechanism on the right side and Jim did, reported

on the position of the various handles and springs involved in that hatch

mechanism, and we are completely satisfied that it is properly seated and

there's no concern there. They have noted a slight rise in the oxygen source

pressure the last orbit or two. We were reading a source pressure of about

950 pounds. We asked Gemini 4 to release a little bit of pressure. The

automatic valve releases it if it builds up to a 1000 pounds, but we would
just as soon manually release the pressure rather than to ask the automatic

valve to perform that task. This apparently was done.

Jim McDivitt, in the course of the pass, was preparing to eat a meal.
He advised that he had drunk some water previous to the stateside pass, and

he planned to drink some more with the meal.

We also tested OUT in the course of the pass, an airplane relay. We

were talking to the Gemini 4 spacecraft through an aircraft somewhere in

the Kennedy area. The relay worked effectively, a noisy relay but a readable

TRAI'JSCRIF'T Tape 34, page 2

We are prepared to play the tape .from most of that pass over the states

for you at this time.

s/c Flight, This is Gemini 4

FLIGHT Roger. Say, Jim, when you get a chance, will'you check those

two palls of the hatch handle and see if they are still free, or

see if they are free or if they are locked in their position.

We are just trying to run down the hatch problem down here and

we want to see if those things are still floating free.

s/c You want me to turn them to lock and then unlock or something

like that.

FLIGHT Right. See if the spring is holding them in the lock position.

Now, before you do it make sure that handle is stowed up good and


s/c Roger. We can keep it better now, but that doesn't say that the

other thing will go around.

FLIGHT Well, is the spring holding them in their position. That is what

we want to know. Is the spring letting it float freely.

s/c Yeah, the spring is leading itself ri&t now.

FLIGRT The spring is restraining the valve.

s/c . . .

FLIGHT Okay, that's all you know, thank you.

s/c It did when we operate

FLIC;RT Roger, these transmissions are coming through a relay now. HOW
are you reading me?

.) ._
.------II- ,.
TRANSCRIPT Tax= 34, page 3

FLIGHT Gemini 4, this is Houston, transmitting through the relay airplane,

How are you reading?


s/c . . .

FLIGHT Pretty garblsd, but you are barely readable.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 35, Page 1

This is Gemini Control. We are now 29 hours and 14 minutes

into our mission. Spacecraft Gemini 4 is now on its 19th

revolution over the earth and currently is on the night side

passing over the Indian Ocean about to come up along the coast

of Australia. The White Team of flight controllers has taken

over the second shift here in the Mission Control Center.

Flight Director Gene Kranz is making a status check of all

systems. The spacecraft electrical supply is excellent. We

still have the same pad, or margin, available that we had at

lift-off. There is plenty aboard to complete the mission.

Communications are good. There's more than enough oxygen

and more than one-half the OAMS fuel load still aboard. The

Flight Surgeon reports the crew is in top condition as they

continue this flight. This is Gemini Control.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 36, Page 1

This is Gemini Control. Spacecraft Gemini 4 is now

29 hours and 40 minutes into the mission. The White Team
of Flight Controllers has assumed control of this flight.

The spacecraft is passing over the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii.

As Mission Director Chris Kraft left the Mission Control

room a few moments ago, he observed, "I don't see anything at

this moment to keep us from going four days, and we will

probably do an OAMS reentry." Spacecraft Commander Jim

McDivitt reported to the Carnarvan tracking station as he

passed over Australia, that Pilot Ed White is sleeping at

this time. Earlier, Ed White reported to the Houston Mission

Control Center that there was no sign of moisture build-up

in the cabin of Gemini 4. Moisture build-up had been evidenced

in previous flights. Gemini 4's cabin has been coated with

a special cellulose cloth. This is Gemini Control.

TRANSCRIPT Tape 37, Page 1

This is Gemini Control. We are now 30 hours and 9 minutes into

the mission. Spacecraft Gemini 4 has just completed a pass over the

States on its 20th revolution. In voice communication with Gus Grissom,

spacecraft communicator, Command Pilot, Jim McDivitt, reported he had

sighted another object in space. He described it only as an object that

appeared to have big arms sticking out. He said he took some motion
pictures of this object, but was having some difficulty because of the

position of the sun. During this pass over the States, Gus Grissom gave
McDivitt some updated times to perform various experiments. This is
Gemini Control.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 38, Page 1

This is Gemini Control. We are now 3 0 hours and 31

minutes into our flight. The Gemini 4 spacecraft is in its

20th revolution and is into the dark side of the world as it

passes over the South African continent. As relayed during

our last transmission, approximately one half hour ago, the

spacecraft commander, Jim McDivitt, had reported sighting an

object in space. He said it appeared to have big arms sticking

out, perhaps another - or a satellite. He said he had taken

some motion pictures of this object, but the sun's position

made it difficult to keep the object in view. We have had

no further voice communication with the spacecraft since that

time. But now we will play back for you the tape recording

made during that pss over the States. This is Gemini Control.

s/c In one minutes, GMT time.

cc 23 00 GMT.

S/C Ok. Got that.

cc Perform the D-8 that was scheduled for 33 20 last time.

Perform that at a GMT of 40 00.

cc Ok. Delete the D-8 at 33 20 and perform it at 40 00.

Is that right?

cc 00 40. My fault. Copy that?

cc All right. Third item scheduled - do D-8 - start time of

02 15 GMT.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 38, Page 2

S/C Ok. We'll have a new D-8 at 02 15 GMT. How many D-8's

are you giving? Repeat.

cc We deleted one, the one at 23 00 GMT.

S/C Roger. Thank you. You deleted that one and we have another

one at 02 15?

cc That's affirm. Perform S-6 at 00 15 GMT.

S/C That's S-6 at what time?

cc 00 15 GMT. We want you to use minimum fuel on that one.

WC Roger. I'll use minimum fuel on all of them.

cc Roger, roger. Perform S-6 at 22 35 GMT.

Flight: Guaymas Cap Corn.

cc Go, Flight.

Flight: Roger. S-6 is a cellular cloud formation.

S/C Two S-6 - one at 00 15 and one at 22 35. Is that correct?

cc That's affirmative. Say again, Flight.

Flight: Roger. Advise him S-6 is a cellular cloud formation.

cc Roger. S-6 is a cellular cloud formation.

Tape 38, Page 3

WC Roger.

cc That's the one at 00 15 GMT. Sorry, that would be . .

ok. MSC experiments 2 and 3 at a GMT of 30.
S/C GMT of what?

cc 30 minutes.

s/c How many hours. I'v got the 30 minutes - how many hours?

cc 00 30 00.

WC 00 30.

cc Roger. Go BEF on experiments 2 and 3.

S/C Ok. That would be 2 and 3 of a GMT of 00 30 00 - there'd

\ be a GMT hack at that time.

cc That's affirm. Are you still looking at that thing out there?

S/C No, I've lost it. It had big arms sticking out of it, it

looked like. I only had it for just a minute. I got a couple

of pictures of it with the movie camera and one with the Hasselblad.

But I was in free drift and before I could get the control back

I drifted into the sun and 1ost.i.t.

cc Good show. Flight, do you copy?

Flight: Roger.

cc On this,S-6 experiment I think we got our times mixed up.

This pass elapsed time is confusing.

Flight: Which one are you confused on?

cc Well, there's two of them. There's - this MSC experiment

Tape 38, Page 4

2 and 3 - it starts at elapsed time or a GMT of 30 minutes

and it ran to what time?

Flight: To 55 - 00 hours 55 minutes.

cc Gemini 4, Guaymas Cap Corn. ok, we've had LOS, Flight.

Flight: Roger.

TRANSCRIPT Tape 39, Page 1

This is Gemini Control. We are 31 hours and 4 minutes into our

mission. Spacecraft Gemini 4 is on its 20th revolution, and we expect

to make voice contact with the Coastal Sentry Quebec, a tracking ship

in the Pacific Ocean, during this pass. It is expected that the Coastal
Sentry Quebec tracking ship will give the flight crew a GO for 33 revolutions

the longest yet for an American space flight. We will now transmit to you

live the voice transmission between the Coastal Sentry Quebec and Spacecraft

Gemini 4.

cc Flight, CAPCOM


FLIGHT The only thing he has got to pass up is just tell him to take
targets of opportunity any place free of weather and not wait

until the last day to do it.

cc Please be advised that this pass is live on the TV networks back


FLIGHT Will you give me your quantity readon.

s/c . . .

cc I've got your 20 4 backup guidance quantities when you are

prepared to copy.

cc Gemini 4 CSQ, do you copy?

cc Gemini CSQ, do you copy?

s/c Roger. CSQ, Gemini 4, I read you.

cc Roger. What's your status for 33 l?

s/c We're good.

TRANSCRIPT Tape 39, Page 2

cc Okay, we're GO on the ground. Uh, I've got your 21 4 load pre-

pared to transmit and transmitting now.

s/c Roger.

cc Roger. Your load ig in. I've got your 21 4 backup guidance

quantities if you are prepared to copy.

s/c Go ahead, I'm ready.

cc Roger. 21 4. Your AV will be split between forward and aft

56 ft forward at 1 minute and 32 seconds. 120 ft/sec aft,

2+3O, 01 days, 23 hours 53 minutes 23 seconds. 2+42, 8+46,

s/c Roger. 21 4, 56, 1+32, 120, 2+30.






FLIGHT Voice Control, ring CSQ for me, please.

This is Gemini Control. Obviously, we have experienced some

transmission difficulties and are unable to bring you this voice trans-

mission live from the Coastal Sentry Quebec. We hope to try again from

another station , possibly Hawaii. This is Gemini Control.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 40, Page 1

This is Gemini Control. Spacecraft Gemini 4 is now coming

up over Hawaii, and that tracking station will give the space-

craft a Go-no-go for 33 orbits. Transmission difficulties

made it impossible to do this over the Coastal Sentry Quebec,

as we had planned. We will now transmit to you live the

voice transmission between Hawaii and the Gemini 4 spacecraft.

cc It is 23 58.23.

s/c Roger, 23 58 23.

cc Roger.

s/c Thank you.

cc Also the S-5 experiment, MCC requests crew take terrain

photos of any clear areas along ground track and not wait until

last day. Crew should identify which areas they are. Did you


s/c Roger. Understand they want us to take areas of terrain

wherever it is amenable and not to wait till the last pass.

Be advised it looks we ought to save some film, though, until

we get the opportunity to make a pass across the southwestern

United States tomorrow and make a bunch of sequence photos there

if it's ok.

Flight: Roger, that's fine with us.

cc Roger. That's fine with us. Go ahead. Stand by.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 40, Rage 2

Flight: Hello, Hawaii.

cc Roger. I got his tape stuff off. His delayed time T/M

off. I relayed the GMT'RC and item 7.

Flight: Ok. Have you had LOS?

cc Negative

Flight Why don't you see if you can get the battery readouts,

since we didn‘t get them at CSQ.

cc Roger. Gemini 4, Hawaii Cap Corn.

s/c i;o.

cc Can you give us your battery readouts if you did not give

them to CSQ?

s/c Roger. We didn't give them to CSQ. We'll give them to you

in just a minute.

cc Roger.

cc Gemini 4, Hawaii. Flight, Hawaii.

Flight: Roger, go Hawaii.

cc Roger. We had LOS while we were waiting on the battery

readout from him.

Flight: Ok. Very good.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 41, Page 1

This is Gemini Control. Spacecraft Gemini 4 is now passing

over South America on its 21st revolution. There was no voice

transmission over the United States. As the spacecraft came

over Guaymas, spacecraft commander Jim McDivitt was advised to

look for a tropical storm located west of Mexico. We have had

no report from him on that. Here at Mission Control Center at

Hou;ton, we are checking with SPADETS here - Space Detection

and Tracking System - concerning the object that McDivitt

reported he saw on his last pass over the United States. They

will advise us concerning the known satellites that were in

that area at that time. One of these would be the Pegasus V.

This is Gemini Control.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 42, Page 1

This is Gemini Control. We are now 32 hours and 10 minutes

into our mission. Spacecraft Gemini 4 is now on the night side

of the world passing

\ over the southernmost tip of Africa on its

21st revolution. Flight Surgeon Dr. Duane Catterson reports

both men are in excellent physical condition. He said that,

as of this morning's report, spacecraft commander McDivitt had

taken throughout the flight a little under quarts of water and

has eaten two of his complete meals. He said this represents

about one half of the normal ground food intake. Pilot White

has had a little less than a quart of water but has eaten a

little more food than McDivitt. This report was, again, as of

this morning. We have had no additional communication concerning

food and water from the pilots, since the White Team came on

duty approximately three hours ago. This is Gemini Control.

TRANSCPl?l' Tape 43, Page 1

This is Gemini Control. Spacecraft Gemini 4 is now 32 hours and

40 minutes into its mission. At the present time it is coming up on

the Coastal Sentry Quebec, our tracking ship in the Pacific. During

the last pass we had communications difficulties between the CSQ and

the spacecraft. This was due to a power failure on the Coastal Sentry

Quebec. It was quickly corrected; however, the spacecraft had already

passed out of tracking range and the system will be checked out with

the spacecraft as it passes over in the next few minutes. We have

had no other voice contact with Gemini 4 since Guaymas. This is

Gemini Control.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 44, Page 1

This is Gemini Control. We are now 33 hours and 9 minutes into

the mission. Spacecraft Gemini 4 is on its 21st revolution and at

present is approaching the Rose Knot Victor, a tracking ship located

at the Pacific Ocean, west of Peru. Spacecraft Commander, James

McDivitt, is in a sleep period. Our flight plan calls for Pilot

Ed White to be working at this time on various experiments. He is

to turn off MSC 1, an examination of the electronic charge buildup

outside the spacecraft, using a sensor. He will also conduct a D-8

experiment. This is measuring radiation inside the spacecraft, using

a portable sensor. We have had no ground communication with the

spacecraft with the exception of some updating of possible landing

area data values for the past three quarters of an hour. This is

Gemini Control.

End of tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 45, Page 1

This is Gemini Control. We are now 33 hours and 40 minutes into

our mission. Spacecraft Gemini 4 is now passing over the southern tip

of the African continent on its 22nd revolution around the earth. Com-

munications between the ground and the spacecraft have been kept at an

absolute minimum for the past half hour. This is directed by our Flight

Director, Gene Kranz, in an effort to give Command Pilot, Jim McDivitt,

a good sleep period. While McDivitt is in a sleep period, Pilot White

has been working on experiments according to our flight schedule. We

have had no communication and have no additional information to pass on

at this time. This is Gemini Control.

End of tape.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 46, Page 1

This is Gemini Control. We are now 34 hours and 9 minutes into

the flight of Gemini 4. The spacecraft is now off the east China coast

and will shortly pass by Midway Island on its 22nd revolution. Astro-

nauts Jim McDivitt and Ed White will thus shortly set a new American

record for long-duration space flight since Astronaut Cordon Cooper

splashed down approximately 275 miles northeast of Midway in his

Mercury spacecraft on May 16, 1963, after a flight of 34 hours, 19 min-

utes, and 49 seconds. As the Gemini 4 spacecraft comes into voice range

of our Hawaiian tracking station in a little more than 10 minutes from

now, we will transmit live from that station. The voice conversation

between the flight crew and Stew Davis, our Spacecraft Communicator

at Hawaii, we expect that Stew will pass on congratulations from the

ground. 'Ihis is Gemini Control.

End of tape.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 47, Page 1

This is Gemini Control. 34 hours and 21 minutes into the flight.

Gemini 4 Spacecraft has set a new long-duration American record for

space flight. Gemini 4 Spacecraft is now within voice range of Hawaii.

Stu Davis, our Spacecraft Comnicator there, will be talking to the

crew. We will now go to live voice transmission. This is Gemini Control.

cc I would like to advise you to perform a medical Qpe 1 pass on

pilot over RKV.

s/c Roger. Command a Type 1 medical pass on pilot over RKV.

cc pager. RKV acquisition in approximately 10 minutes.

s/c Roger. Acquisition affirm in about 10 minutes.

cc I also have a map-up date for you. Are you ready to copy?

s/c Standing by for map-up date.

cc Rev 22 01 07 00 - longitude of ascending node 63O east.

s/c Roger. Understand rev 22 01 07 00 - longitude 60' East

Flight Hawaii Cap Corn, this is Houston.

cc 63' East.

s/c Affirmative. 63' East.

cc Roger. I also would like to congratulate you on the new

American space flight record - congratulations.

s/c Roger. We got a few more to go.

cc Roger.

s/c Thank you very much.

Flight Hawaii Cap Corn, Houston Flight.

cc Go, Flight.
Flight Its about 20 minutes to his acquisition - its about 14 from
Tape 47, Page 2

your Los.

cc Roger. Gemini, Hawaii.

s/c OK Hawaii. Gemini‘4.

cc Roger. On the acquisition time of the RKV it will be approsi-

mately 20 minutes.

s/c Roger. Be approximately 20 minutes for the RKV acquisition.

cc Roger.

cc Flight, I have passed up all the parameters. We've had a TX.

We are receiving dumps at this time.

Flight OK. What's

. your OAMShelium temperature at this time

and the oxidizer tank temperature?

cc Stand by, Flight.

cc Flight, Hawaii.

Flight Go, Hawaii.

cc The OAMShelium temperature is 65', the OAMS . . . (garbled) . .

Stand by, Flight.

Flight Roger.

cc Gemini 4, Hawaii. Go ahead.

s/c Rcger, be advised I have a good view of the Hawaiian Islands now

on my window. I'm passing - I will be passing over there in about

30 seconds. There's scattered to broken clouds and looks pretty

good. In fact, right now it looks like I'm looking down on -

if I'm right, right down on the Island Niihau.

cc Roger, Gemini 4

s/c Looks pretty good.

cc Did you copy, Flight?

Tape 47, Page 3

Flight Roger.

cc OAMShelium pressure 2,000 psia.

Flight OK, how about the OAMS oxidizer tank temperature?

cc Flight, \ Hawaii.
Flight Go ahead.

cc 65’ also.
Flight Roger.

cc We have completed tape dump.

Flight Roger. How'd your tape quality look, Stu?

cc It looked good here, Gene.

Flight OK.

cc All systems on the ground are looking good.

Flight Very good. You've got what, about 2 more passes coming up, or

one more, one more I guess.

cc We have one more in Hawaii following this series of passes.

cc Flight, Hawaii.

Flight Go ahead.

cc TR leads i second, FET lags 1; seconds.

Flight Roger.

cc Hawaii's at LOS

Flight Roger, Hawaii.

This has been a live voice transmission of communications between the

Gemini 4 space flight and the Hawaiian tracking station. This is Gemini


l?nd of tape.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 48, Page 1

cc CSQ to Gemini 4.

S/C OK. Roger. Got ....

cc Gemini....
cc Gemini....

S/C Hello, CSQ. Gemini 4.

CC!: OK. Roger. :'Got you loud and clear, and you look real good

on the ground. Be advised to go to a heads-up position. Heads-

up attitude for a type one medical pass over Hawaii. That's in

about five or six minutes.

WC Roger. Understand.a heads-up position over Hawaii in five

or six minutes

cc Roger. Also over Hawaii the air-to-ground communications

will be carried live on television.

S/C Roger. Understand.

cc Houston . . . . . . . .CSQ

Flt Go ahead, CSQ.

cc Is there anything else you want?

Flt Negative. That's a pretty good corn for this pass.1 didn't

think it'd be that good.

cc Say again.

Flt That was a pretty good communications for this pass. I

didn't think at that low elevation that you'd do as good.

cc Roger.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 48, Page 2

Flt Did you get the adapter C-band on and realtime TM on?

cc Gemini 4, CSQ. We have nothing else, we're standing by.

S/C . . . . CSQ. Thank you very much. Everything's Go up here.

CC Calling Houston Flight. Roger. We got the .....C;

Fit Roger.

cc Gemini 4, CSQ. Go ahead.

S/C You might ask the . . . . at Houston if they'd like to have

the break-down medical over one pass . . . . quite a while back.

I've been taking a few exercises to keep up with the four

required today myself....

CC OK. Read you with background noise. Understand you want

to inquire of Houston if they want a type one medical pass for

command pilot.

s/c Negative. See if they want to make up the one they missed

a while back.

F&t That's affirmative. Will advise him over Hawaii.

cc Roger. Gemini 4, Houston will advise you over Hawaii.

s/c Roger.That's good.

Flt CSQ Cap Corn, Houston Flight.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 48, Page 3

cc Go ahead, Flight

Flt Roger. Would you verify that the ECS 02 heater switch

is off?
cc Roger. Gemini 4, CSQ. Would you verify that the ECS 02

heater switch is off?

WC Roger. That is affirmative. The ECS 02 heater switch

is off and has been off

Flt Roger. We read, CSQ.

cc Flight, did you copy?

Flt Affirmative.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 49, Page 1

This is Gemini Control. Spcecraft Gemini 4 is now in its

23-d revolution over the earth. Ground elapsed time is 35 hours

and 9 minutes. The spacecraft is now -- has now just passed -- is now
just coming up on the coast of South America. During the pass over

the Rose Knot Victor, a tracking ship off the west coast of South America,

Spacecraft Commander, Jim McDivitt was in a sleep period. The Rose

Knot Victor flight surgon asked Pilot Ed White for a medical pass Type 1.

This included an oral temperature reading, a blood pressure check, a

TO-second exercise period with the bungie cord exerciser, and this was

followed by another blood pressure check. White also reported he had

4 hours of good sound sleep. He has eaten a full meal and had about

6 swallows of water. The meal consisted of beef bites, potato salad,

fruit cake, and orange juice. After analyzing the data from the medical

pass, Flight Surgon, Dr. Duane Catterson, here at Mission Control Center

in Houston, said Pilot White is in excellent condition. This is Gemini


End of tape.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 50, Page 1

This is Gemini Control. We are now 35 hours and 45 minutes into

our mission. The Gemini 4 Spacecraft on its 23rd revolution over the

earth. This flight is the longest duration two-man spacecraft flight

ever made. Gemini 4 is now over southern Japan. To the people on the

ground it is Saturday. In the spacecraft our pilots are going through

Friday - Friday night. We have had no voice communication since the

spacecraft passed over the Rose Knot Victor tracking ship a little over

a half hour ago. At that time, Spacecraft Commander Jim McDivitt was

asleep, and Pilot Ed White was busy with experiments. The next station

to acquire Gemini 4 will be the CSQ tracking ship in the Pacific Ocean.

This is Gemini Control.

End of tape.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 51, Page 1

This is Gemini Control. We are 36 hours and 9 minutes into the

mission. Spacecraft Gemini 4 is on its 23rd revolution over the earth

and is now over the Pacific Ocean moving into the night side of the
world. Our last voice communication with the spacecraft came as it

passed the Coastal Sentry Quebec tracking ship a few minutes ago.

Pilot Ed White reported at that time that he had completed the D-8 exper-

iment. This is to measure radiation inside the spacecraft. The Coastal

Sentry Quebec also updated the spacecraft for various landing areas.

'Ihis is Gemini Control.

End of tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 52, Page 1

This if Gemini Control. We are now 36 hours and 39 minutes

into the mission. The Gemini 4 spacecraft is on its twenty-

fourth revolution of the earth and is now on the night side

passing near Asaension Island. The last racking acquisition

of the spacecraft was made by the Rose Knot Victor tracking

ship off the west coast of South America. There was no voice

communication at this time. But the tracking ship reported

they had real solid telemetry, that it appeared that the

command pilot - the spacecraft commander - was still asleep,

and that Pilot Fd White appeared to be working at some task

or other. The Rose Knot Victor advised the Mission Control

Center that everything looked good from their vantage point.

This is Gemini Control.

cc G-mini 4. RKV surgeon. We have a 5jcod blood pressure. ,

Standing by..for your food, water and sleep.

s/c Roger. Power down. Got four hours of rest,most of which

was a good sound sleep. My last meal was . . . . . , orange juice,

. . . . (remainder of transmission garbled).

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 53, Page 1

This is Gemini Control.. It is now 37 hours and 9 minutes since

Gemini 4 started its flight. The spacecraft is on its 24th revolution

over the earth and at the present time it is coming over the continent -

at the present time it is coming over the continent of Asia and will be

shortly moving into the Pacific Ocean area. We have been out of voice

contact with the spacecraft for approximately 1 hour. Flight Surgeon,

Dr. Duane Catterson reports that apparently Command Pilot Jim McDivitt

is getting a good long sound sleep. He said the medical telemetry

readouts are excellent and that both crewmen are in excellent physical

condition. Flight Director, Eugene Kranz, reports the spacecraft systems

are all Go at this time. This is Gemini Control.

End of tape.

Release No. 17
June 4, 1965

HOUSTON, TEXAS -- Analysis by Norad Spadat computational

facilities reveals the following earth satellites were within

1000 km (about 600 miles) of GT-4 Spacecraft at the time Astronaut

James McDivitt reported the satellite sighting:

Object Spadats Distance in Kilometers

Identification Number Time (CST) from GT-4
* “;
:v i' \:

Fragment 975 3-' 2:56 ' 439

Tank 932 3:Ol 740

Fragment 514 3:04 427

Omicron 646 3:06 905

Omicron 477 3:07 979

Fragment 726 3:09 625

Fragment a74 3:13 905

Omicron 124 3:13 722

10 x 20 Foot Debris
of Pegasus 1385 3:16 757

YO-YO De-Spin
Weight 167 3:18 684

Pegasus B at 3:06 (CST) was about 2000 km in the proper direction to

be observed by the astronauts.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 54, Page 1

This is Gemini Control. The ground elapsed time since Gemini 4

began its flight is now 37 hours and 39 minutes. The spacecraft at

present is over the mid-Pacific on its 24th revolution around the

earth. It is in drifting flight. We have had no voice communication

with the flight crew now for more than 90 minutes by design. Space-

craft Commander Jim McDivitt is still asleep from all indications we

get on the ground and Pilot Ed White is busy performing various exper-

iments. However, the ground tracking stations report everything is

proceeding normally. Here at the Mission Control Center in Houston,

our retro controller, Tom Carter, estimates that the second stage of

the Titan launch vehicle, which went into orbit with Gemini 4, will

reenter about noon tomorrow, central standard time. Its impact point

is predicted for 11' North latitude and 173' East longitude. This is

near the Marshall Islands in the Pacific. In the 23rd revolution

of the flight, the Titan rocket was 3,000 miles ahead of the space-

craft and 25 to 30 miles below the spacecraft. This is Gemini control.

End of tape.

Release No. 17
June 4, 1965

HOUSTON, TEXAS -- Analysis by Norad Spadat computational

facilities reveals the following earth satellites were within

1000 km (about 600 miles) of GT-4 Spacecraft at the time Astronaut

James McDivitt reported the satellite sighting:

Object '.% Spadats ' Distance in Kilometers

Identification Number 1"' Time (CST) from GT-4

*Fragment 975 2:56 439

*Tank 932 3:Ol 740

'*Fragment 514 3:04 427

Omicron Transit 4A 646 3:06 905

Omicron Transit 4A 477 3:07 979

*Fragment 726 3:09 625

*Fragment 074 3:13 905

Omicron Transit 4A 124 3:13 722

10x20 Foot Debris

of Pegasus -- Shroud .
(A or B) not a work-
ing part of Satellite 1385 3:16 757

YO-YO De-Spin
Weight- 2' to 3' 167 3:18 684

Pegasus B at 3:06 (CST) was about 2000 km in the proper direction tc

be observed by the astronauts.

*4' to 6' in length down to 15" in length, 2' to 6" in width.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 55, Page 1

. . . . 16 minutes ago. Blood pressure readouts in the Command Pilot

were begun during the pass over the Rose Knot Victor as well as oral

temperature readouts. But completion of these was postponed until the

pass over Ascension Island voice remoting station. The spacecraft

should be in contact with Ascension at this time. This is Gemini


End of tape.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 56, Page 1

This is Gemini Control, 40 hours, nine minutes after

liftoff. Gemini 4 spacecraft is now just southeast of Teheran,

Iran, midway through the twenty-sixth revolution. During the

pass over the Kano, Nigeria, Voice-Remoting Station, the flight

surgeon passed up some more Little League baseball scores to

the crew. Mike McDivitt plays for the Hawks, and Eddie White

plays for the Dodgers. Both teams won their games. A tape

recording of this voice transmission follows. This is Gemini


cc Gemini 4, Gemini 4. Houston Cap Corn. Over.

S/C Gemini Houston, Gemini 4.

cc Roger, Gemini 4. T'd like to explain this split burn to

you. Over.

S/C Houston, send a release,,you're still keyed.

cc Gemini 4, Gemini 4. Anytime your OAMS burn is greater than

120 feet per second, we will give you a split burn -- 84 feet

out of the forward thrusters and a balance out of the aft

thrusters. Do you understand? Over.

S/C OK. Anytime it‘s greater than 120 feet per second, give it

84, that's eightyfour out,of the forward, rest out of the aft.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 56, Page 2

cc Roger. You got it, Jim, and we will be standing by at all

these remote sites. I'll just give you a call and say standing

by; and if you get lonesome and have any comments, you can come

on up and we have a few personal messages here from the doctor.


s/c OK.

cc Gemini 4, this if Houston.surgeon. I have a message for

the Command Pilot. Little League score of the Hawks, 3, the

Pelicans, 2; and Mike walked. Do you copy? Gemini 4, this is

Houston surgeon. Do you read?

s/c Roger. I do.

cc Did you copy the score for the Hawks - Pelican game?

WC Roger. Boy! Did I ever:

cc Roger. A message for the pilot. The Dodgers 11, the

Yankees, 10; and Eddie had one for three.

s/c OK. He's sleeping right now, but I'll tell him when he

wakes up.

cc Roger. You can also advise him that his wife received the

flowers. She forgot to tell him that today when she was on

Cape Receivers Note: RE: Tape 56, Page 3
'The following page was erroneous@ omitted during the night8s


Botto? of Page 2, Tape 56, "End of Tape" should be removed.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 56, Page 3


cc Houston surgeon out. Jim, this is Cap Corn. You also

might tell the pilot when he wakes up that Jim's here, and

he's going to give him one more chance to change seats with him.

S/C Roger.

cc Hey, listen. The only free water we've got in here is

anytime we've tried to use that urine system.

cc Have fun, Gemini 4, and as I say, anytime you get lonesome,

we'll be standing by in the remote sites.

S./C OK.

End of tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 57, Page 1

This is Gemini Control. 40 hours and 39 minutes after lift-off.

The Gemini 4 spacecraft is now over the New Hebrides Islands in the

southwest Pacific in an orbit measuring 101 statute miles at perigee

and 172.5 statute miles at apogee. The next station contact will be

with the tracking ship Rose Knot Victor 29 -- 21 minutes from now.

This is Gemini Control.

End of tape.
Mission Commentary Transcript nape 38, Page 1

c This is Gemini Control. 41 hours and 11 minutes after lift-off.

The Gemini 4 spacecraft has just crossed the west coast of South America

and is now over the southern Peru. During the pass over the tracking
ship Rose Knot Victor just completed, a Type 1 medical data pass was

to have been run on Pilot Ed White; but since the pilot was still

sleeping, the medical data check on him was postponed until a later

pass. The Type 1 checks are run once daily on the Command Pilot and

once or more per day on the Pilot. The checks involve measurements

of oral temperature, blood pressure, plus exercise on the bungie

exercise device once per second for 30 seconds. The RKV Cap Corn reported

to the Flight Director that the spacecraft looked good on his telemetry

readouts- A tape of this pass follows. 'Ihis is Gemini Control.

s/c RKV, this is Gemini 4.

cc Roger. Were you expecting a Type 1 pass on you this time?

s/c Roger. I'll hurry up my system heating . . . . . , .

cc Roger. Insert the oral temperature probe and we'll stand by.

We've got 8 minutes so it should give us plenty of time to do

it. Gemini 4, if you have just had a drink of water it won't

do you any good to insert the oral temp probe.

Roger. This aero-med pass is on the pilot.

s/c He is still asleep.

cc Don't bother to wake him. Do not bother to awaken the pilot.

s/c Say again.

cc Do not bother to awaken him for it. We'll hold on until later on.
nape 58, Page 2

s/c Roger. I didn't plan to get him up for another 10 or 15 minutes.

Do you want my temperature and blood pressure?

cc Gemini 4 stand by and we will check with the Cape and see what

they want, EL Flight, RKV.

Flight Stand by. Negative on that, RKV.

cc Roger. We will just stand by on this one then.

Flight Roger.

cc Gemini 4, RKV. Negative on the Type 1 on the Command Pilot.

Did you copy?

s/c Roger. You don't want a 'Iype 1 pass on the Command Pilot.

cc That's negative. We'll just stand by on this one.

s/c OK. Sorry we don't have any business for you.

cc Everything looks Go here on the ground. The surgeons here

advise that the pilot appears to be sleeping very good.

Flight Roger.

CC Will you want a playback on this aero-med data? Its very nominal


Flight Negative on that, RKV.,

cc Roger. Thank you. Primary 02 tank pressure is running 957.

Do you want us to advise'him to go to 02 high rate and run that

pressure down?

Flight I think he's keeping an eye on that XV.

cc OK.

Flight RKV, this is Houston Flight,

cc Roger, Flight.
Flight You know the standard procedure for doing that now. We are

not using the 02 hi& rate, we are using the repress valve.

cc Roger.
Flight Apparently going to high rate disturbes the crew when they

are asleep because you get extra noise when the fans go off.

cc Yeah, I imagine that could make quite a difference. Every-

thing still looks good from here, Floyd. TR and FET are within

one second.

Flight Roger.

cc . We have had extremely solid 'IT4 all the way through this pass.

Flight Roger, FKV. Are you running on low power -- HT?

cc That's negative. We went back to high power.

Flight Roger. You're coming through loud and clear now.

cc Roger. 'Ihe RKV has had air loss.

Flight Roger, RKV.

End tape.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 59, Page 1

Flt Roger. That should then be at -- let's get that GNT --

170 is three hours and ten minutes, 11:40 ZULU.

cc Roger, Flight. Their T 0 is scheduled for IL:42 ZULU.

Flt OK. That gives us -- it'd be about Canary.

cc Roger

Flt That really shouldn't any trouble at all.

CC No. It's ....

Flt what's their predicted length of mission?

cc 30 minutes.

Flt Due west for 30 minutes.

cc Roger. It's quadulant. Even if the spacecraft is in the

Pacific, they're down so low ....

Flt We've got a 2,250 nautical mile safety on the thing, so

we'll hold them if they get within 2,250 nautical miles of the

impact point. Nine minutes.

cc Is -- The long and lat he gave me was 168O East, go North.

And were in the Southern Hemisphere'at that time. There'll

be no problem about that. Their launch window runs from

11:35 to 15:35.

Flt OK.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 59, Page 2

This is Gemini Control. Forty-one hours and 39 minutes

after liftoff. The spacecraft is now in it's twenty-seventh

revolution and over the\ northern sector of the Arabian

Peninsula. During the recent pass over the Canary Island

Tracking Station, the crew was given information on Apollo

Land Mark Experiment in the northern part of Africa. The

pilot, Ed White, was awakened for the type one medical check

that was omitted during the pass.over the tracking ship Rose

Knot Victor. This is Gemini Control.

: Flt Roger. Houston. You look good, Stand by - we want

you to wake the pilot up. We will run an aeromed pass one at

this time.

WC Roger. Just got him up.

Flt OK. Stand by for my surgeon on UHF.

cc Pilot, this is Canary surgeon. Would you pump up the

blood pressure cuff?

S/C He just put the thermometer in his mouth, and he's getting

the cuff on.

cc Gemini 4, you need not take oral temperature. We will not

have time. We will dispense with that. Proceed to pump up

_..” -.- _-.. ._ .- .-. ,, “- .^ ~. “_l ._-

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 59, Page 3

your blood pressure cuff.

s/c OK. Canary, is this Apollo land mark investigation

done with or without fuel?

Flt Without. Canary, this is Houston. Without fuel, do you


cc Yes. Gemini 4, this is Canary surgeon.

s/c Go ahead, Canary surgeon. Gemini 4.

cc Your blood pressure was received. Begin exercise, on your


S/C Mark. Did you get our mark?

cc Check. We received your mark.

S/C OK. We're sending a blood pressure now.

cc Gemini 4. Canary surgeon. Your cuff is full. Have you

completed your exercise?

S/C Roger.

Flt Houston Flight, Canary Cap Corn. Calling on the SOP, we

should be turning ourself off now. I will let it run until

nearer DOS.

cc Gemini 4. Your blood pressure has been received. May I

have your food, water and rest status.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 59, Page 4

S/C Roger. Gemini 4. I just got up from a long winter's

nap. I had a four and a half hour sleep. Out of that time

I probably had a good three and a half hours of sleep. I've

had, since I got up, three swallows of water, I finished my --

before I went to bed I had Meal A of Day 2, and I'm getting ready

to eat Meal 2 of . . . . Meal 3 of Day 2.

cc Very good. I will return you to Cap Corn. Canary surgeon,

out. Gemini 4, Canary Cap Corn. We're at LOS. Do you have

anything more?

s/c Roger. I'd like to know if this Apollo Landmark specification

coming up is with or without fuel.

cc Roger, Flight, did you copy?

Fit Roger.Without maneuvers. Without OAMS.

cc It is without fuel.

s/c Roger.

end of tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #60, Page 1

This is Gemini Control. Forty -two hours, 9 minutes

after liftoff. The Gemini 4 spacecraft is now over

Townsville, Australia nearing the end of the 27th revolution.
No contact has been made with the spacecraft since early in

this revolution over the Canary Island Tracking Station. The

next station to be in radio range of the spacecraft will be

the tracking ship --Pose Knot Victor, 26 minutes from now. ,After

this brief two minute pass, the RKV can retire for the night

until the 3 th revolution, some 20 hours from now.

This is Gemini Control.

(End of Tape)
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 61, Page 1

This is Gemini Control, 42 hours 39 minutes after lift-off.

The Gemini 4 spacecraft is now approaching the west coast of South

America , just south of Guayaquil, Equador and is in voice contact

with the tracking ship Rose Knot Victor. The spacecraft is in an

orbit measuring 101 statute miles at paragee and 172 statute miles

apogee. Additional Apollo landmark experiment data was passed to

the crew during the pass over the Rose Knot Victor tracking ship.

This is Gemini Control.

End of tape.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #62, Page 1

cc: Roger, I have some Apollo updates for you.


cc: Roger.

s/c : Do we have

cc: Roger, Apollo landmark close to approach. Left 28,

number 11, GMT 101651, 28 miles south, number 12, GMT 102150,

6 miles south, number 13 GMT 102530, 1.5 miles north, number

18, 103013, 28 miles north. No attitude control will be used

for these maneuvers.

s/c : Roger, understand, go right ahead control, would you


cc: Roger, the first one was on number 11, 101651, 28 miles



cc: four updates


EC: Ah, Roger, everything looks good from down here.


cc: Ah Roger, we understand on that.

s/c: RKV?
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #62, Page 2

Flight for No. 12 Apollo update. I have a time of 102190

and the chart is 102650, which is correct?

F: Correct number is 162150 zulu.

cc: Roger, that's the number I gave him.

cc: Gemini 4, we'll have LOF in about one minute here. Do

you have anything?

s/c : CapCom this is Gemini 4, be advised that the Apollo

landmarks, the attitude, no it's not that, we can't get very

much out of them.

cc: Roger, we understand on that, that's okay.

s/c : Roger

F: RKV, this is Houston Flight.

cc: Roger, go ahead.

F: Tell him on numbers 12 and 13 he can use fuel sparingly.

cc: Flight advises that on numbers 12 and 13 you can use

fuel sparingly. Do you copy?

s/c : Roger, on numbers 12 and 13 I can use fuel sparingly.

cc: Roger.

s/c : Roger, I'll be..

.., .,_ .. ____“. ..

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 63, Page 1

This is Gemini Control, 43 hours, 9 minutes after lift-off.

The Gemini 4 spacecraft is now over Benghazi, Libya early in the

28th revolution.\ During the pass over the Canary Island tracking

station which began 13 minutes ago, the Canary Cap Corn advised the

crew of Gemini 4 that the spacecraft systems all look green from the

ground. A tape recorded during the pass over the voice remoting

station at Antigua follows. This is Gemini Control.

cc Gemini 4, Gemini 4, this is Houston Cap Corn. Over.

s/c Gemini 4.

cc Roger, Gemini 4. We'd like your quantity read switch on for

about 10 seconds please.

s/c Roger. On for 10 seconds.

cc Gemini 4, this is Houston.; I have a map up-date for you.

s/c Roger. Go ahead.

cc Roger. The ascending node of rev 29, ll$tWest, GMT 12 56 46.

s/c Roger. We have 29, 119' West, I2 56 46.

cc Rog, Ed, and you can delete -- its an error on your fli&t plan --

delete at elapsed time of 45 minutes, correction, 45 hours and

15 minutes, delete the M-3 experiment. That is an error in

your copy of the flight plan. Over.

s/c Roger, 45 hours and 15 minubes

cc Roger.

This is Gemini Control

Tape 63, Page 2

This is Gemini Control, ‘~3 hours, 11 minutes after lift-off.

We now have a tape recording of the voice transmission during Gemini IV's

pass over the Canary Islands Tracking Station during the 28th re-

volution. The tapes follows. This is Gemini control.

CC Gemini IV, Canary Cap Corn.

s/c Go ahead Canary, Gemini IV.

cc Roger. Your systems look green.

s/c Roger. The pass systems are green. Thank you. We look good

up here.

cc Gemini IV, Ganary Cap Corn. Is your quantity switch in the

read position?

s/c That's affirmative. I will turn it off nuw.

Roger. It's off.

End of tape.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #64, Page 1

This is Gemini Control, 43 hours, 39 minutes after

liftoff. The Gemini 4 spacecraft is now over Central

Australia, mid-way
. through the 28th revolution. During the

pass just ended over the Canarvon Tracking Station, routine

retrofire times for several planned landing areas were passed

up/the crew by the Canarvon CapCom. This is Gemini Control.

cc: Gemini 4, Canarvon CapCom.

s/c : Gemini 4, go ahead.

cc: _ Roger, read you loud and clear. Can you give me a

little info on how your control went over North Africa and

how much pul........did you do?

s/c: Roger, control in about the middle of the target

of number 12 when by I had the period of

pretty well squared away I could see the

target, I believe. Target number 13 did work and

clear, I was able to pick up the City of Alexandria, an airport

and I think perhpas I have been able put my attention

airport, I went ahead and operated the camera and took

come pictures and I passed over the location on target from

the data called up was it exactly.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #64, Page 2

cc: Roger, what time did you turn your ACME power supply


S/C:Roger: I turned the ACME power supply off I would estimate

about 235.

cc: Roger, I under rate of a pitch

,s/c: Roger

cc: 30-110902+191300134+529+4031-184 Aft will be 428 2+20

0+541434223+549+1832-184 aft= will be 562+201+11160816

3+058+5333-184 aft will be 682+201+271742152+378+4934-4120

2+322029043+338 -? 5529 Bravo 8450 Aft 2+201+0310163512+083OBravo

050110+4033Bravo841+4718362810+01 Over

s/c : Roger, I got 'em all 'cept for one quantity 3-l aft


cc: Aft company 68

s/c : Roger 68 I have quality'readouts.

cc: Okay, very good, you look real good here.

s/c : Roger, any other thing?

s/c : Ah, you don't have a new map-up date for me do you?

cc: Not at this time, you'll get a log

s/c : Roger, 1'11 be waiting for another one

CC:] Roger, I'll pass that on to Houston

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #65, Page 1

This is Gemini Control, 44 hours, 16 minutes after

liftoff. The Gemini 4 spacecraft is now nearing the

Panama Canal Zone. No contact has been made with the

spacecraft since the pass over the Canarvon Tracking Station

earlier in the 28th revolution. We have now begun the

29th revolution. This is Gemini Control.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape # 66, Page 1

This is Gemini Control, 44 hours, 39 minutes after

liftoff. The Gemini 4 spacecraft is now over the Libyian

Desert, southwest of Tripoli at the beginning of the 29th

revolution. The Canary Island Tracking station contacted

the crew of the spacecraft and reported that the spacecraft

looked good from there. The Command Pilot reports everything

is go for the spacecraft. The spacecraft is in an orbit

with a perigee of 98.3 statute miles and an apogee of 158.2

statute miles. This is Gemini Control.

(End of tape)
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 67, page 1

This is Gemini Control, 45 hours, 9 minutes after lift-off. At

the present time the Gemini IV is directly over the Carnarvon,

Australia tracking station. Spacecraft crew reports that everything

looks good from their end. This will be fairly long track across

the Carnarvon station, in that it comes, the spacecraft orbital

track comes directly across the circle of acquisition of this

station. This is Gemini Control.

Tape 68, page 1

Mission Commentary Transcript

This is Gemini control, 45 hours, 39 minutes after lift-off. 'Be

Gemini IV spacecraft is now over the mid Pacific and will cross

Mexico and Cuba 10 minutes from now. The Bermuda tracking station

should have a good solid data and voice pass this trip, as should

the Canary Island station shortly thereafter. This is Gemini control.


Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 69, page 1

h This is Gemini control, 46 hours, 9 minutes after lift-off. Gemini IV

spacecraft is now
. crossing the northeast coast of Africa, south of

Casa Blanca and is in radio contact with the Canary Island tracking

station. The crew provided the Houston flight surgeon with blood

pressure and oral temperature readouts, as well as food and water

usage report. Also the flight plan was updated by Houston Cap Corn.

A tape recording of the pass over the stateside tracking station

follows. This is Gemini Control.

Flight Gemini IV, Gemini IV, Houston Cap Corn, over.

Flight Gemini IV, Gemini IV, Houston Cap Corn, over.

s/c Houston Cap corn, Gemini IV.

Flight Roger, we are receiving your oral temp. We would like

your quantity read switch on throughout the state pass, over.

This is Houston Cap Corn. You can commence vour blood fDres-

sure at this time and I am turning you over to aeromed, over.

Gemini'IV, this is Houston surgeon, we have your oral temperature

you can send blood pressure now. Your temp is full scale.

Blood pressure is received Gemini IV. Start exercise on your


s/c On your mark.

Flight Blood pressure is received. Standing by for your food and

water report. We have your sleep report from Canaries at

09 06 zuh.
s/c Roger, understand. I have completed the second meal and had

n . -.
r- - .- r
L Lr - - _L i L L L 1*. & k A * i - -. --
Tape 69, page 2

approximately 6 swallows of water. I also had a good use

of the defecation pack. And everything is in good shape.

Flight Gemini IV, Houston‘Cap Corn. Put your quantity read switch

on and leave it on until I tell you, over.

s/c Roger, it's on now.

Flight Roger, I have some flight plan updates. Are you ready to

COPY? Gemini IV, Houston Cap Corn, are you ready to copy

flight plan update, over.

s/c . .

s/c Okay Houston, Go ahead, Gemini IV.

Flight Roger. At GET of 47 plus 00 delete. Translation 2 alpha.

Horizon scan moon set check and horizon scan thruster plume
check. Gemini IV at a G.e.t. of 47 plus 00 minutes insert

Experiment D-9, ~IXI 1 at GMT of 14:14:00 with OAMS. I say

again with OAMS.

s/c This is Gemini IV. I understand that at elapsed time of

about 47 hours you want translation 2 alpha, horizon scan,

plume set check and horizon scan thruster plume check and

insert D-9, run 1 at 14:14:00 with OAMS.

Flight Check, that is affirmative, Gemini IV. Also concerning

Experiment MSC 1, we would like you to turn your ACK beacon

off for a period of about 5 minutes during the period of

your MSC 1 experiment. Recommend you do this between Conno

and Carnarvon, this pass, over.

Tape 69, page 3

s/c I understand you want MSC 1 Experiment - the beacon turned

off for 5 minutes.

Flight That's affirmative, Gemini IV. They want about 5 minutes

of this experiment with your ACK beacon off when there are

no UHF Transmissions.

s/c Roger, you want me to go to real time, delayed time, or you

want me to turn the ACK beacon off at the circuit breaker.

Flight Roger, use the circuit breaker.

s/c Okay.

Flight Gemini IV, Houston. We would like a repeat on your food and

water report.

s/c From the pilot, or do you want a new one from me.

Flight That's from the pilot, please.

s/c Roger, this is the pilot. I had, about 3 hours ago I had

meal 2, day 2. I had about 4 l/2 swallows of water. I had

a'successful use of the defecation bag.

Flight Roger, Gemini IV.

s/c Houston, this is Gemini IV. There has been a . .

What stations are we passing over right now.

-Flight Roger, we have you Bermuda right now. You just passed through

Texas and Canaveral.

s/c Roger.

Flight Good morning Jim, how do you feel?

nape 69, page 4

s/c Feel pretty good.

Flight You sound great.

SIC Thank you. How are you?

Flight Had a good night's sleep?

s/c No, I got a little more sleep this time though, than I

have been in the past.

Flight How about that plug in your throat there. Have you taken

that out when you were sleeping?

s/c No, No, negative. No I didn't disconnect my radio. I left

it on. .

Flight Did it bother you at all.

S/C Has been up till now but this time I guess I was pretty

tired and I slept without it.

Flight Very good.

Gemini IV, Houston. You can turn your quantity read switch

off now.

Gemini IV, Houston Cap Corn. You can turn your quantity read

switch off.

s/c Roger, it's off.

Flight Roger, you are looking good here. Have a good day.

Which we will play at this time. This is Gemini Control.

cc Gemini IV, Canary Cap Corn.

vc Go ahead Canary, Gemini IV.

cc Roger. Request that you use the cabin repress valve instead
Tape 69, page 5

of O2 high rate. Also be advised that Houston says do not

relieve through the cabin if you can avoid it.

s/c We don't have any other place to put the oxygen except in

the cabin.

cc Roger. They are wanting you to avoid relieving through

the cabin relief.

s/c O2 pressure down to 9 hundred and 10.

cc Roger, I understand. g 10.

s/c Could youtell me why that they want to use the repress

instead of the O2 high rate. Where else are we to put

the oxygen.

cc Roger.

Flight Canaries, this is Houston.

cc Roger, Houston, go ahead.

Flight We were using the repress because the O2 high rate switches

off the fan and tends to be noisy. Wanted to do this to

keep the noise down in the cabin when one pilot was asleep.

As far as the relieving - we were talking about relieving

m.2rboard. Don't - ask him not to not to let the cabin

Bessure get so high that he actually relieves O2 overboard.

Normal system. You can point out to him that his O2 use in

the last couple of hours is about 25 percent up over the

average for the day.

cc Roger. Gemini IV, Canary Cap Cam.

s/c Go ahead.

cc Roger. The reason for using the repress is to avoid turning

off your fans and to cut down on your noise level in the cabin.

s/c Okay.

cc Do not relieve overboard, if you can avoid it.

s/c Okay Canary they don't want me to vent the ECS 02 overboard.

Roger, they want to vent it overboard through the cabin. Is

that it?
cc They don't want to avoid overboard at all if'possible.

s/c Roger. I know it.

cc Okay. Your O2 usage for the last 24 hours, correction -

Flight Canary Cap Corn. Was that 24 hours?

Flight Negative. Over the last 2 or 3 hours.

cc Over the last 2 or 3 hours has been 25 percent higher than


s/c . Roger. Our cabin has been holding alright. There really

isn't too much we can do about that. That tank pressure goes

up and that is just about all there is to it. We are actually

venting oxygen overboard that we don't need to.

cc Roger

s/c How is O2 consumption. I have been plotting it and it

looks like we are in reasonably good shape.

Flight That's affirmative Canary.

cc Flight, Canary. Do you have time on his 021

_, .I . .^ - _.“I.c_ . - ..__ . . . . ., _..___

Tape 69, page 7
Flight Roger. He is in real good shape. He's got oh somewhere
(' beween 5 and 10 hours above what we need. Plus the secondary.

cc Five or 10 hours above necessary plus secondary.

Flight Even at the rate he is using it right now.

cc Your rate, even at your present rate, you will have enough.

for 5 or 10 hours more than you need plus secondary 02.

s/c Okay, fine. Thank you., Planning to take your advide about
not venting any overboard but I just don't know how I'm going

to do that.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #70, Page 1

This is Gemini Control Houston, 46 hours and 40 minutes

into the mission on the 30th revolution. Two minutes ago

the Canarvon station acquired the Gemini 4 spacecraft. The

opening voice contact was requested the status of Jim McDivitt,

he came back, he said we're in good shape up here and the

qound said he looked good also. Mission Director Chris Kraft

is now chatting with the capsule communicator at Canarvon.

The, uh, one observation he's made...we'll break this transmission

because, he, we're apparently having feedback on the line.

This is Gemini Control.

(End of Tape)
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape # 71, page 1

This is Gemini Control, 46 hours, 55 minutes into the

mission. We've completed another shift change of Flight

Controllers here in the Control Center and this is settling

down to becoming a fairly routine practice now. It consists

to an half an hour to 45 minutes of discussion between the

oncoming shift and the outgoing shift member, conducted in-

formally. We purposely try to schedule the shift change at

a period when there is very little activity, no station

contact: so that the full discussion can cover the previous

eight hours. A word or two should be said on the operation

of the Mission Control Center here throughout this flight.

It's been nothing short of outstanding. We've had no problems

in our very complex communications system. Our computers have

performed just an outstanding, uh, in an outstanding way.

Here on the floor in the Control CentOr we've been I.... the

only small problem we have had has occurred in the last hour

or two. A transformer in one of the consoles got a little hot

and it was decided to replace it. The, uh, scence, then, uh,

became something like a pit stop at Indiannapolis, about

three people descended on the console, pulled the front and

*-. .^
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #71, page 2

the back off, reached in very quickly and took out a small

electrical device, it was replaced in a matter of minutes.

At, uh, we are ready at.this time to play for you the tape

of the Canarvon Station which the spacecraft departed some

5 minutes ago, and let's hear that tape now.

cc: Gemini 4, Canarvon CapCom

s/c : We're Gemini 4

cc: Roger, What's you status?

s/c : 'Well, uh, we're in good shape.

cc: Well, you're looking real good on the ground, I'd like

a few readouts from you.

s/c: okay

cc: I'd like OMS source helium temp, pressure and propellant


s/c : On propellant quantity I have about 61 percent, it

fluctuates between that and 63.

cc: Roger, how /bout your helium temp and your helium pressure?

s/c : My helium temperature is about 58

cc: Good

s/c : . ..and the pressure is a little under 2 tnau$and

cc: Say a little under what?

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #71, page 3

s/c : T Two thousand

cc: Ah, roger.

cc: Houston Flight, Canarvon CapCom.
F: Go ahead.

cc: okay, OMS source helium temp is 58, helium pressure.

a little under 2000

F: We copied all that Ed.

cc: Okay, nothing else then.

F: Roger, we're reading him, you extremely well this


cc: Roger, the communications with him seemed really

improved as we continue the mission.

F: That's right.

cc: Good equipment. Okay, we're standing by here on the

ground if you have anything. XXX3QIX

s/c : we're preparing to do Experiment B9 and we probably

won't have any transmission for you.

cc: Okay, very good.

cc: Flight, Canarvon, we're not getting you any good.....

skin track.

F: Roger
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #72, page 1

This is Gemini Control, Houston, 47 hours and 10

minutes into the mission. We've been out of touch with

the spacecraft now about 10 minutes, ever since it left

Australia. It will be another five minutes before it starts

_--- --. _
swinging across Mexico on a pass that will carry it across

the Gulf and Florida. Uhhhh, the, in the next hour the pilot

plans to perform some terrain and weather photography over

the United States. Uh, all in all, we're looking fine here,

should have contact perhaps in two to three minutes, This

is Gemini Control.

End of Tape
Mission Commentary tianscript Tape 73, paw 1

'Ihis is Gemini control, Houston, in the 31st rev of the spacecraft

over the Australian Continent. In the past hour we have had a report

from Tannarive that they have been pleged by power failures out there,

which has reduced their capabily on the teletype contact with this

station. They plan to vertually shut down the station for the

next 3 to 4 hours and expect to be back up with us around noon our

time. In the last stateside pass we had planned to do some D-9

experiments. Or in other words do some star sextion tracking. This

was not done however because the stars could not be seen in the

daylight. The two are however performing star tracking experimentation

right now over Australia. They've advised us because the are working

with the sexton and controlling the attitude of the spacecraft there

will be very little conversation during this pass across Australia.

In the most recent pass across the states c ommand pilot Jim McDivitt

in a discussion with the flight surgeon noted some dryness in the

throat which is expected from the oxygen atmosphere in the cabin. But,

of - another medical sidelight of some interest .to Dr. Berry however,

was McDivitt's statement that at the end of the first day or since

the end of the first day some irritation around the eyes which is ex-

pected from an oxygen invironment has cleared up. Gordon Cooper noted

the same sort of irritation in his day and a half flight. The medical

people here are wondering what's been @anned to find out a little more
about this. Whey would like to know what the position of the faceplate

has been since the end of the first day. .l?he thought being that that
could bear on whether there's - on this clearing up of the irritation
We 73, page 2
around the eyes. The cabin humidity at last readout was 58.5 percent.

We have just lost signal with Carnarvon in the last minute as the

spacecraft swings up across the Pacific, in contact with Canton Island

station in 3 or 4 minutes. Meanwhile we have racked up the tape on

the last United States pass. We are prepared to play it for you now.

Flight Gemini IV, Houston Cap Corn.

s/c Go ahead Houston, Gemini IV.

Flight Roger. You busy with D-g?

s/c KO. I think it just drew to a close. We just can't see the

stars in the daylight and I can't carry out the daylight portion

of it. We will wait until we get back to the night time and

do a little more with that.

Flight Roger. I want to talk to you a little bit about this O2 high

usage rate thing.

s/c Okay.

Flight We don't think it's any problem. We would like for you to

put your quantity read switch on and leave it on for the next

several hours so that we can get a feel for what's going on.

We want to try to - even at the rate that it's been used the

last several hours. It won‘t be any problem. We would like

to find some way to control this thing so it won't be a

nuisance to you, so you won't be bothered with it. This is

the reason we want to take a look at it for some time. Don't

like the idea of you having to relieve pressures or build up

pressures every few minutes. You read me?

Tape 73, page 3

s/c Houston, Gemini IV. I got the . . . . . to leave

the read switch on for awhile and then all the rest cut-off.

Say again.
Flight Okay. Jim, how do you read now?

S/C For the next couple of hours - say after that.

Flight Wait until we get Bermuda acquisition. I'll tell you there.

s/c Okay.

cc Go ahead Houston,

Flight Roger.

cc Bermuda

Flight What I was saying is we want to get a hack on whats going on

with that pressure buildup in the primary O2 system. We want

to try to find someway to control without you having to

re relieve cabin pressures every few minutes or every few hours

so this is the reason we want your quantity read switch on

for the next several hours.

s/c Okay. What did you say about my usage?

Flight It is a little bit higher than it has been but nothing to

worry about. You've got - you have plenty so don't be concerned

about it.

s/c Okay. In plotting it, it looks like we are going to end up

with 7 or 8 percent, maybe.

Flight Yeah, we are just trying to find someway to keep you from

having to relieve the cab pressure every now and then.

s/c Okay. I don't like that either.


Tape 73, page 4

Flight Say ah - the flight surgeon yould like to know if either one

of you have had any trouble with drying around the eyes or
dry throat.

s/c My throat is a little dry. And our eyes were burning us by

the end of the first day, but that's all cleared up now.

Flight Okay. Very good.

s/c Hey Gus, could you give me a G.m.t.

Flight Roger, I'll give it to you at 14:45:00 in about 20 seconds.

s/c Roger, 14:40

Flight 10 seconds to go. That'11 be 14:45:00 on my mark. MARK

s/c Roger. 14:45:00.

Flight Any complaints?

s/c No, except this thing isn't very big

Flight Your next pass over the states we'll have the latest news for


s/c Okay, very good.

Mission Commentary Transcription Tape #74, Page 1

This is Gemini Control Houston, 48 hours, 42 minutes

into the mission on the 31st revolution. Some information

for you on the'fuel, the onboard OMS's fuel. We still have

195 pounds remaining as compared to 360 pounds at liftoff.

In the last 24 hours we've used virtually no fuel although

there has been some attitude adjustment here and there

to snap a picture. Our systems people advise however there's

been no measurable decrease. In the oxygen department we

have 27% pounds of oxygen remaining in our primary tank,

this compares with 50 pounds at liftoff, 24 hours to go

we reported our remainder was 35 pounds and this would indicate

a usage of something on the order of 7 to 8 pounds in the

past 24 hours which follows very carefully, very closely,

the expected plot. In addition to our primary oxygen tank,

we have a two back-up,'uh, secondary oxygen tank, each

containing enough oxygen to keep a man in spacecraft com-

fortable for a period of about one day. (irom the North

American Air Defense Command we're advised that Space Object.

1391 which is the second stage of the Gemini launch vehicle

is expected to decay and to burn back into the earth's

Mission Commentary Transcription Tape #74, Page 2

atmosphere between 11:50 and uh, 1, uh, 1 p.m. CST today.

As we get closer to that, uh, time WBX the EZ@KX expected

decay, we'll be able to give you a more precise fix on

precisely when and where that object will I reenter the

earths atmosphere. This is Gemini Control, 48 hours and 44

minutes into the mission.

End of Tape

* ? --
L L - - -L i A.. L L il L P L * i _ - - -

I -.-. ^ ,._-.- ^^ -.... - _- -

,. ._”
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #75, Page 1

This is Gemini Control in Houston. The spacecraft

has been in contact within the last few minutes. Gus

Grissom has been talking to Jim McDivitt relaying today's

news, let's tune in on that line right now.

s/c: delayed again, 22.5

cc: Roger, 9 and 22.5.

s/c : Your on the rest of the electrical readings

cc: Say Again.

s/c: The rest of the electrical readings are normal.

cc: Okay, fine.

\ cc: Hey, Jim,

s/c : Go Ahead

cc: The next.time you bleed down your primary oxygen pressure

bring it all the way down to about 800 psi and that way,

we can't find much else we can do about the thing, just bring

it down lower so you work with a wider band, and we don't

think this is going to use any more.

s/c: if not

I'll bring it down to around 800.

cc: Okay. You can go way down in your pressure now without

hurting anything. If it gets to be a nuisance bleed it on

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #75, page 2

down so you don't have to watch it so close and be bothered

with it so much.

s/c: .

cc: I can't read you very good right now, wait til we get

to Bermuda again, will you.

'cc: okay.

cc: Gemini 4, Houston Capcom

S/C: Gemini 4

cc: Roger, could you give us an estimate as to how far

that satellite was from yesterday.

s/c: I couldn't really tell, it looked like quite a large

object. It looked like I was iax2Wx approaching it rather

rapidly I'd say ten miles or so.

CC:] Ten miles?

s/c : That would only be a guess. It was close enought

that I could see....

cc: See what?


cc: Your're coming off pretty badly there, I couldn't

read thdt.

s/c: okay

cc: That came through good.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #75, page 3

s/c : Allright, I said I got close enough to

cc: Close enough to it to what? The nearest we can tell

there wasn't anything that close to you. Pegasus was about

1200 miles aGay.

S/C: No, not quite that close. That far away.

cc: Pretty good eyeball, allright.

s/c : I took a picture, I just hope it comes out.

cc: So do we.

s/c: Unfortuantely...

cc: Are you using box because your're cutting out

s/c : No I'm using continuous interphone push to talk,

how do you read me now?

cc: Good. Every now and then the last part of your

sentence cuts off.

s/c: okay,, maybe I've got a weak thumb. Hey, would you

ask the Doctors if its okay if I this exercise?

cc: If you use it?

s/c : but I'd sure like

to get more exercise than I'm getting.

cc: Sure, go ahead.

s/c: It's okay?

cc: Sure, just let us know how much you use it, if you will.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #75, page 4

s/c : I sure will, is it okay?

cc: It's okay, go ahead and use it.

s/c : Okay, do you have a

cc: Say again.

s/c : Can I get

cc: Your're cutting out again, go ahead, say again.

s/c : May I use the exerciser like in free exercise?

cc: Roger.

s/c : Thank you.

s/c : here, go ahead.

cc: Do you have a time hack at the exact time you saw this


s/c : No I do not, I ~~EoH%$H;~~xcalled it out on the radio

and it ought to be on the tape.

cc:] Okay.

s/c : I also put it on the voice recorder so you can go

back and look for it.

cc: Okay, the exact time you saw it you put it on the tape?

s/c : That's right.

cc: On the radio.

s/c: Right.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #75, page 5

cc: Hey, Jim.

s/c : Go ahead.

cc: Why do you want to use the exerciser? Are you feeling

stiff or cramped? Or what?

s/c : Yeah

cc: Say again


cc: That's garbled again, I couldn't read it.

s/c: I say, I just haven't moved around very much and

I'm (word completely cut, not even garbled)

cc: Okay, that makes sense

This is Gemini Control, Houston. We had loss of signal

at Bermuda at 49 hours and 7 minutes into the mission. In

the course of that pass we heard McDivitt discussing with

Capsule Communicator Gus Grissom here that he felt the need

for additional exercise. The flight surgeon urged him to

go ahead and get the additional exercise and to advise us

when and the duration of the exercise. In the course of that

pass at 48 hours and 55 minutes, to be exact, we reached

the mid-point in this flight of Gemini 4. That would have

been some 13 minutes ago. This is Gemini Control.

Tape 76, page 1
Mission Commentary Transcript

Say again.

s/c I can*t read you. I think I'll just pass over you.

cc Roger, you are passing over Cape Verde.

s/c Okay, I'll look down and see you. I saw you standing outside


Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 77, page 1

This is Gemini control, 49 hours 45 minutes into the mission. Space-

craft coming up,on the Carnarvon station. It is now about 1500 miles
west of Australia. It has been a very quite pass since the space-

craft left the United States. Very little contact across Africa.

We've been in active conversation with various offices at the Goddard

Space Flight Center and at the North American Defense Command regarding

this sighting of a satellite yesterday. We are fairly well convenced

now that in all probabilty this was Pegasus. The clues would depend
largely on the angle at which the Gemini IV spacecraft approached

Pegasus. Earlier we had indicated Pagasus some 1000 to 1200 miles

away. However, the angle and the speeds of the bodies would make those

closing distances very significant and the concensis is right now that

it probably was Pegasus that Jim McDivitt saw. He advised us this

morning that he would guess that it was somewhere between 10 to 20 miles

from him. They still don't know precisely which direction he was viewing
it from. At 49 hours, 47 minutes into the mission. This is Gemini control.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #78, Page 1

This is Gemini Control Houston, 50 hours, 9 minutes

into the flight of Gemini 4. We have the following food,

water and sleep summaries available throughout the first

48 hours of the mission. In the food department the first

24 hours of the flight Jim McDivitt ate two meals for a

total of 904 calories. For the second 24 hours of the flight,

McDivitt also ate two meals and the total calorie intake was

1,222. Meanwhile Ed White on the first day, also had two

meals. His total calorie intake was 1,187 calories. On

the second 24 hours Ed White had 3 meals for a total calorie

intake of 1,868 calories. The pilot, the command pilot, Jim

McDivitt, during the first 34 hours of the mission drank

1300 cc's of water, during the second 24 hours of the mission

he drank 795 cc's of water. The pilot Ed White during the

first 24 hours of the mission drank 1,230 cc's of water and

during the second 24 hours White has drunk 1,260 cc's of

water. In the sleep-work cycle beginning, and we will cover

here only the second 24 hours since we have already covered

the first 24 hours in earlier summaries. For the command

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #78, Page 2

pilot, Jim McDivitt, he was awake from 25 hours and 20 minutes

into the mission to 34 hours and 21 minutes into the mission.

He went to sleep at 34 hours and 21 minutes into the mission

and he slept until 37 hours and 20 minutes. He was then awake

from 37 hours and 21 minutes until 42 hours and 36 minutes.

There followed a sleep period of more than 3 hours from 42

hours and 36 minutes into the mission, until 45 hours and 48

minutes into the mission, and this was described by McDivitt

as the most restful sleep he has had, so far in the mission.

He woke up at 45 hours and 48 minutes into the mission and

he's still awake. For Ed White during the past 24 hours, he

was awake from 25 hours and 45 minutes until 29 hours and 15

minutes. He went to sleep at that point and slept until 33

hours and 15 minutes into the mission. He was then awake

from 33 hours and 15 .minutes until 39 hours PJX into the mission.

He slept from 39 hours until 41 hours and 23 minutes. He was

awake from 41 hours and 23 minutes until 49 hours and 30

minutes into the mission about 40 minutes ago at which time

he went to sleep reportedly at 49 hours and 30 minutes into

the flight. White is asleep now, with the spacecraft over

the Canton Island station. McDivitt is awake, he sound very

rested based on the word of the Canavron Station, excuse me,

.. - .-. ..-
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #78, Page 3

Canavron surgeon, We have the tape from the Canarvon

pass ready X&XXX to play for you at this time.

s/c: Read you loud and clear.

cc: okay, I've got some update information for you.

s/c: Okay, wait just a second. Okay.

cc: retro. These are F-5 and Apollo landmark

s/c: Okay.

cc: For F-5 to be reved 3218 over the States instead of

rev 33. The pass will start at 17+40 and should make

Apollo landmark run number 4.

cc: Flight, Canarvon.

F: Go ahead

cc: I cut you off because of the echo. The start time

on landmark number 4 is 19+52 and he got close to approach

at 19642. That doesn't jive.

F: Rag, stand by. We're checking it. .

cc : okay

s/c : gulps of water damp and

everything I've had so far.

cc: You look good on the ground here too. Say again about

the water.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #78, Page 4

s/c : I've had about 10 or 15 gulps of water since I woke


cc: Very good. .

s/c: as soon as I get through eating.

cc: Okay, that's all we need. Fading out.


Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 79, page 1

5 This is Gemini control, Houston. 50 hours and 18 minutes into

the mission. We have just been advised by the Department of
Defense Recovery Forces here in our recovery center, that the

second stage of the Gemini launch vehicle which put Gemini IV space-

craft in orbit is at this precise time reentering. It is burning

up into the atmosphere over the Atlantic Ocean. The radars at
Cape Kennedy are tracking it and very shortly we hope to be able

to get you some coordinates on where that reentry would have occurred.

This is Gemini Control.

Mission Commentary Transcripts Tape 80, page 1

This is Gemini control, Houston, 50 hours 46 minutes into the flight.

Spacecraft is - about 3 to 5 minutes ago lost contact with the

Bermuda station-after a state side pass. In the course of that

pass the pilots talked to the cormrmnicator, Grissom, here about

some medical matters, read out medical quantities. They also got

into a discussion about the sleep rest cycle. Jim McDivitt reported

that Ed White had been dozing for the past hour or so but apparently

not sleeping too soundly. He pointed out that they weren't too tired,

but that they were probably ought to take another look at their sleep

cycle at some point during the next revolution. We are prepared to

play that conversation for you now.

Flight Gemini IV, Cap Corn.

Gemini IV, Houston, Cap Corn.

Gemini IV, Houston, Cap Corn.

Gemini IV, Houston, Cap Corn

s/c Roger Houston. Go ahead with your updates.

Flight Roger. That's 40 feet. Did you get the last one I gave you?

s/c Negative. I never got 36 4.

Flight Okay. 36 4. , 40 feet/se= forward. That's 1 plus 06.

120 ft/sec aft. That's 2 plus 31. At 23 PIUS 38 plus 08.

2 plus 48. 8 plus 43.

s/c Roger. Was that 2 plus 48 and 8 plus 431


Tape 80, page 2

Flight Affirmative. Okay, we'd like to know if you have your

Lsquib battery 1 off.

s/c Roger, we just turned it off.

Flight Okay, fine. Okay, you have a valid 36-4 in your computer.

You can turn your computer off.

s/c Okay, our computers are off.

Flight Okay, and if you want to - in fact we would like for you

to update all of your type 2 medical passes to type 1. That'11

give you a little more exercise.

s/c Okay, very good. A-j-1 Ly-pe 2’s to type 1.

Flight Okay, and how much has J3d been sleeping the last couple of

hours. Can you give us a clue on that?

s/c Roger. Ed's only got about an hour nap. We are going to

have to rearrange our sleep cycle here a little bit too.

Flight Okay. Have you felt rested with the amount of sleep you've

got or do you think you need some more?

s/c No. I don't think we'll ever get an awful lot of rest out of

it, but on the other hand we're not doing much. We're really

not too tired. I think we'll go through this next pass and

then go back to sleep again.

Flight Okay. 'Ihe other thing is - when you were doing your maneuvering

during the first orbit, did you get that recorded on your
onboard tape?

s/c You mean on my voice onboard tape?

Flight Yes.
Tap 80, page 3
Flight Yes.

n s/c Say again.

Flight Yes. Did you get it recorded on your onboard tape.

, WC Roger, we got a good bit of it.

Flight Okay, good.

We'd like for you to bring your primary O2 pressure down to

800 now, its up to 9 - we are reading it as 960 down here.

s/c Okay, I've got 950. We'll bring it on down.

Flight Okay.

s/c John, on this - what's on the voice tape recorder is that we

were turning it on and off. So we don't have it all.

Flight Say again. Say again, Jim.

s/c Say again, Houston.

Flight Say again. Hey Jim, this is Gus again. Do you read Houston


s/c I'm not reading you.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 81, Page 1

This is Gemini Control, Houston, 51 hours 13 minutes into

the flight. We've had a quiet pass across the African continent.

At this time the spacecraft is over the Indian Ocean coming up

on Carnarvan intercept. We have data from Goddard and from the

Department of Defense indicating that the second stage of the

Gemini launch vehicle reenetered the atmosphere at approximately I

11:30 a.m. Central Standard Time over the central Atlantic Ocean.

Our approximate coordinates on that point of reentry right now

are about 33 degrees west by 15 degrees north. That was 33

degrees west - 15 degrees north at 11:30 a.m. Central Standard

Time. This is Gemini Control.


Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 82, page 1

This is Gemini control Houston. 51 hours 42 minutes into the mission.
We have no new contacts report since the Australian contact. Mrs. White

and Mrs. McDivitt have joined us here in the control center and 'are

chatting right now with Mission director Cris Kraft. Ed White's bcy

and his girl are also here with us on the floor and there is very

strong suspicion that the two wives will chat with their husbands

during this next pass across the United States. This is Gemini control.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 83, Page 1

This is Gemini Control, Houston, 52 hours and 23 minutes

P into the mission. In the last 15 minutes here in the Control

Center.we broke in two new Capsule Communicators by the names

of Pat McDivitt and Pat White. Pat White opened an exchange

with Pilot Ed White, who happens to be her husband, as the

spacecraft came into contact with Guaymas about 20 minutes

ago. The conversation was not the normal from husband and

wife conversation. It was very businesslike. Ed was advised

to turn switches here and there and he did so without changing

the expression of his voice for some five or ten minutes.

Apparently he knew who was broadcasting on the other end, because

at one point he comes in and he - he came in and he said,that

the Capsule Communicator here was a great improvement over Gus

Grissom with whom he had been talking for about the past seven

hours. Both pilots were advised to drink a lot more water -

this was on the advice of the surgeon - during the coming

revolutions. They were also advised that they should plan for

a good long sleep period. They had been busy working with

their experiments now some eight to ten hours and they are

apparently in for a break from experiments for - oh, the next

twelve to eighteen hours. The surgeon wants to see them get

a good long restful sleep. During the United States pass

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 83, Page 2

Ed White's two children, Bonnie - his daughter Bonnie - and

his son Ed were also here in the Control Center, patched in

at Gus Grissom's console. They listened attentively to the

conversation. We have the tape of that exchange ready for

YOU and we'll play it now.

cc Gemini 4, Gemini 4, this is Houston Cap Corn. Do you read?

cc Gemini 4, this is Houston Cap Corn, do you read?

cc Guaymas has had LOS.

cc Gemini 4, Houston Cap Corn, do you read?

cc Gemini 4, do you read?

WC . . .

cc Gemini 4, do you read?

WC This is Gemini 4.

cc Your booster reentered over the Cape at 17 29 Zulu, radar's

were tracking and watched break-up on their boresight TV.

S/C Roger. we 1.131~the So<-,s%r reentered and t'ney were being

tracked, and they watched the break-up.

cc Now have a drink of water.

S/C Roger. Standby for a drink of water. You sound pretty

good to me - a big improvement over Gus, I can tell you that.


Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 83, Page 3

cc I'm great.

f s/c Right.

cc This is fabulous.

s/c Roger. The batteries are up and the oxygen supply is good.

cc You sound good. Turn off the quantity read switch.

s/c Roger. The quantity read switch is going off at this time.

cc We separated the spacecraft and the booster on the Gemini 4

cake yesterday. Do you read?

S/C Roger - say that one again.

cc We separated the spacecraft from the booster yesterday -

on the Gemini 4 cake.

S/C Fine - very good. Understand. I got the message.

cc See you next week.

cc Gemini 4.

S/C You're an improvement.

cc Hey, have a drink of water, both of you.

S/C You have the wrong guy up here.

cc No static on that.

S/C Pardon.

cc No static on that.

S/C I'm not allowed to give you static at home, why should I do
it up here?
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 83, Page 4

cc One more - Jim, disconnect your head set communications

at the neck ring from now on at the start of your sleep period.

No static on that. .

WC . . the flight plan.

cc Chris says that's what he wants you to do.

s/c You still got . . .

cc Do you read me?

WC . . . I just started to.

cc .We're reading you weakly.

cc Do you read, Jim?

WC I cannot - repeat.

cc Did you get the message on disconnect your head set?

WC Yes, I did.

cc You going to drink some water?

WC Yes, I will.

cc And your left eye is looking good.

s/c What was that?

cc Your left eye's looking good.

s/c How do you know my left eye's good?

cc I said your left eye's looking good.

S/C oh. ok.

cc And be good.

_ . . ._ .,,. . ________
- .._ .-._-.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 83, Page 5

S/C How are you? How are you and the children making out?

r cc We're fine. How about you?

s/c . . . \
cc SPADATS on at 34 over - 34 rev over Antigua. ES switch

from 19 20 - on to 19 35 off. Do you read me, Jim?

cc Gemini 4, do you read?

s/c . . .

cc Gemini 4, do you read?

WC Roger, I do. Go ahead.

cc SPADATS on 34 rev over Antigua - ES switch on 19 20, off

\ 19 35. Do you read me?

S/C On at 19 20 and off at 19 35, is that right?

cc Affirmative.

Flight: Should be on now.

cc Gemini 4, Cap Corn.

s/c Hello, Cap Corn. Come in.

cc Your ES switch should be on now..

S/C What switch should be on now?

cc The ES switch - the ES for the ES sensor.

s/c ES sensor - roger. Roger, it's on. You want it off at

19 35?

*.. _ . .
,..I” .”
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 83, Page 6

cc Affirmative.

S/C Ok.

cc Hey, Jim.
s/c Rog, Gus.

cc Look, we don't have very much for you to do in the flight

plan for the next 18 hours. So we'd like for both of you to

get a good long sleep. And we want whoever is sleeping to

unplug their headset so you get a good solid sound sleep. Ok?

S/C Ok . . . I might . . . . . but I can do it.

cc We,think you'll sleep better. Have you made up your minds

who is going to go to sleep first?

cc Gemini 4, Houston Cap Corn.

cc Gemini 4, Houston Cap Corn.

s/c Roger. This is Gemini 4.

cc Roger. Did you get all the information on sleeping - or

resting for the next 18 hours?

S/C Why, negative. I didn't get it all but I said - we're planning

on.... experiment here. And then Ed's going to sleep for

about 5 or 6 hours and I will. And we'll unplug our helmets.

cc Very good.

S/C ok?
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 83, Page 7

cc Rog.

cc Drink some water.

s/c I must sound

like I'm a little hoarse.

cc What?

WC Do I sound hoarse?

cc I still can't hear you.

s/c . . hoarse?

cc Yes, you do sound hoarse. So drink some water.

Flight: The medics don't feel like you've drunk - either one

been drinking enough water, Jim.

S/C Ok. We'll drink some more. I was a little dry the first

day, Chris, but I'm ok now. We'll just drink some more.

cc Roger.

End of Tape.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 84, page 1

This is Gemini control Houston, 52 hours and 39 minutes into the

mission. Spacecraft now over the southeast coast of Africa, preceeding

on the 34th revolution of the earth. We have information from our

Department of Defense Recovery Forces that a U.S. Navy search and

rescue plane called an ~~-16 has been forced to land at about 85 miles
east of the Cape - east of the coast of North Carolina a point design-

ated Point Lookout. The airplane is down and a Navy ship the

USS Hoist which participated in the launch day activities involving

the Gemini IV launch is on scene and is rendering whatever assistance

it can. We have no information on any injuries. Apparently there

are none. We are advised that the airplane is able to taxi on the

water. However, this is very preliminary information. This is Gemini


Mission Commentary Transcript Tape85, page 1

This is Gemini control Houston. We have received additional information

on the ~~-16 aircraft downed off the coast of North Carolina. There

are 14 people reported aboard this aircraft. It is a two engine

aircraft used as a search and rescue plane. It was not in any way

involved in the Gemini IV mission. We do not know from which field

it left. However, the situation is - there is approximately 1 foot

of water in the bilge of the aircraft. However, the captain has been

successful in starting both the engines. The airplane is reportedly

taxing on the water. It's an amphibious aircraft. It's reportedly

taxiing toward the coast and standing by is a navy ship the USS Hoist

which was involved in the launch day activities of Gemini IV. This
is Gemini control.

End of tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 86, page 1

This is Gemini control Houston. The ~~-16 in trouble off the coast

of Carolina was, on a flight out of NAS-Norfolk, bound for Bermuda.

We have no additional information available at this time and was last

reported taxiing back toward the coast. Meanwhile overnight the cable

ships working down off San Salvador have successfully repaired the

break in the cable reported prior to flight. The cable was put

back in its place and on the last pass moved excellent data. Repeat

the cable break off San Salvador has been repaired and the cable is

now functioning very well again. The orbital elements for Gemini IV

are currently 101 statue miles peragee, 107 statue miles apogee.

Ghis is C-emini control.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape87, page 1

This is Gemini control Houston, 53 hours 39 minutes into the.mission,

with the spacecraft going down over Central America, headed down

toward South America for a pass across Brazil. We have been in

contact since the California station, 3 to 5 minutes ago. Its been

minimunal talking kind of contact. The spacecraft is right on the

outer edge of the communications range. We have essentially no new

flight information to report but for one fact - Ed White reportedly

will go to sleep and hopefully for a long sleep, 6 to 8 hours duration,

in about.30 minutes from now. Meanwhile in the Atlantic off the coast

of North Carolina, we have just been advised that the HU-16 amphibian

aircraft out of NAS Norfolk is now in tow by the USS Hoist. I-b's

being towed back to the Carolina coast. We are told that 10 of the

14 people onboard the aircraft have been transferred to the Hoist.

Apparently there were no injuries. We are also advised that a life

raft inflated prematerially in flight and forced the airplane to set

down on the water off the Carolina coast. It's position 80 miles east

of Cape Lookout. @he four crewmen are remaining in the amphibious

aircraft as it is being towed back to the coast. We have the tape -

I'm sorry we do not have it racked up as yet. This is Gemini control.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 88, Page 1

This is Gemini Control, Houston, 53 hours, 52 minutes

into the mission. The spacecraft starting - it is presently

over Brazil on its 35th revolution around the earth. We have

now the tape racked up from the recent pass down the west

coast of Mexico and Central America. We're prepared to play

it for you at this time.

CC Gemini 4, Houston Cap Corn.

WC Go ahead, Houston, Gemini 4.

CC Rog, Jim. We'd like to get a readout on your OAMS source

pressure and temperature and your quantity gage.

s/c The OAMS source temperature is 60 degrees and the pressure

is a little below 2000.

cc Roger. What about the quantity?

S/C The quantity is reading about 60 and a half percent.

cc Roger. When are one of you guys going to go to sleep?

s/c . ..

cc Say again.

WC Probably about --

cc Hey, you're cutting out.

cc Hey, Gemini 4, hold your switch down a little bit longer -

you're cutting out.

S/C Rog --

_. ,I-.._... ..- . _ ,-. . . __ _--


Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 88, Page 2

cc We're only getting your first word, Jim.

s/c That ok?

cc Well, I can't say that's ok.

S/C Ok?

CC Ok. That came through good. Have you really decided who's

going to go to sleep first?

S/C Yes, Ed is.

cc Ed is? Ok. And about when will he go to sleep?

S/C In about another thirty minutes.

CC Ok. That's fine.

cc Jim, did you see that tropical storm off California?

S/C Yes, I did.

cc It's a full-blown tropical storm, they tell me now.

S/C Carrying a lot of clouds. . . over.

cc You're logging . . . are you?

s/c' California . .

cc You're cutting out again.

S/C Ok. It must be the mike button. I said . . . . to about

a third of the way between Hawaii and California. . . . .

cc You say clouds ran about a third of the way from Hawaii

to California and then what was that last?

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 88, Page 3

WC The stopped abruptly at the coast line.

cc Roger. That's stopped abruptly.

cc Hey, Jim, would you press on your sternal sensors again,


S/C Does that help any?

cc Yeah, that looks better. You're still alive.

s/c Roger.

cc Hey, Jim.

S/C Yeah?

cc Chris just told joke A.

s/c That one's a real dilly, isn't it? I thought it was going

to be White who was going to tell joke A.

cc Guaymas has LOS.

s/c . . .

cc We'll go ahead with B when you can stand it.

End of Tape.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 89, page 1

This is Gemini control. Here in the mission control center Houston,

we are in the midst of a shift change. Mission Director Chris Kraft

and red team of flight controllers are going off duty. And the white

team headed by Flight Director Gene Kranz is moving into the consoles.

A check with the flight surgeon on the crew physical conditions,

revealed that both men are really doing fine. He has advised us that

the crew activities be at a minimum for the next 18 hours so that they

can get additional sleep, which he feels they need at this time.

Spacecraft Gemini IV is now over the southern tip of Africa on its

35th revolution of the earth. The time elapsed since takeoff 54 hours
and 9 minutes. This is Gemini control.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 90, Page 1

This is Gemini Control. We are now 54 hours and 39

minutes into the flight of Gemini 4. The spacecraft is now

over the Pacific Ocean on its 35th revolution over the earth,

and is moving to the range of the Coastal Sentry Quebec

tracking ship in the Pacific. We have had no voice communication

with the flight crew for at least 45 minutes. However, the

Coastal Sentry Quebec is expected to make a voice contact

with Gemini 4 to check the onboard systems and, if all is

normal, we'll give spacecraft commander Jim McDivitt a Go

for 48 revolutions. Flight Director Eugene Kranz has advised

the Coastal Sentry Quebec that everything here in the Mission

Control Center at Houston is in a Go condition for the 48

revolutions. This is Gemini Control.

End of Tape.

Mission.'Commenta'ry Transcript Tape 91, Page 1

This' is-Gemini Control,. We are now 55 -hoursand 40

minutes into the mission. Spacecraft Gemini 4 is on its 36th

revolution around the earth and is coming up on the west coast

of Africa on the night side. Voice',contact was mad.e with the

flight crew by the tracking ship, Coastal Sentry Quebec, and

the 'HawaiYan-,tracking station in, the Pacific, also by the

Guaymas station, Mexico. At that timei spacecraft commander.

Jim McDivitt reported his spacecraft was in a Go condition.

.After“a systems‘check the tracking ship Coastal Sentry Quebec

gave-McDivitt2i go for 48 revolutions,: .The- Coastal Sentry

Quebic also updated the spacecraft.with times for various

landing areas. Over Hawaii McDivitt reported that his space-

craft companion, Pilot Ed White;-is. asleep and that the space-

craft had been powered down. As a result, Flight Director

Gene Kranz ordered that voice communications with the ground

stations be held.down to .a minimum. Over .Guaymas McDivitt

advised he had his helmet off. The ground station updated his

map and then broke off $the-contact;-'We.will now play back

the'voice tapes as .one-unit made of.the :contacts with the

Coastal Sentry- Quebec and the Hawaiian ;and Guaymas, Mexico,

tracking stations.


Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 91, Page 2

cc Gemini 4, CSQ. Would you check your main batteries and

give us a Go or No-go on
\ yourmains for orbit 483

WC Roger.

Flight: CSQ Cap Corn, HoustonFlight.

cc Go ahead, Flight.

Flight,: Roger. You can advise the pilot to scrub his medical

data pa,ss;over your ,site.on the next rev.

cc \ -Roger,. .: :

Flight: That's the one over Hawaii on the next rev - excuse me.

cc Gemini '4, be advised that the pilot can scrub his aeromed

data pass .over ,Hawa,i.i the next rev.

s/c Next rev - roger..

cc -.what is your status for Go-no-go 483

S/C Go-no-go 48?

CC Roger.

WC I'm just checking,out on the batteries now.

cc Roger.

cc Be advised you can turn your computer and quantity read

switch off. I've just updated your,computer with a new 36-4

low. I have your backup guidance.quantities when you're

prepared to tell me.


' Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 91, Page 3

s/c Roger. Stand by just a moment. Want me to forward the

battery data?
cc Go ahead.

WC Roger. The adapter batteries are now . . . staying at 24.

The main batteries are . . I say again, the adapter batteries

are 2 to.2-l/2 at 24. The main batteries are 9 and 22-l/2.

cc Roger. Are you prepared to copy your 36-4 backup guidance


s/c CSQ, Gemini 4.

cc Roger. We're Go here. I'm going to change your TR to

a 48-l.

S/C Roger.

s/c Sentry what's your . . .

cc Roger. Area 36-4. -Forward, 40 - aft 120. 1 plus 06,

2 plus 31, 23 hours 38 08. 2 plus 40, 8 plus 44. 36-4 without

maneuver, GMT RC 23 31 59, 7 plus 30, 14 plus 42.

WC Roger. I received 36-4 with and without OAMS.

cc Roger. GMT RC for your 48-1 is 3 days 17 hours 20 minutes

18 seconds.

s/c Roger. Can you give me a GMT time hack, please.

cc Roger: On my mark it will be 22 hours 07 minutes, about a

minute. We still have indications that your AC power is on.


Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 91, Page 4

WC Roger. We're going to get it here.

cc Be advised also that we have some D-9 - Delta-9 - experiment

data for you.

WC Roger. At that time, tell me what time it is.

cc- We're going to have L&, I believe. I'll let Hawaii give you

a. GMT time hack. I think we'll have LOS before you can copy.

S/C No, keep giving me the'hack.

CC Ok. About 10 seconds. 3, 2, 1, mark. 22 hours 07 00.

s/c I got the mark.

cc Ok. D-9 - are you prepared to copy?

cc Gemini 4, CSQ. We have had . . . LOS. I'll advise Hawaii

to send you the Delta 9 experiment data.

cc Gemini 4, Hawaii Cap Corn. Do you copy?

S/C Hello, Hawaii, Gemini 4 - loud and clear.

cc Roger. I have your D-9 information. Are you ready to copy?

s/c Roger. Go ahead.

cc Run 2 - start 22 43 00, end 23 22 00. Used scheduled

filter settings. Did you copy?

s/c I copied the times - 22 43 and 23 22 - what was the experiment?

cc This is D-9, run 2. Use scheduled filter settings. Did you

copy? Over.

S/C Yes. Got them down but the pilot's going to be asleep.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 91, Page 5

cc Gemini 4, Guaymas Cap Corn.

S/C Guaymas, this is Gemini 4. Go ahead.

cc Roger.‘ I've got you green on the ground here. I've got

a map update for you. Ready to copy?

s/c Guaymas, Gemini 4. Be advised I've got my helmet off and

I can't raise you.

cc Roger( roger. .Flight, did you get that?

S/C Do you have anything important to tell me?

cc I--just wanted to give you a map update.

Flight: Say negative.

cc Negative.

S/C Ok. Standby one and let me get a pencil. I can still hear

through the head tube. Just a minute.

cc He's a tiger, Flight.

Flight: Ok.

S/C Ok. Ready with your map update.

cc Roger. Rev 36, ascending node, the time 23 plus 18, longitude

82 degrees east.

S/C ok. Understand that was rev 36.

cc That's affirmative.

s/c I'm good for 23 18 - and . . . 82 east?

cc 82 east.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 91, Page 6

S/C I got 82 east. Thank you.

cc Roger. We'll see you tomorrow.

S/C Okeydoke. Then 1'11 have my hat on and I can hear what

you're saying.

cc Roger.

cc Houston Flight, Guaymas Cap Corn.

Flight: Roger, Guaymas. How does he look from there?

cc He looks real .fine.

Flight: I thought you were going to have fits there. You're

right - vou have got a tiger here.

cc Say again.

Flight: You have got a tiger here.

cc We've got a couple of them up there.

End of Tape.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 92, page 1

This is Gemini control. The Gemini IV spacecraft has just passed

over Vietnam. The ground elapsed time is 56 hours 8 minutes.

And the spacecraft is on its 36th revolution of the earth. There has

been no voice communication with the flight crew since our last tape

relay from the Pacific area. Voice communication has been reduced

so the flight crew can get a maximum of rest. Pilot Ed White is

asleep. Spacecraft commander, Jim McDivitt, is preparing to do some

photography according to our flight plan. At present the orbital data

is approximately 173 statute miles apogee and 101 statute miles perigee.

The spacecraft is powered down and is in drifting flight. Here in

the mission control center activity is also in a low key. This is

Gemini control.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 93, page 1

This is CeminixControl. It is now 56 hours and 39 minutes since

the start of the Gemini IV flight. The spacecraft is on its 36 revolu-

tion of the earth and is nm over the Pacific Ocean between Hawaii and

the United States. The spacecraft passes over the Coastal Sentry

Quebec tracking station and over the Hawaiian station were both
passive. The tracking stations confined their activity to telemetry
reading of spacecraft and flight crew environmental systems, and in

receiving of automatic telemetry data from the spacecraft. The

Hawaii Flight Surgeon reported that Pilot Ed White is asleep and that
spacecraft Commander Jim McDivit is very quite and possibly also

asleep. Hawaii also reported that all the spacecrafts systems look

very good from the ground. This is Gemini Control.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 94, page 1

This is Gemini Control. We are 57 hours and 9 minutes into the

mission of Gemini IV. The spacecraft recently started its 37th revolu-
tion around the earth and is now over the South Atlantic. It has been

about one and one-half hours since we last had voice communications

with the flight crew. When the spacecraft passed over the Rose Knot

Victor, our tracking ship off the East Coast of Peru, Pilot Ed White

was still asleep and spacecraft Commander James McDivit appeared to

be moving around slightly. In approximately 1 hour, our Gemini IV

flight crew will have rolled up a cumulative total of space flight

time equal to that achieved in all previous American Space Flights.

This is Gemini Control.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 95, page 1

This is Gemini Control. We are now 57 hours and 39 minutes into

the mission, and we have had no voice contact with the spacecraft for

about 2 hours. Gemini IV is now over the Hay of Banghor, India, and

it is in its 37th revolution over the earth. We have a late report

on the aircraft, the HUIL~amphibian aircraft that was involved in a

mishap earlier this morning, at approximately 85 miles east of Point

Lookout, North Carolina. At the present time it is in tow of the

USS Hoist, a Navy salvage vessel, and it is now approximately 40 miles

off of Cape Patterous making for Norfolk. All the passengers have been

transfered to the U.S.S. Hoist, and there are 4 crew members still

aboard the aircraft and it looks as though they will be successful

in reaching shore very shortly. This is Gemini Control.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 96, page 1

This is Gemini Control. Spacecraft Gemini IV is now over the

Pacific Ocean on its 37 revolution around the earth. At this time,

our flight crew has spent 58 hours and 10 minutes in weightless

flight, which is a greater amount of time than the total spent in

space by all other American astronauts combined. That total was

58 hours 9 minutes and 25 seconds achieved in the Project Mercury

flights of Alan Shepherd, Gus Grissom, John Glenn, Scott Carpenter,

Walter Schirra, Gordon Cooper, and the Gemini III flight made by

Gus Grissom and John Young just a little over 2 months ago. And,

as the spacecraft was passing Hawaii just a moment or two ago,

we had our first voice contact with the flight crew in more than

2 hours. Spacecraft Commander Jim McDivit sounded a little sleepy,

but he did respond. He was advised that in about 15 minutes the

Pegasus Satellite will be in the area of the spacecraft at a slant

range of about 300 nautical miles and we can assume that they will

try to get a sighting. This is Gemini Control.

Mission-Commentary Transcript Tape 97, Page 1

: This is -Gemini Control. We now have the voice tape of

the communication by voice between the Hawaiian tracking station

and the spacecraft and will,,play it for you now.

cc You look good here on the ground, Gemini 4.

. Roger. There's nothing going on up here now!

cc Roger, roger. Did you copy,.Flight?

Flight: Roger. Did he talk'to you,or did you talk to him?

cc He talked to me, Flight.

Flight: Roger. If you' a valid 48-l load, why don't you

get it in now?

cc Roger, I-do. Gem&i-d,.Hawaiian Cap Corn.

S/C Go ahead:, .i '... =. : ..

cc Roger. I have a valid 48~1 load for you, if you'll turn

on your computer.

S/C ,$ .have, H$waii.: . . __ . ..

Flight: Hawaii Cap Corn, Houston Flight.

CC . . . Houston <Flight,,. Hawaii, go.. -

Flight,: Roger., We got some-pointing angle information for

him if .he feels At 01 hours 39 minutes Zulu, they'll

be near Pega.sus. His yaw. should. be,zero; he should be pitched up

approximately 60 degrees. s:. ' _.

s/c . . .

Flight: Stand by.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 97, Page 2

cc Roger. We have your loads. Here it comes& You have a

valid 48-l load.

S/c ok. I just can't seem to right.

cc Did I copy you did?

S/C Negative,' I did .not.

cc .You did not get a'DCS light?

Flight: Roger,- Get your TR up, Stu.

cc We don't ----

Flight: ' Hawaii Cap Corn, Houston Flight.

cc , Go ahead, Flight.

Flight: Roger. Do'you have a 48-1 TR in your VOX.

cc Negative. I have the other VOX set in at CSQ.

Flight: Ok. We'll pick it-up next rev.

cc Roger.

Flight: Ok. On the Pegasus thing - are you ready to copy?

cc Roger. Go ahead.

Flight: ok, I gave you the time - 01 39 Zulu - yaw zero degrees,

pitch-up, approximately 60.~ It will be slightly to the right.

He should be heads up. His slant range will be approximately

300 nautical miles. Did you get that, Hawaii Cap Corn?

cc Roger. We'll relay it to him now.

Flight: Roger.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 97, Page 3

cc Gemini 4, Hawaii Cap Corn.

cc "Gemini'4;..Hawaii -Cap 'Corn.

s/c Hawaii, Gemini 4, I can't read you. "

cc Roger :* ' -If 'you -can read; turn your computer off.

s/c Roger. I don't think . . .- DCS . '. .computer on'.

cc Roger. Flight, Hawaii.

Flight:;. .Go,‘:Hawaii. '. -_ .. -'

cc He's not able to copy me. Be advised he didn't get a DCS

light ON in the spacecraft. I did get an indication of

a valid Gemini load on the ground. He turned his computer


Flight: Ok. Give him that information in the blind, there.

stu - on Pegasus.

cc Roger. Gemini 4, this is Hawaii transmitting in the blind.

We have information on your Pegasus time. 01 39 00. Yaw - 0

degrees. Pitch-up - 60 degrees. Slightly to.your right, heads

UP* 300 nautical miles. I repeat again, in the blind. Hawaii

transmitting. 01 39 00 - Pegasus. Yaw - 0, Pitch up - 60

degrees, slightly to your right. Heads up. 300 nautical miles.

Flight: Ok. That's enough, Stu.

cc Flight, Hawaii. We did get the full dump. We got the

Gemini load in. I did not transmit the 48-l. I didn't have

the new one set in, Flight.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 97, Page 4

Flight: Roger.

cc Spacecraft reported that he did not get a DCS upload--

Flight: Flight, roger.

cc light, but I did have a valid indication on the ground.

I got MAP back for all the words.

Flight: Ok.

cc Spacecraft advised that he thought he didn't get the load


Flight: Ok.

End of Tape

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 98, page 1

This is Gemini Control. We are 58 hours and 39 minutes into the

mission and the Gemini IV spacecraft is just passing by the South

American continent. Our next voice communications with the space-

craft will be in about 45 minutes. At that time, we will transmit

the voice contact in realtime. Gemini IV is on its 38th revolution

about the earth. As it passed by the Rose Knot Victor, our tracking

ship, a few minutes ago, that ship reported that from the ground all

systems looked good. It appeared that from the data they were re-

ceiving that the Pilot was still sleeping soundly and the Command

Pilot is at rest. This is Gemini Control.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 99, Page 1

This is Gemini Control. The Gemini IV spacecraft has now been

in flight for 59 hours and 9 minutes. It is now passing over India.

Since leaving the South American continent, its path on this 38th.rev-

olution has been out of range of our tracking stations. It will remain

out of range for approximately 17 more minutes. When it will cross the

tracking range of the Coastal Sentry Quebec, a ship located in the

Pacific Ocean southeast of Japan, we plan to transmit in real time the

voice communication between the spacecraft and that tracking ship.

This is Gemini Control.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 100, Page 1

This is Gemini Control. The Gemini spacecraft is now 59

hours and 43 minutes into its flight. At the present time,

it is over the Pacific Ocean on its revolution path that will

take it down around the southern coast of South America --

the southern tip of South America. During our last voice communi-

cation with the spacecraft which took place over Hawaii, we

noted that the spacecraft commander, James McDivitt, reported

that he had seen another satellite. He gave us a time hack

on this sighting and said it was at 02 hours and 38 minutes GMT.

That would place the sighting at approximately 15 minutes before

our voice transmission started with the Hawaiian Tracking Station.

We have had no further contact with the spacecraft since that

time, and the Spacecraft Commander James McDivitt did not

elaborate further on his sighting. We expect that we may get some

additional description from him at one of the later tracking

passes, but at this time we have no additional word on it; and

we will give you anything that we do get. At the present time

when the spacecraft crosses the South American continent, it

will be again on the night side of the world. This is Gemini


End of tape

Mission Commentary.Tape Tape 101, Page 1

This is Gemini Control. The Gemini IV spacecraft is now in range

of the Coastal Sentry Quebec ship southeast of Japan in the Pacific

Ocean. We will now transmit live the voice.communication between

the CSQ and our Gemini IV flight crew./'

CSQ . . . CIA and CLAP station. Area 40-3. This is a split burn.

56 forward, 10 aft, l+34, 2+30, 05 38 10, 2+56, 8+52. Area 41a,

83, 1+41, 06 30 09, 8+58; 15+01, tiea 42-2; 90, 1+52, 08 06'26,

6+52, 11+59. How's it going?

S/C It's not going very good. Your 41A. . .

CSQ Let me go back And pick up 4lA. IV 83,'1+41, 06 30 09, 8+58,

15+01. Getting it that time.

S/C No, you burned out again on that one, cut-off.

CSQ Roger, I'll say again. 4m - 83, 1~41, 06 30 09, 8+58, 15+ol.

Go ahead.

CSQ You can turn your computer off.

CSQ Gemini IV, CSQ. You can turn your computer off..

S/C Roger

CSQ Did you get the 4lA.

CSQ Houston Flight, CSQ.

cc Go CSQ.
CSQ Okay. We got the TR and Gemini load in. He did have a DCS flight

this time. 1 got down through area 42-2, had to read back 4lA

twice. Never did get confirmation from him. I ask him to turn

..- .-
. ..I
Mission Commentary Tape Tape 101, Page 2

his computer off at near LOS. I didn't confirm.

cc Okay, we'll pick him up at RKV.

CSQ Roger. Also, he reported sighting another satellite at about

02 hours 38 minutes. It was quite a bit further away than the

first one.
cc Okay.

CSQ He took a shot with his camera. He doesn't know how good it

will be.
cc Roger.

CSQ We also advised him of his medical pass and tape dump at RKV.

cc Roger.

CSQ All systems are go on the ground.

cc Roger.

CSQ Goddard Voice CSQ.

cc CSQ, Cap Corn Houston Flight.

CSQ Go ahead
cc RKV, Cap Corn Houston Flight.

Mission Cormnentary Transcript Tape 102, Page 1

This is Gemini Control. We are 60 hours and 9 minutes into the

4 day flight mission of Gemini IV. The spacecraft is now over South

America on the night side of the world in its 39th revolution. Our

last voice communication took place between the Rose Knot Victor

tracking ship off the west coast of Peru and the spacecraft. At that

time Pilot Ed White made a type I medical data transmission including

use of the exerciser. There was no further discussion with the crew

concerning the reported sighting of a second satellite. By the time

the medical pass was made we had loss of signal and there was no time

for a discussion of anything beyond the medical data pass. The space-

craft will now swing up over Africa and then back towards the United
States on its pass around the other side of the world. Our next

communication will be with the Coastal Sentry Quebec in the Pacific

Ocean. This is Gemini Control.

This is Gemini Control. We are 60 hours and 39 minutes into the

flight of Gemini IV. The' spacecraft is now in its 39th revolution

of the earth and is over Iran better known in history perhaps as

Persia. Our last voice contact with the flight crew was over the

Kano Nigeria tracking station a few minutes ago. We will now play

the tape of the voice communication made at that time.

cc Gemini IV, Houston Cap Corn. Over.

s/c I . , . , , , .

cc Gemini IV, this is Houston. We are not reading. Houston in

blind. Pilot be ready for the medical data type I at CSQ.

. - __.. _, .. ..-ll-_-- ~._--.-

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 102, Page 2

Acquisition time 04 16. I say again. Medical data type I for

Pilot at CSQ. Acquisition time & i6. Houston over.

s/c Houston, this is Gemini IV, got the message.

cc Ah, roger. Read you loud and clear that time.

s/c Roger, reading you loud and clear also.

cc Good, did you read me at Ascension.

WC I heard so very faintly, but evidently you couldn't read me, I

<know I couldn't get anything you said. Be advised that the

Command Pilot is going down down to sleep and will sleep for
the next four or six hours.

cc I understand. Command Pilot is asleep and should be asleep for

the next 4 to 6 hours. Very good.

cc Be ready to give the food and water report for both of you

over the CSQ if you have time.

s/c Roger, will do.


Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 103, Page 1

This is Gemini Control at 61. hours and 9 minutes into the 4 day

flight mission
of spacecraft Gemini IV. The spacecraft is now passing
over Canton Island in the Pacific Ocean on its 39th revolution around
the world. Pilot Dd White gave a type I medical pass to the Coastal

Sentry Quebec tracking ship just a few minutes ago. This included

oral temperature, blood pressure checks, before and after exercise.

He said the Command Pilot, Jim McDivitt, is asleep. White also re-

ported he was about to eat a meal. This would be meal one on the

third menu and that he had taken about 9 swallows of water since his

last report. He also said that McDivitt had already eaten the first

meal of the third day menu and had taken about 20 swallows of water.

We will now play back the tape of that conversation. This is Gemini


cc Gemini, this is Surgeon. We have a valid blood pressure. Start

the exercise on your Mark.

s/c Mark.

cc Gemini, this is Surgeon. Can I speak to the Command Pilot please?

FLT. Negative on talking to the Command Pilot. I believe he is asleep.

s/c Be advised the Command Pilot is asleep.

lmr. Cormnand Pilot is asleep. Roger.

cc Roger Flight, he is asleep.

FLT. Roger

CC Roger, we’ve got a f’ull scale on your blood pressure.

FLT. CSQ, Cap Com Houston Plight

CSQ Go ahead Flight.

,. ‘ - .
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 103, Page 2

FLT. Roger, after

you get the food and water report on the Pilot
,.. 1'
you can ask him: ask the Pilot if he knows what the Command

Pilot's report was. They were both awake at that time.

CSQ Roger, will do Fliet.
.. ;. I, .:,. : ,'
cc Gemini; this is Surgeon. Your blood pressure is valid: Can
.. .I
I have a read out on your food and water at this time.
. I ';
s/c Roger. Coming is report on the Pilot. 'Ihe last meal the
r .. : - . . ,. .
Pilot had was the second‘day.the fourth meal. I've had
_.'.' '. , ;
9 swallows of water and I'm feeling great. !&e Command Pilot
. L.. 1, ;. i
third day had the number 1 meal,'. and ~ ' the.- defecation
- bag and
; .i y. 1 , '..,
has 'had about 20 swallows of water. The Pilot is getting
; ,.' i' -. I.
ready to eat the meal 3. That is the report at the present
.. . . ,) : .e. .. ,-, ? ( ..
time. -

cc Roger. Stand by.

FLT. Give him his PL/J and CLA-st& Chuck.'

cc Roger. This completes the data pass'over to the Cap Corn.

CSQ Gemini, CSQ Cap C&IL Shut your quantity read switch off.
i , -...
cc Roger, I'm prepared to copy CIb.
cc We won't have time to-go through the entire list. I want
_ ..,
to give you a one Cti. The next one coming up.
FLT. Roger.

cc Okay. CIA 4on, 841+47, 04 57 16, 10:07.

cc Did you copy Gemini.

CSQ Gemini, CSQ. Did you copy 4On?

FLT. Houston Flight, CSQ. We've run out of time.

Mission Commentary 'franscript Tape 104, Page 1

This is Gemini Control at 61. hours and 40 minutes into the

four-day flight of Gemini IV. The spacecraft is nuw on its 39th

revolution of the earth and is presently over the South American

continent. In voice c ommunication with the Rose Knot Victor, our

tracking ship off the western coast of Peru, Pilot Ed White received

updated information for various landing areas. Spacecraft Commander

Jim McDivitt is still asleep. 'Ihere was no additional conservation

during this pass. This is Gemini Control. The spacecraft has just

started its 40th revolution rather than the 39th. This is Gemini

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 105, Page 1

This is *mini Control. We will now transmit a tape recording

of the voice transmission between Gemini IV spacecraft and the Rose

Knot Victor, our tracking ship in the Pacific, just a few minutes ago.

This is Gemini Control.

Gemini IV, Gemini IV, RKV Cap Corn.

s/c Go ahead RKV, Gemini IV.

Roger, how do you read me on this pass.

s/c Read you loud and clear.

Roger. Be advised that you are requested to make an HP check

at Ascension during this pass. The time of that HF check will

be 05 hours 15 minutes. You will turn your transmitter on at

our LOS and .make a short check and then make the final check

at Ascension.

s/c Roger. -HF check at 05 15 at Ascension. Turn on HF at LOS

and make short check and make final check at . . .

That's affirmative.

Did you get 4.m tailing update.

s/c 4OA update, that's 84, l.7, 04 51 16, 10 27.

Roger. I have a 41 for you.

FLT. RKV Systems, Houston Flight

Roger. It's a split AV - 46 . . .

FLT Houston Flight, this is RKV.

RKV Roger.

. ., .,.-. . ..~.._”

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 105, Page 2

FLT. That HF check time at Ascension should be 05 OP.

;- .. ;
oj 09' \
'! I ..
FLT Roger.

sp;lit av 46 12-o; 1~18, 2+20, 07 20 21, 7+50.

Roger, you faded out on that GMTRC. Could you repeat please.

GMTRC, 07 20 21.
.,i -
21 is . . . .
Roger. 07 hr' 20 tiriutes;'21 sec!onds.

Roger,'1 got it 07 20 21 7+50.

Roger. 42 Bravo; split AV. .40 120, 1+07, -30, 08 50 48,

&-j6;' 4j.'&avo., split'&. .47-l&, ~45; 2+30,~10 22 59,

r&di*. '. 1 - ;, :, ., ., -.

s/c RogeY; got 4j'Bravo, but did not. get the,-one before, did not

get any . . .

RKV Roger. ‘I'll say.again. .42 Bravo,' 'split AV. 40 by 120,

1+07, 2+30, 08'50 48, 8+36. ' .

s/c I....
Ah, roger, keep

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 106, Page I

This is Gemini Control. At 62 hours and 9 minutes into the

four-day mission.\ The spacecraft is now over the Red Sea Area.

Just a few minutes ago, we had a remote voice conservation between

Roger Chappe, our spacecraft cormrmnicator here in the Mission Control

Center and Pilot Ed White. This was through the Kano Nigeria tracking

station. Astronaut Chappe gave astronaut White a start time for

another sextant navigation experiment. We will now play back this

taped conservation.

s/c Come in Houston, Gemini 4

cc Gemini 4 reading you loud and clear at Kano. I have a
\ D-9 update for you.

s/c All right, go ahead.

cc Roger. It's revolution 41. The start time is 06 01 44.

s/c Roger. Confirm the revolution 41, 06 01 44 D-9 and what


cc Say again your last.

s/c Roger, I got that, rev 41, 06 01 44, and D-9, and what is

the D-9 you want us to perform.

cc Roger, stand by one.
cc Gemini IV, this is Houston. That's the sextant D-9, rev. 41.

s/c I..,

cc Gemini IV, this is Houston Cap Corn. That's D-9, run number 2,

run number 2, over.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 106, Page 2

cc Gemini IV, this is Houston, I say again, run number 2, run

number 2.

s/c Roger, I understand, run number 2.

cc Roger, that's all.

* s/c D-9, we also use fuel on that one?

cc That's affirmative, use. fuel.


Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 107, Page 1

This is Gemini Control. Sixty-two hours 39 minutes after lift-

off. Gemini IV spacecraft is now over the Central Pacific just northeast
ef the Solomon Islands. There will be a brief 4 minute period in which

this Canton Island Voice Remoting system will be within radio range of

the spacecraft but it is unlikely that contact will be made. Later in

this 40th revolution, some 26 minutes from now, there will be a 7 minute

pass over the tracking ship, Rose Knot Victor stationed about 900 miles

off the West Coast of South America. This is Gemini Control.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 108, Page I

This is Gemini Control. Sixty-three hours 39 minutes after lift-

off. The Gemini IV spacecraft is now approaching the Nile River Delta

and will over Alexander Egypt within a minute. The spacecraft will

not pass over another tracking station until an hour from now when

it will pass almost directly over the tracking ship Rose Knot Victor.

During the pass over the Kano Nigeria voice remoting station six

minutes ago, spacecraft communicator Gene Cernan here in Mission

Control passed up to Gemini IV updates on orbital tracks and flight

plan activities. This is Gemini Control.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 109, Page 1

This is Gemini Control. Sixty-four hours and 9 minutes after

lift-off. Gemini-IV spacecraft is now passing along the north

coast of New Guina. The spacecraft will be in contact with the

tracking ship Rose Knot Victor in a half hour. This is Gemini



Mission Commentary Tape Tape 110, Page 1

This is Gemini Control. Gemini IV spacecraft, now in telemetry and

voice contact with the tracking ship Rose Knot Victor for a pass which

will last 8 minutes. The RKV's spacecraft communicator updated Apollo

landmark experiment information to the Gemini IV crew.

We had a bit of levity here in Mission Control a few minutes ago

when Blue Team Operations and Procedures Officer, Jim Tumberland, called

the control room to say, "If you need me, I'll be at such and such

extension." "Where's that," was the reply. "In the front elevator -

stuck. " Jim is now back at his console. This is Gemini Control 64 hours

39 minutes after lift-off.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape Ill, Page 1

This is Gemini Control at 65 hours and 9 minutes after lift-off.

The Gemini IV spacecraft is now crossing the North African Coast just

east of Tripoli. During the pass just ended over the Canary Islands

Tracking Station, a type I medical data check was run on the Pilot and

White. Oral temperature and blood pressure measurements were first

telemetered to the Canary Station followed by a TO-second period of

exercise with the bungee device. White then repeated the blood pres-

sure measurement after exercising. He also reported his food and water

usage and that he had had a good 4 hours sleep. Command Pilot Jim

McDivitt is asleep at this time. This is Gemini Control.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 112, Page 1

This is Gemini Control at 65 hours, 39 minutes after

liftoff. Gemini 4 spacecraft is now passing over the Indonesian

Island group and will cross the Australian coast in two minutes

just north of Darwin. Tracking data from the Canary Islands

pass, early in this revolution, indicates the Gemini 4 orbit I

now has a perigee of 100.8 statute miles and an apogee of

165.7 statute miles. The people of Melbourne, Australia,

a city of 2,000,000, will turn on all their lights when

Gemini 4 passes near Melbourne in the forty-fourth revolution. .

This is Gemini Control.

End of tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 113, Page 1

This is Gemini Control 66 hours and 9 minutes after lift-off. The

Gemini Spacecraft is now over the mid-Pacific coming up on a brief pass

by the tracking ship, Rose Knot Victor. The RKV will be within radio

range for only 4 minutes 38 seconds. This will be the RKV's last con-

tact with Gemini IV until the 5lst revoilution. We are now nearing the

end of the 42nd revolution. This is Gemini Control.

Mission Cormnentary Transcript Tape 114, Page 1

This is Gemini Control 66 hours 39 minutes after lift-off. The

Gemini IV spacecraft is now in telemetry, voice, and radar tracking

contact with the Canary Islands Tracking Station and is passing across
the coast of Africa just south of Casablanca. The crew of Gemini IV

is currently conducting a weather photography experiment run involving

some heavy clouds in the lea of the Canary and Mederia Islands. During
the pass over the tracking ship, Rose Knot Victor, at the end of the

last revolution, telemetry readouts indicated that the Gemini IV was

go all the way in the words of the FKV spacecraft communicator. This
is Gemini Control,


Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 115, Page 1

This is Gemini Control 67 hours and 9 minutes after lift-off.

The Gemini IV spacecraft is now over the Eastern Indian Ocean just
south of the Indonesian Island Chain. Carnarvon Australia tracking

station, now in voice, telemetry, and radar tracking contact with

Gemini IV. The crew is presently performing the electrostatic

charge sensing experiment. This is Gemini Control

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 116, Page 1

!Jhis is Gemini Control at 65 hours 39 minutes after lift-off.

The Gemini IV is now over the Pacific toward the end of the 43rd

revolution and will be in contact with Mission Control through the

voice remoting ,station at Antigua Island about 18 minutes from now.

This is Gemini Control.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 117, Page 1

This is Gemini Control 68 hours and 9 minutes after lift-off.

The Gemini IV spacecraft is now directly above the Mederia Islands

about 600 miles:due-west of Casablanca at the start of revolution

44. Through the voice remoting station at Antigua, Grand Turk

Island and Bermuda, the spacecraft communicator here In Mission

Control relayed to the Gemini IV some updated times for. flight

plan activities nearing the 44th revolution, including horizon

scanner, sunset and moonset checks,.and Apollo night orientation

checks. We now have a tape of the Gemini IV voice contacts with

these stations. The tape follows. This is Gemini Control.

cc This is Cap Com, Gemini IV, read you loud and clear.

m. Roger, reading you loud and clear. I have .a flight plan update

and if your too busy to copy, we'll just be standing by.

cc Okay, just another minute or--two . .

FLT Ground lhas signal.

s/c This is Gemini IV. Go ahead with what you had.'

FLT Roger, Jim. Would you perfer Greenwich mean time, or

elapsed time? Over.

s/c Give them in G.m.t.

FLT Roger, Okay. G.m.t. - ll 54 CO, horizon scanner sunset check.

BE24 Bermuda has T&l solid.,,

s/c Stand by just a minute.

FLT Rog. Standing by.

” _. -._--.-.. _. .._...-...I.-.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 117, Page 2

S/C Okay, go ahead with

FLT Roger. Time 10 ‘15 CO, horizon.scanner moonset cl-ieck.

S/C Okay 10 15 00 horizon \scanner mbonset check.

FLT Roger. You got the previous one' of'1444 00 horiz.on scanner sunset
,. -
check. _ .'

S/C It was 11 54 wasn't it?,. . .'

FLT Roger. 'Ihe first one was ‘Ill 54and the seCond one was I2 15.

S/C Okay, that.‘

FLT Next one is 12 22 CO Apollo yaw orientation nightcheck

s/c Okay.. .-.. ': of Apollo yaw orientation moon check

FLT Roger I2 58.00 horiibn scannerthruster'check

s/c Okay 12 58 horizbn scanner thruster check .

FLT Roger 12 59.00..horizon sE;Canner track check !

Roger horizdn scanner track check,'at'12 59 .

FLT Roger and out. 13 14 00 one attitude thruster check

s/c Say again, 15 14?

FLT Roger that's 1 attitude thruster'check...

FLT Did you get .that last one, .Zim?

FLT Gemini IV, this is Houston

PLT Gemini IV, Gemini IV, Houston Cap Corn, Over

s/c Go ahead Houston, Gemini IV ." .'

FLT Roger. Did you get that one attitude thruster.check?

s/c This is Gemini IV, I'm not getting that . . .

FLT Roger. We will get the rest to you at the Canaries,

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #118, Page 1

This is Gemini Control, 68 hours, 30 minutes after liftoff.

The Gemini 4 spacecraft is now over the eastern sector of the

Indian Ocean on a track that will pass directly over the Canarvon

tracking station for a pass lasting 8 minutes and 20 seconds. The

spacecraft communicator at Canarvon will alert the crew to watch

for the lights of Melbourne, Australia which the people of

Melbourne have turned on for this pass of Gemini 4, This is

Gemini Control.
Mission Commentary Transcript ;. : -.r Tape .-I.‘
Ml9,' .>'.,,. <Page. 1

This is Gemini Control. The._ Canarvon,

.L. Australia
.,;-: tracking
*.. ., .'
station is presently in contact with Gemini 4 spacecraft at 68
:.' _( _'.' _. ,\ "
hours, 44 minutes after liftoff. ., ; We will now proceed with the
;. i _ *. ..-.

cc: How 'bout pushing down on your lead again..,,,

cc: okay, lets a problem i .J ..,,,:':

~.I .: _,.,' _
s/c : Very Good . -:
‘. r : . .. '. : ,._ I':::. .~ '*. . . .. .
s/c:j. Looks
like I'm starting
to iche a l,ittle.: :<..... .-
‘_ .: ., .: ., . . -._
cc: Say again. : ,_,. ,-. ( ,I.‘-.’
., t . _ ,, ,. ‘. :.

s/c : I say I look like I'm starting to ifiche a .little

. .. . . _,
'2 _-.')_.; : L
cc: I know what you mean. ,~:,, ,, .c, . _. :y
. .~..^ -b
cc: Flight,
Canarvon : ._
F: Go
r:. .*. .. :...: i y-: .. ;; I
cc: Okay, he is looking real good, he's got his, uh, platform

all powered up, it looks'like its lining up right, the computers

. . ,. .. ; .,,.. ,; : i.-' _.
on prelaunch and everything looks fine.

F: Roger, wonder if you can get an estimate from him as to

how long it kook to warm up. ! ; :-' ,. -,

cc: Allright. How long did it take you to
7 !. warm up the platform?
S/C: 3.5 minutes. I turned it (' on 11:50 ,, .-- at 12:15.. I go.t the

.. ,.. ., .! '._

.,, -.,:,I.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #119, Page 2

active arrow light which indicates it had warmed up.

cc: Okay, 25 minutes, thank you.

s/c : Roger, I didn't start lining it now until about 12:30


cc: Roger

F: We have that, Canarvon

s/c: command, I started with a pretty bad reference because

I tried to get this MSC pack on. It took about 15 minutes,

17, minutes to align properly.

cc: Ah, roger, I understand.

cc: Looks like your cohort woke up, huh?

s/c : Yeah, I'm pretty busy here, he has to come along

he only got time for about 15 minutes

cc :.
s/c : so I guess your're having. too much


cc : out

cc: Flight, Canarvon

F: Go ahead, Canarvon

cc: I think that the next time you have a site where he is

going a little OMS thrusting, I show OMS show right and OMS

show left which is in impossibility.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #119, page 3

cc: I think the next time you come over a site with
., I ..-
you can do the checking.

F:] Roger .
'. :. ': :
s/c: CapCom Canarvon, Gemini 4
.,' ) ~ ,: !I :
cc: Go ahead.
-,' . .i
s/c: I see some lights shining on the clouds down below me.

cc: Alright, that should

be Melbourne.
; I I,. .- -<. . .- ; .:. , , ,' .. .,
s/c : Okay, tell them I thank them for lighting the night for me.
_, .) I ., : '1 1 .
cc: Oh, very good, they'll appreciate that.
I ';. . '. . :. ,
s/c : Tell them the next time they ought to get these clouds out
.. .*. ! i. _;;
of tl-e way so I can see the city and not just tl-e cloudsi
: . _ ', . -, :' -.
cc: That's the same way I feel about this.
: -. :.. 1.. I> ,
cc: to yaw maneuver. to yawing, Gemini
: :, r ,, " /
1. . .t . . '%
: .-; ,
cc: Canarvon
: .: _ ; : , ._': . ,
F: Roger, Canarvon, how 'bout giving us a run down on that?
.I ,. ,'.'
cc: Okay, he looks real good, he seems to be in a real go.od
,- .'. .' I. ':
mood. Sounds a lot better than he did yesterday. His clocks
look pretty good except 8%~ for that same old lag in the FCT.
.I. I
Showing activity on the OMS and all thrusters just about.
, .*.. .. ._i. : ,.I
His horizon scanner seems to be working real well. We only

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #119, page


had one horizon search during the pa& with small little time.

F: Roger

cc: And he, the AC volts are 25.7 and they stayed steadythroughout

the pass. He said his platform lined up real well. Took him between

15 and 17 minutes to align it.

'F: Roger

cc: And he thinks he saw some lights, I believe they might have

been Adelaide, but he thinks they're Melbourne so we let it go

at that. The one thing is like I just mentioned to you before.

My OMS yaw right and my OMS yaw left bi-levels are coming on some-

times exactly at the same time and if he makes a OMS maneuver or

over another site, then tell me whether or not

I've got a problem here.

F: Roger, GNC has something here he wanted to say.

GNC : Ah, Canarvon CapCom, just wanted to confirm that he wasn't

rolling and that, I'm sure your eystems man was probably watching

that, SO, uh, I'd like to confirm that wasn't roll control that

you were seeing.

cc: Hold on a second

s/c: It was a roll control when we saw the search.

I”. .,.
.I . -- ..___
I. - -.I___-. _. __---_. ,. ” __-.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #119, page 5

GNC : What I was wondering, Harry, was that, uh, when, uh, you

said that both of them firing at the same time, could that have

been roll control because you know he's got to fire one left and
one right.

cc: I don't think so, they're both going off at exactly the

same time.

GNC : Okay, we'll take a look at it.

cc: Okay
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 120, Page 1

This is Gemini Control at 69 hours 9 minutes after lift-off. The

Gemini IV spacecraft is now passing over the Society Islands in-the

Southcentral Pacific toward the end of the 44th revolution. During

the pass over Australia, 20 minutes ago, the crew reported they could

see the glow of city lights, but next time tell them to move the clouds

so that we can see the city itself, they said. Melbourne, Australia,

had turned on all its lights as a welcome to the crew of Gemini IV.

Spacecraft systems and medical data relayed to the ground during the

Carnarvon pass all looked good. This is Gemini Control.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape l-21, Page 1

This is Gemini Control, 69 hours 40 minutes after lift-off at the

beginning of the 45th revolution. -The‘Gemini IV spacecraft 'is now in

the Central Atlantic, about 400 miles south of the Azores and is in

3 minute-s from contact with'the Canary Islands tracking‘station. We

now have a'tape of the pass -over the stateside tracking stations which
we will run at this time. This is Gemini Control.

CC Gemini IV, Gemini IV, Houston Cap Corn. Over

s/c Houston Cap Cam, Gemini IV. Go ahead.
cc Roger. How are youcoming on your , checks, Jim?
cc Gemini IV, Houston Cap Corn, how are you _'
coming on your horizon

checks? Over.
.,' ; \.._
. . . ,-
CC! Gemini IV, Gemini IV, ,Houston Cap Corn. Over.
\ _ 8. /I. 3 :._... 2
s/c .. Go ahead Houston, Gemini JV. . : ._, ,,,,_ ,,,
cc Roger, How are you coming on your horizon checks?
Gemini IV.
. ..
s/c We are coming along pretty well, We've got . . horizon scan
thruster and the . . .
cc Roger. I would like to remind-you that the horizon scan thruster

check should not be commenced-until you can .confirm Canaries AOS

< __ '.
._,_ at Aos. Over.
Canaries will give you a call
:-- ,.
s/c Roger. We will wait for Canaries' AOS.
cc Roger. We are interested in the cabin humidity. Is there any

noticeable water in the, cabin? per*. ,_

s/c We were just talking about that a few minutes ago. The humidity

is staying low and at about 63, percent and there is no noticeable

moisture. We have been doing a great

..: deal of operation faceplate

and gloves off. .,

Miss .on Commentary Transcript Tape 121, page 2

cc I understand faceplate open and gloves off.

s/c Affirmative
cc Roger. We would like. to know how much color film remains, just

an estimate for the Hasselblad camera and the 16 mm camera. Over.

s/c . . .
cc Roger. We aye interested in an estimate of how mkh unexposed

colored film you have for the Hasselblad and the 16 mm cameras,
. . Texas, go local
cc Gemini IV, Gemini IV, Houston Cap Cam. Over

s/c Go ahead, Houston, Gemini IV.

cc Roger. Can you give us an estimate of how much colored film you

have remaining of the Hasselblad and the 16 mm cameras.

s/c Roger. We have one magazine of Hasselblad film left and a little

under two magazines of 16 mm left.

cc Rog. I understand. You two ready to come home yet?

s/c Say again.

CC You two ready to came home yet?'

s/c I'm sure tired of looking at this ugly face, it needs a shave.
cc We are getting tired.of hearing that silly voice, too, McDivitt.

. . . Hello, Frankie

. . . How are you doing?

s/c Well, I'm waiting untfl 12 58 so I can fire my thrusters again.

. . . This is the most fQn you have had in two days, I'll bet.

s/c Yeah, it is the first time1 have fired the thrusters in 2 days.

. . . Have at it, flight time hogs.

s/c Too bad this isn't . . . I would have my requirements in already

I-. _. . . ..- _
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 121, page 3

. . . Well, I heard that Ed White was a flight hog, Jim, but I always
thought that you were a 55 minute mission man.

s/c I think we will stay up here until we run out of fuel.

. . Right, well don't ever land with them full.

s/c . . .

cc Everything is real good down here, saw both your wives yesterday

and everything is in good shape.

. ,

s/c Okay.

cc We are thinking of extending the mission about a week.

s/c . . .

CC Okay, Frank said he would be up as soon as he can make it.

s/c . . .

cc Say again Gemini“IV. "

s/c I say, where am I?

cc You .don't know?

cc It looks like you are just about s'outheast'of.the tip of Florida,

probably about over Cuba.

s/c I've got it, I thought it was an island . . .

. ., ~..

CC Gemini IV,' can you give us a reading on OAMS source pressure,

temperature and quantity?

s/c Roger. The quantity reads 55 percent, but keeps going up and down.
That's a pretty good.average number right now.
cc Well your OAMS thrust temperature is .70, pressure .is 1900.

cc Roger. We‘ve got 55 percent, 70, and 1900

s/c That's affirmative.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 121, page 4

cc Gemini IV, this is Houston

s/c Go ahead, Houston

cc Roger. It looks like you have used about 15 pounds at a first

guess OAMS.

s/c I've used how much?

CC A first cut at it Jim, looks like about 15 pounds so far,

s/c I have used 15 out of 10.

cc Yeah, that's right. 15 out of 10 available for these checks.

s/c Well, we haven't used that much at all.

cc Okay.

_ . . . Go to Bermuda aircraft

CC Gemini, this is Houston. That's just a rough guess on the


OAMSusage. We will get a better cut at - after Canaries. You

are still looking good.

s/c Okay, I've got a question. . . supposed to perform at 1340 which

is.... thruster check. Is that the attitude thruster . . .

cc Okay. Stand by one.

cc That's affirmative, Jim. That is a /attitude thruster failure

s/c Okay
cc Gemini IV, this is Houston, You guys really sound great, and we
will see you later tonight.

s/c Hokey doke.

End of Tape

, .-- ,/
. ,- x . ..-
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #122, Page 1

This is Gemini Control, 70 hours, 9 minutes after liftoff.

The Gemini 4 spacecraft is now in the central Indian Ocean

about 1700 miles Gest as you are east of the Island of Madagascar,

and 7 minutes from radio, telemetry and radar tracking contact

with the Canarvon, Australia tracking station. The spacecraft

will be entering darkness just prior to crossing the Australian

coast. This is Gemini Control.

End of tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape l-23, Page 1

This is Gemini Control 70 hours 39 minutes after lift-off. The

Gemini IV spacecraft is now over the south central Pacific 1700 miles

east of the Fiji Is.lands near the end of the 45th revolution. Gemini IV

at this point in the Mission has traveled about 1 and one-quarter million
miles. We have a tape of the pass over the Carnarvon, Australia, tracking

station 20 minutes ago. The tape follows. This is Gemini Control.

cc Gemini IV, Carnarvon, do you read?

s/c Roger. 'Ihis is Gemini IV

cc ,Loud and clear, how are you doing?

s/c How are you doing?

cc A little tired. You are looking real good down here.

s/c Everything is going okay up here . . .. . . . at 1320

cc Roger. Have you . . . . . . . . . . checks?

s/c Yeah. We did

cc Okay, very good.

s/c I made a medical pass type one on the pilot over Texas at l& 13 15

. . He hasn't been to sleep, about to go to sleep,' it would be better

for him to go to sleep without a medical pass test. . . make

a medical pass on him right now.

FLT That's okay, Flight, Carnarvon go ahead

cc Okay
. .

FLT CarnarvonCapCorn,,this is HoustonFlight

cc Go ahead

__..,. - ,*. .-
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 123, page 2

FLT Ask him if he checked any MDIU quantities while the platform was


cc What's that, Flight

FLT Ask him if he checked any MDIU quantities while the computer and

platform were out.

cc Roger

cc Come in Gemini IV, Carnarvon

s/c Go ahead

cc Did you ever check any MDIU quantities while the computer and

. . .

s/c No, we didn't

a .

cc Flight, Carnarvon

FLT Go ahead.

cc We are not getting that adapter C-bend at all. Can I turn it

off to go to reentry?

FLT Roger

CC Blood pressure looks good, pilot

cc Can we have some information on your food and water.

s/c . . . is his temperature okay?

cc That's affirmative, he can take the probe out now.

s/c Affirmative on the second meal of the third day at the present
time, and I've had 7 swallows of water since the last report.

CC Okay. Have you had a chance to sleep at all since your last

orbital pass?

s/c No, I don't believe so.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 123, page 3

cc Okay, that's all we need now. . .

s/c How about a 15 minute nap now

cc Say again
I thought about a 15-minute nap. We have been pretty active in

the last 2 hours.

cc You were asleep on the last pass or so. We noticed that, but

our boys will have to wake you up.

s/c Right. Give me 15 minutes.

cc Okay. Time is running. out

s/c Roger

FLT Hello Cap Com, this is Houston flight

FLT Carnarvon Cap Corn, Houston Flight

cc Go shead flight

FLIT What kind of attitudes has he got?

cc . .

FLT Say again, what kind of attitudes.-?

cc When I get them on amp my computer fires out

FLIT Aw, yes

. . .

. . . ..............

FLT Okay, you got any C-band now?

cc Computer beacons on and off so we can't lockout.

FLT That's too bad. Well, okay.

FLT Could you get gobd track over the Canaries?

cc Say again

End of Tape ,- I
" r' -- '
I L -- A I Ir I- - * L L P 1, d - - -.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #124, Page 1

This is Gemini Control, 70 hours, 58 minutes into the

mission. There is presently an exchange of conversation between

the CapCom here in‘H'uston Control Center and th Gemini-4 crew.

We will now join that.conversation... This'is Gemini Control.

cc: You'ye doing .great,, .,, ..

s/c: Hello there, how are you?

cc: Just fine, after a long night's sleep.

s/c: Well, we had,a:lot-of shortlnight.!s sleep.... ..

,,,Everyt+,ng$ going .fine,, thanks... I

cc: Ah,, you're!ldoing a great..job.-r . : :

CC+-- Jim, we took a,:hack.on youraccelerometer bias dovn,.here,

while.yowplatform was powered upi and,,it.,looks,good to us.

S/C;zdY!Okay,-thank .you. ': i..t__ . : :.

cc: Roger, and I'd like to advise you that any MSC ten film

that you: have,left,over you could use fortargets of opportunity

at your own option. f '.

s/c: okay,,,couple- '.. I ; 1 ..

.;: ji we tried+ we couldn't.get-anything

cc: Rag, and uh, for concerning S5 and S6 you'll have some

more weather ouer.tbe Canaries and'the pass over Africa on this

rev looks good for a 6.

s/c : Okay. Did you issue any around the Canaries last time?
Mission Commentary Transcript Page #124, Page 2

cc: Roger, they're still supposed to be there.

s/c: Okay,

cc: I didn't read you that time, Jim, say again.

s/c : I said I'm still trying to get my partner here to go

to bed but he doesn't seem to be able to make it.

cc: UnderStand you're still trying to get your partner to

sleep, is that right?

s/c : Tht right.

cc: Okay. Ed, you can turn your quantity readback off.

cc: Jim, this is Houston, your passes over Canarvon, uh, we

have not been receiving data from Canarvon, uh, when you uh,

go around the next two passes, particularly the second pass from

now would you maintain a fairly zero zero attitude.

6/C : Okay , Canarvon says he's been having an awful lot of rain,

could that be part of it?

cc: That could possibly be, they're had a tremendous amount of

rain during the past few hours.

s/c : What time am I going to get to the Canaries?

cc: What time are you going to get to the Canaries, is that what

you want?

s/c : Yeah, I want to know whether I should start kooking for my

Mission Commentary Transcript Page #124, Page 3

cc: Roger, Canaries OAS is 1432

S/C:] Roger
cc: Gemini 4, this is Houston.

s/c : Go ahead, this is Gemini 4.

cc: Roger, have you been pulling your head sets when you

go to sleep?

s/c : Yes we have, the ldst couple of times.

.cc : Roger, this helps a lot, right?

s/c : Yes, it does.

cc: Okeydoke, Jim, I'll be turning you over to the daylight


s/c : Okay, when are they going to promote you to the daylight


cc: I don't know, it sure would be nice to come to work at

8 o'clock in the morning. .

s/c : Well, you can always go home and come back at 8. How 'bout


cc: Listen, have a good trip, we'll see youlate tonight.

s/c: Okay

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #125, Page 1

This is Gemini Control, 71 hours 14 minutes into the

mission. And for the last three days we've started each

message with the ground

. elapsed time.Of increasing significance

today throughout the day will be another clock here in the Control

Center one labeled GMTRC or Greenich Mean Time to retrocommand,

That clock presently reads 22 hours and 4 minutes. We have

just changed shifts here in the Control,Center and we have a

visitor, Chris Kraft's son. His name is Gordon, he is 13 years

old and his dad is showing him around his console, how it works,

and some of the many switches and many lights that he follows

in the course of his 8 hour shift. We are in the 46th revolution

with the spacecraft over the central Atlantic Ocean. We lost

contact with the Bermuda station about 2 minutes ago. Canaries

should acquire about one minute from now. This is Gemini Control.

End of Tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape # 126, Page 1

This is Gemini Control. We are on the 46th revolution

coming up on Canton Island. Mission Director Chris Kraft has

decided that based on the present apogee and perigee no further

adjustments will be necessary in the orbit of Gemini 4. We

have no further maneuvers to adjust the lifttime. He's entirely

satisfied with the lifetime which presently reads 99 miles perigee

164 miles apogee, both in sQatute miles. The crew will be advised

of this decision on the pass coming across the United States in

approximately 10 minutes.

The weather around the globe looks like this this morning.

In the western Atlantic it is partly cloudy, winds of about 10

knots, seas running 2 to 4 feet. This is also true of the eastern

Atlantic. Generally, the Atlantic is calm. The mid-Pacific area,

partly cloudy conditions, ceiling 15,000 feet, the winds running

5 to 15 knots, seas 2 to 4 feet. The western 'Pacific, the weather

has been consistently poor throuhgout this mission. It remains

that way. Frequent showers in the area south of Japan of which

our ships are congregated should that area become necessary as

a landing area is expericing frequent showers and they are expected

to continue today. Overcast includes winds 15 to 20 knots and

seas running 8 to 10 feet. This is Gemini Control.

End of Tape

n PI P .. r
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 127, Page 1

This is Gemini Control, Houston, 72 hours 56 minutes into the flight.

Cur oxygen quantity at the present time is reading 21 pounds remaining in
contrast with approximately 5.0 pounds at lift-off. This usage read is

right on.the expected curve. In.the electricity department, we have

remaining 1,032 amp hoursleft in contrast with 2,200 amp hours at lift-off.
Ihis is about 150 amp hours,below the expected usage rate. In the OAMS

fuel department, at lift-off we had 360 pounds. We now have 175 pounds

remaining. In the past .24 hours,. we have used about.15 pounds, and

throughout the course of thisday we expect ,to use an additional 40 to 45

.pounds performing various maneuvers, yaw,checks, and,we expect to use the

horizonscan mode a good deal today which is demanding in the fuel depart-

ment.'? We will hold in reserve 130 pounds for our preretro <OAMSburn.

The worldrange of green in all respects. All equipment is

functioning properly. Jim McDivitt and Ed White have eaten in the past

24 hours the following: ..

McDivitt has taken in 1,755 calories, pilot Ed White has taken

1,950 calories. McDivitt has drunk 1600 cc of water, and the

pilot has drunk approximately the same amount.

McDivitt has slept in the past 24 hours about 5 hours, 4-l/2 of which

he described as sound sleep and about l/2 hour of dozing. Ed White has

slept 6-i/2 hours,

about 4 of which were described as sound and 2-l/2 as
dozing. Jim McDivitt is awake now, and Ed White is dozing and attempting

to get some additional sleep. In the pass across the United States,

completed a few minutes ago, McDivitt and White were advised to run the

.., .
Mission Commentary Transcript 'Tape 127, Page 2

next-most of this day with the awake pilot with his helmet off and his

gloves off. They were instructed for the sleeping pilot to leave his

faceplate open and attempt to shade the window to keep the sun out of

their eyes in order to sleep,. McMtitt advised that they have been doing

very close to this for the past 12 hours. He said neither had taken his

helmet off. However, he indicated they would attempt that. The idea

behind this instruction is to get an even closer ,- an even sterner test

of the humidity factor in the cabin. We are'very pleased with it here.

The environmental officer 1s quite pleased with the performance to date.

We are showing humidity reading consistently at about 60 percent. McD%vitt

advises that the cabin temperature has run a very steady 65 degrees.

Over Guaymas, we completed a medical pass on McDititt, took his blood

pressure before the use of tie exerciser and following,‘ got very good

values there. We are prepared to play for,you the tape conversation

of the pass across the United States at this time. _' .

cc Gemini IV, your blood pressure is received, start exercise on your


cc Gemini IV, Guaymas 30, do you read?

s/c Roger. Do you read?

cc Roger. Geminl IV. Start your exercise on your mark. We have

received your blood pressure. \

s/c Roger. Mark

. . . Texas acquisition TM . . .

Your. . . full scale

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 127, Page 3

cc Gemini IV, your blood pressure is received, we're standing by

for your third water and . . . report

s/c Roger . . .

cc Say again, Gemini

s/c I had a lot of water, I don't know how many gulps, but after I

had about 20 or 30 gulps along with a couple of meals in the

last 2. hours -
cc Roger. I understand . . . Harley

s/c That's right. I haven't been to sleep for about 2 or 3 hours.

Ed can sleep for about 5 or 6 so I probably.won't go off again

for 6 or 7.

cc Roger. I understand. Thank you, and out

cc Gemini IV, Houston Cap Corn

s/c Houston, This is Gemini IV

cc Gemini IV, will you turn your computer on. .

s/c Roger. One of the computers on, the . . .. went out on the other

about 10 seconds

cc Okay. Go ahead and turn your TM switch to command and your quantity

read switch on also.

s/c Okay.
cc Gemini IV, Houston Cap Corn

S/C Go ahead
cc I've got quite a bit of information to pass up to you, Jim. First,

is your 48-1 time. Tell me when you are ready to copy.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape u7,Page 4

s/c Okay. Go ahead

cc Okay. At 24 ft/sec forward, that's 40 seconds, 120 ft/sec aft,

that's Z!+32, at 17 20 20, 2+53, &55. Then your 48-l time without

burn, 17 14 37, 7-41, 14-29.

s/c Got it.

cc Okay, now I've got other information to pass up to you here. We

would like for the pilot who is asleep to leave his faceplate open

and his gloves off, and then we would lfke for the pilot who is

awake to take off his helmet and--gloves and use a lightwei@?t

headset for communications, if he can. We would like to

continue this way up until about 3 hours prior to retrofire. Then

once in orbit, at your convenience, .we would like for you to take

a wet and dry bulb reading at any statfon and give us a report of

what it was and what time you took it; .

s/c Okay. We have had the gloves off now for the last I2 hours, but

mostly headset . . . when we are sleeping we generally put that

viser cover over it to keep the sun out of our eyes.

cc Roger.

SIC The humidity is staying down around 60 percent.

CC Roger. Okay, Jim, We have decided that you have got a little

bit of fuel- got some fuel that we can play with here in the
flight plan. So we would like for you to go to the horizon scan

mode for the next 8 hours. That 's until elapsed time of about

80 30, and we want you to use the primary scanners. We don't want

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 127, Page 5

you to do any controlling in yaw, and if the scanners break

lock, don't control in roll or pitch either. We want to see if

it breaks lock, we want to see if it will reacquire.

WC Okay. You want the horizon scanners in the next 8 hours,

cc Affirmative

s/c 80 hours elapsed time.

cc Roger

s/c Okay, Gus, for . . . pressure, 'we haven't been able to do

much with D burn, because we haven't been given the fuel for it.
We want to save a little . . . for that.
cc Okay. We got no problem. Go ahead and use your D-9. Now on the

- got an Apollo landmark number 2, and we would like for you to

be .in attitude for that at 17 19, G.m.t. of 17 19, and the target

will be 16 miles north of track, and you should be pitchdown about

-30 degrees at that time. We would like for you to track this
as close as possible and get some pictures, using the 16 mm camera

with the 75 mm lens with a nominal iens setting.

s/c Okay will do.

cc Okay, do you want me to repeat any of that?

s/c Apollo number 2 at 17 19, 16 miles north of track, pitch of 30 degrees

and use 75 mm lens, and then -
cc Roger, and really have at it and track'it close, use your reticle
s/c Okay
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 127, Page 6

cc Okay. Your orbit . . . runs 9 and 10, do as scheduled in the

flight plan. Do it just as you previously planned to do it.

Just for information, 9 is scheduled at an elapsed to 75 30, 10 at

75 50.
s/c Okay, we will go to the orbit . . runs 9 and 10 as scheduled to

75 30 ati 75 5%
cc Roger. Okay, we are going to come up with some more tracking
tasks for you, I think, and we want most of this to be done

pretty tight.

s/c Okay. Very good.

cc Okay. I've got a map update for you if you want it now.

s/c Okay. Go ahead.

cc Okay. 170 degrees east at a G.m.t. of 17 00 00. T&t's rev 47.

s/c Okay. 170 degrees at 17 00 00 rev 47.

cc Roger. You can bring your quantity readoff. You can bring'

your computer off also.

Go to Bermuda on the ground

cc Gemini IV, Houston, how do you read now?

WC Loud and clear.

cc Okay, did you get the quantity readoff and computer off.

S/C I'll get them now.

cc Okay. Flight would like to know if you are going to try sleeping

with your helmet off. Try sleeping with your faceplate open, I’M
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 127, Page 7

S/C I don't know. The sun really gets in your eyes. I don't think

we will try that. Ed just tried sleeping with helmet up and then
dawn - right now he just tumped it up. He is having a tough time

with the helmet. I tried it and I can't do it.

cc Okay, can you put the shade'over it anyway?

s/c Yeah, you can sleep with it just about half open. How about


cc Okay.

s/c Actually, the last 2 hours or more, maybe it is as much as 24,

we haven't been too careful about keeping our faceplates closed

and our wristbands off, because obviously the humidity is going

cc Yeah, of course, that's what we are trying to do, we are trying

to get a good hack on what is happening there and see - maybe we

don't have a problem like we originally thought.

s/c I don't think we do. Especially, Ed hasn't had his faceplate

closed in the last 12 hours, and I only had mine closed when I

was sleeping.
cc Okay. Go ahead and do what we asked there as soon as you can and

give us those wet and dry bulbs so we can get a good plot on this

s/c Okay. I have beenworried . , , and the

’ temperatureshave been
running - the dry bulb are running between 72 and 75, and the wet

bulb between 60 and 64. So the relative humidity is staying pretty

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 127, Page 8

close to around 60 percent. .

cc 'Very good.

s/c There is no difficult moisture. There ,isn't any moisture- or-~that

. . . paper, and unfortunately . .. ..$~tter~~p the wall ana I can't

take the temperature, but the most temF?rature I can,,fight is about

65. c

cc Roger.

2. I
, -

.: .

‘, 3

.,,, ..,.: .~^ ,.. ,,

. _.., : . ,.. .

-. ;..,I

, ..



Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #128, page 1

This is Gemini Control on the 47th revolution around the

earth with the spacecraft northeast of Australia. In the recent

Canarvon pass we got what Dr. Berry described as some of the best

medical data he's seen yet. He is extremely pleased with the

quality of the telemet.ry and with the values he saw. As we

crossed the Pacific Ocean the Canton Island station should be

in contact, Hatii should have a good contact on the order of 3

to 4 minutes and then as we cross the United States the pilots

plan to perform an Apollo landmark investigation check. From

the Cape they will receive an update, a computer update for the

values necessary before a 51-4 landing, if that should become,

j ,; '. ,
necessary between now and the 51st revolution. We are prepared

to play for you at this time the conversation between Gemini 4

and the Canarvon Station.

cc: Gemini 4, Canarvon capcom. You look good here on the

ground, we are standing by if you have any thing you need.

s/c : Roger, Capcom, Gemini 4 on

cc: Okay, with your switches on and continue on
s/c : Roger, thank you.

S/C:] Canarvon Cap Corn, has it stopped raining yet?

cc: Let me ta-ke a look outside.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #128 Page 2

cc: sticking his head out the window, wait a second

s/c : Okay

F. Canarvon, what attitude mode do you show on the ground?

cc: Horizon scanner, primary

, , ,.
F: Right
cc: Thank you.
: .s: 7
cc: It has stopped raining,. a little bit wet, tho.
s/c: Very good. We sure wild farms in the last
couple of days.

cc: about 3 inches of rain today, the people around

;: _.
here can really use it for the sheep, it's a low time of the year.
s/c : Ah, right. Kangeroo but I can't through the

cc : Your buddy awake.

s/c : No he's sound asleep

cc : Flight, we're not getting too much radar data.

F: Understand.

cc: This problem, I believe, is internal to this station.

F: Roger
cc: Flight, those horizon scanners seem to be looking real well.

Just getting a t&eny bit of drift on the roll but no at all.

The pitch is holding real tight and the, but, uh, just a teeny

bit of roll but very, very little.

F: Roger
I End Tape
. ". _ _ _
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape # 129, Page 1

This is Gemini Control Houston 74 hours 6 minutes into the

flight. The spacecraft at this time is over New Mexico, we, uh,

have not had any voice contact as yet with the pilots this pass

because they have been performing an Apollo landmark check: how-

ever, we expect momentarily they will have that completed and Gus

Grissom has a good deal of information to relay out to them, .

including the morning news. Stand by for a live transmission

from the Gemini 4 spacecraft.

F: Guaymas, Houston Flight.

Gys : Go ahead, Houston Flight

F: 'Did you have contact?

ed you about three time,
Gys : Roger, I was call&qxkiRy but apparently KXxasttid~Rix you couldn

hear me. All systems are green.

F: -57. Did you talk to the crew?

Gys : I contacted them, I said he was Go.

F: Rag.

F: Are you sure, was that a local problem there, Guaymas?

Gys : I don't know Flight, I don't think so. My M & 0 assures

me that everything was working allright. ’

F: Did you hear him, voice control?

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape-#129, Page 2.. ., .

vc: Negative, flight, he is cut in with talk, we didn't hear

anything come past here.
. . -
F: You mean you copied the same thing I copied?
,. .,

vc: Affirmative
1 : 1 :.-+. -’ ’ ,, . . .- ;
;, i, .; .; ; .

F: Rag
'. ,
cc: Gemini 4, Houston CapCom.
. '. .. . . : _( 1 .
.. .-
3 i . _ ‘.

s/c : Go,ahead, Houston, Gemini 4

.! _ I .-' . * ‘~: _ :- : I’ ’

cc: Ah roger, would like to give you your 51-4 time.

..s- .. ,'. -..- ' ... -- ?. ,>V’,

s/c : Okay, go ahead

,. 1::: ., ..__
- :. .'_
cc: Okay, 25 feet per second forward, 41 seconds, 128 aft
c, ..1: . .<.y -+.: ;
2+32 at 23+1602 2+428+45. Then with burn is 23+10+17 7+05
.I . _
eJ.!..'. ,... ;
.- .: :- : '
,,. .(.. - -.
,! ,; .:, ;. :,,. : :;e, ,“<I’. . - 7.
I,... ,. .-._ r..‘: *- ‘0 :.

s/c : Okay, got 'em. ._ . .~~ .I%

" ._ _;-;,'~~~,.-- ..,
cc: Okay, would you turn the computer on.
,.. ;II_
..A I ,? . .,
cc: Jim, did you get your computer on.
._;.. < . ._. ; . ,~
s/c : Roger, I just got it on a minute, couple of seconds ago.

cc: Okay, fine. _ .

cc: Hay,,. Jim, we've decided not to do i an orbit
adjust so you just
make one burn prior to retrofire. ': .
.., I ..!..
s/c: Okay, how big is it going to be?
cc: It'll be about 130 feet per second.

s/c : Okay, what's with the water right now?

cc: Say again?

Mission Commentary Transcript ri!?iipk+~#k&v, Page 3

s/c : What's my current order?

cc: Standy by, I'll get it for you. This means we've got some

extra fuel to play with so we're in the procws now of working

in some other tracking tests, some other things into your flight

plan and we'll be passing up to you as you go along. So we're

going to do a little more controlling.

s/c : Very good

cc: Your orbit right now is 86.3 by 141.6. ,Staying up very

very well.

S/C:] Very well.

cc: Did you do a main battery check on the last orbit?

s/c : 1'11 do it, do you want it

right now?

cc: Well, can you do it? We can wait a little while until

Ed wakes up, if you want.

s/c : Nah, he!11 be asleep for a while, I'll try to do it.

cc: Hay, do you want me to read the news to you while you are

trying to do that?

s/c : 1'11 tell you what, why don't I wait until its in the
Canaries, how ‘bout that?
cc: Yeah, that's a good idea.

s/c : Then I can do it when1 talking......

Mission Commentary Transcript Page 129, .Page 4

cc : okay, that's good, hey, uh, you don't go over the

s/c : You don't go over the Canaries this pass?

cc: Nah, but you can do it between now and Canarvon

s/c : Okay

cc: Okay, here's Haney's news release. It says in the

morning paper that you're'not going to go for 5 days. This

came up in a press conference last night and in answer to the

questions Chris said it looked like we had the consumables to

make it but we had no plans to do so.

. ‘
s/c : Roger

cc: Okay, there seems to be a move on in Rome to make Pope

John the 23rd a Saint, even though it may take a hundred years

or so.
s/c: Roger

cc: And the Dome Stadium ren..... controversy is still going on.
Then there's a nice story about Chris and the Control Center and

your flight team and Bhx your families in the Chronicle this

morning Bh. \

s/c : Very good

cc: And the last item, the Cards finally beat the Astros 4-3.

Took them 12 innkngs to do it.

Mission Commentary Transcript Page 129, Page 5

cc: That's about it. The rest of the news is Gemini 4.

s/c: okay, I missed that last part, but I guess it's okay.

cc: okay, it was just about today's ballgame.

s/c: okay. How are things going down at the Control Center?

cc: It's worked better than anybody had reason to expect.

F: Really great, Jim.

cc: Hey, Jim.

cc: Gemini 4, CapCom

F: Gemini 4, Houston Flight

F:] Gemini 4, Houston Flight

s/c : Hello, Houston Flight, Gemini 4

F: We're real pleased with the way the Control Center is '

working down here, the guys really have done a great job and

deserve a lot of credit. Tremendous place.

WC Roger, thank you. Glad to think things are working out.

F: Roger

cc: Gemini 4, Cap Corn, do you want to turn off your computer.

s/c: Roger

cc: Okay
End Tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #130, page 1

This is Gemini Control Houston 74 hours, 39 minutes into

the mission. At almost precisely 24 hours, correction, 23, 23

hours from now, we should have retrofire. We are in our 48th

revolution with the spacecraft on the crossing the seventh, the,

uh, southern tip of Africa coming up on a night time period in

a very few minutes. We've been out of touch since loss of signal

at Bermuda. Perhaps 15 minutes agom; During the next hour the

spacecraft will perform some orbital navigation checks between

Hawaii and Guaymas. It has been running in the horizon scan

control mode now, for the, uh, past two hours. It uh, will continue

that mode for, throughout most of the day. All in all we're looking

fine and dandy here in the Control Center, we have another visitor

coming up, expected shortly, Congressman Teague of the Manned

Space Fl., Manned Space Subcommittee of the House Space Committee.

Congressman Teague is from College Station. This is Gemini Control.

End Tape.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 131, Page 1

Gemini Control here 75 hours 10 minutes into the mission of the

48th revolution with the spacecraft northeast of Australia. Gemini IV

got its updates on future planned landing areas, contingency landing

areas in the pass over Carnarvon, and there was no other business to

take up at that time. They are still flying in the horizon scan control

mode. We here in the Control Center , the controllers have taken a

luncheon break. In the course of taking mine, I chatted with the gentle-

man from a local catering firm that has handled our cafeteria about

2 steps off the Control Room floor. His food certainly is worthy of

mention. He has provided around-the-clock cafeteria service since lift-off.

You get a nice luncheon spread, sandwich, etc. for about 95 cents,

Sausage, eggs and coffee for about 50 cents. He tells me since lift-off

he has served more than 2800 cups of coffee. I couldn't resist asking

what the planned usage rate was, and he said, "like everything else in the

mission, that's just about as expected." This is Gemini Control.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 132, Page 1

This is Gemini Control Houston, 75 hours 38 minutes into the flight.

Within the last minute, we acquired the Gemini IV spacecraft by the

Guaymas station. We are reading solid '1M now on the ground from Guaymas,

and momentarily we expect Gus Grissom and Jim McDivitt to get into
conversation. Texas has acquisition. Stand by and let's tune in live
for this pass across the United States, which will probably be the last
good one today.


Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 133, Page 1

This is Gemini Control, Houston, 76 hours 11 minutes into

the mission. We're in the 49th revolution. In the last pass

across the United States toward the end of that pass, comparing

notes with the ground, Jim McDivitt noted some trouble in his

ON/OFF switch in operating the computer. The indications are

that the switch may have been stuck in the ON position. There

are several ways around this switch, the most important of which

is the Master IGS power switch. McDivitt was advised to turn

the IGS power switch off and leave the computer in the ON

position. We're unable to confirm whether he received that

transmission as it occurred toward the sag end of his U.S.

pass. We will confirm it at subsequent stations, however.

We're ready to play for you at this time the tape of the pass.

The conversation begins approximately at Texas. There was no

conversation during the first half of pass. Let's have the


cc Gemini 4, Guaymas Cap COm.

WC Go ahead, Guaymas. Gemini 4.

cc Roger. All systems are green. We“ve got a change in time

for your D-9 experiment, run 4.

S/C Ok. Stand by one.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 133, Page 2

s/c Go ahead, Guaymas.

cc Roger. Start at sunset on rev 50 at 20 51 Zulu.

s/c ml 51 Zulu?

cc That's affirmative. Flight, Guaymas Cap Corn.

F1igh.t: GO ahead.

cc All systems are green. We passed up that information.

Flight: Roger.

cc That TR clock looks like about one second leading.

Flight: One second leading?

cc Yeah.

cc Texas has acquisition.

cc Gemini 4, Houston Cap Corn.

S/C Go ahead, Houston. Gemini 4.

cc Jim, would you turn your computer on.

S/C Roger.

Cc ok. I've got another experiment to pass up to you here.

S/C Ok. Just a minute.

s/c Go ahead, Houston. Gemini 4.

cc Hey, Ed, you’re awake.

WC Hi.

cc This concerns the zodiacal experiment which is going to be

on 5. And they want to find out if they're going to get any

fogging of their film from the attitude control thrusters. SO

_-.. . _ *..
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 133, Page 3

we'll likely use your 35mm Conterax and you can use either

black and white film or color. And set it wide open at F18

with the range set at 8 feet. Then we'd like for you to put

the camera against the window and hold it so that the nome

isn't in the field of view. Then we'd like two sets of photo-

graphs. One‘should be in pulse mode and have the spacecraft

pointed straight down to black earth'- this will be - I'll

give you a time to start it - this will be at the black earth

onnight side and then give one pulse up pitch - pitch pulse

up - and get a picture with the shutters of the camera open

in a bulb position. And as you come up through the horizon,

why, get another picture with pitch-down pulse with another

frame of the camera and again let the shutter wide open at that

time. And then we want the same type of picture - we want a

picture pulse up with the horizon view, with the b-lack earth

view'and a picture pulse down with the horizon view and the

black earth view.

s/c Roger - I got a pulse up and pulse down with the bulb
position on the 35 mm black and white or color. Set it up in

18 at 8 feet.

cc That's affirmative.

S/C Ok. Will do.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 133, Page 4

CC ok. We recommend you do it on rev 51, starting at about

21 40 GMT.

WC Roger. Rev 51, about 21 40.

cc Rover. You can turn off now. We checked

your load in it and it's all ok.

WC I have a question on the D-9 experiment. IS that the Apollo

run Number 4 or is that the other - the Air Force run Number 41

CC It's Air Force run.

S/C Ok. When are we going to do the Apollo run 4? That's the

one where we take all those --

cc Didn't you do it?

s/c * . .

cc Didn't you do it? Didn't you do the Apollo one?

S/C No. We haven't done that one yet.

CC Ok. We'll schedule that for you.

S/C Ok.

CC Ok. Jim, would you press on your sternal leads? Hey, and

we have indication that you're using about two amps more thah
we think you should. We're wondering what is the position of

your suit pan, or do you have something else on that we don't know


S/C Yeah, we have the suit pan at two - we'll turn them back to

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 133, Page 5

cc That's ok.

S/C Hey, I just - I still have my malfunction light and my

computer light on with the switch off.

cc We show- a 'computer on -and 2-m malfunction'light. What's

your status now? With the computer?

s/c . . . . prelaunch and some'other mode.

cc What mode were you in when you got your malfunction light?

S/C What? ..

cc Well, what mode are you in on .your computer now? :

s/c I just ran from prelaunch to checkout - at that time the

camp light off - let's see if it comes back on now. Ok. It's

back on now. Now we'll turn the whole'computer off and see

what happens. Now, I still get the computer running lightswhen

I've got the switch off. .: '.- -'.%,,

cc You still have. the,Lcomputer running 'light with the switch off?
s/c That's affirmative; ..

cc . .

s/c What?
cc We still show tha,t the computer is on..

s/c Affirmative - you show that the. computer's on?

cc That's what we show down here.

S/C ok.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 133, Page 6
cc Cycle it one time, now, Jim.

s/c . . .

cc Say again.

S/C Yes. Can you tell what mode we're in down there?
cc Affirmative.

S/C ok. We're going ta catch-up as soon as it switches over there.

cc It's a catch-up.

S/C Did it switch on?

cc It sure did. Switch it back to off.

s/c Houston.

cc Go ahead, Jim.

S/C what mode are we now?

cc you're in catch-up.

s/c Is that what it shows down there?

cc It shows you in catch-tip and on, that's correct.

S/C Ok. My ON/Off switch must have failed in the ON position.

Hey, ground.

cc Go ahead.
S/C We're going to euitch the IGS power off and let it go back
to prelaunch and just turn the IGS power on.

cc Just stand by on it, Jim.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 133, Page 7

cc Did you get that?

cc Gemini 4, Houston Cap Corn.

S/C Go ahead, Cap Corn. This is Gemini 4.

cc Leave your computer the way it is for a few minutes. Ok?

S/C Ok. I'll leave it switch off, in prelaunch, with the computer

light burning. Actually, the computerts on, I guess.

cc Roger. We got all the experts pouring through the books,


S/C Ok.

cc Hey, Jim. Did you have your HF on when you passed over

Ascension in the last orbit?

S/C Well, I did have my HF on but I was reading somebody in. UHF.

cc Yeah, they gave you a call.

s/c I answered him UHF,but I never got a response.

CC Ok. Fine. Hey, we" re still thinking down here. Gemini

4, do you still read?

cc Gemini 4, Houston Cap Corn.

cc Gemini 4, Houston Cap Corn.

cc Gemini 4, if you read turn your IGS off.

End of Tape.
Mission Cmntary Transcript Tape 134, Page 1

This is Gemini Control Houston, 76 hours 41 minutes into the mission

on the 49th revolution. Just had a pass at the northern edge of the

Carnarvon contact zone. We are satisfied now that In the pass that

McDivitt heard our broadcast as he went down the Eastern Test Range.
We are satisfied that he has left his computer switch in the ON position,

and over on the upper right wall of the cabin over Ed White's right
shoulder, he has put a switch there, the IGS switch in the ACME position.

Earlier, we had - indications were that we had asked them to put that
IGS switch in the OFF position, but reconsideration with the Guidance

Navigation and Control people here thought it best to put it in the

ACME position, which means attitude control maneuver electronics. !ChiS

will leave - this allows electricity to flow through the ACME circuits

which control the maneuver thruster action. We expect contact with the
Rose Knot Victor in 67 tinutes from now. Meanwhile, we have the tape
for you from the Carnarvon pass. It is very brief and it is noisy. Here
it is at this time.

SF Hello Carnarvon, Gemini IV, over and out

cc Roger, is your computer switches in the ON position, your AC power

switch in the ACME position.

S/C Computer switch is ON and AC power in ACME, is that right?

cc That's affirmative.

s/c Okay.
FLT Where did he have it?

cc What position were you in?

S/C It was in - . . . switch ON and AC power in IGS.

L L -
Mission Commentary Transcript ,!?a& 134, Page 2

cc Roger. I understand

cc What load were you in?

cc What computer load Gere you in?
s/c ............... Computer ON ....... AC power switch in Ids

cc Okay
FLT Carnarvon ask him to describe again what happened when he turned

the switch to the OF'F position, and after he's done that , if he
hasn't said so., ask him if he saw a ma1 .
.: :
cc Roger *
. . .
cc Tell me what happened-when you went to OFF position.
_' _:_ .;
s/c Carnarvon. . . Gemini IV
cc I read you loud and clear.
cc Go ahead Gemini IV, I read you loud and clear
s/c Carnarvon, Gemini IV
. ,.
cc Gemini IV, Carnarvon Cap Corn

s/c Carnarvon, Gemini IV

cc Gemini IV, Carnarvon Cap Com

cc Gemini IV, Carnarvon Cap Com '-~ ""' .'

cc Gemini IV, Carnarvon Cap Com. Over'
.I ,'
cc Gemini IV, Carnarvon Cap Com

FLT You had very low elevation this pass, Eddie, he may not be
reading us.

cc That’s probably true, I’m getting a lot of dropouts.

cc Gemini IV, Carnarvon Cap Corn

s/c Carnarvon, Gemini IV, do you read?

-. . . ___ . -. ..-- .__ x--- . . .-. .

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 134, Page 3

CC Read you loud and clear, how me?

s/c Loud and clear

cc Okay, tell me briefly what happened when you went to the OFF

position over the mainland.

s/c I went to the OFF position . . . nothing happened

cc Did you get a malfunction light?

s/c What

cc Did you get a malfunction light?

s/c No, I didn't. I got the malfunction light when I turned the AC

power from IGSto ACME.

cc Roger, I understand.

s/c ......
cc Did you copy that play?

No. I'm not sure I understood it, but keep . . . . him, and

we will,get a briefing from you, if you understood it.

cc Okay, . . . . . . . . .
cc Gemini IV, Carnarvon, how do you read?

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 135, Page 1

This is Gemini Control, 77 hours and 28 minutes into the

mission and we've just started the 50th revolution. For the
last revolution around the earth, we've had - encountered a

little difficulty with the onboard computer switch. The ON/OFF

switch has been acting up. We've tested the circuit breakers

on it and looked at it. It isn't acting just exactly as it

should. I am pleased to report that all other systems on board

are entirely green at this time. This particular switch is

the subject of considerable conversation that we have on tape -

conversation first with the Coastal Sentry Quebec, then a brief

conversation with the Hawaii station and then as the spacecraft

swung down the western Centra,l American coast, through Houston.

It's also worth noting that throughout the course of this flight,

we have mentioned time and again, Gus Grissom, the Capsule

Communicator on this.shift, and at his side every day has been

John Young who was also at .his side some 76 days ago, during their

flight in GT-3. John, during the course of this flight, has

been just as silent as he was during that GT-3 flight. Gus has

done all the talking. We're prepared to play the tape for you

now and we'll listen to that tape at this time.

S/C CSQ, Cap, Gemini 4.

cc Roger. Do you have a computer malfunction light on?

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 135, Page 2

S/C Negative. But I sure have a pretty combination of switches.

I've got the ACME power \ on and I've got the computer on -

my computer light finally went on and finally my malfunction

light went off.

cc Can you tell me when your computer light went on and when

your malfunction light went off.

S/C Ok. When we put the ACME . . . . I changed to ACME and I

put the power in the computer, the computer light went off, the

malfunction light came on, but the computer light came back on and the malfunction light stayed on and then some bulbs

got dimmer. A little while later, about three or four minutes

after we went to ACME power, the computer went out. The malfunction

light stayed on for about another four or five minutes and

finally it went out.

cc Roger.

Flight: Send us a message on that CSQ. Describe it.

cc Say again.

Flight: Send us a teletype message.

cc Roger.

cc Flight, all of his systems look good.

Flight: Roger.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 135, Page 3

s/c Station calling Gemini 4, say again.

cc Rcwr, Hawaii.calling Gemini 4. Would like to remind you

you have critical tape dump over Guaymas. Acquisition time

of Guaymas, 20 25 03. Did you copy? Over.

s/c Negative. I did not copy.

cc Roger. Your critical tape dump over Guaymas. Acquisition

time, 20 25 03. Did you copy? Over.

S/C You said we have a critical T/M dump over Guaymas at 20 25.

cc Roger.

\ S/C Who am I talking to?

cc This is Hawaii.

S/C Roger, Hawaii. Can you tell me how I am doing on my electrical


cc Roger. Stand by.

Flight: You're doing great.

cc Roger. Flight reports you are doing great.

s/c Above or below the predicted?

Flight: He hasn't used as much as we predicted and we predict

he's got plenty of power left.

cc Roger. You have not used as much as predicted and should be

well ahead.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 135, Page 4

s/c Rog.

cc You're fat by apprpximately 160.

S/C Roger, Understand I've got 160 amp power more than we had


cc That is affirmative.

S/C ok.

S/C Have they got my computer figured out yet?

Flight: -Negative.

cc Negative on that, Gemini 4.

Flight: We're working on it.

cc They're working on it at the present time.

S/C Ok.

cc Flight, Hawaii.

Flight: Go ahead.

cc We did send a TX. It was rejected on our first transmission.

Retransmitted and it was accepted.

Flight: Rog.

cc All systems looked good on the ground. Negative malfunction


Flight: Rog.

cc Flight, Hawaii.

Flight: Go ahead.

-. -- 0
n 7 f- --
i i * L -_ -- -
il- 1L
n L & - A b A. L L

--. _... ...~--

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 135, Page 5

cc We have had LOS.

Flight: Roger.
cc All systems looked Ok on the ground, Flight.

Flight: Roger.

cc Gemini 4, Houston Cap Corn.

S/C Ok, Houston. This is Gemini 4,

cc Roger. Gemini 4, we would like for you to bring your IG& -

your power switch - ease your power switch back to IGS and your

computer switch on. And we'd like for you to watch - when you

do that we'd like for you to watch for a rise in amperage to

make sure it comes on.

s/c Ok.

cc We want you to leave this on till you just about finish

your pass o'ver here. We want to check the computer memory.

WC Ok. It's going on now.

cc GuayItEis, go ahead with your pass.

CCG We're having a little difficulty locking up on T/M.

Flight: Roger.

S/C Houston, Gemini 4. I've got the malfunction light on now.

It won't go out.

CCG Gemini 4, Guaymas Cap Corn.

S/C Roger, Guaymas, Gemini 4.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 135, Page 6

CCG Roger. I‘m not receiving T/M. I'm getting it intermittently

now. .

CCG Gemini 4, Guaymas Cap Corn. We're standing by for a tape


s/c Roger. You want me to dump it or can you just dump it by


CCG You'll have to dump it.

S/C Ok. Tape playback coming on continuous.

CCG Flight, Guaymas.

Flight: Go ahead.

s/c Be advised I can't get my malfunction light on my computer


CCG Roger. Did you copy, Flight?

Flight: He now has his ma1 light off?

CCG He's got it on and he can't get it off.

Flight: Rog.

CCG Gemini 4, we've still not received your dump.

S/C ok. I've got the tape playback continuous.

CCG Guaymas Cap Corn, Houston E Corn, get a transmitter on.

CCG I have still no modulation, Gemini 4.

S/C ok. Stand by.

Flight: Has he got the transmitter on?

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 135, Page 7

CCG That's affirmative. I've got a carrier, Flight. No

modulation, though.

Flight: you're sure that isn't the Aq aid?

CCG Negative. People are cued up for a dump.

S/C GuaymaS, Gemini 4. All the switches and circuit breakers

are on. You ought to be getting it.

CCG Roger, stand by.

CCG Flight, I think you're right. T/M says he can't tell for

sure whether it's Aq aid or the dump.

E Corn: Guaymas, Cap Cpm, this is Houston E Corn. Have that

T/M switch to real time/delayed time and you'll get it.

CCG That's how he turned iton, I assume. Gemini 4, Guaymas

Cap Corn.

S/c Go ahead.

CCG Did you place the telemetry switch to real time and dump


WC Real time and delay time?

CCG That's affirmative.

S/C Ok. You can't command anything on, that right?

CCG I got it now, Gemini 4.

S/C Roger.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 135, Page 8
CCG We finally got it, Flight.

Flight: Roger. .
CCG Do you want a computer summary, Flight?

CCG Houston Flight, Guaymas Cap Corn.

CCH Gemini 4, Houston Cap Corn.

Flight: Stand by.

CCH Gemini 4, Houston Cap Corn.

S/C Go ahead, Houston,Gemini 4.

CCH Roger. Would you check your indicator light test circuit

breaker and make sure - and turn it off and see if it turns

off your ma1 light. Over on y0ur left panel.

CCH Do you know the circuit breaker I mean, Jim?

CCH Gemini 4, Houston Cap Corn.

CCH Gemini 4, Houston Cap Corn.

S/C Go ahead, Houston, reading you loud and clear.

CCH Roger. Turn off your indicator light tes,t circuit breaker

on your left circuit breaker panel.

S/C Roger. I already have, Gus, and it didn't turn off the light.

CCH It doesn't do it any good, huh?

S/C Negative.

CCH Will you turn your quantity read on for ten seconds?

CCH Jim, we show that the memory is ok. We're showing about the

same thing you are otherwise.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 135, Page 9

S/C Ok. Let me cycle the computer mode up to - say, catch-up.

and then prelaunch. \


WC That didn't seem to do any good.

CCH You have the computer switch on and your power switch in

IGS, right?

S/C Affirmative. I have the computer switch on and the power

, IGS. Let me switch the computer switch off and back


CCH Jim, What I told you about your memory isn't correct. We

have - we're not able to check your memory this pass.

S/C Ok. Be advised that even when I turn off the computer

operate switch I still have the malfunction light on.

CCH Roger. How about going to catch-up and hitting that Start


S/C Ok.

CCH Nothing happens when you hit your reset button, huh?

S/C Yeah, the light goes out and goes back on in a couple of

seconds. Just like there's a malfunction.

CCH Ok. Have you hit Start Comp?

S/C Yeah. That's what turned the computer light on.

CCH Ok, Jim. Go ahead and put your EC power switch to ACME.

Leave your computer switch on.

, .
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 135, Page 10

s/c Computer switch on. Ok.

CCH We'll work on it. \We'll give you an answer when we get one.

S/C ok. Be advised when we go to ACME . . . for just a short

time very dimly and then go out.

CCH Say that again.

s/c . . .

CCH ok.

End of Tape.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 136, Page 1

This is Gemini Control Houston, 78 hours and 11 minutes into the

mission. Mission Director Chris Kraft has just advised the Coastal
Sentry Quebec in the western Pacific to pass up to the Gemini IV space-
craft in approximately 5 minutes the time-to-retro values for a 63-1

landing. This would be in the primary landing zone for the 63rd revolution.

We are now in the 50th revolution, and this pass is taking the spacecraft
over the northeast coast of South America. During the course of that pass

over northeast coast of South America, the pilots were to energize the
flux gate magnetometer and the electron proton spectrometer, two devices
used to measure the strength of the magnetic field which dips to its lowest

point over the earth just off the coast of South America. Both pilots were
scheduled to eat - they are scheduled to eat right now. They should have
started a few minutes ago. In about half an hour, it will be Jim McDivitt's
turn to go back to sleep. Flight progressing very nicely at this point.
We still haven't quite figured out what's wrong with that computer switch
which has been acting up, but it is not of critical concern. Reviewing the
electrical circuits involved and hope to have a solution shortly. This
is Gemini Control at 78 hours and 12 minutes into the flight.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 137, Page 1

Gemini Control here, 78 hours 45 minutes into the mission on the

50th revolution. At this time, Jim McDivitt,who was programed to catch

a little sleep*in this period, is still up. He is talking now to the

Guaymas station as the spacecraft swings along the Mexican coast. He

has been describing whether they are going to put their various items

of equipment, got it all laid out, H just broke us up here by saying

after reeling off a long list of storage spots, someone reminded him
that it was pretty crowded up there and he suggests that we could just

barely see out the windows. Earlier we had an outstanding pass in the

Pacific area where he was in touch with the Coastal Sentry Quebec.
Then the range tracker ship immediately after CSQ, and then Hawaii. That
tape is ready. We now have the tape and will roll it for you at this
time. This is Gemini Control.

cc Gemini IV, CSQ, do you copy?

s/c Go ahead CSQ, you want a . . . . on the pilot, is that right?

cc On the Command Pilot. Skip the temperature and just give us the
blood pressure.

s/c Okay.

cc Is the pilot awake?

s/c Yes he is.

cc Will you give me your status on main batteries?

s/c Roger. Just a minute.

s/c Okay, we've got full scale on the . . .

cc Turn the . . . . switch off

Mission Commentary Iranscript Tape 137, Page 2

cc Gemini IV pilot, CSQ, do you copy?

s/c I did

cc Roger. on your main - main batteries

s/c Roger

cc Roger, advise the command pilot first blood pressure is good

cc Go ahead exercise on your mark

s/c Main batteries are on 9 and 22 and one-half.

cc What is your status for the 63~1 rev?

s/c Status is GO
on the ground
cc Roger. 'We are GO/also, I am going to have to change your . . . . . .
with the 63-1 TR.

s/c Roger. I've had my battery readout . . . at 9 and 22 5.

cc Roger got that. and the adapters all reading around 2 and 24 and l/2.

cc You say amps reading 2 and voltage 24.3

s/c Roger about 2$

cc Roger.

cc Be advised that the - Houston does not know yet what the problem

is on that computer. You will still be advised later.

s/c Thank you

cc Okay, we got a full cut on the blood pressure7

cc Your 63-1 G.m.t. RC time , I've got it when you are prepared to


s/c All right go ahead.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 137, Page 3

cc 63-1 16 hours 56 minutes 01 seconds.

s/c Roger. 63-1 16 56 01

cc Roger. ‘That second blood pressure is good.

cc Has the command pilot been drinking water?

s/c Affirmative. I guess I have been drinking water . . . had a meal.


cc He is halfway through one meal.

. s/c Affirmative.

cd How much water?

s/c About 10 gulps.. . . in the last 3 hours.

cc Roger. COPY
cc Okay. I have some flight plan items for you, when you are

prepared to copy.

s/c I'll try it.

cc Roger. Experiment MSC 2 and 3, on and off by preschedule time.

s/c Roger. Do you have a . . . . . . . . on that?

cc Roger. The MSC 2 and 3. . . forward start at 23 hours 49 minutes

end at 15 minutes on revolution 52. Are you clocked out on the

...... mission?

Roger. End of Experiment MSC 2 and 3,15 minutes. The next day

read 52.
cc Houston flight, CSQ

FLT Go ahead.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 137, Page 4

Did you copy?

Affirmative. Loud and clear.

Gemini IV, Hawaii Cap Corn

Hawaii, Gemini IV
Roger. I would like to complete your flight plan update. I would
like to confirm you have got item 2 MSC 2 and 3. Are you ready
to copy?
Roger. We are ready to copy, but speak slowly, you're breaking

Roger. Item 2, MSC 2 and 3 FBF high, start at 23 49 Lulu, end at

00 15, rev 52. Did you copy, over.

MSC 2 and 3 fall in forward at 23 49 end at 00 15 rev 52.

Roger V8 experiment. Check number one. Start at 23 57. Check

number 2, start at 01 30. Item number 4, onboard map update, rev 50

..... node 102 degrees east at G.m.t. of 21 26.

Item 5, if possible, F6 photos of tropical storm off the west

coast of Mexico, tropical storm, Victoria. Item number 6, delete

Apollo landmark run number 7. Area is too cloudy. Did you copy? Over

Roger. I copied all the information.

Roger. You look good here on the ground, Gemini IV

You look good up here also.

Hawaii Cap Com standing by

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape137, Page5

cc You copy, Flight?

FLT Roger, loud and clear

cc Roger, We got the Tx time here for Guaymas and IDS.

FLT Rog.

cc Gemini IV, Guaymas Cap Corn

s/c Go ahead Guaymas, Gemini IV

cc Roger. All systems look great. FLight would like you to think

about where you plan on stowing the equipment. Theywouldlike

to come up with a ...... So in the next few hours, if you could,

we would like you to think about it and maybe tell us where you
are going to put all the things.

s/c Okay, we have already thought about it, and we thought about
it quite early in the ball game. We are going to put the . . .
pack back down in the wheel well, foot well at the righthand side,

poke it back down where it was at the launch.

cc Rog.

s/c We are going tq'take the cables and Ed is going to hold it between
his legs, about level with the bottom of the seat.

cc Roger

s/c We are going to put the gun back in the . . . . . . . box.

cc Roger

s/c We are going to put the film in the center food box
cc Say again

s/c We are going to put the film, the . . . . film

cc Roger
Mission Commentary Transcript nape 137, Page 6

s/c We are going to put the camera in the lefthand foot box.

cc Roger
in the middle . . . box
s/c We are going to put tie . . ..

cc Roger

SIC And all the refuge is going in the righthand food box.

cc Roger

s/c I think that takes care of it.

cc Roger. We got it.

s/c Okay, the refuge that doesn't fit in the righthand food box

will go either in the lefthand food box or in the sidewall box

where we have got the film.

cc Roger. Did you copy all of that, Flight?

FLT Roger

s/c The sleeves on the . . . . suit in that extra thick garment on

one of my legs will be stowed in my foot well on the left side.

cc Roger

s/c And I think that takes care of it.

cc Sounds like you are kinda crowded up there.

s/c It is pretty deep, I can just barely see out the window.

cc We will see you tomorrow.

s/c Okay

cc Did you copy all of that, Flight?

FLIT lhud and clear

FLT Tell him flight wants to know how much the refuge wei&s.

cc Gemini IV, flight wants to know how much that refuge weighs.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 1-37, Page 7

s/c About 3,000 pounds.

cc I'll pass that along.

FLT The packages that the food came in, the defecation bag, the . . .

urine bag, and a lot of waste paper like that, so it shouldn't

be too heavy.
cc Roger
FLT He got the point the first time.

End of Tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 138, page1

This is Gemini Control, 79 hours 8 minutes into the flight, on the

51st revolution. The spacecraft just left the southeast coast of

South America and entered dark - entered another night. It will

probably be out of contact with our stations this pass. The pass will
carry it over Pertoria and Tannarive. But Tannarive's voice contact
reported up earlier has not functioned this afternoon. Then the pass
will swing up across the Indian Ocean along the China coast and back
across the Pacific. The shift is about to change again. The team led
by Gene Kranz. Many of the flight controllers are coming in now, con-
ducting the normal kind of changers shift briefing that goes on.

This is Gemini control.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 139, Page 1

This is Gemini Control. It is 79 hours and 39 minutes

since Gemini 4 lifted off at Cape Kennedy last Thursday morning.

The spacecraft is now in its 51st revolution around the earth

and at the present time is over southeast Asia on the night side

of the world. We have just had a shift change here at the Mission

Control Center. Gene Kranz has again taken over as Flight

Director from Chris Kraft and his White Team has moved into the

consoles. Before leaving the Flight Surgeon console at Mission

Control Center, Dr. Charles Berry said the astronauts are in

great physical condition. At this time, in spacecraft Gemini 4

command pilot Jim McDivitt is a sleep period. Pilot Ed White

is taking pictures of the attitude control thruster plumes,

according to our flight plan. This is Gemini Control.

End of Tape.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape140, page 1

This is Gemini control at 80 hours and 8 minutes into the four-day

flight mission of Gemini IV. The spacecraft is on its 51 st revolution

of the earth and is now over the Pacific Ocean. As the spacecraft

passed over the Coastal Sentry Quebec our tracking ship in the Pacific

a few minutes ago pilot Ed White received directions for test that may
clear up the question as to wether or not the spacecraft computer is

functioning properly. On instructions relayed to Gemini IV from the

MCC, White turned the computer switch to OF'F Position. He then turned
on the AC power to the inertial guidance system and then again turned
the computer to ON position. He was asked to let the computer run for
approximately 90 minutes to two hours. This may warm up the switch
mechanism if it had been cold. If the test is successful~the computer
will be left on for the rest of the mission - the computer switch.

Pilot White acknowledged the message. He also reported sighting

tropical storm Victoria, located off the coast of Mexico. We will now
play back the voice tape between the Coastal Sentry Quebec and the

spacecraft. This is Gemini control.

s/c Gemini IV to CSQ, do you copy?

cc Roger. Houston request that we pass the following info to you,
regarding the computer problem. Do you copy?

s/c Roger, go ahead.

cc Roger. They report that in ground testing on spacecraft GT-2

and GT-3 the same problem was encountered and that it apparently
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 140, page 2

was caused by the computer being too cold. And Houston request

you to take the foliowing action. Do ;you copy?

s/c Roger. Copy and standing by.

cc Roger. Computer switch to OFT, AC power switch to IGS, then

computer switch to ON. Do you copy?

s/c Roger. Computer OFF, AC ON, camputer ON.

cc Roger. After about 20 minutes start punching the malfunction

light to see if it will reset and extinguish.

spc Roger. Then wait 20 minutes see if it resets and extinguish.

cc Roger.
Flight CSQ, Houston Cap Corn Houston Flight.

cc Go ahead, flight.

Flight Roger. If he doesn't get the li@t to extinguish the first

time, have him keep doing it at intervals of 5 to 10 minutes.

cc Gemini IV, if the malfunction light doesnot retset the first

time, keep turning it at intervals of 5 to 10 minutes.

s/c Roger. If it doesn't reset the first time, try at intervals

of 5 to 10 minutes.

cc Roger.

s/c If we get that thing running again do you want us to leave it

on operate?
cc Roger. It will be left on for the rest of the flight.

s/c Seems like a good idea to me.

cc Say again.


L 1L
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 140, page 3

s/c That sounds like a pretty good idea to me.

cc Roger. .!l%is is an attempt to get the computer warmed up and

also recharge the ACW which is probably run down at this time

s/c Roger. Understand . . .

cc Roger. All systems look good on the ground and that is all

we have unless you have something else to report.

sighting of
s/c Report to the W men the/tropical storm Victoria, the clouds
and outer extremities . . . that we passed over . . . .

cc Roger, understand.

s/c . . . command pilot . .

cc Say again about command pilot.

s/c The command pilot is retiring for the evening.

cc Roger.

s/c . . .

cc Roger. (Jell1 be seeing you next pass.

s/c Roger. Thank you very much.

cc Roger

Flight CSQ Cap Corn Houston Flight

cc Go ahead flight.

Flight Roger. Tuck did he ever get your TX?

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 141, page 1
This is Gemini Control at 81 hours 21 minutes into the mission. Gemini IV

is on its 52nd revolution around the earth and is now over China. The
apogee of our revolution is approximately 161 statute miles, the perigee

is about 98 statute miles. As Gemini IV passed the Rose Knot Victor

tracking ship in the Pacific, a short while ago, pilot Ed White advised

that the computer light switch is still on. Indicating we still have

the computer problem. Rose Knot Victor ship personnel reported they
were able to see the spacecraft as it passed over their station on the

night side. We will now play back the voice transmission tape made

during that pass. This is Gemini Control.

Flight Hawaii, Cap Corn Houston flight.

cc Go flight.

Flight Roger. Will you query the astronaut and see if he has attempted
to powerup the computer as we indicated over the CSQ?

cc Roger, will do.

cc Gemimi, Gemini IV, Hawaii Cap Corn.

s/c Come in Hawaii, Gemini IV.

cc Roger, we would like to find out if you tried the procedure

that was given you over CSQ on your computer.

S/C Affirmative, the procedure was given me 10 minutes ago and I

have 10 more minutes to wait till I try to reset.

Flight We heard that Hawaii.
cc Roger, Gemini TV we heard that.

S/C How is everything down there?

cc You are looking good here Gemini IV.

s/c Roger. We are all fine up here.


L i - - &
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 141, page 2

cc Roger.

cc Gemini IV, RKV CaP\ Corn.

s/c . . . . garbled

cc Roger. We are showing the indication here on the ground of

the computer being in a prelaunch mode. We are also showing

a malf'unction indication. How does it look up there?

s/c . . . . and I have been unable to reset it.

cc Roger, flight advised that it may take a little while and

continue attempting to reset it during this rev.

s/c Roger. Will do.

cc’ All of your systems look good here on the ground. We will

stand by for the rest of this pass.

s/c Roger. They are.all good up here, also.

cc Roger.

s/c Flight, we have an indication of a valid pos on the computer

do you want a summary? Onboard computer summary?

Flight Roger, go ahead.

s/c Okay, we are sending it now. We are showing in indication of

FEP lagging by 5 minutes here on the ground. Could you give me

a readout on ground elapsed time, please.

Flight Roger. Ground elapsed time on my MARKwill be 80 hours 30 minutes.

21MARK. 80 hours 30 minutes.

s/c Roger, thank you. We are a little off here. Thats about a 2 second

error in SET

* . .
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 141, page 3
Flight Roger.

s/c TR is right on.

Flight Roger'.

s/c We are showing a fluctation in AC voltage. It's fluctating

between 26.8 and 27.3.

Flight Roger.

s/c Local printout on the data on the computer looks pretty good

from here.

Flight Say again.

s/c We made a local printout of the onboard computer and it looks

pretty good from here.

Flight Okay.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 142, page 1

This is Gemini Control. Che Gemini Iv spacecraft passed over the

Coastal Sentry \Quebec tracking ship in the Pacific Ocean a few minutes

ago. 'Ihe spacecraft is 81 hours 41 minutes into its mission and on

its 52nd revolution of the earth. Coastal Sentry Quebec flight controlleri
advised pilot Ed White to leave the computer switch in the ON position

and said it might take a few revolutions to "lineup". The tracking

ship also advised Ed White that the spacecraft looked in GO position

from the ground. White replied all systems are CC here, also. We will
now play back that voice tape.
cc Gemini IV, CSQ Cap Com. Do you copy?

s/c Co ahead CSQ, Gemini IV.

cc Roger. Flight advises it may take several orbits for your

computer to come on line. Would like for you to leave the
computer in the prelaunch mode and then will advise you later.

s/c Roger, I understand. Leave it in the prelaunch mode.

cc Roger. The ground will follow trend data and advise you

s/c Roger, I understand.

cc He advised also, that you have a critical tape dump over Hawaii

and also a medical pass.

s/c Roger, I understand.

cc That's in about 7 or 8 minutes.

SIC Roger.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 142, page 2

cc Also we have a new computation on your orbit. Perigee 85.3

Apogee 139 with a three day life time.

s/c I understand, 85 a;d 139.

cc Roger.

cc Gemini IV, give us your quantity read switch for about 15 seconds.

s/c Roger

cc Roger, we've got it.

Okay we've got your quantity.

s/c Quantity off.

cc All systems look Go down here.

s/c Good, they are all good up here, also.

cc Roger.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 143, page 1

cc Gemini IV, Hawaii Cap corn.. We have your temperature. You

can start your blood pressure and stand by for our surgeon.

s/c Roger, coming right up. We are dumping blood.

cc Roger, I have a radar track, okay.

Gemini IV, Hawaiian surgeon.

s/c Go ahead Hawaii, Gemini IV.

cc We are having some difficulty recording blood pressure on the

ground but the data is being remoted to Houston. We will try

it once more.

s/c Roger, pumping it up. Full scale.

cc Houston flight, this is Hawaii Cap Corn.

Flight Go Hawaii.

cc Are you receiving our blood pressure there.

Flight Affirmative

cc Roger, we are not copying it here on the ground.

Flight Okay, I'll-tell you when its full scale, if you need it.
. -
cc Okay, we have a valid blood pressure, standing by for exercise

on your MARK.

cc We can handle that flight.

Flight Okay

s/c MARK.
Flight Hawaii your biamed data is excellent.
Tape143, page 2

cc Roger.

cc Flight, Hawaii we are experiencing dropout on TM.

Flight Roger, we are experiencing dropouts on your data back here too.

cc Modulation on dump is still coming through good though.

Flight Roger.

cc Gemini IV, Hawaiian surgeon be advised we had telemetry dropout

and may have missed your second blood pressure. Have you

transmitted yet?

s/c Roger, I've transmitted.

cc Roger, would you give us one more, please.

s/c Roger, coming up. Cot a full scale.

cc I;ooks like this will be a good one. Standing by for your food,

water and sleep report. ,i

s/c Roger. I started on the meal 1 of day 4, I've had about 8 swallows

of water. I slept about an hour and a half this last 4 hours.

cc Roger, was it good sleep?

s/c It was a good sound sleep and I don't feel that I require any

cc Roger, thank you Gemini IV. Back to Hawaii Cap cam.

s/c Roger

cc Gemini IV, Hawaii Cap Com. I have a D-9 update for you. When
you are ready to copy.

cc Gemini IV, Hawaii Cap Com.

Gemini TV, Hawaii Cap Com

Tape 143, Page 3

s/c Go ahead Hawaii, Gemini IV.

cc Roger> I have a D-9 update for you when ever you are ready
to copy.

s/c Roger, ready to go.

cc Apollo run 4. Your start time 00:02:45. Stop time 00: 03:2~
Did you copy, over?

s/c Roger, understand. Apollo run 4, 00:02:45, 00:03:21

Flight Hawaii, those are hours and minutes as given.
Hawaii Cap Corn, Houston Flight.

cc Go, Hawaii.

Flight Roger, those times were incorrect. They are hours and minutes.
cc Roger.

cc Gemini IV, Hawaii, Cap Com.

s/c Go ahead, Gemini IV

cc Roger, those times I gave you were in error. That is 02 hours

45 minutes for your start time. 03 hours 21 minutes for your
Stop time.

s/c Roger, 02 45 and 03 21. I copied them also.

cc Roger.

s/c I've been advised by last MSC that I passed through the anomalie.
I didn't feel I had a good dial referencesmall-end-forward
I'm going to repeat with my small-end-forward/this run to be

sure we have a good run. I'll do a modified version of the

Apollo Number 4.
Tape 143, page 4

cc Roger, understand.

Hawaii, Cap Com standing by. Everything looks good on the


Flight Stu you can tell him his coolant temperatures are ccxning up

some what so we are optimistic about being able to get this

computer on line.

cc Roger, I understand.

Gemini IV, Hawaii Cap Com. E!e advised your coolant temperatures
are coming up and do we do feel optimistic about your computer

problem. Did you copy Gemini’IV?

Flight I think he did Hawaii.

cc Roger, flight. Did you copy on the experiment, the MSC


Flight Roger. He says he is going to do a modified version of same.

cc Roger.

End of Tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 144, page 1

This is Gemini Control. Our Spacecraft Gemini IV is now over the

east coast of South America on its 53rd revolution over the earth.
Ground elapsed time is now 82 hours and 11 minutes since lift-off.
A short while ago the spacecraft passed over the Rose Knot Victor,
Par 'f
our tracking ship off the east coast of .%ru. Pilot Ed White was
advised that Pegasus satellite would pass over the spacecraft at a

slant range of approximately 300 statute miles, as he approaches

the Coastal Sentry Quebec tracking ship in the Pacific Ocean. White
acknowledged the data and reported that command pilot Jim McDivitt

is still asleep. He said the computer light will now blink off when
the switch is pressed but does come back on. Flight director Gene
Kranz intevets as a sign that the warm up test will square the

sys tern away. We will now play back the voice transmission made as
the spacecraft passed over the tracking ship. This is Gemini control.
cc Gemini IV, Gemini IV, RKV Cap Com.

S/C . . . Gemini IV.

cc Roger, we are showing the pumps on in both loops on the ground.

Is that correct?

s/c Roger, I turned the secondary pump on (garbled)

cc Roger.

s/c Do you have any . . . .

cc Say again.

S/C . . . Garbled
Tape 144,Page 2

cc I do not understand, say again, please.

s/c Roger. Hawaii was trying to give me some type of message
concerning the . . . system when we had elapsed. Do you

have that message for me.

cc Roger, we sure do. Indications are that the system is beginning

to warm up somewhat and that we feel the computer will come on

before long.

Flight Roger, have him turn the secondary loop back off, please.

cc Roger, would you turn the secondary loop back off, please.

s/c Say again, please.

cc Roger, would you turn the secondary loop off again, please.

s/c Secondary loop OFF.

cc Roger. I have a Pegasus update for you.

s/c Alright, go ahead.

cc Roger. That's Pegasus will be on the horizon, light of flight

near CSQ, your 53rd rev. If you track in pitch you will be

in 90 degrees pitch up. G.m.t. 02 hours 28'minutes. Slant

range 268 nautical miles. Do you copy?

s/c Roger. I understand Pegasus is my 53rd rev, near the CSQ area

090 vertical, and 02 28.

cc Roger, slant range 268 nautical miles.

s/c Roger, 268 nautical .

Flight Okay, less get that repress valve, RKV.

cc Roger. We are showing approximately 950 pounds on your oxygen.

Tape 144, page 3
Would you turn the repress on and run that primary oxygen pressure

down, please.

s/c Glad to.

cc Will you bring it on down to about 850?

s/c I would rather not right now. The command pilot is sleeping
and I don't have him suited up the flight helmet.

cc What do you think flight?

Flight I didn't read that.
cc White says the command pilot is sleeping and he isn't suited

up and he doesn't want to bring it down too far.

Flight Okay. That's dealers choice.

cc Roger, we concur.
cc Gemini IV would you attempt another recheck on that computer


s/c . . .
cc Roger
cc This is RKV standing by. We have about.3 minutes left.
Gemini IV, RKV standing by. We have about 3 minutes left.

s/c RKV, thank you.

cc Everything looks good here from the ground.
Flight RKV, Gemini IV is calling 'you.
cc Gemini IV, RKV.

s/c Roger (garbled)

cc Roger, thank you. We saw you during the last pass.


Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 145, page 1

This is Gemini. control. It has been approximately 30 minutes since

we had voice communication with the Gemini IV spacecraft. Since
that time it has been out of range of our tracking stations. At

present is over the Indian Ocean and the next voice contact will be
established over the Pacific with the Coastal Sentry Quebec tracking

ship. We are now in the 53 revolution and the spacecraft is coming

up into a sunrise. At the present time we are approximately 17:13
hours fram the termination of this four day mission. This is Gemini

End of Tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 146, Page 1

This is Gemini Control. After 83 hours and 14 minutes of

flight, the spacecraft Gemini 4 is now over the Pacific Ocean

on its fifty-third revolution and heading for South America.

Passing over the Coastal Sentry Quebec tracking ship, we

had voice contact with the flight crew, our first in approxi-

mately one hour. While out of voice contact, Pilot Ed White

was busy,according to the Flight Plan with vardous experiments

including the measurement of radiation both on the inside and

\ the outside of the spacecraft. He uses sensors to get this data.

Ed also was supposed to eat a meal during this time period.

In the Mission Control Center, our flight controllers took

advantage of this lapse of voice communication to take a hasty

meal. We will now play back the voice tape of this voice

conversation between the spacecraft and the Coastal Sentry

Quebec tracking ship. This is Gemini Control._

cc Gemini 4, CSQ Cap Corn. Be advised of your tracking

stations. Do not exceed 4S" pitch. We've got a critical

tape dump. If you are not tracking Pegasus, please go to

critical tape dump attitude. Please advise. Gemini 4, CSQ.

Do you copy? Gemini 4, CSQ. Do you copy?

S/C CSQ, Gemini 4.

cc Are you tracking Pegasus?

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 146, Page 2

S/C Just a minute.

CC OK. We've got a critical tape dump. Are you in attitude?

S/k It'll be a little hard to track Pegasus and be in attitude.

What do you want me to do?

cc Don't exceed 4S" pitch. We want the tape dump.

S/C Roger. Understand. If I track data from the Pegasus,

I've got to get up to 90.

CC OK. We want the tape dump, so okit Pegasus.

S/C Roger.

cc Lst me know when you're in attitude.

S/C Roger. Gemini 4 is in attitude.

cc Roger. I have an orbital map update for you.

S/C I understand. Let me know when you‘ve got the tape and

I'll go back up to tracking.

cc Roger. Will do.

Flt Chuck, let him go track. Let him go track.

cc Say again, Flight.

Flt Tell him to start tracking. If he had an acquisition,

have him start tracking Pegasus.

cc I didn't copy, Flight. Say again.

_ ‘ __~.. .
. -
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 146, Page 3

Flt Tell him to start tracking Pegasus if he sees it.

cc Gemini 4, CSQ. Have you spotted Pegasus?

S/C Negative. I haven't got the attitude. If my time for

the pass isn't finished when I get my tape dumped, I‘ll get

back up.

cc Will do. OK. Your map update: ascending node red 53,

longitude 3S" East at 01 hours 51 minutes.

S/C Roger. Understand. Longitude 35OEast at 01 hours

51 minutes.

cc Roger. Would you reset your malfunction light?

S/C Roger. I've tried to reset it quite a few times. It

has--to be reset.

cc Roger. I also have some CLA and PLA updates, if you'd

care to copy. I'll give you just one and let RKV pass the

rest to give you a chance to go back to ,tracking.

S/C Roger. Got it.

cc Roger. 54 Delta. 86 01 + 49. 03 02 14 10 + 36.

S/C Roger. Got it. Have you got my tape?

cc We're still receiving modulations. Stand by. Go ahead,

Gemini 4. We shall track the Pegasus. Gemini 4, CSQ. Do

you copy? Gemini 4, CSQ. Do you copy?

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 146, Page 4

S/C Roger. We copy.

cc Roger. We've completed tape dump. Houston Flight, CSQ.

Flt Co, CSQ.

CC OK. We've got all the tape dumped, and I'm watching

his pulse attitude maneuver system. He's evidently gone

back to track.

Flt OK.

cc I've passed up the 54 Delta and that's all.

Flt Roger.

cc We got about three seconds off on the malfunction light.

Fit Three seconds off?

cc Yeah, about three seconds.

Fit Roger.

cc All other systems appear to be OK. Get all of that,


Fit Roger.

End of tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 147, page 1

’ i

lhis is Gemini Control, 83 hours and 39 minutes of accumulated flight

time. The Gemini IV spacecraft is now over Argentina, near Brumas Aries

We are just starting the 54th revolution. Passing over the Rose Knot
Victor tracking ship off the west coast of Peru a few moments ago,

voice communication was ruled out so that pilot Ed White could complete

a space navigation experiment using the sextant. Command pilot Jim

McDivitt is still in his sleep period. The Rose Knot Victor reported
that everything looked good from its position and that the computer

malfunction light is still on. This is Gemini Control.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 148, page 1

This is Gemini,Control. After 84 hours and 10 minutes of flight

the Gemini IV spacecraft is passing over Africa on its 54th revolution.
Approximately 30 minutes has elapsed since our last voice communication

with the crew. Meanwhile the check of the MCC consoles shows that
our flight mission is in a GO condition at this time. Dr. Daune
Catterson reports the pilots are in very good condition physically.

The medical data is coming in solid, via telemetry from the space-

craft. The flight crew is catching up on their sleep and are eating

and drinking to the satisfaction of the medical personnel. Gemini IV

spacecraft systems are all GO according to Flight Director Gene

Kranz. The only deviation from the normal is the malfunction indicator
in the onboard computer. Our flight controllers are still working on
that problem. '&is is Gemini Control.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 149, page 1

This is Gemini . Control, 84 hours and 45 minutes have elapsed since

the Gemini IV spacecraft left its launch pad on June 3, at Cape

Kennedy. It is now on its 54th revolution and is over the Pacific

Ocean. We are now approximately 12 hours 54 minutes from the time

this flight will terminate. Our recovery controllers report the

landing point of Gemini IV will be at 27 degrees 29 minutes north

latitude and 73 degrees 25 minutes west longitude. This is 140 miles

due west from the initial impact prediction. This change ,is due from

the slight and expected variation in the actual insertion conditions

during launch and in the expected variations in the ground track,

Retrofire is scheduled to commence at 16 hours 56 minutes 1 second G.m.t.

With splashdown 17 minutes later in the Atlantic Ocean. At this time
our prime recovery vessel in the Atlantic, the aircraft carrier

USS Wasp is steaming toward that landing point. It's estimated time

of arrival there is 0800 G.m.t. That will be at 2 a.m. Monday, Central

Standard Time. We will now play back the latest voice tape between the
Coastal Sentry Quebec, our tracking station in the Pacific and the
Gemini IV spacecraft. This is Gemini Control

cc Gemini IV, CSQ Cap Corn, Do you copy?

s/c Roger, CSQ, Gemini IV, read you loud and clear.
cc Roger, we have some' CIA and TLA data. Will you prepare to


. . .
TV 149, page 2
s/c . . . prepared to copy.
cc Roger. Area 55 de\lta. 82 01 + 44 04 34 10 9 + 57. Area 55-3
. . . burn 55 aft 109 forward. 1.31 2 + 17. 05 140

02 + 33 @3+ 57 How is it going?

s/c . . .

cc Did you copy the last?

s/c . . .
cc Roger. Area 56 delta. 81 1+42 06 06 36 9 + 11 13 + 39 did you
get that one?

s/c Roger

cc 96 bravo split burn 55 forward 106 aft l+ 31 2 + 15

06 57 55 6 +42 Area 57 Bravo split burn 55 forward 103 aft
1 1 + 31 2 + lo 08 27 38 7 + 22 a0 YOU COPY?

s/c Roger

cc Roger Area 57-2 86 l+ 49 07 42 52 7 f I2 ll + 52 58-2

s/c Go ahead

cc 58-2 94 1 + 59 09 16 42 5 + 49 10 + 41. Area 58 bravo split burn

55 forward 91 aft. 1 + 31 1 + 54 10 00 10 g + 03

s/c Go ahead
cc Area 59-2 104 2 + 12 10 50 54 4 + 26 9 + 45 Do you copy?

s/c Roger.
cc Roger. We are reading 960 on your primary O2 pressure. You

might watch that.

Tape 149, page 3
S/C Roger. . . . Would you give me the first reading again.

You came garbled.

cc Roger. The first reading - 55 delta 82 1 + 44 04 34 10
9 + 57.
s/c Roger and then the next one 55-3
cc ma-t was 55 ah delta, 55 delta. Do you copy?
Gemini CSQ did you copy that?
End of tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 150, Page 1

This is Gemini Control. The spacecraft Gemini 4 is

now off the west coast of Chile, just north of Santiago.

It is beginning it's fifty-fifth revolution at 85 hours

and ten minutes ground elapsed time. While passing over

the Canton Island tracking station a few minutes ago,

Pilot Ed White reported he had completed the D9 space

navigation experiment using the sextant to make star-to-

horizon and star-to-star measurements. He also reported

he had not been successful in an attempt to track the

Pegasus satellite over the Pacific Ocean. Command Pilot

Jim McDivitt is nearing the end of his sleep period. This

is Gemini Control.

End of tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 151, Page 1

cc ....

Flt Say again, RKV.

cc Say again.

Flt Say again your.J.aSt, RKV.

cc Roger. We have no running light on the computer, and

we do have malfunction light.

Flt Roger.

cc Gemini 4. Gemi,ni 4. This is RKV Cap Corn.

S/C Roger. RKV Cap Corn.

cc Gemini 4. Gemini 4. This is RKV Cap Corn. We want to

take a check on your computer malfunction during this pass.

We would like to have yepl-depress it and hold it for five

seconds. Give me a mark at the beginning and at the end.

S/C Roger. Will do. Mark.

cc Roger. Thank you. We'll be standing by on the next pass

for medical type one on the command pilot if he is awake. The

time of that will be approximately 05 hours 58 minutes.

S/C Roger. 05 58.

Flt RKV Cap Corn. Houston Flight.

cc Got you, Flight.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 151, Page 2

Flt Roger. Will you have him stand by for voice remoting'

over Kano this pass. That should be about 20 ....

S/C RKV. This is Gemini 4.

cc Gemini 4. RKV.

S/C You might find out if they want to get a type one medical

pass on the pilot. we'll be going to sleep in a little bit.

cc Roger. 1'11 check that now. Flight, did you copy?

Flt OK. Go ahead if he wants to.

cc Roger. We're not going to have time during this rev, I

don't think, for it.

Fit RKV Cap Corn. Houston Flight.

cc Flight. RKV.

Fit Roger. I think he meant if the command pilot didn't

wake up, did we want a type one on the pilot next pass: and

that's affirmative.

cc Roger. We'll do that. Gemini 4. This is RKV. That's

affirmative. If the command pilot is not awake, we'll take

a type one on the pilot..,

S/C Roger. Do you want that on the next rev or now?

cc Roger. That'11 be on the next rev.

_ , ,~ ..-.._.- . . .._.I,
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 151, Page 3

S/C Roger. If I am asleep then, the command pilot will

cc Roger. Do you want to give us a blood pressure on

this one?

S/C Roger. I've started temperature, so I'll start working

on the blood pressure.

cc Roger. You're at full scale. Flight, we had a short

drop out on our dump TM.

Fit Roger.

cc You're at full scale. That's a good blood pressure.

Can you give me your report?

S/C Roger. ....

cc RKV surgeon. Roger. Good report. Thank you.

End of tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 152, page 1

This is Gemini\ Control. Spacecraft Gemini IV is now 85 hours and 46

46 minutes into its mission. At the present time it is over the

Nile river in Egypt. In a voice c ommunication with the Can6 Nigeria

tracking station, a remote conversation between the Houston Mission

Control Flight Director and Spacecraft communicator. Roger Chaffe

our spacecraft communicator relayed instructions to the pilot, Ed White.

Gave him a preliminary instructions for landing Gemini IV spacecraft

at the end of 63 revolutions. The instructions that he passed on were

for a Mercury type descent. !Bis was a preliminary instruction and this
may be updated later. Ed White reported that he is ready for D-9

tracking exercises on his next revolution, revolution 56 and he got

a start time from the ground station. This is Gemini control.

End of tape

Mission Commentary Transcript

This is Gemini cbntrol at 86 hours and 9 minutes into the 4-day flight

mission. Our spacecraft now on its 55 th revolution around the earth

is passing the Pacific Ocean. We have a weather report from the re-
covery area. there are waves of 3 to 4 feet. Visibility is good and
winds are east southeast at 15 knots. There are widely scattered
showers in this area. The prime recovery vessel USS Wasp is on its
way to the predicted impact point which is located at 27 degrees 29 minutes

north latitude and 73 degrees 25 minutes west longitude. !l%e Wasp

is expected to reach this area at 0800 Grenwich time. That will be
2 a.m. Monday, Central standard time. Due to the indicated malfunction
in the onboard computer Mission Director Chris Kraft is readying for

a zero lift type reentry. The flight crew has been given preliminary
retrofire instructions for this reentry. This is Gemini Control.

End of Tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 154, page 1
This is Gemini Control, after 86 hours and 39 minutes of flight. There

are just about 11 hours remaining before the end of our mission. The
Gemini IV will soon be passing over the Rose Knot Victor tracking

ship located off the west coast of Peru. The Rose Knot Victor will
take a telemetry data relay from the spacecraft. Gemini IV is about
to start the 56th revolution of the earth. Spacecraft commander
Jim McDivitt is ending his sleep period and pilot Ed White will begin

one. Our flight surgeon here in the Mission Control Center is highly
pleased with the physical condition of our flight crew throughout this

mission. This is Gemini Control.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 155, page 1

This is Gemini Control, 87 hours 9 minutes after lift-off. The

Gemini IV spacecraft is now passing the north sector of the Serrai

Desert, south of Bengosie, Libia, on the 56th revolution. T%e

spacecraft is on a track that will take it over Northern India,

Viet Nam, Philipine Islands and New Geluiia. This is Gemini Control.

MissionCommentary Transcript Tape 156, page 1

The Gemini IV spacecraft

. is now over the Canary Islands tracking

station and during this pass the Canary spacecraft communicator

is now discussing with the crew some of the orbital track updates
as well as some of the tests being conducted with the onboard computer.

We hope to have a tape on this momentarily. This is Gemini Control.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 157, page 1

This is GeminixControl, 88 hours 47 minutes after lift-off. We

now have a tape recording of the pass over Canary Island tracking

station, just completed. The tape follows. 'Ihis is Gemini Control.

cc Gemini IV Canary Cap Com.

s/c Go ahead Canary, Gemini IV.

cc Roger, everything still looks good from here except the

computer. I have a map update for you.

s/c Okay, standby just a minute.

Flight Get the results of the tests first, Canaries.

cc Roger. Gemini IV, Canary Cap Corn. Disregard we will get the
I'd like to get the results of the computer first.

s/c Roger, nothing happened. I - when I put something in the

IVI. . .(garbled)
M's just as they were. It's impossible to put anything in
through the SQIU and when go turn the computer power off and
comeback on it the reset . . . I still get the malfunction
light back on in a second or two.
cc Roger, I understand. You put the M's in and nothing happened.

Nothing could go in through the MDIU. When you tried turning it

off you still got your malfunction lights back and nothing
happened when you started . . .

S/C That's affirmative.

Tape 157, page 2

Flight Okay Canary, carry on.

cc Roger. Here is your map update when you are ready.

s/c Okay, go ahead.

cc We are on rev 56, longitude at 33 degrees west at G.m.t. 06: 17: 00.

s/c Roger, thank you.

s/c I tell you Canaries I think our computer died when we turned
the power off and the switch back on.

cc Say again.

s/c I sag I think our computer died when we turned the power

off with the switch stuck in the ON position.

cc I think everybody else is thinking the same thing.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 158, page 1

This is Gemini Control, 89 hours 9 minutes after lift-off. The

Gemini IV spacecraft is now crossing the islands of Barneo and

Celebes on a track that will pass over the Austrialian cities of
Darwin and Townsville in the 57th revolution. Gemini IV's retrofire

will occur some 8 hours and 30 minutes from now, at the end of the

62nd revolution. The landing point of the spacecraft will be at

27 degrees 29 minutes north latitude by 73 degrees 25 minutes west

longitude or 430 statute miles east of Cape Kennedy and 590 statute miles
southwest of Bermuda at the beginning of the 63rd revolution. The prime

recovery vessel the carrier Wasp was estimated to arrive at the landing
point at 2 a.m. Central Standard Time, 25 minutes ago. This is

Gemini control.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 159, page 1

This is Gemini Control, 89 hours 39 minutes after lift-off. The

Gemini IV spacecraft nearing the end of the 57th revolution is now

in mid Pacific on a track that will pass over the South American
cities Yskiel, Columbia and Caracus Venezuela. At the start of
the 58th revolution the spacecraft will be in brief contact

with two stateside ground stations before establishing contact with

the Canary Islands. This is Gemini Control.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 160, page 1

This is Gemini Control, 9O'hours 9 minutes after lift-off. The Gemini IV

spacecraft is n&w in radio telemetry and radar tracking range of the

Canary Islands tracking station early in the 58 th revolution. Within

the next 6 to 8 minutes Gemini IV will pass directly over the North

African cities of Tripoli and Bengasi. During the pass over the

tracking ship Rose Knot Victor, at the end of the last revolution

telemetry readouts indicated that all spacecraft systems were GO.

And that the medical readout showed that the crew was also GO. Cabin
pressure was 5.2 pounds per square inch. We have a tape of the just

completed pass over the stateside statinns. The tape follows. This

is Gemini control.
Flight Gemini IV, Gemini IV, this is Houston Cap Corn, over.

s/c Hello Houston, this is Gemini IV.

Flight Roger, hello there Jim. We'd like a prop quantity readout,


s/c Roger. Propellant quantity readout, Just a minute.

It looks like about 48 percent.
Flight Roger, I understand 48 percent. There will be no medical
data passed at Canaries this time around. No medical data
passed at Canaries.

S/C Okay.
Flight And I've got a change to this Apollo landmark you've got coming

up this rev.
Tape 160, page 2

s/c Roger, standby a minute. ,Okay, go ahead.

Flight Okay. You can change - delete sequence 12 and sequence 14.
You will be on this orbit, orbit 58 at time 09:40:22. Minus

6 degrees yaw and minus 30 degrees pitch.

s/c Okay. It will be sequence number 14 at 09:40:22, minus 6 and

minus 30.

Flight Roger and understand that will be a sleep during this time,
is that correct?

s/c 'Ihat's correct.

Flight Okay and we want to just advise you to use all the film you'll -
this is your last experiment. Use all the film you have at

your option and Jim is here and we would like to discuss

this reentry with you a little bit. One other thing, Jim,

we have increased the lifetime of your aft thrusters to

131 ft/sec and you will see no split burns on OAMSretro.

s/c Very good, very good. I was wondering what you were going

to do about that.

Flight We've been holding on to that for awhile. Thought we'd

surprise you. Here is Jim.

Gemini IV this is Shaky here.

s/c Hello there, Shaky here, how are.

Flight Fine. What is your feelings on a roll in reentry versus a

90 degree bank angle? We are recommending

rollin here,

- -

_, . -.., .1 ~. -. . _..“.._ . --_ .-- .._. .*.. _. _

Tape 160, page 3

s/c Yeah, it's not very imaginative but it gets the job done so

why don't we go ahead with it.

Flight Roger,'here is the format which we will send up to you for

a rollin reentry. We will give you the delta V and delta T

for your OAMSburn. We will give you the CMTRC. We will give

you a RET of .O>g. And then you will also get the RET

of drogue, of main and of landing. Your procedure will be

at retro to go/&l1 left, heads down. At the R?3Tof Ogg

you will go into a 15 degree roll rate. When you reach

100,000, when the altimeter comes off the peg, go to full

left. How does that sound to you Jim.
s/c I think I blocked part of you out. Right at retrofire we go
to full left, and at .05g or that time we go to15 degree per
second and at 100, 000 we go to full left again.
Fli@t That's right. The only difference between the format before

is that instead of the RET of 400,000 would give you @g RET

when you start your roll rate.

s/c Okay, that sounds good.

Flight This will give you a trim angle into the atmosphere, a-roll

rate and then a full left at 100,OO again for your drogue and

main deploy.

SIC Okay, very good.

Flight Shades of Mercury, Jim.

s/c I was going to say, I bet you Flight Directors were thinking
up this one. That's what I say, not very imaginative but
Tape 160, page 4

I guess it gets the job done.

Flight Roger.
I have a bet with 'your wife that you will get within 5 miles,
now you have got to hold up my end here.

s/c Lucky, I'm going to try to hold u-p my end too.

Remember when I said we'd never make a closed looper.

Flight Does look like we'll make one on this time.

s/c Yeah.

Flight Hay Jim, we are still going to pass you your updates for 60

through 64 4 with the bank angles in, just the same as we have
been passing them, with exception of 63.1.

s/c That's affirmative. Don't change those . . the final one

Flight Roger. That will come up just as it has been coming up and

you will get them at Canaries.

s/c Okay.

Flight Jim, what is your general physical condition? Are you feeling

pretty tired now or you pretty good?

s/c No, I'm pretty sleepy and tired and I suspect Ed probably is

Flight Right 0. I understand you are pretty sleepy and tired.

s/c Roger.
Flight We are going to try to hold off the last couple orbits just to
prepare for the reentry.

s/c Yea, it's going to take us about 3 or 4 hours just to get

all this stuff packed.

Flight Right 0.
Tape 160, page 5

Flight Gem+ IV this is Houston. It looks like you are going to have

good weather in the reentry - in the splash area.

Mission Commentary Transcript Taps 161, page 1

This is Gemini,Control, 90 hours 21 minutes after lift-off, We now

have a tape of the recent pass by Gemini IV over the Canary Island

Tracking Station. Let's listen to that tape now. This is Gemini Control
c/c! Hello Canary, Gemini IV.

cc Roger. I have 10 retro updates for you.

s/c Okay, go.

cc 60-1, 9.2, 1+57, 12, 1254, 6 +oO, 10+51, 61-1, 104, 2+11, 134806
.4+23, 940, 62-1 113, 2+23,152205, 3+16, lot48, 63-1 127, 2+40

165557, 2+25, 15 degree/set roll, 64-4 101, 2+07, 194130, 4+27

9+43, 59 bravo 105 2+13, 113244, ~~18, 60 bravo, l-20, 2+32,

130556, 101-58, 61 bravo, 93 1+58, 144502, 11+04, 62 bravo,

85, 1+47, 161808, 10+2g, 63 bravo, 82, 01+44, 174843, 10+07,

and that's it. Do you have it?

s/c We got 'em.

cc You are still looking good and we,are standing by.

s/c Okay. '

Canary, Gemini IV here again.

cc Go ahead.

s/c I'd like to have you remind Houston Flight Director that
we're not going to be able to readout any AV's we are just

going to have to do the . . . on time.

cc Roger, will do.

s/c Okay.

r r- .- r
Tape 161, page 2

cc Iiouston Fli&t, Canary Cap Com, did you copy?

Flight Canary this is ITouston Cap Corn, ruger we got that. We


Mission Commentary Transcript gape 162, page 1

This is Gemini control, 90 hours 39 minutes after lift-off. The

Gemini IV spacecraft is now passing South of the city of Gecarta in

the Indian - Indian Esin Island group in the 58th revolution. The

spacecraft will be within voice range with the Carnarvon, Australia

tracking station in about 7 minutes from now. It is unlikely that

there will be too much conversation between the crew of Gemini IV

and the Carnarvon during this brief pass. This is Gemini Control.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 163, page 1

This is Gemini Control, 91 hours and 1 minute after liftoff. We now have
a tape recording of the pass over the Carnarvon tracking station in
the 58th revolution. Let's hear that tape new. Lbis is Gemini control.

cc Gemini IV, Carnarvon Cap Corn, Over.

s/c Carnarvon, Gemini IV.

cc Okay, you are looking good here on the ground, how are you


s/c Very fine up here.

cc Roger.

s/c Hey, I finally saw you in the daylight.

cc Do you see the ground?

s/c Yes, I can see the ground new and I can say it is - quite flat.

cc Roger, how does the weather look over the whole coast?

s/c Well let's see. I don't know which way I'm pointing right

now. Looks pretty good along the coast.

cc How much ground do you see? .

s/c . . . Let me just fly along here and I will tell you.

cc Roger.

s/c I got the sunshine now and I can't see anything.

cc Okay.

cc Flight, Carnarvon

Flight Go ahead. Go ahead Carnarvon.

CC Okay. We are showing 40 degrees on the radiator titlet.

Tape 163, page 2

And the AC control valve is showing 43.5. He's on the sunny

side. It should get down when he gets over the darkness. We

don't want to turn on the secondary loop. You c,oncur?

Flight Stand by.

AfYirmative, do not turn on the secondary loop.
cc Roger.

Flight How does everything else look Ed.

CC He looks real fine, he sounds real good.

Flight Roger. .

CC He just saw Australia on the ground for the first time since
the .mission started.

Flight We read that.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 164, page 1

This is Gemini,Control, 91 hours 10 minutes after lift-off. ?he

Gemini IV spacecraft now in the Mid Pacific on a track that will pass
over Costa Rica and Haiti as i-t begins its 59th revolution. During
the pass over the Carnarvon, Australia tracking station, earlier in
the 58th revolution the crew remarked that they saw Australia for

the first time during the mission, Up to now it has been pretty
well covered by clouds. !Ihis is Gemini Control,

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 165, page 1

This is Gemini Control, 91 hours 39 minutes after lift-off. The

Gemini IV spacecraft at the beginning of the 59th revolution has
just entered voice telemetry range of the Canary Island tracking

station and is now nearing the Madeira Island. During the pass over
the North American Stations the spacecraft c ommunicator in Mission
Control here passed to the crew of Gemini IV, orbital track information
as well as instructions for the command pilot to waken the pilot and
get a couple hours sleep himself before the time of the landing, some

6 hours from now. This is Gemini control.

End of tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 166, page 1

This is Gemini control, 91 hours 44 minutes after lift-off. We now

have a tape recording of the recent pass over the stateside tracking

network which we will now play back for you. This is Gemini control.

Flight Gemini IV, Gemini IV, Houston Cap Corn, over.

s/c Go ahead Houston, Gemini IV.

Flight Roger, Jim. We'd like your quantity read switch on for

about 15 seconds and I have a map update if you are ready

to copy.

s/c Okay, go ahead with the map update.

Flight Okay, at the end of rev 59, ascenting mode longitude 124 degrees
west. G.m. t. 12: 10: 00.

s/c Okay. I.24 west and 12:lO:OO.

Flight That's affirm and Jim, we recommend down here that you

go ahead and wake up Ed and try and get about 2 or 2 l/2

hours sleep yourself until an elapsed time of about

94 hours. This will give you about 3 l/2 to 3 hours

45 minutes prior to retro. From 94 on, over.

s/c Okay. I 've still got an hour or so of sleep here, I think.

I just dozed around the dark side. I'm getting a little

here and there.
Flight Well we talked a lot about it and it looks like Ed is getting
some pretty good sleep and we would like to see youget about

I .“.. - _
Tape 166;page 2

at least 2 hours sleep or 2 l/2 prior to getting ready for

retro. Over.

s/c Roger, will do.

Flight We have got acquisition for about another 6 minutes. We'll

just stand by.

s/c Okay.

Flight Gemini IV, Houston. You can turn your quantity read off.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 167, Page 1

Canary Cap Corn, AFT.

\ Cap Corn, AFT.
Voice control, AET
Voice control
Would you ring Canaries please.

Roger, go ahead.

Canary Cap Corn, AFT

Canary Cap Corn, go ahead.

Allrigl-lty. Did you get our mission instruction for your


Okay, any questions.

Do you want us to remind him that he has an aeromed pass

type I on the pilot at Carnarvon?

Stand by 1.
Canary Cap Corn, AFT.
Go ahead.

Yeah, go ahead and remind him of that so he can get the

temperature bulb in his mouth.

Okay, do you want any special summaries from us, or just
the main.
I want a main and a contingency E.
Main and E, roger.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 168, Page 1

This is Gemini Control 92 hours ll minutes after lift-off.

'Ihe Gemini IV spacecraft is now over the Indian Ocean on a track that

will pass almost directly over the Carnarvon Australian tracking

station 10 minutes from now. The Command Pilot is scheduled to sleep

at this time and a type I medical ,data check, that is, oral temperature,
blood pressure before and after 30 seconds of exercise will be made

on the Pilot. This is Gemini Control.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 169, Page 1

This is Gemini Control 92 hours 39 minutes after lift-off.

The Gemini IV spacecraft is now in the mid-Pacific over the Society

Islands nearing the end of the 59th revolution. We now have a tape

of the pass by Gemini IV over the Carnarvon Australia tracking station

some 15 minutes ago. Let's roll that tape now. This is Gemini


s/c Go ahead Carnarvon, Gemini IV

cc Gemini IV, Carnarvon. Will the Pilot put the oral temp probe

in his mouth please.

s/c All right.

cc . . . radar track, Carnarvon


CC Gemini IV, stand by for your Australian space doctor.

s/c Sure will, . . . I

cc Gemini IV, this is Carnarvon surgeon. We are ready go with

the blood pressure.

cc Gemini IV, Carnarvon surgeon. Would you keep the temperature

probe in your mouth while we are doing the blood pressure.

s/c Roger, will do.

cc That's good source, . . .

. . . .

cc Could you list your . . . nap phase, Gemini IV.

s/c Roger, the pilot just woke up. !&is is 8 02, day 4, had 5
swallows of water and had a very good nap for 5 hours.
cc Roger, I got that, thank you very much.

s/c Roger, I feel fine.

L L - L A
Mission Comznentary Transcript Tape 169, Page 2

cc Gemini IV, Carnarvon Cap Corn. You're looking good here on

the ground, how are you doing?

s/c Roger, everything's great.

cc Okay, do you need anything at all.

s/c No, everything seems to be pretty good shape up here.

cc Okay, we.'11 just stand by in case you need us.

s/c Roger, how's everything down there.

cc Real fine. The weather has cleared up, everybody's happy,

we'll be standing by for you.

s/c Roger, did it finally stop raining?

cc Say again.

s/c Did it really stop raining?

cc Roger, a young gal sitting next to me did a rain dance.

s/c Real good, that's supposed to bring rain, isn't it.

cc I don't know, the lady who did the dance can't tell.

s/c . . .

cc It stopped.
Flight Carnarvon Cap Corn, this is Houston Fli@Ft.
cc Go ahead Flight.

Flight Ask him if he got a briefing on the retrofire procedures.

cc Say again flight.

Flight Ask him if he got a briefing on the retrofire procedures.
cc Roger.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 169, Page 3

cc Gemini IV, Carnarvon Cap Com. Did you get a briefing on the

retrofire procedures.
s/c Roger. I haven't again, but about 4 or 5 hours ago I have.

cc Copy that Flight.

Flight Roger, we copied that.

s/c We do a retro with a go to manual retro . . .

cc Ihat is affirmed.

s/c Roger.

cc That right flight.

cc Flight, Carnarvon.

Flight Not quite. We are thinking of letting the TR count down on

automatic retrofire with a manual backup plus a rolling reentry.

cc Flight. Okay, that will be an auto burn, automatic countdown

at TR, and backup with a manual retrofire.

Fli*t !Ihat will be a rolling reentry.

s/c Roger. Roger. We are going to make a manual TR.

cc Your clock seems to be working real fine. I think that they

are going to let it go for an auto and then let you back it


s/c . . .

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #170 Page 1

This is Gemini Control, 93 hours, 9 minutes after liftoff.

The Gemini 4 spacecraft is now over the mid-Atlantic at the

beginning of the 60th revolution. We have a late weather

report from the prime area which reads as follows:

The U. S. Weather Bureau Spaceflight Meteotodbgy

Group said this morning that the weather conditions in the

Western Atlantic Ocean remain very good for the termination

of GT-4 some 300 miles east of Palm Beach, Florida this

morning. The aircraft carrier Wasp reports scattered

clouds, mostly above 1500 feet, together with visibility

of over 10 miles. Southeast winds of little less than 15

knots have raised the sea of about 3 feet, which is considered

very good for the Gemini spacecraft. Isolated showers within

a 50 miles radius will present no problems. Temperature is

forecast to ,be about 78 degrees. This is Gemini Control.

End Tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #171, page 1

This is Gemini Control, 93 hours 16 minutes after

liftoff. We now have a brief tape of the voice transmission

between the Gemini 4 spacecraft and the stateside tracking

stations toward the end of the 59th and the beginning of the

60th revolution. We'll roll this tape now. This is Gemini


s/c : Gemini 4.

cc: Roger, Gemini 4, How are you doing Ed?

s/c : Pretty good, had a good night's sleep hours

cc: Ah, roger, we're discussing this reentry profile and

we'll get you the final data up just as soon as we come

up with it.

s/c : Ah, roger.

cc: It looks like now, however, we're going to power up

your platform about -45 minutes earlier than the flight

plan calls for. It'll be elapsed time of 95 + 1.9. That'11

be over Canarvon on the 61st rev.

s/c : Roger.

cc: Gemini 4, Houston, have you been using quite a bit of

OMS attitude control, oh, for the last orbit dispersal?

s/c : Ah, negative, Gemini 4.

cc: Roger, understand


Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #171, page 2

s/c : Gemini 4, , horizon scann the whole

time, hasn't been much-in the way of attitude

cc: Roger, we got that, Ed.

End Tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #172, Page 1

This is Gemini Control 93 hours 42 minutes after

liftoff. The Gemini 4 spacecraft is now over the central

Indian Ocean on a track that will pass directly over

Perth, Australia, the city that traditionally greets

American astronauts by turning on all its lights. We

have some corrections to the earlier announced distances

of the landing location. The lattitude and longitude are

the same, 27 degrees by 29 minutes north lattitude by 73

degrees and 25 minutes west longitude. The location is

440 statute miles east of Cape Kennedy and 625 statute

miles west of Bermuda. This is Gemini Control.

End tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 173, Page 1

This is Gemini Control 94 hours 2 minutes after lift-off.

We now have a taperecording of the recent pass by Gemini IV over

the Carnarvon Australia Tracking station. Let's roll that tape now.
This is Gemini Control.

cc Gemini IV, Carnarvon Cap Com.

s/c Go ahead Carnarvon, Gemini IV

cc Roger. We'd like you to take and place your reentry
C-band beacon to the continuous position.

s/c Roger. Reentry C-band going to continuous.

cc Roger. Your antenna selected reentry position.

s/c Roger. I've got it on reentry.

cc Roger. I want you to leave it in that position for the
remainder of the flight.

s/c Roger.. I got that.

cc Okay, I've got a map update for you if you're ready to copy.

s/c Stand by 1 please.

cc Cot good TM solid here.

s/c All right, go shead with the update.

cc Rev. 62, longitude, 168 degrees east, and that will be the
G.m.t. of 16 35 00.
s/c Roger, we've got 62, 168 degrees east, 16 35 00.

cc Roger.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tap-2 173, Page 2

s/c I was looking for you on that pass but you kicked on too early.
cc All ri.&ty.

cc Got good solid beacon track at Carnarvon.

Flight Roger Carnarvon.

cc You are looking good here on the ground.

s/c Roger. Everything looks good up here.

cc The Pilot's asleep, is he.

s/c Roger, he is asleep.

s/c He is asleep and . . .

cc Say again.

s/c . . . .

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #174, page 1

This is Gemini Control, 94 hours, 9 minutes after

liftoff. The Gemini 4 spacecraft is now over the south

central Pacific, about a thousand miles east of the Fiji

Islands. The spacecraft is within range of the voice

remoting station on Canton Island. We are now midway

through the 60th revolution. Gemini 4 is now 3 hours and

30 minutes fromretrofire. This is Gemini control.

End tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #175, page 1

This is Gemini Control, 94 hours 30 minutes after

liftoff. We are now anticipating radio contact momentarily

with the Gemini 4 spacecraft through the Guaymas, Mexico

tracking station. We will join this pass through the

stateside stations all the way to loss of signal at Bermuda.

This is Gemini Control. Stand by for Gemini 4.

Guaymas has telemetry solid, 130917

Texas has acquisittion, TCM solid.

cc: Gemini 4, Gemini 4, this is Houston CapCom, over.

cc: Gemini 4, Gemini 4, this is Houston CapCom, over.

s/c : Go ahead, Houston, Gemini 4

cc: Roger, turn your quantity read switch on and we'd

like a prop quantity readout.

s/c : Roger, quantity reads 45%

cc: Understand 45%, and have you had one or two suit fans


s/c’: We/ve had two suit fans on for about the last 4 hours.

cc: Roger, understand two suit fans.

s/c : We/re back to one now.

CC:] Roger, you're back to one now. And what time did the

command pilot wake?

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #175, Page 2

s/c : Oh, uh, about 15 minutes ago.

cc: Roger, 15 minutes.ago. Jim, I'm going to pass you the

general procedures for the reentry, you'll get the 63-l updates

and the details on your next pass over the states from Gus.

The general procedure we'd like for you to follow is after

retrofire, roll to the normal condition to a heads down

position for full left to 400 K. We will give you an attitude

angle to hold down to 400K. Then we'd like you to roll at 15

degrees a second til the altimeter comes off the peg at approx-

imate 1OOK and back to full lift again til go.

s/c : Ww, understand.

cc: Roger, the only change since we went over this the last

time is that we are using 400X instead of .OSG.

s/c : Roger, understand.

cc: Gemini 4, Houston, you can take the quantity switch off


s/c: okay

cc: Gemini 4, this is Houston,

s/c: @ahead.

cc: We'd like your propellant temperature and pressure.

s/c: Temperature is about 65, pressure is about 1700, 1725,

something like that.

cc: Roger, we got 65, 1700-25.

s/c : Roger

.,. .
.- ._- _~
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #175, Page 3

s/c : Hey, Houston, Gemini 4

cc: Go ahead, Gemini 4.

s/c : Houston, Gemini 4

cc: This is Houston, Go ahead, Gemini 4

cc% 1 Gemini 4, Gemini 4, This is Houston, Go ahead

s/c : Roger, it's pretty obvious the computer doesn't work,

why don't we just turn it off.

cc: Gemini 4, this is Houston, we'd like to go ahead and

leave it on, won't go into details..

s/c : Okay

cc: Rw=r, and the weather looks very good in the recovery


a/c : Okay , don't forget I want to be recovered in a hurry.

cc: Roger, they're on their way, all you got to do is hit

the spot.

s/c : Okay

cc: Roger, Jim, it looks real good from here, we've got

the targeting area and the procedures worked out to get

the recovery forces there real quick.

s/c: okay

cc: And James, this looks about a 8 G reentry.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #175, Page 4

s/c: Oh that's too much for an old man like me

cc: You can hack it

s/c : Hey, Houston, we just our , stand

cc: Gemini 4, this is Houston, how are you doing?

s/c : Very good, we're just taking a couple of pictures,

that's what the bloops were for

cc: oh, you had us shook up for a minute.

F: Don't do that, you give us heart attacks down here.

s/c: Ah, John, come on now, it must have been a long night

if I were you I'd be looking for a little excitement

cc: Hey, Jim.

s/c : Yeah, go ahead

cc: With this zero g/reentry we'll be able to predict your

IT and have the recovery forces moving to your landing point

about 15 minutes before you get there...we think that the

safest and quickest way to get you.

s/c : Right, Chris, I don't disagree with you at all.

cc: Roger

s/c : I just think its old fashion

cc: Roger,
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 176, Page 1

This is Gemini Control 95 hours 20 minutes into the mission on

the 61st revolution. [The activity is up somewhat over previous mornings

at this time and obviously the reason is we are only 2 hours and

19 minutes from retro command. Flight Director John Hodge from the
previous shift plans to stay on through the retro sequence. Stand
by one moment. I'm sorry, I was just handed a message by Cris Kraft,
I thought it might bear an announcement. It does not. I believe
you have been past these splash points earlier, we'll repeat them
27 degrees, 29 minutes north latitude, 7'5 degrees, 25 minutes west

longitude. This is the splash point estimated. It's a point about

440 miles, statute miles, east of the Cape Kennedy, or in relation to

Bermuda, 625 statute miles. The WASPhas been on the scene there since
2 a.m. this morning. The actual retrofire will occur at approximately
lo:54 c.s.t. at a point just north of our Guaymas station. The

longitude will be 114 degrees west, the latitude 32.2 degrees north.
We have the tape of the conversation between Gemini IV and the

Canary station ready to play for you now. This is Gemini Control.

cc Gemini I?, Canary Cap Com.

s/c Go ahead Canary, Gemini IV.

cc Roger. We need the oral temp probe in the Pilot's mouth.

s/c Roger.

Plight The Canaries has TM solid. The spacecraft TR is leading by

-5 seconds.

cc Gemini IV, Canary Cap Corn. Your systems look god. Stand by
for surgeon.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 176, Page 2

s/c Roger.

CC Gemini IV, this is Canary Surgeon. Leave the oral probe in

but pump up your blocd pressure cuff.

s/c Cuff is okay Gemini IV

cc GeminiIV, Canary Surgeon. Blood Pressure is received.

Standing by for your food, water and sleep report. This

is your last medical data pass.

s/c Roger. I'm preparing to eat meal 3 of the 4th day. I've

had 6 swallows of water and I had a very fine 5 hours of


cc Gemini IV, Canary Surgeon. That sleep was all before your
last report period. I will ah - Canary Surgeon returning

you to Canary Cap Corn.

S/C Roger.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape # 177, Page 1

This is Gemini Control, 95 hours and 40 minutes into

the mission. We've just checked with the environmental

control officer this morning and he advises 15 pounds of

oxygen, both breathing and cabin pressurizing oxygen still

remain in the Gemini 4 spacecraft and this usage conforms

with the planned usage curve almost on the dot. In the

OMS fuel we have 145 pounds remaining. Expect to use about

130 pounds of that for the pre-retro orbital attitude

maneuvering burn, which will precede the retrofire by

some minutes. As we indicated earlier, the retrofire will

take place slightly north of the Guaymas station and the

preretro OMS maneuver will take place over the Hawaii station.

This is Gemini Control.

End Tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 178, Page 1

This is Gemini Control 96 hours 8 minutes into the mission.

At this time,the spacecraft is coming across the United States, Gus

Grissom is giving Jim McDivitt and Ed White their retro values for a
landing on the next pass. J-et's cut in on that conservation now, live.

cc 16 50 40, and 71-03.

s/c Ah, roger. Is that 16 50 40 and 7+03.

cc Affirmative. Your( attitudes at 4OOK should be, on the ball

should be, 27 degrees nose above the horizon. And this would

be - out the window would be 23 degrees.

s/c Roger, 23 it is out the window. On the ball 27 degrees nose

above the horizon.

CC What are your attitudes now.

s/c 000
cc Very good.

s/c I just started to aline the platfo&

cc Roger. Okay, Jim, what control mode are you going to use for

the reentry.

s/c . . . Let's try the reentry rate command. I was going to

do that anyway, then I decided that I couldn't do it because

I didn't have the response because we don't need to quickly
. . . . I think I'll use reentry rate command.
cc Roger. You're going to hold roll in, or are you going to

turn your roll rate gyros off.

Mission Commentary 'Banscript nape 178, Page 2

s/c Turn my gyro off.

cc Okay, fine. .

cc Okay, you want your time to 50 000 to drogue deploy and to


s/c Roger.

cc Okay. XX-55 to drogueldeply, 17+10 to splash.

s/c Roger, how about main chute.

cc We don't have that one yet.

s/c Roger, understand. 10+55 drogue deploy, 17+10 to splash,

standing by for chute.

cc In case you don't get your complete OAMSburn, advance your

retrofire time at 2 seconds for each second short - short of

your OAMSburn.

s/c Only 2 seconds?

cc Roger, 2 for 1.

s/c They use to be 3 for 1. What happened.

cc Never was,.Jim.
b.2 &jp
s/c It was about a week ago.

cc This is a new week. Remember this i sii L&me now, now dvelocity.
I /'
s/c Roger.

cc On your check list, did you - when you pulled your drogue pins,

did you pull your seat pins also.

s/c Roger, we're just starting on this. We'll get them though.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tap 178, Page 3

cc Did you have everything stowed.

s/c Yeah, we got everything stowed as well as we could stow it.

cc Okay, 'tie weather in your recovery area is scattered clouds,

you got 10 knots of wind and 4 foot waves. It couldn't be


s/c Roger.
cc Okay, the doctor wants to talk to you here for just a second.

s/c Roger.
cc Jim, both of you are in real good shape at the present time

and all the EKE's look just fine. Your water intake is come
up real well and from our last computation here, both of you

appear to be really hydrated for the reentry. I'd like to

make sure that both of you do feel completely rested. Is that

s/c We're a little tired, but we are as rested as we can be.

cc All right Jim, do you feel that there is any need for item

s/c Negative.
cc Negative. Okay. I'd like to review with you this blood pressure.

You are not going to have the adapter on till after you are on
the water. Ed already has it on and we can tell from the data
and he is to get one blood pressure after retrofire, one on the
chute before bridle, one after bridle, and then both of you every

Mission Commentary Transcript nape 178, Page 4

15 minutes in the water. Affirmed?

cc Gemini IV this is Houston surgeon. Do you read?

s/c I got that surgeon. . We remember what they were.

cc Gemini IV, this is Houston Surgeon.

s/c Go ahead Houston Surgeon, I got your message there.

cc Roger. The other thing is the post-landing. We still, just

to reaffirm, we'd like no more than that 1 hour in the space-

craft, get your suits off at your disgression if the spacecraft

has no leak. The hatch - open hatch part is strictly your

decision. It looks good in the recovery area at the present

time for this and remember the pumping exercise we did at the

time of the physical and the feet up would certainly be the

preferable way. Are there any questions about this at all.

s/c No questions.

cc Roger, we'll look forward to seeing you on that carrier then

and surgeon out.

s/c Okay, when you coming out Chuck.

cc This afternoon Jim. I hope to be there shortly after you are.

Flight I hope you beat him. I hope Jim beats you.

cc He better beat me.

Flight Is there anything else we can do for you. Anything else you
want Jim.

s/ c Yeah, my computer.

Flight I wish I had an answer for that,

cc You'd would have only had to compare it with my performance.

s/c What did you say.

Mission Coxmnentary Transcript nape l-78, Page 5
cc I said you'd only had to compare it with my performance.

s/c . .

s/c You're
unbeatable Cris, I just . .%.

cc Rog.

Flight Hey Jim.

s/c Yes.

Flight John just wanted to remind you that the tough part comes after

you get back to the States.

s/c I've been resting my arm.

Flight You'd better rest you're voice too.

s/c Listen, I just want to shave. I feel pretty darn wooly 1Fke this.

Flight That don't bother, just don't take a bath.

s/c I thought the fumes before were bad.

Flight Say again.

SIC I thought those fumes around 24 hours were bad. You ought to
be up here now.

Flight Roger.

Flight Jim, could you give me your last cabin humidity reading that

you took.

s/c Roger. I took one about an hour ago. Just before I spoke with
dot, and I just took one reading right in the middle of the cabin
and it was 75 or 78 and 62 wet.

Flight Ah, roger.

s/c Appreciably since take off.

Flight Roger.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 178, Page 6

Flight Jim
s/c Roger

Flight We'll be losing you in about 2 minutes here and Wally will get

your OAMSburn and Guaymas will catch you down to your retrofire.

s/c Okay.

Flight As near as we can tell, your IMU is in good shape down here.

s/c Yeah, it looks good up here too. Gus, can you give us the

Greenwich mean time.

Flight Say again. I'll give you a G;m.t. at 15 35.

s/c Roger

Flight 30 seconds to go. Your TR is very good.

SIC Roger.

Flight 10 more seconds.

Flight 15 35 on my mark. MARK.

s/c Roger, I'd like another one at 15 35 30:

Flight Roger.

Flight 20 seconds.
s/c Make that 32.
Flight Okay.

Flight Itwill be 15 35 32 on my mark. MARK.

S/C Roger, thank you.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape # 179, page 1

This is Gemini Control, 96 hours and 39 minutes into

the mission with the spacecraft going over the African

continent for the last pass in this Gemini 4 flight. During

the interchange you heard live between the crew and the

ground during the pass across the United States, there was

a reference to Item "Bravo". This is a stimulant, it is

specifically dexidrine you heard command pilot Jim McDivitt

decline the use of it, he said neither crew member needed

it, they didn't plan to use it. You will recall on Gordon

Cooper's flight he did elect to take a little dexidrine

prior to his reentry. The present calculation calls for

OMS pre-retro burn over Hawaii at 10:44, starting at lo:44

Central Standard Time and ending about two minutes and 40

seconds later. The recovery leader is confering at the

present time with the flight director. He advises that the

recovery forces should have a good plot on a splashdown

point about 6 minutes after retrofire. This will be based

on radar data from White Sands, from Eglin, and finally from

Grand Bahama Island. This is Gemini Control.

End Tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #180, page 1

This is Gemini Control, 30 minutes 55 seconds to

retrofire. We have just lost signal with the Canarvon

station. Communications weren't the best this morning,

however, the final notes were taken on the settings of

the clocks to the angles, all the information pertinent

to the retrofire maneuver. In, uh, at 39 minutes after

the hour, the Canton Island station should acquire Gemini

4 and the Hawaii station at 42 minutes after the hour over

which station the pre-retro OMS maneuver will take place.

We're prepared to play for you now a tape of the conversation

between Capsule Communicator Ed FanDel and Gemini 4 as it

passed over the Canarvon Station. This is Gemini Control.

F: Canarvon, Houston Flight.

cc: Gemini 4, Canarvon CapCom

s/c : Roger, Canarvon, Gemini 4, reading you loud and clear.

cc: Ah, roger, reading you loud and clear, how are you

doing with your pre-retro checklist?

s/c : preretro checklist is complete.

cc: I'd like to give you a GMT time hack, 161700.

s/c : pressure 161700.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #180, page 2

cc: FWm, about 30 seconds from now

s/c : Okay, give me a mark at 30

cc: Mark

s/c Okay

cc: Okay, you show your RCS range you're

looking good here. I've got some times here, you got a pencil

and paper ready to copy?

s/c : Ready

cc: You say you're ready?

s/c: Roger, we're ready.

cc: Begin blackout, 5+23. End blackout, 9+21 5OKZ10+55

Range shoot 12+33. Splash, 17+10.

s/c : We've got your times, thank you.

cc: Ah, roger. Set up your event timer for 36 minutes

in about 2 and a half minutes I'll give you a mark to .

count down.

cc: Rwer, would you verify our CF CRC's......for

s/c : okay, 63-1, wtinrk maneuver. 165601. 63-l without

maneuver 165040.

s/c : Okay, roger, will you give us the times to start

rolling, 400,000 foot

cc: Okay, with maneuver, 2+38, without maneuver 7+03.

s/c : Roger, thank you.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #180, page 3

cc: You're welcome. I am ready to check your thrusters

over 9 and 10,

s/c : I've already checked my thrusters number 9 and 10.

cc: Okay, they very good.

s/c : Roger, thep're very good.

cc: Okay

cc: Okay, you got your time all set up?

s/c : All set at 360

cc: Okay, in about 30 seconds 1'11 give you a countdown.

cc: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, mark

s/c: Roger, down

cc: Okay, very good

cc: EXJQS Flight, Canarvon

F: Go ahead

cc: okay, he looks real good. We got an event timer hacked

as GMT, we checked his times indicated and he looks fine, he

may be getting our summaries a little later, we have a little

RST problem here

F: We copied all

cc: Okay

cc: His TR is leading about 1 second

F: Rag
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #180, page 4 *

cc: Do you want us to leave it alone, or do you want to

try and sine it?

F: No, I think its okay.

cc: Okay

F:] It was leading by about l/2 of a second here, Ed,

‘I epxect that's about as close as you can read it.

cc: Roger

cc: You should be getting some good radar from tis.

F: Rw=r, that's affirmative

cc: You need anything else up there, gentlemen.

E/C : Ah, negative, well, I do still need my computer but

I can't think of anyway to pick it up

cc:] Yeah, I know what you mean

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 181, Page 1

This is Gemini Control Houston. We are 13 minutes from retro-

fire and only a minute or two from the pre-retro OAMSburn. Hawaii

established contact with the spacecraft about a minute ago. We are

standing by for whatever conservation might develop during this pre- 4

retro OAMSburn. We really don't expect too much conservation. The

Pilot - the Command Pilot Jim McDivitt will hold his attitudes at

00 during this OAMSburn. We are standing by for a further report

from Hawaii. The signal strength was excellent in their opening

recognition conservation.

cc thirty seconds to OAMSburn.

Cd 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, MARK. Start burn.

cc Do you see the burn?

s/c Affirmative. Now firing. We have OAMSlatitude activity.

Flight Hawaii reports OAMSburn is going on now.

cc Attitudes are C 180 0 Flight.

Flight Rog.

cc Burn is expected to last another minute or so.

Flight E?-till look Okay?

cc Looking good flight.

Flight Apparently he is using the forward firing thrusters, small

end forward.
cc Attitudes are holding right on Fl.i&t.

Flight Roger.

cc We are standing by for your mark, Gemini IV.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 181, Page 2

s/c Okay.

s/c MARK. .

cc Roger Gemini IV. How are your attitudes during your firing.

s/c They were within about a degree.

cc Roger, roger. You look good here on the ground.

Flight Cris Kraft advises here he had a perfect burn. You heard

McDivitt report that he was within 1 degree on his attitudes.

Flight Give him an 8 minute mark to retrofire.

cc Gemini 4, this is Hawaii. Stand by for an 8 minute mark to

retrofire. 1 Mark.

s/c Roger, mark.

cc Flight, Hawaii, we showed a burn by our stopwatch, 2 minutes

and 41 seconds.

Flight We agree with that.

Flight That event was probably timed by more people than any other event
than ever occurred.

cc I imagine you are right.

cc Hawaii has had TM UX, Flight. Radar IL&

Flight Roger. Well done.

cc We going to correct on one second.

Flight Say again.
cc Are you going to correct for that one second overburn.

Flight Negative. It was not 1 second overburn. Yes, it was,

I'm sorry. Negative.

cc Roger, we'll go with it.

L P-
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 181, Page 3

This is Gemini Control. We have completed the OAMS -'. pre-

retro OAMSburn over Hawaii. He should have expanded about a hundered

and 30 pounds of fuel. This would leave about 15 pounds of fuel in his

primary tanks. Just prior to his retro-maneuver over Guaymas he will

jettison the equipment section of the spacecraft and then for attitude

during reentry he will depend on his reentry control system. He has

two independent rings of 8 thrusters each. Each thruster 25 pounds.
The reentry control system functions off separate tanks each with

about 33 pounds of fuel available for attitude control. California

is the next station which should acquire at 51 and one-half minutes

after the hour. Guaymas should have him at almost 54 minutes after
the hour with the retrofire time planned for 56 minutes. During the
retrofire maneuver, the spacecraft will be pitched down at 30 degrees
immediately after completion of the maneuver, that will be pitch-down,

and the Pilots will have their heads up. Immediately after the retro-
fire maneuver, they will roll the spacecraft around 180 degrees and

assume an angle of 23 degrees off the horizon. They will maintain

that angle till they reach a point about 400 000 feet above the earth

at which point they will start a roll rate just as we did at the Project

Mercury Program. A roll rate of 15 degrees per second. This is Gemin

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape # 182, page 1

This is Gemini Control Houston. One minutes ago the

Guaymas station established contact witn Gemini 4. Ne

are standing by for the retromaneuver. Right about now

Jim McDivitt should be jettisoning the equipment adapter.

He has just confirmed the adapter has separated from that

Gemini 4 spacecraft its leaving the retro adapter section

at 30 seconds to retrofire. He has armed the retrorocket

circuits and we are counting down for retrofire, 6, 5, 4, 3,

2, 1, retrofire, We are standing by, we have a report on

one firing, rocket 3 and rocket 2 have fired, rocket 4 has

fired, Jim McDivitt confirms that all 4 have fired. Let's

tune in on that conversation with Guaymas.

cc: Do you confirm retro set

s/c : Ed says he sees the pump package

cc: Say again

s/c: Ed says he saw the pump package

cc: Ah roger, their own their way, Flight.

F: Roger

cc: Flight from GUawaS CapCom

F: Go ahead

cc: Did you copy that the auto retro was one second prior

to my count?

F: Roger
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #182, page 2

cc: Still looking good, Flight, I 'm getting activity on

ring A and B

F: Roger

This is Gemini Control. We have confirmed the retro

set, in our other ear we bring in lots of activity in the

.Atlantic Ocean as the planes are establishing their call

and they are poised and waiting for Gemini 4 ,to splash down

some 440 miles east of the Cape.

cc: Stand by for a mark at TR+3 minutes. Mark, 3 minutes.

GCH Our White Sands Station is tracking the spacecraft

right now. This radar data and that from the Eglin AFB

in Florida will help us establish with considerable f&lality

the splashdwon point.

cc: 'Gemini 4, Houston CapCom.

s/c : Go ahead, Houston, Gemini 4.

cc: Roger, you started your rolling reentry.

s/c: Roger, I have.

cc: Roger. Your weather is still very good, Jim.

s/c : Okay

GCH Jim McDivitt advises he has started his rolling reentry.

He has started his roll rate.

s/c : (Garbled)
Misston Commentary Transcript Tape 183, Page 1

This is Gemini Control. Gus Grissom has just raised Jim

McDivitt. He came back with "we're 5 by 5 up here" or something

like that, it was a very faint transmission. Grissom is advised that

we should have a helicopter over the spacecraft about the time it hits

the water. Stand by for further transmission.

This is Gemini Control. We are estimating drogue chute

in about 10 seconds. Stand by for drogue chute. We estimate he is

at about 40 000 feet now and he should have a drogue chute out although
we have not heard a confirmation.

We have a report from the Wasp that it is in contact with the

spacecraft. We are not monitoring any transmissions here, they are

on the HF circuit and we really didn't have too much hope of reading
those transmissions, but we should be hearing from the Wasp.

From the deck of the Wasp we are advised that they have had
a transmission from McDivitt that says they read him loud and clear.

At this time McDivitt and White should be on their main chute.

As yet we!ve had no visual sightings but we do have some

helicopters vectoring on the area. The astronaut reports to the
Wasp that he is on his main chute and everything looks fine. He has
been advised by Gus Grissom here, we don't know whether the trans-
mission reached him or not, it was backed up by a transmission from
the carrier I'm sure, that a helicopter will be over him in about
5 minutes.


Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 183, Page 2

The two pilots have advised the Wasp that they are feeling great.

s/c . , . . .
Flight We can't read you Jim, you're fading out too much.

Flight Okay, the R and R can is floating by.

Flight We figure you ou&t to be touching down in about 20 seconds.

Gus Grissom is advising Jim McDivitt that he should be touching

down within the minute. We are standing by for additional reports from

down range. The circuit is very noisy and almost unreadable. 'Ihis is

the HF circuit. I emphasize this is the circuit from the spacecraft.

Communications have been excellent with the DOD forces in the Atlantic.

This is Dallas . . . aboard the Wasp. The Wasp.. . .

This is Gemini Control. Our latest radar fix from the Wasp

indicates the ship is about 40 miles from the spacecraft. The space-

craft 40 nautical miles uprange from the Wasp. There are at least

2 helicopters in the area. They should be overhead momentarily. We

are still standing by for an advisory from the deck of the Wasp.
We have a report from down said that a helicopter has the

spacecraft in visual sighting. It is a confirmed report. He is

approximately 5 miles away from it.

This is Gemini Control. We are assuming the spacecraft

splashed down at approximately 13 minutes after the hour. That is,

approximate splash time. We will confirm it momentarily.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 183, Page 3

That a 2 engine airplane, an S2E, which has been established as

the on-scene commander of this recovery situation is now in voice contact

with the spacecraft. They advised the Wasp that everything is okay.

They were in contact with the spacecraft at 14 minutes after the'hour.

From downrange we are advised that the Astronauts have requested

a helicopter pickup. They are on the water and we are standing by. The

surgeon here is considering a helicopter pickup. We should know momentarily

what his decision is.

Our best estimate right now on the landing point is 230 miles

north of San Salvador or 390 miles east of Cape Kennedy.

Prom the Wasp we are advised that the pickup helicopter, the

copter that will pick up the two pilots will be over the spacecraft within

5 minutes from now. The local time here is 20 minutes after the hour.

Admiral Cormick on the Wasp has just ordered the helicopters

to proceed with the pickup of the two pilots and to return them to the

Wasp. At last report, they were 18 to 20 miles from the spacecraft and

were proceeding toward it.

This is Gemini ControL. !Jhe Wasp now estimates it should

be along side the spacecraft or actually pick-up the spacecraft in

about 1 hour and 20 minutes from now. They are estimating 12 45 c.s.t.
that they should be alongside for pick-up. The helicopter estimate
meanwhile for pick-up has been put-off until about 10 minutes frum

now. ?nnis will make it shortly after the half-hour. This is Gemini
Control standing by.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 183, Page 4

The helicopter, an SH3, a Navy helicopter, which is a twin

engine jet turban type helicopter is in the area of the spacecraft

right now. He has been designated to pick up the pilots.

The helicopter in the recovery area has the green dye which

is put out by the spacecraft on landing in sight. We have not yet

heard wheather the hatches are open or closed. We are standing by

for additional information.

This is Gemini Control. The pilot of the helicopter on

scene reports the spacecraft is riding very nicely in the water.

and everything looks fine. That was the pilots report. The pilot

of that helicopter is Commander Clarence 0. Fiske. The helicopter

is designated number 64. Off the Wasp.

Fram the Wasp, we are advised that their present position

is some 42 nautical miles from the spacecraft. They are estimating

about 85 minutes before they are on scene and we are standing by to

get some word from the Wasp as to whether the pilots are in fact in
the helicopter or not.
From the deck of the Wasp, we are advised that 2 more recovery

helicopters are in the area approximately 5 miles from the spacecraft

and are standing by.

The f1igb-t surgeon on the deck of the carrier Wasp, Dr. Howard

Minners, has advised that he is most encouraged by the sound of Jim

McDivitt's voice. He has just been in contact with him. We could
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 18!5, Page 5
not monitor the situation here, but Dr. Minners says he is most encouraged

with the sound of the report. This is Houston standing by.

We are advised by the Wasp that on being told that swimmers

would be deployed shortly to ready the spacecraft for pick-up. Jim

McDivitt csme back with the reply "Hoorah, hoorah, we are going to the
We are just checking our notes here in the Control Center and

we are - our best estimate on splash down right now is 12 minutes and

30 seconds after the hour. This contrasts with the 13 minute estimate

we gave earlier. This is Gemini Control standing by,

From the Wasp, we were advised that the first of the swimmers
is poised and ready to leave his helicopter. Standing by. Meanwhile
in the Control Center someone in the Flight Planning Department has
put up a slide on the monitor which says "End of the flight plan,"

and they suggest we tune in for GT-5.

We are advised that one raft .and one swimmer are in the water

near the spacecraft. The procedure is the first thing the swimmers do
in the water is to check onthe condition of the pilots, get an eyeball
verification of how they look and how they feel. Then they proceed
to put a large flotation collar around the spacecraft to assure sea-
worthiness until pickup which should come in about 1 hour and 15 minutes

from now.
We have additional swimmers in the water right now and they

are now attaching the flotation cbllar to the spacecraft.

At last contact, the Wasp reports that Jim McDivitt advised

both he and Ed White were feeling great.

Mission Commentary Transcript nape 183, Page 6

This is Gemini Control. We are advised that the flotation

collar is just about attached to the spacecraft. They are now

finishing the last bit of strapping. We as yet have not heard

whether the pilots have left the spacecraft. We are standing by for

that information.
The wasp at this time is 36 nautical miles from the spacecraft.

36 nautical miles and proceeding at 30 knots toward the spacecraft. We

are further advised that Jim McDivitt declined to leave the spacecraft

until he was assured the flotation collar was securely attached to his
craft. We are standing by for any further information on the Pilot

The latest word is that the collar is attached. We are advised

here in Houston that the collar is inflated and looks good.

.. /'?n the recovery area we are advised we have 4 helicopters and

1 fixed wing aircraft, which would be the on-scene commanders aircraft

in the area. Prom the Wasp we are advised that again the pilot's report

both are in good shape and are hungry and they emphasiie the word hungry.

The pilots are in good shape and hungry.

We are advised that the astronauts plan to stay in .the space-

craft until- for the length of time that it will take to get one more

blood pressure reading. You recall that before retrofire they were to

obtain several blood pressure readings while still in the spacecraft

while they are still in their spacesuits. They are apparently going

to take one final blood pressure reading before departing their Gemini

IV spaceship.

..~ ._ _. _. ._._. _.^ -. ..‘

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape183, Page‘i’

We are advised that the hatch is open now on the spacecraft.

They did not say which hatch, but we would assume that it was the

right hatch. We will stand by for confirmation.

And the swimmers in the water around the spacecraft have just

given the helicopter on scene a thumbs-up signal indicating the pilots

look great to them.

George, did you hear that the hatch is opening and that the

swimmers report they are in good shape.

. Ilhis is Gemini Control. Some times on these reports at 37 min-
utes after the hour the rescue helicopter coming in was reported in the

area ready to drop the pick-up harness. At the same time both astronauts
reported they were in good shape and hungry, as we reported, and now we

are advised that one astronaut has emerged from the spacecraft. We

don't know which one.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape # 184, page 1

GCH: The on-scene helicopters report that the right hatch

is open. At 42 minutes after the hour, one of the astronauts

emerged, we still don't have his name. And the Wasp now

advises whichever astronaut was standing up in the spacecraft

and appeared to be coming out had a brief chat with the

swimmers and sat back down. We still don't know his name.

More than likely it would be Ed White - that's the right

hatch. We're advised from the Wasp that one astronaut is/in

a raft alongside the spacecraft, we still don't have his

name, but.he has his water wings inflated and he is apparently

standing by for a helicopter pickup on the helicopter hoist.

And now from the Wasp we are advised that both men, both men

are in a raft alongside the spacecraft and a‘helicopter is

preparing to pick them up. Before departing the spacecraft

apparently Ed White did a few quick standup type exercises.

And from the wasp we are advised that the sling from

the helicopter is now being lowered to pick up one of the

astronauts. our communications this morning with the Wasp

have been outstanding. We've never had a better circuit

into the Atlantic Ocean.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape # 184, page 2

And we have one astronaut in a sling, on the way to

the helicopter. No name. We're estimating its about a

30 foot long hoist, it would have deployed at 30 feet and

he would be brought in on a winch into the helicopter.

The Wasp, meanwhile, steaming at 30 knots, is now

reportedly 28 miles from the scenet We are advised that

a second helicopter is being directed to pick up the parachutes

the spacecraft, the spacecraft, on water, still floating.

This is Gemini Control. Our plotboard from our recovery

room here in Houston shows that the first astronaut was in

the sling at 47 minutes after the hour.

One astronaut is about to enter the he&copter, the

other is waiting in the raft for pickup. Now the second

pilot is on the hoist and on his way into.the helicopter.

Now we are advised that both astronauts are onboard

the helicopter, both astronauts on board. We do not know

whether they still have their helmets on or not, but we

assume they would have taken the helmets off, but, they

would have kept their spacesuits on.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #184, page 3

We are advised the helicopter is now proceeding toward

the Wasp, we have no estirrute as yet as to when the helicopter

will be over the Wasp, we are standing by.

Both astronauts were aboard the helicopter fifty minutes

afl5er the hour. Meanwhile a second helicopter which was to

pick up the spacecraft parachute reports that apparently

the chute has sunk and,. uh, we don't know whether they have

abandoned the search or not. It's certainly not a critical

Tape #185
Mission Commentary Transcript Page 1

The Wasp reports 'both astronauts in the hePi.copter,

smiling and in great spirits, they're about 30 miles from

the Wasp right now, proceeding toward it. Meanwhile, here

in the control center, Mission Director Chris Kraft in has

lighted up his post-splashdown cigar. He's puffing on it

merrily, a big cloud of smoke enveloping his head. He's

a very happy man.

This is Gemini Control. We're advised that the helicopters

should be over the wasp at 10 minutes after the hour about 17

minutes from now.

Thisis Gemini Control. We've just been advised from

the Wasp that approximdtely

90 percent of the crew of the

wasp should be...... The helicopter carrying the astronauts

is now about 10 miles away. It's in view of the Wasp. They

are rolling out the red carpet on deck, preparatory to

receiving the astronauts. From the helicopter we are advised

that a Dr. on board has taken a quick check of the men and

he reports that they are in great shape. Great shape, they

are still in their space suits.

Roger, I understand the Wasp can not see the helicopter


.^ -.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 186, page 1

From the Wasp we are advised that several heSc6pters

remain on the \scene, making a search for the radar and reentry

section of the spacecraft, that's the forward tip of the

spacecraft out on the nose of it and in some past flights

we have been successful in recoverying that. We apparently

did lose the parachute, the spacecraft parachute, which is

jettisoned on touchdown. It usually lands within a half

a mile of , withina very few feet, actually,.i'of >he

:' spacecraft,
floats away rather quickly.

This is Gemini Control. The Wasp is standing by to

receive the helicopter bearing Ed White and Jim McDivitt.

And the Wasp advises that Admiral McCormick, Captain

Conger is standing by on the deck of the Wasp, the Marine

guard aboard has an area roped off X in preparation for

receiving Jim McDivitt and Ed White. '

This is Gemini Control. Here in the control center

there must be fully 50 people, Project officials from the

Gemini office, there's Dr. Gilruth, Director of the Manned

Spacecraft Center, has just come in and shook Chris Kraft's

hand vigorously. They're all smiles.

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 186, page 2

We're advised that the helicopter is about 20 feet

off the flight deck of this time, we can hear the engine
noise in our headset. And the prime helicopter touched

down at 9 minutes after the hour, the helicopter is on the

deck at 9 minutes after the hour.

/' Marine guards are rolling out the red carpet.
.i_-- ."
And the door of the helicopter is open. Jim McDivitt

is steping out to a tremendous round of applause from the

sailors out on the deck of the Wasp. He is followed by

Ed White.

Admiral McCormick is congratulating the pilots right

now. He's waving to the crew. They are moving down

the red carpet at this time toward the medical area where

they will take a quick post-flight physical. I can hear

the band playing in the background. They have entered

the island area of the ship, headed for the Wasp sick

bay for their quick postflight physical, their first of


We are advised from the Wasp that all the flags are

waving, including the NASA flag, the flap of the WASP,

the United States Flag, and of course the Marine Corps

Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 186, page 3

flag, and it sounds like a pretty turbulent 'scene.

This is Gemini Control. At 13 minutes after the hour.

From the wasp we are advised that the pilots look to be in

great spirits as they walk away from the helicopter. They

carry nothing . . . . . . . we have an additional report coming in,

I say again, they reportedly look great. He said he could

observe that they definitely needed a shave, both of them.

This is Gemini Control, standing by.

End Tape

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