Gemini 4 PAO Transcript
Gemini 4 PAO Transcript
Gemini 4 PAO Transcript
the pad a few minutes after 7:O0. They left for Pad 19 and
Tape 1, Page 2
was closed at .X:31 a.m. EST, one minute later the command
White.-- Yery nominal values and the reading and the telem-
Tanaverie, and at the Rose Knot Victor Ship, which for this
that is bri i?ing 100 percent oxygen into the cabin which will
-... ,
Mission Commentary Transcript
Tape 2, Page 2
for a test with the Air Force Eastern Test Rnnge on some
has been in the Control Center for the past hour. Wally
Gemini Control.
Mission Commentary Transcript
Tape 2, Page 4
and holdingi
our problem with the faulty relay at the base of the erector.
The relay was not replaced. The relay did not close and an
attempt to check it out,/physically, that is manually,
depressed the relay to make it close. We are now checking
from the spacecraft now. Still taking several more tests. '
Cape. From the v&wing room cue astronauts Pete Conrad, who is
the pilot for the GT-5 mission and astronaut Neil Armstrong
who was the prime backup pilot for the Gemini 5 mission.
the report from the launch pad that we are still encountering
pad area doing further investigation on our cable problem that was
with the erector on the launch complex. You may note that the
erector has moved slightly from its umbilical tower as the test
but the plan is not to move the erector at this time. The erector
is moving slightly as part of the test that is currently in progress
to determine the full extent of our difficulty. The Iaunch Vehicle
has been lowered and we expect within a minute or two to resume the
Tape 3, Page 2
Mission Commentary Transcript
Count. A final status check is being taken at this time in the blockhouse
which began an hour and 10 minutes ago, the crew has passed the time,
released a part of the time taking catnaps. Astronaut Rusty Schweiker,
who is in the Mission Control Center at the Cape advised them when the
hold started that he would wake them up when we had planned to resume.
The reference was of course a hopefully to break a little of attention
the second revolution of this mission, and Mission Director Criss Craft
advises that it will have no effect. We will still plan to begin the
extravehicular activity at 3 hours into the mission at the - near the
holding at T~35minutes.
And counting - T-34 minutes and mark - 50 seconds. T-34 minutes
50 seconds and counting on the Gemini Flight. On this point in the
countdown in the blockhouse we are ready to turn over the remainder
,- . - . ___
“,_ *. ..-.-
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 13, Page 5
minutes - just under 30 minutes from now. Our status on the network
which we have not report on now for more than an hour looks as follows:
relay problems, those have been cleared up. The RKV seems to have
cleared up its teletype circuit problem, and the board at this time,
all of our stations around the world are reporting no difficulties
at all, and this is very much the situation with the spacecraft and
the launch vehicle at the Cape. Say for one small electrical problem
are concerned in his cabin, in the pilot's cabin itsel'f. This series
of readings will be current readings and voltage readings will be
passed onto the block house and to the Control Centers involved. This
is to insure that all readings are correct before proceeding with the
count. Our count is once again running smoothly now at T-24 minutes
and 30 seconds away from lift-off prior to the Gemini 4 flight. This
thruster check on the adapter on the spacecraft and it had worked out
very nicely. All the thrusters, the two up, the two down, the two yaw
thrusters, the two forward thrusters would not check, but the others
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 3, Page 4
worked out entirely satisfactorily. We, within the last minute, have
The mission looks very good, now proceeding at T-19 minutes at this
Even at this stage of the countdown some of the checks had been performed
earlier, then planned in the countdown because the count is once
The Pilot . is now conducting a test with the Eastern Test Range on
telgmetry between the range tranking systems and the guidance and
other equipment from the vehicle itself and sending back signals on
Go ahead flight
This is Gemini Control Houston with the count T-5 minutes and
Status check and all elements were green and go. At the conclusion
Green as the spacecraft. The count T-4 minutes and 30 seconds and
proceeding. This is Gemini Control Houston.
Mission Commentary 'Transcript Tape 3, Page 5 ,
are just finishing up our final guidance check with the launch vehicle.
All systems look good, both in the Gemini 4 spacecraft where Pilots
Jim McDivit and Ed White and with the launch vehicle on the pad.
n .- - . r
L 1c - - I Ir A L c L ih A k L i _ .I - --
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 4, Page 2
on the money.
that his status looks excellent from the ground and McDivitt
came back with a Roger, thank you. They've read out their
very carefully over the Canazies and they were asked what
Ed White say its about 500 feet away, but, uh, I cannot
say 500 feet. If, uh, in fact he did say 500 that would
Mission Commenatry Transcript Tape 4, Page 6
White will mount this after he opens the door and it will
mission . . ..we have the tape for you on the Canary Island
pass, we'll play this tape for you at this time. This is
4, 5.
count please.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UHF #l, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
to flow at 4000.
Go Ahead Flight.
the question from Carnarvon, how does everything look. Jim McDivit
came back very promptly, we're go. Everything here looks green.
He has - he is now discussing his - some of the maneuvers he performed
to get the booster in sight and he has confirmed our estimate at the
Canaries at which point we was 4 to 500 feet from the second stage.
All of his systems onboard give entirely nominal values at this time,
he said everything couldn't look better and we are having a very
hour and during the recent pass over Carnarvon, some 2 minutes ago,
1 - -
Tape 5, Page2
Mission Commentary Transcript
even more important, the Dr. Berry, our flight surgeon, has made an
first half of the orbit. Our apogee, again, 175 statute miles, our
Pilot Jim McDivit reported that the li&ts on the booster were
working very nicely. He said they could observe the booster about
a half mile away which is precisely the distance it should be.
Mission Director Craft complimented the Carnarvon station at the end
C Okay, standby.
cc Gemini 4, you can/your secondary Pump A off, the evaporators
and . . . . your radiator looks good.
cc Okay, m can you . . .. on your quantity . . . swithh.
cc Roger.
cc While youre doing that, can the command pilot give me a little
information on the booster. The distance, what you had to do
to get up close to see it, and how is the light working.
C Roger, the light is working fine. But I can't tell exactly how
far away I am from it. I guess I am probably around a half a
mile or so. The booster started 'turning right as we came off
of it. I tried to get the range down and I got it down to what
looked like 20 degrees per second but as soon as we got off and
cc Okay . . .
cc Okay
C The booster fell away pretty yar rapidly and got below us like
cc Flight, Carnarvon.
cc Go ahead.
cc Roger.
cc I'll give you a time hack at 16:09:00.
c . . . . this is Gemini 4. I see the light of the moon down
below me.
cc Okay, 3, 2, 1 MARK.
C Roger, we got the time hack and standing by for the adapter .
cc 'Go ahead
c .
IEd Amperage
C Roger 1 lA 2C are 24, they all look good. !v readings
2~ is 6.
cc Okay, showing 24 on 2A B, m and C also.
.. . -.
p i i 2 L
L L - - A Ir A L L Ir - - -
. .I”...
Mission Commt~ntnry Transcript
cc Okay, I've got the load here. We have a new TR time. We are
cf standing by for the pilot's blood pressure. Are you ready to
cc Okay.
C . . ,
cc 2-1, 170,. 3+40 01 32 ~~~ED~~EXX2+18, 8+32 over
C Niner. 01 32 39.
cc Roger. Affirmative. Your orbit is about 86.8, by 150.6.
C Roger, 86.8 by 150.6. Sounds good.
L A 1 L.
was about a half a mile from him, uh... in that pass Dr.
the mission the tumbling rate was fairly high we'd not come
Command Pilot Jim McDivitt, but we're also calibrating the EKG,
the heart rate of Chris Kraft, the Mission Director, and the
Jim McDivitt's heart rate was 150 - which was about the expected
Kraft's heart rate was 135, and Dr. Berry's - the Flight Surgeon,
cated at this time because of the high usage rate thus far in
S/C Roger.
S/C Roger, Guaymas, we still have the booster. We're out quite
Tape 6, Page 4
Mission Commentary Transcript
We appear right now to be just about holding our own with it.
CC Roger, I copy.
CC Wilco.
S/C I say the booster is way below me. Could you tell me what
CC We'll do that.
Kraft: Tell him it'll probably be this pass over the States
_. j .- .__.----.. ._ *
?ape 6, Page 5
Mission Commentary Transcript
cc Roger, we copy.
cc Gemini 4.
WC Roger.
Mission Commentary Transcript ':'apc- 6, Page 6
s/c Rog.
cc Flight, Guaymas.
Kraft: Go ahead.
cc ' Gemini 4, Guaymas Cap Corn. Flight advises that he'd like
S/C I just can't wait till I get to the Cape. I guess we're
cc Roger.
S/C ok.
cc We're working on it but you may not get it till you get
to the Canaries.
S/C Ok.
CC Ok. I'm going to give you your 3-1, 3-4 and 4-4 times.
cc Roger.
cc Roger.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 6, Page F:
cc Gemini 4, Houston.
cc Roger. 3-1, 171 3 plus 42, 18, 19, 03. 2 plus 23, 8
S/C Roger. 3-1, 171 3 plus 42, 18, 19, 03. 2 plus 23, 8
plus 42.
Mission Commentary Transcript
is over the Canary Station. We are 1 hour and 51 minutes into the
mission. Since the pass across the United States, the Mission
Director and his Systems Advisors have consulted and based on the
available leaving him 200 feet per second, the Mission Director
that is, he will not attempt the Gemini 4 spacecraft will not
will not attempt to come any closer during the fifth revolution as
previously announced.
Mission Commentary Transcript
during the first revolution or 103 mile perigee that's statute miles,
and 180 miles apogee. White has been busy the last 5 minutes
for his - the hatch opening. This is Gemini Control at one hour and
hours and ILL minutes into the mission with the spacecraft over the
Tanaverie station.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 7, Patye :
was busy going through the detailed checklist, some 40 items long,
and preparing for his extravehicular maneuver, getting his gear out
very good in the spacecraft. The Pilot and the Command Pilot have
been advised that they can play their attitudes anyway they like,
that is they can be hatch up, or hatch down during the extravehicular
activity, and, in
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 7, ia;: 4
general, we are looking very good. We would like to play for you
Cap Corn.
Houston, be advised, you are now key.
cc I read you loud and clear Champ. Say, for your attitudes for
BEF and 180 degrees roll. That should be the best for photographic
s/c Roger.
cc And to get the picture of the spacecraft your best bet would
be to move out forward.
cc Your best sun angle for getting a picture of the spacecraft would
‘I’ape ‘I, l’a.!‘,f! ‘;
S/C Roger, will move out forward. We'll be BEF upside down.
CC Roger.
cc I'll bet.
Gemini 4,
cc Hey, Jim. Jim, this is Houston. XS@@X&@, Houston.
cc Okay, manual key. Key, I'd like to talk to him one more time.
cc Gemini, Houston.
cc Hey, Jim. You don't have to go upside down if you don't want
ISA30 here, , . .
'hpc 0, Page 1
Mission Commentary Transcript
Flight: Go ahead.
Flight We understand.
cc . . . temperature.
S/C ok. As soon as I get the blood pressure, then I'll give
you . . .
s/c Roger. I can't give you a good blood pressure. The bulb
popped off.
cc Flight, Carnarvan.
Flight Go ahead
Flight Affirmative
Mission Commentary Transcript !'ape 6, Ix;e f
Flight Affirmative.
regard the blood pressure unless you've got ten minutes. Then
S/C We don't have any time at all. We're really pressed here.
CC Ok.
WC Roger.
s/c Just advised Cap Corn that we're running a little late and
make it this time, we'll take your evaluation and we'll pick it
minutes into the mission. And Ed White and Jim McDivitt are
some engine trouble. Its position right now is 350 miles south
planes will go out and meet the C-54 and bring it in to.Bermuda.
one hour and fifty minutes from now - ten minutes before noon
the Canton station has raised the Gemini 4 spacecraft and the
if they were at all rushed on the flight plan just to hold off
for one pass and do it the next pass. But the word from Gemini
4 is that all the connections have been made and they're quite
not just sure, the right hatch door should be opened. This is
apparently has decided that things were a bit too rushed and
the loop and he said that they had decided to wait until the
We did note that Ed White was working awfully hard to get his -
all of his connections strapped on. The feeling here was that,
tape from the Hawaii pass and are prepared to play it for you.
As best I can recall it's about the cleanest one we've had so
far into the flight. Could we have that tape now, please.
on the ground.
cc Go ahead, Gemini 4.
‘ihpc? 8, Page 7
Mission Commentary Transcript
cc Go ahead, Flight.
s/c Roger. That's what we're doing right now. We just plan
in action.
cc Roger, understand.
Mission Commentary Transcript
. . . .
cc Say again.
cc Ah, roger, cut it on. We are going to give you a 4-4 time.
it on at this time.
cc Prelaunch mode.
cc Roger.
. . . . .
cc Yeah, sounds like you have been awfully busy this first couple
s/c It would have been impossible. We had never got the EXA gone
at all.
cc Go ahead.
Get him to describe his status inside the cockpit in regard to
cc How about describing the way the cockpit is layed out now with
s/c Okay, Well, we've got to the get out position here and when .we
to do that.
cc Roger.
s/c Roger. He has most of the equipment on him right now. I've
got the gun and the camera and the hatch fitting, the fitting
to couple the two suit hoods together with, that is all the
I 1 f L I,
L L A L .A. *r 1L I *- L irh P- h .. --
Mission Commentary Transcript
. . .
cc Good. Do you have the shutoff valve on the chest pack closed?
cc Okay.
Is that correct.
California, LOS
California is LOS.
cc Roger, I lost you there for a minute. Say, you never did start
cc Roger, I understand.
s/c . . . .
cc Right over the Gulf, huh. Has your weather been good around the
cc Roger.
s/c . . . .
cc Roger, did you get pretty heated up getting all that gear out?
s/c Fine
cc Good.
s/c Negative.
cc Very good.
s/c We are looking right down at the Cape now. You can see the launch
cc Hey, Jim. Gemini 4. We would like for you to turn your cabin
s/c Ah, roger. We are not getting hot if that is what you're worried
s/c Okay.
cc Affirmative.
Turn it off.
s/c OKAY!
This is Gemini Control.Houston. For the last 15 minutes you
cc Gemini 4, Houston.
cc Roger.
s/c Would you advise that we've both had a drink and I had 10 12.
cc Roger.
The burden of it was that over Ascension the spacecraft and the
not acquired by our ground remote circuit with the Tanaverive Station,
I repeat, we did not acquire the spacecraft. We have had trouble with
that Tanaverie relay all morning. It did work once, it did not work
the Gemini 4 spacecraft at this time and Command Pilot Jim McDivit
pressure reading from both the Command Pilot and the Pilot. The
blood. pressure readings came through loud and clear and they are
quite nominal values. The sequence of events here calls for depressuri-
They are estimating that that would occur over the Hawaii station.
Our contact should be even better on this pass then it would have been
have taken about a 10 to 15 minute break, they have had a sandwich and
a cup of coffee, and they have returned to their consoles in preparation
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 10, Page2
cc Roger. Will you turn your cabin fan off. Heat exchanger to 4 1.
s/c Roger. I'm going to try to give you a blood pressure right now.
cc Alright.
cc Roger.
'I'ape 10, I'al:e 3
Miss -011 Commentary Transcript
cc Roger. Okay we gota good blood pressure from you. Now, your
be closed.
cc Flight, Carnarvon.
FLT Go ahead.
FLT Negative.
and the pilot Jim McDivitt advises the cabin has been depres-
reports he's feeling fine. And standby for a mark from Hawaii.
CC Flight, Hawaii.
Flight Go ahead.
Flight Roger.
WC Our ECS is real good. It's reading still 50 percent.
cc We understand.
Flight Tell him we're ready to have him get out when he is.
cc Roger, I understand.
you get out whenever you're ready. Give us a mark when you
cc Affirmative.
cc Roger, understand.
of his gloves back on and he'll put another one on and we're
ready to go.
cc Gemini 4, Hawaii Cap Corn. Can you repeat your last trans-
lost contact. The Hawaii station advises that "I think the
loss of sight. Gus Grissom, Cap Corn here, isn't so sure that
surgeon was entirely satisfied with what he was reading and the
weather over the United States looks like it's going to cooperate.
time. Let's cut in live now and listen to what White says.
We've not heard him say anything over his comm loop, but let's
. .
Mission Commentary Transcript EVA-5
your VOX. .
White: Cap Corn, the maneuvering unit is good. The only problem
fuel now and I was able ti maneuver myself down to the bottom
. . . Jim and came back into his view. The only thing I am . .
. . . Over my head and I'm looking right down and it looks like
ation association.
S/C One thing .about it when Ed gets out there and starts
cc Is he taking pictures?
S/C Ok. Get out in front where I can see you again.
White: Right out in front now. I don't have the control I had
any more . .
White: Right now I could maneuver much better if I just had the
WC Ed, will you please roll around. Right now we're pointing
,. ,__.
-..-_. . -. .
'I'ape 11
Mission Commentary Transcript EVA-7
White: Ok, now I'm taking a look back at the adapter - I'm
clean. The sun in space is not blinding but it's quite nice.
I'm coming back down on the spacecraft. I can sit out here and
our 02. And the ECS 02 pressure is about 830 so it's staying
right up there.
White: . .
White: I'm looking right down your gun barrel, huh? All
s/c YOU smeared up my windshield, you dirty dog. You see how
White: Yep.
s/c The spacecraft rates are up about one degree per second in
pitch and yaw and about a half degree per second in roll.
s/c Ed, I don't even know exactly where we are but it looks
WC Hey, Gus, I don't know if you read us but we're right over
cc Gemini 4, Houston
WC Yeah, that's Galveston Bay right there. Hey, Ed, can you
&ape 11
White: Yeah.
cc Gemini 4, Houston.
White: . . .
White: Yeah.
cc Gemini 4, Houston. .
White: . . . . of the Texas . . . I only shot about three or
s/c Is that right? Well, I've taken a lot but they're not
very good. You're in too close for most of them. I finally put
cc Gemini 4, Houston,
Tape 11
Mission Commentary Transcript EVA-10
s/c You know, Ed, this thing about the reference we were
S/C Ok.
WC I don't know. We're coming over the west there and they
s/c OK.
s/c Ok, Ok. Don't wear yourself out now. Just come on in.
S/C Ok. Let's not lose this camera now. I don't quite have
White: . .
White: Huh?
White: No.
s/c Yeah, he's standing in the seat now and his legs are down
cc Ok, get him back in. You're going to have Bermuda LOS
in about 20 seconds.
s/c Ok, he's coming in. He's having some trouble getting
f. -..--- _-- I .-
Mission Commentary Transcript EVA-13
with Pilot Jim McDivitt and Ed White. The reason for the
delay in receipt of the'signal from Houston was, of course,
cc Roger.
into the mission. To review for you the times, approximate times of
the hatch was open, the right hatch was opened at 42 minutes after
the hour. We have a time hack on his, his actual pushaway from the
Tanarive Station and then we also have a station which may or may
the mission with the spacecraft almost dead center over the Indian
Ocean. Cur last contact - the last advisory on the progress of the
Tnpe 13, Page 2
MisL 'on Commentary Transcript
been excellent all day. We have a report that both Mrs. McDivit and
Mrs. White are in route to the Control Center now. They plan - this
shake a few hands with some people here who followed the - this
Jim McDivit's first words were "Hello Carnarvon, nice to have some-
one to talk to again". He apparently noted the long blank in the
and holding nicely at 5.1 psi. He has been given an update and a go
that this is just a routine update. All of the values we have heard
” r ._._ c
L P - - I a A.. Ir c L i i A i . - - -
the course of the pass, Jim McDivitt advised that the cabin
flight plan. He didn't pass along a reason. The best guess here
were going ahead and stowing the gear and he also advised that
they could see the booster flashing some 60 miles away. We have
re-racked that tape for you and we're prepared to play it for you
S/C Loud and clear. It's nice to have somebody to talk to again. ,-
WC Say again.
cc Roger.
S/C- Before you get the battery readout, do you want me to stay
on until I estimate your time and loads. Then if you are Go,
S/C Ok, I'm going to bring the computer on the line now. It's not
on yet.
WC It is.
Mission commentary ,Transcript _. Tape 14, Page 3
cc Volts?
cc Roger,
cc Roger.
1 .,
s/c 2c is 5 and a half - 24 and they look good. The RCS a and b
maneuver time.
maneuver. Over.
S/C Roger
S/C Quantities down. So we're going to power down and read ydu
64. I can make the 00, Delta V 00 8+12 6+19, and I didn't copy
cc That's affirmative.
S/C Roger.
s/c I really can't tell. It's -- looks like it's about five
to us.
Flt Go ahead.
cc The only thing that didn't work properly is I'm not sure
whether I got that beacon off. It's in command. I tried to
turn it off and just then I had telemetry IDS so I don't know
sees the booster out there, but he doesn't know whether it's
flight path.
five minutes into the mission. We've just had a short discussion
and we had asked the spacecraft for a'hatch closure time. They
said they'd figure it out and advise us. They did advise
at 5.2. Meanwhile, both Pat McDivitt and Pat White, the wives
quiet pass to date, due largely to the fact that Jim McDivitt
i into the mission. In this pass across the states, we read out medical
values onboard, our flight surgeon here in Houston has been in direct
ccnversation with both the Command Pilot and the Pilot. One of the
more interesting aspects of the C' ,:;;', I ::aLiun was '1 r. " rl L.'
advised that he will pick up the fli&t plan as it existed and begin
. ,
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 16, Page 2
as expected.
End of Tape 16
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 17
Page 1
At this time the spacecraft is over the Indian Ocean and we are
into a quiet period of the flight. Pilot Ed White Is sleeping.
Spacecraft commander Jim McDivitt is guiding the spacecraft and
surgeon Dr. Dwayne Catterson reports that thus far the medical reaci-
outs on the flight crew look real great. Pilot Ed White is still
asleep. Dr. Catterson reported that White ate some bacon and egg
bites, toast and orange juice before going to sleep. Both astr0nauL.s
have taken water. White did not comment on the food. We had com-
mission, while it was over the Coastal Sentry Quebec, in the Pacific
Ocean. At that time the Coastal Sentry Quebec updated landing area
times for the flight crew. The Coastal Sentry Quebec also reported
that all spacecraft systems looked good. Flight Director Gene Kranz
mission. At the present time the spacecraft has just passed over the
Rose Knot Victor, the tracking ship located off the east coast of
Sduth America. During this pass, the Rose Knot Victor communicator
passed on an updated flight plan for the crew. He advised the com-
mand pilot to start his sleep period at 11 hours into . the flight.
That is approximately 1 hour and i from now. -And to sleep for ap-
pass - type 'one - at the time the command pilot would be starting his
sleep period. We have had very little voice cormnunication with the
which the spacecraft is passing over the tracking station. *And for
this reason Flight Director Gene Kranz has ordered that voice com-
Nission Commentary Transcript Tape 18
Page 1
This is Gemini Control at 10 hours and 9 minutes into the flight. We
starting the flight crew back.on the regular flight plan. He has
from now. 'Ihe latter two designated MSC 1 and 2 commence in approx':.-
that all the medical data he.has received looks perfectly normal at
this time. Mis.sion Director Chrisphor Id" aft has just returned to
visit the mission control center.., Obviously to see how things arc
going.. They are all going real well. This is Gemini control.
station within moments. Flight Director Gene Kaanz has ask the
fuel for this check. Delayed time telemetry will also be relayed
,from the spacecraft to the ground station. Passing over the Coastal
Quebec reported the pilot is sleeping very soundly. We are not abc~ul.
ready to transmit live communications between the spacecraft and the
Rawaian tracking station. This is Gemini control.
'I:;is is Gemini control. We are now llhours and 8 minutes into the
::!ission. The spacecraft is now passing over the Rose Knot Victor,
3 tracking ship located off ,thc east coast of Pueru, South America.
The Rose Knot Victor is giving the flight crew block updates for
landing areas in 6 orbit increments. Pilot Ed White has completed
his sleep period and he has given the ship's flight surgeon a blotxl
20 minutes ago. He did get some sleep but not a sound sleep. His
report on food and water intake was not clear and we did not get.a
outside the tracking range of the Tanna Reed tracking station. We are
in the eighth revolution. We have been out of voice contact with the
flight crew since passing over the Rose Knott Victor, some 30 minutes
ago. At this time according to our flight plan the spacecraft commander
': minutes into its mission. At this time it is on the day side of
the world passing over the Coastal Sentry Quebec tracking ship in the
made over the tracking ship, Rose Knot Victor. .Cornmand pilot Jim
McDivitt is in his sleep period. Pilot Ed White has been busy with
this flight in about 1 hour. The Coastal Sentry Quebec has reported
to flight director Gene Kranz that the cabin pressure aboard Gemini
. ,
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 19
Page 1
mission. At the present time the spacecraft is over the Rose Knot
Victor tracking ship, off the west coast of South America. Which
craft to the Rose Knot Victor tracking ship. This is Gemini control
we are in revolution eight.
Rose Knot Victor tracking ship, off the west coast of South America
a little trouble when he was not using the maneuvering unit. White
also said he could see the entire state of Texas, the Clear Lake
said, he can see the Southern Cross, various stars, and other con-
stallations. We will now transmit the voice tape between the pilot
. I
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape .I9
Page 2
cc RKV, Gemini IV
. . .
/ Say-again 1547.
cc . . .
cc If you wish to find out how you look right now'- fine and I
s/c Roger.
CC RKV systems say again. I cannot read you through the under-
Flight Roger. Your g-3 pad message was incorrecton RETRB.The correct
. -. , Roger . . .
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape19
s/c . . . . . .04361.9 07 59 15 47
cc. Thats affirmative.
but we were able to see the coast of Texas quite clearly and
. . .
near . . . .
FLIGHT Roger, we copied, we are trying to get - you gave them the wrong
400 time
s/c . I Roger
7 -.
F‘ - : -
L L - -_ A I a. .L c a. i L tL L i - -
Mission Commentary Transcript
FLIGHT This is Gemini Control, 13 hours 34 minutes into the flight. The
ship off the island of Guam due east of Japan. There was a shift
lo:15 central standard time at which time the so-called blue team
Director- Gene Krantz. The new Flight Director for the blue team
FLIGHT Look at the perspective releases and see what you pick up..
radio oontact with Rose Knot Victor 6 minutes from now. Tli? contact
/, . .. _ _ .^ . *- _-_..“-__ .
Mission Commentary Transcript Taprs '/
with the Rose Knot Victor tracking ship west of Peru some 40
the third shift here in the Control Center, Dr. D. Gwen Coo:;.;,
and the tracking ship, Rose Knot Victor at the end of tine
RKV Gemini 4, Flight asks how are you doing at getting things stowed
away and if you are getting a little crowded up there.
s/c 4 Indeed we are crowded. We have got most of that junk down in
the foot well, and I guess we are going to have to hold some of
it during reentry.
- L - -
Mission Commentary Transcript
S/C Roger. : I found out what the trouble was when I got down close
FLIGHT Roger, we got all of that. That is just about the same conclusions
\ :, ..
we came to. 'That'.s very good.
Roger .'
FLIGHT Very good. It seems that since we have gone to this reentry antenna
IWJ Yeah, it has certainly helped. Give them:the pressure sitting
I .
Nission Commentary Transcript Tape 1'1
Page 6,
FLIGHT You might ask him to go briefly over the trouble he had closii:g
the hatch because that's good communication with you now, we can
they're remoting and would like for you to go over the problcnrlis
you had with the hatch closure.
s/c Roger, the gear that you have when you go around when you .puil
the handle back and forth. One of them is the gear that sori;d
a change.
Rage 8
ii::s been made with the spacecraft since the pass over the Rose Knot Victor
at the end of the 11th revolution. This is Gemini Control.
Atlantic, north of Trinidad. During the pass over the tracking ship,
Rose Knot Victor, beginning about 16 minutes ago, the crew received retro-
fire times for several of the next planned landing areas. This is a routine
procedure and allows the crew to make a closed-loop reentry should it
will have a respite until the 21st revolution. Next contact-will be with
the Canary Islands tracking station 6 minutes from nuw. This is Geniini
recording of the recent pass by Gemini 4 spacecraft over the Rose Knot
Victor in which retrofire times for several planned landing areas were
Okay go ahead.
Roger. I've got a map update. Itwill be a . . . .
on the 13th rev over Canary Islands, and the taped for the Ctirnarvon
Roger, I am
. I
Page 10
to give it to you.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #20, Page 1
data to upda%~tha.t.
.I : ‘! , _ . .. _. -.;,: _: ;,. I: :., .-’: . 1 .T.. .. ‘. . ,
cc : Th,ey.yill give
j l
'..I Apogee
~I'', is'155.7,
.' .per,,igee,
. 8?.
^ .. ,,..* .r
. . :' -: .:: i. ,..
'. -. ,.^ : , .
., ,* _,_'.,L::‘.‘
- ., ..-. ..,_ .._..
. LI. ,_ .,, .- ..:. :
,. : -.
. . . _ I,
“’ ‘,
. :. . ., ..
.- -. -.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #21, Page 1
s/c: Ah, Roger, read you loud and clear. HOW do you, over?
exercise experiment?
F: Go Ahead.
cc: Like for you to switch your adaptor C-band beacon switch
115923. ;
F: Go ahead.
..- ..- .
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape ..#2.1, Page 3
cc: Affirmative.
s/c : okay.
go to sleep at 2030. :
we'll take up' the .'fl-ight plan, we'll be -back on a. ,fuel line
F: Standby.
at all.
F: Roger.
cc: Affirm. -
F: Roger.
. ^.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #21, Page 5
. .
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape # 22, Pscjc 1
Uh, that is, he's going.ahead with the normal oms usage, etc.
Gemini contro&,
. .
,,Thisis Gemini Control Kouston, .22 hours 26 minutos.into
the Canary Stations. A very few minutes, ago we_a had a most;
he.. could, see not only Galveston .Bay-. but, Clear Lake., a s~~;;li
that 92 miles away and you're only about 114 miles k&h at
: :
that time.
s/c : Roger We'll'be looking for'.itt' that's 'a real gooa one
for it and we won't use much fuel. Looks like JimI's 'hretty
corked off for now, he hasn't stirred for 'the last hour and.
a haif.
cc: Okay, I have a news release right here'about Mike's
s/c : Affirmative.
cc: Right, the Hawks won their PeeWee League 3-2. They
beat the Falcons. The Hawks got three runs on two hits,
s/c: It has tough in get in,. real tough to .get back .in.
s/c: Were yell reading us? We never knew when yall were
reading us or not?
cc: Yeah, you're box was keyed off # we couldn‘t get
to .you. we were trying to tell you your time was up and to get
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #22, Page;
cc: Yeah, we,should get some good ones. Could you give us
orange juice.
cc: We've got your qualities so we'll leave you alone a;ld
s/c: It's good to talk to you, you get all the news from
the home front. When we went over hOwtOn I could actually
see, when I was outside I could see the Gulf and Galveston.
cc: Hey t Ed. When you came over on the night pass did you
pass I could see the light of Sidney loud and clear and the
cc: Very Good: Ed, uh, you're talking about walking on the
good, but‘its 'still hard to get any traction on- the top of,
but when you pull yourself down, you do get a little bit.
. ,
p:::,; I.
craft is coming across Central America at this time, and we have juzt
sent a command out to turn telemetry on and we should be 1n contact with
the spacecraft momentarily. We have a report from the weather man that
the weather over the state should make for very good viewing from tnct
spacecraft. The California coast only fair is the forecast, but as we
move east it gets better. The weather man says that the viewing over
Florida, for instance, should be very good. In the Gulf area, partly
cloudy, but it should make for good viewing. Meanwhile out in the Pacific
the typhoon babe, which we have heard so much about the last few days,
has downgraded to a tropical storm. It is over Shanghai at the presc:::t
time with winds of about 40 knots. We have a report also on what WILS~
have been looking at an electrical usage curve here in talking with our
guidance navigation control officer about it, and in his words were i"at
on electrical power. The curve shows that at this point we though w.2
would have had about 1700 amp hours remaining and as a matter of fnC"i
we7 i%ter than 1800 amp hours remaining. This is Gemini Control at
23 hours and 42 minutes into the mission. We still have not established
contact, but we will momentarily and will be back with you when we do.
. ,
NOTE : There wi 11 not be Tape ii:‘24 dut:
to mi snumberi ng of T pe Boxes
>lission Commentary Transcript Tape 25, Page 1
for our orbit are as follows: 178 statues miles apogee, 178
and eat cycle of these two men. Ed White slept EcI;px lightly
Z&XX meals and probably more. Each pilot has drunk about
- .- .-
I-- P
- - - a A A L i
Ir. IL k I i 1L i .~ I _ _
.-. ,
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 25, Page 2
result of the low residue diet they were on prior ,to the
flight. He sakl it would not surprise him if neither had
we, uh, ' either" has one. '*Thisis Gemini Control-at 24 hours
. ,
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #26, Page 1
during the next hour or two and we are having the flight
the mission.
we lose about one pound per day in leakage and this is the
i. : ‘.
^ ..’ _
_ .-.
: -
Page 1
Mission, Ihe spacecraft some BOO to 700 miles south of the Kano Nigeria
Station. During the next hour and one-half, the Gemini 4 crew will perform
system is not used for normal flight mission activity. It is used, however,
during reentry and close to the water in the recovery process. The primary
had a marginal contact with the Gemini 4 spacecraft a few minutes ago
at the Canary statJon. It was right on the outer edge of the Canarrles'
of contact at which time an update 'time was passed up to the pilot on one
pressure check and they are being queried now on their food
This is Gemini Control Houston, 26 hours 41 minutes into the mission.
We have just lost contact with the Hawaii station in a brief pass there,
but a most interesting pass. I mentioned earlier that Pat McDivitt and
Pat White entered the control center about 15 to 20 minutes ago. In the
course of chatting with Mr. Chris Kraft, he asked them if they would like
to talk to their husbands during this pass across the United States. They
both eagerly accepted the offer, and they are down on the floor of the
In the last few minutes here in the Control Center, we have had a most
unusual occurrence. \ Pat McDivitt and Pat White came down on the floor.
They plugged into the mission director's console and had an extraordinary
chat with their husbands. They very kindly consented to share that con-
versation with us, and we are prepared to play that tape for you right
Mrs. McDivitt: me -
Mrs. McDivitt: Fine, fine. They think you are at the Cape.
Page 2
.’ ,
Jim McDiyitt: I haven't much choice, all I can do is sleep and look
.._. -/ : _.
out the window.
FLIGHT: Is Ed awake?
Ed White: . . .
I can talk.
Ed White: Looks pretty good from up here. We are passing over - coming
Mrs. White: It looked like you were having a wonderful time yesterday.
Ed White: . . .
just had a report that they've skin-tracked with the radfrs the
and Mrs. White, are still with us here in the Control Center.
the past hour. They seem delighted with the progress of the
Jim Love11 has also joined the group here. Jim Love11 is the
pass over the United States, Jim McDivitt will perform what we
at the rate of one pull per second for about 30 seconds. Each
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 32, Page 2
with the exerciser and again inflates the blood pressure cuff
for a ground station readout. The two crewmen use the exerciser
is Gemini Control.
Page 1
Within the last minute,, the spacecraft has come in solid contact with the
had no conversation between the pilots and the ground at this time. That
monitor to see if there is any conversation coming in. We have heard none.
The Hawaii CAPCOMhas called, but the pilots are obviously otherwise
craft lost signal - lost contact with the Bermuda station at 1:48 Central
standard time , just 3 minutes ago. This was one of the quietest passes
Jim McDivitt at the Guaymas station. This, of course, requires exercise because
it involves an oral temperature./ Ed White is about to drop off to sleep, We
have indications he has been getting set to go to sleep for much of the last
orbit , perhaps dozing a bit the surgeon advises.
In the course of the pass, Gus Grissom talked to Jim McDivitt and asked
Jim to look at his hatch mechanism on the right side and Jim did, reported
on the position of the various handles and springs involved in that hatch
there's no concern there. They have noted a slight rise in the oxygen source
pressure the last orbit or two. We were reading a source pressure of about
Jim McDivitt, in the course of the pass, was preparing to eat a meal.
He advised that he had drunk some water previous to the stateside pass, and
the Kennedy area. The relay worked effectively, a noisy relay but a readable
TRAI'JSCRIF'T Tape 34, page 2
We are prepared to play the tape .from most of that pass over the states
FLIGHT Roger. Say, Jim, when you get a chance, will'you check those
two palls of the hatch handle and see if they are still free, or
We are just trying to run down the hatch problem down here and
s/c You want me to turn them to lock and then unlock or something
like that.
FLIGHT Right. See if the spring is holding them in the lock position.
Now, before you do it make sure that handle is stowed up good and
s/c Roger. We can keep it better now, but that doesn't say that the
FLIGHT Well, is the spring holding them in their position. That is what
s/c . . .
FLIC;RT Roger, these transmissions are coming through a relay now. HOW
are you reading me?
.) ._
.------II- ,.
TRANSCRIPT Tax= 34, page 3
s/c . . .
This is Gemini Control. We are now 29 hours and 14 minutes
passing over the Indian Ocean about to come up along the coast
and more than one-half the OAMS fuel load still aboard. The
position of the sun. During this pass over the States, Gus Grissom gave
McDivitt some updated times to perform various experiments. This is
Gemini Control.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 38, Page 1
time. But now we will play back for you the tape recording
made during that pss over the States. This is Gemini Control.
cc 23 00 GMT.
Is that right?
02 15 GMT.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 38, Page 2
S/C Ok. We'll have a new D-8 at 02 15 GMT. How many D-8's
S/C Roger. Thank you. You deleted that one and we have another
one at 02 15?
cc Go, Flight.
WC Roger.
cc 30 minutes.
s/c How many hours. I'v got the 30 minutes - how many hours?
cc 00 30 00.
WC 00 30.
cc That's affirm. Are you still looking at that thing out there?
S/C No, I've lost it. It had big arms sticking out of it, it
of pictures of it with the movie camera and one with the Hasselblad.
But I was in free drift and before I could get the control back
Flight: Roger.
Flight: Roger.
TRANSCRIPT Tape 39, Page 1
to make voice contact with the Coastal Sentry Quebec, a tracking ship
in the Pacific Ocean, during this pass. It is expected that the Coastal
Sentry Quebec tracking ship will give the flight crew a GO for 33 revolutions
the longest yet for an American space flight. We will now transmit to you
live the voice transmission between the Coastal Sentry Quebec and Spacecraft
Gemini 4.
cc Flight, CAPCOM
FLIGHT The only thing he has got to pass up is just tell him to take
targets of opportunity any place free of weather and not wait
s/c . . .
prepared to copy.
cc Okay, we're GO on the ground. Uh, I've got your 21 4 load pre-
s/c Roger.
transmission difficulties and are unable to bring you this voice trans-
mission live from the Coastal Sentry Quebec. We hope to try again from
up over Hawaii, and that tracking station will give the space-
cc It is 23 58.23.
cc Roger.
photos of any clear areas along ground track and not wait until
last day. Crew should identify which areas they are. Did you
if it's ok.
cc Roger. I got his tape stuff off. His delayed time T/M
cc Negative
Flight Why don't you see if you can get the battery readouts,
s/c i;o.
cc Can you give us your battery readouts if you did not give
them to CSQ?
s/c Roger. We didn't give them to CSQ. We'll give them to you
in just a minute.
cc Roger.
reported he saw on his last pass over the United States. They
about one half of the normal ground food intake. Pilot White
has had a little less than a quart of water but has eaten a
food and water from the pilots, since the White Team came on
the Coastal Sentry Quebec, our tracking ship in the Pacific. During
the last pass we had communications difficulties between the CSQ and
the spacecraft. This was due to a power failure on the Coastal Sentry
passed out of tracking range and the system will be checked out with
Gemini Control.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 44, Page 1
area data values for the past three quarters of an hour. This is
Gemini Control.
End of tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 45, Page 1
our mission. Spacecraft Gemini 4 is now passing over the southern tip
of the African continent on its 22nd revolution around the earth. Com-
munications between the ground and the spacecraft have been kept at an
absolute minimum for the past half hour. This is directed by our Flight
End of tape.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 46, Page 1
the flight of Gemini 4. The spacecraft is now off the east China coast
and will shortly pass by Midway Island on its 22nd revolution. Astro-
nauts Jim McDivitt and Ed White will thus shortly set a new American
utes, and 49 seconds. As the Gemini 4 spacecraft comes into voice range
now, we will transmit live from that station. The voice conversation
between the flight crew and Stew Davis, our Spacecraft Communicator
End of tape.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 47, Page 1
cc I also have a map-up date for you. Are you ready to copy?
cc 63' East.
cc Roger.
cc Go, Flight.
Flight Its about 20 minutes to his acquisition - its about 14 from
Tape 47, Page 2
your Los.
mately 20 minutes.
cc Roger.
cc Flight, Hawaii.
Flight Roger.
s/c Rcger, be advised I have a good view of the Hawaiian Islands now
cc Roger, Gemini 4
Tape 47, Page 3
Flight Roger.
cc Flight, \ Hawaii.
Flight Go ahead.
cc 65’ also.
Flight Roger.
Flight OK.
Flight Very good. You've got what, about 2 more passes coming up, or
cc Flight, Hawaii.
Flight Go ahead.
Flight Roger.
cc Hawaii's at LOS
l?nd of tape.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 48, Page 1
cc CSQ to Gemini 4.
cc Gemini....
cc Gemini....
CC!: OK. Roger. :'Got you loud and clear, and you look real good
or six minutes
cc Houston . . . . . . . .CSQ
Flt Negative. That's a pretty good corn for this pass.1 didn't
cc Say again.
cc Roger.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 48, Page 2
Flt Did you get the adapter C-band on and realtime TM on?
Fit Roger.
command pilot.
s/c Negative. See if they want to make up the one they missed
a while back.
cc Go ahead, Flight
Flt Roger. Would you verify that the ECS 02 heater switch
is off?
cc Roger. Gemini 4, CSQ. Would you verify that the ECS 02
Flt Affirmative.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 49, Page 1
and 9 minutes. The spacecraft is now -- has now just passed -- is now
just coming up on the coast of South America. During the pass over
the Rose Knot Victor, a tracking ship off the west coast of South America,
Knot Victor flight surgon asked Pilot Ed White for a medical pass Type 1.
TO-second exercise period with the bungie cord exerciser, and this was
4 hours of good sound sleep. He has eaten a full meal and had about
fruit cake, and orange juice. After analyzing the data from the medical
pass, Flight Surgon, Dr. Duane Catterson, here at Mission Control Center
End of tape.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 50, Page 1
our mission. The Gemini 4 Spacecraft on its 23rd revolution over the
ever made. Gemini 4 is now over southern Japan. To the people on the
spacecraft passed over the Rose Knot Victor tracking ship a little over
a half hour ago. At that time, Spacecraft Commander Jim McDivitt was
asleep, and Pilot Ed White was busy with experiments. The next station
to acquire Gemini 4 will be the CSQ tracking ship in the Pacific Ocean.
End of tape.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 51, Page 1
and is now over the Pacific Ocean moving into the night side of the
world. Our last voice communication with the spacecraft came as it
passed the Coastal Sentry Quebec tracking ship a few minutes ago.
Pilot Ed White reported at that time that he had completed the D-8 exper-
Sentry Quebec also updated the spacecraft for various landing areas.
End of tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 52, Page 1
ship off the west coast of South America. There was no voice
at the present time it is coming over the continent of Asia and will be
shortly moving into the Pacific Ocean area. We have been out of voice
End of tape.
Release No. 17
June 4, 1965
10 x 20 Foot Debris
of Pegasus 1385 3:16 757
YO-YO De-Spin
Weight 167 3:18 684
with the flight crew now for more than 90 minutes by design. Space-
get on the ground and Pilot Ed White is busy performing various exper-
our retro controller, Tom Carter, estimates that the second stage of
the Titan launch vehicle, which went into orbit with Gemini 4, will
reenter about noon tomorrow, central standard time. Its impact point
is predicted for 11' North latitude and 173' East longitude. This is
of the flight, the Titan rocket was 3,000 miles ahead of the space-
End of tape.
Release No. 17
June 4, 1965
YO-YO De-Spin
Weight- 2' to 3' 167 3:18 684
were begun during the pass over the Rose Knot Victor as well as oral
End of tape.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 56, Page 1
the crew. Mike McDivitt plays for the Hawks, and Eddie White
plays for the Dodgers. Both teams won their games. A tape
you. Over.
120 feet per second, we will give you a split burn -- 84 feet
S/C OK. Anytime it‘s greater than 120 feet per second, give it
84, that's eightyfour out,of the forward, rest out of the aft.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 56, Page 2
these remote sites. I'll just give you a call and say standing
by; and if you get lonesome and have any comments, you can come
s/c OK.
cc Did you copy the score for the Hawks - Pelican game?
s/c OK. He's sleeping right now, but I'll tell him when he
wakes up.
cc Roger. You can also advise him that his wife received the
flowers. She forgot to tell him that today when she was on
Cape Receivers Note: RE: Tape 56, Page 3
'The following page was erroneous@ omitted during the night8s
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 56, Page 3
might tell the pilot when he wakes up that Jim's here, and
he's going to give him one more chance to change seats with him.
S/C Roger.
S./C OK.
End of tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 57, Page 1
The Gemini 4 spacecraft is now over the New Hebrides Islands in the
with the tracking ship Rose Knot Victor 29 -- 21 minutes from now.
End of tape.
Mission Commentary Transcript nape 38, Page 1
The Gemini 4 spacecraft has just crossed the west coast of South America
and is now over the southern Peru. During the pass over the tracking
ship Rose Knot Victor just completed, a Type 1 medical data pass was
to have been run on Pilot Ed White; but since the pilot was still
sleeping, the medical data check on him was postponed until a later
pass. The Type 1 checks are run once daily on the Command Pilot and
once or more per day on the Pilot. The checks involve measurements
exercise device once per second for 30 seconds. The RKV Cap Corn reported
to the Flight Director that the spacecraft looked good on his telemetry
cc Roger. Insert the oral temperature probe and we'll stand by.
cc Gemini 4 stand by and we will check with the Cape and see what
Flight Roger.
s/c Roger. You don't want a 'Iype 1 pass on the Command Pilot.
Flight Roger.
CC Will you want a playback on this aero-med data? Its very nominal
pressure down?
cc OK.
cc Roger, Flight.
Flight You know the standard procedure for doing that now. We are
not using the 02 hi& rate, we are using the repress valve.
cc Roger.
Flight Apparently going to high rate disturbes the crew when they
are asleep because you get extra noise when the fans go off.
thing still looks good from here, Floyd. TR and FET are within
one second.
Flight Roger.
cc . We have had extremely solid 'IT4 all the way through this pass.
End tape.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 59, Page 1
cc Roger
cc 30 minutes.
we'll hold them if they get within 2,250 nautical miles of the
11:35 to 15:35.
Flt OK.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 59, Page 2
pilot, Ed White, was awakened for the type one medical check
that was omitted during the pass.over the tracking ship Rose
you to wake the pilot up. We will run an aeromed pass one at
this time.
S/C He just put the thermometer in his mouth, and he's getting
S/C Roger.
nearer DOS.
nap. I had a four and a half hour sleep. Out of that time
before I went to bed I had Meal A of Day 2, and I'm getting ready
anything more?
cc It is without fuel.
s/c Roger.
end of tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #60, Page 1
the tracking ship --Pose Knot Victor, 26 minutes from now. ,After
this brief two minute pass, the RKV can retire for the night
(End of Tape)
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 61, Page 1
orbit measuring 101 statute miles at paragee and 172 statute miles
the crew during the pass over the Rose Knot Victor tracking ship.
End of tape.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #62, Page 1
cc: Roger.
s/c : Do we have
number 11, GMT 101651, 28 miles south, number 12, GMT 102150,
cc: Roger, the first one was on number 11, 101651, 28 miles
s/c: RKV?
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #62, Page 2
s/c : Roger
cc: Roger.
28th revolution.\ During the pass over the Canary Island tracking
station which began 13 minutes ago, the Canary Cap Corn advised the
crew of Gemini 4 that the spacecraft systems all look green from the
ground. A tape recorded during the pass over the voice remoting
s/c Gemini 4.
cc Rog, Ed, and you can delete -- its an error on your fli&t plan --
We now have a tape recording of the voice transmission during Gemini IV's
pass over the Canary Islands Tracking Station during the 28th re-
s/c Roger. The pass systems are green. Thank you. We look good
up here.
read position?
End of tape.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #64, Page 1
Australia, mid-way
. through the 28th revolution. During the
cc: _ Roger, read you loud and clear. Can you give me a
little info on how your control went over North Africa and
cc: Roger, what time did you turn your ACME power supply
,s/c: Roger
050110+4033Bravo841+4718362810+01 Over
s/c : Roger, I got 'em all 'cept for one quantity 3-l aft
(End of tape)
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 67, page 1
looks good from their end. This will be fairly long track across
Gemini IV spacecraft is now over the mid Pacific and will cross
Mexico and Cuba 10 minutes from now. The Bermuda tracking station
should have a good solid data and voice pass this trip, as should
spacecraft is now
. crossing the northeast coast of Africa, south of
Casa Blanca and is in radio contact with the Canary Island tracking
station. The crew provided the Houston flight surgeon with blood
usage report. Also the flight plan was updated by Houston Cap Corn.
This is Houston Cap Corn. You can commence vour blood fDres-
you can send blood pressure now. Your temp is full scale.
09 06 zuh.
s/c Roger, understand. I have completed the second meal and had
n . -.
r- - .- r
L Lr - - _L i L L L 1*. & k A * i - -. --
Tape 69, page 2
Flight Gemini IV, Houston‘Cap Corn. Put your quantity read switch
Flight Roger, I have some flight plan updates. Are you ready to
COPY? Gemini IV, Houston Cap Corn, are you ready to copy
s/c . .
Horizon scan moon set check and horizon scan thruster plume
check. Gemini IV at a G.e.t. of 47 plus 00 minutes insert
plume set check and horizon scan thruster plume check and
of this experiment with your ACK beacon off when there are
no UHF Transmissions.
s/c Okay.
Flight Gemini IV, Houston. We would like a repeat on your food and
water report.
s/c From the pilot, or do you want a new one from me.
s/c Roger, this is the pilot. I had, about 3 hours ago I had
s/c Roger.
s/c No, I got a little more sleep this time though, than I
Flight How about that plug in your throat there. Have you taken
it on. .
S/C Has been up till now but this time I guess I was pretty
Gemini IV, Houston. You can turn your quantity read switch
off now.
Gemini IV, Houston Cap Corn. You can turn your quantity read
switch off.
Flight Roger, you are looking good here. Have a good day.
cc Roger. Request that you use the cabin repress valve instead
Tape 69, page 5
s/c We don't have any other place to put the oxygen except in
the cabin.
s/c Could youtell me why that they want to use the repress
the oxygen.
cc Roger.
Flight We were using the repress because the O2 high rate switches
keep the noise down in the cabin when one pilot was asleep.
Normal system. You can point out to him that his O2 use in
off your fans and to cut down on your noise level in the cabin.
s/c Okay.
s/c Okay Canary they don't want me to vent the ECS 02 overboard.
s/c . Roger. Our cabin has been holding alright. There really
isn't too much we can do about that. That tank pressure goes
cc Roger
cc Your rate, even at your present rate, you will have enough.
s/c Okay, fine. Thank you., Planning to take your advide about
not venting any overboard but I just don't know how I'm going
to do that.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #70, Page 1
into the mission on the 30th revolution. Two minutes ago
(End of Tape)
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape # 71, page 1
Here on the floor in the Control CentOr we've been I.... the
only small problem we have had has occurred in the last hour
and it was decided to replace it. The, uh, scence, then, uh,
*-. .^
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #71, page 2
the back off, reached in very quickly and took out a small
At, uh, we are ready at.this time to play for you the tape
cc: Well, you're looking real good on the ground, I'd like
s/c: okay
cc: I'd like OMS source helium temp, pressure and propellant
cc: Roger, how /bout your helium temp and your helium pressure?
cc: Good
F: That's right.
skin track.
F: Roger
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #72, page 1
the Gulf and Florida. Uhhhh, the, in the next hour the pilot
the United States. Uh, all in all, we're looking fine here,
is Gemini Control.
End of Tape
Mission Commentary tianscript Tape 73, paw 1
over the Australian Continent. In the past hour we have had a report
from Tannarive that they have been pleged by power failures out there,
which has reduced their capabily on the teletype contact with this
station. They plan to vertually shut down the station for the
was not done however because the stars could not be seen in the
right now over Australia. They've advised us because the are working
with the sexton and controlling the attitude of the spacecraft there
In the most recent pass across the states c ommand pilot Jim McDivitt
throat which is expected from the oxygen atmosphere in the cabin. But,
was McDivitt's statement that at the end of the first day or since
the end of the first day some irritation around the eyes which is ex-
pected from an oxygen invironment has cleared up. Gordon Cooper noted
the same sort of irritation in his day and a half flight. The medical
people here are wondering what's been @anned to find out a little more
about this. Whey would like to know what the position of the faceplate
has been since the end of the first day. .l?he thought being that that
could bear on whether there's - on this clearing up of the irritation
We 73, page 2
around the eyes. The cabin humidity at last readout was 58.5 percent.
We have just lost signal with Carnarvon in the last minute as the
the last United States pass. We are prepared to play it for you now.
s/c KO. I think it just drew to a close. We just can't see the
stars in the daylight and I can't carry out the daylight portion
of it. We will wait until we get back to the night time and
Flight Roger. I want to talk to you a little bit about this O2 high
s/c Okay.
Flight We don't think it's any problem. We would like for you to
put your quantity read switch on and leave it on for the next
several hours so that we can get a feel for what's going on.
We want to try to - even at the rate that it's been used the
the read switch on for awhile and then all the rest cut-off.
Say again.
Flight Okay. Jim, how do you read now?
Flight Wait until we get Bermuda acquisition. I'll tell you there.
s/c Okay.
cc Go ahead Houston,
Flight Roger.
cc Bermuda
about it.
Flight Say ah - the flight surgeon yould like to know if either one
of you have had any trouble with drying around the eyes or
dry throat.
the end of the first day, but that's all cleared up now.
Flight Your next pass over the states we'll have the latest news for
Mission Commentary Transcription Tape #74, Page 1
End of Tape
* ? --
L L - - -L i A.. L L il L P L * i _ - - -
s/c : Go Ahead
cc: The next.time you bleed down your primary oxygen pressure
bring it all the way down to about 800 psi and that way,
we can't find much else we can do about the thing, just bring
s/c: if not
cc: Okay. You can go way down in your pressure now without
with it so much.
s/c: .
cc: I can't read you very good right now, wait til we get
'cc: okay.
S/C: Gemini 4
read thdt.
s/c: okay
cc: So do we.
s/c: Unfortuantely...
cc: Good. Every now and then the last part of your
s/c: okay,, maybe I've got a weak thumb. Hey, would you
cc: Sure, just let us know how much you use it, if you will.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #75, page 4
cc: Roger.
cc: Do you have a time hack at the exact time you saw this
cc:] Okay.
cc: Okay, the exact time you saw it you put it on the tape?
s/c: Right.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #75, page 5
s/c : Go ahead.
cc: Why do you want to use the exerciser? Are you feeling
s/c : Yeah
Tape 76, page 1
Mission Commentary Transcript
Say again.
s/c I can*t read you. I think I'll just pass over you.
s/c Okay, I'll look down and see you. I saw you standing outside
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 77, page 1
craft coming up,on the Carnarvon station. It is now about 1500 miles
west of Australia. It has been a very quite pass since the space-
craft left the United States. Very little contact across Africa.
Space Flight Center and at the North American Defense Command regarding
away. However, the angle and the speeds of the bodies would make those
closing distances very significant and the concensis is right now that
from him. They still don't know precisely which direction he was viewing
it from. At 49 hours, 47 minutes into the mission. This is Gemini control.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #78, Page 1
McDivitt also ate two meals and the total calorie intake was
from 33 hours and 15 .minutes until 39 hours PJX into the mission.
.. - .-. ..-
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #78, Page 3
s/c: Okay.
rev 33. The pass will start at 17+40 and should make
F: Go ahead
cc: I cut you off because of the echo. The start time
cc : okay
cc: You look good on the ground here too. Say again about
the water.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #78, Page 4
second stage of the Gemini launch vehicle which put Gemini IV space-
to get you some coordinates on where that reentry would have occurred.
Mission Commentary Transcripts Tape 80, page 1
some medical matters, read out medical quantities. They also got
into a discussion about the sleep rest cycle. Jim McDivitt reported
that Ed White had been dozing for the past hour or so but apparently
not sleeping too soundly. He pointed out that they weren't too tired,
but that they were probably ought to take another look at their sleep
Flight Roger. That's 40 feet. Did you get the last one I gave you?
Flight Okay, and if you want to - in fact we would like for you
Flight Okay, and how much has J3d been sleeping the last couple of
s/c Roger. Ed's only got about an hour nap. We are going to
Flight Okay. Have you felt rested with the amount of sleep you've
s/c No. I don't think we'll ever get an awful lot of rest out of
it, but on the other hand we're not doing much. We're really
not too tired. I think we'll go through this next pass and
Flight Okay. 'Ihe other thing is - when you were doing your maneuvering
during the first orbit, did you get that recorded on your
onboard tape?
Flight Yes.
Tap 80, page 3
Flight Yes.
Flight Okay.
Flight Say again. Hey Jim, this is Gus again. Do you read Houston
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 81, Page 1
the flight. We've had a quiet pass across the African continent.
11:30 a.m. Central Standard Time over the central Atlantic Ocean.
This is Gemini control Houston. 51 hours 42 minutes into the mission.
We have no new contacts report since the Australian contact. Mrs. White
and Mrs. McDivitt have joined us here in the control center and 'are
chatting right now with Mission director Cris Kraft. Ed White's bcy
and his girl are also here with us on the floor and there is very
strong suspicion that the two wives will chat with their husbands
during this next pass across the United States. This is Gemini control.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 83, Page 1
ago. The conversation was not the normal from husband and
Grissom with whom he had been talking for about the past seven
revolutions. They were also advised that they should plan for
a good long sleep period. They had been busy working with
their experiments now some eight to ten hours and they are
WC . . .
WC This is Gemini 4.
cc I'm great.
f s/c Right.
cc This is fabulous.
s/c Roger. The batteries are up and the oxygen supply is good.
s/c Roger. The quantity read switch is going off at this time.
cc Gemini 4.
cc No static on that.
S/C Pardon.
cc No static on that.
S/C I'm not allowed to give you static at home, why should I do
it up here?
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 83, Page 4
at the neck ring from now on at the start of your sleep period.
No static on that. .
WC I cannot - repeat.
WC Yes, I did.
WC Yes, I will.
_ . . ._ .,,. . ________
- .._ .-._-.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 83, Page 5
S/C How are you? How are you and the children making out?
s/c . . . \
cc SPADATS on at 34 over - 34 rev over Antigua. ES switch
s/c . . .
cc Affirmative.
19 35?
*.. _ . .
,..I” .”
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 83, Page 6
cc Affirmative.
S/C Ok.
cc Hey, Jim.
s/c Rog, Gus.
plan for the next 18 hours. So we'd like for both of you to
unplug their headset so you get a good solid sound sleep. Ok?
S/C Why, negative. I didn't get it all but I said - we're planning
cc Very good.
S/C ok?
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 83, Page 7
cc Rog.
cc What?
WC Do I sound hoarse?
s/c . . hoarse?
Flight: The medics don't feel like you've drunk - either one
S/C Ok. We'll drink some more. I was a little dry the first
day, Chris, but I'm ok now. We'll just drink some more.
cc Roger.
End of Tape.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 84, page 1
rescue plane called an ~~-16 has been forced to land at about 85 miles
east of the Cape - east of the coast of North Carolina a point design-
ated Point Lookout. The airplane is down and a Navy ship the
are none. We are advised that the airplane is able to taxi on the
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape85, page 1
on the ~~-16 aircraft downed off the coast of North Carolina. There
aircraft used as a search and rescue plane. It was not in any way
of water in the bilge of the aircraft. However, the captain has been
taxiing toward the coast and standing by is a navy ship the USS Hoist
which was involved in the launch day activities of Gemini IV. This
is Gemini control.
End of tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 86, page 1
This is Gemini control Houston. The ~~-16 in trouble off the coast
ships working down off San Salvador have successfully repaired the
break in the cable reported prior to flight. The cable was put
back in its place and on the last pass moved excellent data. Repeat
the cable break off San Salvador has been repaired and the cable is
now functioning very well again. The orbital elements for Gemini IV
are currently 101 statue miles peragee, 107 statue miles apogee.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape87, page 1
of North Carolina, we have just been advised that the HU-16 amphibian
aircraft out of NAS Norfolk is now in tow by the USS Hoist. I-b's
being towed back to the Carolina coast. We are told that 10 of the
down on the water off the Carolina coast. It's position 80 miles east
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 88, Page 1
s/c . ..
cc Say again.
WC Probably about --
S/C Rog --
S/C Ok?
CC Ok. That came through good. Have you really decided who's
s/c' California . .
cc You say clouds ran about a third of the way from Hawaii
s/c Roger.
cc Hey, Jim.
S/C Yeah?
s/c That one's a real dilly, isn't it? I thought it was going
s/c . . .
End of Tape.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 89, page 1
team headed by Flight Director Gene Kranz is moving into the consoles.
revealed that both men are really doing fine. He has advised us that
the crew activities be at a minimum for the next 18 hours so that they
can get additional sleep, which he feels they need at this time.
35th revolution of the earth. The time elapsed since takeoff 54 hours
and 9 minutes. This is Gemini control.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 90, Page 1
over the Pacific Ocean on its 35th revolution over the earth,
End of Tape.
advised he had his helmet off. The ground station updated his
tracking stations.
give us a Go or No-go on
\ yourmains for orbit 483
WC Roger.
cc Go ahead, Flight.
Flight,: Roger. You can advise the pilot to scrub his medical
cc \ -Roger,. .: :
Flight: That's the one over Hawaii on the next rev - excuse me.
cc Gemini '4, be advised that the pilot can scrub his aeromed
CC Roger.
cc Roger.
a 48-l.
S/C Roger.
2 plus 31, 23 hours 38 08. 2 plus 40, 8 plus 44. 36-4 without
18 seconds.
cc- We're going to have L&, I believe. I'll let Hawaii give you
a. GMT time hack. I think we'll have LOS before you can copy.
copy? Over.
S/C Yes. Got them down but the pilot's going to be asleep.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 91, Page 5
cc Negative.
S/C Ok. Standby one and let me get a pencil. I can still hear
Flight: Ok.
cc Roger. Rev 36, ascending node, the time 23 plus 18, longitude
82 degrees east.
cc That's affirmative.
cc 82 east.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 91, Page 6
you're saying.
cc Roger.
cc Say again.
End of Tape.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 92, page 1
And the spacecraft is on its 36th revolution of the earth. There has
been no voice communication with the flight crew since our last tape
relay from the Pacific area. Voice communication has been reduced
is approximately 173 statute miles apogee and 101 statute miles perigee.
Gemini control.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 93, page 1
the United States. The spacecraft passes over the Coastal Sentry
Quebec tracking station and over the Hawaiian station were both
passive. The tracking stations confined their activity to telemetry
reading of spacecraft and flight crew environmental systems, and in
Hawaii Flight Surgeon reported that Pilot Ed White is asleep and that
spacecraft Commander Jim McDivit is very quite and possibly also
asleep. Hawaii also reported that all the spacecrafts systems look
about one and one-half hours since we last had voice communications
with the flight crew. When the spacecraft passed over the Rose Knot
Victor, our tracking ship off the East Coast of Peru, Pilot Ed White
the mission, and we have had no voice contact with the spacecraft for
about 2 hours. Gemini IV is now over the Hay of Banghor, India, and
off of Cape Patterous making for Norfolk. All the passengers have been
transfered to the U.S.S. Hoist, and there are 4 crew members still
Walter Schirra, Gordon Cooper, and the Gemini III flight made by
Gus Grissom and John Young just a little over 2 months ago. And,
we had our first voice contact with the flight crew in more than
. Roger. There's nothing going on up here now!
get it in now?
on your computer.
s/c . . .
cc We don't ----
cc , Go ahead, Flight.
cc Roger.
cc Roger. Go ahead.
Flight: ok, I gave you the time - 01 39 Zulu - yaw zero degrees,
300 nautical miles. Did you get that, Hawaii Cap Corn?
Flight: Roger.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 97, Page 3
cc Roger :* ' -If 'you -can read; turn your computer off.
stu - on Pegasus.
Gemini load in. I did not transmit the 48-l. I didn't have
Flight: Roger.
Flight: Ok.
Flight: Ok.
End of Tape
about the earth. As it passed by the Rose Knot Victor, our tracking
ship, a few minutes ago, that ship reported that from the ground all
systems looked good. It appeared that from the data they were re-
ceiving that the Pilot was still sleeping soundly and the Command
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 99, Page 1
Since leaving the South American continent, its path on this 38th.rev-
olution has been out of range of our tracking stations. It will remain
out of range for approximately 17 more minutes. When it will cross the
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 100, Page 1
the southern tip of South America. During our last voice communi-
End of tape
CSQ . . . CIA and CLAP station. Area 40-3. This is a split burn.
CSQ Roger, I'll say again. 4m - 83, 1~41, 06 30 09, 8+58, 15+ol.
Go ahead.
CSQ Gemini IV, CSQ. You can turn your computer off..
S/C Roger
cc Go CSQ.
CSQ Okay. We got the TR and Gemini load in. He did have a DCS flight
this time. 1 got down through area 42-2, had to read back 4lA
twice. Never did get confirmation from him. I ask him to turn
..- .-
. ..I
Mission Commentary Tape Tape 101, Page 2
first one.
cc Okay.
CSQ He took a shot with his camera. He doesn't know how good it
will be.
cc Roger.
CSQ We also advised him of his medical pass and tape dump at RKV.
cc Roger.
cc Roger.
CSQ Go ahead
cc RKV, Cap Corn Houston Flight.
Mission Cormnentary Transcript Tape 102, Page 1
4 day flight mission of Gemini IV. The spacecraft is now over South
America on the night side of the world in its 39th revolution. Our
last voice communication took place between the Rose Knot Victor
tracking ship off the west coast of Peru and the spacecraft. At that
the medical pass was made we had loss of signal and there was no time
for a discussion of anything beyond the medical data pass. The space-
craft will now swing up over Africa and then back towards the United
States on its pass around the other side of the world. Our next
Persia. Our last voice contact with the flight crew was over the
Kano Nigeria tracking station a few minutes ago. We will now play
s/c I . , . , , , .
Command Pilot is going down down to sleep and will sleep for
the next four or six hours.
cc Be ready to give the food and water report for both of you
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 103, Page 1
This is Gemini Control at 61. hours and 9 minutes into the 4 day
flight mission
of spacecraft Gemini IV. The spacecraft is now passing
over Canton Island in the Pacific Ocean on its 39th revolution around
the world. Pilot Dd White gave a type I medical pass to the Coastal
Sentry Quebec tracking ship just a few minutes ago. This included
He said the Command Pilot, Jim McDivitt, is asleep. White also re-
ported he was about to eat a meal. This would be meal one on the
third menu and that he had taken about 9 swallows of water since his
last report. He also said that McDivitt had already eaten the first
meal of the third day menu and had taken about 20 swallows of water.
We will now play back the tape of that conversation. This is Gemini
s/c Mark.
FLT. Roger
CSQ Gemini, CSQ Cap C&IL Shut your quantity read switch off.
i , -...
cc Roger, I'm prepared to copy CIb.
cc We won't have time to-go through the entire list. I want
_ ..,
to give you a one Cti. The next one coming up.
FLT. Roger.
Mission Commentary 'franscript Tape 104, Page 1
tracking ship off the western coast of Peru, Pilot Ed White received
during this pass. This is Gemini Control. The spacecraft has just
started its 40th revolution rather than the 39th. This is Gemini
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 105, Page 1
Knot Victor, our tracking ship in the Pacific, just a few minutes ago.
our LOS and .make a short check and then make the final check
at Ascension.
That's affirmative.
RKV Roger.
. ., .,.-. . ..~.._”
GMTRC, 07 20 21.
.,i -
21 is . . . .
Roger. 07 hr' 20 tiriutes;'21 sec!onds.
s/c RogeY; got 4j'Bravo, but did not. get the,-one before, did not
get any . . .
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 106, Page I
four-day mission.\ The spacecraft is now over the Red Sea Area.
Center and Pilot Ed White. This was through the Kano Nigeria tracking
s/c Roger, I got that, rev 41, 06 01 44, and D-9, and what is
s/c I..,
cc Gemini IV, this is Houston Cap Corn. That's D-9, run number 2,
off. Gemini IV spacecraft is now over the Central Pacific just northeast
ef the Solomon Islands. There will be a brief 4 minute period in which
this Canton Island Voice Remoting system will be within radio range of
this 40th revolution, some 26 minutes from now, there will be a 7 minute
pass over the tracking ship, Rose Knot Victor stationed about 900 miles
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 108, Page I
off. The Gemini IV spacecraft is now approaching the Nile River Delta
and will over Alexander Egypt within a minute. The spacecraft will
not pass over another tracking station until an hour from now when
it will pass almost directly over the tracking ship Rose Knot Victor.
During the pass over the Kano Nigeria voice remoting station six
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 109, Page 1
This is Gemini Control. Sixty-four hours and 9 minutes after
voice contact with the tracking ship Rose Knot Victor for a pass which
when Blue Team Operations and Procedures Officer, Jim Tumberland, called
the control room to say, "If you need me, I'll be at such and such
extension." "Where's that," was the reply. "In the front elevator -
stuck. " Jim is now back at his console. This is Gemini Control 64 hours
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape Ill, Page 1
east of Tripoli. During the pass just ended over the Canary Islands
Tracking Station, a type I medical data check was run on the Pilot and
exercise with the bungee device. White then repeated the blood pres-
sure measurement after exercising. He also reported his food and water
usage and that he had had a good 4 hours sleep. Command Pilot Jim
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 112, Page 1
Island group and will cross the Australian coast in two minutes
End of tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 113, Page 1
range for only 4 minutes 38 seconds. This will be the RKV's last con-
tact with Gemini IV until the 5lst revoilution. We are now nearing the
Mission Cormnentary Transcript Tape 114, Page 1
contact with the Canary Islands Tracking Station and is passing across
the coast of Africa just south of Casablanca. The crew of Gemini IV
some heavy clouds in the lea of the Canary and Mederia Islands. During
the pass over the tracking ship, Rose Knot Victor, at the end of the
go all the way in the words of the FKV spacecraft communicator. This
is Gemini Control,
The Gemini IV spacecraft is now over the Eastern Indian Ocean just
south of the Indonesian Island Chain. Carnarvon Australia tracking
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 116, Page 1
The Gemini IV is now over the Pacific toward the end of the 43rd
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 117, Page 1
cc This is Cap Com, Gemini IV, read you loud and clear.
m. Roger, reading you loud and clear. I have .a flight plan update
FLT Roger, Jim. Would you perfer Greenwich mean time, or
” _. -._--.-.. _. .._...-...I.-.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 117, Page 2
FLT Roger. You got the previous one' of'1444 00 horiz.on scanner sunset
,. -
check. _ .'
FLT Roger. 'Ihe first one was ‘Ill 54and the seCond one was I2 15.
Indian Ocean on a track that will pass directly over the Canarvon
Gemini Control.
Mission Commentary Transcript ;. : -.r Tape .-I.‘
Ml9,' .>'.,,. <Page. 1
.. ,.. ., .! '._
.,, -.,:,I.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #119, Page 2
cc: Roger
cc :.
s/c : so I guess your're having. too much
cc : out
F: Go ahead, Canarvon
cc: I think that the next time you have a site where he is
going a little OMS thrusting, I show OMS show right and OMS
cc: I think the next time you come over a site with
., I ..-
you can do the checking.
F:] Roger .
'. :. ': :
s/c: CapCom Canarvon, Gemini 4
.,' ) ~ ,: !I :
cc: Go ahead.
-,' . .i
s/c: I see some lights shining on the clouds down below me.
had one horizon search during the pa& with small little time.
F: Roger
cc: And he, the AC volts are 25.7 and they stayed steadythroughout
the pass. He said his platform lined up real well. Took him between
'F: Roger
cc: And he thinks he saw some lights, I believe they might have
My OMS yaw right and my OMS yaw left bi-levels are coming on some-
rolling and that, I'm sure your eystems man was probably watching
that, SO, uh, I'd like to confirm that wasn't roll control that
I”. .,.
.I . -- ..___
I. - -.I___-. _. __---_. ,. ” __-.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #119, page 5
GNC : What I was wondering, Harry, was that, uh, when, uh, you
said that both of them firing at the same time, could that have
been roll control because you know he's got to fire one left and
one right.
cc: I don't think so, they're both going off at exactly the
same time.
cc: Okay
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 120, Page 1
the pass over Australia, 20 minutes ago, the crew reported they could
see the glow of city lights, but next time tell them to move the clouds
so that we can see the city itself, they said. Melbourne, Australia,
had turned on all its lights as a welcome to the crew of Gemini IV.
Spacecraft systems and medical data relayed to the ground during the
the Central Atlantic, about 400 miles south of the Azores and is in
now have a'tape of the pass -over the stateside tracking stations which
we will run at this time. This is Gemini Control.
checks? Over.
.,' ; \.._
. . . ,-
CC! Gemini IV, Gemini IV, ,Houston Cap Corn. Over.
\ _ 8. /I. 3 :._... 2
s/c .. Go ahead Houston, Gemini JV. . : ._, ,,,,_ ,,,
cc Roger, How are you coming on your horizon checks?
Gemini IV.
. ..
s/c We are coming along pretty well, We've got . . horizon scan
thruster and the . . .
cc Roger. I would like to remind-you that the horizon scan thruster
s/c Affirmative
cc Roger. We would like. to know how much color film remains, just
s/c . . .
cc Roger. We aye interested in an estimate of how mkh unexposed
colored film you have for the Hasselblad and the 16 mm cameras,
. . Texas, go local
cc Gemini IV, Gemini IV, Houston Cap Cam. Over
s/c Roger. We have one magazine of Hasselblad film left and a little
s/c I'm sure tired of looking at this ugly face, it needs a shave.
cc We are getting tired.of hearing that silly voice, too, McDivitt.
. . . Hello, Frankie
s/c Yeah, it is the first time1 have fired the thrusters in 2 days.
I-. _. . . ..- _
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 121, page 3
. . . Well, I heard that Ed White was a flight hog, Jim, but I always
thought that you were a 55 minute mission man.
s/c . . .
cc Everything is real good down here, saw both your wives yesterday
s/c Okay.
s/c . . .
s/c Roger. The quantity reads 55 percent, but keeps going up and down.
That's a pretty good.average number right now.
cc Well your OAMS thrust temperature is .70, pressure .is 1900.
cc Okay.
_ . . . Go to Bermuda aircraft
s/c Okay
cc Gemini IV, this is Houston, You guys really sound great, and we
will see you later tonight.
End of Tape
, .-- ,/
. ,- x . ..-
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #122, Page 1
about 1700 miles Gest as you are east of the Island of Madagascar,
End of tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape l-23, Page 1
Gemini IV spacecraft is now over the south central Pacific 1700 miles
east of the Fiji Is.lands near the end of the 45th revolution. Gemini IV
at this point in the Mission has traveled about 1 and one-quarter million
miles. We have a tape of the pass over the Carnarvon, Australia, tracking
s/c I made a medical pass type one on the pilot over Texas at l& 13 15
__..,. - ,*. .-
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 123, page 2
FLT Ask him if he checked any MDIU quantities while the platform was
FLT Ask him if he checked any MDIU quantities while the computer and
s/c Go ahead
cc Did you ever check any MDIU quantities while the computer and
. . .
cc Flight, Carnarvon
FLT Go ahead.
FLT Roger
s/c Affirmative on the second meal of the third day at the present
time, and I've had 7 swallows of water since the last report.
CC Okay. Have you had a chance to sleep at all since your last
orbital pass?
cc Say again
I thought about a 15-minute nap. We have been pretty active in
cc You were asleep on the last pass or so. We noticed that, but
s/c Roger
cc Go shead flight
cc . .
. . .
. . . ..............
cc Say again
End of Tape ,- I
" r' -- '
I L -- A I Ir I- - * L L P 1, d - - -.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #124, Page 1
cc: Roger, and I'd like to advise you that any MSC ten film
cc: Rag, and uh, for concerning S5 and S6 you'll have some
s/c : Okay. Did you issue any around the Canaries last time?
Mission Commentary Transcript Page #124, Page 2
s/c: Okay,
cc: Okay. Ed, you can turn your quantity readback off.
have not been receiving data from Canarvon, uh, when you uh,
go around the next two passes, particularly the second pass from
6/C : Okay , Canarvon says he's been having an awful lot of rain,
cc: What time are you going to get to the Canaries, is that what
you want?
Mission Commentary Transcript Page #124, Page 3
cc: Roger, have you been pulling your head sets when you
go to sleep?
s/c : Okay, when are they going to promote you to the daylight
s/c : Well, you can always go home and come back at 8. How 'bout
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #125, Page 1
mission. And for the last three days we've started each
today throughout the day will be another clock here in the Control
old and his dad is showing him around his console, how it works,
and some of the many switches and many lights that he follows
should acquire about one minute from now. This is Gemini Control.
End of Tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape # 126, Page 1
164 miles apogee, both in sQatute miles. The crew will be advised
approximately 10 minutes.
The weather around the globe looks like this this morning.
End of Tape
n PI P .. r
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 127, Page 1
remaining 1,032 amp hoursleft in contrast with 2,200 amp hours at lift-off.
Ihis is about 150 amp hours,below the expected usage rate. In the OAMS
fuel department, at lift-off we had 360 pounds. We now have 175 pounds
remaining. In the past .24 hours,. we have used about.15 pounds, and
horizonscan mode a good deal today which is demanding in the fuel depart-
ment.'? We will hold in reserve 130 pounds for our preretro <OAMSburn.
functioning properly. Jim McDivitt and Ed White have eaten in the past
McDivitt has slept in the past 24 hours about 5 hours, 4-l/2 of which
he described as sound sleep and about l/2 hour of dozing. Ed White has
to get some additional sleep. In the pass across the United States,
completed a few minutes ago, McDivitt and White were advised to run the
.., .
Mission Commentary Transcript 'Tape 127, Page 2
next-most of this day with the awake pilot with his helmet off and his
gloves off. They were instructed for the sleeping pilot to leave his
faceplate open and attempt to shade the window to keep the sun out of
their eyes in order to sleep,. McMtitt advised that they have been doing
very close to this for the past 12 hours. He said neither had taken his
helmet off. However, he indicated they would attempt that. The idea
advises that the cabin temperature has run a very steady 65 degrees.
pressure before the use of tie exerciser and following,‘ got very good
. . . Texas acquisition TM . . .
s/c Roger . . .
s/c I had a lot of water, I don't know how many gulps, but after I
last 2. hours -
cc Roger. I understand . . . Harley
s/c Roger. One of the computers on, the . . .. went out on the other
about 10 seconds
cc Okay. Go ahead and turn your TM switch to command and your quantity
s/c Okay.
cc Gemini IV, Houston Cap Corn
S/C Go ahead
cc I've got quite a bit of information to pass up to you, Jim. First,
that's Z!+32, at 17 20 20, 2+53, &55. Then your 48-l time without
would like for the pilot who is asleep to leave his faceplate open
and his gloves off, and then we would lfke for the pilot who is
once in orbit, at your convenience, .we would like for you to take
a wet and dry bulb reading at any statfon and give us a report of
s/c Okay. We have had the gloves off now for the last I2 hours, but
cc Roger.
CC Roger. Okay, Jim, We have decided that you have got a little
bit of fuel- got some fuel that we can play with here in the
flight plan. So we would like for you to go to the horizon scan
mode for the next 8 hours. That 's until elapsed time of about
80 30, and we want you to use the primary scanners. We don't want
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 127, Page 5
cc Roger
-30 degrees at that time. We would like for you to track this
as close as possible and get some pictures, using the 16 mm camera
75 50.
s/c Okay, we will go to the orbit . . runs 9 and 10 as scheduled to
75 30 ati 75 5%
cc Roger. Okay, we are going to come up with some more tracking
tasks for you, I think, and we want most of this to be done
pretty tight.
cc Okay. I've got a map update for you if you want it now.
cc Okay, did you get the quantity readoff and computer off.
cc Okay. Flight would like to know if you are going to try sleeping
with your helmet off. Try sleeping with your faceplate open, I’M
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 127, Page 7
S/C I don't know. The sun really gets in your eyes. I don't think
we will try that. Ed just tried sleeping with helmet up and then
dawn - right now he just tumped it up. He is having a tough time
s/c Yeah, you can sleep with it just about half open. How about
cc Okay.
cc Yeah, of course, that's what we are trying to do, we are trying
closed in the last 12 hours, and I only had mine closed when I
was sleeping.
cc Okay. Go ahead and do what we asked there as soon as you can and
give us those wet and dry bulbs so we can get a good plot on this
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 127, Page 8
65. c
cc Roger.
2. I
, -
.: .
‘, 3
. _.., : . ,.. .
-. ;..,I
, ..
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #128, page 1
Canarvon pass we got what Dr. Berry described as some of the best
the Cape they will receive an update, a computer update for the
s/c : Okay
F: Understand.
F: Roger
cc: Flight, those horizon scanners seem to be looking real well.
The pitch is holding real tight and the, but, uh, just a teeny
flight. The spacecraft at this time is over New Mexico, we, uh,
have not had any voice contact as yet with the pilots this pass
ever, we expect momentarily they will have that completed and Gus
F: Rag.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape-#129, Page 2.. ., .
vc: Affirmative
1 : 1 :.-+. -’ ’ ,, . . .- ;
;, i, .; .; ; .
F: Rag
'. ,
cc: Gemini 4, Houston CapCom.
. '. .. . . : _( 1 .
.. .-
3 i . _ ‘.
cc: Standy by, I'll get it for you. This means we've got some
in some other tracking tests, some other things into your flight
very well.
right now?
cc: Well, can you do it? We can wait a little while until
cc: Hay, do you want me to read the news to you while you are
trying to do that?
s/c : 1'11 tell you what, why don't I wait until its in the
Canaries, how ‘bout that?
cc: Yeah, that's a good idea.
Mission Commentary Transcript Page 129, .Page 4
s/c : You don't go over the Canaries this pass?
s/c : Okay
John the 23rd a Saint, even though it may take a hundred years
or so.
s/c: Roger
cc: And the Dome Stadium ren..... controversy is still going on.
Then there's a nice story about Chris and the Control Center and
your flight team and Bhx your families in the Chronicle this
morning Bh. \
cc: And the last item, the Cards finally beat the Astros 4-3.
s/c: okay, I missed that last part, but I guess it's okay.
s/c: okay. How are things going down at the Control Center?
F: We're real pleased with the way the Control Center is '
working down here, the guys really have done a great job and
F: Roger
cc: Gemini 4, Cap Corn, do you want to turn off your computer.
s/c: Roger
cc: Okay
End Tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #130, page 1
a very few minutes. We've been out of touch since loss of signal
control mode now, for the, uh, past two hours. It uh, will continue
that mode for, throughout most of the day. All in all we're looking
fine and dandy here in the Control Center, we have another visitor
End Tape.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 131, Page 1
areas in the pass over Carnarvon, and there was no other business to
take up at that time. They are still flying in the horizon scan control
luncheon break. In the course of taking mine, I chatted with the gentle-
man from a local catering firm that has handled our cafeteria about
2 steps off the Control Room floor. His food certainly is worthy of
You get a nice luncheon spread, sandwich, etc. for about 95 cents,
Sausage, eggs and coffee for about 50 cents. He tells me since lift-off
he has served more than 2800 cups of coffee. I couldn't resist asking
what the planned usage rate was, and he said, "like everything else in the
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 132, Page 1
Guaymas station. We are reading solid '1M now on the ground from Guaymas,
and momentarily we expect Gus Grissom and Jim McDivitt to get into
conversation. Texas has acquisition. Stand by and let's tune in live
for this pass across the United States, which will probably be the last
good one today.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 133, Page 1
across the United States toward the end of that pass, comparing
notes with the ground, Jim McDivitt noted some trouble in his
that the switch may have been stuck in the ON position. There
are several ways around this switch, the most important of which
We're ready to play for you at this time the tape of the pass.
s/c ml 51 Zulu?
F1igh.t: GO ahead.
Flight: Roger.
cc Yeah.
S/C Roger.
WC Hi.
_-.. . _ *..
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 133, Page 3
we'll likely use your 35mm Conterax and you can use either
black and white film or color. And set it wide open at F18
with the range set at 8 feet. Then we'd like for you to put
the camera against the window and hold it so that the nome
isn't in the field of view. Then we'd like two sets of photo-
onnight side and then give one pulse up pitch - pitch pulse
frame of the camera and again let the shutter wide open at that
picture pulse up with the horizon view, with the b-lack earth
view'and a picture pulse down with the horizon view and the
s/c Roger - I got a pulse up and pulse down with the bulb
position on the 35 mm black and white or color. Set it up in
18 at 8 feet.
cc That's affirmative.
21 40 GMT.
run Number 4 or is that the other - the Air Force run Number 41
S/C Ok. When are we going to do the Apollo run 4? That's the
s/c * . .
CC Ok. Jim, would you press on your sternal leads? Hey, and
we have indication that you're using about two amps more thah
we think you should. We're wondering what is the position of
your suit pan, or do you have something else on that we don't know
S/C Yeah, we have the suit pan at two - we'll turn them back to
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 133, Page 5
cc That's ok.
cc What mode were you in when you got your malfunction light?
S/C What? ..
camp light off - let's see if it comes back on now. Ok. It's
back on now. Now we'll turn the whole'computer off and see
cc You still have. the,Lcomputer running 'light with the switch off?
s/c That's affirmative; ..
cc . .
s/c What?
cc We still show tha,t the computer is on..
S/C ok.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 133, Page 6
cc Cycle it one time, now, Jim.
s/c . . .
cc Say again.
S/C Yes. Can you tell what mode we're in down there?
cc Affirmative.
cc It's a catch-up.
s/c Houston.
cc Go ahead, Jim.
cc you're in catch-up.
Hey, ground.
cc Go ahead.
S/C We're going to euitch the IGS power off and let it go back
to prelaunch and just turn the IGS power on.
S/C Ok. I'll leave it switch off, in prelaunch, with the computer
S/C Ok.
cc Hey, Jim. Did you have your HF on when you passed over
S/C Well, I did have my HF on but I was reading somebody in. UHF.
End of Tape.
Mission Cmntary Transcript Tape 134, Page 1
on the 49th revolution. Just had a pass at the northern edge of the
Carnarvon contact zone. We are satisfied now that In the pass that
McDivitt heard our broadcast as he went down the Eastern Test Range.
We are satisfied that he has left his computer switch in the ON position,
and over on the upper right wall of the cabin over Ed White's right
shoulder, he has put a switch there, the IGS switch in the ACME position.
Earlier, we had - indications were that we had asked them to put that
IGS switch in the OFF position, but reconsideration with the Guidance
which control the maneuver thruster action. We expect contact with the
Rose Knot Victor in 67 tinutes from now. Meanwhile, we have the tape
for you from the Carnarvon pass. It is very brief and it is noisy. Here
it is at this time.
s/c Okay.
FLT Where did he have it?
L L -
Mission Commentary Transcript ,!?a& 134, Page 2
cc Roger. I understand
cc Okay
FLT Carnarvon ask him to describe again what happened when he turned
the switch to the OF'F position, and after he's done that , if he
hasn't said so., ask him if he saw a ma1 .
.: :
cc Roger *
. . .
cc Tell me what happened-when you went to OFF position.
_' _:_ .;
s/c Carnarvon. . . Gemini IV
cc I read you loud and clear.
cc Go ahead Gemini IV, I read you loud and clear
s/c Carnarvon, Gemini IV
. ,.
cc Gemini IV, Carnarvon Cap Corn
FLT You had very low elevation this pass, Eddie, he may not be
reading us.
cc Okay, tell me briefly what happened when you went to the OFF
s/c What
s/c No, I didn't. I got the malfunction light when I turned the AC
s/c ......
cc Did you copy that play?
No. I'm not sure I understood it, but keep . . . . him, and
cc Okay, . . . . . . . . .
cc Gemini IV, Carnarvon, how do you read?
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 135, Page 1
mission and we've just started the 50th revolution. For the
last revolution around the earth, we've had - encountered a
switch has been acting up. We've tested the circuit breakers
It's also worth noting that throughout the course of this flight,
John Young who was also at .his side some 76 days ago, during their
been just as silent as he was during that GT-3 flight. Gus has
done all the talking. We're prepared to play the tape for you
I've got the ACME power \ on and I've got the computer on -
cc Can you tell me when your computer light went on and when
put the power in the computer, the computer light went off, the
malfunction light came on, but the computer light came back on and the malfunction light stayed on and then some bulbs
after we went to ACME power, the computer went out. The malfunction
cc Roger.
cc Say again.
cc Roger.
Flight: Roger.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 135, Page 3
S/C You said we have a critical T/M dump over Guaymas at 20 25.
cc Roger.
cc This is Hawaii.
well ahead.
s/c Rog.
S/C Roger, Understand I've got 160 amp power more than we had
cc That is affirmative.
S/C ok.
Flight: -Negative.
S/C Ok.
cc Flight, Hawaii.
Flight: Go ahead.
Flight: Rog.
Flight: Rog.
cc Flight, Hawaii.
Flight: Go ahead.
-. -- 0
n 7 f- --
i i * L -_ -- -
il- 1L
n L & - A b A. L L
Flight: Roger.
cc All systems looked Ok on the ground, Flight.
Flight: Roger.
your power switch - ease your power switch back to IGS and your
computer switch on. And we'd like for you to watch - when you
s/c Ok.
Flight: Roger.
It won't go out.
now. .
Flight: Go ahead.
Flight: Rog.
modulation, though.
CCG Flight, I think you're right. T/M says he can't tell for
Cap Corn.
S/c Go ahead.
CCG Did you place the telemetry switch to real time and dump
S/C Roger.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 135, Page 8
CCG We finally got it, Flight.
Flight: Roger. .
CCG Do you want a computer summary, Flight?
CCH Roger. Would you check your indicator light test circuit
breaker and make sure - and turn it off and see if it turns
CCH Roger. Turn off your indicator light tes,t circuit breaker
S/C Roger. I already have, Gus, and it didn't turn off the light.
S/C Negative.
CCH Will you turn your quantity read on for ten seconds?
CCH Jim, we show that the memory is ok. We're showing about the
CCH You have the computer switch on and your power switch in
IGS, right?
, IGS. Let me switch the computer switch off and back
CCH Jim, What I told you about your memory isn't correct. We
S/C Ok. Be advised that even when I turn off the computer
CCH Roger. How about going to catch-up and hitting that Start
S/C Ok.
CCH Nothing happens when you hit your reset button, huh?
S/C Yeah, the light goes out and goes back on in a couple of
CCH Ok, Jim. Go ahead and put your EC power switch to ACME.
, .
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 135, Page 10
CCH We'll work on it. \We'll give you an answer when we get one.
s/c . . .
CCH ok.
End of Tape.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 136, Page 1
mission. Mission Director Chris Kraft has just advised the Coastal
Sentry Quebec in the western Pacific to pass up to the Gemini IV space-
craft in approximately 5 minutes the time-to-retro values for a 63-1
landing. This would be in the primary landing zone for the 63rd revolution.
We are now in the 50th revolution, and this pass is taking the spacecraft
over the northeast coast of South America. During the course of that pass
over northeast coast of South America, the pilots were to energize the
flux gate magnetometer and the electron proton spectrometer, two devices
used to measure the strength of the magnetic field which dips to its lowest
point over the earth just off the coast of South America. Both pilots were
scheduled to eat - they are scheduled to eat right now. They should have
started a few minutes ago. In about half an hour, it will be Jim McDivitt's
turn to go back to sleep. Flight progressing very nicely at this point.
We still haven't quite figured out what's wrong with that computer switch
which has been acting up, but it is not of critical concern. Reviewing the
electrical circuits involved and hope to have a solution shortly. This
is Gemini Control at 78 hours and 12 minutes into the flight.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 137, Page 1
barely see out the windows. Earlier we had an outstanding pass in the
Pacific area where he was in touch with the Coastal Sentry Quebec.
Then the range tracker ship immediately after CSQ, and then Hawaii. That
tape is ready. We now have the tape and will roll it for you at this
time. This is Gemini Control.
s/c Okay.
s/c I did
s/c Roger
s/c Status is GO
on the ground
cc Roger. 'We are GO/also, I am going to have to change your . . . . . .
with the 63-1 TR.
cc Roger got that. and the adapters all reading around 2 and 24 and l/2.
cc Roger.
cc Be advised that the - Houston does not know yet what the problem
cc Your 63-1 G.m.t. RC time , I've got it when you are prepared to
. s/c Affirmative.
cc Roger. COPY
cc Okay. I have some flight plan items for you, when you are
prepared to copy.
...... mission?
Roger. End of Experiment MSC 2 and 3,15 minutes. The next day
read 52.
cc Houston flight, CSQ
FLT Go ahead.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 137, Page 4
Hawaii, Gemini IV
Roger. I would like to complete your flight plan update. I would
like to confirm you have got item 2 MSC 2 and 3. Are you ready
to copy?
Roger. We are ready to copy, but speak slowly, you're breaking
Roger. Item 2, MSC 2 and 3 FBF high, start at 23 49 Lulu, end at
Apollo landmark run number 7. Area is too cloudy. Did you copy? Over
Hawaii Cap Com standing by
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape137, Page5
FLT Rog.
cc Roger. All systems look great. FLight would like you to think
we would like you to think about it and maybe tell us where you
are going to put all the things.
s/c Okay, we have already thought about it, and we thought about
it quite early in the ball game. We are going to put the . . .
pack back down in the wheel well, foot well at the righthand side,
cc Rog.
s/c We are going tq'take the cables and Ed is going to hold it between
his legs, about level with the bottom of the seat.
cc Roger
cc Roger
s/c We are going to put the film in the center food box
cc Say again
cc Roger
Mission Commentary Transcript nape 137, Page 6
s/c We are going to put the camera in the lefthand foot box.
cc Roger
in the middle . . . box
s/c We are going to put tie . . ..
cc Roger
SIC And all the refuge is going in the righthand food box.
cc Roger
s/c Okay, the refuge that doesn't fit in the righthand food box
FLT Roger
cc Roger
s/c It is pretty deep, I can just barely see out the window.
s/c Okay
FLT Tell him flight wants to know how much the refuge wei&s.
cc Gemini IV, flight wants to know how much that refuge weighs.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 1-37, Page 7
FLT The packages that the food came in, the defecation bag, the . . .
be too heavy.
cc Roger
FLT He got the point the first time.
End of Tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 138, page1
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 139, Page 1
and at the present time is over southeast Asia on the night side
of the world. We have just had a shift change here at the Mission
Director from Chris Kraft and his White Team has moved into the
End of Tape.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape140, page 1
of the earth and is now over the Pacific Ocean. As the spacecraft
passed over the Coastal Sentry Quebec our tracking ship in the Pacific
a few minutes ago pilot Ed White received directions for test that may
clear up the question as to wether or not the spacecraft computer is
MCC, White turned the computer switch to OF'F Position. He then turned
on the AC power to the inertial guidance system and then again turned
the computer to ON position. He was asked to let the computer run for
approximately 90 minutes to two hours. This may warm up the switch
mechanism if it had been cold. If the test is successful~the computer
will be left on for the rest of the mission - the computer switch.
and GT-3 the same problem was encountered and that it apparently
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 140, page 2
was caused by the computer being too cold. And Houston request
cc Roger.
Flight CSQ, Houston Cap Corn Houston Flight.
cc Go ahead, flight.
cc Roger.
cc Say again.
L 1L
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 140, page 3
also recharge the ACW which is probably run down at this time
cc Roger. All systems look good on the ground and that is all
cc Roger, understand.
cc Roger.
s/c . . .
cc Roger
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 141, page 1
This is Gemini Control at 81 hours 21 minutes into the mission. Gemini IV
is on its 52nd revolution around the earth and is now over China. The
apogee of our revolution is approximately 161 statute miles, the perigee
tracking ship in the Pacific, a short while ago, pilot Ed White advised
that the computer light switch is still on. Indicating we still have
the computer problem. Rose Knot Victor ship personnel reported they
were able to see the spacecraft as it passed over their station on the
night side. We will now play back the voice transmission tape made
Flight Roger. Will you query the astronaut and see if he has attempted
to powerup the computer as we indicated over the CSQ?
L i - - &
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 141, page 2
cc Roger.
s/c . . . . garbled
cc’ All of your systems look good here on the ground. We will
cc Roger.
s/c Roger, thank you. We are a little off here. Thats about a 2 second
error in SET
* . .
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 141, page 3
Flight Roger.
Flight Roger'.
Flight Roger.
s/c Local printout on the data on the computer looks pretty good
from here.
Flight Okay.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 142, page 1
its 52nd revolution of the earth. Coastal Sentry Quebec flight controlleri
advised pilot Ed White to leave the computer switch in the ON position
from the ground. White replied all systems are CC here, also. We will
now play back that voice tape.
cc Gemini IV, CSQ Cap Com. Do you copy?
SIC Roger.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 142, page 2
cc Roger.
cc Gemini IV, give us your quantity read switch for about 15 seconds.
s/c Roger
cc Roger.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 143, page 1
can start your blood pressure and stand by for our surgeon.
Flight Go Hawaii.
Flight Affirmative
on your MARK.
Flight Okay
s/c MARK.
Flight Hawaii your biamed data is excellent.
Tape143, page 2
cc Roger.
Flight Roger, we are experiencing dropouts on your data back here too.
Flight Roger.
and may have missed your second blood pressure. Have you
transmitted yet?
cc I;ooks like this will be a good one. Standing by for your food,
s/c Roger. I started on the meal 1 of day 4, I've had about 8 swallows
s/c It was a good sound sleep and I don't feel that I require any
cc Roger, thank you Gemini IV. Back to Hawaii Cap cam.
s/c Roger
cc Gemini IV, Hawaii Cap Com. I have a D-9 update for you. When
you are ready to copy.
cc Roger> I have a D-9 update for you when ever you are ready
to copy.
cc Go, Hawaii.
Flight Roger, those times were incorrect. They are hours and minutes.
cc Roger.
s/c I've been advised by last MSC that I passed through the anomalie.
I didn't feel I had a good dial referencesmall-end-forward
I'm going to repeat with my small-end-forward/this run to be
Apollo Number 4.
Tape 143, page 4
cc Roger, understand.
Flight Stu you can tell him his coolant temperatures are ccxning up
computer on line.
cc Roger, I understand.
Gemini IV, Hawaii Cap Com. E!e advised your coolant temperatures
are coming up and do we do feel optimistic about your computer
End of Tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 144, page 1
is still asleep. He said the computer light will now blink off when
the switch is pressed but does come back on. Flight director Gene
Kranz intevets as a sign that the warm up test will square the
sys tern away. We will now play back the voice transmission made as
the spacecraft passed over the tracking ship. This is Gemini control.
cc Gemini IV, Gemini IV, RKV Cap Com.
Is that correct?
S/C . . . Garbled
Tape 144,Page 2
before long.
Flight Roger, have him turn the secondary loop back off, please.
cc Roger, would you turn the secondary loop back off, please.
cc Roger, would you turn the secondary loop off again, please.
near CSQ, your 53rd rev. If you track in pitch you will be
s/c Roger. I understand Pegasus is my 53rd rev, near the CSQ area
down, please.
s/c I would rather not right now. The command pilot is sleeping
and I don't have him suited up the flight helmet.
s/c . . .
cc Roger
cc This is RKV standing by. We have about.3 minutes left.
Gemini IV, RKV standing by. We have about 3 minutes left.
present is over the Indian Ocean and the next voice contact will be
established over the Pacific with the Coastal Sentry Quebec tracking
End of Tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 146, Page 1
had voice contact with the flight crew, our first in approxi-
meal. We will now play back the voice tape of this voice
S/C Roger.
S/C I understand. Let me know when you‘ve got the tape and
_ ‘ __~.. .
. -
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 146, Page 3
the pass isn't finished when I get my tape dumped, I‘ll get
back up.
cc Will do. OK. Your map update: ascending node red 53,
51 minutes.
has--to be reset.
care to copy. I'll give you just one and let RKV pass the
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 146, Page 4
CC OK. We've got all the tape dumped, and I'm watching
back to track.
Flt OK.
Flt Roger.
Fit Roger.
Fit Roger.
End of tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 147, page 1
’ i
time. The Gemini IV spacecraft is now over Argentina, near Brumas Aries
We are just starting the 54th revolution. Passing over the Rose Knot
Victor tracking ship off the west coast of Peru a few moments ago,
voice communication was ruled out so that pilot Ed White could complete
McDivitt is still in his sleep period. The Rose Knot Victor reported
that everything looked good from its position and that the computer
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 148, page 1
with the crew. Meanwhile the check of the MCC consoles shows that
our flight mission is in a GO condition at this time. Dr. Daune
Catterson reports the pilots are in very good condition physically.
The medical data is coming in solid, via telemetry from the space-
craft. The flight crew is catching up on their sleep and are eating
Kranz. The only deviation from the normal is the malfunction indicator
in the onboard computer. Our flight controllers are still working on
that problem. '&is is Gemini Control.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 149, page 1
due west from the initial impact prediction. This change ,is due from
USS Wasp is steaming toward that landing point. It's estimated time
Standard Time. We will now play back the latest voice tape between the
Coastal Sentry Quebec, our tracking station in the Pacific and the
Gemini IV spacecraft. This is Gemini Control
s/c Roger, CSQ, Gemini IV, read you loud and clear.
cc Roger, we have some' CIA and TLA data. Will you prepare to
. . .
TV 149, page 2
s/c . . . prepared to copy.
cc Roger. Area 55 de\lta. 82 01 + 44 04 34 10 9 + 57. Area 55-3
. . . burn 55 aft 109 forward. 1.31 2 + 17. 05 140
s/c . . .
s/c . . .
cc Roger. Area 56 delta. 81 1+42 06 06 36 9 + 11 13 + 39 did you
get that one?
s/c Roger
s/c Roger
s/c Go ahead
55 forward 91 aft. 1 + 31 1 + 54 10 00 10 g + 03
s/c Go ahead
cc Area 59-2 104 2 + 12 10 50 54 4 + 26 9 + 45 Do you copy?
s/c Roger.
cc Roger. We are reading 960 on your primary O2 pressure. You
is Gemini Control.
End of tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 151, Page 1
cc ....
cc Say again.
Flt Roger.
Flt Roger. Will you have him stand by for voice remoting'
cc Gemini 4. RKV.
S/C You might find out if they want to get a type one medical
cc Flight. RKV.
wake up, did we want a type one on the pilot next pass: and
that's affirmative.
_ , ,~ ..-.._.- . . .._.I,
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 151, Page 3
cc Roger. Do you want to give us a blood pressure on
this one?
Fit Roger.
End of tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 152, page 1
End of tape
This is Gemini cbntrol at 86 hours and 9 minutes into the 4-day flight
a zero lift type reentry. The flight crew has been given preliminary
retrofire instructions for this reentry. This is Gemini Control.
End of Tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 154, page 1
This is Gemini Control, after 86 hours and 39 minutes of flight. There
are just about 11 hours remaining before the end of our mission. The
Gemini IV will soon be passing over the Rose Knot Victor tracking
ship located off the west coast of Peru. The Rose Knot Victor will
take a telemetry data relay from the spacecraft. Gemini IV is about
to start the 56th revolution of the earth. Spacecraft commander
Jim McDivitt is ending his sleep period and pilot Ed White will begin
one. Our flight surgeon here in the Mission Control Center is highly
pleased with the physical condition of our flight crew throughout this
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 155, page 1
Viet Nam, Philipine Islands and New Geluiia. This is Gemini Control.
MissionCommentary Transcript Tape 156, page 1
is now discussing with the crew some of the orbital track updates
as well as some of the tests being conducted with the onboard computer.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 157, page 1
cc Roger. Gemini IV, Canary Cap Corn. Disregard we will get the
I'd like to get the results of the computer first.
IVI. . .(garbled)
M's just as they were. It's impossible to put anything in
through the SQIU and when go turn the computer power off and
comeback on it the reset . . . I still get the malfunction
light back on in a second or two.
cc Roger, I understand. You put the M's in and nothing happened.
s/c I tell you Canaries I think our computer died when we turned
the power off and the switch back on.
cc Say again.
s/c I sag I think our computer died when we turned the power
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 158, page 1
will occur some 8 hours and 30 minutes from now, at the end of the
longitude or 430 statute miles east of Cape Kennedy and 590 statute miles
southwest of Bermuda at the beginning of the 63rd revolution. The prime
recovery vessel the carrier Wasp was estimated to arrive at the landing
point at 2 a.m. Central Standard Time, 25 minutes ago. This is
Gemini control.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 159, page 1
in mid Pacific on a track that will pass over the South American
cities Yskiel, Columbia and Caracus Venezuela. At the start of
the 58th revolution the spacecraft will be in brief contact
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 160, page 1
African cities of Tripoli and Bengasi. During the pass over the
tracking ship Rose Knot Victor, at the end of the last revolution
And that the medical readout showed that the crew was also GO. Cabin
pressure was 5.2 pounds per square inch. We have a tape of the just
completed pass over the stateside statinns. The tape follows. This
is Gemini control.
Flight Gemini IV, Gemini IV, this is Houston Cap Corn, over.
Flight Roger, hello there Jim. We'd like a prop quantity readout,
S/C Okay.
Flight And I've got a change to this Apollo landmark you've got coming
up this rev.
Tape 160, page 2
Flight Okay. You can change - delete sequence 12 and sequence 14.
You will be on this orbit, orbit 58 at time 09:40:22. Minus
minus 30.
Flight Roger and understand that will be a sleep during this time,
is that correct?
Flight Okay and we want to just advise you to use all the film you'll -
this is your last experiment. Use all the film you have at
this reentry with you a little bit. One other thing, Jim,
s/c Very good, very good. I was wondering what you were going
to do about that.
- -
s/c Yeah, it's not very imaginative but it gets the job done so
for your OAMSburn. We will give you the CMTRC. We will give
you a RET of .O>g. And then you will also get the RET
Flight This will give you a trim angle into the atmosphere, a-roll
rate and then a full left at 100,OO again for your drogue and
main deploy.
s/c I was going to say, I bet you Flight Directors were thinking
up this one. That's what I say, not very imaginative but
Tape 160, page 4
Flight Roger.
I have a bet with 'your wife that you will get within 5 miles,
now you have got to hold up my end here.
s/c Yeah.
Flight Hay Jim, we are still going to pass you your updates for 60
through 64 4 with the bank angles in, just the same as we have
been passing them, with exception of 63.1.
Flight Roger. That will come up just as it has been coming up and
s/c Okay.
Flight Jim, what is your general physical condition? Are you feeling
s/c No, I'm pretty sleepy and tired and I suspect Ed probably is
s/c Roger.
Flight We are going to try to hold off the last couple orbits just to
prepare for the reentry.
Flight Gem+ IV this is Houston. It looks like you are going to have
Mission Commentary Transcript Taps 161, page 1
have a tape of the recent pass by Gemini IV over the Canary Island
Tracking Station. Let's listen to that tape now. This is Gemini Control
c/c! Hello Canary, Gemini IV.
cc Go ahead.
s/c I'd like to have you remind Houston Flight Director that
we're not going to be able to readout any AV's we are just
s/c Okay.
r r- .- r
Tape 161, page 2
Mission Commentary Transcript gape 162, page 1
the Indian - Indian Esin Island group in the 58th revolution. The
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 163, page 1
This is Gemini Control, 91 hours and 1 minute after liftoff. We now have
a tape recording of the pass over the Carnarvon tracking station in
the 58th revolution. Let's hear that tape new. Lbis is Gemini control.
cc Okay, you are looking good here on the ground, how are you
cc Roger.
s/c Yes, I can see the ground new and I can say it is - quite flat.
cc Roger, how does the weather look over the whole coast?
s/c Well let's see. I don't know which way I'm pointing right
s/c . . . Let me just fly along here and I will tell you.
cc Roger.
cc Okay.
cc Flight, Carnarvon
Flight Roger. .
CC He just saw Australia on the ground for the first time since
the .mission started.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 164, page 1
Gemini IV spacecraft now in the Mid Pacific on a track that will pass
over Costa Rica and Haiti as i-t begins its 59th revolution. During
the pass over the Carnarvon, Australia tracking station, earlier in
the 58th revolution the crew remarked that they saw Australia for
the first time during the mission, Up to now it has been pretty
well covered by clouds. !Ihis is Gemini Control,
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 165, page 1
station and is now nearing the Madeira Island. During the pass over
the North American Stations the spacecraft c ommunicator in Mission
Control here passed to the crew of Gemini IV, orbital track information
as well as instructions for the command pilot to waken the pilot and
get a couple hours sleep himself before the time of the landing, some
have a tape recording of the recent pass over the stateside tracking
network which we will now play back for you. This is Gemini control.
Flight Roger, Jim. We'd like your quantity read switch on for
to copy.
Flight Okay, at the end of rev 59, ascenting mode longitude 124 degrees
west. G.m. t. 12: 10: 00.
Flight That's affirm and Jim, we recommend down here that you
I .“.. - _
Tape 166;page 2
s/c Okay.
Flight Gemini IV, Houston. You can turn your quantity read off.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 167, Page 1
Roger, go ahead.
'Ihe Gemini IV spacecraft is now over the Indian Ocean on a track that
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 169, Page 1
Islands nearing the end of the 59th revolution. We now have a tape
some 15 minutes ago. Let's roll that tape now. This is Gemini
cc Gemini IV, Carnarvon. Will the Pilot put the oral temp probe
. . . .
s/c Roger, the pilot just woke up. !&is is 8 02, day 4, had 5
swallows of water and had a very good nap for 5 hours.
cc Roger, I got that, thank you very much.
L L - L A
Mission Comznentary Transcript Tape 169, Page 2
cc Say again.
cc I don't know, the lady who did the dance can't tell.
s/c . . .
cc It stopped.
Flight Carnarvon Cap Corn, this is Houston Fli@Ft.
cc Go ahead Flight.
cc Gemini IV, Carnarvon Cap Com. Did you get a briefing on the
retrofire procedures.
s/c Roger. I haven't again, but about 4 or 5 hours ago I have.
cc Ihat is affirmed.
s/c Roger.
cc Flight, Carnarvon.
are going to let it go for an auto and then let you back it
s/c . . .
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #170 Page 1
End Tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #171, page 1
stations toward the end of the 59th and the beginning of the
s/c : Gemini 4.
up with it.
s/c : Roger.
End Tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #172, Page 1
End tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 173, Page 1
the Carnarvon Australia Tracking station. Let's roll that tape now.
This is Gemini Control.
cc Rev. 62, longitude, 168 degrees east, and that will be the
G.m.t. of 16 35 00.
s/c Roger, we've got 62, 168 degrees east, 16 35 00.
cc Roger.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tap-2 173, Page 2
s/c I was looking for you on that pass but you kicked on too early.
cc All ri.&ty.
cc Say again.
s/c . . . .
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #174, page 1
End tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #175, page 1
cc: Understand 45%, and have you had one or two suit fans
s/c’: We/ve had two suit fans on for about the last 4 hours.
CC:] Roger, you're back to one now. And what time did the
general procedures for the reentry, you'll get the 63-l updates
and the details on your next pass over the states from Gus.
degrees a second til the altimeter comes off the peg at approx-
cc: Roger, the only change since we went over this the last
cc: Gemini 4, Houston, you can take the quantity switch off
s/c: okay
s/c: @ahead.
s/c : Roger
.,. .
.- ._- _~
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #175, Page 3
s/c : Okay
cc: Rw=r, and the weather looks very good in the recovery
the spot.
s/c : Okay
cc: Roger, Jim, it looks real good from here, we've got
s/c: okay
cc: Gemini 4, this is Houston, how are you doing?
s/c: Ah, John, come on now, it must have been a long night
cc: Roger
cc: Roger,
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 176, Page 1
at this time and obviously the reason is we are only 2 hours and
19 minutes from retro command. Flight Director John Hodge from the
previous shift plans to stay on through the retro sequence. Stand
by one moment. I'm sorry, I was just handed a message by Cris Kraft,
I thought it might bear an announcement. It does not. I believe
you have been past these splash points earlier, we'll repeat them
27 degrees, 29 minutes north latitude, 7'5 degrees, 25 minutes west
Bermuda, 625 statute miles. The WASPhas been on the scene there since
2 a.m. this morning. The actual retrofire will occur at approximately
lo:54 c.s.t. at a point just north of our Guaymas station. The
longitude will be 114 degrees west, the latitude 32.2 degrees north.
We have the tape of the conversation between Gemini IV and the
Canary station ready to play for you now. This is Gemini Control.
s/c Roger.
cc Gemini IV, Canary Cap Corn. Your systems look god. Stand by
for surgeon.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 176, Page 2
s/c Roger.
s/c Roger. I'm preparing to eat meal 3 of the 4th day. I've
cc Gemini IV, Canary Surgeon. That sleep was all before your
last report period. I will ah - Canary Surgeon returning
S/C Roger.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape # 177, Page 1
preretro OMS maneuver will take place over the Hawaii station.
End Tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 178, Page 1
should be, 27 degrees nose above the horizon. And this would
s/c 000
cc Very good.
cc Roger. Okay, Jim, what control mode are you going to use for
the reentry.
cc Okay, fine. .
s/c Roger.
cc Roger, 2 for 1.
cc Never was,.Jim.
b.2 &jp
s/c It was about a week ago.
cc This is a new week. Remember this i sii L&me now, now dvelocity.
I /'
s/c Roger.
cc On your check list, did you - when you pulled your drogue pins,
s/c Roger, we're just starting on this. We'll get them though.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tap 178, Page 3
s/c Roger.
cc Okay, the doctor wants to talk to you here for just a second.
s/c Roger.
cc Jim, both of you are in real good shape at the present time
and all the EKE's look just fine. Your water intake is come
up real well and from our last computation here, both of you
s/c Negative.
cc Negative. Okay. I'd like to review with you this blood pressure.
You are not going to have the adapter on till after you are on
the water. Ed already has it on and we can tell from the data
and he is to get one blood pressure after retrofire, one on the
chute before bridle, one after bridle, and then both of you every
Mission Commentary Transcript nape 178, Page 4
time for this and remember the pumping exercise we did at the
s/c No questions.
Flight Is there anything else we can do for you. Anything else you
want Jim.
s/ c Yeah, my computer.
s/c . .
s/c You're
unbeatable Cris, I just . .%.
cc Rog.
s/c Yes.
Flight John just wanted to remind you that the tough part comes after
s/c Listen, I just want to shave. I feel pretty darn wooly 1Fke this.
SIC I thought those fumes around 24 hours were bad. You ought to
be up here now.
Flight Roger.
Flight Jim, could you give me your last cabin humidity reading that
you took.
s/c Roger. I took one about an hour ago. Just before I spoke with
dot, and I just took one reading right in the middle of the cabin
and it was 75 or 78 and 62 wet.
Flight Roger.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 178, Page 6
Flight Jim
s/c Roger
Flight We'll be losing you in about 2 minutes here and Wally will get
your OAMSburn and Guaymas will catch you down to your retrofire.
s/c Okay.
Flight As near as we can tell, your IMU is in good shape down here.
s/c Yeah, it looks good up here too. Gus, can you give us the
s/c Roger
SIC Roger.
Flight Roger.
Flight 20 seconds.
s/c Make that 32.
Flight Okay.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape # 179, page 1
the interchange you heard live between the crew and the
ground during the pass across the United States, there was
it, they didn't plan to use it. You will recall on Gordon
on radar data from White Sands, from Eglin, and finally from
End Tape
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #180, page 1
cc: Ah, roger, reading you loud and clear, how are you
s/c Okay
looking good here. I've got some times here, you got a pencil
s/c : Ready
count down.
maneuver 165040.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #180, page 3
cc: Okay
cc: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, mark
F: Go ahead
F: We copied all
cc: Okay
cc: Okay
cc: Roger
fire and only a minute or two from the pre-retro OAMSburn. Hawaii
Pilot - the Command Pilot Jim McDivitt will hold his attitudes at
recognition conservation.
Flight Rog.
Flight Roger.
s/c Okay.
s/c MARK. .
cc Roger Gemini IV. How are your attitudes during your firing.
Flight Cris Kraft advises here he had a perfect burn. You heard
retrofire. 1 Mark.
Flight That event was probably timed by more people than any other event
than ever occurred.
L P-
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 181, Page 3
and 30 pounds of fuel. This would leave about 15 pounds of fuel in his
after the hour. Guaymas should have him at almost 54 minutes after
the hour with the retrofire time planned for 56 minutes. During the
retrofire maneuver, the spacecraft will be pitched down at 30 degrees
immediately after completion of the maneuver, that will be pitch-down,
and the Pilots will have their heads up. Immediately after the retro-
fire maneuver, they will roll the spacecraft around 180 degrees and
at which point they will start a roll rate just as we did at the Project
F: Roger
F: Go ahead
cc: Did you copy that the auto retro was one second prior
to my count?
F: Roger
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape #182, page 2
ring A and B
F: Roger
and they are poised and waiting for Gemini 4 ,to splash down
right now. This radar data and that from the Eglin AFB
s/c : Okay
s/c : (Garbled)
Misston Commentary Transcript Tape 183, Page 1
we should have a helicopter over the spacecraft about the time it hits
at about 40 000 feet now and he should have a drogue chute out although
we have not heard a confirmation.
From the deck of the Wasp we are advised that they have had
a transmission from McDivitt that says they read him loud and clear.
The two pilots have advised the Wasp that they are feeling great.
s/c . , . . .
Flight We can't read you Jim, you're fading out too much.
down within the minute. We are standing by for additional reports from
down range. The circuit is very noisy and almost unreadable. 'Ihis is
Communications have been excellent with the DOD forces in the Atlantic.
This is Gemini Control. Our latest radar fix from the Wasp
indicates the ship is about 40 miles from the spacecraft. The space-
craft 40 nautical miles uprange from the Wasp. There are at least
are still standing by for an advisory from the deck of the Wasp.
We have a report from down said that a helicopter has the
with the spacecraft. They advised the Wasp that everything is okay.
a helicopter pickup. They are on the water and we are standing by. The
copter that will pick up the two pilots will be over the spacecraft within
5 minutes from now. The local time here is 20 minutes after the hour.
to proceed with the pickup of the two pilots and to return them to the
Wasp. At last report, they were 18 to 20 miles from the spacecraft and
about 1 hour and 20 minutes from now. They are estimating 12 45 c.s.t.
that they should be alongside for pick-up. The helicopter estimate
meanwhile for pick-up has been put-off until about 10 minutes frum
now. ?nnis will make it shortly after the half-hour. This is Gemini
Control standing by.
and everything looks fine. That was the pilots report. The pilot
get some word from the Wasp as to whether the pilots are in fact in
the helicopter or not.
From the deck of the Wasp, we are advised that 2 more recovery
The f1igb-t surgeon on the deck of the carrier Wasp, Dr. Howard
we are - our best estimate on splash down right now is 12 minutes and
30 seconds after the hour. This contrasts with the 13 minute estimate
near the spacecraft. The procedure is the first thing the swimmers do
in the water is to check onthe condition of the pilots, get an eyeball
verification of how they look and how they feel. Then they proceed
to put a large flotation collar around the spacecraft to assure sea-
worthiness until pickup which should come in about 1 hour and 15 minutes
from now.
We have additional swimmers in the water right now and they
whether the pilots have left the spacecraft. We are standing by for
that information.
The wasp at this time is 36 nautical miles from the spacecraft.
are further advised that Jim McDivitt declined to leave the spacecraft
until he was assured the flotation collar was securely attached to his
craft. We are standing by for any further information on the Pilot
The latest word is that the collar is attached. We are advised
.. /'?n the recovery area we are advised we have 4 helicopters and
in the area. Prom the Wasp we are advised that again the pilot's report
both are in good shape and are hungry and they emphasiie the word hungry.
craft until- for the length of time that it will take to get one more
blood pressure reading. You recall that before retrofire they were to
to take one final blood pressure reading before departing their Gemini
IV spaceship.
They did not say which hatch, but we would assume that it was the
area ready to drop the pick-up harness. At the same time both astronauts
reported they were in good shape and hungry, as we reported, and now we
are advised that one astronaut has emerged from the spacecraft. We
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape # 184, page 1
emerged, we still don't have his name. And the Wasp now
swimmers and sat back down. We still don't know his name.
And now from the Wasp we are advised that both men, both men
And from the wasp we are advised that the sling from
assume they would have taken the helmets off, but, they
the chute has sunk and,. uh, we don't know whether they have
Tape #185
Mission Commentary Transcript Page 1
that a Dr. on board has taken a quick check of the men and
.^ -.
Mission Commentary Transcript Tape 186, page 1
remain on the \scene, making a search for the radar and reentry
off the flight deck of this time, we can hear the engine
noise in our headset. And the prime helicopter touched
Ed White.
the red carpet at this time toward the medical area where
the island area of the ship, headed for the Wasp sick
We are advised from the Wasp that all the flags are
End Tape