Eurocontrol Atfcm User Manual 25 29032021
Eurocontrol Atfcm User Manual 25 29032021
Eurocontrol Atfcm User Manual 25 29032021
Network Manager
Edition: 25.0
Edition date: 27-04-2021
Classification: White
Reference nr:
EUROCONTROL Network Management Directorate
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Classification White
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2. ATFCM QUICK REFERENCE 2.1.1 Flight Plan Filing Problems; 2.2 Frequently
GUIDE Asked Questions
7.4 Type of Flight Data (States)
9.2 FLS Triggered by C-DPI Messages
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Amendments to the ATFCM Operations Manual are indicated in RED with revision bars.
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DOCUMENT CONTROL ..................................................................................................II
APPROVAL TABLE ........................................................................................................II
EDITION HISTORY ........................................................................................................III
EDITION CHANGE RECORD .......................................................................................... IV
1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................2
1.1 Purpose .......................................................................................................2
1.2 Applicability .................................................................................................2
1.3 Validity.........................................................................................................2
1.4 Amendments................................................................................................2
1.5 How to Use this Document ............................................................................2
2 ATFCM QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE ................................................................4
2.1 Operational Problems Helpdesks ..................................................................4
Flight Plan Filing Problems..................................................................................... 4
Operational ATFCM Problems ............................................................................... 4
Technical Problems (Transmission, Terminals) ................................................... 4
Operational Post Event Problems .......................................................................... 4
2.2 Frequently Asked Questions .........................................................................5
2.3 Frequently Asked Questions (NOP Portal) .....................................................9
2.4 Frequently Asked Questions (CCMS) .......................................................... 11
2.5 Frequently Asked Questions (A-CDM) ......................................................... 12
3.1 Objectives .................................................................................................. 16
3.2 Establishment of ATFCM Procedures.......................................................... 16
3.3 Network Operations Plan ............................................................................ 16
3.4 ATFCM Phases........................................................................................... 17
3.5 Areas Covered............................................................................................ 18
3.6 AO Liaison Cell ........................................................................................... 18
4 COLLABORATIVE DECISION MAKING (CDM) ............................................... 20
4.1 CDM Conferences ...................................................................................... 21
Network Briefings.................................................................................................. 21
Seasonal CDM Conferences ................................................................................ 21
Ad-hoc CDM Conferences .................................................................................... 21
4.2 ATFCM Daily Plan (ADP)............................................................................. 21
Initial Network Plan (INP) ..................................................................................... 22
Feedback on ADP Quality ..................................................................................... 22
4.3 Routeing Scenarios .................................................................................... 22
Mandatory Routeing Scenarios ............................................................................ 22
Alternative Routeing Scenarios (AR) ................................................................... 23
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5 ROUTE PLANNING...................................................................................... 24
5.1 Route Availability Document (RAD) ............................................................. 24
5.2 Publication of EAUP / EUUP ........................................................................ 24
6 FLIGHT PLAN SUBMISSION AND UPDATE .................................................. 26
6.1 Flight Plan Submission ............................................................................... 26
‘Ghost’ and Duplicate Flight Plans ....................................................................... 26
Reception of REJ Message .................................................................................. 27
6.2 Flights not subject to ATFCM Slot Allocation .............................................. 27
Exempted Flights .................................................................................................. 27
Airborne Flights ..................................................................................................... 27
6.3 Flight Plan Updates .................................................................................... 28
EOBT Requirements .............................................................................................. 28
Last Validity ........................................................................................................... 29
Modification of Flight Plan in non-CDM (DLA, CHG, RFP) .................................. 29
Modification of Flight Plan in A-CDM (E-DPI, T-DPI-t, T-DPI-s, A-DPI) ............... 30
6.4 Flight Plan Cancellation .............................................................................. 32
7.1 RFI Status .................................................................................................. 34
7.2 SIP Wanted Message (SWM) Status............................................................ 34
7.3 Ready (REA) Status .................................................................................... 35
The Ready (REA) Message ................................................................................... 36
TTOT before the CTOT Tolerance Window ......................................................... 37
7.4 Type of Flight Data (States) ........................................................................ 37
8 MANAGEMENT OF SLOT ALLOCATED FLIGHTS .......................................... 40
8.1 Slot Allocation Process .............................................................................. 40
Description of the Computer Assisted Slot Allocation (CASA) ......................... 40
Description of the Slot Allocation Process ......................................................... 40 Slot Allocation List – Basic Rate .......................................................................... 40 Pre-Allocation Stage ............................................................................................. 40 Pending Rate ......................................................................................................... 41
Slot Amendment Procedure ................................................................................. 41
Allocation Stage .................................................................................................... 41
Late Filing .............................................................................................................. 42
Late Updating ........................................................................................................ 42
Combined Flow Measures for one Flight ............................................................ 42
True Revision Process .......................................................................................... 43
Recover Hole Mechanism..................................................................................... 43
Aerodrome Parameters ........................................................................................ 43 Taxi Time ............................................................................................................... 43 TIS and TRS ........................................................................................................... 44
Late Reception of Slot Messages ........................................................................ 44
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1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
The ATFCM Users Manual has been prepared with the main object of providing in one
document an operational description of the NM ATFCM related actions, information
and message exchange.
1.2 Applicability
This manual is aimed at all those likely to be involved in the ATFCM process including
Aircraft Operators (AOs) and those manning Flow Management Positions (FMPs), Air
Traffic Services Reporting Offices (AROs), aerodrome and en-route ATS Units
operating within the NM Area of Operation.
1.3 Validity
The application of this manual is in line with the operational implementation of the NM
software releases, with version numbering of the manual reflecting the relevant
software release. Incremental numbering shall be used to indicate interim updates.
1.4 Amendments
This document is usually updated in line with major software releases.
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As per ICAO rule from ICAO doc 7030, flight plans for flights, which may be subject to ATFM, shall be submitted at least 3
hours before the EOBT. You will get either:
- ACK (FPL accepted) or,
- MAN (errors in FPL; after manual processing you will get either ACK or REJ) or,
- REJ (FPL rejected).
The update of the EOBT with a second FPL is not allowed in IFPS. When a FPL is associated to another FPL changing the
EOBT, the FPL will be invalidated with the EFPM401 error saying “NOT ALLOWED TO USE A FPL TO UPDATE THE EOBT. DLA
As per ICAO rule from ICAO doc 7030, any changes to the Following the CDM process and working practice, TOBTs are
EOBT of more than 15 minutes for any IFR flight within updated as soon as the responsible person for updating the CDM
the IFPZ shall be communicated to the IFPS. platform is aware of the delay. If your TOBT is 15 minutes or more
after the last EOBT, send a DLA / CHG.
The airline can delegate to the NM the filing of DLA messages
based on these TOBT values.
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At the earliest, 2 hours before EOBT you will receive a SAM with a CTOT. However, if a regulation is applied after this time a
slot will be issued immediately.
The EOBT / TOBT of a flight shall be accurate; it must always provide the earliest EOBT / TOBT you may comply with. This
is not related to the slot provided.
Note that if the regulation was lifted / improved, your flight could be re-calculated based on wrong ETO data because it was
not updated accordingly.
What happens if I update my EOBT after I have received What happens if I update my TOBT after I have received a slot?
a slot?
If the new EOBT still enables the flight to depart according If the new TOBT still enables the flight to depart according to its
to its CTOT, the slot will not be recalculated. CTOT, the slot will not be recalculated.
If a recalculation is necessary (e.g. DLA / CHG was If a recalculation is necessary (e.g. T-DPI-s was received with
received with an EOBT that places the ETOT after the TTOT after the CTOT tolerance window), you will receive either
CTOT tolerance window), the next available slot will be SRM, SLC or FLS. To avoid a substantial delay it is therefore
issued in a SRM. To avoid a substantial delay it is important to update the TOBT as soon as practicable. A T-DPI-s
therefore important to update the EOBT as soon as message can as well push the flight outside of the Regulation
practicable. period, in such a case you will receive an SLC.
There are several reasons why a SRM would be sent such For A-CDM, in addition to the reasons for non-CDM aerodromes:
- In response to a TOBT update which triggers a TTOT>CTOT
- A better slot has been found for you. tolerance window.
- In response to a rate change in a regulation.
- In response to a DLA / CHG message with an
As soon as possible send a DLA / CHG stating your new Update your TOBT as soon as you are aware of the change. If the
EOBT or send a SMM, if your new EOBT is not known, to TOBT is deleted or invalid (in the past) a C-DPI will be triggered by
ensure that the slot can be reused and to minimise your the A-CDM platform and the flight will be suspended.
risk of substantial delay.
If your new EOBT is known, send a DLA / CHG. You will If your new TOBT is known, update your TOBT. You will receive
receive either: SRM, SLC or FLS. If your new EOBT is not either: SRM, SLC or FLS. If your new TOBT is not known, remove
known, send a SMM. You will receive an FLS and will your current TOBT and then a C-DPI will be triggered and the
remain suspended until you send a DLA / CHG to provide ETFMS will reply with an FLS. The flight will remain suspended
your new EOBT. until you update your TOBT.
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You are no longer subject to ATFCM measures, e.g. regulation has been cancelled. If the SLC is issued after the last known
EOBT, your OBT will be adjusted to the clock (when the SLC is received). Moreover, if the SLC is issued after EOBT+15
minutes you must update your EOBT by sending a DLA / CHG.
If an aircraft cannot meet the CTOT it may benefit from a No CTOT extensions on AO request are given via the FM Helpdesk
CTOT extension of maximum 10 minutes. This may be for flights departing from A-CDM. For a CTOT extension request,
requested via the FM Helpdesk by AOs during the 20 If your flight has received start-up approval only the pilot can call
minutes prior to the COBT. Any request for a CTOT the TWR (over the frequency) for a slot extension. If your flight has
extension at or after the COBT shall be coordinated by the not received start-up approval an update of the TOBT is required.
FMP / TWR with the NM tactical team. Only one CTOT
FMP / TWR can coordinate with the NM Tactical team to request
extension per flight is allowed.
a slot extension or the next available CTOT.
FMP / TWR can coordinate with the NM Tactical team to
send the next available CTOT.
Consider rerouteing your flight out of a RR or FL scenario. These scenarios can be avoided by filing an FPL at an alternative
route (RR) or flight level (FL). The FLS usually contains rerouteing alternatives.
Investigate alternative routes that avoid congested areas. Refer to the daily Initial Network Plan (INP) for suggestions and
use the Flight Management interface / AOWIR if available. Consider filing an FPL at an alternative flight level. It is important
that pilots are briefed that flight levels in the FPL have been filed so as to avoid an ATFCM regulation.
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The airspace users are able to provide the earliest minimum take-off time that they can achieve, via the E-Helpdesk, and help
the NM Tactical team to find the most suitable improvement.
The default status is RFI, i.e. if an improvement is available The default status is RFI. A SWM received for a flight departing
you would receive it via an SRM. Another status is SWM, from a CDM aerodrome will be rejected by the ETFMS.
where improvements are proposed by an SIP
A flight is flagged as ready (REA) to depart if a T-DPI-s is
Alternatively, you may request the ATC at the departure received with a TTOT before the CTOT tolerance window.
aerodrome to change your status by sending an REA, which
allows the shortest parameters for improving the CTOT.
Only ATC (TWR or FMP) can send an REA and it can only be
sent up to 15 minutes before EOBT.
By sending:
- an SWM, if you were in RFI status, or
- an RFI, if you were in SWM status.
How can I revert from the REA status? How can I revert from the REA status?
By sending a DLA / CHG message with a later EOBT. A A TTOT update after the CTOT tolerance window will be treated
CTOT recalculation could be triggered. as a DLA. A CTOT recalculation could be triggered.
By sending a DLA / CHG message with an EOBT inside the
current CTOT tolerance window.
If you have disproportionately heavy delay or if you have The same as for non-CDM aerodromes. However, a flight can only
a critical ATFCM problem on the day of operations you be improved until the value of the last TTOT received in the T-DPI-
may contact the FM Helpdesk for assistance (E-Helpdesk s.
and Helpdesk calls). The flight must be in RFI or REA
status. (However, it is normally not necessary to follow
up a REA message with a query to the
E-Helpdesk. Flights in REA or RFI status are improved
automatically if capacity is available.)
E-Helpdesk handles queries faster as it has priority over
Helpdesk calls, therefore please use preferably the E-
Helpdesk. Parallel improvement requests by the AOs to
FMPs or other NMOC working positions should be
If two flights that have received a CTOT, with the same operator or an agreement between operators, share the same most
penalising regulation and at least one is thought unable to fulfil its slot but both would be able to fulfil the other’s slot. Slot
swapping is available via the e-Helpdesk. FMPs may request swaps between any flights during critical events at airports.
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What will the NM do in the event of low visibility at my destination airport if a minimum RVR value is set?
The NM will assess the duration and nature of the non-availability and either:
- close the aerodrome / airspace in the CACD and consequently reject all relevant FPLs, or
- accept the FPLs and regulate them and either:
- suspend flights, or
- delay flights to arrive or depart when the aerodrome / airspace is available.
The NM procedures are similar to those for non-availability of aerodrome or airspace and are adapted to specific local
In the event of the system failure a contingency procedure will be started and instructions will be issued by the NM (follow
the AIMs, NOP Portal / Network Headline News). To permit resumption of slot allocation following recovery, AOs should
continue to send flight plans and flight plan update messages to IFPS throughout the whole period of operation of the
contingency plan.
During working days and working hours, contact Outside of this time, contact
Where can I find information on which ATFCM measures are foreseen to be applied the following day?
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The NMOC publishes on D-1 the Initial Network Plan (INP) via the NOP Portal to give advance and additional information on
relevant events that are foreseen to have a significant impact on flight operations and / or ATC on the following day.
Where can I find the latest information on the status of the Network?
The NOP Portal contains a Network Headline News portlet aimed at:
− Informing Network users about significant events affecting the Network (e.g.: major capacity shortfall, strikes, volcanic ash,
− Informing Network users about actions taken as a result of the events affecting the Network and give appropriate advice to
minimise the impact.
− Reducing unnecessary queries to the e-Helpdesk through information sharing.
The NOP Portal also contains an overview and a map of the Network situation under the portlet ATFCM Network Situation.
Where can I find information regarding upcoming events that are envisaged to have an ATFCM impact?
The NOP Portal portlet provides information on upcoming ATFCM events via the Network Events portlet, including a calendar
view. It shows events such as:
− Military exercises
− Events (sport, political, art, etc.)
− CACD implementations
− System changes / updates / implementation
− Free Route Airspace
− Trials
− Pre-validation
− Airport based events
Where can I find the latest published scenarios and information on the axes?
The latest version of scenarios used is published under the ATFCM Measures (Scenarios) portlet in the NOP Portal. The portlet
Axis Management, which can be found by default just over the scenarios portlet, provides the latest information on the different
How will it be announced if there is a teleconference planned (e.g. for an ANSP strike)?
The NOP Portal portlet Tele/WebEx conferences provides information on teleconferences and how to access them.
Recordings of previous teleconferences may be found on the NOP Portal as well. The teleconferences are announced via the
Headline News and AIM, which can be found on the NOP Portal as well.
How can I identify the NM areas that may be impacted by adverse weather?
In the post operations tab of the NOP Portal, under the Network Operations Monitoring and Reporting portlet.
Under which phase on the NOP Portal can the NMIR (NM Interactive Reporting) portlet be found?
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Where can EVITA (European Crisis Visualisation Interactive Tool for ATFCM) tool be accessed?
Updated procedures published as Operational Instructions are available on the NOP Portal under the Network Operations
Procedure Updates portlet ( These updated
procedures take precedence over the procedures published in the ATFCM Operations manual and this manual.
The Central Claim Management System (CCMS) is a web interface allowing authenticated users to report post-event
operational problems involving the unexpected behaviour or inadequacy of NM procedures, data and / or systems. Such users
can submit complaints regarding NM operational services to the NM by creating an operational incident in the CCMS:
The CCMS has been developed as a single integrated tool for NM operational problem reporting and incorporates fully
transparent monitoring of the claims management process, from collection, investigation and reporting to operational claims.
Reports are recorded in the CCMS directly by the users, or alternatively by a member of staff at the Network Manager
Operations Centre. The CCMS allows the originator of the claim and all known authorised persons from the same organisation
to trace and monitor the investigation.
Feedback to the users (the result of the operational investigation) is provided online in the CCMS or via other means of
communication to be agreed with the users (claim originator).
Alternatively, if the CCMS cannot be used, claims can be submitted via the standard forms on the EUROCONTROL website
and in the Network Operations HANDBOOK to the email address
The CCMS automates and supports the processing of claims and integrates them into a centralised workflow management
tool. By filling in claim windows, users can at any time produce, expand, monitor and retrieve operational incident reports. The
network operations staff, within whose domain the claim falls, analyse the claim, allowing full transparency with the partners
concerned and maintaining an open dialogue during the claim life cycle.
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Access to CCMS should be requested using a NM Service request form, accessible via the customer support area of the
EUROCONTROL Network Management website or via the Network Operations Library.
See below the list of A-CDM and Advanced ATC TWRs (sorted by ICAO code). This is the correct list at the date of publication
of this manual.
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From an A-CDM, all types of DPI are used: Early (E-DPI), Target (T-DPI-t), Sequence (T-DPI-s), Cancel (C-DPI) and ATC (A-
DPI); from an Advanced ATC TWR only E-DPIs, C-DPIs and A-DPIs may be used.
Where can I find more information about A-CDM airports and contacts?
The Airport Corner, accessible from the NOP Portal, contains information for each airport.
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Where can I find information about DPIs triggering events and processes?
More information about DPIs can be found in the DPI Implementation Guide.
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the impact of any event and maximises the existing capacity without
jeopardising safety.
4. Post Operational Analysis is the final step in the ATFCM planning and
management process and takes place following the tactical phase of
operations. During the post operations analysis phase, an analytical process is
carried out that measures, investigates and reports on operational processes
and activities throughout all domains and external units relevant to an ATFCM
service. All stakeholders within the ATFCM service should provide feedback on
the efficiency of the ADP (ATFM measures and delays, the use of predefined
scenarios, etc.), flight planning and airspace data issues. This phase compares
the anticipated outcome (where assessed) with the actual measured outcome,
generally in terms of delay and route extension, while taking into account
performance targets. The final result of this phase is the development of best
practices and / or lessons learnt for improving upon those operational
processes and activities.
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AOs in crisis situations as such. The focal points for tactical information are the
EUROCONTROL-employed Operations Managers (OMs) and Deputy Operations
Manager (DOMs) in the NM Operations Centre (NMOC). The cell liaises with NM
operational services, AOs and ATM providers, proposes NM developments to benefit
airspace users and ATM providers, follows up on any repetitive problems affecting the
operators, and monitors the equity of the flow management process.
The latter is a key point – because the AOs are involved and the system is transparent,
the AOs accept the NM proposals and are realistic both in their demands and
expectations. For the first time in European ATM, all partners address the problems
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Network Briefings
Briefing on critical situations or traffic load imbalance in the network is carried out
through the NOP portal Headline News.
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• These mandatory scenarios are always agreed with the different FMPs
involved and fully embrace the CDM process.
• Mandatory scenarios are in the benefit of the majority of the flights as they
reduce delays in a given sector considerably and are beneficial especially to
those flights, which cannot avoid the regulation.
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5 Route Planning
5.1 Route Availability Document (RAD)
The Route Availability Document (RAD) is an ATFCM tool that is designed as a sole-
source flight-planning document, which integrates both structural and ATFCM
requirements, geographically and vertically.
The RAD is updated each AIRAC cycle following a structured standard process of
Requirement, Validation and Publication by the NM in cooperation / coordination with
the States and the AOs. For details of route characteristics, refer to the ENR section of
the relevant AIP.
The objective of the RAD is to facilitate flight planning in order to improve ATFCM while
allowing aircraft operators’ flight planning flexibility. It provides a single, fully
integrated and coordinated routeing scheme. Except where otherwise specified the
RAD affects all NM airspace.
The RAD is designed as a part of the NM ATFCM operation. It organises the traffic into
specific flows to make the best use of available capacity. Whilst, on its own, it will not
guarantee the protection of congested ATC sectors during peak periods, it should
facilitate more precise application of tactical ATFCM measures when required.
The RAD should also assist the NM in identifying and providing re-routeing options.
Global management of the demand will potentially, lead to an overall reduction of
The RAD is subject to continuous review by the NM, the ANSPs and AOs to ensure that
the requirements are still valid and take account of any ATC structural or
organisational changes that may occur. Further reviews may be initiated at the request
of the States or the user organisations.
The RAD is promulgated on the NOP Portal:
Temporary changes due to exceptional circumstances (e.g. major equipment failure,
industrial action or large-scale military exercises) may necessitate the suspension of
part of the RAD for specified periods, and additional routeings will be activated where
possible following coordination with the relevant FMPs and AO organisations.
Changes will be published by AIM giving details of the traffic affected, the period of
activation and the corresponding routeings.
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EAUPs and EUUPs are available through the NOP Portal, in the EAUP / EUUP portlet. A
Compare function enables the user to visualise the changes made between different
In the context of B2B web services, the same data is also available through the e-AMI
(electronic Airspace Management Information). A system to system connection can
be established to integrate the e-AMI into stakeholders' own applications.
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Flights departing from outside the ATFCM Area of and the ATFCM Adjacent Area are
not subject to ATFM measures.
If a flight belongs to a flow that is exempted from the regulation by the traffic volume
definition it will not be subject to ATFM measures either.
Airborne Flights
The ETFMS collects surveillance data, also called Correlated Position Reports (CPRs),
and the First System Activation (FSA) data from the ACCs. Automatic Dependent
Surveillance – Broadcast B (ADS – B) data will be processed by ETFMS in the same
manner as the CPR data received. The same time/vertical/lateral deviation thresholds
apply. The refresh rate of the ADS – B data is 1 minute.
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Note: The AO may ask the local ATC Unit (TWR) or the FMP to set the flight as Ready
(REA). See REA status for further details.
An AO should not modify the EOBT to a later time simply as a result of an ATFCM delay
(CTOT). When an AO submits an amendment message (e.g. DLA or CHG) to IFPS, they
must always give as EOBT the earliest EOBT they may comply with. The EOBT in IFPS
should always reflect the time at which the AO actually wants to be off-blocks. The
EOBT should always be changed if the original EOBT established by the AO cannot be
met by the AO for reasons other than ATFCM delay.
If, by changing EOBT, the flight gets affected by another more penalising regulation, its
CTOT will be recalculated.
Note: Some States outside the NM area of responsibility still require AOs to update
the EOBT regardless of why the flight’s original EOBT may have changed. AOs
should bear in mind the formula explained below when doing this. Where it is
known that ATC send Departure (DEP) messages for all flights, then this DEP
message will suffice.
Take the current CTOT, minus the taxi time, minus 10 minutes and send the
new EOBT, which must not be after this time e.g. EOBT 1000, CTOT 1100, but
the flight cannot go off blocks until 1025. The taxi time is say 15 minutes:
1100 minus 15, minus 10 = 1035. The new EOBT must be earlier than 1035. If
it is, then this action will not trigger a revised CTOT.
Last Validity
AOs are able to find in CHMI and the protected NOP Portal the Last Validity value (LV
column) which shows the maximum time to which the OBT of the flight may be shifted
without triggering IFPS errors. This information is aimed at improving AOs awareness
and hence their own operations by anticipating the necessary actions on flights that
might be delayed (DLA). The Last Validity field displays the following characters:
• “+” if the validity time found is over 4 hours (the system does not scan validity
further than 4 hours in the future).
• “<” if the validity time is exactly the one displayed and is less than 4 hours.
• “?..” if the Last Validity parameter has not been computed for the flight (e.g.
PREDICT, SIMEX s.a, CHMI archive).
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Any revision to a flight plan by means of DLA, CHG or the Replacement Flight Plan
Procedure (RFP) is taken into account by the ETFMS. As a result, messages such as
SAMs, SRMs and SLCs may be sent. SAMs or SRMs will be issued immediately if the
new EOBT is at or after EOBT - 2 hours.
If the flight plan revisions do not alter the ETFMS calculation any SAM or SRM already
sent remains valid. In that event ETFMS will not send new messages and the AO is
expected to comply with messages already received.
My flight is terminated (TER) in the ETFMS, although it has not yet departed, what
action can I take?
Ask the FM Helpdesk to re-activate the flight. The NM tactical team can manually de-
activate (undo activation) a flight up to 3 hours after it was terminated (TER). Once de-
activated, the flight will go into filed status and a Flight Update Message (FUM) will be
sent to the IFPS.
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The resulting calculation may lead to the sending of a slot revision such as an SRM or
an SLC.
If the TTOT in a T-DPI-t or T-DPI-s message is after the CTOT tolerance window, the
CTOT will be re-calculated accordingly.
Note: Normally, the sequence of DPI messages is: E-DPI > T-DPI-t > T-DPI-s > A-DPI.
• E-DPI (Early DPI): It is sent from EOBT - 3 hours after verification of the flight
plan EOBT with the airport slot (SOBT) and as such confirms the ICAO FPL
• T-DPI-t (Confirmed): It is sent from EOBT - 2 hours and it is based upon the
Target Off-Blocks Time (TOBT) derived from data such as the estimated
landing time of the inbound aircraft, passenger connections, crew connections
and the estimated turn-around time. In general this information represents the
AO’s desires and does not take into account ATC constraints at the airport and
/ or ATFCM restrictions
• T-DPI-s (Sequenced): It is sent from TOBT - 40 minutes and it is based upon
the Target Start-up Approval Time (TSAT) derived from the ATC sequencing
plan. This information represents the ATC’s desires and takes into account
ATFCM restrictions and as accurately as possible any other taxiing /
sequencing delays.
• A-DPI (ATC DPI): It is sent at off-block and it provides the ETFMS with an
accurate estimation of the actual off-block time. It is based upon the take-off-
sequence of the flight.
• C-DPI (Cancel DPI): It is sent if the turn-around process is interrupted at the
Will a T-DPI-t and T-DPI-s be rejected by the ETFMS if no E-DPI has been received
T-DPI-t and T-DPI-s will be accepted by the ETFMS even if no E-DPI has been received.
A comment in the operational log 'T-DPI received before E-DPI' will be displayed.
Why is the Registration mark of a flight in a CDM airport different from the one from
my FPL?
The ETFMS overwrites the Registration (REG) from the FPL with the information from
the DPI message. The handling agent should have the most accurate registration (for
the loading and load sheet of aircraft).
How can I update the Registration of the flight?
The CDM platform can send DPI messages with the correct aircraft registration. The
AO should send a CHG message with the correct aircraft registration, when different
from the one from the FPL.
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Note: CDM airports could pass this information to the Network Manager from as early
as EOBT - 48h or, if the flight plan is filed later, as soon as the flight plan is filed. This
will enable NM to update the traffic demand picture before the aircraft operator
cancels the flight plan through a CNL message.
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What can I do if I have received a SIP but the RESPBY time provided has expired?
If the flight is ready send an RFI or ask local ATC (TWR) or the FMP to send a REA.
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Field Values
ETFMS Portal FUM Description
flight list (FLTSTATE)
… A flight is in the state 'Planned' … if its data comes from PREDICT
P (PFD) Flight Data (PFD)
… A “Planned” flight is in the state “Planned, Slot Allocated” after slot
P (PFD) allocation was applied to it
Planned, … A “Planned” flight is in the state “Planned, Re-routed” after it was re-
Re-routed P (PFD) routed
Slot … A “Planned” flight is in the state “Planned, Slot Allocated, Re-routed”
Allocated, P (PFD) after slot allocation was applied to it and it was re-routed
Filed I FI A flight is in the state “Filed” after ETFMS received its FPL
Filed, Slot A “Filed” flight is in the state “Filed, Slot Allocated” after slot allocation
Allocated was applied to it
Filed, Slot A “Filed” flight is in the state “Filed, Slot Issued” after slot allocation
Issued was applied to it and the corresponding SAM was sent
TACT If an A-DPI was accepted.
t TA
A flight is “TACT Activated”:
TACT • In A-CDM, when the clock time reaches TTOT or CTOT (if
T TA regulated).
• In non-CDM, when the clock time reaches ETOT or CTOT (if
The reception of a coordination message (FSA, APL, ACH), an Air-
Filed Flight Plan (AFIL), an APR, a DEP, an FAA Departure Information
A AA (FDI) and a CPR will put a flight in the state “ATC Activated”. IFPS
sends an ACH message when the time of the estimate changes by
more than 40 minutes (with no other change to the flight).
Flight data in the state “Cancelled” is never shown in counts, flight
lists, etc... and is almost equivalent to removed flight data, with the
Cancelled CA
exception that a new FPL can correlate with cancelled flight data
(rerouteing and departure information)
An “ATC activated” flight (receiving ATC updates such as CPRs) will
be “Terminated” 20 minutes after the latest Actual Time of Arrival
(ATA), which is derived from ATC data
Terminated E TE
A “TACT activated” flight (no ATC updates received) will be
“Terminated” 180 minutes after the latest ATA, which is derived from
the flight plan
A flight is suspended if an FLS was sent, the flight will return to the
Filed I SU
Filed status in the ETFMS
Note: Flights in status “TACT Activated”, “ATC Activated” and “Terminated” can be
de-activated by the NM tactical team and returned to the “Planned” status. This
is required if modifications to the FPL (e.g. DLA, CHG) need to be undertaken
as the ETFMS will reject such modifications for activated flights.
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For each regulated point, area or airport, CASA builds and manages a list of slots i.e.
the Slot List. A regulation may be specified over sub-periods, each sub-period being
assigned a rate. CASA uses these items to build initially an empty Slot List. For
instance, a four hour long sub-period associated with a basic rate of 28 flights per hour,
would result in a Slot List made up of 112 slots separated from one another by
approximately 2 minutes.
When the regulation is activated, CASA starts to receive flight data, based on … Filed
Flight Plans (FPL), as available. Each flight concerned by the regulation is given a
provisional slot based on the order of their Estimated Time Over (ETO) the restricted
This initial reservation is internal to the ETFMS system and is subject to amendment.
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Due to the constant recalculation of the Slot Allocation List (SAL) as new flight plans
arrive, the provisional slot is very likely to be changed.
When CASA receives new flight data, it pre-allocates the slot as close to the requested
Estimated Time Over (ETO) the restricted location as it is available:
a) If that slot is free, it is assigned to the flight, which thus suffers no delay.
b) If that slot is already pre-allocated to a flight which is planned to overfly the
restricted location after the new flight then the latter takes the slot. Of course,
the consequence can be a chain reaction, because the flight whose slot has
been taken tries to recover another slot, possibly by taking the slot of another
flight, etc.
In order to reduce the number of large delays for late updaters the pending rate
will be kept entirely for flights that are modified after the SAM is issued with messages
such as FCM, DLA or CHG messages. Late filers will not be considered for allocation
of pending slots.
Pending slots are not used during activation of a regulation, taxi time change,
deep rectification. A pending slot with an earlier time will not be allocated to a flight
from a later slot, i.e. a flight will not be improved to an earlier slot by being a late
updater, but will be allocated the next available later slot. At a certain time a pending
slot is converted into a normal slot.
Allocation Stage
At a fixed time before the Estimated Off-Block Time (EOBT) of each pre-allocated flight,
called Slot Issue Time 1 (SIT1), the slot is allocated to the flight and a Slot Allocation
Message (SAM) is sent to the AOs and ATC.
An allocated slot cannot be taken by another flight, unless the regulation is deep
rectified and the CTOT has not been forced. However, an AO should update its EOBT,
if it is thought that the flight will not be able to comply. Moreover, the slot allocated to
a flight may be improved by the true revision process.
Why my flight did not receive a CTOT even if it is inside the regulation period?
Whenever a flight is subject to an ATFCM measure there is a possibility to receive a
CTOT except if:
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a) Flights with C / ETOT – TAXI – TRS before clock time of the time when the
regulation is applied / changed will not be recalculated in order not to disturb
the start-up sequence.
b) The C / EOBT of the flight is after the clock time of the application / change of
the regulation (the flight is still on the ground) but close to its departure time
and the OBT of the flight is within the next 30 minutes. E.g. 10:00 is the clock
time of the application / change of the regulation and the OBT of the flight is
1010. The 30 minutes is a default time parameter in the ETFMS and can be
manually modified. It protects the airport start-up sequence in case of
regulation changes, like TRS and TIS, but it also avoids that last minute SRMs
are sent to AOs.
The 30 min parameter could be subject to modifications based on the operational
safety criteria (e.g. chaotic situations).
Late Filing
FPLs sent to the IFPS less than 3 hours before the EOBT will render those flights as
“late filer”. These flights may be penalised during the slot allocation process. In the
flight status column (STA) of the flight list in CHMI / NOP Portal these flights can be
identified with a “LF”.
Late Updating
Modifications to the FPL (DLA / CHG) sent less than 2 hours before EOBT will cause
the flights to be considered as “late updater” if the update changes the profile
calculation. In the flight status column (STA) of the flight list in CHMI / NOP Portal
these flights can be identified with a “LU”.
These flights may benefit from the Recover Hole mechanism and pending slots (a late
updater may be allocated the next available pending slot, not an earlier pending slot)
in order to avoid excessive delay.
A flight was rerouted out of a regulation but no SLC message was received, why is
If an SRM is received, with or without a new CTOT, the flight is subject to a new most
penalising regulation.
The regulations for a flight can be found in CHMI, the NOP Portal and the SAM / SRM
(REGUL field).
How do I know which one is the most penalising regulation for a flight?
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In the SAM / SRM each regulation is specified in the REGUL field. The most penalising
regulation is the first in the list. The Most Penal Reg field in CHMI / NOP Portal in flight
details also provides this information.
Aerodrome Parameters
The taxi time at aerodromes is an important parameter taken into account in the slot
allocation process. Default taxi time is specified for each runway at an aerodrome in
the CACD but can be changed on the day of operation following a request of the FMP
The taxi time can be modified for a given time period. A modification of the taxi time
will modify all flights having their EOBT inside the period, some issued slots may be
recalculated and a few short notice SRMs issued.
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The modification of RWY criteria is performed by FMPs, TWRs and the NM on request
of the FMP or TWR. Accurate taxi times improve predictability in the Network (e.g.
more accurate E / CTOTs will be calculated). Additionally, fewer suspensions due to
FAM, while taxiing, will occur.
A-CDM towers are not affected because DPI messages contain taxi time and SID
information for individual flights.
Time to Insert into Sequence (TIS) and Time to Remove from Sequence (TRS) are
parameters used to prevent last minute modifications of the CTOT. These values are
stored in CACD and kept updated by the relevant FMPs and TWRs. They may be
adjusted at any time depending on the local aerodrome traffic situation and may vary
during the day.
The Time to Remove from the Sequence (TRS) prevents a change to a later CTOT, or
the allocation of a CTOT, when the flight is already in the departure sequence.
The Time to Insert into the Sequence (TIS) prevents an improvement into an already
organised departure sequence.
The TIS parameter is not relevant when ATC has sent an REA message for a flight.
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c) Manual Intervention
The NM tactical team (e.g. NOC, SNOC) manually allocates another slot to a given
flight causing a SRM to be sent. This normally only happens following an agreement
between the parties.
d) Transmission Delay
The message is sent early enough, but due to transmission problems it arrives late.
The occurrence is limited but it may happen.
Aircraft Operators
In order to comply with a CTOT, AOs need to plan the departure of a flight so that the
aircraft will be ready for start-up in sufficient time to comply with a CTOT taking into
account the taxi time.
AOs shall inform themselves of and adhere to:
a) General ATFCM procedures including flight plan filing, strategic ATFCM
Measures and message exchange requirements.
b) Current ATFCM Measures (e.g. specific measures applicable on the day in
question, such as ATFCM slot or flight suspension).
a) ATC is responsible for CTOT compliance monitoring at departure aerodromes.
Whereas the exact procedures to be followed will depend on the way that ATS
is organised at each aerodrome, the following requirements shall apply in all
b) States shall ensure that CTOT, if applicable, be included as part of the ATC
clearance. ATC shall take account of an applicable slot or flight suspension
when a clearance is issued.
c) ATC units responsible for CTOT compliance monitoring shall be provided with
the necessary information concerning the ATFCM measures in force and
CTOTs allocated.
d) ATC shall provide all possible assistance to AOs to meet CTOT or to coordinate
a revised CTOT.
e) A slot tolerance (-5’ to +10’) is available to ATC for which the aircraft must not
depart outside.
f) ATC may deny start up clearance to a flight unable to meet its CTOT until
coordination with the ATFCM units concerned has been effected and a revised
CTOT issued.
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Slot Revisions
Revisions to CTOTs should, where possible, be coordinated between the AO and the
NM using the ATFM message exchange procedures. However, it may be the case that
last minute revisions to CTOTs and slot extensions when the pilot is in direct
communication with ATC, are more easily or efficiently coordinated with the FMP / NM
by ATC.
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The —REGUL field indicates the name of the regulation affecting the flight.
Several —REGUL fields may be present, the first one being the most penalising
regulation i.e. the regulation giving the biggest contribution to the delay. The other
regulations are those with the calculated time of entry inside the regulation period.
The name of the regulation is built with the following elements:
Location of the regulation (ATC sector, aerodrome, …).
Date of the regulation.
Period in the day: M = Morning
A = Afternoon
N = Night
E = Early morning
X = Other
In order to provide more specific nomenclature for delay causes and, at the same time,
to assist the post-flight analysis, the ADEXP field —REGCAUSE comprises:
a) Regulation cause code (one letter code corresponding to the cause assigned
by the NM to the most penalising regulation).
b) Regulation Location code - one letter code: D, E or A), describing the phase of
the flight (Departure, Enroute and Arrival) affected by the most penalising
c) A space.
d) The IATA Delay Code in numeric (e.g. 81, 82, 83, 89) or 00 when no IATA Code
The —REGCAUSE appears in the SAM and SRM messages, and is associated only with
the most penalising regulation. The code appearing in the message is the code valid
at the time the delay was given to the flight. (see Annex E)
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Note In this example the field —COMMENT FLIGHT CANCELLED is present because
the slot is cancelled as a result of the cancellation of the flight plan.
An SLC does not guarantee that the flight will not be subject to further regulations. If
following receipt of the SLC, a new regulation is imposed which affects the flight, the
AO will receive a new SAM.
What is the response of AOs / ATS?
A flight may normally depart without an ATFCM regulation. Departures from A-CDM
will have to comply with the relevant TTOT.
When the SLC is issued after EOBT + 15 minutes the AO must update its EOBT by
sending a DLA to IFPS.
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In both cases, ETFMS considers the routes as well as the possible flight level
limitations and give the consequent result in terms of delay, miles to fly and CRCO
route charge information.
The NM may depending on the circumstances, consult the AO concerned about their
final selection. Once the final decision is taken, the NM will then propose the selected
route, which will result in the booking of a slot for that flight and at the same time
trigger the sending of a Rerouteing Proposal (RRP) message to the originator,
associated with the appropriate comment. AOs who wish to benefit from the offer shall
consequently modify their flight plan (either with a CHG or a CNL and refile using the
RFP procedure).
To secure the new CTOT, the CHG / new FPL should be received before the Respond
By (RESPBY) time in the RRP. Upon the reception of the new route in the flight plan, the
ETFMS shall merge the new route with the proposal. Then SLC, SAM or SRM messages
will be transmitted by the ETFMS as appropriate.
Alternatively, an AO may respond to an RRP by sending ETFMS a Rerouteing Rejection
(RJT) message. In this case the last received slot remains valid.
AOs not wishing to take up an RRP are requested to use the RJT so as to enable the
proposed improvement to be re-offered to another AO.
The OBT validity period field (OBTLIMIT – VALPERIOD) is presented in the RRP
message. This field presents the period for which the proposed route is IFPS
compliant. The calculation is done from EOBT until a maximum of four hours in the
future. This field can help in the decision making process for accepting or rejecting the
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EOBT for a maximum period of four hours. The comment included in the RRP
ACTION An RRP with a NEWRTE, NEWCTOT and OBT validity period is
2. The flight has already received a CTOT corresponding to its original route.
A New Route (NEWRTE) without a regulation (REASON OUTREG) is offered.
The Validity Period field indicates the time period the NEWRTE is IFPS
compliant. The computation is done starting from the original EOBT for a
maximum period of four hours. The comment included in the RRP message is:
ACTION An RRP with a NEWRTE, OBT validity period and REASON
OUTREG is proposed.
3. The flight has not yet received a CTOT, only a PTOT was calculated.
A New Provisional Take-Off (NEWPTOT) is offered provided the flight is re-filed
along the proposed New Route (NEWRTE). The Validity Period field indicates
the time period the NEWRTE is IFPS compliant. The computation is done
starting from the original EOBT for a maximum period of four hours. The
comment included in the RRP message is: ‘PURPOSE IS ATFCM’.
ACTION An RRP with a NEWRTE, NEWPTOT and OBT validity period is
4. The flight has not yet received a CTOT, only a PTOT was calculated.
A New Route (NEWRTE) with no regulation active at the time of the proposal is
offered. The Validity Period field indicates the time period the NEWRTE is IFPS
compliant. The computation is done starting from the original EOBT for a
maximum period of four hours. The comment included in the RRP message is:
ACTION An RRP with a NEWRTE and OBT validity period is proposed.
5. The flight is not regulated, therefore no CTOT / PTOT present.
A New Route (NEWRTE) with no regulation active at the time of the proposal is
offered. The Validity Period field indicates the time period the NEWRTE is IFPS
compliant. The computation is done starting from the original EOBT for a
maximum period of four hours. The comment included in the RRP message is:
ACTION An RRP with a NEWRTE and OBT validity period is proposed.
6. The flight is not regulated, therefore no CTOT / PTOT present.
A New Route (NEWRTE) with no regulation active at the time of the proposal is
offered, following the concept of the flight efficiency initiatives. The Validity
Period field indicates the time period the NEWRTE is IFPS compliant. The
computation is done starting from the original EOBT for a maximum period of
four hours. The comment included in the RRP message is: ‘PURPOSE IS FLIGHT
ACTION An RRP with a NEWRTE and OBT validity period is proposed.
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Can I receive a RRP that shows a shorter Estimated Elapsed Time (EET) but is longer
in mileage than the original route?
Yes, the ETFMS calculates the flight profile taking into account the forecast wind. It
also receives weather updates every 6 hours that may trigger a profile recalculation.
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Via the Flight Management / AOWIR, the AO can either generate a new route by means
of the dynamic route generator or enter manually their preferred route. Flight
Management / AOWIR function for a specific flight can be used until OBT. Such
rerouteing alternatives generated and evaluated through the Flight Management /
AOWIR can be filtered to display only IFPS-compliant ones, or search for rerouteing
alternatives avoiding specific ATFCM measures. For the rerouteing alternatives, it is
possible to retrieve the estimated delay (CTOT), the ATFCM measures impacting the
flight and the last valid EOBT for the route.
On identifying an acceptable rerouteing possibility, the user has two FPL refiling
CASE 1. Allow the NM to simultaneously initiate an FPL change (CHG or CNL /
FPL) on successful acceptance.
CASE 2. Allow the NM to simultaneously initiate an FPL cancellation (CNL) and
slot booking on successful acceptance, but, in addition the user must
then refile the FPL.
Users should note that an APPLY requires manual refile or an APPLY / FILE initiates
an automatic refile.
• If the AUTOMATIC filing was selected by using the Reroute Apply File option,
then no action is required from the user if the 'Apply File' process is successful.
• If the MANUAL filing was selected by using the Reroute Apply option, if the
'Apply' process is successful, a new slot will be booked and the user will have
to REFILE a new FPL via SITA or ATFN networks.
The IFPS proceeds as if a Change (CHG) message had been submitted by the user.
As a consequence the following actions are initiated by the NM:
• The original FPL is updated and all IFPS messages indicating this change (FPL,
CHG) including a flag ‘AWR / Rn’ in FIELD18 or FIELD22, are distributed to the
appropriate ATC addresses.
• A (long) Acknowledgement (ACK) message, with ‘—MSGTYP IFPL’, is
dispatched to the address associated to the NM Client Application having
made the rerouteing acceptance AND to the originator of the initial flight plan,
if identifiable AND to the originator of the latest Flight Plan message received
prior to the AOWIR, if any. The ACK contains all the flight plan details of the
rerouted flight as accepted by the NM and a FIELD18 flag ‘AWR / Rn’ is also
In addition, the ACK will contain a field:
In order to be consistent with the existing ICAO Replacement Flight Plan procedure,
the IFPS additionally inserts or increments an ‘RFP / Q’ indicator in FIELD18 of the FPL
in accordance with the following rules:
• If no ‘RFP / Q’ indicator is given in the FPL which is being treated for rerouteing,
the IFPS inserts both ‘RFP / Q1’ and ‘AWR / R1’ in FIELD18.
• If an ‘RFP / Q’ indicator is given in the FPL which is being treated for rerouteing,
the IFPS increments the ‘RFP / Q’ indicator and inserts ‘AWR / R1’ in FIELD18.
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EUROCONTROL Network Management Directorate CASE 1. SPECIAL: The System Cancels the Flight Plan & a New
Flight Plan is Generated
In certain circumstances there could be a mismatch between the last known EOBT
stored in IFPS and the latest known EOBT stored in ETFMS. If such a case occurs then
the IFPS will NOT proceed as if a CHANGE (CHG) message had been submitted by the
user but will:
• Distribute an FPL Cancellation (CNL) to appropriate ATC addresses.
• Dispatch a (short) Acknowledgement (ACK) message, with ‘—MSGTYP ICNL’
including the flag ‘AWR / Rn’ to the address associated to the NM Client
Application having made the rerouteing acceptance and to the originator of the
initial flight plan if identifiable and to the originator of the latest flight plan
message received prior to the AOWIR, if any.
In addition, the ACK contains a field:
• A Slot Cancellation (SLC) message is distributed in accordance with the
existing addressing rules for this message.
The message will include the fields:
• Wait for an appropriate period (to allow adequate time for the transmission of
the CNL).
• Distribute a new FPL to appropriate ATC addresses using the latest known OBT
from ETFMS in FIELD13 and including the flag ‘AWR / Rn’ in FIELD18.
• Dispatch a (long) Acknowledgement (ACK) message with ‘—MSGTYP IFPL’ to
the address associated to the NM Client Application having made the
rerouteing acceptance. The ACK contains all the flight plan details of the
rerouted flight as accepted by the NM and FIELD18 flags ‘RFP / Qn’ and ‘AWR
/ Rn’ are also inserted therein.
In order to be consistent with the existing ICAO Replacement Flight Plan procedure,
the IFPS additionally inserts or increments an ‘RFP / Q’ indicator in FIELD18 of the FPL
in accordance with the rules detailed above.
Appropriate ATFM messages (SAM, FLS) are dispatched according to the existing
rules for these messages.
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EUROCONTROL Network Management Directorate CASE 2. The Flight Plan is Cancelled & a New Slot is Booked
The IFPS proceeds as if an FPL Cancellation (CNL) message had been submitted by
the user i.e.:
• An FPL Cancellation (CNL) message is distributed to the appropriate ATC
• As a consequence of the FPL cancellation (CNL) an acknowledgement
(ACK) message with ‘—MSGTYP ICNL’, including the flag ‘AWR / Rn’, is
dispatched to the address associated to the NM Client Application having
made the rerouteing acceptance and to the originator of the initial Flight Plan
message, if identifiable and to the originator of the latest flight plan message
received prior to the AOWIR, if any.
In addition, the ACK contains a field:
A Slot Cancellation (SLC) message is distributed in accordance with the existing
addressing rules for this message.
The message will include the fields:
A Rerouteing Notification (RRN) message is generated by ETFMS to the address
associated to the NM Client Application having made the rerouteing acceptance AND
to the same addresses as for a Rerouteing Proposal (RRP) / Slot Improvement
Proposal (SIP) messages.
This message includes the new route description and the new slot calculation result
—REASON OUTREG when the new route is not submitted to ATFCM regulation.
What is the response of AOs / ATS?
After the reception of ACK for the CNL, the user is required to file a new Flight Plan to
the IFPS Units in accordance with the normal rules and where appropriate to all
relevant units outside the IFPS distribution area. The FPL shall include the flags ‘RFP /
Qn’ and ‘AWR / Rn’ in FIELD18.
Note The route in the new FPL shall be fully consistent with the one provided within
the RRN message.
The booked slot will be used only if the profile of the FPL matches with the profile of
the booked flight representing the accepted rerouteing.
The matching is using the following rules:
• Only the aerodromes and ‘en-route’ points of the point profile are used in the
matching. Points on the departure or arrival procedure are ignored.
• There can be more points in the route of the replacement FPL than in new route
description of the provisional flight plan reserved in ETFMS. Any additional
points found in the FPL are ignored.
• The sequence of the ‘en-route’ points must be identical.
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• The levels and the timing on the points must be similar (a very small tolerance
is accepted).
• The criteria indicated above are intended to give a reasonable flexibility (i.e.
additional points for level / speed, SID / STAR free choice) without being too
Once processed by IFPS the new FPL is sent to the ETFMS.
a) In the case where the new FPL and in particular the new route, successfully
matches the ‘booked’ flight in ETFMS:
• Appropriate ATFCM messages (SAM, FLS) are dispatched according to
the existing rules for these messages.
A field: —COMMENT FLIGHT REROUTED BY AO may be inserted in
these messages.
When the new flight is not subject to regulation, no further message will
be generated by ETFMS.
b) In the case that the match in ETFMS fails, a new slot allocation may be
executed. No account is taken of the ‘booked’ slot associated to the rerouteing,
which is released.
in the relevant ATFCM message.
After a time parameter in which no new FPL has been received the ‘booked’ slot is
An Error (ERR) message including a field: —COMMENT REROUTE TIMEOUT is
distributed to the relevant addresses including the one associated to the NM Client
Application where the rerouteing was originated.
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Note There may be slot revisions for rerouted flights as a consequence of new or
revised ATFCM regulations with the result that the delay expected with the
rerouteing is modified.
Only one request per flight should be submitted. Do not send repeated requests for the
same flight concerning the same problem, this will result in the response ‘Unable’ being
There is a drop down menu with the most frequently asked questions. If a question
does not appear in the drop down menu it may be submitted as a free text message.
Some of the queries will provide answers without submitting them to the NM, for
example: “My flight is suspended what should I do”. The correct actions are already
described in the drop down menus.
It is not necessary to follow up an REA message with a query to the E-Helpdesk as,
flights in REA status are marked in the queue in the details area of the E-Helpdesk. The
ETFMS will automatically look for improvements for flights in REA or RFI status.
Automatic submissions will be rejected with the response ‘Unable’.
Do not request improvements for flights which have no delay. E-Helpdesk airspace
users are able to provide the earliest take-off time that they can achieve and help the
NM Tactical team when finding the most suitable improvement. This can increase the
likelihood of getting the requested improvement and reduce the time of response.
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Airspace users have the possibility to flag E-Helpdesk requests as critical for:
• Specific flight schedules which are key for airspace users’ operations plans,
• Flights for which reducing ATFM delay is critical for their business.
Each airspace user can submit a critical request for:
• 5% of its regulated flights;
• A minimum of 1 flight, and;
• A maximum of 20 flights.
Critical requests are highlighted in the NOP flight list and E-Helpdesk queue to the
NMOC staff for processing in magenta colour. Critical E-Helpdesk requests will not be
subject to E-Helpdesk automatic processing rules (e.g. automatic rejection).
Critical E-Helpdesk requests are subject to Network constraints depending on:
• The number of filed flight plans during the day of operations;
• The number of regulated flights in the system.
All E-Helpdesk functionalities are available via both NM B2B and B2C.
Telephone Helpdesk
Whenever possible, customers should use the E-Helpdesk to contact the FM Helpdesk
However, for where no other option exists, a telephone service will be retained. If it is
possible to access the E-Helpdesk do not use the telephone Helpdesk.
For those who do not have access to the internet the Helpdesk telephone number is:
++32 (0) 2 745.19.01
When connected to the Helpdesk, callers are requested to provide the flight’s call sign
before stating the problem. This enables the Helpdesk to display the relevant data
concerning the flight before any problem solving takes place.
Callers who have no specific operational flight critical problem to resolve, should not
call the Helpdesk. Business jet users should contact EBAA (European Business
Aviation Association) for details on how to access help services at Use
NM HELPDESK in the subject line.
Slot Extensions
Slot extensions are limited to a maximum of 10’ and are considered under the
following circumstances:
If requested by a TWR
• For operational reasons the slot extension should normally be given. The
appropriate tactical staff should be informed if there is an adverse impact on
the load. It will then be the responsibility of the NM tactical team to either
negotiate extra capacity from the affected FMP or to rectify the load.
• If an unacceptable overload is unavoidable, a slot extension should be refused.
Co-ordination with the appropriate tactical staff will be necessary to ensure
that nothing can be done prior to refusing a request from a TWR.
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If requested by an AO
• If present clock time is still 20 minutes or more before the COBT (CTOT –Taxi
time) no slot extension should be given. The customer should be instructed to
send a DLA message.
• If a flight has already been given a slot extension no further extension should
be given. The customer should be instructed to send a DLA message
• If it is within 20’ of the COBT (CTOT -Taxi time - less than 20’) and no later than
the COBT (non-CDM airport departures) or AOBT (Advanced ATC TWR
departures), the extension does not generate IFPS errors and no prior slot
extension has been given:
1. Check the load. If the extension would create an overload no slot extension
should be given unless a swap is possible with a later flight.
2. If the extension would not generate an overload a 10 minute slot extension
may be given.
The capacity should be respected in ALL regulations, not just the most penalising.
For traffic departing from CDM airports, no slot extension will be provided if requested
by the AO. If the flight has received start-up approval only the pilot can call the TWR
(over the frequency) for a slot extension. If the flight has not received start-up approval
an update of the TOBT is required. Conditions
• A request for a swap from an AO via the e-Helpdesk, TWR or FMP is received.
• The NMOC will not check whether flights are from the same operator or where
there is a formal agreement between both aircraft operators for swaps to take
place between the concerned operators.
• FMPs can request swaps for two flights of the same aircraft operator or, during
critical events at airports, also for different aircraft operators;
• The two concerned flights must be in status slot issued.
• The two flights must be subject to the same most penalising regulation.
• Up to three swaps per flight shall be accepted, except critical events.
• For regulated flights departing from an A-CDM, the flight is not pre-sequenced
(not in ‘s’ CDM status).
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Slot Improvements
CTOTs may be manually modified in the ETFMS upon request from FMP / TWR staff
or AOs. AOs can make such requests via the FM Helpdesk. FMPs and TWRs can also
use the E-Helpdesk. The NM tactical team may also identify flights that could be
This is possible for critical flights (e.g. crewing difficulties) or flights with
disproportionately heavy delays. Conditions
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• takes action on these flights through an internal update of the Actual take-off.
In order to improve the traffic forecast, the internal ETFMS mechanism works
as follows;
o flights departing from within, or with an elapse time of less than 3 hours
to, a CPR-covered FAM enabled area will be ‘shifted’ in ETFMS up to 3
times, for 5 minutes each time, and will then be suspended after another
2 minutes (i.e. after 17 minutes in total) by an FLS.
o flights departing from non-CPR covered areas with an elapse time of
more than 3 hours to a CPR-covered FAM enabled area will be ‘shifted’
up to 23 times, for 5 minutes each time, and will then be suspended
after another 5 minutes (i.e. after 120 minutes in total) by an FLS.
• suspends them, after a time parameter, unless a message which confirms that
the flight is airborne, has been received in the meantime;
• informs the AOs and local ATC of the suspension by sending an FLS message
with the comment ‘NOT REPORTED AS AIRBORNE’ , enabling them to react.
The expected results is to release the slots unduly occupied by these flights and to
create an incentive for the AOs to update their flights in due time.
FAM is applied on all flights, whether regulated or not, departing from, landing at or
crossing areas where CPRs are received by the NM and FAM activated.
When such an FLS is received by the AO and the Tower of aerodrome of departure the
following cases may occur:
• The flight is still effectively on the ground either on stand or already taxiing.
I sent a FCM for a flight suspended by FAM (no other reasons for suspension apply)
but it remained suspended. What can I do to de-suspend it?
A CHG / DLA message with an updated EOBT will de-suspend the flight.
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What can I do to de-suspend a flight suspended due to the IFPS revalidation process?
A CHG / DLA message with a compliant EOBT / route (field 15) will de-suspend the
My flight received a CTOT but the destination airport was closed in the AIP or by a
NOTAM. Why was my flight not suspended in the ETFMS?
A zero rate regulation, which will suspend the flight in the ETFMS, is not compulsory if
there is a NOTAM prohibiting take-off and landing in an aerodrome. It is the airline who
is responsible for making sure that handling services are available as well as the AO is
responsible to check that the airport is fully operational before commencing the flight.
Note: The NM may request this confirmation depending on the amount of delay each
flight has. The delay threshold mechanism is used in such cases.
When the delay threshold value is used, suspended flights have to reply with an
FCM within the RESPBY time provided in the FLS if they wish to secure a CTOT
according to the initial order of the entry in the regulated location (ETO).
Replying after the RESPBY time will also grant a CTOT, but placed at the end of
the queue at the moment and, potentially, with larger delay.
Those flights that do not reach the delay threshold value will receive a SAM and
will not be suspended.
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The original suspension could have been due to e.g. receipt of an SMM, the effect of
exceptional conditions, non-availability of aerodrome, termination of the activation
Note When the current EOBT is more than 15 minutes in the past a —COMMENT
PLEASE UPDATE EOBT WITH A DLA MSG will be inserted to remind the AO to
update his EOBT by sending a DLA.
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10 Operations in Unusual
10.1 Flights Subject to Unusual Circumstances
All flights, including flights exempted from ATFCM slot allocation, will be affected by
the measures applied to handle unusual situations, except flights departing from
outside the ATFCM area and from outside the ATFCM Adjacent area.
Latest update of the NM Area of Responsibility may be found on the website:
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will have to confirm their RVR with FCM irrespectively if they have previously
provided their RVR. An AIM will be issued to reflect this rare requirement.
b) Issue revised slots at short notice.
Specific operational procedures for managing Low Visibility situations depend on the
local situation. They are coordinated in advance between individual FMPs and the NM
in accordance with the FMP operational procedures.
When are the flights going to be suspended?
The NM will send an AIM message describing the situation, in particular the time period
and the minimum RVR required.
The RVR may be provided in different ways:
via an FPL or CHG message (FIELD18 e.g. RVR / 200)
via an FCM message if the FPL has already been filed. This message may be sent as
soon as the AO is aware that there is a risk of low visibility at an aerodrome.
The messages issued by the NM will depend on the RVR status of the flight and
whether or not the flight is exempted. Three main scenarios are possible:
The RVR minima of the flight are known and satisfy the minimum required:
A SAM / SRM is issued for non-exempted flights due to a reduction of the landing rate.
Exceptionally no message is issued if the current slot is still compatible with the
landing rate.
The RVR minima of the flight are known and are not sufficient, then the flight is delayed
to arrive after the end of the low visibility period and a SAM or an SRM is issued
indicating the (new)CTOT, the COMMENT: ‘RVR CRITERIA NOT MET’ as well as the
minimum RVR required.
Note The (NEW)CTOT may evolve as the situation requires. When an AO submits an
amendment message (e.g. DLA or CHG) to IFPS, they must always give as
EOBT the earliest EOBT they may comply with. This time is not directly related
to the (NEW)CTOT provided in the SAM / SRM. The EOBT in IFPS should always
reflect the time at which the AO actually wants to be off-blocks.
If this delayed flight is also subject to other regulations, the subsequent SAM / SRM
will include the —COMMENT: ‘RVR CRITERIA NOT MET’ as well as the minimum RVR
The RVR minima of the flight are not known.
The flights are suspended and an FLS is issued indicating the COMMENT: ‘RVR
UNKNOWN’ as well as the minimum RVR. A RESPBY time is also in the message
enabling the AO to keep its present CTOT if the FCM with sufficient RVR is received by
the NM in due time.
Note The FLS are sent when the exceptional conditions are implemented but at SIT1
at the earliest.
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will have to be confirmed for every single regulation. As for a SAM / SRM the
REGCAUSE of the first regulation (most penalising regulation) in the list will be
provided for information.
Flights still wishing to depart shall send:
a) An FCM confirming all or a sub-set of regulations of the FLS in which the flight
is still operating. A flight confirmed (by one or several FCM) in all regulations
requesting a confirmation will be de-suspended and delayed to arrive after the
re-opening time therefore a SAM will be issued indicating the CTOT and
including the specific COMMENT. In case the delay threshold mechanism is
used, sending the FCM before the RESPBY time (20 minutes) should ensure
that the CTOT issued after the re-opening time will respect the initial order of
the entry in the disrupted location.
b) A DLA or CHG indicating an EOBT that will bring its Estimating Time Over (ETO)
after the re-opening time. A flight confirmed (by one or several FCM) in all
regulations requesting a confirmation will be de-suspended and considered
according to the new EOBT.
Either immediately or at the earliest 2 hours before the new EOBT, one of the following
will occur:
• if the flight becomes non-regulated then a non-exempted flight will receive a
• if it remains regulated, a non-exempted flight will receive a SAM;
• exempted flights will receive a DES.
Flights which do not send an FCM or which do not confirm in all regulations requesting
a confirmation will remain suspended and will be considered as not flying. An FLS will
be issued including the list of remaining regulations affecting the flight still requesting
a confirmation and for which ETFMS did not get a confirmation yet. However, in order
to inform ATC that the flight is not taking place, AOs are requested to send a CNL to
cancel the FPL.
Flights willing to operate to another aerodrome shall cancel their existing flight plans
and re-file new ones to ensure accurate data is sent to ATC and to avoid wasting
The NM will publish and update relevant information via the NOP Portal Headline
News and AIM regarding:
• any ATFCM measure applied,
• the reason of the disruption,
• information on airports capability for diversion management,
• information for long haul flights,
• the prognosis for the coming hours,
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according to the request received from the FMP and all the exempted flights according
to the NOTAM (emergency, rescue, etc.).
The NM will send an AIM message describing the situation, in particular the time period
and the reason.
Recovery Phase
At a certain point in time, the FMP will communicate to the NMOC that the problem is
going to be solved and therefore it will be necessary to replace the disruption
measures with recovery measures. The application of the recovery procedure will
address the bunching issue and it will minimise CTOT fluctuations, giving AOs more
stable departure times, and improving Network predictability. However, a stable CTOT
will only be achieved when full capacity / sector configuration will be provided by the
As the duration of the recovery measures depends on the capacity values and sector
configuration availability, it is not possible to set any fixed value beforehand.
My flight diverted, why was this not visible in the NOP Portal and the CHMI
Only a diversion ACH or a diversion ARR could modify the destination of a flight. These
two messages are sent by ATC to the IFPS; you should contact ATC if your flight is not
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ARR messages can be sent up to 120 minutes in the future. ARR messages can be
sent for flights in filed status as well.
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A Central Flight Processing Unit (CFPU) in national services may be used to substitute
this addressing mechanism. In that case the CFPU takes up the responsibility and shall
readdress the data to appropriate units.
ATS may receive all kinds of NM messages as default addressees for unidentified AOs
representative offices at the aerodrome of departure.
The default addresses may be:
a) the ATS Reporting Office in charge of the aerodrome of departure (ADEP-ARO);
and, if different,
b) the originator of the last flight plan related message.
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EUROCONTROL Network Management Directorate Description
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-TTO -PTID VEULE -TO 1025 -FL F300
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-IFPLID AA12345678
-ADEP EGLL Sent to AOs / ATS to advise that a flight which If the EOBT of the flight is not realistic (e.g. more than 15 minutes in the past) the
has received a CTOT is no longer subject to an SLC will indicate a COMMENT PLEASE UPDATE EOBT WITH A DLA MSG reminding
-ADES LMML the AO to update its EOBT by sending a DLA).
ATFCM restriction.
-EOBD 080901
-EOBT 0945
-ARCID AMC101 CANCELLATION MESSAGE When an SLC is issued as a result of a CNL, the field -COMMENT FLIGHT
CANCELLED will be included in the SLC.
-IFPLID AA12345678
-ADEP EGLL In the case of Cancel
-EOBD 080901 Sent to AOs / ATS to confirm that the slot of a
regulated flight has been released as a result
-EOBT 0945
of a CNL.
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-EOBT 0945 An FLS will be sent immediately where a flight has already received a CTOT.
-RVR 350 The FLS is sent instead of a SAM at the moment of slot issue.
The identifier of the regulation concerned together with the corresponding
-RESPBY 0855
regulation cause are inserted in the FLS message.
-TITLE FLS (3) FLS : FLIGHT SUSPENSION MESSAGE The flight will be de-suspended at reception of a DLA / CHG updating the EOBT or
a new DPI message triggered by a TOBT update. The AO is expected to send a DLA
-ARCID AMC101 In the case of : Slot Missed Message / CHG or communicate the updated TOBT to the A-CDM platform. The message
(SMM) will be followed by a SAM (indicating the CTOT) or a DES, which indicates the
-IFPLID AA12345678
departure requirements. If the flight has already departed, the first received ATC
-ADEP EGLL message (DEP / FSA) or the first received CPR will automatically de-suspend the
After the reception of a SMM, the flight is put flight.
in suspension and ETFMS originates an FLS.
AOs / ATC must conform to the FLS and, where required, the relevant AIM.
-EOBD 080901 The flight will be de-suspended after the
reception of a DLA.
-EOBT 0945
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-ADEP EGLL The flights, which are expected to be The message will be followed by a SAM (indicating the CTOT) or a DES which
airborne but are not actually reported as indicates the departure requirements.
airborne will be regularly ‘shifted’ then If the flight has already departed, the first received ATC message (DEP / FSA) or
-EOBD 080901 suspended and ETFMS will originate an FLS. the first received CPR will automatically de-suspend the flight.
The flight will be de-suspended after the
-EOBT 0945
reception of a DLA.
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-ADEP EGLL A suspended flight with an EOBT in the past or an obsolete EOBT When a confirmation is requested, the flight is kept suspended within
must first be amended by a DLA and then confirmed by an FCM. ETFMS until FCM message(s) confirm the flight in all affecting
-ADES LMML When the route has also to be changed it must first be amended by regulation(s) requesting a confirmation or until the NM releases the
-EOBD 190328 a CHG and then confirmed by an FCM. confirmation requirement or until a DLA / CHG message pushes the flight
outside the period requesting the confirmation.
-EOBT 0945
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EUROCONTROL Network Management Directorate
-IFPLID AA11857784 Used by an AO to reject an RRP message. Use of the RJT will enable the slot potentially associated with the RRP, to
be released back into the system for possible use elsewhere.
-EOBD 190328
-EOBT 0945
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EUROCONTROL Network Management Directorate
-TITLE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
-IFPLID 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
-ADDR (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
-ARCID 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (1) 1 1 1 1 1
-ADEP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (1) 1 1 1 1 1
-EOBD 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
-EOBT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (1) 1 1 1 1 1
-IOBD (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
-IOBT (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
-CTOT 1 1 (1) (1) 1
-NEWCTOT 1 1 (1) (1) 1
-NEWPTOT (1) (1)
-REASON (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
-ADES 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (1) 1 1 1 1 1
-REGUL 1< 1< 1< 0< 0<
-PTOT (1) (1) (1)
-RRTEREF (1) 1 (1)
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EUROCONTROL Network Management Directorate
-RVR (1) (1) (1) (1)
-RESPBY 1 (1) 1 1
-COMMENT 0< 0< 0< 0< 0< 0< 0< 0< 0<
-TAXITIME 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (1)
-REGCAUSE 1 1 (1)
-TTO 1 1
‘1’ means: exactly one field of the specified type is required a ‘blank cell’ means: this field is not in a message
‘(1)’ means : a single optional field of the specified type is allowed ‘n<‘ means: n or more occurrences of this field can appear in a message
Note: Refer to the IFPS Users Manual for the format of FLS message used in flight plan.
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EUROCONTROL Network Management Directorate
‘1’ means: exactly one field of the specified type is required a ‘blank cell’ means: this field is not in a message
‘(1)’ means : a single optional field of the specified type is allowed ‘n<‘ means: n or more occurrences of this field can appear in a message
Edition Number: 25.0 Edition Validity Date: 27-04-2021 Classification: White Page: 110
EUROCONTROL Network Management Directorate
Regulation cause Regulation
D En Route: Demand exceeds or complexity reduces declared 89 RESTRICTIONS AT AIRPORT OF DEPARTURE
ATC capacity C E or expected ATC capacity 81 ATFM due to ATC ENROUTE DEMAND / CAPACITY
A Airport: Demand exceeds declared or expected ATC capacity. 83 ATFM due to RESTRICTION AT DESTINATION AIRPORT
ATC industrial
I E Reduction in any capacity due to industrial action by ATC staff 82 ATFM due to ATC STAFF / EQUIPMENT ENROUTE
ATC routeings R E Network solutions / scenarios used to balance demand and 81 ATFM due to ATC ENROUTE DEMAND / CAPACITY
ATC staffing S E Unplanned staff shortage reducing expected capacity. 82 ATFM due to ATC STAFF / EQUIPMENT ENROUTE
Reduction of expected or declared capacity due to the non-
ATC equipment T E availability or degradation of equipment used to provide an 82 ATFM due to ATC STAFF / EQUIPMENT ENROUTE
ATC service.
Accident / D Reduction of expected ATC capacity due to an aircraft 89 RESTRICTIONS AT AIRPORT OF DEPARTURE
incident A accident / incident. 83 ATFM due to RESTRICTION AT DESTINATION AIRPORT
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EUROCONTROL Network Management Directorate
Regulation cause Regulation
D Reduction in declared or expected capacity due to the 89 RESTRICTIONS AT AIRPORT OF DEPARTURE’
Aerodrome degradation or non-availability of infrastructure at an airport.
G e.g. Work in Progress, shortage of aircraft stands etc.
Or when demand exceeds expected aerodrome capacity.
D Reduced capacity due to the degradation or non-availability of 99 OTHER
Aerodrome support equipment at an airport e.g. Fire Service, De-icing /
Services A snow removal equipment or other ground handling 99 OTHER
Industrial action D A reduction in expected / planned capacity due to industrial 98 INDUSTRIAL ACTION OUTSIDE OWN AIRLINE
Reduction in declared or expected capacity following changes
M E in airspace / route availability due to small scale military 82 ATFM due to ATC STAFF/EQUIPMENT ENROUTE
D Reduction in planned, declared or expected capacity or when 89 RESTRICTIONS AT AIRPORT OF DEPARTURE
demand exceeds the above capacities as a result of a major
sporting, governmental or social event. It may also be used for
Special event P ATM system upgrades and transitions. Large multinational
military exercises may also use this reason. This category
should only be used with prior approval during the planning
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EUROCONTROL Network Management Directorate
Regulation cause Regulation
E Reduction in expected capacity due to any weather 81 ATFM due to ATC ENROUTE DEMAND / CAPACITY
phenomena. This includes where weather impacts airport
A infrastructure capacity, but where aerodrome services are 84 ATFM due to WEATHER AT DESTINATION
operating as planned / expected.
D Reduction in any capacity or when demand exceeds any 89 RESTRICTIONS AT AIRPORT OF DEPARTURE
Environmental capacity due to agreed local noise, runway usage or similar
issue procedures. This category should only be used with prior
A agreement in the planning process. 83 ATFM due to RESTRICTION AT DESTINATION AIRPORT
This should only be used in exceptional circumstances when
Other O E no other category is sufficient. An explanatory ANM remark 81 ATFM due to ATC ENROUTE DEMAND / CAPACITY
MUST be given to allow post ops analysis.
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Edition Number: 25.0 Edition Validity Date: 27-04-2021 Classification: White Page: 114
EUROCONTROL Network Management Directorate
Filing Time The minimum time before EOBT for flight plan filing when At least 3 hours
a flight may be subject to ATFCM.
before EOBT
Slot Issue Time (SIT1) The time at which the NM issues the SAM to the AO and 2 hours
ATC at the aerodrome of departure.
before EOBT
Slot Window A slot is issued as a Calculated Take-Off Time (CTOT).
The CTOT is defined as a time when the aircraft must
take-off. -5’ to +10’
The slot tolerance (-5’ to +10’) is available only to ATC around CTOT
and only to organise the departure sequence. If there is
no departure sequence, the CTOT shall be strictly
adhered to.
Minimum Revision This parameter is the minimum improvement that can
trigger a Slot Improvement Proposal (SIP). 15 minutes
for SIP (min REV)
Ready (REA) The —MINLINEUP is the minimum time needed for that 0 minutes (minimum)
flight, which has declared itself ready to depart, to get 90 minutes
from its position to take-off. (maximum)
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EUROCONTROL Network Management Directorate
Timing from From EOBT From EOBT - From TOBT – 40 min At AOBT At any time
OBT - 3 hrs 2 hrs
Received TT TT TT TT TT
Data (some
of these
fields are TTOT TTOT TTOT (Sequence TOT) TTOT
optional) (Target TOT)
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EUROCONTROL Network Management Directorate
For further details refer to the DPI Implementation Guide and the Flight Progress
Messages document.
CDM STATUS in the Flight List
A CDM status indicator is shown in the flight list. The first letter indicates:
(blank) Not departing from a CDM airport
C Departing from a CDM airport (expecting DPI)
e Estimated (E-DPI)
t Targeted (T-DPI-t)
s Pre-sequenced (T-DPI-s)
a Actual off-block (A-DPI)
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EUROCONTROL Network Management Directorate
Abbreviations and acronyms used in this document are available in the
EUROCONTROL Air Navigation Inter-site Acronym List (AIRIAL) which may be found
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Edition Number: 25.0 Edition Validity Date: 27-04-2021 Classification: White Page: 119