Operational Procedures Avex
Operational Procedures Avex
Operational Procedures Avex
Operational Procedures
Stephen Varga
ICAO Annex 6
Flight data analysis programme shal include adequate safeguards to protect the sources of
the data according to ICAO Annex 19. The flight data analysis programme must protect the
confidentiality, integrity and availability of the data.
ICAO ANnex 6 states: The operator of an aeroplane of a max certificated TOM in excess of
27 000 kg shall establish and maintain a flight data analysis programme as part of its safety
management system.
Operational Requirements
Non complex organisations must enlist an Accountable manager and Chief executive
officer for the overall responsibility for controlling the organisation.
Operating Procedures for CAT lll
1) Two pilots
2) Certified system for CAT lll
3) Radio Altimeter
Total duty periods which crew members may be assigned shall not exceed;
Total flight time which an individual crew member is assigned as an operating crew
member shall not exceed;
Maximum daily FDP (Flight duty period) can be increased not more than 3 hours.
Cockpit Voice Recorders (CVR) on or after 1 January 2021 with issued CofA.
Flight Data recorders will be equipped with AC with MTOM of more than 5700 kg (or which
have more than one turbine and more than nine passenger seats) which records at least 25
hours. FDR must start prior to the AC being capable to move under its own power.
Operators must equip aeroplanes with an ELT that transmits simultaneously 121.5 MHz
and 406 MHz
IFR Flights are required to have two independent radio communication systems in
accordance with the applicable airspace requirements.
2 pilots for all turbo-jet aircraft and for turbo-prop with more than 9 pax seats.
Airborn Weather Detecting Equipment is required for night or in IMC where thunderstorm
conditions may exist plus for
1) Pressurised aeroplanes
2) Non-pressurised aeroplanse with MCTOM more than 5700 kg.
3) Non-pressurised aeroplanes with a MOPSC of more than 9.
First-aid kits – Must be readily accessible
Operations Manual
RVSM Requirements