Variable Importance in Neural
Variable Importance in Neural
Variable Importance in Neural
If you’re a regular reader of my blog you’ll know that I’ve spent some time dabbling with neural
networks. As I explained here, I’ve used neural networks in my own research to develop
inference into causation. Neural networks fall under two general categories that describe their
intended use. Supervised neural networks (e.g., multilayer feed-forward networks) are generally
used for prediction, whereas unsupervised networks (e.g., Kohonen self-organizing maps) are
used for pattern recognition. This categorization partially describes the role of the analyst during
model development. For example, a supervised network is developed from a set of known
variables and the end goal of the model is to match the predicted output values with the observed
via ‘supervision’ of the training process by the analyst. Development of unsupervised networks
are conducted independently from the analyst in the sense that the end product is not known and
no direct supervision is required to ensure expected or known results are obtained. Although my
research objectives were not concerned specifically with prediction, I’ve focused entirely on
supervised networks given the number of tools that have been developed to gain insight into
causation. Most of these tools have been described in the primary literature but are not available
in R.
My previous post on neural networks described a plotting function that can be used to visually
interpret a neural network. Variables in the layers are labelled, in addition to coloring and
thickening of weights between the layers. A general goal of statistical modelling is to identify the
relative importance of explanatory variables for their relation to one or more response variables.
The plotting function is used to portray the neural network in this manner, or more specifically, it
plots the neural network as a neural interpretation diagram (NID) 1. The rationale for use of an
NID is to provide insight into variable importance by visually examining the weights between the
layers. For example, input (explanatory) variables that have strong positive associations with
response variables are expected to have many thick black connections between the layers. This
qualitative interpretation can be very challenging for large models, particularly if the sign of the
weights switches after passing the hidden layer. I have found the NID to be quite useless for
anything but the simplest models.
Fig: A neural interpretation diagram for a generic neural network. Weights are color-coded by sign (black +, grey -) and thickness is
in proportion to magnitude. The plot function can be obtained here.
The weights that connect variables in a neural network are partially analogous to parameter
coefficients in a standard regression model and can be used to describe relationships between
variables. That is, the weights dictate the relative influence of information that is processed in the
network such that input variables that are not relevant in their correlation with a response variable
are suppressed by the weights. The opposite effect is seen for weights assigned to explanatory
variables that have strong, positive associations with a response variable. An obvious difference
between a neural network and a regression model is that the number of weights is excessive in the
former case. This characteristic is advantageous in that it makes neural networks very flexible for
modeling non-linear functions with multiple interactions, although interpretation of the effects of
specific variables is of course challenging.
A method proposed by Garson 19912 (also Goh 19953) identifies the relative importance of
explanatory variables for specific response variables in a supervised neural network by
deconstructing the model weights. The basic idea is that the relative importance (or strength of
association) of a specific explanatory variable for a specific response variable can be determined
by identifying all weighted connections between the nodes of interest. That is, all weights
connecting the specific input node that pass through the hidden layer to the specific response
variable are identified. This is repeated for all other explanatory variables until the analyst has a
list of all weights that are specific to each input variable. The connections are tallied for each
input node and scaled relative to all other inputs. A single value is obtained for each explanatory
variable that describes the relationship with response variable in the model (see the appendix in
Goh 1995 for a more detailed description). The original algorithm presented in Garson 1991
indicated relative importance as the absolute magnitude from zero to one such the direction of the
response could not be determined. I modified the approach to preserve the sign, as you’ll see
We start by creating a neural network model (using the nnet package) from simulated data before
illustrating use of the algorithm. The model is created from eight input variables, one response
variable, 10000 observations, and an arbitrary correlation matrix that describes relationships
between the explanatory variables. A set of randomly chosen parameters describe the relationship
of the response variable with the explanatory variables.
2 require(clusterGeneration)
3 require(nnet)
5 #define number of variables and observations
6 set.seed(2)
7 num.obs<-10000
9 #define correlation matrix for explanatory variables
10 #define actual parameter values
11 cov.mat<-genPositiveDefMat(num.vars,covMethod=c("unifcorrmat"))$Sigma
12 rand.vars<-mvrnorm(num.obs,rep(0,num.vars),Sigma=cov.mat)
13 y<-rand.vars %*% matrix(parms) + rnorm(num.obs,sd=20)
15 #prep data and create neural network
16 y<-data.frame((y-min(y))/(max(y)-min(y)))
17 names(y)<-'y'
The function for determining relative importance is called and can be imported from my
Github account (gist 6206737). The function reverse depends on the plot.nnet function to get
the model weights.
1 #import '' from Github
2 source_url(
#use the function on the model created above
5 par(mar=c(3,4,1,1),family='serif')
6'y',mod1,col=cols,ylab='Rel. importance',ylim=c(-1,1))
8 #output of the third element looks like this
9 # $rel.imp
# X1 X2 X3 X4 X5
10 # 0.0000000 0.9299522 0.6114887 -0.9699019 -1.0000000
11 # X6 X7 X8
12 # -0.8217887 0.3600374 0.4018899
Fig: Relative importance of the eight explanatory variables for response variable y using the neural network created above. Relative
importance was determined using methods in Garson 1991 2 and Goh 19953. The function can be obtained here.
The output from the function and the bar plot tells us that the variables X5 and X2have the
strongest negative and positive relationships, respectively, with the response variable. Similarly,
variables that have relative importance close to zero, such as X1, do not have any substantial
importance for y. Note that these values indicate relative importance such that a variable with a
value of zero will most likely have some marginal effect on the response variable, but its effect is
irrelevant in the context of the other explanatory variables.