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The word sonnet is derived from the Italian word “sonetto,” which means a
“little song” or small lyric. In poetry, a sonnet has 14 lines, and is written in
iambic pentameter. Each line has 10 syllables. It has a
specific rhyme scheme, and a volta, or a specific turn.

A sonnet is simply a poem written in a certain format. You can identify a

sonnet if the poem has the following characteristics:

 14 lines. All sonnets have 14 lines which can be broken down into

four sections called quatrains. 

 A strict rhyme scheme. The rhyme scheme of a Shakespearean

sonnet is ABAB / CDCD / EFEF / GG (note the four distinct sections
in the rhyme scheme). 
 Written in iambic Pentameter. Sonnets are written in iambic
pentameter, a poetic meter with 10 beats per line made up of
alternating unstressed and stressed syllables.

A sonnet can be broken down into four sections called quatrains. The first
three quatrains contain four lines each and use an alternating rhyme
scheme. The final quatrain consists of just two lines which both rhyme.

Each quatrain should progress the poem as follows:

1. First quatrain: This should establish the subject of the sonnet.

Number of lines: 4. Rhyme Scheme: ABAB 
2. Second quatrain: This should develop the sonnet’s theme.
Number of lines: 4. Rhyme Scheme: CDCD 
3. Third quatrain: This should round off the sonnet’s theme.
Number of lines: 4. Rhyme Scheme: EFEF 
4. Fourth quatrain: This should act as a conclusion to the
sonnet.Number of lines: 2. Rhyme Scheme: GG
Types of Sonnet

Sonnets can be categorized into six major types:

1. Italian Sonnet
2. Shakespearean Sonnet
3. Spenserian Sonnet
4. Miltonic Sonnet
5. Terza Rima Sonnet
6. Curtal Sonnet

Italian or Petrarchan Sonnet

Italian or Petrarchan sonnet was introduced by 14th century

Italian poet Francesco Petrarch.

“Being one day at my window all alone,

So manie strange things happened me to see,
As much as it grieveth me to thinke thereon.
At my right hand a hynde appear’d to mee,
So faire as mote the greatest god delite;
Two eager dogs did her pursue in chace.
Of which the one was blacke, the other white:
With deadly force so in their cruell race
They pincht the haunches of that gentle beast,
That at the last, and in short time, I spide,
Under a rocke, where she alas, opprest,
Fell to the ground, and there untimely dide.
Cruell death vanquishing so noble beautie
Oft makes me wayle so hard a desire.”

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