Iso 11070 PDF
Iso 11070 PDF
Iso 11070 PDF
A Reference number
ISO 11070
ISO 11070
Contents Page
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Definitions 1
4 General requirements 4
5 Additional requirements for introducer needles 5
6 Additional requirements for introducer catheters 6
7 Additional requirements for sheath introducers 7
8 Additional requirements for guide wires 8
9 Additional requirements for dilators 9
10 Additional requirements for kits containing combinations of devices
specified in this International Standard 10
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International Organization for Standardization
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© ISO ISO 11070
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO
member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical
committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the
right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison
with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
International Standard ISO 11070 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 84, Medical devices for injection,
Subcommittee SC 1, Syringes, needles and intravascular catheters for single use.
Annexes B, C, D, E, F, G, and H form an integral part of this International Standard. Annexes A and J are for
information only.
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies requirements for introducer needles, introducer catheters, sheath introducers,
guide wires and dilators supplied in the sterile condition, and intended for single use in conjunction with intravascular
catheters specified in ISO 10555.
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this
International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision,
and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of
applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of
currently valid International Standards.
ISO 594-1:1986, Conical fittings with a 6 % (Luer) taper for syringes, needles and certain other medical equipment —
Part 1: General requirements.
ISO 594-2:1991, Conical fittings with a 6% (Luer) taper for syringes, needles and certain other medical equipment —
Part 2: Lock fittings.
ISO 7886-1:1993, Sterile hypodermic syringes for single use — Part 1: Syringes for manual use.
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this International Standard, the following definitions apply.
NOTE - Schematic examples of the devices covered by this International Standard, with examples of terminology, are given for
information in figures 1, 2 and 3.
coil (of a guide wire)
outer, helically wound wire
core wire (of a guide wire)
inner wire used to achieve stiffness of the guide wire
ISO 11070 © ISO
flexible, tubular device used for dilating the percutaneous opening into a blood vessel
distal end
patient end
end of the device which is inserted into the patient
effective length
length of the device that can be inserted into the body
guide wire
spring guide
flexible device over which a catheter or dilator is passed to assist in the insertion and location of the catheter or dilator
into a blood vessel
NOTE - The guide wire may be pre-formed, such as the J-type guide wire shown in figure 3, have a fixed or movable core, and
may also be coated.
connector(s) at the proximal end of the intravascular catheter introducer which may either be integral with the
introducer or be capable of being securely fitted to the proximal end of the introducer
introducer catheter
short, flexible tube which is introduced into a blood vessel, typically over an introducer needle, and through which a
catheter or guide wire can be introduced after removal of the introducer needle
intravascular catheter introducer
device designed to be used in conjunction with an intravascular catheter to facilitate introduction into the vascular
introducer needle
pointed, rigid tube through which a guide wire or catheter can be introduced into a blood vessel
proximal end
free end
end of the device opposite the distal end
safety wire (of a guide wire)
additional wire used to minimize the possibility of detachment of the tip
sheath introducer
flexible tube which is introduced into a blood vessel, typically over a dilator, and through which a guide wire or catheter
can be introduced after removal of the dilator
extremity of the distal end of the device
© ISO ISO 11070
1 Effective length 4 Catheter hub (optional)
2 Distal end 5 Introducer needle tube
3 Catheter 6 Needle hub
a) Sheath introducer
b) Dilator
c) Assembled device
ISO 11070 © ISO
1 Safety wire
2 Core wire
3 Spring coil
4 General requirements
4.1 Sterilization
The device shall have been sterilized by a validated method, and shall comply with 4.2 to 4.4 in the sterile condition.
NOTE - See ISO 11134, ISO 11135 and ISO 11137 for appropriate methods of sterilization.
4.2 Biocompatibility
4.3 Surface
When examined by normal or corrected-to-normal vision with 2,5 x magnification, the external surface of the effective
length of the device shall appear free from extraneous matter.
NOTE 1 - The external surface of the effective length of the device, including the distal end, should be free from process and
surface defects and should cause minimum trauma to vessels during use.
NOTE 2 - If the intravascular catheter introducer is lubricated, the lubricant should not be visible as drops of fluid on the external
surface of the effective length of the device when the device is examined under normal or corrected-to-normal vision..
© ISO ISO 11070
When tested in accordance with the method given in annex B, metallic components of the device shall show no signs
of corrosion that affects functional performance or biocompatibility test results.
4.5 Radiodetectability
NOTE - At the time of publication of this International Standard, there was no acceptable, validated test method to
determine radiodetectability. An approved test method for producing a value of radiodetectability will be established.
Until that time, manufacturers may label their products "radio-opaque" provided they can support this claim by
demonstrating that they have an appropriate method for showing radio-opacity.
The manufacturer shall supply at least the information listed in a) to j). All dimensions given shall be expressed in SI
units of measurement.
c) lot designation;
f) indication of sterility;
g) method of sterilization;
i) any known incompatibilities with substances likely to be used with the device;
5.1 General
The nominal size of the introducer needle shall be designated by the outside diameter, inside diameter and the
effective length as shown in table 1.
ISO 11070 © ISO
Dimensions in millimetres
Device diameter Outside diameter rounded Inside diameter rounded Effective length
up to nearest: down to nearest: rounded to
The needle point shall be free from feather edges, burrs, hooks, and shall have a means of protection from damage.
5.4 Hub
If a hub is provided, the hub shall have a female 6 % (Luer) taper conical fitting complying with ISO 594-1.
The union of the needle tube and the needle hub shall not be loosened by a force of 10 N for needles of nominal
outside diameter of less than 0,6 mm or of 20 N for needles of nominal outside diameter of 0,6 mm or greater.
The manufacturer shall give the nominal size of the introducer needle as designated in 5.2.
6.1 General
6.2 Tip
If supplied with an introducer needle, when the needle is fully inserted into the introducer catheter, the catheter shall
neither extend beyond the heel of the needle bevel nor be more than 1 mm from it (see figure 4, dimension a).
NOTE - The distal end of the introducer catheter should be designed for ease of insertion and minimum trauma, and should fit
closely to the needle.
© ISO ISO 11070
When tested in accordance with the method given in annex C, the minimum force at break of the introducer catheter
and the junction between the introducer catheter and the hub shall be as given in table 2.
Table 2 — Minimum force at break of introducer catheter, sheath introducer and dilator test pieces
6.4 Hub
If a hub is provided, the hub shall have a female 6 % (Luer) taper conical fitting complying with ISO 594-1.
The nominal size of the introducer catheter shall be designated by the outside diameter, inside diameter and the
effective length as shown in table 1.
If the introducer catheter is supplied with a needle, the manufacturer shall give a statement warning against attempting
to re-insert a partially or completely withdrawn needle.
7.1 General
ISO 11070 © ISO
The nominal size of the sheath introducer shall be designated by the following:
a) the minimum inside diameter of the sheath expressed in millimetres, rounded down to the nearest 0,1 mm;
If the sheath introducer has an integral haemostasis valve, when tested as described in annex E there shall be no
leakage past the haemostasis valve.
7.5 Hub
If a hub or hubs are provided, hubs shall have a female 6 % (Luer) taper lock fitting complying with ISO 594-2.
When tested by the method given in annex C, the minimum force at break of the sheath introducer and the junction
between the sheath introducer and the hub shall be as given in table 2.
The manufacturer shall give the nominal size of the sheath introducer as designated in 7.2.
8.1 General
The nominal size of the guide wire shall be designated by the following:
a) the maximum outside diameter, expressed in millimetres, rounded up to the nearest 0,01 mm;
A safety wire shall be provided unless the core wire is attached to the tip.
300 kPa = 3 bar
© ISO ISO 11070
When tested in accordance with annex F, the guide wire, excluding the region of fixation and the first turn, shall show
no signs of fracture, and coated guide wires shall show no flaking of the coating.
When tested in accordance with annex G, neither the distal end of the guide wire nor the remaining portion of the guide
wire shall show signs of defects or damage, and coated guide wires shall show no flaking of the coating.
When tested in accordance with annex H, the unions of the safety wire at the tip and at the proximal end shall not be
When tested in accordance with annex H, the unions of the core wire and the coil of the guide wire at both the tip and
the proximal end of guide wires which are not fitted with a safety wire shall not be loosened.
b) the nominal type of distal end, e.g. straight, J (including radius of curve) or other form;
9.1 General
a) the maximum outside diameter, in millimetres, rounded up to the nearest 0,1 mm;
b) the minimum internal diameter, expressed in millimetres, rounded down to the nearest 0,1 mm;
9.3 Hub
9.3.1 General
If the hub includes a female 6 % (Luer) fitting, the fitting shall comply with ISO 594-1.
ISO 11070 © ISO
When tested by the method given in annex C, the minimum force at break of the dilator and the junction between the
dilator and the hub shall be as given in table 2.
The manufacturer shall give the nominal size of the dilator as designated in 9.2.
For kits of combinations of two or more different devices specified in this International Standard, the manufacturer shall
give the appropriate dimensions listed in table 3.
Sizes shall be designated as specified in the relevant clauses of this International Standard.
NOTE - Many devices covered by this International Standard are commonly packaged in kits, thus all the dimensions specified for
individual devices in this International Standard may not be necessary because the manufacturer will have ensured that the
components of the kit will mate together properly.
© ISO ISO 11070
Annex A
The tip of the sheath introducer should be designed so as to minimize rollback of the sheath when entering the body
The tip of the sheath introducer should fit closely to the dilator and remain free from cracks during normal use.
The radial rigidity of the sheath introducer should be such that the introducer remains patent upon removal of the
dilator. The sheath introducer should be sufficiently flexible to permit manipulation but should not kink under conditions
of normal use.
Heparin and/or other coatings may be applied. Any coating processes, for example «curing», should not affect the
physical characteristics of the guide wire.
A.3 Dilators
The dilator should have a certain flexibility, but sufficient rigidity to dilate the opening of the blood vessel into which it is
percutaneously inserted. The tip should be designed so as to minimize rollback when entering body tissues.
ISO 11070 © ISO
Annex B
The device is immersed in sodium chloride solution, then in boiling distilled or deionized water, and afterwards
examined visually for evidence of corrosion.
B.2 Reagents
B.2.1 Saline solution, comprising a solution of analytical reagent grade sodium chloride in freshly prepared distilled or
deionized water, [c(NaCl) = 0,15 mol/l].
B.3 Apparatus
B.4 Procedure
Immerse the device in the saline solution (B.2.1) in a glass beaker (B.3) at (22 ± 5) °C for 5 h. Remove the test
specimen and immerse it in boiling distilled or deionized water (B.2.2) for 30 min. Allow the water and the test specimen
to cool to (37 ± 2) °C, and maintain them at this temperature for 48 h. Remove the test specimen and allow it to dry at
room temperature. Disassemble specimens that have two or more components which are intended to be separable in
use. Do not strip away or cut open any coatings on metallic components. Inspect the specimen visually for signs of
© ISO ISO 11070
Annex C
C.1 Principle
Test pieces of an introducer catheter are chosen so that the tubular portion and the junction between hub and tubing is
tested. A tensile force is applied to each test piece until the tubing breaks or the junction separates.
C.2 Apparatus
C.3 Procedure
C.3.1 Select a test piece from the introducer catheter to be tested. Include in the test piece the hub, if present.
C.3.2 Condition the test piece in an atmosphere of 100% relative humidity or water and a temperature of (37 ± 2) °C
for 2 h. Test immediately after conditioning.
C.3.3 Fix the test piece in the tensile testing apparatus. If a hub is present, use an appropriate fixture to avoid
deforming the hub.
C.3.4 Measure the gauge length of the test piece (i.e. the distance between the jaws of the tensile testing apparatus or
the distance between the hub and the jaw holding the other end of the test piece, as appropriate).
C.3.5 Apply a tensile strain at a unit strain rate of 20 mm/min/mm of gauge length (see table C.1) until the test piece
separates into two or more pieces.
Note the value of the applied tensile force, in newtons, at which separation occurs, and record this value as the force at
10 200
20 400
25 500
b) the force at break, in newtons, and outside diameter of each test piece.
ISO 11070 © ISO
Annex D
D.1 Principle
The sheath introducer is connected, via a leak-proof connection, to a syringe. A hydraulic pressure is applied to the
sheath introducer and the test specimen inspected for leakage.
D.2 Reagent
D.3 Apparatus
D.3.1 Leakproof connector, to connect tip of sheath introducer to syringe (D.3.2), fitted with gauge capable of
measuring up to 350 kPa pressure and having a small internal volume.
D.3.2 10 ml syringe, which has passed the tests for leakage past the piston and nozzle as specified in ISO 7886-1.
D.3.3 Means for occluding the outlet(s) of test specimen, (e.g. clamp(s), plug(s)).
D.4 Procedure
D.4.1 Connect the tip of the sheath introducer (see figure D.1) to the syringe (D.3.2), via the leak-proof connector
D.4.2 Fill the syringe with water (D.2) at (22 ± 2) °C and expel the air. Adjust the volume of water in the syringe to the
nominal graduated capacity. Occlude (D.3.3) all outlets of the device, including the outlet(s) of integral haemostasis
valve(s), sidearm(s) etc., if present.
D.4.3 Position the apparatus so that the axis of the connection between syringe and sheath introducer is horizontal.
Apply an axial force to the syringe so that a pressure of 300 kPa to 320 kPa is generated by the relative action of the
piston and barrel. Maintain the pressure for 30 s. Examine the test specimen for liquid leakage (i.e. the formation of one
or more falling drops of water) and record whether or not leakage occurs.
© ISO ISO 11070
Figure D.1 — Apparatus for testing liquid leakage from sheath introducers
ISO 11070 © ISO
Annex E
E.1 Principle
The sheath introducer is connected, via a leak-proof connector, to a syringe. A hydraulic pressure is applied to the
sheath introducer and the test specimen inspected for leakage.
E.3 Procedure
a) in D.4.2, do not occlude the outlet(s) of the haemostasis valve; for compression valves, insert the appropriate
catheter and actuate the valve in accordance with its operating instructions;
b) in D.4.3, generate a pressure of 38 kPa to 42 kPa and examine the outlet(s) of the haemostasis valve or
compression valve for liquid leakage.
© ISO ISO 11070
Annex F
F.1 Principle
The guide wire is wound around a cylindrical former, then unwound and examined for fractures.
F.2 Apparatus
F.2.1 Cylindrical former, of diameter equal to ten times the maximum outside diameter of the guide wire (see 8.2).
F.2.3 Clamp, for restraining and retaining the distal end of the guide wire.
F.3 Procedure
Fix the former (F.2.1) into the supports (F.2.2). Fix the distal end of the guide wire into the clamp (F.2.3) at a point
10 mm from the former. Wind the guide wire tightly around the former for at least eight complete turns. Unwrap the
guide wire and examine it for fracture caused by the procedure. Disregard any fracture occurring in the region of
fixation and the first turn. When testing coated guide wires, additionally examine the coating for signs of flaking,
disregarding any such signs in the region of fixation and the first turn.
b) A statement as to whether fracture of the guide wire occurred, and whether there was any flaking of the coating of
coated guide wires in the test region.
ISO 11070 © ISO
© ISO ISO 11070
Annex G
G.1 Principle
The portion of the guide wire under test is subjected to repeated reverse bending and straightening, then examined for
defects and damage.
G.2 Apparatus
G.2.1 Test rig, comprising two rigid cylindrical formers, each of diameter equal to 20 times the maximum outside
diameter of the guide wire (see 8.2), and positioned so that there is a gap of 1 to 3 times the maximum outside
diameter of the guide wire between them. See figure G.1.
G.3 Procedure
G.3.1.1 Select a portion of the distal end of the guide wire in a region that includes the core wire approximately 5 mm
from the end of the core wire.
G.3.1.2 Bend this portion of the distal end around one former of the test rig (G.2) and in the opposite direction around
the second former. (See figure G.1)
G.3.1.3 Remove the guide wire from the formers, straighten it, and repeat the bending and straightening procedure for
a total of 20 cycles. Examine the guide wire for defects and damage caused by the bending procedure. Additionally
examine the coating of coated guide wires for signs of flaking.
Select a portion of the guide wire that does not include the proximal end or the distal end. Carry out the procedure
described in G.3.1.2 and G.3.1.3.
b) A description of any defects or damage observed on the distal end and on the remainder of the guide wire at the
end of the test.
c) A statement as to whether there was any flaking of the coating of coated guide wires.
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1 Guide wire
2 Former
© ISO ISO 11070
Annex H
Test for strength of union of core wire and coil of guide wire and union of coil
and safety wire
H.1 Principle
An extensile force is applied to the union of the coil and core wire of the guide wire or the coil and the safety wire and
the union examined for signs loosening.
H.2 Apparatus
H.2.2 Split-tapered clamp, of general arrangement shown in figure H.1, or alternative arrangement.
H.3 Procedure
H.3.1 Attach the selected split-tapered clamp (H.2.2) to the moving crosshead of the tensile testing apparatus (H.2.1)
and attach the pneumatic grips (H.2.3) to the fixed head.
H.3.2 Secure one end of the guide wire to the split-tapered clamp, ensuring that the clamp bears only on the end
piece, and grip the guide wire at approximately its central point in the pneumatic grips, ensuring that the point of
application of the grips is at least 150 mm from the split-tapered clamp.
H.3.3 Apply a tensile force at a rate of 10 mm/min until the appropriate force given in table H.1 is applied in the
direction of the main axis of the guide wire, or until the safety wire or core wire breaks, whichever occurs first.
H.3.4 Remove the guide wire from the tensile testing apparatus and examine the union of the core wire and coil and
the union of the safety wire and coil for signs of loosening.
c) a statement as to whether any loosening of the union between the core wire and the coil, or of the union between
the safety wire and the coil was detectable at the end of the test;
ISO 11070 © ISO
Dimensions in millimetres
a) clamp
NOTE - With the exception of dimension a which is critical, the dimensions in the figure are examples that have been found
suitable, but are not intended to preclude other designs or sizes of clamps being used.
© ISO ISO 11070
Annex J
[1] ISO 7864:1993, Specification for sterile hypodermic needles for single use.
[2] ISO 9626:1991, Stainless steel needle tubing for the manufacture of medical devices.
[3] ISO 10555-1:1995, Sterile single-use intravascular catheters — Part 1: General requirements.
[4] ISO 10555-2:1996, Sterile single-use intravascular catheters — Part 2: Angiographic catheters.
[5] ISO 10555-3:1996, Sterile single-use intravascular catheters — Part 3: Central venous catheters.
[6] ISO 10555-4:1996, Sterile single-use intravascular catheters — Part 4: Balloon dilatation catheters.
[7] ISO 10555-5:1996, Sterile single-use intravascular catheters — Part 5: Over-needle peripheral catheters.
[8] ISO 10993-1:1997, Biological evaluation of medical devices — Part 1 : Evaluation and testing.
[9] ISO 11134:1994, Sterilization of health care products — Requirements for validation and routine control —
Industrial moist heat sterilization.
[10] ISO 11135:1994, Medical devices — Validation and routine control of ethylene oxide sterilization.
[11] ISO 11137:1995, Sterilization of health care products — Methods for validation and routine control — Gamma
and electron beam radiation sterilization.
ISO 11070 © ISO
ICS 11.040.20
Descriptors: medical equipment, sterile equipment, disposable equipment, vascular system, catheters, accessories, specifications,
designation, size designation.