Astm C 1556-03

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A00244183 14 Jun 04

Designation: C 1556 – 03

Standard Test Method for

Determining the Apparent Chloride Diffusion Coefficient of
Cementitious Mixtures by Bulk Diffusion1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C 1556; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope 3.1.1 For definitions of terms used in this test method, refer
1.1 This test method covers the laboratory determination of to Terminology C 125.
the apparent chloride diffusion coefficient for hardened cemen- 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
titious mixtures. 3.2.1 apparent chloride diffusion coeffıcient, Da, n—a chlo-
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the ride transport parameter calculated from acid-soluble chloride
standard. profile data obtained from saturated specimens exposed to
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the chloride solutions, without correction for chloride binding, that
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the provides an indication of the ease of chloride penetration into
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- cementitious mixtures.
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- 3.2.2 chloride binding, v—the chemical process by which
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. chloride ion is removed from solution and incorporated into
cementitious binder hydration products.
2. Referenced Documents Discussion—Chloride binding is primarily associ-
2.1 ASTM Standards: ated with hydration products formed by the aluminate phase of
C 31/C 31M Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test cement and mixtures containing ground granulated blast fur-
Specimens in the Field2 nace slag.
C 42/C 42M Test Method for Obtaining and Testing Drilled 3.2.3 chloride penetration, v—the ingress of chloride ions
Cores and Sawed Beams of Concrete2 due to exposure to external sources.
C 125 Terminology Relating to Concrete and Concrete 3.2.4 exposure liquid, n—the sodium chloride solution in
Aggregates2 which test specimens are stored prior to obtaining a chloride
C 192/C 192M Practice for Making and Curing Concrete in profile.
the Laboratory2 3.2.5 exposure time, n—the time that the test specimen is
C 670 Practice for Preparing Precision and Bias Statements stored in the solution containing chloride ion.
for Test Methods for Construction Materials2 3.2.6 initial chloride-ion content, Ci, n—the ratio of the
C 1152/C 1152M Test Method for Acid-Soluble Chloride in mass of chloride ion to the mass of concrete for a test specimen
Mortar and Concrete2 that has not been exposed to external chloride sources.
C 1202 Test Method for Electrical Indication of Concrete’s 3.2.7 profile grinding, v—the process of grinding off and
Ability to Resist Chloride-ion Penetration2 collecting a powder sample in thin successive layers from a test
2.2 NORDTEST Standards: specimen using a dry process.
NT BUILD 443, Approved 1995-11, Concrete, Hardened: 3.2.8 surface chloride content, Cs, n—the theoretical ratio
Accelerated Chloride Penetration (in English)3 of the mass of chloride ion to the mass of concrete at the
interface between the exposure liquid and the test specimen.
3. Terminology
4. Summary of Test Method
3.1 Definitions:
4.1 Obtain a representative sample of the cementitious
mixture prior to exposure to chloride ion. Separate each sample
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C09 on into a test specimen and an initial chloride-ion content speci-
Concrete and Concrete Aggregates and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee men. Crush the initial chloride-ion content specimen and
C09.66 on Concrete’s Resistance to Fluid Penetration. determine the initial acid-soluble chloride-ion content. Seal all
Current edition approved Jan. 10, 2003. Published February 2003.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.02.
sides of the test specimen, except the finished surface, with a
Published by NORDTEST, P.O. Box 116 FIN-02151 ESPOO Finland, Project suitable barrier coating. Saturate the sealed specimen in a
1154-94, e-mail: nordtest, website: calcium hydroxide solution, rinse with tap water, and then

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

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Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved) for licensee's use only.
A00244183 14 Jun 04

C 1556 – 03
place in a sodium chloride solution. After a specified exposure 5.5 The apparent chloride diffusion coefficient is commonly
time, the test specimen is removed from the sodium chloride used in chloride ingress models based on Fick’s second law of
solution and thin layers are ground off parallel to the exposed diffusion. The apparent diffusion coefficient determined by this
face of the specimen. The acid-soluble chloride content of each method includes chemically bound chloride, so proper use of
layer is determined. The apparent chloride diffusion coefficient the apparent chloride diffusion coefficient to predict chloride
and the projected surface chloride-ion concentration are then ingress requires consideration of chloride binding.
calculated using the initial chloride-ion content, and at least six 5.6 The resistance to chloride penetration is affected by such
related values for chloride-ion content and depth below the factors as the environment, finishing, mixture composition,
exposed surface. workmanship, curing, and age.
5. Significance and Use 6. Apparatus
5.1 This test method is applicable to cementitious mixtures
6.1 Balance, accurate to at least 60.01 g.
that have not been exposed to external chloride ions, other than
6.2 Thermometer, accurate to at least 61.0°C.
the negligible quantity of chloride ion exposure from sample
preparation using potable water, prior to the test. 6.3 Controlled Temperature Laboratory or Chamber. The
5.2 The calculation procedure described in this test method laboratory or chamber shall maintain the temperature of a
is applicable only to laboratory test specimens exposed to a water bath at 23 6 2°C.
sodium chloride solution as described in this test method. This 6.4 Plastic Container, with tight-fitting lid. Select a con-
calculation procedure is not applicable to specimens exposed to tainer size in accordance with provisions in 9.1.2.
cyclic wetting and drying. 6.5 Equipment for grinding off and collecting powder from
5.3 In most cases, the value of the apparent chloride concrete, mortar, or grout specimens in layers of approximately
diffusion coefficient for cementitious mixtures changes over 2 mm thickness. Refer to Figs. 1 and 2 for examples of
time (see Note 1). Therefore, apparent diffusion coefficients satisfactory equipment (see Note 2).
obtained at early ages may not be representative of perfor- NOTE 2—A lathe or milling machine equipped with a short-barrel
mance in service. carbide-tipped, or diamond-tipped, core drill bit has been found satisfac-
tory for profile grinding.
NOTE 1—The rate of change of the apparent diffusion coefficient for
cementitious mixtures containing pozzolans or blast-furnace slag is 6.6 Resealable Polyethylene Bags, 200- to 300-mm wide by
typically different than that for mixtures containing only portland cement. 250- to 300-mm long, and sheet thickness not less than 0.1
5.4 The apparent chloride diffusion coefficient is used in mm.
Fick’s second law of diffusion to estimate chloride penetration 6.7 Equipment for crushing concrete, mortar or grout. Suit-
into cementitious mixtures that are in a saturated condition. able equipment is described in Test Method C 1152/C 1152M.

FIG. 1 Profile Grinding Using a Milling Machine

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Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved) for licensee's use only.
A00244183 14 Jun 04

C 1556 – 03

FIG. 2 Profile Grinding Using a Lathe

6.8 Equipment for chloride analysis as described in Test 8.2 Unless otherwise specified, provide 28 days of labora-
Method C 1152/C 1152M. tory standard moist curing in accordance with Practice C 31/
6.9 Slide Caliper, accurate to at least 6 0.1 mm. C 31M or C 192/C 192M prior to sample preparation for
immersion in the exposure liquid.
7. Reagents and Materials 8.2.1 Describe any variance from standard curing practice
7.1 Distilled or De-ionized Water. in the report.
7.2 Calcium Hydroxide [Ca(OH)2], technical grade. 8.3 For drilled cores obtained according to Test Method
7.3 Calcium Hydroxide Solution, saturated, (approx. 3 g/L). C 42/C 42M, prepare the test specimen by cutting off the
7.4 Sodium Chloride [NaCl], technical grade. outermost 75 mm of the core. The test specimen thus obtained
7.5 Exposure Liquid—An aqueous NaCl solution prepared has one face that is the original finished surface, and the other
with a concentration of 165 6 1 g NaCl per L of solution. face that is a sawn surface as shown in Fig. 3.
7.6 Two-component Polyurethane or Epoxy-resin Based 8.4 For specimens prepared in accordance with Practice
Paint, capable of forming a barrier membrane that is resistant C 31/C 31M or C 192/C 192M, the test specimen is prepared
to chloride ion diffusion. by cutting parallel to the finished surface. The top 75 mm is
used as the test specimen (see Fig. 3).
8. Test Specimens 8.5 From the remainder of the drilled core, or molded
8.1 Drilled cores, molded cylinders, or molded cubes are specimen, cut a slice that is at least 20-mm thick. Use this slice
acceptable test specimens. One sample consists of at least two to determine the initial chloride-ion content, Ci.
test specimens representative of the cementitious mixture
under test (see Note 3). Specimens must be free of defects such
as voids or cracks visible to the unaided eye (see Note 4). The
minimum dimension across the finished surface of each test
specimen must be at least 75 mm, but not less than three times
the nominal maximum aggregate particle size. The specimen
depth must be at least 75 mm.
NOTE 3—The material between the exposed surface and the outermost
layer of reinforcement is often of interest because it is here that the
protection against chloride penetration is needed. Furthermore, the quality
of the material in this particular area can deviate from that in the rest of
the system, as this region is often affected by construction practices.
NOTE 4—Specimens with voids deeper than the profile layer thickness
can increase the apparent rate of chloride penetration, and increases test
variability. FIG. 3 Sketch of Specimens Obtained from a Typical Sample

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Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved) for licensee's use only.
A00244183 14 Jun 04

C 1556 – 03
8.6 Rinse the specimens with tap water immediately after chamber or room maintained at 23 6 2°C. Record the start date
cutting. Scrub the surface with a stiff nylon brush, and rinse and start time to the nearest hour.
again. Prior to sealing specimen surfaces, air dry until no 9.1.2 It is permitted to place multiple specimens in a single
moisture can be removed from the surface with a dry paper container as long as the specimens are placed in the container
towel (see Note 5). such that the entire exposure surface is unobstructed. Maintain
8.6.1 Exposure specimens must be surface-dry but inter- the exposed surface area to exposure liquid volume ratio within
nally moist prior to sealing. This condition is satisfied by the range of 50 6 30 cm2/L (see Note 7).
standard moist-cured specimens allowed to air dry for no more
than 24 h in laboratory air maintained at 23 6 2°C and 50 6 NOTE 7—The volume of exposure liquid required for nominal 100-mm
diameter cylinder or core exposure specimens is approximately one liter
3 % RH. per specimen.
NOTE 5—Specimens cured in a saturated calcium hydroxide water bath
9.1.3 The specimens must remain in the exposure liquid for
are normally covered by residual lime particles. If this residue is not
removed and test specimens are allowed to temporarily dry in air, a at least 35 days (see Note 8).
calcium carbonate layer can form on the surface of the specimen. This NOTE 8—The exposure time should be extended for mixtures such as
carbonate layer may interfere with the test result, which is why cleansing those that are more mature, were made with low w/cm, or high-
and rinsing with tap water after cutting or removal from the saturated performance mixtures containing supplementary cementitious materials.
calcium hydroxide water bath is required.
8.7 Seal all sides of the exposure specimen except for the 9.1.4 If evaporation of water from the exposure liquid or a
finished surface following the procedure described in Test container leak allows the specimen surface to dry during the
Method C 1202. exposure time, the test is not valid (see Note 9).
8.8 Determine the initial mass of the test specimen when the NOTE 9—It is suggested to monitor the mass of the sealed container if
coating has hardened. evaporation of water from the exposure solution is expected.
8.9 Immerse the test specimen in the saturated calcium
9.1.5 Record the exposure time to the nearest hour.
hydroxide water bath at 23 6 2°C in a tightly closed plastic
container. The container must be filled to the top to prevent 9.2 Profile Grinding:
carbonation. After 24 h of immersion, remove the specimen, 9.2.1 Remove the test specimen from the exposure liquid,
blot the surface dry with a paper towel, and determine the mass rinse with tap water, and dry for at least 24 h in laboratory air
of the specimen in the surface-dry condition. maintained at 23 6 2°C and 50 6 3 % RH.
8.10 The test specimen is immersed in a saturated calcium 9.2.2 If a delay between exposure and grinding longer than
hydroxide water bath until the mass does not change by more 24 h is expected, place the specimens in watertight resealable
than 0.1 % in 24 h (see Note 6). An acceptable alternative polyethylene bags prior to grinding.
procedure is to vacuum saturate the specimens with saturated 9.2.3 Obtain the powder samples by grinding off material in
calcium hydroxide solution using a vacuum chamber similar to layers parallel to the exposed surface. Do not grind closer than
the system described in Test Method C 1202. 5 mm from the edge of the specimen to avoid edge effects and
disturbances from the coating.
NOTE 6—Typically, the mass of moist-cured specimens stabilizes
within 48 h. 9.2.4 For the minimum exposure time of 35 days, grind off
eight layers in accordance with Table 1. For longer exposure
9. Procedure times, select depth increments such that a minimum of 6 points
9.1 Exposure: span the range from 1 mm below the exposed surface to a depth
9.1.1 Remove the saturated test specimen from the calcium with a chloride-ion content equal to, or slightly greater than,
hydroxide water bath, immediately rinse the specimen surface the initial chloride-ion content.
with tap water, place the specimen in the exposure container, 9.2.5 The following alternate profiling procedure is permit-
fill the container with the exposure liquid, and then seal the ted if the exposure time is sufficient to allow chloride penetra-
container. Place the container in a temperature-controlled tion deeper than 40 mm. Slice the test specimen parallel to the

TABLE 1 Recommended Depth Intervals (in mm) for Powder GrindingA

w/cm 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70
Depth 1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1
Depth 2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-5
Depth 3 2-3 2-3 2-3 3-5 3-5 3-6 5-10
Depth 4 3-4 3-4 3-5 5-7 5-8 6-10 10-15
Depth 5 4-5 4-6 5-7 7-10 8-12 10-15 15-20
Depth 6 5-6 6-8 7-9 10-13 12-16 15-20 20-25
Depth 7 6-8 8-10 9-12 13-16 16-20 20-25 25-30
Depth 8 8-10 10-12 12-16 16-20 20-25 25-30 30-35
Luping, Tang and Sørensen, Henrik, “Evaluation of the Rapid Test Methods for Measuring the Chloride Diffusion Coefficients of Concrete,” NORDTEST Project No.
1388-98, Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, SP Report 1998:42.

NOTE—For cementitious mixtures with pozzolan or slag, the depth intervals in the column one place to the left should be applied. For example, use
the depth intervals for w/cm = 0.35 for silica fume concrete with w/cm = 0.40.

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Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved) for licensee's use only.
A00244183 14 Jun 04

C 1556 – 03
exposure surface using a water-cooled diamond saw in 5- to 6- The initial chloride concentration, Ci (mass %),
mm increments, minimizing the time specimens are exposed to stated to three significant digits.
water. Dry the slices for 24 h in laboratory air, then crush and The projected surface chloride concentration at the
prepare the powder sample as described in Test Method exposed surface, Cs (mass %), stated to three significant digits.
C 1152/C 1152M. The apparent chloride diffusion coefficient, Da
9.2.6 Obtain a sample of at least 10 g of powder from each
(m2/s), stated to 2 significant digits.
layer. Determine the distance from the exposure surface to the
mid-depth of each layer. For example, the layer thickness and 10.2 Non-linear Regression Analysis—Perform the regres-
mid-depth are determined from measurements of the specimen sion analysis by minimizing the sum given in Eq 3. Refer to
before and after powder sample collection. Calculate the depth Fig. 4 for clarification.
below the exposed surface as the average of five uniformly N N
distributed measurements using a slide caliper. S5 ( DC2~n! 5 n(
n52 52
~Cm~n! 2 Cc~n!!2 (3)
9.3 Chloride Analysis:
9.3.1 Determine the acid-soluble chloride-ion content of the where:
powder samples, Cx (mass %), to 60.001 % according to Test S = sum of squares to be minimized, (mass %)2,
Method C 1152/C 1152M. N = the number of layers ground off,
9.3.2 Obtain the initial chloride-ion content, Ci (mass %), DC(n) = difference between the measured and calculated
from the 20-mm thick slice by crushing and prepare a powder chloride concentration of the nth layer, mass %,
sample as described in Test Method C 1152/C 1152M. Cm (n) = measured chloride concentration of the nth layer,
9.4 Record any deviations from the requirements of this mass %, and
method. Cc (n) = calculated chloride concentration in the middle of
the nth layer, mass %.
10. Calculations 10.3 Other Calculations:
10.1 Test Results: 10.3.1 Plot the measured chloride contents at all points
10.1.1 Determine the values of surface concentration and versus depth below the surface. Plot the best-fit curve on the
apparent chloride diffusion coefficient by fitting Eq 1 to the same graph (see Fig. 4).
measured chloride-ion contents by means of a non-linear
regression analysis using the method of least squares. Omit the 11. Report
chloride-ion content determined from the exposure surface
layer in the regression analysis. All other chloride-ion content 11.1 Report the following information if known:
measurements are included in the regression analysis. 11.1.1 Name and address of the laboratory, and the place at

S= D
which tests were performed, if different from the laboratory
C~x,t! 5 Cs 2 ~Cs 2 Ci! · erf (1) address.
4 · Da · t
11.1.2 Date and identification number of the test report.
where: 11.1.3 Method of sampling and other circumstances (date
C(x,t) = chloride concentration, measured at depth x and
and person responsible for sampling).
exposure time t, mass %,
Cs = projected chloride concentration at the interface 11.1.4 Description of the tested object including specimen
between the exposure liquid and test specimen that type, identification marks, mixture proportions, the date the
is determined by the regression analysis, mass %, tested object was cast, curing regimen employed, and age at the
Ci = initial chloride-ion concentration of the cementi- start of exposure.
tious mixture prior to submersion in the exposure 11.1.5 Start date and duration of the exposure time.
solution, mass %, 11.1.6 Conditioning of the test specimens, and a description
x = depth below the exposed surface (to the middle of
of the exposure conditions during the test, such as temperature,
a layer), m,
Da = apparent chloride diffusion coefficient, m2/s, evidence of evaporation.
t = the exposure time, s, and 11.1.7 Identification of the test equipment and instruments
erf = the error function described in Eq 2. used.

* exp~2u !du 11.1.8 Any deviation from the test method together with
erf ~z! 5 2 / =p · 2
0 other information of importance for judging the result.
10.1.2 Tables with values of the error function are given in 11.1.9 A table listing the chloride-ion content measurements
standard mathematical reference books.4 The error function is of each layer and mid-depth for each layer.
also included as a library function in most electronic calcula- 11.1.10 A plot showing the measured chloride-ion contents
tion software. for each layer and the best-fit curve from the regression
10.1.3 The test results are: analysis.
11.1.11 The measured value of Ci and the values of Cs, and
Beyer, W. H., ed., CRC Handbook of Mathematical Sciences, 5th Edition, CRC
Da determined from the regression analysis.
Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1978. 11.1.12 Date and signature.

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Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved) for licensee's use only.
A00244183 14 Jun 04

C 1556 – 03

FIG. 4 Sample Regression Analysis

TABLE 2 Example Calculation TABLE 3 Precision EstimatesA

Cs (mass %) Ci (mass %) Da (m2/s) t (yr) Sum (Error)2 Single Multiple
Coefficient Statistic
Laboratory Laboratory
0.605 0.085 4.86E-13 1.00 2.2151E-03
Da CVB 14.2 20.2
d2s % 39.8 56.6
Measured Predicted Error, DC(n)
x (mm) (Error)2 Cs CV 13.3 18.1
Value Value (Meas.-Pred.)
d2s % 37.2 50.7
1 0.368 0.530 A
These statistics represent the CV (1s %) and d2s % statistics as defined in
2 0.450 0.458 -8.19E-03 6.72E-05
Practice C 670.
3 0.410 0.391 1.94E-02 3.76E-04 B
Coefficient of variation.
4 0.326 0.329 -3.31E-03 1.10E-05
5 0.266 0.275 -9.49E-03 9.01E-05
6 0.231 0.230 1.25E-03 1.55E-06
7 0.175 0.192 -1.71E-02 2.93E-04
8 0.183 0.162 2.08E-02 4.34E-04 on the mixture. Average values of Da among the mixtures
9 0.132 0.139 -7.07E-03 5.00E-05 ranged from 2.1 to 14.7 3 (10-12) m2/s. Average values of Cs
10 0.124 0.122 2.16E-03 4.66E-06
15 0.117 0.089 2.85E-02 8.12E-04
among the mixtures ranged from 0.61 to 1.0 %. Table 3
20 0.080 0.085 -5.16E-03 2.66E-05 summarizes the single-laboratory and multiple-laboratory co-
25 0.078 0.085 -7.00E-03 4.90E-05 efficient of variation and maximum difference expected be-
tween duplicate determinations in 95 % of such comparisons.
Therefore, the apparent diffusion coefficient results of two
12. Precision and Bias properly conducted tests should not differ by more than 39.8 %
12.1 Precision—There has been no interlaboratory study of of the mean value.
this test method. However, there are precision data5 from an 12.2 Bias—Since there is no accepted reference material
interlaboratory study of NORDTEST NT Build 443, from
suitable for determining the bias of this test method, no
which this test method was developed. The report includes data
statement on bias is made.
from two interlaboratory studies involving three concrete
mixtures and three to five laboratories participated, depending
13. Keywords

13.1 chloride; concrete; corrosion; diffusion; ion transport;
Luping, Tang and Sørensen, Henrik, “Evaluation of the Rapid Test Methods for
Measuring the Chloride Diffusion Coefficients of Concrete,” NORDTEST Project
service life
No. 1388-98, Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, SP Report 1998:42.

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Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved) for licensee's use only.
A00244183 14 Jun 04

C 1556 – 03
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website

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