Design and Implementation of FPGA Based 64-Bit MAC Unit Using VEDIC Multiplier and Reversible Logic Gates
Design and Implementation of FPGA Based 64-Bit MAC Unit Using VEDIC Multiplier and Reversible Logic Gates
Design and Implementation of FPGA Based 64-Bit MAC Unit Using VEDIC Multiplier and Reversible Logic Gates
Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 10 (3), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2017/v10i3/109413, January 2017 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645
Now a days in VLSI technology size, power, and speed are the main constraints to design any circuits. In normal multipliers
delay will be more and the number of computations also will be more. Because of that speed of the circuits designed with
the normal multipliers will be low and it will consume more power. This paper describes Multiply and Accumulate Unit us-
ing Vedic Multiplier and DKG reversible logic gates. The Vedic multiplier is designed by using UrdhavaTriyagbhayam sutra
and the adder design is done by using reversible logic to perform high speed operations. Reversible logic gates are also the
essentialconstraint for the promising field of Quantum computing. The UrdhavaTriyagbhayam multiplier is used for the
multiplication function to reduce partial products in the multiplication process and to get high concert and less area.The
reversible logic is used to get less power. The MAC is designed using Verilog code, simulation, synthesis is done in both RTL
compiler using Xilinx and implemented on Spartan 3e FPGA Board.
2 Vol 10 (3) | January 2017 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
P. SivaNagendra Reddy and M. Saraswathi
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Design and Implementation of FPGA based 64-bit MAC Unit using VEDIC Multiplier and Reversible Logic Gates
4 Vol 10 (3) | January 2017 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
P. SivaNagendra Reddy and M. Saraswathi
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Design and Implementation of FPGA based 64-bit MAC Unit using VEDIC Multiplier and Reversible Logic Gates
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P. SivaNagendra Reddy and M. Saraswathi
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