A Timeline of The 14 Chronological Divisions of Biblical Salvation History

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A Timeline of the 14 Chronological Divisions of Biblical Salvation History

Timeline of what era was written about.

B.C. B.C. A.D.
2250 1960 1800 1530 1410 1380 1050 1040 970 930 605 586 520 400 3 30 50 60 70 90
Babylonian Exile Jesus’ Birth Jesus’ Death
Flood Egyptian Empire Philistine 1200 Assyrian Empire Medo-Persian Exile Greek Empire 340 New Covenant
Roman Empire 70
Antiochus Epiphanes
________________________________________________________________________________________________ 540 Cyrus Decree Maccabean Revolt 170
Noah Abraham Isaac Jacob Moses Joshua Judges King Saul David Solomon Divided Kingdom
Tabernacle Built 1st Temple Built 1st Temple Destroyed 2nd Temple Rebuilt 2nd Temple Destroyed
1st 2nd
Leviticus Deuteronomy Ruth Chronicles Chronicles Esther

Genesis Exodus Number Joshua Judges 1st 2nd 1st 2nd Ezra Nehemiah 400 Gospels History 14
Samuel Samuel Kings Kings 70 Years Acts R
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Year 10 11 Between 12 13 e
Exile Malachi v
and Jesus e
T O R A H P R O P H E T S t
Pentateuch W R I T I N G S o
Job Psalms Proverbs 593 Ezekiel 520 Haggai 433 Malachi Matthew
Ecclesiastes 605 Daniel 520 Zechariah Mark
Song of Solomon Luke
Divisions of the Old Testament John

P Northern Tribes of Israel No letters were written during 1st Journey P

Hebrew Scriptures - TaNaK 770 Hosea 3rd Mis Journey 56 Rom
Division I. Torah First 5 books - Pentateuch 2nd Missionary Journey 50-51 I Thes. A
R 765 Amos 2nd Missionary Journey 51-52 II Thes.
Division II. Prophets (Navim) 23 books .
Southern Tribes of Judah 3rd Missionary Journey 52 I Cor. U
Division III. Writings (Katavim) 11 books O 835
. Joel 3rd Missionary Journey 54 II Cor.
3rd Missionary Journey 56 Rom.
. 740-690 Isaiah
5 Alternate Divisions P .
735 Micah
57 Gal.
1st imprisonment letter 60-64 Eph. I
I. Law 5 books II. History 12 books 627-586 Jeremiah 1st imprisonment letter 60-62 Phil.
H 1st imprisonment letter 60-64 Col. N
III. Poetry / Wisdom 5 books Lamentations
1st imprisonment letter 60-62 Philemon
IV. Major Prophets 5 books 630 Zephaniah I Tim. E
E 606 Habakkuk Final letters from II Tim.
V. Minor Prophets 12 650 Nahum er prison before his death Titus
To Assyria
in 66
T 780 Jonah G
Divisions of the New Testament Hebrews
650 Nahum James
3 Divisions S
To Edom
Written between I Peter N
I. Gospel 4 books II. History 22 books which 60-70 II Peter
840 Obadiah 1, 2, 3, John
includes: Acts, 13 Pauline Epistles and 8 Jude A
General Epistles III. Prophecy 1 Revelation

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