Carte Fuel Additives
Carte Fuel Additives
Carte Fuel Additives
in Europe
Aim 8
Scope 8
ATC organisation and objectives 9
The petroleum additive industry 10
The fuel additive business 10
Development of new additives 10
Cost complexity and confidentiality 10
The pre-additive period — until 1921 14
The main steps of fuel additive development — 1920s to the present 14
Fuel additive types and history 15
Main additive component families 16
Multi-Functional Additives 16
Vehicle hardware/OEM trends 20
Ensuring "no-harm" for fuel additives 21
Deposit Control Additives 23
Fluidisers / Carrier Oils 24
Friction Modifiers 25
Corrosion Inhibitors 26
Antioxidants 27
Conductivity Improvers 27
Metal Deactivators 28
Markers & Dyes 28
Demulsifiers / Dehazers / Emulsion Preventatives 29
Copper / Silver Corrosion 30
Octane Boosters 30
Anti-Valve Seat Recession 31
Deposit Control Additives 32
Cetane Number Improvers 33
Cold Flow Improvers 34
Lubricity Improvers 35
Anti-Foam Additives 36
Corrosion Inhibitors 37
Stability Improvers (incl. Antioxidants) 38
Conductivity Improvers 38
Metal Deactivators 39
Markers & Dyes 39
Dehazers / Demulsifiers / Emulsion Preventatives 39
Fuel Borne Catalysts 40
Pipeline Drag Reducing Additives 43
Anti-Icing Additives 44
Sulphur mitigating additives (H25 scavengers) 44
Stability Improvers (incl. Antioxidants) 48
Corrosion Inhibitors 48
Deposit Control Additives 48
Thermal Stability Enhancer 48
Lubricity Improvers 49
Combustion Improvers 49
Cold Flow Improvers 49
Reodourant Additives 49
Dispersant / Stabiliser Additives 51
Demulsifiers / Emulsion Preventatives 52
Combustion Improver Additives 53
Corrosion Inhibitor Additives 53
"Fuel Additives: Use and Benefits" is a document published by ATC, the Technical Committee of Petroleum
Additive Manufacturers in Europe. Member companies of this body currently comprise thirteen speciality
chemi ca l ma nu fa ct ur er s, i ncl udin g som e hou seho ld na mes, wh ic h to geth er a re r espo nsi bl e f or the
production and supply of almost all the additives used in fuels. Such additives encompass applications for
gasoline (petrol) and diesel used for on and off road vehicles and machines, together with use in aviation,
marine, power gener ation and home heating fuels. The document demonstrat es the contribution made
by fuel additives in these applications to the consumer, industry and the environment, through their ability
to optimise desirable fuel properties while suppressing unwanted ones. In this context, the term 'fuel
additive' is reserved for a product added to fuel at a concentration of typically less than one per-cent.
The structure and organisation of ATC provides for direction from a main committee through working-
group sub-committees, which are responsible for performance testing, quality monitoring and health
and safety legislation. The aim of ATC activities is to ensure good communication with industry
bodies, together with active participation in appropriate technical development and product quality
demonstration, to enable current and future products to contribute to optimised fuels and lubricants,
meet environmental legislation, and/or resolve potential engine or vehicle problems.
The petroleum additive industry is a significant operating sector of the world economy, with a world wide
turnover of about €7,000 million, (€1,900 million in Europe) and research and development (R&D) spending
in 2005 of €400 million (€115 million in Europe). The industry has 8,400 direct employees worldwide (2,800
in Europe), maintaining some 75 R&D and manufacturing sites globally (25 in Europe).
Innovation through R&D remains a constant in an industry based on change, to meet, for example the
demands of environmental legisl ation with consequent effect on fuel specifications. Such activities
have significant cost implications, as does the need to comply with European REACH regulations linked
to health and safety legislation. Meeting these demands poses a significant challenge for the fuel and
lubricants additives industry, a challenge which nevertheless the industry has shown it can meet since its
infancy in the 1920s when lead alkyl anti-knock additives first proved to be very effective in lifting the
very low octane quality of available spark-ignition fuels. Further developments have occurred in almost
every decade, for example, additives evolved in the 1930s to enhance fuel stability in response to refinery
changes to increase gasoline or middle distillate production, or the evolution of deposit control additives
which provide performance gains in automotive fuel systems in the 1950s and 1960s. In a further example,
a major improvement in diesel fuel cold weather behaviour and properties resulted from the development
of co ld- f low i mpro ver addi ti v es du ri ng t he 1 970 s. Mo re recent dev elo pm ent s i ncl ude diesel l ubri ci ty
additives and fuel borne catalyst products for use with diesel exhaust particulate filters. With the increased
use within the European Union of renewable blending components such as bio-ethanol in gasoline, and
Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME) in diesel fuel, there exists a future demand for novel additive products to
ensure consistent high quality fuel production, and satisfactory vehicle operation.
"Fuel Additives: Use and Benefits" details a wide range of additives employed in refineries, automotive
fuels and those for aviation, marine and also for fixed installation use. The document includes a systematic
description of the chemistry of each additive, its purpose and its mode of action in its selected application.
A section is devoted to the benefits of fuel additives both to the environment and the consumer,
covering for example, fuel economy and exhaust emissions. In addition, consideration is given to the
health and safety aspects of additive production and use, and also to the ultimate fate of fuel additives
following the combustion process. The technical aspects of fuel additives are well covered, with over sixty
references cited, thus providing an excellent basis for further study by those interested in increasing their
understanding of this important branch of science. In addition, an appendix provides information about
industry-standard test methods used for fuel additive performance assessment.
This paper has been prepared by a task force on behalf
of ATC - The Technical Committee of Petroleum Additive
Manufacturers in Europe.
The aim of this paper is to introduce ATC, to explain how the association operates, and to demonstrate the contribution that fuel
additives make towards industry, the consumer, and ultimately the environment. By answering questions, and providing
additional data, the paper hopes to allow industry and regulators to focus on the priorities for future attention rather than
matters which are trivial or already well known. These issues are principally covered in the sections "Benefits of Fuel
Additives to the Environment and Consumer" and "The Ultimate Fate of Fuel Additives".
The document confines itself to a study of fuel additives, their chemistry, the benefits they provide and their fate in the
environment. Fuel additives comprise those used in transportation fuels such as gasoline (petrol), diesel, aviation and marine
fuels and those used in fuels employed for power generation and domestic heating. The study is based mainly on the 27
European Community members (as of December 2007). This choice was based on the availability of the widest range of data
to allow cross checking for consistency.
The Technical Committee of Petroleum Additive Manufacturers in Europe (ATC) was established in 1974 for member
companies to discuss topics of a technical and statutory nature which were a concern to their industry. The current members
are shown in Table 1 below.
Main Commitee
ATC aims to provide a forum for petroleum additive companies in Europe to discuss technical and/or
regulatory matters:
to participate actively in CEC to ensure that products and technologies are seen as 'fit
for purpose'
to collaborate with the petroleum and automotive industries to allow development of
products and technologies that contribute towards:
For example, ATC has developed descriptive terminology for products to assist legislators by providing
standardised industry reporting whilst protecting confidentiality.' Technical data are shared to provide
accurate labelling of products where required. More recently ATC has actively participated in
discussions on aspects of environmental legislation including REACH (Registration Evaluation and
Authorisation of Chemicals).
By communicating with associated industries and their technical bodies (e.g. ACEA - Association des
Constructeurs Europeens d'Automobiles; CEC - Coordinating European Council for the Development of
Performance Tests for Lubricants and Engine Fuels; ATIEL - Association Technique de l'Industrie
Europeenne des Lubrifiants; CONCAWE - The Oil Companies' European Organisation for Environmental
and Health Protection) technical issues can be addressed in an agreed and consistent manner and
recommendations can be made to the mutual interest of the members. ATC also provides a focal point for
the industry to communicate with government bodies.
ATC estimates, from data submitted through member companies, that the EU27 market for fuel additives
is over 200,000 tonnes per annum with a value of €500 million. ATC further estimates that over 95% of on
road retail fuel (gasoline and diesel) is treated with performance additives, accounting for approximately
half of the volume, with the remainder being sold into refineries and terminals to ensure fuels are
produced to specification (EN590 & EN228). All European refineries use additives in some capacity.
A lack of innovation could have serious consequences. Today's engines will not function optimally
on yesterday's fuels. Tomorrow's engines will need new additive developments. With the continuing
quest for cleaner and more fuel efficient engines, engine developments are proceeding rapidly, yet
engine manufacturers recognise that fuel additive developments must accompany and support these
improvements if the enhanced performance is to be maintained over the life of the vehicle.
Patents, for various reasons offer only limited protection - one being the difficulty of policing due to
problems of analysis. Combinations of components in an additive package to achieve the required
performance may not be readily patentable, therefore many such inventions are treated as proprietary
compositions (company secrets) without additional patent protection.
To ensure continued innovation and investment in R & D to meet the needs of the automotive industry
and the consumer, the additive industry requires confidentiality of the exact chemical descriptions of
components and exact composition of additive packages. To satisfy both this requirement and the current
legislative requirement for disclosure of hazardous ingredients on Safety Data Sheets (SDS), ATC has
established an international nomenclature system describing chemical ingredients in terms of their key
functional groups.' This system ensures that accurate and unambiguous health and safety information on
all products can be provided which is recognised by industry downstream users and emergency personnel
worldwide.' This nomenclature system is also used by international regulatory bodies.
In the early days of gasoline production, broadly from the end of the 19th century, fuel for spark
ignition engines was essentially a waste product. Furthermore there was almost no demand for fuels for
compression ignition engines, and lighter middle distillate fuels were mainly used for illumination or in
cooking stoves. Consequently there was no incentive to produce fuel additives until well into the 20th
century. As more gasoline engines were produced for automotive use, the low octane quality of the
straight run light distillate product used in spark ignition engines began to represent an increasing barrier
to engine development.
The growth in gasoline additive use largely reflects the requirements of engine design and developments
in refinery operations. For example, after the discovery of the effectiveness of lead alkyl antiknock
compounds in 1921, 3 these additives began to be commercially introduced from 1923 onwards to provide
the octane rating needed to enable vehicle designers to increase engine compression ratios to levels which
gave acceptable efficiency and performance. Increasing demand for gasoline from a rapidly rising vehicle
population resulted in the increasing use of cracking operations at refineries. However, inclusion of cracked
spirit into the gasoline pool introduced side effects. Antioxidants were introduced in the 1930s to combat
the tendency of cracked components to oxidise and form gums.4 These products became significantly more
important in the 1970s when further increased use of catalytic cracking, to satisfy ever higher demand for
gasoline and diesel production, raised the levels of unstable olefinic (unsaturated) compounds in these
The focus of additive use shifted during the 1950s and 1960s and fixed on automotive fuel systems,
when carburettor cleanliness and efficient operation became more important. During the 1980s, deposit
control additives were increasingly used to reduce deposit build-up within the engine inlet system and
to eliminate the potential performance and emissions problems such deposits can cause.' The almost
universal elimination of lead alkyl additives from gasoline around the turn of the last century resulted
in the development of additives to protect against unwanted exhaust valve seat wear in older engines
constructed with unsuitable metallurgy.6 Fuel metering technology has moved on, with the result that
different additives and additive packages have been developed. The now universal use of three-way
exhaust catalysts and fuel injection has shifted the focus again, but has retained the need to keep such fuel
systems deposit free.
Comprehensive deposit control additive packages are now widely used, and recommended by vehicle
manufacturers, as a means to maintain optimal engine performance.' The incorporation of biofuels, such
as ethanol, into the gasoline pool could increase the potential for deposit formation and, consequently,
higher additive levels may be required. With the current increasing pressure to reduce carbon footprint
to a minimum, such packages may also contain components intended to minimise fuel consumption, in
addition to those intended to maintain fuel system cleanliness.
D i s t r i b u t i o n s y s t e m p r o d u c t s C o r r o s i o n i n h i b i t o r s Pipeline drag reducing additives
Anti-static additives
Automotive performance enhancement products
Deposit control additives
Cetane improvers
Lubricity additives
Friction modifiers
Antifoam additi ves
Corrosion inhibitors
Multi-Functional Additives
Combined packages of a number of selected additive components can be assembled to provide a bespoke
perf or ma nc e- en ha nc in g addi ti v e fo r u se by fu el r et ai l er s fo r th ei r pro du ct s. Such pa ck ages en abl e
retailers to differentiate their automotive fuel products at the point of sale to the consumer. They allow
increased performance features to be highlighted, and provide a means to sell a higher quality product
to the discerning customer at increased margins. They also represent a cost effective and efficient way of
delivering multiple benefits conveniently in a single additive treatment at the fuel terminal or pipeline,
prior to delivery to the customer sales outlet.
Multifunctional gasoline additive packages will often combine a deposit control additive with a corrosion
inhibitor and demulsifier additive. Multifunctional diesel additive packages are frequently more complex
and may combine deposit control additive with cetane number improver, antifoam additive, corrosion
inhibitor and demulsifier (and possibly also cold flow improver additives depending on seasonality).
The composition of multi-functional diesel additives is influenced by national and regional legislation, as
well as consumer demands and perception. For example, silicon (Si) based antifoam additives are widely
used in European diesel fuel but are not used in the United States due to legislation that prohibits the
addition of Si to fuel. Fuel additisation can also be influenced by governments who regulate the cost of
fuel and provide allowances for a premium to be charged for additised fuels.
greater reliability
Some of these demands are conflicting yet, in large measure, have been met. Fuel additives have played a
valuable role in assisting Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to meet these challenging demands,
to the extent that OEMs now recognise the value, and recommend the use of, fuel additives in assisting
them to meet such requirements. The development of new fuel injection systems, such as high pressure
common-rail diesel injection or gasoline direct injection has created further demand for novel products to
ensure optimal, long term operation in service.
Awareness of the need for such tests comes from effective dialogue and collaboration between oil refiners
and retailers, the fuel additive industry and vehicle and engine manufacturers. When problems are noted
in service, test methods are developed to simulate the problem, enabling fuel additives to be tested to
an agreed performance level before the product is released for sale. Examples of this process below
demonstrate how fuel additives and test methods have evolved to overcome issues of unwanted adverse
side effects in the past.
consist of a
polar head,
Intake system components
the polarity of
which is
derived from oxygen or nitrogen
molecules and a hydrocarbon tail
which enables the additive to be fully
fuel soluble.
PIB Phenol Mannich Amine
Deposit Control Additives are
designed to keep the entire engine
fuel system clean, from the fuel tank
to the combustion chamber. 12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19
Mode of Action
Carrier Oils are used in combination with, and at a treat rate 0.5 to 3 times that of, the DCA to form the
full deposit control package. In the case of Poly-Ether-Amines, the carrier oil function is 'incorporated'
within the DCA structure and therefore requires no additional carrier oil to be used.
Example of Fluidiser
R 0 NH,
O 0
n n
High viscosity deposits can form at the intake valve stem/guide interface of an engine during cold weather.
Under these conditions, on cold cranking immediately prior to start-up, one or more intake valves could
stay open, with the compressed valve spring unable to close the valve in time to allow cylinder pressures
to rise satisfactorily, with engine cold starting and operation potentially severely compromised as a result.
Carrier fluids are used to ensure that engines are not prevented from starting even during extreme cold
Mode of Action
Carrier oils, as part of a DCA package, help the DCA component to both prevent deposit formation and
ensure no valve sticking occurs. Intended to form a thin film on surfaces, carrier oils ensure that partially
combusted particles can run off the hot metal surface of inlet valves. They can accomplish this as carrier
oils in DCA packages possess high thermal stability, an optimised viscosity and excellent compatibility with
both fuels and lubricants. Typical treat rates of the combined DCA / carrier oil package are in the range
100 - 1000 mg/kg.
Friction Modifiers
Friction modifier (FM) additives are well known and widely used in crankcase lubricant additive packages.
They are generally straight hydrocarbon chains with a polar head group. Typical polar head groups
comprise amines, amides and their derivatives or carboxylic acids and their derivatives. The polar head
groups are attracted to metal surfaces such as cylinder walls and piston ring wiping faces, where they form
relatively strong bonds, while the long hydrocarbon tail remains solubilised in the film of lubricating oil.
The nature of the polar head group and the structure of the hydrocarbon chain both have a strong impact
on the contribution to friction reduction.
Friction Redution
How does a friction modifier work?
regeneration/accumulation of
friction modifier in the engine oil
(long term effect)
Glycerol Mono-Oleate
Chemistry of Gasoline Fuel Additives
Friction modifier additives used in fuel are intended to reduce power loss from friction in internal
combustion engines. Power loss results in part from the viscous drag of lubricant in the film separating the
moving parts of the engine and FM additives help to reduce viscous drag while maintaining the essential
boundary lubricant film.
Mode of Action
Friction modifier additives function through the attachment of the polar head group to metal surfaces
nominally in contact with each other. Surfaces accessible to fuel borne FM additives consist mainly of
cylinder walls and piston ring surfaces. Viscous drag in the lubricant film, resulting from the relative
motion of these surfaces during engine operation, is reduced by assisting the metal surfaces to slide past
each other more easily. The film of polar molecules adsorbed on the metal surfaces provides a lower shear
region during relative motion. Film stability is assisted by the long hydrocarbon chain which remains
solubilised in the lubricant film. Lower friction from reduced film drag can result in improved engine
power and/or fuel economy. Typical treat rates are in the range 50 - 300 mg/kg.
Corrosion Inhibitors
Corrosion inhibitors consist typically of a polar head to enable adhesion to the metal surfaces to be
protected, and a hydrocarbon tail to ensure fuel solubility. 45 Effective corrosion inhibitors include
carboxylic acids, anhydrides, amines and amine salts of carboxylic acids.
Mode of Action
The polar portion of the molecule adheres
to the metal surface, forming the
protective film required. The hydrocarbon
tail allows the molecule to be solubilised
in the fuel thus providing a delivery
mechanism to protect vulnerable metal
Corrosion inhibitors are applied
either at the refinery, pumping
station, terminal or as part of a
multifunctional additive
package. Treat rates are in
the range 5-100 mg/kg.
Antioxidant chemistry typically comprises
hindered phenols, aromatic diamines or
mixtures of alkyl phenols and aromatic
diamines. Oxidation of fuel, also termed
instability, leads to deterioration, resulting
in fuel darkening and the formation of
gums and sediments. Antioxidants
enhance gasoline stability and inhibit its
tendency to deteriorate in storage.4,2°
Gasoline can contain a number of
unstable species such as olefins and
dienes and these can polymerise to form
gums. Gums in the fuel are transported
through the fuel system and can lead to
malfunction and breakdown. In the fuel
system, gums can be responsible for
injection system fouling and are implicated
in intake valve deposit formation.
Mode of Action
Unstable species in gasoline produce free
radicals which combine with oxygen to
produce further free radicals in a chain
reaction and react with olefinic
compounds to form gums. Unchecked,
this oxidative chain reaction increases at
an exponential rate producing increasing
amounts of free radical and/or peroxide
species. Antioxidants work by disrupting
the chain propagating steps, by
decomposing peroxides and by acting as
free radical traps. Hindered phenols, for
example intercept free radicals to form
stable hindered radicals which do not
propagate further. Typical treat rates are
in the range 8 - 100 mg/kg.
Conductivity Improvers
Conductivity Improvers (also known as
anti-static additives) comprise either
fuel-soluble chromium materials,
proprietary combinations of polymeric
sulphur and nitrogen compounds,
quaternary ammonium salts or complex
organic alcohols. These chemistries
enhance fuel conductivity at extremely
low fuel treatment levels and reduce the
potential for static charge accumulation. 19
Static electricity can accumulate in fuel
during pumping operations. The problem
can occur at refineries, terminals or closer
to the point of use at filling stations or
airports and is exacerbated by physical
effects such as pipeline diameter
reductions and particularly by in-line
filters. Static discharges present an
obvious and proven fire hazard, which
can be reduced by improving the
electrical conductivity of the fuel and
dissipating electrostatic charge. Additive
use is much more commonplace in fuels
of intermediate volatility such as aviation
kerosene, but low sulphur gasoline and
diesel fuels are increasingly also treated.
Mode of Action
Conductivity Improvers greatly enhance the conductivity of the blended fuel, even at very low treat rates.
With fuel conductivity above a critical threshold level, static charge accumulation from pumping operations
cannot readily occur and charge dissipation rates are increased, thus preventing static discharge. Typical
treat rates are in the range 1 - 40 mg/kg.
Soluble metal salts present in gasoline are known to promote instability in the fuel by catalysing the
oxidation reactions, with subsequent gum formation and deposit build-up in the fuel system and on intake
valves. Copper is particularly associated with instability in fuels; its presence in the form of a soluble salt
even at very low levels can markedly reduce fuel stability resulting in the adverse effects described.
Mode of Action
Metal deactivator additive functions by reacting with dissolved metal in the fuel to form a stable chelate in
which the metal has no pro-oxidant effect. N,N'-disalicylidene-1,2-propanediamine also migrates to new
surfaces, inhibiting the formation of soluble metal salts. Typical treat rates are in the range 4 - 12 mg/kg.
Markers and dyes are often employed for the purpose of differentiation between different commercial
grades of gasoline and are also used to distinguish products attracting different duty levels, or to identify
specialist products, e.g. aviation gasoline. Markers show no visible effect in fuel but on extraction with a
solvent, will impart distinctive colours. Other markers can require UV or IR spectroscopy to reveal their
presence and may comprise bio or nano-materials. These techniques can be useful in providing inventory
control or in deterring theft.
Mode of Action
Markers and dyes are usually added at the refinery or in additive packages at the terminal to meet the
specific requirement of the client. Typical treat rates are in the range 2 - 50 mg/kg.
Example of Demulsifier
Phenolic resin alkoxylate
[ A OH A - OH O
° °
R x
A=H or CH3
Water contamination can be present in fuel anywhere in the distribution system from the refinery to the
vehicle fuel tank. With agitation, particularly in the presence of other additives, water can become
entrained in the form of a stable emulsion within the fuel. Problems associated with emulsions are
blockage of fuel filters, promotion of microbial growth and corrosion. Hazy fuel appearance is also evident
and this may reduce the value of fuel. Dehazers are emulsion breakers applied to fuels. These additives
can be added to hazy fuel in storage to rapidly break otherwise stable emulsions and allow removal of the
water from the fuel. Demulsifiers are emulsion breakers applied to lubricating and other oils. Emulsion
preventatives are specifically designed to work with other performance package
components to prevent the blended fuel and package formulation from forming emulsions with any water
contacted within fuel distribution systems.
Mode of Action
These products modify the interfacial tension viscosity or film elasticity of water droplets within a fuel
emulsion. This allows coalescence and separation of the water droplets from the fuel.
Dehazer and demulsifier dose rates for breaking existing emulsions are typically 10 — 500 mg/kg. Emulsion
preventative dose rates are typically 1 — 10 mg/kg.
AVAll C O M " h I A ( Q I I I R Q V Q 1 S 1 S I A M U A R U S
Example of Copper/Silver Corrosion Inhibitor 1.0 rims
Thiadiazole chemistry
The presence of sulphur compounds in gasoline can have a corrosive effect upon non-ferrous metals. Copper
corrosion tests have been used for many years to assess the potential effects of any sulphur compounds
present but the increasing use of silver, or silver alloys, in the electronic sensors employed by modern
automotive fuel systems
R has demonstrated
levels of sulphur compounds in the fuel.
their higher susceptibility to corrosion by lowbl
Production of low sulphur gasoline by refinery hydrotreatment
Cu strip rainbow
paradoxically has exacerbated the problem by removing compounds which gave some natural protection against
WPM. WWI! t e r . . .111•1..
corrosion of silver contacts. Low sulphur gasoline is often treated at the refinery to prevent this type of
Mode of Action
Copper / silver corrosion inhibitor additives act as film formers, creating a barrier over metal surfaces which
prevents sulphur from reaching, and reacting with, the surface.
The addition of copper / silver corrosion inhibitor additives can be performed at the refinery or as part of a
multifunctional package. Additive treat rates lie typically in the range 2-20 mg/kg.
Octane Boosters
Octane boosters or antiknock compounds comprise, principally, organometallic chemistries including
tetraethyl lead (TEL), ferrocene and methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT).3,4,2122 Organic compounds
such as N-methyl aniline, ethanol, methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), etc. are less effective than organometallic
additives and are typically used at levels between 1% and 15%. They are considered blending components
rather than octane boosters / antiknock compounds.
c Mn
0 C°
0 c
Octane boosters provide cost effective improvement in gasoline octane quality. Modern spark ignition engines
have a typical octane requirement in the range 90-98 research octane number (RON). Operation on fuel of
inadequate octane quality produces unwanted noise from detonation and may result in engine damage. The
use of octane booster additives is now greatly diminished following refinery reconfiguration to produce
naturally high octane blending components for the gasoline pool. Lead alkyl additives are still employed in
aviation gasoline and at a very small number of refineries which lack the necessary processing capability to
produce adequate octane quality. MMT, and to a lesser extent ferrocene, are used as lead replacement additives
at some refineries.
Mode of Action
When an unburned fuel/air mixture beyond the boundary of the flame front is subjected to a combination
of heat and pressure, detonation may occur. Detonation is characterized by an instantaneous, explosive
ignition of at least one pocket of fuel/air mixture outside of the flame front producing an audible sound
also called "knock". At the temperatures found in internal combustion engines, antiknock additives
decompose completely into metal, metal oxides and combustible, short-lived hydrocarbon radicals. The
metal and metal oxides scavenge radical intermediates, preventing their involvement in combustion
reactions. This prevents ignition of unburned fuel during the engine's expansion stroke, and therefore,
knock. Octane quality is defined in terms of resistance to knock, so the capability of an additive to reduce the tendency to
knock, by definition, increases the octane quality of the fuel
in which it is used. Typical treat rates are in the range 8 - 150 mg/I of active
In older engines, certain exhaust valve seat metallurgies, such as soft cast iron, are eroded through the repeated
closing and opening contact with the hot exhaust valve. This erosion phenomenon, which had for many years
been masked by the use of lead alkyl antiknock additives, became apparent under high speed, high load driving
conditions with gasoline containing no added lead. Unchecked, valve seat erosion results in poor valve seal and
loss of compression, in turn resulting in power loss, rough engine operation, increased emissions and poor
starting. Anti-valve seat recession additives have proved to give effective protection from valve seat erosion in
older engines operated on unleaded gasoline.
Mode of Action
Anti-valve seat recession (AVSR) additives function by depositing a thin protective layer on exhaust valve
seat surfaces, effectively preventing the metal-to-metal contact which lies at the heart of the erosion process.
The protective layer is maintained by combustion of gasoline treated with the AVSR additive, which is
usually added at treat levels below 50 mg/kg of the active element. Although some "memory effect" is
evident from tests using intermittent treatment with AVSR additives, the best results have been shown to
result from consistent use in any engine (with unsuitable metallurgy) operated on unleaded gasoline. Typical
treat rates are in the range 100 - 200 mg/kg.
As for gasoline engines, DCAs for compression ignition or "diesel" engines are designed to keep the whole
fuel system clean, although in diesel engines intake valves do not come into contact with liquid fuel. In
diesel engines the most significant focus for cleanliness lies in the fuel injector which atomises the liquid
fuel being delivered into the combustion chamber immediately prior to the onset of combustion during
each power stroke.26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33 Fuel is pumped to extremely high pressures and is forced through very
fine orifices during injection. Increasingly strict emissions legislation requires the close control of both the
timing of injection and the quantity of fuel injected. Satisfactory engine operation depends very strongly
on consistent, long-term control of the drop size distribution and shape of the injected spray inside the
combustion chamber. Maintaining injector surfaces in a condition close to the manufactured state is
an important factor in maintaining satisfactory long term emissions, power output and fuel economy
performance in the diesel engine.
Mode of action
Diesel DCAs help to prevent the formation of deposits in injector nozzles partly by providing a film on
metal surfaces and partly by preventing agglomeration of deposit precursors. As for gasoline engines,
diesel DCA are normally intended to be used on a continuous basis from a new engine condition to
avoid deposit build-up, but by changing the equilibrium of accumulation and removal mechanisms,
these additives can also provide a deposit removal function. Typical treatment levels for DCAs, which are
frequently combined with other components in multi-functional packages, lie in the range 10 - 200 mg/kg.
Treatment levels may be higher to effect removal of existing deposits in engines.
2-Ethylhexyl Nitrate
0 0
Cetane Number Improvment (CIN units)
8.0 ______________________________________________________________________
7.0 ______________________________________________________________________
6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0
Figure 44 Estimated response to cetane improver of low, medium and high responsiveness diesel
Cetane number improvers provide a cost effective increase in diesel cetane quality. Combustion in an
engine operating on diesel fuel relies on the auto-ignition of fuel injected into the compressed air trapped
in the combustion chamber. After fuel injection, onset of combustion is not immediate but subject to a
delay, termed ignition delay. Cetane quality of diesel fuel is defined in terms of the ease with which the
fuel ignites; increased cetane number corresponds to reduced ignition delay. Operating a diesel engine
on inadequate cetane quality fuel results in poor starting characteristics, especially in cold weather,
significant white smoke emissions, higher noise levels, increased fuel consumption and higher exhaust
emissions.34,35,36," Higher cetane quality is therefore a very desirable feature in diesel fuels.
Mode of action
Cetane number improvers break down during combustion to form free radicals. These radicals increase
the rate of decomposition of the fuel, causing it to ignite more readily and so reducing ignition delay.
Treat levels vary widely from around 0.015 % vol. to 0.2 % vol. and above, with the additive employed at
the refinery to trim cetane quality during blending operations to meet product specification but also in
multifunctional additive packages where a number of enhanced operational benefits can be demonstrated
from increased cetane quality fuel.
Preventing the formation of large stable lattices does have a negative aspect, in that the crystals do not
remain suspended in the diesel fuel, rather they begin to sink towards the bottom of the storage tank.
Fuels containing cold flow improver additives, when stored for an extended period in cold weather, can
permit fuel quality changes, as fuel in the lower part of the tank becomes wax rich, particularly when the
tank fuel level becomes low. Anti-settling additives assist in preventing deposition of wax crystals in treated
fuels during tank-storage at refineries and terminals.
Mode of action
Cold flow improver additives function by
being only moderately soluble in diesel
fuel. As the fuel cools, additive molecules
begin to precipitate out of solution as very
small nuclei at a temperature close to the
cloud point of the fuel. The presence of
these nuclei distributed through the fuel
encourages the growth of a large number
of small wax crystals. Co-precipitation of
additive molecules with wax crystals
prevents growth of the large plate-like wax
crystals seen in untreated fuel. The
presence of a large number of small
crystals (produced due to the action of a
cold flow improver) rather than a small
number of large ones, allows the fuel to
continue to flow, thus preventing fuel filter
and line blockage, and thereby permitting
normal engine and vehicle operation at
low ambient temperatures. Typical treat
levels for CFI additives can range from 50 -
1000 mg/kg.
Lubricity Improvers
Lubricity additives are surface active
compounds, consisting of an active polar
head group which permits the formation
of a protective film on moving metal
surfaces and a hydrocarbon tail to assist
fuel solubility. Typical chemistries used in
lubricity improvers include fatty acids,
esters and amides.
Example of Lubriciy Improver
Oleic Acid
Linoleic Acid
a Linolenic Acid
Mode of action
The long chain polar compounds employed
in lubricity improver additives permit the
establishment of a mono-molecular coating
on metal surfaces. This film, or boundary
layer, provides a cushion which keeps
metal surfaces apart and thus protects
against wear. Treat levels, which vary
depending on crude source, the level of
protection required and the specific additive
chemistry employed, lie in the range 25 -
400 mg/kg.
Anti-Foam Additives
Antifoam additives are polysiloxane based compounds used in multifunctional additive packages.
Example of Anti-Foam
Polydimethylsiloxane Modified
n 0
CH3 n
Diesel fuel has a natural tendency to entrain air and form a temporary foam when dispensed
from a filling station during vehicle re-fuelling. Foaming is a particular problem for the
increasing number of diesel passenger cars, which employ tanks of irregular shapes and
narrow filler pipes. With automatic cut-off forecourt dispenser systems, which are now almost
universal, foaming leads to premature fuel cut-off
and a partially filled tank. Foaming can also result in fuel splashing onto vehicle bodywork or
onto the concrete forecourt surface. Neither of these are popular with customers and fuel
spilt onto a concrete floor is a safety hazard. Anti-foam additives effectively eliminate these
Mode of action
Anti-foam additives function by reducing the surface tension of the air bubble walls which
constitute the foam, leading to its rapid collapse. Polysiloxane compounds are very effect at
low treat levels, typically in the range 2-10 mg/kg.
36 Fuel Additives: Use and Benefits
Chemistry of Diesel Fuel Additives
Corrosion Inhibitors
Corrosion inhibitors for diesel fuel are used for the same purpose, are of the same chemistry and employ
the same mode of action as for gasoline. They consist typically of a polar head to enable adhesion to
the metal surfaces to be protected, and a hydrocarbon tail to ensure fuel solubility.' Effective corrosion
inhibitors include carboxylic acids, amines and amine salts of carboxylic acids.
Corrosion inhibitors are applied either at the refinery, pumping station, terminal or as part of a
multifunctional additive package.
Diesel fuel supply arrangements, like those for gasoline, can permit water to enter fuel, with similar
potential for surface corrosion of metallic components throughout the fuel storage and delivery system.
Corrosion inhibitor additives are very cost effective in preventing such corrosion.
Mode of action
The protective mode of action is the same as in gasoline; the polar head provides a protective film on the
metal surface, while the hydrocarbon tail allows the molecule to be solubilised in the fuel. Treat rates are
in the range 5-100 mg/kg.
Mode of action
Stability improvers interfere with the acid-base reactions which occur between nitrogen and sulphur
compounds and organic acids, reacting preferentially to produce soluble reaction products and preventing
sediment formation. As with gasoline, unstable species in diesel fuel produce free radicals which combine
with oxygen to produce further free radicals in a chain reaction and react with olefinic compounds to form
gums. Antioxidants inhibit chain-branching reactions or intercept free radicals to form stable hindered
radicals which do not propagate further. Typical treat rates are in the range 20 - 200 mg/kg.
Conductivity Improvers
The same Conductivity Improvers are used in diesel fuel as in gasoline.' They comprise either fuel-soluble
chromium materials, polymeric sulphur and nitrogen compounds, quaternary ammonium salts or complex
organic alcohols.
Static electricity can accumulate in fuel during pumping operations and this accumulation is exacerbated
by physical effects such as pipeline diameter reductions and particularly by in-line filters. Static discharges
present an obvious and proven fire hazard particularly for middle distillates such as diesel and jet fuel,
especially now that increased refinery processing to remove sulphur has resulted in the production of
Mode of Action
Conductivity Improvers greatly enhance the conductivity of the blended fuel, even at very low treat rates.
With fuel conductivity above a critical threshold level, static charge accumulation from pumping operations
cannot readily occur and charge dissipation rates are increased, thus preventing static discharge. Typical
treat rates are in the range 1 - 40 mg/kg.
Metal Deactivators
The metal deactivator (MDA) used in diesel and other middle distillates is N, N'-disalicylidene-1,
2-propanediamine, the same product used in gasoline4•19.
Metal soluble salts present in fuel are known to catalyse oxidation. Copper is particularly associated with
fuel instability, even at very low levels. Diesel fuels can be severely destabilised by copper but jet fuel is
particularly sensitive to contamination and can fail the Jet Fuel Thermal Oxidation Test (JFTOT) as a result.
Addition of MDA generally overcomes this failure and the product is an approved jet fuel additive for this
Mode of Action
Metal deactivator additive functions by reacting with dissolved metal in the fuel to form a stable chelate in
which the metal has no pro-oxidant effect. Typical treat rates are in the range 4 - 12 mg/kg.
A widespread use of dyes, specific to diesel fuel, is in off-road diesel for use in agricultural and construction
machinery (which in many countries carries a reduced fuel duty). A red dye is used in the UK to distinguish
between the low duty and higher duty fuels for on-road use and an invisible marker is also included.
Markers give no visible effect in the fuel but on extraction with a solvent impart distinctive colours. This
technique can be useful in providing inventory control or in deterring theft.
Mode of Action
Markers and dyes are usually added at the refinery or terminal to meet the specific requirement of the
client. Treat levels and usage of markers and dyes is also similar to that already described for gasoline.
Water contamination can be present in fuel anywhere in the distribution system from the refinery
storage to the vehicle fuel tank. With agitation, particularly in the presence of other additives, water can
become entrained in the form of a stable emulsion within the fuel. Problems associated with emulsions
are blockage of fuel filters, promotion of microbial growth and corrosion. Hazy fuel appearance is also
evident and this may reduce the value of fuel. Dehazers are emulsion breakers applied to fuels. These
additives can be added to hazy fuel in storage to rapidly break otherwise stable emulsions and allow
removal of the water from the fuel. Demulsifiers are emulsion breakers applied to lubricating and
other oils. Emulsion preventatives are specifically designed to work with other performance package
components to prevent the blended fuel and package formulation from forming emulsions with any water
contacted within fuel distribution systems.
Mode of action
These products modify the interfacial tension viscosity or film elasticity of water droplets within a fuel
emulsion. This allows coalescence and separation of the water droplets from the fuel.
Dehazer and demulsifier dose rates for breaking existing emulsions are typically 10 to 500 mg/kg.
Emulsion preventative dose rates are typically 1 to 10 mg/kg.
Legislative changes in permitted diesel particulate emissions have increasingly required the use of Diesel
Particulate Filters (DPFs) which trap emitted carbonaceous particles (soot). Trapping soot is very effective
but, if operational difficulties caused by high exhaust back pressure are to be avoided, creates the
problem of disposing of the trapped material. The soot is most conveniently, and effectively, removed
by combustion within the filter (regeneration). Without some form of catalyst, regeneration requires a
high energy input over significant periods of time, which creates a potential fuel consumption penalty
estimated to be about 5% of vehicle consumption. Fuel borne catalysts significantly reduce the energy
input required to achieve regeneration, and generally facilitate the operation of diesel vehicles fitted with
Mode of Action
The metallic portion of the fuel borne catalyst added to the diesel fuel survives the combustion process,
usually in the form of finely divided oxides. These particles are bound up with agglomerations of tiny soot
particles leaving the combustion chamber and pass into the filter. This well distributed catalyst in the soot
assists in the process of filter regeneration. A trigger for regeneration of the catalysed soot is typically an
energy input in the form of increased exhaust gas temperature, which takes some of the catalysed soot
above a threshold ignition temperature. Once combustion is initiated, the accumulated pre-catalysed soot
rapidly burns to leave a clean filter and reduced back pressure. Typical active metal treat levels for fuel
borne catalysts lie in the range 5-30 mg/kg.
The majority of the fuel additives utilised in refineries and terminals are described in the preceding
gasoline and diesel additive sections and will not be reproduced here. There are other additives which
have not been described and these are detailed below.
Polyacrylamide oox
H2N Laminar
H2N 0 X=H, Na*,1e,NHe
When fluids travel through a pipeline, a velocity profile is developed in the flow that varies from zero velocity at the wall of
the pipe to a maximum velocity at the centreline of the pipe. This profile is caused by the flow properties in the fluid that
create shear layers. At very low velocities, these shear layers are well ordered, and there is no transverse flow between the
layers; this is described as laminar flow. As velocities increase, the laminar nature of the flow begins to break down. At the
interface between layers, the flow begins to tumble due to shearing, creating transverse flow in which faster moving particles
are transported into regions of lower velocity and vice-versa. This turbulent flow causes pressure drops per unit length of
pipe and demands higher pumping energy to maintain the bulk velocity of the flow. 56
The use of PDR products reduces fluid turbulence, especially next to the wall of the pipe, downstream of valves in the
pipelines, and at branching points. By decreasing flow turbulence, pipeline drag (pressure loss) is reduced and higher product
throughput can be achieved at the same or lower pumping pressures.
Mode of Action
When added to crude oil or refined products in a pipeline, PDR reduce transverse flow, effectively creating a laminar flow.
This is especially true close to the pipe walls where flow velocity profile has a very steep gradient in which significant pressure
losses occur. Lowering these losses increases the bulk throughput of the pipeline for a given pumping energy, resulting in
reduced operating costs.
PDR goes into solution with the fluid in the pipeline and does not coat pipe walls or plate out on valve components.
The PDR molecular chain is very fragile and can be sheared or broken by bends in the pipeline, valves, piping branches
or when the flow goes through a pumping station. Once the
molecular chain is broken, the effectiveness of the PDR is immediately degraded, so it must be re-injected downstream of pumps,
valves, and sharp turns in the pipeline to maintain benefits.
Fuel Additives: Use and Benefits
Refinery and Terminal Additives
Unsheared, PDR can clog filter devices but sheared it passes through filters without problem. PDR are
widely used in pipeline systems to facilitate the flow of crude oils, diesel fuels and automotive gasolines.
PDR are not permitted in aviation fuels. Typical PDR treat rates are in the range 0.5 - 2 mg/kg for each
injection point which results in a total treat rate of 3 - 8 mg/kg.
Anti-Icing Additives
Anti-Icing additives (or Fuel System Icing Inhibitors (FSII)) are used predominantly in military aviation
turbine fuel and are typically glycol ethers, such as Ethylene Glycol Mono Methyl Ether (EGME) or
Diethylene Glycol Mono Methyl Ether (DIEGME).
HO 0 CH,
During ambient storage and use, aviation turbine fuel (AVTUR) is a clear bright liquid with no evidence of
particulate matter or entrained water. During use at altitude however, AVTUR is exposed to extremely low
temperatures. AVTUR inevitably contains some water which may have been introduced into the system
from the refining process, contaminated fuel storage tanks or condensation in a partially empty fuel tank.
Fuel System Icing Inhibitors (Anti-icing additives) reduce the freezing point of any water precipitated from
jet fuels due to cooling at high altitudes and prevent the formation of ice crystals which may restrict the
flow of fuel to the engine. This type of additive does not affect the freezing point of the fuel itself. Anti-
icing additives can also provide some protection against microbiological growth in jet fuel.
Mode of Action
As AVTUR cools at altitude, its ability to retain dissolved water diminishes allowing water molecules to
condense and form larger droplets that can freeze in sub-zero temperatures. If such condensation occurs,
the water absorbs the FSII from the fuel, which serves to depress the freezing point of the water to < -40
°C. This reduced freezing point prevents the droplet from freezing in fuel tanks, fuel lines or filters and
blocking the flow of fuel which could otherwise shutdown an engine. FSII treat rates are required to be in
the range 0.1 — 0.2 % by volume, depending upon specification.
Metallic scavengers are also employed for high temperature applications such as bitumen but their use is
limited for other fuel applications.
H25 is a toxic gas which can be dissolved or entrained in hydrocarbons by refinery processes or microbial
metabolism during fuel degradation. Due to its toxic nature, H 2S is a personnel exposure safety concern
but it also accelerates fuel instability and gum formation as well as being a cause of metallic corrosion. H2S
scavengers remove H2S from hydrocarbon fuels, eliminating these safety and performance concerns.
Mode of Action
The reaction products formed between the scavengers and H25 are a complex variety of low hazard, stable,
sulphur compounds that will not regenerate H 2S. Additives function by chemically reacting with sulphur
species to form stable low hazard soluble products. These stable reaction products then degrade in fuel
combustion without reverting to Hydrogen Sulphide. A typical treat rate is 5 mg/kg per 50 mg/kg gaseous
H25 released from the hydrocarbon.
Domestic heating fuel is a middle distillate product typically comprising kerosene meeting BS EN 2869:2010
Class C2. Also in this category of heating fuel is gas oil which is closer in properties to fuel used in
compression ignition or diesel engines. Appliances which burn heating fuel comprise central heating
boilers with pressure jet burners and stove burners, such as hot pot burners and sleeves burners, with
gravity-feed supply systems. In recent years pressure jet burners have been set up to operate on 28 second
kerosene fuel, although older systems burning gas oil are still in use. Cooking stoves with pressure-jet
burners are becoming more common in response to demands for improved fuel efficiency, greater heat
control capability and reduced maintenance costs. Severe maintenance problems with traditional cooking
stoves have been experienced since the implementation of the EU reduced sulphur directive in January
Additives for heating fuels frequently employ similar or related chemistries to those employed in
automotive middle distillate fuels, to treat conditions or to resolve issues which may also resemble those
encountered in the automotive world.
Corrosion Inhibitors
Corrosion inhibitors for heating fuel are the same as for diesel fuel — please refer to page 37.
Instability reactions which occur at elevated
temperatures, and which can be accelerated by
contact between heating fuel and metallic pipework
(if present), are encountered in heating appliances.
This can lead to impaired atomisation and
combustion and increased soot production from pressure jet burners. Enhanced thermal stability ensures
minimal fuel degradation prior to combustion, with optimum performance from the heating appliance.
Mode of Action
Stability improvers interfere with the acid-base reactions which occur between nitrogen and sulphur compounds
and organic acids, reacting preferentially to produce soluble reaction products and preventing sediment
formation. Unstable species can produce free radicals which combine with oxygen to produce further free
radicals in a chain reaction and react with olefinic compounds to form gums. Antioxidants inhibit chain-
branching reactions and intercept free radicals to form stable hindered radicals which do
not propagate further. Thermal stability additives containing a metal deactivator additionally function by
reacting with dissolved metal in the fuel to form a stable chelate in which the metal has no pro-oxidant effect.
Typical treat rates vary for the different components but are in the range 50 —150 mg/kg for dispersants, 10 —
50 mg/kg for stabilisers/anti-oxidants and 4 — 12 mg/kg for metal deactivators.
Lubricity Improvers
Lubricity improvers for heating fuel are the same as for diesel fuel — please refer to page 35.
Combustion Improvers
Combustion improver chemistry employed in heating fuels includes both ashless and metal containing
additives. Ashless combustion improver additives typically employ nitrogen functionality on fuel soluble
hydrocarbon molecules, while metal containing additives are normally fully fuel soluble organometallic
Incomplete combustion can lead to soot deposits in the combustion chambers, on heat transfer surfaces
and in flues of boilers and stoves, which can impair heat transfer and may result in unwanted fires.
Combustion improver additives have demonstrated improved efficiency through reduced soot deposition,
and have reduced the frequency of flue and chimney fires.
Mode of action
Ashless combustion improver additives function by decomposing early in the combustion process to
provide a source of free radicals, which increase the rate of decomposition of the fuel to ensure more
complete combustion with reduced formation of sooty particulates. Surface active deposit control
chemistry employed for burner nozzle cleanliness can also reduce droplet size during atomisation, with
resulting benefits in smoke and soot reduction during combustion. Metal-containing combustion improver
additives function by catalysing the burn-out of soot particles formed during combustion, thus reducing the
extent and weight of soot deposited on heat transfer and flue surfaces. Typical treat rates are in the range
5 — 50 mg/kg and 150 — 500 mg/kg for metallic and ashless additives respectively.
Reodourant Additives
Additives used to reduce the odour of heating oils are typically pinenes derived by turpentine distillation,
or may be essential oils and extracts from fruits, nuts, herbs or spices. Choice of aroma is subjective and
may result from many trial blends to find the right masking odour.
During delivery of heating oil to residential homes, and to a lesser extent during storage, customers
may be exposed to the characteristic strongly aromatic odour of the oil which many find objectionable.
Reodourant additives counter this odour to give the heating oil a more pleasant, lighter and fresher
smell, leading to a greater level of acceptance and fewer customer complaints. Reodourant additives also
occasionally find application in automotive diesel.
Mode of action
The reodourant additive, when blended with the fuel, masks the natural odour of the heating oil with the
chosen fragrance. Selection typically results from a number of customer assessment panel tests, producing
the desired overall smell of the reodourant combined with the heating oil. Typical treat rates are in the
range 10 — 50 mg/kg.