Restaurant Business Database
Restaurant Business Database
Restaurant Business Database
Dakoor Saharsh-18BSW0075
Electronics & Communication Dept., Vellore Institute of Technology
Abstract-- Restaurants are right now the booming business the work easy. In the code we deal with many things i.e. 1. item
in the Indian Market. They are the first preference of the inventory 2. employee database 3. order management and 4.
general public to celebrate their birthdays, anniversary sales record. The very first thing the program deals with is the
with their friends and family. It is especially important for item inventory in which there are 3 sub titles they are 1.1 add
the management to work out everything properly without an item to the menu in which name and the price of the item are
any problems. There will be problems like managing the stored, 1.2display the items in the menu and 1.3 delete an item
menu. It is very basic to know the items in the menu and to from the menu if a particular items stock is completed we can
edit it. Employee data base to know who are working under delete the particular item from the menu and another option exit
us, how much they are paid and whom we are hiring and is available to get to the main function.2 and the second one is
the option to fire them. Be able to manage the order and the Employee database and it has 2.1.appoint a new staff
upcoming order. Finally, about the investments, profits and member in which the name of the employee and the salary
losses. A software approach to a solution to this problem is given to him is to be stored ,2.2. Display the current staff which
implemented in this paper. displays the total number of employees, a staff member
from the database .3 and the third one is the order management
in which it has 3.1.add a new order in which name of the person
who is taking the order and the date when the order to be
Keywords --Binary tree implementation, binary search tree
delivered is stored 3.2. display the pending orders which it
implementation, storing data in the form of linked list,
displays the order of the person and when it is to be done
sorting of linked list, using queues for implementation of
including the date of the order and are displayed in an order the
priority queue.
order which is first is displayed first and the order which is last
is displayed last 3.3.remove the upcoming order and 4 sales
record. In this sales record we have how much of money we
I. INTRODUCTION have spent in the particular year and how much profit and losses
we got will be shown in these.
A. Motivation of The Project:
He/she must be able to manage all works are going to work
properly and they must know what is happening in the III. EXISTING TECHNOLOGY AND
restaurant under their fingertips. They should be able to know HOW THIS IS DIFFERENT
when and at what time they must deliver the order in stipulated
time so that both the restaurant and the customers will be Currently a few of the restaurants have started digitizing their
benefited. menu but it does not have other various features to compute and
record automatically. They interface the use is also
considerably basic and old fashioned. Sometimes their
algorithms lack speed due to lack of implementing linked lists.
So, this project uses linked lists as its data type and binary tree
The executions of business tasks should be handled in an as the data structure for major parts and queue in the case of
efficient manner for a successful business. Hence, we have orders. Other miscellaneous minor functions are used for a few
come up with an efficient algorithm using BINARY SEARCH tasks.
TREES, Sorting, and Linked lists and priority queues to make
For doing these I used Binary Search Trees, Linked lists, B. Concepts used:
priority queues. These will manage the works like menu
creation (price and name), employee database (name, salary),
order management (upcoming orders, present orders) and
finally the sales, investment, profits and loses of the particular
year. i. Binary search tree( doubly linked list)
A Binary Search Tree (BST) is a tree in which all the nodes
follow the below-mentioned properties −
• The left sub-tree of a node has a key less than or equal
A. Important functions used: to its parent node's key.
• The right sub-tree of a node has a key greater than to
its parent node's key.
void delete1(struct btnode *t)- to delete a node, consists of sub
• The left and right subtree each must also be a binary
parts using if else for deleting leaf node, node having one left
search tree.
child, node having right child or both
void search (struct btnode *t)- search the year in sales record
For doing these we used Binary Search Trees, Linked lists,
priority queues. It will be very useful for the management of
the restaurant to manage the works and to store their data and
also helps them to reduce their work and are very helpful for
them and These will manage the works like menu creation
which includes the name of the item and price of the item and
the employee database which helps the management to store the
name and salary of the employee which is very helpful for them
and the order management it is very helpful to store the
upcoming orders and the present orders and the exact date when
the order to be delivered so that it very easy for them to manage
and finally the sales records which includes the investment,
profits and loses of the management in the particular year.
iv. Thomas H. Cormen, C.E. Leiserson, R L.Rivest
and C. Stein, Introduction to Algorithms, Third
edition, MIT Press, 2009.
v. A. V. Aho, J.E. Hopcroft and J. D. Ullman, Data
Strucures and Algorithms, Pearson India, Ist
Edition, 2002