Nailbiting Swish
Nailbiting Swish
Nailbiting Swish
You know that biting your fingernails is bad for you and you are probably having some difficulty
finding an easy way to stop. If you want to stop biting your fingernails, then the SWISH method
can be used to completely eliminate that bad habit quickly and efficiently (usually within a few
days). If done properly, the craving to bite your fingernails will disappear and other more
empowering desires and needs will take its place.
This paper will use the SWISH method with exaggerated moving-images to cure you of biting
your fingernails. If you do not already know how the SWISH works, please read the short 3
page tutorial at the end of this paper or look up NLP SWISH on the internet. There is also a lot
of exaggeration, ridiculous association and repetition going on in the Swish. This is done
on purpose and is necessary for the technique to work. For now we will just concentrate
step-by-step on the actual cure which is what most people really care about.
The easiest way to stop biting your nails is to keep your fingers out of your mouth. So, the goal
here will be to KEEP YOUR FINGERS OUT OF YOUR MOUTH. Remember, your teeth
are made for biting and you will want to chew and eat anything that you can put into your mouth
and that includes your fingers. " You can't bite your fingers if they are not in your mouth ".
The original goal (to stop biting your nails) is still there but it has been restated (keep your
fingers out of your mouth) so that the specific action needed to accomplish that goal is very
clear. To stop biting your nails, you have to keep your fingers out of your mouth. We've also
made it sound unpleasant which will make it easier to keep your fingers out of your mouth.
Your fingers have germs on them so when you put your fingers into your mouth you are putting
stuff into your mouth that will make you sick and destroy your health. Insecure people put their
fingers in their mouth when they are unsure of themselves. If you put your fingers in your
mouth, you probably blame other people for your problems. Putting your fingers in your mouth
means that you lack self-confidence, which also means that you have poor decision making skills
and you have difficulty making the right choices when you are confronted with a problem.
When you put your fingers in your mouth, you are seen by other people as a slow learner who
needs to be told what to do. When you put your fingers in your mouth you are not in control of
your life because you can't even control where your fingers are. If you put your fingers in your
mouth, you will never be successful in life because successful people do not put their fingers in
their mouth. If you put your fingers in your mouth, you will end up being bitter when you get
older because other people (who do not put their fingers in their mouth) are healthy and
successful and you are not. Putting your fingers in your mouth will ruin your life.
So you have two choices, you can "Keep your fingers out of your mouth" or "Put your
fingers into your mouth and bite them". One can lead to a long, healthy, happy and
productive life that is controlled by you. The other will make you dependent on the false
feelings you get from putting your fingers into your mouth that will lower the quality of your
life, will eventually destroy your mind and body, and as you get older you will be miserable
because you will think that the rich and smart people (who do not their fingers into their mouth)
control everything so there is nothing left for you.
Some of the many benefits of not putting your fingers into your mouth are:
• a healthier body (less germs, increased desire to be more active),
• more energy (increased self-confidence will make you take better care of your body),
• clearer and improved thinking,
• improved coordination and faster reflexes,
• you will heal faster (because your body is healthier),
• you will recover from sickness faster and get sick less often,
• you will look younger (due to healthier body and improved skin),
• you will move faster and smoother,
• you will lose weight if you are overweight (due to healthy foods and increased exercise),
• you will live longer and be healthier when you get older,
• you will make better decisions and think faster,
• your self-confidence will be greatly improved,
• you will be happier,
• you will be in control of your body,
• your chances of being successful at whatever you do increase drastically.
Step 1:
Get Leverage so you will WANT to
"Keep Your Fingers Out of Your Mouth".
The 6 moving-image areas given below are used to quickly give you the leverage you need to
stop your bad habit of putting your fingers in your mouth. In these areas are examples of
exaggerated moving-images that you can use for quickly getting leverage. There are a lot of
them, and yes it is done on purpose. You can also add your own moving-images for even better
results. The moving-images you use should be short, simple and exaggerated and have some
truth to them but they do not have to be completely true. Do not get hung up on the details or
else the moving-image will be too complicated to be effective. Go for shock value. Being gross
and disgusting is OK and very effective. No one else will ever know.
Important! While reading the individual bad and good exaggerated moving-image descriptions,
don't dwell on them for too long. Just read each one, try to momentarily imagine it, and then
move on to the next description. The purpose is to get leverage quickly. That is why there are so
many of them. If a description confuses you, continue reading it and go on to the next one.
You can always read it again later.
Bad Moving-images 1.
Imagine what you look like to others if you put your fingers in your mouth. This is where
you feel the pain. Putting your fingers in your mouth should not be pleasant to look at.
You are with your friends at the museum and you are trying to see how many fingers you can put
into your mouth so that you can break the worlds record. Suddenly you feel sick because of the
fingers in your mouth and you vomit on several priceless and irreplaceable paintings.
You are the owner of a large and important company. You think you are very smart so you strut
around with your fingers in your mouth and you pretend that you are smoking your fingers
because your company has a strict no smoking policy.
You are reading some very important old documents in the library and you have your fingers in
your mouth. Your mouth is dripping saliva all over the papers. The librarian sees all this and
she tells you to leave and never return.
You have just been elected President of the United States and you are putting your fingers in
your mouth while you are giving your acceptance speech. The newly elected Vice President
sees this and is not very happy. He tells you to take your fingers out of your mouth and then he
puts you over his knee and spanks you while millions of people are watching.
Imagine that you are a movie star and your fingers are in your mouth when you are doing a big
scene or while you are being interviewed by reporters. Lots of pictures and videos were taken
that were not very flattering and the reporters misquoted you because they could not understand
what you were saying.
Imagine that your fingers are in your mouth while you are accepting an award or giving a speech.
The audience could not understand you very well because your fingers caused you to mumble a
lot but they still gave you a luke warm applause afterwards because they wanted to be polite.
Imagine yourself with your fingers in your mouth while asking your boss for a raise. You tend
to mumble when you put your fingers in your mouth so now your boss thinks that you actually
want a pay cut and that you do not really deserve your job and that he should fire you for the
good of the company.
Imagine yourself with your fingers in your mouth while on a date or meeting the parents for the
first time. You want to make a good impression so you washed your hands before you put your
fingers in your mouth. Your date and the parents were not impressed.
Imagine yourself with your fingers in your mouth while driving to work or riding the bus and
little kids are asking you "why are your fingers bleeding".
Pretend that you are a doctor and your fingers are in your mouth while you are doing surgery.
The patient wakes up during the surgery and looks frightened. You mumble something but the
patient can't understand you because your fingers are in your mouth.
Imagine that you are a teacher and your fingers are in your mouth while you are teaching a class.
Your students also have their fingers in their mouths because they want to be like you. You are
their role model.
Imagine that you have a job at the zoo as the elephant cage cleaner and your fingers are in your
mouth while you are picking up elephant poop (The zoo is open and people are watching you).
In other words, make it really painful and embarrassing to see yourself with your fingers in your
Bad Moving-images 2.
See the results of putting your fingers in your mouth. More pain.
You put your fingers in your mouth and your fingers hurt. When you look at your fingers, you
can see the raw exposed skin that used to be under the fingernails before you bit the nails off and
probably also some of the skin. You can see the redness and swelling around the edges of the
fingers where the nails used to be before you ripped them off with your teeth. See the blood and
feel the pain that comes from biting or tearing the skin around your nails. See people being
repulsed by your bit nails.
You put your fingers in your mouth and your mind is not working very well. The germs on your
fingers have clouded your mind and you frequently make hasty decisions that usually turn out to
be wrong. Your apparent self-confidence is all a cover-up to hide your deficiencies that were
caused by the germs on your fingers affecting your brain.
You put your fingers in your mouth and you are very depressed. You are convinced that your
life is not going to get any better so why even try. The rich and smart people (who do not put
their fingers in their mouth) control everything so there is nothing left for you. You would rather
put your fingers in your mouth than waste time with important things like eating the right foods,
good grooming, exercise and increasing the quality of your life.
You put your fingers in your mouth and the rats in the corner are waiting for you to fall asleep so
that they can crawl all over you and eat the fingers that are still in your mouth. Rats like saliva
coated fingers too. You wonder why the rats seem to be getting closer as you continue to put
your fingers in your mouth.
You put your fingers in your mouth and you cannot pick up a dime off the floor because you
have no fingernails to grip it. That dime is very valuable and some young kid picks it up and
puts it on a train track and it gets run over by a train.
You put your fingers in your mouth and you cannot make tapping sounds on a table with your
fingernails because you have no fingernails. Unfortunately for you, you are an undercover good
Samaritan who has just had your cover blown and the tapping sound is a signal for the police to
come and rescue you.
Your fingers are in your mouth and blood is dripping and spurting from your fingers while you
are driving to work or riding the bus.
Your fingers are in your mouth and you are very sick and in poor health because the germs on
your fingers are attacking your body. Because you put your fingers in your mouth, you are
getting sicker and your medical bills are very expensive.
You put your fingers in your mouth and when you shake hands with people you notice that your
fingernails are gone and your fingertips are red and puffy and bleeding and it looks and hurts like
hell. The people that you tried to shake hands with are repulsed by your fingers. They do not
want to be near you because your fingers are so ugly.
You put your fingers in your mouth and you are very lonely, but putting your fingers in your
mouth has given you a false sense of superiority that makes you cocky and prevents you from
making friends that you can trust. When you get older, the people who claim to be your friends
will steal everything you have. When you die, nobody will come to your funeral because you
have no real friends who care about you. After you are buried, no one will remember your name
because you never did anything that was worth remembering. Because you put your fingers in
your mouth, your life is a complete and total waste.
"All this is because you put your fingers in your mouth". What a shame.
Bad Moving-images 3.
Imagine reasons why you would not want to put your fingers in your mouth.
Still more pain. (Imagine yourself looking at your fingers while doing this).
Imagine that, every time you are about to put your fingers in your mouth, a cat walks up to you
and tells you that it is time to clean the litter box.
You are about to put your fingers in your mouth and you see hairy bug eyed rat faces on each
one of your fingers. You don't want to put those in your mouth.
You are about to put your fingers in your mouth and you see wiggly worms and maggots and
roaches and spiders and flies crawling all over your fingers. Do you still want to put these in
your mouth?
You are about to put your fingers in your mouth and you see hissing snake heads with fangs on
each one of your fingers. You don't want to put those in your mouth.
You are about to put your fingers in your mouth and you see, hear, feel, smell and taste dog or
cat poop on your fingers. Do you still want to put these in your mouth?
You are about to put your fingers in your mouth and your fingers have exploded in your face
because you tried to put them in your mouth. As a result, the bones and the flesh of your fingers
are exposed and there is blood everywhere you look as the flesh hangs from your bones. Feel
the excruciating pain and be assured that this will happen every time you think about putting
your fingers in your mouth.
Hint ! Imagine moving scenes involving your fingernails that are so horrific or gross that you
would not want to put your fingers in your mouth. Horrific or Gross is always better
(Remember: "We Will Do More to Avoid Pain Than to Obtain Pleasure"). Go wild and use
lots of action if possible. Use your imagination and assume that nothing is off-limits.
Good Moving-images 1.
Imagine what you will look like if you keep your fingers out of your mouth.
This is where the pleasure starts.
People think you are someone important because you look so healthy and you move with a self-
confidence that says "I am in charge of my life". You can thank your decision to "Keep your
fingers out of your mouth" for that. Keeping your fingers out of your mouth gave you the self-
confidence to take better care of yourself and to take charge of your future.
Because you keep your fingers out of your mouth, your friends say you look great, and people
smile at you when you walk down the street. You smile back at them because you know you
look great and it shows in the way you walk and present yourself to others. By keeping your
fingers out of your mouth you have made yourself very healthy and full of energy. By taking
good care of yourself, your mind is also very sharp and clear and you now have the self-
confidence and knowledge to know what is best for you. You know that your future is
determined by your actions and you will do whatever it takes to be a success. All of this has
happened because you keep your fingers out of your mouth.
You keep your fingers out of your mouth and your body has a healthy glow and people are
always commenting about how young you look and how energetic you are. Keeping your
fingers out of your mouth has been known to do that.
You are slim and trim because you keep your fingers out of your mouth and people point to you
when they say to their overweight kids, "Why can't you have a body like that". And you tell
them, "It's easy, Just keep your fingers out of your mouth".
You keep your fingers out of your mouth and your friends trust you because you are known for
giving good well thought-out advice. Clear thinking and improved decision making are just a
few of the many benefits of keeping your fingers out of your mouth.
Imagine what your fingers and hands would look and feel like if you keep your fingers out of
your mouth. See how attractive your hands, the fingernails and the skin around them will look to
you and to other people.
You keep your fingers out of your mouth and your fingers look and feel great because you
allowed your fingernails to grow.
Imagine the healthy glow of the healed skin surrounding each glorious well manicured fingernail
because you keep your fingers out of your mouth. These are great looking nails that you want to
share with the world.
If your fingernails look and feel this fantastic just because you finally decided to take care of
them, think about what you can do with the rest of your body.
Good Moving-images 2.
Imagine how your body and mind will be improved because you keep your fingers out of
your mouth. The pleasure continues.
You look years younger and your skin has improved now that you keep your fingers out of your
mouth. That's one of the many advantages of keeping your fingers out of your mouth.
You have an abundance of energy and you get things done a lot faster now that you keep your
fingers out of your mouth. Energetic people who keep their fingers out of their mouth are very
active and have been known to actually look for stuff to do and do it well.
Because you keep your fingers out of your mouth, your mind is much clearer (the fog is lifted),
and coming up with new and exciting ideas is very easy for you. Keeping your fingers out of
your mouth has freed up a lot of resources that your mind now uses to improve your thinking and
decision making abilities.
Your reflexes are much faster and your coordination has greatly improved now that you keep
your fingers out of your mouth. You are no longer clumsy and your movements are very
coordinated and smooth since you decided to keep your fingers out of your mouth.
Now that you keep your fingers out of your mouth, you see opportunities around you that you've
never noticed before. The calmness that comes with keeping your fingers out of your mouth has
allowed you to clearly observe your surroundings better and has opened up a whole new set of
possibilities for you to improve your life even more.
Your body heals faster and you get sick less often now that you keep your fingers out of your
mouth. If you do get sick you recover very quickly because keeping your fingers out of your
mouth has made you very healthy.
You keep your fingers out of your mouth and it is now easy to pick up a dime with your new
You keep your fingers out of your mouth and you are very healthy and you feel great. Your
fingers have germs on them and keeping your fingers out of your mouth prevents the germs from
attacking your body and making you sick.
Imagine yourself shaking hands and getting compliments about how nice your nails look because
you keep your fingers out of your mouth.
You keep your fingers out of your mouth and you can now make tapping sounds with your
fingernails on a table (You could never do that before and it's a great feeling).
You keep your fingers out of your mouth and you can now peel off tape with your new
fingernails (You could never do that before either).
You keep your fingers out of your mouth and you can now scratch yourself with your new nails
(a pretty good feeling if you could never do it before).
You keep your fingers out of your mouth and you can now cut and sand your beautiful nails
when they get too long (Your fingernails look pretty good now but you still have to trim them
when they get too long).
You keep your fingers out of your mouth and you can see your self-confidence grow as people
compliment you on your new "can do" attitude.
And most important, you can now brag to everyone that you no longer bite your nails. Priceless.
(It is my experience that most people don't really care if you stopped biting your nails but it still
feels good to brag about it.)
Good Moving-images 3.
Imagine what life would be like if you keep your fingers out of your mouth.
The pleasure gets even better.
Because you stopped putting your fingers in your mouth, you have become healthier and smarter
and you now have a good job that you truly enjoy doing. Being healthy has given you the
energy and the clarity-of-mind to go for the job you always wanted. It took some time to get the
necessary skills and to meet the right people but you finally succeeded. You may have even
gone into business for yourself. Congratulations. You have the self-confidence, the intelligence
and the ambition to be a great success at just about anything you want to do.
Because you stopped putting your fingers in your mouth, your many friends frequently ask you
for your advice and you have a much deserved reputation for giving good honest well thought
out answers. And you like it. Your mind is so calm, clear and full of useful knowledge that it is
very easy for you to come up with advice that helps people to solve their problems. You know
things that most people can only dream about knowing.
You have become very wealthy. Keeping your fingers out of your mouth has made you healthy
and has sharpened your mind so that you made some very good investments. However, your
best investment, that opened up the most opportunities for you, was to increase your knowledge
of the things that interest you. You used this knowledge to create possibilities that could make
you a lot of money. Possibilities such as:
1. Well thought out investments in banking, real estate and the stock market.
2. Get to know the right people who can be the most help with your career.
3. Start your own business (This gives you the most control of your wealth).
4. Work for a company that really needs your talents and pays you accordingly.
5. Create or invent a device or service that many people both need and want.
6. Observe how wealthy people get rich and imitate them by doing what they did.
7. Work smarter than anyone else (Hard work alone will not make you wealthy).
You have a very active and healthy lifestyle. By keeping your fingers out of your mouth, you
have become very healthy and you now have the energy and ambition to try new things that you
never thought you could do before. You have good friends with similar interests that you trust.
You are very happy.
Because you keep your fingers out of your mouth, you finally have the life that you've always
wanted. And it is GREAT.
Step 2:
Do the SWISH so that you will
"Keep Your Fingers Out Of Your Mouth".
When you know that you have good leverage then you are ready to do the Swish. Having good
leverage means that you know you can change and you want to change NOW.
To do the Swish you will see and feel the pain of the bad moving-image, destroy it and then
quickly see and feel the pleasure of the good moving-image. Three Swish examples will be
given based on the moving-images from step 1. Feel free to make up your own moving-images
for even better results. Be sure to include the blank time after every swish. This is very
Repeat each swish as often as you can for several days (about five times a day is OK) and you
will notice that you no longer put your fingers in your mouth. Again, this assumes that you
really want to stop putting your fingers in your mouth and you have enough leverage.
Bad moving-image: See yourself with your fingers in your mouth and you are biting your
fingernails while you are riding the bus. The bus goes over a bump and you bite off one of your
fingers and your blood is spurting uncontrollably everywhere all over the other passengers. You
are screaming and crying like a baby because it hurts so bad. The passengers on the bus run
away from you and soon you are alone and the bleeding stops. It doesn't seem to hurt as much
now so, while you are waiting for the medical people to arrive, you spend your time trying to put
your finger back on to the bloody stump where your finger used to be.
Good moving-image: See yourself with your fingers not in your mouth and you are smiling as
you calmly admire your good looking and totally unbitten fingernails while you are riding the
bus. You never put your fingers in your mouth and you are really proud of your fingernails.
People are always complimenting you on how nice your nails look because you take such good
care of them. You get to your destination safely and life is good because you are very self-
confident and you have great plans for your future.
Procedure: See in your mind the bad moving-image (that represents the unwanted bad habit) in
all its painful and unpleasant awfulness (large, bright, noisy, painful and lots of action). At the
same time, the good moving-image is also seen by your mind but make it very small, dark and
quiet and put it in a small corner of your mind so that it is not noticed. See and feel the pain and
unpleasantness of the large bad moving-image for about 30 seconds. Now freeze the large bad
moving-image and quickly make it smaller, darker and silent until it disappears completely, then
make the very small good moving-image much larger, brighter, louder and very enjoyable (You
can make a "swish" sound while doing this). See and enjoy the large full size good moving-
image that represents the desired good habit for about 30 seconds then blank your mind or think
of something else for about 1 minute.
Bad moving-image: You are sitting down and waiting to eat lunch in a strange dark restaurant
and your fingers are in your mouth and you are biting your fingernails. A zombie comes up to
you and you try to fight him but he is much stronger than you. He starts biting off your fingers
and slowly, painfully, one by one, your fingers are all gone. The zombie grunts and walks out
of the restaurant. You sit there looking at the ten stumps where your fingers used to be and you
want to cry but there is no one to hear you because the restaurant is empty.
Good moving-image: You are smiling and eating your lunch in a popular well lighted
restaurant that has really great food. You are with your many friends and they are
complimenting you on your well manicured fingernails. You never bite your nails and you are
very popular because of your self-confidence and intelligence. You are very healthy and you
have great plans for your future and you will do whatever it takes to make them come true.
Procedure: See in your mind the bad moving-image (that represents the unwanted bad habit) in
all its painful and unpleasant awfulness (large, bright, noisy, painful and lots of action). At the
same time, the good moving-image is also seen by your mind but make it very small, dark and
quiet and put it in a small corner of your mind so that it is not noticed. See and feel the pain and
unpleasantness of the large bad moving-image for about 30 seconds. Now freeze the large bad
moving-image and quickly make it smaller, darker and silent until it disappears completely, then
make the very small good moving-image much larger, brighter, louder and very enjoyable (You
can make a "swish" sound while doing this). See and enjoy the large full size good moving-
image that represents the desired good habit for about 30 seconds then blank your mind or think
of something else for about 1 minute.
Bad moving-image: You are taking a walk at night and your fingers are in your mouth and you
are biting your fingernails. Suddenly, you feel a painful tingling in your fingers so you take
them out of your mouth and there are big live hairy rat heads on all of them. Your fingers are
also covered in stinky dog poop and there are spiders crawling all over your hands. The rat
finger heads are in control of your body so you open your mouth wide and you slowly put your
fingers back into your mouth. You want to scream but you can't because your mouth is full and
the rats ate your vocal cords.
Good moving-image: You are taking a walk at night on a well lighted street and your fingers
are not in your mouth and you never bite your nails. You meet other nice people while you are
walking and they all compliment you on how nice your fingernails look. You are very proud of
your nails, you feel good, you have supreme self-confidence in yourself and you have a great
future ahead of you.
Procedure: See in your mind the bad moving-image (that represents the unwanted bad habit) in
all its painful and unpleasant awfulness (large, bright, noisy, painful and lots of action). At the
same time, the good moving-image is also seen by your mind but make it very small, dark and
quiet and put it in a small corner of your mind so that it is not noticed. See and feel the pain and
unpleasantness of the large bad moving-image for about 30 seconds. Now freeze the large bad
moving-image and quickly make it smaller, darker and silent until it disappears completely, then
make the very small good moving-image much larger, brighter, louder and very enjoyable (You
can make a "swish" sound while doing this). See and enjoy the large full size good moving-
image that represents the desired good habit for about 30 seconds then blank your mind or think
of something else for about 1 minute.
Bad habits can be changed and replaced with good ones and it can be done quickly and easily by
using the SWISH method. I stopped biting my nails by using the SWISH method as described in
this paper over 16 years ago. This document and SWISH based cures for other specific bad
habits is also available in .PDF form for free at the web site .
There is a free computer program that can be downloaded from this website that has graphical
images similar to the above fingernail biting swish. Its purpose is to give you the leverage and
the motivation to cure yourself of fingernail biting. This program is a very effective
computerized version of the swish but the best way is still to imagine it with moving-images in
your mind.
Figure 1 Reduced size Screen Captures from the Free Animated Fingernail Biting Swish Program
My thanks to Mr. Anthony Robbins whose book (Unlimited Power) taught me to stop
biting my nails and to stop eating meat in 1990. The most important and best self-help book
I've ever read. A little long winded and too many pages but still better than any of the other NLP
books I've read. The "stop eating meat" part was accidental. I was playing around with SWISH
moving-images to see if they actually worked and the moving-images got a little too graphic and
disgusting so when I tried it (I was in a Wendy's at the time), well that was the last time I ever ate
a cheeseburger (and I really liked cheeseburgers).
Thank you Tony Robbins .......... Updated April 09, 2007 .......... By: Robert Kilgore
The Swish (Tutorial) @ 2007 Robert Kilgore, Pittsburgh, Pa.
The SWISH technique is used to quickly replace a painful bad habit with a pleasurable good
habit. If done properly and you have enough leverage the bad habit can be eliminated within a
few days.
Important! The Swish works best when the habit to be changed is specific and well defined
such as a particular type of junk food you want to stop eating (candy bars, milk shakes, cheese
burgers, French fries) or behavior you want to change (biting fingernails, getting to work late).
There is also a lot of exaggeration, ridiculous association and repetition going on in the
Swish. This is done on purpose and is necessary for the technique to work.
1. Get leverage. Imagine "in your mind" ways to make the unwanted bad habit so
unpleasant and painful that you want it to stop NOW. Also, imagine ways to make the desired
good habit so desirable and pleasant that you absolutely must have it NOW. This is called
getting leverage.
Leverage is used to convince you that you can change, you want to change and you must
change NOW. Getting good leverage is a very important and vital part of a successful swish.
The SWISH will not work if you really want to keep the habit. Just telling yourself that you
want to change is not enough. "You will not change if you do not want to change". The better
the leverage, the easier it is to eliminate the bad habit.
2. Do the SWISH to destroy the bad habit and to insert the good habit. It is the SWISH
that actually changes the bad habit. If done properly (and with enough leverage), the bad habit
will be destroyed and the good habit will permanently take its place.
1. See the bad moving-image and feel the pain by making it large, bright, and noisy. At the
same time the good moving-image is already small, dark, quiet and barely noticed.
2. Quickly make the bad moving-image go away (destroy it) by freezing the image and
making it smaller, darker and quiet until it disappears completely. It helps to crush or
mutilate it while it gets smaller.
3. Then quickly make the good moving-image large, bright and noisy and feel the pleasure.
4. Then blank your mind or think of something else for awhile. This is very important.
The actual switch between the two moving-images is done very quickly and some people make a
swishing sound when doing it. Hence the name "SWISH".
The Swish is performed multiple times (5 or more per day) over a period of several days until the
good habit finally and permanently replaces the bad habit. Again, this assumes that you have
good leverage.
Two of the core principles of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) are "We Will Do More
to Avoid Pain Than to Obtain Pleasure" and "We Move Toward Pleasure and Away From
Pain". If it comes to a choice between pain and pleasure, we will do more to avoid the pain
than to achieve the pleasure. Our instinct is to survive and we will move away from pain and
toward pleasure if given a choice. The Swish technique uses both pain and pleasure at the same
time. The pain and the memories of the unpleasant bad moving-image will push you away
from the bad habit and at the same time the pleasure and the anticipation of the painless good
moving-image will pull you toward the good habit.
The moving-images must be exaggerated to enhance the painful and/or pleasurable experience
and to create a sense of urgency. The moving-images do not have to be completely true, but they
must be exaggerated. The mind tends to treat moving-images as real, even exaggerated ones, as
long as they are not too complicated and have some truth to them. Outside external still images
can work (reading descriptive text or looking at pictures) but the effect is much more real to the
person if the images are moving and imagined in your mind. To the mind, still images such as
photographs and drawings are usually harmless and can be ignored but something that is moving
and unexpected could be a possible threat and your survival instinct will force you to give it a lot
more attention.
Here is a generic SWISH with instructions. Repeat the SWISH, with good leverage, 5 or more
times a day for several days, and the good habit will completely replace the bad habit.
See in your mind a bad moving-image (that represents the unwanted bad habit) in all its painful
and unpleasant awfulness (large, bright, noisy, painful and lots of action). At the same time, a
good moving-image (that represents the desired good habit) is also seen by your mind but make
it very small, dark and quiet and put it in a small corner of your mind so that it is not noticed.
See and feel the pain and unpleasantness of the large bad moving-image for about 30 seconds.
Now freeze the large bad moving-image and quickly make it smaller, darker and silent until it
disappears completely. Then make the very small good moving-image much larger, brighter,
louder and very enjoyable (You can make a "swish" sound while doing this). See and enjoy the
large full size good moving-image that represents the desired good habit for about 30 seconds
then blank your mind or think of something else for about 1 minute.
How does the SWISH work:
The SWISH momentarily interrupts and temporarily destroys the bad habit for a very short
period of time (usually a few seconds) and during that time the good habit will take its place. At
this point your mind is confused and susceptible to new input. If your mind likes the new
pleasant and painless good habit, it will want to keep it (especially if you have enough leverage).
Your mind will then use that opportunity to reject the old painful bad habit and replace it with
the new pleasant and painless good habit. Remember, "We Move Toward Pleasure and Away
From Pain", so we will try to keep the pleasure and reject the pain if we can. If done enough
times, and if you have enough leverage, the new good habit will soon become permanent and the
old bad habit will not return. The Swish is done very quickly and is usually completed in 2
minutes or less.
The emphasis on using the good habit to replace the bad habit is because even though the
SWISH destroys the bad habit, it is only a temporary destruction that lasts for a very short time.
If the good habit is not successfully inserted and accepted during that time, the bad habit will
return because your mind was comfortable with the bad habit and comfort is a form of pleasure.
People can get comfortable doing bad things just as easily as they can get comfortable
doing good things.
There are variations on doing the swish. For instance, some difficult bad habits may benefit
from doing multiple swishes with each swish having a different bad/good moving-image.
Another swish variation combines both leverage and the swish by seeing moving-images in your
mind as you intently read descriptive text that gives very vivid descriptions of both the bad and
then the good habit (often several descriptions are used for reinforcing the resulting moving-
images seen in your mind as you are reading).
Another swish variation is to see still images on a flip chart or a computer screen. This is the
least effective way to do the swish. It takes the longest to work. It is however good for people
who have trouble forming images in their mind.
A lot of people (actually most people) have difficulty creating clear and effective moving-images
in their mind. A solution to this is to write on paper or on a computer screen a vivid description
of each moving-image to help you visualize it. This description will give you additional leverage
and reinforce your desire to get rid of the bad habit. An additional hint is "keep the moving-
images short and simple and use exaggeration with lots of action".
For additional information go to the web site for free downloads of
SWISH information and SWISH based cures for specific bad habits such as "stop eating candy
bars", and "stop eating donuts".
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