Amazing Facts: Blue Whale

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Blue Whale

Amazing Facts

By Ruben Cantoni

Habitat and Food 2

Features of Blue Whales 3

Social Behavior and Migration 4

Fact Sheet
Habitat and Food
Blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) are the Some live in the northern Pacific and Atlantic.
largest animals ever known to have lived on Others live around Antarctica. Many blue
Earth and they get the name from their gray to whales migrate during the year. For example, in
blue coloration. These magnificent marine the summer they may feed in cold waters near
mammals rule the oceans at up to 100 feet long the poles. Then, in the winter they may move to
and upwards of 200 tons. Their tongues alone warmer waters to mate. Blue whales reach
can weigh as much as an elephant. Their hearts, these mind-boggling dimensions on a diet
as much as an automobile. composed nearly exclusively of tiny shrimplike
animals called krill. During certain times of the
WHERE AND DIET year, a single adult blue whale consumes about
Blue whales are found in all the world’s oceans. 4 tons of krill a day.

Krill are shrimplike animals that live in the ocean.

They belong to the group of animals
called crustaceans, which also includes shrimp,
crabs, and lobsters. There are about 85 species, or
types, of krill. They are an important source of food
for fish, squid, whales, seabirds, and other animals,
especially around Antarctica.
Features of blue whale
Features of blue whale
Social behavior Migration
The social structure for whales is one that is very The blue whale follows a yearly migration
interesting. They are avid communicators. A pattern between their feeding grounds in
group of whales that live together is known as a polar waters to their breeding grounds in
pod. They do almost everything together
including hunting and migrating. They size of the tropical waters. It is the oldest and largest
pod can vary from only a few whales to about blue whales that travel the farthest north.
ten. To communicate with each other, blue Iceland is the perfect place to see them in
whales make a series of super-loud vocal these waters during the summer months.
sounds. Their calls are the loudest of any During the winter months the blue whale’s
creature on the planet, in fact, and can be migratory routes take it towards the
heard underwater for hundreds of kilometres.

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