Lesson-2 Animals in Their Surroundings

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Lesson-2 Animals in their Surroundings

Short answer questions:

1. What is a shell? Give three examples of animals that have shells.

Ans- A shell is a very hard outer covering that protects the inner soft body of the animals.
Examples- Snails, Oysters, Tortoise.
2. Define the term cuticle.
Ans- Cuticle is the waxy and water- resistant outer covering found in insects.
3. What is camouflage?
Ans- The way in which some animals are coloured and shaped so that they cannot be easily seen
in their natural surroundings is called camouflage.
4. What are rodents? Give two examples.
Ans- Small mammals with sharp front teeth which they use to gnaw their food are called rodents.
Example-Rats, Squirrels
5. Define the term ‘trachea’.
Ans- Spiracles lead into a network of tubes present all through the body is called trachea.
6. What are aerial animals? Name any three flightless birds.
Ans- Animals that can fly are called aerial animals.
Three flightless birds are- Penguin, Ostrich, and Emu
7. What is migration? Give any two examples of animals that migrate.
Ans- The mass movement of animals from one place to another in order to escape the harsh
weather conditions, find food, and also find a suitable breeding ground is called migration.
Examples-Arctic tern, African antelopes
Long answer questions:
1. Describe the following body coverings:
a. Feathers-Birds have feathers that keep them warm and help them to fly.
b. Scales- Fish have overlapping scales that do not let water enter the body. Reptiles such as
crocodiles, snakes and lizards also have scales for protection.
c. Fur and wool- Some animals such as sheep have a special body covering called wool. It keeps
their body warm. The thick fur of a polar bear or an arctic fox protects them from extreme cold.

2. How do birds of prey hunt for food?

Ans- Birds that primarily hunt while flying at a height are known as birds of prey. For example-
Eagles, vultures etc. They have sharp, curved claws called talons to catch and grip their prey.
Their hooked beak helps them to tear the flesh. They have very good eyesight.
3. Describe the process by which insects breathe.
Ans- Insects have small holes called spiracles on their body. Spiracles lead into a network of
tubes present all through the body called trachea. Air enters the spiracles and then passes through
the trachea. Oxygen from the air is absorbed by the tissues of the body. Carbon dioxide is
removed from the body through the spiracles.
4. Explain the role of blowholes in whales and dolphins.
Ans- Whales and dolphins have lungs that can take in oxygen only from air. They cannot breathe
under water and have to come up to the surface of water to breathe. When they breathe in,
oxygen from the air enters their body through a blowhole. When they breathe out, carbon dioxide
leaves the body through the blowhole along with water.
5. Insects such as butterflies and moths do not have hollow bones like birds? So, how do
they fly?
Ans- Insects such as butterflies and moths have wings for flying. These wings are made of thin
scales. As Insects do not have hollow bones or strong muscles like birds, their wings move with
the help of their chest muscles.
6. Discuss the special features present in birds that help them fly. Name the mammal that
can fly.
Ans- The special features present in birds that help them fly are:
a) A streamlined body.
b) Feathers to fly and keep the body warm.
c) Forelimbs modified into wings to fly.
d) Hollow bones to make the body light.
e) Strong chest muscles to provide energy for flying.
f) A tail to change direction while flying.
g) Claws that help them to walk on the ground and sit or perch on tree branches.
Bats are the mammal that can fly.
7. Explain why do the following animals migrate?
a) Salmon: Salmons live in the sea. They swim long distances to reach rivers to lay eggs.
b) African antelope: African antelope migrate in large numbers to escape the drought during the
summer season.
c) Caribou: Caribou lives in the Arctic region. It migrates south during the harsh winter season.

NOTE: Highlighted questions and answers to be written in the notebook.

Short answer questions: Q 2, Q3

Long Answer questions: Q 1, Q 4, Q5, Q6

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