Needs Analysis Final Assignment Siti Zahrah

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Siti Zahrah



In this day and age, speaking English is becoming more common, becoming a
language that anyone can learn. There are many things to know why we have to learn
English. First, English can be a channel of communication with many people,
especially when we meet new people abroad (when we ask for help to show
directions, etc.), when we want to develop our business and want to cooperate with
other companies, with our English. can create a unidirectional conversation, with
English we can understand what other people are saying and what we want to convey
as well. Second, by understanding English, it becomes easier for us to access
information on the internet, on the internet now we can find many videos and music
using English, for that, understanding English is very important to get good
information from the internet, understand videos or music. Third, by understanding
English we can make it easier to travel. Because English is a connecting language for
all people in the world, it is important to understand English. When we need help
pointing the way and the way, showing where we want to go, and much more.
Fourth, English can make us smarter. Studying about foreign language enhances your
cognitive and analytical abilities. Studying a new language can be difficult and it
involves a lot of mental exercises. From research results from a 2012 Swiss study
issued about understanding a new language update the structure of the brain, it has an
effect on the brain which has a function for memory / recall, conscious thinking, and
it can make you more creative. In the long term, bilingualism can keep the brain
strong and healthy into old age and support concentration and memory. in the
individual, it can enhance the personality and increase the sense of self-worth. In
simple words, learning a foreign language makes the brain stronger and more flexible.
English is International language for communication, . English take an important role
when we need to speak with other people from another country. The importance of
learning English is to build a good and connected conversation with other people.
According to the expert:
“Since roughly only one out of every four users of English in the world is a native
speaker of the language, most English as lingua franca (ELF) interactions take place
among non-native speakers of English” (Crystal, 2003).
“As globalization expands, it needs a common language to communicate with all the
people living around the world to make international business, to travel or to study, to
get employment and so on.” (Parupalli Srinivas Rao, 2019)
“Language skills are demanded in various occupations with organizations such as
General Management, Sales and marketing management, Financial Management,
Supply and distribution management, Administrative and support management,
Information and computer management, Insurance, legal and property management,
Technology management, Product and material management and Trainee
management” (Bloch 2005).


a. Hutchinson & Waters (1987, p.19) who state that ESP is an approach to language
teaching in which all decisions as to content and method are based on the learner’s reason
for learning. The meaning of the word ‘special’ in ESP more confirms the rule of ESP as
an approach to language teaching in which content and method applied based on the
learner’s need of learning. In the other words, a specialized aim refers to the purpose for
which learners learn a language, not the nature of the language they learn. as an approach,
ESP has typically functioned to help language learners cope with the features of language
or to develop the competencies needed to function in a discipline, profession, or
workplace for which the learners want to master English. In the context of teaching
English in Indonesia both at secondary and tertiary school levels, particularly for non-
English department students, ESP approach has been commonly applied. This is in
accordance with the Government policy on Education that emphasizes the goal of
teaching English at tertiary school level, especially for non-English department students,
is to improve their ability to use English for academic and professional purposes,
especially for reading their textbooks in their academic work. This implies that in the
English language instruction, reading skill has been given the greatest prominence for
helping students to learn effectively in their field of study. It is also related to what
Hutchinson & Waters state that the specific purpose most common within the participant
universities is the reading of specialist literature in English, and the emphasis is largely
on a general course content to cover common problems, such as reading strategies, rather
than specific discourses, according to the student subject specialism. For this purpose,
they further explain that as the consequence, there is a consensus within the teaching and
learning process to focus on the teaching of reading strategies with the use of authentic
materials and the use of the native language in spoken classroom discourse, while the
teaching of grammar is based on the minimum necessary for understanding academic
texts (Hutchinson & Waters, 1987).
b. Definition of ESP comes from Strevens (1998) who defined ESP as a particular case of
general category of special purpose language teaching. He further revealed that the
definition of ESP is needed to distinguish between four absolute and two variable
characteristics. The four absolute characteristics of ESP consist of English language
teaching, they are :
- design to meet specific needs of the learners,
- related to content (i.e. in its themes and topics) to particular disciplines, occupations,
and activities,
- centered on the language appropriate to those activities in syntax, lexis, discourse,
semantics, etc and analysis of this discourse, and
- differentiated to General English.
c. Dudley-Evans (1998) improved the definition of ESP offered by Strevens substantially
by removing the absolute characteristics that ESP is “in contrast with ‘General English’,
and has revised and increased the number of variable characteristics.
d. Mc Donough on ESP definitions and concepts. He stated that the ESP materials and
syllabus and objectives should be designed and developed based on student needs.
e. Robinson (1991, p.1) viewed ESP as an enterprise involving education, training, and
practice and drawing upon three major realisms of knowledge namely language,
pedagogy, and students’/participants’ specialist area of interest.
f. Richards & Rodger (2001, p.107) saw ESP as a movement that seeks to serve the
language needs of learners who need English in order to carry out specific roles (e.g.
student, engineer, nurse) and who need to acquire content and real-world skills through
the medium of it rather than master the language for its own shake.
What is ESP?
English for a particular purpose (ESP) is part of English as a second or foreign
language. Usually this refers to teaching English to students or working people, with
reference to the specific vocabulary and skills they need. As with languages taught for
specific purposes, certain ESP courses will focus on a single job or profession, such
as Technical English, Scientific English, English for medical professionals, English
for waiters, English for tourism, etc. Despite the seemingly limited focus, ESP
courses can have far-reaching impacts, as is the case with Environmental English.
English for academic purposes, taught to students before or during their degree, is a
type of ESP, as is Business English. Aviation English is taught to pilots, air traffic
controllers and civil aviation cadets to enable clear radio communication. According
to Dudley-Evans (1998) improved the definition of ESP offered by Strevens
substantially by removing the absolute characteristics that ESP is “in contrast with
‘General English’, and has revised and increased the number of variable
Why ESP Preferable in ELT?
Because of some teacher’s roles, such as asking to organize courses, setting the
learning objectives, establishing a positive learning environment and evaluating the
students' progress. While, the learners are related to a specific interest in learning,
subject matter knowledge, and well-built learning strategies. In the implementation of
ELT, there are difficulties/problems related to the teacher in teaching ESP, such as
the low quality of lectures and textbooks, teachers' improper qualification and
teaching methods and lack of a theoretical framework of teaching ESP. Difficulties
related to the students, such as demographic characteristics and demands of learning
ESP, English proficiency, differences between different languages, lack of
vocabulary, depending on the dictionary and lack of skills in using dictionary
especially ESP terms. While, the difficulties related to the environment and others are
lack of teaching materials, classes with a too large student number, and heavily
focused on the examination.
According to Hutchison & Waters, “ESP is an advance approach to language teaching
in which all the choices related to content and strategy are supported on the learner’s
reason for learning”.
This is because ESP is in accordance with the needs and interests of students so that
students can learn things they like in English, for example if they want to do business,
especially they learn about business English as a vocabulary for how to offer the
goods they will sell. how to make people want to buy their product, marketing, etc.
English for Specific Purposes (ESP) assesses student / learner needs and integrates
motivation, subject matter, and content for the teaching of relevant skills. Almost
every subject has its own "term" used in courses, such as business, medicine, and
various scientific and technical fields. These terms can be much more complex and
complex. As English is so widespread, studying English for Special Purposes (ESP)
is becoming increasingly important. The most important learner goals for learning
English are to communicate a set of professional skills and to perform specific job-
related functions. Therefore, the English for Specific Purposes (ESP) builds on the
assessment of the goals and needs and functions that English requires. and because
ESP is effective for student
Should we compare ESP to general ELT, the approach is more advanced as its
content is designed for professionals or experts in a work situation. It could be proved
by the difference of vocabulary or language necessities for person who works as a
salesperson and a construction manager. The first occupation would need to learn
terms related to “return on investment” or “price strategy while the latter would need
to learn terms related to carry out their job efficiently.
What is Needs Analysis?
a. NA according to Nunan (1990):
A set of procedures for specifying the parameters of a course. The parameters
o The criteria and rationale for grouping learners.
o The selection and sequencing course materials/contents, methodology, course
length, intensity and duration. (Nunan, 1990).
b. NA according to Graves (2000):
Needs Analysis is the process of gathering systematic and ongoing information
about student needs and preferences, interpreting information, and making course
decisions based on interpretation. The process of needs analysis consists of
deciding what information and instruments to obtain it, interpreting it, making
some decisions, and evaluating those decisions.
c. NA according to Johns (1991):
Johns considers needs analysis as the first step in curriculum design because it can
provide validity and relevance for all follow-up curriculum design activities.
d. NA according to Brown (2001):
Needs analysis refers to the activities involved in gathering information to serve
as a basis for developing a curriculum that will meet the learning needs of specific
groups of learners. Once identified, needs can be the basis for designing tests,
compiling materials, designing teaching activities, and evaluating strategy, as well
as to re-evaluate the appropriateness and accuracy of the original needs analysis.
It is considered as an integral part of systematic curriculum design.
e. Conclusion of all definitions of NA:
From the definition of needs analysis above, it can be said that most of the
definitions have the same meaning and related. The needs analysis here aims to
determine the reasons for grouping students (It means that learners / students must
have different needs one another, they will be grouped differently as their needs
as well). In the definition of needs analysis above, also needs analysis is the first
step in designing a curriculum, needs analysis also aims to collect information
that will have a function as a basis for curriculum development to meet the
learning needs of certain groups of students.
How to conduct needs analysis:
Needs analysis can be carried out through questionnaires, interviews,
observations, tests, authentic data collection, and case studies. The trick is to carry
out this data collection to people who have authority over the learner, and to the
learner alone. For example, if ESP is carried out in universities, in certain
faculties and departments/study programs, then a needs analysis is carried out in
addition to prospective learners, it is also carried out on the head of the study
program, lecturers in charge of courses in that department, and knowing the vision
and mission of the faculty and the department. Needs analysis can also be carried
out through research results in the same area. But keep in mind that in analyzing
needs, analysts must be aware of the wants (wants) with needs (needs). Needs,
according to Hutchinson and Waters (1994) are descriptions of requests in
accordance with target situations where English will be used by learners. Result
of description
These needs are descriptions of the linguistic features needed by the learner. In
addition, needs also produces a description of proficiency or the learner's ability
to use these features.
Purpose of needs analysis:
Needs analysis is purposed to collect information about learners’ needs (Richards,
2001: 51). Learning needs refer to what the learner needs to do in order to learn. It
is concerned with the method and activities in a learning process. To decide the
method and activities, the teacher should understand the learning goals, the
preferred styles of learning, and the commitment to learn of the learners.
Needs analysis is carried out to answer the accuracy and suitability programs with
learners, with curricula and situations where Language English (to be) used, here
the problems will be revealed the obstacles to the success of learning learners, the
characteristics of the learners, what situations and how English is spoken. Hall
and Crabbe (1994) make several points information revealed from this needs
analysis such as the local conditions where this program will be implemented
such as class layout, availability of hearing aids such as tapes, microphone and
others, as well as large classes for that program, readiness available officers,
timing of program implementation and whether or not there is an external
assessment for eligibility, program sustainability.
How to collect the data:
Method: Interview
Object to interview: Hotel Manager/Trainee of Hotel Manager

Subject to interview:

• What is ESP?
• What is Needs Analysis?
• What are responsibilities of Hotel Manager?
• Subject to study for Hotel Manager
• What kind of assessment they prefer?

Target Group: Hotel Manager


1 Recruiting, training How to recruit, train • Can share the 1. Sharing
and supervising staff and supervise staff recruitment form recruitment
• Can give the form
employees clear 2. Giving
information information
• Can teach the staff 3. Teaching
to understand the the rules
rules 4. Leading the

• Can lead the staff employee

to do their job
2 Managing budgets How to manage • Can buy 1. Buying
budgets necessities necessities
• Can pay salary 2. Paying
• Can save budgets salary
for future needs 3. Saving
3 Maintaining statistical How to maintain • Can save hotel 1. Saving data
and financial records statistical and data 2. Storing
financial records • Can store expenditure
expenditure and 3. Storing
income data income data
4 Planning maintenance How to plan • Can manage the 1. Managing
work, events and room maintenance work, cleanliness and cleanliness
bookings events and room security of the 2. Managing
bookings hotel security
• Can set the time 3. Setting
and place for the event’s time
event and place
• Can arrange hotel 4. Arrange
booking booking
5 Handling customer How to handle • Can solve 1. Solving
complaints customer complaints problems faced by problems
customers 2. Giving
• Can give the feedback
advice to the
6 Promoting and How to promote and • Can advertise the 1. Advertising
marketing hospitality market hospitality hotel hotel
industry industry • Can give some 2. Giving
information about information
the hotel about hotel
• Can work with 3. Cooperate
other companies with
7 Ensuring compliance How to ensure • Can provide health 1. Providing
with health and safety compliance with insurance to health
legislation and health and safety customers insurance
licensing laws legislation and • Can apply hotel 2. Applying
policies regarding to
license laws hotel policy
3. Expeling
• Can expel customers
who has violate
licensing laws
8 Handling customer How to handle • Can solve 1. Solving
queries customer queries customer demand demands
• Can give feedback


Name of the course: Needs Analysis and Syllabus Design for Hotel Manager.

1. Learning Outcomes (LO):

Hotel Manager will be able to:
• Develop leadership and management skills through group cooperation.
• Describe the roles and functions of a manager in the hospitality industry.
• Understand the importance of goal-setting and team-building.
• Be able to recruit, train and supervise staff.
• Be able to manage budgets, maintain statistical&financial records.
• Can promote and market hospitality industry.

Learning Materials Indicators Sub- Methods Sources & Assessment

Objective Achievement Materials/Sub- Media
s Topics
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Can set Recruiting, Can check the Checking Sample of
hotel training and identity employees employee’
program supervising staff identity Pair work s identity
Can fill Filling
recruitment recruitment form Sample of Performance
form recruitmen
Can Understanding t form
understand the rules Handbook
Can direct Employees
employee to the directing to job Role play Role play
job section they section cards

Can Managing Can buy Buying TPR Sample of Portfolio

manage budgets necessities necessities managing
income Can pay salary Paying salary hospitality
and Can save Saving budgets Dialogue budgets Performance
outcome budgets for
future needs

Can Maintaining Can save hotel Saving data Dialogue Sample of Performance
manage statistical and data data
data financial records Can store Storing Pair work
expenditure and expenditure Sample of
income data Storing income expenditur
data e

Sample of
Can plan Planning Can manage the Managing Pair work Sample of Performance
hotel maintenance cleanliness and cleanliness& cleanliness
maintanan work, events and security of the security &security
ce room bookings hotel
Can set the time Setting event’s Sample of
and place for time and place event’s
the event time and
Can arrange Arrange booking place
hotel booking
Sample of
Can Handling Can solve Solving Pair work Sample of Performance
handle customer problems faced problems solving
problems complaints by customers Giving feedback problems

Sample of
Can Promoting and Can advertise Advertising TPR Sample of Portfolio
advertising market the hotel hotel advertisin
hotel hospitality Can give some Giving g
industry information information Sample of
about the hotel about hotel hospitality
Can work with Cooperate with informatio
other companies n

Handbook Product

Can Ensuring Can provide Providing health PPP Handbook Project

manage compliance with health insurance insurance Method
hotel rules health and safety to customers Sample of
according legislation and Can apply hotel Applying hotel hotel
to law licensing laws policies policy Dialogue policy Performance
regarding to
Sample of
Can expel Expeling TPR violence Portfolio
customers who violance licensing
has violate licensing law law
licensing laws

Can fulfill Handling Can solve Solving Task Sample of Portfolio

customer customer queries customer demands Based solving
needs demand Approach demands

Waters, A., & Hutchinson, T. (1987). English for Specific Purposes (p. 19). Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.

Saint John, M., & Dudley-Evans, T. (1998). Developments in English for Specific Purposes: A Multi-
Disciplinary Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Graves, K. (2000). Designing Language Courses: A Guide for Teachers.

Brown, H. (2001). Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy (2nd ed.).
New York: Addison Wesley Longman.

Nunan, D. (1991). Language Teaching Methodology: A Textbook for Teachers. New York: Prentice

Hotel manager: job description. (n.d.). TARGETjobs. Retrieved May 25, 2021, from


Student Learning Outcomes (HTM). (n.d.). Husson University. Retrieved June 13, 2021, from


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