Needs Analysis Final Assignment Siti Zahrah
Needs Analysis Final Assignment Siti Zahrah
Needs Analysis Final Assignment Siti Zahrah
Siti Zahrah
In this day and age, speaking English is becoming more common, becoming a
language that anyone can learn. There are many things to know why we have to learn
English. First, English can be a channel of communication with many people,
especially when we meet new people abroad (when we ask for help to show
directions, etc.), when we want to develop our business and want to cooperate with
other companies, with our English. can create a unidirectional conversation, with
English we can understand what other people are saying and what we want to convey
as well. Second, by understanding English, it becomes easier for us to access
information on the internet, on the internet now we can find many videos and music
using English, for that, understanding English is very important to get good
information from the internet, understand videos or music. Third, by understanding
English we can make it easier to travel. Because English is a connecting language for
all people in the world, it is important to understand English. When we need help
pointing the way and the way, showing where we want to go, and much more.
Fourth, English can make us smarter. Studying about foreign language enhances your
cognitive and analytical abilities. Studying a new language can be difficult and it
involves a lot of mental exercises. From research results from a 2012 Swiss study
issued about understanding a new language update the structure of the brain, it has an
effect on the brain which has a function for memory / recall, conscious thinking, and
it can make you more creative. In the long term, bilingualism can keep the brain
strong and healthy into old age and support concentration and memory. in the
individual, it can enhance the personality and increase the sense of self-worth. In
simple words, learning a foreign language makes the brain stronger and more flexible.
English is International language for communication, . English take an important role
when we need to speak with other people from another country. The importance of
learning English is to build a good and connected conversation with other people.
According to the expert:
“Since roughly only one out of every four users of English in the world is a native
speaker of the language, most English as lingua franca (ELF) interactions take place
among non-native speakers of English” (Crystal, 2003).
“As globalization expands, it needs a common language to communicate with all the
people living around the world to make international business, to travel or to study, to
get employment and so on.” (Parupalli Srinivas Rao, 2019)
“Language skills are demanded in various occupations with organizations such as
General Management, Sales and marketing management, Financial Management,
Supply and distribution management, Administrative and support management,
Information and computer management, Insurance, legal and property management,
Technology management, Product and material management and Trainee
management” (Bloch 2005).
Subject to interview:
• What is ESP?
• What is Needs Analysis?
• What are responsibilities of Hotel Manager?
• Subject to study for Hotel Manager
• What kind of assessment they prefer?
to do their job
2 Managing budgets How to manage • Can buy 1. Buying
budgets necessities necessities
• Can pay salary 2. Paying
• Can save budgets salary
for future needs 3. Saving
3 Maintaining statistical How to maintain • Can save hotel 1. Saving data
and financial records statistical and data 2. Storing
financial records • Can store expenditure
expenditure and 3. Storing
income data income data
4 Planning maintenance How to plan • Can manage the 1. Managing
work, events and room maintenance work, cleanliness and cleanliness
bookings events and room security of the 2. Managing
bookings hotel security
• Can set the time 3. Setting
and place for the event’s time
event and place
• Can arrange hotel 4. Arrange
booking booking
5 Handling customer How to handle • Can solve 1. Solving
complaints customer complaints problems faced by problems
customers 2. Giving
• Can give the feedback
advice to the
6 Promoting and How to promote and • Can advertise the 1. Advertising
marketing hospitality market hospitality hotel hotel
industry industry • Can give some 2. Giving
information about information
the hotel about hotel
• Can work with 3. Cooperate
other companies with
7 Ensuring compliance How to ensure • Can provide health 1. Providing
with health and safety compliance with insurance to health
legislation and health and safety customers insurance
licensing laws legislation and • Can apply hotel 2. Applying
policies regarding to
license laws hotel policy
3. Expeling
• Can expel customers
who has violate
licensing laws
8 Handling customer How to handle • Can solve 1. Solving
queries customer queries customer demand demands
• Can give feedback
Name of the course: Needs Analysis and Syllabus Design for Hotel Manager.
Can Maintaining Can save hotel Saving data Dialogue Sample of Performance
manage statistical and data data
data financial records Can store Storing Pair work
expenditure and expenditure Sample of
income data Storing income expenditur
data e
Sample of
Can plan Planning Can manage the Managing Pair work Sample of Performance
hotel maintenance cleanliness and cleanliness& cleanliness
maintanan work, events and security of the security &security
ce room bookings hotel
Can set the time Setting event’s Sample of
and place for time and place event’s
the event time and
Can arrange Arrange booking place
hotel booking
Sample of
Can Handling Can solve Solving Pair work Sample of Performance
handle customer problems faced problems solving
problems complaints by customers Giving feedback problems
Sample of
Can Promoting and Can advertise Advertising TPR Sample of Portfolio
advertising market the hotel hotel advertisin
hotel hospitality Can give some Giving g
industry information information Sample of
about the hotel about hotel hospitality
Can work with Cooperate with informatio
other companies n
Handbook Product
Waters, A., & Hutchinson, T. (1987). English for Specific Purposes (p. 19). Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Saint John, M., & Dudley-Evans, T. (1998). Developments in English for Specific Purposes: A Multi-
Disciplinary Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Brown, H. (2001). Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy (2nd ed.).
New York: Addison Wesley Longman.
Nunan, D. (1991). Language Teaching Methodology: A Textbook for Teachers. New York: Prentice
Hotel manager: job description. (n.d.). TARGETjobs. Retrieved May 25, 2021, from
Student Learning Outcomes (HTM). (n.d.). Husson University. Retrieved June 13, 2021, from