Idronics 24 Na Heat Meter
Idronics 24 Na Heat Meter
Idronics 24 Na Heat Meter
january 2019
january 2019
Caleffi NorthAmerica,
Caleffi North America, Inc.
3883 W. Milwaukee
9850 South 54 StreetRd
Mark Olson
Disclaimer: Caleffi makes no warranty that the information presented in idronics meets the mechanical, electrical or other code requirements applicable within a 10%
given jurisdiction. The diagrams presented in idronics are conceptual, and do not represent complete schematics for any specific installation. Local codes may
require differences in design, or safety devices relative to those shown in idronics. It is the responsibility of those adapting any information presented in idronics to
verify that such adaptations meet or exceed local code requirements.
Fundamentals of Heat Metering in Hydronic Systems
History has shown this is especially true for the energy Although this approach of individual mechanical systems
needed to heat and cool buildings. If the cost of that in each space, each with their own heat source and
energy is perceived as low, or even “free,” there is cooling source, is common in North America, it has
very little incentive to conserve it through thermostat several undesirable traits. They include:
setbacks, improved insulation and air sealing of the
building envelope, or even keeping windows closed while 1. If the design heating load is low, perhaps 25,000 Btu/
the heating or cooling system is operating. hr or less, there are very few choices for natural gas
or propane-fired boilers or furnaces with comparable
The common “solution” to this example of human nature outputs.
is to install a separate heating and cooling system in each Gas-fired furnaces with rated heating outputs of less than
building space, and thus, have the occupants or tenants 30,000 Btu/hr are uncommon.
using that space pay for the heating or cooling energy
they require. Most current-day modulating/condensing boilers are not
offered with rated heat outputs of less than 50,000 Btu/
While this approach is somewhat intuitive from the hr. A small boiler with a typical 5:1 turndown ratio has a
standpoint of paying for the energy used, it is not minimum sustained heat output of 10,000 Btu/hr. When
necessarily the best technical or economic option. the heating demand of the small space is lower than this,
the boiler must cycle on and off frequently to prevent
For example, consider a commercial building divided overheating. Frequent boiler cycling reduces seasonal
into eight leased spaces, each with their own natural gas efficiency, increases emissions and ultimately shortens
furnace for heating, and their own split direct expansion the boiler’s service life.
(DX) system for cooling. The building owner leases each
Some installers have evaded this issue by using gas-fired Figure 1-2
water heaters, instead of boilers, for heat sources in small
hydronic systems. In some locations, this is a violation
of codes. Even where allowed, it’s not considered a
good practice by the majority of the hydronics industry.
Gas-fired water heaters are not designed as hydronic
heat sources. When applied as such, they will have
significantly lower thermal efficiency relative to modern
boilers. Their service life will be shortened by operating
conditions significantly different from those the product
was designed for.
The ability to accurately measure
Figure 1-3 total heat transfer to each of several
spaces provides the technical basis
temperature sensor heat calculator for charging owners or renters for
(supply side) the thermal energy they use.
The mechanisms within the meter perform “mechanical figure 1-5. The two temperature sensors and flow meter
integration” of flow rate multiplied by temperature connect to an electronic meter that performs all necessary
differential. The total amount of heat measured by this calculations to determine the total heat energy entering
meter is shown in units of Mega Watt•hours ((MWh) on the building from the municipal system. The building
the odometer-like scale seen in the lower part of the owner is periodically invoiced for this energy.
meter. The internal precision mechanisms in this meter
are protected under the glass shell. Heat metering has also been used on a smaller scale
to verify the performance of thermally based renewable
Modern heat meters use highly accurate RTD or thermistor energy systems. Some pumping stations used for solar
sensors combined with one of several types of flow thermal systems or geothermal heat pump systems
meters. The information conveyed from these sensors is contain hardware that provides heat metering.
processed by a heat calculator using digital electronics.
This issue of idronics explains the technical aspects of heat
Figure 1-5 shows an example of heat metering being metering. It will also provide more detailed discussions
used to record heating energy transfer from a large district of the benefits associated with this technology and the
heating station to a commercial building. modern hardware used to implement it. This information
will help prepare HVAC design professionals for what will
Heat is supplied to this building through insulated be an expanding market opportunity in North America.
underground piping. A supply and return pipe enters
the building from the underground mains. These pipes
connect to a large plate and frame heat exchanger that
separates the district heating plant and underground
piping from the building’s hydronic distribution system.
Figure 1-5
flow meter
idronics 24 equations:
Formula 2-1: lb B
c = 1.012481− 3.079704 ×D10 62.56 + 0.0003413(140)
(140) + 1.752657 × −100.00006255(140)
(140)2 − 2.078224 = 61.38× 10
ft 3 (140) = 0.998
= −4 −6 −9 3
lbiº F
⎛ Btu ⎞
f = flow rate (gpm) Keep in mind H =that ⎜ 31,894
formulas ⎟⎠ (1hr
q = (8.01Dc) 2-2f) (∆ = 31,894Btu
and T ) 2-3 apply to water
lb ⎝ hr× 5.00 Btu
D =∆T62.56 + 0.0003413(140)
= temperature change of− 0.00006255(140)
fluid (ºF) 2
= 61.38 3 only. Antifreeze q = (8.01×fluids,
61.38 × 0.998) as × (140.0 − 127.0) = 31,894
q = (8.01× 61.38 × 0.998) × 5.00 × (140.0 − 127.0)of= 31,894
such solutions Btu
hr or
8.01 = units conversion factor ft ethylene glycol, will have different densities and2 specific hr
D = 62.56 + 0.0003413(T ) − 0.00006255(T )
heats that are alsoH Total dependent
⎛ =Btu
= ⎜ 31,894
rate ⎞ ×on timethe specific antifreeze
⎟ (1hr ) = 31,894Btu
used, its concentration, ⎛ ⎝ Btuhr ⎞⎠
and the temperature of the
This formula is valid H = ⎜ 31,894 ⎟⎠ (1hr ) = 31,894Btu
= 1.012481− 3.079704 × 10 −4 (Tfor
) +systems
1.752657using water,2 as well as
× 10 −6 (T ) − 2.078224 ×antifreeze
10 −9Total
(T )3 heat transferred
⎝ =
hr heat
Total = rate × time
transferof rate ) × ( time
antifreeze )
other fluids, such as antifreeze solutions. The density and lb
idronics 24 equations: = 62.56 +accurate
specific heat of these different fluids is accounted for by can Dprovide 0.0003413(140) information for the densities
0.00006255(140) = 61.38 and
Total Total == (rate
heat transferred −heat × time rate ) × ( time )
specific heats of various concentrations of their fluids. ft 3
formula 2-1.
Modern heat-metering
Total heat transferredsystems,= ( heat transfer such ) as the) Caleffi
Btu q−4= (8.01Dc) f (∆ T ) rate × ( time
1− 3.079704 × 10an(140) + 1.752657 1.012481−
× 10 c =(140) 3.079704 × 10 (T ) +⎛ 1.752657
Easy, can be configured
Btu × 10 (T ) − 2.078224
to −6account
× 10 −9 (T )3
for these
Water ×at10140.0ºF
(140) enters
− 2.078224 = 0.998
−4 −6 2 −9 3
⎛ Btu⎞⎞
Here’s example: the heating different glycol-based lbiº F Btu =Btu = ⎜
antifreeze hr ⎟⎟⎠ ××hrhr
distribution system for an apartment unit at 5.00 gallons ⎝ hr ⎠⎝
system at 127.0ºF. The heat meter for the apartment c = 1.012481− 3.079704 × 10 −4 (140) + 1.752657 ⎝×hr
H = ∫ [ (8.01Dc) 10f⎠−6(∆(140)
)] dt − 2.078224 × 10 −9 (140)3 = 0.998
Btuhave been accurately determined, formula 2-1 can be lbiº
q = (8.01×
located61.38 × 0.998) 5.00 ×of(140.0 − 127.0) = system.
on the supply× pipe the distribution
What is the instantaneous rate of heat release from the hrused to calculate H the [(8.01Dc) f f(∆
= ∫ instantaneous elapsed time )] dt of heat
T rate transfer.
D = 62.56 + 0.0003413(140) H = ∑ [ (8.01Dc) − 0.00006255(140)
(∆ T )] × ∆ t 2
= 61.38 3
water into the apartment under these conditions? t=0 t ∆ t=1
H= ∫ [× 5.00 × (140.0]− 127.0) = 31,894
(8.01Dc) f (∆ T ) dt
q = (8.01× 61.38 × 0.998)
elapsed time hr
⎛ Btu ⎞ H =× 10∑
H = ⎜2-1,
To use formula (1hr )to=determine
it’s necessary
⎟ 31,894Btu c = 1.012481− 3.079704
the density −4
(T )[time
+ 1.752657 f (∆ T )−6] (T
× 10 × ∆)2t − 2.078224 × 10 −9 (T )3
of the fluid, which hr ⎠depends on the temperature It’s important toH⎛understand
in turn = ∑ [ (8.01Dc)
∆ t=1 f (∆ T )] × ∆number,
Btu ⎞ that this
t 31,894
of the fluid. Assuming that the flow meter and one Btu/hr, is an instantaneous H = ⎜ 31,894 ∆ t=1
⎟ )
1hr It =is31,894Btu
only valid while the
⎝ hr ⎠
temperature sensor are located on the supply side of the temperature difference between the sensors and the flow
Total = ratewill
× time Bt
system, the density of water c = 1.012481−
be calculated at that 3.079704 × 10 −4exactly
rate remain (140) + 1.752657
the same. × 10 −6 (140)2 − 2.078224 × 10 −9 (140)3 = 0.998
Total = rate × time lbiº
location, which is currently at 140.0ºF.
cs 24 equations:
Total heat transferred = ( heat transfer rate ) × ( time ) Total heat that
If one assumes transferred = ( heat transferdifference
the temperature rate ) × ( time ) flow
The density of water can be accurately calculated using rate Btu
q = (8.01× 61.38 × 0.998) × 5.00 × (140.0 − 127.0) = 31,894 heat
held constant for one hour, the total amount of
formula 2-2. transferred during that hour would be: hr
q = (8.01Dc) f (∆ T )
⎛ Btu ⎞
Formula 2-2:
⎛ Btu ⎞
⎛ BtuBtu
H = ⎜ 31,894 = ⎜⎞⎟ (1hr⎟)×=hr31,894Btu
D = 62.56 +Btu =⎜ × hr hr ⎝⎠ hr ⎠
⎝ hr ⎟⎠ ) − 0.00006255(T )
0.0003413(T 2
= rate × time
H = ∫ [ (8.01Dc) f (∆ T )] dt
lb Total heat transferred = ( heat transfer rate ) × ( time )
D = 62.56 + 0.0003413(140)
− 0.00006255(140)2 = 61.38 t=0
H= ∫ [(8.01Dc) f (∆ T )] dt
ft 3
elapsed time
H= ∑ [(8.01Dc) f (∆ T )] × ∆ t
−4 −6 2 −9 3 ∆ t=1
qq == (8.01Dc) (∆TT))
D == 62.56
D 0.0003413(T))−−0.00006255(T
D 62.56it’s
D == 62.56
Although 0.0003413(140)
possible for −the 0.00006255(140)
−0.00006255(140) 2
temperature 2difference 61.38 lb 3 and t = elapsed time over which heat is being measured (hour)
== 61.38
flow rate to remain constant for an hour, it is not probable. ftft3
dt = differential time
The operating characteristics of many heating and cooling
cc ==1.012481−
systems 3.079704
make××it10 10much
−4 (T))++more
(T 1.752657
1.752657 10that
likely −6
−6 (T))the
(T 22 − 2.078224
− 2.078224
temperature 10−9−9(T
××10 (T))33
This formula would be used if the flow rate (f) and
difference or flow rate will change a detectable amount
temperature difference (∆T) were both known as
within a minute or two. This must be accounted for when
ics 24 equations: continuous mathematical functions of time (t). Although
determining the total amount of heat transferred over any Btu
.012481− 3.079704 10 (140) 1.752657 10 (140) 22 − 2.078224 × 10−9 (140) 33 = 0.998 Btu
it’s possible make up simple examples of such functions
.012481− 3.079704 × 10 time.
(140) + 1.752657 × 10 (140) − 2.078224 × 10 (140) = 0.998
−4 −6 −9
significant −4 + × −6
lbiº FF
for demonstrating the integration described by formula
q = (8.01Dc) f (∆ T ) 2-5, these functions seldom exist in real applications.
Quantity of heat transferred:
q == (8.01× 61.38of××0.998)
(140.0 127.0) 31,894
D61.38 ××5.00 −−127.0)
qWhen a rate heat is known = 31,894
to =hold constant
= 62.56 + 0.0003413(T ) − 0.00006255(T )2 hr Formula 2-5 can be interpreted as the summation of an
over some time increment, the total amount of hr heat infinite number of infinitesimally small time steps during
transferred over that time increment can be calculated which the instantaneous rate of heat transfer is calculated
using formula 2-4: Btu ⎞
31,894 Btu ⎞⎟⎟((1hr
HH == ⎛⎜⎜31,894 1hr))== 31,894Btu
31,894Btu lb
and multiplied by that infinitesimally small time step.
D = 62.56 + 0.0003413(140)
⎝ hr −⎠⎠0.00006255(140)
hr 2
= 61.38 3
Formula 2-4: ft
Figure 2-1 shows the concept represented by formula
Total == rate
Total rate××time
time 2-4.
c = 1.012481− 3.079704 × 10 −4 (T ) + 1.752657 × 10 −6 (T )2 − 2.078224 × 10 −9 (T )3
Total heat
Total transferred == ((heat
heat transferred heat transfer rate)) ××((time
transfer rate time))
Figure 2-1
The common North American units used in formula 2-4
would×be as(140)
follows. Btu
.012481− 3.079704 10 −4 + 1.752657 × 10 −6 (140)2 − 2.078224 × 10 −9 (140)3 = 0.998
lbiº F
⎛ Btu ⎞
Btu == ⎛⎜⎜ Btu ⎞⎟⎟ ××hr
Btu hr
heat transfer rate (Btu/hr)
hr ⎠⎠
⎝⎝ hr
q = (8.01× 61.38 × 0.998) × 5.00 × (140.0 − 127.0) = 31,894
Although the mathematics associated with formula hr 2-4
are very simple, the tstipulation of the rate of heat transfer
holding constant
H =
H == over
∫∫ [[(8.01Dc)
(1hr )
(∆TT))]] dt
any significant
dttime interval (e.g.,
more than one ⎜⎝minute) is ⎟⎠highly unlikely in most heating
and cooling systems. elapsedtime
Those systems seldom operate total
in “steady state” conditions. Instead,
(∆TT))]]××they operate with
H= ∑=
transient (frequently
∑Total [[(8.01Dc)
(8.01Dc) ff(∆
= rate × time ∆∆tt heat
t=1changing) conditions. This leads to
∆∆t=1 area t=0.25 transferred
more complexity when determining the total amount of
Total heat transferred = ( heat transfer rate ) × ( time )
under =
H total = ∫ [(8.01Dc) f ∆ T ] dt = (Btu)
heat transferred over a period of perhaps an hour or more. t=0
Total heat transferred = ( heat transfer rate ) × ( time )
⎛ Btu ⎞
Btu = ⎜ over × hr
and flow rate hold constant ⎝ hr ⎟⎠ very small (but finite) time collection of rectangular areas that are all one minute
steps. Using this approach, formula 2-5 can be replaced “wide,” and have a height equal to the average heat
by another formula that represents this approximation transfer rate over each one-minute time interval.
(formula 2-6). t
sensor resistance is very stable. The heat calculator that ASTM E3137 requires that the two sensors used on heat
the sensors connect to “feels” the resistance of the each meters are a matched pair. This implies that the two
sensor and its lead wiring (e.g., the wiring between the sensors supplied with the meter must be used as a pair.
sensor probe and the heat calculator). The lead wires Care should be taken during handling and installation to
between the sensor probe and the heat calculator also ensure that the sensors are not physically damaged. If
have electrical resistance. This resistance is relatively one sensor or its lead wire(s) are damaged, it may be
small relative to that of the sensor itself, but not necessary to replace both sensors, as well as the heat
insignificant given the accuracy expectations of the heat calculator to which they would attach.
meter. Modern heat meters account for the resistance of
the lead wires. Accuracy standards, such as ASTM E3137, The heat meter system should be ordered with sufficient
require each heat-metering system (e.g., temperature sensor lead length to enable the sensors to be placed
sensors, flow meter and heat calculator) to be individually within their respective mounting fittings. Any extra sensor
calibrated to the sensors and their attached lead wires. lead cable should be neatly coiled, fixed with zip ties and
Because of this individual calibration, it is critically mounted where it will not be disturbed.
important not to modify the sensor wiring. Doing so
would affect the calibration of the heat meter system and
comprise its measuring accuracy. It is also very important that both temperature sensors be
properly mounted. The preferred mounting system places
the tip of each sensor directly in the fluid stream. This
Some metering systems have sensor leads permanently eliminates the thermal resistance created by mounting
attached to an internal printed circuit board, or attached the sensors in a well, or surface mounting them to piping.
to terminals that have been “sealed” to prevent tampering,
as shown in figure 2-3.
Figure 2-4 shows one of the temperature sensors and
Figure 2-3 its mounting fitting that are supplied with the Caleffi
Figure 2-4
Figure 2-5
CONTECA Easy meter system. The length of the sensor However, heat metering can also be used in systems
probe places the tip of the sensor directly in the flow that operate with various solutions of ethylene glycol
stream. The probe seals to the fitting using a small gasket. or propylene glycol antifreeze. One example would
be monitoring the thermal energy supplied by a solar
It is also important not to route any sensor cable in collector array operating with a 40% solution of
conduit with, or adjacent to, AC electrical wiring. propylene glycol. The density and specific heat of
glycol-based antifreeze solutions also depends on
fluid temperature, as well as the glycol concentration.
Flow metering: Modern heat-metering systems such as the Caleffi
The Caleffi CONTECA Easy heat meter uses a turbine flow CONTECA Easy can be configured to base their internal
meter. This meter is accurately calibrated to generate a calculations on the type and concentration of glycol-
specific number of electrical pulses based on the amount based antifreeze being used.
of fluid passing through it. The pulse signal allows the
length of the lead cable between the flow meter and heat
Anti-tampering provisions:
calculator to be extended without affecting the accuracy
of the metering system. (See product specifications for Because heat meters can be used as the basis of billing
the recommended wiring between the flow sensor and customers for energy use, they must be protected against
heat calculator.) tampering. An example of such tampering would be
removing a temperature sensor from its mounted position
to simulate a lower temperature differential between the
Whenever possible, mount the flow meter with at least sensors. The lower temperature differential would imply a
ten pipe diameters of straight pipe upstream of the lower rate of heat transfer.
meter, and at least five pipe diameters of straight pipe
downstream of the meter.
The sensors, sensor mounting fittings and heat calculator
supplied with the Caleffi CONTECA Easy meter system are
The flow meters used with the CONTECA Easy system equipped with small holes through which a fine-stranded
have an inlet screen. That screen is removable if stainless steel cable can pass. That cable is then wrapped
necessary to remove debris. To maintain the accuracy of around the fitting holding the temperature sensor, as shown
flow-rate measurement, it is good practice to install one in figure 2-5. The ends of the stranded stainless steel cable
or more low-velocity zone dirt separators in the system. are then joined using a lead seal. In some cases, the tool
Dirt separation should occur upstream of the flow meters used to crimp the lead seal imprints a specific marking
whenever possible. indicating the entity that made the seal.
ASTM E3137/E3137M-17 standard: 3. BENEFITS OF HEAT METERING
The latest version of Standard Specification for Heat
Meter Instrumentation (ASTM E3137/E3137M-17) was There are many compelling reasons to use modern heat-
issued in February 2018. It provides a standard covering metering technology in a variety of applications. This section
several categories of heat-metering equipment and the discusses the benefits associated with heat metering.
accuracy of that equipment.
1. Reduce energy waste:
This standard was developed over several years by The concept of paying for metered energy is certainly
ASTM committee E44.25. It makes reference to several not new. Consumers and commercial properties owners
previous heat-metering standards, such as EN1434, are very familiar with paying for metered electricity and
which is extensively recognized in Europe, and OIML natural gas service. They are also used to paying for
(Organisation Internationale De Metrologie Legale) R75-1 fuels such as #2 heating oil or wood pellets based on
Edition 2002, which is an International Recommendation the measured volume or weight delivered. Those who
that establishes the metrological characteristic required practice energy conservation pay lower electricity or fuel
of certain measuring instruments, as well as methods for bills, and vice versa.
testing their conformity. The ASTM E3137/E3137M-17
standard will likely be referenced by the majority of North
American engineering firms that include heat-metering It’s the same concept with heat metering. Each metered
specifications for the systems they design. “client” of a central thermal energy delivery system pays
for the heating or cooling energy that enters their building
unit or the unit they lease/rent.
ASTM E3137/E3137M-17 establishes maximum
permissible measurement variations for the flow sensor,
temperature sensor pair and heat calculator. It classifies Heat metering encourages energy conservation relative
these elements of a heat-metering system based on to situations where a central system supplies heating or
their accuracy at maximum and minimum flow rates and cooling to a space at a fixed monthly charge, or where the
temperature differentials. cost of providing heating or cooling is included with rent or
lease payments. The latter situations present no monetary
“penalty” for energy waste, and thus, place little value on
The details of this standard are beyond the scope of the energy provided. In such situations, occupants have
this issue of idronics. Interested readers can obtain the minimal incentive to conserve energy.
standard at:
Figure 3-1
Figure 3-2 2. Centralized heat production:
When heat metering is used in multi-unit buildings, all heat
sources can be located within one mechanical room. This
holds many advantages over the scenario of separate heat
sources within each building unit, with their commensurate
fuel supplies, venting systems and safety devices.
Figure 3-3
Figure 3-4 Figure 3-6
Northeast Technical Institute,
Figure 3-8 District energy systems can also be configured for cooling.
Thirty large buildings in downtown Toronto, Ontario,
Canada are cooled by a system that dissipates heat
into Lake Ontario. Even during the hottest weather, the
water drawn from 270 feet below the lake’s surface and
approximately 3 miles offshore remains at approximately
39.2ºF (4ºC). That water passes through the primary side
of 36 large plate and frame heat exchangers, as seen in
figure 3-10.
Courtesy of Fink Machine, Inc.
Figure 3-10
Source: Enwave
Enderby, BC Canada. Constructed in 2011, this heating
system’s primary heat source is a 1.8 MMBtu/hr (540
KW) wood chip boiler. A 1 MMBtu/hr (300 KW) propane-
fired boiler provides backup if necessary. Both boilers are
housed in the same building. The secondary sides of these heat exchangers connect to
an insulated underground piping network that distributes
The hot water produced by the boiler(s) is distributed cool water to each building served by the system. Each
through 4,600 feet (1.4 KM) of insulated underground pipe, building is connected to the district system using large
and currently provides heat for 12 loads, including several plate and frame heat exchangers. This allows each
local businesses, a hotel and a municipal swimming building’s distribution system to be a closed system
pool. Heat metering is used to apportion cost to each that’s isolated from the underground piping. This system
load. All metering is managed by the central control delivers approximately 75,000 tons of cooling capacity.
system seen in figure 3-9. More information is available Heat meters are used to assess the cooling effect used
at by each of the buildings.
7. Performance verification:
Heat metering also provides a way of monitoring the
performance of heating and cooling systems. This is
especially important in systems using renewable energy
heat sources, such as solar thermal collectors, geothermal
heat pumps or biomass boilers. Several state-sponsored
programs developed to incentivize these renewable 8. Compact modules provide heating and
heat sources require installation of heat-metering domestic hot water:
subsystems to verify energy yield. In some cases, Another application for heat metering is within heating
financial incentives are based on verified thermal “substations” or “Heating Interface Units” (HIUs) for
energy yield from the renewable energy heat sources. apartments, condominiums or leased office spaces. An
Figure 3-11 shows a heat-metering subsystem installed HIU is a preassembled group of components that can
within a solar thermal system. be configured to provide space heating and domestic
Figure 3-11
hot water. The HIU contains all the necessary hardware Figure 3-12 shows one concept for an HIU that supplies
for independent space heating and domestic hot water space heating and domestic hot water. The latter is
for each building unit, and is often small enough to fit provided using a stainless steel brazed plate heat
into a wall cavity within a closet. HIUs are commonly exchanger that receives heat from non-potable water
used in Europe, and can be purchased in common that’s also used for space heating.
application configurations. They are not widely available
as a pre-assembled product in North America at this time. The HIU is connected to a set of “riser” pipes that provide
However, they can be custom-built to the specific needs supply and return for non-potable heated water from the
of a project. system’s heating plant (e.g., mechanical room or a large
mixing valve
flow switch
heat metering
plate heat exchanger served by a district heating system). Heat is immediately transferred to the cold domestic
The hot non-potable water is used for space heating when water passing through the secondary side of the heat
needed. The flow rate of the non-potable heated water exchanger. The domestic water is fully heated on a single
passing through the HIU is monitored by a flow meter. pass through this heat exchanger. A thermostatic mixing
The temperature drop of this water stream is measured valve provides anti-scald protection. The heated domestic
by a set of matched precision temperature sensors. The water flows to the open fixture(s). When the domestic
flow meter and temperature sensors connect to a heat water flow rate drops below a minimum set value, the
calculator within the HIU that tallies the amount of heat flow switch turns off the motorized valve to stop domestic
transferred. In modern applications, the heat calculator in water heating.
each HIU is connected by a 2-wire communication cable
to either a data logger or a building automation system This approach greatly reduces the volume of domestic
(BAS). The total thermal energy used at each HIU can be water that remains at an elevated temperature, thus
recorded without having to physically be at the HIU. decreasing the potential for Legionella growth. It also
reduces standby heat loss in comparison to tank-type
The HIU shown in figure 3-12 creates domestic hot water water heaters.
“on demand.” When a hot water faucet is opened, and
the domestic hot water stream reaches some minimum Because domestic hot water is created “as needed”
flow rate, a flow switch activates a motorized valve that within each building unit, there is no need of a domestic
allows hot non-potable water to pass through the primary hot water recirculation system in the building.
side of a stainless steel brazed plate heat exchanger.
Figure 3-13
building unit
building unit (e.g., apartment, condo, etc.) (e.g., apartment, condo, etc.)
motorized valves
stainless steel
heat exchanger
mixing valve
mixing valve
to / from
building units
flow switch
heat metering
riser system
RS-485 communication cable
DHW out
DCW out
connectors non-potable hot supply water
All the energy used for domestic water heating comes 4. INTEGRATING HEAT METERING
from the non-potable heated water flowing through the
HIU, and is recorded by the heat meter subsystem. Some Adding heat metering to a heating or cooling system is
HIUs can “tag” the energy passing through the heat relatively simple. This section presents the components
meter as being used for space heating or domestic water of a typical thermal energy metering system, with some
heating, when these loads are mutually exclusive. Some specific information on the Caleffi CONTECA Easy system.
also have a separate flow meter to total the amount of
domestic water used within the building unit.
Basic components:
Heat-metering systems that are intended to accurately
9. Fewer riser pipes in building:
measure the amount of heating or cooling energy passing
Another significant benefit of using HIUs for space from the source side of a system to the client side require
heating and domestic water heating is that it allows for hardware to measure flow rate and temperature difference.
a “3-pipe” riser system instead of a “5-pipe” riser system
in multi-unit buildings. Risers are the pipes that provide
space heating and domestic hot water to each unit in the The temperature difference is measured by a matched
building. A common “5-pipe” riser system would have the pair of temperature sensors. The Caleffi CONTECA
following pipes: Easy system uses 100,000 ohm negative temperature
coefficient (NTC) thermistor sensors. These sensors
vary their electrical resistance as their temperature
1. Space-heating hot water pipe changes. The relationship between electrical resistance
2. Space-heating return water pipe and temperature is accurately calibrated and highly
3. Domestic hot water supply pipe repeatable. The electrical resistance of the lead wires
4. Domestic hot water recirculation return pipe between the sensors and the heat calculator unit is also
5. Cold domestic water pipe accounted for. This is why the lead wires supplied with a
heat meter should never be cut or otherwise modified.
The “brain” of a heat-metering system is the heat • Doppler
calculator. It receives signals from both temperature • Vortex
sensors and the flow meter. It uses the measured flow • Electromagnetic
rate and temperature difference to calculate the rate of
heat transfer, as well as the total amount of heat that has
passed through the metering system over time. The heat All of these meters have strengths and limitations.
calculators used in modern metering systems can display
operating conditions such as flow rate and temperatures. Turbine flow meters:
They can also display the current rate of heat transfer Turbine flow meters have an impeller that spins at very
and the total amount of heat that has passed through stable and repeatable rates based on the flow passing
the metering system over time. Modern heat calculators through them. Each rotation of the turbine creates a low-
can also communicate with data acquisition systems or voltage electrical pulse signal. These pulses pass through
building automation systems using protocols such as a cable that connects to the heat calculator.
Modbus or BACnet.
Different sizes and types of turbine flow meters are each
Figure 4-1 shows the heat calculator, flow meter, calibrated for a specific relationship between pulse counts
temperature sensors and sensor-mounting fittings supplied and the volume of fluid that has passed through the meter.
with the Caleffi CONTECA Easy heat-metering system. For example, a small turbine meter might generate an
output of one pulse per liter of fluid passing through it,
Flow meter types: whereas a larger turbine meter might generate an output
Several types of flow meters are currently used for heat- of one pulse per 10 liters of fluid passing through. The
metering systems. They include: heat calculator unit can be configured to be compatible
with the pulse output calibration of different sizes and
• Turbine
types of turbine flow meters.
• Ultrasonic
Figure 4-2
Turbine-type flow meters have an established history of It is also a best practice to install any flow-metering device
accurate performance and reliability. Turbine flow meters with at least 10 diameters of straight pipe upstream of
are simple and low cost relative to other flow-measuring the meter, and at least 5 pipe diameters of straight pipe
technology. They are relatively immune to bubbles or downstream of the meter.
particles passing through with the fluid stream.
Time transit ultrasonic flow meters:
Still, systems that use turbine-type flow meters should Time transit ultrasonic flow meters can determine the
include a microbubble air separator to minimize any average flow velocity of a fluid moving through a closed
potential for bubbles in the flow stream. Particulates in cavity by measuring the difference in travel time of
the system should also be minimized through the use of ultrasonic sound pulses that are alternately directed in the
dirt separators. Keeping the fluid stream passing through direction of the fluid stream and opposite the fluid stream.
the turbine meter as clean and bubble-free as possible
extends the life of the meter and maintains its accuracy.
Because they do not have internal moving parts, time
transit ultrasonic flow meters typically have a lower
As is true with any component having flow passing through pressure drop characteristic than turbine flow meters.
it, turbine flow meters create some flow resistance, which However, accurate flow measurements require relatively
results in head loss. Figure 4-2 shows the head loss and clean and bubble-free fluids.
pressure drop of the turbine flow meters used in the Caleffi
CONTECA Easy meter system.
Figure 4-4 shows an example of a time transit ultrasonic
flow meter installed as part of a heat-metering system for
Two variations of turbine flow meters are supplied with the a large commercial building.
Caleffi CONTECA Easy system. A single jet meter is used
Figure 4-4
for pipe sizes ranging from 1/2” to 1”. A multi-jet meter is
supplied in pipe sizes of 1.25” and larger. Multi-jet meters
have multiple fluid channels that route incoming flow to
the meter’s impeller. This improves the accuracy of flow-
rate measurement in larger pipe sizes.
Figure 4-5
Courtesy of Khaled Yousef
Strap-on ultrasonic meters are used in situations where downstream of the peg. The frequency of the shed
it is not possible (or practical) to penetrate or cut an vortices is directly proportional to the flow rate through
existing pipe that’s in service. They are often installed on the flow chamber. The piezoelectric sensor counts
a temporary basis as instrumentation for building energy the pulses, and solid state electronics within the flow
audits. Strap-on ultrasonic meters have the advantage sensor calculate the flow rate based on the frequency
of not creating any obstruction or pressure drop in the of the pulses. The internal electronics of the flow sensor
fluid path. However, the accuracy of strap meters is create a linear voltage output signal that’s proportional
highly dependent on their mounting, including proper to flow rate over a specific range of flow rates. Current
application of an acoustic coupling compound between generation vortex flow sensors are small and relatively
the meter body and the outer surface of the pipe. Errors inexpensive. They are commonly used for approximate
in installation can significantly reduce the accuracy of flow-rate measurements in devices such as pumping
these meters. stations for solar thermal systems or geothermal heat
pumps. They are not used in heat-metering systems
Doppler shift flow meters: meeting the EN1434 or ASTM E3137 standards.
Doppler shift flow meters also calculate average flow
velocity based on the time difference between ultrasonic Electromagnetic flow meters:
pulses directed with and against the flow stream. Electromagnetic flow sensors work on the principal that
However, doppler shift flow meters measure the reflection an oscillating magnetic field that’s perpendicular to a
of sound pulses from particles or bubbles entrained in fluid stream creates a small voltage that’s proportional
the fluid stream. This type of meter requires a specific to the flow rate of that fluid stream. The voltage is
minimum density of particles or air bubbles within the detected by electrodes mounted perpendicular to the
fluid. It is not suitable for use with clean fluids, and as flow direction. Electromagnetic flow meters require the
such has more limited applications. It is commonly used fluid being measured to have a specific minimal electrical
to measure the flow rates of slurries. conductivity. Highly demineralized water would not be
compatible with such meters.
Vortex flow meters:
It is also possible to measure flow rates using a meter Connecting multiple CONTECA Easy heat meters:
with a cylindrical flow chamber that contains a flat- One common use of heat meters is recording the thermal
surfaced peg. This peg only covers a portion of the flow energy use in each of several building units (apartments,
area. Its flat surface faces the oncoming flow. As flow condominiums, leased office spaces, etc.) in multi-unit
passes over the peg, vortices are created. Each vortex buildings.
sheds away from the peg in the opposite direction of the
previous vortex. Each vortex creates a slight pressure While it’s possible to periodically go to the location of each
pulse that is detected by a piezoelectric sensor mounted meter within the building and read the heat calculator unit,
Figure 4-6
data logger 750450
15 16 17 18 15 16 17 18 15 16 17 18 one or the other BAS
meters 24 VAC
power Modbus
to BACnet
The CONTECA Easy meter
Figure 4-7 system can automatically
heat calculator
switch between recording
temperature sensor
(supply side) the thermal energy used for
heat heating and that used for
source B
cooling. The changeover logic
is integrated in the overall
B A load operating algorithm for the
diverter AB meter, as shown in figure 4-8.
flow meter
Heating mode metering:
temperature sensor
(return side) When the meter is powered on,
chiller it boots its internal firmware
and checks to see if the
temperature of the sensor on
the supply side of the system
(Tsupply) is greater than the
temperature on the return side
this requires significant time. Any requirement to enter
of the system (Treturn). If it is, the meter anticipates that
individual building units to read the meter also imposes
the system is in heating mode. It then tests to see if the
undesirable privacy and security issues for the occupants.
temperature of the supply sensor (Tsupply) is at least some
minimum amount (∆Tmin) higher than the temperature
Modern heat-metering systems such as Caleffi’s CONTECA of the return sensor (Treturn). If this is not true, the meter
Easy provide the ability for each heat calculator unit to be will not record any heating energy use. If it is true, the
connected to a 2-wire communication network. Up to 250 meter then tests to see if the temperature of the supply
CONTECA Easy heat calculator units can be connected to sensor (Tsupply) is at or above the (Theat threshold) value. This
such a network, as represented in figure 4-6. parameter is the lowest supply temperature at which the
meter will begin recording heating energy. Its default value
Terminals 17 and 18 in the CONTECA Easy heat calculator is 72ºF, but this value can be changed to any temperature
constitute an RS-485 communication port that can between 50ºF and 195ºF (10 to 90ºC). If the temperature
be configured for either a Modbus output or an M-bus of the supply sensor is at or above the (Theat threshold), the
output, but not both at the same time. meter begins recording heating energy use.
The Modbus output would be used to interface with a A similar set of logic conditions is used to determine if
Modbus-based building automation system (BAS), or the meter should record cooling energy use. When the
when the heat calculator needs to communicate with meter is powered on, it checks to see if the temperature
other building automation system protocols such as of the supply side sensor (Tsupply) is greater than the
BACnet. In these latter cases, it is necessary to include temperature of the return side sensor (Treturn). If the supply
a gateway device to convert the Modbus output to these side is cooler than the return side, the meter anticipates
other communication protocols. that the system is in cooling mode. It then tests to see
if the temperature of the supply sensor is at least some
minimum amount (∆Tmin) lower than the temperature of
The M-bus configuration for the RS-485 output would be
the return sensor. If this is not true, the meter will not
selected if one or more CONTECA Easy heat calculators
record any cooling energy use. If it is true, the meter tests
will be connected to the CONTECA data logger.
to see if the temperature of the supply sensor (Tsupply) is
at or below the Tcool threshold value. This parameter is the
Measuring heating and cooling energy: highest supply temperature at which the meter will record
The Caleffi CONTECA Easy metering system is capable cooling energy use. Its default value is 64ºF, but this value
of measuring the thermal energy used in space heating can be changed by the user to any temperature between
as well as cooling systems. One way to configure the 35ºF and 77ºF (2 to 25ºC). If the temperature of the supply
piping for systems that provide both heating and cooling sensor (Tsupply) is at or below the (Tcool threshold), the meter
is shown in figure 4-7. begins recording cooling energy use.
Invoicing for thermal energy:
Figure 4-8 Meter is Because heat metering is relatively
powered new in North America, there are
no widely accepted standards
or legal requirements for how
HEATING COOLING thermal energy can be invoiced to
anticipated anticipated clients of heat-metered systems.
Is Tsupply - Treturn > 0?
YES NO This situation could change at
state or municipal government
levels as heat metering becomes
more widely accepted and
Is Tsupply - Treturn > ∆Tmin ? Is Tsupply - Treturn < ∆Tmin ? In the absence of any specific legal
requirements governing billing
for thermal energy, the owners of
YES YES buildings in which heat metering
is used can establish their own
agreements for how occupants
will pay for the thermal energy they
Is Tsupply ≥ Theat threshold ? NO NO Is Tsupply ≤ Theat threshold ?
Default Theat threshold =72ºF Default Tcool threshold =64ºF
use, as well as cost associated
Range = 50-195 ºF Range = 35-77ºF with maintaining the system.
The potential occupants of each
building unit using heat metering
meter records HEATING energy meter records COOLING energy would then decide if the owner’s
agreement for thermal energy
invoicing is acceptable as part of
no metering the overall decision to purchase
or rent the building space.
loss (or gain) from the central plant equipment, as well as or other associated fees for that energy are accounted
heat loss from distribution piping up to the points where heat for in client billing.
passes through individual heat meters. The overall energy
input to the system will always be more than the sum total 5. A statement in which each client of the system agrees
of all heat meter readings due to equipment inefficiencies not to tamper with any heat-metering equipment.
and heat loss/gain from the building’s distribution system
upstream of the heat meters.
6. A statement assuring clients that all heat-metering
equipment meets the ASTM 3137 accuracy requirement,
• The current and projected maintenance costs for the system. and that the client accepts this standard of accuracy for
the heat-metering equipment.
• How any required maintenance or service cost on the
heat-metering hardware for each building unit will be 7. A statement describing how each client will receive
initiated and paid for. an annual report on the status of the heating/cooling
system, including an accounting of maintenance/
• How any required maintenance or service costs on the service/administrative costs, and the fund balance of an
client’s side of the heat meter will be initiated and paid for. established maintenance/service account.
• How the administrative costs for reading energy meters 8. A statement covering how any future additions,
and issuing invoices will be allocated. extensions, component replacements or other modifications
to the central system will be initiated and paid for.
• Any applicable regulations dealing with sales tax or fees
on metered energy. 9. A statement detailing how any necessary maintenance/
service work on the client’s side of the heat-metering
• How a contingency fund to cover maintenance or service equipment will be initiated and paid for.
work on the central portion of the system will be funded
and managed. 10. A statement that energy usage of individual clients will
be maintained as confidential, and thus, not reported to
The following suggestions are offered for consideration in other clients.
drafting an agreement between the owner of the central
heating/cooling system and each client of that system. 11. Language that stipulates the maximum and minimum
Specific wording for each consideration should be vetted thermostat settings in both heating and cooling modes
by an attorney. The agreement should include: within any building unit. If the thermostats are configured
and locked for these maximum and minimum settings, the
1. A statement detailing how the cost of energy used clients should acknowledge their acceptance of the settings.
by the central plant for heating and cooling, and any
associated fees, surcharges, tariffs, etc., will be allocated One of the most intuitive approaches to cost allocation
to each client of the system. is to generate a monthly total cost for the fuel used by
the central plant and any associated fees, tariffs, etc.,
2. A statement specifying when invoices for thermal combined with an allowance for maintaining the system
energy will be issued to each client, along with terms on and covering administrative costs, and then dividing this
how those invoices must be paid. total among the clients of the system in proportion to their
metered thermal energy use.
The maintenance/service account would require an initial The agreement between the building owner and clients
deposit and then be maintained by periodic contributions should also address and coordinate with other legal
paid by each client in their invoices. A maximum account stipulations and insurance issues on the use and costs
balance could be established so that client contributions associated with each building unit. For example, if the
could be temporarily reduced or eliminated provided that client causes damages to the system on their side of the
the account remains above a level deemed adequate to meter, how will those damages be resolved?
handle reasonably anticipated maintenance or service
costs. The status of the maintenance/service account The above is intended to serve as suggested concepts
would be periodically reported to each client. that could be incorporated into an agreement associated
with heat metering. It is not represented as specific legal
Here’s an example of proportional cost allocation based advice. An attorney should be consulted to draft a specific
on the following assumptions: agreement that includes relevant details for each project.
Figure 5-1 represents a geothermal water-to-water heat
This section provides examples of how heat metering can pump system that supplies heating and cooling to three
be used in modern hydronic systems that supply space “client” loads. The system is shown in heating mode
heating, cooling and domestic hot water. The systems operation.
presented are conceptual and require proper equipment
sizing, as well as suitable operating and safety controls. In this system, one of the CONTECA Easy heat-metering
systems monitors the output from the heat pump in
1. Verification of energy flows in systems with both heating and cooling modes. The heat pump is also
renewable energy heat sources: equipped with an electrical power meter that measures
Heat metering can be used to assess the energy flows in instantaneous electrical power input to the heat pump
systems that have one or more renewable energy heating/ and its associated circulators (P1) and (P2). That meter
cooling sources. Examples include systems with solar also records the total electrical energy use of the heat
thermal collectors, geothermal heat pumps, air-to-water pump and circulators over time.
heat pumps and biomass boilers.
This combination of metering allows the coefficient of
Some government incentive programs mandate that heat performance (COP) of the heat pump to be determined on
metering be used in certain types of renewable energy both an instantaneous basis and as an average over any
systems to verify energy yield. elapsed time.
Figure 5-1
client client client
1 2 3
(C0) temperature
water-to-water CONTECA
heat pump buffer tank data logger 750450
(C1) (C2) (C3)
COPi =
Pe × 3.413
The instantaneous COP of the heat pump + circulators H = heat output of heat pump over time period (kBtu)
could be determined by combining the thermal power E = electrical energy input to heat pump
kBtu + circulators (kWhr)
reading from the CONTECA Easy (in kBtu/hr), and the
Qo factor
3.413 = conversion 30
electrical power input to the heat pump and circulators in COPi = = hr = 3.52
Pe × 3.413 kBtu / hr
kilowatts using formula 5-1. 2.5kw × 3.413
kw Easy meter
For example, over a month the CONTECA
shows that the heat pump + circulators have delivered
Formula 5-1: 5,000 kBtu of heat. The electrical meter shows that 475
COPi = kWhr of electrical energy has been delivered to operate
Pe × 3.413 COPa = The average COP of the heat
the heat pump + circulators.
E × 3.413is:
pump + circulators over that month
COPi = instantaneous COP of heat pump + circulators H 5,000kBtu
kBtu COPa = = = 3.08
30 (kBtu/hr)
Qo = heat output of heat pump E × 3.413 475kwhr × 3.413 kBtu
Qo hr pump =+3.52
= ielectrical = input to heat
power circulators kwhr
P × 3.413 kBtu / hr
(kW) e 2.5kw × 3.413
3.413 = conversion factor The three CONTECA Easy meters on right side of the buffer
tank monitor energy usage of the three client loads. These
For example, assume the Q CONTECA Easy thermal meters automatically switch between heating and cooling
COP H oand the electrical power mode metering based on the change in temperature at
power reading wasCOP30 =i =
× 3.413
input to the heat pump E
+ ×circulators was 2,500 watt = the supply water sensors. All three meters would have the
2.5 kw. Putting these values into equation 5-1 yields the same temperature threshold settings at which they begin
instantaneousHCOP of the heat pump + circulators: monitoring heating energy, and the same temperature
COPa = = = 3.08 threshold at which they begin monitoring cooling energy.
E × 3.413 475kwhr × 3.413 kBtu
Qo 30 kwhr
COPi = = hr = 3.52 The RS-485 terminals in all four CONTECA Easy heat
Pe × 3.413 2.5kw × 3.413 kBtu / hr meters are daisy-chained together, as detailed in figure
kw 4-6, and connected to the Caleffi CONTECA data logger.
The RS-485 outputs on all four CONTECA Easy meters
Note: the COP calculated in this manner includes must be set for M-bus to enable proper communication
the power input to both circulators that must operate with the data logger. The laptop computer connected to
H This inclusion reflects
COPa operates.
whenever the heat pump = the data logger has been loaded with the CONTECA Easy
E × 3.413 heat pump and its
the effective COP of the geothermal APP, allowing it to access all current and historical data on
required ancillary equipment, rather than the COP of the each heat meter, and format that data into various reports.
heat pump by itself. Qo
HCOPi = 5,000kBtu
COPa = = Pe × 3.413 = 3.08 Figure 5-2
E × 3.413 475kwhr kBtu
× 3.413
The average COP of the heat pump + circulators over a
period of time is determined in a similar manner. It can
be calculated by dividing the total heating or cooling
energy recorded by the Contecta kBtumeter by the total
kilowatt•hours Q 30 supplied to the heat
of electrical energy
COP = o
= the same hr = 3.52
pump + icirculators over
Pe × 3.413 kBtu / This
period. hr ratio can
be expressed as formula 5-2. × 3.413
Formula 5-2:
COPa =
E × 3.413
H COP of heat
a = aaverage
= = = 3.08 over
pump + circulators
time period E × 3.413 475kwhr × 3.413 kBtu
Figure 5-2 shows an example where several CONTECA Each building unit that only requires space heating
Easy heat meters are used to monitor the performance of connects to two of the riser pipes. The units that require
a geothermal water-to-water heat pump system. space heating and domestic hot water connect to all three
riser pipes.
2. Thermal energy allocation to multiple building spaces
One of the most common applications for heat metering is All thermal energy passing into each building unit,
recording the thermal energy used for space heating and regardless of its use for space heating or domestic water
domestic hot water in apartment or condominium buildings. heating, is recorded by the CONTECA Easy heat meter.
The system shown in figure 5-3 uses a multiple boiler When a building unit requires space heating, a zone valve
system to supply heat that’s used for both space heating opens. Flow from the hot non-potable water riser flows
and domestic water heating. into the piping within the building unit and passes by
the supply temperature sensor for the CONTECA Easy
heat meter. It passes through the heating zone valve and
Each mod/con boiler in this system has a turndown ratio
onward to a set of closely spaced tees (or equivalent
of at least 5:1, and perhaps as high as 10:1. This makes
means of hydraulic separation). The hot water is drawn into
the turndown ratio of the overall boiler system at least
the hot port of a 3-way thermostatic mixing valve, which
15:1, to as high as 30:1. High turndown ratios allow the
reduces its temperature to the value required by the radiant
boiler system to adapt to widely varying load conditions
panel circuits. A Caleffi FloCal automatic balancing valve
without short cycling.
downstream of the closely spaced tees maintains a preset
flow rate through this portion of the system whenever the
The multiple boiler system can go to full power output, if heating zone valve is open. Cooler water returning from the
necessary, to meet a high morning heat demand created radiant panel circuit passes through the return temperature
when many of the building units come out of thermostat sensor fitting and flow meter of the CONTECA Easy
setbacks, or when there’s a high demand for domestic hot metering system. After leaving the building unit, the cooler
water for morning showers. water flows back to the non-potable return riser, and then
back to the boiler plant.
A SEP4 hydraulic separator is used between the boilers and
the balance of system. It isolates the pressure dynamics Each building unit that requires space heating and
of the boiler circulators from that of the variable-speed domestic hot water has additional piping. A flow switch
“building circulator.” The SEP4 also provides central air, closes its contacts whenever a domestic hot water flow
dirt and magnetic particle separation for the system. of 0.6 gpm or higher is detected within the building unit.
This temporarily stops any flow of heated non-potable
The variable-speed building circulator is set to maintain water to the space heating portion of the system. The
specific differential pressure across the riser piping. This switch closure also opens another zone valve that
circulator automatically changes speed depending on the allows non-potable hot water to flow past the supply
flow requirements of the building. When building demand temperature sensor of the CONTECA Easy meter, and
decreases, so does the circulator’s speed and associated then through the primary side of a brazed plate stainless
electrical energy use. steel heat exchanger. Cold domestic water passes
through the other side of this heat exchanger and is fully
heated to, or slightly above, the required domestic hot
This system illustrates the possibility of supplying space
water delivery temperature. A thermostatic mixing valve
heating to some building units (e.g., units 2 and 4), and
near the domestic hot water outlet of the heat exchanger
space heating plus domestic hot water to other building
ensures a safe delivery temperature to plumbing fixtures
units (e.g., units 1, 3, and 5).
in the building unit. Flow through the primary side of the
heat exchanger is regulated by a Caleffi FloCal automatic
This system only requires three riser pipes: the supply and balancing valve.
return piping for non-potable water, and a pipe for cold
domestic water. This reduces installation cost compared
All CONTECA Easy heat meters in this system are
to standard approaches that would require five riser pipes:
connected by a 2-wire RS-485 communication cable to
two for space heating, a cold domestic water supply pipe,
the Caleffi CONTECA data logger. The RS-485 output
hot domestic water supply pipe, and a domestic hot water
in each CONTECA Easy meter would be set for M-bus
recirculation pipe.
CONTECA heat metering system
Figure 5-3 domestic water heating zone valve
to / from
additional space heating zone valve
building units FloCal balancing valves (2)
DHW heat exchanger
closely spaced tees
mixing valve
building unit #5
building unit #4
radiant panel
manifold station
DHW valve
flow switch
building unit #3
building unit #2
building unit #1
speed ∆P
building CONTECA
circulator data logger 750450
mode. The data logger can generate reports on the Some district heating systems contain miles of
thermal energy consumption of each building unit. underground piping that transports tens of millions of
Btu/hr to many buildings, usually in urban areas, or on
Another major advantage of this approach is that very college campuses. However, district heating can be
little domestic hot water is present in the system other scaled down to serve several smaller buildings that are
than when it is being used. This reduces the standby heat located in close proximity to each other. These are called
loss associated with storage water heaters. It also greatly “mini” district heating systems. Figure 5-4 shows the
reduces the volume of heated water that could potentially concept for such a system.
harbor Legionella bacteria.
The primary heat source for this mini district heating
3. Mini-district heating system system is a pair of pellet boilers. They are turned on an
off by a staging controller that monitors the temperature
District heating systems are another common application
in the upper and lower portions of the thermal storage
for heat metering.
independently controlled
variable-speed circulators
lower tank
sensor short low
∆P header
RS-485 (M-bus)
other buildings
data logger 750450
distribution system
to/from building
building HX
tank. The pellet boilers are not controlled by that status Although not shown, it would be possible to install
of any specific heating load, only the temperatures in additional CONTECA Easy heat meters on each pellet
the thermal storage tank. The size of the thermal storage boiler to record their thermal performance.
tank, in combination with the heating capacity of the
pellet boilers, allows the boilers to have relatively long on The district system, as well as the distribution system within
and off cycles. This helps keep them running at or near each building, is provided with high-efficiency air, dirt and
steady state conditions much of the time. It optimizes magnetic particle separation. This helps ensure longer
their thermal efficiency and decreases emissions. component life and preserves heat-metering accuracy.
3-way motorized
circulator mixing valve
blower compressor
circulator w/ 4-way motorized
mixing valve
coil reversing!
circulator w/
internal check valve
swing check valve comp. RV
gate valve check valve
heat pump TXV
(in heating mode)
globe valves purging valve heat pump
blower (in heating mode)
ball valve
pressure gauge
primary/secondary coil
hose bib valve
drain valve pressure & comp. RV
relief valve
diverter tee water-to-air
heat pump
cap metered (in cooling mode)
heating mode water-to-water
heat pump
diaphragm-type (in cooling mode)
expansion tank
heat reversing
exchanger valve
solar collector
Modulating / condensing boiler
indirect water heater (with trim) solar water tank (with electric element)
Float - type
air vent inline check valve
thermostatic mixing valve
valve distribution
(3/4") station
heat calculator
bypass valve
sensor fittings
flow meter
zone valve
(3 way)
ThermoCon buffer tank
LEGIOMIX® thermoelectric
zone valve
(2 way)
ball valve
(2 way)
ball valve
balancing (3 way)
variable orifice
FLOWCALTM radiator valve
radiator valve
dual isolation
SEP4TM valve for
SEP4TM fixed orifice panel radiators
solar 3-way thermostatic
QuickSetter TM high-temperature mixing valve
balancing solar DISCAL
valve w/ air separators
HydroBlock flowmeter isolar
mixing units
high-temperature temperature
solar pressure controller
symbols are in Visio library @
CONTECA™ heat energy meter
Product range
CONTECA Heat energy meter kit, complete with heat meter code 750405A,
two integral temperature sensors, two sensor holder bodies, a rotary pulse flow meter, and:
7504_0A series male NPT pipe connections sizes ½”, ¾” & 1”with unions
7504_3A series female NPT pipe connections sizes 1”, 1¼” & 1 ½” with unions
7504_6A series press pipe connections sizes ½”, ¾” & 1” with unions
7504_9A series sweat pipe connections sizes ½”, ¾” & 1” with unions
Code 750450 Datalogger
Code NA10520 Modbus-to-BACnet gateway
Technical specifications
4¾” 1 5/8” Wt
Code A B C D ends* E F G (lb)
750449A 6 7/8” sweat 7 ¼”
750440A 8 3/8” mnpt ½” 8 ¾" 6.2
750446A 7 1/8” press 5 ¾”
750459A 7 3/8” sweat 7 ¾"
750450A 7 5/8” 3 1/8” 4 ¼” 3 ½” ¾" 8" 2" 7.1
750456A 7 ¾” press 6 1/8”
Temp sensor holder body
750469A 8 5/8” sweat 9"
Multiple jet flow meter
750460A 8 3/8” mnpt 1" 8 ¾" 7.9
750466A 8” press 6 3/8”
750463A 12 ¼" 4" 5 3/8” 3 ¾” fnpt 1" 5 1/8” 2 1/16” 11.5
750473A 12 ¼" 4" 5 3/8” 3 ¾” fnpt 1 ¼" 5 7/8” 2 3/8” 12.1
Temp sensor holder body 750483A 17 ¼" 5 ¼" 6 7/16” 4 5/8” fnpt 1 ½" 5 5/8” 2 5/16” 18.7
*end connections are the same for the flowmeter and sensor holder bodies for each code.
ex: code 750449A has union sweat ends on both the flow meter and the sensor holder bodies.
3 3
1 0.2
75045xA ¾" Single jet 0.25 10
2 2
(.26 gal)
75046xA 1"
1 1
750463A 2.5 0.3 15
1" -1
0.5 0.5
(.66 gal)
Multiple jet 0.3 0.3 0.02
750473A 1¼" 10 0.5 25 0.2 0.2
36 --
Caleffi Hydronic Solutions, a leader in state-of-the-art engineered solutions, manufactures and supplies
high-quality components for hydronic heating and cooling, plumbing, heat metering and renewable
energy systems, for domestic, commercial and industrial buildings. Caleffi, an Italian based company, is
a name recognized around the world for innovative solutions and superior performing products that help
customers live comfortably and economically, while softening their impact on the environment.
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