Uponor Contec TABS Design Basics: Thermally Active Building Systems
Uponor Contec TABS Design Basics: Thermally Active Building Systems
Uponor Contec TABS Design Basics: Thermally Active Building Systems
07 | 2014
Cooling and heating sources
General boundary conditions and basic principles requires particular attention. The system temperatures
encountered provide an ideal opportunity to include
For the selection of conventional cooling and heating renewables. Renewables are not only subsidised via the
devices, it is important to note that the temperature German Renewables Feed-In Act (“Gesetz für den Vor-
level of TABS will be close to room temperature. Taking rang Erneuerbarer Energien”) (EEG of 1 April 2000) and
into account the control characteristics and the envis- the Building Energy Conservation Ordinance (“Energie-
aged output, supply temperatures will usually be in the EinsparVerordnung”) (EnEV 2002 of 1 February 2002),
following range: but already feature prominently in a wide range of win-
ning projects in architectural competitions.
Cooling mode: 16 °C < tV, c < 22 °C
Heating mode: 24 °C < tV, H < 28 °C The following system configurations can be used to
complement TABS:
In terms of water temperatures, the TABS system can
therefore be regarded as a high-temperature cooling Geothermal/groundwater: free cooling, and combi-
system, or a very low-temperature heating system. In nation with heat pumps
conjunction with appropriate refrigeration and heat Ambient air: combination with recirculation coolers
generation concepts, high exergetic efficiency can Solar thermal: absorption refrigerating machines
therefore be achieved. with additional solar collectors
Taking into account this temperature level, low exergy In terms of conventional cooling sources, cold water
factors equate to low operating costs both in cooling flow temperatures of 16 °C are adequate and cost-
and heating mode. effective for compensating sensitive heat. Chillers (sup-
plying cold water flow temperatures of 6 °C) are only
For this reason, brine/water or water/water heat pumps recommended if additional dehumidification is required.
are recommended for heating, chillers for high-tempera- Depending on the size of the system, it may be expedi-
ture cooling, and reversible heat pumps for cooling and ent to use separate chillers for dehumidification
heating. In simultaneous heating and cooling mode, (approx. 6 °C) and cooling (> 16 °C). An alternative is
both the “cold” and “warm” sides of the heat pump can dehumidification based on sorption, which has been
be utilised in conjunction with ‘buffer storage’, which is used successfully for some years now.
generally recommended in any case. Load management
2 2 U P O N O R C O N T E C – TA B S D E S I G N B A S I C S
Temperature (°C)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
tw tcw-wet cooling ta tcw-dry cooling
(w = wet bulb, cw = cold water, a = air)
heating Chiller
1 2 3 4 5 PUS
Heat- Condenser
1 UFH kitchen [2.0 kW] GEOZENT ® profi Ground source heat pump
2 UFH lobby [6.7 kW] 4 Outgoing air [80.4 kW]
Bore hole spacing min. 6 m
3 UFH side room [4.7 kW] 5 Incoming air [121.5 kW] Bore hole depth 33-199 m
U P O N O R C O N T E C – TA B S D E S I G N B A S I C S 3
Cooling tower
Auxiliary Absorption
heating heat pump
collector Storage Underfloor
tank system
System concept
Thermal utilisation of ground ener- other hand operating costs are From a depth of approx. 10 metres,
gy in conjunction with TABS pro- reduced through the use of renew- ground temperatures are relatively
vides an ideal solution. On the one able energy. A distinction is made constant over the seasons, leading
hand, it can make a contribution to between horizontal and vertical to more stable operating conditions
environmental protection; on the collectors in the ground. for vertically oriented components.
Energy piles are the preferred
option in cases where pile founda-
tions are required for the building.
Otherwise ground probes are more
cost-effective. Slotted walls are only
applicable in special cases and can
only offer limited depth. Their ther-
mal performance is similar to that of
the horizontally oriented compo-
nents described below. Horizontal
components are worth considering
in cases where extensive ground
excavation work is required, so that
pipes or pipe registers can be laid
in the soil or within a blinding layer
relatively cost-effectively.
4 4 U P O N O R C O N T E C – TA B S D E S I G N B A S I C S
Unlike vertical components, the pump heating mode’, and floor slab absorber in winter involves frost risk
long-term performance of ground cooling systems for free cooling or for the foundation.
collectors is affected by tempera- ’heat pump cooling mode’ (refrige-
In addition to these heat exchang-
ture fluctuations. The performance rating machine). The performance
ers, short or long-term ground
of floor slab cooling systems is potential of a ground collector loca-
stores (thermal energy storage ac-
affected by possible thermal coup- ted adjacent to a building would be
cording to VDI 4640) can be used,
ling with the basement, so that in inadequate for space cooling during
although these involve significantly
both cases closer consideration is the summer, while using a floor
more excavation and insulation
required. For these reasons, ground slab cooling system as a thermal
collectors are usually used for ’heat
0 5 10 15 20
Depth in soil (m)
0 5 10 15 20
Temperature (depth) (°C)
U P O N O R C O N T E C – TA B S D E S I G N B A S I C S 5
Geothermal components in practice
6 6 U P O N O R C O N T E C – TA B S D E S I G N B A S I C S
Basic design principles
Proper design of ground heat exchanger systems re- and other guidelines can be used. This standard deals
quires an understanding of the thermal interrelation- with the heat transfer of floor slabs, including thermal-
ships in the ground near the surface. Any design cal- ly-active slabs, via the ground.
culations should therefore be preceded by a geological
By modifying the system parameters (pipe registers,
survey in order to determine geological ground condi-
insulation, geometric dimensions of the building etc.)
tions at the site. From these survey results, the different
and system management variables, statements about
thermal ground parameters required for an accurate
the thermal performance of a floor slab cooling system
calculation of the ground heat exchanger configuration
during the summer can be derived.
can be derived.
VDI guideline 4640 ”Thermal use of the underground”
For large systems that have to provide high security
can be used for estimating system performance in
of supply, complex simulation calculations are recom-
heating mode. This document also contains information
mended. These can provide insights into sustainable
regarding approval procedures and environmental boun-
operation, possible effects on the geothermal balance
dary conditions. However, a revision of this guideline for
of adjacent land, and any chemical/physical changes in
summer cooling is still outstanding.
the ground or groundwater.
The following tables provide an overview of the thermal
For the design of ground collectors, floor slab cooling
extraction performance of ground types.
systems or foundation storage systems, ISO EN 13370
”Heat transfer via the ground – calculation methods”
Accurate modelling and more detailed calculations are adjacent to the probes or pipes may cool down as
also recommended in the following cases: far as freezing point. This temperature difference is
greater than the thermally useful range in summer
Deviations of heat pump operating times from
operation. For space cooling, the water tempera-
those mentioned above
ture should not exceed approximately 17 °C, so
Higher heating energy demand for hot water gene-
that soil temperature has to be lower.
In winter mode, an ice shield will form around the
Ground effect of heat input through space or com-
probe or pipe that influences heat conduction. In
mercial cooling or solar thermal recharging (annual
summer mode, heat conduction is characterised by
balance method)
moist or dry soil.
Strong groundwater influence (drift velocity bet-
Soil layers near the surface are subject to strong
ween 10 m/a and 150 m/a).
climatic influences, so that classic ground collec-
tors that are not located below buildings should
The above-mentioned guide values for thermal extrac-
not actually be called geothermal, but solar ther-
tion performance are not necessarily directly trans-
mal components. For floor slab cooling systems,
ferable to summer operation. The following factors
these climatic influences only affect input perfor-
may lead to differences between extraction and input
mance in the edge zone, but on the whole, the
efficiency of this type of component is determined
Starting from an undisturbed ground temperature by soil characteristics, including
of more than 10 °C, in heating mode the ground groundwater.
U P O N O R C O N T E C – TA B S D E S I G N B A S I C S 7
Initial situation Cooling in summer Autumn Heating in winter Spring
Temperature of Subsurface acts Heat storage in Building heating, Cold storage in
the subsurface as heat sink the subsurface at subsurface used subsurface at
approx. 8-12 °C approx. 12-16 °C as heat source approx. 4-8 °C
Specific thermal input (W/m2)
0.5 1 1.5 2
Specific thermal input (~ cooling load density) of a floor slab cooling system depending
on the distance between groundwater and foundation (moist cohesive floor/saturated
gravel or sand)
8 8 U P O N O R C O N T E C – TA B S D E S I G N B A S I C S
According to the current state of knowledge, the fol- Regeneration phases during periods when the sys-
lowing design recommendations can be given for floor tem is switched off or during periods with reduced
slab cooling systems: or no cooling demand (cool summer days) improve
performance potential.
Specific input performance is strongly dependent
Performance may be higher if basement spaces are
on the groundwater level. Saturation, due to high
thermally coupled. However, if basement tempera-
ground water levels, of soil layers below the foun-
tures rise, long term performance will be reduced
dation increases heat conduction. This can lead to
(similar to the effect of increasing soil
long-term cooling outputs that are similar to ceil-
ing performance with concrete core activation, or
floor performance with underfloor cooling.
The pipe spacing should not exceed 15 cm.
Thermal calculations
U P O N O R C O N T E C – TA B S D E S I G N B A S I C S 9
Simplified model calculation based on finite
difference method (FDM)
In general, calculations of output for the steady-state It can be seen that the simplified model method based
case are carried out to recognize the maximum power on FDM performs calculations with an accuracy that
capacity that can be achieved under given boundary comes close to a detailed simulation.
conditions. This provides important information to The finite difference method is based on the calculation
design the hydraulics of the system. To ensure accurate of heat balance for each thermal node defined within
chiller sizing, dynamic simulations need to be carried the slab and the room. Information about the structure
out due to the high thermal inertia of TABS. Currently, (walls, windows), the TABS system and location must be
Uponor uses methods internally that are described in defined for this calculation. Internal loads and maximum
the related standards, such as ISO 11855, to perform cooling power can be defined for every hour of the day
semi-dynamic calculations. The internal Uponor SST for a defined room.
(Simple Simulation Tool) for TABS can be used to model
the system. The SST for TABS is able to calculate a semi-dynamic
temperature profile (operative temperature) for a single
As described in ISO 11885-4 there are different zone and allows conclusions about the sizing of TABS
calculation methods. and the required chiller capacity taking into
consideration different operation modes.
1. Rough sizing method based on standard calcula-
tions (error: 20-30 %)
2. Simplified method using diagrams (error: 15-20 %)
3. Simplified model based on finite difference method
(FDM) (error: 10-15 %)
4. Detailed energy simulation of building (error:
6-10 %)
10 10 U P O N O R C O N T E C – TA B S D E S I G N B A S I C S
Ceiling configurations
Floor covering
Concrete slab
U P O N O R C O N T E C – TA B S D E S I G N B A S I C S 11
Output from a concrete slab without insulation
Carpet : 0.015 m,
Rλ,B = 0.10 m2K/W
Concrete : 0.300 m
Cooling mode
20 W/m2 23.1 °C
26 Calculation parameters
Flow temperature : 16°C
23.5 Return temperature : 20°C
22.5 Room temperature : 26°C
37 W/m2 21.5
22.6 °C
21 Rel. humidity : 50 %
Cooling output 20.5
Output via floor qfl = approx. 20 W/m2 19.5
Output via ceiling qce = approx. 37 W/m2 18.5
Total output qt = approx. 57 W/m2 17
Heating mode
18 W/m2 21.6 °C
26 Calculation parameters
Flow temperature : 28°C
24.5 Room temperature : 20°C
22 W/m2 23.3
23.7 °C
Cooling output 22.7
Output via floor qfl = approx. 18 W/m2 22.1
Output via ceiling qce = approx. 22 W/m2 21.5
Total output qt = approx. 40 W/m2 20.6
12 12 U P O N O R C O N T E C – TA B S D E S I G N B A S I C S
Thermal output of a concrete slab with step-
sound insulation layer
Carpet : 0.015 m,
Rλ,B = 0.10 m2K/W
Screed : 0.045 m
Impact sound : 0.020 m
Concrete : 0.250 m
Cooling mode
8 W/m2 24.8 °C
26 Calculation parameters
Flow temperature : 16°C
23.5 Return temperature : 20°C
22.5 Room temperature : 26°C
40 W/m2 22.4 °C 21 Rel. humidity : 50 %
Cooling output 20
Output via floor qfl = approx. 8 W/m2 19
Output via ceiling qce = approx. 40 W/m2 18.5
Total output qt = approx. 47 W/m2 16.5
Heating mode
6 W/m2 20.6 °C
26 Calculation parameters
Flow temperature : 28°C
24.5 Room temperature : 20°C
23 W/m2 23.8 °C 23
Cooling output 22.4
Output via floor qfl = approx. 6 W/m2 21.8
Output via ceiling qce = approx. 23 W/m2 21.5
Total output qt = approx. 29 W/m2 20.3
U P O N O R C O N T E C – TA B S D E S I G N B A S I C S 13
Output from a concrete slab with raised
access floor
Carpet : 0.015 m,
Rλ,B = 0.10 m2K/W
Panel : 0.020 m
Air space : 0.150 m
Concrete : 0.250 m
Cooling mode
8 W/m2 24.9 °C
26 Calculation parameters
24.5 Flow temperature : 16°C
23.5 Return temperature : 20°C
Room temperature : 26°C
40 W/m2 22.4 °C 21 Rel. humidity : 50 %
Cooling output 20
Output via floor qfl = approx. 7 W/m2 19
Output via ceiling qce = approx. 40 W/m2 18.5
Total output qt = approx. 47 W/m2 17
Heating mode
6 W/m2 20.6 °C
26 Calculation parameters
25.1 Flow temperature : 28°C
24.5 Room temperature : 20°C
23 W/m2 23.8 °C 23
Cooling output 22.4
Output via floor qfl = approx. 6 W/m2 21.8
Output via ceiling qce = approx. 23 W/m2 21.5
Total output qt = approx. 29 W/m2 20.6
14 14 U P O N O R C O N T E C – TA B S D E S I G N B A S I C S
Reduction in output through acoustic measures,
insulating layers or voids
Floor construction
The same applies to suspended louvered ceilings. heat transfer via the concrete 16,5
While performance is reduced, general functionality is
Dynamic considerations
U P O N O R C O N T E C – TA B S D E S I G N B A S I C S 15
In order to predict potential violations of the comfort
zone and their frequency, the dynamic behaviour of all
the parameters listed above should be taken into
account. This can be achieved using thermal simulation.
Based on simulation results, the thermal behaviour of The following charts show different temperature curves
different building types is explained. The room or opera- illustrating the thermal behaviour of a space during a
tive temperature (dry resultant temperature), with or 5-day hot spell. The assumed external temperature is
without TABS, during an extreme hot spell is examined. also shown. It fluctuates between 16 and 32 °C. The
charts do not show the high direct solar radiation
The program TRNSYS version 15 was used for the assumed for the simulation, which naturally is another
dynamic calculations described below. The associated crucial factor for the thermal behaviour of the building
multi-zone building model (TRNSYS type 56) already under the extreme conditions examined in this example.
contains a module for entering the boundary conditions
for TABS. The calculations are based on the Uponor The simulation focuses on the cooling mode, since this
Contec system (PE-Xa pipe with dimensions of 20 mm, is the main area of application for TABS.
pipe distance 150 mm). The system covers 80 % of the
floor area.
Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct.
16 16 U P O N O R C O N T E C – TA B S D E S I G N B A S I C S
Thermal building simulation for building with
floor-to-ceiling glazing
External temperature
Temperature (°C)
0 6 12 18 24 6 12 18 24 6 12 18 24 6 12 18 24 6 12 18 24
Time (5 days)
A) Some form of cooling is essential in this building. C) If additional mechanical ventilation with 2 air
During the 5-day hot spell, the temperature inside changes per hour and a supply air temperature of
the building reaches 34°C. 18°C is used, the temperature inside the building
can be maintained within an even narrower
B) TABS is able to prevent successive temperature temperature range.
rise inside the building. The temperature inside the
building remains approximately within the range of
20 to 26°C.
U P O N O R C O N T E C – TA B S D E S I G N B A S I C S 17
Thermal building simulation for a building with
high thermal mass (façade with double-skin
masonry wall)
External temperature
Temperature (°C)
0 6 12 18 24 6 12 18 24 6 12 18 24 6 12 18 24 6 12 18 24
Time (5 days)
A) Due to the higher thermal mass and the smaller win- B) Concrete core activation prevents successive tem-
dow area ratio, compared with the previous building perature rise inside the building. Due to concrete
this building is less sensitive to internal and exterior core activation, the operative temperature inside the
loads. Nevertheless, by the 5th day of the hot spell, building remains within a narrow range of approx.
the internal temperature has reached more than 21 to 24 °C.
30 °C.
18 18 U P O N O R C O N T E C – TA B S D E S I G N B A S I C S
When should simulation be used?
U P O N O R C O N T E C – TA B S D E S I G N B A S I C S 19
Production: Uponor GmbH, WS, Hamburg; Germany
Uponor Corporation
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