Eresco Mf4: Reliable, Lightweight, Portable X-Ray Generator

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Sensing & Inspection Technologies

Reliable, Lightweight, Portable X-Ray Generator
ERESCO MF4 – For the toughest of tasks
The ERESCO MF4 portable X-ray units are designed for operation with portable power supplies are made easier.
reliability in some of the world’s toughest conditions. With the Special power electronics allow for an alternative operation in
ERESCO MF4 line, mobile X-ray inspection becomes lighter in the field as well as integration in crawlers. Even with reduced
the true sense of the word. By using the latest display weight, the new tube heads comply with the strict
technology, the new user interface to control and monitor the requirements of the European X-ray regulations.
X-ray setup, has been fully utilized and features graphic
visualization and menu driven operation to optimize Using modern compact electronics to minimize weight and
productivity. provide a high power output with extremely low ripple, together
with a sturdy metal ceramic X-ray tube, the ERESCO MF4
The robust construction of the control and the tube heads generates a high X-ray dose which allows the shortest
make them suitable for hostile environments. Due to its low exposure time, resulting in higher productivity.
power consumption, not only is energy cost reduced, but

A glance at the benefits

The metal/ceramic technology ensures both The power electronics of ERESCO units provide
continuous operation and a long operating life. extremely low power consumption between 1
to 2 kW/h.

The MF4 cooling system also assists in

prolonging long trouble-free operation as its
specially designed copper cooler optimises the Full graphic display and intuitive user
air flow for maximum cooling effect. interface for simple and guided operation.
On-Board exposure calculator for
The ERESCO MF technology allows the X-ray determination of the optimum exposure
generator to be operated in power mode, settings and further exposure time reduction
because, unlike competitive generators, it through unique ERESCO power mode.
can drive high tube currents. As a result, Several programming and reporting features
continuous power ratings of up to 900 W and to shorten X-ray setup and evaluation times.
high currents ensure that the ERESCO MF4 range
of X-ray generators offer the best image
definition in the 200 kV to 300 kV class.
Microprocessor platform enables fast and
Operation starts from 5 kV to enable optimized safe unit control providing intelligent features,
exposure of low-density materials, such as such as automatic tube head identification,
aluminum, composites and plastics resulting in autonomous operation with event recording,
high-contrast images. multi-lingual user interface and different
exposure programs.


+ +

o o

- -

MF Technology for constant potential high dose output

A medium frequency output (around 20 kHz) can be used to produce a high power output with extremely low ripple.
+ -

Mains Power In -
High Voltage Out
+ +
Simple X-Ray Unit o 6 -

32 mm - -


Mains Power In + High Voltage Out
Basic CP Unit
6 -
38 mm -
AC Waveform
+ Output Power of the ERESCO MF Units
+ o
+ +
o 6
Performance Unit
o o
42 mm +-
o +

- o

Control Unit

The portable ERESCO X-ray digital A large, back-lit, full graphic, transreflective display allows easy

control can operate any X-ray viewing even in very strong sunlight and provides details of the

generator in the MF4 range. It
system status in up to 19 languages supporting different
features modern, power
o character-sets. All operating and setup parameters can be
electronics and is ruggedly
entered by means of function keys, an alphanumeric keypad
constructed to with- and cursor keys. Menu driven interfaces complete the ease of

stand heavy use in the field.

use. Alternatively setup parameters can be retrieved from a
o bank of 250, pre-entered exposure programmes, stored in a
The MF4 Control faciliates a ergonomical interaction concept for non-volatile memory. In addition, these programs can be
safe and efficient operation unit operation. Several on-board uniquely named or commented and can be downloaded,
features, such as Exposure Calculator, Parameter Monitoring or modified, uploaded and archieved. In power operation, the
Programming / Reporting tools are simplyifing inspections. maximum tube current is calculated and set, so minimising
exposure times. Besides interfaces for warning lamps, interlocks
and pumps, the MF4 control also offers a serial interface for
external control or communication with PC based tools.


The ERESCO MF4 range of X-ray generators finds application throughout the industrial spectrum in the inspection of welds and in the
examinations for structural integrity.

• Standard radiographic inspections, such as • Oil and Gas segments require inspections in • Structural integrity testing in the aerospace
those carried out in fabrication yards in the extreme conditions, such as pipeline segment, where special materials,
oil and gas segment, in power plants, in the inspections - both offshore and land-based honeycomb sections and composites
automotive sector and in general applications - where equipment have to demand exceptional tube performance.
engineering. withstand hostile environment like very low
or very high ambient temperature or
permanent exposure to salt-water, sand or

With direct emission and panoramic emission models and water- cooled and air-cooled versions, as well as small focal spot
radioscopy units, the ERESCO MF4 range offers a comprehensive solution to meet virtually all customer portable X-ray generation
Features Summary

ERESCO MF4 generators ERESCO MF4 Control Unit

• Highest power output, with best image definition in its class • Intuitive and menu driven user interface with multifunction-,
• High X-ray dose permitting short exposure times with numeric- and cursor keys input
associated increases in productivity • Transrefective, backlit, graphic display for contrast optimized
• Operation with 100% Duty Cycle at 30°C indoor and outdoor operation
• Light weighted and compact design • Exposure Calculator
• Robust construction of control and tube heads allowing • Integrated, real time clock, enabling intelligent and automatic
operation in hostile environments (IP65) warm-up of the generating unit, taking past operational
intervals into account
• Lower power consumption meaning low energy costs, long
battery endurance and providing flexible operation with • Robust and ergonomic design for operation in different
portable power supplies or battery packs working position
• On-Board power electronics allow autonomous operation • Automatic recognition of the type and serial number of the
and integration within crawlers connected X-ray tube head
• Range of designs, including air-cooled, water cooled, • Free configurable exposure programming mode
panoramic output and small focal spot, suitable for • Off-Line report generation and programming
radioscopy • Multi-lingual graphical user interface
• Wide range of accessories, including stands and carriages to • Easily adapts to different mains supplies, including portable
facilitate positioning during exposure set-up generators and batteries
• Built-in fail-safe warning lamp
• Emergency stop button, in compliance with international

A wide range of accessories complements the ERESCO MF4 generators.

Four legged stands for tube heads to ensure Laser centring device Lead plug for the tube window

Remote warning flash lamp Exchangeable lead diaphragms Aluminium transport boxes

Remote control Telescope centering device Adapter cables

Other available accessories

• Caster extensions for the pipe carriage
• Portable power generator
• Carrying cradle for the MF4 tube
• Door contact cable
• Bracing belts
• Interface cables
• Diaphragm caps for panoramic units
• 20 m extension cable
• PC based exposure calculator
• MF4 Administrator Kit (Serial Interface cable and SW CD-ROM)
• Crawler integration kit
• Pipe inspection carriage to facilitate transport and set-up
Transport and Positioning Cart

Technical Specifications

ERESCO MF4 – Series

ERESCO Type 160 MF4-R 160 MF4-RW 200 MF4-R 200 MF4-RW 32 MF4-C 42 MF4

Description A real time imaging A water cooled real A real time imaging A water cooled real Panoramic-Beam unit Air-Cooled unit, for a
device, with small time Imaging device, with small time imaging designed for pipeline wide range of
focal Spot (EN12543), device, with small focal Spot device, with small and butt-weld applications in weld
for applications focal Spot (EN12543), (EN12543), for focal spot (EN12543), inspection. inspection, Al casting
requiring geometric for applications applications for applications and also composite
enlargement requiring geometric requiring geometric requiring geometric materials
enlargement enlargement enlargement

Emergent Beam Direct Emission Direct Emission Direct Emission Direct Emission Panoramic Emission Direct Emission

Penetration of Steel in 10 min - - - - 32 mm (1.26") 42 mm (1.65”)

High Voltage Range 10 - 160 kV 10 - 160 kV 10 - 200 kV 10 - 200 kV 5 - 200 kV 5- 200 kV

Tube Current Range 0.5 – 10 mA 0.5 – 10 mA 0.5 - 10 mA 0.5 - 10 mA 0.5 - 10 mA 0.5 - 10 mA

Tube Current at U max 3.7 mA / 160 kV 3.7 mA / 160 kV 3.0 mA / 200 kV 3.0 mA / 200 kV 3.0 mA / 200 kV 4.5 mA / 200 kV

Continuous Rating 600 W 600 W 600 W 600 W 600 W 900 W

1.0 mm (EN 12 543) 1.0 mm (EN 12 543) 1.0 mm (EN 12 543) 1.0 mm (EN 12 543) 0.4 x 4 mm 3.0 mm (EN 12543)
Nominal Focal Spot Value
0.5 (IEC 336) 0.5 (IEC 336) 0.5 (IEC 336) 0.5 (IEC 336) (EN 12543) 1.5 (IEC 336)
Anode Material Tungsten (W) Tungsten (W) Tungsten (W) Tungsten (W) Tungsten (W) Tungsten (W)

Target Angle 20° 20° 20° 20° 22° 20°

Emergent Beam Range Elliptical, 40° x 60° Elliptical, 40° x 60° Elliptical, 40° x 60° Elliptical, 40° x 60° 40° x 360° Elliptical, 40° x 60°
0.8 mm ± 0.1 mm, 0.8 mm ± 0.1 mm, 0.4 mm Fe/Ni/Co 0.8 mm ± 0.1 mm,
Inherent Filtration 0.8 ± 0.1mm, Be 0.8 ± 0.1mm, Be
Be Be + 2 mm Al Be
Duty Cycle 100%

Current and Voltage Stability ±1%

Power Supply Requirements 160 V - 253 V AC, 80 V - 127 V AC, 50/60 Hz *

Weight of Tube Head 26.8 kg (59.1 lbs) 26.8 kg (59.1 lbs) 26.8 kg (59.1 lbs) 26.8 kg (59.1 lbs) 31 kg (68.3 lbs) 26.8 kg (59.1 lbs)

Certifications CE Conformity, NFC 74100 **, BfS Certification (PTB Approval) **

* Operation with reduced output is possible at main voltages below 205 V and 108 V respectively
** Available for selected models

42 MF4-W 280 MF4-R 280 MF4-RW 52 MF4-CL 65 MF4 65 MF4-W

Water-Cooled unit, for A real time Iimaging A water-cooled Real Panoramic unit Air-Cooled unit for a Water-Cooled unit for
a complete and device, with small time imaging designed for pipeline wide range of a wide range of
flexible range of focal spot (EN12543), device, with small and butt-weld applications in weld applications in weld
applications in weld for applications focal spot (EN12543), inspection where high inspection, Al casting inspection, Al casting
inspection, Al casting requiring geometric for applications penetration power is and composite and composite
and also composite enlargement requiring geometric demanded materials, especially materials, especially
materials enlargement where high where high
penetration power is penetration power is
demanded demanded
Direct Emission Direct Emission Direct Emission Panoramic Emission Direct Emission Direct Emission

42 mm (1.65”) - - 52 mm (2.04") 65 mm (2.55”) 65 mm (2.55”)

5 - 200 kV 10 - 280 kV 10 - 280 kV 5 - 300 kV 5 - 300 kV 5 - 300 kV

0.5 - 10 mA 0.5 - 4.5 mA 0.5 - 4.5 mA 0.5 - 6 mA 0.5 - 6 mA 0.5 - 6 mA

4.5 mA / 200 kV 1.2 mA /280 kV 1.2 mA /280 kV 2.0 mA / 300 kV 3.0 mA / 300 kV 3.0 mA / 300 kV

900 W 340 W 340 W 600 W 900 W 900 W

3.0 mm (EN 12543) 0.5 x 5.5 mm 3.0 mm (EN 12543) 3.0 mm (EN 12543)
0.5 mm (EN 12543) 0.5 mm (EN 12543)
1.5 (IEC 336) (EN 12543) 1.5 (IEC 336) 1.5 (IEC 336)
Tungsten (W) Tungsten (W) Tungsten (W) Tungsten (W) Tungsten (W) Tungsten (W)

20° 15° 15° 20° 20° 20°

Elliptical, 40° x 60° Elliptical, 30° x 60° Elliptical, 30° x 60° 38° x 360° Elliptical, 40° x 60° Elliptical, 40° x 60°
0.8 mm ± 0.1 mm, 0.4 mm Fe/Ni/Co 0.8 mm ± 0.1 mm, 0.8 mm ± 0.1 mm,
0.8 mm ± 0.1 mm, Be 0.8 mm ± 0.1 mm, Be
Be + 3 mm Al Be Be


160 V - 253 V AC, 80 V - 127 V AC, 50/60 Hz *

25.8 kg (56.9 lbs) 40 kg (88.2 lbs) 40 kg (88.2 lbs) 36 kg (79 lbs) 40 kg (88.2 lbs) 40 kg (88.2 lbs)

CE Conformity, NFC 74100 **, BfS Certification (PTB Approval) **

Regional Contact Information
North America Asia
50 Industrial Park Road 5F, Building 1, No.1 Huatuo Road,
Lewistown, PA 17044 Zhangjiang High-Tech Park,
USA Shanghai 201203
+1866 243 2638 (toll free)
+1 717 242 0327 +86 800 915 9966 (toll-free)
+86 (0) 21-3877 7888
Bogenstrasse 41 Japan
22926 Ahrensburg Medie Corp Bldg.8 2-4-14 Kichijoji-honcho,
Germany Musashino-shi, Tokyo 180-0004
+49 4102 807 0
+81 422 67 7067
Robert Bosch Strasse 3 +81 422 67 7068
50354 Huerth
Germany South America
Av. das Nações Unidas, 8501 - 1º andar
+49 2233 6010 05425-070, São Paulo, SP

+55 11 3067.8166

GEIT-30002EN (12/08)

© 2008 General Electric Company. All Rights Reserved. Specifications subject to change without prior notice. Other company or product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks or registered trade-
marks of their respective companies, which are not affiliated with GE.

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