ANDA Filing and Refuse To Receive Issues: Johnny Young, M.A.L.A
ANDA Filing and Refuse To Receive Issues: Johnny Young, M.A.L.A
ANDA Filing and Refuse To Receive Issues: Johnny Young, M.A.L.A
Refuse to Receive
Johnny Young,
M.A.L.A. 1
Planned Implementation Date:
January 2, 2014
An ANDA containing less than 10 easily remedied
deficiencies will be contacted regarding the same. A
response must be provided within 5 U.S. business days.
Day 1 of the 5 U.S. business days will commence the
day after notification is provided to the applicant.
Module 3: Drug Substance (3.2.S)
-Type II API DMFs (cont.)
Module 3: Drug Substance (3.2.S)
-Type II API DMFs (cont.)
Module 3: Drug Substance (3.2.S)
-Type II API DMFs (cont.)
Module 3: Drug Product (3.2.P)
– Justifying oral liquids
• Do not rely on percentages that are listed in the IID for
justification of a level of use for an inactive
– Flavoring agents
• Provide qualitative and quantitative breakdown of components
Module 3: Drug Product (3.2.P)
– For any inactive ingredient that cannot be justified via
the IID, submit or provide any of the following:
• Pharm/tox information
• Evidence of a CDER-approved drug product of the same route of
administration as the test product that contains the inactive
ingredient in question at or above the proposed level of use
• A Controlled Correspondence requesting an evaluation of the
acceptability of the proposed level of use
Module 5: Clinical Study Reports (cont.)
– In-Vitro Dissolution
• Provide the RLD certificate of analysis for all strengths (place these in
Module 2.7 as well)
• Check specific bioequivalence drug product guidances for dissolution
Dissolution Recommendations (If incomplete or absent, Refuse to
• 12 unit vs 12 unit for all strengths in all recommended media
• 12 half-tablet units for any dosage form for which this information is
• Don’t forget about alcohol dose-dumping studies, if applicable!
RTR Deficiencies
Major Minor
• No 356h • Not all info on 356h
• Failure to pay GUDFA fees • Little viii statement that
• Type II DMF submitted after includes protected use
ANDA or DMF fails C&A • Appropriate DMF LOA
• Missing sterility data • Labeling- side-by-side
• Inadequate stability data comparison
• Orientation of liquids and SS • PI in word format
on stability • Appropriate cGMP
• Batch records for pilot and certifications from 3rd parties
commercial batches • Elemental iron calculations
• Inconsistent scoring • Post approval stability
configuration commitment
Stability Guidance & Draft
Q&A Guidance -
Radhika Rajagopalan, Ph.D.,
Team Leader
Chemistry Division 2
Office of Generic Drugs, FDA
Common Considerations
Amendments to pending ANDAs
• Q&A guidance section D
– “All amendments submitted to pending ANDAs after
the effective date of the final stability guidance (June
20, 2014) will be held to the standards in place at the
time of the original ANDA submission, unless there is
a concern with the submitted stability data.”
• An original ANDA which is filed prior to the June 20, 2014 implementation
date would only require stability data for one batch per strength for
submission. If additional strengths are amended to this ANDA after the June
20, 2014 implementation date, the assumption is that stability data for only a
single batch per strength would be required for submission. - Yes, but will
be considered a major amendment
• If a firm were to submit an original ANDA after the June 20, 2014
implementation date, and additional strengths are to be submitted as an
amendment, how many batches of stability data will be required? - # 3
batches will be required and it will be considered a major amendment; if all
strengths are filed with the original anda then see slide # 14.
• Stay engaged
– Fall Tech Conference is great forum to learn more about
FDA’s expectations to improve submission quality
– Additional guidance expected to provide greater clarity to
avoid repeating issues and provide needed guidance on
complex products
– Provide ideas on how FDA can improve efficiency in the
review process
GDUFA 2012-2017
Industry Perspective
Richard J. Stec Jr., Ph.D.
October 29, 2013
FDA – Industry Communication
• Recent change in OGD communication of
ANDA review status a disappointing step
backwards in achieving predictability
• Limiting Q/Q controlled correspondence
inquiries only to formulations that are
required to be Q/Q equivalent delays access
– Greater chance of an RTR, waste drug & resources
– Potentially expose subjects unnecessarily to drug
– May increase law suits on lost PIV opportunities
Updates Regarding the OGD
Division of Microbiology
ANDA Sterility Assurance Review
Sterilizing Filtration of Drug Solution
• During the filtration sterilization validation study it is
unclear if/how the positive control (0.45 um rated filter)
was included in the bacterial retention studies and/or
positive control results are not provided
– It is recommended that the 0.45 um rated filter is challenged parallel
with the test (0.22 um rated) filters
Container Closure Integrity Testing
• The container closure system used for
validation study is not stated and/or dimensional
specifications are not provided
– Please indicate the manufacturer of the components used in
validation testing
– If different components are used than those proposed for
production, please indicate the inner neck diameter
specifications of the vials and/or are different from proposed drug
product vial, or stoppers are not identical/equivalent (i.e., same
formulation and dimensions, but perhaps different coating) to the
proposed drug product stoppers.
Antimicrobial Effectiveness Testing
• Antimicrobial Effectiveness testing results are
not provided for the drug solution formulated
with preservative at the lowest specified
concentration, or not provided at all for multi-
dose drug products that are preservative-free.
- Provide AET summary and results for the drug product
containing the minimum API concentration (either release or
stability [lowest])
Drug Product Labeling
• The drug product label does not indicate if
the product is intended to be single or
multiple dose. The volume of the drug
product could allow for multiple dose.
– Clearly indicate single or multiple dose
– If multi-dose, please provide AET summary and
results (per USP <51> or equivalent)
Drug Product Labeling (2)
– Microbiological quality following product
– Post-reconstitution or dilution