Flora of Suriname

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Prof. of Syst. Botany at the University of Utrecht,

VOL. IV part 2 (pg. 257-352).


Edited by the Institute,

Printed by J, H. DE BUSSY, Ltd., Amsterdam.

Price :r a.-



Herbs, shrubs, woody vines, or trees, not inhabiting lagoons .

The growth in diameter of the trunks and stems is normal, not
brought about by concentric layers of mestome rings. Branches,
branchlets, and twigs mostly tetragonal, not prominently nodose
nor articulate, often annullate. Leaves mostly opposite, some­
times whorled, rarely alternate or scattered, thick- or thin­
textured, deciduous, exstipulate, sessile or petiolate, mostly
simple, sometimes palmately compound or 1 -foliolate ; blades
entire or variously dentate, incised, or cleft. Inflorescence
axillary or terminal, either of the cymose (determinate and
centrifugal) or racemose (indeterminate and centripetal) type,
in the form of cymes, racemes, spikes, panicles, thyrsi, heads,
or false-umbels, sometimes involucrate, the axillary ones mostly
solitary. Flowers sessile or pedicellate, perfect or imperfect,
hypogynous, sometimes diclinous or polygamous, the individual
flowers mostly zygomorphic, sometimes more or less actino­
morphic, not involucrate . Calyx gamosepalous, campanulate,
tubular, or hypocrateriform, inferior, persistent, usually accres­
cent, mostly 4- (more rarely 6 �7-) lobed or toothed, more
rarely the rim subentire, glabrous or variously pubescent. Corolla
gamopetalous, infundibular or hypocrateriform, usually with a
well-developed cylindric or infundibular, straight or curved
tube, its limb 4 or 5 (rarely 7 to many) -parted, often more or
IV, 2 17

less 2-lipped, the lobes imbricate, the posterior one mostly

outside in prefloration, the anterior one always inside. Stamens
mostly 4 in number, mostly didynamous, more rarely equal, or
reduced by abortion to only 2, sometimes 5 in number and equal.
Staminodes sometimes present. Filaments filiform or thickened
toward the base, separate, alternate with the corolla-lobes .
Anthers introrse, 2 -celled, sometimes appendaged, opening by
means of a longitudinal slit or (more rarely) by terminal pores,
the thecae often divergent. Beneath the ovary is borne a usually
very poorly developed and obscure disk, more rarely thick and
fleshy or even bulbous . Gynoecium usually composed of 2 (very
rarely 4, exceptionally 5) placentae . Pistil single . Style single,
terminal or rarely ·subterminal through being slightly sunken
in the lobes of the ovary. Stigma undivided or more or less bifid
(rarely 4- or 5-fid) with equal short and acute (rarely blunt}
branches, more rarely capitate or with unequal lobes. Ovary
compound, superior, sessile, rounded, mostly more or less 4-lobed
or very rarely 4-fid, at first 2 -5-celled, but almost invariably
soon becoming 4 - 1 o-celled through the formation of false
partitions, never with a free central placenta or columella ; the
axile placentae-lobes bear each 1 ovule, so that cells not sub­
sequently divided by cross-walls contain each two ovules, while
cells later divided by partitions contain each one ovule ; the
ovules are either anatropous and basal or hemianatropous and
lateral, borne laterally at the edge of the inrolled placenta-lobe.
Fruit usually a dry schizocarp or drupaceous, with a thin and
dry or fleshy exocarp and a more or less hard endocarp ; when
ripe it is 2 -4-celled and indehiscent or else dehiscent into two
(more rarely 4, exceptionally 8 - 1 0) 1- or 2-celled nutlets.
Seeds borne in separate cells, erect, basal or lateral, plainly
testate with a thin or rarely thick testa. Endosperm mostly

absent, scanty and fleshy if present. Embryo straight, with

2 flat more or less thickened and parallel cotyledons and an
always short inferior radicle, never viviparous.

D i s t r i b u t i o n : About So genera and 2 400 species, practically

cosmopolitan in distribution, except in the far north and south
and on most arid deserts ; most highly developed and abundant
in the tropics and subtropics of both hemispheres . Many are
cultivated, with notable tendencies to escape from cultivation
and become naturalized.
About 26 fossil forms are known.

The abbreviations for the names of Herbaria are those of the

International list (cf. Chronica Botanica V, I 939, p. I 42).

I. a. Leaves palmately compound . . . . . . . . I I. Vitex

b. Leaves simple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2. a. Inflorescence racemose (indeterminate) and cen-
tripetal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
b. Inflorescence cymose (determinate) and cen-
trifugal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II
.3. a. Fertile stamens two . . . . . . . 5 . Stachytarpheta
b. Fertile stamens four . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4. a. Fruiting-calyx winged, its elongated lobes be­
commg scar10us and patent, acting as floats ; a
calicinal crest present . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . Petrea
b. Fruiting-calyx not winged ; no calicinal crest
present . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
5. a. Fruit composed of four I -seeded nutlets . . . . . . 6
b. Fruit not composed of four I -seeded notlets . . . 7
6. a. Flowers borne alternately, small, erect, subtended
by very small prophylla only ; leaves opposite .
. . • . • • • . • . • • • • •. I . Ghinia
. • • • • • . • . . • • • . • •

b. Flowers arranged in secund or subsecund fashion,

large, nutant, subtended by foliaceous colored
brads ; leaves mostly scattered . . 7 . Amasonia
7· a. Fruit composed of one or two I -celled and
I -seeded nutlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8·
b. Fruit composed of two or four 2 -celled and
2 -seeded nutlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IO
8. a. Fruit with a fleshy exocarp . . . . . . 2 . Lantana
b. Fruit with a thin dry exocarp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
9· a. Herbaceous, with trailing or ascending stems,
sometimes somewhat woody at base ; spikes

greatly elongating in fruit ; bracts cuneate-obovate,

not 4-ranked . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 · Phyla
b. Erect bushes, shrubs, or subshrubs ; spikes not
elongating in fruit ; bracts ovate or lanceolate,
often more or less 4-ranked . . . . . . . 3. Lippia
10. a. Herbaceous ; fruiting-calyx inflated, enclosing the
fruit, rostrate at apex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. Priva
b. Arborescent ; fruiting-calyx patelliform or cupuli­
form, not inflated nor enclosing the fruit nor
rostrate at apex . . . . . . . . . . . g. Citharexylum
11. a. Flowers actinomorphic ; stamens equal . . . . . . . .
• • • • • • • • • • • •1 o. Aegiphila
. • • • • . • • • • • • . • • • •

b. Flowers zygomorphic ; stamens didynamous . . . .

• • • • • . • • . • . • • • . . • • • • • . • • 12. Clerodendrum

I. GHINIA Schreb.
Erect herbs or suffrutescent, with slender rigid divaricate
branches. Leaves opposite, small, subsessile or short-petiolate,
dentate or incised-pinnatifid or the uppermost entire . Inflorescence
spicate or racemiform, axillary and terminal, few-flowered,
slender. Flowers small, sessile or short-pedicellate, solitary in
the axils of very small prophylla, borne alternately along a
slender rachis. Calyx during anthesis tubular, later broadly
campanulate, subtruncate, 5-costate with elevated ribs which
are prolonged into short tooth-like apiculations at the rim.
Corolla-tube cylindric; slightly ampliate above, its limb oblique,
patent, 5-fid, the 2 posterior lobes slightly smaller, the anterior
lobe more enlarged. Stamens 4, didynamous, inserted at about
the middle of the corolla-tube, included. Anthers ovate, with
parallel thecae. Connective of the 2 anterior stamens prolonged
into a short or club-shaped glanduliferous appendage . Ovary
bicarpellary, almost completely 4-celled, the cells 1 -ovulate .
Style included. Stigma oblong, rather thickened, oblique. Ovules
laterally attached near the base of each cell. Fruit drupaceous,
globose or turbinate, scarcely exserted from the accrescent
fruiting-calyx, obtuse or shortly 4-lobed at apex, the exocarp

fleshy, the endocarp hard, 4-celled, with a single central lumen .

Seeds solitary in each cell, erect, exalbuminous.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : About 6 species of tropical America, from
Mexico and the West Indies to Brazil. O nly one species known
from the Guianas.
1 . Ghinia spicata (Aubl.) Moldenke, Phytologia 1 (I g35),
p. 169 ; � Tamonea Jpicala Aubl. PI. Guian. 2 ( 1 776), p. 66o,
pl. 268 ; Pulle, Enum. pl. fr. Sur. ( 1 go6), p. 4oo ; � Tamonea
mulica Sw. Prodr. Veg. Ind. Occ. ( 1 788), p. 94 ; � Ghinia
mulica Sw. Fl. Ind. O cc. ( 1 8oo), p. I ogo ; � Tamonea
mulica Pers . Syn. PI. 2 ( 1 8o6), p. I 3g ; � LeplocarpuJ
chamaedrifoliuJ Willd. ex Link, Jahrb . Gew. 1, part 3 ( 1 8 2 0),
P· 5 I .
Slender, the stems and branches more or less minutely, pilose
with uncinate hairs, acutely tetragonal and more or less margined,
the leaf-bearing sides 2 -costate and 3-sulcate . Petioles very
slender, 3 �6 mm long, rather densely hirsute. Leaf-blades
thin-chartaceous, ovate, 7 � 1 6 mm long, 3�1 2 mm wide, rather
coarsely incised-serrate with sharply acute teeth, ciliate-margined,
obtuse (in outline) at apex, truncate at base, rather sparsely
hirsute with scattered hairs above, more densely hirsute (e �pecially
along the venation) beneath. Inflorescence racemiform, axillary,
2 , 6 � 8 cm long, 2 �8-flowered, ascending. Pedicels about 2 mm
long, uncinate-pilose. Calyx in anthesis about 4 mm long and
1 � 1 , 6 mm wide . Corolla bluish, about 7 mm long. Fruiting­
calyx spreading-campanulate, about 4 mm long and wide, con­
spicuously 5-costate, the ribs prominent and projecting about
1 mm at the rim, thin and translucent between the ribs, sparsely
uncinate-pilose (especially on the ribs) . Drupes small, muticous,
about 3 mm long and wide, glabrous .
Di s t r i b u t i o n : From the West Indies, through Venezuela
and the Guianas, to tropical Brazil.
Suriname (Focke n. 1029; Landre n. 70 [L]); Para district,
plant Onoribo (Wullschlagel n. 784 [BR, GOET]); id. , in
shady places near plant. Berlijn (Splitgerber n. 744 [L],
fl . March) .

Erect herbs or shrubs, sometimes subscandent, usually more
or less scabrous and hirtous-pubescent or tomentose with simple
hairs . Leaves opposite, dentate, often rugose. Inflorescence in
the form of dense cylindric spikes or contracted to form heads,
usually axillary, pedunculate. Flowers red, yellow, or white,
often fading to various other shades, sessile, borne in the axils
of solitary bractlets, which are often ovate, acuminate, and
subimbricate or spreading. Calyx small, membranous, truncate
or sinuate-dentate . Corolla-tube cylindric, slender, equal in
diameter throughout or slightly ampliate above, its limb spreading,
actinomorphic or obscurely 2 -lipped, 4- or 5-fid, the lobes
broadly obtuse or retuse, Stamens 4, didynamous, inserted at
about the middle of the corolla-tube, included. Anthers ovate,
with parallel thecae. Ovary 1 -carpellary, 2 -celled, each cell
1 -ovulate. Style usually short. Stigma rather thick, oblique or
sublateral. Ovules basal and erect or attached laterally near
the base of each cell. Fruit drupaceous, the exocarp more or
less fleshy, the endocarp hard, 2 -celled or splitting into two
1 -celled nutlets ; seeds exalbuminous.
Di s t r i b u t i o n : About 76 species and varieties, mostly
natives of tropical and subtropical America ; a few also in
tropical Asia and Africa. Five species and varieties are known
from the Guianas.
l• a. Leaves mostly ternate ; inflorescence elongate­
cylindric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . L. trifolia L.
b. � eaves always opposite ; inflorescence capitate
1n age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ·

2 . a. Branches and branchlets conspicuously thorny . . . .

. . 2 a. L. Camara var. aculeata (L.) Moldenke

b. Branches and branchlets usually not thorny, or not

. conspicuously so . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3. a. Young branchlets usually densely spreading-hirsute
. . . 2 b. L. Camara var. mista (L.) L. H. Bailey
b . Young branchlets usually only appressed-puberulent
.... . • . . . . .. . .. . . 2 . L. Camara L.
. . . • • • . . • • •

1 . Lantana trifolia L. Sp. PI., ed. 1 ( 1 753), p. 626 ; Pulle,

Enum. pl. fr. Sur. ( 1 go6), p . 4oo ; � Lanlana pilo.;a H . B . K.
Nov. Gen. & Sp. PI. 2 ( 1 8 1 8), p . 26o ; � Lantana celtidijolia
H . B . K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. PI. 2 ( 1 8 1 8), p. 2 S g ; � Lanlana
albo-purpurea Desf. Cat. Hort. Paris, ed. 3 ( 1 8 29), p. 3g2 ; �
Lantana dubia Wall. Numer. List ( 1 8 2 g), p . 5o, in part,
hyponym ; � Lantana trifolia Cham. apud Schau. in A. D C .
Prodr. 1 1 ( 1 847), p. 6o7, i n syn. ; � Lantana indica Wall.
apud C. B. Clarke in Hook.£. Fl. lnd. 4 ( 1 88S), p . 563,
in syn. [not L. indica Roxb. H ort. Beng. ( 1 8 1 4), p. 46,
nom. nud. ; Fl. lnd. 3 ( 1 832), p. 8g] ; � Camara trifolia
(L.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 1 ( 1 89 1 ), p. So4 ; � Camara
trifolia var. norma{i.; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 1 ( 1 89 1 ), p. So4 ; �
Camara trifolia var. indica Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 1 ( 1 8 9 1 ),
p . So4 ; � Camara trifolia var. indica f. ro.;ea Kuntze, Rev.
Gen. PI. 1 ( 1 8 9 1 ), p. So4 ; � Camara trifolia var. grandijolia
Kuntze, Rev. Gen . PI. 1 ( 1 8 9 1 ), p. So4 ; � Lantana trifolia
var. fJulg ata Briq., Ann. Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Geneve 7�8
( 1 904), p. 3o3.
Suffrutescent, to 2 , 5 m tall, rough-pilose, at least above .
Leaves mostly ternate, sometimes opposite or in 4's, usually
membranous, oblong-lanceolate to elliptic-lanceolate, petiolate,
S � 1 2 cm long, acute or acuminate at apex, crenate-serrate
along the margins, attenuate at base, often retiC'Ulate-rugose
above and very scabrous or more or less strigose-pubescent,
rather densely resinous-punctate and pubescent beneath with
canescent or brownish hairs. Inflorescence spicate, subcapitate
when young, later cylindric and elongating to 4, 5 cm, densely
many-flowered. Peduncles slender, usually shorter than or
equaling the leaves, 2 � 1 o, S cm long, rather densely strigose­
pubescent, solitary in each leaf-axil. Spikes at first subglobose ,
1 � 1 , 5 cm in diameter. Bracts herbaceous ovate, the lowest
to 1 0 mm long and 3 mm wide, cuspidate-acuminate at apex,
5-nerved, strigose above, loosely imbricate, the upper ones
with the cusp about equaling the corolla-tube. Corolla pink,
lavender, or purple, its tube 5 �6 mm long. Drupes purple or
lavender, 2 �3 mm in diameter.

D i s tr i b u t i o n : Widely distributed throughout tropical

America from Mexico and Cuba to Argentina, Bolivia, and
Peru ; variable and polymorphic .
Suriname; (Hostmann n . 1 2 56, s.n. [L, U ] ; Menge s.n.
[BR]; Wullschliigel n. 1 0 1 7 [GOET] ) ; in shade, Para district
(Splitgerber n. 967 [L ], fl. March); near Post Republiek
(Tulleken n. 2 2 9 [L] , fl. Aug.); Upper Sipaliwini R., (Rombouts
n. 4 1 2 , fl. Jan.); Cassewinica R . , in savannas (Hostmann &
Kappler n. 1 86 2 , fl. June); Lower Commewijne R . , at plant.
Slootwijk (Soeprato n. 1 og, fl. July); id ., near plant. Rust
en W erk (Soeprato n. 66, fl. Aug.); id. , near plant. Marienburg
(Went n. 2 7 2 , fl. Aug.); id. , near plant. Frederikslust (Wull­
schliigel n. 1 05 1 [B R ] ) . The Focke n. 1 66 cited by Palle is
Lippia alba.

2. Lantana Camara L. Sp. PI. , ed. 1 ( 1 76:l), p. 6 2 7 ; Pulle•

Enum. pl. fr. Sur. ( 1 go6), p. 4oo ; � Lanlana mulabiLi<J
Weigel, Physiogr. Sallsk. Handl. 1 ( 1 776), p. 46 ;
Lanlana Jcabrida Soland. in Ait. Hort. Kew., ed. 1 , 2
(1 789), p. 352 ; � Lanlana mulabili<1 Salisb. Prodr. ( 1 796),
p. 1 07 ; � Lanlana antiLLana Raf. Sylv. Tellur. ( 1 838),
p. 82 ; � Lanlana Jcabrida Ait. apud Schau. in A. D C .
Prodr. 1 1 ( 1 847), p. 5g8, i n syn. ; � Camara aculeala var.
<1ubinermi<1 Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 1 ( 1 8 9 1 ), p. 5o3.
A branching shrub, to 2 m tall. Stems and branches unarmed
and rigid-pubescent or very slightly prickly. Leaves always
opposite, petiolate, ch,artaceous, ovate to oblong-ovate, 2 � 1 2 cm
long, acute or short-acuminate at apex (rarely obtuse), crenate­
serrate along the margins, acutely narrowed or abruptly rounded
to a subcuneate acumination at the base, more or less reticulate­
rugose and decidedly scabrous above, more or less densely
short-pubescent beneath (mostly only on the venation) with
canescent or brownish hairs. Inflorescence always capitate, to
2 cm long and 3· cm wide, densely many-flowered, shorter than,

equaling, or surpassing the subtending leaves, 2 �8 cm long,

more or less appressed puberulent-pilose. Brads oblong or
lanceolate, 4�7 mm long, equal, 1 � 1 , 6 mm wide, subulate or
acute at apex (rarely a few larger ones also present), appressed
strigose-pubescent, usually about half as long as the corolla-tube.

Calyx very thin, about 3 mm long. Corolla orange-yellow or

orange, changing to red or scarlet, its tube about 1 o mm long,
barely enlarged above the middle, slightly curved, puberulent,
its limb 6 � 8 mm wide. Drupes black, about 3 mm in diameter.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Widely distributed in subtropical and tropical
America from Florida in the United States, through the West
Indies, Mexico, and Central America, to Argentina, Bolivia,
and Peru ; introduced and naturalized in the tropics and sub­
tropics of the Old World ; widely cultivated. Races differ in
the size and shape of the leaves, the presence or absence of
prickles, amount of pubescence, and size and color of the
flowers. The smaller-leaved plants are mostly in dry districts .
Suriname ( Hering n. 2 0 1 [L] ; "Legit anonymus ante annum
1 84o" s .n. ; Splitgerber s.n. [L]) ; Paramaribo (Focke n. 1 7 8,
fl. July ; Wullschlagel n. 4o6 [BR] ; S oeprato n. 49a, fl. June ;
Collector indig. n. 1 ; Kappler n. 1 86 1 , fl. April) ; Paramaribo
near Agricultural Experiment Station (Lanj ouw n. g, fl. July) ;
Para district (Versteeg n. 467, fl. June) ; near Post Republiek
(Tulleken n. 2 06 [L] , fl. Aug.) ; Sara Creek near D am (B.W.
n. 3 5 5 5 , fl . Dec.) ; Forest Reserve Zanderij I (Lanj ouw n. 3 1 1 ,
fl . July) ; ; Marowijne R . , near Albina (Lanj ouw n. 5 1 3, fl . Aug. ;
Versteeg n. 1 3, fl. Aug.) ; Commewijne R . , plant. Rust en
Werk (Soeprato n. 68, fl. Aug.) ; Lower Saramacca R., near
Groningen (Went n. 1 78 , fl. Aug.) ; id., near Maripaston
(Pulle n. 3o, fl. Nov.) ; Suriname R . , near plant. D omburg
(Tulleken n. 2 64 [L] , fl. Aug.) ; Upper Suriname R . , near
B otopassie (Tresling n. 1 53, fl. July) ; Lower Suriname R . ,
near Jagtlust (Splitgerber n . 439 [L] , fl. Dec.) ; cultivated at
Paramaribo ; (Tulleken n. 1 3 2 [L] , fl. Aug.).
V e r n a c u l a r n a m e s: Koorsoe wiwierie, soldatenthee ( S . D .).

2a. Lantana Camara var. aculeata (L.) Moldenke, Torreya

34 ( 1 934), p. 9 ; � Lanlana aculeala L. Sp. PI., ed. 1 ( 1 753),
p. 6 2 7 ; � Camara acuLeala (L.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 1
( 1 89 1 ), p. 5 o3 ; � Camara acuLeala var. normaliJ Kuntze,
Rev. Gen. PI. 1 ( 1 89 1 ), p . 5o3.
This variety differs from the typical form of the species
chiefly in having its stems, branches, and branchlets usually
conspicuously armed with rather stout and recurved thorns . It
is said also to be more generally half-climbing in habit, rather

than erect, and to have its corollas opening yellow to orange

and changing to pink or rose, rather than opening orange and
changing to red.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Practically the same as for the typical form
of the species.
Suriname (Herb. S chweinitz s.n. [NY] ) ; Paramaribo
(Hostmann n. 1 046) ; in shade near plant. Rust en Werk
(Splitgerber n. 1 1 07 [L] , fl. March).

2 b. Lantana Camara var. mista (L.) L. H. Bailey, Cycl.

Am. Hort. ( 1 goo), p. 884 ; � Lantana mi<Jta L. Syst. Veg. ,
ed. 1 2 ( 1 767), p. 4 1 7 ; � Lantana mixta Medic., Act.
Acad. Theod. Palat. 3, Phys. ( 1 776), p. 2 2 7 ; � Lantana
mutabili<J Lippold ex Otto & Dietr., Gartenzeit. 1 0 (1 842),
p. 3 q ; � Lantana mixta L. apud Schau. in A. DC. Prodr. 1 1
( 1 847), p. 6oo ; � Camara aculeata var. <Jubinermi<J f. mi<Jta
(L.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 1 ( 1 89 1 ), p. 5o3 ; � Camara
aculeata var. normali<J f. mida Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 1
( 1 8 9 1 ), p. 5o3.
This variety differs from the typical form of the species in
having its young branchlets usually densely spreading-hirsute,
rather than appressed-puberulent. Its outer flowers are said
to open yellowish, changing to saffron or brick red, while its
inner flowers open yellow and change to orange.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Practically the same as for the typical
form of the species.
Suriname (Splitgerber s.n. [L] ) ; near Paramaribo (Col­
lector indig. n. 1 1 3 ; Rombouts n. 36) ; Forest of Zanderij
(Samuels n. 6 o 1 [NY ] , fl. July) ; way to Kwatta (Samuels
n. 2 9 9 [NY ] , fl. June) ; Para district (Kuyper n. 23, fl. Dec.).
V e rna c u l a r n a m e: O ema koorsoe wiwirie (S.D.).
Other varieties, which cannot be distinguished from herbarium
material, probably also occur in the Guianas : var. ni"ea (Vent.)
L. H . Bailey, in which the flowers all open white, the outer
ones becoming bluish ; var. crocea (Jacq.) L. H. Bailey, in which
the flowers all open sulphur-yellow and become saffron ; var.
<Janguinea (Medic.) L. H. Bailey, in which the flowers all open

saffron-yellow and become bright red ; var. mutabili<J (Hook.)

L. H . Bailey, in which the outer flowers open white and turn
to yellowish and then rose or lilac and the inner flowers open
yellowish ; and var. varia (Kuntze) Moldenke, comb. nov. [Camara
aculeata var. <Jubinermi<J f. varia Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 1 ( 1 89 1 ),
p . 5o3], in which the outer flowers open sulphur-yellow and
turn purple or violet and the inner flowers open yellow and
turn orange.

Erect bushes, shrubs, or subshrubs, glabrous or variously
pubescent with simple or tomentose hairs or hirsute. Leaves
opposite or ternate, rarely alternate, entire, toothed, or lobed,
flat or rugose above. Inflorescence spicate, solitary and axillary
or aggregate into corymbs or panicles and terminal, the spikes
mostly contracted into heads or cylindric, not usually con­
spicuously elongated in fruit, very dense-flowered. Flowers
small, sessile, borne singly in the axil of a rather large ovate
or lanceolate brad, often more or less 4-ranked. Calyx small,
membranous, ovoid-campanulate or compressed and 2 -carinate
or 2-alate, its rim 2- or 4-fid or 4-dentate. Corolla-tube cylindric
straight or incurved, very slender, slightly exserted from the
calyx or rarely elongate, equal in diameter throughout or ampliate
above ; its limb oblique, spreading, somewhat 2 -labiate, 4-fid,
the lobes broad, often retuse at apex, the posterior one entire,
emarginate, or 2 -fid to about the middle, the lateral ones exterior,
the anterior one often larger. Stamens 4, didynamous, inserted
at about the middle of the corolla-tube, included or slightly
exserted. Anthers ovate, unappendaged, the thecae parallel.
Ovary 2 -celled, each cell 1 -ovulate . Style often short. Stigma
rather incrassate, oblique or recurved. O vules basal and erect
or affixed laterally near the base of each cell. Fruit small, dry,
included by the calyx and sometimes adnate to it, dividing into
2 nutlets on maturity ; the pericarp papery or hard ; the exocarp

membranous, rarely distinct from the nutlets. Seeds without

D i s t r i b u t i o n : About 1 00 species and varieties, widely
distributed in subtropical and tropical America ; a very few
also in tropical portions of the Old World. Three species are
known from the Guianas.

1 . Lippia alba (Mill.) N. E. Br. in Britton & P . Wils. ,

Scient. Surv. P . R. & Virg. Isls . 6 ( 1 9 2 6), p . 1 4 1 ; .....­

Lanlana alba Mill. Gard. Diet. , ed. 8 ( 1 768) ; .....- Verbena

globiflora L' Her. Stirp. Nov. ( 1 786), p. 2 3, pl. 1 2 ; .....­

Zappania oJoraliMima Scop . Delic. Fl. & Faun. lnsub. 1

( 1 786), p. 34, pl. 1 6 ; .....- Zapania LanlanoidetJ Lam. Tabl.
Encyc. Meth. Bot. 1 (1 79. 1 ), p. 58 ; .....- Zapania g lobiflora
(L' Her.) Willd. Sp. PI. 1 ( 1 797), p. u6 ; .....- Verbena
capentJitJ Thunb. Prodr. Fl. Cap. ( 1 8oo), p. 96 ; .....- Lanlana
Lavandulacea Willd. Sp. PI . 3 ( 1 8oo), p. 3 1 9 ; .....- Lippia­
atJperifolia A. Rich, ex Marthe, Cat. PI. Jard. Med. Paris
( 1 8 0 1 ), p. 67 ; .....- Zapania globijfora A. L. Juss., Ann. Mus .
Hist. Nat. Paris 7 ( 1 8o6), p. 7 2 ; .....- Zapania odorala Pers .
Syn. PI. 2 ( 1 8o6), p. qo ; .....- Lippia geminala H . B .K. Nov.
Gen. & Sp. PI. 2 ( 1 8 1 8), p. 266 ; Pulle, Enum. pl. fr. Sur.
( 1 906), p. 40 1 ; .....- Lanlana geminala ( H . B . K.) Spreng.,
Syst. Veg. 2 ( 1 82 6), p. 763 ; .....- Verbena LanlanoidetJ Willd.
ex Spreng. Syst. Veg. 2 ( 1 8 2 6), p . 763, in sy:p.. ; .....- Lippia
capentJitJ (L.) Spreng. Syst. Veg. 2 ( 1 8 2 6), p. 76 1 ; .....- Lanlana
molliMima Des£. Cat. Hort. Paris, ed. 3 ( 1 8 2 9), p. 393 ; .....­
Lippia cilrala Cham., Linnaea 7 ( 1 832), p. 2 1 4 ; .....- Lippia
cilrala Willd, ex Cham., Linnaea 7 ( 1 802), p. 2 1 6, in syn. ; .....­

Lippia atJperifolia Poepp. ex Cham., Linnaea 7 ( 1 832), p . 2 1 6,

in syn. ; .....- Lanlana odorala W eigelt ex Cham., Linnaea 7
( 1 832)1 p. 2 1 6, in syn. ; .....- Lanlana LippioidetJ Hook. & Arn.
Bot. Beech. Voy. (1 837), p . 3o5; .....- Lippia tJcabra Hochst.,
Flora 2 8 ( 1 846), p . .68 ; .....- Zapania globiflora Poir. apud
Schau. in Mart. Fl . Bras . 9 ( 1 86 1 ), p. 2 35 ; .....- Lippia
geminala var. micropbylla Griseb . Fl. Brit. W. I . ( 1 86 1 ),
p. 496; .....- Zapania geminala (H.B.K.) Gibert, Enum. PI.
Montev. (1 873), p. 44 ; .....- Lippia LanlanoidetJ Coult. Contrib .
U . S . Nat. Herb. 2 (1 892), p. 3 2 8; .....- Lippia crenala Sesse
& Moc. FL Mex,, ed. 2 (1 894), p. qo ; .....- Zapania LanlanodetJ

Lam. ex Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 3, part 2 ( 1 898), p . 2 6 1 ,

i n syn. ; ....- Lippia globiflora (L'Her.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen.
PI. 3, part 2 ( 1 898), p. 2 6 1 ; ....- Lippia g lobiflora var. norma/id
Kuntie, Rev. Gen. Pl. 3, part 2 (i898), p. 2 6 1 ; ....- Lippia
g lobiflora var. norma/id f. Lilacina Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 3,
part. 2 ( 1 898), p. 2 6 1 ; .....;... Lippia g lobiflora var. geminata
(H.B.K.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 3, part 2 ( 1 898), p. 2 6 1 ; ...:...
Lippia globiflora var. geminata f. g labriLMcula Kuntze, Rev.
Gen. PI. 3, part 2 ( 1 898) p. 2 6 1 ; ....- Lippia g lobiflora var.
Lanceolata Griseb. ex Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 3, part 2
( 1 898), p. 2 6 2 ; ....- Lippia g lobiflora var. Lanceolata f. incana
Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 3, part 2 ( 1 898), p. 2 6 2 ; ....- Lippia
adperifolia L. C. Rich. ex Pulle, Enum. pl. fr. Sur. ( 1 906),
P· ..:(o l .

An aromatic densely puberulent shrub t o 1 m tall, usually

much branched. Branches elongate, slender, ascending, more or
less pubescent. Leaves oppos ite or ternate. Petioles 3....-8 mm
long, cinereous-pubescent. Leaf-blades ovate or oblong, 2 -7 cm
long, usually 1 , 2 -2 , 3 cm wide, acute or obtuse at apex, crenate
or crenulate along the margins (except at the very base), cuneate
or narrowed into the petiole at base, strigose-hirtellous or
puberulent and more or less rugose (when mature) above, densely
short-pubescent or tomentose with cinereous hairs beneath.
Inflorescence axillary, capitate, mostly much shorter than the
subtending leaves or only subequaling the petiole, solitary or
rarely paired in all the upper leaf-axils. Heads subglobose or
shortly oblong, 8-1 2 mm long. Bracts ovate, 3....-5 mm long,
the lowest one 3...-3 ,5 mm wide, nearly as long as the corolla.
Calyx 2 -toothed. Corolla purple, violet, or white, its tube
4 ...-5 mm long, about 3 times as long as the calyx.
D i s tr i b u ti o n : Widely distributed through the West Indies,
Mexico, Central America, tropical and subtropical South
America, and introduced elsewhere ; very variable and poly­
morphic ; often cultivated.
Suriname (Collector undesignated n. 1 2 4 1 [L] ; Focke
n. 1 66 [L] , n. 3 2 1 ; Hering s.n. [L] ; H ostmann s.n. [L] ;
W eigelt s.n. [GO ET, L]) ; near Paramaribo (Collector indig.

n. So) ; Paramaribo, near Agricultural Experiment Station

(Lanj ouw n. 8, fl. July) ; cultivated ground near Paramaribo
(Kegel n. 1 24 0 [GO ET], fl. Jan.) ; Suriname R., near plant.
D omburg (Tulleken n. 1 80 [L], fl. Aug.) ; Upper Suriname R.
near Goddo (Stahel n. 1 2 3 , fl. Jan.) ; Lower Suriname R.,
plant. Leonsberg (Soeprato n. 1 38, fl. Aug.) ; Upper Suriname
R . , near Troboto (Tresling n. 1 66, fl. July) ; Lawa R. (Versteeg
n. 64, fl. Aug.) ; .Lawa R., near Cottica Mountains (Versteeg
n. 2 90, fl . O ct.) ; Lower Commewijne R. near plant. Rust
en Werk (Soeprato n. 64, fl. Aug.) ; Gonini R. (Versteeg
n. 2 6 8 , fl. O ct.) ; Lower Saramacca R . , near Maripaston
(Pulle n. 46, fl. Nov. ) ; cultivated in gardens in Paramaribo
(Kappler n. 1 86o [C, GO ET, U ] , fl. April).
V e r n a c u l a r n a m e: Malva thee, Malva.

4. PHYLA Lour.
Perennial procumbent or creeping herbs, with trailing or
ascending stems, sometimes somewhat woody at base, sub­
glabrate or appressed-strigose with more or less cinereous hairs.
Leaves opposite, variously dentate, except at the base, flat or
pinnately plicatulate above. Inflorescence spicate, axillary ; the
spikes cylindric, very dense-flowered, usually greatly elongate
in fruit, solitary, paired, or in 3's in the leaf-axils, never
aggregate in corymbs or panicles. Flowers small, sessile, borne
singly in the axil of a small cuneate-obovate or flabellate bract,
not at all 4-ranked, otherwise with characters practically as
in Lippia, but the flowers usually much smaller.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : About 1 6 species and varieties, widely
distributed in subtropical and tropical America ; 1 or 2 in the
warmer parts of the Old World. Only one species is known
from the Guianas .

1 . Phyla betulaefolia (H.B .K.) Greene, Pittonia 4 ( 1 8gg),

p. 48 ; -- Lippia betuLaefoLia H . B . K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. PI. 2
( 1 8J.8), p. 264 ; -- CryplocaLyx nepelaejoLia Benth., Ann.
Nat. Hist., ser. ,I , 2 ( I 83g), p. 446.
Spreading herb, with procumbent stems, rooting at the nodes,
and ascending branches. Stems and branches tetragonal when

fresh, more or less appressed-strigose or strigillose with elongate

whitish eglandular hairs. Petioles slender, 4 � 2 o mm long,
strigose like the branches or sometimes more densely villous
with spreading elongate whitish hairs. Leaf-blades thin-chartaceous
or submembranous, rhomboid-ovate or ovate, 1 , 5 � 8 cm long,
1 , 6 �4,7 cm wide, acute at apex, cuneately attenuate into the
petiole at base, coarsely serrate-dentate along the margins
(except at the cuneate base) with sharply acute or subacuminate
teeth, densely or sparsely appressed-strigose with elongate
whitish hairs on both surfaces like the branches; midrib and
secondaries impressed above, prominent beneath. Spikes usually
solitary in the leaf-axils, sometimes paired or in 3's, mostly
greatly abbreviated, shorter than the subtending leaves, at
first ovate-capitate, later elongate-oblong. Bracts membranous,
ciliate, cuneate from the dilated apex, abruptly cuspidate at
apex, the cusp slightly" surpassing the corolla. Flowers very
numerous, tiny, closely imbricate in many ranks. Calyx less
than 1 mm long. Corolla pale pink, about 1 mm long.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : From Cuba, Guatemala and Honduras to
Brazil and Paraguay.
Kabalebo R . , Avanavero Falls (B . W . n. 46o3, fl. March);
Upper Marowijne R. (Versteeg n. 4 4 2 , fl. O ct.).

Herbs or low shrubs, glabrous throughout or villous with
simple hairs. Leaves opposite or alternate, dentate, often rugose.
Inflorescence terminal, spicate; the spikes elongate or abbreviated,
very densely or laxly many-flowered, occasionally few-flowered.
Flowers sessile or semi-immersed in the rachis of the spike,
solitary in the axil of a bract. Bracts small and narrow, appressed
or spreading, or large, ovate or lanceolate, and imbricate. Calyx
narrowly tubular, membranous or herbaceous, 5-costate, 5-dentate,
the teeth equal or unequal, unchanged in fruit or sometimes
variously split. Corolla white, blue, purple, or red, its tube
cylindric, straight or incurved, slender throughout or ampliate

at the apex, its limb spreading, 5-fid, the lobes broad, obtuse
or retuse at apex, equal or more or less unequal. Perfect
stamens 2, anterior, inserted above the middle of the corolla­
tube, included. Filaments short. Anthers unappendaged, the
thecae divergent and dehiscing in one continuous line . Staminodes
2, posterior, small. Ovary 2-celled, each cell 1 -ovulate. Style
elongate. Stigma terminal, orbicular, subcapitate. Ovules attached
laterally near the base of each cell. Fruit oblong-linear, included
by the fruiting-calyx, splitting on maturity into two hard 1 -seeded
cocci. Seeds erect, exalbuminous .
D i s t r i b u t i o n : About 5o species and varieties, widely
distributed in subtropical and tropical America ; 1 or 2 also
naturalized in tropical Asia and Africa. Four species are known
from the Guianas.
1. a. Shrubby ; furrows about as broad as the slender
rachis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
b. Herbaceous ; furrows conspicuously narrower than
the stout rachis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2. a. Lower leaf-surface and inflorescences more or less
densely hirsutulous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
• • • • • 1 . S. dichotoma (Rufz & Pav.) Vahl
• • • •

b. Lower leaf-surface and inflorescences glabrous,

subglabrate, or only sparsely pilosulous . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . 2. S. cayennensis (L. C. Rich.) Vahl
3. a. Leaves long and narrow � linear-oblong, lanceolate,
or oblong-lanceolate, acute or acuminate at apex,
mostly hirsutulous on the venation . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . S. angustifolia (Mill.) Vahl
b. Leaves broad � ovate, elliptic-ovate, or subrotund,
obtuse at apex, mostly glabrous or subglabrate . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 · S. jamaicensis (L.) Vahl
1 . Stachytarpheta dichotoma (Rufz & Pav.) Vahl, Enum.
PI. 1 ( 1 8o4), p. 2 07 ; Pulle, Enum. pl. fr. Sur. ( 1 go6), p. 40 1 ;
� Verbena Jicholoma Rufz & Pav. Fl. Peruv. 1 ( 1 798),
p. 20, pl. 34 ; � Cymburu<! urlica efoLiu<J Salisb. Parad. Lond.
( 1 8o6), pl. 5 3 ; � Stachylarphela urtic ijoLia Sims in Curtis,
Bot. Mag. 43 ( 1 8 1 6), pl. 1 848 ; � Verbena vioLacea J. Walker

ex Sims in Curtis, Bot. Mag. 43 ( 1 8 1 6), pl. 1 848, in syn. ; �

Stacbytarpbeta umbro<Ja H . B . K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. PI. 2
( 1 8 1 8), p. 28o ; � Stacbytarpbeta gibbero<Ja Reichenb. Hort.
Bot. 2 ( 1 8 24), p. 1 6, pl. 1 38 ; � Verbena jamaicendid Veil.
Fl. Flum. Icon. 1 ( 1 8 2 7), pl. 37 [not V. jamaicen<Jid L. Sp.
PI., ed. 1 ( 1 763), p. 1 9] ; � Stacbytarpba Jicbotoma Vahl
apud Schau. in A. D C . Prodr. 1 1 ( 1 847), p. 661 ; �
Stacbytarpbeta jamaicen<Jid Gardn. apud Schau. in A. D C .
Prodr. 1 1 ( 1 847), pp. 661 �662, i n syn. [not S.jamaicen<Jid
(L.) Vahl, Enum. PI. 1 ( 1 8 o 4), p . 2 06] ; � Stacbytarpbeta
cajanendid Cham. apud Schau. in A. D C . Prodr. 1 1 ( 1 847),
p. 662, in syn. [not S. cajanendi<J Vahl, Enum. PI. 1 ( 1 8o4),
p. 2 o8 ] ; � Stacbytarpbela cayennen<Jid Briq. apud Briq. ,
Arkiv Bot. 2 , no . 1 0 ( 1 904), p. 2 1 , i n syn. [not S . cayennendid
(L. C. Rich.) Vahl ] .
Shrubby. Stems and branches dichotomous, tetragonal, the
upper internodes usually sharply margined, the youngest portions
usually sublanuginous at the nodes . Leaves membranous, ovate
or ovate-oblong, 6 � 1 0 cm long, 1 ,6�5 cm wide, acute or
acuminate at apex, coarsely crenate-serrate along the margins
with subacuminate teeth, narrowed at base and cuneately
decurrent into the petiole, not at all rugose, the margin slightly
scabridous, varying from glabrate to scabrous or strigillose
above, more or less substrigose-hirsutulous beneath or rarely
glabrate except for the venation, blackening in drying. Spikes
slender, flaccid, 1 6 �45 cm long, more or less densely hirsutulous
throughout. Rachis scarcely or very slightly incrassate, its
furrows about as broad as the rachis. Flowers subrecurved­
spreading during anthesis, later erect. Brads very narrow,
subulate-aristate, striate, scarious and ciliate along the margins .
Calyx compressed, about 6 mm long, 4-costate and -plicate,
pilose, its rim 4-dentate, about equaling or surpassing the
subtending brads . Corolla hypocrateriform, blue, its tube
slightly curvate, scarcely surpassing the calyx, its limb medium­
sized. Style included. Fruiting-calyx erect, half-immersed in the
furrows of the rachis.
IV, 2 18

D i s t r i b u t i o n : Widely distributed in tropical America,

from Mexico to Peru and Argentina.
Suriname (Herb . Rottboll s.n. [C]) ; Lawa R . , near Cottica
(Versteeg n. 297, fl. O ct.).

2 . Stachytarpheta cayennensis (L. C. Rich.) Vahl, Enum.

PL 1 ( 1 804), p. 2 08 [as "cajanen.Ji,l'] ; Pulle, Enum. pl.
fr. Sur. ( 1 906), p . 401 ; � Verbena cayennendtd L. C. Rich.,
Act. Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris 1 ( 1 792), P • 1 06 ; � Verbena
cajanen.Jid L. C. Rich. apud Vahl, Enum. PI. 1 ( 1 804),
p. 2 08, in syn. ; � Stacbytarpbela birta H . B . K. Nov. Gen.
& Sp. PI. 2 ( 1 8 1 8), p. 28o ; � Stacbytarpbela �Jeronicaefolia
Cham., Linnaea 7 ( 1 8�h), p. 246 ; � Lippia cylinJrica Scheele,
Linnaea 1 7 ( 1 840), p. .35 1 ; � Stacbytarpba cayennen.Jtd
Vahl apud Schau. in A, D C . Prodr. 1 1 ( 1 847), p. 562; �
Valerianoded cayennen.Je (L. C. Rich.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen.
PI. 2 ( 1 8 9 1 ), p . 6 1 0 ; � Abena cayennendtd (L. C. Rich.)
A. S . Hitchc ., Rep. Mo . Bot. Gard. 4 ( 1 89o), p. 1 1 7 ; �
Valerianoded jamaicen.Jtd Morong apud Briq. , Arkiv Bot. 2,
no. 1 0 ( 1 904), p . 2 1 , in syn. [not V. jamaicen.Je (L.) Kuntze,
Rev. Gen. PI. 1 ( 1 8 9 1 ), p. 6o9]; � Stacbytarpbeta cajanendtd
Vahl apud I . R. J ohnst. , Pro c. Boston Soc. N at. Hist. .34
( 1 909), p. 2 64 ; � Valerianoided cayennen.Je (L. C. Rich.)
Kuntze apud Britton & P; Wils ., Scient. Surv. P. R. &
Virg. Isls . 6 ( 1 92 6), p. 1 40.
A shrub, 1 � 2,5 m tall, much-branched. Stems and branches
subterete, varying from loosely pilose to lanuginous-pubescent
with canescent hairs or glabrate. Leaves membranous, ovate to
elliptic, .3�7 cm long, 1 ,6 � 2 , 4 cm wide, obtuse or rounded at
apex (rarely subacute), regularly crenate-serrate along the
margins with subacuminate teeth, narrowed or obtuse at base
and more or less cuneate-decurrent into the petiole, scabrate
above with sparse strigillose hairs, not at all rugose, mostly
glabrate beneath except for the appressed-strigillose venation,
often b�unnescent in drying. Spikes slender, flaccid, to .34 cm
long, glabrous, subglabrate, or only slightly pilosulous throughout.
Rachis scarcely or very slightly incrassate, its furrows about
as broad as the rachis. Flowers spreading during anthesis.

Brads narrowly linear or subulate, setaceous-acuminate or

aristate, scarious along the margins . Calyx compressed, about
4 mm long, 4-costate, glabrate, its rim 4-subulate-dentate, about
equaling or surpassing the subtending brads . Corolla hypo­
crateriform, pale blue or white, its tube about equaling the
calyx, its limb small, about 5 mm wide. Style included. Fruiting­
calyx erect, half-immersed in the furrows of the rachis .
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Widely distributed in tropical America from
Mexico and the Greater Antilles, throughout Central America
and the West Indies, to Peru and Argentina ; introduced in
Hawaii and other portions of the Old World.
Suriname (Herb . Linnaeus G. 35, S . I 4 [LINN]; Landre
n. 72 [L]; Menge s.n. [BR]; Rombouts n. 4o; Voltz s .n.);
near Paramaribo (Suringar s.n. [L]; Went n. 1 8, fl. July;
Wullschlagel n. 1 535 [BR]; Collector indig. n. 62; Split­
gerber n. q6 [L], fl. Nov.; Lanj ouw n. 6 1 , fl. July); near
Charlottenburg, Cottica (Wullschlagel n. 407, in part [BR,
U]); near Paramaribo, near plant. Beekhuizen (Kegel n. I05
[GO ET], fl. July); Para district, near Post Republiek (Tulleken
n. zo5 [L], fl. Aug., n. z3 o [L, U], fl. Aug.); Para district,
shaded places at O sembo (Focke n. S71, fl. April); Suriname
R . , near Goddo (Stahel n. g, fl. Jan.); id. , near Gansee
(Tresling n. 5o, fl. July); Tapanahoni R . , near Drie Tabbetj e
(Versteeg n. 6g6, fl. July); Lower Saramacca R . , roadsides
near Groningen (Lanj ouw n. z38, fl. July); Maratakka R . ,
near Cupido (B.W. n. 84o, fl . Jan.).
V e r n a c u l a r n a m e s : Man Kak a Kankan (N. E .); Akoj o e
mala kali (Kar.) (means snake rattle); O j ediballi (Arow. ) .

3. Stachytarpheta angustifolia (Mill.) Vahl, Enum. PI. 1

( 1 804), p. zo5 ; � Verbena anguJtifoLia Mill. Gard. Diet.,
ed. 8 ( 1 768), no. 1 6 ; � Verbena inJica facq. Ohs . Bot. 4
( 1 77 1 ), p. 7, pl. 86 [not V. inJica L. Sp. PI., ed. 1 ( 1 753),
p. 27]; � Stacbytarpba anguJtifoLia V ahl apud Schau. in
A. D C. Prodr. 1 1 ( 1 847), p. 664.
Herbaceous . Stems short, dichotomous, obsoletely tetragonal.
Branches obsoletely tetragonal, usually glabrous except for the
long-pilose nodes. Leaves membranous, linear-oblong, lanceolate,
or oblong-lanceolate, 4 � 1 o cm long, o, 5 � 2 , 5 cm wide, attenuate-

acute or acuminate at both ends, rather remotely and more or

less coarsely serrate-dentate along the margins or merely sinuate­
undulate, often prolonged into the broadly winged petiole and
therefore appearing sessile, glabrous or hirsutulous above,
usually more or less hirsutulous on the venation beneath, not
blackening in drying. Spikes terete, rather stout, firmly erect,
subsessile, to 23 cm long, essentially glabrous or subglabrate
throughout. Rachis conspicuously incrassate, its furrows much
narrower than the rachis. Bracts large, chaffy, membranous­
margined, ovate or lanceolate, about 1 cm long, long-acuminate
to a subulate point at apex, obscurely denticulate along the
margins toward the apex. Calyx compressed, slightly longer
than the subtending brads, immersed in the rachis, its rim bifid.
Corolla hypocrateriform, blue. Style included. Fruiting-calyx
completely immersed in the furrows of the rachis.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Widely distributed through tropical America
from Cuba and Mexico, through the West Indies and Central
America, to northern South America ; introduced in western
tropical Africa.
Suriname (Focke n. •{1); Corantijne R . (Hulk n. 100,
fl. March).

4· Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (L.) Vahl, Enum. PI. 1

( 1 8 o4 ), p. 2 o6 ; Pulle, Enum. pl. fr. Sur. ( 1 9 06 ), p. 401 ;
Ferbena jamaicen.Ji.J L. Sp. Pl., ed. 1 ( 1 753), p. 1 9 ; �
Stachytarpheta marg inata Vahl, Enum. Pl. 1 ( 1 8 04 ), p. 2 07 ; �
Stachytarphela piLo.Jiu.JcuLa H . B . K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. Pl. 2
(1 8 1 8), p. 279 ; � Stachytarpha jamaicen.Ji.J Vahl apud Schau.
in A. DC. Prodr. 1 1 ( 1 847), p. 664 ; � FaLerianode.J
jamaicen.Je (L.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 1 ( 1 8 9 1 ), p . 6 o 9 ; �
.dbena jamaicen.Ji.J (L.) A. S. Hitchc., Rep. Mo . Bot. Gard. 4
( 1 89.)), p. 1 1 7 ; � Stachytarpheta .Jurinamen.Ji.J Miq. ex Pulle,
Enum. pl. fr. Sur. ( 1 906), p. 402, hyponym ; � FaLerianoide.J
jamaicen.Je (L.) Kuntze apud Britton & P. Wils ., Scient.
Surv. P. R. & Virg. Isls. 6 ( 1 92 6), p. 1 44.
Herbaceous, nitid, often purplish throughout, 6 � 1 2 dm tall,
sparingly pubescent or glabrate throughout. Stems and branches

dichotomous, subtetragonal, usually glabrate except for the

lanuginous-pilose nodes. Leaves alternate or opposite, thin­
chartaceous or membranous, oblong, ovate, or oval (rarely
subrotund), 2 �8 cm long, 1 , 2 �6 cm wide, obtuse or acute at
apex, coarsely serrate along the margins with acute and spreading
teeth and more or less ciliate-scabrous, cuneate-narrowed at
the base and prolonged into the margined petiole, which is as
long as the blade or shorter, glabrous on both surfaces or very
slightly pilosulous on the venation beneath, not usually blackening
in drying. Spikes terete, stout, stiff, often flexuous, 1 , 5 �5 dm
long, glabrous throughout. Rachis conspicuously incrassate, its
furrows much narrower than the rachis. Flowers at first erect,
later immersed in the thickened rachis. Brads medium-sized
or comparatively small, lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, 5 � 8 mm
long, about 2 mm wide, aristate-acuminate at apex, striate,
scabridous, the margins scarious and obscurely ciliolate. Calyx
compressed, about 5 mm long or about as long as the subtending
brads, its rim bifid, the teeth triangular or triangular-ovate .
Corolla hypocrateriform, blue, 8 � 1 1 mm long, its tube slightly
curved, its limb about 8 mm wide . Style included. Fruiting-calyx
completely immersed in the furrows of the rachis.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Widely distributed through tropical America
from Alabama and Florida in the United States, through the
West lndies, Mexico and Central America, to northern South
America ; introduced elsewhere.
Suriname (Collector undesignated s.n. [L] ; Wullschlagel

n. 407, in part [BR ] , n. 1 53 1 [ G O ET]) ; near Paramaribo

(Rombouts n. 26, fl. July ; Soeprato n. ga, fl. June ; Tulleken
n. 3 [L, fl. July ; Wullschlagel n. 1 06 2 [BR] ; Collector
indig. n. 8 g ; Went n. 1 1 , fl. July ; Focke s.n.); Kegel n. 4 1 4
[GOET] , fl. Aug.) ; Coronie (Lanj ouw n. 1 1 40, fl. O ct.) ;
Para district, plant. Berlijn (Wullschlagel n. 1 536 [BR] ) ;
Kabalebo R . , Avanaverofalls (B.W. n. 4 6 1 4, fl. March) ;
Suriname R . , (Kappler n. 1 868, fl. April) ; Commewijne R . ,
plant. Slootwijk (Soeprato n. 44g, fl. July) ; Lower Marowijne
R . , near Albina (V ersteeg n. 44, fl. July) .
Ve r n a c u l a r n a m e : Kaka kankan (N. E.).

6. PRIVA Adans .
Herbaceous caulescent perennials, mostly rather harshly
pubescent throughout. Leaves opposite or subopposite, rather
thin-chartaceous or membranous, often quite small, mostly
dentate, sessile or petiolate, deciduous, net-veined, mostly ovate
in outline. Stems, branches, and branchlets mostly more or
less tetragonal, often more or less decumbent. Inflorescence
terminal or axillary, indeterminate, racemiform, often subspicate
in anthesis, mostly narrow and elongate, pedunculate, erect or
subflexuous. Flowers hypogynous, small or medium-sized, each
solitary in the axil of a small prophyllum, arranged in a spirally
alternate or pseudo-secund manner on the mostly elongate
rachis, never whorled. Large brads and bractlets absent.
Prophylla small, one subtending each flower. Calyx mostly
tubular in anthesis, inferior, 5-ribbed, often slightly 5 -plicate,
slightly zygomorphic or practically actinomorphic, gamosepalous,
terminating in 5 mostly short equal or subequal teeth, persistent,
accrescent, enlarging with and investing the fruit, usually con­
tracted and more or less beaked at the orifice at maturity.
Corolla gamopetalous, inferior, more or less zygomorphic,
hypocrateriform or infundibular, surpassing the calyx, its tube
cylindric, straight or somewhat curved, more or less ampliate
at apex, not saccate, its limb spreading, oblique, more or less
bilabiate, the abaxial lip 3-lobed with one large central and
2 medium-sized lateral lobes, the axial lip 2 -lobed with usually
very small lobes . Fertile stamen s 4, didynamous, the upper
pair more highly developed and usually inserted slightly above
the middle of the corolla-tube, the lower pair inserted approxi­
mately at the middle of the tube, <_>r included or equaling the tube.
Filaments very slender. Anthers erect, ovate or oblong, 2 -celled,
dorsifixed at or below the middle, introrse, the connect-ive
usually conspicuously thickened and sagittate, unappendaged,
the thecae parallel or divergent at base, opening by a lateral
longitudinal slit. The fifth (posterior) stamen reduced to a

minute staminode or absent. Pistil solitary, compound, bicar­

pellate, included. Style terminal, usually equaling the lower
stamens, 2 -lobed at apex, the front lobe longer and recurved or
erect, stigmatiferous at apex, the rear lobe reduced, very minute
and tooth-like, not stigmatiferous. Ovary one, superior, compound,
4-celled or (by abortion of the posterior cells) 2 -celled. Ovules
basal, erect, anatropous, solitary in each cell. Fruit a dry often
woody schizocarp, included by the fruiting-calyx, composed of
2 usually similar 2 -celled (or by abortion 1 -celled) cocci, which
easily separate at maturity. Pericarp hard, the dorsal surface
e chinate, scrobiculate, or ridged, the commissural surface
excavated, concave, or plane. Seeds without endosperm. Coty­
ledons 2, oblong, rather heavy. Radicle inferior.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : About 20 species and varieties of tropical
and subtropical Asia, Asia Minor, Africa, and America ; the
1 0 American forms ranging from Florida and Texas in the
United States, through the West Indies, Mexico and Central
America, to Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay. Only one species
is known from the Guianas.
1 . Priva lappulacea (L.) Pers . Syn. PI. 2 ( 1 8o6), p. 1 39 ;
Pulle, Enum. pl. fr. Sur. ( 1 906), p. 402 ; � Verbena Lappulacea
L. Sp. Pl., ed. 1 ( 1 753), p . 1 9 ; � Btairia Houst. apud L.
Sp. Pl., ed. 1 ( 1 753), p. 1 9, in syn. ; � Buraeria Loefl. Iter
Hisp. ( 1 758), p. 1 94 ; � Zapania Lappulacea (L.) Lam.
Tabl. Encycl. Meth. Bot. 1 ( 1 79 1 ), p. 59 ; � Priva ecbinala
A. L. Juss ., Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris 7 ( 1 8o6), p. 70 ; �
Tamonea Lappulacea (L.) Poir. in Lam. Encycl. Meth. Bot. 7
( 1 8o6), p. 568 ; � BLairia Lappulacea Houst. ex Steud. Nom.
Bot. , ed. 2, 1 ( 1 84o), p . 2 08, in syn. ; � Priva mexicana
Sieber ex Steud. Nom. Bot. , ed. 2 , 2 ( 1 84 1 ), p . 3g7, in
syn. [not P. mexicana (L.) Pers. Syn. Pl. 2 ( 1 8o6), p. 1 39] ; �
Priva Lamiij'olia Mart. & Gal., Bull. Acad. Roy. Brux. 1 1 ,
part 2 ( 1 844), p. 3 2 5 ; � Boucbea Jicbotoma Mohr ex
Moldenke in Fedde, Repert. 41 ( 1 g36), p . 25, in syn. ;
Salvia Lappulacea Pavon ex Moldenke in Fedde, Repert. 4 1
(1 936), p. 2 5 , i n syn.
Perennial herb, to 1 m tall. Stems spreading and decumbent

or procumbent. Branches and branchlets varying from prostrate

to ascending or even erect, usually acutely tetragonal, often
sulcate in drying, pilose-pubescent with curved or uncinate
hairs, glabrescent in age below. Larger nodes usually annulate
with a circumferential band of longer hairs. Petioles slender,
o,8-3 cm long, more or less pilose with scattered whitish hairs.
Blades chartaceous, ovate, 1 , 4 - 1 4, 6 cm long, o, g -8,5 cm
wide, acute or acuminate at apex, rather uniformly and coarsely
serrate along the margins (except at the very base and on the
acumination) with blunt or acute and appressed teeth, mostly
subtruncate or subcordate (or acute when young) at base, with
the actual center short-cuneate, pilose or strigose above with
scattered whitish bulbous-based hairs, pilose and puberulent
beneath with scattered hairs ; the veinlet reticulation incon­
spicuous . Inflorescence terminal, terminating the stems and
branches, 4,6 - 2 1 cm long, 5 - 1 5 mm wide, many-flowered,
the flowers loosely alternate on the puberulent-pilose rachis.
Peduncles slender, o,8-5,8 cm long, more or less puberulent­
pilose, the uppermost leaves at the base of the peduncle often
much reduced. Prophylla usually surpassing the pedicel in
anthesis. Calyx oblong-campanulate, regular, 2 -3, 1 mm long,
about 2 , 3 mm wide, densely short-tomentose on the outer surface
with uncinate hairs about o,3 mm long and interspersed among
them scattered straight hairs about o, 5 mm long, obscurely
5-ribbed only toward the apex, its rim 5-apiculate with very
minute apiculations. Corolla hypocrateriform, usually blue, pink,
violet, or purple, occasionally lavender or white, with a few
scattered hairs throughout on the outer surface and wihtin, its
tube broadly cylindric, straight, about 3,6 mm long on the axial
and 3, 3 mm long on the abaxial side, about 1 , 8 mm wide, the
central abaxial lobe about 1 , 8 mm long and 1 , 5 mm wide, the
2 lateral abaxial lobes each about 1 , 2 mm long and 0, 7 mm
wide, the 2 small axial lobes each about 1 mm long and wide,
all broadly elliptic-lingulate and rounded. Upper pair of fertile

stamens inserted about 1 , 6 mm and the lower pair about 1 mm

above the base of the corolla-tube, included. Ovary ..q-celled and
.<{-ovulate . Fruiting-calyx broadly ovate, thin-chartaceous, con­
spicuously inflated, enclosing the fruit and very shortly beaked
at apex, 6 � 7 mm long, .3 �..q,5 mm wide, densely hispidulous
throughout outside with uncinate whitish hairs. Schizocarp
oblong, conspicuously quadrangular, composed of 2 exactly
similar closely joined 2-celled woody cocci, glabrous throughout,
each mature coccus about 3 mm long and 2 mm wide, the dorsal
surface echinate with 2 parallel longitudinal marginal rows of
short straight sharp spines (each spine o, 6 � 1 mm long), the
area between the rov,Ts of spines very obscurely scrobiculate­
reticulate or transversely ridged, the sides transversely ridged
with slender more or less parallel ridges, the commissural
surface plane or nearly so, not margined.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : A cosmopolitan weed in the tropics and
subtropics of America from Florida in the United States,
through the West Indies, Mexico, and Central America, to
Peru, Brazil, and Bolivia ; also naturalized in Java and in
cultivation elsewhere .
Suriname ; Collector undesignated n. 2 1 4 [L] , s.n. [E, L] ;
Focke n. 6 2 [L], n. 3 1 1 ; H erb. Molkenboer s.n. [L] ; H o st­
mann n . 89a [S, G] ; H ostmann & Kappler n. 8 9 ; Kappler
n. 4 4 2a [ S ] ; ,Legit anonymus ante annum 1 84o" s . n . ; Mayo
s.n. [ P H ] ; Menge s.n. [ B R ] ; Splitgerber n. 42 [L] , s . n .
G , P . W] ; Stockdale n. 88 2 6 [K, B R G] ; Suringar s.n. [L]) ;
Paramaribo (Soeprato n. 3oa, fl. June ; F . W. J ohnson n. 1 1 46
[NY] , fr. Aug. ; Tulleken n. 5 [L] ; Went n. 1 2 , fl. July ;
Lanj ouw n. 1 4, fl. July ; Coil. indig. n. 2 o5 ; Kegel n. 73
[GOET] , fl. July ; Kuyper n. 2 7 , fl. Dec . ; Lanj ouw n. 55,
fl. July ; Wullschlagel n. 404, in part [ B R ] ) ; Lower Comme­
wijne R . , plant. Rust en Werk (Soeprato n. 1 2 2 , fl. Aug.) ;
id. , near Sommelsdijk (Soeprato n . 40, fl. July) ; Lower
Suriname R., plant La Liberte (Soeprato n. 1 9 1 , fl. Aug.) .
V e r n a c u l a r n a m e s : Voekoe voekoe tolman (N. E . ) .

7. L.f.
Woody plants, mostly Jow and bushy, usually woody only

at the base, occasionally subshrubs, mostly branched from the

base. Stems and branches mostly naked . below, leafy only at
the summit. Leaves simple, alternate, opposite, or scattered,
often approximate to form a crown beneath the inflorescence,
deciduous, exstipulate, thin. Inflorescence indeterminate, panic­
ulate or racemiform, terminal, erect, composed of numerous
usually trichotomous and often congested cymes, which are
usually arranged in a secund or subsecund fashion on the rachis,
subtended by large foliaceous colored and pellucid-glandular
brads and smaller bractlets. Flowers solitary in the axils of
the brads or in 3-flowered cymules, pedicellate, mostly more
or less secundly nutant or pendulous. Calyx broadly campanulate,
5-lobed, the lobes subequal and acute. Corolla mostly yellow or
white, its tube cylindric, elongate, straight or curvate, somewhat
ampliate above, its limb 5-lobed, slightly 2 -lipped, with short
spreading or recurved lobes, the anterior one largest. Stamens 4,
didynamous, inserted near the base of the corolla-tube, included
or exserted, the filaments usually elongate, filiform. Anthers
oblong or ovate, with 2 parallel thecae joined by a dorsal
connective for about % their length, each dehiscing by means
of a longitudinal slit. Style terminal, filiform, exserted. Stigma
entire or very shortl;r. bifid. Ovary 4-celled, composed of 2 carpels,
each cell containing one lateral ovule. Fruiting-calyx hardly
accrescent. Fruit drupaceous, with a juicy exocarp and hard
leathery endocarp, separating into 4 (by abortion 1 �3) 1 -seeded
stones. Seeds without endosperm.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : About 9 species and varieties of tropical
America, extending from Trinidad and Venezuela to southern
Brazil and Paraguay. Three species and varieties are known
from the Guianas.

1. a. Calyx puberulent or pubescent, or hirsute at base

only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
b. Calyx very densely hirsute throughout . . . . . . . . .

1 a. A. campestris var. surinamensis Moldenke


2 . a. Leaf-blades densely strigose-velutinous or densely

puberulent above . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. • • • . • 1 . A. campestris (Aubl.) Moldenke
. . . • •

b. Leaf-blades glabrous or glabrate above . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . A. arborea H . B . K.

1 . Amasonia campestris (Aubl.) Moldenke, Torreya 34 ( 1 934)

p. 8 ; - Taligalea campeJtriJ Aubl. PI. Guian. 2 ( 1 776), p . 626,
pi. 2 6 2 ; - .dmaJonia erecta L. f. Suppi. PI. ( 1 78 1 ), p . 2 9 4 ; ­
.dmaJonia punicea Vahl, Eclog. 2 ( 1 798), p. 5 I ; - Talig a lea
punicea (Vahl) Poir. in Lam. Encycl. Meth. Bot. 7 ( 1 8o6),
p. 556 ; - .dmaJonia Taligalea Auct. ex Steud. Nom. Bot.,
ed. 2, 1 ( 1 84o), p. 74 ; - .dmaJOnia relutina Schau. in A. D C .
Prodr. 1 1 ( 1 847), p. 677 ; - Taligalea relutina (Schau.)
Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 2 ( 1 89 1 ), p. So9 ; - .dmaJonia erecla
var. Latebracleata Hook. f. in Curtis, Bot. Mag. 1 2 1 ( 1 8gS),
pl. 7446 ; - Taligalea campeJtriJ var. punicea (Vahl) Briq.
in Engi. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 4, part 3a ( 1 896),
p. 1 67 ; - .dmaJonia erecta var. punicea (Vahl) Briq. ex
Pulle, Enum. pi. fr. Sur. ( 1 906), p. 40 2 .
Shrubby, less than 1 m tall . Branches few, erect, strict,
slender or rather stout, medullose, densely pubescent or puberulent
with brownish hairs . Leaves spirally alternate, usually more
or less clustered at about the middle or near the base of the
branches, the lowest portion of the shoot mostly bare of leaves,
the apical portion usually bearing a few or many bract-like
leaves. Petioles 5 - I 5 mm long, deeply canaliculate and often
subalate above, usually contracted at the base, densely puberulent
or short-pubescent. Leaf-blades membranous, oblanceolate or
obovate, 6, 5 - 2 6 cm long, 1 , 7-7 cm wide, acute or very
short-acuminate at apex, rather coarsely dentate along the
margins (except at the base) or merely repand, cuneately long­
attenuate into the petiole, varying from rather densely strigose­
velutinous to pubescent or sparingly puberulent on both surfaces.
Peduncles and rachis similar to the branches in pubescence.
Floriferous portion of the panicle narrow, 7 - 2 3 cm long,
2 -S cm wide, very bracteose, densely flowered. Secondary

peduncles obsolete or to 1 cm long, puberulent or pubescent,

red. Pedicels filiform, 1 �6 mm long in anthesis, red, puberulent
or pubescent, elongate to 6 � 7 mm in fruit. Bracts numerous,
conspicuous, lanceolate, oblong, or elliptic, 1 �5,5 cm long,
.J � 2 o mm wide, more or less dentate along the margins, lightly
pubescent or puberulent, stipitate, red or crimson when fresh.
Calyx campanulate, 6-9 mm long, 4 � 1 1 mm wide, usually
very lax, densely short-pubescent or puberulent, 5-lobed to the
middle or to % the length, the lobes broadly lanceolate or ovate,
acuminate, wide-spreading. Corolla hypocrateriform, yellow,
its tube broadly cylindric, 1 , 6 �2,6 cm long, rather sparsely
short-pubescent or pilosulous.
D i s t r i b ut i o n : From Trinidad and Venezuela to south­
central Brazil ; also widely cultivated.
Suriname (Archer n. 2772 [ U S ] ; Berthoud-Coulon n. 477
[BM] ; British Guiana Bound. Comm. n. 3 o 1 [BRG] ; collector
undesignated n. 1 39 [E] ; Essed n. 85c, fl. Jan. ; Fairchild
s.n. [NY ] , fl. March ; Focke s.n. [ P ] ; H ostmann n. 8g3
[B, BM, G, GH, K, P, U, W ] , n. 1 409 [B, C, GO ET, G,
W] ; H ostmann & Kappler n. 37 [ S ] , n. 379 [ S ] ; Kappler
n . 1 409 [G, GO ET, L, P, U P S , W] ; Menge s.n. [BR] ;
Nolte s.n. [GOET] ; Pulle n. 474 ; Samuels n. 277 [G, K,
L, NY, P ] ; Splitgerber s.n. [G, P ] , s.n. [K, W], fl. March ;
Wullschlagel n. 1 98 2 [GO ET, W]) ; Para district (Split­
gerber n. 62 1 [BM, L ] , fl. March ; Focke n. 8 [L] , fl. O ct. ,
n. 1 3 g ; Wullschlagel n. 4o3 [BR, D R , W]) ; id. , near Koffie­
dj ompo (Versteeg n. 6 1 0, fl. June) ; id. , near Kompas (Went
n. 36g, fl. Sept. ) ; Suriname R . , Powakka savanna (Frickers &
Muller n. g) ; Zanderij I (Kuyper n. 70, fl. July ; Boldingh
n. 3865, fl. O ct. ; Gonggrijp n. 1 0 1 , fl. March ; Lanj ouw
n. 3 1 3, fl. July) ; near Republiek (Kuyper n. g 5 , fl. O ct.) ;
near Brownsweg (coli. indig. n. q8, fl. April) ; near Onver­
wacht (B.W. n. 646 2 , fl. Nov. ) ; Lower Saramacca R . , near
Maripaston (Pulle n. 1 4, fl. Nov. ; Kegel n. 1 3 04 [ GO ET] ,
fl. May) ; Maratakka R . , savanna Saparra (B.W. n. 873 ,
fl. Febr.). Also cultivated in Suriname.
1 a. Amasonia campestris var. surinam ensis Moldenke. 1)
1) Amasonia campestris var. surinamensis Moldenke, var. nov. Haec
varietas a forma speciei typica recedit calyce ubique dense hirsu t o .
S u r i n a m o : in montibus Wilhelmina ( B . W. n. 6 g g o , Typus [U] ) .

This variety differs from the typical form of the species in

its calyx being densely hirsute throughout. Its leaf-blades are
extremely membranous and thin and fragile, very large, sinuate­
dentate (often with apiculate teeth), and abundantly pilose
above with distinct but widely separated hairs.
D i s tr i b u t i o n : Known only from Suriname.
Upper Suriname R . , summit of Frederik H endrik Peak
(Tresling n. 433, fl. Sept.) ; Wilhelmina mountains (B . W.
n. 6ggo, fl. May) .

2 . Amasonia arborea H . B . K. , Nov. Gen. & Sp. Pl. 2

( 1 8 1 8), p. 253.
Small, slender, upright shrub. Stems apparently simple .
Branches few, rather herbaceous and medullose, angulate, short­
pubescent with reddish or brownish hairs. Leaves spiral, opposite,
or scattered, clustered beneath the inflorescence, the basal portion
of the branches leafless, the apical portion also leafless or
bearing a few scattered bract-like leaves. Petioles rather stout,
4 � 1 2 mm long, j ointed at the apex, short-pubescent. Leaf­
blades thin-membranous, oblong-obovate or oblanceolate, 1 1 � 3 2
c m long, 3, 5 �g,5 c m wide, acute o r short-acuminate a t apex,
obtusely repand-dentate or sinuate (sometimes more acutely
dentate) along the margins, cuneate at base, mostly glabrous
or glabrate above (rarely very minutely and sparsely puberulent),
minutely puberulent beneath, especially on the midrib and
larger veins. Peduncles and rachis similar to the branches in
pubescence. Floriferous portion of the panicle 6�26 cm long,
3 �6 cm wide, very conspicuously bracteose, densely or some­
times rather loosely flowered. Cymes 1 �3-flowered, lateral or
sometimes secund, borne on short secondary peduncles. Pedicels
slender, 3 � g mm long, densely reddish- or purplish-pubescent,
not noticeably elongate in fruit. Bracts bright red, crimson, or
purple, lanceolate, oblong, or elliptic, 1 �4, 8 cm long, 6 � 1 7 mm
wide, acute or short-acuminate at apex, entire, cuneate at base,
puberulent on both surfaces. Calyx campanulate, 7 � 9 mm long,

4 �9 mm wide, usually very lax, appressed-puberulent, 5 -lobed

to the middle, the lobes broadly lanceolate or ovate, sharply
acute or subacuminate, erect or somewhat spreading. Corolla
hypocrateriform, yellow, its tube broadly cylindric, about 2 cm
long, very sparsely puberulent with widely scattered hairs .
D i s t r i b u t i o n : From Venezuela and the Guianas to central
Suriname (Berthoud-Coulon n. 58o [BM].)

8. PETREA Houst.
Shrubs, trees, or woody vines. Leaves opposite or whorled,
deciduous, exstipulate, pinnately net-veined, often roughened
and with prominent venation. Inflorescence axillary or terminal,
indeterminate, racemiform, the racemes mostly elongate and
many-flowered. Bracts mostly small or absent. Bractlets and
prophylla small, numerous, caducous. Torus swollen. Flowers
hypogynous, perfect, alternate on the rachis, often distant,
each subtended by one or more prophylla. Calyx inferior,
gamosepalous, mostly actinomorphic, its tube cylindric or
campanulate, mostly ribbed, membranous during anthesis, its
rim normally 5-lobed, the lobes mostly equal, blue, violet,
purple, or white, mostly longer than the tube, alternate with
the corolla-lobes, bearing on its ventral surface at the base
of the lobes a thin-membranous calicinal crest, which is either
in the form of a narrow sinuate or 5-toothed coronet or is
5-cleft to the base, the teeth alternate with the calyx lobes,
erect during anthesis. Corolla inferior, gamopetalous, hypo­
crateriform, mostly darker blue or purple than the calyx, or
white, mostly slightly zygomorphic, its tube cylindric, urceolate,
or infundibular, the basal portion mostly narrow, the upper
portion mostly abruptly and widely ampliate, its limb rotate,
5-lobed, the lobes mostly of 2 sizes, the anterior largest (rarely
of 3 sizes, with the 2 posterior ones smallest), mostly much
shorter than the calyx-lobes and alternate with them, the

posterior ones outside in prefloration. Stamens .:(, didynamous,

inserted close together near the middle of the corolla-tube,
included by the tube. Filaments very short and slender. Anthers
oblong or ovate, dorsifixed near the base, 2 -celled, each theca
opening by means of a longitudinal slit, introrse, the connective
mostly enlarged, often surpassing the thecae . Staminode pre sent
or absent. Pistil one, superior, compound, but 1 -carpellary
through the abortion of one carpel, included by the corolla-tube .
Style single, terminal. Stigma capitate, mostly oblique, more
or less distinctly bilobed. Ovary subglobose or oblong, borne
on a more or less conspicuous disk, more or less completely
2 -celled, each cell 1 -ovulate . Ovules lateral, ascending, hemi­
anatropous or imperfectly anatropous, or pendent and ortho­
tropous . Fruiting-calyx incrassate, its tube not much accrescent,
mostly losing its blue color, but becoming very hard and tough
and mostly plicate-ribbed, its lobes greatly accrescent, stiffened,
reticulate-veined, divergent, acting as wings for floating the
fruit, the calicinal crest very callose, mostly curving inwards
and converging, thus completely closing the mouth of the calyx­
tube . Fruit drupaceous, completely enclosed by the mature
calyx, the exocarp leathery or fleshy, the endocarp hard, more
or less completely 2 -celled, forming 2 stones, not easily separating,
each stone 1 -seeded, or by abortion the fruit 1 -stoned and
1 -seeded. Seeds laterally or apically attached, exalbuminous .
D i s t r i b u t i o n : About 3.:( living species and varieties of
tropical and subtropical America, extending from Cuba and
Jamaica through the West Indies, and from northern Mexico,
through Central America, to southern Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay,
and Peru. Fossil species are known from Europe and the
United States. One species has become naturalized in Java,
British North Borneo, and the Philippines. The genus is widely
cultivated. Eight species and varieties are known, wild or
cultivated, from the Guianas.
1 . Petrea bracteata Steud . , Flora 26 ( 1 8.:(3), p . 764 ; �

Petrea CanJoLLeana Schau. in A. D C . Prodr. 1 1 ( 1 847),


p. 61 7 ; ......- Petrea Scbomburgkiana Schau. in A. D C . Prodr. 1 1

( 1 847), pp. 61 g -62 o ; ......- "Pelraea macro<Jtacbya Benth."
sensu Pulle, Enum. pl. fr. Sur. ( 1 go6), p. 402 [not Petrea
macro<Jlacbya Benth., Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 1 , 2 ( 1 83g),
p . 448] ; ......- "Petraea Polubilid Jacq." sensu Pulle, Enum.
pl. fr. Sur. (1 go6), p. 403, [not Petrea Polubilid L. Sp. Pl.,
ed. 1 ( 1 753), p. 626] ; ......- "Petraea racemoda Nees & Mart" .
sensu Pulle, Enum. pl. fr. Sur. ( 1 go6), p. 403 [not Petrea
racemo<Ja Nees, Flora 4, part 1 ( 1 8 2 1 ), p . 3oo] ; ......- "Petraea
arborea H . B . K. " sensu Pulle, Enum. pl. fr. Sur. ( 1 go6),
p. 4o3 [not Petrea arborea H . B . K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. PI. 2
( 1 8 1 8), pp. 2 8 2 -283] ; ......- "Petraea rug o<Ja H. B.K." sensu
Pulle, Enum. pl. fr, Sur. ( 1 go6), p. 4o3 [not Petrea rugo<Ja
H . B . K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. PI. 2 ( 1 8 1 8), p. 2 8 2 ] ; ......- Petraea
bracleo<Ja Steud. ex Moldenke in Fedde, Repert. 43 (1 g38),
p . 1 6 1 , in syn. ; ......- Petraea macropbylla Splitgerber ex Moldenke
in Fedde, Repert, 43 ( 1 g38), p. 1 6 1 , in syn. ; - Petraea
reticulata L. C. Rich. ex Moldenke in Fedde, Repert. 43
(1 g38), p. 1 6 1 , in syn. ; ......- Petrea adperifolia Ad. Brongn.
ex Moldenke in Fedde, Repert. 43 (1 g38), p. 1 6 1 , in syn.
Woody vine. Branches rather slender, conspicuously lenticellate,
short-pubescent or asperous, glabrescent in age. Leaf-scars large
and prominent, on corky sterigmata. Leaves opposite or ternate.
Petioles stout, 5 - 1 5 mm long, rather densely short-pubescent
(especially above) or asperous. Leaf-blades firmly chartaceous
or subcoriaceous, very rough to touch and mostly very bullate
and rugose when mature, elliptic, broadly elliptic, or ovate­
elliptic, 3, 5 - 2 9 cm long, 1 , 8 ......- 1 3, 2 cm wide, obtusely acute or
very short-acuminate at apex (sometimes short-apiculate), entire,
varying from acute to broadly rounded at base, very densely
asperous on both surfaces, often rather densely pubescent with
brownish hairs beneath. Venation mostly impressed above and
very prominent beneath. Inflorescence erect or nutant, abundant,
often crowded, 1 9 -6 2 cm long, 4-6 cm wide, loosely or rather
densely many-flowered, developed after the leaves. Peduncles
slender, 3, 2 - 1 0 cm long. Pedicels to 1 cm long, rather densely
puberulent. Calyx in anthesis firm, its tube campanulate, 4-5 mm
------------------------------ �------�----------------

long, about 2 , 6 mm wide at base, 5 �5,5 mm wide at apex,

1 6-ribbed, very sparsely short-puberulent, its lobes 5, mem­
branous, varying from oblong or elliptic to subobovate, 1 1 , 6 � 1 6
mm long, 2 �3 mm wide at base, 3 �5,5 mm wide at the widest
point, acute at apex, glabrous on both surfaces. Calicinal crest
5-cleft to the base, the lobes oblong-lingulate or ovate, about
1 , 6 mm long and 1 mm wide at base, blunt and slightly erose
at apex, glabrous, not fringed. Corolla hypocrateriform, its tube
infundibular, 1 3, 5 � 1 9 mm long, the basal portion narrow­
cylindric and straight, 2 �3 mm wide, conspicuously ampliate
to 6, 6 �9 mm at apex, the lower % glabrous and the upper
14, sparsely puberulent with short spreading hairs outside, densely
short-pubescent from the apex to just below the stamens within,
the pubescence densest among the stamens, its limb rotate,
5 -lobed, the anterior lobe oblong-suborbicular, 6 , 2 �9 mm long,
6 , 2 � 1 0 mm wide, rounded at apex, sinuate along the margins,
sparsely puberulent on both surfaces, the remaining lobes similar
but only 4 �8 mm long and wide . Stamens inserted about 7 and
7,6 mm above the base of the corolla-tube, included. Fruiting­
calyx hard and tough, to 7 mm long and 6 mm wide, plicate, its
lobes stiff, to 2 2 mm long and 1 0 mm wide.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : The Guianas and Brazil.
Suriname (Fairchild s.n. [NY ) , fr. March ; H ostmann &
Kappler n. 3g [C, M O , G, P, S, W], n. 3gb [ S ] ; Kappler
n. 1 7o8 ; Menge s .n. [BR ) ; Nolte s.n. [GO ET) ; Splitgerber
s.n. [P) ; Tulleken n. 266 [L] ; Wullschliigel n. 1 687 [ G O ET] ) ;
in dark woods (Hostmann n. 3g [BM, G, K, NY, P, U, W ] ,
fr. April) ; near Guyana Goud placer (Collector indig. n. 1 1 1 ,
fl . and fr. April) ; near Patricksavanne, in forest (Gonggrijp
s.n.) ; Upper Suriname R. (B.W. n. 6 1 1 1 , fl. May) ; Para,
in woods (Splitgerber n. 736 [L] , fr. March) ; Forest o f
Zanderij (Samuels n. 4 6 9 [GH, K , NY ) , fr. May) ; Corantijne
R . (Hulk n. 87, fl. March) ; Gonini R . (Versteeg n . 1 2 2, fl .
Aug.) ; Marowyne R . (Versteeg n. 5 g3, fl. July) ; Upper
Saramacca R . (Pulle n. 1 77 [B, U ] , fl. Jan., n. 2 2 7, fl. March) ;
Coppename R . , near Raleigh Falls (Lanj ouw n. 8 6 2 , fr. Sept.) ;
id. , near Onobissi (B.W. n. u o6, fl. and fr. March) ; Upper
I V, 2 19

Coppename R . (Boon n. 1 1 63, fl . Sept. ) ; Lower Coppename

R. (Went n. 1 2 2 , fl. Aug.) ; Suriname R. (Wullschlagel
n. 1 637 [BR, W]) ; id., near Joden Savanne (Kegel n. 1 1 79
[GOETJ, fl . Nov.) ; id. , Victoria (Wullschlagel n . 4 1 1 [ BR ,
GO ET, W]) ; id., near B ergendal (Focke n. 933 ( E , U ] ,
fl . Sept.) ; id., near Cassepoerakreek (Kegel n. 1 1 8 0 [GO ET],
fl. Nov.) ; id. , in virgin forest near Gansee (Lanjouw n. 1 2 98,
fl . Nov.) ; Upper Suriname R . at Kabelstation (Stahel n. 4oS,
fl. Aug.) ; id. , along railway south of Kabelstation, beyond
the river, at edge of forest (Lanj ouw n. 1 3 2 1 ) .
V e r n a c u l a r n a m e s : Parapo (Kar.) ; Haj ariballi saleroe
(Arow. ) .

Petrea macrostachya Benth. is known abundantly from

British and French Guiana and is to be expected from Suriname.
It differs notably in having the calyx-tube 7 � 1 0 mm long and
the leaf-blades not bullate.
Petrea arborea H . B . K., a species native to Trinidad,
Venezuela, and British Guiana, is to be expected in Suriname .
It differs conspicuously in having much smaller leaves, which
are sessile or subsessile and cordate or subcordate and more
or less clasping at the base, and the corolla-tube densely long­
pubescent with hirsutulous hairs .
Petrea Kohautiana Presl has been collected from cultivated
material in Suriname � Mitford s.n. [BM] � and in both
British and French Guiana. It closely resembles P. arborea
in regard to its leaves, but has the calyx-tube only finely
puberulent. The color of the corolla is blue .
Petrea volubilis L.; the commonest Central · American and
Mexican species, also widely cultivated and naturalized else­
where, has been collected from cultivated material in Suriname
� Hostmann & Kappler n. 356, in part [P] . It can be
distinguished by its much smaller and non-bullate leaves and
densely spreading-hirsute or tomentose calyx-tube.

Trees or shrubs. Branches and branchlets tetragonal, some­
times spiny. Leaf-scars mostly large, corky, and elevated, borne

on more or less prominent sterigmata. Leaves opposite or

verticillate, entire or dentate, deciduous, exstipulate, usually
bearing a pair of prominent glands at the base. Inflorescence
indeterminate, racemiform or spicate, axillary and terminal,
mostly elongate and many-flowered, rarely reduced to only a
few flowers, erect or nutant, mostly simple, occasionally sparsely
branched. Flowers small, each subtended by a tiny inconspicuous
bractlet. Calyx tubular or cyathiform, thin, accrescent, its rim
truncate or 5-toothed or -lobed. Corolla infundibular or hypo­
crateriform, mostly yellow or white, its tube narrow-cylindric
and regular, its limb spreading, 5-parted, with broad slightly
irregular lobes, the 2 hindermost outermost in prefloration,
mostly more or less pubescent in the throat. Stamens 4, didyn­
amous, inserted at or above the middle of the corolla-tube,
included, a fifth stamen represented by a very rudimentary
staminode. Filaments very short. Anthers ovate or sagittate,
introrse, erect, with 2 parallel thecae opening by longitudinal
slits and a thickened connective which often surpasses the
thecae in length. Style terminal, included, often thickened toward
the apex. Stigma very shortly bifid. Ovary perfectly or imper­
fectly 4-celled, composed of 2 carpels, each cell containing one
lateral anatropous ovule. Fruiting-calyx conspicuously enlarged
and indurated, cupuliform or patelliform, shorter than the fruit.
Fruit drupaceous, with juicy exocarp and hard endocarp, with
two 2 -celled and 2 -seeded stones, which are often separated
by a median fissure.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : About 1 1 6 living species and varieties,
ranging from Texas and Florida in the United States and
Bermuda, through Central America, the West Indies, and
northern South America, to central Argentina and Uruguay ;
4 fossil species are also known from the United States, Colombia,
and Italy. Four species and varieties are known from the
Guianas .
1 . a . Leaves mostly ternate 1 . C . macrophyllum Poir.
b. Leaves always opposite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2 . a. Leaf-blades firmly chartaceous, usually thick and

stiff when mature ; vein and veinlet reticulation
mostly very prominent and conspicuous on both
surfaces ; flowers sessile or very short-pedicellate
. . . . . . . . . • . . . . 2 . C. fruticosum L.
• . . . . . . . . •

b. Leaf-blades thin-chartaceous or membranous, mostly

thin and fragile even when mature ; vein and veinlet
reticulation usually not very prominent on either
surface ; flowers distinctly pedicellate . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. C. spinosum L.

1 . Citharexylum macrophyllum Poir. in Lam. Encycl. Meth.

Bot. Suppl. 2 ( 1 8 1 1 ), p. 367 ; � " Citbarexylum myriantbum
Cham." sensu Pulle, Enum. pl. fr. Sur. ( 1 9 06), p. 403 [not
C. myriantbum Cham., Linnaea 7 ( 1 832), p. 1 1 7 ] .
Shrub or tree, to I 5 m tall. Branches and twigs mostly hollow
and rather stout, brown, very minutely puberulent or subglabrate,
unarmed. Leaves mostly ternate . Petioles stout, 1 �3, 2 cm long,
mostly sulcate above, glabrous or glabrate. Leaf-blades very
firmly chartaceous, oblong-elliptic or subobovate, 8, 5 � 23 cm
long, 3, 3 � I o cm wide, acute or acuminate at apex, entire,
acute or subcuneate at base, very obscurely and minutely
puberulous beneath when young, glabrous on both surfaces
when mature, bearing a pair of large, elongate, crateriform
glands alongside the petiole at the very base beneath. Vein and
veinlet reticulation prominent beneath. Racemes axillary and
terminal, the axillary ones ternate, simple or compound with
a pair of short lateral branches, erect or ascending in anthesis,
mostly nutant in fruit, 6 � 2 5 cm long, rather densely many­
flowered. Peduncles and rachis usually rather stout, minutely
puberulous . Pedicels slender, about 1 mm long, puberulent,
stouter and more pubescent but no longer in fruit. Calyx tubular­
cyathiform, 3, 5 �4 mm long, about 2 mm wide, usually not very
patent in anthesis, puberulent, its rim truncate. Corolla infun­
dibular, white, its tube narrow-cylindric, 6�7 mm long, its
limb 5-parted, the lobes ovate-lingulate, 2 �3,5 mm long,

1 � 1 , 5 mm wide, obtuse at apex. Fruiting-calyx broadly cupuli­

form, about 5 mm long and 7 mm wide, minutely puberulent,
the rim spreading.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : From Colombia to the Guianas.
Suriname (Focke n. 39 [L] , n. 1 2 2 [L] ; H ostmann n. 5 5 2
[B, K, P, U , W ] , s.n. [L] ; H ostmann & Kappler n. 5 5 2 [W] ;
Splitgerber n. 5 9 5 [ L ], n . 839 [L] ; Wullschlagel n. 768
[BR ] ) ; Lower Commewijne R., Slootwijk (Soeprato n. 26j,
fl . and fr. July) ; Lower Saramacca R . , forest near Groningen
(Samuels n. 1 08 [A, B, GH, L, NY, P , U S ] , fr. May) ;
forest of plant. La Poule (Samuels n. 2 1 0 [B, GH, K, NY ] ,
fl . April) ; Lucie R . , in Pina-swamp (B. W . n . 7 1 2 9, fl . April) ;
Watramiri, tree n. 1 663 (B.W. n. 389 1 , fr. July ; n. 4 2 89,
fl. and fr. March ; n. 47 1 2 , fr. June ; n. 5 1 5 5 , fr. June) ;
Kaboerie, tree n. 689 (B.W. n. 4772, ster. ; n. 6 9 1 6 , fl. and fr.
July) ; id . , tree n. 553 (B. W. n. 4767, ster. ; n. 69 07, fr. July) .
V e r n a c u l a r n a m e s : Lejagado (N. E . ) ; Kasaroballi (Arow.) ;
O eroejatoe (Kar.) .

2 . Citharexylum fruticosum L . Syst. Nat., ed. 1 0 ( 1 769),

p. 1 1 1 6 ; � Citharexylum cinereum L. Sp. PI., ed. 2 ( 1 763),
p. 872 ; Pulle, Enum. pl. fr. Sur. ( 1 go6), p. 4o3 ; �
Citbarexylum coriaceum Desf. Cat. Hort, Paris, ed. 3 ( 1 8 2 g),
p. 3g2 ; � Citharexylum cinereum Sesse & Moc. Fl. Mex.,
ed. 1 ( 1 894), p . 1 6 2 ; � Citharexylum cauoatum Sagra apud
0. E. Schulz in Urb. Symb . Ant. 6 ( 1 gog), p. 6 1 , in syn.
[not C. cauoatum L. Sp. PI., ed. 2 ( 1 763), p. 872 ] ; �
Citharexylum quaorangulare Griseb., in part, apud 0 . E.
Schulz in Urb. Symb. Ant. 6 ( 1 gog), p. 62, in syn. [not
C. quaorangulare Jacq. Enum. Carib. ( 1 76o), p. 2 6 ] ; �
Citharexylum villoJum Griseb. apud 0 . E. Schulz in Urb.
Symb. Ant. 6 ( 1 gog), p. 62, in syn. [not C. villoJum Jacq.
le. PI. Rar., ed. 1 ( 1 78 1 ), p. 4, t. 8 2 ] ; � Citbarexylum
villoJum Chapm. apud Small, Fl. Miami ( 1 9 1 3), p . 1 6 1 , in
syn. [not C. villoJum Jacq. ] .
Shrub or tree, to 1 6 m tall. Branches medium-stout, gray,
obtusely or acutely tetragonal, glabrous. Branchlets more slender,
acutely tetragonal, often ribbed. Twigs and young shoots light
brown, acutely tetragonal, medullose, glabrous, often ribbed,
unarmed. Leaves decussate-opposite . Petioles slender or stoutish,

1 � 2 , 6 cm long, more or less margined, canaliculate above,

glabrous . Leaf-blades very firmly chartaceous, oblong or elliptic,
4,6 �2 1 cm long, 1 , 5 �8 cm wide, acute, very shortly acuminate,
or obtuse at apex (rarely emarginate), entire (or coarsely serrate
on sprouts), cuneate at base, with 1 �3 pairs of glands at the
very base, one pair of which is always much elongated and
parallel to the petiole, glabrous on both surfaces, very nitid
and glossy, especially above . Midrib and secondaries sharply
prominulous on both surfaces or prominent beneath. Vein and
veinlet reticulation fine, abundant, sharply prominulous on both
surfaces, especially above. Racemes axillary and terminal,
mostly terminal, 3, 5 � 2 6, 5 cm long, 1 � 1 , 7 cm wide, the axillary
ones usually abbreviated, the terminal ones sometimes branched
with 1 or 2 short branches near the base, mostly nutant, many­
flowered, often densely-flowered. Peduncles and rachis slender,
brown, glabrous . Pedicels filiform, to 1 mm long or obsolete,
glabrate. Calyx cyathiform, 2 , 6 �4 mm long, glabrous, its rim
truncate or very lightly 5-repand-dentate and ciliate. Corolla
·white, subhypocrateriform, its tube 2 �6 mm long, glabrous
outside, villous within (especially at the mouth), its limb 5 -parted,
the lobes suborbicular or elliptic-lingulate, 2 �3 . mm long,
rounded at apex. Fruiting-calyx broadly cupuliform, 2 �3 mm
long, 5 �6 mm wide, glabrous, its rim irregularly and shallowly
D i s t r i b u t i o n : From southeastern Florida in the United
States, through the West lndies, to Venezuela and the Guianas ;
also widely cultivated.
Suriname (Poiteau s .n. [F]); way to Kwatta, Paramaribo
(Samuels n. 28o, in part [NY, P], fr. June, n. 3o8 [G, K, NY],
fl. and fr. June) . The Suriname specimen labeled " Citharexylon
cinereum" and filed under Citharexylum [genus 777, sheet 2 ]
in . the Linnean Herbarium, London, is actually Schlegelia

violacea of the Big noniaceae.

3. Citharexylum spinosum L.Sp. PI., ed. 1 ( 1 763), p. 6 2 6 ;

� Citharexylum quaorangulare Jacq. Enum. Syst. PI. Carib.

( 1 76o), p . 2 6 ; Pulle, Enum. pl. fr. Sur. ( 1 906), p . 4oo ; ......

Citharexylum lered Jacq. Enum.. Syst. Pl. Carib. ( 1 76o),
p. 2 6 ; ...... Citharexylum quadrangulare L. apud Lam. Encycl.
Meth. Bot. 2 ( 1 786), p. 1 33, in syn. ; ...... Citharexylum
caudalum Sw. apud Schau. in A. D C . Prodr. 1 1 ( 1 847),
p. 6 1 1 , in syn. [not C, caudalum L. Sp. Pl., ed. 2 ( 1 763),
p. 872 ] ; ...... Citharexylum cinereum var. � Lam. apud Schau.
in A. DC. Prodr. 1 1 ( 1 847), p. 6 1 1 , in syn. ; ...... Citharexylum
laevig atum Hostm. ex Griseb . Fl. Brit. W. I . ( 1 864), P• 497,
in syn. ; ...... Citharexylum durrectum Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. I .
( 1 864), p . 497, in part. ; ...... Citharexylum quadrangulare Schau.
apud Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. I . ( 1 864), p. 497, in syn. ; ......
" Citharexylum cinereum L." sensu Pulle, Emim. pl. fr. Sur.
( 1 906), p. 400 [not C. cinereum L. Sp. PL, ed. 2 ( 1 763),
p. 87 2 ] ; ...... Citharexylum cinereum Jacq. apud 0. E. Schulz
in Urb. Symb. Ant. 6 ( 1 909), p. 64, in syn. [not C. cinereum
L. ] ; ...... Citharexylum lucidum Griseb . , in part, apud 0 . E.
Schulz in Urb. Symb, Ant. 6 ( 1 909), p . 65, in syn. [not
C. lucidum Schlecht. & Cham,, Linnaea 5 ( 1 8oo), p. 97 ] .
Shrub or tree, to 1 2 m tall. Branches and branchlets medium­
slender, usually acutely tetragonal, gray or stramineous, glabrous.
Twigs slender, stramineous or brown, glabrate, unarmed. Leaves
decussate-opposite. Petioles slender, 0,7 ....... 2,4 cm long, mostly
canaliculate above, glabrous. Leaf-blades chartaceous or mem­
branous, elliptic, elliptic-oblong, or oblong, rarely subovate,
3, 5 .......- 2 9 cm long, 1 , 3 .......- 1 1 , 3 cm wide, mostly large and thin,
obtuse (rarely emarginate), acute, or short-acuminate at apex,
entire (or rarely irregularly and coarsely dentate with large
teeth on spro �ts), acute or subacuminate at base and usually
bearing 1 or 2 black glands of varying dimensions, glabrous on
both surfaces or sparsely barbellate along the sides of the midrib
and in the axils of the secondaries beneath. Midrib slender,
prominent beneath. Secondaries plane or slightly prominulous
above, prominulous beneath. Vein and veinlet reticulation
rather distant, mostly obscure on both surfaces or but slightly
prominulous beneath. Racemes axillary and terminal, mostly
terminal, simple or compound with 1 ........- 5 pairs of basal branches,

2 , 5 -35 cm long, to 2 cm wide in anthesis, rather loosely

many-flowered, nutant. Peduncles and rachis slender, brown,
very sparingly and minutely pulverulent or glabrous. Pedicels
very slender, 1 , S -4 mm long, glabrate. Calyx cyathiform,
3 -4 mm long, glabrous, its rim ciliate and obsoletely 5 -dentate.
Corolla white, subhypocrateriform or infundibular, its tube
4-6 mm long, glabrous outside, villous at the mouth within,
its limb 5-parted, the lobes suborbicular-lingulate, 2 -3 mm
long, sparsely ciliate, rounded at apex. Fruiting-calyx broadly
cupuliform, about 3 mm long, 5 -6 mm wide, glabrous, its rim
shallowly and irregularly lobed.
D i s tr i b u t i o n : From Bermuda, through the West Indies,
to the Guianas ; also widely cultivated.
Suriname (Berthoud-Coulon n. 566 [BM] ; Collector undes­
ignated s.n. [L] ; Focke n. 566 [E, U ] , fl. Jan. ; H ostmann
n. 35 6 [C, F, GO ET, G, L, LE, P, W ], n. 5 56 [B, B M ,
G , K , U, W] , s .n. [L] ; H ostmann & Kappler n. 1 90 [S ] ,
n. 35 6 [B, G, M, MO , P . S, U, W], n. 5 5 6 [ P ] ; Kappler
n. 3 5 6 [L, G, M, P ] ; Samuels n. 2 8 0, in part [A, B, G H ,
K , L ] ; Weigelt s.n. [ P H ] ; Wullschlagel n. 37o6 [W] ) ;
Paramaribo (Splitgerber n. 70 [L] , s.n. [G, L, P, W], fl .
Nov. ; Went n. 2 98, fl. and fr. Aug. ; B . W . n. 377, fr. March ;
Tulleken n. 2 9 [L] ; Kuyper n. 1 7, fl. Dec. ; Wullschlagel
n. 4 1 0 [B R ] ) ; in hedgerows near Paramaribo (Kegel n. 1 2 4 2
[GOET], fl. Jan.). The species i s not known from Brazil,
although cited from there by Pulle. Natural hybrids between
C. <JpinoJum and C. JruticoJum occur frequently where the ranges
of both overlap .

1 0. AEGIPHILA Jacq.
Woody plants, mostly trees or shrubs, sometimes woody
vines. Branches and branchlets tetragonal or subterete. Leaves
simple, usually decussate-opposite, rarely ternate, deciduous,
exstipulate . Inflorescence cymose, the cymes often so modified
as to more closely resemble panicles, false umbels, glomerules,
heads, or thyrsi, or even reduced to a few or only a single
flower, axillary or terminal. Flowers actinomorphic, perfect but

usually conspicuously diclinous. Calyx gamosepalous, more o r

less campanulate, cyathiform, o r tubular, its margin truncate
or 4- or 5-toothed or -lobed, conspicuously accrescent, becoming
greatly incrassate and indurated in fruit. Corolla hypogynous,
gamopetalous, infundibular or hypocrateriform, its tube cylindric,
its limb equally 4- or 5-parted, its lobes imbricate. Stamens 4
or 5, equal, isomorphic, perfect, inserted below the mouth of
the corolla-tube and above its base, included or exserted,
alternate with the corolla-lobes. Pistil one. Style terminal or
subterminal, capillary, single. Stigma bifid, its branches elongate
and awl-shaped. Ovary superior, perfectly or imperfectly 4-celled,
each cell 1 -ovulate, the ovules lateral or high-lateral, hemi­
anatropous. Fruit drupaceous, typically 4 -seeded [ 1 � 3-seeded
by abortion] . Seeds without endosperm.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : About 1 49 species and varieties of tropical
and subtropical America, extending from Cuba and Mexico
throughout the West lndies and Central America, south to
Peru, Bolivia, and Argentina. Seventeen species and varieties
are known from the Guianas.

1. a. Calyx-rim truncate or subtruncate in anthesis,

sometimes repand or apiculate, but not lobed nor
split . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

b. Calyx-rim distinctly toothed, lobed, or split in

anthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 . a. Leaf-blades thick, firmly chartaceous or sub­
coriaceous, glabrous on both surfaces, not blackening
in drying ; branchlets mostly glabrous . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . ; . . . • • . 1 . A. laevis (Aubl.) Gmel.
. . . . . . • •

b. Leaf-blades, thin membranous and very fragile in

drying, more or less puberulent or pubescent, at
least beneath, blackening in drying ; branchlets
short-pubescent . . . . 2 . A. membranacea Turcz.
3 . a . Mature leaf-blades glabrate on both surfaces ;
calyx very sparsely strigillose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. A. elata Sw.
b. Mature leaf-blades scabrous or strigose-hirtous

above, densely strigose-pubescent beneath ; calyx

densely strigose-pubescent . . 4. A. racemosa Vell.
1. Aegiphila laevis . (Aubl. ) Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2 ( 1 789),
p. 2 6 9 ; � .llfanahea laei'i<J Aubl. Hist. PI. Guian. 1 ( 1 776),

p. 66 ; � Aegiphila lutea Lam. Tabl. Encyc. 1 ( 1 79 2), p. 2 94,

pl. 70, fig. 3 ( 1 79 1 ) ; � Aegiphila .llfanahea Sw. Fl. Ind.
Occ. 1 (1 797), p. 2 6 6 ; � Aeg iphila laei'i<J Willd. ex Pulle,
Enum. pl. fr. Sur. ( 1 906), p. 403, in part ; � Ae,qiphila
laei'i<J f. angu<Jtijolia Wullschl. ex Moldenke, Phytologia 1
(1 938), p. 2 9 2 , in syn.
Shrub, 2 �7 m tall. Branches usually slender, obtusely
tetragonal or subterete, puberulent when young, soon becoming
glabrate. Petioles slender or rather stout, 5 � 1 o mm long,
terete, canaliculate above, puberulent. Leaf-blades thick, firmly
chartaceous or subcoriaceous, light green and very shiny on
both surfaces, ovate or oblong-ovate, 9 � 1 6 cm long, 3�7,5 cm
wide, glabrous on both surfaces. Venation usually very prominent
beneath. Inflorescence mostly terminal, blackening in drying.
Axillary cymes (when present) very few, solitary, opposite, to
5,5 cm long and 5 cm wide, brachiate, many-flowered, half as
long as the subtending leaves or less. Panicle terminal, charac­
teristically short-pyramidal, to 1 9 cm long and 1 6 cm wide,
usually much more abbreviated, congested, composed of many
pairs of stipitate cymes, which are very densely many-flowered,
its sympodia abbreviated, fastigiate, puberulent. Peduncles
1 �7 cm long, puberulent or glabrous. Pedicels filiform, 1 �4 mm
long, puberulent or glabrate. Calyx membranous, campanulate,
acute at base, conspicuously dilated at apex, 2 �3,6 mm long,
1 , 6�3, 2 mm wide, extremely lax around the corolla-tube,
glabrate or minutely puberulent, its rim repand-entire or with
4 obsolete apiculations. Corolla infundibular or hypocrateriform,
yellow,- glabrous, its tube narrow-cylindric, 2 � 1 0 mm long,
its lobes 4, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, 2,6�3 mm long, 1 � 1 , 8 mm
wide, patent or suberect, obtuse or refuse at apex. Stamens 4,
inserted about 1 , 5 mm below the mouth of the corolla-tube,

included or long-exserted. Filaments filiform, o, 8 �7,5 mm long,

glabrous. Pistil included or long-exserted. Style capillary,
2, 1 �9 mm long, contorted. Ovary globose, about 0,9 mm long
and wide, flattened at both ends, glabrate, 4-lobed at apex,
4-celled. Fruiting-calyx greatly enlarged and induratcd, cupuli­
form, to 7 mm long and 1 6 mm wide, puberulent or glabrate,
its rim subtruncate or irregularly lobed or split. Fruit subglobose
or oblong, about 1 o mm long and wide, yellow, fleshy, 3- or
4-seeded, about half invested by the mature calyx.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : From Colombia and the Guianas to south­
central Brazil. The West · Indian specimens referred to this
species by Pulle and others are A. eLala Sw.
Suriname (Berthoud-Coulon n. 1 96 [BM] ; Collector indig .
n. 8 2 ; H ostmann n. 543 [BM, G, K] , n. 7 2 1 [K] , s.n. [L] ;
H ostmann & Kappler n. 543 [B, G H, K, M, NY, P, V, W] ,
n. 7 2 1 [B, K, NY, W] ; Kappler n. 543 [ P ] , s.n. [ S ] ; Samuels
n. 1 04 [GH, K, N Y ] , n. 3 8 2 [GH ] ) ; Paramaribo ( Wull­
schlagel n. 4 o 5 [BR, GO ET, W] , n. 1 983 [GO ET] ) ; in
woods near Poelepantje, Paramaribo (Kegel n. 1 73 [GO ET] ,
fl. July, n. 687 [GO ET], fl. Feb.).
V e r n a c u l a r n a m e : Manprasara.

2 . Aegiphila membranacea Turcz. in Bull. Soc. Imp . Nat.

Mosc. 36, part 2 ( 1 863), p. 2 1 9 ; � Aeg ipbiLa LaeviJ Willd.
ex Pulle, Enum. pl. fr. Sur. ( 1 906), p. 403, in part.
Shrub. Branchlets elongate, quite slender, obsoletely tetragonal
or subterete, brownish, short-pubescent or pilose, especially
toward the apex. Petioles slender and weak, 6 � 1 0 mm long,
puberulent or shortly pilose-pubescent. Leaf-blades thin-mem­
branous, dark green on both surfaces, blackening and becoming
more or less undate in drying, rather shiny, oblong or oblong­
lanceolate, 1 4 � 2 3 cm long, 4 �6, 6 cm wide, acuminate at
apex, entire, acute or acuminate at base, sometimes very shortly
decurrent into the petiole, glabrate above except for a slight
puberulence on the midrib and larger veins, more densely
puberulent or short-pubescent and densely impressed-punctate
beneath. Venation very slender, usually not prominent. In-

florescence terminal. Panicle pyramidal, to 1 6 cm long and

6 cm wide, many-flowered, brachiate, b�acteate, its branches
numerous, short, the lower ones often deflexed, its sympodia
many, short, slender, tetragonal, sulcate, short-pubescent or
brownish-pilose. Peduncles slender, 2 , 6 �4 cm long, densely
short-pubescent. Pedicels filiform, 4 �5 mm long, puberulent.
Calyx campanulate or cyathiform, 2 , 3 �3,3 . mm long, about
3, 1 mm wide, pulverulent-puberulent, its rim truncate, entire
or 4-apiculate. Corolla infundibular, yellowish, its tube narrow­
cylindric, 4, 1 �4, 3 mm long, its lobes 4, oblong-lingulate, about
4,6 mm long and 1 , 8 mm wide, acute or obtuse at apex. Stamens 4,
inserted about o, 5 mm below the mouth of the corolla-tube,
long-exserted. Filaments filiform, to 7, 8 mm long, glabrous .
Pistil included. Style capillary, about 3,6 mm long, glabrous.
Stigma bifid, its branches about 2 mm long. Ovary obovate,
about 1 mm long and o,9 mm wide, glabrate, 4-celled. Fruiting­
calyx greatly enlarged and indurated, heavy, cupuliform, 3 � 4 mm
long, 8 � 1 0 mm wide, glabrate, its rim truncate and entire,
circular. Fruit oblong, glabrous, 4-seeded.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : From the Guianas, Venezuela and Colombia
to northern Peru.
Suriname ( H ostmann n. 89 [B, BM, G, K, NY, P, U ,
W ] , s . n . [ S ] ; H ostmann & Kappler 89, i n part [ M ] ) .

3 . Aegiphila elata Sw. Prodr. ( 1 788), p. ;51 ; Pulle, Enum.

pl. fr. Sur. ( 1 9 06), p . 4o3 ; � Nuxia elata (Sw;) Pers. Syn.
PI. 1 ( 1 8o6), p. 1 32 ; � Ompbalococca cornifolia Willd. in
Roem. & Schult. Mant. 3 (1 8 2 7), p. 1 32 ; � PJycbotria
moLliJ Spreng. ex P. DC. Prodr. 4 ( 1 83o), · p . 5 1 3 ; �
Aegipbila cornifolia (Willd.) Kunth, Ab h. Akad. Berol.
( 1 83 1 ), p. 2 1 6 ; � Aegipbila Laei'iJ Poepp. ex W alp. Repert. 4
( 1 846), p. 1 1 9 [not A. Laei'iJ (Aubl.) Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2
(1 789), p . 2 6 9] ; � Aegipbila macropbila H . B . K. ex A. Rich .
in Sagra, Hist. Cub., part 2 , 1 1 ( 1 86o), p. 1 46 [not A.
macropbyLLa H . B . K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. PI. 2 ( 1 8 1 8), p. 2 6 1 ] ; �
Aegipbila macropbyLLa Rich. apud Griseb. Cat. PI. Cuba
(1 866), p. 2 1 6 [not A. macropbyLLa H. B.K. ) ; � Aeg ipbila

<rylvalica Sw. ex Moldenke, Brittonia 1 ( 1 904), p . 462, in

syn. [not A. <1ylvalica Moldenke in Fedde, Repert. 33 ( 1 933),
P· 1 4o] .
Branching shrub or woody vine, sometimes trailing, often
high-climbing, 2 �8 m tall. Branches elongate, stout. Branchlets
slender, obtusely tetragonal, glabrous or minutely puberulent
toward the apex. Petioles terete, 6 � 1 2 mm long, often much
thickened at the base, puberulent or very lightly ferruginous­
pubescent. Leaf-blades coriaceous (or chartaceous when imma­
ture), dark green above, paler beneath, very shiny, not blackening
in drying, varying from ovate or oblong to elliptic, 7 � 2 0 cm
long, 2,,6 �9 cm wide, abruptly attenuate or narrowly acuminate
at apex, entire, blunt or rounded at base or rarely subcordate,
glabrous above, appressed-pubescent on the midrib and larger
veins beneath, becoming glabrous and often thinly glandular­
punctate in age . Inflorescence axillary and terminal. Cymes
about % or ¥2 as long as the subtending leaves, opposite, solitary,
many-flowered, usually quite distinct from the panicle . Panicle
terminal, corymbose or thyrsoid, about 1 6 cm long and 1 1 cm
wide, erect, usually naked. Peduncles 1 �4 cm long, often
flattened and ampliate above, minutely puberulent or glabrate.
Pedicels slender, 4 � 8 mm long, puberulent. Calyx varying from
turbinate-infundibular to cupuliform, usually acute and ventricose
at base or constricted above the ovary, 2 �4 mm long, 2 , 6 �4, 2 mm
wide, firm, lax around the corolla-tube, puberulent or pubescent,
its rim membranous, distinctly -{-lobed, dilated, its lobes ovate,
erect, retuse or mucronulate. Corolla infundibular or hypo­
crateriform, yellowish, its tube slender, cylindric, 4 � 8 mm
long, its lobes usually 4, oblong- or elliptic-lingulate, 3 � 6 mm
long, about 3,7 mm wide, spreading, obtuse at apex. Stamens 4,
inserted about 3,5 mm below the mouth of the corolla-tube,
long-exserted or included. Filaments filiform, o, 3 � 7 mm long,
glabrous. Pistil long-exserted or included. Style capillary,
2 �4 mm long, glabrous . Stigma bifid, its branches 2 �4,6 mm

long. Ovary subrotund, dark, about 0,9 mm long and wide,

flattened above, 4-celled. Fruiting-calyx greatly enlarged and
indurated, cupuliform, about 5 mm long, 6 � 1 0 mm wide,
roughened, glabrate, its rim shallowly and irregularly lobed or
sometimes deeply split. Fruit subglobose or subtetragonal,
about 7 mm long and wide, flattened at both ends, rather firm,
yellow, 3- or 4-seeded, almost included by the calyx when
immature, semi-included when mature.
D i s t r i b ut i o n : From Cuba and Mexico, throughout the
West Indies and Central America, to Venezuela, the Guianas,
and Bolivia ; mostly rare on the continent.
Suriname (Focke n. 2 97, n. 3g6 [L] ) ; Forest of Z anderij I
(Samuels s.n. [ U S ] ) . The Kegel and H ostmann numbers cited
by Pulle, as well as the Brazilian material mentioned by
various authors, have proved to be A. laePiJ (Aubl.) Gmel.

4 · Aegiphila racemosaVell . Fl. Flum. ( 1 8 2 6), p. 37, Icon. 1

( 1 8 2 7), pl. 88 ; � AegiphiLa aequinoctiaLiJ Mart. ex Schau.
in Mart. Fl. Bras. 9 ( 1 86 1 ), p. 2 88, in syn. ; � "AegiphiLa
cuJpiJala Mart." sensu Pulle, Enum. pl. fr. Sur. ( 1 906),
p. 4o.3 [not A. cuJpiJata Mart. ex Schau. in A. D C .
Prodr. i 1 ( 1 847), p. 653] ; � AegiphiLa moLLiJ var. foLiiJ
baJi Pix anguJlaliJ Miq. ex Moldenke, Brittonia 1 ( 1 9.34),
p. 447, in syn.
Shrub, 1 �4 m tall. Branches and branchlets stout, obtusely
tetragonal or subterete, ampliate at the nodes, densely and
often very closely appressed strigose-pubescent. Petioles stout,
about 6 mm long. Leaf-blades usually very thick-coriaceous or
leathery, usually gray-green above, paler beneath, shiny, oblong
or oblong-ovate, 8 � 1 8 cm long, 4�7 cm wide, narrowed to
an acuminate point at apex, entire, mostly rounded at base,
roughened and appressedly short-strigose-hirtous above, densely
strigose-pubescent beneath, often marked with small glandular
disks on both surfaces, especially beneath. Venation stout,
very prominent beneath. Inflorescence axillary and terminal.
Cymes in the axils of the uppermost leaves, solitary, opposite,

usually few, corymbose, to 1 0 cm long and 5,5 cm wide, many­

flowered. Panicle terminal, pyramidal-thyrsoid or sometimes
spreading-corymbose, often very ample, 8 � 2 1 cm long, 7 � 1 o cm
wide, brachiate, bracteate, its branches and sympodia rather
stout, densely appressed strigose-pubescent. Peduncles stout,
3 �6 cm long, divaricate, densely appressed-strigose-pubescent.
Pedicels slender, 1 � 2 mm long, pubescent. Calyx firmly
chartaceous or light, obconic-cyathiform, constricted above the
ovary, 4 � 7 mm long, 3 �4, 1 mm wide, densely appressed-pilose
or strigose, lax around the corolla-tube, its rim deeply 4-lobed,
its lobes broadly ovate or triangular, about 2 mm long, acute
or short-acuminate at apex. Corolla infundibular, yellow,
ochraceous, or white, its tube narrow-cylindric, 4, 6 �8 mm
long, slightly ampliate above, glabrous outside, more or less
pubescent within, usually white, its lobes mostly 4, usually
greenish-yellow, erecto-patent, lanceolate or ovate-lingulate,
3 � 5 , 2 mm long, 2 � 2 , 6 mm wide, obtuse at apex. Stamens
mostly 4, inserted 1 , 1 � 2 , 6 mm below the mouth of the corolla­
tube, long-exserted or included. Filaments filiform, 2 �8 mm
long, glabrous or slightly pilose at base. Pistil included or long­
exserted. Style cp.pillary, 3, 6 � 1 5 mm long, glabrous . Stigma
bifid, its branches 2 , 6 �6,7 mm long. Ovary depressed-globose,
tetragonal, 1 � 1 , 3 mm long, 1 , 2 � 1 , 3 mm wide, truncate at
both ends or umbilicate at apex, glabrous, 4-celled. Fruiting­
calyx enlarged and indurated, conspicuously obvolute and
rostrate when immature, deeply lobed, densely puberulent.
Fruit oblong, about 4 mm long and 2,5 mm wide, flattened and
umbilicate at both ends, smooth, completely included by the
calyx when immature, closely semi-included at maturity.
D i s tr i b u t i o n : From Colombia and the Guianas to south­
central Brazil.
Suriname (Berthoud-Coulon n. 5 5 o [BM] ; Collector indig.
n. 87) ; Sectie 0 (B. W. n. 28So, fl. April) ; Marowijne R .
(Kappler n. 1 7 1 7 [ G , M O , P, S, U , W ] ) .

Aegiphila integrifolia (Jacq.) Jacks. occurs rather abund­

antly in both British and French Guiana and is to be expected
from Suriname. Its inflorescences are axillary only, pedunculate,
cymose, and dense-flowered. Its branchlets are cinereous­
incanous or sericeous, and its leaf-blades appressed sericeous­
puberulent or incanous beneath. The calyx-rim is distinctly lobed.
Aegiphila villosa (Aubl.) Gruel. occurs abundantly in both
British and French Guiana and is to be expected from Suriname.
It differs from .d. integrifolia in its branches, branchlets,
inflorescences, and lower leaf-surfaces being densely long­
Aegiphila guianensis Moldenke occurs in British Guiana
and is to be expected in Suriname. It differs from .d. integrifoLia
in its branchlets being densely short-villous with yellowish
pubescence and its leaf-blades densely lanate-tomentose beneath
when young.
Aegiphila macrantha Ducke occurs in both British and
French Guiana and is certainly to be looked for in Suriname .
It is a high-climbing vine with axillary capitate and con­
spicuously involucrate inflorescences, and a subtruncate calyx-rim.

Aegiphila martinicensis Jacq. , a typical and very common

West Indian species, occurs in French Guiana and may be
expected near the coast in Suriname. It can be distinguished
at once from .d. Laeri<J in its thinly chartaceous oblong-lanceolate
or oblong leaf-blades, which are 8 � 2 5 cm long and 3 � g cm
wide, with 8 � 1 2 secondary nerves on each side of the midrib .
The fruiting-calyx is usually subpatelliform. .d. martinicen<1i<1
var. oligoneura (Urb.) Moldenke occurs in cultivation in British
Guiana and may also occur wild near the coast of the other
Guianas. It differs from the typical form of the species in
having its leaf-blades only 4, 6. �8 cm long and 2 , 6 �4 cm wide,
with only 4 �6 secondary nerves on each side of the midrib.

1 1. VITEX Tourn.
Trees or shrubs, glabrous, tomentose, or villous throughout.
Leaves opposite, compound, mostly 3 �7-foliolate (rarely 1 -folio-

late), the leaflets chartaceous o r coriaceous, mostly petiolulate,

entire or dentate. Inflorescence cymose, the cymes short and
dense or loosely divaricate, sessile or pedunculate in the leaf­
axils or aggregate in terminal racemiform or thyrsoid or laxly
diffuse panicles or more rarely contracted into heads. Flowers
hypogynous, perfect, more or less zygomorphic. Bractlets and
prophylla very small, mostly linear, sometimes longer than the
calyx. Calyx campanulate or rarely tubular-infundibular, 5 -dentate
or 5-fid or rarely 3-fid, the teeth mostly slightly unequal. Corolla
white, blue, violet or yellowish, hypocrateriform, zygomorphic,
its tube short or rarely elongate, cylindric, straight or slightly
incurved, equal in diameter throughout or slightly ampliate
above, its limb oblique, patent, sub-2 -lipped, the upper lip
bifid, the lower lip trifid, the 2 posterior lobes exterior and
usually shorter, the lateral lobes larger, the anterior lobe inmost
and largest, entire or emarginate . Stamens 4, didynamous,
inserted in the corolla-tube, often exserted. Anthers 2 -celled,
the thecae distinct, subparallel, divergent, or arcuate, attached
near their apex, dehiscing by means of longitudinal slits . Pistil
single, compound, bicarpellary. Style terminal, filiform, shortly
bifid at apex, the branches acute . Ovary at first imperfectly
2-celled, during anthesis usually 4-celled, the cells 1 -ovulate .
Ovules attached laterally at or above the middle of the cell.
Fruiting-calyx often accrescent, usually patelliform or very
shallowly cupuliform, rarely subincluding the fruit. Fruit drup­
aceous, more or less fleshy, the endocarp hard, often horny,
sometimes very much incrassate in relation to the cells, 4-celled.
Seeds obovate or oblong, exalbuminous, erect.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : About 3oo species and varieties, mostly
of the tropics and subtropics of both hemispheres; a few also
found in the temperate portions of Europe and Asia ; widely
cultivated and nahiralized elsewehere . About 7 4 species and
varieties are native to America and 32 Old World species are
here naturalized or cultivated. Nine species and varieties are
known, wild or cultivated, from the Guianas.
IV, 2 20

1. a. Inflorescence mostly terminal, in narrow elongated

panicles ; leaflets very narrow ; introduced species
. . . • . .. .. • . . • 1 . V. Agnus-castus L.
• . . . . • . • . •

h. Inflorescence axillary, cymose or paniculate ; leaflets

broad ; native species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 . a . Inflorescence paniculate. 2 . V. compressa Turcz .
h. Inflorescence cymose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3 . a. Cymes mostly 3-flowered ; calyx tubular-infundibular
to 2 cm long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. V. triflora Vahl
h. Cymes many-flowered ; calyx cupuliform or patelli-
form, 1 � 2 mm long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4 · a. Cymes abbreviated or even subcapitate, dense ;
flowers appearing before or with the leaves . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. V Stahelii Moldenke
h. Cymes spreading, very loosely flowered, plainly
dichotomous ; flowers appearing after the leaves . .
5 . V. orinocensis var. multiflora (Miq.) Huber
1 . Vitex Agnus-castus L. Sp. PI. ed. 1 ( 1 753), p. 638 ;
Pulle, Enum. pi. fr. Sur. ( x go6), p. 404 ; � Vitex LatifoLia
Mill. Gard. Diet., ed. 8 ( 1 768), no. 2 ; � Vitex verliciLLata
Lam. FL Fr. 2 ( 1 778), p. 363 ; � Vitex <1inuala Medic.,
Act. Acad. Theod. Palat. 4, Phys. ( 1 78o), P • 202, pl. 8 ; �
Vitex integra Medic. Beobacht. ( 1 782), p . .3 1 3 ; � Vitex
LupinifoLia Salisb. Prodr. ( 1 796), p. 1 06 ; � Vitex Agnu<J
Stokes, Bot. Mat. Med. 3 ( 1 8 1 2), p. 4 1 3 ; � Vitex Agnu<J­
ca<Jlu<J var. LatifoLia Loud. Encycl. PI. ( 1 8 2 g), p. 6 2 o ; �
Vitex rohu<1la Lebas, Rev. Hort. ( 1 86g), p. 3o ; � Agnu<J­
ca<Jlu<J vulgari<1 Carr. ex Rehd. Man. Cult. Trees ( 1 92 7),
P · 777' in syn.
Shrub or low tree, to 5 m tall. Branches rather slender,
densely short-puberulous or pulverulent and marked with resinous
globules. Leaves 5 �g-foliolate (rarely 3-foliolate). Petioles
slender, 1 , 6 �7,5 cm long, densely puberulous and resinous­
granular. Leaflets mostly quite unequal in size, the central
one largest, the lowermost pair smallest, the 3 largest petiolu!ate
with more or less margined petiolules 2 � 1 0 mm long (rarely
subsessile), the 2 or 4 smallest subsessile or occasionally also
short-petiolulate. Leaflet-blades thin-chartaceous, narrowly ellip-

tic, the central one 4, 6 � 1 1 , 5 cm long and 9 � 2 1 mm wide,

attenuate or acuminate at both ends, more or less pulverulent
or glabrate above, densely short-puberulous or tomentellous
with appressed incanous or cinereous tomentum beneath, entire
or more or less undulate-subrepand (and occasionally subrevolute
in drying) along the margins (very rarely with 1 or 2 obscure
teeth), the lateral ones similar to the central one in all respects
except size and often more acute at both ends or even blunt at
apex. Veinlet reticulation usually almost indiscernible . Inflores­
cence paniculate, mostly terminal or with a few cymes axillary
in the uppermost leaf-axils forming a pyramidal inflorescence.
Panicles 4-31 cm long, 1 , 6 - 2 cm (rarely to 3,3 cm) wide in
anthesis, 1 - 1 , 5 cm wide in fruit, composed of numerous paired
many-flowered sessile or subsessile cymules. Peduncles and
rachis slender, densely short-puberulent and resinous-granular
like the branchlets, mostly incanous . Sympodia usually abbre­
viated. Pedicels very slender, 1 mm long or less, incanous­
puberulent. Calyx broadly campanulate, 2 -3 mm long and
wide, densely incanous-tomentellous, the rim shortly 5 -toothed.
Corolla lavender or lilac, about 8 mm long, densely incanous­
tomentellous throughout outside, the tube ampliate at apex
into the spreading 5-lobed limb, the lobes obtuse or subacute
at apex. Stamens and style exserted. Drupes subglobose, about
3 mm long and wide.
D i s t r i b ut i o n : A Mediterranean species, widely cultivated
in temperate, subtropical, and tropical regions of the world ;
naturalized in the southern United States, the West Indies,
the Guianas, and Brazil.
Suriname (Collector undesignated s.n. [ P H ] ; Focke n. 1 2 09
Voltz s.n.; Wullschlagel n . 1 089 [GO ET]); cultivated in
Suriname (Wullschlagel n. 1 0&4 [BR] ) .

2 . Vitex compressa Turcz., Bull. S o c . Nat. Mosc. 36,

part. 2 ( 1 863), p . 2 2 4 ; - " Vitex umbroaa Sw! ' sensu Pulle,
Enum. pl. fr. Sur. ( 1 906), p. 404 [not V. umbroJa Sw.
Prodr. Veg. Ind. O cc. ( 1 799), p. 93] ; - Vitex berleroana

Pittier, Contrib. U . S . Nat. Herb. 2 0 ( 1 9 2 2), p . ..:(85 ; -

Vitex Brittoniana Moldenke, Torreya 33 ( 1 g33), p . 67 ; -
Cornutia pentaphyLLa Pavon ex Moldenke in Fedde, Repert. 40
( 1 g36), p. 1 96, in syn.
Tree, to 2 0 m tall. Trunk to 5o cm in diameter. Branchlets
rather stoutish, corky, medullose, obscurely puberulous. Twigs
stoutish, puberulous with minute hairs, lenticellate. Leaves
3 -7-foliolate. Petioles slender, 5 - 1 2 cm long, densely or
sparsely puberulous, disk-shaped at apex. Leaflets subequal or
the lowermost somewhat smaller, all distinctly petiolulate.
Petiolules 1 - 2 2 mm long, margined and canaliculate above,
puberulous beneath. Leaflet-blades usually thin-chartaceous or
submembranous, the central one oblong-elliptic or elliptic,
7 - 2 6 cm long, 2, 5 - 1 1 cm wide, acute or short-acuminate
(rarely obtuse or emarginate) at apex, entire or often subundulate
along the margins, acute or attenuate at base, glabrous and
nitid (rarely more or less pulverulent) above, puberulous(especially
on the larger venation) beneath, soon becoming glabrous and
nitid. Vein and veinlet reticulation abundant, usually prominulous
beneath, plainly visible or prominulous above . Inflorescence
axillary, paniculate, usually 1 1 -3o cm long, 3-5 cm wide,
many-flowered, composed of 5 -8 pairs of opposite or sub­
opposite long-stipitate dichotomous and loosely spreading cymes.
Peduncles and rachis slender, often somewhat flattened, puberulous
or subglabrate. Uppermost sympodia usually greatly abbreviated,
lowermost ones elongate. Pedicels 1 -3 mm long, densely
puberulous with sordid-gray hairs . Calyx campanulate, 2 -3 mm
long and wide, more or less puberulous, its rim 5-toothed, the
teeth short, acute, mostly recurved. Corolla blue, purple, or
violet, with a yellow spot, about 1 2 mm long, more or les ;
densely appressed-puberulent throughout outside, the lowest
lobe conspicuously enlarged, pulverulent toward the apex
within, sublanuginous at base. Stamens and style exserted from
the corolla-tube ; drupes oblong-ovate, about 1 0 mm in diameter.

D i s t r i b u t i o n : From Trinidad and Cura�ao to Venezuela,

the Guianas and Brazil.
Suriname (Hostmann & Kappler n. 1 6o [ S ] ; Kappler
n. 1 07 [L] ; Splitgerber s.n. [W] ) ; near Para R. (B.W.
n . 382, fl . Jan. ) ; Para district (Splitgerber n. 1 044 [L, P ] ,
fl . June) ; Marowijne R . (Kappler n. 1 696 [G, G O ET, P ,
S, U, W ] , fl. March) ; Upper Suriname R . , near Misikai
(Tresling n. 1 3 1 , fl. July) ; id. near Carolina (B.W . n. 6 2 73,
fl . June) ; Zanderij I, tree n . 1 08 (B.W. n. 1 3g6 [NY, U ] ) ;
Upper Nickerie R . (B.W. n. 1 078, fl. Febr.) ; Kabalebo R . ,
Avanavero falls (Pulle n. 4 4 6 , fl. S ept.) ; Corantijne R . ,
Kaboerie Creek (B.W. n. 2 2 0 0, ster.) ; Kaboerie, tree n. 6 6 2
(B.W. n. 48o8, ster. ; n. 58gg, fl . July) ; id. , tree n. 6 4 2
(B.W. n. 4764, ster.) ; id. , tree n. 6 o 4 (B.W. n. 4899, ster. ;
n. 6 9 1 2 , fl. July) ; id., tree n. 678 (B. W. n. 4987, ster. ) ; id.,
tree n. 626 (B.W. n. 5o3o, ster.).
V e r n a c u l a r n a m e s : Apokotja, Taroema (Kar.) ; Alasoabo
(Arow.) ; Boschkalebas ( S . D .).

3. Vitex triflora Vahl, Eclog. 2 ( 1 798), p . 49 ; � PyroJloma

lernata G. F. W. Mey. Prim. Fl. Esseq. ( 1 8 1 8), p . 2 2 0 ; �
CaJarettoa oiverJifo!ia Walp. Repert. 4 ( 1 844), p . 9 2 ; �

/ffacroJlegia Ruiziana Nees in A. D C . Prodr. 1 1 ( 1 847),

p. 2 1 8 ; � Rue!Lia macrocalyx Ruiz ex Nees in A. D C .
Prodr. 1 1 ( 1 847), p. 2 1 8, i n syn. ; � Vitex lr�ffora var.
lenuifo!ia Huber, Bol. Mus. Goeldi 5 ( 1 909), p. 2 1 "'(.
Shrub or tree, to 1 3 m tall. Branchlets acutely tetragonal,
glabrate . Twigs slender, often flattened and sulcate in drying,
more or less puberulent (especially at the nodes) with brownish
or flavescent hairs. Leaves 3-foliolate. Petioles slender, 1 , 2 �6 cm
long, densely or sparsely puberulent with appressed flavescent
hairs or becoming glabrous. Leaflets subequal or the lateral
ones slightly smaller, all very short-petiolulate or subsessile.
Petiolules 1 �3 mm long, mostly margined, sparsely strigillose­
puberulent. Leaflet-blades thin-chartaceous, the central one ·

elliptic or subohovate, 5, 5 � 2 2 cm long, 2,4 �9,4 cm wide,

acute or short-acuminate (rarely obtuse) at apex, entire, acute
or acuminate at base, glabrous or subglabrate above (except
for the pilose midrib), more or less puberulent or flavescent-

pilose along the midrib and larger venation (or glabrous) beneath,
the lateral ones similar in all respects, but sometimes slightly
smaller. Midrib and secondaries flat or subimpressed above .
Veinlet reticulation fine, subprominulent on both surfaces .
Inflorescence axillary, cymose, usually 3-flowered (rarely only
1 -flowered or bifurcate and 7-flowered), 3, 5 � I I cm long,
1 �3 cm wide . Peduncles very slender, 1 , 6 �7,6 cm long,
flattened, densely or sparsely puberulent. Pedicels slender,
1 �7 mm long, puberulent with incanous or flavescent hairs .
Calyx tubular-infundibular, to 2 cm long, 2 -lipped, deeply
5 -fid, rather densely appressed-pubescent with flavescent hairs,
the lobes foliaceous, lanceolate, sharply acute, often spreading
or recurved, more sparsely appressed-puberulent. Corolla hypo­
crateriform, violet, blue, or purple, its tube cylindric, incrassate,
to 2 , 3 cm long, very densely appressed-villous with flavescent
antrorse hairs on the portion exserted from the calyx-tube, its
limb 2-lipped, 5-lobed, the lobes comparatively small, densely
villous like the tube outside, glabrous within, the upper lip
erect and bifid, the lower lip with the middle lobe rounded at
apex and barbulate at base. Stamens slightly exserted. Fruiting­
calyx accrescent, its lobes often much enlarged and very foliaceous
Drupes about 1 , 6 cm long and 1 cm wide, fleshy, densely appressed
pubescent with cinereous or flavescent hairs, edible.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : From the Guianas to Peru, Bolivia and Brazil.
Lawa R . , in rocky places (Kappler n. 2 093 [GO ET, L,
W], fl. Nov.) ; Upper Suriname R., near Santiadam (Tresling
n. 379, fl. Aug.) ; Upper Gran Rio ( Hulk n. 235, fl. Sept.) ;
Upper Marowijne R. (Kappler, n. 67 [L, U]) .

4· Vitex Stahelii Moldenke 1 )

1) Vitex Stahelii Moldenke, sp. nov. - Arbor ;, h ornotinis petiolisque
rhachideque inflorescenti ae e t laminis foli olorum subtus j uventute puberulis
senectute glabres centibus ; foliis 5 -foli o latis cum vel aliquanto post fl oribus
enas centibus ; cymis axillaribus parvis plerumque subcapitatis pedunculati s .
S u r i n a m o : Brownsberg, arbor n . 1 1 6 2 ( B . W. n . 2 4 8 0 , Typus [U], fl.
Nov., n . 2 4 6 4, fl. Sept . , n . 6 8 o 4 , fl . A pril).

Tree, to 40 m tall. Branches and branchlets minutely and

rather sparsely puberulent, glabrescent in age. Twigs more
densely puberulent. Leaves 5-foliolate, very immature or not
yet unfolded at time of anthesis. Petioles 6 � 1 6 cm long, lightly
puberulent with very minute grayish hairs . Leaflets �ostly very
unequal when mature, subsessile or short-petiolulate. Petiolules
1 �6 mm long, margined, lightly and minutely puberulent.
Leaflet-blades membranous, the central one oblong, elliptic, or
subobovate, 9 � 2 8 cm long, 2 �g,6 cm wide, long-acuminate
or caudate at apex, entire, acute or cuneate at base, very
minutely pulverulent-puberulent on both surfaces (especially
b eneath) when immature, becoming glabrous on both surfaces
in age, the lateral ones similar in all respects, but usually much
smaller and narrower. Inflorescence axillary, cymose, 2 �6 cm
long, o, 8 � 2,6 cm wide, several times branched in a subcapitate
or umbelloid fashion, each branch several times dichotomous
with very much abbreviated branchlets, rather densely few- or
many-flowered, lightly canescent-puberulent throughout. Peduncle
slender, 0,7�4 cm long, compressed, lightly puberulent. Pedicels
about 1 , 6 mm long, puberulent. Calyx broadly campanulate,
2 mm long or less, densely appressed-puberulent, the rim sinuate
or indistinctly 5-dentate. Corolla purple, with a yellow throat,
its tube about 7,6 mm long, the exserted portion puberulent
outside, villous within at the insertion of the stamens, its lobes
ovate or oblong, obtuse, more or less puberulent outside,
glabrescent within, the inferior median lobe about g,5 mm
long, the remaining lobes about 5 mm long. Stamens and style
exserted. Fruiting-calyx accrescent, patelliform. Drupes about
7 mm long, glabrous .
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Eastern Venezuela and the Guianas.
Suriname (Stockdale n. 8 8 2 1 [K]); Brownsberg, tree
n. 1 1 6 2 (B.W. n. 2464, fl. Sept., n. 248o, fl. Nov . , n. 68o.:j,
fl. April) .
V e r n a c u l a r n a m e s : Alasaobo (Arow.) ; Panda (Kar.).

5 . Vitex orinocensis var. multiflora (Miq.) Huber, Bol.

Mus . Goeldi 5 ( 1 909), p . 2 1 7 ; � Vitex multiflora Miq.,
Linnaea 1 8 ( 1 8 ..f4), p. 739 ; Pulle, Enum. pl. fr. Sur. ( 1 go6),
p. 404 ; � Vitex orinocen<Ji<J var. amazonica Huber, Bol. Mus .
Goeldi 5 ( 1 gog), p . 2 1 7, pl. 3, fig. 1 9 and 2 0.
Small tree. Branchlets and twigs rather stout, the younger
parts densely short-puberulent with appressed canescent hairs,
the older parts glabrescent. Leaves 1 �5-foliolate, mostly
3-foliolate. Petioles slender, 1 �3, 5 cm long, puberulent with
short canescent hairs throughout. Leaflets unequal, mostly all
very shortly petiolulate. Leaflet-blades thin-chartaceous or mem­
branous, the central one oblong-elliptic, elliptic, or subobovate,
6 � 1 1 cm long, 2 --4 cm wide, very shortly and obtusely acuminate
or acute at apex, entire, acute or acuminate at base, glabrous
or subglabrate above, obscurely puberulent beneath (especially
on the larger venation), the lateral ones similar in all respects,
but smaller. Inflorescence axillary, cymose, widely dichotomous­
brachiate, to 1 8 cm long and 1 2 cm wide. Peduncles slender,
conspicuously flattened, 5 � 6 cm long, densely short-pubescent.
Calyx short-campanulate, about 1 mm long, appressed-puberulent,
its rim obsoletely 5-toothed with very small unequal teeth.
Corolla blue or purple, its tube about 4 mm long, more or less
densely appressed-puberulent outside, its lobes densely puberulent
outside, obscurely pulverulent within, the inferior median lobe
much larger than the others, barbate at the base. Stamens and
style exserted.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : From Colombia, Venezuela, and the Guianas
to Peru and Brazil.
Suriname (Wullschlagel n. 1 o36 [BR]) ; Charlesburg, near
Paramaribo (B.W. n. 5o3, fl . Jan.); Middle Marowijne R . ,
at edge of high forest (Kappler n. 1 988 [GO ET, S, U],
fl . July) ; Suriname R., near Station Victoria (Kappler n. 1 366
[B, D R , E, G, GO ET, L, M, P, S, UPS, W], fl . D ec .) ;
Upper Saramacca R . (Pulle n. 2 1 6, fl . March, n . ..:j5 5 , fl .
Feb.) ; Tapanahoni R . , Kapoea rapids (Rombouts n. 646,
fl. Feb.); Upper Tapanahoni R . , near mouth of Paloemeu R.
(Rombouts n. 676, fl. Feb.).

Woody plants, mostly trees or shrubs, sometimes vines,
usually unarmed or rarely with the petiole-base spinescent,
glabrous or variously pubescent throughout. Leaves simple,
decussate-opposite or whorled, entire or variously dentate,
deciduous, exstipulate. Inflorescence cymose, the cymes mostly
rather loose-flovvered, more rarely dense-flowered, pedunculate
in the upper leaf-axils or paniculate at the apex of the branchlets
or densely aggregate in terminal corymbs or heads. Flowers
more or less zygomorphic, often large and showy, mostly white,
blue, violet, or red, the calyx often of the same color as the
corolla or red, white, or green. Calyx campanulate or rarely
tubular, truncate, 5-toothed, or 5-fid, often accrescent, sub­
tending the fruit in patelliform fashion or enclosing it. Corolla
hypocrateriform, hypogynous, gamopetalous, its tube narrowly
cylindric, straight or incurved, equal in diameter throughout
or slightly ampliate at the mouth, often elongate, more rarely
only slightly exceeding the calyx, its limb spreading or sub­
reflexed, 5-parted, the lobes subequal or the two posterior and
exterior o'ues slightly shorter and the anterior one larger, some­
times concave. Stamens 4, didynamous, inserted in the corolla­
tube, long-exserted, involute in bud, perfect, alternate with the
corolla-lobes . Anthers ovate or oblong, 2 -celled, with parallel
thecae, opening by means of longitudinal slits. Pistil one,
2-carpellary, the style terminal, elongate, shortly and acutely
2 -fid at the apex. Ovary superior, imperfectly 4-celled, each
cell 1 -ovulate. Ovules high-lateral, semi-anatropous. Fruit
drupaceous, globose or obovoid, often 4-sulcate or�-sub-4-lobed,
the exocarp more or less fleshy, the endocarp bony or �rustaceous,
smooth or variously rugose, separating on maturity into 4 stones
or these sometimes cohering in pairs. Seeds oblong, without
D i s t r i b u t i o n : About 35o species and varieties of tropical
and subtropical regions, most abundant in Asia and Africa ,

poorly represented in America except in cultivation and by

naturalization. Eleven species and varieties are known, wild
or cultivated, from the Guianas.
1 . a . Petiole-base spines cent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
• . • • . • . • 1 . C. aculeatum (L.) Schlecht.
• • • • • . •

b . Petiole-base not spinescent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2 . a. Corolla greatly elongate, 1 0 � 1 2 cm long or longer ;
leaves ternate . . . . . . 2 . C. indicum (L.) Kuntze
b. Corolla not greatly elongate, 1 �4 cm long ; leaves
opposite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3 . a. Leaf-blades densely resinous-squamulose beneath,
cordate at base. 3 . C. japonicum (Thunb.) Sweet
b. Leaf-blades not resinous-squamulose beneath, not
cordate at base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4 · a . Corolla more or less doubled, white or pink ; calyx
green, purple, or red ; leaf-blades more or less
strigillose on both surfaces, coarsely dentate . . . .
. . . . . . . 4 · C. fragrans var. pleniflorum Schau.
b. Corolla single, dark red, crimson, or scarlet ; calyx
white ; leaf-blades glabrate on both surfaces, entire
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . C. Thomsonae Balf. f.
1 . Clerodendrum aculeatum (L.) Schlecht., Linnaea 6 ( 1 83 1 )
p. 76o ; � Volkameria aculeala L . Sp. Pl., ed. 1 ( 1 753),
p. 637 ; � CleroJenJron aculealum (L.) Griseb. Fl. Brit.
W. lnd. ( 1 86 1 ), p. 5oo ; Pulle, Enum. pl. fr. Sur. ( 1 906),
p. 404 ; � CLeroJenJron aculealum var. granJijolium Kuntze,
Rev. Gen. Pl. 2 ( 1 89 1 ), p. 5 o 5 ; � CLeroJenJron aculealum
var. parvijolium Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2 ( 1 89 1 ), p. 5 o 5 ; �
OvieJa aculeala (L.) Baill. Hist. Pl. 1 1 ( 1 892 ), p . 96 ; �
OvieJa acuLeala (L.) A. S . Hitchc., Rep. Mo. Bot. Gard. 4
( 1 893), p. l l 8 .
Sprawling o r trailing shrub, t o 3, 5 m tall. Branches, branchlets,
and twigs stiff, subterete or obtusely tetragonal, gray or brownish,
more or less puberulent or pulverulent (sometimes decidedly
pubescent) or glabrate in age, lenticellate. Leaves opposite or
ternate. Petioles slender from a very stout, ligneous, and ampliate
base, 3 � 1 1 mm long, more or less puberulent, eventually breaking
off obliquely Ya or % the distance from the base, the base

persisting as a sharp, subulate, stout spine ; the petioles of the

small fascicled leaves often borne in the axils of the spines
obsolete or very short and not stout nor ampliate at base, not
spinescent. Leaf-blades chartaceous, dark green above, lighter
beneath, sometimes becoming brunnescent above in drying,
elliptic, o, g �5,5 cm long, o, 3 � 2, 4 cm wide, acute or cuneate
at base, entire, blunt or acute at apex and usually slightly
mucronulate, subglabrous or glabrous and nitid on both surfaces,
densely punctate beneath, the midrib sometimes puberulent
beneath on young leaves. Veinlet reticulation delicate, obscure
on both surfaces. Inflorescence axillary, crowded at the apex
of the branchlets and twigs . Cymes solitary in or slightly above
the axils of the spines, 2 �6 cm long, 1 , 5 �5 cm wide, loosely
and sparsely flowered. Peduncles very slender, 1 � 2 , 8 cm long,
densely puberulent. Pedicels very slender, 2 � 1 2 mm long,
densely puberulent. Calyx campanulate, about 3 mm long,
puberulent, its rim 5 -lobed, the lobes triangular-ovate, 2 �3 mm
long, caudate-acuminate, spreading or reflexed. Corolla hypo­
crateriform, white, its tube slender, about 18 mm long, its limb
5 -lobed and about 1 2 mm broad. Stamens 4, somewhat uneq11:al,
purple, exserted. Fruiting-calyx cupuliform, patent, 3 � 5 mm
long and 6�9 mm wide, puberulent or granular-pulverulent and
punctate, venose, its rim sharply 5-toothed with triangular-ovate
teeth, deeply split in age. Fruit subspherical, 5 � g mm long and
wide, glabrous, conspicuously 2 -lobed and -sulcate when young,
in age 4-lobed and 4-sulcate, fleshy when young, hard and stony
when mature, splitting into two 2-lobed halves on maturity.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : From eastern Mexico, Bermuda, and the
Bahamas, through the West Indies, to northern Venezuela
and the Guianas ; also naturalized in India and cultivated
Paramaribo (Focke n. 1 333, fl . · Nov. ; C ollector indig. n. 3o ;
S oeprato n. 1 8J, fl. and fr. July ; Wullschlii.gel n. 409 [BR,
GO ET, W]); Nickerie (Tulleken n. 3 1 2 [L] , fl. Sept.).
V e r n a c u l a r n a m e : Boesie droifi ( N . E . ) .

2 . Clerodendrum indicum (L.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 2

( 1 8 9 1 ), p. 5o6 ; � Ly<Jimacbia inJica Bontius, Hist. Nat. Med.
lnd. Orient. ( 1 668), p . 1 69 ; � Sipbonantblld inJica L. Sp.
PI., ed. 1 ( 1 75.3), p . 1 09 ; � OvieJa miti<J L. Sp. PI., ed. 1
( 1 76.3), p. 88g ; � /Hontalbania Neck. Elem. 1 ( 1 790), p . 2 7.3 ;
� Sipbonantblld an.gu<Jtijolia Willd. Sp. Fl. 1 , part 2 ( 1 797),
p. 6o6 ; � ClerodenJron Sipbonantbu<J R. Br. in Ait. Hort.
Kew,, ed. 2, 4 ( 1 8 1 2), p. 65 ; Pulle, Enum. pl. fr. Sur. ( 1 906),
p. 404 ; � Clerodendron longicolle G. F . W. Mey. Primit.
Fl. Esseq. ( 1 8 1 8), p. 2 1 7 ; � Ovieda verticillata Roxb . ex
D . D on, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. ( 1 8 2 6), p. 1 02 ; � ClerodenJron
verticillatum (Roxb.) D . D on, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. ( 1 8 2 6),
p . 1 02 ; � ClerodenJron anglldtijolium (Willd.) Hassk. Cat.
PI. Hort. Bog. ( 1 844), p. 1 .36 ; � Clerodendron mite (L.)
Vatke, Linnaea 4.3 ( 1 882), p. 5.37 ; � Clerodendron inJica
(L.) Druce, Rep. Bot. Exch. Cl. Brit. Isles .3 "( 1 9 1 4), p. 4 1 6 ;
� ClerodenJron Jortunatum Blume apud Lam & Bakh., Bull.
Jard. Bot. Buitenz., ser. Ill, .3 ( 1 9 2 1 ), p. 85, in syn. [not
C. Jortunatum L. Cent. PI. 2 ( 1 766), p. 2 .3 ] ; � Ovieda
inermi<J Jacks . apud Lam & Bakh., Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenz. ,
ser. Ill, .3 ( 1 9 2 1 ), p. 8 5 , i n syn.
Branching shrub or low tree, to 2 m tall. Branchlets very
stout, hollow, obtusely tetragonal, the larger ones 8 � 1 o-sulcate,
subglabrate. Internodes mostly elongate. Leaves opposite or
whorled in whorls of .3 � 6. Petioles stout, 4 �8 mm long, glabrous,
often striate. Leaf-blades membranous or thin-chartaceous,
oblong or elliptic, 8, 5 � 2 .3 cm long, 2 , 3 �5, 5 cm wide, acute or
acuminate at apex, entire, acute at base, glabrous on both
surfaces, sparsely punctate beneath. Midrib stout, very prominent
beneath. Secondaries prominulous beneath. Veinlet reticulation
very sparse, obscure above, not at all prominulous beneath.
Inflorescence axillary and terminal, abundant, the axillary
cymes opposite and solitary or whorled, usually supra-axillary,
4 � 6 cm long, few-flowered, lax, widely divaricate . Terminal
panicle thyrsoid, to 46 cm long or longer and to 2 6 cm wide,
very showy, composed of .3 � 1 2 whorls of cymes, glabrous
throughout, often more or less continuous with the many axillary

cymes borne in the upper axils: Peduncles and sympodia similar

to the branchlets in size, shape, texture, color, and glabrescence,
but slightly more slender. Bracts foliaceous, resembling the
leaves in all respects, but smaller, usually numerous, caducous.
Bractlets broadly linear, very numerous, 5 � 1 5 mm long, 2 �3 mm
wide, glabrous. Pedicels slender, 6 � 1 7 mm long, glabrous .
Calyx campanulate, somewhat fleshy, 1 , 3 � 2 cm long, deeply
5 -parted, its broad lobes ovate, purplish, 6 � 1 0 mm long, acute,
usually rather longer than the broadly campanulate tube. Corolla
hypocrateriform, white or yellow, its tube very slender, greatly
elongate, about 1 0 cm long and only 2 mm in diameter, curved,
ampliate at the apex, its limb somewhat irregularly 5 -lobed,
very much shorter than the tube, 2 �3 cm wide, the lobes oblong
or obovate . Stamens 4, unequal, exserted. Stigma 2 -cleft. Drupes
blue-black, globose, fleshy, shorter than the persistent calyx­
lobe � , 8 � 1 0 mm wide, 2 �4-lobed, usually with 4 nutlets.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : An Asiatic species widely cultivated ; natur­
alized from the southern United States, through the West
Indies, to Trinidad and the Guianas.
Suriname (Splitgerber s.n. [ P ] ; Wullschliigel n. 1 o53, in
part [B, B R ] ) ; Paramaribo (Tulleken n. 26 [L], fl. Aug.) ;
Para district, near O sembo (Splitgerber n. 1 1 oo [L ] , fl. May) ;
cultivated in Suriname (Wullschliigel n. 1 oS.'l, in part [ G O E T ,
W]) ; cultivated a t and near Paramaribo (Focke n. 9 1 8 ,
fl. S ept. ; Kegel n. 1 o.'lo [GO ET], fl. O ct. ) ; Lower Commewijne
R . , plant. Rust en Werk (Soeprato n. 1 1 8, fl. Aug . ).

3. Clerodendrum japonicum (Thunb .) Sweet, H ort. Brit.

( 1 8 2 6), p. 3 2 2 ; � VoLkameria japonica Thunb . Fl. Jap .
( 1 784), p. 255 ; � CLerodendron Kaempferi Fisch. ex Steud.
Nom. Bot. , ed. 2, 1 ( 1 84o), p. 383, in syn. [not C. Kaempferi
(Jacq.) Sieb ., Verh. Batav. Gen. 1 2 ( 1 83o), p. 3 i ] ; �
CLerodendron JingaLenJe Miq. Flor. N ed. Ind. Suppl. Sumatra
( 1 86o), p. 568 ; � CLerodendron japonicum Mak., Bot. Mag.
Tokyo 1 7 ( 1 903), p. 9 1 ; � CLerodendron coccineum H. J. Lam,
Verbenac. Mal. Arch. ( 1 9 1 9), p. 296 ; CLerodendron
Jquamalum var. typica Bakh. in Lam & Bakh., Bull. Jard.
Bot. Buitenz., ser. Ill, 3 ( 1 9 2 1 ), p. 93.

Shrub or tree. Branchlets stout, very medullose, very obtusely

tetragonal, often deeply sulcate between the angles in drying,
brownish, densely puberulent. Larger nodes marked with a
narrow band of villous tomentum. Leaves opposite, large .
Petioles stout, 1 , 6 - 1 3 cm long, puberulent, often collapsing
at base and sulcate above in drying. Leaf-blades thin-chartaceous,
usually brunnescent in drying, broadly ovate or obcordate,
7 - 2 6 cm long, 7, 6 - 2 1 , 6 cm wide, short-acuminate at apex,
denticulate along the margins, deeply cordate at base, sparsely
strigillose or glabrate above, minutely puberulent and very
densely squamulose beneath. Inflorescence supra-axillary and
terminal, the cymes very wide-spreading, long-pedunculate,
1 1 - 2 6 cm long, loosely many-flowered, 4 - 8 cm wide, in the
upper axils. Terminal panicle very loose, often massive with
greatly elongated sympodia and 4-6 pairs of widely divergent
loosely many-flowered cymes. Peduncles stoutish, 4, 6 - 1 6, 6 cm
long, divaricate, brown, buff, or purplish, puberulent, often
sulcate in drying. Pedicels very slender, 7 - 2 7 mm long,
puberulent. Bracts conspicuous, a pair subtending each pair of
cymes in the terminal panicle, large and foliaceous, oblong,
elliptic, or ovate, long-stipitate, to 4 cm long and 3, 5 cm wide.
Bractlets oblong or linear, numerous, to 2 cm long and 2 , 6 mm
wide, puberulent. Calyx campanulate, 1 - 1 , 7 cm long, 5-parted
almost to the base, its lobes rather narrowly ovate, 8 - 1 4 mm
long, subulate-acuminate at apex, mostly red, puberulent. Corolla
hypocrateriform, 2 -3 cm long, red, its tube very slender,
about 2 cm long and 2 mm wide, slightly curved, its limb rather
irregularly 5-lobed, 1 , 6 - 2 , 6 cm in diameter, the lobes elliptic.
Stamens 4, unequal, long-exserted.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : An Asiatic species widely cultivated ; natur­
alized in Mexico and Suriname.
Near Paramaribo (B.W. n. 6o3o ; Collector indig. n. 1 7o) ;
in forest near Agricultural Experiment Station, Paramaribo
(Lanj ouw n. S78, fl. Aug.).
V e r n a c u l a r n a m e : Wan hon na wan njari (N .E.).

4 · Clerodendrum fragrans var. p leniflorum Schau. in

A . D :C . Prodr. 1 1 ( 1 847), p . 666 [as � plenijfora"] ; - Volk·

mannia japonica Jacq. Hort. Schoenbr. 3 ( 1 798), p . 48, pl. 338 ;

- Agricolaea fragran<J Schrank, Denkschr. Akad. Muench. 1
( 1 8o8), p. 98 ; - CleroJenJrum fragran<J Willd. Enum. Hort.
Bot. Berol. 2 ( 1 809), p. 669 ; - 011ieJa fragran<J (Willd.)
A. S . Hitchc., Mem. Torrey Club 1 2 ( 1 902), p . 63 ; -
Viburnum JeltoiJeum M. K J ones, Extracts Contrib. West. .
Bot. 1 8 ( 1 933), p. 68.
Half-shrubby, to 1 ,5 m tall, mostly reproducing vegetatively.
Branches stout and angled, finely pubescent. Branchlets more
slender, more or less densely short-pubescent. Leaves opposite,
large . Petioles stoutish, 2 - 2 3, 5 cm long, more or less densely
short-pubescent (less so in age), mostly collapsing at base and
apex in drying. Leaf-blades membranous, broadly ovate, 6 - 2 9 cm
long, 5 - 2 8 cm wide, sharply acute at apex, coarsely and
irregularly dentate along the margins, varying from cordate to
subtruncate at base, usually slightly cuneately prolonged into
the petiole-apex, lightly strigillose-pubescent on both surfaces,
usually more densely so on the venation beneath, not squamulose .
Inflorescence terminal, cymose, very densely many-flowered,
subsessile or short-pedunculate, 3-6 cm long, 3,5 - 9 cm wide,
often subtended by a pair of foliaceous long-stipitate bracts.
Bractlets very numerous, foliaceous, scattered throughout the
cymes, oblong or elliptic, 1 , 5 -3 cm long, 3 - 1 2 mm wide,
subulate-acuminate at the apex, attenuate-acute at base, more
or less strigillose-pubescent on both surfaces, especially at the
margins, long-stipitate. Calyx campanulate, 1 - 1 , 5 cm long,
purple or red, marked with scattered circular or elliptic glandular
disks, sparsely strigillose-puberulent or glabrate, 5-cleft, its
lobes lanceolate, 4 - 1 0 mm long, sharply acuminate . Corolla
hypocrateriform, more or less full-double, white, pink, or rose,
the stamens and pistil mostly modified into supernumerary
petals. Fruit not developed, except in rare instances.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : An Asiatic species of which this variety IS

very widely cultivated in all subtropical and tropical regions,

where it quickly becomes naturalized ; naturalized from the
southern United States, through the West lndies, and Mexico,
through Central America, to P�raguay, Argentina, and Chile.
Suriname (Collector undesignated n. 1 6 , n. 139 [L] ; Cramer' s
collector n. 1 4 ; Kappler n. 1 6 1 [ S ] ; Tulleken n. 1 8 2 [L] ;
Wullschlagel n. 1 98 1 [W] ) ; abundant in pastures near Para­
maribo (Kegel n. 933 [GO ET], fl. June) ; way to Kwatta,
Paramaribo (Samuels n. 3 3 2 [B, GH, K, L, NYJ, fl. June) ;
Lower Commewijne R . , Slootwijk (Soeprato n. 1 4g, fl. July) ;
Lower Suriname R. plant. Guin. Vriendschap (Soeprato
n. 2 4 1 , fl. Aug.).
V e r n a c u l a r n a m e : Madan polan (N. E . ) .

5 . Clerodendrum Thomsonae Balf. f. , Trans . Bot. Soc.

Edinb. 7 ( 1 86.2), pp. 26S and 58o, pl. 7 and 1 6 ; - Clerodendron
Thomaoniae Dombrain, Flor. Mag. 4 ( 1 866), pl. .255, in
nota, sphalm. ; - Clerodendron Thomaoniae var. Baljourii
Jacks . ex Dombrain, Flor. Mag. 4 ( 1 866), pl. 2 5 5 ; -
Clerodendron ThompMni var. Baljouri Dombrain, Flor. Mag. 8
(1 86g), p.l 432, in nota, sphalm ; - Clerodendron Ba/jouri
Dombrain, Flor. Mag. 8 ( 1 86g), pl. 432, in nota ; -
Clerodendron Thompaonae Balf. ex Moldenke, Bull. Torrey
Club 58 ( 1 93 1 ), p . 463, sphalm.
High-climbing woody vine, to 7 m long, or low shrub.
Branchlets slender, grayish, obtusely tetragonal, glabrate. Twigs
purplish or brown, densely puberulent ; leaf-scars often large
and circular, corky, borne on prominent sterigmata about 1 mm
l ong. Leaves opposite. Petioles slender, 8 -35 mm long, minutely
puberulent with purplish hairs. Leaf-blades thin-membranous,
often nigrescent in drying, elliptic or elliptic-ovate, 6 - 1 4, 5 cm
long, 3 - 7 cm wide, short-acuminate at apex, entire, rounded
or subacute at base, glabrate on both surfaces or slightly
pulverulent along the larger veins . Inflorescence axillary, cymose,
abundant near the apex of the twigs, the cymes spreading,
5 -g cm long, 4-8,5 cm wide, loosely few-flowered. Peduncles
slender, 2 , 6 -6, 5 cm long, densely puberulent. Pedicels very
slender, 7 - 1 6 mm long, puberulent. Brads none . Bractlets

linear, 2 � 1 1 mm long, to 1 mm wide or subulate, puberulent.

Calyx campanulate, 1 , 8 � 2 , 6 cm long, pale yellowish-green,
changing to pure white during anthesis and becoming faded
rose-color in fruit, persistent, 5 -parted practically to the base,
decidedly 5-angled, the lobes broadly ovate, 7 � 1 1 mm wide,
tapering gradually to the sharply acute apex, minutely puberulent.
Corolla hypocrateriform, cardinal red or crimson, the tube
very narrow, about 2 , 6 cm long, the limb rather irregularly
5-parted, the lobes oblong or elliptic, 6 � 8 mm long, acute,
spreading. Stamens 4, unequal, long-exserted. Ovary 4-lobed.
Fruit externally glossy-black, with a brilliant red aril uniting
the 4 nutlets.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : A tropical African species, very widely
cultivated in all subtropical and tropical regions and under
glass elsewhere ; locally sparingly naturalized from Porto Rico
and Mexico to Peru and Brazil.
Suriname (Collector indig. n. 1 47).
V e rn a c u l a r n a m e : Broedoe nahatti (bleeding heart) (N . E . ) .
The Clerodendron verrucoJum Splitgerber, recorded by Pulle, Enum .
pl. fr. Sur. ( 1 906), p . 404, is Trichanthera giganlea (Humb . & B onpl. )
N ees, in the Acanthaceae.

IV, 2 21



Shrubs or trees of maritime regions, mostly inhabiting the

saline or brackish coastal mangrove lagoons . The growth in
diameter of the trunks and stems is brought about by concentric
layers of mestome rings. The branches, branchlets, and twigs
are commonly terete, prominently nodose, and articulate . The
leaves are opposite, thick-textured, persistent, petiolate, exsti­
pulate. Leaf-blades entire. Inflorescence axillary or terminal,
determinate and centrifugal (cymose), spicate or subcapitate,
the axillary inflorescences mostly paired. Flowers sessile, perfect,
hypogynous, small . Calyx composed of 5 nearly separate sepals,
the segments ovate and plainly imbricate, subtended by a pseudo­
involucre composed of a scale-like bractlet and 2 alternate
scale-like prophylla, which are slightly shorter than the calyx
and are imbricate with each other and with the calyx-segments.
Corolla actinomorphic, gamopetalous at base, campanulate­
rotate, 4-parted. Stamens 4 in number, inserted in the corolla­
tube, equal or subdidynamous. Gynoecium composed of 2 united
carpels. Ovary compound, with a free central often more or
less 4-winged placenta. Ovules 4, pendent, orthotropous, hanging
from the tip of the central columella. Fruit a compressed oblique
capsule., with a juicy and somewhat fleshy usually tomentellous
exocarp, dehiscent by 2 valves, by abortion regularly only
1 -seeded. Seeds without a testa. Embryo viviparous, with a
hairy radicle and 2 cotyledons, which are folded lengthwise.

D i s t r i b u t i o n : A single genus with about 1 7 living species

and varieties, inhabiting the maritime regions of the tropics
and subtropics of both hemispheres ; one of the chief con­
stituents of almost all coastal mangrove lagoons ; 2 additional
fossil species are known from the United States. The family
is often considered a tribe or sub-family of the Verbenaceae,
from whose tribes Viticeae or TeijJmanniodendreae it has probably
arisen. For explanation of herbarium-abbreviations employed
hereinafter, see the International list in Chronica Bot. V, p. 1 4 2 .

Characters of the family.
1 . Avicennia nitida Jacq. Enum. Pl. Carib. ( 1 76o), p. 2 5 ;
Pulle, Enum. pl. fr. Sur. ( 1 9 06), p. 404 ; � Bonlia germinanJ
L. Sp. Pl., ed. 2 ( 1 763), p. 891 ; � .d�Jicennia lomenloJa Jacq.
Select. Stirp. Amer. Hist. ( 1 763), p. 1 78, pl. 1 1 2 , f. 2 ; �
.d�Jicennia lomenloJa G. F. W. Mey. Prim. Fl. Esseq. ( 1 8 1 8),
p. 2 2 1 ; � .d�Jicennia lomenloJa var. cumanenJtJ H . B . K. Nov.
Gen. & Sp. PI. 2 ( 1 8 1 8), p. 2 83 ; � .d�Jicennia lomenloJa var.
campechienJiJ H . B .K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. PI. 2 ( 1 8 1 8), p. 283 ; �
.d�Jicennia lomenloJa var. guayaquilenJtJ H . B .K. Nov. Gen. &
Sp. Pl. 2 ( 1 8 1 8), p. 2 84 ; � .d�Jicennia elliptica Holm in
Thunb. PI. Bras. Dec. 3 ( 1 8 2 1 ), p . 37 ; � .d�Jicennia jforidana
Raf. Atl. J ourn. ( 1 833), p. 1 48 ; � .d�Jicennia .Jfeyeri Miq. ,
Linnaea 1 8 (1 844), p. 262 ; � .d�Jicennia nitida Rodsch. ex
Miq., Linnaea 1 8 ( 1 844), p. 2 6 2 ; � .d�Jicennia Lamarckiana
Presl, Bot. Bemerk. ( 1 844), p. 99 ; � .d�Jicennia lomenloJa
Sieber (in part) ex Pressl, Bot. Bemerk. ( 1 844), p. 98,
in syn. ; � .d�Jicennia elliptic a Thunb. ex Schau. in A. D C .
Prodr. 1 1 (1 847), p. 700, i n syn. ; � .d�Jicennia oblongifolia
Nutt. ex Chapm. Fl. South. U . S. ( 1 86o), p. 3 1 o ; �

.d�Jicennia ojficinaliJ var. nitiJa (Jacq.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen.

Pl. 2 (1 89 1 ), p. 5o2 ; � .d�Jicennia officinaliJ var. Lanceolata
Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 2 ( 1 89 1 ), p. 5o2 ; � .d�Jicennia nilida
Sesse & Moc. Fl. Mex., ed. 2 ( 1 894), p. 1 42 and La
Naturaleza, ser. 1 1 , 2 (1 895), p. 1 5 6 ; � HilairanthuJ niliduJ
(Jacq.) Van Tiegh., Journ. de Bot. 1 2 (1 898), p. 357 ; �
HilairanlhuJ lomenloJuJ (J acq. ) Van Tiegh., J ourn. de Bot. 1 2
(1 898), p. 357 ; � .d�Jicennia jforidana Gandoger, Bull. Soc.

France 65 ( 1 9 1 8), p. 64 ; � Avicennia germinanJ L. apud

Bakh., Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenz., ser. Ill, 3 ( 1 92 1 ), p. 2 1 8,
in syn. ; � Avicennia ojficina!iJ Millsp. apud Standi., Publ.
Field Mus . Bot. 3 (1 93o), p . :l99, in syn. [not A. ojficina!iJ
L. Sp. Pl., ed. 1 ( 1 753), p. 1 1 o] .

Tree, t o 1 6 m tall. Branchlets and twigs slender, brownish,

more or less tetragonal, glabrous, often nitid. Petioles rather
slender, 2 � 2 7 mm long, glabrous . Blades firmly chartaceous or
subcoriaceous, dark or gray-green and very nitid above, mostly
of the same color beneath, but the lamina obscured by a very
dens e whitish furf so as to impart a bicolored appearance to
the leaves, occasionally brunnescent or nigrescent on both
surfaces in drying (especially when the furf is absent), oblong,
lanceolate, elliptic, or obovate, 4,6 � 1 6 cm long, 1 , 8 �4,4 cm
wide, obtuse or acute at apex, entire, acute, acuminate, or
cuneate at base, glabrous but densely impressed-punctulate
above, varying from uniformly whitish- or grayish-furfuraceous
or -tomentellous (with very closely appressed furf) to glabrous
beneath and more or less punctate, the furf deciduous in patches
on some forms. Inflorescence axillary and terminal, spicate.
Spikes 1 , 5 �6, 5 cm long, 1 � 1 , 5 cm wide in anthesis, the axillary
ones usually confined to a single pair at the base of the terminal
one and shorter than it, or a second pair in the next lower
leaf-axils. Flowers usually opposite, 1 � 1 6 pairs per spike,
sessile. Bractlets and prophylla ovate or oblong, sessile, closely
appressed to the calyx, obtuse or acute, densely sericeous­
pubescent with cinereous appressed hairs outside. Calyx-lobes
ovate, 3 �5 mm long, 2 �3 mm wide, densely appressed-pubescent
outside, glabrous within. Corolla white or yellow, 1 2 � 2 0 mm
long, parted to about the middle, the tube equaling or shorter
than the calyx, practically glabrous, the lobes 2 � 2 , 6 mm long,
oblong or subquadrate, patent, densely cinereous-pubescent
outside with appressed hairs, velutinous-tomentose within .
Stamens slightly exserted from the corolla-tube, included by

the lobes. Fruit more or less obpyriform or ovate and asymmetric,

1 , 2 � 2 cm long, 7 � 1 2 mm wide, apiculate at apex when immature,

densely white- or gray-pulverulent throughout, often also more

or less appressed-strigose at the apex.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : From Florida and Texas in the United
States, Bermuda, and the Bahamas, throughout the West
lndies, both coasts of Mexico, through Central America, to
the coasts of Brazil and Peru ; also on the Galapagos and other
islands off the coasts of tropical and subtropical America.
Suriname (Focke s . n . , fl . O ct. ; Collector undesignated
n. 2 1 [L] ; Hostmann n. 467 [B, BM, G, K, U, W ] , n. 1 1 4 0
[B M , G, K , M O , U, W ] , s .n. [L] ; H ostmann & Kappler
n. 6 2 8 [ S ] , n. 1 1 40 [S] ; C . D . Mell n. 2 1 [ U S ] ; Plukenet ?
s.n. [L] ; Splitgerber n. 77 [L] , s.n. [P, W] ; Stahel s.n. [NY ] ,
fl. Sept. ; W eigelt s . n . [ B , B R , C , G , L , W] ; Wullschliigel
n. 4 1 2 [BR, W]) ; N. Coronie (Lanj ouw n. 1 099, fl. O ct.) ;
near Paramaribo (Collector indig. n. 1 86 ; Collector undesign­
ated s.n. [B]) ; sea shore near Braamspunt (Soeprato n. 3 5 2 ,
fl . Aug.) ; D ordrecht Riverside, (Soeprato n. 1 9j, fl. June) ;
Slootwijk Riverside (Soeprato n. 33, fl. July, n. 46h, fl. July) ;
Corantijnpolder near Nieuw Nickerie, bank of C orantijne
R. opposite Springland (Lanj ouw n. 646, fl. Aug.) ; Suriname
R . , in swamps and along shore near plant. Geyersvlyt (Kegel
n. 1 0 2 3 [GOET], fl. Sept.) ; Nickerie R. (Tulleken n. 2 8 9
[L] , fl. Aug. , n. 3 o 4 [L] , fl. Aug. , n. 535 [L, U ] , fl . O ct.).
V e r n a c u l a r n a m e : Parwa.


F. P. JONKER (Utrecht) .

Lianas, shrubs, undershrubs or herbs, the latter sometimes

provided with a corm ; with milky or watery juice. Leaves
opposite or occasionally whorled, seldom alternate, membranous,
coriaceous or fleshy. Stipules mostly absent. Flowers usually
5 -merous, variable in size, either solitary or in extra-axillary
or terminal panicles, racemes, umbels or cymes. Calyx divided
halfway down or nearly to the base, persistent. Corolla regular,
rotate, campanulate, infundibuliform, hypocrateriform or tubular ;
aestivation imbricate, contorted or rarely valvate ; tube provided
inside with variously shaped lobules, alternating with the corolla
lobes and forming together a single or a double corona. Stamens 5,
inserted at the base of the corolla and alternating with the
corolla lobes ; filaments usually short and broad and connate
at their bases or throughout into a stamina! column ; anthers
usually 2-celled ; connective often widened or produced into a
broad appendage ; margin of the anthers often horny ; the
adjacent margins of each pair of anthers parallel and separated
from each other by a narrow fissure only. Pollen grains of each
anther cell united in one or two waxy masses (pollinia) the
latter attached by means of arm-like processes (caudicles) to
5 small, variously shaped bodies, inserted on the style top and
alternating with the anthers, the corpuscles or pollen carriers ;
a corpuscle and the caudicles of the adjacent anthers forming

together an apparatus for the removal of the pollinia, the


translator. Ovaries 2, superior, usually many-ovuled ; styles

below free, but approximate, connate above ; the connate part
dilated into a thick, pentagonal disk, the style top, bearing
at the angles the corpuscles and below the corpuscles the
5 stigmatic cavities. Fruit consisting of two parallel or divaricate
follicles or sometimes, by abortion, of one only ; follicles variable
in form, but often obclavate or fusiform, usually smooth, some­
times echinate, dehiscing by a ventral slit and liberating the
placenta. Seeds usually numerous, often furnished with a tuft
of long, silky hairs .
D i s t r i b ut i o n : About 2ooo species, chiefly in tropical and
subtropical regions, cosmopolitan.

L i t e r a tu r e :
J . D ecaisne, Asclepiadaceae in De Candolle, Prodromus
Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis VIII ( 1 844),
P· 49 ° ·
E. Fournier, Asclepiadaceae in Martins, Flora Brasiliensis
VI, 4 ( 1 885), P· 1 8g .
K . Schumann, Asclepiadaceae i n Engler u. Prantl, Die
Natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien IV, 2 ( 1 896), p. 1 89.
A. A. Pulle, An Enumeration of the vascular Plants, known
from Surinam ( 1 go6), p. 367.

1. a.Erect herbs or shrubs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

b.Lianas or prostrate undershrubs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2 . a. Corona lobes cucullate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
b. Corona lobes not cucullate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3. a. Corona lobes with a horn-shaped process, pro­
truding from the cucullate base . Follicles fusiform
to obclavate, acuminate, smooth. 1 . Asclepias.
b. Corona lobes without horn-shaped processes .
Follicles ventricose, echinate. 2 . Gomphocarpus.
4 · a. Robust herbs with rather large leaves. Flowers
rather large : corolla about 2 cm long. Gynostegium
stalked. Corona 5-lobed ; lobes connate with the
stalk of the gynostegium, winged at the apex,
calcarate at the base. Corpuscles erect ; pollinia

hanging ; thecae bursting longitudinally. Follicles

ventricose ; seeds with a tuft of hairs . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . Calotropis.
b. Smaller shrubs. Flowers smaller. Gynostegium
depressed, stipitate . Corona fleshy, annular.
Corpuscles and pollinia horizontal, thecae bursting
horizontally. Follicles fusiform ; seeds not provided
with a tuft of hairs . . . . . . . . . . . . 4· Matelea.
5 . a. Gynostegium depressed. Corpuscles and pollinia
horizontal ; thecae bursting transversally. Corona
double, 5-lobed or annular ; one sometimes
reduced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . Gonolobus.
b. Gynostegium prominent or depressed. Corpuscles
erect, thecae bursting longitudinally . . . . . . . . . . 6
6. a . Pollinia erect. Corolla with a cylindric or ur­
ceolate tube and an erect or spreading limb . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. Marsdenia.
b. Pollinia hanging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
7· a . Corona lobes cucullate. Leaves beneath distinctly
marked with transverse veins. 7. Blepharodon.
b. Corona lobes not cucullate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
8. a . Hispid lianas. Petals towards the top on one
side sinuate. Corona double . Anthers with an
apical appendage, incumbent on the depressed
style top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . Fischeria.
b. Plants not hispid. Petals entire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
9· a . Prostrate undershrubs . Flowers very small, not
more than 2 mm long, in shortly pedunculate,
3- to 7-flowered, interpetiolar, up to 5 mm long
umbels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 . Metastelma.
b. Lianas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 o
1 o. a . Flowers small, in shortly pedunculate or in
sessile clusters or umbels, inserted on nearly
leafless, rather long, interpetiolar branches . . . . . 12
b. Inflorescences umbellate or racemose, inter­
petiolar, not inserted on nearly leafless, inter­
petiolar branches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1 1 . a. Corona double ; outer corona annular ; inner
corona 5 -lobed ; lobes rather large, stipitate,
entire, ovate, swollen, fleshy, blunt. Style top
umbonate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9· Funastrum.

b. Corona simple, 5 -lobed ; the lobes rounded at the

base, with involute margin, narrowed towards
the top, 3-lobulate at the apex. 1 o. Rouliniella.
1 2 . a. Petals linear to liguliform with triangular base,
papillose inside . Corona simple. 1 1 . Metastelma.
b. Petals ovate, lanceolate or triangular. Corona
double, sometimes indistinctly double . . . . . . . . .
• • • • • • • • • • 1 2 . Tassadia.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Erect perennial herbs or shrubs with milky juice . Leaves
opposite, verticillate or alternate . Inflorescences umbellate,
interpetiolar, often many-flowered. Calyx 5-fid, lobes acuminate
or acute . Corolla rotate, lobes ultimately reflexed. Corona
simple, lobes inserted on the gynostegium at the base of the
anthers, free, cucullate, with a horn-shaped process protruding
from the cucullate base. Gynostegium distinctly stalked. Anthers
terminated by a distinct membranous appendage . Pollinia hanging ;
caudicles rather long ; corpuscles ovoid. Style top flat. Follicles
fusiform to obclavate, acuminate. Seeds with a tuft of long,
silky hairs.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Species about So, for the greater part in
North, Central and South America, a few in Africa. Several
species cultivated or introduced and wide-spread in the tropical
and subtropical parts of both hemispheres .

Asclepias curassavica L., Spec. Plant. I (1 753), p . 3 1 4 ;

Lam., Enc. I (1 783), p . 2 8 2 ; Willd., Spec. Plant. I ( 1 797),
p. 1 2 66 ; Ait., Hort. Kew. I I ( 1 8 l l ), p . 8 1 ; Bot. Reg. I
( 1 8 1 6), tab. 8 1 ; Meyer, Prim. FL Esseq. ( 1 8 1 8), p . 1 38 ;
Roem. et Schult., Syst. Veg. VI ( 1 8 2 o), p . 7o ; VelL , FL
Flum. VII ( 1 8 2 7), tab. 64 ; Don, Gen. Hist. DichL PL I V
(1 838), p. 1 3g ; Decaisne Le., p . 566 ; Fournier L e . , p . 1 99 ;
Ernst in Ned. Kruidk. Arch. 2 e Ser. I V ( 1 886), p . 36o ;
Schumann Le., p. 23g ; Malme in KgL Sv. Akad. HandL
XXXIV, no. 7 ( 1 goo), p. 1 9 ; Pulle Le., p. 387 ; Benoist
in Bull. Mus . Hist. Nat. ( 1 9 2 0), n, 1 , p. go ; Benoist in

Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. LXVIII ( 1 92 1 )1 p. 3 1 3 ; Britton &

Wilson, Fl. Porto Rico and Virg. Isl. VI ( 1 9 2 6), p. 96 ;
Pittier, Man. Pl. Us. Venez. ( 1 9 2 6), p. 4 1 0 ; Knuth in
Fedde, Rep., Beih. XLIII ( 1 9 2 8), p. 676 ; Small, Man.
S. E. Fl. ( 1 933), p. 1 070 ; � AJclepiaJ ni"ea non L., Boldingh,
Fl. D . W. lnd. lsl. I ( 1 909), p. 1 6 8 ; id. II ( 1 9 1 4), p. 86 ;
Bold., Fl. Ned. W. lnd. Eil. ( 1 9 1 3), p . 323 ; � AJclepiaJ
ni"ea L., var. curaJJa"ica (L.) O . K., Rev. Gen. Pl. I I
( 1 89 1 ), p . 4 1 8 ; Schlechter in Urb., Symb. Ant. I ( 1 899),
P· 2 43.
Perennial herbs, up to 1 , 6 m high. Stems several, usually
unbranched, sometimes more or less woody at the base, downy
in the upper part. Leaves herbaceous, lanceolate or oblong­
lanceolate, attenuate, petiolate, almost glabrous ; blade 4,6 � 1 2 cm
long and up to 3 cm wide, petiole 4 � 1 6 mm long. Inflorescence
interpetiolar, 4 � 1 1 -flowered ; peduncles up to 6, 5 cm long,
pedicels 1 �2 cm long, pubescent. Flowers red, orange-coloured,
yellow with red limb or white. Calyx deeply 5-fid, outside
tomentose ; lobes narrow, lanceolate, acute, about 4 mm long,
and alternating with 2 glands ; the latter often accompanied by
1 or 2 smaller ones. Corolla rotate ; lobes lanceolate, incurvate
at the apex, about 8 mm long, ultimately reflexed. Corona lobes
yellow or white, about 3, 5 mm long ; horn-shaped process
bluntish. Gynostegium about 6 mm long ; anthers inserted in the
upper part, lower part swollen, forming a stalk of the androecium.
Upper part of the anthers membranous, transparent, emarginate,
bearing a membranous, transparent rounded, apical appendage.
Corpuscles obovoid to ventricose, caudicles flexuose, pollinia
obovoid, curved. Style top flat or depressed, suborbicular,
5 -lobed at the margin. Follicles fusiform to obclavate, seldom
curved, acuminate, smooth, up to 8 cm long, about 1 cm broad.
Seeds ovate, brown with a yellow margin, at the top with a
tuft of long, white, silky hairs.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Southern United States, West-Indian Islands,
tropical America ; grown in all tropical and subtropical countries
as a garden plant.

Paramaribo (Splitgerber n . 1 9, fl . Nov. [L] ; Tulleken n. 1 ,

fl . and fr. July [L] ; Suringar s . n . , fl. Jan. [L] : Lanj ouw n . .3 g ,
fl. July ; S oeprata n. I 5 A , fl. June ; Rombouts n. 5 o , fl. July ;
Versteeg n. 4 7 2 , fl. June ; Essed n. 1 2 7 , fl. Aug. ; coll. indig.
n. 1 2 ; Focke n . .3 o ; Went n . .3, fl . July) ; Maratakka R . ,
Cupido ( B . W . n . 8.3g, fl. Jan.) ; Suriname R . , p l . Leonsberg
(Soeprata n. I 56, fl. Aug.) ; id., pl. Guineesche Vriendschap
(Soeprata n. .3 2 8, fl. Aug. ) ; Para R . , Coropina creek, pl.
La Liberte (Soeprata n . 2 .36, fl. Aug .) ; Commewijne R . ,
Commetewane creek, pl. Slootwijk (Soeprata n. I 5 G , fl . ·

July ; S oeprata n . .35 J, fl . and fr. July) ; without locality

(H ering n. 5 2 D ( I .38) [L] ; Menge s.n. [ B R ] ; Wullschlagel
n . .3.34 [BR] ; Voltz s.n. ; Weigelt s . n . , ex D ecaisne Le.).
V e r n a c u l a r n a m e s : Johannesvlas ; Koningsbloempj e ; Konings­
boompj e ; Fredrici's katoen ; Basterd-lpecacuanha ( S . D . ) ;
Koemapesie (Kar.).

Perennial herbs. Leaves herbaceous or coriaceous, usually
opposite, sometimes verticillate or alternate . Inflorescences
interpetiolar, pedunculate, umbellate, often many-flowered. Calyx
5-fid, the lobes alternating with one or more glands . Corolla
usually rotate, lobes ultimately reflexed. Corona simple ; lobes
cucullate without horn-shaped process in the cavity, free or
slightly connate at the base, inserted on the stalk of the
gynostegium. Stamens quadrangular with membranous apical
appendage. Pollinia hanging, clavate to ventricose, compressed ;
caudicles filiform ; corpuscles ellipsoid. Style top flat, 5-lobed.
Follicles ventricose, thin-walled, echinate.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : About 1 00 species, natives of Africa, in­
troduced and widely spread in tropical and subtropical countries .

Gomphocarpus fruticosus (L.) R.Br. in Mem. Wern. Soc. I

( 1 8 1 1 ), p . .38 ; Aiton, Hort. Kew. II, ed. 2 ( 1 8 1 1 ), p. So ;
Schultes in Roem. et Schult., Syst. Veg. VI ( 1 8 2 o), p . 87 ;
Don, Gen. Hist. Dichl. PI. IV ( 1 8.38), p. q.3 ; D ecaisne
I . e . , p. 667 ; Schumann I . e . , p. 2 .36 ; Brown in Thiselt.­
Dyer, Fl. Trop. Afr. IV, 1 ( 1 902), p . .3.3o ; Brown in
Thiselt.-Dyer, Fl. Cap. IV, 1 ( 1 go8), p. 691 ; Pulle in

Rec. Tr. Bot. Neerl. IX ( 1 9 1 2), p. 1 6 1 ; - Gomphocarpud

bra<Jilien<Jid Fournier in Mart., Fl. Bras. VI, 4 ( 1 886),
p . 2 o3 ; - .d<Jclepiad Jrutico<Ja L., Spec. Plant. I ( 1 753),
p . 2 1 6 ; Willd., Spec. Plant. I ( 1 797), p . 1 2 7 1 .
Shrubs or perennial herbs, often woody at the base, about
1 - 3 m high. Stem and branches erect, pubescent, terete .
Leaves herbaceous to subcoriaceous, opposite, linear or linear­
lanceolate, softly puberulus when young, later on glabrous,
acute or acuminate at the apex, margin involute, tapering into
the petiole ; blade 6 - 1 0 cm long and up to 1 , 6 cm wide ;
petiole o, 6 - 1 , 6 cm long. Inflorescence umbellate, 3 -7-flowered ;
peduncles downy, up to 2 cm long ; rays of the umbels downy,
about 2 , 6 cm long. Flowers white, about 1 6 mm in diameter.
Calyx pubescent, 5-cleft, about 2 , 6 mm long ; lobes lanceolate,
acuminate, between each pair of lobes a single, black-tipped
gland. Corolla about 4 mm long, lobes ovate, acute, reflexed,
pubescent at the back, one of the margins ciliate . Corona lobes
inserted on the gynostegium, free, about 4 mm long, cucullate,
bilabiate, superior lip 2 -fid. Gynostegium with stalk about
5 mm long. Membranous apical appendage of the stamens
3-lobed, lobes rounded. Pollinia ventricose, rather large. Style
top 5-lobed, lobes rounded. Follicles large, ovoid-ventricose to
compressed-globose, thin-walled, echinate with soft bristles, up
to 3,5 mm long and broad.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Native of South and Tropical Africa, in­
troduced in North Africa, Southern Europe and the tropical
and subtropical parts of Asia and America.
Near Paramaribo (Coll. indig. n. 1 48).
V e r n a c u l a r n a m e : Boesi Anj elier (S . D .) .

Erect, glabrous or often downy herbs or shrubs, with opposite,
sessile or shortly petiolate, broad, large leaves. Inflorescences
umbellate or racemose, interpetiolar, usually many-flowered.
Flowers rather large, usually greenish outside and purplish

inside. Calyx 5-partite, calyx lobes alternating with groups of

glands. Corolla campanulate-rotate, subcoriaceous, limb 5-fid.
Corona scales 5, coriaceous, carinate, almost entirely connate
with the stamens, with a large, blunt spur at the base. Pollinia
hanging, compressed, obovate ; caudicles short, filiform ; corpuscles
oblong. Style top pentagonous, mutic or slightly vaulted. Follicles
short and large, ventricose, smooth. Seeds many, tufted.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : 5 Species, natives of tropical Asia and
Africa, introduced into tropical America.
Calotropis gigantea (L.) R. Br. in Mem. Wern. Soc. I
( 1 8 1 1 ) , p. 2 8 ; Aiton, Hort. Kew. I I ( 1 8 1 1 ), p . 78 ; Botan.
Reg. I ( 1 8 1 5), tab. 58 ; D on, Gen. Hist. Dichl. PI. IV
( 1 838), p. 1 46 ; Decaisne I.e., p . 535 ; J . D. H ooker in
Botan. Mag. 3rd. Ser. XLI I ( 1 886), tab. 6862 ; Schumann
I . e . , p. 23g ; Pulle I . e . , p. 388 ; _. A<1clep ia<1 giganlea L. ,
Spec. PI. I ( 1 763), p. 2 1 4 ; Willd., Spec. Plant. I ( 1 797),
p . 1 2 64 ; _. Ericu Rheede, Hort. Malab. I I ( 1 679), p . 53,
tab. 3 1 .
Robust perennial herbs with milky juice. Lower part of the
stem glabrous, woody, ash-coloured, upper part downy. Leaves
large, herbaceous, elliptic or oblong-obovate, shortly petiolate,
sessile or even stem-clasping, acute or obtuse at the apex, some­
times slightly cordate at the base, glabrous above, downy
beneath ; blade up to 1 4,5 cm long and up to 7,5 cm wide,
bearing on the upper side near the base a number of stiff glands ;
petiole about 3 mm long, downy. Young leaves densely do wny
beneath. Inflorescence terminal, racemose, downy. Flowers
rather large, subcampanulate, outside greenish, inside purplish.
Calyx about 5 mm long, 5-fid, segments triangular to ovate­
lanceolate, acute, downy beneath. Corolla up to 2 cm long ;
tube very short ; lobes ovate, acute, reflexed. Corona simple ;
scales about 1 2 mm long, connate with the stalk of the
gynostegium, carinate, blunt, coriaceous, provided at the apex
with 2 obtuse, lateral wings, calcarate at the base ; spur hulky,
curled upwards, obtuse, about 5 mm long. Gynostegium provided

with an about 1 4 mm long stalk. Corpuscles ovoid, dark-coloured ;

pollinia pendulous ; caudicles curved, filiform. Style top penta­
gonous, slightly vaulted. Follicles ventricose, smooth, acuminate,
about 8 mm long and about 2 , 6 cm broad. Seeds ovoid,
provided with a tuft of brownish-white hairs.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Native of tropical Asia, in tropical Africa
and America introduced, but now almost settled.
· Lower Saramacca R . , near Groningen (Went n. 2 5 2 , fl.
Aug. ; Samuels n. 2 09, fl. May [L] ) ; near Coronie (Tulleken
n. 574, fl. O ct. [L] ) ; Maratakka R . , near Cupido (B.W.
n. 8 4 2 , fl. Jan.).
V e r n a c u l a r n a m e s : Pekri (Kar.) ; Waraioballi (Arow.) ;
Hedde-hatti-wiwiri (N. E.).

4. MATELEA Aubl.
Erect shrubs or lianas. Leaves opposite, membranous,
often biglandular on the upper surface above the base. In­
florescences interpetiolar or axillary, at first umbellate, after­
wards racemose. Flowers rotate, 5-merous. Calyx lobes rather
small, lobes alternating with a single gland. Corona simple,
annular, crenate, lobed. Gynostegium flattish, stipitate. Stamens
short ; anthers without apical appendages, transversally dehiscent.
Corpuscles horizontal ; caudicles short, horizontal, bearing ovoid
pollinia. Style top 5-gonous, flat, depressed. Follicles fusiform,
acuminate at the apex, smooth, ribbed or tuberculate. Seeds
ovate, marginate, not tufted.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Species about 3, in Guiana and Northern
Matelea palustris Aubl. , Hist. PI. Guian. Fr. I ( 1 776),
p. 2 78 ; id. Ill pl. 1 o9 ; Don, Gen. Hist. Dichl. PI. IV
( 1 838), p. 1 a9 ; Decaisne I . e . , p. 6 9 1 ; Schumann I . e . , p. 298 ;
� Matelea Latifolia Aubl. I . e . , I, p. 278 ; id. Ill, pl. 1 09 ;
Don I . e . , p . 1 a9 ; Decaisne I . e . , p . 6 9 1 ; Schumann I . e . ,
p. 298 ; � )lfatelea berbacea Woods. in Lloydia l l ( 1 9a9),
p. 2 08 ; � HoJlea viriJijfora Willd., Spec. Plant. I ( 1 797),
p. 1 274 ·

Usually unbranched, glabrous, small shrubs, about up to

5o cm high. Stem erect, terete, slightly puberulus when young.
Leaves opposite, oblong-lanceolate, caudate to long-acuminate
at the apex, (bi)glandular at the base of the upper blade surface,
glabrous ; blade 6 � 17,6 cm long and 1 , 5 �5,5 cm wide ; petiole
ribbed, slightly downy, 1 0 � 2 3 mm long. Inflorescences inter­
petiolar, up to 4 , cm long, umbellate when young, later on
racemose, up to I S-flowered ; pedicels 3 �7 mm long. Flowers
about 1 2 mm in diameter, greenish, veined. Calyx about 2 , 6 mm
long, lobes lanceolate, acute, pub�rulus. Corolla lobes glabrous,
ovate or broad-oblong, rotundate at the apex, up to 6 mm long, .
glabrous inside, puberulus to papillose outside . Corona annular,
fleshy, crenate, 1 o-lobed. Gynostegium flat, shortly stipitate .
Anthers trapeziform. Pollinia compressed-ovoid, about o, 5 mm
long. Corpuscles oblong. Ovaries piriform ; style top pentagonous,
about 1 , 6 mm in diameter. Follicles fusiform, acuminate at the
apex, 5,5 �8, 5 cm long and 1 , 6 cm wide, green, smooth or
tuberculate. Seeds ovate, acuminate, marginate, not provided
with a tuft of hairs.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Guiana.
Upper Lucie R. (Hulk n . 336, fl. O ct.) ; Litani R. ( Rombouts
n. 8gg, fl. and fr. Nov . ) .

5. GONO LOBUS Michx.

Lianas, usually pilose. Leaves opposite, petiolate, lanceolate

or ovate, at the base often cordate. Flowers in few-flowered,
interpetiolar, pedunculate, racemose or umbelliform inflorescences .
Calyx 5 -fid with a single gland between each pair o f lobes.
Corolla rotate to subcampanulate-rotate . Corona usually double,
annular or 5-lobed, one of the coronas sometimes indistinct.
Gynostegium flat. Thecae dehiscing transversally. Pollinia
horizontal, rather large ; caudicles filiform, short ; corpuscles
sagittate, ovate, elliptic or linear, horizontal. Style top usually

pentagonal, flat or depressed. Follicles thickly obclavate,

D i s t r i b ut i o n : Species about 76, in South and Central
America, West-Indian Islands, Southern United States.
1. a. Leaves lanceolate, not cordate. Flowers small,
about 8 mm in diameter. 1 . G. ligustrinus D cne.
b. Leaves ovate, cordate at the base. Flowers large,
1 5 �3o mm in diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2. a. Outer corona annular, inner corona sinuously

annular. Corolla tube provided with pilose glands,
alternating with the petals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . G. viridiflorus R. et S.
• . . . •

b. Outer corona 5-lobed, lobes connected by a mem­

brane . Inner corona 5-lobed ; lobes free, very small.
Corolla without pilose glands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. G. surinamensis Jonk.
1 . Gonolobus ligustrinus D cne. in DC., Prod. VI I I ( 1 844),
p. 5g8 ; Fournier I.e., p. 3 1 5 .
Lianas with terete, pubescent stems, the pubescence con­
sisting of a soft down mixed with fairly brownish, patent hairs .
Leaves opposite, herbaceous to subcoriaceous, petiolate ; blade
lanceolate, 1 , 5 �6 cm long and up to 28 mm wide, acute or
acuminate to cuspidate, on both sides slightly pilose on the
veins, biglandular at the base above ; petioles 3 � 1 4 mm long.
Inflorescences interpetiolar, up to 2 6 mm long, 1 �5-flowered,
racemose or umbelliform ; pedicels 3 � 8 mm long. Flowers
greenish or yellowish, about 8 mm in diameter. Calyx about
2 mm long, outside pubescent ; sepals lanceolate, acute, green
with a red tip. Corolla rotate ; petals obtuse to rounded, glabrous,
about 3, 5 mm long. Corona double ; outer corona annular,
inserted on the base of the corolla ; inner corona 5-lobed, connate
with the gynostegium ; lobes about 4 mm long, shoe-shaped,
5-lobate at the apex ; lateral lobules linear, obtuse ; midlobe
wider, truncate . Gynostegium depressed, sessile . Anthers saccate,
without appendages. Pollinia ovoid-saccate, horizontal ; caudicles

geniculate, swollen ; corpuscles ovoid, horizontal. Style top flat,

pentagonal, about 3,5 mm in diameter. Follicles unknown.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Brazil.
Marowijne R. (Kappler ed. H ohenacker n. 2 o46 [L]) ;
Upper Tapanahony R . , near Mt. Teeboe (Versteeg n. 794,
fl . Aug.) ; Mt. Voltzberg, summit (Pulle n. 2 5 1 , fl. Aug.) ;
Corantijne R . , near Frederik Hendrik falls (Rombouts n. 1 57,
fl . Aug.) ; Upper Sipaliwini R. (Rombouts n. 5 2 7, fl. March) .

2 . Gonolobus viridiflorus (G. F . W . Mey.) R. et S . ,

Syst. Veg. V I ( 1 8�w), p . 6 1 ; Lindley i n Bot. Reg. XII I
( 1 827), t. 1 1 2 6 ; Decaisne L e . , p. 694 and 552 ; Fournier
L e . , p. 3 1 6 ; Schumann L e . , p. 3o2 ; Pulle L e . , p. 38g ; �
GonolobuJ guianenJiJ Spreng., Syst. Veg. I ( 1 8 2 6), p . 846 ; �
Cynanchum viridijforum G. F . W. Mey., Prim. Fl. Esseq.
( 1 8 1 8), p. 1 4 1 ; non C. viridijforum Ker-Gawl ; non C. viridi­
jforum Sims ; � Cynanchum viride Vell., Fl. Flum. I l l ( 1 8 2 7),
t. 8 1 .
Lianas with villose, terete stems, older stems often almost
glabrous. Leaves opposite, herbaceous, petiolate, ovate, acute
at the apex, cordate at the base. Petioles 1 �5 cm long, beset
with a few, scattered hairs ; blades 2,5 �g cm long and up
to 6 cm wide, glabrous, with a couple of finger-shaped glands
inserted on the upper side near the base above. Inflorescences
interpetiolar, usually pedunculate, sometimes subsessile, umbelli­
form, 2 �5-flowered ; peduncles up to 2 cm long, almost glabrous ;
pedicels up to 3 cm long, pubescent. Flowers 5-merous, rather
large, green or yellowish green. Calyx about 1 3 mm in diameter ;
sepals lanceolate, acute, glabrous . Corolla rotate, glabrous,
about 3 cm in diameter ; petals ovate, about 1 2 mm long, sub­
obtuse or acute, reticulately veined. At the base of the corolla,
between each pair of corolla lobes a single, pilose gland. Corona
double, outer corona annular ; inner corona annular-flexuose.
Gynostegium flat, sessile. Anthers deltoid. Pollinia ventricose,
horizontal ; caudicles straight, short ; corpuscles sagittate,
horizontal. Style top obtusely pentagonous, flat, about o,5 cm
IV, 2 22

in diameter. Follicles glabrous, straight, costate, about 5 cm

long (ex Fournier I.e.).
D i st r i b u ti o n : Brazil, Guiana.
Near Paramaribo (Splitgerber n. 676, fl. Feb. [L] ; Essed
n. 74a, fl . Jan. ; Pulle n. 1 3, fl. July ; Focke n. 64, ster. [L] ;
Focke n. 277 ; Coll. indig. n. 1 04 ; Coll. indig. n. 1 74 ; Wull­
schlagel n. 3o8 [BR]) ; Commewijne R . , pl . Slootwijk (Soeprata
n. 1 1 H, fl. July) ; Para R . , Coropina Creek, pl. La Liberte
(Soeprata n. 2 08, fl. Aug.) ; without locality (Hering s.n.
[L] ; Hostmann s.n. [L] ; Menge s.n. [ B R ] ; H ostmann n. 3 1 o,
ex D ecaisne l,_c . and Pulle Le.).
V e r n a c u l a r n a m e : Koni-koni boontje (S . D .) .

3 . Gonolobus surinamensis Jonk., n. sp. 1 )

Lianas with villose stems, toward the base glabrescent.
Leaves opposite, petiolate, thinly herbaceous, ovate, acute or
acuminate at the apex, cordate at the base. Petioles I g �3o mm
long, villose ; blades 5 � 1 o, 5 cm long and 2 , 5 �5,5 cm broad,
almost glabrous, Inflorescences interpetiolar, pedunculate, race­
mose, sometimes umbelliform, 1 �5-flowered ; peduncles short,
up to 7 mm long ; pedicels up to 1 4 mm long, pubescent. Flowers
5-merous, rather large, up to 24 mm in diameter, yellow. Sepals
lanceolate, acute, reticulated, about 4 mm long, ciliate at the
margin, Corolla glabrous, subcampanulate . Petals ovate, obtuse,
about 1 o mm long, reticulately veined. Corona indistinctly

1) Gonolobus surinamensis Jonk . , spec. nov. Ramuli vill osi, inferne

subglabrati. Folia opposita, petiolata, herbacea , ovata, apice acute a cuminata ,
basi cordata. Petioli 1 9 - 3 0 mm l ongi, laminae 5 - 1 o , 5 cm longa e , o , 5 - 4 , 5 cm
lata e . Inflorescentia interpeti olata, pedunculata, racemosa vel umbelliformi s ,
floribus 1 - 5 . Pedunculi vix 7 mm l ongi ; pedicelli vix 1 4 mm l ongi, pub es cente s .
Flores lutei, v i x 2 4 m m diametro. Calicis laciniae lanceolatae, a cutae,
reticulatae , ciliata e, 4 mm longa e . Corolla subcampanulata, glabra ; lobis
o vatis, obtusis, reticul atis, ea. 1 o mm l ongis . C orona exteri or gynostegii basi
adnata, 5 -lobata, lobis obl ongis, obtusis, carnosis, membrana breviore fere
orbiculari inter se c onj unctis. Corona interior inc onspicua, 5- lobata, lobis
liberis, o, 5 mm longis, c orona e exteriore adnatis et cum lobis exterioribus
alternantibus. Gynostegiu m depressum, stipitatum. Stigma 5 -gonum, vix 3 mm
diametr o . Follicula ign ota. Surinam o , fluv. Surin . , Susanna's daal ( S o eprata
n . 4 G, 6 - V I I- 1 9 1 3, typus, in herb . Rhen . - Traj . ) ; Paramari b o ( Wullschliigel
n. 3 o g , anno t 8 5 t , cotypus , in herb . B R) .
� --------
� �
-- ------------

double. Outer corona about 3,5 mm in diameter, inserted on

the basal part of the gynostegium stalk, consisting of 5 fleshy,
oblong, obtuse, patent lobes, connected by a membrane. Inner
corona inserted on the outer corona, consisting of 5, about
o,5 mm long, free lobes, alternating with the lobes of the outer
corona. Gynostegium depressed, stipitate. Anthers broad, short,
about 1 , 6 mm high, with two lateral, horny appendages . Pollinia
ventricose-saccate, slightly curved, swollen at the insertion
of the caudicles ; caudicles curved ; corpuscles linear to sagittate,
horizontal. Style top pentagonal, up to 3 mm in diameter.
Follicles unknown.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Known from Suriname only.
Near Paramaribo (Wullschlagel n . 3o9 [ B R ] ) ; id., Suriname
R . , pl. Susanna' s daal (Soeprata 4 G, fl. July) .

Lianas with milky juice . Leaves opposite, herbaceous or
subcoriaceous, often pubescent or tomentose, petiolate. Flowers
in extra-axillary clusters, umbels or compound thyrsoid cymes.
Calyx 5-cleft ; lobes often tomentose or ciliate, alternating
with single glands. Corolla limb erect, rotate or reflexed ; tube
cylindrical or urceolate ; throat often bearded. Corona simple,
consisting of 5 free lobes, inserted at the basal part of the
stamens. Gynostegium stipitate . Stamens with a membranous
apical appendage ; thecae dehiscing longitudinally ; pollinia erect,
ovoid or ellipsoid ; corpuscles linear or ovoid and very small .
Style top flat or fungiform, smooth or tuberculate. Follicles
fusiform or clavate, acuminate, smooth, sometimes slightly
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Species about 1 0 0 , chiefly in the tropics
of both hemispheres with a small number of subtropical species.

1. a. Leaves on both sides tomentose, cordate at the

base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . M. mollissima F ourn.
b. Leaves almost glabrous, not cordate . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2 . a. Flowers in thyrsoid, stalked inflorescences, corolla

tube constricted at the throat. Calyx lobes acute.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . M. rubrofusca Fourn.
b. Flowers in almost sessile, interpetiolar clusters,
corolla tube not constricted. Calyx lobes obtuse .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. M . Hilariana Fourn.

1 . Marsdenia mollissima Fourn. in Mart., Flor. Bras. VI,

4 ( 1 886), p. 3 2 2 , tab. 96 ; Pulle I . e . , p. 389 ; Pittier in Contr.
U . S . Nat. Herb . XIII ( 1 9 1 0), p. 1 0 2 , fig. 1 o ; Rothe in
Engl., Bot. Jahrb. LII ( 1 9 1 6), p . 4 2 0, Fig. 7 ; � .Mar.Jdenia
Burche!li Fourn. in Mart., Flor. Bras. VI, 4 ( 1 886), p . 3 2 2 ; �
)JfarJdenia lmthurnii Hemsl. in Hook., Bot. Mag. 3rd. Ser.
LX ( 1 904), tab. 7953.
Shrubs with woody, rather thick, terete, twining, pubescent
stems and milky juice . Leaves opposite, membranous but rather
thick, elliptical or ovate, cordate at the base, acuminate at
the apex, tomentose on both sides, but especially on the underside ;
blade 3,5 � 1 o cm long and up to 6 cm broad ; petioles hairy,
1 , 5 �3 cm long. Inflorescences on woody, tomentose, 2 �8 cm
long peduncles ; usually many-flowered, dense, globose cymes.
Pedicels 2 �5 mm long, provided at the base with a small,
scalelike bract. Calyx light-green, 5-lobed, tomentose, about
3, 5 mm long ; lobes oblong, subacute. Corolla in the bud at
the throat slightly constricted. Corolla tube about 4, 6 mm
long, outside brown or purple, at the base yellowish, inside
black with 5 hairy, longitudinal stripes ; throat purple, densely
bearded. Limb spreading or reflexed ; lobes ovate-elliptical,
obtuse to rounded, about 3, 5 mm long, inside bright red, margins
ciliate, yellow. Corona scales erect, about 1 , 6 mm long and
1 mm broad, double ; inner lobes opaque, longer and narrower
than the thick, fleshy outer lobes . Gynostegium about 3 mm
long. Stamens with horny margins and a membranous, obtuse,
apical appendage . Pollinia erect, ellipsoid or ovoid ; caudicles
often horizontal, rather long ; corpuscles ovoid, very small.
Style top subglobose, tuberculate . Follicles unknown.

D i s t r i b ut i o n : Paraguay, Brazil, Colombia, British Guiana.

Litani R . , (Versteeg n . ..:{ 3 1 , fl. Dec.) ; Commewijne R . ,
near pL Maasstroom (Focke n. 1 36..:{) ; Upper Suriname R .
(Wullschliigel s . n . , ex Fournier L e. and Rothe L e . ) .

2. Marsdenia rubrofusca Fourn. in Mart., Flor. Bras . VI,

4 ( 1 886), p . 3 2 1 ; Rothe in Engl., Bot. Jahrb. LII ( 1 9 1 6),
p. 4 2 1 , Fig. 8 ; � /!laradenia ovala Fourn. Le., p. 3 2 1 ; Pulle
I . e . , p. 38g ; � Spbinctoaloma rubrojuaca Benth. in sched. ex
Fournier L e . ; � Tbyraotbemia ovala Karst. in sched. ex
Fournier L e .
Woody climbers with terete, glabrous stems and milky juice.
Leaves opposite, herbaceous, ovate, acuminate, glabrous or
on the nerves slightly pubescent. Blade 3,5 � 1 4 cm long, up to
7, 6 cm broad ; petioles o, 6 �4 cm long, glabrous. Inflorescences
interpetiolar, thyrsoid, 5 �32 -flowered, peduncle 1 �5 cm long.
Flowers shortly pedicellate, 1 0 � 1 3, 5 mm long. Calyx green,
reddish at the base ; lobes lanceolate, acute, with membranous,
ciliate margin. Corolla black-purple, constricted in the throat ;
tube cylindrical to urceolate, 5 � 8 mm long, reddish at the
base ; limb spreading or reflexed, darker coloured ; corolla lobes
obtuse. Throat of the corolla bearded, especially at the base
of the lobes. Corona scales thick, fleshy, liguliform, obtuse to
rounded at the apex ; the basal part connate with the stamens,
free part about o,5 mm long. Gynostegium about 6 mm long,
distinctly stipitate. Stamens about 6 mm long, with horny base
and connective ; apical appendage membranous, acute to acuminate
Style top conical, membranous, smooth. Follicles unknown.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Brazil (Amazonas), British Guiana.
Law a R. (Kappler ed. H ohenacker n. 2090, fl. O ct. [L]) ;
Litani R. (Rombouts n. 787, fl. Aug.) ; Tapanahoni R. (Versteeg
n. 653, fl . July) ; Without locality (Kappler n. 58 [L ] ) .

3. Marsdenia Hilariana Fourn. i n Mart., Flor. Bras . VI,

4 ( 1 886), p. 32 2 ; Rothe in Engl., Bot. Jahrb. LII ( 1 9 1 6),
p . 4 2 1 , Fig. 5 ; � /!laradenia macropbyLla (H.B .K.) Fourn.
L e . , non Aaclepiaa macropbylla H . B . K. ; Malme in Kgl. Sv.

Vet. Akad. Handl. XXXIV, no . 7 ( 1 9oo), p. 93 ; -

/lfar<Jdenia Warmingiana Fourn. l.c., p. 323.
Woody climbers with terete, glabrous stems and milky juice.
Leaves rather large, glabrous, ovate or more or less elliptic,
acuminate ; blade 7, 5 - 1 8 cm long and up to 1 3 cm wide ;
petioles o, 6 - 2 cm long. Flowers reddish brown to purple,
sessile or almost sessile in many-flowered, globose, interpetiolar
inflorescences. Calyx 5-cleft, up to 6 mm long ; lobes ovate,
obtuse, ciliate at the margin. Corolla about 8 mm long ; tube
cylindrical, rather short ; limb 5-lobed, erect or more or less
spreading ; lobes rounded, ciliate and lighter coloured at the
margin. Throat of the corolla bearded ; the beard consisting of
5 tufts of short, brown hairs. Corona scales liguliform, erect,
obtuse ; the basal part connate with the base of the stamens ;
free part about 1 , 6 mm long. Gynostegium about 5,5 mm long,
shortly stipitate . Stamens oblong, about 4, 6 mm long, the anthers
provided with an oblong, membranous, obtuse connective, the
connate, horny filaments forming a sheath, provided with ovate,
obtuse membranous windows. Corpuscles linear with appressed,
oblong pollinia, the latter twice as long as the corpuscles,
provided with very short, curved caudicles. Styles short and
thick. Style top conical to semi-globose, tuberculate. Follicles
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Paraguay, Brazil, Peru.
Commewijne R . , pl. Lustrijk (Splitgerber n. 447, fl. Dec.­
Jan. [L]) ; id., Warappa creek (Focke n. 1 439, fl . Aug. ) ;
Para R . (Kuyper n. 3 2 , fl. Dec.).

Glabrous lianas with milky juice. Leaves herbaceous or
coriaceous, variously shaped, sometimes cordate, distinctly trans­
versally veined. Calyx 5-fid, with a single gland between each
pair of lobes. Corolla 5-lobed, broadly campanulate to rotate ;
lobes inside often ciliate or pilose. Corona simple ; lobes free,

cucullate, inserted on the base of the stamens . Stamens coriaceous,

with horny margins, and ending in a membranous apical appendage.
P ollinia ovoid to ventricose ; caudicles short, almost horizontal ;
corpuscles ovoid. Style top flat or vaulted. Follicles smooth,
obclavate to fusiform, acuminate, often rather short. Seeds
with a tuft of hairs.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : About 2 0 species in tropical America, from
Mexico to Chile and Southern Brazil.

Blepharodon nitidus (VeiL) Macbr. in Publ. Field. Mus.,

Bot. Ser. XI ( 1 90 1 ), p. 34 ; � Blepharodon Jif!UJum D cne.
L e . , p . 6o3 ; Schumann L e . , p. 240 ; � BlepharodUJ Jif!UJa
D cne. ex Fournier L e . , p. 3o5 ; � Blepharodon SteuJelianum
(Miq.) Pulle L e . , p. 388 ; � .J:feta<Jtelma Steudelianum Miq.
in Linnaea XVII I ( 1 844), p. 753 ; � Cynanchum nitiJum
Veil., Fl. Flumin. I l l ( 1 8 27), tab. 74·
Stems terete, glabrous. Leaves subcoriaceous, glabrous, mostly
lanceolate-ovate or ovate, sometimes linear-lanceolate, elliptic
or obovate, usually acute or acuminate, mucronate ; blade
2 �7 cm long and up to 3, 5 cm wide, glanduliferous at the base ;
petiole 3 � 1 8 mm long. Inflorescence interpetiolar, umbellate,
up to 1 2 -flowered. Peduncle up to 2 cm long ; pedicels up to
1 8 mm long. Flowers sometimes 6-merous, yellowish green,
green, white or dirty white . Calyx 5-fid, about 2 mm long,
glabrous ; lobes ovate, acute, with membranous margin. Corolla
6 or 7 mm long ; lobes ovate, subobtuse, inside at the top and
along the margins pilose. Corona scales about 3 mm long,
cucullate, with two obtuse lobes at the margin and two
longitudinal crests on the outer surface. Gynostegium about
4 mm long, stamens with a broad, membranous, rounded apical
appendage. Corpuscles rather large ; caudicles short and thick,
almost conical ; pollinia more or less ventricose. Style top
vaulted, but provided with a central slit and 5 erect, stilf,
obtuse, linear marginal lobes. Follicles obclavate to fusiform­
obclavate, acuminate, glabrous, smooth, 5, 5 �g cm long and

up to 2 cm wide. Seeds elliptical or ovoid, with a tuft of long,

white, silky hairs.
D i s t r i b u t io n : Brazil, Guiana, Colombia.
Paramaribo (Wulischlagel n . 3 1 0 [BR]) ; id. , near Beek­
huizen (Kegel n. 737, fl. Feb . , [GO E T ] , ex Pulie L e.) ; Para
district, near pl. Onverwacht (coli. indig. n. 76, fl. Jan.) ;
id. , near Santigron (Went n. 1 97, fl. Aug.) ; Suriname R . ,
Kabelstation, railway (Stahel n. 4 2 a , fl. Aug.) ; Sara creek
near Abontj oeman (coli. indig. n. 2 74, fl. and fr. May) ; id. ,
near D am (B.W. n. 3458, fl . Dec.) ; Zanderij I (Pulie n. 8 2 ,
fl . July) ; Sectie 0 (B.W. n. 347• fl. and fr. Apr. ; Pulie
n. 1 74 , fl. Aug.) ; Brownsweg (B.W. n. 6g68, fl. Apr.) ; id.,
Patrick savannah (Boldingh n. ago7, fl. and fr. O ct.) ; Wayombo
R . , D onder creek (B.W. n. 8 1 9, fl. Jan. ; Pulie n. 5 5 5 , fl . Sept.) ;
Brownsberg (B.W. n. 68 1 1 , fl. March) ; Cottica district,
near pl. Vaderzorg (Kegel n. g55, fl. July [GO E T ] , ex Pulie
Le.) ; without locality (Kappler n. 1 6 1 1 , type of ./J:fetaJlelma
Steuoelianum Miq . ) .
V e r n a c u l a r n a m e s : Kakhero (Arow.) ; Topoekoe (Kar.).

Hispid and at the same tim papillose lianas with opposite,
herbaceous, hispid and papillose, petiolate, usually acuminate,
cordate leaves. Juice milky. Inflorescences interpetiolar, um­
belliform or racemose, pedunculate. Flowers greenish or white.
Calyx 5-fid ; lobes outside hispid, alternating with single glands.
Corolla rotate, petals lanceolate . or ovate, in the upper
part on one side sinuate. Corona double, inserted on the corolla
base. Outer corona fleshy, thick, either annular or produced
in 5 fleshy, crenate lobes. Inner corona 5-lobed ; lobes more or
less fleshy or coriaceous, connate with the gynostegium. Anthers
with partly horny thecae ; ending in a membranous or herbaceous,
apical appendage, incumbent on the style top. Pollinia rather
large, horizontal ; caudicles short, horizontal ; corpuscles erect,
sagittate or bifid. Style top flat, pentagonal. Follicles thick,
ovoid. Seeds with a tuft of hairs .
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Species about 1 6, known from the West
Indies and Central- and tropical South-America.

1 . a. Flowers about 1 cm in diameter, green. Petals

distinctly reticulate-veined. Outer corona 5 -lobed ;
lobes fleshy, irregular, crenate, connate at the base.
Leaf blade up to 10 cm long. 1 . F . polytricha D cne .
b. Flowers about 2 cm in diameter, white. Petals in
the upper part on one side deeply sinuate. Outer
corona ring-shaped, fleshy. Leaf blade about 1 0 � 1 6 cm
long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . F. Martiana D cne .
1 . Fischeria polytricha D cne. in D C . , Prod. VIII ( 1 844),
p. 6oo ; F ournier I. c., p. 2 g8 ; � Fi<Jcberia multijlora non
D cne., Pulle, Enum. ( 1 go6), p. 387.
Stems terete or slightly costate, brownish hispid-villose,
hairs 1 �3 mm long, mixed with short, papilliform hairs . Leaves
lanceolate or ovate, cordate at the base, acuminate or apiculate
at the apex ; petiole and lower surface of the midrib and
apiculum densely beset with brown, hispid hairs ; petiole up to
1 6 mm long ; blade up to 9 cm long and 4 cm wide, distinctly '
reticulate-veined at the lower surface, both surfaces beset
with brown, hispid hairs. Inflorescences umbelliform, up to
1 6-flowered ; peduncles up to 3 cm long ; pedicels up to 1 cm
long. Flo,vers about 1 cm in diameter. Calyx lobes lanceolate,
acute, about 2 mm long, on the outer surface beset with rather
long, patent, hispid, brown hairs. Petals lanceolate, ovate,
acute, outside villose, about 4,6 mm long, light green with
reticulate, darker green veins ; in the upper part on one side
slightly sinuate. Outer corona 5-lobed ; lobes thick, fleshy,
irregular, crispate, crenate, connate at the bases. Inner corona
lobes free, obovoid, obtuse, fleshy, smooth. Gynostegium flat,
about 2 mm in diameter. Appendage of the connective ovoid,
obtuse, membranous or herbaceous, incumbent on the style top.
Pollinia ventricose, curved, rather large; caudicles very short ;
corpuscles sagittate . Style top pentagonous, flat. Follicles
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Brazil, ?British Guiana.
Lower Saramacca R. (Pulle n. 85, fl. Nov.) .

2 . Fischeria Martiana D cne. in D C . , Prod. VII I ( 1 844),

p. 6o 1 ; Fournier l.c., p . 3oo ; Schumann l.c., p . 23o ; Malme
in Kgl. Sv. Akad. Handl. ::>4, no. 7 ( 1 9 0 0), p. 8 2 and
tab. VIII, fig. 53 ; � GonolobU<J .Marlianu.-J (Dcne .) Hook.
in Curtis, Bot. Mag. XLV ( 1 849), tab. 447 2 .
Stems terete, beset with rather long, brownish, hispid, about
3 mm long hairs, mixed with short, whitish, more or less
appressed hairs. Juice milky. Leaves large, ovate, chartaceous,
cordate at the base, acuminate to apiculate at the apex ; petioles
2 �4, 6 cm long, hispid ; blades 1 0 � 1 6 cm long and up to 9 cm
wide ; lower surface slightly velutinous, upper surface hirtellous .
Inflorescences interpetiolar, pedunculate, racemose, many­
flowered ; peduncles up to 1 o cm long, hispid ; pedicels about
2 cm long. Flowers rather large, white. Calyx lobes lanceolate,
acute, hispid, ciliate at the margin, up to 1 o mm long, sometimes
reddish at the top. Petals ovate, subobtuse, puberulus outside,
ciliate at the margin, in the apical part on one side distinctly
sinuate, up to 1 0 mm long. Outer corona annular to cylindrical,
fleshy. Inner corona lobes coriaceous, saccate, at the base connate
with the stamens. Apical appendage of the connective ovate­
triangular, obtuse, incumbent on the style top. Pollinia large,
ventricose, horizontal ; caudicles thick, very short or almost
lacking ; corpuscles bifurcate, erect. Style top nearly flat. Follicles
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Brazil.
Corantijne R . , Matappi Creek (B.W. n. 2 1 8 2 , fl . June) .

Lianas with opposite, subcoriaceous leaves. Inflorescences
umbellate, many-flowered. Calyx 5-partite ; lobes acute, alter­
nating with single glands. Corolla deeply 5-fid, outside villose ;
lobes spreading or reflexed. Corona double. Outer corona
annular, inserted on the corolla base. Inner corona consisting
of 5 free, stipitate, rather large, fleshy lobes ; stalks inserted on

the corolla base and connate with the basal part of the stamens.
Stamens with horny margin and membranous, apical appendage .
Translators with rather large, oblong pollinia and short, filiform
caudicles. Style top 5-lobed ; the centre provided in a conical
rostrum. Follicles obclavate, many-seeded. Seeds furnished with
an apical tuft of long, white, silky hairs .
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Species about 46 ; Southern United States,
Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guiana, Brazil, West­
Indian Islands, Paraguay, Argentinia, Peru.
Funastrum clausum (Jacq.) Schltr. in Fedde, Rep. XIII
( 1 9 1 4), p . 2 83 ; Britton & Wilson, Se. Surv. Portorico
and the Virg. I sl. VI ( 1 9 2 6), p . 99 ; � Philibertia claU<Ja
(Jacq.) K. Schum. in Engl. -Prantl, Nat. Pfl. Fam. IV, 2
( 1 896), p. 2 29 ; Pulle I . e . , p. 387 ; � PhiliberteLLa claU<Ja
(Jacq.) Vail in Bull. Torr. Bot. Cl. XXIV ( 1 897), p. 3o6 ;
� SarcoJlemma claU<Jum (Jacq.) R. et S., Syst. Veg. VI
( 1 8 2 o), p. 1 1 6 ; D ecaisne L e . , p. 539 ; Miquel in Linnaea XIX
( 1 847), p. 1 2 7 ; � Cynanchum clauJum Jacq., Sel. Am. I
( 1 763), p. 87 ; � .dJclepiaJ >'imina{iJ Sw., Prod. ( 1 788),
p. 53 ; � Philibertia CJiminaliJ (Sw.) A. Gr. in Proc. Am. Ac.
( 1 877), p . 64 ; � SarcoJlemma Brownii G. F . Mey., Prim. Fl.
Esseq. ( 1 8 1 8), p. 1 39 ; D on, Gen. Hist. Dichl. PI. IV
( 1 838), p. 1 67.
Stems subterete, costate, almost glabrous. Leaves sessile or
petiolate, entire, sometimes linear, usually linear-lanceolate,
lanceolate or seldom ovate, at the apex mucr:onate, apiculate
or acuminate ; upper surface glabrous ; margin and under surface
sparsely beset with short hairs. Blade 2 �6 cm long and
3 � 2 5 mm wide ; petiole up to 1 0 mm long. Umbels inter­
petiolar, sometimes more or less compound, 4 � 2 6 -flowered ;
peduncle 4 �9,6 cm long, thick, terete, costate, glabrous ;
pedicels up to 2 cm long, villous . Flowers white, about 1 7 mm
in diameter. Calyx about 2 , 6 mm long, tomentose outside.
Corolla lobes about 6 mm long, pubescent outside, glabrous
inside, ovate, obtuse, margin distinctly pubescent. Outer corona
annular, slightly crenate. Inner corona segments about 2 , 6 mm

long ; stalks short, thick, fleshy ; lamina ovate, swollen, fleshy,

glabrous, blunt. Gynostegium about 2 , 6 mm long. Stamens
with large, oblong thecae and decurrent, horny margins ; apical
appendage of the connective membranous, transparent, rounded.
Corpuscles sagittate, obtuse at the top ; caudicles short, filiform,
curved. Pollinia rather large, oblong, curved. Style top small,
obtusely 5-lobed at the margin, median rostrum erect, conical.
Follicles obclavate, smooth, about 7, 6 cm long and up to
1 , 6 cm wide .
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Florida, West-Indian Islands, Guiana,
Near Paramaribo (Went n. 67 1 , fl. Jan. ; Coil. indig. n . 1 6 o ;
Wullschlagel n. 3 1 2 [BR] ; Kegel n. 8 1 3, fl. March [GO E T ] ,
e x Pulle L e. ) ; Matappica creek, p L Anna Catharina (Wull­
schlagel n. 3 1 3 [ B R ] ) ; Corantijne R . , Archipel below Wonotobo
(Rombouts n. 5 5 , fl. Aug.) ; Lower Marowijne R . (Kappler
s.n. [L] ) ; id., near Mana (Kappler, ed. Hohenacker n. 1 66 2 ,
fl. Apr.) ; Without locality (Hostmann g62 ; Focke n. 1 o..:(o,
ex Pulle L e . ; Weigelt s.n., ex Decaisne L e . ) .
V e r n a c u l a r n a m e : Manswitie anesie (N. E . ) .


Lianas with opposite, petiolate, simple, cordate leaves.
Inflorescences interpetiolar, racemose. Calyx 5-cleft, the acute
calyx lobes alternating with single glands. Corolla rotate.
Corona simple, . consisting of 5 free, erect scales, inserted on
the corolla at the base of the gynostegium. Gynostegium shortly
stipitate. Stamens with membranous apical appendage. Pollinia
hanging, cylindrical or ovoid. Corpuscles obovoid or conical.
Style top pentagonal, depressed. Follicles large, obclavate,
smooth. Seeds numerous, furnished with a tuft of long silky
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Species about 3o, from Southern Brazil to
the Southern United States.
Rouliniella guianensis (D cne .) J onk., nov. comb . ;
Roulinia guianendid Dcne. in D C . , Prod. VIII ( I 8..:f..:f), p . 6 1 7 ;

Pulle I. e . , p. 389 ; - Roulinia <Jurinamen<Ji<J Miq., Stirp .

Surin. ( 1 86o), p. 1 69 ; Pulle I.e., p. 388.
Stems glabrous, quadrangular. Juice milky. Leaves herbaceous ,
rather thin, glabrous, entire, ovate or lanceolate, cordate at
the base, . acuminate at the apex. Inflorescence with an up to
1 0 cm long peduncle, 4 - 1 3-flowered ; pedicels puberulus, up
to 2 cm long. Flowers about 2 cm in diameter, pure white or
white outside and brown-purple with yellow or white stripes
inside. Calyx 5-cleft, glabrous ; lobes ovate, acute . Corolla
rotate ; lobes lanceolate, subobtuse, about 9 mm long and 4,6 mm
wide ; margin membranous. Gynostegium broadly and shortly
stipitate . Corona scales about 4,6 mm long, orbicular in the
basal part with involute margin, narrowed towards the apex,
3-lobate at the top ; midlobe truncate, broader than the acute
lateral lobes. Stamens horny in the basal part, connective
crowned by a membranous, rounded appendage. Pollinia ovoid,
hanging at almost horizontal caudicles ; corpuscles conical,
rounded at the base. Follicles obclavate, obtuse at the apex,
about 9 cm long and up to 3 cm wide.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : British Guiana.
Upper Nickerie R. (B.W. n. 1 037, fl. Feb.) ; Upper Sara­
macca R. (Pulle n. 474, fl. March) : Lower Saramacca R . ,
near pl. Catharina S ophia (Lanj ouw n. 2 7 6 , fl. July) ; Sara­
macca R . , near Maripaston (Kegel n. 1 358, fl. March [GO ET] ,
ex Pulle Le.) ; Lower Suriname R. (Hostmann & Kappler,
ed. H ohenacker n. 1 09 2 , fl. Apr.) ; Upper Suriname R .
(Tresling n. 4 2 2 , fl. Sept.) ; Marowijne R . , near Armina falls
(Lanj ouw n. 533, fl. and fr. Aug.) ; Wilhelmina Mts . , Upper
Gran Rio (Stahel n. 2 2 8, fl. March) ; Gonini R . (B . W . n. 3666,
fl. Feb.) ; Tapanahoni R . (Versteeg n. 86o, fl. Sept.) ; id. ,
Kapoea Rapids (Rombouts n. 667, fl. Feb . ) .
V e r n a c u l a r n a m e s : Kaleweroe (Kar.) ; Kakheroe diamaroe
(Arow.) ; Fowloe-kaka (N . E . ) .

Lianas or prostrate shrubs or undershrubs with opposite,
coriaceous or herbaceous leaves. Flowers in interpetiolar,

cymose or sometimes umbelliform inflorescences, very small.

Calyx 5-fid ; the lobes alternating with single glands . Corolla
subcampanulate, sometimes with long, linear or liguliform lobes.
Corona simple, 5-lobed ; lobes free or slightly connate at the
base, usually inserted at the base of the gynostegium or at the
base of the stamens. Gynostegium sessile or shortly stipitate.
Anthers with a short, median, apical appendage at the connective.
Pollinia ovoid, hanging ; caudicles usually short ; corpuscles
linear or ovate, small. Style top flat or vaulted. Follicles
thinly terete to clavate, acuminate, smooth, containing but a
small number of seeds ; seeds with a tuft of hairs.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Species about 5o in the Southern United
States, West-Indian Islands, Central- and tropical South­
1. a. Petals linear-liguliform with triangular base. Inter­
petiolar inflorescences usually lqnger than the
leaves. Lianas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
b. Petals ovate. Interpetiolar inflorescences shorter
than the leaves, umbelliform. Prostrate undershrubs.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . M . brasiliense K. Schum.
2 . a . Corolla lobes 4-8 m m long, reflexed o r circinnate.
Corona lobes trilobulate. Calyx pubescent. Leaves
small, membranous, blades 1 0 -34 mm long . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . 2 . M. stenolobum D cne .
. . . . . . . . . •

b. Corolla lobes shorter, about 3, 5 mm long, suberect.

Corona lobes simple . Calyx glabrous. Leaves larger,
subcoriaceous ; blades 2 2 -66 mm long . . . . . . . . .
. . . 3. M. Decaisneana (Miq.) Benth. et Hook.f.
1 . Metastelma brasiliense K. Schum. in Engl. -Prantl, N at.
Pfl. Fam. IV, 2 ( 1 896), p. 2 4 1 ; - AmpbiJlelma parviflorum
Fourn. in Mart., Flor. Bras. VI, 4 ( 1 886), p. 2 24, tab. 6o.
Prostrate or slightly twining undershrubs with branched,
terete, · densely villose stems and opposite, shortly petiolate,
ovate, sometimes lanceolate, elliptic or obovate, membranous
leaves, acute or acuminate at the apex and mucronate ; petioles
1 -3 mm long, blades 6 - 1 8 mm long and up to 1 0 mm wide.

Petiole and midnerve villous, both sides of the lamina beset

with scattered hairs. Inflorescences interpetiolar, shorter than
the leaves, up to 5 mm long, umbelliform, shortly pedunculate,
3 -7-flowered, surrounded by a number of villous, lanceolate
bracts. Flowers very small, 5 -merous. Calyx villous outside,
about 1 mm long ; sepals ovate, acute. Petals ovate, subobtuse,
spreading, about 1 , 5 mm long. Corona consisting of 5 very
short, triangular, acute lobes, connate at the base. Gynostegium
shortly stipitate. Anthers with a rounded, apical appendage.
P ollinia ovoid, hanging ; caudicles very short, filiform ; corpuscles
ovate, very small. Style top umbonate. Follicles unknown.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Once collected in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro .
Saramacca R . , near Mariepaston (Kegel n. 1 J o 1 , fl. May

2. Metastelma stenolobum Dcne. in DC., Prod. VII I

( 1 844), p. 5 1 5 ; Malme i n Kgl. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 34,
no. 7 ( 1 goo), p . 35 and tab. V, £g. 2 3 ; Pulle I . e . , p . 388.
Lianas with pubescent or villose, terete stems and opposite,
rather small, ovate or lanceolate, petiolate leaves, mucronate
at the top. Petioles 3 - I O mm long, blades 1 0 -34 mm long
and up to 1 6 mm wide . Inflorescences interpetiolar, pedunculate,
once or twice umbellate, 4 - 1 o-flowered ; peduncles up to 1 cm
long ; rays of the umbels up to 8 mm long, pubescent. Calyx
5-£d, up to 1 , 5 mm long ; sepals lanceolate-ovate, acute,
pubescent. Corolla 4 - 8 mm long, purple or brownish-red
outside, dirty white or yellowish white inside ; petals long,
linear to liguliform, with triangular base, obtuse, papillose inside,
reflexed or circinnate. Corona lobes trilobulate, inserted at
the base of the gynostegium, about o,5 mm long ; central lobe
broad, truncate, crenate ; lateral lobes shorter, obtriangular.
Gynostegium sessile, about 1 ,5 mm long. Anthers with a median,
apical appendage. Pollinia oblong, hanging, narrowed towards
the insertion ; caudicles filiform ; corpuscles small, oblong. Style
top fleshy, vaulted to semiglobose. Follicles unknown.

D i s t r i b ut i o n : British Guiana, Northern Brazil.

Saramacca R . , near pl. Hamburg (Splitgerber n. 849, fl. Apr.
[L] ) ; Upper Nickerie R. (Tulleken n. 436, fl. O ct. [L] ;
Tulleken n. 1 67 2 , fl. Sept. [L] ; B . W . n. 1 034, fl . Feb.) ;
Upper Coppename R. (Boon n. 1 066, fl. Aug.) ; without
locality ( Hostmann n. 8 2 7) .
V e r n a c u l a r n a m e s : Kaleweroe (Kar.) ; Kakhero (Arow. ) .

3. Metastelma Decaisneana (Miq.) Benth. et Hook.£. ex

Daydon Jackson, Ind. Kew. Ill ( 1 894), p. 2 2 0 ; see Benth.
et Hook., Gen. Pl. Il ( 1 876), p. 756 ; Pulle L e . , p. 388 ;
non Jff. DecaiJneana Schltr. in Urb . , Symb. Ant. I ( 1 8gg),
p. 2 5 o ; _, TaJJadia DecaiJneana Miq. in Linnaea XVII I
( 1 84..:(), p . 2 5 and Taf. I l .
Lianas with almost glabrous, terete stems and opposite,
coriaceous, petiolate, lanceolate or elliptic, cuspidate-mucronate,
above slightly puberulus leaves . Petioles long 2 --6, 5 mm,
blades 2 2 --55 mm long and up to 24 mm wide. Umbels sessile
or shortly pedunculate, 2 1 o-flowered, inserted with 1 2 cm
_, _,

long intervals on interpetiolar, almost leafless, up to 1 5 cm long,

patent inflorescence branches. Pedicels up to 5 mm long. Flowers
5-merous, white, greenish-white or purple. Calyx about 1 , 5 mm
long ; sepals ovate, acute. Corolla about 3,5 mm long ; petals
suberect, obtuse, linear to liguliform with triangular base, slightly
papillose inside ; liguliform part about 2 mm long, triangular part
about 1 , 5 mm long. Corona lobes free, simple, short, broad,
rounded, crenate to indistinctly trilobate, inserted at the base
of the gynostegium. Gynostegium flat, substipitate. Anthers
with apical appendage. Pollinia oblong to ovoid, hanging ;
caudicles very short, rather thick ; corpuscles obovoid. Style
top flat. Follicles linear to obclavate, acuminate, up to 2 5 mm
long, puberulus, containing a small number of tufted seeds.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Known from Suriname only.
· Lower Suriname R . , near pl. J agtlust (Focke n. 6o 1 , fl.
June ; Focke n. 44, fl. Apr. [L] ) ; Commewijne R . , Warappa
Creek (Wullschlagel n. 1 6 04 [B R]) ; id., pl. Slootwijk (Soeprata
n. 3 1 H, fl. July) ; Para district (Splitgerber n. 1 1 86 , fl. May
[L] ) ; without locality (unknown collector s .n. [ B R ] ) .

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