Flora of Suriname
Flora of Suriname
Flora of Suriname
Prof. of Syst. Botany at the University of Utrecht,
Price :r a.-
• • • • • . • • . • . • • • . . • • • • • . • • 12. Clerodendrum
I. GHINIA Schreb.
Erect herbs or suffrutescent, with slender rigid divaricate
branches. Leaves opposite, small, subsessile or short-petiolate,
dentate or incised-pinnatifid or the uppermost entire . Inflorescence
spicate or racemiform, axillary and terminal, few-flowered,
slender. Flowers small, sessile or short-pedicellate, solitary in
the axils of very small prophylla, borne alternately along a
slender rachis. Calyx during anthesis tubular, later broadly
campanulate, subtruncate, 5-costate with elevated ribs which
are prolonged into short tooth-like apiculations at the rim.
Corolla-tube cylindric; slightly ampliate above, its limb oblique,
patent, 5-fid, the 2 posterior lobes slightly smaller, the anterior
lobe more enlarged. Stamens 4, didynamous, inserted at about
the middle of the corolla-tube, included. Anthers ovate, with
parallel thecae. Connective of the 2 anterior stamens prolonged
into a short or club-shaped glanduliferous appendage . Ovary
bicarpellary, almost completely 4-celled, the cells 1 -ovulate .
Style included. Stigma oblong, rather thickened, oblique. Ovules
laterally attached near the base of each cell. Fruit drupaceous,
globose or turbinate, scarcely exserted from the accrescent
fruiting-calyx, obtuse or shortly 4-lobed at apex, the exocarp
Erect herbs or shrubs, sometimes subscandent, usually more
or less scabrous and hirtous-pubescent or tomentose with simple
hairs . Leaves opposite, dentate, often rugose. Inflorescence in
the form of dense cylindric spikes or contracted to form heads,
usually axillary, pedunculate. Flowers red, yellow, or white,
often fading to various other shades, sessile, borne in the axils
of solitary bractlets, which are often ovate, acuminate, and
subimbricate or spreading. Calyx small, membranous, truncate
or sinuate-dentate . Corolla-tube cylindric, slender, equal in
diameter throughout or slightly ampliate above, its limb spreading,
actinomorphic or obscurely 2 -lipped, 4- or 5-fid, the lobes
broadly obtuse or retuse, Stamens 4, didynamous, inserted at
about the middle of the corolla-tube, included. Anthers ovate,
with parallel thecae. Ovary 1 -carpellary, 2 -celled, each cell
1 -ovulate. Style usually short. Stigma rather thick, oblique or
sublateral. Ovules basal and erect or attached laterally near
the base of each cell. Fruit drupaceous, the exocarp more or
less fleshy, the endocarp hard, 2 -celled or splitting into two
1 -celled nutlets ; seeds exalbuminous.
Di s t r i b u t i o n : About 76 species and varieties, mostly
natives of tropical and subtropical America ; a few also in
tropical Asia and Africa. Five species and varieties are known
from the Guianas.
l• a. Leaves mostly ternate ; inflorescence elongate
cylindric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . L. trifolia L.
b. � eaves always opposite ; inflorescence capitate
1n age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ·
Erect bushes, shrubs, or subshrubs, glabrous or variously
pubescent with simple or tomentose hairs or hirsute. Leaves
opposite or ternate, rarely alternate, entire, toothed, or lobed,
flat or rugose above. Inflorescence spicate, solitary and axillary
or aggregate into corymbs or panicles and terminal, the spikes
mostly contracted into heads or cylindric, not usually con
spicuously elongated in fruit, very dense-flowered. Flowers
small, sessile, borne singly in the axil of a rather large ovate
or lanceolate brad, often more or less 4-ranked. Calyx small,
membranous, ovoid-campanulate or compressed and 2 -carinate
or 2-alate, its rim 2- or 4-fid or 4-dentate. Corolla-tube cylindric
straight or incurved, very slender, slightly exserted from the
calyx or rarely elongate, equal in diameter throughout or ampliate
above ; its limb oblique, spreading, somewhat 2 -labiate, 4-fid,
the lobes broad, often retuse at apex, the posterior one entire,
emarginate, or 2 -fid to about the middle, the lateral ones exterior,
the anterior one often larger. Stamens 4, didynamous, inserted
at about the middle of the corolla-tube, included or slightly
exserted. Anthers ovate, unappendaged, the thecae parallel.
Ovary 2 -celled, each cell 1 -ovulate . Style often short. Stigma
rather incrassate, oblique or recurved. O vules basal and erect
or affixed laterally near the base of each cell. Fruit small, dry,
included by the calyx and sometimes adnate to it, dividing into
2 nutlets on maturity ; the pericarp papery or hard ; the exocarp
4. PHYLA Lour.
Perennial procumbent or creeping herbs, with trailing or
ascending stems, sometimes somewhat woody at base, sub
glabrate or appressed-strigose with more or less cinereous hairs.
Leaves opposite, variously dentate, except at the base, flat or
pinnately plicatulate above. Inflorescence spicate, axillary ; the
spikes cylindric, very dense-flowered, usually greatly elongate
in fruit, solitary, paired, or in 3's in the leaf-axils, never
aggregate in corymbs or panicles. Flowers small, sessile, borne
singly in the axil of a small cuneate-obovate or flabellate bract,
not at all 4-ranked, otherwise with characters practically as
in Lippia, but the flowers usually much smaller.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : About 1 6 species and varieties, widely
distributed in subtropical and tropical America ; 1 or 2 in the
warmer parts of the Old World. Only one species is known
from the Guianas .
Herbs or low shrubs, glabrous throughout or villous with
simple hairs. Leaves opposite or alternate, dentate, often rugose.
Inflorescence terminal, spicate; the spikes elongate or abbreviated,
very densely or laxly many-flowered, occasionally few-flowered.
Flowers sessile or semi-immersed in the rachis of the spike,
solitary in the axil of a bract. Bracts small and narrow, appressed
or spreading, or large, ovate or lanceolate, and imbricate. Calyx
narrowly tubular, membranous or herbaceous, 5-costate, 5-dentate,
the teeth equal or unequal, unchanged in fruit or sometimes
variously split. Corolla white, blue, purple, or red, its tube
cylindric, straight or incurved, slender throughout or ampliate
at the apex, its limb spreading, 5-fid, the lobes broad, obtuse
or retuse at apex, equal or more or less unequal. Perfect
stamens 2, anterior, inserted above the middle of the corolla
tube, included. Filaments short. Anthers unappendaged, the
thecae divergent and dehiscing in one continuous line . Staminodes
2, posterior, small. Ovary 2-celled, each cell 1 -ovulate. Style
elongate. Stigma terminal, orbicular, subcapitate. Ovules attached
laterally near the base of each cell. Fruit oblong-linear, included
by the fruiting-calyx, splitting on maturity into two hard 1 -seeded
cocci. Seeds erect, exalbuminous .
D i s t r i b u t i o n : About 5o species and varieties, widely
distributed in subtropical and tropical America ; 1 or 2 also
naturalized in tropical Asia and Africa. Four species are known
from the Guianas.
1. a. Shrubby ; furrows about as broad as the slender
rachis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
b. Herbaceous ; furrows conspicuously narrower than
the stout rachis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2. a. Lower leaf-surface and inflorescences more or less
densely hirsutulous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
• • • • • 1 . S. dichotoma (Rufz & Pav.) Vahl
• • • •
6. PRIVA Adans .
Herbaceous caulescent perennials, mostly rather harshly
pubescent throughout. Leaves opposite or subopposite, rather
thin-chartaceous or membranous, often quite small, mostly
dentate, sessile or petiolate, deciduous, net-veined, mostly ovate
in outline. Stems, branches, and branchlets mostly more or
less tetragonal, often more or less decumbent. Inflorescence
terminal or axillary, indeterminate, racemiform, often subspicate
in anthesis, mostly narrow and elongate, pedunculate, erect or
subflexuous. Flowers hypogynous, small or medium-sized, each
solitary in the axil of a small prophyllum, arranged in a spirally
alternate or pseudo-secund manner on the mostly elongate
rachis, never whorled. Large brads and bractlets absent.
Prophylla small, one subtending each flower. Calyx mostly
tubular in anthesis, inferior, 5-ribbed, often slightly 5 -plicate,
slightly zygomorphic or practically actinomorphic, gamosepalous,
terminating in 5 mostly short equal or subequal teeth, persistent,
accrescent, enlarging with and investing the fruit, usually con
tracted and more or less beaked at the orifice at maturity.
Corolla gamopetalous, inferior, more or less zygomorphic,
hypocrateriform or infundibular, surpassing the calyx, its tube
cylindric, straight or somewhat curved, more or less ampliate
at apex, not saccate, its limb spreading, oblique, more or less
bilabiate, the abaxial lip 3-lobed with one large central and
2 medium-sized lateral lobes, the axial lip 2 -lobed with usually
very small lobes . Fertile stamen s 4, didynamous, the upper
pair more highly developed and usually inserted slightly above
the middle of the corolla-tube, the lower pair inserted approxi
mately at the middle of the tube, <_>r included or equaling the tube.
Filaments very slender. Anthers erect, ovate or oblong, 2 -celled,
dorsifixed at or below the middle, introrse, the connect-ive
usually conspicuously thickened and sagittate, unappendaged,
the thecae parallel or divergent at base, opening by a lateral
longitudinal slit. The fifth (posterior) stamen reduced to a
7. L.f.
Woody plants, mostly Jow and bushy, usually woody only
8. PETREA Houst.
Shrubs, trees, or woody vines. Leaves opposite or whorled,
deciduous, exstipulate, pinnately net-veined, often roughened
and with prominent venation. Inflorescence axillary or terminal,
indeterminate, racemiform, the racemes mostly elongate and
many-flowered. Bracts mostly small or absent. Bractlets and
prophylla small, numerous, caducous. Torus swollen. Flowers
hypogynous, perfect, alternate on the rachis, often distant,
each subtended by one or more prophylla. Calyx inferior,
gamosepalous, mostly actinomorphic, its tube cylindric or
campanulate, mostly ribbed, membranous during anthesis, its
rim normally 5-lobed, the lobes mostly equal, blue, violet,
purple, or white, mostly longer than the tube, alternate with
the corolla-lobes, bearing on its ventral surface at the base
of the lobes a thin-membranous calicinal crest, which is either
in the form of a narrow sinuate or 5-toothed coronet or is
5-cleft to the base, the teeth alternate with the calyx lobes,
erect during anthesis. Corolla inferior, gamopetalous, hypo
crateriform, mostly darker blue or purple than the calyx, or
white, mostly slightly zygomorphic, its tube cylindric, urceolate,
or infundibular, the basal portion mostly narrow, the upper
portion mostly abruptly and widely ampliate, its limb rotate,
5-lobed, the lobes mostly of 2 sizes, the anterior largest (rarely
of 3 sizes, with the 2 posterior ones smallest), mostly much
shorter than the calyx-lobes and alternate with them, the
Trees or shrubs. Branches and branchlets tetragonal, some
times spiny. Leaf-scars mostly large, corky, and elevated, borne
1 0. AEGIPHILA Jacq.
Woody plants, mostly trees or shrubs, sometimes woody
vines. Branches and branchlets tetragonal or subterete. Leaves
simple, usually decussate-opposite, rarely ternate, deciduous,
exstipulate . Inflorescence cymose, the cymes often so modified
as to more closely resemble panicles, false umbels, glomerules,
heads, or thyrsi, or even reduced to a few or only a single
flower, axillary or terminal. Flowers actinomorphic, perfect but
1 1. VITEX Tourn.
Trees or shrubs, glabrous, tomentose, or villous throughout.
Leaves opposite, compound, mostly 3 �7-foliolate (rarely 1 -folio-
pilose along the midrib and larger venation (or glabrous) beneath,
the lateral ones similar in all respects, but sometimes slightly
smaller. Midrib and secondaries flat or subimpressed above .
Veinlet reticulation fine, subprominulent on both surfaces .
Inflorescence axillary, cymose, usually 3-flowered (rarely only
1 -flowered or bifurcate and 7-flowered), 3, 5 � I I cm long,
1 �3 cm wide . Peduncles very slender, 1 , 6 �7,6 cm long,
flattened, densely or sparsely puberulent. Pedicels slender,
1 �7 mm long, puberulent with incanous or flavescent hairs .
Calyx tubular-infundibular, to 2 cm long, 2 -lipped, deeply
5 -fid, rather densely appressed-pubescent with flavescent hairs,
the lobes foliaceous, lanceolate, sharply acute, often spreading
or recurved, more sparsely appressed-puberulent. Corolla hypo
crateriform, violet, blue, or purple, its tube cylindric, incrassate,
to 2 , 3 cm long, very densely appressed-villous with flavescent
antrorse hairs on the portion exserted from the calyx-tube, its
limb 2-lipped, 5-lobed, the lobes comparatively small, densely
villous like the tube outside, glabrous within, the upper lip
erect and bifid, the lower lip with the middle lobe rounded at
apex and barbulate at base. Stamens slightly exserted. Fruiting
calyx accrescent, its lobes often much enlarged and very foliaceous
Drupes about 1 , 6 cm long and 1 cm wide, fleshy, densely appressed
pubescent with cinereous or flavescent hairs, edible.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : From the Guianas to Peru, Bolivia and Brazil.
Lawa R . , in rocky places (Kappler n. 2 093 [GO ET, L,
W], fl. Nov.) ; Upper Suriname R., near Santiadam (Tresling
n. 379, fl. Aug.) ; Upper Gran Rio ( Hulk n. 235, fl. Sept.) ;
Upper Marowijne R. (Kappler, n. 67 [L, U]) .
Woody plants, mostly trees or shrubs, sometimes vines,
usually unarmed or rarely with the petiole-base spinescent,
glabrous or variously pubescent throughout. Leaves simple,
decussate-opposite or whorled, entire or variously dentate,
deciduous, exstipulate. Inflorescence cymose, the cymes mostly
rather loose-flovvered, more rarely dense-flowered, pedunculate
in the upper leaf-axils or paniculate at the apex of the branchlets
or densely aggregate in terminal corymbs or heads. Flowers
more or less zygomorphic, often large and showy, mostly white,
blue, violet, or red, the calyx often of the same color as the
corolla or red, white, or green. Calyx campanulate or rarely
tubular, truncate, 5-toothed, or 5-fid, often accrescent, sub
tending the fruit in patelliform fashion or enclosing it. Corolla
hypocrateriform, hypogynous, gamopetalous, its tube narrowly
cylindric, straight or incurved, equal in diameter throughout
or slightly ampliate at the mouth, often elongate, more rarely
only slightly exceeding the calyx, its limb spreading or sub
reflexed, 5-parted, the lobes subequal or the two posterior and
exterior o'ues slightly shorter and the anterior one larger, some
times concave. Stamens 4, didynamous, inserted in the corolla
tube, long-exserted, involute in bud, perfect, alternate with the
corolla-lobes . Anthers ovate or oblong, 2 -celled, with parallel
thecae, opening by means of longitudinal slits. Pistil one,
2-carpellary, the style terminal, elongate, shortly and acutely
2 -fid at the apex. Ovary superior, imperfectly 4-celled, each
cell 1 -ovulate. Ovules high-lateral, semi-anatropous. Fruit
drupaceous, globose or obovoid, often 4-sulcate or�-sub-4-lobed,
the exocarp more or less fleshy, the endocarp bony or �rustaceous,
smooth or variously rugose, separating on maturity into 4 stones
or these sometimes cohering in pairs. Seeds oblong, without
D i s t r i b u t i o n : About 35o species and varieties of tropical
and subtropical regions, most abundant in Asia and Africa ,
IV, 2 21
Characters of the family.
1 . Avicennia nitida Jacq. Enum. Pl. Carib. ( 1 76o), p. 2 5 ;
Pulle, Enum. pl. fr. Sur. ( 1 9 06), p. 404 ; � Bonlia germinanJ
L. Sp. Pl., ed. 2 ( 1 763), p. 891 ; � .d�Jicennia lomenloJa Jacq.
Select. Stirp. Amer. Hist. ( 1 763), p. 1 78, pl. 1 1 2 , f. 2 ; �
.d�Jicennia lomenloJa G. F. W. Mey. Prim. Fl. Esseq. ( 1 8 1 8),
p. 2 2 1 ; � .d�Jicennia lomenloJa var. cumanenJtJ H . B . K. Nov.
Gen. & Sp. PI. 2 ( 1 8 1 8), p. 2 83 ; � .d�Jicennia lomenloJa var.
campechienJiJ H . B .K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. PI. 2 ( 1 8 1 8), p. 283 ; �
.d�Jicennia lomenloJa var. guayaquilenJtJ H . B .K. Nov. Gen. &
Sp. Pl. 2 ( 1 8 1 8), p. 2 84 ; � .d�Jicennia elliptica Holm in
Thunb. PI. Bras. Dec. 3 ( 1 8 2 1 ), p . 37 ; � .d�Jicennia jforidana
Raf. Atl. J ourn. ( 1 833), p. 1 48 ; � .d�Jicennia .Jfeyeri Miq. ,
Linnaea 1 8 (1 844), p. 262 ; � .d�Jicennia nitida Rodsch. ex
Miq., Linnaea 1 8 ( 1 844), p. 2 6 2 ; � .d�Jicennia Lamarckiana
Presl, Bot. Bemerk. ( 1 844), p. 99 ; � .d�Jicennia lomenloJa
Sieber (in part) ex Pressl, Bot. Bemerk. ( 1 844), p. 98,
in syn. ; � .d�Jicennia elliptic a Thunb. ex Schau. in A. D C .
Prodr. 1 1 (1 847), p. 700, i n syn. ; � .d�Jicennia oblongifolia
Nutt. ex Chapm. Fl. South. U . S. ( 1 86o), p. 3 1 o ; �
F. P. JONKER (Utrecht) .
L i t e r a tu r e :
J . D ecaisne, Asclepiadaceae in De Candolle, Prodromus
Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis VIII ( 1 844),
P· 49 ° ·
E. Fournier, Asclepiadaceae in Martins, Flora Brasiliensis
VI, 4 ( 1 885), P· 1 8g .
K . Schumann, Asclepiadaceae i n Engler u. Prantl, Die
Natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien IV, 2 ( 1 896), p. 1 89.
A. A. Pulle, An Enumeration of the vascular Plants, known
from Surinam ( 1 go6), p. 367.
Erect perennial herbs or shrubs with milky juice . Leaves
opposite, verticillate or alternate . Inflorescences umbellate,
interpetiolar, often many-flowered. Calyx 5-fid, lobes acuminate
or acute . Corolla rotate, lobes ultimately reflexed. Corona
simple, lobes inserted on the gynostegium at the base of the
anthers, free, cucullate, with a horn-shaped process protruding
from the cucullate base. Gynostegium distinctly stalked. Anthers
terminated by a distinct membranous appendage . Pollinia hanging ;
caudicles rather long ; corpuscles ovoid. Style top flat. Follicles
fusiform to obclavate, acuminate. Seeds with a tuft of long,
silky hairs.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Species about So, for the greater part in
North, Central and South America, a few in Africa. Several
species cultivated or introduced and wide-spread in the tropical
and subtropical parts of both hemispheres .
Perennial herbs. Leaves herbaceous or coriaceous, usually
opposite, sometimes verticillate or alternate . Inflorescences
interpetiolar, pedunculate, umbellate, often many-flowered. Calyx
5-fid, the lobes alternating with one or more glands . Corolla
usually rotate, lobes ultimately reflexed. Corona simple ; lobes
cucullate without horn-shaped process in the cavity, free or
slightly connate at the base, inserted on the stalk of the
gynostegium. Stamens quadrangular with membranous apical
appendage. Pollinia hanging, clavate to ventricose, compressed ;
caudicles filiform ; corpuscles ellipsoid. Style top flat, 5-lobed.
Follicles ventricose, thin-walled, echinate.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : About 1 00 species, natives of Africa, in
troduced and widely spread in tropical and subtropical countries .
Erect, glabrous or often downy herbs or shrubs, with opposite,
sessile or shortly petiolate, broad, large leaves. Inflorescences
umbellate or racemose, interpetiolar, usually many-flowered.
Flowers rather large, usually greenish outside and purplish
4. MATELEA Aubl.
Erect shrubs or lianas. Leaves opposite, membranous,
often biglandular on the upper surface above the base. In
florescences interpetiolar or axillary, at first umbellate, after
wards racemose. Flowers rotate, 5-merous. Calyx lobes rather
small, lobes alternating with a single gland. Corona simple,
annular, crenate, lobed. Gynostegium flattish, stipitate. Stamens
short ; anthers without apical appendages, transversally dehiscent.
Corpuscles horizontal ; caudicles short, horizontal, bearing ovoid
pollinia. Style top 5-gonous, flat, depressed. Follicles fusiform,
acuminate at the apex, smooth, ribbed or tuberculate. Seeds
ovate, marginate, not tufted.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Species about 3, in Guiana and Northern
Matelea palustris Aubl. , Hist. PI. Guian. Fr. I ( 1 776),
p. 2 78 ; id. Ill pl. 1 o9 ; Don, Gen. Hist. Dichl. PI. IV
( 1 838), p. 1 a9 ; Decaisne I . e . , p. 6 9 1 ; Schumann I . e . , p. 298 ;
� Matelea Latifolia Aubl. I . e . , I, p. 278 ; id. Ill, pl. 1 09 ;
Don I . e . , p . 1 a9 ; Decaisne I . e . , p . 6 9 1 ; Schumann I . e . ,
p. 298 ; � )lfatelea berbacea Woods. in Lloydia l l ( 1 9a9),
p. 2 08 ; � HoJlea viriJijfora Willd., Spec. Plant. I ( 1 797),
p. 1 274 ·
Lianas with milky juice . Leaves opposite, herbaceous or
subcoriaceous, often pubescent or tomentose, petiolate. Flowers
in extra-axillary clusters, umbels or compound thyrsoid cymes.
Calyx 5-cleft ; lobes often tomentose or ciliate, alternating
with single glands. Corolla limb erect, rotate or reflexed ; tube
cylindrical or urceolate ; throat often bearded. Corona simple,
consisting of 5 free lobes, inserted at the basal part of the
stamens. Gynostegium stipitate . Stamens with a membranous
apical appendage ; thecae dehiscing longitudinally ; pollinia erect,
ovoid or ellipsoid ; corpuscles linear or ovoid and very small .
Style top flat or fungiform, smooth or tuberculate. Follicles
fusiform or clavate, acuminate, smooth, sometimes slightly
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Species about 1 0 0 , chiefly in the tropics
of both hemispheres with a small number of subtropical species.
Glabrous lianas with milky juice. Leaves herbaceous or
coriaceous, variously shaped, sometimes cordate, distinctly trans
versally veined. Calyx 5-fid, with a single gland between each
pair of lobes. Corolla 5-lobed, broadly campanulate to rotate ;
lobes inside often ciliate or pilose. Corona simple ; lobes free,
Hispid and at the same tim papillose lianas with opposite,
herbaceous, hispid and papillose, petiolate, usually acuminate,
cordate leaves. Juice milky. Inflorescences interpetiolar, um
belliform or racemose, pedunculate. Flowers greenish or white.
Calyx 5-fid ; lobes outside hispid, alternating with single glands.
Corolla rotate, petals lanceolate . or ovate, in the upper
part on one side sinuate. Corona double, inserted on the corolla
base. Outer corona fleshy, thick, either annular or produced
in 5 fleshy, crenate lobes. Inner corona 5-lobed ; lobes more or
less fleshy or coriaceous, connate with the gynostegium. Anthers
with partly horny thecae ; ending in a membranous or herbaceous,
apical appendage, incumbent on the style top. Pollinia rather
large, horizontal ; caudicles short, horizontal ; corpuscles erect,
sagittate or bifid. Style top flat, pentagonal. Follicles thick,
ovoid. Seeds with a tuft of hairs .
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Species about 1 6, known from the West
Indies and Central- and tropical South-America.
Lianas with opposite, subcoriaceous leaves. Inflorescences
umbellate, many-flowered. Calyx 5-partite ; lobes acute, alter
nating with single glands. Corolla deeply 5-fid, outside villose ;
lobes spreading or reflexed. Corona double. Outer corona
annular, inserted on the corolla base. Inner corona consisting
of 5 free, stipitate, rather large, fleshy lobes ; stalks inserted on
the corolla base and connate with the basal part of the stamens.
Stamens with horny margin and membranous, apical appendage .
Translators with rather large, oblong pollinia and short, filiform
caudicles. Style top 5-lobed ; the centre provided in a conical
rostrum. Follicles obclavate, many-seeded. Seeds furnished with
an apical tuft of long, white, silky hairs .
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Species about 46 ; Southern United States,
Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guiana, Brazil, West
Indian Islands, Paraguay, Argentinia, Peru.
Funastrum clausum (Jacq.) Schltr. in Fedde, Rep. XIII
( 1 9 1 4), p . 2 83 ; Britton & Wilson, Se. Surv. Portorico
and the Virg. I sl. VI ( 1 9 2 6), p . 99 ; � Philibertia claU<Ja
(Jacq.) K. Schum. in Engl. -Prantl, Nat. Pfl. Fam. IV, 2
( 1 896), p. 2 29 ; Pulle I . e . , p. 387 ; � PhiliberteLLa claU<Ja
(Jacq.) Vail in Bull. Torr. Bot. Cl. XXIV ( 1 897), p. 3o6 ;
� SarcoJlemma claU<Jum (Jacq.) R. et S., Syst. Veg. VI
( 1 8 2 o), p. 1 1 6 ; D ecaisne L e . , p. 539 ; Miquel in Linnaea XIX
( 1 847), p. 1 2 7 ; � Cynanchum clauJum Jacq., Sel. Am. I
( 1 763), p. 87 ; � .dJclepiaJ >'imina{iJ Sw., Prod. ( 1 788),
p. 53 ; � Philibertia CJiminaliJ (Sw.) A. Gr. in Proc. Am. Ac.
( 1 877), p . 64 ; � SarcoJlemma Brownii G. F . Mey., Prim. Fl.
Esseq. ( 1 8 1 8), p. 1 39 ; D on, Gen. Hist. Dichl. PI. IV
( 1 838), p. 1 67.
Stems subterete, costate, almost glabrous. Leaves sessile or
petiolate, entire, sometimes linear, usually linear-lanceolate,
lanceolate or seldom ovate, at the apex mucr:onate, apiculate
or acuminate ; upper surface glabrous ; margin and under surface
sparsely beset with short hairs. Blade 2 �6 cm long and
3 � 2 5 mm wide ; petiole up to 1 0 mm long. Umbels inter
petiolar, sometimes more or less compound, 4 � 2 6 -flowered ;
peduncle 4 �9,6 cm long, thick, terete, costate, glabrous ;
pedicels up to 2 cm long, villous . Flowers white, about 1 7 mm
in diameter. Calyx about 2 , 6 mm long, tomentose outside.
Corolla lobes about 6 mm long, pubescent outside, glabrous
inside, ovate, obtuse, margin distinctly pubescent. Outer corona
annular, slightly crenate. Inner corona segments about 2 , 6 mm
Lianas or prostrate shrubs or undershrubs with opposite,
coriaceous or herbaceous leaves. Flowers in interpetiolar,