NCP For Disturbed Sensory Perception
NCP For Disturbed Sensory Perception
NCP For Disturbed Sensory Perception
2. Nutrition / Metabolism NA NA NA NA NA
3. Elimination Pattern NA NA NA NA NA
4. Activity / Exercise Subjective: *Can't see as Risk for activity Risk for activity Low Low since the problem is
well as I used to intolerance intolerance r/t altered not yet occur and it can be
* blurring that seems to be visual perception intervene through different
getting worse intervention
6. Cognitive / Perceptual Subjective: *Can't see as Disturbed Sensory Disturbed Sensory High High 1 because this is the
College of Health Sciences Department of Nursing NOTRE DAME OF DADIANGAS UNIVERSITY
Nursing Related Learning Experience Manual
well as I used to Perception: Visual Perception: Visual r/t problem that makes client
* blurring that seems to be altered visual perception as to seek health practitioner
getting worse manifested by statement and this problem affects
* She reports progressive “Can't see as well as I used the ADL of the client.
changes in her vision over the to” and reports a halo effect
past 5 months. at night when at lights
*reports a halo effect at night * distant visual acuity in the
when at lights right eye (OD) 20/40
*and she said that she does * left eye (OS) 20/40
not drive much at night
anymore because of this
* She has worn glasses for
reading for the past 20 years
* she a- eye examination 4
years ago
Ineffective Health Medium Medium because this problem can if not intervene will
Maintenance r/t irregular examination of the eye as cause much worse problem of the eye may lead to visual
manifested by says that she a- eye examination 4 years ago impairement.
Risk for activity intolerance r/t altered visual perception Low Low since the problem is not yet occur and it can be
intervene through different intervention
Objective Cues T distorted, or impaired care, and the need for follow-up with the
T response to such stimuli. * Patient will be able to physician. Instruct about complications and
* distant visual acuity E Visual distortions are also deal with the potential for emergency signs and symptoms (flashing lights
in the right eye (OD) R common for the adult client permanent visual loss. with loss of vision, seeing a “veil” falling over
20/40 N due to aging and you need visual field, loss of vision in a specific portion
to be aware of the warning of the visual field, etc.) of which to notify the
* left eye (OS) 20/40 signs of age-related eye physician.
health problems that could
* The extraocular cause vision loss. Many eye Rationale: Prepares the patient for what to
muscles are intact diseases have no early expect, facilitate compliance, and provides
symptoms. They may instruction about potential problems to
* The visual fields are develop painlessly, and you lessen anxiety.
equal to the may not notice the changes
examiners to your vision until the * Provide sufficient lighting for the patient to
condition is quite advanced. carry out activities.
* The conjunctivae
are smooth and Ref Rationale: Elderly patients need twice as much
without redness light as younger people.
* The pupils are *Encourage the client to use the appropriate
bilaterally round, _ = eye glasses as prescribe by ophthalmologist
size, and reactive to
light and Rationale: In order for the client to have
accommodation clearer vision.
* No nystagmus is
noted Dependent
c. travoprost
Rationale: medications in eye drops are
prescribed to control glaucoma.
Name of Patient Rm/Bed No. Age Chief Complaints
Address Admission Date Sex Diagnosis
Diagnostic Normal
Date Ordered Result Significance
Examination Values