NCP Glaucoma
NCP Glaucoma
NCP Glaucoma
Assessment/ Nursing Diagnosis Background Goals and Objectives Intervention and Evaluation
Cues Knowledge rationale
- Slow
vision 2. Have a knowledge on 2. Educating on
change taking and proper proper eye drop 2. The patient was able to
(blurred administering of eye administration. be knowledgeable on
vision, drops Post-procedure or long how the proper
narrowed term management, administering and taking
vision) patients are frequently eye drops.
on various eye drops.
Objective: It’s essential they
understand thoroughly
- Redness to which drops to
the both administer when, how
eyes to do so appropriately.
They may need
- Cloudy additional intervention
pupils with color-coding
bottles because they
may not be able to
clearly read labels.
Ensure support systems
Saint Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500
School of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences
College of Nursing
Center of Excellence for Nursing
PAASCU Level IV Accredited
2nd Semester AY 2022-2023