Intercept SUN
Intercept SUN
Intercept SUN
Q1 On 29th Nov 1992, at ship in DR 26° 27’N 130° 27’W, the sextant altitude of the Sun’s
UL east of the meridian was 28° 11’ when GMT was 17h 47m 49s. If IE was 2.3’ off the
arc and HE was 10m, find the direction of the PL and a position through which it passes.
Ans. (LHA=319° 22.4´, TZD=62° 10.1´, CZD=62° 06.7´, Int. =3.4´ A Az.
=136.8°, PL=046.8°-------226.8°)
Q2 On 4th March 1992, AM at GMT 22h 55m 40s at ship in DR 38° 11’S 151° 10’E, the
sextant altitude of the Sun’s LL was 35° 59.1’. If IE was 1.3’ off the arc and HE was
30m, find the direction of the PL and a position through which it passes.
Ans. (LHA=312° 11.3´, TZD=53° 54.3´, CZD=53° 50.0´, Int. =4.3´ A Az.
=065.9°, PL=155.9°-------335.9°)
Q3 On 22nd Sept 1992, PM at GMT 10h 09m 38s at ship in DR 48° 20’N 85° 40’E, the
sextant altitude of the Sun’s UL was 20° 14.8’. If IE was 2.2’ on the arc and HE was
25m, find the direction of the PL and a position through which it passes.
Ans. (LHA=059° 55.2´, TZD=70° 14.6´, CZD=70° 25.6´, Int. =11.0´ T Az.
=246.7°, PL=156.7°-------336.7°)
Q4 On 19th Jan 1992, PM at GMT 03h 48m 00s at ship in DR 40° 16’s 175° 31’E, the
sextant altitude of the Sun’s LL was 43° 27.4’. If HE was 22m and IE was 1.5’ on the arc,
required the direction of the PL and a position through which it passes.
Ans. (LHA=049° 54.2´, TZD=46° 27.2´, CZD=46° 37.9´, Int. =10.7´ T Az.
=279.7°, PL=009.7°-------189.7°)
Q5 On 30th April 1992, GMT 13h 00m 52s in DR 00° 20’N 60° 12’W, the sextant altitude of
Sun’s UL East of the meridian was 44° 13.4’ If IE was 3.1’ off the arc and HE was 20m,
find the direction of the PL and the longitude where it crosses the DR lat.
Ans. (LHA=315° 43.7´, TZD=46° 08.2´, CZD=46° 06.5´, Int. =01.7´ A Az.
=069.4°, PL=159.4°-------339.4°)
Q6 On 31st Aug 1992 GMT 15h 09m 50s, PM at ship in DR 10° 11’S 000° 00’, the Sextant
altitude of the Sun’s LL was 39° 15’ If IE was 2.5’ on the arc and HE was 17m, find the
direction of the PL and a position through which to draw it.
Ans. (LHA=047° 25.2´, TZD=50° 40´, CZD=50° 43.8´, Int. =3.8´ T Az. =289.8°,
Deg Min
LHA = P ( after mer pass i.e. PM )
LHA = 360 – P )before mer pass i.e AM (