PRINCIPLES OF ECOSYSTEM Prepared By Mrs. Reena Yadav Lecturer Pushpanjali College Of Nursing, Agra ECOLOGY The study of inter-relationships of living and non living things. It is derived from a Greek word “Oikos” which means Household. The word ecology was suggested by a German biologist Ernst Haekel. ECOLOGY ACCORDING TO TAYLOR Ecology is the science of study of all the relations of all organism to all their environment. ACCORDING TO ODUM Ecology is the study of structure and functions of nature. ECOLOGY ACCORDING TO PATRIDES Ecology is the study of environmental interaction which control the welfare of living things regulated their distribution, abundance and evolution. ECOLOGY The component of nature, which includes different forms of life, and their physical and chemical environment. The process of interaction among different forms of life and non living things. (physical and chemical environment). How different forms of life can live in harmonious relation to their surroundings. How different forms of life and their surroundings can be controlled and regulated to maintain their health and welfare. Cont………… A basic concept in ecology is that of the ecosystem, which includes a given area's biological community of organisms and the interacting components of the physical environment—the soil, atmosphere, and the phenomenon of weather. Cont………… A pond, for example, may be considered an ecosystem, or we may consider the entire earth's surface as the dynamic system of life with its indispensable support systems of air, water, energy, and minerals. Functionally, in any ecosystem we can study either its living components or its nonliving factors. All the interacting living organisms within a given ecosystem constitute its living component or biotic community AREAS OF ECOLOGICAL SYSTEM PROTOPLASM CELL TISSUE ORGAN ORGAN SYSTEM ORGANISM POPULATION COMMUNITIES ECOSYSTEM BIOSPHERE POPULATION It refers to the group of individuals of any one kind living together in a particular locality. community It is the association of various populations in a particular locality. ECOSYSTEM An ecosystem is formed when the community and the non living environment interact and function together. BIOSPHERE The world of living things and is comprised of parts of earth (lithosphere), the thin layer of air above the surface of the earth (atmosphere), and water (hydrosphere). ECOSYSTEM Tansley as the system resulting from the integration of all living and non living factors of the environment. It is the basic functional unit of ecology. It is the interactive system established between biocoenosis (a group of living creatures) and their biotope (the environment in which they live). Components of an ecosystem
• Abiotic – the non living factors of an ecosystem –
geology, water and soils. • Producers or Autotrophs – organisms which manufacture their own food eg green plants make their own food using the sun’s energy • Consumers or Heterotrophs - organisms that cannot make their own food – they must obtain energy from other animals and organisms • Decomposers – organisms that break down other organisms (eg Bacteria) Being a Consumer/Heterotroph!
• Herbivore – Eats only plants (Primary)
• Detrivore – Eats dead plants and animals • Carnivore – Eats other animals (Secondary) • Omnivore – Eats both plants and animals FOOD WEB PRINCIPLES OF ECOSYSTEM
1.Everything is related to everything else.
2.Everything must go somewhere. 3.Nature knows the best. 4.There is no such thing as a free lunch. PRINCIPLES OF ECOSYSTEM
1.Everything is related to everything else.
that is all living and non living things in an ecosystem are interconnected. Manipulation in any one form of living or non living thing will have a harmful effect on the environment. For eg. deforestation causes a great destruction to the environment as well as the humans. PRINCIPLES OF ECOSYSTEM
Everything must go somewhere
the waste of one organism is taken as the food of some other organism which helps in the removal of waste from the environment. PRINCIPLES OF ECOSYSTEM
There is no such thing as a free lunch
In order to preserve the nature anything which is removed from the nature by human efforts must be replaced and anything which is added to it must be removed. PRINCIPLES OF ECOSYSTEM
Nature knows the best
human changes within the natural system do not always improve that system and may prove to be detrimental. For eg. use of air conditioners, pesticides. FACTORS AFFECTING ECOSYSTEM AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH • Population explosion • Industrialization • Urbanization • Modern Agricultural Practices • Automobiles • Deforestation • Radioactive substances • Natural calamities Direct health impacts
• Vulnerability has increased as a result of the growth
of population Increased • Exposure to ultra violet radiation • Exposure to pollutants of air, water, land, noise pollution and by radiation has created many health problems. ECOSYSTEM MEDIATED HEALTH IMPACTS
• Increased risk of communicable and infectious
• diseases • Reduced food yields • Depletion of natural • Mental health problems medicines • Poor environmental conditions and low standard of living