CA Application Performance Management Installation Guide For Sap
CA Application Performance Management Installation Guide For Sap
CA Application Performance Management Installation Guide For Sap
Contents ................................................................................................................................................ 2
1 Installation Overview .................................................................................................................... 3
➢ CA APM Overview.................................................................................................................... 3
➢ Reviewing the Installation and Configuration Process .............................................................. 3
➢ Obtain the Latest File Versions.................................................................................................. 5
2 Upgrading from Previous Versions to CA APM 10.7 ................................................................... 7
➢ Version Compatibility and Upgrade Sequence .......................................................................... 7
➢ Enterprise Manager Upgrade ..................................................................................................... 7
➢ Agent Upgrade ........................................................................................................................... 7
3 Installing the CA APM Enterprise Manager ................................................................................. 8
➢ Installation User ......................................................................................................................... 8
➢ Choose the Enterprise Manager Installer File ............................................................................ 8
➢ Platform Independent CA APM Installer .................................................................................. 9
➢ Enterprise Manager Installation ................................................................................................. 9
➢ Check that CA APM Enterprise Manager is Running Properly .............................................. 13
4 CA APM-Enabling SAP J2EE Systems ...................................................................................... 15
5 Workstation Installation .............................................................................................................. 26
6 Additional Installation Options ................................................................................................... 27
➢ Change the Agent Port ............................................................................................................. 27
➢ Uninstalling CA APM.............................................................................................................. 27
➢ Setting up CA APM Domains.................................................................................................. 28
➢ User Management .................................................................................................................... 29
➢ Enable Single Sign On from Solution Manager ...................................................................... 31
➢ Enterprise Manager Cluster Setup ........................................................................................... 32
1 Installation Overview
This document covers the installation and configuration of CA Application Performance
Management (CA APM) in the context of SAP products in the following chapters:
• Installation Overview
• Upgrading previous versions to 10.7
• Installing CA APM Enterprise Manager
• Introscope-enabling SAP J2EE Systems (Agent Installation)
• Optional: Installing CA APM Workstation
• Optional: Additional Installation Options
➢ CA APM Overview
CA Application Performance Management is an application management solution created
to manage Java application performance. Unlike development tools, CA APM is designed to
scale with minimal performance impact. This allows you to monitor and manage your
application performance in live production environments.
This guide focuses on the SAP-specific aspects of CA APM. For a full overview on CA APM
please check the official product documentation provided by CA:
re/it-operations-management/application-performance-management/10-7.html . Note,
however, that not all features described in the CA documentation will be available to SAP
customers as part of the “RTV” (Right To View) delivery.
The Right to View (RTV) version of CA APM is a restricted, read-only form of the full product
and is bundled with SAP Solution Manager. With the RTV version, support is limited to
products that are licensed and supported by SAP. The instrumentation, dashboards, Probe
Builder Directives (PBDs), management modules, and Smartstor data contained within the
RTV version of CA APM as provided by SAP are the intellectual property of SAP. Use of these
functions is restricted by SAP.
using 1024MB Java heap will suffice. More details on Enterprise Manager sizing can
be found in →
Sizing and Performance Guide.
• CA APM (Introscope) Java Agent (on the managed systems)
The setup of the Java agent for SAP Netweaver Java systems is typically done
centrally via the managed setup in Solution Manager. For other types of managed
systems manual installation may be necessary, as described below. After activation
by restarting the Java VM, the agent runs within the Java process of the monitored
• Host-Level Introscope Agent (on the managed systems)
The so-called Introscope Host Adapter runs as part of the Diagnostics Agent in the
Diagnostics Agent process to collect data on operating system level, e.g., operating
system data from the SAP Host Agent, GC logs, data from ABAP instances and TREX.
The host adapter generates less load on the Enterprise Manager than a normal
agent. For this reason, it should not be included with the same weight in the
memory sizing calculation above. The host adapter is configured automatically by
the managed systems configuration.
• Optionally, you can install the CA APM Workstation on the Enterprise Manager
host or any client PC. See the next section for recommendations about the user
interface for CA APM.
In general, using the Workstation should be preferred to WebView since it is more powerful.
The most convenient option is to use 1a (Launch Workstation via Java Webstart). The
binaries are then only downloaded once and after that cached on the client PC. You may
also decide to install the workstation explicitly on your client PC (1b).
CA APM Access
After installation, the following default user accounts exist to access CA APM:
Guest read
The passwords for these users must be set after running the Enterprise Manager
installation as described in Chapter 3. By default, the users are blocked by an invalid
password hash. You can set these passwords by editing the users.xml configuration file
manually as described in the user management section in Chapter 6. Alternatively, you can
use the User Management button in the Define CA Introscope step of the Infrastructure
Preparation in SAP Solution Manager to maintain users and passwords for the Introscope
Enterprise Manager. We recommend creating a dedicated connection user for each
Solution Manager accessing Introscope. Using the default passwords for Admin/Guest
known from earlier releases will be blocked automatically.
1. Check SAP Notes 797147 and 2909673 for latest updates to the installation procedure
and to this document.
3. Install the CA APM Enterprise Manager on the central monitoring system and add the
management modules.
4. Install the CA APM (Introscope) Java agents and host agents on managed systems.
SAP Note 2909673 (CA APM 10.7 Release Notes) provides recent information specific to CA
APM 10.7 releases like known problems and updates.
The CA APM Wiki section can be found via this URL on the SAP Community Network:
Workstation and Enterprise Manager must always have the same version and patch level.
When using older agents with a newer Enterprise Manager, some charts on the Console
may remain empty because the SAP customizing assumes that agents and Enterprise
Manager have the same version.
➢ Agent Upgrade
All agent installations and upgrades can (and should) be done centrally by the
administration tools of Solution Manager. The only manual steps are to restart the
managed systems after any configuration change.
In case you want to do a manual upgrade: To get rid of any obsolete files we recommend
performing a fresh installation, e.g. by moving the old agent installation to a different
directory. Since some agent files are locked while the monitored system is running, the
monitored system must be down for the agent upgrade.
Note: CA APM (Introscope) Java Agent 10.7 only supports Java 6, Java 7, and Java 8.
➢ Installation User
You should run the installer with the same user account that will be used later on for
running the Enterprise Manager. In particular, on Unix operating systems do not use the
root account to launch the installer. A common best practice is to use the sidadm user of
the Solution Manager installation to install and run the Enterprise Manager. For Solution
Manager 7.2 please review the installation master guide: A Diagnostics Agent must be
installed on the host of the Enterprise Manager and it must have write access to the EM
* For Solaris SPARC only 32-bit installers are available. If you want to run the Enterprise
Manager on a 64 Java VM, you can exchange the Java VM after the installation. See below
for details.
The operating system independent installer is contained in the file WILYISEM*.zip of the
folder #OS independent on the Service Marketplace.
The CA APM installer will perform an automated install of CA APM components. The CA APM
installer is invoked from the command line and runs “silently”, getting its input from the
response file The installer runs in the background as it installs CA
APM components.
After installation, you can check the results in the installer logs.
When launching the installer, make sure the file is in the same
directory as the installer .exe, .bin or .jar file.
If you want to change this directory, e.g., because your SAP installation is located on a
different Windows drive, use one of the following alternatives.
Note: The Installation Directory must not contain blanks in the path.
Note: The instructions in this guide will use examples relative to the default
installation directory.
• For any other platform-dependent installer, use the command in the following
example. You may have to set the right permission before you can launch the
Verifying Installation
The installer give confirmation of successful installation on the console. Anyway to confirm
installation was successful:
Installation: Successful.
1468 Successes
0 Warnings
0 NonFatalErrors
0 FatalErrors
Note: The number of successes may be different than what is shown in this example.
• Increase the heap size (–Xmx) of the Enterprise Manager if you have more than
~10 agents.
• Enter the absolute path to a Java 8 VM if you want to use a Java VM that is not
bundled with the installer. In particular, you have to do this in two cases:
▪ Solaris on SPARC
o Enter the path of a separately installed Java 8 VM for platforms where you
used the platform independent installer.
• Set the Java VM parameter –Djava.awt.headless=true for all platforms.
Otherwise, the Enterprise Manager will need an X server, i.e., the DISPLAY
environment variable must point to a valid X Windows server.
• More details:
As a result, you will find one or more .jar files in the subdirectory config/modules,
some .js files in the subdirectory scripts, and some other files distributed over the
Enterprise Manager installation.
The newly installed management modules only become active after the Enterprise
Manager is (re-)started. For Windows installations the Enterprise Manager is typically
automatically launched as Windows Service. This means you will have to restart the
Windows Service for the Enterprise Manager.
1. Open the Services Control Panel (Start Menu → Control Panel → Administrative Tools →
Services) and check that the service “CA APM Enterprise Manager” has been created.
Consider launching the Enterprise Manager automatically at system startup. Typically, you
will have to hook it into one of the operating system specific init scripts.
3. Check the TCP port that CA APM Enterprise Manager is using for agent connections.
Look for lines similar to the following in the logfile:
In this case, the Enterprise Manager agent port is 6001 (default value).
2. Deploy ISAGENTJ5*.SCA which is the CA APM Java Agent 10.7 to Solution Manager.
5. Check the Enterprise Manager Settings at the top of the screen. These are the
connection parameters that will be used by the agent to connect to the Enterprise
6. In the pane CA APM Agent Setttings, select the system that you want to instrument
with the agent. Check “select all” and click “Retrieve Current Settings”. This will display
the current status of the agent setup.
7. To initially setup or update the agents, click Configure Introscope Agent Setup ….
This will open the setup dialog as shown below. The agent version is pre-selected and
you can choose the profile.
8. Next, check the desired instrumentation with clicking on button “Autoprobe Directives”.
Solution Manager flags the instrumentation files according to the available software on
the managed system (see image next page).
NOTE: What you see here is NOT the current effective instrumentation but the
proposed instrumentation that is applied with the setup run.
9. Finally, hit “Apply” to perform the necessary changes in the agent configuration. Agent
config files will be adapted and the Java VM parameters will be set as required for the
managed system.
10. If the setup was successful, restart the managed system at your convenience, e.g. in
the next maintenance window. After the restart, the agent will be active and should
show up in the CA APM UIs.
The instructions in the following section work on both Windows and Unix systems, but the
examples show Windows convention (backslashes in the paths).
Note: Always use forward slashes (/) as path separators for CA APM (Introscope) config
files and for JVM parameters on all platforms including Windows. This avoids the
need to escape the Windows path separator backslash (\) by doubling it.
The following steps are required to install and configure the CA APM (Introscope) Agent to
report information to the Enterprise Manager:
1. Extract the CA APM (Introscope) Agent files
2. Configure the CA APM (Introscope) Agent
3. Introscope-enable the application code by setting Java VM parameters
2. Confirm the Agent was installed correctly by checking for the existence of the wily
directory in the <drive>:\usr\sap\ccms directory.
SAP provides agent profiles for different use cases. For all applications running on the SAP
Netweaver use IntroscopeAgent.profile. Other profiles for IBM WebSphere Application
Servers, Oracle WebLogic Application Servers and Tomcat are available.
All profiles adhere to the name pattern IntroscopeAgent*.profile.
You will need to configure the host name or IP address and port of the machine where the
Enterprise Manager resides.
Enter either the host name or IP address of the machine where Enterprise Manager
resides followed by @ plus agent port (default is 6001).
Example: agentManager.url.1=localhost@6001
The instrumentation is split into several JAR packages. You can customize the list of
packages by modifying the property introscope.autoprobe.directivesFile. By default,
the following packages are active:
By default, the CA APM (Introscope) agents write log files to the subdirectory logs of the
agent installation (e.g. <drive>:\usr\sap\ccms\wily\logs). On Unix systems, make
sure that the monitored systems (user sidadm) have read and write access to this
directory (write permission for group sapsys). As an alternative, you can change the
properties introscope.autoprobe.logfile and log4j.appender.logfile.File to
some other directories where the monitored systems have write access.
Agent Name
You should assign a unique name to each SAP J2EE node that is Introscope-enabled. This
so-called agent name is assigned by an additional Java VM option (referred to as
<AgentName> below). SAP suggests the following naming convention for the agent name.
This is also generated by the automated setup via Solution Manager Diagnostics:
Note: It is not necessary to integrate the host name into the agent name, since the host
name is assigned automatically to the agent.
Using a unique naming convention for all agent installations helps to group agents that
belong to the same installation together.
For Netweaver 7.1 and up there are no node-specific Java VM parameters. For this reason,
the nodename part of the agent name must be calculated dynamically by using the variable
$[elem/Name]. At run time, this will be filled in with the node name. In the example below,
variables are also used for the SID and the instance name. They will be replaced
automatically if you use the string exactly as written below.
Name Value
com.wily.introscope.agent.agentName ${SYSTEM_NAME}_${INSTANCE_NAME}_$[elem/Name]
com.wily.introscope.agentProfile <drive>:/usr/sap/ccms/wily/core/config/
Note that for Netweaver on Windows, the slashes for these java parameters must go
Unix example:
Instance/VM Parameters/System:
Name Value
com.wily.introscope.agent.agentName ${SYSTEM_NAME}_${INSTANCE_NAME}_$[elem/Name]
com.wily.introscope.agentProfile /usr/sap/ccms/wily/core/config/
Instance/VM Parameters/Additional:
7. To verify that Config tool changes were made, open the file:
The procedure to add JVM options for Tomcat Server to enable CA APM is described in SAP
Note 1438005.
The procedure to add JVM options for IBM WebSphere Application Server to enable CA APM
is described in SAP Note 1418638.
The last few lines of the agent log file should similar to the following:
[INFO] [IntroscopeAgent.IsengardServerConnectionManager] Connected Agent to the
Introscope Enterprise Manager at
emhost:6001, Host =
"emhost", Process = "SAP Netweaver", Agent Name = "EPP_JC00_server0".
Open the Investigator (Workstation menu → New Investigator) to display a tree of all
connected hosts and agents. Click the plus signs to open subtrees. For each connected
agent, you should find a subtree *SuperDomain* → host → SAP Netweaver →
AgentName in the Investigator that looks similar to the screenshot below. Depending
on the type of the managed system, some tree nodes may be missing.
Please check the following:
• If your managed system is running SAP J2EE, you should at least have tree
node SAP J2EE.
• Some tree nodes will only appear after first use. For example, Servlets will only
appear after the first servlet has been executed.
5 Workstation Installation
If you decide to explicitly install the CA APM Workstation on Client PCs, proceed as
described in this section. Note that the workstation can always be downloaded on demand
from the Enterprise Manager using Java WebStart, as described in Chapter 1.
• Windows 32bit
• Windows x86_64
• Linux 32bit
• Linux x86_64
The installation is described here for Windows. If you want to install it on Linux, remember
to set the DISPLAY before launching the installer.
1. Extract the downloaded Workstation installer from file WILYWORK*.zip.
2. Launch the installer. If you keep the file in the directory where
you launch the installer, the installation will proceed silently.
Alternatively, remove the file Then you will be guided
through the installation by a wizard.
b. (installation with wizard) Select a target installation directory of your choice. Keep
No for Configure VM Settings and enter the host name of the Enterprise Manager in
the field Workstation Default Host. Finally, click Install to launch the installation.
a. via the Start Menu: ´CA APM → Introscope → Introscope Workstation
b. by directly starting the file Introscope Workstation.exe in the installation directory.
6 Additional Installation
This chapter covers additional customizing steps of the CA APM Installation:
• Changing the agent port from 6001 to other values
• Uninstalling CA APM
• Setting up domains
• User Management
• Enable Single Sign On from Solution Manager
• Enterprise Manager Cluster Setup
➢ Uninstalling CA APM
Uninstalling CA APM (Introscope) Agents
1. Remove the Java VM options for CA APM from the J2EE nodes that you instrumented
before. The following options should be removed:
a. -javaagent:<some path>/wily/Agent.jar
b. -Dcom.wily.introscope.agentProfile=<some
c. -Dcom.wily.introscope.agent.agentName=<AgentName>
2. Restart the affected J2EE instances for the changes to become effective.
3. Delete the directory <some path>/wily (or wherever you put the agent files).
2. Windows only: Call the wizard to uninstall CA APM: Start → Control Panel → Add or
Remove Programs; Select Introscope and click change/remove to launch the Wizard.
Click Next to continue the uninstall.
Example: Assume you want to create two domains EPP and EPQ for the productive and the
QA Enterprise Portal. Your agent names contain the System id (also EPQ, EPP).
Note that the SuperDomain must always be the last entry in the domains file.
➢ User Management
User accounts must be maintained in the file users.xml, located in the subdirectory
<EM_HOME>/config/ of the Enterprise Manager. Permissions are controlled by the file
domains.xml in the same directory. To create a new user X with password Y, proceed as
2. Add a new line to users.xml before the final </users> line, using the generated
password string (the part after ‘:‘) as password:
▪ All XML tags are case-sensitive.
▪ If there are any syntax or other errors in the domains.xml file, the Enterprise
Manager does not start
Available Permissions
Users or groups can view all agents and business logic in the domain.
▪ Viewing Investigator tree (which shows agents in the domain user has access to)
▪ Viewing metric and element data in the Investigator Preview pane, including default
Top N Filtered Views for certain resources in the Investigator tree
▪ Refreshing historical data in a historical Data Viewer, and zoom in and out
Note: Users or groups with read permission are able to see all commands in the
Workstation. However, the commands that they do not have access to are disabled.
A user or group with write permission can do everything permitted by read permission can,
and can also:
▪ create and edit dashboards (Please see SAP Note 2451758 about SED.)
▪ edit all monitoring logic in a domain (Please see SAP Note 2451758 about SED.)
Users or groups can shut off reporting for metrics, resources, and agents within a domain
Note: This permission also requires the assignment of read permission.
For information about dynamic instrumentation, see the CA APM Introscope Java Agent
Guide or CA APM Introscope .NET Agent Guide.
User or group can see and use the Thread Dumps tab.
For information about using and configuring thread dumps, see the CA APM Workstation
Guide and the CA APM (Introscope) Java Agent Guide.
Note: This permission must include an underscore "_" between "thread" and "dump".
Note: If you do not have a full license for CA APM, you cannot use permission=”full” or
“write“ here! Please see SAP Note 2451758 about SED.
2. Double click the “Own Certificate” in the System PSE part of the screen such that it
appears in the Certificate pane.
a. Strict clock synchronization between all involved hosts (e.g. via NTP).
Cluster Tuning
After setting up the cluster tuning should be done according to