Adaptive Body Boost Final-2

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Video Table of Contents

As a special bonus to you, I have included some helpful video links. These videos will help you to better understand the program. Make
sure you have an internet connection and simply follow the links for additional information and valuable tips.

Video 1 – Introduction to Ketosis and This Process

Video 2 – How Ketosis Actually Works in Your Body

Video 3 – The Keto/Low Carb Flu!!

Video 4 – How Much Protein and Why?

Video 5 – What About the Carbs!?!

Video 6 – Exercising on the Program

Video 7 – Cheat Meal Time!!!

These videos are to be used in conjunction with the program and are NOT the program itself. These videos coincide
with the meal plan and information that is below!
I see people everyday who are doing their best to lose weight.

They are cutting back on calories, eating the foods they hope to be healthy, all while trying
to muster up enough energy to work out multiple times a week.

On top of this, they are usually juggling stressful work lives and busy family lives.

Time and again these hard-working, determined individuals lose weight in

the short term, just to gain it all back.

Accompanying this roller coaster of weight is a lack of energy and a

burning out of willpower.

Frustrated by this, they try to decipher information coming

in from all directions.

Unfortunately, much of this data isn’t scientifically backed,

nor is it an effective program simple and easy to follow.

When people lose weight by severely limiting food intake, they often
experience fatigue, brain fog and difficulty sticking to a diet (lack of

You should never deplete the body of the calories it needs to function…

...You wouldn’t try to drive a car without gas in it would you?

I’m about to teach you that you can achieve optimal health, fitness and weight loss…

...while still eating what you love, like cheese, butter, nuts, beef...and my favorite...bacon!

We are surrounded by addictive, highly processed foods, with carbohydrates making up a large
part of the standard American diet.

Decades ago, popular culture saw the introduction of the Atkins diet.

The idea behind it was to cut back on carbohydrates while consuming as much protein and fats as desired.

It was extremely successful.

Science has come far since the diet’s debut Food Addiction
in the 1970’s, and with this. comes a greater
understanding of how to balance our nutrients in The short-term physical effect associated with
such a way as to change the way our bodies produce dopamine and internally-created opiate release
energy. from certain foods rewards the brain with a
euphoric state of pleasure.
We now have the ability to remove much of the guesswork,
and get our bodies to a place where they will run off of the This is commonly known as a "food coma."
best fuel for it.
The long-term physical effects may vary.
This super-fuel we actually want to burn is fat. The health consequences can be severe.

Burning fat is the essence of what I’m going to teach you with the Left untreated, food addiction can be
ketogenic diet plan. associated with the following:

I will teach you to structure what you eat so that your body turns to fats • diabetes
(rather than carbohydrates) for energy metabolism. • high blood pressure
• high cholesterol and
The idea is simple: low carbs, low protein and high fat. triglycerides
• osteoarthritis in the knees
However, it can be a bit difficult to completely change the way you are accustomed to
hips and back
• fungal infections in skin
eating, so that is where this plan comes in.
folds that are hard to
REMEMBER: Ketosis requires careful management…
• congestive heart
failure just ONE error in you percentages can throw you out of this amazing fat-burning state.
• shortness of breath
• coronary artery
You can easily get back in if make a mistake, BUT it is much easier to follow this plan instead.
• death
Here’s our Lesson Plan:

. First, we will outline the what’s, how’s and why’s of the ketogenic diet so that you can understand
EXACTLY what you are getting into.

. Secondly, we will dive into a simple-to-follow meal plan designed to get you into fat-burning ketosis as
quickly as possible so that you can reap the weight-loss and energy benefits and continue to have success with
the program.

. Finally, I will show you some delicious recipes for you to enjoy

A History Of Low Carb Diets

Before ketogenic diets were used for weight loss, they were utilized for their impact on brain health.

Fasting and alternative diets have been used in the treatment of epilepsy dating back to 500 BC.

In recent times, the benefits of fasting were translated into the ketogenic diet in the 1920s for epilepsy treatment where it was
utilized for roughly 20 years before modern day drugs overshadowed its use.

The use of the ketogenic diet for this has exploded in the 21st century.⁵
So When Did This Diet Transfer Over To The Weight Loss Community?

In the 1970s, people began to notice that obesity was rising and people were eating large amounts of carbohydrates, many of
which were highly processed.

Clearly, the prevailing diet was not benefiting the general population.

The fat-loss benefits of the low-carb diet really took off with at this time with the
Atkin’s diet, introduced in 1973.
Robert C.Atkins

This program was broken down into phases, where participants would
drastically cut down their carbs in the beginning and then slowly add
them back in, all while consuming unlimited fats and proteins.

The goal in the final maintenance phase was to find the

maximum volume of carbohydrates one could have in their
diets without gaining weight.1

The Atkins diet was so successful largely due to the foods

that people were allowed to eat - these high fat, high protein
foods are often times the foods we enjoy the most.

The restriction of carbohydrates as a central theme has been found

to work for many people.

Fast-forward over 40 years from the release of the first Atkins diet

Our understanding of macronutrient balance has grown, allowing us to

further balance protein and fats in a manner in which to maximize fast and
lasting weight loss while maintaining or even growing our muscle mass.

The great food from the Atkins diet remains in our plan, but with more
concentration on the ratios of foods included.

How Does it Work in the Body?

To understand why this kind of diet is beneficial for body composition and health, we want to first understand how our diets
impact our bodies and further understand how our macronutrients consumption works when it comes to energy production.
Inflammation Inflammation
Inflammation in and of itself is not a bad thing, but rather how our Chronic inflammation can result
immune system works. from a failure to destroy whatever
We experience inflammation when our body is trying to heal itself, was causing an inflammation the
but when the reaction becomes chronic, negative health impacts natural response to an antigen in
occur. the body.

Chronic inflammation is a rising health crisis here in the The immune system accidentally attacks
West due to our diets and stressful lifestyles. healthy tissue trying to rid itself of the
It is no mystery that what we eat has an impact on our health
through countless interconnected channels.
Chronic inflammation can eventually
cause dangerous diseases and
When we snack on carbohydrates we raise our blood glucose
conditions, including some cancers,
rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis,
Increased blood glucose signals the pancreas to release insulin periodontitis, and hay fever.
to shuttle these molecules into our cells to be used as fuel by the
mitochondria. Examples of chronic
inflammation include:
When we consume a diet high in carbohydrates or snack on them consistently
throughout the day, we continually put strain on our pancreas to release insulin • Asthma
to metabolize the dietary carbs. • Chronic peptic ulcer
• Tuberculosis
Eventually this habit can hurt our insulin sensitivity, which is how responsive our • Rheumatoid arthritis
bodies are to the insulin released by our pancreas. • Chronic periodontitis
• Ulcerative colitis and
Low insulin sensitivity, also known as insulin resistance, occurs when our bodies require a Crohn's disease
large amount of insulin to shuttle a small amount of glucose. • Chronic sinusitis
• Chronic active
Insulin resistance begins when the cells throughout our body stop responding appropriately to
insulin, thus not allowing glucose to enter the cells without even higher quantities of insulin.

The body in turn signals the pancreas to create even more insulin so as to lower blood glucose

Over time our pancreas can have trouble keeping up with the demand for insulin.

We were not made to eat carb-heavy foods all day long!

Eventually an over-worked pancreas is not able to produce enough insulin to bring blood glucose levels down,
resulting in all kinds of damage throughout our bodies.

Damage to our nerves and blood vessels results and can further lead to heart disease and stroke, among other health

To compound these problems, obesity in and of itself is linked to chronic inflammation.

Through complex mechanisms it has been found that fat cells, particularly those around the midsection, attract immune cells
to them.
This leads to chronic inflammation, which has been found to play
a role in insulin resistance, cardiovascular disease and high
blood pressure.

Did You Know?

To avoid this, we want to do things that boost our
insulin sensitivity naturally.

We want to be sure to control our weight and

Obesity, especially fat accumulation
lose fat, and one way to do this is to keep our
body from storing food that we eat as fat.
around the midsection, is linked to
an increase in inflammatory markers.
The first step here is pretty obvious -
reduce the amount of carbohydrates Both obesity and inflammation are
in our diet.
linked to many disease states,
The second step here comes naturally; when including cardiovascular disease
you reduce carbohydrates you then will increase and type-2 diabetes through the
fat and/or protein consumption. impact on insulin resistance.
When we do this, we want to pay particular attention to
anti-inflammatory food sources in our diet.

Don’t get intimidated by the terminology that follows.

Take your time and follow along.

Consumption of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (also known as omega-3 fatty acids,) has been linked to a healthier body
composition in numerous animal and human studies.

One such study, published in 2007 by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, examined the effect of omega-3
supplementation when compared to a placebo on the body composition, insulin sensitivity and gene expression of 27 women
with type-2 diabetes following two months of supplementation.

This study found that those who consumed the fish oil had reduced fat mass and a reduction of some adipose-tissue
inflammation-related genes as compared to the placebo group following treatment.4

As you can see from above, insulin sensitivity, inflammation, type-2 diabetes and obesity are all interconnected phenomenons
intrinsically tied to our diet choices.

Now that you understand how inflammation is tied to what

we eat,it is important to see how these macronutrients work
when consumed together.
Energy Metabolism

When we go without eating for long periods of time, such as when fasting, our bodies
are able to continue functioning for long periods of time.

One example of how long we can go without food was demonstrated by Mahatma
Gandhi, who was able to survive for 21 days with only small sips of water.2

This is all possible because our bodies turn away from carbohydrates for energy
and turn to a more long-lasting energy source: our body fat.

Our bodies will also turn to fats for energy during pregnancy, after long periods
of exercise, or when we balance our macronutrients in such a way where
carbohydrates are in scarce supply.

To understand how this works in the body we want to dive into the
powerhouse of our cells: the mitochondria.

When we eat, food is either immediately used for energy, or stored in our

Glucose is stored as glycogen in our muscle and liver cells through a process
called glycogenesis.

Fats are stored as triglycerides in our fat cells.

When you have not consumed sufficient glucose for your body’s needs,
your body will form glucose from the amino acids and glycerol found in
your liver, a process known as gluconeogenesis.

Your brain is an organ that does require glucose, so when you are
fasting or on a ketogenic diet, your body will use this process to be sure
that you have the glucose that you need to survive.

Insulin, Fats and Carbohydrates

So, why exactly do you need to have such low carbs with high fat to
enter this fat burning mode?

When fats and carbs are consumed at the same time they promote
fat storage.

This process occurs due to a hormone that plays an integral role

in digestion in our bodies: insulin.

Fat storage and burning is largely controlled by this hormone’s

effect on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.

Consuming a meal with carbohydrates queues the pancreas to

release insulin.
This insulin then signals for both the body fat Did You Know?
stores to stop their release of fatty acids and for
fats that have been consumed to be stored.
The actual function of the pancreas was
So if you consume carbs and fats, the insulin signals for not discovered until the 19th century.
adipose tissue to stop using stored fat and additionally signals
It was later understood that the
for fat you’ve eaten to be stored - a classic double whammy!
pancreatic juices were designed
This all makes sense when you think about our bodies and evolution. for two functions: digestion
of the food we consume,
Long ago our ancestors would have gone through long periods of time where and producing hormones
they were not able to get sufficient food. that preform some of
the body's most
At this time, our bodies would turn to their stored fat for energy.
vital functions.
These periods made fat storage a crucial process for our bodies during periods when more than
enough food was consumed than what we needed for our immediate energy needs.

So if you consume carbs and fats together, the carbs are going to be used for immediate energy and changes
in our bodies due to insulin levels will encourage the storage of the dietary fat as stored fat in our cells.

If we consume fats without large quantities of these carbs, however, we will continue to use fats for fuel instead of
storing them on our bodies for later use.

This fat-burning mode is what we call ketosis.

How exactly does this kind of energy metabolism actually play out in regards to health and weight loss?

Luckily, there have been extensive studies on just this.

Now that you understand how ketosis works, what kinds of results can you expect?

According to a 2003 study published in The New England Journal of Medicine, at any time in the US, 30% of men and 45% of
women are trying to lose weight, yet the rate of obesity only continues to rise.

We know that a healthy weight is crucial for a long, healthy life.

So, how successful are people on ketogenic diets at losing weight?

Studies showing the weight loss potential of low-carbohydrate, ketogenic

diets are extensive.
The human body can survive
At the start of low-carbohydrate diets, people tend to experience a about three weeks without food,
pretty drastic, fast drop in weight.
but there are well-documented
This weight in particular is mostly water weight.
reports of people who have survived
without food for up to 28, 36, 38,
One study on six obese subjects compared the body and even 40 days.
composition changes during 10 days on three different calorie
deficits: one starvation diet, one 800 kcal ketogenic diet and
one 800 kcal mixed diet.
Here were the notable results:

. More weight was lost on the ketogenic diet than the mixed diet during this period of time.

. That increase in weight loss was attributed to extra water weight.

. The actual fat and muscle loss during that time for these two plans was very similar.

. Comparing our diet to the starvation diet, we found water weight lost to be very similar.

. This makes sense when considering that body metabolism runs off of ketones for
both of these scenarios.

These are very important concepts of ketogenic diets to understand when


Do not be discouraged when your weight loss slows down following

the first couple of weeks.

When you lose a ton of weight up front it is not all fat, as fat loss is
similar to fat gain: it takes a considerable amount of time to lose and
gain adipose tissue. Top 5 reasons
You can think of this in terms of when you weigh yourself in for daily weight
the morning - some days you will find that you weigh multiple
pounds more or less than the day before.

This difference in weight is not fat, but rather water retention. 1. Lots of Salt: Your body tries to
balance salt intake with water.
To achieve a toned physique, you want to be holding onto
The more salt, the more your
a little less water than you are when following a traditional
Western diet.
body retains water.

What about the long-term weight 2. Alcohol needs processed with

loss potential? water. If you drink, your body will
retain water to try to dilute this
As midsection weight is tied to chronic inflammation and favored social toxin.
a wide array of other diseases, the ability to shed extra
pounds is an important part of any nutrition plan. 3. Carbohydrates help your body
store fat. Cutting them, will cause
A 2004 study, published in Experimental and Clinical your water weight to drop dramatically.
Cardiology Journal, measured weight loss and a number
of other measures for 83 obese male and female
4. Going #2. That's right...your weight
patients over 24 weeks of following a ketogenic diet.⁹
can fluctuate 1-3 pounds a day due to
Over this period both the weight and body mass bathroom trips.
index of these patients decreased significantly.
5. Cyclical effects. Both men and women
So, how much did the average weight of these have a monthly cycle. Though a woman's
patients change over time? is more prevalent because it is
accompanied by menstruation, your body
hormone levels can cause water retention.
Week Weight (lbs) Weight Lost Over Last 8 Weeks (lbs) Weight Loss Total (lbs)
Start 223 N/A N/A
8 201 22 22
16 197 4 26
24 191 6 32

As you can see from the chart above, the initial period of weight loss is the greatest.

Following this dramatic decrease in weight, weight loss slows.

However, over what equates to just less than ½ of a year, participants on a low-carb, ketogenic diet lost an average of 32

So, how does weight loss on a ketogenic diet compare to other types of diets?

A 2007 study, published in The Journal of the American Medical Association, compared four common diets, one of which was
a low-carb, ketogenic diet.1⁰

Participants included 311 premenopausal, non-diabetic overweight or obese women over a twelve-month randomized trial.

Over this period of time, the group that lost the most weight were those in the low-carb ketogenic diet plan.

They lost an average of 10 lbs. over the year, compared to an average range of 3.5 to 5.75 lb loss in the other

Muscle Building

Top 4 Ways to
When you imagine your perfect body, it is unlikely to be
skinny with little muscle definition, but rather
a toned physique where you can see the
muscles ripple when moved. Recover from a Workout:
You have worked hard for the muscle 1. Get Good Night's Sleep- sleep is the most important
that you have, so you want to be sure mast of stress reduction. Stress is bad...the effects of cortisol
that any nutritional plan that you follow (the stress hormone) can really impact your recovery time.
is set up to be sure that you keep the
muscle you have, are able to build more, 2. Let your muscles recuperate. Your body is amazing, but it's
and are capable of healing quickly after not superhuman. Take a day in between workouts to rest. As
workouts. you advance, you can rest muscle groups instead of taking
entire days off.
In the traditional ketogenic diet used for
epilepsy there exists very little protein; 3. Eat a post-workout meal high in protein.
however, you are able to achieve ketosis
with a bit more protein and less fat than 4. Push yourself, don't kill yourself. Your body will improve over
in these previous models. long as you don't exhaust yourself.

We will dive further into the ratios that Be patient, you'll be there before you know it.
we will be using in this plan later.
Workout performance is a worry for some when going onto the ketogenic diet.

At the beginning of the diet when your body is transitioning from glucose to ketone metabolism you may notice some
performance loss, but this is only in the first few days.
One study examined the effect of a ketogenic diet consisting of 75% fat, 20% protein and 5%
carbohydrates with a diet mimicking that of the traditional Western diet consisting
of 25% fat, 20% protein and 55% carbohydrates.

The participants were 26 young, resistance-trained

males broken into two groups: ketogenic diet or
traditional diet.

During the 11-week study the participants were to

participate in resistance training three times per

Following 11 weeks on the workout and diet

plans, those on the ketogenic diet experienced
on average a greater increase of lean body mass,
greater muscle mass increase measured in the
quadricep and a greater fat mass decrease.

These findings are extremely promising for those

of us who want to lose fat while continuing to gain

On a calorie deficit this can be extremely difficult, but with the

correct diet it is possible to both lose weight and increase muscle

Another study, published in 2014 by the Journal of the International

Society of Sports Nutrition, evaluated the effect of a ketogenic diet on
strength and body composition of 8 elite artistic gymnasts.

All of the gymnasts participated in a low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet for 30 days,

during which they continued the same workout regiment.

Measurements were taken before and after the 30-day diet.

It was found that following the 30 days the gymnasts did not experience any significant
difference in strength tests; however, they did experience significant changes in weight and body

Their average weight and fat mass decreased significantly with a non-statistically significant increase in
muscle mass.

These high level athletes continued to perform just as well as they did before the ketogenic diet, yet they
experienced an improved body composition!
Brain Health Did you know?
We have already reviewed the history of the ketogenic diet and its clinical During a seizure, there are
use for seizure treatment.
bursts of electrical activity
In the population with seizures that have been found to be difficult to treat,
in your brain, sort of like an
on a ketogenic diet two thirds experience a seizure reduction with one electrical storm. It varies
third becoming nearly seizure-free!1⁶ from person to person.
How does this work?
Seizures have three Phases:
Seizures are tied to increased inflammation in the brain. A Beginning, a Middle, and
an Ending Phase.
One hypothesized mechanism here is an inhibition of pro-inflammatory
transcription factors in the brain caused by the consumption of
polyunsaturated fatty acids.1⁷
People may or may not be
It may not surprise you to know that there are many more likely benefits aware of this phase, because
of this style of diet for brain health. it can start hours before the
actual seizure.
A 2013 review, published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition,
reviewed the research out there supporting various benefits of
ketogenic diet.13 Middle:
The middle of a seizure often
A promising use of ketogenic diets has been proposed for many correlated with the visible
neurological disorders, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, sleep
symptoms and electrical activity
disorders, headaches, autism, brain cancer and multiple sclerosis.
in the brain.
While these diseases have a lot of differences, they all share in
common abnormalities in the cellular energy utilization in the brain. Ending:
This is the recovery period
The exact mechanism is not fully understood; however, it is believed
that ketogenic diets act in such a way as to have neuroprotective
after the seizure.

The possible benefits range from ATP production, reduction of reactive oxygen
species and increased production of mitochondria in the brain.

One study did find that ketogenic diets reduce the production of reactive oxygen species.

During cellular metabolism, reactive oxygen species are created, and these can wreak havoc on the health of
our bodies and our mental functioning.

This same study found that a ketogenic diet may increase the production of ATP in brain tissues.

One major ketone, beta-hydroxybutyrate, or BHB, provides more energy per unit of oxygen than glucose, and thus may be
even more efficient than glucose at providing energy to the brain.1⁴

A 2004 study on rats found that those fed a ketogenic diet experienced a positive impact on the gene expression for
mitochondrial enzymes in the hippocampus, the memory and learning center of the brain.1⁵
A study on mice with Alzheimer’s found that those fed a ketogenic diet
experienced improved mitochondrial function along with less oxidation when
compared with mice fed the control diet.13
Aretaeus of Cappadocia
Currently the possible neurological clinical benefits of ketogenic diets outside is credited for detailing
symptoms of this disease
of seizure prevention are uncertain, and while promising, necessitate further
research before they can be fully utilized for the treatment of neurological
disorders. as early as the 1st Century
in Greece.
Additional Health Benefits

Mood Disorders The Greek philosopher

Aristotle acknowledged
There is evidence that a ketogenic diet may offer a mood balancing "Melancholy" as a medical
condition condition.
effect for those with bipolar disorder.

There may also be a benefit for those who are manic or depressed.1⁶
The ancient Greeks and Romans
Cardiovascular Health were responsible for the terms
Ketogenic diets have been found to lead to beneficial blood lipid “mania” and “melancholia,”
profiles, including lowering total cholesterol and increasing
HDL levels. They even discovered that using
It has even been found that the effects may lower
lithium salts in baths soothed people
cardiovascular disease risk.13 at extreme ends of the cycle.

One study even found that ketone bodies led to a 28%

Lithium is a common treatment for
increase in the hydraulic efficiency of the heart through
decreasing oxygen consumption while increasing ATP bipolar patients even today.

How Can You Achieve Ketosis?

Now that you understand the why you want to adopt a low-carb, ketogenic diet, let’s delve
right into how this can be achieved.

In order to reach ketosis, you must have a diet high in fat, low in protein, and lowest in carbohydrates.

Your body is not going to quickly transition from running off of glucose for energy to ketones without a very strict control
over what you eat for a longer period of time.

It will take about 3-4 days of consuming less than 50 grams of carbohydrates daily before ketosis is reached.

During the beginning of your transition, you will be consuming even more fats, which I will further explain shortly.

In addition to these 3-4 days, it can take the body and the body’s tissues time to adapt to producing and utilizing ketones more
efficiently, a process known as keto-adaptation.

Keto-adaptation can take several weeks, so the best of your benefits will come the longer you stick with a ketogenic diet.
Getting your body into ketosis all comes
down to macronutrient ratio. Macronutrients
are the lipids (fats), carbohydrates and proteins
in our foods. When we consume foods, the
macronutrients are broken down into amino acids.

These amino acids can be made into glucose or

ketone bodies.

The ketogenic ratio was originally used to determine the

ketogenic potential of meals for epilepsy patients.

Remember, the ratio ideal for epilepsy patients is not the

ratio most suited for weight loss and fitness goals.

KR = (0.9*F+0.46*P)/(C+0.1*F+0.58*P)

As you can see in this equation, the macronutrients in the

numerator of the equation are those that contribute to ketone body

Those in the denominator have anti-ketogenic potential.

Fat contributes the most to ketone production; however, protein has about
½ the ketogenic potential as fats to.

Being on both the top and the bottom of this equation means that the amino
acids from protein can be used to create both ketone bodies and glucose.

You will notice that carbohydrates are the only macronutrient included in the
denominator but excluded in the numerator, meaning that carbs offer no ketone
production, while both fats and proteins do.

A traditional ketogenic diet formulated for epilepsy patients aims for meals with a 1.5
ketogenic ratio.

This equates to 80% fat, 10% protein and 10% carbohydrates.

As you may be able to guess due to the equation, even very small amounts of carbohydrates
in the diet can kick you right out of ketosis, which is the thing you want to avoid most when
you begin this nutritional program.

When people attempt to follow this ratio for weight loss and body composition they commonly
have a problem maintaining muscle mass, let alone adding more on.

Up the protein amount to encourage muscle growth and maintenance if that is your goal.

When we are interested not only in fat loss, but also in muscle preservation or even growth, it is desirable
to increase the percentage of protein consumed in the diet.
Warning! The Best Fats
It is easy to accidentally increase protein too much and then kick the
body out of ketosis!
1. Avocados
2. Coconut Oil
Remember, body composition is actually more important than actual weight 3. Nuts
loss- meaning we want a more toned and healthy physique. 4. Whole Eggs
5. Fatty Fish
What Kinds of Fats are Best?

Fats are the cornerstone of the ketogenic diet, and there are many food sources of fats that
contain different kinds of fat.

This is not a one size fits all kind of model - certain fats are better than other fats for your diet and

With fat making up such a large percentage of the diet here, it is important to utilize healthy fats.

In addition, it is likely that altering the composition in a ketogenic diet may have therapeutic benefit.2⁰

First let us review a brief outline of the different kinds of fats in our diets.

There are four types of fats that we find in our diets:

1) Trans-fats

You want to steer clear of these man-made, unhealthy fatty acids that have many
Bad Fats
deleterious effects on our health.
These unnatural fats in
They were created to make fats more stable. margarine, shortenings
An example of a trans-fat is margarine. and spreads are formed
during the process of
2) Monounsaturated fats hydrogenation, which
turns liquid vegetable oils
These are a fairly healthy kind of fat present in household staples such as olive oil. into a solid fat. Trans fats
contribute to heart disease,
This kind of oil has a place in any ketogenic diet.
cancer, bone problems,
hormonal imbalance and skin
3) Polyunsaturated fats
disease; infertility, difficulties in
These fats are well-known for their health benefits, the research over which pregnancy and problems with
seems to grow by the day. lactation; and low birth weight,
growth problems and learning
Omega-3 fatty acids, such as those found in salmon and fatty fish, have disabilities in children. A U.S.
been tied to many health benefits. government panel of scientists
determined that man-made trans
Cardiovascular health and inflammation lowering are two of the many fats are unsafe at any level.
touted benefits.

There is the topic of omega-6 to omega-3 ratio, both of which are

polyunsaturated fats.
It is likely that too high of a omega-6 to omega-3 ratio can be deleterious for
your health, so we want to concentrate on getting plenty of omega-3 fatty acids
Did you know?
in our diet.
Oil pulling is an ancient,
Two polyunsaturated fats, ALA and LA, are the only two essential fatty acids, traditional folk remedy
which are those that we must obtain from our diets.
that has been practiced
4) Saturated Fats for centuries in India and
southern Asia to support
This kind of fat is mainly found in animal products, however, it is also found in
healthy gum tissue as a
some other foods such as coconut oil.
barrier against bacterial
When it comes to saturated fats it is not so simple, as some saturated fats appear to exposure to the
have health benefits, while some can hurt our health, especially when consumed in bloodstream.

For decades these fats had quite the bad rep and were blamed for a host of health Oil pulling has been
problems. shown to create a
saponification reaction
Recently, we have begun to discover that not all saturated fats are bad, and in fact, there
are a lot of benefits when it comes to health saturated fats from foods such as coconuts. that deters bad
bacteria and plaque.
Coconut oil is largely made up of healthy natural saturated fats called MCTs (medium-
chain triglycerides).

Compared to longer-chain triglycerides, such as meats and dairy, these MCTs are easily
digested and utilized by the body.

This ease in digestion is due to the fact that MCTs are sent directly to your liver, where they
are converted into immediately available energy.

In contrast, LCTs (long chain triglycerides), found in many vegetable and nut oils, put strain on your liver, pancreas
and entire digestive system.


Not all carbohydrates are to be avoided on ketogenic diets - it is still important that you consume some of these, although be
sure to be very careful to not overdo it so that you are not kicked out of ketosis.

The carbohydrates that you will be consuming are the vegetables that grow above ground.

Examples of these include asparagus, spinach, broccoli, eggplant, lettuce, avocado and many more.

Supplementation on the Keto Diet

It is easy to not get enough of the right vitamins on a ketogenic diet, so it’s important to supplement the right vitamins and
supplements in the right places.

Also crucial in maintaining a balance of vitamins and minerals is rotating out the veggie sources.

Rather than send you out to pick apart the micronutrients of all of the foods that you eat, I have done this work for you and
have put together this 14-day play to get you into ketosis and teach you how to eat an
effective fat-burning, low-carb diet.

The best part is that you can get the results while still eating foods that you enjoy,
including meats, cheeses, dairy, bacon, veggies and avocados.

There is a lot of balance and consideration put into the balance of macronutrients
in the program.
We want to be sure that you are consuming the right amount of protein to provide
the amino acids necessary for muscle growth and maintenance while not having
excess protein.

Additionally, we want to be sure that you are consuming the best kind of fats for
your health.

In order to be sure that you do not plateau on the plan, we rotate fats.

When you continue in the low-carb lifestyle you will want to be sure to do the
same and to make sure that you do not begin slowly restricting calories.

These are common areas that will cause people to stop losing weight and
getting the results that they are after.

You will notice that in the first week you are consuming a lot of fats and

The idea in this first week is not to lose a ton of weight, but rather to push
your body to extremes to get you into ketosis.

Once you have achieved this difficult and important step, then we are
able to adjust the macronutrients to up your protein and slightly decrease
your fats so that you can maintain muscle and lose fat.

There is also a supplement plan built into the program.

In low-carb diets it is crucial that you follow the supplement plan to be

sure you are getting the micronutrients that you need to be healthy.

Most importantly, remember that it is crucial to understand that if you

consume excess carbohydrates you will kick your body out of ketosis!

When you first transition into a ketogenic style diet, you’re going to
be consuming considerably less food when it comes to volume (even
though your calories might still be the same, or even more).

This is going to make you feel a bit less bloated and also like you’re
not as hungry.

Remember, fat contains 9 calories per gram, whereas

carbohydrates contain 4 calories per gram.
This means you need less physical volume of food to
get the same amount of usable energy (jet-fuel versus
Proper Portions?
Fist Size?

During this time, your body is still running on stored The average human stomach can be
carbohydrates in the liver and in the muscles, you will not stretched to fill about four liters, which
be feeling the effects of using fat for energy just yet, that is more than one gallon.
process comes in a bit later.
That's roughly an empty one-gallon
You may start to feel slightly fatigued and might even get a milk carton.
headache during this time as your body begins to drain the
stored carbohydrates.
That means there's plenty room for
food in there!
As your body begins to use the last of it’s stored forms of
carbohydrates, your body will need to begin transitioning into
using fats for fuel. However, it's quite unhealthy to eat
until you are simply stuffed: you
The hard part is that your body is not efficient at utilizing the fats just should always stop eating at the
yet, so you go through a bit of a ‘grey area’ where your body might feel first signs of feeling full.

Usually by this point, you will be feeling a bit lighter and less
bloated, but frankly it will be overwhelmed by the fact that you’re
running out of carbs and your body is tired.

It is EXTREMELY common to feel drained and even irritable during

this time.

Some experts have even referred to this as the “keto flu,” and can last
for up to 24 hours or so.

Don’t get discouraged though, because the silver lining is that once
you cross through that barrier, you enter into a euphoric state
where your body is utilizing fats for fuel.

You will feel years younger and have the energy to accomplish a
lot more in so many aspects of your life.

The UGLY PHASE is almost a right of passage and most people

think, “If this is how it is going to feel, then I am giving up….”

And that is why they don’t get to enjoy the benefits of ketosis.

You feel it when you cross into ketosis… It’s like all of a
sudden, you feel light, you feel energized, and you feel like
you just stepped into a world of energy that you have never
experienced before.

What has happened now is your body is producing those

amazing ketone bodies that allow you to utilize fats for fuel.
You made it through the transition phase where your body was confused and you’ve transitioned into a surefire way that your
body knows how to utilize energy with!

As long as we continue to provide the right kinds of fats within the diet, you will continue to feel this way for extended periods
of time.

This phase actually occurs mainly after the 14-day indoctrination period with ketosis.

For some people, it comes sooner rather than later, but for some it can take a few weeks.

Although there isn’t really any noticeable change in how you feel, per say, there are noticeable differences in how your body
metabolizes fuel.

Now that your body is a bit more adapted to running on fats for fuel, it becomes increasingly less efficient at utilizing carbs for
fuel (insulin sensitivity).

This is a great thing!

It means that if you do begin to deprive your body of dietary fats now and then, your body can utilize body fat more than
breaking down muscle tissue!

It’s very important that while you’re going through the fat adaptation phase, that you keep a close eye on your diet and don’t
allow yourself to go back to carbohydrates as a source of fuel.

You’ll see that this program is broken down into two periods.

The first is the introductory period where fat intake is significantly higher, and the second period is the bulk of the program
where you’ve already induced ketosis, so we can back down on the fats, and begin increasing protein.

Again, the purpose of this is to help your body get used to running on fats for fuel.

It’s like a lawnmower and we are simply priming the primer on your body so that the liver produces
ketones (the magical little energy source) as fast possible.

You WILL feel like you’re consuming too much fat, but
that is NORMAL.

This is a big increase in fat consumption, especially for

the first FIVE DAYS!

Water Consumption

For Every 1LB of bodyweight, consume 0.75oz of water.

For example: If you weigh 150lbs, then you would consume

112.5 oz, which is a bit less than a gallon. A general rule of thumb is
that if your urine is still yellow and hasn’t become pale yellow to clear, you
could afford to drink more.

Start Every Day of this Program

with This “Staging Drink:”
During Period One of this program, it is extremely critical that we set the gut biome and overall pH of the body properly.

This easy morning drink is going to help you with this process immensely.

Consume this on an empty stomach first thing in the AM:

· 12 Fl oz WARM Water
· 2 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
· 1 Tsp Powdered Ginger (preferred Organic)
· ½ Tbsp of Coconut Oil (if you cant do coconut oil,

Did you know?

you can do ½ Tbsp Olive Oil)

Caffeine is what is called an adenosine antagonist. It

blocks the absorption of chemicals that make you
tired (in the brain). Apple cider vinegar is made by combining
apples with yeast.
BUT, caffeine has a BIG positive side effect… It
causes fat to be mobilized!
The yeast then converts the sugar in the apples
This means that caffeine can actually help into alcohol.
you run on fats a bit better day in and day
Bacteria are then added to the mixture, which
It can help the free fatty acids break ferment the alcohol into acetic acid.
apart from the triglyceride and get
into the blood stream where they
can be BURNED! Several studies in animals and humans have found that
acetic acid and apple cider vinegar may promote fat
So, how much caffeine?
burning and weight loss, decrease blood sugar levels,
increase insulin sensitivity and improve cholesterol levels.
Try not to have more than about 100mg (that’s about 1
cup of coffee) at a time.

Too much in one sitting can cause the effects to not be as


So you want to focus on smaller sustained doses throughout the

day. Green Tea and other lightly caffeinated beverages are okay
and are actually somewhat anti-inflammatory!

What we have to briefly understand here is that your body has two
different kinds of energy systems when it comes to utilizing fuels. In

Cardio or low intensity activity uses more fats and shorter, slightly more intense bursts use more carbohydrates.

When we ARE IN KETOSIS it makes more sense to be using fats for fuel, because our bodies are more accustomed to burning
fats, meaning we can leverage that so that our bodies burn body fat more. BUT, what is VERY IMPORTANT is to know that
when you’re TRYING to get into ketosis, we want to burn carbs for fuel (so that we can get into ketosis faster).

It means that for the first five days, you should do very short bouts of activity, but with slightly more intensity than you usually

I would recommend something such as the following:

Stationary Bike or Treadmill for a 5-minute warm-up followed by 30 seconds of higher intensity pedaling, followed by 1
minute of light recovery. Repeat this 7 times and then perform a 5-minute cool down.

*If you are an experienced weight trainer, spending about 30 minutes doing a FULL-BODY routine would be the ideal form of
exercise for the first 5 days

The following are snacks that are approved during ketogenic process.

The amounts listed below are the MAXIMUM you can consume in one sitting

Nuts: Snack-Foods:
Almonds –Do not exceed 1.5oz at any point Beef Jerky Sticks
Pecans – 1.5oz Pork Rinds – No more than 12 Pieces
Brazil Nuts – 1.5oz Kind Bars – NO MORE THAN ½ of a BAR!!
Macadamia Nuts – 2oz Almond Butter – 2 Tbsp
Cashews – 1oz Organic Peanut Butter – 2 Tbsp
Pistachios – 1oz (watch the carbs on the label)
Walnuts – 1.5oz

Cheeses (all should be organic): Creamers and Coffees:

Mozzarella – 2oz Almond Milk
Jack – 2oz Heavy Cream (use instead of half and half)
Cheddar – 2oz Coconut Milk
Brie- 1.5oz Coconut Cream
Goat Cheese – 2oz Almond Milk Lattes with no sweeteners
Feta – 1.5oz International Delight Brand Creamer
Ricotta – 1/8 Cup (however the emulsifiers are not good long term)
Cream Cheese – 4 Tbsp
Days 1-4: Breakfast

Keeping Protein moderately low, but fats relatively high will allow
your body to start running on fats that much faster.

Please note that this program is set in such a way to assist you in
determining your own amounts of food.
Did you know?
Although there is a small amount of math involved, it is aimed at A ginger plant can grow up to 4 ft. tall.
making sure you get the most out of your program!
It is an herb native to southeastern Asia.
*Start Your Day with The Morning Drink* The Ginger we use is actually a rhizome,
or underground stem, rather than a root.
Small Portion of Protein About the Size of Your Fist or 1/6
of Your Weight in Grams of Protein. For Example, a Ginger has MANY health benefits, some
200lb person would divide their weight by 6 to equal including ant-inflammatory properties,
33g protein. That’s how many grams of protein you will blood sugar regulation, and
aim for. gastrointestinal relief.

If you use eggs, use ½ of an egg for every 50lbs of bodyweight.

Sliding Scale:
<100lbs = 1 Whole Egg or about 2.5oz of Lean meat
101-150lbs = 1.5 Eggs or about 3.5oz Lean meat
151-200lbs = 2 Eggs or about 4-4.5oz Lean Meat
201-250lbs = 3 Eggs or about 5-5.5oz Lean meat
251lbs + = 3.5 Eggs or about 5.5-6oz Lean Meat

1/4 Cup of Spinach (raw) for every 50lbs of Body Weight (this isn’t as much as you think because it shrinks A LOT)
You can add this to the eggs or cook it into your other protein sources.

Sliding Scale:
<100lbs = ½ Cup Spinach
101-150lbs = ¾ Cup Spinach
151-200lbs = 1 Cup Spinach

½ Level Tbsp of Coconut Oil or KerryGold Grassfed Butter for Every 50lbs of Bodyweight.

The coconut oil contains MCTs, which will help you get into ketosis faster, and the Grass-fed butter contains the right kinds
of Omega 3 Fats. You can use this to cook your eggs/protein or add it after the fact to the spinach. I know this will seem like a
LOT of oil, but it WORKS

Coconut Oil
Sliding Scale:
<100lbs = 1 Tbsp Coconut Oil
101-150lbs = 1.5 Tbsp Coconut Oil
151-200lbs = 2 Tbsp Coconut Oil Ancient Polynesian cultures have been
201-250lbs = 2 Tbsp using coconut oil for hundreds of years for
251lbs + = 2.5 Tbsp cookingand traditional healing.

You can use the oil for moisturizing and softening your
skin and hair, lip balm, massage oil, cuticle care, soaps,
digestive issues, energy booster and much more.
Additional Breakfast Fat Options (choose one):
- 1 Slice of ORGANIC (must be organic for metabolism reasons) Cheddar or Goat Cheese
- 5x Macadamia Nuts for every 50lbs of Body weight (e.g. 200lbs = 20 Macadamias)
- 4x Slices Organic, Nitrate Free Bacon (yes, bacon is okay, just get it Organic)
- 2x Pieces of Organic Turkey or Pork Sausage that is Nitrite/Nitrate Free

**Special Note! Make sure you add small amounts of Himalayan Pink salt to your meals as you can
sometimes lose electrolytes when you start this higher fat approach

Breathe…. I know it seems like a lot right now, but it gets a LOT easier!

Days 1-4: Lunch

Protein Options:
Grass Fed Ground Beef, Ground Turkey, or Chicken Thigh (Fattier Cut of Meat Here. You can sub Salmon if you must swap)

Moderate Sized Portion of Protein (Preferred Grass Fed Ground Beef (Burger)) at roughly 1-1.5oz of meat for every 50lbs of

Sliding Scale:
<100lbs = 3oz Grass Fed Ground Beef Burger, Turkey Burger or Chicken THIGH
101-150lbs = 4oz Grass Fed Ground Beef Burger, Turkey Burger or Chicken THIGH
151-200lbs = 5oz Grass Fed Ground Beef Burger, Turkey Burger or Chicken THIGH
201-250lbs = 5.5oz Grass Fed Ground Beef Burger, Turkey Burger or Chicken THIGH
251lbs + = 6oz Grass Fed Ground Beef Burger, Turkey Burger or Chicken THIGH

Additional Fats and Toppings for Burger (or protein source)

You can select TWO of the following toppings to put on top of your burger or protein source in the following quantities (you
can double up one if you like it):
- Organic Bacon – ½ Piece of bacon for every 50lbs of Bodyweight
- Organic Avocado – 1/8 of an avocado for every 50lbs of bodyweight
- Goat Cheese – Slice or piece about the size of FOUR of your thumbs put together
- Organic or Raw Cheese – Slice or piece about the size of THREE of your thumbs
(because you have 3 ;-) )
- Organic CANOLA Mayonnaise (please no Soy) – ½ Tbsp for
every 50lbs

Veggies on the Side or Salad Spinach

It is very important with this meal that you have some veggies so that
It is believed that Popeye is
your body can absorb the minerals from this meal!
responsible for boosting consumption
You can select from the Following Options: of spinach in the US by a third.
- Asparagus – 2 Stalks for Every 50 Lbs of Bodyweight with
½ Tbsp Coconut or Olive Oil on it Spinach is still popularly thought to be
- Artichoke – 3 leaves for every 50lbs of Bodyweight with one of the most iron-rich vegetables,
½ Tbsp Coconut or Olive Oil perhaps helped by the cartoon character.
- Broccoli – ¼ cup for every 50lbs of Bodyweight
- Small Salad – 1 Cup Mixed Greens with 1 Tbsp Olive The iron content may be important in spinach,
Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar
but not as much as theantioxidants the plant
helps create.
Days 1-4: Optional Mid-Afternoon Snack

This is entirely optional and is strongly discouraged unless you are truly hungry. **It must be at minimum 3 hours AFTER you
complete your lunch meal

Optional Snacks – Pick ONE:

- Macadamia Nuts – 4-5 nuts for every 50lbs of bodyweight
- Almonds – 7-10 nuts for every 50lbs of bodyweight
- Almond Butter or Peanut Butter – ½ Tbsp for every 50lbs of bodyweight
- ORGANIC Pork Rinds – 3 pieces for every 50lbs of Bodyweight

Days 1-4: Dinner

For Dinner you can either follow the below protocol, or use one of the dinner recipes from the “ketogenic recipe guide” that
was an optional add-on with this program.

**Note – You can sub dinner proteins if need be, the below are only the BEST recommendations.

Option 1: Turkey or Beef Bolognese:

- 1.5oz Ground Turkey or Beef for every 50lbs of Bodyweight
- Coconut Oil or Olive Oil – ½ Tbsp for Every 50lbs Bodyweight added to meat
- Organic Tomato Sauce (not marinara, it has sugar)
- Organic Parmesan Cheese (1/8 Cup for every 50lbs)
- Italian Spices as Needed
- Garlic and Onion as needed (this will provide good prebiotic fiber)

Additional Fats Allowed (Pick ONE)

- Mozzarella Cheese – Piece the Size of your thumb per 50lbs
- Organic Sour Cream - ½ Tbsp for Every 50lbs of Bodyweight (this is very high in probiotic cultures)

Veggie Options with Dinner:

- Zucchini – Fist Sized Portion
- Bok Choy – Fist Sized Portion
- Kale – Fist Sized Portion
- Cauliflower – Fist Sized Portion

Option 2: Salmon and Butter Sauce

- 1.5oz Wild Caught Salmon for every 50lbs of Bodyweight
- ¼ Tbsp of Organic, GrassFed Butter (KerryGold) for every 50lbs of bodyweight
- Splash of ORGANIC Heavy Cream (if you can do dairy, do not exceed 2 Tbsp of Cream)
- Add Chicken Broth to the Butter Sauce along with Garlic to Taste
Additional Fats for Option 2, Pick ONE:
- 5 Macadamia Nuts for Every 50 lbs
- Organic Bacon (Nitrate/Nitrite Free) 1 Piece for Every 50lbs
- Organic Swiss Cheese – ½ Oz for Every 50lbs (this is very low sodium cheese)
Veggie Options with Dinner:
- Zucchini – Fist Sized Portion
- Bok Choy – Fist Sized Portion
- Kale – Fist Sized Portion
- Cauliflower – Fist Sized Portion
During days 5-14 we will slightly back off of the fat intake ever so slightly, but will
also increase the variety that you can have with some of your meals.

If you like the structure of days 1-4, you can absolutely continue with this protocol
as long as needed, just note that you will want to back down from the fats a little

Remember, the purpose of the higher fat intake in the first few days is to help
your body get into ketosis a bit faster and easier (hence why so much coconut

You’re going to notice that I recommend brief periods of less food.

This is because now that your body is in a ketogenic state, you can manipulate
it’s ability to use fats for a fuel a bit more.

This means that we can slowly subtract some calories from time to time and
get a BIG impact.

How the Calorie Deficit Works – VERY IMPORTANT:

*Note- The intermittent fasting is entirely optional!! However, it will

enhance the effects of this program by about 14% by doing 2 days of fasting
(only eating dinner)

On days 5-14, you will want to pick TWO DAYS that you do a MILD
form of intermittent fasting.

What this will mean, is that you will only eat at Dinner Time.

The high fat nature of this diet will allow you to be very satiated throughout the
course of the day, and you will simply pick up the remaining meal at dinner time

You will still want to follow the same ratio of nutrients, but you’ll slightly increase.

For Example:

Normally eat – 5oz Chicken, 3 Tbsp Almond Butter, 10 Stalks of Asparagus

After Fasting, you will increase with the same ratio (roughly) – 7oz Chicken, 4 Tbsp Almond
Butter, 15 Stalks of Asparagus

This insures that you get all the right amounts of macronutrients to elicit the right hormone response
when you break your fast.

Recommended Days to Fast on this protocol:

Days 8 and 12
Days 5-14: Breakfast

Small Portion of Protein About the Size of Your Fist or 1/6 of Your Weight in Grams of Protein. For Example, a 200lb person
would divide their weight by 6 to equal 33g protein. That’s how many grams of protein you will aim for.
If you use eggs, use ½ of an egg for every 50lbs of bodyweight.

Sliding Scale:
<100lbs = 1.5 Whole Egg or about 3oz of Lean meat
101-150lbs = 2 Eggs or about 4oz Lean meat
151-200lbs = 2.5 Eggs or about 4-4.5oz Lean Meat
201-250lbs = 3 Eggs or about 5-5.5oz Lean meat
251lbs + = 3 Eggs + 1 Egg whitevor about 6-7oz Lean Meat

Coconut Oil to Still Induce Ketosis and Mobilize Fat

You’ll want to consume just enough to cook the eggs, and not much added

Sliding Scale:
<100lbs = ¼ Tbsp Coconut Oil
101-150lbs = ¾ Tbsp Coconut Oil
151-200lbs = 1 Tbsp Coconut Oil
201-250lbs = 1 Tbsp
251lbs + = 1.5 Tbsp

Additional Breakfast Fat Options (choose one):

- 1 Slice of ORGANIC (must be organic for metabolism reasons) Cheddar or Goat Cheese
- 5x Macadamia Nuts for every 50lbs of Body weight (e.g. 200lbs = 20 Macadamias)
- 4x Slices Organic, Nitrate Free Bacon (yes, bacon is okay, just get it Organic)
- 2x Pieces of Organic Turkey or Pork Sausage that is Nitrite/Nitrate Free

**Special Note! Make sure you add small amounts of Himalayan Pink salt to your meals as
you can sometimes lose electrolytes when you start this higher fat approach

Days 5-14: Lunch

For lunch you will notice that the meal sections are broken down into parts that you can mix and match.

You will pick ONE Protein Source, ONE Fat Source, and ONE Veggie Source.

This allows you to have variety.

What is most important is the overall fat to protein ratio

here, however you still have some variety
to make this absolutely tolerable and
enjoyable for the next 9 days.

Refer to the below scale for

your body weight and Did You Know?
protein ratio.
Blocks of Himalayan Pink salt were once
fashioned into dishes to serve and prepare
food on.
Proteins (Protein Sources Below):

Sliding Scale:
<100lbs = 3oz Protein (2.5oz if Shrimp)
101-150lbs = 4oz Protein (3oz if Shrimp)
151-200lbs = 5oz Protein (3.5oz if Shrimp)
201-250lbs = 6oz Protein (4oz if Shrimp)
251lbs + = 7oz Protein (5oz if Shrimp)

Protein Sources:
- Grass Fed Ground Beef (as lean as possible, 93% or leaner)
- 99% Lean Ground Turkey (Organic)
- Shrimp
- Lean White Fish – Dover Sole, Haddock, Halibut, Cod
- Organic, Free Range Chicken Breast
- Chunk Light Tuna (responsibly fished) – NO ALBACORE
(Higher Mercury)

Fat Sources Pick 1 individually or ½ of Two:

- Avocado
. 1/8 of an avocado for every 50lbs
of weight
- Mayonnaise (Organic)
. ½ Tbsp for Every 50lbs of weight
- Organic Jack Cheese
. ½ oz for Every 50lbs of Weight
- Almond Butter
. 1 Tbsp For Every 50lbs of
- Pecans, Almonds, or Brazil Nuts
. 8 pieces for every 50Lbs of
- Peanut Butter
. ½ Tbsp for every 50lbs of bodyweight
- Ranch or Blue Cheese Salad Dressing (Organic
and if using the salad below)

Veggies (Pick ONE)

- Mixed Green Salad with cucumbers (use dressing above)
- Cauliflower (about the size of 1.5 fists)
- Broccoli (About the size of 1.5 fists)

Days 5-14: Dinner

The dinner protein selections are going to be a bit higher fat cuts of meat, and
if you choose to go with a lower fat cut of meat, then add additional fats from the
fat-sources section.

You’ll notice that fat amounts are a bit less as you’ll be getting a fair bit of fats from your
meat sources in this case.
Protein Amounts (Sources are Listed below)

Sliding Scale
<100lbs = 3oz Protein (2.5oz if Pork)
101-150lbs = 4oz Protein (3oz if Pork)
151-200lbs = 5oz Protein (3.5oz if Pork)
201-250lbs = 6oz Protein (4oz if Pork)
251lbs + = 7oz Protein (5oz if Pork)

Protein Sources: (okay to cook in a small amount of kerrygold butter)

- Wild Caught Salmon (with skin would be preferred)
- Ribeye Steak with light marbling (don’t eat the large amounts of fat on the outside)
- New York Strip Steak
- Chicken Thigh or Chicken Drumstick (only weight the meat, not the bone)
- 93% Lean Ground Turkey (this is standard ground Turkey
- Scallops (although this is a more expensive option,
I recommend 1x per week)

Fat Sources
Did you know?
These are the additional fats that you will add to your
meal, you can pick any ONE of these to go along with your
higher fat protein source. Macadamia nuts were once native to
- Macadamia Nuts – 5 pieces for every 50 lbs of Australia and were first planted in
Hawaii around 1881.
- Almond Butter – ½ Tbsp for every 50 lbs of
- Sunflower Seeds (unshelled) – ½ Tbsp for every These first trees were grown privately,
50lbs of Bodyweight but soon became popular with
- Organic Mayonnaise – ½ Tbsp for every 50lbs of
Hawaii residents.
- Organic Cheese (preferred goat) – ½ oz for every
50lbs of bodyweight Macadamia nuts were not planted
- Pork Rinds – 4 Pieces for every 50 lbs of bodyweight commercially until 1921.
- Olive Oil and Vinegar for Dressing if You Choose
the Below Salad

It is extremely important that you have a fair bit of veggies with this
meal to help you digest the fattier cuts of protein a bit more:
- Asparagus – 3 stalks for every 50lbs of bodyweight
- Mixed Green Salad (use olive oil and vinegar from above)
- Artichoke Leaves
- Artichoke Heart – Roughly one heart depending on size
- Bok Choy Sauteed with Vinegar – ½ Cup for every 50 lbs of bodyweight
The Final Video and What to Do Next!

Now that you have finished the 14 days of ketosis, and you’ve managed to see how good you can feel running only on fats for
fuel, you can start to take this to the next level.

That is why I have created a follow-up program to this Adaptive Eating Protocol that can help you adopt this as a lifestyle for
you for good!

Whether this is going to be a lifestyle that you choose to live permanently, or if it’s one that you choose to cycle on and off of
now and then, it is extremely important that you learn the long term rules and science of a ketogenic, adaptive eating style.

If you’re not going to move on with the next program, I do have some simple tips for you that can help you out (although,
honestly, having some more guidance really would be the best way to go about doing this).

- Don’t just succumb to a cheat meal when you feel like it.

Remember, that every time you come out of ketosis, you have to earn your way back in, and that means you slow down the
medical benefits of it.

Limit cheats to once a month. HECK, you don’t need to cheat much when you have all this good food in front of you!

- Don’t overdo the protein!

Protein can convert to sugar in the body and that can kick you out of ketosis over time.

- Try to intermittent fast 1-2x per week regularly and start timing your cheat meals along with your fasting days (dinners)
to really help your body NOT be damaged from a cheat meal.

- Explore the world of exogenous ketones to try to get a bit more energy on this program long term.

1. A Randomized Trial of Low-Carbohydrate Diet for Obesity

2. How Long Can a Person Survive Without Food

3. N-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, Body Fat and Inflammation

4. Treatment for 2 mo with n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids reduces adiposity and some atherogenic factors but does not
improve insulin sensitivity in women with type-2 diabetes.

5. History of the Ketogenic Diet

6. Prediabetes and Insulin Resistance

7. The Catabolism of Fats and Proteins for Energy

8. Composition of Weight Loss During Short-Term Weight Reduction

9. Long-Term Effects of a Ketogenic Diet in Obese Patients

10. Comparison of the Atkins, Zone, Ornish and LEARN Diets for Change in Weight and Related Risk Factors…

11. The Effects of Ketogenic Dieting on Skeletal Muscle and Fat Mass

12. Ketogenic Diet Does Not Affect Strength Performance in Elite Artistic Gymnasts

13. Beyond Weight Loss: A Review of the Therapeutic Uses of Very-Low-Carbohydrate (Ketogenic) Diets

14. The Fat-Fueled Brain: Unnatural or Advantageous?

15. A cDNA Microarray Analysis of Gene Expression Profiles in Rat Hippocampus Following a Ketogenic Diet

16. The Ketogenic Diet May Have Mood Stabilizing Properties
17. Mechanisms of Ketogenic Diet Action

18. Substrate Signalling by Insulin: A Ketone Bodies Ratio Mimics Insulin Action in the Heart

19. A Model for Determining Total Ketogenic Ratio for Evaluating the Ketogenic Property of a Weight-Reduction Diet

20. Differential Metabolic Effects of Saturated Versus Polyunsaturated Fats in Ketogenic Diets

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