CrimEd 603 (Psychological Factors of Crime) Final
CrimEd 603 (Psychological Factors of Crime) Final
CrimEd 603 (Psychological Factors of Crime) Final
Graduate School
Dagupan City, Pangasinan
CrimEd 603 (Psychological Factors of Crime)
Submitted To:
Dr. Ma. Charisse B. Vedaña
Submitted By:
John Patrick B. De Jesus
Doctor of Philosophy in Criminal Justice with specialization in Criminology
Social work theories can be borrowed from numerous disciplines such as
criminology, law, education, politics, sociology, and psychology. Individually,
each discipline strives to explain human behavior within its field of study.
While social learning theory originated in psychology, its concepts apply
equally well to the study of social work.
The social learning theory External link has four mediational processes
that help determine whether a new behavior is acquired:
1. Attention: The degree to which we notice the behavior. A behavior must
grab our attention before it can be imitated. Considering the number of
behaviors, we observe and do not imitate daily indicates attention is
crucial in whether a behavior influences imitation.
2. Retention: How well we remember the behavior. We cannot perform the
behavior if we do not remember the behavior. So, while a behavior may
be noticed, unless a memory is formed, the observer will not perform the
behavior. And, because social learning is not immediate, retention is vital
to behavior modeling.
3. Reproduction: The ability to perform the behavior. This is the ability to
reproduce a behavior we observe. It influences our decision about
whether to try performing the behavior. Even when we wish to imitate an
observed behavior, we are limited by our physical abilities.
4. Motivation: The will to emulate the behavior. This mediational process is
referred to as vicarious reinforcement. It involves learning through
observing the consequences of actions for other people, rather than
through direct experience.
Before Sutherland introduced his theory of differential association, the
explanations for criminal behavior were varied and inconsistent. Seeing this as
a weakness, law professor Jerome Michael and philosopher Mortimer J. Adler
published a critique of the field that argued that criminology hadn’t produced
any scientifically-backed theories for criminal activity. Sutherland saw this as a
call to arms and used rigorous scientific methods to develop differential
association theory.
Sutherland’s thinking was influenced by the Chicago School of
sociologists. In particular, he took cues from three sources: the work of Shaw
and McKay, which investigated the way delinquency in Chicago was distributed
geographically; the work of Sellin, Wirth, and Sutherland himself, which found
that crime in modern societies was the result of conflicts between different
cultures; and Sutherland's own work on professional thieves, which found that
in order to become a professional thief, one must become a member of a group
of professional thieves and learn through them.
Sutherland initially outlined his theory in 1939 in the third edition of his
book Principles of Criminology. He then revised the theory for the fourth edition
of the book in 1947. Since then, differential association theory has remained
popular in the field of criminology and has sparked a great deal of research.
One of the reasons for the theory’s continued pertinence is its broad ability to
explain all kinds of criminal activity, from juvenile delinquency to white collar
Differential association theory was a game-changer in the field of
criminology. However, the theory has been criticized for failing to take
individual differences into account. Personality traits may interact with one’s
environment to create outcomes that differential association theory cannot
explain. For example, people can change their environment to ensure it better
suits their perspectives. They may also be surrounded by influences that don’t
espouse the value of criminal activity and choose to rebel by becoming a
criminal anyway. People are independent, individually motivated beings. As a
result, they may not learn to become criminals in the ways differential
association predicts.
To achieve the most success, the adult must also immediately implement
positive reinforcement when the child performed the desired behavior.
c. Containment Theory
Containment Theory Though interdisciplinary in nature, containment
theory is considered one of the earliest control theories because it is focused on
what stops people from engaging in crime or rather, what “contains” people
(contains or containment essentially being used in place of the term controls).
As noted by Richard Dodder and Janet Long, containment theory enjoyed
much of its popularity in the 1950s and 1960s and has become a staple in the
field of criminological theory.
While, according to some scholars, the theory has gone out of vogue in
recent years, containment theory has kept its foundational place in
criminological theory. The first conceptions of the theory were birthed when
Reckless was exploring the shortcomings of other approaches meant to explain
delinquency and crime. Early criminological theories were understood in terms
of “pushing” and/or “pulling” individuals toward deviance (e.g., differential
association theory was recognized as a pull theory; Albert Cohen's subcultural
theory represents a combination push and pull theory).
In addition, according to Reckless, the problem with these approaches
was that they failed to account for those youths that did not engage in
delinquency in spite of being confronted with pushes and/or pulls toward
delinquent ways. This also was the case with the approach promoted by
Reckless's mentors, social disorganization theory. Reckless acknowledged that
social disorganization approaches to the study of delinquency and crime
enjoyed popularity for a generation. He believed, however, that there was a
fundamental oversight with this approach. Although he did believe there was
merit to social disorganization theory, Reckless claimed that social
disorganization alone was insufficient to completely address the issue of
delinquency and crime.
He asserted that the largest proportion of people in disorganized or
instable areas do not turn out to be delinquent or criminal at all. In fact, most
of these people lead lives of relative conformity. This meant that social
disorganization approaches, as well as other theories relying on push and/or
pull orientations, needed something more if they were to add further to
explanations of crime and delinquency.
It was this understanding that brought Reckless to the fundamental
questions that gave rise to containment theory: “Why do some persons break
through the tottering (social) controls and others do not? Why do rare cases in
well-integrated society break through the lines of strong controls?”. Reckless
believed that it was the interplay between inner self-controls and outer social
controls that was in part responsible for whether or not an individual would
engage in delinquency and criminality.
Further, contrary to some other theorists, Reckless thought social
disorganization was not about the stress related to social and economic
pressures directly. Instead, he believed that where social disorganization
played a causal role in delinquency and crime was when social disorganization
led specifically to a breakdown in social controls. Important to his line of
reasoning was Reckless's prior observations of religious sects. Reckless's
observations of these closed and highly controlled groups also contributed to
and solidified his beliefs that the community served the express function of
external social control.
The Foundation for Containment Theory As stated above, Reckless relied
upon a collection of earlier observations from his solo and collaborative
research in formulating containment theory. Some of this research focused
upon the notion of self-concept wherein it was observed that a good self-
concept provided a youth with a protective shield and/or insulation against
delinquency. A poor self-concept had the opposite effect, rendering an
individual susceptible to delinquency. This observation apparently held over
time, leading Reckless to assume that good and poor self-concept is a reflection
of the internalization of favorable and unfavorable socialization and in that way
an important internal buffer against delinquency. Similar to many theorists,
Reckless also looked to the observations of others when formulating his new
explanation of delinquency and, in doing so, weaved together the central tenets
of containment theory. Reckless expressly mentioned the work of researchers
Albert J. Reiss, F. Ivan Nye, and Fritz Redl when walking readers through the
logic of containment theory.
Reiss discussed the predictive value of personal and social controls on
delinquent behavior in his influential work with Chicago juveniles. Reiss's
observation and assessment of the different dimensions of control were not lost
on Reckless. Reckless would incorporate this understanding into his own work,
particularly the observation that personal controls were more influential than
social controls on recidivism. Also, Reiss's notion of personal controls, such as
self-control, would essentially mirror what Reckless would call inner
containment. Nye's research further illuminated the ways in which controls are
important to regulating personal behavior. Nye's research specifically
highlighted four types of control factors that were discussed by Reckless: direct
control, internalized control, indirect control, and the availability of alternative
means to goals.
All had a place in restraining delinquent behavior. Reckless states that,
according to Nye, punishment and discipline are among the features of direct
control. Inner control is essentially self-control, and indirect control is a result
of not wanting to disappoint meaningful others by deviant behavior. Of course,
individuals must have an alternative to deviant behavior, which explains the
fourth aspect of control identified by Nye. Hence, Reckless's and Nye's
explanations share similar features. Both are similar in scope in that they are
only meant to explain general deviance. Also, Nye's notion of direct control can
be likened to Reckless's outer containment concept. Internalized control can be
seen as mirroring Reckless's concept of inner containment. Redl and
Wineman's formulation of the “behavior control system” was also relied on by
Reckless as offering support for containment theory.
Redl's work considered inner psychological processes thought to be
involved in whether or not an individual would engage in delinquency and
crime. Specifically, the concepts identified by Redl were the ego (and its
accompanying 22 ego functions) and the superego, which were thought to be
central to inner control. The ego functions were seen by Redl as important in
managing life situations and included things such as frustration tolerance,
temptation resistance, learning from experience, and taking care of
possessions. The superego is seen as one's conscience and the incorporation of
parental values that serve to regulate behavior. Reckless ultimately included
the ego and a well-developed superego as potentially important elements to his
concept of inner containment. Reckless's inclusion of these concepts, however,
seemed to be as much about a concern over attracting scholars in other
disciplines to use and possibly specify containment theory.
According to Reckless, “It is important to incorporate Redl's thinking on
the ego and superego as the behavior control system within the person, so as
to indicate that the components of containment theory can be specified by
psychiatrists, psychologists, and psychoanalysts just as readily by sociologists”
(1961a, p. 354). Inner and Outer Containment As is the tradition of control
theories, containment theory assumes that people are very prone to getting in
trouble. The idea is that individuals must be controlled or contained from
committing delinquent and criminal acts. The core of the theory is containment
— that is, personal and social safeguards that shield the individual from
committing deviancy.
Containment rests on the principles of control. According to Reckless,
containment theory “seeks to ferret out more specifically the inner and outer
controls over normative behavior”. To do this, Reckless consolidated the
particular characteristics identified in his and others’ research into exclusive
themes of inner and outer containment. Containment theory, in essence, is
Reckless's attempt to ascertain what controls work best at which level to
regulate conduct and therefore delinquency and crime. The principal social
control concepts of containment theory are inner and outer containment. Inner
containment involves the personal, social controls over behavior. Reckless
believed that this included self-control, a good self-concept, ego strength, and
so on. In essence, these are the qualities that serve as inner regulators against
delinquent behavior.
According to Reckless, outer containment dealt with the structural
buffers in the youth's proximal, social environment that served to restrain
them. These immediate social constraints included such things as “a
consistent moral front to the person, institutional reinforcement of his norms,
goals, expectations, the existence of a reasonable set of social expectations,
effective supervision and discipline (social controls), provision for reasonable
scope of activity (including limits and responsibilities) as well as alternatives
and safety valves, opportunity for acceptance, belongingness”. To Reckless,
these structural factors around the individual served to “contain” the youth
against delinquency and crime.
To Err is Human: “Pulls” and “Pushes” toward Delinquency According to
Reckless, environmental pressures can exact influence over people to the
extent that they are not contained and/or protected. In that regard, inner and
outer containment serve as a buffer from these external conditions.
Environmental conditions that may steer individuals toward deviancy may take
various forms, such as poverty or deprivations, conflict and discord, external
restraint, minority group status, and limited access to success in an
opportunity structure. Reckless further elaborated upon these environmental
pressures in describing them as environmental “pulls.” Pulls represent the
features of the environment that may serve to attract some individuals toward
According to Reckless, pulls might be environmental distractions,
attractions, temptations, carriers of delinquent and criminal patterns, and
subcultures. Reckless also observed what he considered to be “ordinary”
pushes. Pushes are based in individual psychology and are considered to be
internal motivators toward deviancy. Pushes may include internal drives and
frustrations, feelings of restlessness, disappointments, hostility, inferiority, and
rebellion. Reckless acknowledged that there are some extreme internal
motivations (pushes) that cannot be contained such as those derived from
mental illness (i.e., compulsions). According to Reckless, such pathological
compulsions were beyond the abilities of normal, ordinary containment. Again,
containment theory posits that normative behavior is brought about by
“resisting” deviancy and directing youth toward legitimate social expectations.
According to Reckless, both inner and outer containment are core between the
pressures and pulls of the external environment and inner drives and pushes.
Scope of Containment Theory As stated earlier, Reckless argues that
containment theory is a general theory of crime, explaining the wide range of
behaviors between the extremes of deviancy. According to Reckless, at one end
of the continuum is individual pathology. This group includes behaviors
caused by mental illness, among other things (e.g., compulsions; behavior as
the result of organic brain damage). The opposite extreme of behaviors, though
deviant, would essentially be considered “normal” given the circumstances and
fall beyond those behaviors that containment theory means to explain.
Individuals at this extreme, explains Reckless, have been socialized by family
or some affiliate and/ or marginalized group to behave as societal deviants
(e.g., criminal tribes of India, gypsies).
The Recognized Limitations and Validity of Containment Theory to
Reckless, one of the strengths of containment theory was the ability to tailor
the theory to the different disciplines that engage in the study of deviancy.
Arguably, containment theory can be used by psychiatrists, psychologists,
sociologists, and practitioners equally, as the theory reportedly explains
delinquency from an interdisciplinary perspective. According to Reckless, “All of
these experts look for dimensions of inner and outer strength and can specify
these strengths in their terms”. However, there are problems with containment
theory specifically and control theories generally. Richard Dodder and Janet
Long have observed that there is a general lack of testable statements in
relation to containment and the proposed relationship with deviant behavior.
Ironically, one could argue that this in part was intended by Reckless when
making his statement of the theory.
Reckless offered that research would have to identify the “one or two”
essential elements of inner and outer containment that act as the regulators of
normative behavior. He further states that research, ultimately, would have to
sort out which of the inner and outer regulatory systems operated together.
Problematically, a theory written in this way may lead to more speculation than
answers. Dodder and long further scrutinize the limited ability of containment
theory to explain female deviance, considering socialization processes arguably
differ between the sexes in respect to self-concept. Recall that, according to
containment theory, a good self-concept is supposed to insulate individuals
from deviancy. If the processes are different depending on sex, one would
expect that containment theory might not apply to females.
This criticism is reasonable, particularly since Reckless relied on
observations of boys for his theory. Another criticism of containment theory is
recognized by Thomas Kelley and rests in the idea that many of the inner
motivations and environmental conditions identified by Reckless tend to be
highly transient even over short time periods. Given that many of these
conditions are evanescent, it is difficult to isolate the mechanisms identified by
containment theory leading to deviancy. Reckless and Dinitz tested elements of
containment theory with little success. As noted by Randy Martin and his
colleagues, these studies have been referred to collectively as “the Good Boy–
Bad Boy” series and ran from circa 1956 to 1972. Although failing to initially
support containment theory, others, such as Don Gibbons and Marvin Krohn,
have noted methodological flaws that would give pause to these initial results.
It also has been observed by these scholars that later empirical assessments
found more varied results beyond what could be accounted for by the theory.
There is still contention as to whether containment theory, whether original,
revised, or specified, can be revived.
2. Intelligence Theory
What Is Intelligence?
It might seem useless to define such a simple word. After all, we have all
heard this word hundreds of times and probably have a general understanding
of its meaning. However, the concept of intelligence has been a widely debated
topic among members of the psychology community for decades.
Intelligence has been defined in many ways: higher level abilities (such
as abstract reasoning, mental representation, problem solving, and decision
making), the ability to learn, emotional knowledge, creativity, and adaptation to
meet the demands of the environment effectively.
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence is the “ability to monitor one’s own and other
people’s emotions, to discriminate between different emotions and label them
appropriately, and to use emotional information to guide thinking and
behavior” (Salovey and Mayer, 1990).
The form of the learning curve is related both to the constancy of the IQ
and to the determination of a mental growth cessation point, to serve as the
enumerator of the equation for the determining of the IQ among children above
that chronological age.
The determination of that point is of very real significance in the
diagnosis of mental defect, especially when mental deficiency must be
established as a legal entity for purposes of differentiated social treatment.
There is evidence that the growth curve in learning ability reaches its
maximum somewhere between the fourteenth and sixteenth year, and then
declines sharply. Thus, examiners have variously taken chronological ages
between 14 and 16 to represent adulthood, for intelligence testing purposes. As
a result, a given mental age will fluctuate in IQ according to the adult year level
chosen. Until there is arbitrary uniformity in defining this mental growth
cessation point, the percentages of mental deficiency established for either
general populations or delinquent samplings will be non-comparable.
It was suggested by many psychologists that 15 years be arbitrarily set to
represent adulthood for mental growth purposes, and the majority of child
guidance clinics now adhere to this standard. The labeling of children as to
their mental ability by means of the IQ assumes the constancy of the IQ; that
is, that the future mental growth of a child is predictable in terms of his rate of
mental growth up to the time of testing. The evidence to date is that within a
probable error of perhaps 2.5 points in either direction, under conditions of
constant cultural stimulation, the IQ does not vary with age. But such factors
as serious illness, or irregularity in exposure to learning situations, or other
factors that affect opportunity for learning, do appear to affect the learning
growth rate, and the IQ. Thus, there is evidence that children transferred from
inferior to superior cultural environments appreciate in their learning rate, and
gain in IQ, and that children returned from superior to inferior cultural
environments tend to regress in learning rate and in IQ to the level previously
established in the inferior social environment.
The product of learning growth known as "native" general intelligence is
thus not alone dependent upon nature, but on nature and nurture. As a result,
general intelligence must be viewed as a product of biosocial interaction. This
introduces the problem of the significance of cultural differences in the
determination of intelligence levels. This factor is of significance for the relation
between intelligence and delinquency.
Since the accurate measurement of general intelligence is dependent
upon constancy of cultural stimulation, factors tending to differentiate the
cultural background levels of delinquents and non-delinquents would. lead to
the under-estimation or over-estimation of the intelligence of one group or the
other. Thus, a finding as to the relative mental status of delinquents and non-
delinquents requires holding constant the factor of cultural stimulation. Since
this has not usually been done, a finding that delinquents are inferior in tested
general intelligence to non-delinquents does not necessarily prove that
intelligence and delinquency are causally related but only that the same
antecedent factors that contributed an inferior nurture to the group from which
the preponderance of delinquents were drawn, also led to the preponderance of
that culture level in juvenile court arraignments. The desirability of
disentangling the functions of nurture and nature in learning potential, so that
"native" potential may be measured, has led to the suggestion that culture-free
mental tests be devised.
Whether culture-free tests, if they could be devised, would successfully
elicit the full measurement of intelligence potential is questionable. Motivation
has ordinarily strong cultural reference, and especially for delinquents, the
necessity of arousing full response to an intellectual situation probably involves
the utilization of culturally familiar motivations, since among delinquents there
is a disproportion of emotionally disturbed children.
A final comment on the role of culture in the testing of general
intelligence must stress the desirability of the homogeneity of culture
backgrounds among delinquents compared with non-delinquents for mental
status. Since delinquents are drawn disproportionately from urban areas, from
among industrial groupings that include disproportionate numbers of children
of ill-educated, bilingual and low-socio-economic status parentage, they should
be compared in general intelligence, not to the whole child population, nor even
to the total urban child population, but to samplings drawn from the same
races, ethnic origins, socioeconomic levels, and residence areas. These
fundamental needs must be kept in mind in evaluating the available evidence
on the intelligence of delinquents.
1. What is Social Learning Theory? Social Work Theories and Approaches
2. Reckless,_Walter_C._-_Containment_Theory.pdf (