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Situation : Mrs.

Preggy Nah Bunthis, 25 years old from Pinaglabanan, Balut, Tondo went to the
Rural Health Unit on January 20, 2020 to consult because of delay in her monthly period for
two months now since her last menstruation was on October 24, 2019. She was interviewed by
the RHU nurse and her vital signs were taken. She informed the nurse that she is having
nausea and vomiting every morning she rises up from bed and that she is suspecting that she is

Further interview was done by the nurse. The following were the data collected:
Past OB history : a boy born at 39 weeks gestation, alive and well; a girl born at 40
weeks gestation; alive and well; and a girl born at 33 weeks gestation, alive and well.
Weight – 110 lbs pre pregnancy state; present weight 113lbs.
Height – 5 ft. 4 in.
BP – 110/70
T – 36.5 C
PR – 78/min
RR – 20/min

Other pertinent information given: present occupation – employee at a commercial

laundry ironing agency which keeps her on her feet for long periods. She is taking
antiTB drugs

Suspecting pregnancy because of her two missed periods Mrs. Nah Bunthis was referred to
the doctor for further examination. Her Papanicolau smear was interpreted as Grade 1.
Though Preggy had missed only two periods, her last menstruation on September 20, 2019
had been very scanty. The doctor therefore concluded that Preggy was in her third month of
pregnancy and he computed her LMP.

Preggy feels healthy, so she asks the nurse the frequency of her prenatal visit and why she
needs to bother coming to for prenatal care. What benefit should the nurse cite when
responding to Preggy’s question?

The support of the partner of Preggy is very important. Preggy asks you. “What can I do to
make sure my boyfriend feels involved with my prenatal care?”

The nurse is reviewing Preggy’s health record. While doing so, the nurse asks Preggy to
clarify and confirm her surgical history. Why is it important to ask Preggy about past surgery
during a pregnancy health history?

Preggy reports that the palms of her hands are always itchy, and the nurse notices
scratches on them when she preformed physical examination. The nurse plan of care should
specify that this problem is most likely due to what factor in women who is pregnant.

Preggy has not had a pelvic examination since she was in high school. Consequently, the
doctor asked the nurse to help make her more at ease during her first pelvic examination. What
action should the nurse take? Preggy revealed to the nurse that all her previous deliveries were
home deliveries and were assisted by a hilot.

The nurse is reviewing danger signs of pregnancy with Preggy. In the interest of safety,
what are the signs and symptoms if they occur would the nurse tell her to report?

Laboratory results of Preggy

Urinalysis – within normal limits
CBC – hgb – 9.5%
Hep B screening – negative

Preggy was given iron supplements in the form of Iron with Folic Acid once a day

Preggy continued her scheduled prenatal check-up till one day she experienced lumbo-
sacral pains radiating to the hypogastric region with vaginal pink-tinged mucoid vaginal
discharge. She was rushed to the nearby district hospital where she is having her prenatal
check-up by her husband.

Preggy was brought to the examination room where interview was done. She was
bringing with her the Maternal and Child Record Book issued to her at the OPD. All the OB
history were extracted from that record with verification from Ms. Preggy.

Internal examination was done with the following findings:

Cervical dilatation 5-6 cm

Effacement – 75%
Station - -2
Presentation – LOA
BOW – intact

With the above findings, Preggy was admitted on June 26, 2021 at 5:00AM.

Preggy delivered to an alive baby girl on June 26, 2021 at 8:00AM.

Medications given to her postpartum were the following:

 Oxytocin 1 ampule IM at the delivery room

 Methergin 1 tab TID
 Cefalexin 500 mg. TID
 Ferrous Sulfate OD
 Paracetamol 500 mg. every 4 hours for pain

Prepare a nursing care plan for Preggy Nah Bunthis from the time she was pregnant till

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