Shaman Class For D&D 5th Edition
Shaman Class For D&D 5th Edition
Shaman Class For D&D 5th Edition
As the elemental planes wage a constant war with each other and throw the material
plane into turmoil with their battles of hatred, most people hide in their homes hoping the
next battlefield is far away from their homes, and that the anger of the elements overlooks
them. Many others rise up to fight these elements and drive them from the lands of
civilisation. While these fighters attack the elements with sword and shield and magic, a
group instead try to commune with these elements, and some get responses back. These
few are gifted abilities and devote themselves to the path of balance for the four elements,
or sometimes to a singular elemental allegiance, whom they hope to help win the eternal
wars. These few are called Shamans.
Proficiency Totem Spells — Spell Slots per Spell Level —
Level Bonus Uses Features Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +2 2 Totemic Ability (1) — — — — — — — — — —
2nd +2 2 Spellcasting 2 2 — — — — — — — —
3rd +2 3 Shamanistic Feature 3 3 2 — — — — — — —
4th +2 3 Ability Score Improvement 3 4 3 — — — — — — —
Absorb Spell, Knowledge of the
5th +3 3 4 4 3 2 — — — — — —
Four Ways.
6th +3 4 Shamanistic Feature 4 4 3 3 — — — — — —
7th +3 4 Totemic Ability (2) 5 4 3 3 1 — — — — —
8th +3 4 Ability Score Improvement 5 4 3 3 2 — — — — —
9th +4 4 — 6 4 3 3 3 1 — — — —
10th +4 4 Shamanistic Feature 6 4 3 3 3 2 — — — —
11th +4 4 Totemic Ability (3) 7 4 3 3 3 2 1 — — —
12th +4 5 Ability Score Improvement 7 4 3 3 3 2 1 — — —
13th +5 5 — 8 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 — —
14th +5 5 Shamanistic Feature 8 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 — —
15th +5 5 Totemic Ability (4) 9 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 —
16th +5 5 Ability Score Improvement 9 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 —
17th +6 6 — 10 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
18th +6 6 Elemental Resistance 10 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
19th +6 6 Ability Score Improvement 11 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
20th +6 Unlimited Elemental Ally 11 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1
Equipment afforded to few other beings. See chapter 10 of the
You start with the following equipment, in addition Player’s Handbook for the general rules of
to the equipment granted by your background: spellcasting and the end of this document for the
(a) a Fist Weapon or (b) Any weapon with shaman spell list.
which you have proficiency Spell Slots – The Shaman table shows how many
(a) a handaxe or (b) any simple melee weapon spell slots you have to cast your spells of a first level
(a) chain shirt or (b) leather armor or higher. To cast one of these Shaman spells, you
(a) an arcane focus or (b) a component pouch must expend a spell slot of the spell’s level or
Explorers Pack higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you
finish a long rest. For example, if you know the 1st
level spell burning hands and have a 1st level and a
Totemic Call (1) _ 2nd level spell slot available, you can cast burning
At first level you gain the ability to call totems down hands using either slot.
around you. You have a number of uses as indicated Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher – You know
in the shaman table. You regain all expended uses two 1st level spells of your choice from the Shaman
after a long rest. spell list. The Spells Known column of the Shaman
The totem(s) appear in a point of your choosing table shows when you learn more shaman spells of
within melee range. They are each the 2ft tall, and your choice. Each of these spells must be of a level
are considered small for size. They have an AC of 12 for which you have spell slots. For instance, when
and hit points equal to 5 + shaman level. you reach 5th level in this class, you can learn one
The totem(s) last for 1 minute or until you dismiss new spell of 1st or 2nd level. Additionally, when you
them. They require a bonus action to cast down, gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the
and are dismissible with a free action. When you shaman spells you know and replace it with another
use your totemic call, all totems you have are called spell from the shaman spell list, which also must be
down in simultaneously, i.e. at 11th level, using of a level for which you have spell slots.
your totemic call brings down 3 totems around you. Spellcasting Ability – Wisdom is your spellcasting
When you gain a new totem in this class you can ability for your shaman spells, since the power of
choose a totem you know and replace it with your magic draws from your knowledge of the
another totem of the same level. elements. You use your Wisdom whenever a spell
Choose one: refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you
Fire Totem: Flames lick at your weapons. Adds 1d4 use your Wisdom modifier when setting the saving
fire damage to any physical attack made by the throw DC for a shaman spell you cast and when
shaman while within 60ft of the totem. (Increases making an attack roll with one.
to 1d6 at 7th, 1d8 at 11th, and 1d10 at 15th)
Earth Totem: Earth and rock starts to attach to Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
your body. As long as the shaman is within 60ft of Wisdom modifier
the totem, they gain temporary hit points up to a Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +
maximum of shaman level + Constitution modifier your Wisdom modifier
at the start of the shamans every turn. Spellcasting Focus – You can use an arcane focus
Water Totem: Your body starts to feel like liquid. (see chapter 5, “Equipment”, in the Player’s
Allies (equal to Wisdom modifier) of your choice, as Handbook) as a spellcasting focus for your shaman
well as the shaman, all gain +1 to AC while within spells.
60ft of the totem.
Air Totem: The air around your body begins to
blow as if it is in a hurricane. All ranged weapon
attacks gain disadvantage when targeting the
shaman. Must be within 60ft of the active totem.
Spellcasting _
The powers of the elements are strong within you,
granting you powers over them in a manner
Shamanistic Path _ this totem is summoned. The target must make a
Constitution saving throw against the shaman’s
At 3rd level, you choose a shaman path to follow:
spell DC. On a failure the target is stunned until the
Enhancement, Elemental, or Restoration, all
end of the shaman’s next turn. On a success, the
detailed at the end of the class description. Your
target has their movement halved as their muscles
choice grants shamanistic features at 3rd level, and
and joints seem to grow cold and freeze. The target
again at 6th, 10th, and 14th.
automatically succeeds this save if they have
Ability Score Improvement _ immunity to cold damage, and advantage on the
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, save if they are resistant.
16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability Ooze Totem: Choose a single target within 60ft
score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two when this totem is summoned. This target has their
ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you AC reduced by 1 while the totem is active, as ooze
can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this sprouts around armour and joints, sticking and
feature. eroding key parts of their armour or slowing down
Absorb Spell _ their dodges.
Magma: Whilst the totem is active, the closest
Beginning at 5th level, as a reaction, you may cause
enemy (within 60ft) must make a Dexterity saving
any directed spell attack to be absorbed into a small
throw at the beginning of each of the shamans
totem that is instantly destroyed. As the small
turns. On a failed save, the totem hits the target
totem is called, the spell of your choosing is
with 1d6 fire damage as a blast of magma is lobbed
automatically pulled to the totem, and away from
at them. On a successful save there is no effect.
the intended target, as long as the intended target
was within 30ft of you. AoE spells can be redirected, Totemic Call (3) _
but rather than absorb the damage, the spells At 11th level, you may choose your third totem and
centred point is shifted to yourself. You may use this re-arrange previous totems. You may only swap a
ability once per long rest. totem from totemic call (2) with a different totem
Knowledge of the Four Ways _ from totemic call (2).
Choose one:
At 5th level you gain much knowledge of the four
Fiery Heart Totem: The fire burns in your heart,
elements: earth, air, water, and fire. You now know
and the flames give you strength. You can’t be
the histories, dispositions and weaknesses of the
charmed or feared while this totem is active and
four elements. You gain advantage on relevant
within 60ft of you.
checks to recall information about any of the
Stone Mind Totem: The stoic stubbornness of
elements or their planes.
stone and earth fill your mind and body,
Totemic Call (2) _ strengthening your will. You have resistance to
At 7th level, choose one of the following. You also bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing. As long as you
may change a single previous totem for a totem of are within 60ft of this totem.
the same level requirement. (i.e. you can change Wind Totem: The spirits of the wind enter your
the totemic call (1) for a different totem from mind, showing you the opportune times to strike
totemic call (1) and not a higher level totem.) and when to move. You do not provoke opportunity
Choose one: attacks, and you can use your reaction to make an
Ash Totem: Choose a single target within 60ft attack action/cast a spell any time another creature
when this totem is summoned. The target must makes an attack against a target other than you
make a Constitution saving throw against the (requiring an action or less to cast normally). Must
shaman’s spell DC. On a success, the target has be within 60ft of this totem.
obscured vision while the totem is active as a small Wave Totem: The spirits of water flow in waves
ash cloud continuously beats at their eyes. They across your body and keep you fluid. Immunity to
now have disadvantage on ability checks and saving grapple and restraining effects. As long as you are
throws relying on sight (not blinded). On a failure, within 60ft of this totem.
the target is fully blinded, rather than experiencing
only obscured vision.
Ice Totem: Choose a single target within 60ft when
Totemic Call (4) _ damage types, as well as resistance to all attacks
from elemental creatures (DMs discretion).
At 15th level choose your final totem. Choose one
of the following: Elemental Ally _
Flame Totem: Choose a target within 60ft. The Beginning at 20th level, you are granted a boon
target must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a from the elements that speak to you. Once per long
failed save, the target is set on fire. At the beginning rest you can call down 2 of any combination of
of each of its turns, whilst it remains on fire, the elementals (Air, Earth, Fire, and Water) to aide you
target takes 2d8 fire damage. To put the flames out in combat. Both are friendly to you and each other.
requires either an action of rolling on the floor for a They last 8 hours and can help you in combat or
whole round, or other logical situation (DMs other tasks. At the end of the 8 hours, they
discretion). disappear.
On a successful save, there is no effect. It requires a
bonus action to re-cast this totem.
Shamanistic Paths
Rock Prison Totem: Choose a target within 60ft. There are three paths to walk down for a shaman,
The target must make a Dexterity saving throw. On only one can be chosen. Enhancement, Elemental
a failed save the target takes 1d8 bludgeoning and Restoration
damage and is restrained. The target may attempt Enhancement _
to break free, requiring a DC 20 Strength check. The Working on enhancing your body and your mind as
target may attempt to slip out with a DC 20 a shaman also means becoming a physically
Dexterity check. impressive specimen. It is a focus on martial skill to
On a successful save, there is no effect. It requires a best your foes, and the magic of the elements only
bonus action to re-cast this totem. helps you do this.
Choking Air Totem: Choose a target within 60ft. Gain Proficiency in: Warpicks, Shortswords,
The target must make a Constitution saving throw. Scimitars, Rapiers, Morning Stars, and Flails.
On a failed save, the target takes 2d6 poison
damage. On a successful save the target takes no Fighting Style
damage. The target makes the Constitution save at At 3rd Level, you adopt a fighting style as your
the start of each of its turns unless this totem is specialty. Choose one of the following options. You
destroyed. can’t take a fighting style more than once, even if
Drowning Totem: Choose a target within 60ft. The you later get to choose again.
target must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a Two weapon fighting
failed save a bubble of water surrounds the target’s When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can
head. They are considered drowning; the target add your ability modifier to the damage of the
remains fine for a number of rounds equal to their second attack.
Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 round) as they Duelling
hold their breath. After this point, if they have not When you are wielding a melee weapon in one
removed the ball of water, the target takes 4d8 hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to
damage at the beginning of their turn and are damage rolls with that weapon.
considered stunned. They may attempt to remove
the ball of water. To remove the ball of water
While you are wearing armour, you gain a +1 bonus
requires a whole turn spent attempting to remove
to AC.
it, making a Dexterity saving throw (DC 10 + the
number of rounds they have had the water on their Strength of Totem Will
head). From 3rd level, Totems have their health increased
On a successful save, there is no effect. It requires a by your con modifier. If you are within five feet of a
bonus action to re-cast this totem. totem and it is targeted with an attack, you may use
Elemental Resistance _ your reaction to become the intended target.
At 18th level, your mastery of the elements has
granted you the knowledge and skills in how to Extra Attack
manipulate the elements from others, as well as At 6th Level, you can attack twice instead of once
from yourself. You gain resistance to fire and cold whenever you take the attack action on your turn.
Elemental Smite Power of the Elements
At 10 level, on a successful hit with a melee attack As the power of the elements courses through your
a shaman can expend a spell slot to inflict additional veins, you find it easier to harness the power.
damage with a damage dice corresponding to the Beginning at 6th level any offensive cantrip cast has
level of the slot as follows: its damage increased by your wisdom modifier.
Slot Level Additional
Damage Elemental Finesse
1st 1d6
As you gain more control over the elements, you
2nd 2d6 can also protect others from being harmed by your
3rd 3d6 spells. At 10th level, you gain the ability to choose a
4th 4d6 number of creatures up to your Wisdom modifier to
th not be affected by your spells. For example, casting
5 5d6
a fireball, you can allow some allies to take no
6th 6d6 damage and only have your enemies targeted.
7 7d6
8th 8d6 Spell Manipulation
9 th
9d6 Additionally at 14th once per short rest the shaman
can choose to make a spell attack unavoidable. The
Damage type counts as fire, cold, bludgeoning, or
hit automatically succeeds/the target automatically
force. (Shaman’s choice)
fails the dexterity saving throw. You cannot crit
Elemental Form using this feature, and you can only force one
Once you reach 14th level, your body starts to creature to fail a relevant dexterity saving throw.
change and shift in its form, giving you aesthetics Ledgendary actions and similar effects would
based on one of the four elements, choose from the override this feature.
Fire: Melee attackers take 1d6 fire damage on
hitting the shaman.
Earth: Bonus +1 to AC.
Air: As a reaction, the shaman can attempt to
reflect physical attacks back on the attacker. When
you do so the damage taken is reduced by 1d10 +
Strength/Dexterity modifier +Shaman level. If the
damage is reduced to 0, any additional value left
over is applied to the attacker, as the attack is
deflected and pushed back into them, or the ranged
attack has its trajectory reversed.
Water: Melee attackers may only attack the
shaman once per their turn.
Appendix 1 - Fist Weapons
Fist weapons are a homebrew idea, you do
Elemental _ not need to use them and these are
The path of the elements focuses on your mastery guidelines, please talk to you DM to decide
of the elemental powers given to you. It is about whether they are allowed.
the raw powers of the four elemental planes Simple Melee Weapons
manifested inside your mind and body. Caestus - 1d6 Bludgeoning - Light - 2lb - 5gp
Martial Melee Weapons
Expanded Spell List Claw - 1d6 Slashing - Light, Finesse - 2lb - 5gp
When you take this path at 3rd Level, the shaman
learns three cantrips and 2 new spells, that can
come from the expanded Elemental shaman spell
Control Water
Restoration _ Spell Lists Fire Shield
The path of restoration, leads you to the recreation Ice Storm
and healing of the lands you live in, and the entities Shaman Spell List
Stone Shape
1st Level
that live there. Generally more peaceful, you are Stoneskin
Absorb Elements
more focused on mending the scars caused by Wall of Fire
Burning hands
elemental war, rather than propagating them with Comprehend Languages*
Elemental Bane
more violence. Watery Sphere
Create or destroy water
Storm Sphere
Feather Fall
5th Level
Expanded Spell List Fog Cloud
When you take this path at 3rd Level, the shaman Longstrider
Cone of Cold
Ice Knife
learns three cantrips and 2 new spells known, that Conjure Elemental
Earth Tremor
can come from the expanded Restoration shaman Flamestrike
2nd Level
spell list. Planar Binding*
Continual Flame
Wall of Stone
Flaming Blade
Control Winds
Chain Heal Gust of Wind
Additionally at 6th once per long rest, you can Heat Metal
Transmute Rock
empower any single target healing spell, causing it Misty Step
to chain to any additional creatures you choose (up 6th Level
Scorching Ray
to your wisdom modifier). Roll for the amount Flesh to Stone
healed once, and apply to all affected creatures. Warding Wind
Move Earth
Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere
Dust Devil
Wall of Ice
Don’t you Die On Me Earthbind
Wind Walk
At 10th level, whenever a creature within 60ft of you Aganazzar’s Scorcher
Bones of the Earth
that you can see, drops to 0 hit points you may, as a Snilloc’s Snowball Swarm
Investiture of flame
3rd Level
reaction, instantly bring them back to 1hp. If the Investiture of Ice
Elemental Weapon
damage caused would have instantly killed the Investiture of Stone
creature then this ability has no effect. Gaseous Form
Investiture of Wind
7th Level
Meld Into Stone
Uber Heal Sleet Storm
Beginning at 14th level, once per short rest, you can Stinking Cloud
Delayed Blast Fireball
maximise the dice roll on any healing spell you cast. Water Breathing
8th Level
Water Walk
(This can be used in conjunction with the chain heal Control Weather
ability.) Earthquake
Erupting Earth
Tidal Wave
Incendiary Cloud
Wall of Water
9th Level
Wall of Sand
Meteor Swarm
Melf’s Minute Meteors
4th Level
Conjure Minor Elemental
Expanded Elemental Spell Gentle Repose
List Lesser Restoration
Cantrips 3rd Level
Fire Bolt Aura of Vitality
Light Mass Healing Word
Produce Flame Revivify
Thunderclap 4th Level
Ray of Frost Death Ward
Sacred Flame 5th Level
Shocking Grasp Greater Restoration
Thaumaturgy Mass Cure Wounds
Create Bonfire Reincarnate
Control Flames 6th Level
Frostbite Heal
Gust Planar Ally*
Mold Earth 7th Level
Shape Water Regenerate
1st Level Resurrection
Chromatic Orb 8th Level
Thunderwave -
Witch Bolt 9th Level
2nd Level Mass Heal
Flaming Sphere True Resurrection
3rd Level *These spells have the limi-
Call Lightning tation of being focused on
Lightning Bolt only the four elemental
Protection from Energy planes, or other choices at
4th Level DM’s discretion.
5th Level These spell lists include
Contact Other Plane* spells from the Elemental
6th Level Evil spell list. It is a free
Chain Lightning download that can be
7th Level found on the wizards of the
Prismatic Spray coast website.
8th Level
9th Level
Storm of Vengeance
Prismatic Wall