Sample Project Report Format of 2020 Passout.
Sample Project Report Format of 2020 Passout.
Sample Project Report Format of 2020 Passout.
of the degree of
DATE: 51
We would like to express our heartiest gratitude and thanks to all who gave us this
great opportunity to complete our project. We would like to thank everyone who
helped us and made this experience such memorable one.
We would like to express our gratitude to Prof. (Dr.) Debashis Sarkar H.O.D,
Mechanical Engineering Department, Asansol Engineering College for permitting us
to undergo the academic project.
To our project guide Dr. Sarnendu Paul, Astt. Professor for being so helpful and
taking keen interest in our progress and always helped us when we faced any kind of
technical problem.
Further our thanks goes to all respected faculty member and staffs of the department
of Mechanical Engineering, Asansol Engineering College as they remained keenly
attached to us in every aspect for the completion of our project. We express our
sincere thanks to all our friends and families who directly or indirectly helped us in
the accomplishment of this project work.
When the earth is tethering forth with the problem of climate change and pollution,
when it is known that the natural resources on which the conventional sources of
energy operate will be exhausted completely in the coming three to four decades, the
need for shifting towards the sustainable energy arise. Designing a sustainable future
and a better place to live in for the coming generations to come is the need of the
hour. In that context, this project- Renewable Energy: Design a Sustainable Future
can prove to be a game changer in understanding and analyzing the energy usage
pattern in different field, help in increasing the energy efficiency and give us cheaper
and reliable methods to increase the use of renewable energy sources. We will have
an engineering approach towards achieving a transition to 100% renewable energy
and come to know and discuss the pros and cons in the whole process.
This project reviews the renewable energy scenario of India as well as extrapolates
the future developments keeping in view the consumption, production and supply of
power. There are ample opportunities with favorable geology and geography with
huge customer base and widening gap between demand and supply. Technological
advancement, suitable regulatory policies, tax rebates, efficiency improvement in
consequence to R&D efforts are the few pathways to energy and environment
conservation and it will ensure that these large, clean resource bases are exploited as
quickly and cost effectively as possible. This project gives an overview of the
potential renewable energy resources in Indian context while evaluating the present
status, the energy demand of the country and forecast consumption and production,
with the objective to evaluate and assess whether India can sustain its growth and its
society with renewable resources.
Renewable Energy; Solar; Wind; Biomass; 100% renewable energy; Smart energy
systems; Energy scenarios; Energy systems analysis.
Abstract IV
List of abbreviations VI
List of tables IX
3.1 Solar Energy 8
3.2 Wind Energy 10
3.3 Biomass and Biogas 12
3.4 Small hydropower 13
3.5 Tidal Energy 15
3.6 Geothermal Energy 17
6.1 Solar Energy 23
6.2 Wind Energy 26
6.3 Biomass and Biogas 32
6.4 Imbibing and Storing Energy 38
7.1 Existing Government Policies 52
7.2 Suggestions in Policy Making 58
NA North Africa
PV solar photovoltaic
RE renewable energy
SAARC South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
UN United Nation
The World Energy Forum has predicted that fossil-based oil, coal and gas reserves
will be exhausted in less than another 10 decades. Fossil fuels account for over 79%
of the primary energy consumed in the world, and 57.7% of that amount is used in the
transport sector and are diminishing rapidly [1]. The exhaustion of natural resources
and the accelerated demand of conventional energy have forced planners and policy
makers to look for alternate sources. Renewable energy is energy derived from
resources that are regenerative, and do not deplete over time. Renewable energy offers
our planet a chance to reduce carbon emissions, clean the air, and put our civilization
on a more sustainable footing. It also offers countries around the world the chance to
improve their energy security and spur economic development. Renewable energy
sources (RES) that use indigenous resources have the potential to provide energy with
negligible emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases [2]. Renewable energy
technologies produce marketable energy by converting natural phenomena/resources
into useful energies. The usage of renewable energy resources is a promising prospect
for the future as an alternative to conventional energy.
a transparent integrated energy policy for accelerated growth of domestic energy
(Pearce et al., 1996; Neumayer, 2003), based on the belief that natural capital cannot
be substituted, either for production purposes or for environmental provision of
regulating, supporting and cultural services (Norgaard, 1994). As an example,
limited sinks such as the atmosphere’s capacity to absorb GHG emissions may be
better captured by applying the constraints of the strong sustainability concept
(Neumayer, 2003; IPCC, 2007b). In one important interpretation, the physical stock
of specific non-substitutable resources (so-called ‘critical natural capital’) must be
preserved (not allowing for substitution between different types of natural capital)
(Ekins et al., 2003). Guardrails for remaining within the bounds of sustainability are
often justified or motivated by nonlinearities, discontinuities, non-smoothness and
non-convexities (Pearce et al., 1996). As a typical correlate, natural scientists warn of
and describe specific tipping points, critical thresholds at which a tiny perturbation
can qualitatively alter the state or development of Earth systems (Lenton et al.,
2008). The precautionary principle argues for keeping a safe distance from guardrails,
putting the burden of proof for the non-harmful character of natural capital reduction
on those taking action (Ott, 2003). RE can contribute to the development goals of the
three-pillar model and can be assessed in terms of both weak and strong sustainability.
Consumption of non-RE sources, such as fossil fuels and uranium, reduces natural
capital directly. RE, in contrast, sustains natural capital as long as its resource use
does not reduce the potential for future harvest.
India's population of more than 1351 million is growing at an annual rate of 1.58%.
As fossil fuel energy becomes scarcer, India will face energy shortages significantly
due to increase in energy prices and energy insecurity within the next few decades.
Increased use of fossil fuels also causes environmental problems both locally and
globally. The economy of India is the second fastest big emerging economy, after
China, in the world. There is a very high demand for energy, which is currently
satisfied mainly by coal, foreign oil and petroleum, which apart from being a non-
renewable, and therefore non-permanent solution to the energy crisis, it is also
detrimental to the environment. Thus, it is imperative that India obtains energy
security without affecting the booming economy, which would mean that the country
must switch from the nonrenewable energy (crude oil and coal) to renewable energy.
For these reasons the development and use of RES & Technologies are
becoming vital for sustainable economic development of India. Expert consultation at
the Asia Energy Vision 2020, organized under the World Energy Council agreed on
energy demand projection in India up to 2020 as given in Table 1[3]. The Expert
Committee on Integrated Energy Policy in its Report (IEPR 2006) has estimated that
by 2032, i.e., 25 years from now primary commercial energy requirement in the
country would need to go up 4–5 times the current level, electricity generation
installed capacity 5.6–7 times the current level and oil requirement by 3–6 times the
current level.
The major contribution to renewable energy investment comes from
private sector participation. This is due to the support from the government, which
leverages the private investment.
3.1 Solar Energy
Theoretically, solar might seem an ideal energy source, as it is free and virtually
limitless. The solar radiation reaching the earth’s surface in one year provides more
than 10,000 times the world’s yearly energy needs. Furthermore, harnessing just one-
quarter of the solar energy that falls on the world’s paved areas could meet all current
global energy needs comfortably. India is densely populated and has high solar
insolation, an ideal combination for using solar power. Because of its location
between the Tropic of Cancer and the Equator, India has an average annual
temperature ranging from 25 °C to 27.5 °C. Therefore India has huge solar potential
(Khanna et al., 2008). Driven by an increasing demand for electricity and widening
gap between demand and supply, India has targeted 20 GW of Solar Power by 2022.
With about 300 clear, sunny days in a year, India’s theoretical solar power reception,
on only its land area is about 5000 PW h/year or about 600,000 GW (Sharma, 2011).
The daily average solar energy incident over India varies 4–7 kW h/m2with about
1500–2000 sunshine hours per year (depending upon location), which is far more than
current total energy consumption. India has an expanding solar energy sector: 9 solar
cell manufacturers, 22 PV module manufacturers, and 50 PV systems manufacturers.
India has been ranked 7th worldwide for solar photovoltaic cell production and secure
9th rank in solar thermal power generation (Parikh and Ghosh, 2009). This capacity
is growing rapidly due to the entry of various private players in manufacturing of
solar energy equipment.
Solar power systems can only use direct beam radiation and need to be
positioned in regions with high direct solar radiation. The feasibility of solar energy
system at any location depends on meteorological data on sunlight conditions for that
region. It also depends on the summer highs & winter lows and variable local weather
conditions. Solar thermal technology use solar energy to generate heat energy and is
used in residential and manufacturing applications. A basic system consists of a solar
thermal collectors and circulation fluid and pump. Whereas, in solar PV system,
typical silicon based solar photovoltaic cells are grouped together into a solar module
which converts the sunlight into electricity directly (Khanna et al., 2008).
Technological development has opened up a huge new market for solar power as vast
numbers of people in remote areas don’t have access to grid electricity. In reality,
people have to pay more for lighting due to inefficient kerosene lamps. Although solar
power usually costs more than electricity from conventional power plants, but it
makes economic sense as the cost of lighting is half in comparison to kerosene. Also,
the declining cost of LED-based lighting, storage batteries, and solar panels have
made it possible for millions of households to switch from crude kerosene lamps to
cleaner and safer electric lighting.
3.2 Wind Energy
In India, winds are influenced by the strong south-west summer monsoon,
which starts in May–June, the weaker north-east winter monsoon, which starts in
October and during the period March to August, the winds get stronger over the
whole Indian peninsula except the eastern coast (Hossain, 2011). Wind speeds during
November to March are comparatively weak, though higher winds are available in the
Tamil Nadu coastline (Hossain, 2011). Wind turbines are mounted on tower to
capture the most energy with less turbulent wind. Wind turbine converts kinetic
energy from the wind into electrical power. The combination of lift force (which pulls
the blades toward it) and drag force (which acts against front side of blades) causes
the rotor to spin like a propeller and spins the generator to make electricity. Wind
turbines can be used as stand-alone applications, or connected to a utility power grid
or even combined with a hybrid system. Wind farms, the arrays of large turbines are
becoming significant source of renewable energy as part of a strategy to reduce
dependency on fossil fuels.
3.3 Biomass and Biogas Energy
3.4 Small Hydropower
Energy from small hydro is the oldest. It is most reliable of all renewable energy
sources. The development of small scale hydropower in India started almost in the
pace with the world’s first hydroelectric installation in 1882 at Appleton USA
(Dhillon and Sastry, 1992). The 130 KW installations in Sidrapong (Darjeeling) in
the year 1897 was the first installation in India. The other installations were
Shivasamundram at Mysore (2000 kW), and Bhoorisingh in Chamba (40 kW) in
1902, Galogi at Mussoorie (3000 kW) in 1907, Jubbal (50 kW) in 1911 and Chhaba
(1750 kW) at Shimla in 1913 (Palit, 2003). These plants were used primarily for
lighting in important towns and are still working.
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), 2009 has been vested
with the responsibility of developing Small Hydro Power (SHP) projects up to
25 MW station capacities. The estimated potential for power generation in the country
from such plants is about 20,000 MW (MNRE official website). Most of the potential
is in Himalayan States as river-based projects and in other States on irrigation canals.
The SHP programme is now essentially private investment driven. Projects are
normally economically viable and private sector is showing lot of interest in investing
in SHP projects. The viability of these projects improves with increase in the project
capacity. The Ministry’s aim is that at least 50% of the potential in the country is
harnessed in the next 10 years. It has been recognized that small hydropower projects
can play a critical role in improving the overall energy scenario of the country and in
particular for remote and inaccessible areas (Kumar, 2008). The Ministry is
encouraging development of small hydro projects both in the public as well as private
sector. Equal attention is being paid to grid-interactive and decentralized projects.
Hydro power projects are generally categorized in two segments i.e. small and large
hydro. In India, hydro projects up to 25 MW station capacities have been categorized
as Small Hydro Power (SHP) projects. While Ministry of Power, Government of India
is responsible for large hydro projects, the mandate for the subject small hydro power
(up to 25 MW) is given to Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), 2009.
Small hydro power projects are further classified as Micro hydro up to 100 kW plant
capacities, Mini hydro from 101 kW to 2000 kW and Small hydro up to 25,000 kW
plant capacities. The Ministry’s aim is that the SHP installed capacity should be about
7000 MW by the end of 12th Plan. The focus of the SHP programme is to lower the
cost of equipment, increase its reliability and setup projects in areas which give the
maximum advantage in terms of capacity utilization. An estimated potential of about
20,000 MW of small hydro power projects exists in India. Ministry of New and
Renewable Energy (MNRE), 2009 has created a database of potential sites of small
hydro and 6474 potential sites with an aggregate capacity of 19,749.44 MW for
projects up to 25 MW capacity have been identified (MNRE official website). The
Administrative Approval for the year 2014–2015 and remaining period of 12th Plan
for Small Hydro Power Programme (up to 25 MW Capacity) has already been
circulated vide letter No. 14(03)2014-SHP dated 2nd July 2014 (MNRE official
website). Under the SHP Programme Central Financial Assistance is provided for:
3.5 Tidal Energy
India has a great potential for uncapping this huge renewable and sustainable resource
for power generation. India has a long coastline of about 7500 km and about 336
islands in Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea with the estuaries and gulfs where tides are
strong enough to move turbines for electrical power generation. The Gulf of Cambay
and the Gulf of Kutch in Gujarat on the west coast have the maximum tidal range of
11 m and 8 m with average tidal range of 6.77 m and 5.23 m respectively
(Barpatragohain, 2015, Ravindran and Raju, 1997). The Ganges Delta in the
Sundarbans is approximately 5 m with an average tidal range of 2.97 m. The
identified economic power potential is about of 8000 MW with nearly 7000 MW in
the Gulf of Cambay, 1200 MW in the Gulf of Kutch in Gujarat and about 100 MW in
the Gangetic delta in the Sunderbans region of West Bengal.
Tidal power has traditionally suffered from relatively high cost and
limited availability of sites with sufficiently high tidal ranges or flow velocities, thus
restricting its total availability (Ravindran and Raju, 1997). However, many recent
technological developments and improvements, both in design (e.g. dynamic tidal
power, tidal lagoons) and turbine technology (e.g. new axial turbines, triple-helix
turbines cross flow turbines), indicate that the total availability of tidal power may be
much higher than previously assumed and that economic and environmental costs
may be brought down to competitive levels. There is significant room for innovation
and more routine engineering development in energy harvesting and conversion
devices as well as in the entire infrastructure required to support the construction,
installation, maintenance and decommissioning of these systems.
3.6 Geothermal Energy
A number of geothermal power plants, which generate more than 10,000 MW power
are operational in 24 countries of the world. Besides, geothermal energy is being used
directly for heating in at least 78 countries (Axelsson et al., 2005). The largest
producer of this energy is USA generating about 3086 MW of electricity (Monastero,
2002). India has huge potential to become a leading contributor in generating
geothermal power. But, the power generation through geothermal resources is still in
nascent stages in India. 340 geothermal hot springs have been identified in India.
Most of them are in the low surface temperature range from 37 °C to 90 °C which is
suitable for direct heat applications (Parikh and Ghosh, 2009). These springs are
grouped into seven geothermal provinces – Himalayan (Puga, Chhumathang), Sahara
Valley, and Cambay Basin, Son-Narmada-Tapi lineament belt, West Coast, Godavari
basin and Mahanadi basin. Some of the prominent geothermal resources include Puga
Valley and Chhumathang in Jammu and Kashmir, Manikaran in Himachal Pradesh,
Jalgaon in Maharashtra and Tapovan in Uttarakhand. A new location of geothermal
power energy has also been found in Tattapani in Chhattisgarh.
For harnessing Geothermal energy in the country the Ministry of New &
Renewable Energy (MNRE) has been supporting R&D on exploration activities and
Resource Assessment during last 25 years. This includes formation of expert groups,
working group, core group and committees in addition to providing financial support
for such projects and for resource assessment. MNRE is targeting for deployment of
Geo-thermal capacity of 1000 MW in the initial phase till 2022. Resource Assessment
is being planned in 2016–2017 for public domain.
But yet geothermal power projects has not been exploited at mass scale,
owing to a variety of reasons, the chief being the availability of plentiful coal at cheap
costs. If harnessed incorrectly, geothermal energy can sometime produce pollutants
resulting in environmental hazards. Deep drilling is another issue. However, with
technological development, better understanding of reservoir characteristics,
increasing environmental problems and widening gap between energy demand and
supply India will need to start depending on clean and eco-friendly energy sources in
future; one of which could be geothermal.
application of hydropower is in a compressor. Specially designed compressors can be
used for adjusting turbine blades and governor valves. They can also be used to blow
out the water to eliminate the load during starting.
India is mainly depending on the fossil fuels for its electrical energy needs. Coal
based power plants serve 61% of total demand [4]. In order to reduce economic
burden, pollution, oil imports and to promote RES utilization, Government of India
(GoI) has launched several programmes and policies. RES capacity of the country
increased from 6 MW in 1985 to 57260 MW in 2017 [5], [6]. Total installed capacity
of the country is 334399.83 MW as on 31st January 2018, and it is comprised of Coal
(193821.50 MW), Gas (25150.38), Diesel (837.63 MW), Nuclear (6780.00 MW),
Hydro (44963.42 MW), RES (62846.90 MW) [7]. Total installed capacity and share
of various sources are depicted in Fig. 1. Share of electricity consumption by utilities
in India as on 31.03.2017 is shown in Fig. 2[8].
Figure 1- Share of electricity consumption by utilities
Indian Electricity act 2003, National Electricity Policy-2005 and National Solar
Mission of GoI acted as the catalyst for RES development in India.
The technology for solar power plants can be broadly classified to.
1. Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) plants
2. Solar thermal Power plants.
Figure 2- Comparison of life cycle emissions
Although the solar photovoltaic technology has taken enormous leaps when it comes
to technology, it still hasn't proven to be enough. Research suggests that the
low conversion efficiency of solar photovoltaic technology compared to conventional
systems remains to be the biggest technological challenge in development of solar
energy systems [14]. Another barrier is that PV plants are rarely able to provide an
immediate response to load demand. This problem does not arise in conventional
power plants and thus makes them more effective [15]. Although the use of storage
mechanisms like battery banks helps deal with this challenge but autonomy can only
be provided for so many days without increasing cost and size of plant. As it has been
mentioned in earlier sections, a different variety of solar PV technologies are
available in the market. But the efficiencies of each of these technologies looks
considerably low in comparison to conventional power plants. Several studies also
depict various other technological barriers in the development of solar energy
generation like the intermittent nature of solar radiation which hampers the ability of
the PV system to meet the consumers demand, difference in the standard conditions
and real time conditions also effect the performance. Component failure often leads to
inability of solar PV system to generate electricity until the component is replaced
[16]. Operation in high temperature and mismatch in output from individual panels in
a PV array often leads to the creation of hotspots which reduce the efficiency of the
solar PV plant. These hotspots in the long run cause severe deterioration of the PV
panel thus increasing the cost of maintenance and repair. To avoid the formation of
hotspots, quality check is a must for PV module developers. Standards must be set for
the manufacturer to improve the quality and lifetime of the PV modules.
6.2 Wind Energy
The growth of wind energy in India is enormous and proves to be an option to migrate
the challenges to meet electricity demands, environmental pollution, greenhouse gas
emission and depleting fossil fuel etc. India has the second largest wind market
in Asia after China and fourth amongst the global cumulative installed countries of
the world after USA and Germany [17]. During this year, 4148 MW wind projects
were commissioned. Wind Energy contributes the major portion of 64.09% of
total renewable energy capacity of the country [18].
Table 2.
3. Arunachal 236 – – – –
4. Assam* 112 – – – –
5. Bihar 144 – – – –
7. Diu Damn 4
10. Haryana 93 – – – –
12. Jharkhand 91 – – – –
S.No. State/UTs 80 m 100 m
19. Manipur* 56 – – – –
20. Meghalaya* 82 – – – –
21 Nagaland 16 – – – –
25. Sikkim* 98 – – – –
Note: For 80 m ∗Wind potential has yet to be validated with actual measurements.
Estimation is based on meso scale modelling (Indian Wind Atlas).
As actual land assessment is not done on a conservative consideration 2% land
availability for all states except Himalayan & North eastern states, Andaman Nicobar
Islands and Poor windy states has been assumed. In other area 0.5% land availability
has been assumed.
Table 3.
8 Kerala 55 35 43 51 0.15 –
Table 4.
S. No State Cumulative
Installed Capacity
1. Arunachal Pradesh 7
2. Assam 6
3. Manipur 140
4. Meghalaya 201
5. Sikkim 16
6. Tripura 2
7. Nagaland 20
8. Mizoram 21
With the modern technology incorporated in the wind turbines, wind power
generation limits have been uplifted. Hence, penetration level of wind power has
become more significant and is leading to more complex, sophisticated and
reliable interconnection requirements. Initially, wind power did not have any serious
impact on the power system control, but now due to its size, wind power has to play a
much more active part in grid operation and control. The unit size of machines has
gone up to 3.00 MW. Over 50 different models of wind turbines are being
manufactured by more than 20 different companies in India. The technology used in
wind turbines is based on a squirrel-cage induction generator connected directly to the
grid. Power pulsations in the wind were almost directly transferred to the electrical
grid by this technology. The top 10 WT manufacturers in 2015 and
their priority generator technologies are illustrated in Fig. 4
Figure 3- - Comparison of life cycle emissions
6.3 Biomass and Biogas
Large quantities of various biomass wastes are available in India. These wastes can be
converted to the energy fuels called bio-fuels by bio-chemical as well as thermo-
chemical conversion process [21].
Solid wastes obtained from these industries are fruits and vegetables
scrap, non-standard food, pulp and fiber obtained from extraction of sugar and starch,
filter sludge, etc. All these solid wastes make a potential feedstock
for biogas generation by anaerobic digestion. These wastes are usually disposed off in
landfill dumps [23].
under anaerobic conditions. Potential of CH4 production is notable in India due to the
more production of animal manure, which enables the huge energy potential [26].
On the landfill sites the methane and carbon dioxide are produced by
natural decomposition in 1:1 ratio. These gases are collected from the stored material
and are swabbed and cleaned before feeding into IC engines or gas turbines to
generate energy. The organic fractional part of MSW can be stabilized anaerobically
in a high-rate biomass digester to obtain biogas for generation of steam and
electricity [28], [29].
There is large scope exists for the exploitation of bio-crops for their
conversion to bio-fuels e.g. ethanol and bio-diesel, by thermos conversion as well
as bio-chemical conversion routes. Apart from these energy crops, a huge potential
exists for energy generation from the various industrial wastewaters by bio-chemical
routes. Similarly other biomass wastes e.g. wood wastes, crop residues, animal
manures, and municipal wastes also bear a large potential for energy generation using
bio-chemical as well as thermo-chemical routes. Thus biomass conversion to energy
and fuels may be a quite rewarding in Indian scenario.
India has high potential of biomass about 500 metric tons per year
availability. As per MNRE around 17,500 MW power can be generated by this
available biomass and additional power about 5000 MW can be produce by surplus
available biomass which is around 120–150 MT. Table 5 shows the state wise
estimated potential of biomass as on 31.03.2013.
Table 5.
Biomass Cogeneration- Biomass Cogeneration
to Waste to
States/UTs power bagasse States/UTs power bagasse
energy energy[MW]
[MW] [MW] [MW] [MW]
578 300 123 Nagaland 10 0 0
8 0 0 Odisha 246 0 22
142 0 2 Uttarakhand 24 0 5
Jammu &
43 0 0 West Bengal 396 0 148
Andaman &
Jharkhand 90 0 10 0 0 0
Biomass Cogeneration- Biomass Cogeneration
to Waste to
States/UTs power bagasse States/UTs power bagasse
energy energy[MW]
[MW] [MW] [MW] [MW]
Dadar &
Kerala 1044 0 36 0 0 0
Nagar Have
Manipur 13 0 2 Lakshadweep 0 0 0
Meghalaya 11 0 2 Puducherry 0 0 3
All India
Mizoram 1 0 2 17,538 5000 2707
This surplus biomass can be collected from waste of various industries such as
baggase in sugar mills. As on today around 550 sugar mills are available in India.
Based on existing combustion technology in biomass, 4.5 EJ (105 Mtoe) of direct heat
from the industrial and residential sectors, and 2 to 3 EJ (47 to 70 Mtoe) of heat
from combined heat and power (CHP) plants are obtained [30]. As per MNRE, it is
expected that 73,000 MW energy will be produce by 2032 using biomass as well as
baggase cogeneration.
6.4 Imbibing and Storing Energy
In a power system, both the electrical demand and generation are fluctuating in
nature. Demand fluctuation depends on the end user consumption
characteristics. Renewable energy penetration is one of the primary sources of
generation fluctuation because of their intermittent nature. Frequent fluctuation of
demand and generation affects the stability of the grid and makes the system control
complicated. During the peak electrical demand hours generally hydel or gas plants
are operated due to their fast synchronizing capability. But availability of hydel plants
is limited due to many reasons and operating gas plants for peak demand hour
requirements will result in practical difficulties and added cost. Thermal plants
exhibits lower efficiency for low load factors and results in uneconomic operation.
Therefore there is a minimum demand requirement to maintain the economic
generation. EES can act as a load without wasting energy during excess generation
hours and can act as a generator during peak demand hours so that generation
and load balance can be achieved.
6.4.2 Balancing intermediate renewable energy penetration
EES can support the power system during peak hours with stored energy and reduce
transmission congestion due to overloading. This will increase the life of transmission
infrastructure and reduce transmission capacity investments.
EES can reduce unscheduled interchange by providing instant energy during high
demand hours. This reduces the complexity of scheduling. Also by minimizing
unscheduled interchanges market operation can be made more effective. EES can
support gencos by providing “time shifting” and thereby more freedom in scheduling.
EES can contribute optimal utilization of available generation.
Reducing energy purchase during peak hours is called “Peak Shaving”. This can be
achieved by imposing more cost per unit during peak hours and discouraging energy
usage during peak hours. Peak demand is usually met with the help of high cost power
from gas plants and it requires lot of coordination and planning. On the other hand
EES installed at genco level can discharge the stored energy during high demand
which can reduce energy purchase.
By balancing load and demand fluctuation in the grid, EES can provide better voltage
and frequency regulation. It can also maintain control over tie-line power flow and
area control error.
As EES can provide energy for peak demand hours, operation of peak hour gas/diesel
plants can be minimized. Also EES can support large RES penetration and reduce
dependency on fossil fuels. These can reduce carbon emission up to some extent.
By providing spinning reserve for high demand time, EES can reduce
energy curtailment. EES can enhance the reliability of the power by maintaining the
continuity of power supply at consumer end.
6.4.10 Providing emergency and black start assistance
EES can provide instant energy with minimum start time so that they can help during
emergencies and black start situations.
Table 6.
Performance at low
Low capital cost
temperature is poor
Needs on-board
High cycle efficiency
Needs temperature
Low self-discharges
Sodium-Sulphur control systems
High recyclability
EES System Advantages Disadvantages
Deep discharge
capability and Dendrite formation
flow Battery
Needs geographical
Higher capacity
EES System Advantages Disadvantages
trip efficiency
6.4.11 Large scale ESS in India [35]
Table 7.
Installed Capacity
Project State
Table 8.
Table 9.
4 Porigalkuthu Kerala 80
The total capacity of developed PSH is around 6.8 GW. Some of them are not
operational due to technical problems and delay in construction works.
Grid scale battery storage systems are new comers to the Indian power
industry. Only a few projects are set up till date. A detailed list of battery storage
systems are listed in the Table 10.
Table 10.
Power Rating
Project Technology State
3 POWERGRID Corp. of India Puducherry 0.25
Khareda Lakshmipura
4 Lead acid Rajasthan 0.040
Micro grid
Table 11.
Power Rating
Project Technology State
Development of thermal storage plants are in infant stage. There are a number of
thermal storage plants under developing stage. Concise information about off grid and
grid connected thermal storage plats across the country are given in Table 12.
Table 12.
Total installed capacity and share of large scale EES in India is depicted in Fig. 6 and
capacity of large scale EES projects under development is depicted in Fig. 7.
Figure 5- Total installed capacity and share of large scale EES in India
Figure 6- Total installed capacity and share of large scale EES under
development in India
The National Electricity Policy aims at achieving the following objectives; access to
electricity, availability of power demand (to be fully met by 2012), energy and
peaking shortages to be overcome and spinning reserve to be available, supply of
reliable and quality power of specified standards in an efficient manner and at
reasonable rates, per capita availability of electricity to be increased to over 1000
units by 2012, financial turn around and commercial viability of electricity sector and
protection of consumers’ interests.
Under Sections 3(1) and 3(2), it has been stated that the Central
Government shall, from time to time, prepare and publish the National Electricity
Policy and Tariff Policy, in consultation with the state governments and authority for
development of the power system based on optimal utilization of resources such as
coal, natural gas, nuclear substances or material, hydro and renewable sources of
energy. Section 4 states that the Central Government shall, after consultation with the
state governments, prepare and notify a national policy, permitting stand-alone
systems for rural areas. Section 61, 61(h) and 61(i) state that the appropriate
commission shall, subject to the provision of this Act, specify the terms and
conditions for the determination of tariff, and in doing so, shall be guided by the
following, namely, the promotion of cogeneration and generation of electricity from
renewable sources of energy; and the National Electricity Policy and Tariff Policy.
Section 86(1) and 86(1)(e) state that the state commissions shall discharge the
following functions, namely, promote cogeneration and generation of electricity from
renewable sources of energy by providing, suitable measures for connectivity with the
grid and sale of electricity to any person, and also specify, for purchase of electricity
from such sources, a percentage of the total consumption of electricity in the area of a
distribution license.
The Tariff Policy announced in January 2006 has the following provisions:
2. It will take some time before non-conventional technologies can compete with
conventional sources in terms of cost of electricity. Therefore, procurement by
distribution companies shall be done at preferential tariffs determined by the
Appropriate Commission.
4. The Central Commission should lay down guidelines within three months for
pricing non-firm power, especially from non-conventional sources, to be
followed in cases where such procurement is not through competitive bidding.
Recognizing that climate change is challenge that needed immediate attention, India,
in collaboration with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,
introduced the National Action Plan for Climate Change (NAPCC) in 2008. The aim
of the NAPCC was primarily to address the urgent and critical concerns of the country
as well as to promote the development objectives without compromising the
environment. One of the most successful plans of NAPCC was the National Solar
Mission which aimed to increase the share of solar energy in the total energy mix of
the country. The National Solar Mission also aimed to launch major R&D
programmes in order to create more affordable and convenient solar systems with
provisions for long term storage options. Many research works have recognized the
numerous schemes that have been introduced under the National Solar Mission that
have assisted in electrifying remote areas which earlier had next to zero access to
electricity. Under these schemes Dharnai has become the first village to achieve 100%
installed solar capacity with 100 kW lighting around 450 homes. Along with that,
aggressive R&D has also been initiated empowering the domestic manufacturing
sector and creation of intra-state transmission lines in states like Gujrat, Himachal
Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Maharashtra Section
7.1.6 Policy instruments/incentives: generation based and
Table 13.
Renewable This scheme was introduced in the NAPCC by the MNRE. This scheme
Energy Credits provides a predetermined quota for solar. It was introduced with the aim
of enhancing the demand for solar energy based electricity.
Renewable This policy instrument mandates State and private distributors to purchase
Purchase solar generated electricity.
Table 14.
Tax Benefits Under this scheme, the Central Government provides tax benefits
for solar power projects. Under this scheme, the project developers
are exempted from paying taxes on earnings by selling the power
produced from solar energy for a period of 10 years.
Power Purchase As part of the National Solar Mission in NAPCC, developers are
Agreement permitted to sign a long term power purchase agreement with special
tariff for a period of 10–25 years. This incentive intends to cover the
high capital cost of solar power installations.
Concessional This incentive was introduced to exempt the developers from customs
custom and excise and excise charges on the export of certain parts of solar plants to avoid
duty the developer pulling out of the project thus leading to incomplete
7.2 Suggestions in Policy Making
Policies for • Stringent Rooftop policies are the need of the hour.
Generation •Need to create awareness among residential consumers and provide clear
and credible information about various factors regarding rooftop
generation like market for PV, availability, service and maintenance, net
metering benefits.
Funding for •Banks need to be more flexible in regard of loans for PV installations for
Solar PV small and medium enterprises and residential consumers.
•Limiting stages of approvals required to obtain net metering benefits.
7.2.2 Wind Energy
Streamlining Permit Processes: Policy makers can support wind investment through
centralizing review and permitting of wind projects. Streamlined permitting involves
limiting the number of agencies engaged to reduce the burden on developers to
contact and receive permits from many different agencies. Further, to support
streamlined permitting and approvals, fully informing and integrating local
communities into wind development decision-making processes is critical, even when
conducted at the regional or national level
Creating an ambient atmosphere and robust market for investors to invest in RES is
mandatory as we know that at the end of the day everything is driven by economy.
State-of-the-art in 100% RE modelling applies a full hourly methodology with the aim
to capture the various forms of flexibility to achieve optimized energy system
solutions. This is increasingly complemented by a broad portfolio of energy
technologies. An increasing number of articles cover several energy sectors,
overcoming the limited view of only the power sector. This reflects
the integration of future energy systems and the increasingly important role of
electricity in all energy sectors. More emphasis is required in 100% RE research on
the full transport sector, industrial feedstock, power-to-X technologies, carbon
dioxide removal options, and sector coupling.
Several energy system models have been established for modelling global
100% RE research, but only few models have yet been developed to such extent that
they can describe all required sectors and features in a sufficient level of detail and
they have not been applied to the global level. Energy system models may be further
progressed to be coupled with integrated assessment models for a more
comprehensive and multi-disciplinary understanding of defossilisation pathways to
the benefit of all involved communities and stakeholders.
evaluate and assess whether India can sustain its growth and its society with
renewable resources.
Development in the use of the renewable energy sources has, until now at
least, been poor. The lack of entrepreneurship in the deployment of such capital and
technology, lack of institutional support at the grass-root level, poor focus on training
and management for using and maintaining such new technologies and the lack of
awareness of the rural community – on top of the high cost – have been key barriers.
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Vivek Kumar
Department of Mechanical Engineering
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