North South University: ID# 161 2389 025 Degree
North South University: ID# 161 2389 025 Degree
North South University: ID# 161 2389 025 Degree
Student Name: Partho Bosak Sagor Advisor: #1612389# ID# 161 2389 025 Degree: Undergraduate
Sl. Course Section Faculty Credit Tuition NSU Accounts Clearance
1. CEE240L 1 MMS4 1.0 5500.00
2. CEE330L 1 MFQ 1.0 5500.00 Student Activity Fee 2000.00 Library Clearance OK
3. CEE360L 1 BIS 1.0 5500.00 Computer Lab Fee 1500.00
Library Fee 500.00
4. CEE410 1 SBC 3.0 16500.00
Total: 92000.00
5. CEE460 1 NMR 3.0 16500.00
Less: Non Tuition Fees 4000.00
6. CEE475 1 SJI 3.0 16500.00
Less: Covid special waiver 10 % 8800.00
7. CEE499C 3 SBC 1.0 5500.00 Payable: 79200.00
8. ENG103 9 MANA 3.0 16500.00
Tuition Total: 88000.00
Student Name: Partho Bosak Sagor Advisor : #1612389# ID# 161 2389 025 Degree: Undergraduate
Sl. Course Section Faculty Credit Tuition
1. CEE240L 1 MMS4 1.0 5500.00
2. CEE330L 1 MFQ 1.0 5500.00 Student Activity Fee 2000.00
3. CEE360L 1 BIS 1.0 5500.00 Computer Lab Fee 1500.00
Library Fee 500.00
4. CEE410 1 SBC 3.0 16500.00
Total: 92000.00
5. CEE460 1 NMR 3.0 16500.00
Less: Non Tuition Fees 4000.00
6. CEE475 1 SJI 3.0 16500.00
Less: Covid special waiver 10 % 8800.00
7. CEE499C 3 SBC 1.0 5500.00 Payable: 79200.00
8. ENG103 9 MANA 3.0 16500.00
Tuition Total: 88000.00
Amount: 79200.00 (Seventy Nine Thousand Two Hundred Only)
North South University
Student Registration - Spring 2021
Registration #: 211-1612389-141621
Date: Sunday, 14 February 2021, 04:21:03 PM
Student Name: Partho Bosak Sagor ID# 161 2389 025 Degree: Undergraduate
Amount to be Paid: 79200.00 (Seventy Nine Thousand Two Hundred Only)
North South University
Registration #: 211-1612389-141621
Student Registration - Spring 2021
Date: Sunday, 14 February 2021, 04:21:03 PM
Student Name: Partho Bosak Sagor Advisor: #1612389# ID# 161 2389 025 Degree: Undergraduate
Sl. Course Course Title Faculty Room Schedule Credit Tuition Student Activity Fee 2000.00
1. CEE240L.1 Introduction to Soil. MMS4 B117 01:00 PM - 04:10 PM M 1.0 5500.00 Computer Lab Fee 1500.00
2. CEE330L.1 Structural Analysis . MFQ 11:20 AM - 02:30 PM W 1.0 5500.00 Library Fee 500.00
Total: 92000.00
3. CEE360L.1 Open-Channel Hydraul. BIS 08:00 AM - 11:00 AM R 1.0 5500.00
Less: Non Tuition Fees 4000.00
4. CEE410.1 Construction Engine. SBC SAC304 02:40 PM - 04:10 PM RA 3.0 16500.00
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