General Ledger Reference: Technical Manual

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General Ledger


Technical Manual
Copyright (c) 2001 Jenzabar, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Filename: tmglref
Distribution date: 08/18/1999

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INFORMIX, PERFORM, and ACE are registered trademarks of the IBM Corporation
Impromptu, PowerPlay, Scenario, and Cognos are registered trademarks of the Cognos Corporation
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SECTION 1 - USING THIS MANUAL........................................................................................................... 1

Overview..................................................................................................................................................... 1
Purpose of This Manual.......................................................................................................................... 1
Intended Audience.................................................................................................................................. 1
Product Differences ................................................................................................................................ 1
Structure of This Manual ........................................................................................................................ 1
SECTION 2 - GENERAL LEDGER PROCESSES....................................................................................... 3
Overview..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Purpose of Module ................................................................................................................................. 3
Background Knowledge.......................................................................................................................... 3
Process Flows ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 5
Entry Preparation and Querying............................................................................................................. 5
Diagram .................................................................................................................................................. 5
Maintenance/Year-end Processing ........................................................................................................ 7
Diagram .................................................................................................................................................. 7
Module Relationships ............................................................................................................................... 10
Other Jenzabar CX Modules ............................................................................................................... 10
SECTION 3 - GENERAL LEDGER TABLES AND RECORDS................................................................. 11
Overview................................................................................................................................................... 11
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 11
Alphabetical Organization..................................................................................................................... 11
What is an SQL Table? ........................................................................................................................ 12
What is a Jenzabar CX Table?............................................................................................................ 12
What is a Jenzabar CX Record? ......................................................................................................... 12
Common Tables ................................................................................................................................... 12
Shared Records.................................................................................................................................... 12
Required Tables and Records.............................................................................................................. 12
Table and Record Relationships .............................................................................................................. 14
Entity Relationship Diagram ................................................................................................................. 14
Record Relationships ............................................................................................................................... 15
Diagram of Journal Entry Records ....................................................................................................... 15
Diagrams of Subsidiary Records.......................................................................................................... 16
Diagram of Journal Records................................................................................................................. 18
Diagram of Transaction Records.......................................................................................................... 19
Verification Relationships ......................................................................................................................... 20
Diagrams of Verification Relationships................................................................................................. 20
General Ledger Schemas ........................................................................................................................ 24
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 24
File Naming Conventions ..................................................................................................................... 24
Field Descriptions ................................................................................................................................. 24
Schema File Reports ............................................................................................................................ 24
General Ledger Tables and Records ....................................................................................................... 25
Table and Record Information.............................................................................................................. 25
SECTION 4 – JENZABAR CX PROGRAM FILES .................................................................................... 37
Overview................................................................................................................................................... 37

Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 37
Program Files Detailed ......................................................................................................................... 37
Definition File ........................................................................................................................................ 37
Example of a def.c File ......................................................................................................................... 38
mac.h Files ........................................................................................................................................... 39
Example of a mac.h File ....................................................................................................................... 39
SECTION 5 - ACCOUNTING QUERY AND SUBSIDIARY QUERY ......................................................... 41
Overview................................................................................................................................................... 41
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 41
Program Features Detailed .................................................................................................................. 41
Program Files ....................................................................................................................................... 41
Process Flow ............................................................................................................................................ 42
Diagram ................................................................................................................................................ 42
Data Flow Description for acquery ....................................................................................................... 43
Program Interrelationships ................................................................................................................... 46
Process Flow for Subsidiary Query .......................................................................................................... 47
Diagram ................................................................................................................................................ 47
Data Flow Description for saquery ....................................................................................................... 48
Program Interrelationships ................................................................................................................... 49
Query Program Parameters ..................................................................................................................... 50
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 50
Parameter Syntax................................................................................................................................. 50
Parameters ........................................................................................................................................... 50
Program Screens...................................................................................................................................... 51
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 51
Access .................................................................................................................................................. 51
Screen Files.......................................................................................................................................... 51
SECTION 6 - BACKGROUND VOUCHER ................................................................................................ 55
Overview................................................................................................................................................... 55
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 55
Program Features Detailed .................................................................................................................. 55
Program Files ....................................................................................................................................... 55
Process Flow ............................................................................................................................................ 56
Diagram ................................................................................................................................................ 56
Data Flow Description .......................................................................................................................... 57
Process Description for Starting a Journal........................................................................................... 58
Process Description for Continuing a Journal ...................................................................................... 58
Process Description for Creating Claim on Cash Entries .................................................................... 58
Process Description for Verification ..................................................................................................... 59
Process Description for Subsidiary Validation ..................................................................................... 60
Process Description for Posting ........................................................................................................... 61
Process Description for Posting Subsidiaries ...................................................................................... 62
Subsidiary Balance and Total Processing............................................................................................ 63
Program Relationships ......................................................................................................................... 63
Background Voucher Functions ............................................................................................................... 65
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 65
Functions .............................................................................................................................................. 65
Internal Functions ................................................................................................................................. 67
Functions Used by bgvoucher.............................................................................................................. 67
SECTION 7 - BUDGET REVIEW ............................................................................................................... 71
Overview................................................................................................................................................... 71
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 71
Program Features Detailed .................................................................................................................. 71

Program Files ....................................................................................................................................... 71
Tables Used in the Program................................................................................................................. 71
Process Flow ............................................................................................................................................ 72
Diagram ................................................................................................................................................ 72
Data Flow Description .......................................................................................................................... 73
Program Relationships ......................................................................................................................... 73
Global Data Structures ......................................................................................................................... 73
Review Library Routine ............................................................................................................................ 74
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 74
Input to the review Routine................................................................................................................... 74
Return Values ....................................................................................................................................... 74
Output From the review Routine .......................................................................................................... 74
Budget Review Parameters...................................................................................................................... 75
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 75
Parameter Syntax................................................................................................................................. 75
Parameters ........................................................................................................................................... 75
Program Screens...................................................................................................................................... 76
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 76
Access .................................................................................................................................................. 76
Screen Files and Table/Record Usage ................................................................................................ 76
SECTION 8 - BURSAR QUERY................................................................................................................. 77
Overview................................................................................................................................................... 77
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 77
Program Features Detailed .................................................................................................................. 77
Program Files ....................................................................................................................................... 77
Program Access ................................................................................................................................... 77
Process Flow ............................................................................................................................................ 78
Diagram ................................................................................................................................................ 78
Data Flow Description .......................................................................................................................... 79
Program Relationships ......................................................................................................................... 79
Bursar Query Parameters ........................................................................................................................ 80
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 80
Parameter Syntax................................................................................................................................. 80
Parameters ........................................................................................................................................... 80
Program Screens...................................................................................................................................... 81
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 81
Access .................................................................................................................................................. 81
Screen Files.......................................................................................................................................... 81
Table/Record Usage............................................................................................................................. 81
SECTION 9 - FILEPOST ............................................................................................................................ 83
Overview................................................................................................................................................... 83
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 83
Program Features Detailed .................................................................................................................. 83
Program Files ....................................................................................................................................... 83
Tables Used in the Program................................................................................................................. 83
Process Flow ............................................................................................................................................ 84
Diagram ................................................................................................................................................ 84
Data Flow Description .......................................................................................................................... 86
File Types Used by filepost .................................................................................................................. 86
Program Relationships ......................................................................................................................... 87
Filepost Parameters ................................................................................................................................. 88
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 88
Parameter Syntax................................................................................................................................. 88
Parameters ........................................................................................................................................... 88

Tips for Specifying Processing Parameters ......................................................................................... 89
Program Screens...................................................................................................................................... 90
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 90
Access .................................................................................................................................................. 90
Screen File............................................................................................................................................ 90
REPORT ..................................................................................................................................................... 91
Overview................................................................................................................................................... 91
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 91
Program Features Detailed .................................................................................................................. 91
Program Files ....................................................................................................................................... 91
Tables Used in the Programs............................................................................................................... 91
Process Flow ............................................................................................................................................ 93
Diagram ................................................................................................................................................ 93
Data Flow Description .......................................................................................................................... 96
Program Relationships ......................................................................................................................... 98
Financial Statement Report Program Parameters ................................................................................... 99
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 99
Parameter Syntax................................................................................................................................. 99
Parameters for Financial Statement Generation.................................................................................. 99
Parameters for Financial Format.......................................................................................................... 99
Parameters for Financial Report .......................................................................................................... 99
Program Screens.................................................................................................................................... 101
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 101
Access to fingen screens ................................................................................................................... 101
Access to finformat screen ................................................................................................................. 101
Financial Statement Generation Screen Files and Table/Record Usage .......................................... 101
Financial Format Screen File and Table/Record Usage .................................................................... 102
SECTION 11 - GENERAL LEDGER AUDIT ............................................................................................ 103
Overview................................................................................................................................................. 103
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 103
Program Features Detailed ................................................................................................................ 103
Program Files ..................................................................................................................................... 103
Tables Used in the Program............................................................................................................... 103
Process Flow .......................................................................................................................................... 105
Diagram .............................................................................................................................................. 105
Data Flow Description ........................................................................................................................ 110
Program Relationships ....................................................................................................................... 111
General Ledger Audit Parameters.......................................................................................................... 112
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 112
Parameter Syntax............................................................................................................................... 112
Parameters ......................................................................................................................................... 112
SECTION 12 - GENERAL LEDGER BALANCE FORWARD ................................................................. 113
Overview................................................................................................................................................. 113
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 113
Program Features Detailed ................................................................................................................ 113
Running Subsidiary Account Balance Forward.................................................................................. 113
Program Files ..................................................................................................................................... 113
Tables Used in the Program............................................................................................................... 113
Process Flow .......................................................................................................................................... 114
Diagram .............................................................................................................................................. 114
Data Flow Description ........................................................................................................................ 115
Program Relationships ....................................................................................................................... 115

General Ledger Balance Forward Parameters ...................................................................................... 116
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 116
Parameter Syntax............................................................................................................................... 116
Parameters ......................................................................................................................................... 116
SECTION 13 - GENERAL LEDGER CLOSING....................................................................................... 117
Overview................................................................................................................................................. 117
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 117
Program Features Detailed ................................................................................................................ 117
Program Files ..................................................................................................................................... 117
Tables Used in the Program............................................................................................................... 117
Process Flow .......................................................................................................................................... 118
Diagram .............................................................................................................................................. 118
Data Flow Description ........................................................................................................................ 119
Program Relationships ....................................................................................................................... 119
General Ledger Closing Parameters...................................................................................................... 120
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 120
Parameter Syntax............................................................................................................................... 120
Parameters ......................................................................................................................................... 120
SECTION 14 - GENERAL LEDGER CLOSING CHECK......................................................................... 121
Overview................................................................................................................................................. 121
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 121
Program Features Detailed ................................................................................................................ 121
Program Files ..................................................................................................................................... 121
Tables Used in the Program............................................................................................................... 121
Process Flow .......................................................................................................................................... 122
Diagram .............................................................................................................................................. 122
Data Flow Description ........................................................................................................................ 123
Program Relationships ....................................................................................................................... 123
General Ledger Closing Check Parameters .......................................................................................... 124
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 124
Parameter Syntax............................................................................................................................... 124
Parameters ......................................................................................................................................... 124
Program Screens.................................................................................................................................... 125
Purpose .............................................................................................................................................. 125
Access ................................................................................................................................................ 125
Screen Location in the Program......................................................................................................... 125
Screen Files and Table/Record Usage .............................................................................................. 125
SECTION 15 - RECURRING ENTRY....................................................................................................... 127
Overview................................................................................................................................................. 127
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 127
Program Features Detailed ................................................................................................................ 127
Program Files ..................................................................................................................................... 127
Tables Used in the Program............................................................................................................... 127
Process Flow .......................................................................................................................................... 129
Diagram .............................................................................................................................................. 129
Data Flow Description ........................................................................................................................ 130
Program Relationships ....................................................................................................................... 130
Recurring Entry Parameters................................................................................................................... 131
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 131
Parameter Syntax............................................................................................................................... 131
Parameters ......................................................................................................................................... 131
Program Screens.................................................................................................................................... 132
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 132

Access ................................................................................................................................................ 132
Screen Files and Table/Record Usage .............................................................................................. 132
SECTION 16 - STANDARD ACCOUNTING ENTRIES ........................................................................... 133
Overview................................................................................................................................................. 133
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 133
Program Features Detailed ................................................................................................................ 133
Program Files ..................................................................................................................................... 133
Process Flow .......................................................................................................................................... 134
Diagram .............................................................................................................................................. 134
Data Flow Description ........................................................................................................................ 135
Program Relationships ....................................................................................................................... 135
Standard Accounting Entries Parameters .............................................................................................. 136
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 136
Parameter Syntax............................................................................................................................... 136
Parameters ......................................................................................................................................... 136
Program Screens.................................................................................................................................... 137
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 137
Access ................................................................................................................................................ 137
Screen File and Table/Record Usage ................................................................................................ 137
SECTION 17 - SUBSIDIARY ACCOUNT BALANCE FORWARD.......................................................... 139
Overview................................................................................................................................................. 139
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 139
Program Features Detailed ................................................................................................................ 139
Program Files ..................................................................................................................................... 139
Tables Used in the Program............................................................................................................... 139
Process Flow .......................................................................................................................................... 141
Diagram .............................................................................................................................................. 141
Data Flow Description ........................................................................................................................ 143
Program Relationships ....................................................................................................................... 143
Subsidiary Account Balance Forward Parameters ................................................................................ 144
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 144
Parameter Syntax............................................................................................................................... 144
Parameters ......................................................................................................................................... 144
SECTION 18 - SUBSIDIARY ARCHIVE .................................................................................................. 145
Overview................................................................................................................................................. 145
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 145
Program Features Detailed ................................................................................................................ 145
Program Files ..................................................................................................................................... 145
Tables Used in the Program............................................................................................................... 145
Process Flow .......................................................................................................................................... 146
Diagram .............................................................................................................................................. 146
Data Flow Description ........................................................................................................................ 150
Program Relationships ....................................................................................................................... 151
Subsidiary Archive Parameters .............................................................................................................. 152
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 152
Parameter Syntax............................................................................................................................... 152
Parameters ......................................................................................................................................... 152
SECTION 19 - SUBSIDIARY ACCOUNT AUDIT .................................................................................... 153
Overview................................................................................................................................................. 153
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 153
Program Features Detailed ................................................................................................................ 153
Program Files ..................................................................................................................................... 153

Program Screens................................................................................................................................ 153
Tables Used in the Program............................................................................................................... 153
Process Flow .......................................................................................................................................... 155
Diagram .............................................................................................................................................. 155
Data Flow Description ........................................................................................................................ 158
Program Relationships ....................................................................................................................... 159
Subsidiary Account Audit Parameters.................................................................................................... 160
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 160
Parameter Syntax............................................................................................................................... 160
Parameters ......................................................................................................................................... 160
SECTION 20 - SUBSIDIARY BALANCE STATUS ................................................................................. 161
Overview................................................................................................................................................. 161
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 161
Program Features Detailed ................................................................................................................ 161
Program Files ..................................................................................................................................... 161
Tables Used in the Program............................................................................................................... 161
Process Flow .......................................................................................................................................... 162
Diagram .............................................................................................................................................. 162
Data Flow Description ........................................................................................................................ 163
Program Relationships ....................................................................................................................... 163
Subsidiary Balance Status Parameters.................................................................................................. 164
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 164
Parameter syntax ............................................................................................................................... 164
Parameters ......................................................................................................................................... 164
SECTION 21 - VOUCHER........................................................................................................................ 165
Overview................................................................................................................................................. 165
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 165
Program Features Detailed ................................................................................................................ 165
Program Files ..................................................................................................................................... 165
Tables Used in the Program............................................................................................................... 165
Process Flow .......................................................................................................................................... 166
Diagram .............................................................................................................................................. 166
Data Flow Description ........................................................................................................................ 169
Program Relationships ....................................................................................................................... 169
Voucher Processing Parameters ........................................................................................................... 170
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 170
Parameter syntax ............................................................................................................................... 170
Parameters ......................................................................................................................................... 170
Program Screens.................................................................................................................................... 171
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 171
Access ................................................................................................................................................ 171
Screen Files and Table/Record Usage .............................................................................................. 171
SECTION 22 - VOUCHER RECOVERY .................................................................................................. 173
Overview................................................................................................................................................. 173
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 173
Program Features Detailed ................................................................................................................ 173
Program Files ..................................................................................................................................... 173
Tables Used in the Program............................................................................................................... 173
Process Flow .......................................................................................................................................... 175
Diagram .............................................................................................................................................. 175
Data Flow Description ........................................................................................................................ 177
Program Relationships ....................................................................................................................... 177
Voucher Recovery Parameters .............................................................................................................. 178

SECTION 23 - MENUS, SCREENS AND SCRIPTS................................................................................ 179
Overview................................................................................................................................................. 179
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 179
Directory Locations............................................................................................................................. 179
General Ledger Menus........................................................................................................................... 180
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 180
Menu Options ..................................................................................................................................... 180
PERFORM (Table Maintenance) Screens ............................................................................................. 220
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 220
PERFORM screens ............................................................................................................................ 220
General Ledger SQL Scripts .................................................................................................................. 222
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 222
SQL scripts ......................................................................................................................................... 222
General Ledger Csh Scripts ................................................................................................................... 224
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 224
Csh Scripts ......................................................................................................................................... 224
INDEX ....................................................................................................................................................... 227



Purpose of This Manual

This second volume of the CX General Ledger technical manual provides reference information.
For specific information on implementing General Ledger, see Volume I of this manual.

Intended Audience

This guide is for use by those individuals responsible for the installation, customization, and
maintenance of CX.

Product Differences

This manual contains documentation for all the features developed for the CX General Ledger
module. Your institution may not have all these features.

Structure of This Manual

This manual is organized as follows:

Overview Information:
Section 1 - Information about using this guide
System Reference Information:
Section 2 - General Ledger Processes
Section 3 - Tables and Records
Section 4 - CX Program Files
Section 5 - Accounting Query and Subsidiary Query
Section 6 - Background Voucher
Section 7 - Budget Review
Section 8 - Bursar Query
Section 9 - Filepost
Section 10- Financial Statement of Generation, Financial Formatting and Financial Report
Section 11 - General Ledger Audit
Section 12 - Balance Forward
Section 13 - General Ledger closing
Section 14 - Closing Check
Section 15 - Recurring Entry
Section 16 - Standard Accounting Entries
Section 17 - Subsidiary Account Balance Forward
Section 18 - Subsidiary Archive
Section 19 - Subsidiary Account Audit
Section 20 - Subsidiary Balance Status
Section 21 - Voucher
Section 22 - Voucher Recovery
Section 23 - Menus, Screens, and Scripts
Reference Information

General Ledger 1 Using This Manual




This section provides information on the purpose and process flow of General Ledger.

Purpose of Module

The primary purpose of General Ledger is to enable the institution to perform accounting
functions. Accounting functions include creating both routine and non-routine journal entries,
reviewing the contents of the accounting records, and closing a fiscal period while preparing the
accounting records for the next fiscal period.

Background Knowledge

The following list describes the necessary background information that you should know to
implement and support the General Ledger module.
Know the following about the UNIX operating system:
• Cash environment and commands
• Editor commands (e.g., vi)
Know about the following INFORMIX tools:
• SQL database
• PERFORM screens
• ACE reports
Jenzabar CX database tools and utilities
Know how to use the following database tools:
• MAKE processor
• Schemas
• Macros
• Includes
• Program screens
• The SMO process
Jenzabar CX
Know the following about the CX standard product:
• CX directory structure
• The menu processor
• The CX database engine
QuickMate features
Know the following about the CX Graphical Server:
• Client/Server processing
• Network settings
• Keyboard settings
• Mouse settings
• GUI mode commands

General Ledger 3 Processes

C Programming
If you want to modify any CX programs to meet unique needs at your institution, you must
know how to use the C programming language and have an in-depth knowledge of the CX
General Ledger policies and procedures
Know answers to the following questions:
• What are your institution’s accounting policies?
• What procedures does your institution use to create entries for payroll, accounts
payable, fixed assets, and donor accounts?
• What are your institution’s policies for archiving obsolete accounting information?
• How does your institution use subsidiaries?
• Does your institution use claim on cash processing?
• What types of budgeting and reporting does your institution require? How do you
use the account number structure to track your information needs?

General Ledger 4 Processes

Process Flows


General Ledger consists of several different functions, including entry preparation and querying,
and maintenance/year-end processing. This section contains a description of these functional
aspects of General Ledger.

Entry Preparation and Querying

Users can create entries in a variety of ways using the General Ledger module. They can use
recurent or sae to create repetitive entries, and they can create non-repetitive entries in voucher.
Voucher and bgvoucher post the entries. In addition, other programs in CX call filepost to format
a file for posting, and then filepost calls bgvoucher to post the formatted file.
After voucher and/or bgvoucher post the transactions, users can use the query programs
acquery and saquery to view the contents of any accounting journals. Bgtreview enables users
to view budget-related journals, and bursar provides the ability to view student account


The following diagram shows the process flow for creating entries in General Ledger.
Note: For more information about program interrelationships and detailed data flow
diagrams, see the individual program sections in this manual.

General Ledger 5 Processes

voucher creates Tables for
journals, entries, and verification and recurent and/or sae
transactions, and posts processing create repetitive entries
the file information

bgvoucher posts
General ledger file

Users produce and

acquery,saquery, Other programs (e.g.,
print financial reports,
bgtreview and bursar filepost, cashier) call
using reporting tools
display general ledger bgvoucher to post
including fingen and
transactions transactions

General Ledger 6 Processes

Maintenance/Year-end Processing

Maintenance and year-end processing consists of the following activities:

• Recovering files that were in use during a system failure
• Updating the status of subsidiary records
• Ensuring that summary records and detail records maintain consistent information
• Preparing balances for a new fiscal period


The following diagram lays out the process flow for year-end processing in General Ledger.
Note: For more information about program interrelationships and detailed data flow
diagrams, see the individual program sections in this manual.

General Ledger 7 Processes


glaudit and/or saaudit

Users resolve
review summary and
detail records


Report output from Does the report

glaudit and/or saaudit show


Users review statuses

of subsidiary records

Do subsidiary
subbstat updates
No records have the
correct status?


Closing Fund Balance

General Ledger scripts Report and Missing
add and edit Fund Fund Balance Report
Balance records

glclcked checks Net

Asset Indicators

General Ledger 8 Processes

continue glclsg creates closing
entries, and bgvoucher
General ledger
posts them to the
general ledger

subbalfwd and glbalfwd

creates balance
forward entries, and
bgvoucher posts them
to the general ledger

(Optional) sarc
archives subsidiary


General Ledger 9 Processes

Module Relationships

Other Jenzabar CX Modules

The General Ledger module interacts with several other modules in Jenzabar CX . The following
list describes the interrelationships.
Note: Each of the programs that creates accounting entries uses the accounting program
bgvoucher to post the transactions.
The Alumni/Development office processes information about gifts to the institution, and uses
Donor Accounting to record gifts.
The Payroll department processes advances, paychecks, and direct deposits for employees,
creating accounting transactions.
Accounts Payable
The Purchasing and Accounts Payable department writes checks in payment for goods and
services received, creating accounting transactions.
Fixed Assets
The Fixed Assets module tracks acquisitions, disposals, and depreciation for long-lived
Student Billing
The Student Billing module computes amounts due from students for tuition and other
services, creating accounting transactions.
Fee Collection
The Fee Collection module allows you to collect payments and allocate them to the proper
The Cashier module allows you to perform accounting functions associated with cash
receipts and disbursements.

General Ledger 10 Processes




This section provides you with reference information about each table and record associated with
the General Ledger module. The following tables appear in this section:
• Amount Type table (atype_table)
• Claim table (claim_table)
• Combined Centers table (cntrcomb_table)
• Document table (doc_table)
• Entry table (ent_table)
• Financial Statement table (fs_table)
• Financial table (fin_rpt_table)
• Function table (func_table)
• Fund table (fund_table)
• General Ledger Association table (glas_table)
• Journal Type table (vch_table)
• Object table (obj_table)
• Recur table (recur_table)
• Standard Accounting Entries table (sae_table)
• Subsidiary Association table (subas_table)
• Subsidiary Balance table (subb_table)
• Subsidiary table (subs_table)
• Subsidiary Total table (subt_table)
The following records appear in this section:
• Closing Fund Balance record (clsgfb_rec)
• Defined Account record (gld_rec)
• Financial Format record (fin_fmt_rec)
• Financial General Ledger record (fin_gl_rec)
• Fiscal Calendar record (fscl_cal_rec)
• General Ledger Account record (gla_rec)
• General Ledger Amount record (gl_amt_rec)
• General Ledger Entry record (gle_rec)
• General Ledger Transaction record (gltr_rec)
• Recur record (recur_rec)
• Standard Accounting Entries record (sae_rec)
• Subfund table (subfund_table)
• Subsidiary Account record (suba_rec)
• Subsidiary Archive record (subarc_rec)
• Subsidiary Balance record (subb_rec)
• Subsidiary Entry record (sube_rec)
• Subsidiary Total record (subt_rec)
• Subsidiary Transaction record (subtr_rec)
• Voucher record (vch_rec)

Alphabetical Organization

The tables and records appear in alphabetical order in this section.

General Ledger 11 Tables and Records

What is an SQL Table?

In a relational SQL database, a table is an organized set of any kind of data, regardless of its
purpose for validation or information maintenance. The basic unit of organization of a table is a
column, a category of data. A table can have multiple columns, and columns typically contain
multiple rows of data.

What is a Jenzabar CX Table?

CXmakes name distinctions in the usage of database tables. A table in CX contains information
that remains static and is denoted with the _table extension. For example, the State table,
named st_table, contains the list of the United States of America. On the CX menu, you can
access most tables in Table Maintenance menus.

What is a Jenzabar CX Record?

CXmakes name distinctions in the usage of database tables. A record in CX is a table that
contains information that changes on a regular basis and is denoted with the _rec extension. For
example, the Alternate Address record, named aa_rec, contains any other addresses at which
students can be contacted, such as a summer address. You access records in CX program
screens, scroll screens, and PERFORM screens.

Common Tables

Programs in the General Ledger module use several tables that are also used in other modular
areas of CX. The following common tables are used:
• 1099 table
• Configuration table
• Payment Form table
• Payment Terms table

Shared Records

Programs in the General Ledger module use several records that are shared by, created in, or
most extensively used in other modular areas of CX. The following list contains these records
and the modules and programs that relate to the records.
Note: If you make changes to schemas for the following records, you will need to reinstall
each associated module.

• Addressing record (adr_rec)

All modules
• Check Reconciliation record (chrecon_rec)
Accounts Payable
• General Ledger Entry Name record (glename_rec)
• ID record (id_rec)
All modules

Required Tables and Records

The following tables and records are required to run the features of the General Ledger module.
To define the Chart of Accounts:
• Defined Account record
• Function table

Tables and Records 12 General Ledger

• Fund table
• Object table
• Subfund table
To produce standard reports:
• Combined Centers table
• Financial Statement table
• G/L Association table
To produce customized reports:
• Financial Format table
• Financial Statement G/L Account table
• Financial Statement Format record
• Financial Statement Report table
• Financial Statement Format table
• Financial Statement Set table
To post to the General Ledger:
• Amount Type table
• Document Type table
• Entry Type table
• Fiscal Calendar record
• Journal Type table
To post to subsidiary accounts:
• Subsidiary Association table
• Subsidiary Balance table
• Subsidiary table
• Subsidiary Totals table
To provide security to Financial records:
• G/L Permission table
• Permission table
• User ID table
To implement the claim on cash feature:
• Claim table
• Configuration table

General Ledger 13 Tables and Records

Table and Record Relationships

Entity Relationship Diagram

The following diagram shows the links between the tables and records used to create journal and
subsidiary entries in the General Ledger module.

vch_rec subs_table
verification vch_rec subs_table verification
tables tables

(ref, jrnl_no)

gle_rec suba_rec
verification gle_rec suba_rec verification
tables tables

(jrnl_ref, jrnl_no,
(subs, subs_no)
(G/L Amount) gle_no)
Also in index
(fscl_yr, ctgry)
At least two has subs
gl_amt_rec sube_rec
per gle_rec
sube_rec verification
(subs) tables
Also in index
(fscl_yr) (subs, subs_no,
(G/L Account)
G/L Account Elements
(fund, func, obj, subfund)
loc (optional)
subloc (optional)
subobj (optional)
class (optional)
subclass (optional)
typ (optional)
subtype (optional) (subs, subs_no, (subs, subs_no,
gla_rec subfunc (optional) tot_prd, tot_code) tot_prd, tot_code)
has bals has tots
tables optional

subb_table subb_rec subt_rec subt_table

bal_code tot_code

Tables and Records 14 General Ledger

Record Relationships

Diagram of Journal Entry Records

The following diagrams show the hierarchy and contents of the records that maintain entry
information in General Ledger.

(journal summary
reference, number,
date, status, etc.)

(vch, document,
ref, number, ID,
entry descr, cash
amt, form of
payment, etc.)
(at least 1 per

(vch_ref, vch and
gl_amt_rec entry number, G/L
(G/L fiscal period accounts and
amount totals, by amount, subs
amount type, by reference,
Data etc.)
account, by year, (at least 2 per
etc.) entry) Data


(Acct number,
descr, subsidiary
ref, journals Is the account number
allowed, special No
a subsidiary?
permissions, etc.)

You do not create or

maintain subsidiary records

Create sube_recs,
subtr_recs, suba_recs,
subb_recs, subt_recs as

General Ledger 15 Tables and Records

Diagrams of Subsidiary Records

The following diagrams shows the interrelationships between the records that maintain subsidiary
information in General Ledger. The first diagram displays the records at a high level, and the
second diagram shows the indexes and links between the records.

subs_table subb_table subt_table


suba_rec subb_rec subt_rec



Tables and Records 16 General Ledger

The following diagram displays the indexes and the common fields that link the subsidiary

(subsidiary, subtr_rec suba_rec
journal, and (subsidiary, ID,
document date, tot/bal code,
Data subtotal by
Data amount amount, etc.)
Data subname (e.g., S/
type, etc.) Data A) and one per ID)

You do not create or Do you use balance

maintain subb_recs information?


(One for each
balance code and
each period, etc.)

You do not create or Do you use total

maintain subt_recs information?


(One for each total
code and each
period, etc.)

General Ledger 17 Tables and Records

Diagram of Journal Records

The following diagram shows the interrelationships between the records that the General Ledger
module uses at the journal level. Note that at least one journal entry must exist in a journal.




gle_rec (1)

Tables and Records 18 General Ledger

Diagram of Transaction Records

The following diagram shows the interrelationships between the records that the General Ledger
module uses at the transaction level.

fund_table gld_rec gla_rec

perm_table gl_amt_rec

glperm_table gltr_rec (2+)


General Ledger 19 Tables and Records

Verification Relationships

Diagrams of Verification Relationships

The following diagrams show the verification relationships between records in General Ledger.


tperm, (tglperm)


(G/L Account)

(fscl_yr) (payplan)

fscl_cal_rec gla_rec

(fund, func, obj, subfund,

(subs) acct_descr1, acct_descr2)

G/L tables
(fund_table, func_table,

Tables and Records 20 General Ledger

The following diagram shows the interrelationships that verify the sube_rec.

ent_table doc_table

(ctgry, descr) docl_ref,


(doc_id, subs_no) jrnl_no)
id_rec sube_rec vch_table

(subs) (amt_type)

subs_table atype_table

General Ledger 21 Tables and Records

The following diagram shows the verifications performed by the subs_table.



(alt_addr_code) (def_pmt_terms)
aa_table subs_table pay_term_table

(fund, func, obj, subfund)

G/L Tables
G/L tables subfund_table

Tables and Records 22 General Ledger

The following diagram shows the verifications performed at the journal level.


(jrnl, last_issued_no,)

(fscl_yr, fscl_mo)
(doc_ref, stn_no)
fscl_cal_rec vch_rec doc_table
(doc, stn_no)



General Ledger 23 Tables and Records

General Ledger Schemas


Schema files define the structure of database files and associated fields in the CX data
dictionary. You can access schema files associated with the General Ledger module in the
following directory path: $CARSPATH/schema/financial

File Naming Conventions

CXmakes name distinctions in the naming of schemas. For schema files containing definitions of
CX tables, the UNIX filename begins with the letter t followed by characters describing the table’s
English name (e.g., tst for the State table). For schema files containing definitions of CX records,
the UNIX filename describes the record’s English name (e.g., as id for ID record).
The first line in a schema file, after revision information, specifies the INFORMIX database table
that the schema defines. For example, st_table (State table) is specified in the tst schema file.

Field Descriptions

Schema files contain descriptions of each field defined in a table or record. You can view
descriptions of fields in General Ledger tables and records by accessing the schema files.

Schema File Reports

Standard CX includes three reports that provide information about the contents of the schema
files. When table implementation begins, you can run the reports to provide the installation team
with information about the tables and their fields.
Select the report options from the following menu path:
System Management: Data Dictionary menu
The reports are as follows:
Lists the columns in the database by table, including its name, short and long descriptions,
field type (e.g., char or date), and size.
Lists the tables that relate to each track area (e.g., ADM or COM ), including the table name,
description and purpose.
Combines the contents of dbefield and dbefile, displaying the tables for each track and the
columns in each table.

Tables and Records 24 General Ledger

General Ledger Tables and Records

Table and Record Information

The following alphabetical list contains the tables and records that originate from the General
Ledger module. The list indicates each table/record’s purpose, its schema filename, its index
and its association with programs and other tables and records.
Note: The Program interrelationships in the list are included in the General Ledger module.
The Module/application interrelationships in the list are not included in the General Ledger
Amount Type table
Purpose: Defines all valid amount types.
Schema filename: tatype
Informix filename: atype_table
Index type: unique simple
Index name: tatype_amt_type
Index fields: amt_type
Program interrelationships: Accounting Query, Background Voucher, General Ledger Audit,
General Ledger Closing, Voucher
Module/application interrelationships: Cislib, Budget
Claim table
Purpose: Defines the accounts which can use the claim on cash feature, and the generated
Schema filename: tclaim
INFORMIX filename: claim_table
First index type: unique
First index name: tclaim_prim
First index fields: GL_FIELDS
Second index type: unique
Second index name: tclaim_contra
Second index fields: GL_FIELDS (contra_)
Program interrelationships: Background Voucher
Closing Fund Balance record
Purpose: Defines the General Ledger accounts to be closed at fiscal year-end and the fund
balance accounts used for posting account balances.
Schema filename: clsgfb
INFORMIX filename: clsgfb_rec
Index type: unique
Index name: cf_prim
Index fields: The fields defined in the macro GL_FIELDS and the field fscl_yr
Program interrelationships: General Ledger Closing
Center table
Purpose: Currently not in use. Optional part of account number.
Schema filename: tcntr
Informix filename: cntr_table
Combined Centers table
Purpose: Defines center combinations for reporting purposes.
Schema filename: tcntrcomb
Informix filename: cntrcomb_table
First index type: unique

General Ledger 25 Tables and Records

First index name: cntrcomb_prim
First index fields: the fields defined in the macro GL_FUNC_FIELD and the field cntrcomb
Second index type: simple
Second index name: cntrcomb_cntrcomb
Second index fields: cntrcomb
Defined Accounts record
Purpose: Defines rules used in validating new accounts, and contains codes used to allow
single-keystroke account entry.
Schema filename: gld
INFORMIX filename: gld_rec
Index type: simple
Index name: gld_gld
Index fields: gld
Program interrelationships: Background Voucher, Voucher
Table/record interrelationships: Budget, Development, Personnel/Payroll
Document table
Purpose: Defines the types of source documents used by the system and the code that
represents each document.
Schema filename: tdoc
Informix filename: doc_table
Index type: composite
Index name: tdoc_key1
Index fields: fields listed in the macro GL_FIELDS
Program interrelationships: Accounting Query, Background Voucher, General Ledger Audit,
General Ledger Balance Forward, Subsidiary Account Balance Forward, Voucher Recovery,
Module/application interrelationships: Cashier, Accounts Payable, Lib, Development, Financial
Aid, Payroll, Purchasing, Requisition
Entry Type table
Purpose: Defines valid entry types and the accounting functions each type may execute.
Schema filename: tent
Informix filename: ent_table
Index type: unique simple
Index name: tent_ent
Index fields: ent
Program interrelationships: Background Voucher, General Ledger Closing, Recurring Entry,
Subsidiary Audit, Subsidiary Account Balance Forward, Voucher
Module/application interrelationships: Cashier, Budget, Financial Aid, Personnel/ Payroll,
Purchasing, Student Billing
Financial Statement Format record
Purpose: Establishes the format for financial statements by report code, and provides columnar
specifics for generating reports.
Schema filename: finrptfmt
INFORMIX filename: fin_rpt_fmt_rec
Index type: unique
Index name: finrptfmt_prim
Program interrelationships: Financial Structure Generation, Financial Report
Financial Statement G/L Account record
Purpose: Defines the General Ledger account numbers for a specific report code and fiscal year.
Schema filename: fingl
INFORMIX filename: fin_gl_rec
Index type: simple
Index name: fingl_rpt

Tables and Records 26 General Ledger

Program interrelationships: Financial Structure Generation, Financial Report
Financial Statement Format table
Purpose: Defines valid names for report code/format code combinations.
Schema filename: tfinrptfmt
INFORMIX filename: fin_rpt_fmt_table
Index type: unique
Index name: tfinrptfmt_prim
Program interrelationships: Financial Structure Generation, Financial Report
Financial Statement Report table
Purpose: Identifies financial statements by report code. Gives report title and keeps track of
fmt_no values from fin_fmt_rec.
Schema filename: tfin
Informix filename: fin_rpt_table
Index type: unique
Index name: tfin_prim
Index fields: rpt
Program interrelationships: Financial Statement Generation, Financial Report
Financial Statement Report Format table
Purpose: Contains the actual Block/Group/Schedule/Item configurations for each individual
Schema filename: fin
INFORMIX filename: fin_fmt_rec
Index type: simple
Index name: fin_rpt
Index fields: rpt_code
Program interrelationships: Financial Structure Generation, Financial Report
Financial Statement table
Purpose: Organizes blocks, groups, and schedules of accounts and centers on the financial
Schema filename: tfs
Informix filename: fs_table
Index type: unique simple
Index name: tfs_prim
Index fields: no_name, beg_no, grp_code
Financial Statement Set table
Purpose: Identifies sets of accounts to use with customized financial statements. The sets, or
groupings, provide flexibility in creating a variety of reports when used in conjunction with
Financial Report Statement records.
Schema filename: tfinset
INFORMIX filename: fin_set_table
Index type: unique
Index name: tfinset_prim
Program Interrelationships: Financial Structure Generation, Financial Report
Fiscal Calendar record
Purpose: Contains valid fiscal posting periods and their valid beginning/ending and
opening/closing dates.
Schema filename: fsclcal
INFORMIX filename: fscl_cal_rec
First index type: composite
First index name: fc_key3
First index fields: amt_type, fscl_mo, fscl_yr
Second index type: composite
Second index name: fc_key2

General Ledger 27 Tables and Records

Second index fields: subs, fscl_yr, fscl_mo
Third index type: unique composite
Third index name: fc_key1
Third index fields: subs, prd, amt_type
Fourth index type: unique composite
Fourth index name: fc_prim
Fourth index fields: subs, amt_type, beg_date, prd
Fifth index type: simple
Fifth index name: fc_prd
Fifth index fields: prd
Program interrelationships: Accounting Query, Budget Review, Background Voucher, General
Ledger Audit, General Ledger Balance Forward, General Ledger Closing, Recurring Entry,
Standard Accounting Entries, Subsidiary Account Balance Forward, Voucher
Module/application interrelationships: Lib, Cashier, Accounts Payable, Budget, Financial Aid,
Fixed Assets, Personnel/Payroll, Telephone Billing, Purchasing, Registration, Student Billing,
Function table
Purpose: Defines valid function codes.
Schema filename: tfunc
Informix filename: func_table
Index type: unique
Index name: tfunc_tfunc
Index fields: func
Program interrelationships: Voucher
Module/application interrelationships: Accounts Payable, Budget
Fund table
Purpose: Defines valid fund codes.
Schema filename: tfund
Informix filename: fund_table
Index type: unique simple
Index name: tfund_fund
Index fields: fund
Module/application interrelationships: Accounts Payable, Budget
General Ledger Account Temporary record
Purpose: Contains validation information for reporting.
Schema filename: glatemp
Informix filename: glatemp_rec
First index type: simple
First index name: glatemp_key2
First index fields: fields in the macro GL_FIELDS
Second index type: unique
Second index name: glatemp_prim
Second index fields: fields in the macro GL_FIELDS, and the fields fscl_yr, ctgry
Third index type: simple
Third index name: glatemp_fscl_yr
Third index fields: fscl_yr
Fourth index type: simple
Fourth index name: GL_FIELD_INDEXES
Fourth index fields: glatemp
General Ledger Account record
Purpose: Contains valid General Ledger accounts and validation information for the account.
Schema filename: gla
INFORMIX filename: gla_rec
First index type: unique composite

Tables and Records 28 General Ledger

First index name: gla_prim
First index fields: the fields defined in the macro GL_FIELDS and the field fscl_yr
Second index type: composite
Second index name: gla_key1
Second index fields: the fields defined in the macro GL_FIELDS and the field fscl_yr
Third index type: simple
Third index fields: gla
Fourth index type: unique simple
Fourth index name: gla_no
Fourth index fields: gla_no
Program interrelationships: Accounting Query, Budget Review, Background Voucher, Financial
Statement Generation, General Ledger Audit, General Ledger Balance Forward, General Ledger
Closing, General Ledger Closing Check, Recurring Entry, Voucher
Module/application interrelationships: Lib, Cashier, Accounts Payable, Budget, Fee Collection,
Financial Aid, Fixed Assets, Form Entry, Personnel/Payroll, Purchasing, Requisition
General Ledger Amount record
Purpose: Contains monthly total amounts of General Ledger accounts per account and fiscal
Schema filename: glamt
INFORMIX filename: glamt_rec
First index type: composite
First index name: glamt_key2
First index fields: fields defined in the macro GL_FIELDS
Second index type: composite
Second index name: glamt_key1
Second index fields: fields defined in the macro GL_FIELDS and the field fscl_yr
Third index type: unique composite
Third index name: glamt_prim
Third index fields: fields defined in the macro GL_FIELDS and the fields fscl_yr and ctgry
Fourth index type: simple
Fourth index fields: glamt
Program interrelationships: Accounting Query, Background Voucher, Budget Review, Financial
Report, General Ledger Audit, General Ledger Balance Forward, General Ledger Closing,
Standard Accounting Entries, Voucher
Module/application interrelationships: Lib, Accounts Payable, Budget, Purchasing, Requisition
General Ledger Association record
Purpose: Associates a code with a set of accounts for reporting purposes.
Schema filename: glas
INFORMIX filename: glas_rec
First index type: simple
First index name: glas_key2
First index fields: glas, ctgry
Second index type: simple
Second index name: glas_key1
Second index fields: GL_FIELDS
Third index type: unique
Third index name: glas_prim
Third index fields: glas, GL_FIELDS
Fourth index type: simple
Fourth index name: glas_ctgry
Fourth index fields: ctgry
General Ledger Association table
Purpose: Defines valid association codes.
Schema filename: tglas

General Ledger 29 Tables and Records

Informix filename: glas_table
First index type: unique
First index name: tglas_prim
First index fields: glas, ctgry
Second index type: simple
Second index name: tglas_ctgry
Second index fields: ctgry
General Ledger Entries record
Purpose: Contains information relating to groups of general ledger transactions.
Schema filename: gle
Informix filename: gle_rec
First index type: composite
First index name: gle_key
First index fields: doc_ref, doc_no
Second index type: unique composite
Second index name: gle_prim
Second index fields: jrnl_ref, jrnl_no, gle_no
Program interrelationships: Accounting Query, Background Voucher, Budget Review, General
Ledger Archive, General Ledger Audit, Subsidiary Audit, Voucher Recovery, Voucher
Module/application interrelationships: Cashier, Accounts Payable, Form Entry, Development,
Fixed Assets, Personnel/Payroll, Purchasing, Requisition
General Ledger Permission table
Purpose: Defines general ledger account permissions, enabling users to access the applications
they can use.
Schema filename: tglperm
Informix filename: glperm_table
Index type: simple
Index name: tglperm_tglperm
Index fields: tglperm
General Ledger Transactions record
Purpose: Contains individual account transactions, corresponding to individual entries in a
manual accounting ledger. Must include at least one debit and one credit entry for each General
Ledger Entry record (gle_rec).
Schema filename: gltr
Informix filename: gltr_rec
First index type: composite
First index name: gltr_key2
First index fields: jrnl_ref, jrnl_no, ent_no
Second index type: composite
Second index name: gltr_key1
Second index fields: the fields of the macro GL_FIELDS
Third index type: unique simple
Third index name: gltr_no
Third index fields: gltr_no
Program interrelationships: Accounting Query, Background Voucher, Budget Review, General
Ledger Archive, General Ledger Audit, Subsidiary Audit, Voucher Recovery, Voucher
Module/application interrelationships: Lib, Cashier, Accounts Payable, Development, Fixed
Assets, Personnel/Payroll, ADP, Requisition, Purchasing
Journal (Voucher) record
Purpose: Contains information relating to groups of general ledger entries.
Schema filename: vch
Informix filename: vch_rec
First index type: composite
First index name: vch_key2

Tables and Records 30 General Ledger

First index fields: amt_type, fscl_mo, fscl_yr
Second index type: composite
Second index name: vch_key1
Second index fields: prep_uid, ref, stat
Third index type: unique composite
Third index name: vch_prim
Third index fields: ref, jrnl_no
Fourth index type: simple
Fourth index name: vch_fscl_yr
Fourth index fields: fscl_yr
Fifth index type: simple
Fifth index name: vch_fscl_mo
Fifth index fields: fscl_mo
Sixth index type: simple
Sixth index name: vch_jrnl_no
Sixth index fields: fscl_jrnl_no
Program interrelationships: Accounting Query, Background Voucher, Budget Review, General
Ledger Archive, General Ledger Audit, General Ledger Balance Forward, General Ledger
Closing, Recurring Entry, Subsidiary Audit, Voucher Recovery, Voucher
Module/application interrelationships: Lib, Cashier, Accounts Payable, Budget, Form Entry,
Development, Fixed Assets, Personnel/Payroll, Purchasing, Student Billing
Journal (Voucher) table
Purpose: Defines the valid journal codes, and gives other information (permissions and
restrictions) used in processing a journal.
Schema filename: tvch
Informix filename: vch_table
Index type: simple
Index name: tvch_jrnl
Index fields: jrnl
Program interrelationships: Accounting Query, Background Voucher, General Ledger Balance
Forward, General Ledger Closing, Recurring Entry, Voucher
Module/application interrelationships: Accounts Payable, Personnel/Payroll
Object table
Purpose: Defines valid object codes.
Schema filename: tobj
Informix filename: obj_table
Index type: unique simple
Index name: tobj_obj
Index fields: obj
Program interrelationships: Accounts Payable, Budget
Recurring Journal Entries record
Purpose: Defines recurring journal entries.
Schema filename: recur
Informix filename: recur_rec
Index type: simple
Index name: recur_recur
Index fields: recur
Program interrelationships: Recurring Entry
Recurring Journal Entries table
Purpose: Identifies recurring journal entries and contains information required for posting.
Schema filename: trecur
Informix filename: recur_table
Index type: simple
Index name: trecur_recur

General Ledger 31 Tables and Records

Index fields: recur
Program interrelationships: Recurring Entry
Standard Acctg Entries record
Purpose: Defines automatic periodic accounting entries.
Schema filename: sae
Informix filename: sae_rec
Index type: simple
Index name: sae_sae
Index fields: sae
Program interrelationships: Standard Accounting Entries
Std Acctg Entry table
Purpose: Defines standard accounting entry types.
Schema filename: tsae
Informix filename: sae_table
Index type: unique
Index name: tsae_sae
Index fields: sae
Program interrelationships: Standard Accounting Entries
Subfunction table
Purpose: Defines valid subfunction codes. Currently not in use. Optional part of account
Schema filename: tsubfunc
Informix filename: subfunc_table
Index type: unique simple
Index name: tsubfunc_subfunc
Index fields: subfunc
Program interrelationships: Accounts Payable, Budget
Subfund table
Purpose: Defines valid subfund codes.
Schema filename: tsubfund
Informix filename: subfund_table
Index type: unique simple
Index name: tsubfund_subfund
Index fields: subfund
Module/application interrelationships: Accounts Payable, Budget
Subobject table
Purpose: Defines valid sub-object codes. Currently not in use. Optional part of account number.
Schema filename: tsubobj
Informix filename: subobj_table
Index type: unique simple
Index name: tsubobj_subobj
Index fields: subobj
Module/application interrelationships: Accounts Payable, Budget
Subsidiary Account record
Purpose: Contains amount totals and other information used in subsidiary processing.
Schema filename: suba
Informix filename: suba_rec
First index type: unique
First index name: suba_prim
First index fields: subs, suba_no
Second index type: simple
Second index name: suba_id
Second index fields: id

Tables and Records 32 General Ledger

Third index type: simple
Third index name: suba_subs
Third index fields: subs
Program interrelationships: Subsidiary Account Query, Background Voucher, Subsidiary Audit,
Subsidiary Archive
Module/application interrelationships: Lib, Cashier, Accounts Payable, Form Entry,
Personnel/Payroll, Purchasing, Student Billing, Requisition
Subsidiary Archive record
Purpose: Contains copies of subsidiary information or data that are to be removed from the
system and archived.
Schema filename: sar
Informix filename: sar_rec
Index type: unique
Index name: sar_no
Index fields: sar_no
Program interrelationships: Subsidiary Archive
Module/application interrelationships: Financial Aid
Subsidiary Association table
Purpose: Defines valid associations between subsidiaries, subsidiary balance codes, and
subsidiary total codes for reporting purposes.
Schema filename: tsubas
Informix filename: subas_table
Index type: unique
Index name: tsubas_prim
Index fields: ctgry, bal_code, tot_code
Subsidiary Balance record
Purpose: Summary information per period for subsidiary accounts or invoices for accounts
payable subsidiary accounts.
Schema filename: subb
Informix filename: subb_rec
First index type: simple
First index name: subb_key1
First index fields: subs, stat, subb_no
Second index type: simple
Second index name: subb_key
Second index fields: subs, subs_no, stat
Third index type: unique
Third index name: subb_prim
Third index fields: subs, subs_no, prd, bal_code
Fourth index type: simple
Fourth index name: subb_subs_no
Fourth index fields: subs_no
Fifth index type: simple
Fifth index name: subb_subs_no
Fifth index fields: subb_no
Program interrelationships: Subsidiary Account Query, Background Voucher, Bursar, Subsidiary
Audit, Subsidiary Account Balance Forward, Subsidiary Archive, Subsidiary Balance Status,
Module/application interrelationships: Lib, Accounts Payable, Personnel/Payroll, Purchasing,
Student Billing, Requisition
Subsidiary Balance table
Purpose: Defines the valid subsidiary balance codes.
Schema filename: tsubb
Informix filename: subb_table

General Ledger 33 Tables and Records

Index type: unique
Index name: tsubb_bal_code
Index fields: bal_code
Program interrelationships: Subsidiary Account Query, Background Voucher, Subsidiary Account
Balance Forward, Voucher
Module/application interrelationships: Personnel/Payroll, Student Billing
Subsidiary Entry record
Purpose: Contains information about subsidiary entries posted to subsidiary accounts.
Schema filename: sube
Informix filename: sube_rec
First index type: simple
First index name: sube_key4
First index fields: doc_ref, doc_no
Second index type: simple
Second index name: sube_key1
Second index fields: jrnl_ref, jrnl_no, jrnl_ent_no
Third index type: unique
Third index name: sube_prim
Third index fields: subs, subs_no, sube_no
Program interrelationships: Subsidiary Account Query, Background Voucher, Subsidiary Audit,
Subsidiary Archive, Voucher Recovery, Voucher
Module/application interrelationships: Lib, Cashier, Accounts Payable, Personnel/Payroll,
Purchasing, Student Billing, Requisition
Subsidiary table
Purpose: Defines the valid subsidiary codes.
Schema filename: tsubs
Informix filename: subs_table
Index type: unique
Index name: tsubs_subs
Index fields: subs
Program interrelationships: Subsidiary Account Query, Background Voucher, Bursar, File
Posting, Recurring Entry, Subsidiary Audit, Subsidiary Account Balance Forward, Subsidiary
Archiving, Voucher
Module/application interrelationships: Lib, Cashier, Financial Aid, Accounts Payable,
Personnel/Payroll, Purchasing, Student Billing, Requisition
Subsidiary Total record
Purpose: Contains one view of summarization information for a subsidiary. For example, in
Personnel/Payroll, contains year-to-date totals.
Schema filename: subt
Informix filename: subt_rec
First index type: unique
First index name: subt_prim
First index fields: subs, subs_no, prd, tot_code
Second index type: simple
Second index name: subt_tot_code
Second index fields: tot_code
Program interrelationships: Subsidiary Account Query, Background Voucher, Subsidiary Audit,
Subsidiary Archive, Voucher
Module/application interrelationships: Lib, Accounts Payable, Financial Aid, Personnel/Payroll,
Student Billing
Subsidiary Total table
Purpose: Defines the valid subsidiary total codes.
Schema filename: tsubt
Informix filename: subt_table

Tables and Records 34 General Ledger

First index type: simple
First index name: tsubt_key1
First index fields: fields defined in the macro GL_FIELDS
Second index type: unique
Second index name: tsubt_tot_code
Second index fields: tot_code
Program interrelationships: Subsidiary Account Query, Background Voucher, Subsidiary Account
Balance Forward, Voucher
Module/application interrelationships: Lib, Cashier, File Posting, Financial Aid, Personnel/Payroll,
Student Billing
Subsidiary Transaction record
Purpose: Contains detailed transactions for subsidiary account posting.
Schema filename: subtr
Informix filename: subtr_rec
First index type: simple
First index name: subtr_key3
First index fields: subs, subs_no, bal_prd, bal_code
Second index type: simple
Second index name: subtr_key2
Second index fields: subs, subs_no, tot_prd, tot_code
Third index type: simple
Third index name: subtr_key1
Third index fields: subs, subs_no, ent_no
Fourth index type: unique
Fourth index name: subtr_no
Fourth index fields: subtr_no
Program interrelationships: Subsidiary Account Query, Background Voucher, Subsidiary Audit,
Subsidiary Archive, Voucher Recovery, Voucher
Subtype table
Purpose: Defines valid subtype codes. Currently not in use. Optional part of account number.
Schema filename: tsubtyp
Informix filename: subtyp_table
Index type: unique
Index name: tsubtyp_subtyp
Index fields: subtyp
Module/application interrelationships: Accounts Payable, Budget

General Ledger 35 Tables and Records




This section provides reference information about the files that relate to most CX programs. By
understanding the file structure and the contents of the files, you can locate most of the
information you need about any program.

Program Files Detailed

This section contains details about the following files:

The def.c file contains the declaration of external variables (including structures) that must
be available to all source files in the program. These variables can also be initialized in this
file. As with other C source files, the files also contain comments. The makedec command
uses the def.c file to create the dec.h file.
The mac.h file contains preprocessor include and define statements, typedef statements,
and structure template definition statements. This file is included in all source files during
compilation through use of the dec.h file.
Note: All other files for each CX program are standard C programming files with standard
components and structure.

Definition File

Every program uses a definition (def.c) file, located in the following path:
$CARSPATH/src/accounting/program name.
The def.c file for a screen-oriented program can contain the following information:
• Includes for a mac.h file
• Declaration of global variables and structures used throughout the application
• Structure declarations for structure and non-structure screen binds (i.e., program buffer to
screen buffer binds)
• Ring menu definitions
• Prompt line information
• Structure definitions for program parameters
• Declarations of dynamic memory (dmms, dmls, and dmlts) in relation to functionality within
libdmm (the dynamic memory management package)
• Screen pointers
The def.c file for a non-screen-oriented program can contain the following information:
• Includes for a mac.h file
• Global program variables
• Includes for schema files’ def.c files
• Form pointers that provide the location for forms
• Sqlda pointers that bind the file structure to the form
• dmm, dml and dmlt definitions
• Program parameters
• Declarations of functions so the compiler can handle a call of that function

General Ledger 37 Program Files

Example of a def.c File

The following is an edited excerpt from the def.c file for fingen. It illustrates the common
components of a standard CX def.c file.
Note: The legend for the file contents appears on the next page.
#include "mac.h
#include <schema/financial/findef.c>
#include <schema/financial/fingldef.c>
Global structures and variables.
struct fin_type fin_rec;
struct fingl_type fingl_rec;
char fscl_yr[5]; 3
char gl_entry[2];
char printer[21] ;
char charbuff[SCR_MAXFIELD];

Sqlda pointers.
struct sqlda *finda;
struct sqlda *finglda;

/*----- 4
Screen and form pointers.
SCREEN *add_scr = NULL;
SCREEN *select_scr = NULL;
SCREEN *bgsi_form = NULL;

Non-structure screen binds.
struct bind_type bind_list[] =
{ 5
{ ADD_SCR, &add_scr, "fyr", CHARTYPE, (char *)fscl_yr, SCR_CBIND },
{ SELECT_SCR, &select_scr, "L", CHARTYPE, (char *)gl_entry, SCR_CBIND },
int bind_size = BIND_SIZE(bind_list);

Main menu structure definition.
SCR_MENUOPT2(0, "Query", QRY_CMD, SCR_GMENABLE, "Query a specific statement.", NULL),
SCR_MENUOPT2(0, "Add", ADD_CMD, SCR_GMENABLE, "Enter a new statement.", NULL),
SCR_MENUOPT2(0, "Remove", RMV_CMD, SCR_GMENABLE, "Remove current statement.", NULL),
SCR_MENUOPT2(0, "Exit", EXT_CMD, SCR_GMENABLE, "Exit the program.","Exit"),
SCR_MENUOPT2(0, charbuff, '\0', SCR_GMENABLE, NULL, NULL),
int fin_size = SCR_MENUSIZE(fin_menu);
#define MENU_LEVELS (1)


SCR_MENUOPT2(0, charbuff, '\0', SCR_GMENABLE, NULL, NULL),
int addpmpt1_size = SCR_MENUSIZE(add_prompt1);

Program parameters.
struct param_type param_list[] = 7
{ 'y', fscl_yr, PRM_CHAR, 4, PRM_REQUIRED, "fiscal year", "Fiscal Year"},
{ 'p', printer, PRM_CHAR, 20, PRM_REQUIRED, "printer device", "Printer Device" },
int max_params = (sizeof(param_list) / (sizeof(param_list[0])));

Program Files 38 General Ledger

Legend for the def.c file:
1. mac.h include
2. Schema file def.c files
3. Global program variables
4. Pointers
5. Screen binds
6. Ring menu and prompt line structure definitions
7. Program parameter structure declaration

mac.h Files

Every program uses a macro header (mac.h) file, located in the following path:
$CARSPATH/src/accounting/program name.
The mac.h file for a screen-oriented program can contain the following information:
• Includes related to system header files
• Includes related to CX library and other application processes
• Includes for schema files’ mac.h files
• Program constant definitions (i.e., #define statements)
• Structure definitions

Example of a mac.h File

The following is an edited excerpt from the mac.h file for fingen. It illustrates the common
components of a standard CX mac.h file.

#include <util/cars.h>
#include <util/dmm.h> 1
#include <util/dbio.h>
#include <util/fps.h>

#include <schema/financial/finmac.h> 2
#include <schema/financial/finglmac.h>

#define ADD_SCR "accounting/fingen/add"

#define SELECT_SCR "accounting/fingen/select"
#define BGSI_FORM "accounting/fingen/bgsi"

#define ATH_CMD 'A'

#define RMV_CMD 'R' 3
#define VEW_CMD 'V'

#define ADD_PROMPT "ADD"


struct bgsi_type
struct fin_type fin_rec;
char line[54];
}; 4

struct gl_type
char gl_slctd[2];
char new[2];
struct gla_type gla_rec;

Legend for the mac.h file:

1. includes for header files
2. includes for schema files
3. program constant definitions
4. structure definitions

General Ledger 39 Program Files




This section provides reference information about the Accounting Query program (acquery) and
the Subsidiary Query program (saquery). The General Ledger module uses the query programs
to enable users to view account, document, journal, and subsidiary information in the database.

Program Features Detailed

This section contains details about the following features of the Accounting Query and Subsidiary
Query programs:
• Process flows
• Parameters
• Table usage
• Program screens

Program Files

All the program files for acquery are located in the following directory:

General Ledger 41 Acquery and Saquery

Process Flow


The following diagram shows the flow of data in the acquery program.

start Open table and record


Load parameter screen fscl_cal_rec

Validate dates and

other data

Create or reinitialize a

What type of
Journal or entry query Document query

Display records for one Validate document type

of the following and locate records
queries: (vch_rec, gle_rec,
1. Range of vch_recs gltr_rec)
2. All entries under a
specific journal
3. Range of entries
under a specific journal Sort records in gltr_rec
4. Specific entry serial number order

Display records

Acquery and Saquery 42 General Ledger

Data Flow Description for acquery

The following process describes the data flow in acquery.

1. The user accesses the program.
Note: No parameters are required to run acquery.
2. The program opens all the required files immediately. Required files are:
• atype_table
• doc_table
• fscl_cal_rec
• gla_rec
• glamt_rec
• gle_rec
• gltr_rec
• id_rec
• vch_rec
• vch_table
3. The user enters query search criteria.
4. The program performs the following validations:
• The beginning period must be valid in the fscl_cal_rec. The key to use is fc_key2,
which includes subs, amt_type and month.
• The ending period must be valid in the fscl_cal_rec. The key to use is fc_key2, which
includes subs, amt_type and month.
• The beginning period number must be less than or equal to the ending period number.
• The status code must be one of the following:
− A (all)
− D (detail and posted)
− O (offsetting)
− P (posted)
− R (removed)
− S (summarized and posted)
− V (voided)
− U (unsummarized)
5. The program creates or reinitializes a dmm that includes all the fiscal periods for the fiscal
year. The structure includes the fc_prd_no and fc_mo. Therefore the system locates all
Fiscal Calendar records for periods 0-14, using the key fc_key1. The components of the key
are fc_subs=G/L, fc_amt_type=parameter, and fc_prd=0. If the program cannot locate any of
these Fiscal Calendar records, a fatal error occurs.
6. Based on the information entered, the system performs either a document, entry or journal
query. Since the program can only take one path, the program interprets fields left to right.
When the program reads information on the left part of the query line, it clears the remaining
fields and takes the appropriate course of action. Conversely, when the user advances the
cursor past the fields on the left part of the query line to enter information on the right part of
the line, the program takes a different course of action.
7. When the user initiates a document query, the system performs a check to validate that the
document type and amount type create a valid combination, according to the Document
table. The system also assumes that, if the ending document number is blank, the beginning
number becomes the ending number. If the ending document number is not blank, the
system performs a check that the beginning number is less than the ending number.
8. For a document query, the program binds the following fields on the d1 screen:

General Ledger 43 Acquery and Saquery

• docno=gle_rec.doc_no
• payno=gle_rec.pay_no
• cash=gle_rec.cash_amt
• ent=gle_rec.type
• f=gle_rec.pay_form
• docid=gle_rec.doc_id
• a=gle_rec.status
The program also does a dbselfield on gle_key (gle_doc_ref, gle_doc_no) to find all general
ledger entries. The system uses the GTEQ and NEXT flags to check if the document
number that it locates is greater than the ending document number. The system allows
multiple general ledger entries within the same document number.
9. As the program locates entries, the program also locates the corresponding vch_rec to
determine if the entry relates to a period that the user entered in the parameter line. In
addition, the Status from the parameter line must be validated for the entry.
10. All entries go into the dmm that is used for the display, which sorts by document number and
gle date. If the program cannot locate any entries that meet the search criteria, the docgle
screen does not appear, and the program continues to display the query screen.
11. When the program displays the docgle screen, the user can select from the normal screen
package commands FASTF, FASTB, UP, and DOWN to move through the display. The user
can also select a letter on the left column of the screen to view detail information about the
corresponding document.
12. The program provides a line at the bottom of the screen that the user can use to search the
data set. A generalized function allows the user to fill in any combination of fields, and then
the program searches the records in the dmm for an exact match. If the program cannot
locate an exact match, the search aborts. The only exception to the exact match requirement
is if the document number is the only field entered; for selection purposes, the program
locates numbers that are greater than or equal to the entered number.
13. The program uses the gltr screen, from any path in acquery. It accepts three parameters:
the voucher reference, the voucher number and the entry number.
14. On the gltr screen, the program operates under the assumption that no records have been
located that meet the search criteria. Because of this assumption, this function uses its own
vch, gle and gltr records declared in the def.c file. These records appear in the def.c file to
allow the binding of the screens to be in a separate file.
15. The program then locates the vch_rec, the gle_rec, and the gltr_recs, sorted in gltr_serial
Note: Do not place the #define DISPLAY_SERIAL in the mac.h because it would require a
mastermake for the purpose of finding a transaction number.
16. The user can move through the screen using the normal scroll package.
17. In the case of a journal or entry query, the program supports four types of queries:
• Case 1: Showing a range of voucher records (on the v1 screen). See steps 18 and
• Case 2: Showing all entries under a specific journal ( on the v2 screen). See step 20.
• Case 3: Showing a range of entries under a specific journal (on the v2 screen). See
step 21.
• Case 4: Showing a specific entry (on the v3 screen). See step 22.
18. When the user specifies a query on voucher records, the program performs the following
• The vf and the vchno fields must not be blank.

Acquery and Saquery 44 General Ledger

• If the vchent field is not blank and the ent2 field is blank, then the status field must
contain either E (for entry) or V (for voucher). If the status field contains a V, then the
program checks to ensure that the beginning number is not greater than the ending
• If the vf and the vchno fields are the only two search criteria fields that contain data,
the program assumes a status of V. If the vf, vchno, vchent and ent2 fields contain
data, the program assumes a status of E.
19. If the query is Case 1, the program uses the following logic, based on the example [CK][1000
][1005 ][ ][V]:
• Call findvch(“CK”,1000,1005). This function fills the vch_dmm, and verifies the
voucher record before adding more records to the dmm.
• If (dmm_size(&vch_dmm) ==0). This function returns the message that no records
that match the search criteria were located.
• Display v1 screen.
• If v2 screen is required, then call findgle.
20. If the query is Case 2, the program uses the following logic, based on the example [CK][1000
][ ][ ][ ]:
• Call findvch(“CK”,1000,1000). This function fills the vch_dmm and verifies the voucher
record before adding more records to the dmm.
• If (dmm_size(&vch_dmm) ==0). This function returns the message that no records
that match the search criteria were located.
• Call fingle(“CK”,1000,0,0). The third and fourth arguments are entry numbers; 0
signifies load all.
• If (dmm_size(&vch_dmm) ==0). This function returns the message that no records
that match the search criteria were located.
• If v2 screen is required, then call findgle.
21. If the query is Case 3, the program uses the following logic, based on the example [CK][1000
][5 ][10 ][ ]:
• Call findvch(“CK”,1000,1000). This function fills the vch_dmm and verifies the voucher
record before adding more records to the dmm.
• If (dmm_size(&vch_dmm) ==0). This function returns the message that no records
that match the search criteria were located.
• Call fingle(“CK”,1000,5,10). The third and fourth arguments are entry numbers.
• If (dmm_size(&vch_dmm) ==0). This function returns the message that no records
that match the search criteria were located.
• If v2 screen is required, then call findgle.
22. If the query is Case 4, the program uses the following logic, based on the example [CK][1000
][5 ][ ][E]:
• Call findvch(“CK”,1000,1000). This function fills the vch_dmm and verifies the voucher
record before adding more records to the dmm.
• If (dmm_size(&vch_dmm) ==0). This function returns the message that no records
that match the search criteria were located.
• Call fingle(“CK”,1000,5,5). The third and fourth arguments are entry numbers.
• If (dmm_size(&vch_dmm) ==0). This function returns the message that no records
that match the search criteria were located.
• Call gentrs(“CK”,1000,5)
23. In the case of an entry query, the program performs the following steps:
• Selects the key for the glamt_rec. If the user enters information into any of the fields in
the account section of the query, then the program must evaluate each of the fields to
determine which key to use on the glamt_rec, based on the following tests:
− glamt_prim [10] [ ] [1010] [ ]

General Ledger 45 Acquery and Saquery

If no asterisks appear in any of the account component fields. The fiscal year and
amount type appear in the parameter screen.
− glamt_key1 [10] [1220] [6***] [ ]
If the fund and function are not blank, and no asterisks appear in either the fund or
function field. If the first character of the object is masked or blank, the program
warns the user that the search will be time consuming, and prompts the user
about continuing the search. The fiscal year appears in the parameter screen.
− glamt_prim [10] [1***] [6110] [ ]
If the fund and object are not blank, and no asterisks appear in the fund or object
field. If the first character of the function is masked or blank, the program warns
the user that the search will be time consuming, and prompts the user about
continuing the search. The fiscal year and the amount type appear in the
parameter screen.
− glamt_key1 [10] [1***] [****] [ ]
If the fund and function are not blank, and the fund is not masked, and the first
character of the function is not masked. The program warns the user that the
search will be time consuming, and prompts the user about continuing the
search. The fiscal year appears in the parameter screen.
− glamt_prim [10] [****] [1***] [ ]
If the fund and object are not blank, and the fund is not masked, and the first
character of the object is not masked. The program warns the user that the
search will be time consuming, and prompts the user about continuing the
search. The fiscal year and the amount type appear in the parameter screen.
− glamt_subfund [10] [****] [****] [1234]
If the subfund is not blank and an asterisk does not appear in the first position of
the field.
− glamt_func [10] [1***] [****] [****]
If the function is not blank and an asterisk does not appear in the first position of the
− glamt_obj [10] [****] [1****] [****]
If the object is not blank and an asterisk does not appear in the first position of the
− glamt_key1 [10] [****] [****] [****]
If the fund is not blank and an asterisk does not appear in the first position of the
− glamt_key1 [**] [**20] [****] [****]
The program warns the user that the program will perform a sequential search
through the glamt_recs for the fiscal year.
1. The program locates all the glamt_recs that match the query criteria.
2. If the dmm_size (&glamt_dmm) = 0, the program informs the user that it did not locate any
records that match the search criteria.
3. If the dmm_size (&glamt_dmm) > 0, the program loads all the gla_recs for the glamt_recs
found for the purpose of displaying the description.
4. If the dmm_size (&glamt_dmm) = 1, the program displays the Amount screen. When the
user selects Detail of Amount, the Transaction/Detail screen appears.
5. If the dmm_size (&glamt_dmm) > 1, the program displays the Account screen. The
SCR_COMMAND followed by scr_getc of a selected letter (a-l) takes the user to the Amount

Program Interrelationships

Acquery interacts only with saquery.

Acquery and Saquery 46 General Ledger

Process Flow for Subsidiary Query


The following diagram shows the flow of data in the saquery program.

start The user enters query


Subsidiary Account
screen (suba_rec)

Subsidiary Total Subsidiary Entries Subsidiary Balance

screen (subt_rec) screen (sube_rec) screen (subb_rec)

screen (subtr_rec)

General Ledger 47 Acquery and Saquery

Data Flow Description for saquery

The saquery program enables users to view subsidiary information. The method of access for
saquery is through the command line in acquery, or by entering the -s argument on the command
The program loads the following tables as needed. The tables marked with an asterisk (*) are
loaded into memory; that is, the program does not look them up dynamically from the disk.
• atype_table*
• doc_table*
• fscl_cal_rec*
• gla_rec
• glamt_rec
• gle_rec
• gltr_rec
• id_rec
• suba_rec
• subas_table*
• subb_rec
• subb_table*
• sube_rec
• subs_table*
• subt_rec
• subt_table*
• subtr_rec
• vch_rec
• vch_table*
The following list describes the program flow in saquery.
1. The user accesses saquery.
2. If only one record satisfies the search criteria, the program displays the Subsidiary Entries
screen. If more than one record satisfies the search criteria, the program displays the
Subsidiary Accounts screen.
3. If the Subsidiary Accounts screen appears, the user can view bal or tot information by
changing the Level code. This information appears on the Subsidiary Balance screen or the
Subsidiary Total screen.
4. The most detailed level of query appears on the Subsidiary Transaction screen.
5. Types of queries, the result, and the keys used are as follows:
• Subsidiary only
− If the program locates more than one suba_rec, the Subsidiary Account screen
appears. If the program locates only one suba_rec, the Subsidiary Entries
screen appears.
− The key used is suba_subs.
• Subsidiary number only
− If the program locates more than one suba_rec, the Subsidiary Account screen
appears. If the program locates only one suba_rec, the Subsidiary Entries
screen appears.
− The key used is suba_id.
• Subsidiary and subsidiary number
− Displays the level specified on the parameter screen.

Acquery and Saquery 48 General Ledger

− The key used is suba_prim, followed by subb_key (subb_subs=suba_subs,
subb_no=suba_no, subt_key (subt_subs=suba_subs, subt_no=suba_no),
sube_prim (sube_subs=suba_subs, sube_subs_no=suba_no), or nothing
• Subsidiary, subsidiary number and bal code
− Displays the Subsidiary Balance screen, but can also go to the Subsidiary
Account screen, the Subsidiary Totals screen, or the Subsidiary Entries screen if
− The key used is suba_prim, followed by subb_key, subt_key, or sube_prim.
• Subsidiary, subsidiary number and tot code
− Displays the Subsidiary Totals screen, but can also go to the Subsidiary Account
screen, the Subsidiary Balance screen, or the Subsidiary Entries screen if
− The key used is suba_prim, followed by subb_key, subt_key, or sube_prim.

Program Interrelationships

Saquery interacts only with acquery.

General Ledger 49 Acquery and Saquery

Query Program Parameters


CX contains parameters and compilation values for executing the query programs. You can
specify parameters to use acquery or saquery in a specified manner at the time of execution.
Note: You can also specify compilation values with the includes for the General Ledger
module that affect the query programs.

Parameter Syntax

You can display acquery parameters by entering the following: acquery -,

Because you access saquery from within acquery, no parameters relate to saquery.
The following is the correct usage for running the Accounting Query program from the UNIX shell:
acquery [-l] [-s [sub]] [-r sub1 [sub2 ...]] [-p printer]
Parameters that appear in brackets are optional. For acquery, all parameters are optional.


The following lists the parameters for running acquery.

Optional - Restricts users to using either Accounting Query or Subsidiary Query, prohibiting
them from crossing between programs.
-p printer
Optional - Specifies a default printer.
-r sub1 (and other subsidiaries as required)
Optional - Specifies the name of a subsidiary. If none is entered, the program does not
restrict the user to a specific subsidiary. You can enter multiple subsidiaries.
-s sub
Optional - Initiates the saquery program from the UNIX command line, using the specified

Acquery and Saquery 50 General Ledger

Program Screens


The standard CX acquery and saquery programs are delivered with 31 screen files, including
some files that contain variations (or toggle options) from the original screens.


The screen files are located in the following directory path:


Screen Files

The query screens appear in the following files:

Contains the Entry Detail screen
Table/Records: gla_rec, gltr_rec, gle_rec
Contains the Document Query screen
Table/Records: gle_rec
Contains the Fiscal Calendar Lookup window
Table/Records: fscl_cal_rec
Contains the Account screen
Table/Records: gla_rec
Contains the Amount screen
Table/Records: gla_rec
Contains the parameter line portion of the Accounting Query Parameter screen
Table/Records: fscl_cal_rec, atype_table
Contains help information for the parameter line of the Accounting Query Parameter screen
Contains help information for the query line of the Accounting Query Parameter screen
Contains the query line portion of Accounting Query Parameter screen
Table/Records: fscl_cal_rec, atype_table
Contains the Transaction/Detail screen
Table/Records: vch_rec, gle_rec, gla_rec, gltr_rec
Contains a printer selection screen

General Ledger 51 Acquery and Saquery

Contains the parameter line of the Subsidiary Query Parameter screen
Table/Records: subs_table, atype_table
Contains help information for the parameter line of the Subsidiary Query Parameter screen
Contains help information for the query line of the Subsidiary Query Parameter screen
Contains the query line of the Subsidiary Query Parameter screen
Table/Records: subs_table, subt_table, subb_table, vch_table, doc_table
Contains the Statement screen
Table/Records: subs_table, subtr_rec, gltr_rec
Contains the Subsidiary Accounts screen
Table/Records: suba_rec
Contains the Subsidiary Balances screen
Table/Records: suba_rec, subb_rec
Contains a variation of the Subsidiary Balances screen
Table/Records: suba_rec, subb_rec
Contains the Subsidiary Entries screen
Table/Records: suba_rec, sube_rec
Contains a variation of the Subsidiary Entries screen
Table/Records: suba_rec, sube_rec
Contains a variation of the Subsidiary Entries screen
Table/Records: sube_rec
Contains a variation of the Subsidiary Entries screen
Table/Records: sube_rec
Contains a variation of the Subsidiary Entries screen
Table/Records: sube_rec
Contains a variation of the Subsidiary Entries screen
Table/Records: sube_rec
Contains the Subsidiary Totals screen
Table/Records: suba_rec, subt_rec
Contains the Subsidiary Transactions screen
Table/Records: subtr_rec, sube_rec

Acquery and Saquery 52 General Ledger

Contains a variation of the Subsidiary Transactions screen
Table/Records: subtr_rec, sube_rec
Contains the Subsidiary Account screen
Table/Records: suba_rec
Contains the Journal screen
Table/Records: vch_rec
Contains the Entry List screen
Table/Records: vch_rec, gle_rec

General Ledger 53 Acquery and Saquery



This section provides reference information about the Background Voucher (bgvoucher)
program. The General Ledger module uses bgvoucher to perform all the file handling for
programs that create accounting input.

Program Features Detailed

This section contains details about the following features of the bgvoucher program:
• Process flow
• Table usage
• Parameters

Program Files

All the program files for bgvoucher appear in the following directory:

General Ledger 55 Bgvoucher

Process Flow


The following diagram shows the flow of data in the bgvoucher program.

start Completes initialization Awaits instruction from

process client

Client provides
Starts or continues a
instruction and sets up
bgvoucher parameters

Is the claim on Performs claim on

cash feature used? cash processing


Performs transaction Performs entry

validations validations

Do any For subsidiary

transactions use yes transactions, performs
subsidiaries? subsidiary validations


Posts subsidiary
Posts transactions

Bgvoucher 56 General Ledger

Data Flow Description

The following process describes the data flow in the bgvoucher program.
1. The program completes the initialization process by completing the following steps:
• Using the bgv_accept call to accept the connection from the client.
• Adding this connection to the connection queue, setting the connection status to
• Initializing the interrupt routine.
• Loading the following records into memory:
− atype_table
− doc_table
− entry_table
− fscl_cal_rec
− fund_table
− gld_rec
− pay_frm_table
− pay_term_table
− subas_table
− subb_table
− subfund_table
− subs_table
− subt_table
• Loading the gld_rec for due to/from accounts into a special record for use during
generation of due/to from transactions, and verifies that all ent_inv_or_pay codes are
• Opening the following files:
− gla_rec
− glamt_rec
− gle_rec
− gltr_rec
− id_rec
− suba_rec
− subb_rec
− sube_rec
− subt_rec
− subtr_rec
− vch_rec
• Opening and closing the following files as needed:
− func_table
− obj_table
− vch_table
• Obtaining the system time and date.
2. The program awaits instruction from the client.
Note: The first instruction should be getstatus, but bgvoucher does not require this command
as the first instruction.
3. In response to the getstatus instruction, the program uses bgv_putstatus to send a
BGV_LOADED status to the client program.
Note: If the client is opening multiple connections, the first command should still be
bgv_getstatus before the program tries to open a second connection. After the

General Ledger 57 Bgvoucher

bgv_connect call, the client should then do another bgv_getstatus to obtain the status
of the second connection.
4. The client program sets up bgvoucher parameters with the following function calls:
• bgv_setnotify
• bgv_setwrite
• bgv_savecopy

Process Description for Starting a Journal

When the client is ready to start a journal, it uses the bgv_start function to send the journal
header record to bgvoucher. Bgvoucher performs the following steps when it receives a Start
1. Validates the period/date combination.
2. Validates group against tvch_grp_id (i.e., if vch_table != 0, must equal
3. Validates the amount type for this journal in the Voucher table.
4. Updates tvch_last_issued.
5. Adds a vch_rec with an S status.

Process Description for Continuing a Journal

When the client is ready to continue an incomplete journal, it uses the bgv_continue function to
send bgvoucher a vch_ref and vch_no. Bgvoucher performs the following steps when it receives
a Continue command:
1. Ensures the vch_rec specified exists.
2. Ensures the vch_stat is I.
3. Ensures the current userid is the same as the vch_prep_uid (only the individual who started a
specific journal can continue or complete it).
4. Ensures the period specified in the vch_rec is still open based on the system date and the
Fiscal Calendar record.
5. Updates the vch_rec status to C.

Process Description for Creating Claim on Cash Entries

If the institution is using Claim on Cash, Receivables and Payables (the claim on cash feature), it
uses the gen_claim_on_cash function. Bgvoucher performs the following steps when processing
claim on cash:
1. Reviews each transaction and determines if any transactions affect a claim on cash account,
as defined in the claim_table, and flags such transactions for processing. The check against
the claim_table also includes a verification that the claim_table entry is valid for the current
date (e.g., the current date falls between the Active Date and the Inactive Date, if such dates
are specified).
2. Generates claim on cash entries.
3. If multiple accounts are affected (e.g., if the input transaction contains multiple expense
accounts with a single offset to Accounts Payable), creates a corresponding subsidiary
transaction for each input account.

Bgvoucher 58 General Ledger

Process Description for Verification

When the interrupt handler receives an instruction to read an entry dml, it adds an instruction of
verify to the interrupt queue and reads the entries and transactions into the appropriate level in
the interrupt queue. Bgvoucher eventually transfers this information to the connection queue,
converting it to the standard gle_rec, gltr_rec, sube_rec and subtr_recs in the process.
Bgvoucher performs the following steps during the verification pass:
1. Ensures entry_table.ent_inv_or_pay is INV or PAY at entry_table load time.
2. Validates entry type in the entry_table.
3. Validates journal type (PR) against the entry type ( e.g., tent_ac_allow).
4. Validates doc_id from the id file (if the id is not 0).
5. Validates document and stn_no in doc_table.
6. Validates vch_type against this document, (e.g., tdoc_ac_allow).
7. Ensures the number of transactions is 0 or greater than or equal to 2.
For each transaction in the entry, bgvoucher performs the following steps during the verification
1. Rounds the transaction amount.
2. Validates the account in the gla_rec. If bgvoucher cannot locate the record, it reviews the
previous year’s gla_recs. If it locates the previous year’s record, it ensures the account has
not been terminated and that the specified journal type has permission to use the account. If
the account is valid for use, bgvoucher adds the account for the current year.
3. If it does not locate the previous year’s record, it validates the fund code, the function code,
the object code, and the subfund code, and ensures that the combination of codes is valid in
the gld_rec.
4. Bgvoucher sets default gla_recs as follows:
• Blanking out the gla_rec.old_acct
• Blanking out the gla_rec.subs
• Defaulting all permissions to Y.
• Defaulting summarization to N.
• Defaulting the cash_account flag to N.
• Defaulting the acct_terminated flag to N.
• Defaulting the description for gla_rec.desc1 as follows:
− Characters 1-12 contain the fund_desc.
− Characters 13-24 contain the func_desc.
− Characters 25-36 contain the object_desc.
• Defaulting the description for gla_rec.desc2 as follows:
− Characters 1-12 contain the subfund_desc.
− Characters 13-24 contain the description for the fifth component of the account
− Characters 25-36 contain the description for the sixth component of the account
5. If the specified journal type has permission to use the account, bgvoucher adds it.
6. If the account is a subsidiary control account and tent.subs_ignore is not set to Y, bgvoucher
verifies the existence of subsidiaries for the account. If the account is not a subsidiary control
account, bgvoucher verifies that no subsidiaries exist for the account. For more information
about subsidiary validation, see Process description for subsidiary validation in this section.
7. Bgvoucher determines that there are the correct number of cash account debits and cash

General Ledger 59 Bgvoucher

account credits, according to the Entry table (ent_table).
8. Bgvoucher determines that the sum of all transactions is zero.

Process Description for Subsidiary Validation

When the account is a subsidiary control account, bgvoucher performs additional verifications,
including the following:
1. Ensures that the subsidiary amount type is the same as the journal amount type (e.g., ACT,
2. Retrieves the subsidiary entry type from the Entry table, and the subsidiary code from the
Subsidiary table.
3. Checks the subs_inv_or_pay value. If the value is PAY, bgvoucher uses the tot_used flag
and the bal_used flag from the pay_tot_used and pay_bal_used codes in the Subsidiary
table. If the value is INV, bgvoucher uses the tot_used flag and the bal_used flag from the
inv_tot_used and inv_bal_used codes in the Subsidiary table.
4. Ensures that the subsidiary number in the sube_rec is valid in the id_rec.
5. Ensures that the document code in the sube_rec is valid in the doc_table.
6. Validates the allowed journal types (e.g., tdoc_ac_allow) against the journal type.
7. Ensures that the vch_rec.amt type is ACT or ENC, and that the sube_rec.amt_type =
vch_rec. amt_type.
8. Ensures that subsidiary transactions exist, and rounds the amounts in the transactions if
9. Ensures that no balance codes exist in the subtr_rec if the subsidiary does not use bals.
10. Checks the bals represented by the subtr_rec.subs, subtr_rec.bal_prd, subtr_rec.bal_code,
and subtr_rec.subs_no, if the subsidiary does use bals.
Note: If bgvoucher locates the bal, and the subsidiary is closed but the tent_ignore_constr
equals Y, then bgvoucher can post the transaction. If the subsidiary is closed but the
tent_ignore_constr does not equal Y, then bgvoucher cannot post the transaction.
11. Ensures that the bal code in the subtr_rec exists in the subb_table, and that the subtr_rec
subsidiary matches the tsubb_subs.
12. Ensures that the subs/bal_prd/amt_type combination exists in the fscl_cal_rec.
13. Compares the dates on the journal with the dates in the fscl_cal_rec to ensure the journal
dates are valid.
14. Ensures that the subtr_rec does not contain values for tot_code and tot_period, if the
subsidiary does not use tots.
15. Validates the tot in the subt_rec and ensures that the subt_rec is not closed, if the subsidiary
does use tots.
16. Performs the following checks, if the program cannot locate the tot in the subt _rec:
• Ensures that the subtr_rec subsidiary code matches the tsubt_subs.
• Uses the subas_table to validate the combination of subsidiary, bal and tot.
• Validates the tot_prd and the dates for the tot against the tot_prd and dates in the
• Ensures that the tot period is completely within the bal period, or that the bal period is
completely within the tot period (i.e., verifies that the bal and tot periods do not

Bgvoucher 60 General Ledger

• Ensures that the total amount in the sube equals the general ledger transaction

Process Description for Posting

After bgvoucher completes verification, it can post transactions. After it posts a transaction, it
waits for the client to obtain the status of the posting if bgv_setnotify specified POST. If signaled
processing is in effect, bgvoucher sends a signal to the client after it finishes verifying an entry.
The following list describes the process that bgvoucher uses for the posting pass for every
1. Bgvoucher provides default information for the gle_rec as follows:
• Obtains the vch_ref and vch_no from the current vch_rec.
• Increments the vch_rec entry_no, then sets equal to vch_rec.entry_no.
• Initializes gle_rec.cash_amt to 0.0.
• Initializes gle_rec.status to P.
• Uses the current program date for the
2. If bgvoucher does not locate any transactions, it sets the gle_status to U and adds it to the
3. If bgvoucher does locate transactions, it looks for the account in the gla_rec. If the record is
locked, bgvoucher tries to read it several times. If the read is unsuccessful, bgvoucher sends
an error message to the client.
4. If the account is a summarized account, bgvoucher sets the gltr_stat to D. If the account is
not a summarized account, bgvoucher sets the gltr_stat to P.
5. Bgvoucher sets the recon_stat to O.
6. If the transaction affects a cash account, bgvoucher updates the gle_cash_amt, the
vch_rec.cash_dr, and the vch_rec.cash_cr.
7. Bgvoucher updates the vch_rec.amt_dr and vch_rec.amt_cr.
8. If the dmm_size of the next level of the ent_dml > 0, indicating that there are subsidiary
entries to process, bgvoucher performs the following steps:
• Locates the subsidiary account requested by the vt file record. If the suba_rec is
locked, tries to read it several times. If the program cannot locate the sub_rec, locates
the subs_table entry and completes the internal suba_rec by setting the following
default values:
− suba_rec.status to 0
− to the program date
− suba_rec.def_pay_terms to tsubs.def_pay_tms
− suba_rec.bal_enc and suba_rec.bal_act to 0.0
− suba_rec.entry_no to 0
− suba_rec.s_id and suba_rec.c_id to 0
− suba_rec.alt_addr_code to tsubs_rec.alt_addr_code
− suba_rec.credit_rating to tsubs_rec.def_cr_rating
− suba_rec.def_discount to tsubs_rec.def_disc
− suba_rec.desc to blank
− suba_rec.letter to tsubs_rec.def_dunning_let
− suba_rec.int_waived to tsubs__rec.int_wvd
− suba_rec.written_off to N
− to N
− suba_rec.cust_no to blank
− suba_rec.auto_bank to N
− suba_rec.bank_code and suba_rec.bank_acct to blank

General Ledger 61 Bgvoucher

− suba_rec.prenotif_cmpl to N
− suba_rec.prenotif_proc to N
− suba_rec.ofc_for_chk to tsubs_rec.ofc_for_ck
− to 0
− suba_rec.c_serial to 0
• Adds the suba_rec
• Completes the sube_rec fields by setting the following values:
− sube_rec.status to P
− to prog_date
− table_type to ent_inv_or_pay
− sube_rec.vch_ref to vch_rec.ref
− sube_rec.vch_no to
− sube_rec.gle_no to gle_no
− sube_rec.amt to 0.0
• Adds all the subtr_rec.amts to the sube_rec.amt
9. Bgvoucher creates due to/from entries.
10. Bgvoucher adds the entry to the database.
11. Bgvoucher processes all the transactions for this entry as follows:
• Adds the gltr to the database.
• Attempts to locate the glamt_rec for the account. If the record is located and found to
be locked (and does not become unlocked during repeated attempts to access the
record), bgvoucher returns an error. If no record is located, bgvoucher adds a new
glamt_rec to the database.
• Adds the transaction to the proper period in the glamt_rec.
• Updates the glamt_rec in the database, then unlocks the glamt_rec.
12. Bgvoucher processes subsidiaries, if required. For more information about processing
subsidiaries, see Process Description for Posting Subsidiaries in this section.
13. Bgvoucher updates the in-memory vch_rec to the current time and date, and updates the
current vch_rec in the database to include the time, date, and last entry number.

Process Description for Posting Subsidiaries

Posting subsidiaries requires additional processing. When bgvoucher encounters a subsidiary

transaction, it performs the following steps:
1. Locates and locks the suba_rec for this subs and subs_no.
2. Increments the suba_rec.entry_no.
3. Sets to suba_rec.entry_no.
4. Adds sube_rec to the database. If bgvoucher encounters a “duplicate value for primary
index” error, it increments the sube_no and attempts to add the record again. If bgvoucher
encounters the same error, it increments the sube_no up to three more times before
generating an error message to the client. This unlikely condition could result from a system
failure that causes the sube_no to be incorrect. If it can add the record, bgvoucher updates
the suba_rec.entry_no.
5. Performs the following processing for all subsidiary transactions:
• Adds the subsidiary transaction to the database.
• For amount types of ENC, performs the following:
− Adds the transaction to the suba_rec.bal_enc.
− For transactions with bal codes, finds the internal subb_rec that corresponds to
the transaction. If the balance specified is not currently in memory, bgvoucher

Bgvoucher 62 General Ledger

zeroes out the totals and adds a subb_rec to the current list in memory, and adds
the transaction amount to the internal subb_rec.amt_enc.
− For transactions with tot codes, finds the subt_rec in memory that corresponds to
the total code in the transaction. If bgvoucher cannot locate the record in
memory, it zeroes out the totals in the subt_rec. If the table type is PAY,
bgvoucher adds the transaction amount to the subt_rec, and if the table type is
INV, bgvoucher adds the transaction amount to the subt_rec and puts the
associated amount from the transaction into the subt_rec. Bgvoucher then adds
or updates the subt_rec to the list of subt_records in memory.
• For amount types of ACT, performs the following:
− Adds the transaction amount to the suba_rec.bal_act.
− If a subsidiary balance was specified, locates the internal subb_rec that
corresponds to the transaction. If the balance specified is not currently in
memory, zeroes out the totals and adds a subb_rec to the current list in memory.
− Adds the transaction amount to the internal subb_rec.amt_act.
− For transactions with a tot code and a type of PAY, adds the transaction to the
internal subt_rec.amt_pay_act.
− For transactions with a tot code and a type of INV, adds the transaction to
internal subt_rec.amt_inv_act and takes the subt_rec.assoc_amt from the
• Updates and unlocks the suba_rec.
6. Performs the following processing for all subb_recs that exist in memory:
• Finds and locks the subb_rec in the database. If bgvoucher cannot locate the record
in the database, it adds a record with the information from the internal subb_rec. If
bgvoucher can locate the record, it adds the totals from the internal subb_rec to the
totals currently in the subb_rec and updates the database subb_rec.
• If both the actual amount and encumbered amount are 0.0, and the fc_cls_bal flag = A
(for Always Close) or if the fc_cls_bal flag is C (for Close after Closing Date) and the
system date is greater than fc_closing date, then bgvoucher closes the balance.
Under any other conditions, the status is Open.
• Unlocks the subb_rec.
7. Performs the following processing for all internal subt_recs:
• For the subt_recs in memory, bgvoucher finds and locks the subt_rec in the database.
If bgvoucher cannot locate the record in the database, it adds a record with the
information from the internal subt_rec. If bgvoucher can locate the record, it adds the
totals from the internal subt_rec to the totals currently in the database subt_rec and
updates the database subt_rec. Bgvoucher then unlocks the subt_rec.
8. Clears out internal lists of subsidiary balances and totals.

Subsidiary Balance and Total Processing

Bgvoucher attempts to maximize the efficiency of the process by building up an internal list of the
changes that it makes to the subt and subb records, and then updating these subbs and subts
only after all the transactions for this subsidiary entry have been processed. This process locks
the subb_recs and subt_recs for the minimum amount of time.

Program Relationships

The following programs use bgvoucher:

• acctspay
• approve
• bgtinstall
• billing

General Ledger 63 Bgvoucher

• cashier
• ckpost
• defrec
• docvoid
• filepost
• fixpost
• giftpost
• glclcked
• grvoid
• invdef
• pay
• purch
• purchasing
• recurent
• sa2sr

Bgvoucher 64 General Ledger

Background Voucher Functions


The bgvoucher functions communicate between client programs and bgvoucher.

The system blocks all client functions except bgv_connect, bgv_putentry, bgv_terminate and
bgv_void, until bgvoucher has time to process and validate the call.


connect = bgv_connect <clientname>;BG_CNCT_DEF connect;

Establishes a connection to bgvoucher. PTP handles details, including loading and running
a bgvoucher session, or establishing a connection to a bgvoucher session that is already
running. The returned value is a unique positive identifier given to the client by bgvoucher
and/or PTP that is required in all future bgvoucher calls. If bgv_connect returns a negative
number (this should always be BG_ERR), PTP was unable to start bgvoucher.
status = bgv_getstat(connect, ent_id); long ent_id;
Requests a status from bgvoucher. If unsignaled processing is in effect, the client will then
automatically wait until bgvoucher sends a status to it upon completion of verification or
If signaled processing is in effect, bgvoucher will send the client the status of the entry the
client specified. If ent_id = 0, bgvoucher will send the client the status of the first entry in its
internal queue, otherwise, it will report the status of the client-specified ent_id.
Note: Possible statuses are as follows:
• BG_VERIFIED (Entry has been verified but not yet posted)
• BG_EVERIFY (Entry had an error in the verify pass)
• BG_POSTED (Entry has been successfully posted to the database)
• BG_EPOST (There was an error which prevented the entry from being posted)
• BG_POSTING (Entry is currently being posted)
• BG_VERIFYING (Entry is currently being verified)
• BG_WAITING (Bgvoucher is waiting for a command or entry from the client)
Status = bgv_setnotify(connect, notify_specification, &notifyvar, notifyfunc); int
notify_specification; int notifyvar; intnotifyfunc();
Tells bgvoucher when and how to notify the client upon successful or unsuccessful
completion of entry processing. The following list contains valid values for
Note: The first four arguments (BG_VERIFY, BG_POST, BG_SIGNAL, and BG_NOSIGNAL)
can be used in multiple combinations, e.g., BG_VERIFY + BG_POST + BG_SIGNAL
would set up an interrupt handler that would be called whenever an entry had
completed the verification step, and again when it had finished posting the entry.
Specifying BG_SIGNAL without specifying a notification variable or a notification
function is not allowed.
Bgvoucher will not send an error report to the client until the client requests it. When
bgvoucher wants to send a status to the client (as previously arranged by setnotify), it will
stop processing on that connection until the client requests a status report. If a signal
handling routine is set up to catch bgvoucher errors, bgvoucher will signal the client and will
again stop processing that connection until the status has been retrieved.
• BG_VERIFY (Specifies that bgvoucher is to return the verification status for all
• BG_POST (Specifies that bgvoucher is to return the posting status of all entries)

General Ledger 65 Bgvoucher

• BG_SIGNAL (Tells bgvoucher to signal the client when the status of an entry can be
retrieved. If notifyfunc is non-zero, it specifies the signal handling routine; if notifyvar is
nonzero, PTP will set the variable to PTP_DATA whenever there is something to be
read from the connection. Either notifyvar or notifyfunc must be specified; they cannot
both be given.)
• BG_NOSIGNAL (Tells bgvoucher to disable any current signal handling and resume
unsignaled processing. BG_NOSIGNAL is the default.)
status = bgv_instruction(connect, instruction); int instruction;
Bgv_instruction sends bgvoucher instructions that do not require arguments. Valid
instructions include the following:
• BG_ABORT (Used with the BG_WAIT command. Tells bgvoucher not to post the
entry it stopped processing after verification.)
• BG_CONTINUE (Used with the BG_WAIT command. Tells bgvoucher to continue
posting the entry it stopped processing after verification.)
• BG_FINISH (Finish the journal currently being processed.)
• BG_INCOMPLETE (Incomplete the journal currently being processed.)
• BG_NOCOPY (Do not save a copy of the processing in a bgfile (default).)
• BG_POST (Do both verification and posting on entries (default).)
• BG_POSTLATER (Verify entries and save them in a bgfile for later posting.)
• BG_PURGE (Deletes all entries from this connection. If bgvoucher is currently
processing an entry, it will finish processing the entry and then delete the other
• BG_VERONLY (Do only the verification of entries, not the posting.)
• BG_WAIT (Tells bgvoucher to wait after verification until the client requests a status
for the entry before going on to post the entry.)
Note: BG_WAIT is used when a program does not want posting to automatically
occur after verification. If a program is running an AC and a PC journal, for
example, and wants to post both journals only if verification of both journals
was successful, it might specify BG_WAIT, wait for a successful verification
from both entries, and then tell bgvoucher to post them with BG_CONTINUE.
In Purchasing, for example, an error in either one of the entries it is processing
invalidates the other entry. This option is useful if BG_VERIFY has been
specified with bgv_setnotify.

If signaled processing is in effect, and BG_FINISH is specified while there are still entries to
be posted, bgv_instruction will return a BGV_POSTING status, signifying that the finish
could not be executed at that time. The client program should wait until all entries have
been posted before doing a BG_FINISH instruction.
status = bgv_savecopy(connect, filename);
Saves a copy of the journal session in a bgfile. If filename is a null string, bgvoucher will
automatically assign it a unique postcopy name and save the copy in it. If <filename> is not
null and the file specified already exists, the old file will be replaced. If BG_POSTLATER
has been selected, bgvoucher will automatically assign a bgfile and bgv_savecopy will
return an error.
If bgv_savecopy is called during a journal, it will start saving a copy of the journal until the
BG_NOCOPY instruction is specified. The only savecopy files which can be guaranteed to
be understood will be those begun before a journal has been started, but files begun after a
journal has been started may be useful for debugging purposes.
status = bgv_terminate(connect, vchref, vchno, user);
Voids all entries in the specified journal. The journal should be finished or incompleted first.
status = bgv_void(connect, vchref, vchno, entno, user)

Bgvoucher 66 General Ledger

Voids the specified entry in the given journal. The journal should be incompleted first.
status = bgv_start(connect, &bg_head_rec); struct bg_head_rec_type bg_head_rec;
Bgv_start tells bgvoucher to start a new journal. The information in the header record is
checked for validity. If it passes all checks, a new journal record is added to the database
and the journal table field tvch_last_issued_no is incremented by one.
status = bgv_continue(connect, vchref, vchno, user); char *vchref; long vchno;
Tells bgvoucher to continue an incomplete journal. BG_OK is returned if the specified
journal is found in the Voucher records; an error is returned if the journal is not found or
otherwise invalid.
status = bgv_putentry(connect, &ent_dml, &identifier) BG_DML_DEF(ent_dml); long
Sends one or more entries to bgvoucher to be verified and posted subject to the
bgv_setnotify and bgv_instruction options, If more than one entry is sent, it is assumed that
they are to be taken as a packet, and the entries will all be verified and then all posted. For
example, if a program sends two entries, the first will be verified, the second will be verified,
then the first entry will be posted, and finally the second entry will be posted. Identifier is an
identifier assigned to the entry packet by the client. Bgvoucher does not require it to be a
unique value.
connect = bgv_output(filename);
Sets up a special PTP connection to a file. This bypasses bgvoucher completely. It is
primarily envisioned as being used when bgvoucher cannot be loaded and the client must
continue processing. It may also be of value in continuing processing after bgvoucher fatal
status = bgv_getvch(connect, &vch_rec);
Returns information about the journal. The vch_rec includes journal number, last entry,
amt_cr, amt_dr, and other information which may or may not be of interest to the client. If a
journal has not been continued or started, this will return an error.
status = bgv_getlines(connect, line1, line2); char line1[81], line2[81];
Upon receiving a bgvoucher error, the client should always call bgv_getlines to retrieve an
error message that better describes the problem. If the error which occurred will invalidate
any subsequent entries, bgv_getlines is called to delete the rest of the entries from
bgvoucher’s internal connection queue. Otherwise, bgvoucher will automatically resume
normal posting of any entries in its internal structures.

Internal Functions

The following functions are internal to bgvoucher’s processing:

status = bgv_mkfile(filename, specification); char filename[81]; int specification;
Creates filename which can be used for later bgv_xxxxx routines. If specification is
BG_POSTLATER, filename will be of the format used to create bgfiles which are to be
posted after by filepost. If specification is BG_COPY, filename will be in a format that will
identify the file as a copy and which will be ignored by filepost.

Functions Used by bgvoucher

Bgvoucher uses the following functions:

connect = bgv_accept(clientname) char clientname[81];

General Ledger 67 Bgvoucher

Accepts a connection from a client. The client’s name substitutes for clientname in the
function. If the client’s name is longer than 80 characters (perhaps via an extremely long
pathname), it is truncated to 80 characters. PTP automatically takes care of assigning
clients to bgvoucher and signaling bgvoucher to accept new clients.
int instruction; instruction = bgv_getinst(connect);
Returns an integer code specifying one of the following bgvoucher instructions:
• BG_ABORT (Used in conjunction with BG_WAIT. Abort processing on this entry.)
• BG_CONTINUE (Used in conjunction with BG_WAIT. Continue and post this entry.)
• BG_FINISH (Finish the current journal.)
• BG_NOCOPY (Do not save (or stop saving) a transcript of the bgvoucher session.)
• BG_POST (Post and verify entries.)
• BG_POSTLATER (Verify entries, but instead of posting them immediately write it to a
bgfile for later posting.)
• BG_PURGE (Deletes all entries from this connection. If bgvoucher is currently
processing an entry, it will finish processing the entry and then delete the other
• BG_VERONLY (Only verify entries.)
• BG_GETSTAT (Instructs bgvoucher to give the client a status report.)
• BG_SETNOTIFY (Set up procedure used to notify the client during processing.)
• BG_SAVECOPY (Save a transcript of the current journal session.)
• BG_TERMINATE (Terminate the specified journal.)
• BG_VOID (Void the specified journal.)
• BG_START (Start a journal.)
• BG_CONTVCH (Continue a journal.)
• BG_PUTENTRY (Add the entry to bgvoucher’s internal entry structure.)
• BG_GETLINES (Retrieve error information.)
• BG_WAIT (Wait for status from verify before going on to posting.)
status = bgv_getentry(connect, &ent_dml); BG_DML_DEF(ent_dml);
Gets a general ledger entry from the client and puts it into the entry dml.
status = bgv_getstart(connect, &bg_head_rec) struct bg_head_type bg_head_rec;
Starts a journal with the information in the header record given.
status = bgv_getcontinue(connect, vchref, &vchno, &user); char vchref[3]; long vchno;
Gets a journal reference and journal number that the client wants to continue.
status = bgv_getvoid(connect, vchref, &vchno, &vchent, &user); char vchref[3]; long
vchno; int vchent;
Gets a journal reference, a journal number, and a journal entry that the client wants to void.
status = bgv_getterminate(connect, vchref, &vchno, &user); char vchref[3]; long vchno;
Gets a journal reference and journal number of a journal that the client wants to terminate.
status = bgv_putstatus(connect, ent_stat, ent_id); long ent_id;
Sends the current status of the specified entry to the client.
status = bgv_putlines(connect, errline1, errline2) char errline1[81]; char errline2[81];
Sends two error lines to the client. If no error has occurred, the string “No error has
occurred” will be sent. If bgvoucher gets a PTP error, the PTP error message will be sent in
the first error line.
status = bgv_getnotify(connect, &notify_specification) int notify_specification;
Returns the description of how and when bgvoucher is supposed to notify the client of the
progress of the entry.
status = bgv_writestat(connect, statvar); int statvar;

Bgvoucher 68 General Ledger

Sends a bgvoucher status to the client’s bgv routine. This differs from bgv_putstatus in that
there is no entry identifier.

General Ledger 69 Bgvoucher




This section provides reference information about the Budget Review (bgtreview) program. The
General Ledger module uses bgtreview to provide users with the ability to view budgeted, actual
and encumbered amounts in a variety of ways.

Program Features Detailed

This section contains details about the following features of the bgtreview program:
• Process flow
• Table usage
• Parameters
• Program screens

Program Files

All the program files for bgtreview appear in the following directories:
• $CARSPATH/src/accounting/bgtreview
• $CARSPATH/src/Lib/libacct

Tables Used in the Program

The bgtreview program uses the following tables and records:

The Financial Statement table that organizes elements of the G/L account into blocks,
groups, and schedules
The General Ledger Amount record that provides summarized totals for G/L accounts over
fiscal periods
The General Ledger Account records that contain the fund, function, object and subfund
combinations that your institution has used
The General Ledger Journal Entry records that contain information about each entry
The General Ledger Transaction records that contain the amount and account charged for
each transaction in an entry
The Pending Requisition record that contains dollar amount information about submitted
requisitions that have not yet been approved or ordered
The General Ledger Journal records that contain information about the journal

General Ledger 71 Budget Review

Process Flow


The following diagram shows the flow of data in the bgtreview program, which relies on a library
routine in src/Lib/libacct.


Select gl amount
records from yes Account passed to no
gl_amt_rec program?

Set default fields for

Display budget, actual, account
and encumbrance total
amounts for the
account passed
Does user want to
continue? no


Prompt user for

account, fiscal period,
frequency, and level

Select amount records

from gl_amt_rec

Select transactions,
Display budget, actual, entries, and journals for
and encumbrance total account and amount
amounts type chosen by user


Does user want to Display transactions,

no entries, and journals
see transactions?

Budget Review 72 General Ledger

Data Flow Description

The following process describes the data flow in the bgtreview program.
1. If a general ledger account is passed to the program, then it does the following:
• Selects glamt_rec for account passed
• Displays totals of budget, actual, and encumbrance amounts
Note: Bgtreview is a stand-alone program that calls the library routine review. If a program
calls the library routine directly, it can pass an account so that the amount information
appears immediately.
2. If the program does not receive a general ledger account, it sets default fields for the general
ledger account.
3. If the user wants to continue, the program does the following:
• Prompts user for account, fiscal period, frequency, and level
• Selects General Ledger Amount records corresponding to query by user
• Displays totals of budget, actual, and encumbrance amounts
4. If the user wants to see transactions for a budget, actual, or encumbered amount, the
program does the following:
• Selects transactions, entries, and journals for the general ledger account and amount
type chosen by user
• Displays transactions, entries, and journals
Note: The logic flow described here actually resides in the file in the
src/Lib/libacct directory. The program, bgtreview, in src/accounting/bgtreview
calls this library routine.

Program Relationships

As a display-only stand-alone process, the bgtreview program does not interract with other
programs. You can, however, access bgtreview from the following Accounts Payable screens:
• Purchase Order Header Entry screen
• Purchasing - Requisition Selection screen
• Accounts Payable Direct Entry screen
• Accounts Payable - Requisition Selection screen

Global Data Structures

The bgtreview program creates and calls the following two global data structures as needed:
Contains transaction information that the program displays
Contains amounts that the program displays

General Ledger 73 Budget Review

Review Library Routine


The bgtreview program uses the review library routine to perform the query function. Originally
part of the CX program purch, Jenzabar has enhanced the review routine to be a stand-alone

Input to the review Routine

The review routine uses the following input:

The General Ledger account to be reviewed
A character field containing the fiscal year to be reviewed (required)
An integer field containing the mode to exit the review screen. Valid values are as follows:
• RVW_RET (returns to the calling program)
• RVW_BYE (exits to the UNIX shell)
A character field containing any messages produced by the review routine.
A character field containing the name of the printer to use for output options.

Return Values

The review routine can return either of the following two values:
The program routes an error message describing the cause of the problem in mesgbuf. If
the calling mode is "RVW_RET" and this error status is returned, the calling program is
responsible for redrawing the previous screen.
If the calling mode is "RVW_RET" and this error status is returned, the calling program does
not need to redraw its previous screen. The error occurred before the review screen was

Output From the review Routine

When the review routine completes, the screen is modified. The calling function is responsible
for redrawing the screen when this function exits.

Budget Review 74 General Ledger

Budget Review Parameters


CX contains parameters and compilation values for executing the bgtreview program. You can
specify parameters to compile bgtreview in a specified manner at the time of execution.
Note: You can also specify compilation values with the includes for the General Ledger
module that affect the bgtreview program.

Parameter Syntax

You can display bgtreview parameters by entering the following: bgtreview -,

The following is the correct usage for running the bgtreview program from the UNIX shell:
bgtreview -y fiscal year [-m fiscal period] [-f display frequency] -p output printer
Parameters that appear in brackets are optional. Parameters that do not appear in brackets are


The following lists the parameters for running bgtreview .

-y fiscal year
Required - The fiscal year that you want to review
-m fiscal period
Optional - The fiscal period that you want to review (e.g., JAN, BAL)
-f display frequency
Optional - The display frequency of account balances (e.g., A for all fiscal period amounts)
-p output printer
Required - The name of the printer to use in output options

General Ledger 75 Budget Review

Program Screens


The bgtreview program uses three screens: two program screens that contain budget
information and one help screen.


The screen files are located in the following directory path: $CARSPATH/src/Lib/libacct/SCR

Screen Files and Table/Record Usage

The bgtreview screens appear in the following files and use the indicated tables and records:
Contains the Budget Review screen
Tables/Records: gl_amt_rec, gla_rec
Contains help information for the Budget Review screen
Contains the Budget Transactions screen
Tables/Records: gla_rec, gle_rec, gltr_rec, vch_rec

Budget Review 76 General Ledger




This section provides reference information about the Bursar Query (bursar) program. The
General Ledger module uses bursar to enable users to view financial information about students.

Program Features Detailed

This section contains details about the following features of the bursar program:
• Process flow
• Parameters
• Table usage
• Program screens

Program Files

All the program files for bursar appear in the following directories:
• $CARSPATH/src/accounting/bursar
• $CARSPATH/src/Lib/libbill

Program Access

Users can access bursar from any of the following three menus in the CX standard product:
• Financial Management: Auditing
• Financial Management: Cash Receipts
• Financial Management: Student Billing Menu

General Ledger 77 Bursar Query

Process Flow


The following diagram shows the flow of data in the bursar program.

Perform opening tasks:

start select database tables,
initialize screens and
data structures

Solicit initial student ID

from user

Obtain instructions
from the user

Exit? yes Perform closing tasks


Retrieve data Exit

Present data to user

Bursar Query 78 General Ledger

Data Flow Description

The following process describes the data flow in the bursar program.
1. The primary program file, main.c, accesses bsr.c, a file in $CARSPATH/src/Lib/libbill.
2. Within bsr.c, the program calls bill_init_bursar, which in turn calls bsrdb.c, a source file with
several subroutines that access the database.
3. Based on instructions from bsrdb.c, the program selects tables and initializes files and
4. The program displays a Bursar Query screen in query mode. The default display screen is
the Bursar Balance screen.
5. The user enters the ID number of the student.
6. The program retrieves the information about the student.
7. The user selects a command (e.g., Account, Balance, Parameters, Detail, or Query), and the
program processes the command using the bill_bursar routine in $CARSPATH/src/Lib/
8. When the user selects Exit, the program displays the menu from which Bursar Query

Program Relationships

Bursar does not interact with any other CX programs

General Ledger 79 Bursar Query

Bursar Query Parameters


CX contains parameters and compilation values for executing the bursar program. You can
specify parameters to compile bursar in a specified manner at the time of execution.
Note: You can also specify compilation values with the includes for the General Ledger
module that affect the bursar program.

Parameter Syntax

You can display bursar parameters by entering the following: bursar -, and then reading your
electronic mail for processing messages.
[-a runcode] [-p query period] [-s query subsidiary] [-m initial mode] [-o output device]
[-D] [-g]
Parameters that appear in brackets are optional. Parameters that do not appear in brackets are


The following lists the parameters for running bursar.

-r runcode
Optional - Specifies an alternate address run code
-p period
Optional - Specifies a time period for the query (e.g., JAN, CLS)
-s subsidiary
Optional - Specifies a subsidiary for the query (e.g., S/A)
-m mode
Optional - Specifies the screen that the user wants to access for the initial query (e.g., the
Bursar Balance screen)
-o printer
Optional - Specifies the printer that you want to use for printing query output

Bursar Query 80 General Ledger

Program Screens


The bursar program uses five screens: four program screens that contain different views of
student financial information, and a parameter window that enables users to change the search
criteria for the query.


The screen files are located in the following directory path:


Screen Files

The bursar screens appear in the following files:

Contains the Bursar Account Information screen
Contains the Bursar Balance Information screen
Contains the student ID information where the user enters search criteria for the query.
Contains the Bursar Session Information screen
Contains the Bursar Default Query Parameters window

Table/Record Usage

All the bursar screens use the following tables:

• id_rec
• stuac_rec
• suba_rec
• subb_rec
• subs_table

General Ledger 81 Bursar Query




This section provides reference information about the File Posting (filepost) program. The
General Ledger module uses filepost to post entries to the general ledger.

Program Features Detailed

This section contains details about the following features of the filepost program:
• Process flow
• Program interrelationships
• Table usage
• Parameters
• Program screens

Program Files

All the program files for filepost appear in the following directory:

Tables Used in the Program

The filepost program uses the following tables and records:

The Subsidiary Total table that contains information about subsidiary tot codes
The Subsidiary table that contains information about subsidiaries
The General Ledger Journal records that contain information about the journal
The Subsidiary Entry records that contain information about each entry that impacts a
The Subsidiary Transaction records that contain the subsidiary, the amount and the account
charged for each transaction in an entry
In addition, filepost creates and calls the following four global data structures as needed:
The tree structure used for passing G/L transactions to bgvoucher
The list of files displayed during interactive mode
A list of subsidiaries
A list of subsidiary tot codes

General Ledger 83 Filepost

Process Flow


The following diagram shows the flow of data in the filepost program.


Get file names to be


Terminating a
Terminate journal
no with bgvoucher

Voiding an
entry? yes Void general
ledger entry with Stop


Continue journal
Finishing a
yes and finish journal
with bgvoucher


Post files

Filepost 84 General Ledger


Change file name Load and run
extensions to ".proc" bgvoucher

Get file from list of files

to be posted

Load header and

Found file? yes entries from file into
dml for bgvoucher


Return to calling Use bgvoucher to

process verify entries

Remove ".proc"
extension from file no Entries OK?


Use bgvoucher to post


Change file name

extension from ".proc"
to ".post"

General Ledger 85 Filepost

Data Flow Description

The following process describes the data flow in the filepost program.
1. The user enters arguments and filenames.
2. The program parses the arguments and filenames.
3. If the user has run the program in interactive mode, the program:
• Reads information about each file requested by the user
• Displays file list
• Allows the user to select files to post
• Removes files from the dir_dmm that the user does not want to post
• Sorts files in order of priority specified by the user
• Goes into the background to post files
4. If the user is terminating a journal, the program:
• Uses bgvoucher to terminate the journal
• Exits
5. If the user is voiding an entry, the program:
• Uses bgvoucher to void general ledger entry
• Exits
6. If the user is finishing a journal, the program:
• Uses bgvoucher to first continue the journal, then finish it
• Exits
7. If the user uses the command line to enter files to post, the program sets defaults for the post
date and period if they are not already set in each file.
8. The program performs the following steps:
• Moves all files to “.proc” filenames
• Loads and runs bgvoucher
• Gets the first file from list, then performs the following:
− Reads the header from the file
− Loads General Ledger entries from the file into ent_dml
− Uses bgvoucher to verify General Ledger entries before posting
Note: If bgvoucher does not locate any errors, it posts the entries and renames the
file from “.proc” to “.post”. If bgvoucher locates errors, it removes the “.proc”
extension from the file, and selects the next file.

File Types Used by filepost

Filepost can read the following three types of files:

“vt_file” type
Each record in the file has a label indicating whether it is a general ledger entry, general
ledger transaction, subsidiary entry, or subsidiary transaction (old format). If the file only
contains subsidiary entries, then filepost generates general ledger entries, and general
ledger transactions.
“dml” type
Bgvoucher creates the file containing general ledger entries, general ledger transactions,
subsidiary entries, and subsidiary transactions. The program loads the file into the dml via
”ascii” type

Filepost 86 General Ledger

The first two characters of each line of each record indicate the type of record (e.g., a
general ledger entry).

Program Relationships

The filepost program uses bgvoucher to post transactions.

General Ledger 87 Filepost

Filepost Parameters


CX contains parameters and compilation values for executing the filepost program. You can
specify parameters to compile filepost in a specified manner at the time of execution.
Note: You can also specify compilation values with the includes for the General Ledger
module that affect the filepost program.

Parameter Syntax

The following is the correct usage for running the filepost program from the UNIX shell:
filepost [-d date] [-f journal reference] [-g subsidiary entry count] [-h entry count] [-I]
[-m file mode] -n filenames [-p period] [-s station number] [-t terminate flag] [-v void
Parameters that appear in brackets are optional. Parameters that do not appear in brackets are


The following list contains the parameters for running filepost.

-d date
Optional - Specifies the journal date, defaulting to system date.
-f journal reference
Optional - Indicates that the user wants to finish the specified journal.
-g subsidiary entry count
Optional - Indicates the number of subsidiary entries per general ledger entry.
-h entry count
Optional - Indicates that the program can use the number of entries in specified in the
header as an entry count.
Optional - Indicates whether the user wants to use the program in Interactive mode,
defaulting to Non-interactive mode.
-m file mode
Optional - The mode of the file, defaulting to V. Valid codes include the following:
• A=ascii
• B=binary DML
• V=vt-file
-n filenames
Required - The names of files to be posted.
Note: The location of files varies with mode of file. File locations are as follows:
• V ($CARSPATH/vchpost)
-p period

Filepost 88 General Ledger

Optional - The posting period (e.g., ADJ, JUN, CLS), defaulting to the period containing the
current system date.
-s station number
Optional - The station number in the doc_table.
-t terminate flag
Optional - Indicates that the user wants to terminate the specified journal.
-v void flag
Optional - Indicates that the user wants to void the specified journal.

Tips for Specifying Processing Parameters

Consider the following when selecting the processing parameters to use with filepost:
• Finish, Terminate and Void are mutually exclusive (i.e., they cannot be specified on the
same execution of filepost).
• Finish, Terminate and Void are not interactive options.
• If you do not use filepost with the Finish, Terminate or Void option, then one of the following
must be true:
− Filepost must be interactive (the -i flag).
− On the command line, you must specify the name of at least one file to be posted
(e.g., -n file1 file2 ...).
• Filepost allows users to specify either full or partial filenames; it can locate both the exact
filenames and those that match the partial filenames given on the command line.

General Ledger 89 Filepost

Program Screens


Since filepost works behind the scene, posting the output from other processes, it uses only one


The screen file is located in the following directory path:


Screen File

The filepost screen appears in the following file:

Provides interactive display for the user to select files to be posted

Filepost 90 General Ledger




This section provides reference information about the Financial Statement Generation (fingen),
Financial Formatting (finformat) and Financial Report (finrpt) programs. These three programs
work together to provide flexible reporting options that menu users can use to customize reports.
The three programs together comprise the Financial Statement Report programs.
The report structures that you create and use from these programs provide the following features:
• Net Asset Indicators for compliance with the reporting requirements for FASB 117
• Multiple columns for comparative reporting
• Account sets for grouping accounts for greater flexibility in reporting
• Subtotaling on selected lines

Program Features Detailed

This section contains details about the following features of the fingen, finformat and finrpt
• Process flow
• Table usage
• Parameters
• Program screens

Program Files

All program files for fingen appear in the following directory: $CARSPATH/src/accounting/fingen
All program files for finformat appear in the following directory: $CARSPATH/src/accounting/
All program files for finrpt appear in the following directory: $CARSPATH/src/accounting/finrpt

Tables Used in the Programs

The fingen, finformat and finrpt programs use the following tables and records:
The Financial Format record that defines all the levels of the report structures on your
The Financial General Ledger record that links an account to a report structure level
The Financial Report table that defines the report structure codes on your database
The Financial Statement Format record that establishes formats for financial statements by
format code and provides columnar specifics for generating the actual report

General Ledger 91 Fingen, Finformat and Finrpt

The Financial Statement Format table that defines valid names for report code/format code
The Financial Set table that defines the account groupings that you can optionally use for
The General Ledger Account records that contain the fund, function, object and subfund
combinations that your institution has used
In addition, fingen creates and calls the following three global data structures as needed.
Displays information in the bgsi screen
Tracks the accounts that are linked to the statement structure
Contains accounts that do not exist in the fin_gl_rec for the specific report code

Fingen, Finformat and Finrpt 92 General Ledger

Process Flow


The following diagrams show the flow of data in the fingen, finformat and finrpt programs.

fingen opens the

database, initializes
screens and binds the
program buffer to the

fingen displays bgsi
screen with ring menu - Verifies that no
substructure is attached
and user selects a 3 - Obtains title information
command - Enters select account
Based on report code and - If selected, the match or
format code, fingen: search options enable
-Extracts relevent data and user to locate accounts
Did the user select fills the bgsi_dmm and that fall within a range of
Query? bgsi_dml selected accounts
- Loads data from gla_rec
into the gl_dmm
- Loads the bgsi screen
no - Verifies that account(s) is
Attach associated
After verifying the selected - Displays removal screen
structure, fingen moves to - Moves to scroll area
Did the user select - Removes accounts
yes the scroll area of the screen
Modify? using scr_scget() and - Reloads the gl_dmm and
accepts changes repositions the bgsi_dml

- Verifies that account(s) is
- Displays viewing screen
Did the user select The user selects Attach, - Displays contents of the
G/L? Remove, or View View bgsi_dml at the account


General Ledger 93 Fingen, Finformat and Finrpt


fingen obtains the current

report code, frees the
Did the user select Yes bgsi_dmm and bgsi_dml,
Remove? and deletes entries from
fin_rpt_table, fin_fmt_rec,
and fin_gl_rec
fingen loads gl_dmm with
accounts, displays
screen for entering
Did the user select Yes
general information, then
Add? displays the structure
screens sequentially

The user elects to print or

suppress print of the
Did the user select Yes accounts, then fingen
Print? uses libfps to fill the
The user enters the
report code and title for
Did the user select Yes the copy, and the new
Copy? report is created upon

The user enters the report
code in the Audit/Update
screen. If the report is
corrupt, the program
Did the user select Yes
attempts to rebuild it. The
Audit? option also enables the
user to resequence the
report lines.

The Totals field (a Y/N

flag) becomes active. If
Did the user select Yes set to N, no subtotal will
TotsUpd? appear on the final report
on that line.

fingen exits

Fingen, Finformat and Finrpt 94 General Ledger


finformat uses tables to

validate input and updated
capture user additions fin_rpt_fmt_rec
and modifications.

Report format
Did user request specifications
printed output?


finformat process exits

General Ledger 95 Fingen, Finformat and Finrpt

Data Flow Description

The following process describes the data flow in the fingen program:
1. The user passes processing parameters to the program.
2. The program opens the database, initializes screens, and binds the program buffer to the
3. The program displays the bgsi screen with a ring menu. Based on the ring menu selection
that the user makes, the following processing occurs:
Query option
1. The user enters a report code, or selects the code using the table lookup functionality in
the screen package.
2. The program extracts data from the fin_fmt_rec and the fin_gl_rec and fills the bgsi_dmm
and bgsi_dml.
3. The program loads general ledger accounts from the gla_rec into the gl_dmm.
4. The program loads the bgsi screen with data from the bgsi_dmm and returns control to
the ring menu.
Modify option
1. The program verifies that the user has queried a statement structure.
2. The program moves into the scroll area of the bgsi screen using scr_scget().
• SCR_FORWARD allows the modification of the title of the current scroll line in a
pop-up screen.
• SCR_KEYU allows the insertion of additional lines into the statement structure from
the current position within the scroll area.
− The program uses the current line type and next type to create data for a
selection screen which enables the user to specify what type of line is to be
− A pop-up screen forces the user to make a selection of the line type for the new
− Using the entered selection, the program uses the appropriate portion of the add
option functionality to input data.
• SCR_KEYV allows the removal of a branch of a statement structure, starting at the
current line within the scroll area and continuing down to the general ledger
account level (e.g., a schedule and its related items and accounts, or a block and
its related groups, schedules, items and accounts).
− The program uses the current line to start the deletion process.
− The program locates the lowest level and removes it from the bgsi_dmm, the
bgsi_dml, and the database. This process repeats for each successive level until
the program reaches and deletes the beginning line.
G/L option
The user can select any of three options under the G/L option.
1. Attach
• Verifies that the current line does not have any substructure lines attached to it, or
that it has general ledger accounts connected directly to it.
• Obtains the title information required by G/L Account Selection screen.
• Enters the select account function used within the Add option.
• Returns control to the ring menu.
2. Remove
• Verifies that the current line has general ledger accounts connected directly to it.
• Displays a pop-up G/L Account Removal screen.
• Positions the bgsi_dml at the account level, and loads the screen with this data.

Fingen, Finformat and Finrpt 96 General Ledger

• Uses scr_scget() to move into the scroll area and to allow the user to indicate which
accounts to remove.
• When the user completes the removal selection process, removes the selected
accounts from fin_gl_rec and the bgsi_dml.
• Reloads the gl_dmm to insure that all accounts which are removed from the
statement structure are available to be attached to the statement structure again.
• Repositions the bgsi_dml to the previous level.
• Returns to the Customized Financial Statement Structure screen and returns
control to the ring menu.
3. View
• Verifies that the current line has general ledger accounts connected directly to it.
• Obtains title information needed by the viewing screen.
• Displays a pop-up viewing screen.
• Positions the bgsi_dml at the account level and loads the screen with this data.
• Repositions the bgsi_dml to the previous level.
• Returns to the Customized Financial Statement Structure screen and returns
control to the ring menu.
Remove option
1. The program obtains the current report code from the bgsi_dmm.
2. The program frees bgsi_dmm and bgsi_dml and clears the screen.
3. The program deletes entries from the following tables:
• fin_rpt_table
• fin_fmt_rec
• fin_gl_rec
4. The program notifies the user that the removal is complete using scr_info().
5. The program returns control to the ring menu.
Add option
The Add option operates the same as the Modify option, except upon returning to the
original line type screen which was initially selected for this option. The program saves
changes to the database.
1. The program loads the gl_dmm with all the general ledger accounts for the fiscal
calendar that the user specified when entering the application.
2. A pop-up screen appears that enables the user to enter initial report statement data and
block level data.
3. The user enters initial report statement data through scr_getset().
4. The program verifies that the report code is unique.
5. The program clears the bgsi_dml and the bgsi_dmm.
6. The program adds a blank entry to the block level of the bgsi_dml.
7. Using scr_scget() and the blank entry to bgsi_dml, the user adds the block title and the
net asset indicator, and sets the G/L Next flag correctly.
8. If the user chooses SCR_ABORT, then the program returns control to the main ring
9. If the user chooses SCR_DONE, then the program adds the block entry to the
Note: If the G/L Next flag = Y, then the program allows the user to select accounts to
associate with the block, and inserts the new information into fin_fmt_rec, then
goes to step 6.

General Ledger 97 Fingen, Finformat and Finrpt

10. The Group Entry screen appears, and the program adds a blank entry to the group level
of the bgsi_dml.
11. Using scr_scget() and the blank entry to bgsi_dml, the user adds the group title and sets
the G/L Next flag.
12. If the user chooses SCR_ABORT, then the program inserts the new information into
fin_fmt_rec, and goes to step 6.
13. If the user chooses SCR_DONE, then the program adds the group entry to the
Note: If the G/L Next flag = Y, then the program allows the user to select accounts to
associate with the group, and inserts the new information into fin_fmt_rec, then
goes to step 6.
14. The Schedule Entry screen appears, and the program adds a blank entry to the
schedule level of the bgsi_dml.
15. Using scr_scget() and the blank entry to bgsi_dml, the user adds the schedule title and
sets the G/L Next flag.
16. If the user chooses SCR_ABORT, then the program inserts the new information into
fin_fmt_rec, and goes to step 10.
17. If the user chooses SCR_DONE, then the program adds the schedule entry to the
Note: If the G/L Next flag = Y, then the program allows the user to select accounts to
associate with the schedule, and inserts the new information into fin_fmt_rec,
then goes to step 14.
18. The Item Entry screen appears, and the program adds a blank entry to the item level of
the bgsi_dml.
19. Using scr_scget() and the blank entry to bgsi_dml, the user adds the item title.
20. If the user chooses SCR_ABORT, then the program inserts the new information into
fin_fmt_rec, and goes to step 14.
21. If the user chooses SCR_DONE, then the program adds the item entry to the bgsi_dmm
and allows the user to select accounts to associate with the item, and inserts the new
information into fin_fmt_rec, then goes to step 18.
Print option
1. The user sets a flag for printing or suppressing the printing of general ledger accounts.
2. The program positions both the bgsi_dmm and the bgsi_dml at the beginning.
3. Using libfps, the bgsi_dmm and bgsi_dml fill the bgsi form.
4. If the user wants to print general ledger accounts, the program goes to the account level
of the bgsi_dml and fills the form with the accounts associated with each level.
Audit option
1. The user selects a report code for audit/reconfiguration.
2. The program verifies the order and line/type fields in the fin_fmt_rec are consistent
compared to the order/line_type fields in other records within the same report
group/block/schedule. If inconsistent, the program attempts to repair the order fields(s).
3. The user can, if desired, change the order number to resequence lines of the report.
The program automatically resequences any lines that are subordinate to the selected
Exit option
If the user selects the Exit option, the program exits and the menu appears.

Program Relationships
• The fingen program provides the ability to enter and modify statements and structures
which serve as input to finrpt.
• The finformat program provides definitions for finrpt.

Fingen, Finformat and Finrpt 98 General Ledger

Financial Statement Report Program Parameters


CX contains parameters and compilation values for executing the fingen, finformat and finrpt
programs. You can specify parameters to compile fingen, finformat and finrpt in a specified
manner at the time of execution.
Note: You can also specify compilation values with the includes for the General Ledger
module that affect the fingen, finformat and finrpt programs.

Parameter Syntax

You can display fingen, finformat and finrpt parameters by entering one of the following:
• fingen -,
• finformat -,
• finrpt -,
The following is the correct usage for running the fingen, finformat and finrpt programs from the
UNIX shell:
fingen -y fiscal year -p printer
finformat -p printer device
finrpt -y fiscal year [-Y comparative fiscal year] -r report code for statement
-m starting period -M ending period -A actual? -E encumbrance? -B budget?
-x print G/L account exception list
Parameters that appear in brackets are optional. Parameters that do not appear in brackets are

Parameters for Financial Statement Generation

The following lists the parameters for running fingen.

-y year
Required - Specifies the base fiscal year for the report structure.
-p printer
Required - Specifies the printer that you want to use for printing report structures.

Parameters for Financial Format

The following lists the parameter for running finformat.

-p printer device
Required - Specifies the name of the printer that you want to use to produce output.

Parameters for Financial Report

The following lists the parameters for running finrpt.

-y year
Required - Specifies the base fiscal year for the report.
-Y comparative year
Optional - Specifies the fiscal year that you want to compare to the base year.
-r report code for statement

General Ledger 99 Fingen, Finformat and Finrpt

Required - Specifies the name of the structure.
-m starting period
Required - Specifies the beginning period that you want to show on the report (e.g., JUL.).
-M ending period
Required - Specifies the ending period that you want to show on the report (e.g., SEP).
-A actual ?
Required - Specifies, using Y or N, if you want to include actual (ACT) amounts on the
-E encumbrance?
Required - Specifies, using Y or N, if you want to include encumbered (ENC) amounts on
the report.
-B budget?
Required - Specifies, using Y or N, if you want to include budgeted (BGT) amounts on the
-x print G/L exception list
Required - Indicates, using Y or N, if you want to produce a report that shows the accounts
that are not included in the structure.

Fingen, Finformat and Finrpt 100 General Ledger

Program Screens


The fingen program uses fifteen screens to capture and display financial report structures.
The finformat program uses one screen to capture and display column/format information.
The finrpt program does not require any screens, since it is a background process.

Access to fingen screens

The screen files for fingen are located in the following directory path:

Access to finformat screen

The screen file for finformat is located in the following directory path:

Financial Statement Generation Screen Files and Table/Record Usage

The fingen screens appear in the following files and use the indicated tables and records:
Contains the Block Entry screen
Tables/Records: fin_rpt_table, fin_rpt_record, fin_fmt_rec
Contains the G/L Account Selection screen
Tables/Records: fin_rpt_table, gla_rec
Contains the Group Entry screen
Tables/Records: fin_rpt_table, fin_fmt_rec
Contains the Item Entry screen
Tables/Records: fin_rpt_table, fin_fmt_rec
Contains the Schedule Entry screen
Tables/Records: fin_rpt_table, fin_fmt_rec
Contains the Customized Financial Statement Structure screen
Tables/Records: fin_rpt_table, fin_rec
Contains the G/L Account Search screen
Tables/Records: gla_rec
Contains the G/L Specific Selection screen
Tables/Records: fin_rpt_table, fin_set_table, gla_rec, slct_gla_rec

General Ledger 101 Fingen, Finformat and Finrpt

Contains the G/L Account Removal screen
Tables/Records: fin_rpt_table, gla_rec
Contains the Manual/Range G/L Account Selection screen
Tables/Records: fin_set_table, gla_rec
Contains the Definition of New Line screen
Tables/Records: none
Contains the Change Title screen
Tables/Records: none
Contains the G/L Account Viewing screen
Tables/Records: fin_rpt_table, gla_rec

Financial Format Screen File and Table/Record Usage

The finformat screen appears in the following file and uses the indicated tables and records:
Contains the Financial Report Format Table screen
Tables/Records: fin_rpt_fmt_rec, fin_rpt_fmt_table

Fingen, Finformat and Finrpt 102 General Ledger




This section provides reference information about the General Ledger Audit (glaudit) program.
The General Ledger module uses glaudit to resolve differences between detail and summary
records. These differences can arise when a General Ledger program ends abnormally, or when
system users incorrectly change or delete records using UNIX tools outside the scope of normal
CX processing.

Program Features Detailed

This section contains details about the following features of the glaudit program:
• Process flow
• Parameters
• Table usage

Program Files

All the program files for glaudit appear in the following directory:

Tables Used in the Program

The glaudit program uses the following tables and records:

The Amount Type table that contains information about the types of amounts that you
maintain on your CX database (e.g., ACT, ENC)
The Cashier Reconciliation records that contain information about the reconciliation status of
General Ledger transactions
The Document table that contains information about document codes and stations
The Fiscal Calendar records that define fiscal calendar years and periods
The General Ledger Amount records that contain summarized amounts over fiscal periods
The General Ledger Account records that contain the fund, function, object and subfund
combinations that your institution has used
The General Ledger Journal Entry records that contain information about each entry
The General Ledger Transaction records that contain the amount and account charged for
each transaction in an entry

General Ledger 103 Glaudit

The General Ledger Journal records that contain information about the journal
In addition, glaudit creates and calls the following six global data structures as needed:
A list for checking fund balance within an entry
A table for Fiscal Calendar records
A table of amount types
A table of balances for General Ledger accounts over fiscal year
A list of journals being audited
A list of General Ledger cash accounts

Glaudit 104 General Ledger

Process Flow


The following diagram shows the flow of data in the glaudit program.

Build table of G/L fiscal

start calendar records from

Build table of amount

types from atype_table

Another amount Audit document

type to audit? table?

Yes Yes

Compare transaction Audit document

Another fiscal
amounts with amounts No stations from doc_table
period to audit?
in the gl_amt_rec that use cash accounts


Audit journals for fiscal

Error file
year, period and Third phase of audit
amount type not currently in use


General Ledger 105 Glaudit

continue Select journal for fiscal
2 year, period, and
amount type

Return to calling
no Another journal to yes


Is journal still in


Audit entries for journal

Compare totals for

Error file
entries with journal

Compare totals for

summarized accounts
Update vch_rec
with summation of
detail transactions

Glaudit 106 General Ledger

3 start Select entries for

Return to calling
no Another entry?


Entry a cashier Entry posted or

reconciliation summarized?

yes yes

Accumulate amounts of
Check for any
transactions for the
reconciliation records


Compare total of cash

transactions with cash
total in entry

Error file

Compare debits and

credits within funds and

General Ledger 107 Glaudit

start Select cash accounts
from general ledger
4 account record

Return to calling Another cash

process account?


Select document
stations that use the
account from doc_table

Accumulate amounts
for document stations
referenced by
transactions for the
cash account

Compare accumulated
amount for
Error file
transactions with
amount stored in the

Glaudit 108 General Ledger

Perform review of claim
Continue on cash entries for
consistent contra and
5 object accounts

Review journals for

claim on cash source Journal entries

Create audit records

Compare audit records

audit records to records from journal

Return to calling Do audit records

process and journal records


Error file

General Ledger 109 Glaudit

Data Flow Description

The following process describes the data flow in the glaudit program.
1. The program loads the cash_dmm with cash accounts from the gla_rec.
2. The program builds a table of Fiscal Calendar records.
3. The program builds a table of amount types.
4. If the institution is using the claim on cash feature, the program verifies the following:
• If multiple table entries use the same contra account, they must also use the same
object account.
• No improperly generated claim on cash entries exist.
• Using the journals for the specified time period, performs the following:
− Identifies transactions that impact claim on cash processing
− Processes the transactions against the claim_table, stripping the claim on cash
contra and object accounts from the entry and finding appropriate subsidiary
transaction information
− Creates the subsidiary transaction’s associated gltr_rec number if needed.
• Compares the entries generated by the audit process to the entries in the general
ledger, routing exceptions to the error file.
5. When the program identifies a new amount type to audit, it determines if there is another
fiscal period to audit.
6. If it locates another fiscal period, glaudit selects a journal for the fiscal year/period/amount
type from vch_rec.
7. When the program identifies a new journal to audit, it determines if the journal is Incomplete,
Finished, or Void.
8. If the journal is Incomplete, Finished, or Void, then the program selects a general ledger entry
for the journal
9. When the program identifies a general ledger entry for the journal, the program determines if
the entry is Posted or Summarized.
10. If the entry is Posted or Summarized, the program does the following:
• Accumulates amounts of general ledger transactions of the entry
• Compares total cash amounts for transactions with cash amounts for the entry
11. If the entry is a cashier reconciliation entry, the program determines that there are no
reconciliation records.
12. The program checks that all funds balance, locates the next general ledger entry, then
repeats steps 8-10 as needed for subsequent entries.
13. The program checks for the following:
• Totals from gl entries equal journal totals.
• Summarized accounts equal the summation of the detail transactions.
14. If you are using the program in the update mode, and the journal requires an update, the
program updates the vch_rec for the journal.
15. The program repeats steps 7-14 as needed for subsequent journals.
16. The program repeats steps 6-15 for subsequent fiscal periods.
17. The program compares the transaction amounts against account amounts in the
18. The program repeats steps 5-17 for subsequent amount types.

Glaudit 110 General Ledger

19. If you are using the program in the Audit Document table mode, the program locates each
cash account and performs the following:
• Finds the document stations from the doc_table that use the account.
• Accumulates the amount pertaining to the document station for each general ledger
transaction for the account.
• Reports any discrepancies between the accumulated amount for the document station
and the stored amount in the doc_table record.
Note: The glaudit program files contain a third phase that is currently not in use.

Program Relationships

The glaudit program does not interact with any other CX programs.

General Ledger 111 Glaudit

General Ledger Audit Parameters


CX contains parameters and compilation values for executing the glaudit program. You can
specify parameters to compile glaudit in a specified manner at the time of execution.
Note: You can also specify compilation values with the includes for the General Ledger
module that affect the glaudit program.

Parameter Syntax

You can display glaudit parameters by entering the following: glaudit -,

The following is the correct usage for running the glaudit program from the UNIX shell:
glaudit -y fiscal year -t type -m period [-u] [-n mail list] [-c] [-d audit document table]
Parameters that appear in brackets are optional. Parameters that do not appear in brackets are


The following lists the parameters for running glaudit.

-y fiscal year
Required Specifies the fiscal year for which you want to perform the audit.
-t type
Required - Specifies the account type that you want to audit (e.g., ACT, BGT).
-m period
Required - Specifies the time period for which you want to perform the audit (e.g, JUL-JUN).
Optional - Indicates that you want glaudit to correct the General Ledger records as it
performs the audit.
-n mail list
Optional - Specifies the name(s) of user(s) to whom glaudit sends mail. The mail contains
the results of the audit.
Optional - Indicates that you want glaudit to send a copy of the audit report via electronic
-d audit document table
Optional - Indicates, using Y or N, if you want glaudit to audit cash balances maintained in
the doc_table.

Glaudit 112 General Ledger




This section provides reference information about the General Ledger Balance Forward
(glbalfwd) program. The General Ledger module uses glbalfwd to create beginning balances for
general ledger accounts at the start of a new fiscal year, using from gl_amt_recs and to

Program Features Detailed

This section contains details about the following features of the glbalfwd program:
• Process flow
• Table usage

Running Subsidiary Account Balance Forward

The Subsidiary Balance Forward process creates updated subb_recs for the current period,
which are needed if your institution is using the Automated Holds feature. To ensure that
Automated Holds works correctly, you must always run the Subsidiary Balance Forward option
before the Automated Holds - Subs option. For more information, see the Student Billing -
Automated Holds Script section in Systems Manual: Student.

Program Files

All the program files for glbalfwd appear in the following directory:

Tables Used in the Program

The glbalfwd program uses the following tables and records:

The Document table that contains information about document codes and stations
The Fiscal Calendar records that define fiscal calendar years and periods
The General Ledger Amount record that provides summarized totals for G/L accounts over
fiscal periods
The Journal table that contains information about the valid journal types
In addition, glbalfwd creates and calls the following three global data structures as needed:
A list of G/L accounts to which balances are forwarded
A list of accounts and amounts that need to be posted
A list of transactions to be output to vt_file

General Ledger 113 Glbalfwd

Process Flow


The following diagram shows the flow of data in the glbalfwd program.

Load gl amount
start records for fund,
amount type, and fiscal
year forwarded to into
a dmm

Voucher transaction file

Select gl amount
record for fund, amount
type, and fiscal year
forwarded from

Another 'from' gl
amount record? no Write transactions to
voucher transaction file


'To' account
corresponding to
'from' account? no
Add transaction to post
total for the 'from' year


Add transaction to post

difference between the
total for the 'from' year
and the BAL amount of
the 'to' year

Add transactions to
clear BAL period for 'to'
accounts that do not
correspond to this
'from' or next

Glbalfwd 114 General Ledger

Data Flow Description

The following process describes the data flow in the glbalfwd program.
Note: In this process, the program accumulates existing accounting information from one
year and creates beginning balances for the subsequent year. For the purposes of
this data flow description, from data relates to the original year, and to data relates to
the new year for which the program creates beginning balances.
1. The program builds a dmm of gl_amt_recs for the fund entered, amount type entered, and
the to fiscal year, and stores the general ledger account and amount from BAL period.
2. The program selects the gl_amt_rec, using the following criteria:
• The fund entered
• The type entered
• The originating fiscal year
3. The program checks for the following conditions. If any of the conditions are true, the
program adds the total of the periods of the from gl_amt_rec to the list of transactions.
• Determines if the from account < the to account
• Determines if there are no more to gl_amt_recs
• Determines if the total of the periods of the from gl amount record do not equal 0.0
4. If the from account > to gl amount account or there are no more to gl_amt_recs, the program
checks if the amount in the BAL period field of the to gl_amt_rec does not equal 0.0. If the
amount is not 0.0, the program adds a transaction to the list that causes the balance to be
5. The program locates the next to gl_amt_rec from the dmm, and checks for the following
conditions. If both of the conditions are true, the program adds the total to the list of
• No more to records exist
• The total of the periods of the from gl_amt_rec do not equal 0.0
6. If the from account < to account, and if the total of the periods of the from gl_amt_rec does
not equal 0.0, the program adds the total to the list of transactions.
7. If the from account = to account, then the program does the following:
• Checks if the total of the periods of the from gl_amt_rec does not equal the amount in
the BAL period of the to gl_amt_rec. If the condition is true, the program adds a
transaction to the list that adds the difference between the from and the to amount.
• The program selects the next to gl_amt_rec from dmm, and the next from gl_amt_rec
and repeats steps 2-7 above.
8. When processing from the dmm is complete, the program writes the transaction list to a file
for posting.

Program Relationships

The glbalfwd program does not interact with any other CX programs.

General Ledger 115 Glbalfwd

General Ledger Balance Forward Parameters


CX contains parameters and compilation values for executing the glbalfwd program. You can
specify parameters to compile glbalfwd in a specified manner at the time of execution.
Note: You can also specify compilation values with the includes for the General Ledger
module that affect the glbalfwd program.

Parameter Syntax

The following is the correct usage for running the glbalfwd program from the UNIX shell:
-y year1 year2 -t type -f fund -v voucher
All the parameters are required.


The following list displays the parameters for running glbalfwd.

-y year1 year2
Required - The year to bring forward and the new year into which to bring the balances.
-t type
Required - Amount type of account.
-f fund
Required - Fund being brought forward.
-v voucher
Required - Voucher type.
Example: An example of using the parameters for glbalfwd is as follows:
glbalfwd -y 9596 9697 -t ACT -f 10 -v AC
The parameters in this example brings year 9596, type ACT, fund 10 forward to 9697 with a
journal type AC.

Glbalfwd 116 General Ledger




This section provides reference information about the General Ledger Closing (glclsg) program.
The General Ledger module uses glclsg to close nominal accounts (e.g., revenues and
expenses) into net asset accounts, or fund balances.

Program Features Detailed

This section contains details about the following features of the glclsg program:
• Process flow
• Parameters
• Table usage
• Program screens

Program Files

All the program files for glclsg appear in the following directory:

Tables Used in the Program

The glclsg program uses the following tables and records:

The Amount Type table that contains information about the types of amounts that you
maintain on your CX database (e.g., ACT, ENC)
The Closing Fund records that indicate which accounts to close into other accounts
The Entry table that contains information about valid general ledger entry types
The Fiscal Calendar records that define fiscal calendar years and periods
The General Ledger Amount records that contain summarized amounts over fiscal periods
The General Ledger Account records that contain the fund, function, object and subfund
combinations that your institution has used
The Journal table that contains information about the valid journal types

General Ledger 117 Glclsg

Process Flow


The following diagram shows the flow of data in the glclsg program.

Verify Net Asset

Indicators match for
accounts being closed
and accounts being
closed into

Select closing fund

balance record from
clsgfb_rec for fiscal Write trailer to voucher
year and fund entered Stop
transaction file
by user


Another closing
fund balance
Voucher transaction file


Has subfund
Write transactions to
changed from last yes
voucher transaction file


Add a transaction with

a (-) amount of the total
of the from account for
the fiscal year

Add a transaction with

an offsetting amount Transaction
against the into dmm

Glclsg 118 General Ledger

Data Flow Description

The following process describes the data flow in the glclsg program.
1. The program performs the following verifications:
• The amount type is valid in the atype_table
• The amount type matches the amount type required by voucher reference
• The fscl_cal_rec for the closing period exists and is open
• The Net Asset Indicators in the accounts to close and the accounts into which to close
are the same
2. After verification, the program selects a clsgfb_rec where the fiscal year equals the fiscal year
entered by the user, and the closing-from fund equals the fund entered by the user.
3. If the closing-from subfund is different from the subfund of last record, the program reads
then writes the transaction list to the voucher file.
4. The program selects the gl_amt_rec for the closing-from account.
5. The program totals the amounts for periods BAL through ADJ.
6. If the total amount does not equal the negative amount of the CLS period, the program
creates a transaction against closing-from account with an amount equal to the negative of
total amount for BAL through CLS.
7. The program creates an offsetting transaction against the closing-into account and retrieves
the next closing fund balance record.
8. The program repeats steps 1-7 until all records have been processed.
9. The program writes the last list of transactions for a subfund to the voucher file.
10. The program writes a trailer record for the voucher file.

Program Relationships

Glclsg creates a voucher transaction (.vt) file that passes to filepost.

General Ledger 119 Glclsg

General Ledger Closing Parameters


CX contains parameters and compilation values for executing the glclsg program. You can
specify parameters to compile glclsg in a specified manner at the time of execution.
Note: You can also specify compilation values with the includes for the General Ledger
module that affect the glclsg program.

Parameter Syntax

You can display glclsg parameters by entering the following: glclsg -,

The following is the correct usage for running the glclsg program from the UNIX shell:
glclsg -y fiscal year -t amount type -f fund -v voucher
All the parameters are required.


The following lists the parameters for running glclsg.

-y fiscal year
Required - The fiscal year that you want to close.
-t amount type
Required - The amount type that you want to close (e.g., ACT, BGT).
-f fund
Required - The fund code that you want to close (e.g., 10).
-v voucher
Required - The journal type that you want to use for the closing entries (e.g., AC).

Glclsg 120 General Ledger




This section provides reference information about the General Ledger Closing Check (glclcked)
program. The General Ledger module uses glclcked to ensure that the user has not attempted to
close an account with a Net Asset Indicator into an account with a different Net Asset Indicator.
The Net Asset Indicator provides the means by which institutions can group accounts in
compliance with FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board) Statement 117. The FASB
statement requires institutions to group accounts as follows:
• Permanently restricted
• Temporarily restricted
• Unrestricted

Program Features Detailed

This section contains details about the following features of the glclcked program:
• Process flow
• Parameters
• Program screens

Program Files

All program files for glclcked appear in the following directory:


Tables Used in the Program

The glclcked program uses the following tables and records:

The Closing Fund records that indicate which accounts to close into other accounts
The General Ledger Account records that contain the fund, function, object and subfund
combinations that your institution has used

General Ledger 121 Glclcked

Process Flow


The following diagram shows the flow of data in the glclcked program.

User inputs
Obtains program

Initializes screens and

binds program buffers
to screen

Reviews records for
net asset exceptions
and gla_recs

Do records have
Loads exceptions
net asset Yes
into a dmm


Displays Routes corrections

Exits exceptions for user to the clsgfb_rec
to correct file

Glclcked 122 General Ledger

Data Flow Description

The following process describes the data flow in the glclcked program.
1. The user passes processing parameters to the program.
2. The program initializes screens and binds the program buffer to the screens.
3. The program accesses the clsgfb_recs and the gla_recs.
4. The program locates net asset exceptions (those accounts that the user attempted to close
into an account with a different Net Asset Indicator) and routes the exceptions to a dmm.
Exceptions appear on the Edit Checking for Closing Program screen.
5. The user corrects the closing entries on the Edit Checking for Closing Program screen,
specifying the correct account into which to make closing entries. The corrections change
the clsgfb_recs.
Note: The user cannot change the Net Asset Indicator on an account at this time. To change
Net Asset Indicators, users must access the gla_recs for the accounts.

Program Relationships

The glclcked program does not interact with any other CX programs.

General Ledger 123 Glclcked

General Ledger Closing Check Parameters


CX contains parameters for executing the glclcked program. You can specify parameters to
execute glclcked in a specified manner.

Parameter Syntax

You can display glclcked parameters by entering the following: glclcked -,

The following is the correct usage for running the glclcked program from the UNIX shell:
glclcked -f fund account -y fiscal year
All the parameters are required.


The following lists the parameters for running glclcked.

-f fund account
Required - Specifies the fund number.
-y fiscal year
Required - Specifies a fiscal year (e.g., 9596).

Glclcked 124 General Ledger

Program Screens


The Edit Checking for Closing Program screen enables you to view and correct closing entries
that include accounts with different Net Asset Indicators.


The screen file is located in the following directory path:


Screen Location in the Program

You can access the Edit Checking for Closing Program screen from the General Ledger Closing
menu, or by entering at the Csh prompt: glclcked -f fund account -y fiscal year

Screen Files and Table/Record Usage

The glclcked screen appears in the following file and uses the indicated tables and records:
Contains the Edit Checking for Closing Program screen
Tables/Records: clsgfb_rec, gla_rec

General Ledger 125 Glclcked




This section provides reference information about the Recurring Entry (recurent) program. The
General Ledger module uses recurent to create and maintain repetitive journal entries. Users
define repetitive entries in recur_table, and can modify the dollar amounts or the accounts in the
entries and then post them as required.

Program Features Detailed

This section contains details about the following features of the recurent program:
• Process flow
• Parameters
• Table usage
• Program screens

Program Files

All the program files for recurent appear in the following directory:

Tables Used in the Program

The recurent program uses the following tables and records:

The Entry table that contains information about valid general ledger entry types
The Fiscal Calendar records that define fiscal calendar years and periods
The General Ledger Account records that contain the fund, function, object and subfund
combinations that your institution has used
The General Ledger Substitution table that allows you to enable the General Ledger
Account Auto-Fill feature.
The Recur records that contain general ledger account transactions for a recur_code
The Recur table that contains information about the valid recur_codes, accounts and
The Subsidiary table that contains information about valid subsidiaries
The General Ledger Journal records that contain information about the journal
The Journal table that contains information about the valid journal types
In addition, recurent creates and calls the following two global data structures as needed:

General Ledger 127 Recurent

A list of transactions for the currently selected recur_code
A list of transactions for a recur_code before the user makes any changes
A list of transactions for a recur_code before the user made the most recent change
Transaction information for the current recur_code
A list of information on recur_codes

Recurent 128 General Ledger

Process Flow


The following diagram shows the flow of data in the recurent program.


Is user done? yes Stop


Display main menu and

get user command

Find and/or modify

recur codes from the yes Table command?


Find and/or modify

transactions of a yes Recur command?
specific recur code


Post entries of a recur

yes Post command?


General Ledger 129 Recurent

Data Flow Description

The following process describes the data flow in the recurent program.
1. The user enters a journal reference type.
2. The program locates vch_table information for the journal reference type entered by user.
3. The program locates the fiscal month and period for the current date.
4. The program displays the main menu.
5. If the user enters the Table command, the program enables the user to find and/or modify the
contents of recur_table.
6. If the user enters the Recur command, the program enables the user to find and/or modify
transactions of a specific recur code.
7. If the user enters the Update command, the program enables the user to modify transactions
of the last queried recur code.
8. If the user enters the Post command, the program enables the user to post entries of a recur
9. If the user enters the Exit command, the user exits from the program.

Program Relationships

Recurent creates entries that bgvoucher posts to the General Ledger.

Recurent 130 General Ledger

Recurring Entry Parameters


CX contains parameters and compilation values for executing the recurent program. You can
specify parameters to compile recurent in a specified manner at the time of execution.
Note: You can also specify compilation values with the includes for the General Ledger
module that affect the recurent program.

Parameter Syntax

You can display recurent parameters by entering the following: recurent -,

The following is the correct usage for running the recurent program from the UNIX shell:
recurent [-t] [-a] [-p] [-r journal reference]
Parameters that appear in brackets are optional. Parameters that do not appear in brackets are
Note: The menuopt usually sets the parameters for processing recurent.


The following lists the parameters for running recurent.

Optional - Enables the user to execute the Table command in recurent.
Optional - Enables the user to modify or add entries for a recur code.
Optional - Enables the user to post entries.
-r journal reference
Optional - Specifies the journal type to which you want to post recurring entries (e.g., AC).

General Ledger 131 Recurent

Program Screens


The recurent program uses two screens: one screen for the entry of table information, and the
other for viewing and maintaining entries.


The screen files are located in the following directory path:


Screen Files and Table/Record Usage

The recurent screens appear in the following files and use the indicated tables and records:
Contains the Recurring Entry screen
Tables/Records: gla_rec, recur_rec, recur_table
Contains the Recurring Entry Table screen
Tables/Records: recur_table

Recurent 132 General Ledger




This section provides reference information about the Standard Accounting Entries (sae)
program. The General Ledger module uses sae to create commonly used journal entries in
which users perform percentage allocations of amounts.

Program Features Detailed

This section contains details about the following features of the sae program:
• Process flow
• Parameters
• Program screens

Program Files

All program files for sae appear in the following directory: $CARSPATH/src/accounting/sae

General Ledger 133 Standard Accounting Entries

Process Flow


The following diagram shows the flow of data in the sae program.

sae opens the

database and required
files, retrieves the
fiscl_cal_rec, and loads
information into the dml

sae distributes the

amount according to
the values in sae_rec

Is the program
sae updates the
operating in live Yes .vt file
adjustment amount


Did the user

No Exit
request a report?


Contents of dml

Standard Accounting Entries 134 General Ledger

Data Flow Description

The following process describes the data flow in the sae program.
1. The program obtains processing parameters from the user.
2. The program opens the database and the required files.
3. The program retrieves the fiscl_cal_rec.
4. The program loads the following information into the dml, in the order shown:
• sae codes
• sae_recs
• glamt_recs
5. The program ensures that the record combinations are valid.
6. The program distributes the amount according to the values in the sae_rec.
7. The program updates the adjustment amount by performing the following calculation:
adjustment amount = computed amount - current amount in the glamt_rec
8. If the user requested that the program produce a report, it prints the contents of the dml.
9. If the user requested that the program operate in live mode (not just report or test mode), it
creates a .vt (voucher) file that the filepost program can post.

Program Relationships

The sae program creates a voucher file that filepost uses for posting.

General Ledger 135 Standard Accounting Entries

Standard Accounting Entries Parameters


CX contains parameters and compilation values for executing the sae program. You can specify
parameters to compile sae in a specified manner at the time of execution.
Note: You can also specify compilation values with the includes for the General Ledger
module that affect the sae program.

Parameter Syntax

You can display sae parameters by entering the following: sae -,

The following is the correct usage for running the sae program from the UNIX shell:

sae -y year -m month [-p post date] [-d effective date] [-c sae code] [-t] [-r]
Parameters that appear in brackets are optional. Parameters that do not appear in brackets are


The following table lists the parameters for running sae.

-y year
Required - Specifies the year for which you want to process standard accounting entries
-m month
Required - Specifies the month for which you want to process standard accounting entries
-p post date
Optional - Specifies the posting date that you want to use for the standard accounting entries
-d effective date
Optional - Specifies the date that you want to use to locate the standard accounting entries
-c sae code
Optional - Specifies the sae codes that you want to process
Optional - Specifies that you want to test the standard accounting entries without creating a
vt output file for posting
Optional - Specifies that you want to produce a report of the standard accounting entries
created by the process

Standard Accounting Entries 136 General Ledger

Program Screens


The sae program uses one screen for creating entries to the sae_table and record.


The screen file is located in the following directory path:


Screen File and Table/Record Usage

The sae screen appears in the following file and uses the indicated tables and records:
Contains the screen you use to enter standard transactions.
Tables/Records: sae_rec, sae_table

General Ledger 137 Standard Accounting Entries




This section provides reference information about the Subsidiary Account Balance Forward
(sabalfwd) program. The General Ledger module uses sabalfwd to consolidate subsidiary
transactions and to establish balances for subsidiary accounts for a new fiscal year.

Program Features Detailed

This section contains details about the following features of the sabalfwd program:
• Process flow
• Parameters
• Table usage

Program Files

All the program files for sabalfwd appear in the following directory:

Tables Used in the Program

The sabalfwd program uses the following tables and records:

The Document table that contains information about document codes and stations
The Entry table that contains information about the valid entry types (e.g., ADJ for adjusting
The Fiscal Calendar records that define fiscal calendar years and periods
The Subsidiary Association table that contains information about the relationships between
balance and total codes
The Subsidiary Balance records that contain information about a subsidiary balance
The Subsidiary Balance table that defines valid balance codes
The Subsidiary table that defines valid subsidiary codes
The Subsidiary Total table that defines valid total codes
In addition, sabalfwd creates and calls the following five global data structures as needed:
A list of credit transactions to be written to voucher transaction file

General Ledger 139 Subsidiary Account Balance Forward

A list of debit transactions to be written to voucher transaction file
A list of subb_recs for a subsidiary
A list of subsidiary periods to be brought forward
A list of subsidiary accounts to be brought forward

Subsidiary Account Balance Forward 140 General Ledger

Process Flow


The following diagram shows the flow of data in the sabalfwd program.


Select subsidiary
balance records for id
and subsidiary

Another subsidiary
balance record?
Bring debit
balances forward?



Does user want

no Bring both debit and Bring credit balances
this period?
credit balances forward forward

2 2

Save subsidiary
balance record in a list


subb dmm

General Ledger 141 Subsidiary Account Balance Forward


Select periods entered

by user to be brought Another period? no


Get subsidiary balance

record for the period Add transaction for the
target period and
subb dmm
amount to the credit or
debit dmm

Transaction amount =
negative actual amount
of subb

Debit and Write transactions to

credit voucher transaction file
dmms for posting
Add transaction for
period and amount to
the credit or debit dmm

Accumulate the Return

negative of (transaction
amount + all the
applied credit) in a no Another period has
target amount a debit balance?
voucher transaction file


Apply as much credit

from other periods as

Subsidiary Account Balance Forward 142 General Ledger

Data Flow Description

The following process describes the data flow in the sabalfwd program.
Note: If the user enters specific id numbers, then the program processes each id. If the user
elects to process all ids, then the program processes every id for the specified
subsidiary. When it concludes processing the ids, the program writes a trailer record
to the voucher transaction file.
1. To process an id, the program retrieves subb_recs for the id and subsidiary.
2. If the period on the subb_recs matches a period entered by the user, then the program adds
a record to a dmm and retrieves the next subb_rec.
3. How does the user want to process the subsidiary balances?
• Bring both debit and credit balances forward. The program follows all the steps below.
• Bring only credit balances forward. The program follows the steps below, except for
those referring to debit balances.
4. The program starts at the beginning of the list of from periods entered by the user, and
performs the following:
• Retrieves the subb_rec from dmm for the period.
• Creates a transaction amount equal to the negative actual amount of the subb_rec.
5. If the transaction amount is positive, then the program adds the amount to a debit dmm and
accumulates the total debit amount.
6. If the transaction amount is negative, then the program adds the amount to a credit dmm and
accumulates the total credit amount.
7. If the program locates another period with a debit bal then it applies as much credit from
other bals as possible.
8. The program adds the negative of the transaction amount to all the applied amounts in a
target amount, then retrieves the next period.
Note: If the target amount is less than 0, then the program adds the target amount to the total
credit amount and adds a transaction for the target period and the amount to the credit
If the target amount is greater than 0, then the program adds the target amount to total debit
amount and adds a transaction for the target period and the amount to the debit dmm.
The program then writes an entry to the voucher transaction file.
1. Repeat steps 4-8 for each period.

Program Relationships

The sabalfwd program creates a file of transactions that becomes input to filepost.

General Ledger 143 Subsidiary Account Balance Forward

Subsidiary Account Balance Forward Parameters


CX contains parameters and compilation values for executing the sabalfwd program. You can
specify parameters to compile sabalfwd in a specified manner at the time of execution.
Note: You can also specify compilation values with the includes for the General Ledger
module that affect the sabalfwd program.

Parameter Syntax

You can display sabalfwd parameters by entering the following: sabalfwd -,

The following is the correct usage for running the sabalfwd program from the UNIX shell:
sabalfwd -s subsidiary -b balance code -c total code -f list of from sessions
-t target session [-i id numbers]
Parameters that appear in brackets are optional. Parameters that do not appear in brackets are


The following lists the parameters for running sabalfwd.

-s subsidiary
Required - Specifies a subsidiary for the query (e.g., S/A.)
-b balance code
Required - Specifies a subsidiary balance code (e.g., SB for Session Billing)
-c total code
Required - Specifies a subsidiary total code (e.g., UTUT for undergrad tuition)
-f list of from sessions
Required - Specifies the sessions from which you want the program to select subb_recs to
roll forward (e.g., SU95 FA95 SP96)
-t target session
Required - Specifies the session to which you want to roll the balances (e.g., SU97)
-i id numbers
Optional - Specifies the id numbers for whom you want to perform the subsidiary balance

Subsidiary Account Balance Forward 144 General Ledger




This section provides reference information about the Subsidiary Archive (sarc) program. The
General Ledger module uses sarc to remove obsolete subsidiary records from the active
database to allow CX to operate more efficiently.

Program Features Detailed

This section contains details about the following features of the sarc program:
• Process flow
• Parameters
• Table usage

Program Files

All the programs for sarc appear in the following directory: $CARSPATH/src/accounting/sarc

Tables Used in the Program

The sar program uses the following tables and records:

The Subsidiary Archive records that contain information about the entries, bals and tots that
you archive.
The Subsidiary Account records that contain information about the subsidiary number.
The Subsidiary Balance records that contain summary information per period for subsidiary
accounts or invoices for accounts payable subsidiary accounts
The Subsidiary Entry records that contain information about postings to the subsidiary
The Subsidiary table that defines valid subsidiary codes
The Subsidiary Total records that contain one type of summary information for a subsidiary
The Subsidiary Transaction records that contain detailed transactions for subsidiary account
In addition, sarc creates and calls the following three global data structures as needed:
A list of subb_recs that are ineligible for archiving
A list of subsidiary entries for an account
A list of subt_recs that are ineligible for archiving

General Ledger 145 Subsidiary Archive

Process Flow


The following diagram shows the flow of data in the sarc program.

start Select subsidiary

Another subsidiary
account from suba_rec no Stop
for subsidiary entered


Find subsidiary entries

for the account that
cannot be archived Archive reports

Find subsidiary bal and

tot records that cannot
be archived

Generate reports of
Does user want entries that will be
reports? archived and entries
that will not


Does user want to

yes Archive entries
archive entries?


Does user want to

Delete entries with an
delete archived yes
archived status


Subsidiary Archive 146 General Ledger

start Select subsidiary entry Verify entries net to 0
from sube_rec for the Another subsidiary no for subsidiaries that do
subsidiary account entry? not use bals and tots

2 Return

Compare journal date

with archive date

Select subsidiary transaction

transactions for the list

Another Verify transaction

no yes
transaction? record refers to bals
and tots properly

Does subsidiary
use bals?


Add to transaction list Verify that bal record is


General Ledger 147 Subsidiary Archive


Make initial lists of

balance records and
total records that
cannot be archived

ineligible no
Changes made to
bal and tot


Select transaction from

transaction list

Update lists of balance

records and total
records that cannot be no Another
archived transaction?


Can transaction be


Mark all transactions

for entry as ineligible to
be archived

Subsidiary Archive 148 General Ledger

Select entry from
Another entry? no Return
transaction list


Update status of
Can entry be
no yes subsidiary entry record
in sube_rec to 'A'

Update subsidiary
account in suba_rec to
indicate that some
entries are archived

Select subsidiary
Another transaction from
transaction? subtr_rec for subsidiary


Update subsidiary
transaction, subsidiary
balance, and
subsidiary total records

Add archive record to


General Ledger 149 Subsidiary Archive

Data Flow Description

The following process describes the data flow in the sarc program.
1. The program selects subsidiary information for the subsidiary entered from subs_table.
2. The program selects the suba_recs for all the subsidiary accounts for the subsidiary entered,
or selects the range of accounts entered by the user.
3. When the program locates a subsidiary account, it selects a subsidiary entry from sube_rec
of the subsidiary account
4. For each subsidiary entry, the program performs the following processing:
• Verifies that the journal date is less than or equal to the archive date.
• Locates the subsidiary transactions for the subsidiary entry.
5. For each subsidiary transaction for the subsidiary entry, the program performs the following
• If the subsidiary uses bals, verifies if the bal code and bal period are used for the
transaction, and checks if the subb_rec for the transaction has been closed. If the
subb_record has not been closed, then the program cannot archive the subsidiary
• If the subsidiary uses tots, verifies if the tot code and tot period are used in the
• Adds the transaction to list of entries.
• Adds to the lists of subb_recs and subt_recs that are ineligible for archiving, using the
following logic:
− If a previous transaction of the same entry is ineligible, then mark the transaction
as ineligible.
− If a transaction is ineligible, then mark all transactions for the entry as ineligible.
• Builds a list of subb_recs that are ineligible for archiving.
• Builds a list of subt_recs that are ineligible for archiving.
Note: If the subsidiary does not use bals and tots, and if the entries do not net to 0.0,
then sarc does not archive the entries.
6. The program produces reports of entries that can or cannot be archived, based on the
requirements of the user.
7. If the user wants to update the status of archived entries to A, the program starts at beginning
of the entries list.
8. The program performs the archive on all the entries on the list.
9. If the user wants to delete entries with a status of A, then the program deletes all the
appropriate subsidiary entries, transactions, bals and tots.
10. For the archive process for subsidiary entries, the program performs the following:
• Selects each sube_rec and copies subsidiary entries into the Subsidiary Archive
record (sar_rec).
• Updates the status of the sube_rec to A.
• Flags the suba_rec as being archived.
11. For the archive process for subsidiary transactions, the program performs the following:
• Copies the transaction into the sar_rec.
• Updates the status of the subtr_rec to A.
• Copies the subb_rec associated with the transaction into the sar_rec.
• Updates the status of the subb_rec to A.
• Copies the subt_rec associated with transaction into the sar_rec.

Subsidiary Archive 150 General Ledger

• Updates the status of the subt_rec to A.
• Adds the individual sar_rec to the sar_rec table.

Program Relationships

The sarc program does not interact with any other CX programs.

General Ledger 151 Subsidiary Archive

Subsidiary Archive Parameters


CX contains parameters and compilation values for executing the sarc program. You can specify
parameters to compile sarc in a specified manner at the time of execution.
Note: You can also specify compilation values with the includes for the General Ledger
module that affect the sarc program.

Parameter Syntax

You can display sarc parameters by entering the following: sarc -,

The following is the correct usage for running the sarc program from the UNIX shell:
sarc -s subsidiary -d arc_date [-u] [-b beg_id] [-e end_id] [-o] [-j] [-r] [-v]
Parameters that appear in brackets are optional. Parameters that do not appear in brackets are


The following table lists the parameters for running sarc.

-s subsidiary
Required - Specifies the subsidiary for which you perform the archive.
-d arc_date
Required - Specifies the archiving date.
Optional - Specifies that you want to set the records’ status to A.
-b beg_id
Specifies the first id number (subsidiary number) that you want to archive.
-e end_id
Optional - Specifies the last id number (subsidiary number) that you want to archive.
Optional - Specifies that you want the program to create an output summary of the archived
Optional - Specifies that you want the program to create an output summary of the entries
that are not archived.
Optional - Deletes the records from the database.
Optional - Causes the program to create additional comments and information for debugging

Subsidiary Archive 152 General Ledger




This section provides reference information about the Subsidiary Account Audit (saaudit)
program. The General Ledger product uses saaudit to reconcile differences between the totals of
subsidiary accounts and the related control account. Differences can arise when a General
Ledger program ends abnormally, or when system users incorrectly change or delete records
using UNIX tools outside the scope of normal CX processing.

Program Features Detailed

This section contains details about the following features of the saaudit program:
• Process flow
• Parameters

Program Files

All the program files for saaudit appear in the following directory:

Program Screens

Because saaudit is a background process that does not require users to input data, it does not
use program screens.

Tables Used in the Program

The saaudit program uses the following tables and records:

The Claim table that defines account interrelationships for Claim on Cash, Claim on
Receivables, and Claim on Payables accounting
The Entry table that contains information about valid general ledger entry types
The General Ledger Entry record that contains information about each entry
The General Ledger Transaction record that contains the amount and account charged for
each transaction in an entry
The Subsidiary Account record that contains information about the subsidiary number
The Subsidiary Association table that contains information about the relationships between
balance and total codes
The Subsidiary Balance records that contain information about a subsidiary balance

General Ledger 153 Saaudit

The Subsidiary Entry record that contains information about postings to the subsidiary
The Subsidiary table that defines valid subsidiary codes
The Subsidiary Total records that contain information about a subsidiary total transaction
The Subsidiary Transaction record that contains detailed transactions for subsidiary account
The General Ledger Journal record that contains information about the journal

Saaudit 154 General Ledger

Process Flow


The following diagram shows the flow of data in the saaudit program.

auditing subsidiaries, or
subsidiaries and control


select subsidiary select subsidiary

another subsidiary another

No No
to audit? subsidiary?

Yes Yes

compare subsidiary
audit subsidiary
entries with ledger
accounts for the
transactions of G/L
control account

audit G/L control



compare subsidiary
entries with ledger stop
transactions of G/L
control account

General Ledger 155 Saaudit


select posted
compare total amounts
start subsidiary entry from
for entries with actual +
sube_rec for subsidiary
encumbrance balance
account in the
for subsidiary account

audit subsidiary
another subsidiary balance and total
entry? records for subsidiary
Yes 3

accumulate actual and

encumbrance amounts
for subsidiary verify all subsidiary
transactions for the transactions have been verify subsidiary
entry matched with a bal or associations between
tot bal codes and tot
codes for transactions
are correct
compare amounts for yes
transactions with
amounts for entry does subsidiary
use bal and tot


compare subsidiary
account actual & enc
return to calling
balance with total
actual & enc amount
for transactions

Saaudit 156 General Ledger

select subsidiary
start balance record from
subb_rec for subsidiary
account in the

no another subb_rec?


compare total actual accumulate total actual

amounts for bals with and encumbrance
actual amount for amounts for subsidiary
subsidiary account account

compare total
accumulate actual and
encumbrance amounts
enc amounts for all
for bals with
subsidiary transactions
encumbrance amount
for the bal record
for subsidiary account

return to calling accumulate PAY and

process INV actual and enc
amounts for all
subsidiary transactions
for the bal record

compare actual amount compare encumbrance

for bal with total PAY amount for bal with
and INV actual total PAY and INV
amounts encumbrance amounts

General Ledger 157 Saaudit

Data Flow Description

The following describes the data flow in the saaudit program.

1. The program loads the subs_table, subas_table and the ent_table into the dmms.
2. Does the user want to audit general ledger control accounts only, subsidiaries only, or
subsidiaries and general ledger control accounts?
• If general ledger control accounts only, go to step 5.
• If subsidiaries only, or subsidiaries and general ledger control accounts, go to step 3.
3. To audit subsidiaries, the program selects a subsidiary from the subsidiary dmm and audits
the subsidiary accounts.
Note: If the user wants to audit general ledger control accounts, then the program loads
transactions of the general ledger control account for the subsidiary into a dml.
4. The program verifies that the subsidiary entries match the G/L control account entries, then
processes the next entry.
5. To audit general ledger control accounts, the program selects each subsidiary from the
subsidiary dmm, and performs the following processing:
• Loads subsidiary entries into a dml
• Loads ledger transactions of G/L control account for the subsidiary into a dml
• Verifies that the subsidiary entries match the G/L account entries
6. To audit subsidiary accounts for a subsidiary, the program retrieves the suba_rec for the
account, then selects posted subtr_recs for the subsidiary account.
7. The program adds each subtr_rec to a dmm of transactions, and sorts the transaction dmm
by entry number.
8. The program selects posted sube_recs for the subsidiary accounts.
9. The program accumulates actual and encumbrance amounts for the subsidiary transactions
for each entry.
10. The program compares total amounts for transactions with total amounts for entry, then adds
the subsidiary entry into a dml and accumulates the entry amount.
11. The program compares the total amounts for entries with the sum of actual balance +
encumbered balance for each account.
12. The program audits subb_recs and subt_recs for subsidiary accounts as follows:
• Verifies all transactions have been matched with a bal or tot.
• If the subsidiary uses both bals and tots, then verifies that subsidiary associations
between bal codes and tot codes for transactions are correct.
• Compares the subsidiary account actual balance with the total actual amount for
• Compares the subsidiary account encumbered balance with total encumbered amount
for transactions.
13. For bals, the program performs the following processing:
• Selects the subb_rec for the subsidiary account and accumulates actual and
encumbrance amounts.
• Accumulates PAY and INV actual and encumbered amounts for all subsidiary
transactions for the bal.
• Compares bal actual amount with total PAY and INV actual transaction amounts.
• Compares the bal encumbered amount with total PAY and INV encumbered
transaction amounts.

Saaudit 158 General Ledger

• Compares the total actual amount for bals with the actual amount for the subsidiary
• Compares the total encumbered amount for bals with the encumbered amount for the
subsidiary account.
14. The program repeats the same logic in step 13 for tot codes, using subt_recs.

Program Relationships

The saaudit program does not interact with any other CX programs.

General Ledger 159 Saaudit

Subsidiary Account Audit Parameters


CX contains parameters and compilation values for executing the saaudit program. You can
specify parameters to compile saaudit in a specified manner at the time of execution.
Note: You can also specify compilation values with the includes for the General Ledger
product that affect the saaudit program.

Parameter Syntax

You can generate a mail message describing the saaudit parameters by entering the following:
saaudit -,
The following is the correct usage for running the saaudit program from the UNIX shell:
saaudit -s subs_code -p pass_code [-i id_no] [-l] -b beg_date -e end_date [-m]
Parameters that appear in brackets are optional. Parameters that do not appear in brackets are


The following lists the parameters for running saaudit.

-s subs_code
Required - Specifies the subsidiary that you want to audit and reconcile (e.g., S/A).
-p pass_code
Required - Designates the type of processing that you want saaudit to perform. Valid pass
codes are:
• 1 (validate the subsidiary only)
• 2 (validate the control account only)
• 3 (validate both the subsidiary and the control account)
-i id_no
Optional - Designates the number of the subsidiary that you want to reconcile.
Optional - Indicates that you want to perform a limited pass 1 verification (i.e., do not verify
bals or tots).
-b beg_date
Required with pass 2 only - Specifies the beginning date for verifying subsidiary entries.
-e end_date
Required with pass 2 only - Specifies the ending date for verifying subsidiary entries.
Optional - Indicates that you want the program to send electronic mail to the user who is
running the program.

Saaudit 160 General Ledger




This section provides reference information about the Subsidiary Balance Status (subbstat)
program. The General Ledger module uses subbstat to set the status flags in the subb_recs.
The status flags may require resetting if, for example, your accounting records contain open
encumbrances or open invoice reports that show $0.00 items.

Program Features Detailed

This section contains details about the following features of the subbstat program:
• Process flow
• Parameters

Program Files

All the program files for subbstat appear in the following directory:

Tables Used in the Program

The subbstat program uses the following tables and records:

The Fiscal Calendar records that define fiscal calendar years and periods
The Subsidiary Balance records that contain information about a subsidiary balance
In addition, subbstat creates and calls the following global data structure as needed:
A structure of fiscal periods for each subsidiary

General Ledger 161 Subsidiary Balance Status

Process Flow


The following diagram shows the flow of data in the subbstat program.

Select subsidiary
balance record from
subb_rec for subsidiary

Another subb_rec? no Stop


Verify status of balance

record is correct for its


no Is status incorrect?


yes Print current status and
new status


Update status of
no Updating? yes subsidiary balance

Subsidiary Balance Status 162 General Ledger

Data Flow Description

The following process describes the data flow in the subbstat program.
1. The program creates a dml for the Fiscal Calendar records for each subsidiary.
Note: The top level contains the subsidiary, and the second level contains the dmm
for the fiscal calendar periods for the subsidiary.
2. The program selects the subb_recs for the subsidiary entered by the user, locates the period
of the subb_rec in the fiscal calendar dml, and uses the following logic to assess the status
codes in the subb_recs:
• If the program cannot locate the period, but the period = INV, then the record must
always be closed.
• If a check has been selected but not paid, then the status of the subb_rec must be L.
• If the fiscal period always needs to be closed and actual and encumbered amounts =
0.0, then the status of the subsidiary bal must be C.
• If the fiscal period needs to be closed on the closing date and the actual and
encumbered amounts = 0.0 and the run date is after the closing date, then the status
of the subsidiary bal must be C.
• The status of the subsidiary bal should be O for all others.
3. If the current status is not correct and the user wants a report of status changes, then the
program prints the previous status and new status.
4. If the user wants to update the status, then the program updates the status of the subb_rec to
the new status, and retrieves the next subb_rec.
5. The program repeats steps 2-4 for every subb_rec.

Program Relationships

The subbstat program does not interact with any other CX programs.

General Ledger 163 Subsidiary Balance Status

Subsidiary Balance Status Parameters


CX contains parameters and compilation values for executing the subbstat program. You can
specify parameters to compile subbstat in a specified manner at the time of execution.
Note: You can also specify compilation values with the includes for the General Ledger
module that affect the subbstat program.

Parameter syntax

The following is the correct usage for running the subbstat program from the UNIX shell:
subbstat -s subsidiary -d date [-r] [-u]
Parameters that appear in brackets are optional. Parameters that do not appear in brackets are


The following table lists the parameters for running subbstat.

-s subsidiary
Required - Specifies the subsidiary for which you want to update incorrect statuses.
-d date
Required - Specifies the effective date you want to use to select subb_recs for updating.
Optional - Specifies if you want to produce a report only.
Optional - Specifies if you want to update records. If you do not use this parameter, the
program runs in test mode only.

Subsidiary Balance Status 164 General Ledger




This section provides reference information about the Voucher Processing (voucher) program.
The General Ledger module uses voucher to process journal entries and to create journals.
Optionally, end users can use voucher to perform queries and cashier functions, although the
Accounting Query (acquery) and Cashier (cashier) programs provide more querying and cash
handling functionality.

Program Features Detailed

This section contains details about the following features of the voucher program:
• Process flow
• Parameters
• Table relationships
• Program screens

Program Files

All the program files for voucher appear in the following directory:

Tables Used in the Program

The Document table that contains information about document codes and stations
The Entry table that contains information about valid general ledger entry types
The General Ledger Account records that contain the fund, function, object and subfund
combinations that your institution has used
The General Ledger Journal Entry records that contain information about each entry
The General Ledger Transaction records that contain the amount and account charged for
each transaction in an entry
The ID record that contains information about each individual or entity in CX
The General Ledger Journal records that contain information about the journal

General Ledger 165 Voucher

Process Flow


The following diagram shows the flow of data in the voucher program.

3 start
Add entry to gle_rec

last_issued_num in

Update amounts for

no More transactions?
journal in vch_rec


Add transaction to

Update gl_amt_rec for

account of transaction

Voucher 166 General Ledger

Get voucher
information, document
User enters 'S' to start
information, and post
a journal
date and period from

Add record to vch_rec


User enters 'A' to add

an entry to the journal
Update journal in

Get entry type,

description, and
User enters 'F' to finish responsible id from
journal user

Get general ledger

Post general ledger transactions from user

User enters 'W' to write

entry to journal

General Ledger 167 Voucher

3 start
Add entry to gle_rec

last_issued_num in

Update amounts for

no More transactions?
journal in vch_rec


Add transaction to

Update gl_amt_rec for

account of transaction

Voucher 168 General Ledger

Data Flow Description

The voucher program performs several functions within the General Ledger module, including
setting up special purpose accounts, enabling users to create adjusting journal entries, and
posting entries to the institution’s general ledger. The following processes describe the data flow
in each of these functions in the voucher program.
Setting up a general ledger account
1. The user selects the G/L command.
2. The program displays G/L Account Entry screen.
3. The program selects the account information for the account entered by the user and
validates the account. If the account meets the validation criteria in the tables, the program
creates a gla_rec for the account.
Adding an adjusting accounting entry
1. The user selects Start to begin a new journal.
2. The program obtains journal information, document information, and the post date and period
from the user.
3. The program adds a vch_rec for the new journal.
4. The user selects Add to add an entry to the journal.
5. The program obtains the entry type, description, and responsible id from the user.
6. The user enters transactions, then selects Write to post the entry to the journal.
7. The program performs the posting.
8. The user selects Finish to finish the journal.
9. The program updates the vch_rec information for the journal.
Posting a general ledger entry
1. The program adds a gle_rec for the entry.
2. The program updates the last_issued_num field in the doc_table.
3. For each general ledger transaction, the program adds a gltr_rec, and updates the
gl_amt_rec for the general ledger account in the transaction.
4. The program updates amounts for the journal in its vch_rec.

Program Relationships

The voucher program does not interact with any other CX programs.

General Ledger 169 Voucher

Voucher Processing Parameters


CX contains parameters and compilation values for executing the voucher program. You can
specify parameters to compile voucher in a specified manner at the time of execution.
Note: You can also specify compilation values with the includes for the General Ledger
module that affect the voucher program.

Parameter syntax

You can display voucher parameters by entering the following: voucher -,

The following is the correct usage for running the voucher program from the UNIX shell:

voucher [-a adr] [-d date] [-f vtfile] [-i inst] [-m mode] [-n] [-p printer] [-v jrnl]
Parameters that appear in brackets are optional. Parameters that do not appear in brackets are


The following list contains the parameters for running voucher.

-a adr
Optional - Specifies the alternate address run code.
-d date
Optional - Specifies the posting date.
-f vtfile
Currently not in use.
-I inst
Optional - Specifies the instruction for the program. Valid values are as follows:
C (Continue)
S (Start)
-m mode
Optional - Specifies the mode of operation for the journal type. Valid values are as follows:
2 (Interactive)
3 (Student receivable)
4 (Background)
5 (Accounts payable)
Currently not in use.
-p printer
Optional - Specifies the name of the printer that you want to use to print the output from
-v jrnl
Optional - Specifies the journal reference type (e.g., AP or AC), if any.

Voucher 170 General Ledger

Program Screens


The voucher program uses two screens for the features described in this section: one screen for
the adding of general ledger accounts, and the other for entering adjusting entries.


The screen files are located in the following directory path:


Screen Files and Table/Record Usage

The voucher screens appear in the following files and use the indicated tables and records:
Contains the screen to use to add special purpose general ledger accounts.
Tables/Records: gla_rec, subs_table
Contains the Journal Entry screen.
Tables/Records: doc_table, ent_table, gla_rec, gle_rec, gltr_rec, id_rec, pay_frm_table,
suba_rec, vch_rec, vch_table

General Ledger 171 Voucher




This section provides reference information about the Voucher Recovery (vchrecover) program.
The General Ledger module uses vchrecover to recover journals that have been affected by
system failure.

Program Features Detailed

This section contains details about the following features of the vchrecover program:
• Process flow
• Parameters
• Table relationships

Program Files

All the program files for vchrecover appear in the following directory:

Tables Used in the Program

The vchrecover program uses the following tables and records

The Cashier Reconciliation records that contain information about the reconciliation status of
General Ledger transactions
The Document table that contains information about document codes and stations
The General Ledger Journal Entry records that contain information about each entry
The General Ledger Transaction records that contain the amount and account charged for
each transaction in an entry
The Subsidiary Entry records that contain information about postings to the subsidiary
The Subsidiary Transaction records that contain detailed transactions for subsidiary account
The General Ledger Journal records that contain information about the journal
In addition, vchrecover creates and calls the following four global data structures as needed:
A list of G/L transactions for last G/L entry of voucher being recovered
The structure of subsidiary entries and transactions

General Ledger 173 Vchrecover

A list of errors with journals to be mailed to user
A list of program errors to be mailed to user

Vchrecover 174 General Ledger

Process Flow


The following diagram shows the flow of data in the vchrecover program.

start Are voucher or

Clean out locks from
vchrecover yes Stop
old programs


Unlock reserved by uid

field in the document

Select vch_rec with a

status of C,S, or W

Mail errors and

messages to user
vch_rec found? no

Update voucher status
to I
Verify gle, gltr, sube,
and subtr records

Verify chrecon record

Update record status to Does journal need Verify document

yes no
R to be updated? number

General Ledger 175 Vchrecover


Find last entry that the

voucher has written

Verify debits=credits
for transactions of last

Subsidiary used by no
transaction of


Verify subsidiary
transactions add up to
subsidiary entries

Verify sum of
subsidiary entries =
sum of transactions for

Vchrecover 176 General Ledger

Data Flow Description

The following process describes the data flow in the vchrecover program.
1. The program ensures that any locks from old programs have been removed from the lock file.
2. The program checks if either vchrecover or voucher is already running. If either program is
running, vchrecover does not run.
3. The program unlocks the reserved by uid field in the doc_table and retrieves vch_recs with
C,S,or W as the status.
4. For every vch_rec found, the program performs the following verifications:
• Accuracy of gle, gltr, sube, and subtr records.
• Existence of the chrecon_rec, if needed.
5. If the journal needs to be updated, then the program updates records to R status, and checks
the document number.
6. If the journal does not require updating, the program checks the document number.
7. The program updates the journal to Incomplete status.
Note: Regardless of whether the journal requires updating, the program changes all
journals with a status of C, S or W so they have a status of I (Incomplete).
8. The program mails errors and messages to the user.
To verify the gle, gltr, sube, and subtr records, vchrecover performs the following:
1. Retrieves the last gle_rec according to the vch_rec.
2. Attempts to find the next gle_rec (i.e., a gle_rec that is not reflected in vch_rec). If the
program cannot locate a next record, then the entry located above is the last entry that the
journal has written.
3. Retrieves all gltr_recs for the last general ledger entry.
4. If the transaction uses a subsidiary control account, then the program accumulates the
amount for the subsidiary, and checks if total debits = total credits.
5. If the general ledger entry uses a subsidiary, then the program retrieves all subsidiary entries
and subsidiary transactions for the general ledger entry.
6. For each subsidiary entry, the program checks if the total for the transactions adds up to the
subsidiary entry amount.
7. The program accumulates the amount for the subsidiary.
Note: If the program cannot locate any subsidiary entries, then the journal is not completely
8. The program checks if the sum of the subsidiary entries equals the sum of the general ledger
transactions for each subsidiary account referenced.
Note: If the program cannot locate any gltr_recs, then journal is not completely posted.

Program Relationships

The vchrecover program does not interact with any other CX programs.

General Ledger 177 Vchrecover

Voucher Recovery Parameters
The vchrecover program does not require any processing parameters.

Vchrecover 178 General Ledger




This section provides reference information on the following features of the General Ledger
• Menu source files
• Menu option files
• PERFORM screens
• SQL scripts
• Csh scripts

Directory Locations

The features detailed in this section are located in the following directory paths:
• Menu source files:
− $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/finrptg
− $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/fintables
− $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/glmaint
− $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/jrnlproc
− $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/prdproc
• Menu option files:
− $CARSPATH/menuopt/accounting/informers
− $CARSPATH/menuopt/accounting/others
− $CARSPATH/menuopt/accounting/programs
− $CARSPATH/menuopt/accounting/reports
− $CARSPATH/menuopt/accounting/screens
− $CARSPATH/menuopt/accounting/scripts
• PERFORM screens:
− $CARSPATH/modules/accounting/screens
• SQL scripts:
− $CARSPATH/modules/accounting/informers
• Csh scripts:
− $CARSPATH/modules/accounting/scripts

General Ledger 179 Menus, Screens, and Scripts

General Ledger Menus


The CX menu source (menusrc) directory path contains definitions of the CX menu structure.
Specifically, the $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal directory path contains definitions for General
Ledger menus. The following directories corresponding to General Ledger appear in this path:
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/finrptg
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/finrptg/acctrpts
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/finrptg/assocrpts
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/finrptg/cntrcombrpts
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/finrptg/cntrrpts
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/finrptg/cusfstmt
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/finrptg/finstmt
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/finrptg/grntrpts
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/finrptg/miscrpts
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/finrptg/projrpts
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/finrptg/subsrpts
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/fintables
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/glmaint
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/glmaint/audits
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/jrnlproc
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/jrnlproc/asciipost
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/jrnlproc/jrnlmaint
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/jrnlproc/recurring
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/jrnlproc/sae
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/prdproc
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/prdproc/990rpts
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/prdproc/glclsg
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/prdproc/subarch
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/prdproc/subbalfwd
Each directory above contains a menudesc file, specifying what menu options appear in a menu.
Specific menu options, however, are defined in the menu option (menuopt) directory path.

Menu Options

The following table associates each General Ledger program, screen, and script menu option
and corresponding menuopt file and identifies the menuopt locations and what the menu option

Note: The menu options appear in the table in the order of their appearance in the above
menusrc directories.

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...

Fiscal Accounting $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: acquery
Management: Query accounting/programs/ Parameters passed:
Accounting Main acqu.p -s (start on subsidiary side
Menu using specified subsidiary)
-r (subsidiary restrictions)
-l (lock into one side)

Menus, Screens, and Scripts 180 General Ledger

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
-p (printer for statement
Budget $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: bgtreview
Review accounting/programs/ Parameters passed:
bgtr -y (fiscal year)
-m (fiscal period)
-f (display frequency of
account balances)
-p (output printer)
Accounting: Initialize $CARSPATH/menuopt/ SQL script: addglatemp
Reports menu Report accounting/informers/ Parameters passed:
Indexes addglatemp DFISCAL_YR (fiscal year)
Review $CARSPATH/menuopt/ PERFORM screen:
Report accounting/screens/ FRMPATH/accounting/
Indexes glatemp glatemp
Accounting: Detail $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Objects menu accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
PP_SORT (sort sequence)
PP_PERSON (responsible
person flag)
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUND_RAN (fund code
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
Detail by $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Funds accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
PP_PERSON (responsible
person flag)
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code

General Ledger 181 Menus, Screens, and Scripts

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
Detail by $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Month accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
PP_PERSON (responsible
person flag)
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUND_RAN (fund code
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
PP_SUMMARY (produce
summary report)
Summary $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
PP_PERSON (responsible
person flag)
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
(subtotaling by block or
PP_SUBT_SCH (subtotaling
by schedule(
PP_SUMMARY (summary

Menus, Screens, and Scripts 182 General Ledger

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
Summary by $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Funds accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
PP_PERSON (responsible
person flag)
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
(subtotaling by block or
PP_SUBT_SCH (subtotaling
by schedule)
PP_SUMMARY (summary
Transactions Report
Parameters passed:
PP_PERSON (responsible
person flag)
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_FS_YR (fiscal year)
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUND_RAN (fund code
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
PP_TRAN (detail/summary
(function/subfund subtotaling)
Accounting: Balance Sheet $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report

General Ledger 183 Menus, Screens, and Scripts

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
Associated accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
Objects Reports balshtasc PP_COL_OUTPUT_TYPE
menu (formtype)
(association code)
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_NONDSPL (nondisplay
of selected objects)
(subtotaling by block or
PP_SUBT_SCH (subtotaling
by schedule)
PP_SUMMARY (summary
Balance Sheet $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
by Funds accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
(association code)
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_NONDSPL (nondisplay
of selected objects)
(subtotaling by block or
PP_SUBT_SCH (subtotaling
by schedule)
PP_SUMMARY (summary
Revenue/ $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Expense accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
Detail revexpdasc PP_COL_OUTPUT_TYPE
(association code)
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_NONDSPL (nondisplay
of selected objects)
(subtotaling by block or
PP_SUMMARY (summary
Rev/Exp $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Detail by accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
Funds revexpdasf PP_COL_OUTPUT_TYPE

Menus, Screens, and Scripts 184 General Ledger

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
(association code)
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_NONDSPL (nondisplay
of selected objects)
(subtotaling by block or
PP_SUMMARY (summary
Revenue/ $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Expense accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
Summary revexpasc PP_COL_OUTPUT_TYPE
(association code)
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_NONDSPL (nondisplay
of selected objects)
(subtotaling by block or
PP_SUMMARY (summary
Rev/Exp $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Summary by accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
Funds revexpasf PP_COL_OUTPUT_TYPE
(association code)
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_NONDSPL (nondisplay
of selected objects)
(subtotaling by block or
PP_SUMMARY (summary
Object $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Transactions accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
accttrasc PP_ASSOC_OBJ
(associated object code)
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_FS_YR (fiscal year)
PP_AMT (amount type)

General Ledger 185 Menus, Screens, and Scripts

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
(nondisplay of selected
PP_TRAN (detail/summary
(function/subfund subtotaling)
Function $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Transactions accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
cntrtrasc PP_ASSOC_OBJ
(associated object code)
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_FS_YR (fiscal year)
PP_AMT (amount type)
(nondisplay of selected
PP_TRAN (detail/summary
Accounting: Object Detail $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Combined accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
Function Reports acctdtlcom PP_COL_OUTPUT_TYPE
menu (formtype)
PP_PERSON (responsible
person flag)
(combined function code
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUND_RAN (fund code
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
PP_SUMMARY (summary
Object Detail $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
by Funds accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
PP_PERSON (responsible
person flag)

Menus, Screens, and Scripts 186 General Ledger

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
(combined function code
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
PP_SUMMARY (summary
Function $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Detail accounting/scripts/ Parameters passed:
PP_PERSON (responsible
person flag)
(combined function code
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUND_RAN (fund code
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
(subtotaling by schedule or
PP_SUMMARY (summary
Function $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Detail by accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
Funds cntrdtlcmf PP_COL_OUTPUT_TYPE
PP_PERSON (responsible

General Ledger 187 Menus, Screens, and Scripts

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
person flag)
(combined function code
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUND_RAN (fund code
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
PP_SUMMARY (summary
Function $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Summary accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
PP_PERSON (responsible
person flag)
(combined function code
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUND_RAN (fund code
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
PP_SUMMARY (summary
Function $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Summary by accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
Funds cntrsumcmf PP_COL_OUTPUT_TYPE
PP_PERSON (responsible

Menus, Screens, and Scripts 188 General Ledger

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
person flag)
(combined function code
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
PP_SUMMARY (summary
Accounting: Detail $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Function Reports accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
menu cntrdtl PP_COL_OUTPUT_TYPE
PP_PERSON (responsible
person flag)
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUND_RAN (fund code
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
(subtotaling by schedule or
Detail by $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Funds accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
PP_PERSON (responsible
person flag)
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)

General Ledger 189 Menus, Screens, and Scripts

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
(subtotaling by schedule or
Detail by $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Month accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
PP_PERSON (responsible
person flag)
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUND_RAN (fund code
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
PP_SUMMARY (summary
Summary $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
PP_PERSON (responsible
person flag)
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUND_RAN (fund code
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)

Menus, Screens, and Scripts 190 General Ledger

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
(nondisplay of selected
(subtotaling by schedule or
PP_SUMMARY (summary
Summary by $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Funds accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
PP_PERSON (responsible
person flag)
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
(subtotaling by schedule or
PP_SUMMARY (summary
Transactions $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
cntrtrans PP_SORT_FIELD (sort
PP_PERSON (responsible
person flag)
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_FS_YR (fiscal year)
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUND_RAN (fund code
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
PP_TRAN (detail or

General Ledger 191 Menus, Screens, and Scripts

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
summary transactions)
Detail $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Transactions accounting/scripts/ Parameters passed:
PP_PERSON (responsible
person flag)
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_FS_YR (fiscal year)
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUND_RAN (fund code
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
PP_TRANS (detail or
summary transactions)
(subtotaling by schedule or
Profit Center $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
PP_PERSON (responsible
person flag)
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUND_RAN (fund code
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
PP_TRANS (detail or
summary transactions)
(subtotaling by block or

Menus, Screens, and Scripts 192 General Ledger

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
responsible person’s name)
Accounting: Fin Stmnt $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: fingen
Custom Financial Struct Entry accounting/programs/ Parameters passed:
Statements menu fgen -y (fiscal year)
-p (printer)
Struct Fin $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: finrpt
Stmt accounting/programs/ Parameters passed:
Generation frpt -r (report code)
-y (fiscal year)
-Y (comparative fiscal year)
-m (starting period)
-M (ending period)
-A (actual amount flag)
-E (encumbrance amount
-B (budget amount flag)
-x (print G/L account
exception list flag)
Fin Set Table $CARSPATH/menuopt/ PERFORM screen
Fin Rpt $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: finfmt
Format Entry accounting/programs/ Parameters passed:
finfmt -p (printer)
Accounting: Balance Sheet $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Financial accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
Reports menu (formtype)
PP_PERSON (responsible
person flag)
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUND_RAN (fund code
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
PP_TRANS (detail or
summary transactions)
(subtotaling by block or
PP_SUBT_SCH (subtotaling
by schedule)

General Ledger 193 Menus, Screens, and Scripts

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
PP_SUMMARY (summary
Balance Sheet $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
by Funds accounting/others/ Parameters passed: PP_COL_OUTPUT_TYPE
PP_PERSON (responsible
person flag)
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
(subtotaling by block or
PP_SUBT_SCH (subtotaling
by schedule)
PP_SUMMARY (summary
Revenue/ $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Expense accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
Detail revexpd.rx PP_COL_OUTPUT_TYPE
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUND_RAN (fund code
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
(subtotaling by block or
PP_SUBT_SCH (subtotaling
by schedule)
PP_SUMMARY (summary

Menus, Screens, and Scripts 194 General Ledger

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
Revenue/ $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Expense accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
Detail by revexpdfd PP_COL_OUTPUT_TYPE
Funds (formtype)
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
(subtotaling by block or
PP_SUMMARY (summary
Revenue/ $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Expense accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
Summary revexp.rx PP_COL_OUTPUT_TYPE
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUND_RAN (fund code
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
(subtotaling by block or
PP_SUMMARY (summary
Rev/ Exp $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Summary by accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
Funds revexpfd.x PP_COL_OUTPUT_TYPE
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code

General Ledger 195 Menus, Screens, and Scripts

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
(subtotaling by block or
PP_SUMMARY (summary
Trial Balance $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUND_RAN (fund code
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
(subtotaling by block or
PP_SUMMARY (summary
Trial Balance $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
by Funds accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
(subtotaling by block or
PP_SUMMARY (summary

Menus, Screens, and Scripts 196 General Ledger

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
G/L Net Asset $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Excptn Rpt accounting/reports/ Parameters passed:
exntast -f (formtype)
Accounting: Grant Detail $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Grants menu Report accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
grntdtlr PP_SORT_FIELD (sort
PP_PERSON (responsible
PP_FS_BEG (beginning
fiscal period)
PP_FS_YR_BEG (beginning
fiscal year)
PP_FS_END (ending fiscal
PP_FS_YR_END (ending
fiscal year)
PP_FUND (fund code range)
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(nondisplay of selected
(subtotaling by block or
PP_SUBT-SCH (subtotaling
by schedule)
PP_SUMMARY (summary
Accounting: Cash Flow $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Miscellaneous History accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
Reports menu cashflow PP_FS_RAN (fiscal year
PP_FS_YR (fiscal year)
PP_FUND (fund code range)
PP_TOTAL (totals only for
summary reports)
Cash/Main $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Funds accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
PP_FS_CODE (fiscal period
PP_FS_YR (fiscal year)
Cash/Specific $CARSPATH/menuopt/ PP_COL_OUTPUT
Funds accounting/others/ (formtype)
cashrpt.US PP_FS_CODE (fiscal period
PP_FS_YR (fiscal year)
PP_FIRST (fund code and

General Ledger 197 Menus, Screens, and Scripts

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
PP_SECOND (fund code
and description)
PP_THIRD (fund code and
PP_FOURTH (fund code and
PP_FIFTH (fund code and
PP_SIXTH (fund code and
PP_SEVENTH (fund code
and description)
Chart of $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Accounts accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
chartacct PP_FS_YR (fiscal year)
PP_FUND_RAN (fund code
(primary sort sequence)
(secondary sort sequence)
Document $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
History accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
dochist PP_FUND (fund code)
PP_FUNC (function code)
PP_OBJ (object code)
PP_SUBFUND (subfund)
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_FS_YR (fiscal year)
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_TOTAL (totals only on
summary report)
Document $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Register accounting/reports/ Parameters passed:
docreg PP_DOC (document code)
(beginning document
PP_DOC_NO_END (ending
document number)
Interfund $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Analysis accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
duetofrom PP_FS_CODE (fiscal year
period code)
PP_FS_YR (fiscal year)
Journals by $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Date accounting/reports/ Parameters passed:
vchbydate PP_DATE_BEG (beginning
PP_DATE_END (ending
Journals by $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report

Menus, Screens, and Scripts 198 General Ledger

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
Type accounting/reports/ Parameters passed:
vchbytype PP_TVCH (journal type)
PP_BEG_VCH (beginning
journal number)
PP_END_VCH (ending
journal number)
Accounting: Summary $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Subfund Reports accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
menu prjsum PP_COL_OUTPUT_TYPE
PP_PERSON (responsible
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUND_RAN (fund code
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
(subtotaling by block or
PP_SUMMARY (summary
Summary by $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Funds accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
PP_PERSON (responsible
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected

General Ledger 199 Menus, Screens, and Scripts

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
(subtotaling by block or
PP_SUMMARY (summary
Trial Balance $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUND_RAN (fund code
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
(subtotaling by block or
PP_SUMMARY (summary
Trial Balance $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
by Funds accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
(subtotaling by block or
PP_SUMMARY (summary
Object Detail $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
accounting/others/ Parameters passed:

Menus, Screens, and Scripts 200 General Ledger

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
PP_PERSON (responsible
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUND_RAN (fund code
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
(subtotaling by block or
Object Detail $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
by Funds accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
PP_PERSON (responsible
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
(subtotaling by block or
Object Detail $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
by Month accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
PP_PERSON (responsible
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUND_RAN (fund code
PP_FUNC_RAN (function

General Ledger 201 Menus, Screens, and Scripts

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
PP_SUMMARY (summary
Object $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Summary accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
PP_PERSON (responsible
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUND_RAN (fund code
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
(subtotaling by block or
PP_SUBT_SCH (subtotaling
by schedule)
PP_SUMMARY (summary
Object $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Summary by accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
Funds prjacctsfd PP_COL_OUTPUT_TYPE
PP_PERSON (responsible
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code

Menus, Screens, and Scripts 202 General Ledger

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
(subtotaling by block or
PP_SUBT_SCH (subtotaling
by schedule)
PP_SUMMARY (summary
Object $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Transactions accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
prjaccttr PP_SORT_FIELD (sort
PP_PERSON (responsible
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_FS_YR (fiscal year)
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUND_RAN (fund code
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
PP_TRAN (detail or
summary transactions)
subtotals by function/subfund)
Function $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Detail accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
PP_PERSON (responsible
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUND_RAN (fund code
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code

General Ledger 203 Menus, Screens, and Scripts

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
(subtotaling by schedule or
Function $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Detail by accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
Funds prjcntrdfd PP_COL_OUTPUT_TYPE
PP_PERSON (responsible
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
(subtotaling by schedule or
Function $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Detail by accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
Month prjcntrmon PP_COL_OUTPUT_TYPE
PP_PERSON (responsible
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUND_RAN (fund code
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
PP_SUMMARY (summary
Function $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report

Menus, Screens, and Scripts 204 General Ledger

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
Summary accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
PP_PERSON (responsible
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUND_RAN (fund code
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
(subtotaling by block or
PP_SUMMARY (summary
Function $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Summary by accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
Funds prjcntrsfd PP_COL_OUTPUT_TYPE
PP_PERSON (responsible
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
(subtotaling by block or
PP_SUMMARY (summary
Function $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Transactions accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
prjcntrtr PP_SORT_FIELD (sort

General Ledger 205 Menus, Screens, and Scripts

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
PP_PERSON (responsible
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_FS_YR (fiscal year)
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUND_RAN (fund code
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
PP_TRAN (detail or
summary transactions)
Function $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Detail/Trans accounting/scripts/ Parameters passed:
PP_PERSON (responsible
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_FS_YR (fiscal year)
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUND_RAN (fund code
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
PP_TRAN (detail or
summary transactions)
(subtotaling by schedule or
Accounting: AC Cash by $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Subsidiary Total Code accounting/reports/ Parameters passed:
Reports menu subtcash PP_NUM_BEG (beginning
journal number)
PP_NUM_END (ending
journal number)

Menus, Screens, and Scripts 206 General Ledger

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
S/L Account $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Balances accounting/reports/ Parameters passed:
subbalance PP_SUBS (subsidiary code)
PP_DATE (balance date)
PP_BAL_DEBIT (include
debit balances)
PP_BAL_CREDIT (include
credit balances)
PP_BAL_ZERO (include
zero balances)
PP_AMT (amount types to
PP_SUBI (additional
subsidiary information)
PP_SUBPROG (subprogram
S/L Balances $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
by S/L Period accounting/reports/ Parameters passed:
subbalprds PP_SUBS (subsidiary code)
PP_DATE (balance date)
PP_FIRST (first period for
column totals)
PP_SECOND (second
period for column totals)
PP_THIRD (third period for
column totals)
PP_FOURTH (fourth period
for column totals)
PP_FIFTH (fifth period for
column totals)
PP_SIXTH (sixth period for
column totals)
PP_BAL_DEBIT (include
debit balances)
PP_BAL_CREDIT (include
credit balances)
PP_BAL_ZERO (include
zero balances)
PP_SUBPROG (subprogram
S/L Cash $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Entries accounting/reports/ Parameters passed:
subentcash PP_SUBS (subsidiary code)
PP_ID (subsidiary number
PP_DATE_BEG (beginning
PP_DATE_END (ending
PP_ENT (entry type code)
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_AMOUNT (comparison
PP_SUMMARY (summary

General Ledger 207 Menus, Screens, and Scripts

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
S/L Entries by $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Date accounting/reports/ Parameters passed:
subentdate PP_SUBS (subsidiary code)
PP_ID (subsidiary number
PP_DATE_BEG (beginning
PP_DATE_END (ending
PP_SUBB (subsidiary
balance code)
PP_ENT (entry type code)
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_SUMMARY (summary
S/L Entries by $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
G/L Period accounting/reports/ Parameters passed:
subentprds PP_SUBS (subsidiary code)
PP_ID (subsidiary number
PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_FS_YR (fiscal year)
PP_SUBB (subsidiary
balance code)
PP_ENT (entry type code)
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_SUMMARY (summary
S/L Entries by $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
S/L Period accounting/ reports/ Parameters passed:
subentprd PP_SUBS (subsidiary code)
PP_ID (subsidiary number
PP_SUBP (subsidiary
balance period code)
PP_FS_YR (fiscal year)
PP_SUBB (subsidiary
balance code)
PP_ENT (entry type code)
PP_SUMMARY (summary
S/L Totals by $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Payment accounting/reports/ Parameters passed:
subtbypmt PP_ID (subsidiary number
PP_CODE (payment form
PP_NUM (payment form
S/L $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Transactions accounting/reports/ Parameters passed:
by Date subtrdate PP_SUBS (subsidiary code)

Menus, Screens, and Scripts 208 General Ledger

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
PP_ID (subsidiary number
PP_DATE_BEG (beginning
report date)
PP_DATE_END (ending
report date)
PP_SUBB (subsidiary
balance code)
PP_SUBT (subsidiary total
PP_ENT (entry type)
PP_PG_BRK (page break
S/L $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Transactions accounting/reports/ Parameters passed:
by Entry subtrent PP_SUBS (subsidiary code)
PP_ID (subsidiary number
PP_SUBP (balance period)
PP_FS_YR (fiscal year)
PP_SUBB (subsidiary
balance code)
PP_ENT (entry type)
S/L $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Transactions accounting/reports/ Parameters passed:
by Total subtrtot PP_SUBS (subsidiary code)
PP_ID (subsidiary number
PP_SUBP (balance period)
PP_FS_YR (fiscal year)
PP_SUBB (subsidiary
balance code)
PP_SUBT (subsidiary total
Student $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Charges/ stubill/reports/pdchgtot Parameters passed:
Payments PP_SUBS (subsidiary code)
PP_ID (subsidiary number
PP_SUBP (balance period)
PP_SUBB (subsidiary
balance code)
PP_SUBS_POST (posting
Subsidiary $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
History accounting/reports/ Parameters passed:
subtrhist PP_SUBS (subsidiary code)
PP_ID (subsidiary number
PP_DATE_BEG (beginning
report date)
PP_DATE_END (ending
report date)
Total $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report

General Ledger 209 Menus, Screens, and Scripts

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
Balances/GL accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
Account totbal PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
code range)
PP_FS_YR (fiscal year)
(primary sort column)
(secondary sort column)
PP_SUBS_POST (posting
Total $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Balances/ accounting/reports/ Parameters passed:
Person substot PP_SUBS (subsidiary code)
PP_SUBP (balance period)
PP_FS_YR (fiscal year)
PP_SUBT (subsidiary total
PP_ID (subsidiary number
PP_SUBS_POST (posting
Accounting: S/L Balance $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
General Ledger Status Report accounting/programs/ Parameters passed:
Maintenance PP_SUBS (subsidiary)
S/L Balance $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Status Update accounting/programs/ Parameters passed:
sbst.sru PP_SUBS (subsidiary)
Terminate G/L $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Script
Accounts accounting/informers/ Parameters passed:
termacct PP_FS_YR (fiscal year)
PP_FUND (fund code)
PP_FUNC (function code)
PP_OBJ (object code)
PP_SUBFUND (subfund
Update G/L $CARSPATH/menuopt/ PERFORM screen:
Accounts accounting/screens/ General Ledger Account
glacct record
Update G/L $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Csh script: updgla
Descriptions accounting/scripts/
FASB 117 G/L $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Mapping Rpt accounting/reports/ Parameters passed:
fasbgla PP_FS_YR (fiscal year)
G/L Net Asset $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Excptn Rpt accounting/reports/ Parameters passed:
exntast PP_FS_YR (fiscal year)
Accounting: G/L Report $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: glaudit
Audit menu accounting/programs/ Parameters passed:
glau -y (fiscal year)
-t (account type)
-m (period code)
-u (update flag)

Menus, Screens, and Scripts 210 General Ledger

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
-n (mail notification)
-c (mail report copy)
-d (audit flag for cash
balance in doc_table)
G/L Report $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: glaudit
and Update accounting/programs/ Parameters passed:
glau.u -y (fiscal year)
-t (account type)
-m (period code)
-u (update flag)
-n (mail notification)
-c (mail report copy)
-d (audit flag for cash
balance in doc_table)
S/L Report $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: saaudit
accounting/programs/ Parameters passed:
saau.sp -s (subsidiary code)
-p (pass flag; 1=validate
subsidiary, 2=validate control
account, 3=validate both)
-I (ID number)
-l (limited pass 1 verification
(does not verify bals or tots)
-b (beginning date for
verifying pass 2)
-e (ending date for verifying
pass 2)
-m (send mail to user)
S/L Report $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: saaudit
and Update accounting/programs/ Parameters passed:
saau.u -s (subsidiary code)
-p (pass flag; 1=validate
subsidiary, 2=validate control
account, 3=validate both)
-I (ID number)
-l (limited pass 1 verification
(does not verify bals or tots)
-b (beginning date for
verifying pass 2)
-e (ending date for verifying
pass 2)
-m (send mail to user)
S/L Report by $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: saaudit
ID accounting/programs/ Parameters passed:
saau.i -s (subsidiary code)
-p (pass flag; 1=validate
subsidiary, 2=validate control
account, 3=validate both)
-I (ID number)
-l (limited pass 1 verification
(does not verify bals or tots)
-b (beginning date for
verifying pass 2)
-e (ending date for verifying

General Ledger 211 Menus, Screens, and Scripts

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
pass 2)
-m (send mail to user)
S/L Report by $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: saaudit
ID/ Update accounting/programs/ Parameters passed:
saau.iu -s (subsidiary code)
-p (pass flag; 1=validate
subsidiary, 2=validate control
account, 3=validate both)
-I (ID number)
-l (limited pass 1 verification
(does not verify bals or tots)
-b (beginning date for
verifying pass 2)
-e (ending date for verifying
pass 2)
-m (send mail to user)
G/L Control $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: saaudit
Account accounting/programs/ Parameters passed:
Report saau.p2 -s (subsidiary code)
-p (pass flag; 1=validate
subsidiary, 2=validate control
account, 3=validate both)
-I (ID number)
-l (limited pass 1 verification
(does not verify bals or tots)
-b (beginning date for
verifying pass 2)
-e (ending date for verifying
pass 2)
-m (send mail to user)
Accounting: Accounting $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: voucher
Journal Entry accounting/screens/
Processing menu voucher
Void $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: docvoid
Documents accounting/programs/ Parameters passed:
docv -d (posting date)
G/L Journal $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Csh script: jrnlgl.AC
Reports accounting/scripts/ Parameters passed:
jrnlgl.AC PP_TVCH (journal code)
(beginning journal number)
PP_VCH_END (ending
journal number)
PP_OUTPUT (printer name)
S/L Journal $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Csh script: jrnlsl.AC
Reports accounting/scripts/ Parameters passed:
jrnlsl.AC PP_TVCH (journal code)
(beginning journal number)
PP_VCH_END (ending
journal number)
PP_OUTPUT (printer name)
Accounting: Post ASCII $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: filepost
ASCII Posting Files to G/L accounting/programs/

Menus, Screens, and Scripts 212 General Ledger

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
Accounting: Journal $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: vchrecover
Journal Recovery accounting/programs/
Maintenance vchr
Update $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: voucher
Journal accounting/screens/
Records voucher
Finish a $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: filepost
Journal accounting/programs/
Terminate a $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: filepost
Journal accounting/programs/
Post to $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: filepost
General accounting/programs/
Ledger fpst.i
Accounting: Recurring $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: recurent
Recurring Journal accounting/programs/ Parameters passed:
Journal Entry Entries recur -t (table permissions)
menu -a (G/L account permissions)
-p (posting permissions)
-r (journal reference)
Recurring Jrnl $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Entry Rpt accounting/reports/ Parameters passed:
recur -f (formtype)
Recur Table $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Report accounting/reports/ Parameters passed:
trecur -f (formtype)
Accounting: Table $CARSPATH/menuopt/ PERFORM screen:
Standard accounting/screens/ sae_table
Accounting sae
Entries menu
Table Report $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
accounting/reports/ Parameters passed:
saelist -f (formtype)
Verify $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: sae
Standard accounting/programs/ Parameters passed:
Entries sae.rt -m (month)
-y (fiscal year)
-d (effective date for entry)
-c (entry code)
-r (report flag)
-t (test flag)
Create $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: sae
Standard accounting/programs/ Parameters passed:
Entries sae.r -m (month)
-y (fiscal year)
-d (effective date for entry)
-c (entry code)
-r (report flag)
-t (test flag)
Post to $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: filepost

General Ledger 213 Menus, Screens, and Scripts

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
General accounting/programs/
Ledger fpst.iAC
Accounting: IRS Donor List $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Period End accounting/scripts Parameters passed:
Processing: 990donor PP_DATE_BEG (beginning
Form 990 date )
Reports menu PP_DATE_END (ending
PP_AMOUNT (minimum
total giving amount)
PP_AMOUNT (minimum
amount for single gifts)
Schedule A - $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Part I accounting/scripts Parameters passed:
990A1 PP_DATE_BEG (beginning
date )
PP_DATE_END (ending
PP_AMOUNT (comparison
PP_DEDUCTION (deduction
code that determines
excluded benefits)
PP_RUNCODE (runcode for
the report)
Schedule A - $CARSPATH/menuopt/ PP_DATE_BEG (beginning
Part II accounting/scripts date )
990A2 PP_DATE_END (ending
PP_AMOUNT (comparison
Accounting: Trial Balance $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Period End accounting/others/ Parameters passed:
Processing: trialbal PP_COL_OUTPUT_TYPE
General Ledger (formtype)
Closing menu PP_FS_RAN (fiscal period
PP_AMT (amount type)
PP_FUND_RAN (fund code
PP_FUNC_RAN (function
code range)
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
(subfund range)
(nondisplay of selected
(subtotaling by block or
PP_SUMMARY (summary

Menus, Screens, and Scripts 214 General Ledger

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
Add G/L $CARSPATH/menuopt/ SQL script
Accounts accounting/informers/ Parameters passed:
addgla PP_FISCAL_YR (fiscal years
to copy from and to)
Add Closing $CARSPATH/menuopt/ SQL script
Fund accounting/informers/ Parameters passed:
Balances addclsgfb PP_FS_YR (fiscal year)
PP_FUND_RAN (fund code
PP_OBJ_RAN (object code
PP_AMT (amount type)
Edit Closing $CARSPATH/menuopt/ PERFORM screen:
Fund accounting/screens/ Closing Fund Balance
Balances clsgfb Record
Closing Fund $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Bal Report accounting/reports/ Parameters passed:
clsgfbacct PP_FS_YR (fiscal year)
PP_FUND_RAN (fund code
Missing Fund $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Bal Report accounting/reports/ Parameters passed:
clsgfbmiss PP_FS_YR (fiscal year)
PP_FUND_RAN (fund code
Edit Check for $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: glclcked
Closing accounting/programs/ Parameters passed:
glcled -f (fund account)
-y (fiscal year)
Create $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: glclsg
Closing Entry accounting/programs/ Parameters passed:
glcl -y (fiscal year)
-t (amount type)
-f (fund code)
-v (journal)
Create $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: glbalfwd
Balance accounting/programs/ Parameters passed:
Forward Ent glbf -y (fiscal year)
-t (amount type)
-f (fund code)
-v (journal reference code)
Post to $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: filepost
General accounting/programs/
Ledger fpst.iACPC
G/L Journal $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Script jrnlg.ACPC
Reports accounting/scripts/ Parameters passed:
jrnlg.ACPC PP_TVCH (journal code)
(beginning journal number)
PP_VCH_END (ending
journal number)
PP_OUTPUT (printer)

General Ledger 215 Menus, Screens, and Scripts

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
Accounting: Subsidiary $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Report
Period End History Report accounting/reports/ Parameters passed:
Processing: subtrh.A PP_SUBS (subsidiary code)
Subsidiary PP_ID (subsidiary number
Archiving menu (ID))
PP_DATE_BEG (beginning
PP_DATE_END (ending
Verify Archival $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: sarc
Data by ID accounting/programs/ Parameters passed:
sarc.beo -s (subsidiary code)
-d (archive date)
-u (update flag)
-b (beginning ID number)
-e (ending ID number)
-o (output summary report of
archived entries)
-j (output summary report of
non-archived entries)
-r (delete records from
database flag)
-v (turn on debugging output
Verify Archival $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: sarc
Data accounting/programs/ Parameters passed:
sarc.o -s (subsidiary code)
-d (archive date)
-u (update flag)
-b (beginning ID number)
-e (ending ID number)
-o (output summary report of
archived entries)
-j (output summary report of
non-archived entries)
-r (delete records from
database flag)
-v (turn on debugging output
Verify All S/L $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: sarc
Data by ID accounting/programs/ Parameters passed:
sarc.beoj -s (subsidiary code)
-d (archive date)
-u (update flag)
-b (beginning ID number)
-e (ending ID number)
-o (output summary report of
archived entries)
-j (output summary report of
non-archived entries)
-r (delete records from
database flag)
-v (turn on debugging output

Menus, Screens, and Scripts 216 General Ledger

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
Verify All S/L $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: sarc
Data accounting/programs/ Parameters passed:
sarc.oj -s (subsidiary code)
-d (archive date)
-u (update flag)
-b (beginning ID number)
-e (ending ID number)
-o (output summary report of
archived entries)
-j (output summary report of
non-archived entries)
-r (delete records from
database flag)
-v (turn on debugging output
Mark Data for $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: sarc
Archiving/ID accounting/programs/ Parameters passed:
sarc.bueo -s (subsidiary code)
-d (archive date)
-u (update flag)
-b (beginning ID number)
-e (ending ID number)
-o (output summary report of
archived entries)
-j (output summary report of
non-archived entries)
-r (delete records from
database flag)
-v (turn on debugging output
Mark Data for $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: sarc
Archiving accounting/programs/ Parameters passed:
sarc.uo -s (subsidiary code)
-d (archive date)
-u (update flag)
-b (beginning ID number)
-e (ending ID number)
-o (output summary report of
archived entries)
-j (output summary report of
non-archived entries)
-r (delete records from
database flag)
-v (turn on debugging output
Remove $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: sarc
Archival Data accounting/programs/ Parameters passed:
sarc.r -s (subsidiary code)
-d (archive date)
-u (update flag)
-b (beginning ID number)
-e (ending ID number)
-o (output summary report of
archived entries)

General Ledger 217 Menus, Screens, and Scripts

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
-j (output summary report of
non-archived entries)
-r (delete records from
database flag)
-v (turn on debugging output
Accounting: Credit $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: sabalfwd
Period End Balances accounting/programs/ Parameters passed:
Processing: Forward sabf.g -s (subsidiary code)
Subsidiary -b (subsidiary balance code)
Balance Forward -c (subsidiary total code)
menu -f (list of from sessions)
-t (target session)
-I (list of ID numbers)
Credit $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: sabalfwd
Balances accounting/programs/ Parameters passed:
Forward / ID sabf.i -s (subsidiary code)
-b (subsidiary balance code)
-c (subsidiary total code)
-f (list of from sessions)
-t (target session)
-I (list of ID numbers)
All Balances $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: sabalfwd
Forward accounting/programs/ Parameters passed:
sabf.dg -s (subsidiary code)
-b (subsidiary balance code)
-c (subsidiary total code)
-f (list of from sessions)
-t (target session)
-I (list of ID numbers)
All Balances $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: sabalfwd
Forward by ID accounting/programs/ Parameters passed:
sabf.di -s (subsidiary code)
-b (subsidiary balance code)
-c (subsidiary total code)
-f (list of from sessions)
-t (target session)
-I (list of ID numbers)
Post to $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: filepost
General accounting/programs/
Ledger fpst.iAC
G/L Journal $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Script jrnlg.AC
Reports accounting/scripts/ Parameters passed:
jrnlgl.AC PP_TVCH (journal code)
(beginning journal number)
PP_VCH_END (ending
journal number)
PP_OUTPUT (printer)
S/L Journal $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Script jrnlsl.AC
Reports accounting/scripts/ Parameters passed:
jrnlsl.AC PP_TVCH (journal code)
(beginning journal number)

Menus, Screens, and Scripts 218 General Ledger

Menu Menu option Menuopt file Accesses ...
PP_VCH_END (ending
journal number)
PP_OUTPUT (printer)
S/L Balance $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: subbstat
Status Report accounting/programs/ Parameters passed: -s (subsidiary code)
S/L Balance $CARSPATH/menuopt/ Program: subbstat
Status Update accounting/programs/ Parameters passed:
sbst.sru -s (subsidiary code)
-u (update balance flag)

General Ledger 219 Menus, Screens, and Scripts

PERFORM (Table Maintenance) Screens


General Ledger uses PERFORM screens for displaying tables and some records. You can
access the screen files in the following directory path:

PERFORM screens

The following list contains the PERFORM screens used in General Ledger:
Screen file: clsgfb
Screen title: Closing Fund Balance Record
Screen file: cntrcomb
Screen title: Combined Function Table
Screen file: fiscalcal
Screen title: Fiscal Calendar
Screen file: glacct
Screen title: General Ledger Account Records
Screen file: glas
Screen title: General Ledger Association Table
Screen file: glatemp
Screen title: Temporary G/L Records
Screen file: gldefine
Screen title: Defined Account Table
Screen file: glfieldrpt
Screen title: Chart of Accounts Tables
Screen file: sae
Screen title: Standard Accounting Entry Table/Standard Accounting Entry Records
Screen file: tatype
Screen title: Amount Type Table
Screen file: tclaim
Screen title: Claim Table
Screen file: tent
Screen title: Entry Type Table
Screen file: tfinset
Screen title: Financial Statement Set Table
Screen file: tfs
Screen title: Financial Statement Table
Screen file: tglperm
Screen title: General Ledger Permission Table
Screen file: tglsub
Screen title: G/L Account Auto-Fill Table
Screen file: tsubs
Screen title: Subsidiary Table

Menus, Screens, and Scripts 220 General Ledger

Screen file: tsubtbls
Screen title: Subsidiary Balance/Total/Association Table
Screen file: tvch
Screen title: Journal Type Table
Screen file: voucher
Screen title: Journal Records

General Ledger 221 Menus, Screens, and Scripts

General Ledger SQL Scripts


The General Ledger module contains SQL scripts that directly access the database, performing
queries and updating the database. The scripts are located in the following directory path:
Note: Reports can also create SQL scripts, in which the reports print the statements they use
to execute. One purpose of these reports is to provide an efficient way for SQL to
update a table with the contents of another table.
In addition, Csh scripts can call SQL scripts and ACE reports. Such ACE reports and SQL
scripts do not reside on the CX menu system.

SQL scripts

The following SQL scripts relate to General Ledger.

Menu option: Add Closing Fund Balances

SQL script: addclsgfb
Description: Creates Closing Fund Balance records for the General Ledger Closing process.
Closing Fund Balance records define the accounts to be closed, and the fund balance account
into which to close the accounts.
Tables used:
• General Ledger Amount record (gl_amt_rec)
• Closing Fund Balance records (clsgfb_rec)
Menu option: Add G/L Accounts
SQL script: addgla
Description: Creates General Ledger Account records for the new fiscal year for all accounts that
are active in the previous fiscal year.
Note: Before running this script, set the Terminate flag on accounts in the old fiscal year that
you do not want to use in the new year.
Tables used:
• General Ledger Account record (gla_rec)
Menu option: Initialize Report Indexes
SQL script: addglatemp
Description: Creates temporary records that include all active General Ledger accounts for two
fiscal years (the year specified, and the year previous to the specified year). The temporary
records enable the financial reports to run at maximum efficiency.
CAUTION: You must run this option for the correct fiscal year before running an accounting
report with optional column output. If you do not run this option, the amounts on
the reports may not be accurate.
Tables used:
• General Ledger Account record (gla_rec)
• General Ledger Amount record (gl_amt_rec)
• General Ledger Temporary record (glatemp_rec)
Menu option: General Ledger Maintenance menu: Terminate G/L Accounts
SQL script: termacct
Description: Sets the Terminate flag on the General Ledger account passed.
Note: Run this option for each year for which you want to terminate accounts.

Menus, Screens, and Scripts 222 General Ledger

Tables used:
• General Ledger Account record

General Ledger 223 Menus, Screens, and Scripts

General Ledger Csh Scripts


General Ledger contains Csh scripts to automate the processing of information. Csh scripts are
UNIX-based program statements that can execute a series of SQL scripts or reports.
All the Csh scripts that relate to General Ledger are database related, updating or reporting
database information. Some Csh scripts in the directory location
$CARSPATH/modules/common/scripts are non-database related, and perform maintenance
The General Ledger Csh scripts are located in the following directory path:

Csh Scripts

The following list associates a General Ledger menu option with the corresponding Csh script
and provides a description of the script.
Note: In the following list, descriptions of Csh scripts include:
• Purpose of the script
• A list of SQL statements used, if applicable
Menu option: Combined Function Reports
Csh script: cntrdtlcom
Purpose: Prints multiple reports

Menu option: Add Fiscal Calendar (under Table Maintenance)

Csh script: fiscalnxt
Purpose: Creates a new set of Fiscal Calendar records for the next fiscal year, based on the
values in the current year’s records
Note: The script fiscalnxt runs an ACE report that outputs SQL statements, then executes
the output statements.
Menu option: General Ledger Report
Csh script: glfieldrpt
Purpose: Produces a single account-related table
Menu option: Function Reports: Detail/Transactions
Csh script: sortcntr
Purpose: Merges detail and transaction function reports for departmental distribution
Menu option: Subfund Reports menu
Csh script: sortproj
Purpose: Merges detail and transaction subfund reports for departmental distribution
Menu option: General Ledger Maintenance Menu
Csh script: updgla
Purpose: Updates account descriptions in gla_recs
Note: The script updgla runs an ACE report that outputs SQL statements, then executes the
output statements.
Menu option: Accounting: Reports menu
Csh script: jrnlgl
Purpose: Prints multiple General Ledger reports
Menu option: Accounting: Subsidiary Reports Menu

Menus, Screens, and Scripts 224 General Ledger

Csh script: jrnlsl
Purpose: Prints Subsidiary Ledger reports

General Ledger 225 Menus, Screens, and Scripts


accttrasc, 183
A acquery, 41–53, 163, 178
AC Cash by Total Code, 204 Add Closing Fund Balances, 212
accessing Add G/L Accounts, 212
menu source files, 178 addclsgfb, 212, 219
schemas, 24 addgla, 212, 219
Accounting ASCII Posting menu, 210 addglatemp, 179, 219
Accounting Associated Objects Reports menu, ADP, 30
181 All Balances Forward, 215
Accounting Audit menu, 208 All Balances Forward by ID, 216
Accounting Combined Function Reports menu, Alumni/Development
184 relationship to General Ledger, 9
Accounting Custom Financial Statements menu, Amount Type table, 25
190 atype_table, 25
Accounting Entry, 210 automated holds
Accounting Financial Statement Reports menu, with Subsidiary Account Balance Forward,
191 111
Accounting Function Reports menu, 187
Accounting General Ledger Maintenance menu,
207 background knowledge, 3
Accounting Grants menu, 194 Background Voucher, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33,
Accounting Journal Maintenance menu, 210 34, 35
Accounting Journal Processing menu, 210 Balance Sheet, 181, 191
Accounting Miscellaneous Reports menu, 195 Balance Sheet by Funds, 182, 191
Accounting Objects menu, 179 balshtasc, 181
Accounting Period End Processing balshtasf, 182
Subsidiary Archiving menu, 213 bgtreview, 69–74, 179
Subsidiary Balance Forward menu, 215 Block Entry screen, 99
Accounting Period End Processing Form 990 Budget, 25, 26, 28, 29, 31, 32
Reports menu, 211 Budget Review, 28, 29, 30, 31, 179. See also
Accounting Period End Processing General bgtreview
Ledger Closing menu, 212 Budget Review screen, 74
Accounting Query, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 178. Budget Transactions screen, 74
See also acquery bursar, 75–79
Accounting Recurring Journal Entry menu, 210 Bursar, 33, 34
Accounting Reports menu, 179 Bursar Account Information screen, 79
Accounting Standard Accounting Entries menu, Bursar Balance Information screen, 79
211 Bursar Default Query Parameters window, 79
Accounting Subfund Reports menu, 196 Bursar Session screen, 79
Accounting Subsidiary Reports menu, 204
Accounts Payable, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, C
34, 35 Cash Flow History, 195
relationship to General Ledger, 9 Cash/Main Funds, 195
acctdtl, 179 Cash/Specific Funds, 195
acctdtlcmf, 184 cashflow, 195
acctdtlcom, 184 cashier, 163
acctdtlfd, 179 Cashier, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35
acctdtlmon, 180 relationship to General Ledger, 9
acctsum, 180 cashrpt, 195, 191 cashrpt.US, 195, 191 Center table, 25
acctsumfd, 180 Change Title screen, 100
accttrans, 181

General Ledger 227 Index

Chart of Accounts, 195 Definition of New Line screen, 100
chartacct, 195 definitions
Cislib, 25 SQL tables, 12
claim on cash tables, records, 24
processing in glaudit, 108 Detail, 179, 187
Claim table, 25 Detail by Funds, 179, 187
claim_table, 25 Detail by Month, 180, 188
Closing Fund Bal Report, 212 Detail Transactions, 189
Closing Fund Balance record, 25 Development, 26, 30, 31
clsgfb, 212 dmls, 37
clsgfb schema file, 25 dmlts, 37
clsgfb_rec, 25 dmms, 37
clsgfbacct, 212 doc_table, 26
clsgfbmiss, 212 dochist, 196
cntr_table, 25 docreg, 196
cntrcomb_table, 25 Document History, 196
cntrdtl, 187 Document Register, 196
cntrdtlcmf, 185 Document table, 26
cntrdtlcom, 185 docv, 210
cntrdtlcom script, 221 docvoid, 210
cntrdtlfd, 187 duetofrom, 196
cntrdtlmon, 188
cntrprf, 190 E
cntrsum, 188 Edit Check for Closing, 212
cntrsumcmf, 186 Edit Checking for Closing Program screen, 123
cntrsumcom, 186 Edit Closing Fund Balances, 212
cntrsumfd, 188 ent_table, 26
cntrtrans, 189 entity relationship diagram
cntrtrasc, 184 for creating entries, 14
columns entries, creating, 5
table, 12 Entry Type table, 26
Combined Centers table, 25 ERD. See entity relationship diagram
common tables, 12 exntast, 194, 208
continuing a journal
process description in bgvoucher, 58 F
Create Balance Forward Ent, 213
FASB 117, 89, 119
Create Closing Entry, 213
FASB 117 G/L Mapping Rpt, 208
Create Standard Entries, 211
fasbgla, 208
creating claim on cash entries
Fee Collection, 29
process description in bgvoucher, 58
relationship to General Ledger, 9
Credit Balances Forward, 215
fgen, 190
Credit Balances Forward / ID, 215
File Posting, 34, 35
csh scripts, 221–22
file types
Csh scripts, 177
filepost, 84–85
Customized Financial Statement Structure
filepost, 81–88, 81–88, 210, 211, 213, 216
screen, 99
filepost screen, 88
D files
dec.h, 37
data dictionary, 24 def.c, 37–39
data structures. See global data structures mac.h, 37, 39
dec.h files, 37 Fin Set Table, 191
def.c files, 37–39 Fin Stmnt Struct Entry, 190
example, 38 fin_fmt_rec, 27
Defined Accounts record, 26 fin_gl_rec, 26
definition files. See def.c fin_rpt_fmt_rec, 26

Index 228 General Ledger

fin_rpt_table, 27 G/L Specific Selection screen, 99
Financial Aid, 26, 28, 29, 33, 34, 35 General Ledger Account record, 28
Financial Report, 26, 27, 29 General Ledger Account Temporary record, 28
Financial Report Format Table screen, 100 General Ledger Amount record, 29
Financial Statement Format record, 26 General Ledger Archive, 31
Financial Statement G/L Account record, 26 General Ledger Archive, 30
financial statement generation, 89–100 General Ledger Association record, 29
Financial Statement Generation, 27, 29 General Ledger Association table, 29
Financial Statement Report Format table, 27 General Ledger Audit, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30
Financial Statement Report table, 27 General Ledger Balance Forward, 26, 28, 29, 31
Financial Statement Set table, 27 General Ledger Closing, 25, 26, 28, 29, 31
Financial Statement table, 27 General Ledger Closing Check, 29
Financial Structure Generation, 26, 27 General Ledger Entries record, 30
fingen, 89–100 General Ledger Permission table, 30
Finish a Journal, 210 General Ledger Schemas, 15–24
Fiscal Calendar record, 27 General Ledger Transactions record, 30
Fiscal Management Accounting Main Menu, 178 gla_rec, 28
fiscalnxt script, 221 glacct, 208
Fixed Assets, 28, 29, 30, 31 glamt_rec, 29
relationship to General Ledger, 9 glas_rec, 29
Form Entry, 29, 30, 31, 33 glas_table, 30
fpst.f, 210 glatemp, 179
fpst.i, 210 glatemp_rec, 28
fpst.iAC, 211, 216 glau, 208
fpst.iACPC, 213 glau.u, 208, 210 glaudit, 101–10
fpst.t, 210 glbalfwd, 111–14, 213
frpt, 190 glbf, 213
fs_table, 27 glcl, 213
fscl_cal_rec, 27 glclcked, 119–23, 212
func_table, 28 glcled, 212
Function Detail, 185, 201 glclsg, 115–18, 213
Function Detail by Funds, 185, 201 gld_rec, 26
Function Detail by Month, 202 gle_rec, 30
Function Detail/Trans, 203 glfieldrpt script, 221
Function Summary, 186, 202 global data structures
Function Summary by Funds, 186, 203 bgtreview, 71
Function table, 28 filepost, 81
Function Transactions, 184, 203 fingen, 90
functions glaudit, 102
bgvoucher, 65, 67 glbalfwd, 111
internal, 67 sabalfwd, 137–38
Fund table, 28 sarc, 143
fund_table, 28 subbstat, 159
vchrecover, 171–72
G glperm_table, 30
G/L Account Removal screen, 100 gltr_rec, 30
G/L Account Search screen, 99 Grant Detail Report, 194
G/L Account Selection screen, 99 grntdtlr, 194
G/L Account Viewing screen, 100 Group Entry screen, 99
G/L Control Account Report, 209
G/L Journal Reports, 210, 213, 216
G/L Net Asset Excptn Rpt, 194, 208 holds
G/L Report, 208 automated, 111
G/L Report and Update, 208

General Ledger 229 Index

I bgtreview, 73
bursar, 78
Initialize Report Indexes, 179 filepost, 86
Interfund Analysis, 196 finformat, 97–98
interrelationships fingen, 97–98
between CX modules and General Ledger, 9 finrpt, 97–98
IRS Donor List, 211 glaudit, 110
Item Entry screen, 99 glbalfwd, 114
glclcked, 122
glclsg, 118
Journal (Voucher) record, 30 recurent, 129
Journal (Voucher) table, 31 saaudit, 158
Journal Entry screen, 169 sabalfwd, 142
Journal Recovery, 210 sae, 134
Journals by Date, 196 sarc, 150
Journals by Type, 196 Student Entry, 50
jrnlg.ACPC, 213 subbstat, 162
jrnlgl script, 221 voucher, 168
jrnlgl.AC, 210, 216 Payroll, 26
jrnlsl script, 222 relationship to General Ledger, 9
jrnlsl.AC, 210, 216 pdchgtot, 207
PERFORM screens, 177
L Personnel/ Payroll, 26, 28, 30, 31, 33, 34
Lib, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35 Personnel/Payroll, 29, 35
libbill pointers
use in bursar, 77 form and sqlda, 37
M General Ledger, 4
Post ASCII Files to G/L, 210
mac.h files, 37, 39
Post to General Ledger, 210, 211, 213, 216
example, 39
Manual/Range G/L Account Selection screen,
process description in bgvoucher, 61
posting subsidiaries
Mark Data for Archiving, 215
process descriptions in bgvoucher, 62
Mark Data for Archiving/ID, 214
prerequisite knowledge, 3
menu option files, 177, 178
prjacctdfd, 198
menu source files, 177
prjacctdtl, 198
menuopts. See menu option files. See menus
prjacctmon, 199
menusrc. See menus
prjacctsfd, 200
Missing Fund Bal Report, 212
prjacctsum, 199
prjaccttr, 200
purpose, 3
prjcntrdfd, 201
O prjcntrdtl, 201
prjcntrmon, 202
obj_table, 31 prjcntrsfd, 203
Object Detail, 184, 198 prjcntrsum, 202
Object Detail by Funds, 184, 198 prjcntrtr, 203
Object Detail by Month, 199 prjsum, 196
Object Summary, 199 prjsumfd, 197
Object Summary by Funds, 200 prjtrial.f, 198
Object table, 31 prjtrialbl, 197
Object Transactions, 183, 200 procedures
General Ledger, 4
P process flows
parameter syntax. See parameters acquery, 42
parameters adding an adjusting accounting entry, 167

Index 230 General Ledger

bgtreview, 70 vchrecover, 171–76
bgvoucher, 56 voucher, 163–69
bursar, 76 Purchasing, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34
creating entries, 5 purpose
descriptions acquery, 41
acquery, 43 bgtreview, 69
bgtreview, 71 bgvoucher, 55
bgvoucher, 57 bursar, 75
bursar, 77 finformat, 89
filepost, 84 fingen, 89
fingen, 94–96 finrpt, 89
glaudit, 108 glaudit, 101
glbalfwd, 113 glbalfwd, 111
glclcked, 121 glclsg, 115
glclsg, 117 module, 3
recurent, 128 recurent, 125
saaudit, 156 saaudit, 151
sabalfwd, 141 sabalfwd, 137
sae, 133 sae, 131
saquery, 48 subbstat, 159
sarc, 144–47 vchrecover, 171–76
subbstat, 161 voucher, 163
voucher, 167
filepost, 82–83 Q
finformat, 91 querying information, 5
fingen, 91
finrpt, 91 R
glaudit, 103–6
glbalfwd, 112
field decriptions, 24
glclcked, 120
required, 12
glclsg, 116
shared, 12
posting a general ledger entry, 167
recur, 210
recurent, 127
Recur Table Report, 210
saaudit, 155
recur_rec, 31
sae, 132
recur_table, 31
saquery, 47
recurent, 125–30, 210
setting up a general ledger account, 167
Recurring Entry, 26, 28, 29, 31, 32, 34
subbstat, 160
Recurring Entry screen, 130
vchrecover, 175
Recurring Entry Table screen, 130
year-end processing, 6
Recurring Journal Entries, 210
Profit Center, 190
Recurring Journal Entries record, 31
Program, 69
Recurring Journal Entries table, 31
Recurring Jrnl Entry Rpt, 210
acquery, 41–53
Registration, 28
bgtreview, 69–74
bursar, 75–79
between CX modules and General Ledger, 9
filepost, 81–88
between records, 15–19
glaudit, 110
verification, 20–23
glbalfwd, 111–14
Remove Archival Data, 215
interrelationships, 46, 49, 63, 71, 77, 85, 96,
Requisition, 26, 28, 29, 30, 33, 34
109, 113, 117, 121, 128, 133, 141, 149,
Rev/Exp Detail by Funds, 182
157, 161, 167, 175
Rev/Exp Summary by Funds, 183, 193
recurent, 125–30
Revenue/Expense Detail, 182, 192
saaudit, 151–58
Revenue/Expense Detail by Funds, 192
sabalfwd, 137–42
Revenue/Expense Summary, 183, 193
subbstat, 151–62

General Ledger 231 Index

revexp.rx, 193 sarc.r, 215
revexpasc, 183 sarc.uo, 215
revexpasf, 183, 207, 216
revexpd.rx, 192 sbst.sru, 207
revexpdasc, 182 Schedule A - Part I, 211
revexpdasf, 182 Schedule A - Part II, 211
revexpdfd, 192 Schedule Entry screen, 99
revexpfd.x, 193 screens
Review Report Indexes, 179 Block Entry screen, 99
rows Budget Review screen, 74
table, 12 Budget Transactions screen, 74
run time parameters. See parameters Bursar Account Information screen, 79
Bursar Balance Information screen, 79
S Bursar Default Query Parameters window, 79
S/L Account Balances, 204 Bursar Session Information screen, 79
S/L Balance Status Report, 207, 216 Change Title screen, 100
S/L Balance Status Update, 207, 216 Customized Financial Statement Structure
S/L Balances by S/L Period, 204 screen, 99
S/L Cash Entries, 205 Definition of New Line screen, 100
S/L Entries by Date, 205 Edit Checking for Closing Program screen,
S/L Entries by G/L Period, 205 123
S/L Entries by S/L Period, 206 filepost screen, 88
S/L Journal Reports, 210, 216 Financial Report Format Table screen, 100
S/L Report, 208 G/L Account Removal screen, 100
S/L Report and Update, 209 G/L Account Search screen, 99
S/L Report by ID, 209 G/L Account Selection screen, 99
S/L Report by ID/ Update, 209 G/L Account Viewing screen, 100
S/L Totals by Payment, 206 G/L Specific Selection screen, 99
S/L Transactions by Date, 206 Group Entry screen, 99
S/L Transactions by Entry, 206 Item Entry screen, 99
S/L Transactions by Total, 206 Journal Entry screen, 169
saau.i, 209 Manual/Range G/L Account Selection screen,
saau.iu, 209 100
saau.p2, 209 Recurring Entry screen, 130
saau.sp, 208 Recurring Entry Table screen, 130
saau.u, 209 Schedule Entry screen, 99
saaudit, 151–58. See also Subsidiary Audit scripts
sabalfwd, 137–42, 215, 216 csh, 221–22
sabf.dg, 215 SQL, 219–20
sabf.di, 216 shared records, 12
sabf.g, 215 sortcntr, 189
sabf.i, 215 sortcntr script, 221
sae, 211 sortproj, 203
sae.r, 211 sortproj script, 221
sae.rt, 211 SQL
sae_rec, 32 table definition, 12
sae_table, 32 SQL scripts, 177, 219–20
saelist, 211 Standard Accounting Entries, 28, 29, 32
sar_rec, 33 Standard Acctg Entries record, 32
sarc, 143–50, 213, 214, 215 starting a journal
sarc.beo, 213 process description in bgvoucher, 58
sarc.beoj, 214 Std Acctg Entry table, 32
sarc.bueo, 214 Struct Fin Stmt Generation, 190
sarc.o, 213 Student Billing, 26, 28, 31, 33, 34, 35
sarc.oj, 214 relationship to General Ledger, 9
Student Charges/Payments, 207

Index 232 General Ledger

suba_rec, 32 Subtype table, 35
subas_table, 33 Summary, 180, 188, 196
subb_rec, 33 Summary by Funds, 180, 188, 197
subb_table, 34 syntax
subbalance, 204 schema names, 24
subbalprds, 204
subbstat, 151–62, 216 T
sube_rec, 34 Table, 211
subentcash, 205 Table of G/L Rules record. See Defined
subentdate, 205 Accounts record
subentprd, 206 Table Report, 211
subentprds, 205 tables
subfunc_table, 32 columns, 12
Subfunction table, 32 common, 12
Subfund table, 32 field descriptions, 24
subfund_table, 32 glclsg, 115
subobj_table, 32 in finformat, 89–90
Subobject table, 32 in fingen, 89–90
subs_table, 34 in finrpt, 89–90
Subsidiary Account Balance Forward, 26, 28, in glaudit, 101–2
33, 34, 35 in glbalfwd, 111
with automated holds, 111 in glclcked, 119
Subsidiary Account Query, 33, 34, 35 in recurent, 125–26
Subsidiary Account record, 32 in saaudit, 151–52
Subsidiary Archive, 33, 34, 35 in sabalfwd, 137–38
Subsidiary Archive record, 33 in sarc, 143
Subsidiary Archiving, 34 in subbstat, 159
Subsidiary Association table, 33 in vchrecover, 172
Subsidiary Audit, 26, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 151–58. in voucher, 163
See also saaudit required, 12
subsidiary balance and total processing rows, 12
in bgvoucher, 63 tclaim schema file, 25
Subsidiary Balance record, 33 Telephone Billing, 28
Subsidiary Balance Status, 33 termacct, 208, 219
Subsidiary Balance table, 33 Terminate a Journal, 210
Subsidiary Entry record, 34 Terminate G/L Accounts, 208
Subsidiary History, 207 Total Balances/GL Account, 207
Subsidiary History Report, 213 Total Balances/Person, 207
Subsidiary table, 34 totbal, 207
Subsidiary Total record, 34 Transactions, 181, 189
Subsidiary Total table, 34 trecur, 210
Subsidiary Transaction record, 35 Trial Balance, 193, 197, 212
subsidiary validation Trial Balance by Funds, 194, 198
process description in bgvoucher, 60 trialbal, 193, 212
substot, 207 trialbal.f, 194
subt_rec, 34
subt_table, 35 U
subtbypmt, 206
subtcash, 204
table names, 24
subtr_rec, 35
Update G/L Accounts, 208
subtrdate, 206
Update G/L Descriptions, 208
subtrent, 206
Update Journal Records, 210
subtrh.A, 213
updgla, 208
subtrhist, 207
updgla script, 221
subtrtot, 206
subtyp_table, 35

General Ledger 233 Index

V Void Documents, 210
voucher, 163–69, 210
vch_rec, 30 Voucher, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35
vch_table, 31 Voucher record. See Journal (Voucher) record
vchbydate, 196 Voucher Recovery, 26, 30, 31, 34, 35
vchbytype, 196 Voucher table. See Journal (Voucher) table
vchr, 210
vchrecover, 210 W
process description in bgvoucher, 58
Bursar Default Query Parameters window, 79
Verify All S/L Data, 214
Verify All S/L Data by ID, 214 Y
Verify Archival Data, 213
Verify Archival Data by ID, 213 year-end processing
Verify Standard Entries, 211 overview, 6

Index 234 General Ledger

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