General Ledger Reference: Technical Manual
General Ledger Reference: Technical Manual
General Ledger Reference: Technical Manual
Technical Manual
Copyright (c) 2001 Jenzabar, Inc. All rights reserved.
You may print any part or the whole of this documentation to support installations of Jenzabar software.
Where the documentation is available in an electronic format such as PDF or online help, you may store
copies with your Jenzabar software. You may also modify the documentation to reflect your institution's
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Filename: tmglref
Distribution date: 08/18/1999
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Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 37
Program Files Detailed ......................................................................................................................... 37
Definition File ........................................................................................................................................ 37
Example of a def.c File ......................................................................................................................... 38
mac.h Files ........................................................................................................................................... 39
Example of a mac.h File ....................................................................................................................... 39
SECTION 5 - ACCOUNTING QUERY AND SUBSIDIARY QUERY ......................................................... 41
Overview................................................................................................................................................... 41
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 41
Program Features Detailed .................................................................................................................. 41
Program Files ....................................................................................................................................... 41
Process Flow ............................................................................................................................................ 42
Diagram ................................................................................................................................................ 42
Data Flow Description for acquery ....................................................................................................... 43
Program Interrelationships ................................................................................................................... 46
Process Flow for Subsidiary Query .......................................................................................................... 47
Diagram ................................................................................................................................................ 47
Data Flow Description for saquery ....................................................................................................... 48
Program Interrelationships ................................................................................................................... 49
Query Program Parameters ..................................................................................................................... 50
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 50
Parameter Syntax................................................................................................................................. 50
Parameters ........................................................................................................................................... 50
Program Screens...................................................................................................................................... 51
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 51
Access .................................................................................................................................................. 51
Screen Files.......................................................................................................................................... 51
SECTION 6 - BACKGROUND VOUCHER ................................................................................................ 55
Overview................................................................................................................................................... 55
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 55
Program Features Detailed .................................................................................................................. 55
Program Files ....................................................................................................................................... 55
Process Flow ............................................................................................................................................ 56
Diagram ................................................................................................................................................ 56
Data Flow Description .......................................................................................................................... 57
Process Description for Starting a Journal........................................................................................... 58
Process Description for Continuing a Journal ...................................................................................... 58
Process Description for Creating Claim on Cash Entries .................................................................... 58
Process Description for Verification ..................................................................................................... 59
Process Description for Subsidiary Validation ..................................................................................... 60
Process Description for Posting ........................................................................................................... 61
Process Description for Posting Subsidiaries ...................................................................................... 62
Subsidiary Balance and Total Processing............................................................................................ 63
Program Relationships ......................................................................................................................... 63
Background Voucher Functions ............................................................................................................... 65
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 65
Functions .............................................................................................................................................. 65
Internal Functions ................................................................................................................................. 67
Functions Used by bgvoucher.............................................................................................................. 67
SECTION 7 - BUDGET REVIEW ............................................................................................................... 71
Overview................................................................................................................................................... 71
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 71
Program Features Detailed .................................................................................................................. 71
Program Files ....................................................................................................................................... 71
Tables Used in the Program................................................................................................................. 71
Process Flow ............................................................................................................................................ 72
Diagram ................................................................................................................................................ 72
Data Flow Description .......................................................................................................................... 73
Program Relationships ......................................................................................................................... 73
Global Data Structures ......................................................................................................................... 73
Review Library Routine ............................................................................................................................ 74
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 74
Input to the review Routine................................................................................................................... 74
Return Values ....................................................................................................................................... 74
Output From the review Routine .......................................................................................................... 74
Budget Review Parameters...................................................................................................................... 75
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 75
Parameter Syntax................................................................................................................................. 75
Parameters ........................................................................................................................................... 75
Program Screens...................................................................................................................................... 76
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 76
Access .................................................................................................................................................. 76
Screen Files and Table/Record Usage ................................................................................................ 76
SECTION 8 - BURSAR QUERY................................................................................................................. 77
Overview................................................................................................................................................... 77
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 77
Program Features Detailed .................................................................................................................. 77
Program Files ....................................................................................................................................... 77
Program Access ................................................................................................................................... 77
Process Flow ............................................................................................................................................ 78
Diagram ................................................................................................................................................ 78
Data Flow Description .......................................................................................................................... 79
Program Relationships ......................................................................................................................... 79
Bursar Query Parameters ........................................................................................................................ 80
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 80
Parameter Syntax................................................................................................................................. 80
Parameters ........................................................................................................................................... 80
Program Screens...................................................................................................................................... 81
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 81
Access .................................................................................................................................................. 81
Screen Files.......................................................................................................................................... 81
Table/Record Usage............................................................................................................................. 81
SECTION 9 - FILEPOST ............................................................................................................................ 83
Overview................................................................................................................................................... 83
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 83
Program Features Detailed .................................................................................................................. 83
Program Files ....................................................................................................................................... 83
Tables Used in the Program................................................................................................................. 83
Process Flow ............................................................................................................................................ 84
Diagram ................................................................................................................................................ 84
Data Flow Description .......................................................................................................................... 86
File Types Used by filepost .................................................................................................................. 86
Program Relationships ......................................................................................................................... 87
Filepost Parameters ................................................................................................................................. 88
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 88
Parameter Syntax................................................................................................................................. 88
Parameters ........................................................................................................................................... 88
Tips for Specifying Processing Parameters ......................................................................................... 89
Program Screens...................................................................................................................................... 90
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 90
Access .................................................................................................................................................. 90
Screen File............................................................................................................................................ 90
REPORT ..................................................................................................................................................... 91
Overview................................................................................................................................................... 91
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 91
Program Features Detailed .................................................................................................................. 91
Program Files ....................................................................................................................................... 91
Tables Used in the Programs............................................................................................................... 91
Process Flow ............................................................................................................................................ 93
Diagram ................................................................................................................................................ 93
Data Flow Description .......................................................................................................................... 96
Program Relationships ......................................................................................................................... 98
Financial Statement Report Program Parameters ................................................................................... 99
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 99
Parameter Syntax................................................................................................................................. 99
Parameters for Financial Statement Generation.................................................................................. 99
Parameters for Financial Format.......................................................................................................... 99
Parameters for Financial Report .......................................................................................................... 99
Program Screens.................................................................................................................................... 101
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 101
Access to fingen screens ................................................................................................................... 101
Access to finformat screen ................................................................................................................. 101
Financial Statement Generation Screen Files and Table/Record Usage .......................................... 101
Financial Format Screen File and Table/Record Usage .................................................................... 102
SECTION 11 - GENERAL LEDGER AUDIT ............................................................................................ 103
Overview................................................................................................................................................. 103
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 103
Program Features Detailed ................................................................................................................ 103
Program Files ..................................................................................................................................... 103
Tables Used in the Program............................................................................................................... 103
Process Flow .......................................................................................................................................... 105
Diagram .............................................................................................................................................. 105
Data Flow Description ........................................................................................................................ 110
Program Relationships ....................................................................................................................... 111
General Ledger Audit Parameters.......................................................................................................... 112
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 112
Parameter Syntax............................................................................................................................... 112
Parameters ......................................................................................................................................... 112
SECTION 12 - GENERAL LEDGER BALANCE FORWARD ................................................................. 113
Overview................................................................................................................................................. 113
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 113
Program Features Detailed ................................................................................................................ 113
Running Subsidiary Account Balance Forward.................................................................................. 113
Program Files ..................................................................................................................................... 113
Tables Used in the Program............................................................................................................... 113
Process Flow .......................................................................................................................................... 114
Diagram .............................................................................................................................................. 114
Data Flow Description ........................................................................................................................ 115
Program Relationships ....................................................................................................................... 115
General Ledger Balance Forward Parameters ...................................................................................... 116
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 116
Parameter Syntax............................................................................................................................... 116
Parameters ......................................................................................................................................... 116
SECTION 13 - GENERAL LEDGER CLOSING....................................................................................... 117
Overview................................................................................................................................................. 117
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 117
Program Features Detailed ................................................................................................................ 117
Program Files ..................................................................................................................................... 117
Tables Used in the Program............................................................................................................... 117
Process Flow .......................................................................................................................................... 118
Diagram .............................................................................................................................................. 118
Data Flow Description ........................................................................................................................ 119
Program Relationships ....................................................................................................................... 119
General Ledger Closing Parameters...................................................................................................... 120
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 120
Parameter Syntax............................................................................................................................... 120
Parameters ......................................................................................................................................... 120
SECTION 14 - GENERAL LEDGER CLOSING CHECK......................................................................... 121
Overview................................................................................................................................................. 121
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 121
Program Features Detailed ................................................................................................................ 121
Program Files ..................................................................................................................................... 121
Tables Used in the Program............................................................................................................... 121
Process Flow .......................................................................................................................................... 122
Diagram .............................................................................................................................................. 122
Data Flow Description ........................................................................................................................ 123
Program Relationships ....................................................................................................................... 123
General Ledger Closing Check Parameters .......................................................................................... 124
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 124
Parameter Syntax............................................................................................................................... 124
Parameters ......................................................................................................................................... 124
Program Screens.................................................................................................................................... 125
Purpose .............................................................................................................................................. 125
Access ................................................................................................................................................ 125
Screen Location in the Program......................................................................................................... 125
Screen Files and Table/Record Usage .............................................................................................. 125
SECTION 15 - RECURRING ENTRY....................................................................................................... 127
Overview................................................................................................................................................. 127
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 127
Program Features Detailed ................................................................................................................ 127
Program Files ..................................................................................................................................... 127
Tables Used in the Program............................................................................................................... 127
Process Flow .......................................................................................................................................... 129
Diagram .............................................................................................................................................. 129
Data Flow Description ........................................................................................................................ 130
Program Relationships ....................................................................................................................... 130
Recurring Entry Parameters................................................................................................................... 131
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 131
Parameter Syntax............................................................................................................................... 131
Parameters ......................................................................................................................................... 131
Program Screens.................................................................................................................................... 132
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 132
Access ................................................................................................................................................ 132
Screen Files and Table/Record Usage .............................................................................................. 132
SECTION 16 - STANDARD ACCOUNTING ENTRIES ........................................................................... 133
Overview................................................................................................................................................. 133
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 133
Program Features Detailed ................................................................................................................ 133
Program Files ..................................................................................................................................... 133
Process Flow .......................................................................................................................................... 134
Diagram .............................................................................................................................................. 134
Data Flow Description ........................................................................................................................ 135
Program Relationships ....................................................................................................................... 135
Standard Accounting Entries Parameters .............................................................................................. 136
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 136
Parameter Syntax............................................................................................................................... 136
Parameters ......................................................................................................................................... 136
Program Screens.................................................................................................................................... 137
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 137
Access ................................................................................................................................................ 137
Screen File and Table/Record Usage ................................................................................................ 137
SECTION 17 - SUBSIDIARY ACCOUNT BALANCE FORWARD.......................................................... 139
Overview................................................................................................................................................. 139
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 139
Program Features Detailed ................................................................................................................ 139
Program Files ..................................................................................................................................... 139
Tables Used in the Program............................................................................................................... 139
Process Flow .......................................................................................................................................... 141
Diagram .............................................................................................................................................. 141
Data Flow Description ........................................................................................................................ 143
Program Relationships ....................................................................................................................... 143
Subsidiary Account Balance Forward Parameters ................................................................................ 144
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 144
Parameter Syntax............................................................................................................................... 144
Parameters ......................................................................................................................................... 144
SECTION 18 - SUBSIDIARY ARCHIVE .................................................................................................. 145
Overview................................................................................................................................................. 145
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 145
Program Features Detailed ................................................................................................................ 145
Program Files ..................................................................................................................................... 145
Tables Used in the Program............................................................................................................... 145
Process Flow .......................................................................................................................................... 146
Diagram .............................................................................................................................................. 146
Data Flow Description ........................................................................................................................ 150
Program Relationships ....................................................................................................................... 151
Subsidiary Archive Parameters .............................................................................................................. 152
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 152
Parameter Syntax............................................................................................................................... 152
Parameters ......................................................................................................................................... 152
SECTION 19 - SUBSIDIARY ACCOUNT AUDIT .................................................................................... 153
Overview................................................................................................................................................. 153
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 153
Program Features Detailed ................................................................................................................ 153
Program Files ..................................................................................................................................... 153
Program Screens................................................................................................................................ 153
Tables Used in the Program............................................................................................................... 153
Process Flow .......................................................................................................................................... 155
Diagram .............................................................................................................................................. 155
Data Flow Description ........................................................................................................................ 158
Program Relationships ....................................................................................................................... 159
Subsidiary Account Audit Parameters.................................................................................................... 160
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 160
Parameter Syntax............................................................................................................................... 160
Parameters ......................................................................................................................................... 160
SECTION 20 - SUBSIDIARY BALANCE STATUS ................................................................................. 161
Overview................................................................................................................................................. 161
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 161
Program Features Detailed ................................................................................................................ 161
Program Files ..................................................................................................................................... 161
Tables Used in the Program............................................................................................................... 161
Process Flow .......................................................................................................................................... 162
Diagram .............................................................................................................................................. 162
Data Flow Description ........................................................................................................................ 163
Program Relationships ....................................................................................................................... 163
Subsidiary Balance Status Parameters.................................................................................................. 164
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 164
Parameter syntax ............................................................................................................................... 164
Parameters ......................................................................................................................................... 164
SECTION 21 - VOUCHER........................................................................................................................ 165
Overview................................................................................................................................................. 165
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 165
Program Features Detailed ................................................................................................................ 165
Program Files ..................................................................................................................................... 165
Tables Used in the Program............................................................................................................... 165
Process Flow .......................................................................................................................................... 166
Diagram .............................................................................................................................................. 166
Data Flow Description ........................................................................................................................ 169
Program Relationships ....................................................................................................................... 169
Voucher Processing Parameters ........................................................................................................... 170
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 170
Parameter syntax ............................................................................................................................... 170
Parameters ......................................................................................................................................... 170
Program Screens.................................................................................................................................... 171
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 171
Access ................................................................................................................................................ 171
Screen Files and Table/Record Usage .............................................................................................. 171
SECTION 22 - VOUCHER RECOVERY .................................................................................................. 173
Overview................................................................................................................................................. 173
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 173
Program Features Detailed ................................................................................................................ 173
Program Files ..................................................................................................................................... 173
Tables Used in the Program............................................................................................................... 173
Process Flow .......................................................................................................................................... 175
Diagram .............................................................................................................................................. 175
Data Flow Description ........................................................................................................................ 177
Program Relationships ....................................................................................................................... 177
Voucher Recovery Parameters .............................................................................................................. 178
SECTION 23 - MENUS, SCREENS AND SCRIPTS................................................................................ 179
Overview................................................................................................................................................. 179
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 179
Directory Locations............................................................................................................................. 179
General Ledger Menus........................................................................................................................... 180
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 180
Menu Options ..................................................................................................................................... 180
PERFORM (Table Maintenance) Screens ............................................................................................. 220
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 220
PERFORM screens ............................................................................................................................ 220
General Ledger SQL Scripts .................................................................................................................. 222
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 222
SQL scripts ......................................................................................................................................... 222
General Ledger Csh Scripts ................................................................................................................... 224
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 224
Csh Scripts ......................................................................................................................................... 224
INDEX ....................................................................................................................................................... 227
This second volume of the CX General Ledger technical manual provides reference information.
For specific information on implementing General Ledger, see Volume I of this manual.
Intended Audience
This guide is for use by those individuals responsible for the installation, customization, and
maintenance of CX.
Product Differences
This manual contains documentation for all the features developed for the CX General Ledger
module. Your institution may not have all these features.
This section provides information on the purpose and process flow of General Ledger.
Purpose of Module
The primary purpose of General Ledger is to enable the institution to perform accounting
functions. Accounting functions include creating both routine and non-routine journal entries,
reviewing the contents of the accounting records, and closing a fiscal period while preparing the
accounting records for the next fiscal period.
Background Knowledge
The following list describes the necessary background information that you should know to
implement and support the General Ledger module.
Know the following about the UNIX operating system:
• Cash environment and commands
• Editor commands (e.g., vi)
Know about the following INFORMIX tools:
• SQL database
• PERFORM screens
• ACE reports
Jenzabar CX database tools and utilities
Know how to use the following database tools:
• MAKE processor
• Schemas
• Macros
• Includes
• Program screens
• The SMO process
Jenzabar CX
Know the following about the CX standard product:
• CX directory structure
• The menu processor
• The CX database engine
QuickMate features
Know the following about the CX Graphical Server:
• Client/Server processing
• Network settings
• Keyboard settings
• Mouse settings
• GUI mode commands
General Ledger consists of several different functions, including entry preparation and querying,
and maintenance/year-end processing. This section contains a description of these functional
aspects of General Ledger.
Users can create entries in a variety of ways using the General Ledger module. They can use
recurent or sae to create repetitive entries, and they can create non-repetitive entries in voucher.
Voucher and bgvoucher post the entries. In addition, other programs in CX call filepost to format
a file for posting, and then filepost calls bgvoucher to post the formatted file.
After voucher and/or bgvoucher post the transactions, users can use the query programs
acquery and saquery to view the contents of any accounting journals. Bgtreview enables users
to view budget-related journals, and bursar provides the ability to view student account
The following diagram shows the process flow for creating entries in General Ledger.
Note: For more information about program interrelationships and detailed data flow
diagrams, see the individual program sections in this manual.
bgvoucher posts
General ledger file
The following diagram lays out the process flow for year-end processing in General Ledger.
Note: For more information about program interrelationships and detailed data flow
diagrams, see the individual program sections in this manual.
Do subsidiary
subbstat updates
No records have the
correct status?
(Optional) sarc
archives subsidiary
The General Ledger module interacts with several other modules in Jenzabar CX . The following
list describes the interrelationships.
Note: Each of the programs that creates accounting entries uses the accounting program
bgvoucher to post the transactions.
The Alumni/Development office processes information about gifts to the institution, and uses
Donor Accounting to record gifts.
The Payroll department processes advances, paychecks, and direct deposits for employees,
creating accounting transactions.
Accounts Payable
The Purchasing and Accounts Payable department writes checks in payment for goods and
services received, creating accounting transactions.
Fixed Assets
The Fixed Assets module tracks acquisitions, disposals, and depreciation for long-lived
Student Billing
The Student Billing module computes amounts due from students for tuition and other
services, creating accounting transactions.
Fee Collection
The Fee Collection module allows you to collect payments and allocate them to the proper
The Cashier module allows you to perform accounting functions associated with cash
receipts and disbursements.
This section provides you with reference information about each table and record associated with
the General Ledger module. The following tables appear in this section:
• Amount Type table (atype_table)
• Claim table (claim_table)
• Combined Centers table (cntrcomb_table)
• Document table (doc_table)
• Entry table (ent_table)
• Financial Statement table (fs_table)
• Financial table (fin_rpt_table)
• Function table (func_table)
• Fund table (fund_table)
• General Ledger Association table (glas_table)
• Journal Type table (vch_table)
• Object table (obj_table)
• Recur table (recur_table)
• Standard Accounting Entries table (sae_table)
• Subsidiary Association table (subas_table)
• Subsidiary Balance table (subb_table)
• Subsidiary table (subs_table)
• Subsidiary Total table (subt_table)
The following records appear in this section:
• Closing Fund Balance record (clsgfb_rec)
• Defined Account record (gld_rec)
• Financial Format record (fin_fmt_rec)
• Financial General Ledger record (fin_gl_rec)
• Fiscal Calendar record (fscl_cal_rec)
• General Ledger Account record (gla_rec)
• General Ledger Amount record (gl_amt_rec)
• General Ledger Entry record (gle_rec)
• General Ledger Transaction record (gltr_rec)
• Recur record (recur_rec)
• Standard Accounting Entries record (sae_rec)
• Subfund table (subfund_table)
• Subsidiary Account record (suba_rec)
• Subsidiary Archive record (subarc_rec)
• Subsidiary Balance record (subb_rec)
• Subsidiary Entry record (sube_rec)
• Subsidiary Total record (subt_rec)
• Subsidiary Transaction record (subtr_rec)
• Voucher record (vch_rec)
Alphabetical Organization
In a relational SQL database, a table is an organized set of any kind of data, regardless of its
purpose for validation or information maintenance. The basic unit of organization of a table is a
column, a category of data. A table can have multiple columns, and columns typically contain
multiple rows of data.
CXmakes name distinctions in the usage of database tables. A table in CX contains information
that remains static and is denoted with the _table extension. For example, the State table,
named st_table, contains the list of the United States of America. On the CX menu, you can
access most tables in Table Maintenance menus.
CXmakes name distinctions in the usage of database tables. A record in CX is a table that
contains information that changes on a regular basis and is denoted with the _rec extension. For
example, the Alternate Address record, named aa_rec, contains any other addresses at which
students can be contacted, such as a summer address. You access records in CX program
screens, scroll screens, and PERFORM screens.
Common Tables
Programs in the General Ledger module use several tables that are also used in other modular
areas of CX. The following common tables are used:
• 1099 table
• Configuration table
• Payment Form table
• Payment Terms table
Shared Records
Programs in the General Ledger module use several records that are shared by, created in, or
most extensively used in other modular areas of CX. The following list contains these records
and the modules and programs that relate to the records.
Note: If you make changes to schemas for the following records, you will need to reinstall
each associated module.
The following tables and records are required to run the features of the General Ledger module.
To define the Chart of Accounts:
• Defined Account record
• Function table
The following diagram shows the links between the tables and records used to create journal and
subsidiary entries in the General Ledger module.
vch_rec subs_table
verification vch_rec subs_table verification
tables tables
(ref, jrnl_no)
gle_rec suba_rec
verification gle_rec suba_rec verification
tables tables
(jrnl_ref, jrnl_no,
(subs, subs_no)
(G/L Amount) gle_no)
Also in index
(fscl_yr, ctgry)
At least two has subs
gl_amt_rec sube_rec
per gle_rec
sube_rec verification
(subs) tables
Also in index
(fscl_yr) (subs, subs_no,
(G/L Account)
G/L Account Elements
(fund, func, obj, subfund)
loc (optional)
subloc (optional)
subobj (optional)
class (optional)
subclass (optional)
typ (optional)
subtype (optional) (subs, subs_no, (subs, subs_no,
gla_rec subfunc (optional) tot_prd, tot_code) tot_prd, tot_code)
has bals has tots
tables optional
The following diagrams show the hierarchy and contents of the records that maintain entry
information in General Ledger.
(journal summary
reference, number,
date, status, etc.)
(vch, document,
ref, number, ID,
entry descr, cash
amt, form of
payment, etc.)
(at least 1 per
(vch_ref, vch and
gl_amt_rec entry number, G/L
(G/L fiscal period accounts and
amount totals, by amount, subs
amount type, by reference,
Data etc.)
account, by year, (at least 2 per
etc.) entry) Data
(Acct number,
descr, subsidiary
ref, journals Is the account number
allowed, special No
a subsidiary?
permissions, etc.)
Create sube_recs,
subtr_recs, suba_recs,
subb_recs, subt_recs as
The following diagrams shows the interrelationships between the records that maintain subsidiary
information in General Ledger. The first diagram displays the records at a high level, and the
second diagram shows the indexes and links between the records.
(subsidiary, subtr_rec suba_rec
journal, and (subsidiary, ID,
document date, tot/bal code,
Data subtotal by
Data amount amount, etc.)
Data subname (e.g., S/
type, etc.) Data A) and one per ID)
(One for each
balance code and
each period, etc.)
(One for each total
code and each
period, etc.)
The following diagram shows the interrelationships between the records that the General Ledger
module uses at the journal level. Note that at least one journal entry must exist in a journal.
gle_rec (1)
The following diagram shows the interrelationships between the records that the General Ledger
module uses at the transaction level.
perm_table gl_amt_rec
glperm_table gltr_rec (2+)
The following diagrams show the verification relationships between records in General Ledger.
tperm, (tglperm)
(G/L Account)
(fscl_yr) (payplan)
fscl_cal_rec gla_rec
G/L tables
(fund_table, func_table,
ent_table doc_table
(doc_id, subs_no) jrnl_no)
id_rec sube_rec vch_table
(subs) (amt_type)
subs_table atype_table
(alt_addr_code) (def_pmt_terms)
aa_table subs_table pay_term_table
G/L Tables
G/L tables subfund_table
(jrnl, last_issued_no,)
(fscl_yr, fscl_mo)
(doc_ref, stn_no)
fscl_cal_rec vch_rec doc_table
(doc, stn_no)
Schema files define the structure of database files and associated fields in the CX data
dictionary. You can access schema files associated with the General Ledger module in the
following directory path: $CARSPATH/schema/financial
CXmakes name distinctions in the naming of schemas. For schema files containing definitions of
CX tables, the UNIX filename begins with the letter t followed by characters describing the table’s
English name (e.g., tst for the State table). For schema files containing definitions of CX records,
the UNIX filename describes the record’s English name (e.g., as id for ID record).
The first line in a schema file, after revision information, specifies the INFORMIX database table
that the schema defines. For example, st_table (State table) is specified in the tst schema file.
Field Descriptions
Schema files contain descriptions of each field defined in a table or record. You can view
descriptions of fields in General Ledger tables and records by accessing the schema files.
Standard CX includes three reports that provide information about the contents of the schema
files. When table implementation begins, you can run the reports to provide the installation team
with information about the tables and their fields.
Select the report options from the following menu path:
System Management: Data Dictionary menu
The reports are as follows:
Lists the columns in the database by table, including its name, short and long descriptions,
field type (e.g., char or date), and size.
Lists the tables that relate to each track area (e.g., ADM or COM ), including the table name,
description and purpose.
Combines the contents of dbefield and dbefile, displaying the tables for each track and the
columns in each table.
The following alphabetical list contains the tables and records that originate from the General
Ledger module. The list indicates each table/record’s purpose, its schema filename, its index
and its association with programs and other tables and records.
Note: The Program interrelationships in the list are included in the General Ledger module.
The Module/application interrelationships in the list are not included in the General Ledger
Amount Type table
Purpose: Defines all valid amount types.
Schema filename: tatype
Informix filename: atype_table
Index type: unique simple
Index name: tatype_amt_type
Index fields: amt_type
Program interrelationships: Accounting Query, Background Voucher, General Ledger Audit,
General Ledger Closing, Voucher
Module/application interrelationships: Cislib, Budget
Claim table
Purpose: Defines the accounts which can use the claim on cash feature, and the generated
Schema filename: tclaim
INFORMIX filename: claim_table
First index type: unique
First index name: tclaim_prim
First index fields: GL_FIELDS
Second index type: unique
Second index name: tclaim_contra
Second index fields: GL_FIELDS (contra_)
Program interrelationships: Background Voucher
Closing Fund Balance record
Purpose: Defines the General Ledger accounts to be closed at fiscal year-end and the fund
balance accounts used for posting account balances.
Schema filename: clsgfb
INFORMIX filename: clsgfb_rec
Index type: unique
Index name: cf_prim
Index fields: The fields defined in the macro GL_FIELDS and the field fscl_yr
Program interrelationships: General Ledger Closing
Center table
Purpose: Currently not in use. Optional part of account number.
Schema filename: tcntr
Informix filename: cntr_table
Combined Centers table
Purpose: Defines center combinations for reporting purposes.
Schema filename: tcntrcomb
Informix filename: cntrcomb_table
First index type: unique
This section provides reference information about the files that relate to most CX programs. By
understanding the file structure and the contents of the files, you can locate most of the
information you need about any program.
Definition File
Every program uses a definition (def.c) file, located in the following path:
$CARSPATH/src/accounting/program name.
The def.c file for a screen-oriented program can contain the following information:
• Includes for a mac.h file
• Declaration of global variables and structures used throughout the application
• Structure declarations for structure and non-structure screen binds (i.e., program buffer to
screen buffer binds)
• Ring menu definitions
• Prompt line information
• Structure definitions for program parameters
• Declarations of dynamic memory (dmms, dmls, and dmlts) in relation to functionality within
libdmm (the dynamic memory management package)
• Screen pointers
The def.c file for a non-screen-oriented program can contain the following information:
• Includes for a mac.h file
• Global program variables
• Includes for schema files’ def.c files
• Form pointers that provide the location for forms
• Sqlda pointers that bind the file structure to the form
• dmm, dml and dmlt definitions
• Program parameters
• Declarations of functions so the compiler can handle a call of that function
The following is an edited excerpt from the def.c file for fingen. It illustrates the common
components of a standard CX def.c file.
Note: The legend for the file contents appears on the next page.
#include "mac.h
#include <schema/financial/findef.c>
#include <schema/financial/fingldef.c>
Global structures and variables.
struct fin_type fin_rec;
struct fingl_type fingl_rec;
char fscl_yr[5]; 3
char gl_entry[2];
char printer[21] ;
char charbuff[SCR_MAXFIELD];
Sqlda pointers.
struct sqlda *finda;
struct sqlda *finglda;
/*----- 4
Screen and form pointers.
SCREEN *add_scr = NULL;
SCREEN *select_scr = NULL;
SCREEN *bgsi_form = NULL;
Non-structure screen binds.
struct bind_type bind_list[] =
{ 5
{ ADD_SCR, &add_scr, "fyr", CHARTYPE, (char *)fscl_yr, SCR_CBIND },
{ SELECT_SCR, &select_scr, "L", CHARTYPE, (char *)gl_entry, SCR_CBIND },
int bind_size = BIND_SIZE(bind_list);
Main menu structure definition.
SCR_MENUOPT2(0, "Query", QRY_CMD, SCR_GMENABLE, "Query a specific statement.", NULL),
SCR_MENUOPT2(0, "Add", ADD_CMD, SCR_GMENABLE, "Enter a new statement.", NULL),
SCR_MENUOPT2(0, "Remove", RMV_CMD, SCR_GMENABLE, "Remove current statement.", NULL),
SCR_MENUOPT2(0, "Exit", EXT_CMD, SCR_GMENABLE, "Exit the program.","Exit"),
SCR_MENUOPT2(0, charbuff, '\0', SCR_GMENABLE, NULL, NULL),
int fin_size = SCR_MENUSIZE(fin_menu);
#define MENU_LEVELS (1)
SCR_MENUOPT2(0, charbuff, '\0', SCR_GMENABLE, NULL, NULL),
int addpmpt1_size = SCR_MENUSIZE(add_prompt1);
Program parameters.
struct param_type param_list[] = 7
{ 'y', fscl_yr, PRM_CHAR, 4, PRM_REQUIRED, "fiscal year", "Fiscal Year"},
{ 'p', printer, PRM_CHAR, 20, PRM_REQUIRED, "printer device", "Printer Device" },
int max_params = (sizeof(param_list) / (sizeof(param_list[0])));
mac.h Files
Every program uses a macro header (mac.h) file, located in the following path:
$CARSPATH/src/accounting/program name.
The mac.h file for a screen-oriented program can contain the following information:
• Includes related to system header files
• Includes related to CX library and other application processes
• Includes for schema files’ mac.h files
• Program constant definitions (i.e., #define statements)
• Structure definitions
The following is an edited excerpt from the mac.h file for fingen. It illustrates the common
components of a standard CX mac.h file.
#include <util/cars.h>
#include <util/dmm.h> 1
#include <util/dbio.h>
#include <util/fps.h>
#include <schema/financial/finmac.h> 2
#include <schema/financial/finglmac.h>
struct bgsi_type
struct fin_type fin_rec;
char line[54];
}; 4
struct gl_type
char gl_slctd[2];
char new[2];
struct gla_type gla_rec;
This section provides reference information about the Accounting Query program (acquery) and
the Subsidiary Query program (saquery). The General Ledger module uses the query programs
to enable users to view account, document, journal, and subsidiary information in the database.
This section contains details about the following features of the Accounting Query and Subsidiary
Query programs:
• Process flows
• Parameters
• Table usage
• Program screens
Program Files
All the program files for acquery are located in the following directory:
The following diagram shows the flow of data in the acquery program.
Create or reinitialize a
What type of
Journal or entry query Document query
Display records
Program Interrelationships
The following diagram shows the flow of data in the saquery program.
Subsidiary Account
screen (suba_rec)
screen (subtr_rec)
The saquery program enables users to view subsidiary information. The method of access for
saquery is through the command line in acquery, or by entering the -s argument on the command
The program loads the following tables as needed. The tables marked with an asterisk (*) are
loaded into memory; that is, the program does not look them up dynamically from the disk.
• atype_table*
• doc_table*
• fscl_cal_rec*
• gla_rec
• glamt_rec
• gle_rec
• gltr_rec
• id_rec
• suba_rec
• subas_table*
• subb_rec
• subb_table*
• sube_rec
• subs_table*
• subt_rec
• subt_table*
• subtr_rec
• vch_rec
• vch_table*
The following list describes the program flow in saquery.
1. The user accesses saquery.
2. If only one record satisfies the search criteria, the program displays the Subsidiary Entries
screen. If more than one record satisfies the search criteria, the program displays the
Subsidiary Accounts screen.
3. If the Subsidiary Accounts screen appears, the user can view bal or tot information by
changing the Level code. This information appears on the Subsidiary Balance screen or the
Subsidiary Total screen.
4. The most detailed level of query appears on the Subsidiary Transaction screen.
5. Types of queries, the result, and the keys used are as follows:
• Subsidiary only
− If the program locates more than one suba_rec, the Subsidiary Account screen
appears. If the program locates only one suba_rec, the Subsidiary Entries
screen appears.
− The key used is suba_subs.
• Subsidiary number only
− If the program locates more than one suba_rec, the Subsidiary Account screen
appears. If the program locates only one suba_rec, the Subsidiary Entries
screen appears.
− The key used is suba_id.
• Subsidiary and subsidiary number
− Displays the level specified on the parameter screen.
Program Interrelationships
CX contains parameters and compilation values for executing the query programs. You can
specify parameters to use acquery or saquery in a specified manner at the time of execution.
Note: You can also specify compilation values with the includes for the General Ledger
module that affect the query programs.
Parameter Syntax
The standard CX acquery and saquery programs are delivered with 31 screen files, including
some files that contain variations (or toggle options) from the original screens.
Screen Files
This section provides reference information about the Background Voucher (bgvoucher)
program. The General Ledger module uses bgvoucher to perform all the file handling for
programs that create accounting input.
This section contains details about the following features of the bgvoucher program:
• Process flow
• Table usage
• Parameters
Program Files
All the program files for bgvoucher appear in the following directory:
The following diagram shows the flow of data in the bgvoucher program.
Client provides
Starts or continues a
instruction and sets up
bgvoucher parameters
Posts subsidiary
Posts transactions
The following process describes the data flow in the bgvoucher program.
1. The program completes the initialization process by completing the following steps:
• Using the bgv_accept call to accept the connection from the client.
• Adding this connection to the connection queue, setting the connection status to
• Initializing the interrupt routine.
• Loading the following records into memory:
− atype_table
− doc_table
− entry_table
− fscl_cal_rec
− fund_table
− gld_rec
− pay_frm_table
− pay_term_table
− subas_table
− subb_table
− subfund_table
− subs_table
− subt_table
• Loading the gld_rec for due to/from accounts into a special record for use during
generation of due/to from transactions, and verifies that all ent_inv_or_pay codes are
• Opening the following files:
− gla_rec
− glamt_rec
− gle_rec
− gltr_rec
− id_rec
− suba_rec
− subb_rec
− sube_rec
− subt_rec
− subtr_rec
− vch_rec
• Opening and closing the following files as needed:
− func_table
− obj_table
− vch_table
• Obtaining the system time and date.
2. The program awaits instruction from the client.
Note: The first instruction should be getstatus, but bgvoucher does not require this command
as the first instruction.
3. In response to the getstatus instruction, the program uses bgv_putstatus to send a
BGV_LOADED status to the client program.
Note: If the client is opening multiple connections, the first command should still be
bgv_getstatus before the program tries to open a second connection. After the
When the client is ready to start a journal, it uses the bgv_start function to send the journal
header record to bgvoucher. Bgvoucher performs the following steps when it receives a Start
1. Validates the period/date combination.
2. Validates group against tvch_grp_id (i.e., if vch_table != 0, must equal
3. Validates the amount type for this journal in the Voucher table.
4. Updates tvch_last_issued.
5. Adds a vch_rec with an S status.
When the client is ready to continue an incomplete journal, it uses the bgv_continue function to
send bgvoucher a vch_ref and vch_no. Bgvoucher performs the following steps when it receives
a Continue command:
1. Ensures the vch_rec specified exists.
2. Ensures the vch_stat is I.
3. Ensures the current userid is the same as the vch_prep_uid (only the individual who started a
specific journal can continue or complete it).
4. Ensures the period specified in the vch_rec is still open based on the system date and the
Fiscal Calendar record.
5. Updates the vch_rec status to C.
If the institution is using Claim on Cash, Receivables and Payables (the claim on cash feature), it
uses the gen_claim_on_cash function. Bgvoucher performs the following steps when processing
claim on cash:
1. Reviews each transaction and determines if any transactions affect a claim on cash account,
as defined in the claim_table, and flags such transactions for processing. The check against
the claim_table also includes a verification that the claim_table entry is valid for the current
date (e.g., the current date falls between the Active Date and the Inactive Date, if such dates
are specified).
2. Generates claim on cash entries.
3. If multiple accounts are affected (e.g., if the input transaction contains multiple expense
accounts with a single offset to Accounts Payable), creates a corresponding subsidiary
transaction for each input account.
When the interrupt handler receives an instruction to read an entry dml, it adds an instruction of
verify to the interrupt queue and reads the entries and transactions into the appropriate level in
the interrupt queue. Bgvoucher eventually transfers this information to the connection queue,
converting it to the standard gle_rec, gltr_rec, sube_rec and subtr_recs in the process.
Bgvoucher performs the following steps during the verification pass:
1. Ensures entry_table.ent_inv_or_pay is INV or PAY at entry_table load time.
2. Validates entry type in the entry_table.
3. Validates journal type (PR) against the entry type ( e.g., tent_ac_allow).
4. Validates doc_id from the id file (if the id is not 0).
5. Validates document and stn_no in doc_table.
6. Validates vch_type against this document, (e.g., tdoc_ac_allow).
7. Ensures the number of transactions is 0 or greater than or equal to 2.
For each transaction in the entry, bgvoucher performs the following steps during the verification
1. Rounds the transaction amount.
2. Validates the account in the gla_rec. If bgvoucher cannot locate the record, it reviews the
previous year’s gla_recs. If it locates the previous year’s record, it ensures the account has
not been terminated and that the specified journal type has permission to use the account. If
the account is valid for use, bgvoucher adds the account for the current year.
3. If it does not locate the previous year’s record, it validates the fund code, the function code,
the object code, and the subfund code, and ensures that the combination of codes is valid in
the gld_rec.
4. Bgvoucher sets default gla_recs as follows:
• Blanking out the gla_rec.old_acct
• Blanking out the gla_rec.subs
• Defaulting all permissions to Y.
• Defaulting summarization to N.
• Defaulting the cash_account flag to N.
• Defaulting the acct_terminated flag to N.
• Defaulting the description for gla_rec.desc1 as follows:
− Characters 1-12 contain the fund_desc.
− Characters 13-24 contain the func_desc.
− Characters 25-36 contain the object_desc.
• Defaulting the description for gla_rec.desc2 as follows:
− Characters 1-12 contain the subfund_desc.
− Characters 13-24 contain the description for the fifth component of the account
− Characters 25-36 contain the description for the sixth component of the account
5. If the specified journal type has permission to use the account, bgvoucher adds it.
6. If the account is a subsidiary control account and tent.subs_ignore is not set to Y, bgvoucher
verifies the existence of subsidiaries for the account. If the account is not a subsidiary control
account, bgvoucher verifies that no subsidiaries exist for the account. For more information
about subsidiary validation, see Process description for subsidiary validation in this section.
7. Bgvoucher determines that there are the correct number of cash account debits and cash
When the account is a subsidiary control account, bgvoucher performs additional verifications,
including the following:
1. Ensures that the subsidiary amount type is the same as the journal amount type (e.g., ACT,
2. Retrieves the subsidiary entry type from the Entry table, and the subsidiary code from the
Subsidiary table.
3. Checks the subs_inv_or_pay value. If the value is PAY, bgvoucher uses the tot_used flag
and the bal_used flag from the pay_tot_used and pay_bal_used codes in the Subsidiary
table. If the value is INV, bgvoucher uses the tot_used flag and the bal_used flag from the
inv_tot_used and inv_bal_used codes in the Subsidiary table.
4. Ensures that the subsidiary number in the sube_rec is valid in the id_rec.
5. Ensures that the document code in the sube_rec is valid in the doc_table.
6. Validates the allowed journal types (e.g., tdoc_ac_allow) against the journal type.
7. Ensures that the vch_rec.amt type is ACT or ENC, and that the sube_rec.amt_type =
vch_rec. amt_type.
8. Ensures that subsidiary transactions exist, and rounds the amounts in the transactions if
9. Ensures that no balance codes exist in the subtr_rec if the subsidiary does not use bals.
10. Checks the bals represented by the subtr_rec.subs, subtr_rec.bal_prd, subtr_rec.bal_code,
and subtr_rec.subs_no, if the subsidiary does use bals.
Note: If bgvoucher locates the bal, and the subsidiary is closed but the tent_ignore_constr
equals Y, then bgvoucher can post the transaction. If the subsidiary is closed but the
tent_ignore_constr does not equal Y, then bgvoucher cannot post the transaction.
11. Ensures that the bal code in the subtr_rec exists in the subb_table, and that the subtr_rec
subsidiary matches the tsubb_subs.
12. Ensures that the subs/bal_prd/amt_type combination exists in the fscl_cal_rec.
13. Compares the dates on the journal with the dates in the fscl_cal_rec to ensure the journal
dates are valid.
14. Ensures that the subtr_rec does not contain values for tot_code and tot_period, if the
subsidiary does not use tots.
15. Validates the tot in the subt_rec and ensures that the subt_rec is not closed, if the subsidiary
does use tots.
16. Performs the following checks, if the program cannot locate the tot in the subt _rec:
• Ensures that the subtr_rec subsidiary code matches the tsubt_subs.
• Uses the subas_table to validate the combination of subsidiary, bal and tot.
• Validates the tot_prd and the dates for the tot against the tot_prd and dates in the
• Ensures that the tot period is completely within the bal period, or that the bal period is
completely within the tot period (i.e., verifies that the bal and tot periods do not
After bgvoucher completes verification, it can post transactions. After it posts a transaction, it
waits for the client to obtain the status of the posting if bgv_setnotify specified POST. If signaled
processing is in effect, bgvoucher sends a signal to the client after it finishes verifying an entry.
The following list describes the process that bgvoucher uses for the posting pass for every
1. Bgvoucher provides default information for the gle_rec as follows:
• Obtains the vch_ref and vch_no from the current vch_rec.
• Increments the vch_rec entry_no, then sets equal to vch_rec.entry_no.
• Initializes gle_rec.cash_amt to 0.0.
• Initializes gle_rec.status to P.
• Uses the current program date for the
2. If bgvoucher does not locate any transactions, it sets the gle_status to U and adds it to the
3. If bgvoucher does locate transactions, it looks for the account in the gla_rec. If the record is
locked, bgvoucher tries to read it several times. If the read is unsuccessful, bgvoucher sends
an error message to the client.
4. If the account is a summarized account, bgvoucher sets the gltr_stat to D. If the account is
not a summarized account, bgvoucher sets the gltr_stat to P.
5. Bgvoucher sets the recon_stat to O.
6. If the transaction affects a cash account, bgvoucher updates the gle_cash_amt, the
vch_rec.cash_dr, and the vch_rec.cash_cr.
7. Bgvoucher updates the vch_rec.amt_dr and vch_rec.amt_cr.
8. If the dmm_size of the next level of the ent_dml > 0, indicating that there are subsidiary
entries to process, bgvoucher performs the following steps:
• Locates the subsidiary account requested by the vt file record. If the suba_rec is
locked, tries to read it several times. If the program cannot locate the sub_rec, locates
the subs_table entry and completes the internal suba_rec by setting the following
default values:
− suba_rec.status to 0
− to the program date
− suba_rec.def_pay_terms to tsubs.def_pay_tms
− suba_rec.bal_enc and suba_rec.bal_act to 0.0
− suba_rec.entry_no to 0
− suba_rec.s_id and suba_rec.c_id to 0
− suba_rec.alt_addr_code to tsubs_rec.alt_addr_code
− suba_rec.credit_rating to tsubs_rec.def_cr_rating
− suba_rec.def_discount to tsubs_rec.def_disc
− suba_rec.desc to blank
− suba_rec.letter to tsubs_rec.def_dunning_let
− suba_rec.int_waived to tsubs__rec.int_wvd
− suba_rec.written_off to N
− to N
− suba_rec.cust_no to blank
− suba_rec.auto_bank to N
− suba_rec.bank_code and suba_rec.bank_acct to blank
Bgvoucher attempts to maximize the efficiency of the process by building up an internal list of the
changes that it makes to the subt and subb records, and then updating these subbs and subts
only after all the transactions for this subsidiary entry have been processed. This process locks
the subb_recs and subt_recs for the minimum amount of time.
Program Relationships
If signaled processing is in effect, and BG_FINISH is specified while there are still entries to
be posted, bgv_instruction will return a BGV_POSTING status, signifying that the finish
could not be executed at that time. The client program should wait until all entries have
been posted before doing a BG_FINISH instruction.
status = bgv_savecopy(connect, filename);
Saves a copy of the journal session in a bgfile. If filename is a null string, bgvoucher will
automatically assign it a unique postcopy name and save the copy in it. If <filename> is not
null and the file specified already exists, the old file will be replaced. If BG_POSTLATER
has been selected, bgvoucher will automatically assign a bgfile and bgv_savecopy will
return an error.
If bgv_savecopy is called during a journal, it will start saving a copy of the journal until the
BG_NOCOPY instruction is specified. The only savecopy files which can be guaranteed to
be understood will be those begun before a journal has been started, but files begun after a
journal has been started may be useful for debugging purposes.
status = bgv_terminate(connect, vchref, vchno, user);
Voids all entries in the specified journal. The journal should be finished or incompleted first.
status = bgv_void(connect, vchref, vchno, entno, user)
Internal Functions
This section provides reference information about the Budget Review (bgtreview) program. The
General Ledger module uses bgtreview to provide users with the ability to view budgeted, actual
and encumbered amounts in a variety of ways.
This section contains details about the following features of the bgtreview program:
• Process flow
• Table usage
• Parameters
• Program screens
Program Files
All the program files for bgtreview appear in the following directories:
• $CARSPATH/src/accounting/bgtreview
• $CARSPATH/src/Lib/libacct
The following diagram shows the flow of data in the bgtreview program, which relies on a library
routine in src/Lib/libacct.
Select gl amount
records from yes Account passed to no
gl_amt_rec program?
Select transactions,
Display budget, actual, entries, and journals for
and encumbrance total account and amount
amounts type chosen by user
The following process describes the data flow in the bgtreview program.
1. If a general ledger account is passed to the program, then it does the following:
• Selects glamt_rec for account passed
• Displays totals of budget, actual, and encumbrance amounts
Note: Bgtreview is a stand-alone program that calls the library routine review. If a program
calls the library routine directly, it can pass an account so that the amount information
appears immediately.
2. If the program does not receive a general ledger account, it sets default fields for the general
ledger account.
3. If the user wants to continue, the program does the following:
• Prompts user for account, fiscal period, frequency, and level
• Selects General Ledger Amount records corresponding to query by user
• Displays totals of budget, actual, and encumbrance amounts
4. If the user wants to see transactions for a budget, actual, or encumbered amount, the
program does the following:
• Selects transactions, entries, and journals for the general ledger account and amount
type chosen by user
• Displays transactions, entries, and journals
Note: The logic flow described here actually resides in the file in the
src/Lib/libacct directory. The program, bgtreview, in src/accounting/bgtreview
calls this library routine.
Program Relationships
As a display-only stand-alone process, the bgtreview program does not interract with other
programs. You can, however, access bgtreview from the following Accounts Payable screens:
• Purchase Order Header Entry screen
• Purchasing - Requisition Selection screen
• Accounts Payable Direct Entry screen
• Accounts Payable - Requisition Selection screen
The bgtreview program creates and calls the following two global data structures as needed:
Contains transaction information that the program displays
Contains amounts that the program displays
The bgtreview program uses the review library routine to perform the query function. Originally
part of the CX program purch, Jenzabar has enhanced the review routine to be a stand-alone
Return Values
The review routine can return either of the following two values:
The program routes an error message describing the cause of the problem in mesgbuf. If
the calling mode is "RVW_RET" and this error status is returned, the calling program is
responsible for redrawing the previous screen.
If the calling mode is "RVW_RET" and this error status is returned, the calling program does
not need to redraw its previous screen. The error occurred before the review screen was
When the review routine completes, the screen is modified. The calling function is responsible
for redrawing the screen when this function exits.
CX contains parameters and compilation values for executing the bgtreview program. You can
specify parameters to compile bgtreview in a specified manner at the time of execution.
Note: You can also specify compilation values with the includes for the General Ledger
module that affect the bgtreview program.
Parameter Syntax
The bgtreview program uses three screens: two program screens that contain budget
information and one help screen.
The screen files are located in the following directory path: $CARSPATH/src/Lib/libacct/SCR
The bgtreview screens appear in the following files and use the indicated tables and records:
Contains the Budget Review screen
Tables/Records: gl_amt_rec, gla_rec
Contains help information for the Budget Review screen
Contains the Budget Transactions screen
Tables/Records: gla_rec, gle_rec, gltr_rec, vch_rec
This section provides reference information about the Bursar Query (bursar) program. The
General Ledger module uses bursar to enable users to view financial information about students.
This section contains details about the following features of the bursar program:
• Process flow
• Parameters
• Table usage
• Program screens
Program Files
All the program files for bursar appear in the following directories:
• $CARSPATH/src/accounting/bursar
• $CARSPATH/src/Lib/libbill
Program Access
Users can access bursar from any of the following three menus in the CX standard product:
• Financial Management: Auditing
• Financial Management: Cash Receipts
• Financial Management: Student Billing Menu
The following diagram shows the flow of data in the bursar program.
Obtain instructions
from the user
The following process describes the data flow in the bursar program.
1. The primary program file, main.c, accesses bsr.c, a file in $CARSPATH/src/Lib/libbill.
2. Within bsr.c, the program calls bill_init_bursar, which in turn calls bsrdb.c, a source file with
several subroutines that access the database.
3. Based on instructions from bsrdb.c, the program selects tables and initializes files and
4. The program displays a Bursar Query screen in query mode. The default display screen is
the Bursar Balance screen.
5. The user enters the ID number of the student.
6. The program retrieves the information about the student.
7. The user selects a command (e.g., Account, Balance, Parameters, Detail, or Query), and the
program processes the command using the bill_bursar routine in $CARSPATH/src/Lib/
8. When the user selects Exit, the program displays the menu from which Bursar Query
Program Relationships
CX contains parameters and compilation values for executing the bursar program. You can
specify parameters to compile bursar in a specified manner at the time of execution.
Note: You can also specify compilation values with the includes for the General Ledger
module that affect the bursar program.
Parameter Syntax
You can display bursar parameters by entering the following: bursar -, and then reading your
electronic mail for processing messages.
[-a runcode] [-p query period] [-s query subsidiary] [-m initial mode] [-o output device]
[-D] [-g]
Parameters that appear in brackets are optional. Parameters that do not appear in brackets are
The bursar program uses five screens: four program screens that contain different views of
student financial information, and a parameter window that enables users to change the search
criteria for the query.
Screen Files
Table/Record Usage
This section provides reference information about the File Posting (filepost) program. The
General Ledger module uses filepost to post entries to the general ledger.
This section contains details about the following features of the filepost program:
• Process flow
• Program interrelationships
• Table usage
• Parameters
• Program screens
Program Files
All the program files for filepost appear in the following directory:
The following diagram shows the flow of data in the filepost program.
Terminating a
Terminate journal
no with bgvoucher
Voiding an
entry? yes Void general
ledger entry with Stop
Continue journal
Finishing a
yes and finish journal
with bgvoucher
Post files
Change file name Load and run
extensions to ".proc" bgvoucher
Remove ".proc"
extension from file no Entries OK?
The following process describes the data flow in the filepost program.
1. The user enters arguments and filenames.
2. The program parses the arguments and filenames.
3. If the user has run the program in interactive mode, the program:
• Reads information about each file requested by the user
• Displays file list
• Allows the user to select files to post
• Removes files from the dir_dmm that the user does not want to post
• Sorts files in order of priority specified by the user
• Goes into the background to post files
4. If the user is terminating a journal, the program:
• Uses bgvoucher to terminate the journal
• Exits
5. If the user is voiding an entry, the program:
• Uses bgvoucher to void general ledger entry
• Exits
6. If the user is finishing a journal, the program:
• Uses bgvoucher to first continue the journal, then finish it
• Exits
7. If the user uses the command line to enter files to post, the program sets defaults for the post
date and period if they are not already set in each file.
8. The program performs the following steps:
• Moves all files to “.proc” filenames
• Loads and runs bgvoucher
• Gets the first file from list, then performs the following:
− Reads the header from the file
− Loads General Ledger entries from the file into ent_dml
− Uses bgvoucher to verify General Ledger entries before posting
Note: If bgvoucher does not locate any errors, it posts the entries and renames the
file from “.proc” to “.post”. If bgvoucher locates errors, it removes the “.proc”
extension from the file, and selects the next file.
Program Relationships
CX contains parameters and compilation values for executing the filepost program. You can
specify parameters to compile filepost in a specified manner at the time of execution.
Note: You can also specify compilation values with the includes for the General Ledger
module that affect the filepost program.
Parameter Syntax
The following is the correct usage for running the filepost program from the UNIX shell:
filepost [-d date] [-f journal reference] [-g subsidiary entry count] [-h entry count] [-I]
[-m file mode] -n filenames [-p period] [-s station number] [-t terminate flag] [-v void
Parameters that appear in brackets are optional. Parameters that do not appear in brackets are
Consider the following when selecting the processing parameters to use with filepost:
• Finish, Terminate and Void are mutually exclusive (i.e., they cannot be specified on the
same execution of filepost).
• Finish, Terminate and Void are not interactive options.
• If you do not use filepost with the Finish, Terminate or Void option, then one of the following
must be true:
− Filepost must be interactive (the -i flag).
− On the command line, you must specify the name of at least one file to be posted
(e.g., -n file1 file2 ...).
• Filepost allows users to specify either full or partial filenames; it can locate both the exact
filenames and those that match the partial filenames given on the command line.
Since filepost works behind the scene, posting the output from other processes, it uses only one
Screen File
This section provides reference information about the Financial Statement Generation (fingen),
Financial Formatting (finformat) and Financial Report (finrpt) programs. These three programs
work together to provide flexible reporting options that menu users can use to customize reports.
The three programs together comprise the Financial Statement Report programs.
The report structures that you create and use from these programs provide the following features:
• Net Asset Indicators for compliance with the reporting requirements for FASB 117
• Multiple columns for comparative reporting
• Account sets for grouping accounts for greater flexibility in reporting
• Subtotaling on selected lines
This section contains details about the following features of the fingen, finformat and finrpt
• Process flow
• Table usage
• Parameters
• Program screens
Program Files
All program files for fingen appear in the following directory: $CARSPATH/src/accounting/fingen
All program files for finformat appear in the following directory: $CARSPATH/src/accounting/
All program files for finrpt appear in the following directory: $CARSPATH/src/accounting/finrpt
The fingen, finformat and finrpt programs use the following tables and records:
The Financial Format record that defines all the levels of the report structures on your
The Financial General Ledger record that links an account to a report structure level
The Financial Report table that defines the report structure codes on your database
The Financial Statement Format record that establishes formats for financial statements by
format code and provides columnar specifics for generating the actual report
The following diagrams show the flow of data in the fingen, finformat and finrpt programs.
fingen displays bgsi
screen with ring menu - Verifies that no
substructure is attached
and user selects a 3 - Obtains title information
command - Enters select account
Based on report code and - If selected, the match or
format code, fingen: search options enable
-Extracts relevent data and user to locate accounts
Did the user select fills the bgsi_dmm and that fall within a range of
Query? bgsi_dml selected accounts
- Loads data from gla_rec
into the gl_dmm
- Loads the bgsi screen
no - Verifies that account(s) is
Attach associated
After verifying the selected - Displays removal screen
structure, fingen moves to - Moves to scroll area
Did the user select - Removes accounts
yes the scroll area of the screen
Modify? using scr_scget() and - Reloads the gl_dmm and
accepts changes repositions the bgsi_dml
- Verifies that account(s) is
- Displays viewing screen
Did the user select The user selects Attach, - Displays contents of the
G/L? Remove, or View View bgsi_dml at the account
The user enters the report
code in the Audit/Update
screen. If the report is
corrupt, the program
Did the user select Yes
attempts to rebuild it. The
Audit? option also enables the
user to resequence the
report lines.
fingen exits
Report format
Did user request specifications
printed output?
The following process describes the data flow in the fingen program:
1. The user passes processing parameters to the program.
2. The program opens the database, initializes screens, and binds the program buffer to the
3. The program displays the bgsi screen with a ring menu. Based on the ring menu selection
that the user makes, the following processing occurs:
Query option
1. The user enters a report code, or selects the code using the table lookup functionality in
the screen package.
2. The program extracts data from the fin_fmt_rec and the fin_gl_rec and fills the bgsi_dmm
and bgsi_dml.
3. The program loads general ledger accounts from the gla_rec into the gl_dmm.
4. The program loads the bgsi screen with data from the bgsi_dmm and returns control to
the ring menu.
Modify option
1. The program verifies that the user has queried a statement structure.
2. The program moves into the scroll area of the bgsi screen using scr_scget().
• SCR_FORWARD allows the modification of the title of the current scroll line in a
pop-up screen.
• SCR_KEYU allows the insertion of additional lines into the statement structure from
the current position within the scroll area.
− The program uses the current line type and next type to create data for a
selection screen which enables the user to specify what type of line is to be
− A pop-up screen forces the user to make a selection of the line type for the new
− Using the entered selection, the program uses the appropriate portion of the add
option functionality to input data.
• SCR_KEYV allows the removal of a branch of a statement structure, starting at the
current line within the scroll area and continuing down to the general ledger
account level (e.g., a schedule and its related items and accounts, or a block and
its related groups, schedules, items and accounts).
− The program uses the current line to start the deletion process.
− The program locates the lowest level and removes it from the bgsi_dmm, the
bgsi_dml, and the database. This process repeats for each successive level until
the program reaches and deletes the beginning line.
G/L option
The user can select any of three options under the G/L option.
1. Attach
• Verifies that the current line does not have any substructure lines attached to it, or
that it has general ledger accounts connected directly to it.
• Obtains the title information required by G/L Account Selection screen.
• Enters the select account function used within the Add option.
• Returns control to the ring menu.
2. Remove
• Verifies that the current line has general ledger accounts connected directly to it.
• Displays a pop-up G/L Account Removal screen.
• Positions the bgsi_dml at the account level, and loads the screen with this data.
Program Relationships
• The fingen program provides the ability to enter and modify statements and structures
which serve as input to finrpt.
• The finformat program provides definitions for finrpt.
CX contains parameters and compilation values for executing the fingen, finformat and finrpt
programs. You can specify parameters to compile fingen, finformat and finrpt in a specified
manner at the time of execution.
Note: You can also specify compilation values with the includes for the General Ledger
module that affect the fingen, finformat and finrpt programs.
Parameter Syntax
You can display fingen, finformat and finrpt parameters by entering one of the following:
• fingen -,
• finformat -,
• finrpt -,
The following is the correct usage for running the fingen, finformat and finrpt programs from the
UNIX shell:
fingen -y fiscal year -p printer
finformat -p printer device
finrpt -y fiscal year [-Y comparative fiscal year] -r report code for statement
-m starting period -M ending period -A actual? -E encumbrance? -B budget?
-x print G/L account exception list
Parameters that appear in brackets are optional. Parameters that do not appear in brackets are
The fingen program uses fifteen screens to capture and display financial report structures.
The finformat program uses one screen to capture and display column/format information.
The finrpt program does not require any screens, since it is a background process.
The screen files for fingen are located in the following directory path:
The screen file for finformat is located in the following directory path:
The fingen screens appear in the following files and use the indicated tables and records:
Contains the Block Entry screen
Tables/Records: fin_rpt_table, fin_rpt_record, fin_fmt_rec
Contains the G/L Account Selection screen
Tables/Records: fin_rpt_table, gla_rec
Contains the Group Entry screen
Tables/Records: fin_rpt_table, fin_fmt_rec
Contains the Item Entry screen
Tables/Records: fin_rpt_table, fin_fmt_rec
Contains the Schedule Entry screen
Tables/Records: fin_rpt_table, fin_fmt_rec
Contains the Customized Financial Statement Structure screen
Tables/Records: fin_rpt_table, fin_rec
Contains the G/L Account Search screen
Tables/Records: gla_rec
Contains the G/L Specific Selection screen
Tables/Records: fin_rpt_table, fin_set_table, gla_rec, slct_gla_rec
The finformat screen appears in the following file and uses the indicated tables and records:
Contains the Financial Report Format Table screen
Tables/Records: fin_rpt_fmt_rec, fin_rpt_fmt_table
This section provides reference information about the General Ledger Audit (glaudit) program.
The General Ledger module uses glaudit to resolve differences between detail and summary
records. These differences can arise when a General Ledger program ends abnormally, or when
system users incorrectly change or delete records using UNIX tools outside the scope of normal
CX processing.
This section contains details about the following features of the glaudit program:
• Process flow
• Parameters
• Table usage
Program Files
All the program files for glaudit appear in the following directory:
The following diagram shows the flow of data in the glaudit program.
Yes Yes
Return to calling
no Another journal to yes
Is journal still in
Return to calling
no Another entry?
yes yes
Accumulate amounts of
Check for any
transactions for the
reconciliation records
Error file
Select document
stations that use the
account from doc_table
Accumulate amounts
for document stations
referenced by
transactions for the
cash account
Compare accumulated
amount for
Error file
transactions with
amount stored in the
Error file
The following process describes the data flow in the glaudit program.
1. The program loads the cash_dmm with cash accounts from the gla_rec.
2. The program builds a table of Fiscal Calendar records.
3. The program builds a table of amount types.
4. If the institution is using the claim on cash feature, the program verifies the following:
• If multiple table entries use the same contra account, they must also use the same
object account.
• No improperly generated claim on cash entries exist.
• Using the journals for the specified time period, performs the following:
− Identifies transactions that impact claim on cash processing
− Processes the transactions against the claim_table, stripping the claim on cash
contra and object accounts from the entry and finding appropriate subsidiary
transaction information
− Creates the subsidiary transaction’s associated gltr_rec number if needed.
• Compares the entries generated by the audit process to the entries in the general
ledger, routing exceptions to the error file.
5. When the program identifies a new amount type to audit, it determines if there is another
fiscal period to audit.
6. If it locates another fiscal period, glaudit selects a journal for the fiscal year/period/amount
type from vch_rec.
7. When the program identifies a new journal to audit, it determines if the journal is Incomplete,
Finished, or Void.
8. If the journal is Incomplete, Finished, or Void, then the program selects a general ledger entry
for the journal
9. When the program identifies a general ledger entry for the journal, the program determines if
the entry is Posted or Summarized.
10. If the entry is Posted or Summarized, the program does the following:
• Accumulates amounts of general ledger transactions of the entry
• Compares total cash amounts for transactions with cash amounts for the entry
11. If the entry is a cashier reconciliation entry, the program determines that there are no
reconciliation records.
12. The program checks that all funds balance, locates the next general ledger entry, then
repeats steps 8-10 as needed for subsequent entries.
13. The program checks for the following:
• Totals from gl entries equal journal totals.
• Summarized accounts equal the summation of the detail transactions.
14. If you are using the program in the update mode, and the journal requires an update, the
program updates the vch_rec for the journal.
15. The program repeats steps 7-14 as needed for subsequent journals.
16. The program repeats steps 6-15 for subsequent fiscal periods.
17. The program compares the transaction amounts against account amounts in the
18. The program repeats steps 5-17 for subsequent amount types.
Program Relationships
The glaudit program does not interact with any other CX programs.
CX contains parameters and compilation values for executing the glaudit program. You can
specify parameters to compile glaudit in a specified manner at the time of execution.
Note: You can also specify compilation values with the includes for the General Ledger
module that affect the glaudit program.
Parameter Syntax
This section provides reference information about the General Ledger Balance Forward
(glbalfwd) program. The General Ledger module uses glbalfwd to create beginning balances for
general ledger accounts at the start of a new fiscal year, using from gl_amt_recs and to
This section contains details about the following features of the glbalfwd program:
• Process flow
• Table usage
The Subsidiary Balance Forward process creates updated subb_recs for the current period,
which are needed if your institution is using the Automated Holds feature. To ensure that
Automated Holds works correctly, you must always run the Subsidiary Balance Forward option
before the Automated Holds - Subs option. For more information, see the Student Billing -
Automated Holds Script section in Systems Manual: Student.
Program Files
All the program files for glbalfwd appear in the following directory:
The following diagram shows the flow of data in the glbalfwd program.
Load gl amount
start records for fund,
amount type, and fiscal
year forwarded to into
a dmm
Another 'from' gl
amount record? no Write transactions to
voucher transaction file
'To' account
corresponding to
'from' account? no
Add transaction to post
total for the 'from' year
Add transactions to
clear BAL period for 'to'
accounts that do not
correspond to this
'from' or next
The following process describes the data flow in the glbalfwd program.
Note: In this process, the program accumulates existing accounting information from one
year and creates beginning balances for the subsequent year. For the purposes of
this data flow description, from data relates to the original year, and to data relates to
the new year for which the program creates beginning balances.
1. The program builds a dmm of gl_amt_recs for the fund entered, amount type entered, and
the to fiscal year, and stores the general ledger account and amount from BAL period.
2. The program selects the gl_amt_rec, using the following criteria:
• The fund entered
• The type entered
• The originating fiscal year
3. The program checks for the following conditions. If any of the conditions are true, the
program adds the total of the periods of the from gl_amt_rec to the list of transactions.
• Determines if the from account < the to account
• Determines if there are no more to gl_amt_recs
• Determines if the total of the periods of the from gl amount record do not equal 0.0
4. If the from account > to gl amount account or there are no more to gl_amt_recs, the program
checks if the amount in the BAL period field of the to gl_amt_rec does not equal 0.0. If the
amount is not 0.0, the program adds a transaction to the list that causes the balance to be
5. The program locates the next to gl_amt_rec from the dmm, and checks for the following
conditions. If both of the conditions are true, the program adds the total to the list of
• No more to records exist
• The total of the periods of the from gl_amt_rec do not equal 0.0
6. If the from account < to account, and if the total of the periods of the from gl_amt_rec does
not equal 0.0, the program adds the total to the list of transactions.
7. If the from account = to account, then the program does the following:
• Checks if the total of the periods of the from gl_amt_rec does not equal the amount in
the BAL period of the to gl_amt_rec. If the condition is true, the program adds a
transaction to the list that adds the difference between the from and the to amount.
• The program selects the next to gl_amt_rec from dmm, and the next from gl_amt_rec
and repeats steps 2-7 above.
8. When processing from the dmm is complete, the program writes the transaction list to a file
for posting.
Program Relationships
The glbalfwd program does not interact with any other CX programs.
CX contains parameters and compilation values for executing the glbalfwd program. You can
specify parameters to compile glbalfwd in a specified manner at the time of execution.
Note: You can also specify compilation values with the includes for the General Ledger
module that affect the glbalfwd program.
Parameter Syntax
The following is the correct usage for running the glbalfwd program from the UNIX shell:
-y year1 year2 -t type -f fund -v voucher
All the parameters are required.
This section provides reference information about the General Ledger Closing (glclsg) program.
The General Ledger module uses glclsg to close nominal accounts (e.g., revenues and
expenses) into net asset accounts, or fund balances.
This section contains details about the following features of the glclsg program:
• Process flow
• Parameters
• Table usage
• Program screens
Program Files
All the program files for glclsg appear in the following directory:
The following diagram shows the flow of data in the glclsg program.
Another closing
fund balance
Voucher transaction file
Has subfund
Write transactions to
changed from last yes
voucher transaction file
The following process describes the data flow in the glclsg program.
1. The program performs the following verifications:
• The amount type is valid in the atype_table
• The amount type matches the amount type required by voucher reference
• The fscl_cal_rec for the closing period exists and is open
• The Net Asset Indicators in the accounts to close and the accounts into which to close
are the same
2. After verification, the program selects a clsgfb_rec where the fiscal year equals the fiscal year
entered by the user, and the closing-from fund equals the fund entered by the user.
3. If the closing-from subfund is different from the subfund of last record, the program reads
then writes the transaction list to the voucher file.
4. The program selects the gl_amt_rec for the closing-from account.
5. The program totals the amounts for periods BAL through ADJ.
6. If the total amount does not equal the negative amount of the CLS period, the program
creates a transaction against closing-from account with an amount equal to the negative of
total amount for BAL through CLS.
7. The program creates an offsetting transaction against the closing-into account and retrieves
the next closing fund balance record.
8. The program repeats steps 1-7 until all records have been processed.
9. The program writes the last list of transactions for a subfund to the voucher file.
10. The program writes a trailer record for the voucher file.
Program Relationships
CX contains parameters and compilation values for executing the glclsg program. You can
specify parameters to compile glclsg in a specified manner at the time of execution.
Note: You can also specify compilation values with the includes for the General Ledger
module that affect the glclsg program.
Parameter Syntax
This section provides reference information about the General Ledger Closing Check (glclcked)
program. The General Ledger module uses glclcked to ensure that the user has not attempted to
close an account with a Net Asset Indicator into an account with a different Net Asset Indicator.
The Net Asset Indicator provides the means by which institutions can group accounts in
compliance with FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board) Statement 117. The FASB
statement requires institutions to group accounts as follows:
• Permanently restricted
• Temporarily restricted
• Unrestricted
This section contains details about the following features of the glclcked program:
• Process flow
• Parameters
• Program screens
Program Files
The following diagram shows the flow of data in the glclcked program.
User inputs
Obtains program
Reviews records for
net asset exceptions
and gla_recs
Do records have
Loads exceptions
net asset Yes
into a dmm
The following process describes the data flow in the glclcked program.
1. The user passes processing parameters to the program.
2. The program initializes screens and binds the program buffer to the screens.
3. The program accesses the clsgfb_recs and the gla_recs.
4. The program locates net asset exceptions (those accounts that the user attempted to close
into an account with a different Net Asset Indicator) and routes the exceptions to a dmm.
Exceptions appear on the Edit Checking for Closing Program screen.
5. The user corrects the closing entries on the Edit Checking for Closing Program screen,
specifying the correct account into which to make closing entries. The corrections change
the clsgfb_recs.
Note: The user cannot change the Net Asset Indicator on an account at this time. To change
Net Asset Indicators, users must access the gla_recs for the accounts.
Program Relationships
The glclcked program does not interact with any other CX programs.
CX contains parameters for executing the glclcked program. You can specify parameters to
execute glclcked in a specified manner.
Parameter Syntax
The Edit Checking for Closing Program screen enables you to view and correct closing entries
that include accounts with different Net Asset Indicators.
You can access the Edit Checking for Closing Program screen from the General Ledger Closing
menu, or by entering at the Csh prompt: glclcked -f fund account -y fiscal year
The glclcked screen appears in the following file and uses the indicated tables and records:
Contains the Edit Checking for Closing Program screen
Tables/Records: clsgfb_rec, gla_rec
This section provides reference information about the Recurring Entry (recurent) program. The
General Ledger module uses recurent to create and maintain repetitive journal entries. Users
define repetitive entries in recur_table, and can modify the dollar amounts or the accounts in the
entries and then post them as required.
This section contains details about the following features of the recurent program:
• Process flow
• Parameters
• Table usage
• Program screens
Program Files
All the program files for recurent appear in the following directory:
The following diagram shows the flow of data in the recurent program.
The following process describes the data flow in the recurent program.
1. The user enters a journal reference type.
2. The program locates vch_table information for the journal reference type entered by user.
3. The program locates the fiscal month and period for the current date.
4. The program displays the main menu.
5. If the user enters the Table command, the program enables the user to find and/or modify the
contents of recur_table.
6. If the user enters the Recur command, the program enables the user to find and/or modify
transactions of a specific recur code.
7. If the user enters the Update command, the program enables the user to modify transactions
of the last queried recur code.
8. If the user enters the Post command, the program enables the user to post entries of a recur
9. If the user enters the Exit command, the user exits from the program.
Program Relationships
CX contains parameters and compilation values for executing the recurent program. You can
specify parameters to compile recurent in a specified manner at the time of execution.
Note: You can also specify compilation values with the includes for the General Ledger
module that affect the recurent program.
Parameter Syntax
The recurent program uses two screens: one screen for the entry of table information, and the
other for viewing and maintaining entries.
The recurent screens appear in the following files and use the indicated tables and records:
Contains the Recurring Entry screen
Tables/Records: gla_rec, recur_rec, recur_table
Contains the Recurring Entry Table screen
Tables/Records: recur_table
This section provides reference information about the Standard Accounting Entries (sae)
program. The General Ledger module uses sae to create commonly used journal entries in
which users perform percentage allocations of amounts.
This section contains details about the following features of the sae program:
• Process flow
• Parameters
• Program screens
Program Files
All program files for sae appear in the following directory: $CARSPATH/src/accounting/sae
The following diagram shows the flow of data in the sae program.
Is the program
sae updates the
operating in live Yes .vt file
adjustment amount
Contents of dml
The following process describes the data flow in the sae program.
1. The program obtains processing parameters from the user.
2. The program opens the database and the required files.
3. The program retrieves the fiscl_cal_rec.
4. The program loads the following information into the dml, in the order shown:
• sae codes
• sae_recs
• glamt_recs
5. The program ensures that the record combinations are valid.
6. The program distributes the amount according to the values in the sae_rec.
7. The program updates the adjustment amount by performing the following calculation:
adjustment amount = computed amount - current amount in the glamt_rec
8. If the user requested that the program produce a report, it prints the contents of the dml.
9. If the user requested that the program operate in live mode (not just report or test mode), it
creates a .vt (voucher) file that the filepost program can post.
Program Relationships
The sae program creates a voucher file that filepost uses for posting.
CX contains parameters and compilation values for executing the sae program. You can specify
parameters to compile sae in a specified manner at the time of execution.
Note: You can also specify compilation values with the includes for the General Ledger
module that affect the sae program.
Parameter Syntax
sae -y year -m month [-p post date] [-d effective date] [-c sae code] [-t] [-r]
Parameters that appear in brackets are optional. Parameters that do not appear in brackets are
The sae program uses one screen for creating entries to the sae_table and record.
The sae screen appears in the following file and uses the indicated tables and records:
Contains the screen you use to enter standard transactions.
Tables/Records: sae_rec, sae_table
This section provides reference information about the Subsidiary Account Balance Forward
(sabalfwd) program. The General Ledger module uses sabalfwd to consolidate subsidiary
transactions and to establish balances for subsidiary accounts for a new fiscal year.
This section contains details about the following features of the sabalfwd program:
• Process flow
• Parameters
• Table usage
Program Files
All the program files for sabalfwd appear in the following directory:
The following diagram shows the flow of data in the sabalfwd program.
Select subsidiary
balance records for id
and subsidiary
Another subsidiary
balance record?
Bring debit
balances forward?
2 2
Save subsidiary
balance record in a list
subb dmm
Transaction amount =
negative actual amount
of subb
The following process describes the data flow in the sabalfwd program.
Note: If the user enters specific id numbers, then the program processes each id. If the user
elects to process all ids, then the program processes every id for the specified
subsidiary. When it concludes processing the ids, the program writes a trailer record
to the voucher transaction file.
1. To process an id, the program retrieves subb_recs for the id and subsidiary.
2. If the period on the subb_recs matches a period entered by the user, then the program adds
a record to a dmm and retrieves the next subb_rec.
3. How does the user want to process the subsidiary balances?
• Bring both debit and credit balances forward. The program follows all the steps below.
• Bring only credit balances forward. The program follows the steps below, except for
those referring to debit balances.
4. The program starts at the beginning of the list of from periods entered by the user, and
performs the following:
• Retrieves the subb_rec from dmm for the period.
• Creates a transaction amount equal to the negative actual amount of the subb_rec.
5. If the transaction amount is positive, then the program adds the amount to a debit dmm and
accumulates the total debit amount.
6. If the transaction amount is negative, then the program adds the amount to a credit dmm and
accumulates the total credit amount.
7. If the program locates another period with a debit bal then it applies as much credit from
other bals as possible.
8. The program adds the negative of the transaction amount to all the applied amounts in a
target amount, then retrieves the next period.
Note: If the target amount is less than 0, then the program adds the target amount to the total
credit amount and adds a transaction for the target period and the amount to the credit
If the target amount is greater than 0, then the program adds the target amount to total debit
amount and adds a transaction for the target period and the amount to the debit dmm.
The program then writes an entry to the voucher transaction file.
1. Repeat steps 4-8 for each period.
Program Relationships
The sabalfwd program creates a file of transactions that becomes input to filepost.
CX contains parameters and compilation values for executing the sabalfwd program. You can
specify parameters to compile sabalfwd in a specified manner at the time of execution.
Note: You can also specify compilation values with the includes for the General Ledger
module that affect the sabalfwd program.
Parameter Syntax
This section provides reference information about the Subsidiary Archive (sarc) program. The
General Ledger module uses sarc to remove obsolete subsidiary records from the active
database to allow CX to operate more efficiently.
This section contains details about the following features of the sarc program:
• Process flow
• Parameters
• Table usage
Program Files
All the programs for sarc appear in the following directory: $CARSPATH/src/accounting/sarc
The following diagram shows the flow of data in the sarc program.
Generate reports of
Does user want entries that will be
reports? archived and entries
that will not
2 Return
Does subsidiary
use bals?
ineligible no
Changes made to
bal and tot
Can transaction be
Update status of
Can entry be
no yes subsidiary entry record
in sube_rec to 'A'
Update subsidiary
account in suba_rec to
indicate that some
entries are archived
Select subsidiary
Another transaction from
transaction? subtr_rec for subsidiary
Update subsidiary
transaction, subsidiary
balance, and
subsidiary total records
The following process describes the data flow in the sarc program.
1. The program selects subsidiary information for the subsidiary entered from subs_table.
2. The program selects the suba_recs for all the subsidiary accounts for the subsidiary entered,
or selects the range of accounts entered by the user.
3. When the program locates a subsidiary account, it selects a subsidiary entry from sube_rec
of the subsidiary account
4. For each subsidiary entry, the program performs the following processing:
• Verifies that the journal date is less than or equal to the archive date.
• Locates the subsidiary transactions for the subsidiary entry.
5. For each subsidiary transaction for the subsidiary entry, the program performs the following
• If the subsidiary uses bals, verifies if the bal code and bal period are used for the
transaction, and checks if the subb_rec for the transaction has been closed. If the
subb_record has not been closed, then the program cannot archive the subsidiary
• If the subsidiary uses tots, verifies if the tot code and tot period are used in the
• Adds the transaction to list of entries.
• Adds to the lists of subb_recs and subt_recs that are ineligible for archiving, using the
following logic:
− If a previous transaction of the same entry is ineligible, then mark the transaction
as ineligible.
− If a transaction is ineligible, then mark all transactions for the entry as ineligible.
• Builds a list of subb_recs that are ineligible for archiving.
• Builds a list of subt_recs that are ineligible for archiving.
Note: If the subsidiary does not use bals and tots, and if the entries do not net to 0.0,
then sarc does not archive the entries.
6. The program produces reports of entries that can or cannot be archived, based on the
requirements of the user.
7. If the user wants to update the status of archived entries to A, the program starts at beginning
of the entries list.
8. The program performs the archive on all the entries on the list.
9. If the user wants to delete entries with a status of A, then the program deletes all the
appropriate subsidiary entries, transactions, bals and tots.
10. For the archive process for subsidiary entries, the program performs the following:
• Selects each sube_rec and copies subsidiary entries into the Subsidiary Archive
record (sar_rec).
• Updates the status of the sube_rec to A.
• Flags the suba_rec as being archived.
11. For the archive process for subsidiary transactions, the program performs the following:
• Copies the transaction into the sar_rec.
• Updates the status of the subtr_rec to A.
• Copies the subb_rec associated with the transaction into the sar_rec.
• Updates the status of the subb_rec to A.
• Copies the subt_rec associated with transaction into the sar_rec.
Program Relationships
The sarc program does not interact with any other CX programs.
CX contains parameters and compilation values for executing the sarc program. You can specify
parameters to compile sarc in a specified manner at the time of execution.
Note: You can also specify compilation values with the includes for the General Ledger
module that affect the sarc program.
Parameter Syntax
This section provides reference information about the Subsidiary Account Audit (saaudit)
program. The General Ledger product uses saaudit to reconcile differences between the totals of
subsidiary accounts and the related control account. Differences can arise when a General
Ledger program ends abnormally, or when system users incorrectly change or delete records
using UNIX tools outside the scope of normal CX processing.
This section contains details about the following features of the saaudit program:
• Process flow
• Parameters
Program Files
All the program files for saaudit appear in the following directory:
Program Screens
Because saaudit is a background process that does not require users to input data, it does not
use program screens.
The following diagram shows the flow of data in the saaudit program.
auditing subsidiaries, or
subsidiaries and control
Yes Yes
compare subsidiary
audit subsidiary
entries with ledger
accounts for the
transactions of G/L
control account
compare subsidiary
entries with ledger stop
transactions of G/L
control account
select posted
compare total amounts
start subsidiary entry from
for entries with actual +
sube_rec for subsidiary
encumbrance balance
account in the
for subsidiary account
audit subsidiary
another subsidiary balance and total
entry? records for subsidiary
Yes 3
compare subsidiary
account actual & enc
return to calling
balance with total
actual & enc amount
for transactions
no another subb_rec?
compare total
accumulate actual and
encumbrance amounts
enc amounts for all
for bals with
subsidiary transactions
encumbrance amount
for the bal record
for subsidiary account
Program Relationships
The saaudit program does not interact with any other CX programs.
CX contains parameters and compilation values for executing the saaudit program. You can
specify parameters to compile saaudit in a specified manner at the time of execution.
Note: You can also specify compilation values with the includes for the General Ledger
product that affect the saaudit program.
Parameter Syntax
You can generate a mail message describing the saaudit parameters by entering the following:
saaudit -,
The following is the correct usage for running the saaudit program from the UNIX shell:
saaudit -s subs_code -p pass_code [-i id_no] [-l] -b beg_date -e end_date [-m]
Parameters that appear in brackets are optional. Parameters that do not appear in brackets are
This section provides reference information about the Subsidiary Balance Status (subbstat)
program. The General Ledger module uses subbstat to set the status flags in the subb_recs.
The status flags may require resetting if, for example, your accounting records contain open
encumbrances or open invoice reports that show $0.00 items.
This section contains details about the following features of the subbstat program:
• Process flow
• Parameters
Program Files
All the program files for subbstat appear in the following directory:
The following diagram shows the flow of data in the subbstat program.
Select subsidiary
balance record from
subb_rec for subsidiary
no Is status incorrect?
yes Print current status and
new status
Update status of
no Updating? yes subsidiary balance
The following process describes the data flow in the subbstat program.
1. The program creates a dml for the Fiscal Calendar records for each subsidiary.
Note: The top level contains the subsidiary, and the second level contains the dmm
for the fiscal calendar periods for the subsidiary.
2. The program selects the subb_recs for the subsidiary entered by the user, locates the period
of the subb_rec in the fiscal calendar dml, and uses the following logic to assess the status
codes in the subb_recs:
• If the program cannot locate the period, but the period = INV, then the record must
always be closed.
• If a check has been selected but not paid, then the status of the subb_rec must be L.
• If the fiscal period always needs to be closed and actual and encumbered amounts =
0.0, then the status of the subsidiary bal must be C.
• If the fiscal period needs to be closed on the closing date and the actual and
encumbered amounts = 0.0 and the run date is after the closing date, then the status
of the subsidiary bal must be C.
• The status of the subsidiary bal should be O for all others.
3. If the current status is not correct and the user wants a report of status changes, then the
program prints the previous status and new status.
4. If the user wants to update the status, then the program updates the status of the subb_rec to
the new status, and retrieves the next subb_rec.
5. The program repeats steps 2-4 for every subb_rec.
Program Relationships
The subbstat program does not interact with any other CX programs.
CX contains parameters and compilation values for executing the subbstat program. You can
specify parameters to compile subbstat in a specified manner at the time of execution.
Note: You can also specify compilation values with the includes for the General Ledger
module that affect the subbstat program.
Parameter syntax
The following is the correct usage for running the subbstat program from the UNIX shell:
subbstat -s subsidiary -d date [-r] [-u]
Parameters that appear in brackets are optional. Parameters that do not appear in brackets are
This section provides reference information about the Voucher Processing (voucher) program.
The General Ledger module uses voucher to process journal entries and to create journals.
Optionally, end users can use voucher to perform queries and cashier functions, although the
Accounting Query (acquery) and Cashier (cashier) programs provide more querying and cash
handling functionality.
This section contains details about the following features of the voucher program:
• Process flow
• Parameters
• Table relationships
• Program screens
Program Files
All the program files for voucher appear in the following directory:
The Document table that contains information about document codes and stations
The Entry table that contains information about valid general ledger entry types
The General Ledger Account records that contain the fund, function, object and subfund
combinations that your institution has used
The General Ledger Journal Entry records that contain information about each entry
The General Ledger Transaction records that contain the amount and account charged for
each transaction in an entry
The ID record that contains information about each individual or entity in CX
The General Ledger Journal records that contain information about the journal
The following diagram shows the flow of data in the voucher program.
3 start
Add entry to gle_rec
last_issued_num in
Add transaction to
last_issued_num in
Add transaction to
The voucher program performs several functions within the General Ledger module, including
setting up special purpose accounts, enabling users to create adjusting journal entries, and
posting entries to the institution’s general ledger. The following processes describe the data flow
in each of these functions in the voucher program.
Setting up a general ledger account
1. The user selects the G/L command.
2. The program displays G/L Account Entry screen.
3. The program selects the account information for the account entered by the user and
validates the account. If the account meets the validation criteria in the tables, the program
creates a gla_rec for the account.
Adding an adjusting accounting entry
1. The user selects Start to begin a new journal.
2. The program obtains journal information, document information, and the post date and period
from the user.
3. The program adds a vch_rec for the new journal.
4. The user selects Add to add an entry to the journal.
5. The program obtains the entry type, description, and responsible id from the user.
6. The user enters transactions, then selects Write to post the entry to the journal.
7. The program performs the posting.
8. The user selects Finish to finish the journal.
9. The program updates the vch_rec information for the journal.
Posting a general ledger entry
1. The program adds a gle_rec for the entry.
2. The program updates the last_issued_num field in the doc_table.
3. For each general ledger transaction, the program adds a gltr_rec, and updates the
gl_amt_rec for the general ledger account in the transaction.
4. The program updates amounts for the journal in its vch_rec.
Program Relationships
The voucher program does not interact with any other CX programs.
CX contains parameters and compilation values for executing the voucher program. You can
specify parameters to compile voucher in a specified manner at the time of execution.
Note: You can also specify compilation values with the includes for the General Ledger
module that affect the voucher program.
Parameter syntax
voucher [-a adr] [-d date] [-f vtfile] [-i inst] [-m mode] [-n] [-p printer] [-v jrnl]
Parameters that appear in brackets are optional. Parameters that do not appear in brackets are
The voucher program uses two screens for the features described in this section: one screen for
the adding of general ledger accounts, and the other for entering adjusting entries.
The voucher screens appear in the following files and use the indicated tables and records:
Contains the screen to use to add special purpose general ledger accounts.
Tables/Records: gla_rec, subs_table
Contains the Journal Entry screen.
Tables/Records: doc_table, ent_table, gla_rec, gle_rec, gltr_rec, id_rec, pay_frm_table,
suba_rec, vch_rec, vch_table
This section provides reference information about the Voucher Recovery (vchrecover) program.
The General Ledger module uses vchrecover to recover journals that have been affected by
system failure.
This section contains details about the following features of the vchrecover program:
• Process flow
• Parameters
• Table relationships
Program Files
All the program files for vchrecover appear in the following directory:
The following diagram shows the flow of data in the vchrecover program.
Update voucher status
to I
Verify gle, gltr, sube,
and subtr records
Verify debits=credits
for transactions of last
Subsidiary used by no
transaction of
Verify subsidiary
transactions add up to
subsidiary entries
Verify sum of
subsidiary entries =
sum of transactions for
The following process describes the data flow in the vchrecover program.
1. The program ensures that any locks from old programs have been removed from the lock file.
2. The program checks if either vchrecover or voucher is already running. If either program is
running, vchrecover does not run.
3. The program unlocks the reserved by uid field in the doc_table and retrieves vch_recs with
C,S,or W as the status.
4. For every vch_rec found, the program performs the following verifications:
• Accuracy of gle, gltr, sube, and subtr records.
• Existence of the chrecon_rec, if needed.
5. If the journal needs to be updated, then the program updates records to R status, and checks
the document number.
6. If the journal does not require updating, the program checks the document number.
7. The program updates the journal to Incomplete status.
Note: Regardless of whether the journal requires updating, the program changes all
journals with a status of C, S or W so they have a status of I (Incomplete).
8. The program mails errors and messages to the user.
To verify the gle, gltr, sube, and subtr records, vchrecover performs the following:
1. Retrieves the last gle_rec according to the vch_rec.
2. Attempts to find the next gle_rec (i.e., a gle_rec that is not reflected in vch_rec). If the
program cannot locate a next record, then the entry located above is the last entry that the
journal has written.
3. Retrieves all gltr_recs for the last general ledger entry.
4. If the transaction uses a subsidiary control account, then the program accumulates the
amount for the subsidiary, and checks if total debits = total credits.
5. If the general ledger entry uses a subsidiary, then the program retrieves all subsidiary entries
and subsidiary transactions for the general ledger entry.
6. For each subsidiary entry, the program checks if the total for the transactions adds up to the
subsidiary entry amount.
7. The program accumulates the amount for the subsidiary.
Note: If the program cannot locate any subsidiary entries, then the journal is not completely
8. The program checks if the sum of the subsidiary entries equals the sum of the general ledger
transactions for each subsidiary account referenced.
Note: If the program cannot locate any gltr_recs, then journal is not completely posted.
Program Relationships
The vchrecover program does not interact with any other CX programs.
This section provides reference information on the following features of the General Ledger
• Menu source files
• Menu option files
• PERFORM screens
• SQL scripts
• Csh scripts
Directory Locations
The features detailed in this section are located in the following directory paths:
• Menu source files:
− $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/finrptg
− $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/fintables
− $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/glmaint
− $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/jrnlproc
− $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/prdproc
• Menu option files:
− $CARSPATH/menuopt/accounting/informers
− $CARSPATH/menuopt/accounting/others
− $CARSPATH/menuopt/accounting/programs
− $CARSPATH/menuopt/accounting/reports
− $CARSPATH/menuopt/accounting/screens
− $CARSPATH/menuopt/accounting/scripts
• PERFORM screens:
− $CARSPATH/modules/accounting/screens
• SQL scripts:
− $CARSPATH/modules/accounting/informers
• Csh scripts:
− $CARSPATH/modules/accounting/scripts
The CX menu source (menusrc) directory path contains definitions of the CX menu structure.
Specifically, the $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal directory path contains definitions for General
Ledger menus. The following directories corresponding to General Ledger appear in this path:
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/finrptg
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/finrptg/acctrpts
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/finrptg/assocrpts
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/finrptg/cntrcombrpts
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/finrptg/cntrrpts
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/finrptg/cusfstmt
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/finrptg/finstmt
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/finrptg/grntrpts
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/finrptg/miscrpts
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/finrptg/projrpts
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/finrptg/subsrpts
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/fintables
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/glmaint
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/glmaint/audits
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/jrnlproc
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/jrnlproc/asciipost
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/jrnlproc/jrnlmaint
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/jrnlproc/recurring
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/jrnlproc/sae
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/prdproc
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/prdproc/990rpts
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/prdproc/glclsg
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/prdproc/subarch
• $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/finacctg/prdproc/subbalfwd
Each directory above contains a menudesc file, specifying what menu options appear in a menu.
Specific menu options, however, are defined in the menu option (menuopt) directory path.
Menu Options
The following table associates each General Ledger program, screen, and script menu option
and corresponding menuopt file and identifies the menuopt locations and what the menu option
Note: The menu options appear in the table in the order of their appearance in the above
menusrc directories.
General Ledger uses PERFORM screens for displaying tables and some records. You can
access the screen files in the following directory path:
PERFORM screens
The following list contains the PERFORM screens used in General Ledger:
Screen file: clsgfb
Screen title: Closing Fund Balance Record
Screen file: cntrcomb
Screen title: Combined Function Table
Screen file: fiscalcal
Screen title: Fiscal Calendar
Screen file: glacct
Screen title: General Ledger Account Records
Screen file: glas
Screen title: General Ledger Association Table
Screen file: glatemp
Screen title: Temporary G/L Records
Screen file: gldefine
Screen title: Defined Account Table
Screen file: glfieldrpt
Screen title: Chart of Accounts Tables
Screen file: sae
Screen title: Standard Accounting Entry Table/Standard Accounting Entry Records
Screen file: tatype
Screen title: Amount Type Table
Screen file: tclaim
Screen title: Claim Table
Screen file: tent
Screen title: Entry Type Table
Screen file: tfinset
Screen title: Financial Statement Set Table
Screen file: tfs
Screen title: Financial Statement Table
Screen file: tglperm
Screen title: General Ledger Permission Table
Screen file: tglsub
Screen title: G/L Account Auto-Fill Table
Screen file: tsubs
Screen title: Subsidiary Table
The General Ledger module contains SQL scripts that directly access the database, performing
queries and updating the database. The scripts are located in the following directory path:
Note: Reports can also create SQL scripts, in which the reports print the statements they use
to execute. One purpose of these reports is to provide an efficient way for SQL to
update a table with the contents of another table.
In addition, Csh scripts can call SQL scripts and ACE reports. Such ACE reports and SQL
scripts do not reside on the CX menu system.
SQL scripts
General Ledger contains Csh scripts to automate the processing of information. Csh scripts are
UNIX-based program statements that can execute a series of SQL scripts or reports.
All the Csh scripts that relate to General Ledger are database related, updating or reporting
database information. Some Csh scripts in the directory location
$CARSPATH/modules/common/scripts are non-database related, and perform maintenance
The General Ledger Csh scripts are located in the following directory path:
Csh Scripts
The following list associates a General Ledger menu option with the corresponding Csh script
and provides a description of the script.
Note: In the following list, descriptions of Csh scripts include:
• Purpose of the script
• A list of SQL statements used, if applicable
Menu option: Combined Function Reports
Csh script: cntrdtlcom
Purpose: Prints multiple reports
accttrasc, 183
A acquery, 41–53, 163, 178
AC Cash by Total Code, 204 Add Closing Fund Balances, 212
accessing Add G/L Accounts, 212
menu source files, 178 addclsgfb, 212, 219
schemas, 24 addgla, 212, 219
Accounting ASCII Posting menu, 210 addglatemp, 179, 219
Accounting Associated Objects Reports menu, ADP, 30
181 All Balances Forward, 215
Accounting Audit menu, 208 All Balances Forward by ID, 216
Accounting Combined Function Reports menu, Alumni/Development
184 relationship to General Ledger, 9
Accounting Custom Financial Statements menu, Amount Type table, 25
190 atype_table, 25
Accounting Entry, 210 automated holds
Accounting Financial Statement Reports menu, with Subsidiary Account Balance Forward,
191 111
Accounting Function Reports menu, 187
Accounting General Ledger Maintenance menu,
207 background knowledge, 3
Accounting Grants menu, 194 Background Voucher, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33,
Accounting Journal Maintenance menu, 210 34, 35
Accounting Journal Processing menu, 210 Balance Sheet, 181, 191
Accounting Miscellaneous Reports menu, 195 Balance Sheet by Funds, 182, 191
Accounting Objects menu, 179 balshtasc, 181
Accounting Period End Processing balshtasf, 182
Subsidiary Archiving menu, 213 bgtreview, 69–74, 179
Subsidiary Balance Forward menu, 215 Block Entry screen, 99
Accounting Period End Processing Form 990 Budget, 25, 26, 28, 29, 31, 32
Reports menu, 211 Budget Review, 28, 29, 30, 31, 179. See also
Accounting Period End Processing General bgtreview
Ledger Closing menu, 212 Budget Review screen, 74
Accounting Query, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 178. Budget Transactions screen, 74
See also acquery bursar, 75–79
Accounting Recurring Journal Entry menu, 210 Bursar, 33, 34
Accounting Reports menu, 179 Bursar Account Information screen, 79
Accounting Standard Accounting Entries menu, Bursar Balance Information screen, 79
211 Bursar Default Query Parameters window, 79
Accounting Subfund Reports menu, 196 Bursar Session screen, 79
Accounting Subsidiary Reports menu, 204
Accounts Payable, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, C
34, 35 Cash Flow History, 195
relationship to General Ledger, 9 Cash/Main Funds, 195
acctdtl, 179 Cash/Specific Funds, 195
acctdtlcmf, 184 cashflow, 195
acctdtlcom, 184 cashier, 163
acctdtlfd, 179 Cashier, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35
acctdtlmon, 180 relationship to General Ledger, 9
acctsum, 180 cashrpt, 195, 191 cashrpt.US, 195, 191 Center table, 25
acctsumfd, 180 Change Title screen, 100
accttrans, 181