Final Na Talaga!!!!
Final Na Talaga!!!!
Final Na Talaga!!!!
A Thesis
Presented to the Faculty of
College of Business Management and Accountancy
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Santa Cruz Main Campus
Santa Cruz, Laguna
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Science in Office Administration
The Laguna State Polytechnic University is a center of sustainable development
initiatives transforming lives and communities.
LSPU provides quality education through responsive instruction, distinctive
research, sustainable extension and production services for improved quality of life.
LSPU delivers quality education through responsive instruction, distinctive
research, sustainable extension and production services. Thus, we are committed with
continual improvement to meet applicable requirements to provide quality, efficient, and
effective services to the university stakeholder’s highest level of satisfaction through an
excellent management system imbued with utmost integrity, professionalism and
LAGUNA,’’ prepared and submitted by ANA MARIE LUMALANG, in partial
fulfilment of the requirements for the degree BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN OFFICE
ADMINISTRATION, is hereby recommended for approval and acceptance.
Accepted and approved in in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree
Bachelor of Science in Office Administration.
The successful completion of this study would not be possible without the love,
assistance and encouragement of the following important persons to whom the researcher
To our ALMIGHTY GOD for guiding and me strength, knowledge, wisdom and
To the most valuable persons in my life who supported and inspired me in order
To my beloved mother, Mrs. Carina Franco Lumalang for financial support and
To my boyfriend, Engr. John Dave M. Cura, for their time, support, love and
To Bb Creams and BPO 22mba, for the four years of best friendship,
unforgettable memories through ups and downs, laughter and sorrow, success and failure.
The researcher expressed her profound gratitude and appreciation to the following
ALMIGHTY GOD for the blessings, wisdom, physical, mental and emotional
D. FUENTES, D.P.A, for the guidance and always inspiring the students to study hard;
and ROZALLE H. PALACOL, M.B.A, for the countless guidance and sharing her
English Critic, CAEZAR D. PAMIN, Ph.D., for his effort in improving the
Municipality of Pila: sought to answer the following questions: What is the demographic
profile in terms of: Age, Gender, Civil Status, Educational Attainment, Trainings and
Coaching. What is the extent of perspective in terms of: Commitment, Cooperation and
Interest. Work attitude and Leadership styles of selected Barangay officials in Pila,
Laguna have a significant effect on the other Barangay in Municipality of Pila, Laguna.
control. It is also a leader’s continuous exercise of authority over and the performance of
functions for a political unit like the barangay. It refers to the organization, machinery or
agency through which a political unit is exercise, authority and performs functions with
distribution of powers to official or governing body. Barangay officials play a vital role
in the empowerment of the local government units in the country. This is linked with the
leader’s accountability, fairness, and transparency in the exercise of his duties and
functions as a servant in his community.
This study is also an occasion for us to clarify our ideas on issues which are
today. Before we proceed further to examine the issues we have to be clear about what
we mean by good leadership for every community. Only then we will be able to work out
effective strategies to realize the goal of Barangay officials. We can look at the issue of
good leadership style by examining from each dimension where we are today, what are
our weaknesses and think of strategies by which those weakness can be overcome and we
Preliminaries Page
TITLE PAGE…………………………………………………………………………….i
DEDICATION………………………………………………………………………… iv
ACKNOWLEDMENT……………………………………………………………….... v
LIST OF TABLES………………………………………………………………………x
LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………………………….... xi
Theoretical Framework……………………………………………………….. 3
Conceptual Framework……………………………………………………….. 5
Research Hypothesis………………………..…………………………………. 7
Related Literature……………………………………………………………. 10
Related Studies……………………………………………………………..... 19
Research Design…………………………………………………………….. 25
Population and Sampling Technique……………………………………….. 25
Research Procedure…………………………………………………………. 26
Research Instrument………………………………………………………… 26
Respondents………………………………………………………………… 26
Statistical Treatment………………………………………………………… 27
Summary of Findings……………………………………………………….. 45
Conclusion………………………………………………………………….. 47
Recommendation………………………………………………………….... 48
A. Letter of Request……………………………………………………….. 54
B. Survey Questionnaire………………………………………………….. 55
C. Survey Documentation Pictures………………………………………. 60
D. Executive Summary…………………………………………………… 66
Table Page
Figure Page
1 Conceptual Framework…………………………………………………. 5
A. Letter of Request..………………..……………………………………..…... 54
B. Questionnaire…………………..….…………………………………….......... 55
C. Data Matrix………………………………………………………………….. 60
D. Executive Summary……………..……………………….……………........... 66
E. Curriculum Vitae………………...……………………….…………….......... 74
Chapter 1
government policies, plans, programs, project, and activities in the community, and a
forum wherein the collective views of the people may be expressed, crystallized and
considered, and where disputes may be amicably settled. A barangay may be created,
government unit or units directly affected within such a period of time as may be
determined by the law or ordinance creating said Barangay. In the case of the creation of
Barangay Treasurer. There shall also be in every barangay a Lupong Tagapamayapa. The
sangguniang barangay may form community brigades and create such other position or
office as may be deemed necessary to carry out the purposes of the barangay government
in accordance with the needs of public service, subject to the budgetary limitations on
personal services prescribed.
people. Leadership it seems like there are as many different styles of leadership as you
start to consider some of the people who you think of as great leaders can inspire political
movements and social change. Leadership then serves as s balancing act between self and
others. An effective leader recognizes his or her personality and how operational factors
Barangay Official in Municipality of Pila Laguna and how they affect individuals.
Background of the Study
The southern shoreline of Laguna Bay, where the town of Pila is situated, has
long been recognized as a center of culture and trade as early as the Philippines’ pre-
Hispanic period. No less than the late Dr. Otley Beyer, eminently regarded as the “Father
site, yielded such artifacts as rare glass beads, gold jewelry, iron slugs, clay and porcelain
potteries all in handsome proportions and ethic Philippine design. Among the more than
300 specimens found were tools associated with the scholarly art of calligraphy as well as
Chinese ceramics dating back to the 11th century. The ancient Pileños tempered their
mercantile spirits with aesthetic and spiritual values. Their second settlement was named
Pagalangan, literally a place of worship and reverence. Headed by the Datu of Pila, it was
this settlement that was discovered in 1571 by the legendary Conquistador Juan de
Salcedo. Reference to the town of Pila first appeared in Spanish records in 1575. It was
conferred the honorable title La Noble Villa de Pila in recognition if its people’s refined
manners and customs. This distinction as the Spanish King’s privileged subjects
exempted Pileños from forced labor services. The town is composed of seventeen
barangays. All barangays are being classified as urban. The present administration is
headed by Honorable Mayor Edgardo V. Ramos which already give the municipality an
additional administrative function over the entire province. Every Filipino belongs to a
barangay. While they belong to a larger city, municipality, province, and the country as a
whole, the immediate face of government that the citizenry sees are the barangay
governments. As the primary face public service, the barangays, headed by the Punong
barangay are in crucial position as the first responders to all matter of governance both
Leaders are needed for the development of each barangay. It a is major function
of political activity. Since the leaders of today cannot be successful without having a
broad understanding of the social, political and economic dynamics that influence and are
pressures, a shifting economic and social condition, if they are to provide effective
1991 in terms of the Autocratic Leadership, Democratic Leadership Style, and Laissez-
Theoretical Framework
government a machinery or agency in which the political unit exercise authority and
performs its functions. Public administration or a well as means for the betterment of the
society it serves. In terms of structure, political exercise, influences and attempts to bind
principle of the rule of law, protection of human rights and independent judiciary. The
On the other hand, Stoker (2008), in his book entitled “Governance as theory: five
ordered rule and collective action. The outputs of governance are not therefore different
As cited by Zaide, 1997 Due to their natural sociability, men have eventually
to demonstrate its superiority and this thing can be established by means of its ability to
perform the functions for which it was “invented.” Aristotle lays the basis for both the
theory of good governance and the ways to achieve it. The purpose of a regime that is
underlain by good governance should be the happiness of the members of the political
government policies, projects and programs for the people being governed. And such
certain qualifications are considered in the succession of one person to the position of the
chief. One must be a heir of the chief. However, if there were no qualified heirs, anyone
could rise to that rank by virtue of wisdom, physical strength, power and wealth.
1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
2.1 Commanding/Coercive
2.2 Visionary/Authoritative
2.3 Democratic
2.4 Pacesetting
2.5 Coaching
3.1 Commitment
3.2 Cooperation
3.3 Interest 7
Research Hypothesis
Local Officials - This will serve as a parameter on what project of Barangay needs the
Society - This can improve the society with the help of future generation of educated
Community – It will help the entire population of the Philippines to be more aware in
Students - They would be more independent, educated and aware about their chosen
career path. In this study, students are placed to be more benefited and advantageous
because they develop the awareness of themselves, strength and weaknesses for their
career development by continually reflecting upon what they are learning from home,
school and community. By conducting this research, the students will be able to decide
what career path to take according to the factors that affects them.
For better understanding of the study, the following terms, are being defined.
Affiliative - Focuses on emotional needs over work needs. Best used for healing rifts and
can be avoided
Barangay – It refers to a community consist of not less than 2000 inhabitants in the
urbanized cities.
Coaching - Connecting corporate goals whilst helping people find strengths and
weaknesses, linking these to career aspirations and actions Coach, mentor and develop
individuals when they need to build longer term strengths can come across as
Commanding/Coercive – Inurgency when time is scarce, and in crisis. The members can
feel stifled as they are treated as workers and not asked opinion.
Democratic - Uses participation, listening to both the bad and the good things. To gain
valuable input from employees and to gain buy-in when there is time to do so.
Governance – Has been defined as the rules of the political system to solve conflicts
between actors and adopt decision. It has also been used to describe the “proper
functioning of institutions and their acceptance by the public”.
Leadership – creates an inspiring vision of the future, motivates and inspire people to
Local Government Unit – it refers to the cities, municipalities, provinces, and barangay
the exercise of authority either his own or that of his superior or employer, public or
legally private.
Pacesetting - Builds challenging and exciting goals for people. When the team is already
Residence – are the person who resides in a certain place, the people living in a place for
direction is needed. Lacks the ability to help team members how they get to a vision or
Chapter 2
Selected literatures and studies are included hereunder as these were found to
Related Literature
According to Freund (2013) as people aged, the ability to achieve relaxation after
a stressful event becomes more difficult. Aging may simple wear out the systems in the
brain that respond to stress so that they become inefficient. Age is basically a period
where in the individual is labeled towards maturity. He recognized as into three types,
such as Early Adult Age (18-30), Middle Adult Age from (40-59), and Late Adult Age
Lepore (2013) cited as he stressed that age refers to the chronological number of
years from the date of birth an individual. To grow mans a developmental process is
completed which includes all aspects of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual growth
and development.
According to Tengee (2018) age refers to chronological age. It is also refers to the
number of years an individual existed on earth which began from the date of birth until
The above literature is related to the present study in the sense that age Is one of
the requirement of demographic profile in leadership styles which have more experience
and middle age have a power for being a leader because this is the maturity of a person.
According to Zevallos et al. (2013) Gender is more fluid it may or may not
depend upon biological traits. More specifically, it is a concept that describe how
societies determine and manage sex categories; the cultural meanings attached to men
and women’s roles; and how individuals understand their identities including, but not
limited to, being a man, woman, transgender, intersex, gender queer and other gender
positions. Gender involves socials norms, attitudes and activities that society deems more
appropriate for one sex over another. Gender is also determined by what individual feels
and does.
Inga Minelgaite Snaebjornsson and Ingi Runar (2013) stated in their study that
women and men have a very similar perception of a successful manager. However,
women and men display differences in their leader behavior and characteristics and way
are more involved in purchasing activities paying more attention to the information given
According to Trends (2017) reversed its position and began using sex as the
or how that person is responded to by social institutions based on the individual’s gender
presentation. In non-human animal research, gender is also commonly used to refer to the
Eagly and Johnson (2013) cited that there were only small difference in leadership
style, they stress that female leaders in organizational settings tend to be more democratic
and participative than men, who tend to lean more towards autocratic behavior.
The above literature are related to the present study in the since that gender is a
one of the requirement of demographic profile in leadership style which male or female
Civil status is a concept under discussion in regard to its definition, its content, the
enumeration of possible civil statuses, and even its very subsistence as a category. This is
due to the absence of a legal definition of civil status, aggravated by the diversity of
well-being. Young adults who have completed higher level of education are more likely
to achieve economic success than those who have not. In addition to qualifying for a
border range of jobs, completing more years of education also protects against
The above literature is related to the present study in the sense that educational
Units are truly effective in successfully getting approval for their budget plans and
procurement requirements
Individuals can meet other with the same interest, problems and concerns that
they may have in their chosen field. A sense of renewed hope and inspiration (this is
especially true for internet marketing seminars), as sometimes business concerns are
According to Rao (2013) Being with others that understand individual’s problems
or concerns, is usually a great morale booster. Great ways for those that don’t like to
read, or attend classes, to improve their knowledge of a specific subject. A nice vacation,
in usually, a good hotel. Most seminars take place in quality hotels, as this is part of the
problems or other problems, however, and this must be kept in mind when deciding to
attend a seminar. These are, after all, optional events, and success or failure in business or
The above literature is related to the present study since seminar is one of the
requirements of demographic profile in leadership styles which could help to adopt new
Karnaghan (2012) cited that the right to information laws imposes duties of
openness on all officials working in public offices which are covered by the law. For the
committed to openness- because they are the ones who will create and manage the
information that the public will be requesting. If they don’t understand their duties
properly or if they are not committed to implementing the law, then its effective
operation will become more difficult.
According to Keeps (2011) trainings for public officials are a keystone of good
governance. Education and trainings are ways to provide public servant with the
necessary knowledge and ability to act ethically and resist corruption. They should be
The above literature is related to the present study since trainings is one of the
Itri et. Al., (2016) ineffective leaders can have a devastating effect on a radiology
commitment to the organization’s success, and stifling the development of other staff
members and leaders in the organization. One of the most important investments a
radiology department can make is in identifying, cultivating, and promoting new leaders.
The authors describe 13 habits and characteristics of new leaders that lead these
meaningful role in shaping the future. New leaders must continually learn and improve
their leadership skills if they are to avoid the destructive habits of ineffective leaders and
successfully overcome the challenges facing today. Senior leaders may also benefit from
understanding the pitfalls that make leaders ineffective and should strive to continually
improve their leadership skills given the critical role of leadership in the success of
Chung Hs iung Fang et al. (2014) identified that leadership style can affect
organizational commitment and work satisfaction positively and work satisfaction intern
largely culturally orientated, embracing traditional beliefs, norms and values and a
The above literatures are related to the present study since commitment is one of
the requirements of demographic profile in leadership style which could help to develop
social life. Society cannot exist without this. It is the very basis of social existence. It is
one of the continuous social processes. The term ‘Co-operation’ is derived from the two
Latin words ‘Co’ meaning together and ‘Operari’ meaning to work. Literally,
Cooperation means joint work or working together for a common goal.
According to Edmonson (2017), the teams who plan everything firstly and
execute their plans, later are not found to be feasible in the 21 st century. Collaboration
and coordination are found to be an essential element of the team. At present, it is rare to
find teams which are well designed and dynamic and which exist for a long period. The
teams which have succeeded to stay competitive and successful are considered to be
those who developed good interpersonal skills among one another. According to
regard, it is crucial to underline the importance of leaders who are responsible in charge
of these teams. Transforming static teams into dynamic one requires strong leadership
skills. Dynamic teams are more open to innovation, and they keep up with the latest
trends in the industry they are working. Moreover, it is important for team members to
understand their roles. Understanding individual tasks that each member of the group is
responsible for undertaking allows them to communicate with each other more efficiently
The above literatures are related to the present study in the sense that cooperation
is one of the requirement of work attitude in leadership potentials which could lead to
Turok and Scheba (2020) cited that the Philippines developed a system of
neighborhood government that other countries could usefully learn from. The barangays
give ordinary citizens a voice in decision-making and assist in devolving power from the
centre. They also improve the responsiveness of basic public services to local needs.
Above all, the institution recognizes and legitimizes the contribution that communities
can make to a robust civil society. The of participation and engagement helps to harness
the agency and resourcefulness of local residents and means that communities are better
The above literatures are related to the present study in the sense that interest is
one of the requirement of work attitude in leadership potentials which could understand
how tap into diverse sources of meaning for all the people or organization.
To Xie et al. (2012), the coercive leader has clear perception and requires their
employees to do what they exactly told. Thus, the leader’s extreme top-down decision
According to Ric Kelly (2016), leaders with coercive personalities are plentiful
and destructive. Coercive leadership behaviors deters transparency, kills self-reliance and
innovation, delay decision making, creates unnecessary bottleneck, set the tone for
micromanaging and decreases motivation and productivity. All of this leads to a drain of
The above literatures are related to the present study in the sense that
commanding or coercive is one of the requirement of leadership styles which could lead
behaviours that help followers to achieve organizational goals such as confidence, pro-
social use of power, and organizational capabilities. Visionary leaders can stimulate
arousing enthusiasm for the shared vision, which creates a positive climate for creativity.
The above literatures are related to the present study in the sense that visionary is
one of the requirement of leadership styles which could lead to people to accomplish a
course of action.
affiliative requires building an ability to see multiple views and future possibilities to
diverse ideas requires learning to adopt a focus that is directed outward, outside of oneslf
The above literatures are related to the present study in the sense that affiliative is
one of the requirement of leadership styles which could lead to create effective teams,
build employee trust or barangay officials.
are exchange freely and discussion is encouraged. While the democratic process tends to
focus on group equality and the free flow of ideas, the leader of the group is still there to
offer guidance and control. The democratic leader is charged with deciding who is in the
group and who gets to contribute to the decision that are made. Researchers have found
that the democratic leadership style is one of the most effective types and leads to higher
productivity, better contributions from group members, and increased good morale.
Gill (2014) cited that democratic leadership style is based on mutual respect. It is
leaders and the people they guide. The democratic/participative leadership style places
significant responsibility on leaders and their staff. This is true for all organization from
The above literatures are related to the present study in the sense that democratic
is one of the requirement of leadership styles which could lead the barangay officials to
Goleman et al. (2012) in his theory of emotional intelligence, has illustrated the
highly motivated and competent. This team may find the high standards challenging and
exciting, needing little direction or coordination while trying to accomplish its goals.
However, a constant enhancement in objectives previously met may leave the team
leadership style destroys the organizational climate. Many employees feel overwhelmed
by the pacesetter’s demands for excellence, leading to a drop in their morale.
The above literatures are related to the present study in the sense that pacesetting
is one of the requirement of leadership styles which could lead the barangay officials to
encouraged participation, facilitated team work, and empowered their officials to make
Sagar and Jowett (2012) cited that the autocratic style is more of the coach
coaching behaviors that aim to develop the knowledge and skills of an individual or
The above literatures are related to the present study in the sense that coaching is
one of the requirement of leadership styles which could lead the barangay officials to
inspire their team, building their confidence, and teaching them the skills they need in
Related Studies
Based on the study of Dela Cruz et al. (2014) entitled “Performance of Campus
Assessment” that older adults could do and learn well that younger adults. She also stated
that more mature the age of a person, the more they are ready to learn acquire different
She cited also that usually, older workers are more exposed to experience and can
be expected to have job performance. She also noted that age is a problem since younger
people cannot be expected to again respect from elders, lastly, a worker must be talented
to overcome age hand cap.
The above studies is related to the present study in the sense that older adults
could do learn well than younger adults and also older are more exposed to experience
The study of Dela Cruz et al. (2014) entitled “Performance of Campus Publication
between male and female workers. The male workers seemed to be more satisfied with
The study above is related to the present study in the sense that gender could
become a leader as much as they have a knowledge of leadership though if they are male
or female.
Yazicioglu,, (2013) as cited in their studies leadership style of 771 Turkish
managers from public and private sectors in the scope of Blake and Mouton’s 1964
managerial grid observed, among others that the management style of managers differ on
managerial grid diagram in term of marital status. In other words managerial styles of
managers differ in accordance with their marriage position. 00
The study above is related to the present study in the sense that civil status or
marital status influence the behavior, demographic factors, and leadership style of an
The study of Velarde et al. (2014) entitled “Leadership style”: it’s Relation to the
primary intermediate, secondary and tertiary level offered in the public and private
reached. At the primary and secondary school level, educational attainment refers to the
of all persons in that age group. Tertiary education includes both tertiary-type A
for entry to advanced research programs and profession with high skill requirements.
The above studies are related to the present study in the sense that educational
competency for every training. Here’s a down to the basic’s title that keeps its focus on
the bottom line skills of the design craft beginning with planning and need analysis to
writing, designing and evaluating course materials to marketing and administration. This
title also shows you how to put together quality, performance based training that will be
The above study is related to the present study in the sense that training determine
groups for recurring meetings, focusing each time on some particular subject, in which
presentation or research. Normally, participants must not be beginners in the field under
The above study is related to the present study since seminar is one of the
requirements of demographic profile in leadership styles which could help to adopt new
Bashir and Khalil (2017) cited in their study that coercive leader also known as
commanding as one who follows a top-down decision making style and does not involve
employees in the process. They demand immediate and full compliance from their staff
The above study is related to the present study in the sense that commanding or
John De Nobile (2014) cited in his study that Authoritative leaders are skillful in
The above studies is related to the present study since visionary is one of the
requirements of leadership styles which could help to mobilize people towards a goal.
Murray (2013). Leadership is not “one size fits all” things often, a manager must
adapt their style to fit a situation or a specific group and this is why it is useful to gain a
After all, the more approaches the manager is familiar with, the more tools they
The above study is related to the present study since affiliative is one of the
requirements of leadership styles which could lead the barangay officials in creating
personal connection between their teams and to build a sense of community and trust.
organizations in several ways, allows for using subordinates’ knowledge and experience
in the decision making process, creates loyalty to the team’s goals, and ensures mutual
The above study is related to the present study in the sense that democratic is one
of the requirement of leadership styles which could lead the barangay officials to
instrumentality all of which spill over into their teaching. It is therefore apparent that a
The above study is related to the present study in the sense that pacesetting is a
living example of what they wish for their staff to be hard workers who are always
Meyers (2012) argues that coaching leadership style helps employees develop
personally and with a long-term perspective. The leader supports and challenges
colleagues, with the intent of helping them achieve individual development goals.
Consequently, a CLS is most effective when managers want to help their employees build
The above study is related to the present study in the sense that a coaching style
Chapter 3
This part discuss the methodology that plays an important role in implementing
this research study. This chapter contains the research design, population and sampling
Research Design
The descriptive research was used for this study. According to McCombes (2019)
phenomenon. It can answer what, where, when and how question, but not why questions.
A descriptive research design can use a wide variety of research methods to investigate
sampling technique in which researcher relies on his or her own judgment when choosing
Steve Campbell (2019) cited that purposive sampling is the better matching of the
sample to the aims and objectives of the research, thus improving the rigour of the study
Municipality of Pila, Laguna the researcher used the purposive sampling. The
questionnaires are distributed to the 136 Barangay officials including Barangay Captains
and Barangay Councilors in Municipality of Pila, Laguna as the actual cases study. It was
selected seventeen (17) Barangays.
Research Procedure
perform the study was gathered. Then the permission from the Municipal Administrator
of Pila, Laguna to operate interviews regarding the study was entreated. Getting some
information about the leadership style of the councilor for the construction of the
questionnaires was done simultaneously. The target respondents is One Hundred thirty
Six (136) from Pila, Laguna. Distribution and retrieval of the questionnaires are followed.
The appropriate statistics are made, evaluation and analysis are done to complete the
Research Instrument
To gather data for the study, the researcher created and utilized questionnaires.
The questionnaire is divided into two parts. The part consists of questions
regarding the demographic profile for the respondents. The second part is consists of
Part 1 and Part 2 answerable by checking the spaces provided for the respondent’s rate.
Rating Scale
Rating Range Description
5 4:20 – 5.00 Always
4 3.40 – 4.19 Often
3 2.60 – 3.39 Sometimes
2 1.80 – 2.59 Seldom
1 1.00 – 1.79 Never
Statistical Treatment
The data obtained was treated statistically with the use of mean and standard
officials in Municipality of Pila, Laguna to assess and identify each problem stated
equally to the final mean, some data points contribute more weight than others.
ANOVA or Analysis of Variance is used to compare the means of more than two
Chapter 4
This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the data gathered from the
people who were involved in this study. The data are presented in tables according to the
order and sequence of the specific problem areas investigated by the researcher.
25 years old and below 26-35 years old 36-45 years old
46-55 years old 56-65 years old 66 years old and above
Graph shows that ages “46 to 55 years old” got the highest frequency of forty-
one (41) or 31.54 percent of the total respondent. And thirty-nine (39) or 30.00 percent of
the respondent are “56 to 65 years old”. While the ages “26 to 35 years old” have the
This means that the profile of the respondents with regards to age is majority in
Based on the study of Dela Cruz et al. (2014) entitled “Performance of Campus
Assessment” that older adults could do and learn well that younger adults. She also stated
that more mature the age of a person, the more they are ready to learn acquire different
or 66.92 percent of the total respondent. While the gender “Female” has the lowest
This means that the profile of the respondents with regards to gender is more than
The study of Dela Cruz et al. (2014) entitled “Performance of Campus Publication
between male and female workers. The male workers seemed to be more satisfied with
Civil Status
Single Married Widowed
or 57.69 percent of the total respondent. And thirty-six (36) or 27.69 percent of the
respondent are “Single”. While the status “Widowed” have the lowest frequency of
This means that the profile of the respondents with regards to civil status is
Educational Attainment
Elementary Graduate Elementary Undergraduate
High School Graduate High School Undergraduate
Diploma/ Vocational Bachelor's Degree
Post Graduates/ Master Degree
19 21
2 3
of sixty-one (41) or 46.92 percent of the total respondent. And twenty-one (21) or 16.15
percent of the respondent are Bachelor’s Degree”. While the education “Elementary
Undergraduate” have the lowest frequency of two (6) or 1.54 percent of the total
This means that the profile of the respondents with regards to educational
attainment is majority did not finish their tertiary level during the time of the study.
The study of Velarde et al. (2014) entitled “Leadership style”: it’s Relation to the
primary intermediate, secondary and tertiary level offered in the public and private
Seminars Attended
1-5 times 6-10 times 11-15 times 16-20 times
eight (38) or 29.30 percent of the total respondent. And thirty-four (34) or 26.15 percent
of the respondent are “11 to 15 times”. While the seminars “1 to 5 times” have the
This means that the profile of the respondents with regards to seminars attended
groups for recurring meetings, focusing each time on some particular subject, in which
presentation or research. Normally, participants must not be beginners in the field under
discussion. 33
Trainings Attended
1-5 times 6-10 times 11-15 times 16-20 times
31 30
three (33) or 25.38 percent of the total respondent. And thirty-one (31) or 23.85 percent
of the respondent are “6 to 10 times”. While the trainings “1 to 5 times” have the lowest
This means that the profile of the respondents with regards to trainings attended
competency for every training. Here’s a down to the basic’s title that keeps its focus on
the bottom line skills of the design craft beginning with planning and need analysis to
This title also shows you how to put together quality, performance based training
To a very high, the officials often demand immediate compliance with (M = 4.54,
SD = 0.56) and always employ this when in crisis with (M = 4.50, SD = 0.57). Although
also observed to very high, the item with the lowest rating was they required team
The overall mean of 4.49, standard deviation of 0.587, indicate the level of
The finding shows that the leadership Style of the Sangguniang Barangay
Bashir and Khalil (2017) cited in their study that coercive leader also known as
commanding as one who follows a top-down decision making style and does not involve
employees in the process. They demand immediate and full compliance from their staff
To a very high, the officials mobilize people towards a vision with (M = 4.52, SD =
0.60) and self-confidence is usually required with (M = 4.48, SD = 0.60). Although also
observed to very high, the item with the lowest rating was the empathy is required with
(M = 4.43, SD = 0.58).
The overall mean of 4.46, standard deviation of 0.598, indicate the level of
The finding shows that the leadership Style of the Sangguniang Barangay
John De Nobile (2014) cited in his study that Authoritative leaders are skillful in
To a very high, the officials create harmony with (M = 4.71, SD = 0.49) and build
emotional bonds with (M = 4.67, SD = 0.49). Although also observed to very high, the
item with the lowest rating was the empathy is employed with (M = 4.64, SD = 0.63).
The overall mean of 4.64, standard deviation of 0.547, indicate the level of
The finding shows that the leadership Style of the Sangguniang Barangay
Murray (2013). Leadership is not “one size fits all” things often, a manager must
adapt their style to fit a situation or a specific group and this is why it is useful to gain a
After all, the more approaches the manager is familiar with, the more tools they
To a very high, the officials support their subordinates with (M = 4.61, SD = 0.57)
and accept opinions and ideas with (M = 4.58, SD = 0.57). Although also observed to
very high, the item with the lowest rating was they give rewards as a motivation with (M
= 4.50, SD = 0.58).
The overall mean of 4.56, standard deviation of 0.592, indicate the level of
The finding shows that the leadership Style of the Sangguniang Barangay
organizations in several ways, allows for using subordinates’ knowledge and experience
in the decision making process, creates loyalty to the team’s goals, and ensures mutual
To a very high, the officials give the instruction is “Do as I do now” with (M =
4.60, SD = 0.55) and expect excellence and self-direction with (M = 4.58, SD = 0.57).
Although also observed to very high, the item with the lowest rating was they set highest
standards for performance with (M = 4.48, SD = 0.61).
The overall mean of 4.55, standard deviation of 0.559, indicate the level of
The finding shows that the leadership Style of the Sangguniang Barangay
instrumentality all of which spill over into their teaching. It is therefore apparent that a
observed to very high, the item with the lowest rating was they employ empathy with (M
= 4.70, SD = 0.51).
The overall mean of 4.74, standard deviation of 0.467, indicate the level of
The finding shows that the leadership Style of the Sangguniang Barangay
Meyers (2012) argues that coaching leadership style helps employees develop
personally and with a long-term perspective. The leader supports and challenges
colleagues, with the intent of helping them achieve individual development goals.
Scale Range Remarks Verbal Interpretation
5 4.20-5.00 Always Very High
4 3.40-4.19 Often High
3 2.60-3.39 Sometimes Moderately High
2 1.80-2.59 Seldom Low
1 1.00-1.79 Never Very Low
To a very high, putting the best effort with (M = 4.70, SD = 0.51) and Barangay
Officials have words of honor with (M = 4.69, SD = 0.51). Although also observed to
very high, the item with the lowest rating was they encourage to be creative at work with
(M = 4.63, SD = 0.52).
The overall mean of 4.66, standard deviation of 0.524, indicate the extent of
very high.
Chung Hs iung Fang et al. (2014) identified that leadership style can affect
organizational commitment and work satisfaction positively and work satisfaction intern
To a very high, encourages team work, listen to the ideas of the community with
(M = 4.63, SD = 0.54, 0.56) and communication within the Barangay is transparent with
(M = 4.60, SD = 0.56). Although also observed to very high, the item with the lowest
The overall mean of 4.59, standard deviation of 0.556, indicate the extent of
very high.
The finding shows that the perspective relative to Cooperation is well displayed.
social life. Society cannot exist without this. It is the very basis of social existence. It is
one of the continuous social processes. The term ‘Co-operation’ is derived from the two
Latin words ‘Co’ meaning together and ‘Operari’ meaning to work. Literally,
activities help to express personal values, give sense of satisfaction with (M = 4.68, SD =
0.54, 0.53). Although also observed to very high, the item with the lowest rating was the
The overall mean of 4.67, standard deviation of 0.533, indicate the extent of
perspective relative to Interest have a remark of always and verbally interpreted as very
The finding shows that the perspective relative to Interest is well showed.
Ivan Turok and Andreas Scheba (2020) cited that the Philippines developed a
system of neighborhood government that other countries could usefully learn from. The
power from the centre. They also improve the responsiveness of basic public services to
local needs. Above all, the institution recognizes and legitimizes the contribution that
communities can make to a robust civil society. The of participation and engagement
helps to harness the agency and resourcefulness of local residents and means that
Table 10. Significant effect of Profile and Leadership Style to the perspective of
Sangguniang Barangay officials in Municipality of Pila Laguna
Perspective F- p- Analysis
value value
Profile Commitment 1.0224 0.4488 Not Significant
Cooperation 1.0249 0.4433 Not Significant
Interest 1.0007 0.4984 Not Significant
Leadership Style Commitment 1.4222 0.0208 Significant
Cooperation 1.5448 0.0060 Significant
Interest 1.6029 0.0032 Significant
Table 10 shows the significant effect of Profile and Leadership Style to the
The Profile and Leadership Style that has effect to the perspective of Sangguniang
The Profile for Commitment have (F=1.0224), Cooperation have (F=1.0249) and
Interest have (F=1.0007) are not significant at probability level. This means that the
(F=1.5448) and Interest have (F=1.6029) are significant at 0.0208, 0.0060, 0.0032
probability level. This means that the Profile has a direct effect to the perspective of
Based on the data, it is shown that there is “a partial significant effect of Profile
Municipality of Pila Laguna” at 0.05 level of significance. It shows that the null
hypothesis stating that “There is no significant effect of Profile and Leadership Style to
partially rejected, it can inferred that there is “partial significant” effect between them.
1. The respondents were dominantly males with ratio of 87 or 66.92 percent against
their female counterpart with only 43 or 33.08 percent of the total one-hundred
the above 41 of age of barangay officials at 31.54 percent; with a majority of self-
imposed professional growth as they finished diploma and high school graduate
(33) or 25.38 percent of the total number of respondents who happens to have a
prevailing number of seminars with thirty eight (38) or 29.30 percent.
selected Barangay of Pila, Laguna in terms of: The interest of respondents is 4.67
“Always”, with Standard Deviation= 0.533 and verbal interpretation is ver high.
“Always”, with Standard Deviation= 0.598 and verbal interpretation is very high.
The mean level of the affiliative leadership style by Barangay officials in selected
Barangay of Pila, Laguna in terms of: The affiliative style of respondent is 4.64
“Always”, with Standard Deviation= 0.547 and verbal interpretation is very high.
of Pila, Laguna are agreeing with their affiliative leadership style. The mean level
Pila, Laguna in terms of: The democratic style of respondent is 4.56 “Always”,
with Standard Deviation= 0.592 and verbal interpretation is very high. In general,
Laguna are agreeing with their democratic leadership style. The mean level of the
Laguna in terms of: The pacesetting style of respondent is 4.55 “Always”, with
Laguna are agreeing with their pacesetting leadership style. The mean level of the
Laguna in terms of: The coaching style of respondent is 4.74 “Always”, with
Laguna are agreeing with their coaching leadership style. Leadership styles of
selected Barangay officials in Pila, Laguna has a significant effect on the other
4. Work attitude and Leadership styles of selected Barangay officials in Pila, Laguna
The following conclusion was based on the conclusion gathered:
effort on behalf of the organization are well demonstrated and have a strong desire
follower’s perception and also good leader must have a good educational
culture. This may include the development of a give culture and to understand the
strengths of an organizations, clarify goals, identify barriers and make sure the use
Pila, Laguna.
In the view of findings and the conclusion, the following recommendation were
1. Future studies can also explore women’s political participation not only in terms
of representation but also other forms of participation in the political process such
as women for official candidates or leaders.
2. That barangay official must always be ready to lead the way. The scope of the
3. Barangay official must prove themselves worthy of the trust given to them by
4. That barangay official is not based on their educational achievement but skills,
ability, attitude to work, sincerity as well as dedication must require in every field.
a way that people with lower educational level and qualification are more
5. This study is another reference for future researcher who would like to study and
A. Published Materials
Amanchukwu RN, Stanley Gj, Ololube NP. A review of leadership theories, principles
and styles and their relevance to educational management. “Management”. 2015;
Darolia, C., Darolia, S., & Kamari, P. “Perceived Organizational Support Work
Motivation, and Organizational Commitment as Determinants of Job Performance”
pp.36, 2010
Faye Balanon et. Al., (2007) “The Impact of Youth Participation in the Local Government
Process” UNICEF Manila ISBN: 978-971-529-066-1
Felstead, A., Gallie, D., Green, F. and Zhou, Y. (2017) Skills At Work, 1986 to 2006.
Lepore Jill, “Book of Ages: The life and opinions of Jane Franklin”, Illustrated. 442.,
B. Unpublished
Alate, Miracle Janett K. “Different Leadership Styles of Barangay Officials in Kalayaan,
Laguna” Unpublished Thesis 2014
Brin Jann, “Four Different Leadership Styles and How the Style Can Affect a Group in
Accomplishing a Goal” Part 2 focuses on Democratic Leadership. 2014
Dela Cruz, Hanna, TabilogVaneza, and Tengco, Mary anne “Performance of Campus
Publication in Campus Journalism in Laguna State Polytechnic University”.
Unpublished Education Thesis, 2014
Mel Schwartz L.C.S.W. “What do we mean by commitment? People take it for granted
that "commitment" means the same thing to everyone. (Oct 28, 2009)
Meyer, J.P., Vandenberghe, C. and Becker, T.E. (2004) Employee Commitment and
Motivation: A Conceptual Analysis and Integrative Model. Journal of Applied
Psychology, Vol. 89, 991-1007
Quibuyen, Fatima Aliza L. “Factors affecting work tenure and Job Security of the
Human Resource Management Office of Laguna” Unpublished Thesis, Laguna State
Polytechnic University-Santa Cruz Campus, 2015
Velarde, Flocy So Hiong “Leadership Styles: It’s Relation to the level of Transparency
of Five Leading National Secondary School heads in CALABARZON and their School
Performance” Unpublished Education Thesis, 2014
Websites “Conflict of Interest”Statistic Canada “Educational
Attainment of Person”
2015 “Visionary” leadership-style/
2015 “Defining Leadership: Loading Resources for Resourceful
Request Letter
Direction: Put a check (√) in each category which corresponds to your answer.
25 and below
66 and above
Civil Status:
Educational Attainment:
Elementary Graduate
Elementary Undergraduate
High School Graduate
High School Undergraduate
Bachelor’s Degree
Post graduates/Master Degree
5 Always
4 Often
3 Sometimes
2 Seldom
1 Never
Work Attitude
Commitment 5 4 3 2 1
1. Feel the loyalty in the organization.
2. Encourage to be creative at work.
3. Providing best services for the community.
4. Putting the best effort.
5. Barangay Officials have words of honor
Cooperation 5 4 3 2 1
1. Encourages team work.
2. Communication within the Barangay is transparent.
3. Give timely feedback for each other.
4. All information is shared equally
5. Listen to the ideas of the community
Interest 5 4 3 2 1
1. Subordinates express their creativity.
2. Activities help to express personal values.
3. Give sense of satisfaction.
4. Rewards and recognition
5. Recognized for good performance.
Commanding/Coercive 5 4 3 2 1
1. I often demand immediate compliance
2. I required team members to do what I tell them
3. I have drive and initiative to achieve results
4. I always employ this when in crisis
5. I employ this on difficult employees
Visionary/Authoritative 5 4 3 2 1
1. I mobilize people towards a vision
2. The instruction usually comes from me
3. Self-confidence is usually required
4. Change catalyst is required
5. Empathy is required
Affiliative 5 4 3 2 1 59
1. I create harmony
2. I build emotional bonds
3. I tell colleagues “people come first”
4. Building relationship make it work
5. Empathy is employed
Democratic 5 4 3 2 1
1. Barangay Officials support their subordinates.
2. Accept opinions and ideas.
3. Providing guidance without pressure.
4. Giving rewards as a motivation.
5. Allowing them to be part of the decision making.
Pacesetting 5 4 3 2 1
1. The instruction is “ Do as I do now”
2. I set highest standards for performance
3. There is a drive to achieve result
4. There is a use of initiative
5. Expect excellence and self-direction
Coaching 5 4 3 2 1
1. I develop people for the future
2. I facilitate learning by suggesting “Try this”
3. The interest is to develop others
4. I employ empathy
5. Performance is expected to improve
Barangay of
Pila, Laguna
in terms of:
The interest
is 4.67
0.533 and
on is ver
high. The
mean level
of the
style by
g Barangay
officials in
of Pila
Laguna in
terms of:
is 4.49
.58 and
on is very
high. The
mean level
of the
style by
officials in
Barangay of
Pila, Laguna
in terms of:
style of
is 4.46
0.598 and
on is very
high. The
mean level
of the
style by
officials in
Barangay of
Pila, Laguna
in terms of:
style of
is 4.64
0.547 and
on is very
high. The
mean level
of the
style by
officials in
Barangay of
Pila, Laguna
in terms of:
style of
is 4.56
0.592 and
on is very
high. The
mean level
of the
style by
officials in
Barangay of
Pila, Laguna
in terms of:
style of
is 4.55
0.559 and
on is very
high. The
mean level
of the
style by
officials in
Barangay of
Pila, Laguna
in terms of:
style of
is 4.74
0.467 and
on is very
styles of
officials in
Pila, Laguna
has a
effect on
the other
Barangay in
of Pila,
-Seeking for an organization that will
utilize and enhance my skills during Age : 21 years old
my on-the-job training. Birthday : June 7, 1999
Gender : Female
-To assure a career opportunity Citizenship : Filipino
Civil Status : Single
Brgy. Pinagbayanan Pila,where can Improve, comprehend my
potential in chosen field and employ Religion : Catholic
0997-8445-452 my skills. Height : 5’3 Weight : 65kg
Mother : Carina Lumalang
Tertiary:Associate Attainment
in Office Administration Seminars
BEAT THE and Trainings
CLOCK: Attended
Time Management and
Laguna State Polytechnic University Forward Thinking.
Santa Cruz, Campus LSPU Main Campus Santa Cruz, Laguna
School Year 2017-2018 February 26, 2020
8th Annual Conference; For Entrepreneurs,
Educators and Students “Entrepreneur’s Mind-
Pedro Guevara Memorial National High School
set: Motivate to Innovate IV”
School Year 2014-2015
On-the-Job Training
Land Transportation Office Skills and Abilities
National High Way Sta Clara Sur Pila,
Laguna -Good communication skills
Year 2017-2018 -Proficient in MS Office
Character References
Engr. John Dave M. Cura “I hereby certify that the information
Electrical Engineer
above is true and correct to the best of my
Contact #: 0935-3043-718
knowledge and skills”.
Merdeka L. Esmalde
Contact #: 0932-472-9832 ______________________
Baldwin M. Mesina
Contact #: 0906-269-5303 ANA MARIE LUMALANG