Using Online Tools To Gather Data: Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Surveys
Using Online Tools To Gather Data: Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Surveys
Using Online Tools To Gather Data: Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Surveys
4. Add and edit questions. Each question has a Question Title and Help
How to Create and Process a Survey Using Google Forms Text field. The Help Text field is a box used to explain a ranking
What Is a Survey? system. (For example, you may use 5 to indicate the highest or best
To create an online survey using Google Forms, you must have the and 1 as the lowest or worst.)
following: There are 7 types of distinct question in the Google Forms.
Google account Text – used for obtaining short answers
Chrome web browser Paragraph text – used for getting essay responses
Google “one click” Forms web application Multiple Choice – used when presenting several answers to
choose from
Choose from a list – useful for questions about categories
Scale – used when ranking answers
Grid – used when providing 1 to 5 responses
1. Log in to your Google account. Click on the Forms web app icon. 6. Distribute the survey.
The forms icon will appear when you add a new tab. Click email this form to distribute the survey.