Pfaff Hans Uwe

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Departamento de Psicología Biológica y de la Salud
Programa de Doctorado en Psicología Clínica y de la Salud

Memoria para la obtención del título de Doctor

(doctoral dissertation research report)

bajo la dirección del doctor

Pablo Varona – Martínez,
Grupo de Neurocomputación Biológica
Escuela Politécnica Superior

Psychophysiological reactivity to
auditory Binaural Beats stimulation
in the alpha and theta EEG brain-wave
frequency bands:

A randomized, double–blind and

placebo–controlled study in
human healthy young adult subjects

Hanns Uwe Pfaff,

lic. psic. (Universidad de Hamburgo/Alemania)

Marzo, 2014
The only way to get out is to get through.

Friedrich Salomon “Fritz“ Perls

* 8th July 1893 (Berlin) † 14th May 1970 (Chicago)


Binaural beats are an acoustical illusion of the perception of a “virtual” third tone, fluctuating
(i.e. beating) in its volume evoked by two carrier–sinusoids of same amplitudes, but slightly different
frequencies f1 and f2, presented by stereo-headphones. Although this illusion was discovered as
early as 1839 by Dove and, after the discovery of the EEG, visual rhythmic stimulation by
stroboscopic flicker was known to evoke photic driving, until today relatively few works with moreover
contradictory results have been published searching for specific Binaural Beat effects on the

The present investigation aimed, in a highly controlled laboratory study with multimodal
measurements, for deciding on the question whether there is or there is not specific
psychophysiological reactivity to Binaural Beats auditory stimulation in the EEG alpha and theta
frequency bands, striving for the overcoming of unsatisfactory methodology of previous works.
If efficacy to specifically decrease psychophysiological arousal levels would be proven, multiple
applications in clinical contexts would be feasible. Moreover, the employed stimuli would be useful for
basic research trying to better understand the underlying neurocircuitry of arousal, attention and
consciousness regulation.

After rigorous psychometric screening for bio–psycho–social health, N = 12 young university
students (5 females) entered in a within–subject randomized placebo–controlled design, with 50% of
the subjects randomly assigned to the presentation order Placebo vs. Verum, and the remaining 50%
vice versa. Placebo and Verum sessions took place with more than one week time interval. The 25
min Verum stimulus consisted of Binaural Beats carrier frequencies equivalent to a sweep from 10
Hz to 4 Hz embedded into a special dynamic noise mask, while under Placebo only this mask was
presented without Binaural Beats for 25 min. 63–channel EEG, ECG and respiratory flow by nasal
cannulae were continuously recorded at 1024 Hz common sample frequency. Pre– vs. post saliva
samples were collected by passive drool technique and immediately flash frozen by immersion into
liquid nitrogen. Hypnoidal state depth was measured by retrospective psychometry immediately after
each experiment using the Phenomenology of Consciousness Inventory (PCI) of Pekala (1991).

Logit–transformed EEG relative spectral powers showed only under Verum significant change over
time with distinguishable scalp topographies, a linear increasing trend in slower vs. a linear
decreasing trend in faster EEG frequency bands and meaningful correlations with the psychometric
effects in hypnoidal state depth. Significant change over time in the parasympathetic parameter
HRV–HF power derived from ECG was only found under Verum. These HRV findings are not
confounded by changes in respiratory frequency which showed no significant change over time. Pre–
vs. post saliva samples revealed significant increases only under Placebo in stress–related
biomarkers (Cortisol, α–Amylase and Salivary Secretory Immunoglobulin A, SIgA), but not under
Verum. Significant increases under Verum as compared to Placebo were observed in psychometric
hypnoidal state depths with a large effect size of r = .513 and difference scores showed a significant
and large Spearman’s rank order correlation of rho = .671 and pexact = .020 with hypnotizability as
operationalized as psychometric hypnoidal state depths under Placebo. Hypnotizability is thus a
predictor of reactivity magnitudes to Binaural Beat auditory stimulation. Presentation order effects
could be excluded for all reported effects.

Multimodal evidence was found for the searched specific efficacy of Binaural Beats auditory
stimulation in the EEG alpha and theta frequency range. Linear trends in EEG relative spectral
powers suggest that only the Verum stimulus caused significant decreases in (cortical) arousal. The
significant increase of stress–related biomarkers only under Placebo could be interpreted as a sign
that the Verum stimulus inhibited processes which naturally occurred under Placebo. Both the
Placebo and Verum of the present investigation should be used as a nonverbal culture–free
paradigm for neurocientific basic laboratory studies on hypnosis and hypnotizability especially, but
also on resting–state networks and related neurocircuitry generally. The ability of the Verum stimulus
to decrease arousal levels and induce/boost altered states of consciousness (ASCs) implies
applications in several practical–clinical contexts and calls for further field studies.

Los pulsos binaurales o Binaural Beats son una ilusión acústica que consiste en la percepción de un
tercer tono “virtual” que fluctúa (beating) en volumen, inducido por dos ondas portadoras (f1 y f2 ) de la
misma amplitud, pero con frecuencias ligeramente distintas, presentadas en cada uno de los oídos
mediante auriculares estéreo. Aunque esta ilusión fue descubierta por Dove en 1838 y después del
descubrimiento del EEG se conoce que la estimulación visual por luz estroboscópica provoca photic
driving, hasta ahora se han publicado pocos trabajos sobre los efectos de los Binaural Beats en el
organismo, y además con resultados contradictorios.

La investigación en esta tesis tiene como objeto realizar un estudio de laboratorio en condiciones
altamente controladas y con registros multimodales para averiguar si hay o no una respuesta
psicofisológica a la estimulación auditiva con Binaural Beats en las frecuencias alfa y theta del EEG. La
metodología empleada intenta resolver los problemas de investigaciones previas. La demostración de la
eficacia de los Binaural Beats para disminuir específicamente los niveles de arousal psicofisiológico daría
pie a muchas aplicaciones clínicas. Además, este paradigma de estimulación auditiva puede contribuir a
la investigación básica de la neurocircuitería del arousal, de la atención y de la regulación de la

Se reclutaron N = 12 jóvenes estudiantes universitarios (5 mujeres) comprobando rigorosamente su salud
bio–psico–social. El estudio siguió un diseño intrasujeto–aleatorizado y controlado por Placebo, en que se
asignó aleatoriamente a la mitad de los voluntarios un orden de presentación Placebo vs. estímulo con
Binaural Beats, mientras a la otra mitad el orden contrario. Estas dos sesiones experimentales se
realizaron al menos con una semana de separación temporal. Los 25 minutos del estímulo con Binaural
Beats contienen un barrido de 10 Hz a 4 Hz (decreciente) con enmascaramiento auditivo dinámico,
mientras que los 25 minutos del Placebo contienen solamente la máscara auditiva. Se registró el EEG con
63 canales, el ECG y el flujo respiratorio mediante cánulas nasales a una frecuencia de muestreo común
de 1024 Hz. Se tomaron muestras de saliva pre vs. post mediante la técnica de passive drool que fueron
inmediatamente ultracongeladas por inmersión en nitrógeno líquido. El nivel del estado hipnótico se midió
por psicometría retrospectiva inmediatamente después de cada sesión experimental con el test
Phenomenology of Consciousness Inventory (PCI) de Pekala (1991).

El análisis de la potencia espectral relativa del EEG sometida a la transformación logit mostró que existen
cambios significativos en su evolución temporal con topografías espaciales distinguibles solamente bajo la
estimulación con Binaural Beats presentes y no bajo Placebo. Además, se observó un incremento de la
pendiente de la tendencia lineal en las bandas del EEG más lentas y una bajada de la pendiente en
frecuencias más rápidas. Se encuentraron correlaciones significativas y relevantes con los efectos
psicométricos del nivel del estado hipnótico. En el parámetro parasimpático HRV–HF power derivado del
ECG se encuentron también cambios significativos en su evolución temporal exclusivamente bajo el
estímulo con Binaural Beats. Estos cambios no se deben a variaciones en la frecuencia respiratoria
puesto que en ella no se apreciaron cambios significativos. En las muestras de la saliva pre vs. post se
observaron incrementos significativos en los biomarcadores salivares de estrés (cortisol, α–amylasa e
inmunoglobulina A secretora, SIgA) solamente bajo Placebo. Se encuentraron incrementos significativos
de los niveles del estado hipnótico con un tamaño del efecto r =.513 solamente bajo el estímulo con
Binaural Beats, pero no bajo Placebo. Con un rho de Spearman de .671 y pexact = .020, las puntuaciones
de las diferencias de los niveles del estado hipnótico correlacionan altamente con la hipnotizabilidad
operacionalizada como nivel del estado hipnótico bajo Placebo. Por tanto, el rasgo hipnotizabilidad se
identificó como predictor de las magnitudes de las reacciones a la estimulación con Binaural Beats. Para
todos los efectos mencionados, se pudo descartar la influencia del orden de presentación de los

Esta tesis proporciona evidencia multimodal de la eficacia de la estimulación auditiva con Binaural Beats
en las bandas del EEG alfa y theta. Las pendientes de las tendencias lineales en las potencias
espectrales relativas del EEG sugieren que esta estimulación causa una disminución del arousal (cortical).
El incremento de los biomarcadores de saliva relacionados con el estrés solo en el caso de Placebo
sugiere que la estimulación con Binaural Beats inhibe procesos que ocurren naturalmente bajo Placebo.
Tanto el Placebo como el estímulo con Binaural Beats pueden emplearse como un paradigma no verbal
culture–free en especial para estudios de neurociencia básica respecto a la hipnosis y la hipnotizabilidad,
y, en general respecto a resting–state networks y la neurocircuitería relacionada. El hecho de que el
estímulo con Binaural Beats puede disminuir el arousal e inducir estados alterados de la consciencia
sugiere aplicaciones en múltiples contextos clínicos y futuros estudios de campo.

1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1 
1.1. What is arousal vs. hyperarousal? ................................................................................................. 1 
1.2. What are Binaural Beats ? ........................................................................................................... 13 
1.3. Current state of research on modulation of arousal levels by Binaural Beats ............................... 20 
1.4. Aims and main hypotheses: Is there a significant psychophysiological reactivity to an EEG alpha  
and theta Binaural Beats sweep in multimodal outcome measures? .................................................. 24 

2. METHODS ......................................................................................................................... 29 

2.1. Subjects ...................................................................................................................................... 29 
2.2. Experimental design .................................................................................................................... 32 
2.3. Justification of sample size N = 12 ............................................................................................... 33 
2.4. Auditory stimuli .......................................................................................................................... 36 
2.5. Measures .................................................................................................................................... 42 
2.5.1. Psychometric instruments: domain of subjective introspective experience ............................... 42 
2.5.2. Physiological measures ............................................................................................................ 46 Electroencephalogram EEG and electrooculogram EOG – hardware ................................... 49 Electrocardiogram ECG – hardware ...................................................................................... 54 Respiratory Rate Vf – hardware ............................................................................................ 57 Saliva sampling and analyses ................................................................................................ 59 
2.5.3. Digital offline biosignal‐processing ........................................................................................... 62 EEG and EOG ......................................................................................................................... 62 ECG ........................................................................................................................................ 68 Respiratory Rate Vf ............................................................................................................... 72 
2.6. Experimental procedures ............................................................................................................ 73 
2.7. Statistical methods ...................................................................................................................... 81 
2.7.1. Wilcoxon signed–rank test ....................................................................................................... 81 
2.7.2. Quade–test for k > 2 repeated measurements (omnibus or overall test) ................................... 83 
2.7.3. Adjusted rank transform test (ART) as alternative to classical ANOVA for the investigation of 
possible presentation order effects .................................................................................................... 87 

3. RESULTS ............................................................................................................................ 89 

3.1. Psychometric instruments: domain of subjective introspective experience .................................. 89 
3.2. Illustrative example of subjective experience in the retrospective unstructured interviews ......... 92 
3.3. Physiological measurements ....................................................................................................... 93 
3.3.1. Domain of parasympathetic modulation of Heart Rate Variability (HRV) .................................. 93 
3.3.2. Domain of cortical arousal as measured by EEG logit–transformed relative spectral powers .... 95 Results in delta (0.5 – 3.5 Hz) EEG relative spectral powers ................................................. 98 Results in thetaLow (3.5 – 6.5 Hz) EEG relative spectral powers ........................................ 103 Results in alpha4 (10.5 – 11.5 Hz) EEG relative spectral powers ........................................ 108 Results in betaMid (18 – 24 Hz) EEG relative spectral powers ........................................... 114 Results in gamma1 (30 – 40 Hz) EEG relative spectral powers ........................................... 119 Comparison/associations of topographic patterns of linear temporal trends over the five 
stimulus time points of EEG relative powers between the different EEG frequency bands which 
showed most relevant and sign. change over time ......................................................................... 124 Summary EEG findings ........................................................................................................ 126 
3.3.3. Domain of stress–related salivary biomarkers: Cortisol, α ‐Amylase and Salivary Secretory 
Immunoglobulin A (SIgA) ................................................................................................................. 126 
3.4. Excluding possible presentation order effects ............................................................................ 129 

4. DISCUSSION .................................................................................................................... 133

5. REFERENCES .................................................................................................................. 154 

6. APPENDIX ....................................................................................................................... 168 

1. Introduction
1.1. What is arousal vs. hyperarousal?

Chronic psychophysiological hyperarousal, the repeated and prolonged

hyperactivation of multiple physiological systems e.g. by stimuli which are
perceived as threatening or as exceeding the subject´s available resources
(stress stimuli), can lead to serious impacts on multiple dimensions of
bio-psycho-social health outcomes. With regard to impacts on the
cardiovascular and immune system (specially infectious diseases and
cancer), sufficient evidence has been found that chronic psychophysiological
hyperarousal plays an important role as moderator or mediator variable for
morbidity and even mortality (e.g. Broadbent, Petrie, Alley, & Booth, 2003;
Dusseldorp, van Elderen, Maes, Meulman, & Kraaij, 1999; Lillberg et al.,
2003; Ming et al., 2004; Rosengren et al., 2004 [the INTERHEART study]).

Even more alarming is the evidence that exposure to chronic stress can
cause damage in specially vulnerable and sensitive brain structures such as
the hippocampus: Although there is a remarkable body of morphometric
MRI observations that e.g. traumatized human war veterans with combat-
related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) show reduced hippocampi
volumes as compared to healthy controls (e.g. evidence for the
parahippocampal gyrus, Aupperle, Connolly, Stillman, May, & Paulus,
2013), doubts concerning the direction of causality in these correlational
observational studies are raised (e.g. Childress et al., 2013):
Do these patients just have smaller hippocampi volumes at baselines in the
sense of naturally occurring traits, i.e. before being traumatized, which then
makes them more vulnerable to develop PTSD after being exposed to the
event, or are the observed hippocampus volume reductions a consequence
of the chronic stress, produced afterwards by the disease? This question is
more likely to be answered with the second option because of evidence
from animal studies which also used morphometric MRI: E.g. Lee, Jarome,
Li, Kim and Helmstetter (2009) found in a longitudinal within-subjects
design significant reductions in rats’ hippocampal volumes due to chronic
restraint stress which were not observed in control animals. The magnitudes
of these reductions were not correlated with baseline hippocampal volumes

while neither other brain regions, specially the forebrain, nor adrenal glands
showed any stress related volume changes. These experimental animal data
suggest that at least the hippocampus is a brain structure which is
differentially vulnerable and sensitive to chronic stress exposure.
Interestingly, these hippocampal volume reductions due to chronic stress
seem not to be caused by loss of hippocampal neurons itselves, but to
dendritic retractions (i.e. reduced dendritic bifurcations and shortening of
the total dendritic length) and to loss of synapses, which correlate to
magnitudes of chronic stress induced spatial memory deficits in rats
(Conrad, 2006; McLaughlin, Gomez, Baran, & Conrad, 2007).

Uchino, Smith, Holt-Lunstad, Campo and Reblin (2007) proposed a path

model which explains principle interactions between mediator/moderator
processes as reactions to acute and chronic stress stimuli which can trigger
a dynamics leading to morbidity and mortality (see figure 1).

Figure 1. Path model of principle interacting mediators/moderator processes as reactions to

acute and chronic stress stimuli which can cause a dynamic leading to morbidity and mortality
(Uchino et al., 2007).

Multiple highly interacting physiological systems are involved in these

severe consequences of stress. Following Uchino et al. (2007), three of
them seem to be the most relevant mediators for pathogenesis in the
effector organs: (a) the autonomic nervous system (ANS),

(b) the neuroendocrinological system, especially its hypothalamus–
pituitary–adrenal–axis (HPA) and (c) the immune system.

Nevertheless, it is the central nervous system (CNS) which interprets a

perceived stimulus as threatening or as exceeding the subjectively available
resources of the organism. Although multiple brain subsystems participate
in the central coordination of the organism’s psychophysiological reactions
to stress stimuli, Uchino et al. (2007) report a simplified model of
bidirectional interactions, e.g. as efferent and afferent projections or
top-down vs. bottom-up processes, between the most relevant cerebral
structures (see figure 2).

Figure 2. Simplified model of the central coordination of psychophysiological reactions to stress

stimuli with bidirectional interactions between brain structures and the organism’s peripheral
physiologic systems; efferent projections as solid lines and afferent as broken lines
(Uchino et al., 2007). Abbreviations: IML= sympathetic preganglionic neurons of the
intermediolateral cell column, LC = locus coeruleus, NTS = nucleus tractus solitarus, and
VLM = ventral lateral medulla.

Apart from a wide range of other involved neurotransmitters and hormones,

it is the 41-amino-acid-polypeptide corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)
which plays a central role in the organism’s response to stress:
Experimental central instillation of CRH activates two of the mentioned
three most relevant physiological systems responsible for the outcomes of

stress stimuli in the effector organs: (a) the autonomic nervous system
(ANS) and (b) the hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal–axis (HPA) (Irwin,
Segal, Hauger, & Smith, 1989).

The principle HPA mechanisms are described in the following:

CRHnergic neuronal afferences from the hypothalamus’
nucleus paraventricularis transduce their electrophysiological input of action
potentials into a chemical-neuroendocrinological CRH output signal by the
process of neurosecretion into the system of the venae portales
hypophysiales, thus reaching directly via the blood stream the target, the
CRH1-rezeptor of the basophile cells of the anterior pituitary gland in high
concentrations without being diluted in the systemic circulation. These cells
react with the liberation of the 39-amino-acid polypeptide
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) which activates its G protein-coupled
receptor (cAMP as a secondary messenger) in the zona fasciculata of the
adrenal cortex, the melanocortin receptor 2, leading to an increase of
adrenal steroid hormone secretion, namely the glucocorticoid cortisol, by
short-term regulations (minutes) and long-term mechanisms.
Glucocorticoids inhibit in a negative feedback regulation their own triggers,
i.e. the secretion of CRH and ACTH. Cortisol has very broad effects on the
organism, which are slower as compared to the catecholamine system with
its G protein-coupled receptors because the glucocorticoid receptor NR3C1
is located intracellularly in the cells’ cytosol and transmits the cortisol
effects mainly by regulation of gene transcription in the cells’ nucleus or by
inhibiting the expression of proteins into the cytosol. Although the plasma
half-life of cortisol is approx. one hour, it has long-term effects mediated by
this modulation of gene transcription and its consequences.
In this way, cortisol mainly down regulates immune functions, suppresses
inflammatory processes, e.g. by down-regulation of the interleukin-2
receptor (IL-2R) on the helper (CD4+) T-cells which impairs the
up-regulation of the humoral Th2 immune response by its ligand
interleukin-2 with the consequence of a shift towards cellular Th1 immune
dominance with the effect of reduced B-cell antibody production.
Furthermore, cortisol increases blood sugar levels by activation of the
conversion (glycogenolysis) of the polysaccharide energy storage glycogen

into glucose (as it also does adrenaline) in muscle and liver tissues and by
activating the gluconeogenesis which synthesizes glucose from non-
carbohydrate substrates (e.g. from pyruvate, lactate, glycerol, some amino
acids etc.), decreases bone formation etc. As all stress hormones do,
cortisol leads to a catabolic state of metabolism aiming to release stored
energy supporting the organism in a fight-flight reaction while at the same
time suppressing anabolic processes, typically related to the behavioural
domain of rest–digest–reproduction.

Apart from the described hypothalamus – pituitary – adrenal axis (HPA)

which uses ACTH as a chemical signal via the systemic blood circulation to
modulate the cortisol secretion in the zona fasciculata of the adrenal gland
within a reaction time of minutes or more, the chromaffin cells in the
medulla glandulae suprarenalis can liberate within seconds after a stress
stimulus via neurosecretion a mixture of 80% adrenaline and
20% noradrenalin directly into the systemic blood circulation, after receiving
direct neuronal input from the autonomic nervous system via innervation by
noradrenergic sympathetic fibres. Although adrenaline has with one to three
minutes a relatively short plasma half-life, it has very broad effects on
multiple physiological systems, all of them are mediated by
adrenorecpetors. Most important, in the cardiovascular system adrenaline
causes a redistribution of the blood volume and rising blood pressure by
vasoconstriction of arterioles via α1-adrenoreceptors namely in the skin and
kidneys while it evokes vasodilatation in central and muscle arteries via
β2-adrenoreceptors (centralization). The activation of β1-adrenoreceptors in
the heart increases heart rate (positive chronotropic effect), accelerates
neurotransmission in the heart (positive dromotropic) while lowering
excitation thresholds (positive bathmotropic) and it also increases the
contractility of the myocardium (positive inotropic). Moreover, besides many
more effects, adrenaline mainly leads to bronchodilatation, increased
liberation and biosynthesis of glucose, increase of lipolysis and inhibits the
peristaltic movements of the gastrointestinal system. Noradrenaline, which
lacks, as compared to adrenaline, the methyl group at the amino group,
causes as a hormone in systemic blood circulation mainly vasoconstriction
of arterioles leading to increase of blood pressure.

Interestingly, CRHnergic neurons and CRH receptors are not only found in
the hypothalamus, but also in the amygdala and the locus coeruleus (Gray,
1993; Menzaghi, Heinrichs, Pich, Weiss, & Koob, 1993; Valentino, Foote, &
Page, 1993), brain structures involved in stress related behaviour such as
freezing (Swiergiel, Takahashi, & Kalin, 1993), loss of appetite (Krahn,
Gosnell, Grace, & Levine, 1986), inhibition of sexual desire and activity
(Sirinathsinghji, Rees, Rivier, & Vale, 1983), increase of body care
behaviours (Holahan, Kalin, & Kelley, 1997), increase of magnitudes of the
startle response (Y. Lee & Davis, 1997), etc.

The central role of CRH in the organism’s stress responses has been
demonstrated in non-human primates by oral administration of the
non-peptide CRH-1 receptor blocker antalarmin during exposure to stress
stimuli, inhibiting the typical stress related behaviours mentioned above
(Habib et al., 2000).

One mechanism which can explain the effects of stress stimuli onto the third
of the three relevant physiological systems mentioned above, the immune
system, is that central adrenergic processes increase the secretion of
interleukin IL-6 (also named as interferon beta-2) (Soszynski, Kozak, Conn,
Rudolph, & Kluger, 1996) which illustrates how stress can not only suppress
immune functions via e.g. cortisol, but also increase inflammatory
processes (e.g. allergic reactions).

Readers interested in further details of the endocrinology of the stress

response, including effects on thyroid function which were not described
here in order to avoid exceeding the scope of the present introduction, are
recommended to study the excellent and free available review of
Charmandari, Tsigos and Chrousos (2005) and the manifold references
quoting it.

Apart from the outlined top-down regulations of stress reactions, also many
feedback mechanisms from peripheral organs/tissues towards central brain
structures (bottom-up) have been discovered, mainly mediated by the
prosencephalon’s/forebrain’s cholinergic systems which themselves are
bidirectionally connected with the amygdala and by long-distance

connections with the neocortex (Gary G Berntson, Sarter, & Cacioppo,

Defining hyperarousal as the organism’s complex and multimodal reaction

to stress stimuli, i.e. stimuli subjectively perceived as threatening, which
basically is a phylogenetically useful adaptation of the organism to
dangerous situations in order to increase the change to survive, there is
also arousal which refers to activation processes being triggered when the
organism is exposed to stimuli subjectively perceived as not yet
threatening, but activating/stimulating. The magnitudes of the organism’s
reactions, the arousal evoked by these stimuli still being in the normal
range, depend on the one hand of the magnitudes of the sensorial input,
on individual levels of psychophysiological reactivity and on diferent
individual (cognitive) interpretations, and on the other hand, as moderator
processes, on the attentional resources being voluntarily or involuntarily
allocated to these stimuli. In contrast to levels of hyperarousal, the most
relevant effects of different levels of arousal onto peripheral effector organs
are mediated by the autonomic nervous system’s noradrenergic
sympathetic and acetylcholinergic parasympathetic innervation (see fig. 3).

At relatively lower levels of arousal, e.g. in a calm resting state, regulation

is mainly achieved by withdrawal vs. increase of the so-called vagal-brake
of the parasympathicus which refers to the perpetual physiologic inhibition
of relevant processes, which can be disinhibited for regulation purposes, i.e.
the withdrawal of a constant brake. Generally spoken, parasympathetic and
sympathetic regulation can interact antagonistically, synergistically and also
independently, although predominantly a synergistic mode is preferred
(Berntson, Cacioppo, & Quigley, 1993; Berntson, Cacioppo, & Quigley,
1991). Nevertheless, in a calm resting state, normal physiological
autonomic regulation is mainly done via parasympathetic modulation, while
at higher levels of arousal sympathetic regulation joins more and more

One of the brain structures most relevant for how much arousal is being
evoked by how much of an activating, but not threatening sensorial input is
the ascending reticular arousal system (ARAS), part of the formatio

reticularis. While the ARAS is a wide-spread diffuse neuron network
reaching from the medulla oblongata upto the diencephalon, the other parts
of the formatio reticularis are both the nucleus centralis superior and the
nucleus raphe dorsalis, and also the locus coeruleus located in the pons.

Figure 3. Sympathetic (fight-or-flight reaction) vs. parasympathetic (rest-digest-reproduction)

innervation of the autonomic nerve system’s (ANS) effector organs. Red and dark green lines =
preganglionic axons using the neurotransmitter acetylcholine at their synapses both for
parasympathicus and sympathicus; orange and light green lines = postganglionic axons using at
their synapses acetylcholine for the parasympathicus, while noradrenaline is used for the
sympathicus. The following structures are not mentioned in this scheme: Arterial blood vessels
are mainly innervated by sympathetic fibres, although some as e.g. the coronary vessels
receive also parasympathetic inputs. The eccrine sweat glands being distributed all over the
human body use, as the only exception for the sympathicus, acetylcholinergic synapses,
whereas the apocrine sweat glands which in humans only exist in the axillae, mamillae and
perigenital/perianal regions and which are more important in other mammal species for
pheromone signals (being mainly activated by emotions such as excitation, anxiety or anger)
use the sympathicus’ usual noradrenaline. The musculi arrectores pilorum, responsible for the
goose-pimples reaction of the skin, are activated by noradrenergic sympathetic fibres
(figure translated into English from Birbaumer & Schmidt, 2006).

The ARAS projects e.g. to the thalamus, neocortex and basal forebrain
(Edlow et al., 2012) which corresponds to its functions in regulating states
of consciousness, e.g. sleep-wake transitions, and regulating levels of
attention/activation etc., predominantly corresponding to the magnitudes of
sensorial inputs.

Different levels of arousal modulate the entire organism via those described
cerebral structures modulated by the ARAS, so not only the activity level of
the neocortex is influenced, but also all effector organs of the autonomic
nervous system and the neuroendocrinological system, although the further
(and more precisely its parasympathetic pathways) plays the most
important part in normal resting state conditions.

Generally spoken, changes in arousal levels correspond to changes in the

described neuroanatomical structures within the entire body and their
complex functioning. To represent the most important domains of
physiological systems, changes in arousal level can be observed mainly in
changes of EEG (higher levels of arousal correspond to predominance of
faster brain wave frequencies and phenomena of desynchronization and vice
versa for lower levels of arousal), in changes of heart rate variability
(mainly due to parasympathetic modulation) and decrease of (salivary)
cortisol concentrations (Cacioppo, Tassinary, & Berntson, 2007).

As mentioned above, stimuli within the “normal” range of magnitudes can

provoke simple psychophysiological activation with increased supply of
resources or energies, still away from magnitudes causing an alarm
reaction. This range of magnitudes causes arousal(s) and is also called
eustress, good or healthy stress. When the magnitude of stress stimuli
exceeds this range, being evaluated as threatening, now an alarm reaction
is triggered which prepares the organism for short-term and stereotypical
fight-or-flight reactions, but on the long-term leads to decreases of
performance with tiredness, then exhaustion and finely fatal collapse of the
organism. These levels of activation are called hyperarousal or distress,
bad, damaging or unhealthy stress. The relationship between levels of the
organism’s psychophysiological activation and its performance can be

described as an inverse u-shaped function, conceptualized in the famous
law of Yerkes-Dodson, see figure 4. The optimum point is different for every
subject and every situation/paradigm, but some predictors were identified,
e.g. personality traits such as extraversion vs. introversion
(see e.g. Larsen & Buss, 2008).

In medical practice, in principle, three types of interventions are known in

order to decrease states of undesired levels of psychophysiological
activation, mostly for treating states of hyperarousal/distress with their
known serious health and social outcomes when persisting over a prolonged
period of time:

Figure 4. Law of Yerkes-Dodson (Yerkes & Dodson, 1908) describing the inverse u-shaped
relationship between magnitudes of the organism’s psychophysiological activation and its levels
of performance. The optimum point is different for every subject and every situation/paradigm,
but some predictors were identified, e.g. personality traits such as extraversion vs. introversion
(see e.g. Larsen & Buss, 2008).

(i) pharmacological treatments, (ii) rather short-term psychotherapy with

cognitive-behavioural background including relaxation or (mindful)
meditation techniques and (iii) rather long-term psychotherapy with
psychodynamic background aiming to first reactivate/symbolize and then
solve/integrate unprocessed or even unconscious intra- and interpersonal

conflicts or situations conceptualized as hidden underlying causes (“latent”)
responsible for the observable symptoms (“manifest”), the hyperarousal.

Substances for pharmacological treatments of hyperarousal are addressed

as sedatives or tranquillizers and basically include barbiturates (obsolete),
benzodiazepines, non-benzodiazepines as e.g. buspirone, low potent and
low dosed neuroleptics, some antidepressants, first generation
H1-antihistamines such as doxylamine, beta blockers and phytopharmaca as
e.g. valeriana officinalis or piper methysticum (“Kava Kava” in polynesian
cultures, see e.g. Sarris, Laporte, et al., 2013; Sarris, Stough, et al., 2013;
Witte, Loew, & Gaus, 2005). Unfortunately, some of them cause serious
addiction and most of them have severe side effects, so the risk-benefit
relation is highly problematic, at least for long-term use purposes, i.e. more
than e.g. three months. Although useful in some, mainly acute conditions,
these pharmacological treatments have the disadvantage that they do not
modulate relevant brain structures or peripheral-physiologic subsystems
very specifically. Their potential to induce changes in the neuronal circuitry
by learning processes is generally low.

On the other hand, all kinds of psychotherapy have the disadvantage that
they need highly motivated patients (which in the case of e.g. prison
inmates is a complicated issue), relatively high tolerance to ambiguity and a
high compliance to stay with the treatment over prolonged periods of time:
Psychotherapy stays and falls with the long-term active collaboration of the
patient, with his/hers self-efficacy, with his/her possibilities to interact
within the psychotherapeutic relationship and with his/her possibilities to
become conscious/aware about unknown/unconscious processes in his/hers
own self and his/her interpersonal relationships.

The development of new therapeutic options for the treatment of

hyperarousal to complement the ones described above, aims for methods
which (i) require low effort of the patients, (ii) offer acceptable risk-benefit
relations and (iii) have the potential to induce learning processes with the
possibility to specifically and permanently change problem–relevant
neuronal circuitry (neuronal plasticity).

A promising type of interventions offers the hope to fulfill all these three
aims, the neuroregulatory interventions, which try to help the organism to
autoregulate itself towards lower levels of arousal. Using the four main
dimensions of consciousness states proposed by Vaitl et al. (2005), the
specific aim would be the induction of a state characterized by low
psychophysiologicsal activation, a change of attentional focus from the
outer surroundings towards to the subject’s mental inner world, but
generally low consciousness of the own self and a reduced sensorial

A classical type of neuroregulatory interventions are biofeedback and, more

especially, neurofeedback techniques (e.g. Gevensleben, Rothenberger,
Moll, & Heinrich, 2012; Gruzelier, 2013, 2014a, 2014b; Ruiz,
Buyukturkoglu, Rana, Birbaumer, & Sitaram, 2014; Sulzer et al., 2013;
Tan, Dao, Farmer, Sutherland, & Gevirtz, 2011). Although these therapeutic
strategies have shown a considerable efficacy in laboratory studies and also
an interesting effectiveness in clinical field studies applied to several
medical conditions, such as attention deficit (hyperactivity) disorder
(ADHD/ADD) or substance addiction, these interventions require medical
High Tech devices and almost without exception the presence of a medical
expert. Another type of neuroregulatory interventions uses Low Tech
methods and has been used in healing contexts probably since human kind
exists: the introduction of altered states of consciousness (ASCs) by
rhythmic sensorial stimulation. Almost all indigenous tribes all over the
world use auditory (drums), somatosensory (dancing) and visual (flickering
fires) stimuli to induce these ASCs. While these rituals often lead to ecstatic
hyperarousal, for medical contexts the contrary is the aim: the state of
consciousness described above within the four main dimensions of Vaitl et
al. (2005). Although unfortunately the terminus “altered state” suffers from
pseudoscientific or even “esoteric” connotations in uninformed circles, as
hypnosis and meditation often still do, these neurophenomenological
domains have been and are today under serious (neuro)cientific research:
The most internationally impacting scientific protagonists and scientific
journals such as Nature work and publish on these topics (e.g. Gruzelier,
2000; Kallio, Hyönä, Revonsuo, Sikka, & Nummenmaa, 2011; Kihlstrom,

2013; Oohashi et al., 2002; Amir Raz & Buhle, 2006; Amir Raz, Shapiro,
Fan, & Posner, 2002). Perhaps an analogy from another field of science
helps to understand the serious vs. pseudoscientific discourses in one same
field of interest: While in astrophysics today one of the most important
efforts lays in confirming predictions from theoretical and experimental-
laboratory particle physics with data from very large time and space scales
(and vice versa), among them the most expensive experiment which human
kind ever built, the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, and the NASA’s James
Webb Space Telescope for approx. 6.5 billons US-dollars replacing the old
Hubble Space Telescope, astrology deals with the same domain, but in a
pseudoscientific (and superficial) way. Thus, what separates science from
pseudoscience (e.g. astronomy from astrology) is not so much the studied
domain of phenomena, but rather the employed methodology and concepts,
among them the most important claim of falsifiability of the studied
hypotheses. The more a phenomenological field under study is
contaminated by pseudoscientific discourses, the stronger has to be the
applied methodological rigour.

Among the various auditory techniques under question whether to be

efficacious to induce ASCs by rhythmical stimulation or not, there is the
interesting phenomenon of a special auditory illusion effect, named
Binaural Beats which will be studied in the present work.

1.2. What are Binaural Beats ?

The most known and ubiquitous auditory stimuli used by humans for
modulating mental states, e.g. in terms of mood management (see e.g.
Hargreaves & North, 1999; Knobloch & Zillmann, 2003; Saarikallio &
Erkkilä, 2007), is music. Music accompanies all domains of human life,
from birth to death, from war to peace, from destruction to healing,

from winning to loosing (think e.g. of sport events), for wakening up vs.
promoting sleep, for providing identity in urban or rural subcultures vs. in
official state ceremonies, there is underground or revolutionary music vs.
there is institutionalized or conservative music. There is contemplative vs.
entertaining music (in the sense of distraction), music for our most
intimate/private moments of life vs. music for the most public moments,
lovers often talk of “their” song, almost no movie in the cinema could work
without music, no religion on earth lacks its own characteristic music and
songs, every historical century has its own musical style etc. Maybe it is not
exaggerated to claim that “music makes the world go round!” Perhaps our
capacity to produce, to feel and to socially share music is one property
which most makes us humans: The production of music seems to be as old
as human kind itself, or even maybe older, i.e. instrument using primates
such as the homo erectus or even the former homo ergaster.

Musical stimuli have remarkably broad psychophysiological effects on the

organism, Faienza (2005) reviews studies confirming effects on e.g. heart
rate variability (HRV), electrodermal activity (EDA), respiration, blood
pressure, electromyography (EMG), peripheral body temperature, vestibular
reactions, blood levels of noradrenaline, endorphin, LTH, ACTH and cortisol,
immunoglobulins and lymphocytes/neutrophils counts etc. It is important to
keep in mind that while humans can voluntarily close their eyes, we have no
natural possibility to close our ears; hearing is an “unavoidable” human
sense, which is phylogenetically useful because auditory stimuli can wake
up the organism in situations of danger. Because in the uterus there is no
light and somatosensory input is much reduced because of being immersed
in the amniotic fluid, hearing is one of our first senses in human
ontogenesis: Lecanuet, Graniere-Deferre, Jacquet and DeCasper (2000)
demonstrated that human fetuses of weeks 36 th – 39th can process auditory
input, i.e. they are able to differentiate between the low piano tones C5 and
D4, 70% of them reacting with expected slowing of their heart rates, as
hypothesized by the employed experimental paradigm.

Although there is probably human being (excluding deaf people) which has
never been exposed to musical stimuli in his/her life, and probably we all

have experienced physiological reactions to musical stimuli, there is a
special, less known auditory phenomenon under study whether to be
efficacious to induce altered states of consciousness (ASCs) by rhythmical
stimulation or not, the Binaural Beats. They can only be evoked by stereo-
headphone stimulations and, to the author’s best knowledge, were first
discovered by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove (1839), see figure 5.

Figure 5. Heinrich Wilhelm Dove (1803 - 1879), German-Prussian

physicist and meteorologist, firstly discovered the auditory illusion of
Binaural Beats in the year 1839 (picture retrieved from

After studying mathematics, physics, philology and philosophy at the

University of Breslau, receiving teaching by the influential philosopher

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, he became a German-Prussian physicist and

one of the founders of modern meteorology, first at University of

Königsberg and later at Humboldt University of Berlin. Dove’s name is

better known for his discovery in 1828 of the opposite rotation spin of

tropical cyclones on the northern (counter clockwise) vs. on the southern

hemisphere of the earth (clockwise).

Binaural Beats are an auditory illusion, i.e. they are not the

representation/perception of a really existing stimulus in the physical outer

world, but they are the brain’s subjective illusion of a “virtual” third tone

which fluctuates (i.e. beating) in its volume when two sinusoids of same

amplitudes, but slightly different frequencies are dichotically presented by

stereo-headphones (Perrott & Nelson, 1969). These two sinusoids are called

carrier frequencies f1 and f2, resulting in a “virtual” illusory interference tone

with a perceived principal frequency corresponding to the arithmetic mean

of f1 and f2 but being amplitude modulated by a frequency corresponding to

the difference between f1 and f2, named ∆f. This envelope frequency is the

perceived beating, therefore ∆f is the Binaural Beats frequency.

This superposition effect is a common known interference effect of two

waves which slightly differ in their frequencies or wave lengths.

What is special in the case of Binaural Beats is the fact that the two

mechanical oscillations of air molecules of the carrier sounds never interfere

mechanically, because the corresponding air volumes are physically

separated due to the use of closed headphones. Thus, the superposition of

the carrier frequencies happens when the neuronal correlates of the carrier

sounds interact in the central nervous system, so Binaural Beats origin in

the neuroanatomical–functional structure of the brain, the brain “makes up”

this illusion: Binaural Beats exist “only” in the head. This is why they are, in

eyes of the present work’s author, so interesting for neuroscience:

As other illusions, e.g. the known visual Müller-Lyer illusion (Müller-Lyer,

1889), Binaural Beats only exist because of the specific neurocircuitry of the

brain. Investigating illusions thus can be an elegant access to better

understand its functioning.

A neurophysiological explanation for the genesis of the Binaural Beats

illusion refers to neurons which are responsible for sound location:

It is hypothesized that the firing patterns of those specialized neurons which

codify the phase information of each ear/cochlea neuroanatomically

converge in binaural neurons, located more “above” in the ascending

auditory pathway (see figure 6), which analyse interaural phase differences.

Figure 6. Simplified neurocircuitry of the brain’s left and right auditory pathways with their
afferent projections from the brainstem upto the neocortex (modified following Piccles, 1991).
AVCN=anteroventral cochlear nucleus; PVCN=posteroventral nucleus; DCN=dorsal cochlear
nucleus; LSO=lateral superior olive; MSO=medial superior olive; MTB=medial nucleus of the
trapezoid body; NLL=nucleus of the lateral lemniscus; IC=inferior colliculus; MGB=medial
geniculate body; ARAS= ascending reticular arousal system

Indeed, Kuwada, Yin and Wickesberg (1979) recorded cyclic responses in

neurons of the cats’ inferior colliculus to the periodic, dynamic changes in
interaural phase associated with Binaural Beat stimuli.

Psychoacoustic experiments by Feeney (1997) falsified the former theory of

Binaural Beats to be due to binaural cross correlation of excitation patterns
of f1 and f2 occurring within the binaural critical band centred at f2, i.e. the
found data exclude the possibility that the effect could be explained by
binaural interaction within a critical band, but support the explication that
the Binaural Beats illusion is generated by a between-channel phase effect.

Today it is assumed that those mentioned binaural neurons codifying the

phase information and their following neurocircuitry generate the
neurophysiological correlates of Binaural Beats, as early as in the brain
stem, demonstrated by unicellular recordings in cats by Wernick and Starr
(1968). Scott, Malone and Semple (2009) registered in 283 single neurons

in the auditory cortex of awake macaques discharge rates robustly
corresponding to the phase differences of Binaural Beats.

In humans, electrophysiological correlates of the “virtual” third tone in the

Binaural Beat paradigm were found on the neocortex as auditory steady-

state response (ASSR) in MEG recordings by an a extraordinary meticulous

study of Karino et al. (2006), but were also found in human EEG recordings

(Schwarz & Taylor, 2005), similar to visually evoked steady state potentials

(SSVEPs) induced by visual flicker stimuli (see e.g. Fernandez-Vargas, Pfaff,

Rodriguez, & Varona, 2013). Similar results in the search of the direct

neurophysiological correlates of the “virtual” third tone were found in EEG

recordings using event-related potentials (ERPs) localized by the LORETA

technique employing 3 Hz and 6 Hz Binaural Beats with carrier frequencies

f1 of 250 Hz or 1000 Hz mainly over the left lateral and inferior temporal

lobe (Pratt et al., 2009).

Crucial for the limits of conscious perception of Binaural Beats are the
involved frequencies, while the magnitudes/volumes of the carrier
frequencies is less important, because the beating of the Binaural Beats is
generally detectable at remarkably low magnitudes of the carrier
frequencies (Gu, Wright, & Green, 1995): When ∆f is too large or too small,
then the auditory illusion of Binaural Beats is not evoked. Perrott and
Nelson (1969) investigated the maximal detection rate (averaged yes/no
ratings) of Binaural Beats of one-second duration and loudness of 12 sones
at different fixed first carrier frequencies f1 while manipulating the second
carrier frequency f2 and thus manipulating the Binaural Beats’ frequency ∆f.
They found that the detection rate reaches zero when the first carrier
frequency exceeds the upper bound of f1 > 1500 Hz and the maximum was
found around f1 ≈ 500 Hz. The detection rate’s maxima for varying ∆f
depend on f1: The lower the first carrier frequency f1 is, the lower is the ∆f
of maximal detection rates (see table 1), which implies that for the
induction of low frequency ∆f Binaural Beats low carrier frequencies should
be used.

Table 1. Binaural Beats frequencies ∆f at constant first carrier frequencies f1 leading
to maximal detection rates (Perrott & Nelson, 1969).

f1 ∆f leading to maximal detection rate (yes/no)

250 Hz 5 Hz
500 Hz 10 Hz
1000 Hz 20 Hz
1200 Hz 40 Hz
1500 Hz 80 Hz

These observations lead to the opinion that the auditory system is deaf to
interaural time differences at high frequencies. It was an accepted fact that
Binaural Beats with relatively high carrier frequencies are generally
inaudible, but this opinion was overcome by the discovery of McFadden and
Pasanen (1975), published in Science, one of the most impacting journals,
that when these high carrier frequencies are amplitude modulated by lower
frequencies and thus not these frequencies themselves, but their envelopes
interact, the Binaural Beat illusion can be successfully evoked, although
those high frequencies are used.

Apart from research on the neurophysiological correlates of the illusory third

beating tone (as reported above) in all brain structures of the auditory
pathways itself, the fact that the entire superior olivary complex (SOC) is
the first important structure where auditory information from the left and
right ear converge (Oliver, Beckius, & Shneiderman, 1995) and given the
neuroanatomical connection between the lateral superior olive (LSO) with
the ascending reticular activating system (ARAS), the hypothesis is justified
that Binaural Beats could not only cause a conscious auditory illusion
percept, but also might rather unconsciously influence the level of (cortical)
arousal and thus probably also of peripheral-physiological systems by e.g.
rhythmically stimulating the ARAS and/or other mechanisms. That indeed
interaural phase differences are extracted by neurons in the SOC was
confirmed e.g. in animal experiments with Mongolian gerbils (Meriones
unguiculatus) by Spitzer and Semple (1995) and with barn owls (Tyto alba)
by Carr and Konishi (1990). Because the ARAS modulates/regulates the
basic rhythms of the spontaneous EEG (see e.g. Empson, 1986) which in
turn reflects cortical neuronal sum activity without being able to directly

capture activity from subcortical structures, Binaural Beats might be able to
modify spontaneous EEG rhythms as a central measure of arousal if the
above reported hypothesis holds true. While the conscious perception of the
third beating tone seems to enter into consciousness following the auditory
pathway structures, see figure 6, SOC  colliculus inferior  corpus
geniculatum mediale (part of the thalamus)  radiatio acustica  primary
auditory cortex, as the above reported findings suggest. The hypothesized
second effect of Binaural Beats on (cortical) arousal levels would act via
SOC  ARAS  diffuse projections on multiple brain structures
 entire neocortex. While the first pathway leads to a conscious percept as
the purpose of the auditory sensorial system, taking into account the
knowledge concerning the ARAS, the hypothesized second pathway should
not lead to conscious percepts such as the illusion of a tone; this second
effect could, at best, only be perceived secondarily by its consequences as
e.g. feeling more relaxed etc. While the neurophysiological correlates of the
percept of the third beating Binaural Beats tone are relatively weak,
but clearly proven in human subjects by an excellent and meticulous MEG
study (Karino et al., 2006), the hypothesized effects on (cortical) arousal
levels via the mentioned second pathway should be much stronger.

1.3. Current state of research on modulation of arousal levels

by Binaural Beats

Searching the database ISI Web of Knowledge with “TOPIC: (binaural

beat*) Timespan=All years. Search language=English” results in 162 found
publications with 2119 sum of times cited without self-citations, 15.28
average citations per item, the medical data base PubMed returns 76 results
for the search string “binaural beat*” (both on date 7/02/2014).
The published investigations can be structured into basic research works
searching for neurophysiological correlates of the third illusory/”virtual”
tone, as mentioned above, and into applied research following the idea of

possible effects on arousal levels, as explained above, mainly by studying
EEG recordings.

Unfortunately, only few works were published with regard to this applied
research, which fulfil an acceptable level of scientific rigour.
Most studies lack the standards of Evidence-based Medicine for randomized
placebo-controlled double-blind trails (see e.g. Sackett, Rosenberg, Gray,
Haynes, & Richardson, 1996; Timmermans & Mauck, 2005), did not
operationalize and did not test bio-psycho-social health of the subjects and
most of them neither used sufficient sample sizes nor discussed the
problem of statistical test power of the employed research designs at all
(Abeln, Kleinert, Strüder, & Schneider, 2013; Carter, 2008; Kasprzak,
2011; Lavallee, Koren, & Persinger, 2011; Le Scouarnec et al., 2001;
Wahbeh, Calabrese, Zwickey, & Zajdel, 2007; Waldkoetter & Sanders,
1997). One pilot field study with children diagnosed with attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), although using a randomized placebo-
controlled double-blind design, did not include any physiological measures
and could not essentially contribute to neither a strong falsification nor to a
verification of possible Binaural Beats effects applied to this disease
(Kennel, Taylor, Lyon, & Bourguignon, 2010).

There are some intents to investigate Binaural Beats which lack almost any
modern professional-scientific background, i.e. the basics of operationalizing
hypotheses, constructing adequate experimental designs, rudimentary
statistical knowledge (especially the need of contrasting hypotheses contra
an adequate null hypothesis by inferential statistics to minimize spurious
random findings), widely accepted standards or rules for causal attribution
from experimental data and the neuroanatomical/neurofunctional basics to
be able to interpret neurocientific data seem to be absent, leading to
“results” which unfortunately do not offer any contribution about the effects
of Binaural Beats under question; these publications mainly come from
engineering faculties (e.g. Puzi, Jailani, Norhazman, & Zaini, 2013).
But there are other works which, although trying to maintain a sufficient
scientific rigour, unfortunately fail in the details of experimental design and
EEG analyses, as e.g. Crespo, Recuero, Galvez and Begoña (2013) who
could not confirm a Binaural Beat effect: The authors use a

between-subjects experimental design comparing three independent
groups, two of them receive distinct stimulation with Binaural beats while
the third was the Placebo control group, although in many
psychophysiological and pharmacological research contexts the use of an
within-subjects design is traditionally to be preferred, because here each
subject serves as his/here own control. Within-subjects designs reduce
variability caused by third (mainly trait) variables and allow the use of
statistical methodology with higher statistical test power. Moreover, the
authors compare only four epochs of extracted 30 sec artifact-free epochs
at each 5 min of their 20min lasting stimulus, so they only analyze 2.5% of
the entire EEG time series under Binaural Beat stimulation. Because it is
probable that every subject shows somehow distinct response trajectories
over the time course of the Binaural Beat stimulation, 100% of the EEG
time series should be included into the input of the analyses, i.e. only the
contained artifacts have to be removed.

Some few applied works report confirmation of Binaural Beat effects (Brady
& Stevens, 2000; Ioannou & Bhattacharya, 2012; Lai, Chao, Yang, & Chen,
2010; Lane, Kasian, Owens, & Marsh, 1998; Padmanabhan, Hildreth, &
Laws, 2005; Reedijk, Bolders, & Hommel, 2013), while others found no
specific effects using their specific employed research designs (e.g. Goodin
et al., 2012; Stevens et al., 2003; Vernon, Peryer, Louch, & Shaw, 2012;
Wahbeh et al., 2007; Weiland et al., 2011).

Apart from the study of possible modulations of (cortical) arousal by

Binaural Beats, Kliempt, Ruta, Ogston, Landeck and Martay (1999)
investigated in a randomized double-blind trial the modification of
unconscious nociception during chirurgical intervention under general
anaesthesia (Propofol i.v. in combination with inhalation of N2O 66%,
33% O2 and the halogenated ether Isoflurane) by intraoperative Binaural
Beats stimulation with N = 76 subjects with three conditions: (i) silence, (ii)
classical music and (iii) Binaural Beats. The amount of the needed highly
potent i.v. opioid analgesic Fentanyl to maintain heart rate and arterial
blood pressure within ± 20% of preoperative baselines was used as an
indirect measure for intraoperative unconscious nociception, caused by the
pain-evoking scalpel and other instruments of the surgeon.

Under stimulation with Binaural Beats patients significantly
(p < .001) needed much less Fentanyl as compared to classical music or
silence (MBinaural Beats = 28 μg with 95% CI 11.1 – 44.9 μg,
Mclassical music = 124 μg with 95% CI 96.8 – 151.2 μg and
Msilence = 126 μg with 95% CI 99.8 – 152.3 μg). Significance was maintained
controlling for age and sex. Placebo effects can be excluded because
patients were under general anesthesia and because of the double-blind
experimental design, so indeed Binaural Beats seem to have strong
analgesic effects when applied under general anesthesia.
This highly interesting study was confirmed by a replication of
Dabu-Bondoc, Vadivelu, Benson, Perret and Kain (2010) and shows that
specific Binaural Beat effects can be objectively measured even in patients
without consciousness. What makes these findings so interesting is the fact
that because conscious mentation is absent under general anaesthesia,
which is after all the aim of this kind of pharmacological intervention, these
reported Binaural Beats effects are to be considered as free from higher
cognitive functioning, e.g. free from interindiviudally different cognitive
styles and free from e.g. distinct cultural semantic systems. Because
neocortical activity is strongly inhibited under general anaesthesia, these
reported effects should be hypothezised to be mainly due to Binauarl Beats
interacting with subcortical brain structures, see figure 6.

In summary, although Lane et al. (1998) came to the same conclusion 15

years before, still today we lack more scientific studies confirming the
specific efficacy of Binaural Beats with adequate methodology, mainly
whether they are indeed able to significantly modulate the
spontaneous EEG as a measure of cortical arousal. Nevertheless, since this
reported statement we now have some more neuroscientific evidences,
especially the extraordinary meticulous study of Karino et al. (2006)
confirming that Binaural Beats indeed induce a measurable neurophysiologic
cortical correlate of the percept of the third illusory “beating” tone.
But, unfortunately, studies with strong scientific rigour confirming specific
Binaural Beats effects on modulation of arousal levels, as measured by the
spontaneous EEG, are still rare and unfortunately in parts contradictory.

As consequences from the contradictions among the cited previous
investigations, where the crux seems to be in several methodological
problems, for the present work, methodological decisions have to be in the
focus of attention: First of all, a strict selection of subjects by psychometric
test batteries operationalizing bio-psycho-social health seem to be most
important. But also a stimulation not by only static but by a dynamic sweep
of Binaural Beat frequencies, multimodal measures of arousal levels (not
only EEG) and analysis of the entire time series by refined EEG techniques
have to be employed, e.g. until today there is (to the best knowledge of the
present work’s author) no study on Binaural Beats which used spatial
filtering of EEG biosignals in order to reduce topographical blurring due to
volume conduction effects.

1.4. Aims and main hypotheses: Is there a significant

psychophysiological reactivity to an EEG alpha and theta
Binaural Beats sweep in multimodal outcome measures?

Given the conflicting results of applied research concerning Binaural Beats

effects published until today, the primary aim of the present work is to
confirm or to reject the hypothesis whether audio stimulation with Binaural
Beats can specifically influence levels of arousal, apart from the available
acceptable evidence for direct neurophysiologic correlates of the “beating”
third illusory tone coming from neurocientific basic research (Karino et al.,

As explained above, arousal implies reactions of multiple physiological

systems of the organism, but no work on Binaural Beats published until
today employed multimodal measurements. Hence, in order to cover the
most important systems involved in changes of arousal and apart from
central cortical arousal measured by EEG, reactions of the autonomous
nervous system (ANS) will be simultaneously measured by heart rate
variability and reactions of the neuroendocrinologic system by pre-/post
intervention tests of analytes in saliva samples.

Almost all published works on Binaural Beats until today used fixed carrier
frequencies and fixed Binaural Beats frequencies ∆f, but we know from their
visual analogy triggered by stroboscopic flicker, the steady state visually
evoked potentials (SSVEPs), that SSVEP magnitudes are different for every
human subject (see e.g. Fernandez-Vargas et al., 2013; Herrmann, 2001)
while showing common preferred frequencies (10, 20, 40 and 80 Hz) and
that subjects’ traits can interact/modulate these frequencies, especially the
Big Five personality trait Openness to experience (e.g. Stough, Donaldson,
Scarlata, & Ciorciari, 2001; Varona, Fernandez-Vargas, Pfaff, & Rodriguez,
2013). From this analogy of the visual system it is concluded that it has to
be hypothesized that every subject might also have more or less different
frequencies bands in which he/she is most vs. least reactive to Binaural
Beats. This is why applying the same fixed carrier and Binaural Beats
frequencies to all subjects, as it has been done in almost all published works
until today, is likely to miss –at least for some percentage of the sample–
subjects’ individual “frequency gates” for Binaural Beat reactivity. From
these thoughts emerged the idea not to use fixed carrier and Binaural Beats
frequencies, but to use a continuous sweep of frequencies covering the
range of all frequencies of interest. In the case of using for all subjects the
same frequency sweep it is to be expected that every subject will show
reactions in a somehow different moment of stimulation, so a general fixed
overall reaction pattern is hardly to be expected. Following this idea, the
entire time series of biosignals have to be analysed (excluding only
artefacts parts) and hypotheses about the development in time have not to
be expressed as directed hypotheses (increase vs. decrease vs. staying the
same), but as undirected hypotheses: Is there significant change over the
entire stimulation time in the biosignal to be analysed? In inferential
statistical terms, this question would read as “Has the observed variability
over time a pattern which is significantly not any more compatible with the
null hypothesis that all data would come from the same underlying
population, so at least one or more measurement time points have to
represent another population and thus there would be a significant change
over time?” This question can be contrasted with a special class of statistical
test, the omnibus or overall or global tests. They are not able to detect
where in the time series a significant change occurs, but they decide over

the question if such an effect exists or not over all measurement time
points. These tests decide over the existence or not existence of change
over time. Later, in order to express or to compare the magnitude or effect
size of this change over time, i.e. in order to quantify it, the most simple
measure total intrasubject variability over all measurement time points can
be used.

This approach can be understood as the operationalization of the primary

research question of the present work whether Binaural Beats indeed can
modulate arousal levels or not as psychophysiological reactivity,
i.e. whether they are able to induce change over time in multiple relevant
physiologic biosignals/measures: Primarily, it is not so important to discover
certain details or local information of the possible response patterns to
Binaural Beat stimulation, which are moreover hypothesized to be quite
different for every subject, so a general overall-pattern is not likely to be
found, but to contrast the global or omnibus hypothesis whether there is or
there is not a psychophysiological reactivity which is specific to Binaural
Beat stimulation, i.e. which is not to be observed under an unspecific
Placebo condition. In other words, the primary question of the present work
is “Is there any reaction at all to Binaural Beats?” and not “How exactly,
which temporal pattern etc. has this reaction, when during the frequency
sweep do these reactions occur more pronouncedly?” This special
operationalization of the primary research question has the advantage that
it is not important when in the sweep a subject reacts, but only if and how
much all subjects taken altogether react over the entire time course of the
frequency sweep.

Principally, if specific psychophysiological reactivity could be confirmed to be

significant, there are two directions of possible Binaural Beat effects on
arousal levels: increasing vs. decreasing. With respect of the possible
clinical applications of Binaural Beats explained above, decreasing arousal
levels is much more interesting than increasing them. When the aim is the
induction of a psychophysiological state characterized as explained above
following Vaitl et al. (2005) (i.e. low psychophysiological activation, a
change of attentional focus from the outer surroundings towards the
subject’s mental inner world, but generally low consciousness of the own

self and a reduced sensorial dynamics), then the stimulation with Binaural
Beats with ∆f in the lower EEG frequency bands should be used: Because
increase or predominance of slower EEG brain wave frequencies and at the
same time decrease of the faster frequencies is a general
electrophysiological marker for lower (cortical) arousal levels, Binaural Beat
stimulation should be done in the slower EEG frequency bands,
i.e. in alpha (7.5 – 12.5 Hz) and theta (3.5 – 7.5 Hz). Hence, following the
idea of a frequency sweep, ∆f should change continuously from alpha to
theta (while also continuously lowering the carrier frequencies themselves)
within an application compatible time, i.e. approx. 30 min.

As a conclusion of the described argument chain, we can now define the

primary hypotheses of the present work: For the EEG as reflecting the
arousal level of the central nervous system the primary hypothesis of the
present work is: “Is there any significant change over time in at least some
EEG frequency bands over all subjects and all measurement time points, as
operationalized and contrasted by an inferential statistical omnibus or
overall test, which only occurs under Binaural Beat stimulation with the
alpha – theta sweep and not under a Placebo condition, i.e. which is
specific?” For heart rate variability as a peripheral-physiologic measure of
the autonomous nervous system, the primary hypothesis is: “Is there any
significant change over time in at least some heart rate variability
parameters over all subjects and all measurement time points, as
operationalized and contrasted by an inferential statistical omnibus or
overall test, which only occurs under Binaural Beat stimulation with the
alpha – theta sweep and not under a Placebo condition, i.e. which is
specific?” For the concentrations of stress-related biomarkers in the saliva
samples, first of all for cortisol as a measure of the neuroendocrinologic
system (hypothalamus pituitary adrenal axis, HPA) the primary hypothesis
is: “Is there any significant difference in salivary cortisol concentrations
over all subjects pre vs. post, as operationalized and contrasted by an
inferential statistical test comparing the central tendencies of the two
underlying populations pre vs. post, which only occurs under Placebo or
Verum condition, but not under both or none of them, i.e. which is specific
for only Placebo or only Verum?”

Apart from these physiological measures, subjective psychometric
questionnaires should measure how much subjects report signs of the
desired state of consciousness, as explained above following Vaitl et al.
(2005), comparing Verum vs. Placebo. Thus, the primary psychometric
hypothesis of the present work is a directed hypothesis: “The central
tendencies of the underlying populations are significantly different with
regard to psychometric measures of the desired state of consciousness,
comparing Verum vs. Placebo, being larger under Verum.”

After testing these main hypotheses, some intent should be made to extract
some more information as only the significance of the global change over
time for EEG and heart rate variability. For the reasons explained above,
determining the exact local information e.g. by post-hoc tests is
problematic, but at least the linear trend over all time points should be
determined in order to complete the information of the global hypotheses,
i.e. is there an increase vs. decrease vs. near-constant linear development
over time? Moreover, in the sense of an integrated psychophysiological
study, results in the physiological domain and those in psychometric
dimensions should be investigated for possible associations, e.g. by
correlation measures.

One important advantage of operationalizing the research hypotheses as

changes over time and linear trends is that a problematic correction for
baseline states is not necessary because not absolute values are contrasted,
but only their intraindividual change or variability which in itself implies
leaving out the information of baseline levels.

2. Methods

2.1. Subjects

Posters advertising the study of the present work as “reactions of the

human body on auditory/musical stimulation” were distributed in all
faculties of Universidad Autónoma de Madrid which invited volunteers to
enter an online questionnaire for recruitment. Before responding the
psychometric instruments, at the first page, subjects were briefly informed
about the study’s nature and risks, that it had been approved by the
university’s ethical review board, that the participation would be completely
voluntarily, not associated with any academic activity of their careers, that
subjects could leave the experiments at any time without further
explanation and that for their own security answering as honestly as
possible would be necessary. Accepting the statements at the first page and
going on with the questionnaire corresponds to a written informed consent.
After successfully passing the first test battery of approx. 45 min,
volunteers were invited via email to a second online questionnaire of
approx. 45 min and if passed, they were invited to participate. This two-
step recruitment process was chosen as a filter, so only highly interested
and motivated persons would take part and others would give up before
being physically present in the experiments. The test batteries tried to
operationalize the construct bio-psycho-social health.

The first test battery operationalized as inclusion criteria age between 19

and 30 years, academic level university degree or university student and as
exclusion criteria the following: any medication or drug (ab)use including
alcohol, any neurological (especially photosensitive epilepsy), any
psychiatric diagnosis or any major physical disease, any intents of suicide,
past or present major life events, left-handedness as measured by the
Edinburgh Handedness Inventory (Oldfield, 1971) and recent or present
pregnancy. Moreover, deviations more than ± two standard deviations from
Spanish normal samples in the following psychometric instruments in their
Spanish adaptation leaded to exclusion: Dickman Impulsivity Inventory

(DII) (Chico, Tous, Lorenzo-Seva, & Vigil-Colet, 2003), subscales
exploratory excitability, novelty seeking and self-directedness from
Cloningers Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI-R-67) (Pedrero-
Pérez, 2009), Composite Scale of Morningness (CSM) (Adan, Caci, & Prat,
2005), Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS) and Behavioral Activation System
(BAS) following Gray’s biopsychological theory of personality (Barranco-
Jiménez, Rodarte-Acosta, & Medina-Cuevas, 2009), Schizotypal Personality
Questionnaire (Mata, Mataix-Cols, & Peralta, 2005), Dissociative
Experiences Scale-II (DES-II) (Icarán, Colom, & Orengo-García, 1996),
Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) (Izquierdo-Vicario, Ramos-Platón, Conesa-
Peraleja, Lozano-Parra, & Espinar-Sierra, 1997) and Experiences in Close
Relationships-Revised (ECR-R) following Bowlbys’ and Ainsworth’s theory of
human attachment (Alonso-Arbiol, Balluerka, Shaver, & Gillath, 2008).

The second test battery contained the following psychometric instruments,

as for the first test battery, deviations more than ± two standard deviations
from Spanish normal samples lead to exclusion of the subject: Beck’s
Depression Inventory (BDI-II) (Sanz, Perdigón, & Vázquez, 2003),
Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) (Páez et al., 1999), Rosenberg
Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) (Martín-Albo, Núñez, Navarro, & Grijalvo, 2007),
Symptom Checklist 90 Revised (SCL-90-R) (De las Cuevas et al., 1991),
Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) (Gómez-Beneyto, Pedrós, Tomás,
Aguilar, & Leal, 1993), Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support
(MSPSS) (Edwards, 2004) and the NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI)
(Manga, Ramos, & Morán, 2004).

The first questionnaire was answered by 122 subjects correctly, but only 52
subjects passed the inclusion/exclusion criteria and were invited to the
second questionnaire which answered all of them correctly. Sixteen subjects
had to be excluded in this second step, so at the end 36 suitable subjects
remained. From this population seven males and five females were
randomly selected and this final sample of N = 12 was invited into the

Considering the Big Five personality dimensions as measured by the NEO-
FFI, the sample showed for neuroticism M = 17.17 and SD = 4.914,
for extraversion M = 29.33 and SD = 7.981, for openness to experience
M = 35.08 and SD = 5.869, for conscientiousness M = 31.17 and
SD = 5.828 and for agreeableness M = 29.92 and SD = 5.178. Comparing
these values with the published normal values for Spanish university
population in the test’s manual, significant differences were found using the
Z-test as one-sample location test, i.e. comparing the mean of a sample to
a given/known population constant with known population variance:
The employed sample of N = 12 shows significant lower neuroticism with
z = –3.852 and p = .00012 and significant higher openness to experience
with z = 3.271 and p = .0011 as normal Spanish university population.
These findings in openness can be explained with self-recruitment
processes, i.e. higher openness predestines subjects to be interested in
taking part in scientific experiments as volunteers. The findings in
neuroticism can be explained by the rigorous selection process with the aim
to only invite very healthy subjects. The results in the Big Five dimensions
imply that the employed N = 12 sample seems to be a subpopulation of
Spanish university population and that the recruitment process successfully
selected persons with high levels of health.

Subjects in this final N = 12 sample had age M = 23.92 years and

SD = 3.965, body size of M = 176.25 cm and SD = 5.207, body weight of
M = 75.50 kg and SD = 10.388 and resulting body-mass indices (BMI) of
M = 24.27 and SD = 2.809 which is to be classified as at the upper bound
of the range for normal/healthy weight following the definitions of the World
Health Organization (WHO) of normal BMI range = 18.5 – 25 (WHO, 2006).
All subjects had BMIs ≤ 25, with exception of three persons which were in
the range of pre-obese with BMI ≥ 25, but ≤ 30.

2.2. Experimental design

Because the primary aim of the present work is to confirm or to reject the
hypothesis whether audio stimulation with Binaural Beats can specifically
influence levels of arousal, which is a causal hypothesis of the efficacy of
Binaural Beat stimulation, i.e. how well the treatment works in laboratory
studies (as compared to effectiveness with the question how well a
treatment works in the practical clinical field), highly selected subjects
under highly controlled conditions have to be investigated. As mentioned
above, most works on Binaural Beats published until today unfortunately do
not follow the standards of Evidence-based Medicine (e.g. Sackett et al.,
1996; Timmermans & Mauck, 2005). These standards try to oblige
investigators to use research designs which maximize the possibilities of
valid causal attributions of the found effects to the employed treatment
conditions. Following these standards, the research design to be employed
needs to be an explanatory crossover-randomized placebo-controlled
double-blind trial: Explanatory trials investigate efficacy as opposed to
pragmatic trials which investigate effectiveness; randomization minimizes
subject allocation biases, crossover means a within- or intrasubject design,
i.e. that every participant receives both Verum and Placebo while the
presentation order is randomized over the subjects; placebo-control makes
the investigation of treatment specificity contra Placebo possible,
i.e. comparison of effect sizes of unspecific (e.g. setting etc.) vs. specific
treatment effects; double-blinding minimizes Placebo-, Nocebo-,
expectation-, habituation-, Rosenthal- (Rosenthal & Jacobson, 1968) and
self-report biases.

The consequences from this necessary experimental design are that

subjects had to come for two experimental sessions to the laboratory:
Randomly selected 50% of them were exposed in the first session to the
Verum condition and then in the second session to Placebo, while the
remaining 50% were assigned to the vice versa presentation order, i.e. first
Placebo, second Verum. The temporal distance between these two sessions
was kept more than one week to reduce habituation and learning effects.

2.3. Justification of sample size N = 12

Before performing any experiment N times, the statistical design has to be

checked with regard to statistical test power, i.e. estimating the optimal
sample size N for a given statistical test with presumed effect size so that
desired α and β error levels are reached. Experiments can only decide
adequately about the maintenance of null hypotheses, if statistical test
power 1–β is sufficient, i.e. if they allow to conclude in the case of
non-significant results that the searched effect indeed probably does not
exist in the underlying population and that this failure is primary not to be
attributed to insufficient statistical experimental design, but can be
interpreted as a valid null finding. Apart from the widely accepted standard
α–error level of α = .05, Cohen (1988) proposed for the β–error level in the
context of behaviour studies a value of four times the standard
α–error level, i.e. β = .20 which means a statistical test power of 1–β = .80.
In the same publication he moreover defined general effect sizes with
Cohen's d between .2 to .3 as to be considered as small effects, around
.5 as medium effects and above .8 up to positive infinity as large effects.
These values are to be understood as only orientative, because what is
small and what is large always is a relative issue, so effect sizes should be
presumed from already known data in the specific research field or
sometimes can also be determined by pilot studies. With fixed α– and β–
error levels within the same statistical test, it is the presumed effect size
which determines the optimal N, i.e. the smaller the effect the more
observations are needed to maintain the desired fixed α– and β– error
levels for the inferential statistical decision about the null hypothesis.

Primary, mainly two nonparametric statistical tests will be used in the

present work, the Wilcoxon signed-rank test for comparing inferential
statistically the central tendencies of k = 2 distributions and the Quade test
as overall or omnibus test for comparing the central tendencies of k > 2
distributions. Further details of both tests are described in section Statistical
Methods, see below.

Statistical test power analyses are problematic for
non-parametric tests, because test power depends on the shape of
population distribution (which is not always known), but this is just the
advantage of these distribution-free tests, they do not need Gaussian
normal distribution. Assuming an example of a simple non-normal
distribution, the Laplace distribution (also named double-exponential
distribution), the Wilcoxon signed-rank test has a sufficient test power for
large effect sizes: N = 12 is fully sufficient to adequately decide over the
effects when they are medium–large (Cohen’s d = .7), as calculated by the
program G*power 3.1.7 (Faul, Erdfelder, Ang, & Buchner, 2007),
see figure 7.

Figure 7. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test has sufficient test power for large effect sizes,
assuming an example of a simple non–normal distribution, the Laplace or double expotential
distribution: N = 12 is sufficient to adequately decide over the effects when they are large
(Cohen’s d = .7), as calculated by the program G*power 3.1.7 (Faul et al., 2007).

To the best knowledge of the present work’s author, until today there is no
approach available to calculate test powers for the nonparametric Quade
tests for different shapes of population dirstribution (other than simulation
studies), so the parametric alternative, repeated measures ANOVA is used
for statistical test planning which assumes normality of the data. As to be
seen in the graph of figure 8, detecting changes within five repeated

measures at the desired standard α and β levels is possible down to a
medium effect size of f = .25 with a sample size of
N = 12.

Figure 8. Because there is no approach available to calculate test powers for the nonparametric
Quade test, the parametric alternative is used to estimate statistical test powers, repeated measures
ANOVA. Detecting changes within five repeated measures at standard levels for α and β is possible
down to a medium effect size of f ≈ 0.25 with a sample size of N = 12, calculated by the program
G*power 3.1.7 (Faul et al., 2007).

Taken altogether, although a sample size of N = 12 might perhaps seem too

small and inadequate to some readers, statistical testpower analyses
demonstrate that inferential decisions on the null hypotheses can be made
at desired standard α and β error levels. Due to the multimodal approach of
the present work, a tradeoff between statistical test power vs. budget
(especially for expensive biochemical saliva analyses) but also available
time had to be found (EEG manual–visual artifact correction is very time
consuming; only one single experimental session could be realized in one
day and all experimental work was only done by the author of the present
work without help from assistants, etc.). This found tradeoff with sample
size N = 12 offers in combination with the employed within-subjects design
fully adequate statistical test powers.

2.4. Auditory stimuli

For the decisions how to design the Binaural Beat stimulus to be employed
in the present work, previous studies were revised. Brady and Stevens
(2000) and Stevens et al. (2003) used in both studies the same complex
Binaural Beat stimulus with ∆f in the theta EEG frequency band generated
by multiple carrier frequencies arranged in the form of musical chords:
0-3 minutes C-minor7 (292 Hz, 330 Hz, 392 Hz, 466 Hz); 3-6 min C-major
(292 Hz, 330 Hz, 392 Hz, 523 Hz); 6-10 min G-major (196 Hz, 247 Hz, 294
Hz, 392 Hz); 10-15 min D-minor (294 Hz, 349 Hz, 440 Hz); 15-20 min
C-major (292 Hz, 330 Hz, 392 Hz, 523 Hz). ∆f was designed in a dynamic
way such that it swings during 4 seconds from 5.5 Hz to 8.5 Hz and back to
5.5 Hz. The authors used these complex stimuli with oscillating ∆f because
of their opinion that this could facilitate allocation of attentional resources to
the Binaural Beats and reduce habituation effects. These Binaural Beats
were masked by pink noise for the Verum stimulus and for Placebo only the
pink noise without embedded Binaural Beats was used. Unfortunately, both
studies came to contradictory results. This is one reason why in the present
work a distinct stimulus should be used. First of all, using multiple carrier
frequencies could cause too complex interactions, so Binaural Beats will be
generated by only two carrier frequencies. Second, from the findings of
Perrott and Nelson (1969) concerning the maxima of detection rates in
function of f1 and ∆f (see table 1) it is to be concluded that for a ∆f in the
alpha and theta EEG frequency range carrier frequencies < 250 Hz are most
appropriate. Moreover, the concept of a rapidly and periodically changing ∆f
will not be employed, because it is likely that the central nervous system
needs time to react and this could be impaired by constructing ∆f as the
above mentioned authors did which could be a reason for the contradicting
results of their studies. Hence, all changes of carriers and also ∆f should be
continuous and rather slow, but never periodic.

With these considerations in mind, the following sweep of decreasing carrier

frequencies and decreasing ∆f was invented for the total stimulus length of
25 min, starting in the first 10 min with ∆f in the alpha EEG frequency band,
continuing the decrease covering the theta EEG frequency band in the
following last 15 min (see table 2, figure 9 and figure 10).

Table 2. Design of the Binaural Beats frequency sweep by the author of the present work, to be
studied in the present dissertation.

time [min] carrier f1[Hz] carrier f2[Hz] Binaural Beat frequency f [Hz]
left ear right ear

0 (start) 160 150 10.000

1 156.8 147 9.800
2 153.6 144 9.600
3 150.4 141 9.400
4 147.2 138 9.200
5 144 135 9.000
6 140.8 132 8.800
7 137.6 129 8.600
8 134.4 126 8.400
9 131.2 123 8.200
10 128 120.0 8.000
11 124.8 117.1 7.734
12 121.6 114.1 7.467
13 118.4 111.2 7.200
14 115.2 108.3 6.934
15 112 105.3 6.667
16 108.8 102.4 6.400
17 105.6 99.5 6.134
18 102.4 96.5 5.867
19 99.2 93.6 5.600
20 96 90.7 5.334
21 92.8 87.7 5.067
22 89.6 84.8 4.800
23 86.4 81.9 4.534
24 83.2 78.9 4.267
25 (end) 80 76.0 4.000

Figure 9. Sweep of the carrier frequencies with Figure 10. Sweep of ∆f with continuous decrease for
continuous linear decrease for the Binaural Beat the Binaural Beat stimulus studied in the present
stimulus studied in the present work. Magneta = left work with ∆f covering EEG alpha and theta frequency
ear, blue = right ear. bands.

For the left ear, carrier frequency f1 decreases within the 25 min of stimulus
length linearly from 160 Hz to 80 Hz, i.e. a slow linear decrease of 3.2 Hz
per minute. For the right ear, carrier frequency f2 decreases linearly from
150 Hz to 120 Hz within the first 10 minutes, i.e. a slow decrease of 3.0 Hz
per minute. Then the decrease of f2 continues to be linear, but with a
different slope, so at 10 min there is a bend: At 10 min f2 decreases linearly
from 120 Hz down to 76 Hz at the end of the stimulus, i.e. a slow decrease
of 2.93 Hz per minute. This design means for the Binaural Beat frequency
∆f a linear decrease in the first 10 min from 10 Hz to 8 Hz which
corresponds to a sweep from the middle alpha EEG frequency band down to
the beginning of theta. Decrease of ∆f happens with a velocity of .2 Hz per
minute. After 10 min, ∆f decreases from 8 down to 4 Hz corresponding to
the entire theta EEG frequency band, i.e. with a velocity of .266 Hz per

Because the Binaural Beat illusion would be aversive when presented over
longer periods of time, it has to be covered by an auditory mask. Although
other studies used white or also pink (i.e. 1/f noise) stationary noise, for the
present work a special dynamical auditory mask is designed. All audio
mastering was done with the digital multitrack professional sound studio
program Adobe Audition (“Adobe Audition 3.0,” 2007) which is a world-wide
used standard tool for professional music and radio journalism production.
The design of this special dynamical auditory mask aims first to homogenize
cortical auditory maps and second to introduce some slow continuous
changes thought to avoid habituation effects. First of all, a red noise
(i.e. 1/f2 noise) was digitally generated. Many naturally occurring acoustical
noises in nature follow this spectral 1/f2 distribution, such as the noise
caused by the wind, but also many non-acoustical phenomena show this
kind of spectral distribution, e.g. the Brownian motion which can be
described as a Wiener process with its interesting property of self-similarity
over varying time-scales.

In order to change this artificially generated red noise from being stationary
to dynamical, two digital audio effects were applied, one after the other.
The first one is the Graphic Phase Shifter which processes both stereo audio

tracks in such a way that (using headphones) the illusion is created that the
noise would be rolling in space around the head; rolling-velocity was set to
one minute for an entire period of 360°. This applied first digital effect leads
to a continuous change of the phase space of the stereo signal,
i.e. interaural phase differences change slowly and continuously and thus
stimulate those neurons which analyse phase differences, but without a
specifically structured stimulation pattern in order to cause homogenization
in the sense of a unstructured, uniform stimulation field
(Ganzfeld effect, see Metzger, 1930; Wackermann, Pütz, & Allefeld, 2008).
Moreover, this illusion of a noise rolling around the head is meant to direct
attentional resources to the noise and especially to its spatial illusion and
thus for phase differences between the two ears. Because Binaural beats
are theorized to work by phase differences, this continuous, but non-specific
stimulation of brain subsystems analysing sound localizations by this kind of
special auditory mask is meant to make the specific stimulation by Binaural
beats more salient. This idea was inspired by the phenomenon of stochastic
resonance (see e.g. Moss, Ward, & Sannita, 2004). Another explication is
that while the noise implies continuous and fast random changes in phases
and frequencies, the very slowly changing Binaural Beats become more
salient in it, as known from the visual domain as the so-called figure-ground
principle (see e.g. Rubin, 2001).

After applying this digital Graphic Phase Shifter sound effect to the
artificially generated red noise, as a second treatment, the Stereo Sweeping
Phase Shifting Effect was used: Simplifying, a copy of the original signal is
delayed and then remixed with the original, which leads to phase
differences of 180° for special frequencies, so extinction of waves is the
consequence. The resulting filter effect can also be described as a multiple
notch filter or comb filter. When the delay of the described filter is
continuously changed, then every time other frequencies are affected by
extinction which means that these multiple notches move in a sweep over
the auditory spectrum. The Graphic Phase Shifter effect is frequently used
in pop and techno music and creates the subjective impression that the
sound becomes more “muffled” and then “sharper” again. This effect was
adjusted for periodic cycles from “muffled” and then “sharper” of
20 seconds and synchronized to the first applied digital effect, such that one

cycle is finished when the noise seems to have moved for 90° around the
head. While the first digital effect achieves a periodic continuous sweep in
the phase domain of the stereo signal, the second Graphic Phase Shifter
produces a cyclic continuous sweep in its frequency domain. The described
digital sound processing makes the auditory mask dynamical as intended for
the above explained reasons.

After creating the Binaural Beats with the described frequency sweep at
45 dB(a) RMS sound level, multitrack environment of Adobe Audition 3.0
was used to mix them with the auditory mask to create the Verum stimulus.
The mixture was adjusted for a sound level of 65 dB(a) RMS. The Placebo
stimulus was the bare auditory mask without embedded Binaural Beats at
also 65 dB(a) RMS. The signal-to-noise distance of approx. 10 dB between
carrier frequencies and noise was chosen to be quite low, so presence or
absence of Binaural Beats was not consciously detected by any person with
the only exception of a professional musicologist working as a professional
audio producer who moreover had the rare gift of absolute pitch. Relatively
low signal-to-noise distance was chosen (see figure 11) because following
Gu, Wright and Green (1995) magnitudes of carrier frequencies can be
surprisingly low and still trigger Binaural Beats. This does not surprise when
we take into account that very small phase differences at very low
magnitudes are sufficient for the brain to detect the localization of sound
sources. It has to be assumed that the ability of sound source localization
was so much important to survival in the evolution that the brain developed
this amazing sensitivity to reliably localize in space even very quiet sound
sources in very noisy and complex auditory surroundings.

Figure 11. Power Density Spectrum at time point 0 of the Verum stimulus, x-axis in
Hz and y-axis in dB. The two carrier frequencies (left ear magenta, right ear cyan)
are embedded into a special auditory noise mask. Signal-to-noise distance is 40
approx. 10 dB within the frequency band 55 – 220 Hz.
The property of the Verum vs. Placebo stimulus that they cannot be
distinguished by the subjective impression of the participants has the
important advantage that all cognitive processes concerning the nature of
the stimuli cannot reflect the reality of presence vs. absence of embedded
Binaural Beats: Because the stimulus under question is quasi inaudible,
possible differences in the reactions to Verum vs. Placebo cannot be
attributed to conscious perceived differences in the auditory stimulation.

Audio stimuli and all instructions were digitally stored on a SD card in

*.wav audio format at standard CD quality 44.1kHz sample frequency and
16 bit resolution without any compression. Sound was played back by the
battery-driven professional digital audio processor Zoom H2
(see figure 12; ZOOM Cooperation, 4-4-3 Kanda-surugadai, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo 101-0062, Japan) using special closed HiFi headphones Ultrasone HFI
680 used in professional audio production (Ultrasone AG, Gut Raucherberg
3, 82407 Wielenbach, Germany).

Figure 12. Battery-driven professional digital audio processor Zoom H2 with 2.0 GB SD card for
audio *.wav file storage used to play–back of all instructions and stimuli in the present work via
magnetically shielded headphones Ultrasone HFI 680 or loudspeakers. A battery-driven sound
source offers the advantage that ground-loops are avoided and electromagnetic interferences
(EMI) are minimized.

Apart from the very high sound quality, these headphones are magnetically
shielded by mu-metal fulfilling the Ultra-Low Emission standard: Because
dynamic headphones and loudspeaker electrically are a coil, fed with AC

voltage, they produce an electromagnetic alternating field which in the case
of headphones is located very close to the EEG electrodes; thus, without
very effective electromagnetic shielding, direct electromagnetic interference
could disturb the EEG signal. As some previous experiments confirmed, no
interferences in the EEG could be induced by the Ultrasone HFI 680
headphones, but not-shielded headphones as e. g. the Sennheiser HD 429
do produce small interference. EEG research involving auditory stimulation
not done by special shielded headphones or special air conduction
headphones should be considered with reservations. Sound level output by
the Zoom H2 – Ultrasone HFI 680 system was calibrated using a sound level
meter (Voltcraft SL-200, Conrad Electronic SE, Klaus-Conrad-Str. 1, 92240
Hirschau, Germany) positioned exactly one centimeter where in its normal
use the human auditory canal would be situated using multiple frequency
and noise types, so for both Verum and Placebo a presentation loudness of
65 dB(a) RMS was calibrated.

2.5. Measures

2.5.1. Psychometric instruments: domain of subjective introspective


Thoroughly developed psychometric instruments measuring altered states

of consciousness (ASCs) are seldom, so expert advice was asked for from
collaborators of Dr. Ulrich Ott, Bender Institute of Neuroimaging
(Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Otto-Behaghel-Str. 10H, 35394 Gießen,
Germany), head of the institute’s working group on ASCs and author in the
milestone publication of Vaitl et al. (2005). They recommend to capture
psychometric state changes concerning ASCs by the use of the
Phenomenology of Consciousness Inventory (PCI) of Pekala and Levine
(1982) and Pekala (1991). The inventory aims to retrospectively assess
consciousness states in reference to a particular immediately preceding
stimulus condition. The PCI has been empirically verified to be able to
psychometrically reliably and psychometrically validly map
phenomenological experiences to stimuli conditions such as eyes open and
closed sitting quietly, hypnotism, progressive relaxation, breathing

techniques, drumming and trance postures, and even fire-walking
(Forbes & Pekala, 1993, 1996; Maurer, Kumar, Woodside, & Pekala, 1997;
Pekala & Ersek, 1992; Pekala & Levine, 1981, 1982; Pekala, Steinberg, &
Kumar, 1986; Pekala, 1991, 1995a, 1995b; Pekala & Wenger, 1983;
Woodside, Kumar, & Pekala, 1997). These findings were confirmed and
expanded also by other researchers for other stimuli conditions such as
meditation (Venkatesh, Raju, Shivani, Tompkins, & Meti, 1997),
ego boundaries (Rock, Wilson, Johnston, & Levesque, 2008), religious
narratives (Wildman & McNamara, 2010), virtual-reality environment
(Huang, Himle, & Alessi, 2000), partial epileptic seizures (Johanson, Valli,
Revonsuo, Chaplin, & Wedlund, 2008), etc.

These decades of developing the PCI were inspired by the aim of

quantifying consciousness which the author stated in his dissertation as
follows (Pekala, 1980):

“[…]. Just as behaviorism replaced introspective psychology, and cognitive psychology

is now replacing behaviorism, it may be that the scientific study of consciousness and
its various dimensions will be the new frontier to which many psychologists will turn
when the approach of cognitive psychologists has been found wanting.

An empirical methodology which brings together phenomenological observation with

psychological research and theorizing must form the basis for such an endeavor, since
consciousness, as subjectively experienced, can be best known, not through
neurophysiology, but through introspection or phenomenological observation that is
coupled with and related to a psychoneurophysiological data base.

Although electrophysiological, neurochemical, and neuroanatomical data can help, a

science of consciousness must be grounded in an empirical psychophenomenology of
consciousness by which the phenomenological attributes of subjective, conscious
experience are empirically observed, assessed, and evaluated in conjunction with
biological, psychological, and physiological variables. Such a psychophenomenology, if
found reliable and valid, would investigate consciousness through empirical,
phenomenological methodologies and relate such observation to more traditional
psychological, physiological, and biochemical approaches. […] ”

The PCI consists of 53 bipolar–opposing items with 7-point answer scale in

the sense of a semantic differential (Osgood, Suci, & Tannenbaum, 1957),
i.e. the extreme poles of the scale (0 vs. 6) correspond to the opposing
statements to rate. The PCI contains 12 psychometric main scales with 14
subscales and a special reliability index of 6 items which leads to exclusion
of the subject due to unreliable answer pattern when this index exceeds

≥ 2.3 (Pekala, 2009). Subjects answer the PCI immediately after stimulus
presentation, i.e. retrospective phenomenological observation.
Several analyses of psychometric properties, repeated over years, over
different populations and over distinct stimuli conditions by Pekala (1991,
2009) and co-workers showed sufficient reliability of the scales as measured
by internal consistency and test–retest correlations and excellent evidence
for validity with regard to factorial structure, convergence and
discrimination behaviour with other psychometric measures and stimulus
specificity. The 12 main scales with its most important subscales in
parenthesis are: Positive Affect, Negative Affect, Altered Experience (Altered
Body Image, Altered Time Sense, Altered Perception, Altered Meaning),
Imagery, Attention, Self-Awareness, Altered State of Awareness, Internal
Dialogue, Rationality, Volitional Control, Memory and Arousal. Scale raw
scores are computed by dividing scale sums by each total item number of
the scale.

Moreover, the PCI offers the Hypnoidal State Score (HSS) which was
developed by co-administration of the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic
Susceptibility, Form A (HGSHS:A) (Shor & Orne, 1962) and the use of
multiple linear regression modelling, with the aim to predict HGSHS:A
scores from the PCI scales. These empirical investigations lead to the
following regression equation HSS = .35*Altered experience –.07*Body
Image +.13*Time Sense +.19*Absorption –.27*Self-awareness +
.31*Altered State –.11*Internal Dialogue +.23*Rationality –.28*Volitional
Control –.14*Memory + 4.51 (Pekala, 2009). The authors showed that with
this HSS the depth of a hypnoidal state can be measured reliably and
validly. HSS in the range 1.00 – 3.00 is considered as non-hypnoidal state,
3.01 – 5.00 as mild hypnoidal state, 5.01 – 7.00 as moderate hypnoidal
state and 7.01 – ≥ 9.00 as high hypnoidal state. The authors report HSS
baseline values for healthy normal population determined by simple sitting
with eyes closed of around 3.4.

A Spanish version of the PCI, translated by a Spanish–English

psychophysiologist was obtained by personal communication with the
author of the original version. Generally, every psychometric instrument has
to be re-investigated after translation into other languages or for the use in

different cultural settings (e.g. Spain vs. Latin America). Although the
Spanish PCI has been used in unpublished works, no publication concerning
its psychometric properties is available until today. Given that the re-
investigation of the German version resulted in no mayor differences in
reliability and validity (Rux, 2002), that the measured domain concerns the
field of general psychology which refers to relatively cultural-free
phenomena and that a complete Spanish re-investigation would be an
entire large research project itself, the Spanish version of the PCI has to be
used without re-investigation of its psychometric properties. Nevertheless,
in the framework of multimodal measures in the present work, its validity
can be concluded indirectly interpreting the PCI results in the context of the
possible findings in the other measures. The PCI’s author does not permit
full reprint of its instrument to maintain control over its responsible use, so
only the most important main scale for the HSS regression equation can be
reported here for illustration purposes, Altered Experience (see figure 13).

Figure 13. 13-item psychometric main scale Altered Experience of the

Phenomenology of Consciousness Inventory (PCI) in its Spanish version by Pekala
(1991). Reprint of the entire instrument is not permitted by its author in order to 45
maintain control over its responsible use.
After explaining the PCI, now the psychometric main hypothesis of the
present work can be specified: “If the Verum stimulus would indeed have
relevant and specific efficacy, the central tendencies of the distributions of
Hypnoidal State Scores (HSS) under Verum vs. Placebo must show
significant differences as contrasted by the inferential statistical
non-parametric test for related samples Wilcoxon signed-rank test and
moreover, the central tendency under Verum must be higher as under
Placebo, i.e. comparing their medians.”

2.5.2. Physiological measures

Apart from the domain of subjective introspective experience measured by

psychometry, physiological biosignals and its parameters are measured
continuously in the experiments by an in-house made data acquisition
setup: Electroencephalogram (EEG), Electrocardiogram (ECG) and
Respiratory Nasal Flow (RNF). Subjects sit in a special lounger with 45 °
inclined back rest (IKEA Systems B.V.), allowing maximal relaxation with
subject’s feet put up, but still staying in an upright position. A large
grounded shield hand-made from steel wire mesh in the shape of a
rectangular cuboid covers the lounger with the subject and the data
acquisition devices in order to protect against electromagnetic interference
(EMI), see figure 14. The electrical mains for driving the PC computer (Intel
i7-950 quad core, 4*3.06GHz) and the monitor are galvanically separated
from earth by a special medical isolation transformer (IMEDe 2000, Noratel
Germany AG, Elsenthal 53, 94481 Grafenau, Germany), thus offering
maximal electrical security: Even if the output voltage of 230 VRMS would
reach accidentally the subjects’ body, no current would result, thus
protecting the lives of the subjects. Although there are multiple galvanic
separations between the computer and the subject’s body, the use of this
special isolation transformer avoids even theoretical risks, making the setup
very secure.

All biosignals are sampled at 1024 Hz, visualized in real time on a flat
screen for control purposes outside the shield and stored as one entire data
matrix in form of an ASCII-file on a Linux (Ubuntu) system by in-house

code written in C. ECG and RNF are analogically amplified and filtered by
battery driven preamplifiers situated in the grounded shield, personally
designed and constructed by the author of the present work, as described
below. Still in the shield, their output voltages in the typical range of ± 5 V
are connected via coaxial cables to the input rack of a professional isolated
DAQ data acquisition board (NI-PCI-6251, National Instruments, Building B,
11500 N Mopac Expy, Austin, TX 78759, USA), see figure 15,

Figure 14. Self-made shield with 1.5m height/width and 2.15m length consisting of a wooden
frame offering mechanic stability for the attached 0.25mm diameter steel wire mesh with 1.5mm
mesh opening. The steel mesh is connected to the isolated common ground of the isolation
transformer for potential equalization. The lounger for the subject and a table for battery driven
preamplifiers and DAQ data acquisition rack are located inside the shield, while the recording
computer with flat screen and the chair for the experimenter are placed outside.

Figure 15. Data acquisition board PCI-6251 (16 channel, 16-bit) of the manufacturer
National Instruments used for analog-to-digital conversion of all biosignals (except EEG) at
1024 Hz sample frequency. It provides an internal isolation barrier between its analogue and
digital circuitry based on an inductive coupling technology (iCoupler, Analog Devices) to insure
electrical safety. The connection to the analogue preamplifiers is realized by a BNC socket rack,
which is placed onto the table inside the steel mesh shield and connected to the outside located
PC card by means of a shielded cable (black thick wire).

whose shielded connection cable leaves the described shield towards the

computer located outside reaching the plugged-in PCI card (Peripheral

Component Interconnect). The DAQ board is controlled under Linux by the

open source driver library COMEDI (linux control and measurement device

interface, see EEG is amplified and digitalized by

the isolated 64-channel commercial system Brainbox® EEG-1166

(Braintronics B.V., Gildemark 130, 1351 HL Almere, Netherlands) driven by

in-house written software at 1024 Hz sample frequency. Both data streams

coming from the DAQ board and the EEG devices are synchronously written

into the same data matrix of the ASCII output file.

48 Electroencephalogram EEG and electrooculogram EOG
– hardware

A sampling frequency of 1024 Hz allows to analyze frequencies up to 512

Hz due to the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem (Shannon, 1949). Given

that the scalp EEG signal contains frequencies maximally up to 130 Hz, this

is more than sufficient. But the EEG is not only sampled in time domain, but

also in spatial domain using a multichannel sintered Ag/AgCl EEG cap

Aegis array (Sands Research, 955 N Resler Drive Suite 104 #113 El Paso,

TX 79912, USA) using international standard electrode positions following

the 10-20 system (Jasper, 1958). Not commonly known, the aliasing

problem occurs also in the spatial domain of the EEG when it is not

measured with a sufficient spatial resolution, so based on simulation studies

Nunez and Srinivasan (2005) recommend at least approx. 64 electrodes to

avoid spatial aliasing. In the employed setup, 63 electrodes with nose tip as

reference are used as depicted in figure 16, leaving the 64th as an analogue

event synchronization channel. After placement of the EEG cap, skin

abrasion by smooth twisting movements of the blunt steel needle, and

injection of conductive gel in every electrode, impedances are measured

and contacts checked to keep them ≤ 10 kΩ. EEG is amplified and

digitalized by the isolated 64-channel commercial system Brainbox® EEG-

1166 (Braintronics B.V., Gildemark 130, 1351 HL Almere, Netherlands)

driven by in-house written software at 1024 Hz sample frequency and

connected to the computer via galvanically isolated Ethernet.

Figure 16. 63 channel EEG setup following the international 10-20 standard electrode locations (Jasper, 1958), leaving the
64th channel as an analogue event synchronization channel. Sintered Ag/AgCl EEG cap Aegis array
(Sands Research, 955 N Resler Drive Suite 104 #113 El Paso, TX 79912, USA) is used with medium size
(56 – 59 cm head circumference). Sintered Ag/AgCl electrodes with double-sided adhesive rings are placed above/below
the left eye and right/left cantus while ground is placed at glabella for measurement of electro-oculogram (EOG). Reference
electrode is placed to nose tip (not shown) and each channel is amplified and digitalized as unipolar montage by the
commercial isolated 64-channel Brainbox® EEG-1166 amplifier (Braintronics B.V., Gildemark 130, 1351 HL Almere,
Netherlands) connected to the computer via isolated Ethernet.
OneStep electrolytic gel (MedCaT B.V., Fürstenriederstr. 279a, 81377 München, Germany) is injected into the electrodes
by means of standard disposable 10ml syringes with blunt steel tips 15G 0.5’’ Luer-Lock and twisted to abrade skin in order
to keep electrode impedances < 10kΩ.
After each use, the EEG cap is thoroughly cleaned by a soft jet of water, then disinfected for 30 min in 10% GigaseptFF neu
(Schülke & Mayr GmbH, Robert-Koch Str. 2, 22851 Norderstedt, Germany), rinsed again with sterile distilled water and
stored for drying. GigaseptFF neu is a high-performance but anti-corrosive disinfectant used in hospitals for chirurgical and
endoscope instruments.1
GigaseptFF neu was approved by the Robert Koch Institute (Nordufer 20, D-13353 Berlin, Germany) which is part of
the German Federal Ministry of Health, but also part of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
(ECDC), the EU Directorate General Health and Consumers (DG SANCO) and the World Health Organization
(WHO). International laws claim approved disinfection methods of EEG electrodes after each use, contravention is
legally defined as attempted murder and judges usually apply long imprisonment without probation in cases of
dysfunctional disinfection. This very strict practice is mainly meant to avoid the highly infectious and persistent
Hepatitis B virus, causing a disease with still relatively high mortality. The simple buy of EEG hardware implies the
complete knowledge and acceptance of medical device legislation, so common arguments such as “others do not
disinfect either” or “we are not in a hospital, so medical legislation does not apply” is legally irrelevant and can even 50
cause increase of penalties because of proof for intent. Murder and its attempt do never become statute-barred, in
opposite to manslaughter.
The EEG is unavoidably interfered by electro-oculogram (EOG) signals, they
have to be measured in an isolated manner in order to later use special
EOG artifact correction algorithms on the EEG signals. EOG is captured with
Ag/AgCl electrodes fixed by adhesive rings placed above/below the left eye
and right/left lateral canthi while ground is placed at glabella, after cleaning
the skin with 70% isopropanol and cotton wool, abrasion with a commercial
standard sponge (Scotch-Brite, 3M) and repeated cleaning with 70%
isopropanol and cotton wool. Vertical and horizontal EOG signals (vEOG /
hEOG) are amplified and filtered by a battery-driven preamplifier personally
constructed by the author of the present work following circuitry developed
by Usakli and Gurkan (2010), see figure 17 and figure 18. Both filtered and
amplified vEOG and hEOG output signals in the range of ±5 V are connected
by coaxial cable to the data acquisition rack, just as the other analogue
preamplifiers, digitalized at 1024 Hz and written into the final ASCII data-

Figure 17. The EOG amplifier circuit kindly supplied by Usakli and Gurkan (2010) after personal
communication. Only one channel signal-chain is shown, because the circuits for horizontal and
vertical EOG are identical copies.

Figure 18. The battery-driven EOG amplifier personally constructed by the author of the present
work by air wiring technique usually used in electronic prototyping with the two BNC output
connectors. Time for total handiwork needed approx. 150 hours.

In the first stage the EOG signal passes a passive RC low-pass filter (R2,
C2 and R3, C3) with a fCutoff = 15.9 kHz in order to cut off radiofrequency
EMI and other high frequency interferences as e.g. PC monitors or
fluorescent lamps. In the integrated circuit instrumentation amplifier
LT1167 manufactured by Linear Technologies the two glabella referenced
voltages are subtracted from each other and 16 times amplified, so only the
voltages common to the two entrances, i.e. 50 Hz interferences etc. which
affect the two entrances almost in the same proportion, are highly
suppressed: The LT1167 has an extraordinary common-mode rejection ratio
(CMRR) of > 120dB.

In the second stage, the DC offset of the EOG signal is removed by adding
the .015 Hz low-pass filtered output of the instrumentation amplifier to the
original output signal, because they are in opposite phases, thus they are
differentiated, the constant, the DC offset, is removed.

In the third stage, the signal passes a 5th order Bessel low-pass filter in
form of the integrated circuit MAX281. At this stage, the EOG signal is
reduced to the bandwidth at interest .15 – 31 Hz, so e.g. remaining 50 Hz
interferences are filtered out.

The fourth stage contributes the main part of the entire amplification
process. Here, the author of the present work modified the design of

Usakli and Gurkan (2010) by replacing R10 by a 100kΩ trimmer, so the
gain can be easily modified in e.g. a calibration process.

The fifth stage subtracts from the output of stage four its 50 Hz notch-
filtered (10 Hz bandwidth) derivate, so remaining 50 Hz interferences are
highly suppressed another time.

The sixth and last stage is a copy of stage two and removes any DC offset
which may be introduced to the signal as artifacts from the amplification
stages. Horizontal and vertical EOG signals are amplified by two identical
amplifiers, but in this sixth stage the last amplification step is set to gain
G = 3.3 for the vertical and G = 4.7 for the horizontal EOG, due to its
slightly different signal amplitudes. At the end, if R10 is set at 100 kΩ, the
EOG signal was amplified with a total gain of G  16  101 3.3  5332.8 times
for the vertical or G  16  101 4.7  7595.2 times for the horizontal EOG.

Examples of EOG signals measured by the described circuitry are shown in

figure 19.

Figure 19. Horizontal (above) and vertical (below) eye movements represented in the vertical
(blue) and horizontal (red) electro-oculogram (EOG) signals, digitally filtered by a digital 5
order Butterworth low-pass filter with fcutoff = 30 Hz to reject remaining 50 Hz interference without
changing the original signals. Because this example is an uncalibrated test recording, the y-axis
is left without scale.

53 Electrocardiogram ECG – hardware

The electrocardiogram (ECG) are voltage changes of the cyclically repeating

electrical excitations of the heart muscle primarily produced by the
sinoatrial node, which form an oscillating electromagnetic dipole. Because
voltage is measured as the potential difference between two points, this
dipole is observed as the spatial projection of its vector to the axis which is
formed by these two electrodes. An illustrative example is a figure placed
on a spinning plate on which light is projected falling on a screen placed
behind, thus forming a cyclic changing shadow: The angle from where the
light is projected and where the screen is placed determine the shadow
figures. Hence, the form of the measured ECG signal depends on the
location of the projection axis with regard to the heart’s electromagnetic
dipole formed by the two active measuring electrodes, which are both
referenced to a common ground electrode. Hence, not only one unique ECG
electrode location is possible, but their number is theoretically infinite.

There are some distinct systems where to place ECG electrodes on the
body, depending on the purpose or emphasis of the researcher or physician,
generally named by its inventors’ names. Psychophysiologists generally do
not want to diagnose pathological cardiological conditions, but they are
interested in the healthy ECG as a measure of the modulation of the heart
beat due to psychologically induced changes in the outflow of the autonomic
nervous system (ANS). Although also other elements of the electrical heart
cycle can be modulated by the ANS, the most reactive measure is the
temporal distance between two heart beats, more precise, just the moment
between the beginnings of two following contractions of the ventricles, the
so-called interbeat interval (IBI). The beginning of the ventricular
contraction is electrically reflected in the ECG by the so called R peak
(see figure 20), hence psychophysiologists generally chose ECG positions
which maximize the amplitude of the R peak to facilitate its automatic
recognition for IBI calculation. The ECG electrode configuration normally
used in psychophysiology and also used in the present work is the so-called
Nehb lead (see figure 21) with R peaks typically in the range of ≈1 mV.
Economical cheap standard disposable adhesive Ag/AgCl ECG electrodes are
used after degreasing the skin with 70% isopropanol.

Figure 20. Nomenclature of ECG peaks in a standard idealized Einthoven II lead (right arm, left
leg) which is electrically identical as compared to the Nehb lead. The electrical correlate to the
beginning of the ventricular contraction is the R peak which has the largest amplitude of the
ECG biosignal, typically ≈ 1 mV.

Figure 21. ECG electrode positions of Nehb lead, typically used in psychophysiology to
maximize R peaks. Red and green are the active electrode positions for the difference amplifier,
yellow the reference (adapted from

The circuit of the battery driven ECG preamplifier is the same as for the
EOG (see figure 17), but with modifications designed by the author of the
present work: Firstly, in the G = 101 amplification stage, R10 is replaced by
a 50kΩ trimmer because the ECG has larger amplitudes than the EOG, so
not as high gains as for the EOG are needed. Moreover, the two DC remover
stages are modified in order to reliably reject any baseline drifts, a common
analogue problem in ECG recordings: C10, C5, C4 and C13, C12, C11 are
replaced by 47 nF condensers, increasing fCutoff to .24 Hz.

Because the circuit proved excellent functioning in the prototyping
construction for the EOG setup, for the ECG a printed circuit board
construction was preferred. Using the common EAGLE PCB Design
Software 5.0 (CadSoft Computer, 19620 Pines Blvd., Pembroke Pines, FL
33029, USA), the author of the present work first copied the modified circuit
scheme, then manually chose the positions of the components on the board
and as the last step used the autorouter algorithm to design the wiring.
Some manual changes were needed and in the end four wires had to be left
for manual wiring. The layout was etched by phototransfer technique and
holes were drilled manually. The board was then assembled by manual
soldering by the author of the present work in approx. 100 hours
(see figure 22).

Figure 22. Development and assembly of the battery-driven ECG preamplifier. All design work
and handicraft was done personally by the author of the present work in approx. 100 hours.

Figure 23. Typical real-world Nehb lead – ECG digitally filtered by a digital 5th order Butterworth
low-pass filter with fCutoff = 30 Hz to reject the few remaining 50 Hz interference without changing
the original signal. Because this example is an uncalibrated test recording, the y-axis is left
without scale.

A typical Nehb lead-ECG measured with the described battery-driven ECG

preamplifier is shown in figure 23. The output signal in the range of ± 5V is
connected to the rack of the data acquisition board using coaxial cable. Respiratory Rate Vf – hardware

The respiratory system is a complex system with many distinct parameters

which are constantly regulated by the organism. Most of them can only be
observed with quite invasive methodology, as e.g. fixing a spirometry mask
on the face of the subject, placing the person into a spirometry whole body
plethysmograph which is as big as a public telephone call box and moreover
is very expensive, or extracting capillary blood from the ear lobes to
measure the gas saturations in the blood. In the psychophysiology of
subjects in a resting state without higher metabolic demands, only two
respiratory measures are from general interest, the respiratory rate Vf and
the so-called tidal volume VT which is the amount of air being moved from
normal inspiration to normal expiration. Unfortunately, precise
measurements of VT need the described more invasive methods of
spirometry, but Vf can be measured almost non-invasively by nasal
cannulae fixed into subjects’ nostrils connected to a pressure-to-voltage
transducer (see figure 24), the commercial highly sensitive differential
pressure transducer HCLA02x5EB for the range of 0 … ±2.5mbar

(First Sensor AG / SensorTechnics, Niederlassung München, Boschstrasse
10, 82178 Puchheim, Germany). Following the physical principle of a
pitot-tube (Pitot, 1732), velocity of air flow in the nostrils is proportional to
the dynamic pressure induced in the nasal cannulae system. The same
principle is used to measure velocity of air crafts. Because air flow velocity
changes cyclically in the inspiration and expiration process, respiratory rate
Vf can be precisely and quite easily determined from this continuous
dynamic pressure signal by offline spectral analyses. A typical respiratory
signal measured with the described setup is shown in figure 25.

Figure 24. Nasal cannulae used to measure respiratory rate Vf (picture taken from The cannulae’s open end is plugged into a battery-driven
pressure-to-voltage transducer based upon the commercial highly sensitive differential pressure
transducer HCLA02x5EB for the range of 0 … ±2.5mbar (First Sensor AG / SensorTechnics,
Niederlassung München, Boschstrasse 10, 82178 Puchheim, Germany). The output signal of
2.25 ± 2V is connected to the data acquisition rack by coaxial cable.

Figure 25. Typical respiratory signal as measured by the described setup with peaks
corresponding to expirations and valleys to inspirations.

58 Saliva sampling and analyses

In order to measure changes in concentrations or activities of substances of

the neuroendocrinological system, psychophysiologists usually prefer to use
saliva samples, because they do not require painful blood taking by
injection needles. Just before (pre) and just after (post) each experiment,
saliva samples are obtained by passive drool technique collecting
unstimulated saliva into special Salivette® test tubes
(SARSTEDT AG & Co., Sarstedtstraße, Postfach 1220, 51582 Nümbrecht,
Germany): Participants incline their heads and spit out repeatedly the
accumulating saliva via small plastic tubes into the Salivette®, until
sufficient saliva is collected (> 2ml) while the exact time needed is
measured by a chronometer and protocolled. Saliva flow rates in ml / min
are later calculated by measuring each total saliva volume and dividing it by
the protocoled times in minutes. Salivia flow rates were later used to
normalize Salivary Secretory Immunoglobulin A (SIgA) and α–Amylase
concentrations in order to be expressed as secretory velocities, while for
cortisol non-normalized concentrations are used. Immediately after
recollection, samples are flash frozen by immersion into liquid nitrogen at
-196°C and then immediately stored into a freezer at -20°C. After the end
of all experiments, saliva samples were translated in a polystyrene foam
box cooled by CO2 dry ice to the unit of clinical analyses of University
Hospital La Paz (Paseo de la Castellana, 261, 28046 Madrid) associated with
the university of the author of the present work, Universidad Autónoma de
Madrid. Samples were thawed at room temperature and centrifuged for 15
min at 1500 x g in order to separate mucins and other particulate matter
which otherwise might interfere with the assays. Commercial ELISA
microtiter plate assay kits, especially developed and validated for saliva
specimen, were used to measure Cortisol and SIgA: Item No. 1-3002 and
Item No. 1-1602 of Salimetrics Europe Ltd. (Unit 7 Acorn Business Centre,
Oaks Drive, Newmarket, Suffolk, CB8 7SY, United Kingdom). Developing
the kits was done strictly following the manufacturer’s instructions.1 After
developing was finished, absorbances/optical densities of the microtiter

downloadable at and

plates were measured by the commercial automated photometric mircotiter
plate reader system Minilyser with its photometric unit Sunrise (Tecan
Group Ltd., Seestrasse 103, CH-8708 Männedorf, Switzerland) by an optical
filter of 450 nm both for cortisol and SIgA kits. Absorbances of the
standards with known concentrations, measured in doublets, were modelled
by four parameter logistic curve fitting (4PL)2 and with this model the
unknown concentrations were calculated from absorbances. Because the
amount of free wells to measure unknown concentrations on the 96-well
microtiter plate was not sufficient to measure all saliva samples in doublets
and purchasing a second microtiter plate would have been far too
expensive, five randomly selected subjects were measures only in singlets.
Intra-Assay Coefficients of Variability (Intra-Assay CV), as measures of
goodness of practically carrying out the manufacturer’s kit instructions,
were calculated over the remaining doublet measurements by averaging
over all results from individual doublets each time calculated as
SD/M * 100. Overall Intra-Assay CV was for cortisol 7.65 % and for SIgA
5.32% which fulfils the quality requirements that Intra-Assay CV should be
< 10%.

α–Amylase enzyme kinetics was measured by first diluting saliva 1:5 with
standard 0.9% NaCl solution. This dilution then was measured at 37°C
temperature by the hospital’s own very well calibrated system for
measuring serum α–Amylase activity, e.g. for diagnostics of acute
pancreatitis. Because decisions concerning life or death of patients depend
of these measurements and because of frequent round robin tests as
obliged by law, accuracy was trusted and measurement in doublets was not
considered to be necessary. The measurement principle for α–Amylase is a
chromogenic substrate, 2-chlor-4-nitrophenol, which is bound to
maltotriose. α–Amylase hydrolyses this substance, which liberates time-,
temperature- and concentration-dependently 2-chlor-4-nitrophenol which is
measured at 405nm by spectrum–photometry. The quantity of generated 2-
chlor-4-nitrophenol at 37 °C is a direct measure of the α–Amylase activity in
the saliva sample under physiological temperature conditions.

using a free MATLAB-script downloadable at

α–Amylase activities were finally multiplied by five (to take into account the
1:5 dilution) and then normalized by multiplication with saliva flow rates.

That cortisol is valid a marker of the activity of the hypothalamus – pituitary

– adrenal cortex stress axis (HPA), was outlined in the introduction. Cortisol
concentrations show a satisfactory concordance comparing serum vs.
salivary specimen with r = .600 and p < .001, although saliva sampling has
been proven to be even superior to serum samples for measuring HPA,
because the influence of the third variable cortisol-binding globulin (CBG) is
eliminated (Gozansky, Lynn, Laudenslager, & Kohrt, 2005). Thus, saliva
sampling is not only fully feasible for cortisol, but strongly to be preferred
as compared to traditional blood samples. α-Amylase and SIgA have been
discovered as new salivary stress biomarkers reflecting sympathetic
neuromodulation of saliva glands: Many studies showed significant and
pronounced increases of α-Amylase under standardized psychosocial stress
paradigms (e.g. Nater & Rohleder, 2009; Nater et al., 2005; Noto, Sato,
Kudo, Kurata, & Hirota, 2005), while for SIgA acute stress was shown to
trigger increases (e.g. Takatsuji et al., 2008), whereas chronic stress
caused decreases (e.g. Ng et al., 2003).

2.5.3. Digital offline biosignal-processing EEG and EOG

All digital offline biosignal-processing was done in MATLAB 64bit

(The MathWorks, Inc., 3 Apple Hill Drive Natick, MA 01760-2098, USA)
under Windows 7 on a Intel i7-950 quad core 4*3.06GHz PC with 16GB
RAM. In a first step, all recorded data are imported into MATLAB and all
relevant epochs are extracted following the event markers in the data
matrices generated by the experimenter’s manual keystrokes during the
recordings while he hears the same audio channels as played to the
subject’s headphones. All relevant epochs are then merged and the
following prefiltering treatments are applied for each of the 63-channels raw
EEGs and for vEOG/hEOG biosignals sampled at 1024 Hz, see figure 26.

The MATLAB script which automates the preprocessing (described in

figure 26) puts out a final plot with x-axis representing all 63 EEG channels
and two curves which represent linear Pearson correlations of entire vEOG
vs. hEOG biosognals with each entire EEG channel. Reductions of
correlations both for vEOG and hEOG indicate the suspicion of bad channels,
i.e. channels in which electrical contact between electrode and scalp
worsened e.g. due to cap shift due to relevant head movements of the
subject and thus contain too much electronic noise or interferences:
EEG biosignals contain a mixture of both EEG and EOG, thus all EEG
electrodes will show some correlation with pure EOG signals recorded
separately. If this correlation is strongly reduced for both EOG channels,
contamination with electronic noise and interferences is probable. These
probably bad channels identified as described above are noted down to help
later final visual decision whether a channel is considered to be bad or not.

This visual decision is taken after visualizing the 63–channel EEG data by
EEGLAB, a MATLAB toolbox distributed under the free GNU GPL
license (Delorme & Makeig, 2004). Channels identified to be bad are
excluded and data matrix is exported without them, but still containing
vEOG and hEOG channels.

raw EEG (63 channels) raw vEOG / hEOG
@ 1024 Hz sample freq.

linear detrending [ detrend( ) ]

linear detrending [ detrend( ) ]

smoothing filter “loess”

bandwidth reduction to typical EEG
range by 0.5 – 70 Hz bandpass-filter
(8 order Butterworth)

linear detrending [ detrend( ) ]

linear detrending [ detrend( ) ]

bandwidth reduction to typical

cancelation of 50 Hz power line EEG range by 0.5 – 70 Hz
interference by 45 – 55 Hz notch- bandpass-filter (8 order
filter (8 order Butterworth) Butterworth)


all further steps exactly the same

linear detrending [ detrend( ) ] as described for EEG

downsampling to 256 Hz sample

frequency to reduce computation
times of further data processing
[ resample (data, 1, 4) ]

Figure 26. Digital offline pre-processing of raw EEG and EOG biosignals under MATLAB 64bit, raw sample frequency of 1024 Hz is finally reduced to 256 Hz by

Now, EOG artifacts have to be removed/reduced because they have

magnitudes up to approx. 10 times larger than EEG. Here the REG–ICA

method is used (Klados, Papadelis, Braun, & Bamidis, 2011):

First blind source separation (BSS) is computed by independent component

analysis (ICA), then found EEG components which contain EOG artifacts are

adaptively filtered by H-infinity optimal filtering using the information of

vEOG and hEOG channels. Which ICA component contains EOG artifacts is

determined by comparing the fractal dimensions of all ICA components with

those of vEOG/hEOG biosignals. After adaptive filtering, all ICA components

are mixed again with the result that EEG signals are almost not affected,

but that EOG artifacts are eliminated or remarkably reduced. Unfortunately,

REG-ICA is computationally very expensive, processing a typical recording

of the experiments of the present work took 1.5 hours on the high

performance 64bit machine Intel i7-950 quad core 4*3.06GHz PC with 16GB

RAM. Without the previous step of downsampling from 1024 Hz raw sample

frequency to 256 Hz, computing REG-ICA on the described system is

impossible leading without any exception to excess of the available

computational resources with the consequence to produce failures of the

entire computer operating system (“computer crash”). The MATLAB script

for REG–ICA (adapted and developed by the author of the present work)

automatically outputs a plot of linear Pearson correlations for vEOG vs.

hEOG with each treated vs. non–treated EEG channel and thus offers a

visual control of REG–ICA’s efficacy which can be quite different among

distinct data sets.

Now, the formerly excluded bad channels have to be reconstructed to

complete the REG–ICA treated EEG matrix to the final 63 channels.

This is done by interpolation of the missing bad channel from the

information of its nearby-located channels by spherical spline interpolation

(Perrin, Pernier, Bertrand, & Echallier, 1989, 1990), as implemented in


This preprocessed 63–channel EEG matrix together with vEOG/hEOG signals

is separated into single epochs, Verum and Placebo stimuli epochs are cut

into 5x5min epochs. Epochs are then visualized in EEGLAB and

manually–visually all remaining EOG, EMG or movement artifacts are cut

out, i.e. are rejected. This manual process is very time consuming and

requires advanced experience and concentration, for one experiment

approx. four hours are needed. After this manual artifact rejection process,

all relevant artifacts are completely excluded.

These pre-processed and artifact–cleaned epochs of EEG data are now

merged again and a Laplacian spatial filter is applied using the MATLAB

toolbox Current Source Density (CSD) 1.1 (Kayser & Tenke, 2006; Kayser,

2009). Expressing scalp EEG signals from original Volt–changes in time now

as Amperes/m2– changes in time offers reduction of “spatial smear” due to

volume conduction and thus remarkably improves resolution of scalp

topographies (Kayser & Tenke, 2006). This technique aims to approximate

the local current density flowing into the scalp perpendicularly to the skull.

The physics behind is that scalp current density (SCD) with units

Amperes/square meter can be calculated by assuming scalp conductivity

(units are Siemens/meter) and calculating surface Laplacian–transform of

scalp potentials (resulting units of Laplace–transform are Volts/square

meter) using the following equation: SCD = -1 * scalp conductivity *

Laplacian of scalp potential (Perrin, Bertrand, & Pernier, 1987).3

The resulting time domain EEG signals (now expressed in Amperes/m2–

changes in time) are now converted into frequency domain by sliding-

window FFT transform with window size of 1024 sample points which

corresponds to 4 sec at 256 Hz sample frequency and a sliding shift of 8

sample points which corresponds to 32 points per sec in the output signals.

Before calculating each FFT, first a linear detrending and second a

Hann–window function is applied each time to each set of 1024 data points

in each analysis window. FFT coefficients are normalized to their number,

i.e. divided by 512, squared to obtain the power spectrum and then

summed up in each EEG frequency band of interest, see table 3.

A short and comprehensible explanation of the physics of scalp current density (CSD) was published
online by Dr. Darren L. Weber at

Table 3. EEG frequency bands of interested for which relative spectral power will be calculated
by sliding–window FFT transform. Definition of frequency bands follows the EEG standard text
book of Zschocke and Hansen (2012).

name EEG frequency band [ Hz ]

delta 0.5 – 3.5

deltaRECHkales 0.5 – 2.0

theta 3.5 – 7.5

thetaLowNarrow 4.5 – 5.5
thetaLow 3.5 – 6.6
thetaHigh 6.5 – 7.5
theta1 3.5 – 4.5
theta2 4.5 – 5.5
theta3 5.5 – 6.5
theta4 6.5 – 7.5

alpha 7.5 – 12.5

alphaLow 7.5 – 9.0
alphaHigh 9.0 – 12.5
alpha1 7.5 – 8.5
alpha2 8.5 – 9.5
alpha3 9.5 – 10.5
alpha4 10.5 – 11.5
alpha5 11.5 – 12.5

sleepSpindleRangeALL 11.0 – 16.0

sleepSpindleRange12Hz 11.5 – 12.5
sleepSpindleRange14Hz 13.5 – 14.5

betalow 12.5 – 18.0

betamid 18.0 – 24.0
betahigh 24.0 – 30.0

gamma1 30.0 – 40.0

gamma2 40.0 – 46.0
gamma3 54.0 – 120.0
gammaNarrow 38.5 – 41.5

totalSpectrumWide 0.5 – 120.0

totalSpectrumNarrow 0.5 – 70.0

Frequency bands are defined as recommended in the EEG standard text

book of Zschocke and Hansen (2012) and because alpha and theta bands
are of special interest in the present work, they are also subdivided into
1 Hz bands.

In order to express the frequency domain transformed signals as relative

spectral powers, every resulting data point (32 points per sec) of every
specific EEG frequency band is divided by its corresponding data point in
totalSpectrumNarrow (0.5 – 70 Hz). Thus, spectral powers are expressed as
proportions of total power, i.e. as amount of contribution to total power in

every moment of the 32 points per sec. Because relative spectral powers
usually show a skewed statistical distribution, in the advanced EEG
literature a logit–transformation is recommended to achieve approx.
Gaussian normal distributions (see Fernández et al., 1995; most relevant:
Gasser, Bächer, & Möcks, 1982; John et al., 1980; Pollock, Schneider, &
Lyness, 1991):

The entire sliding–window FFT transform MATLAB script (entirely developed

and programmed by the author of the present work) needs for a typical
experiment (Verum or Placebo) approx. four hours computation time under
Windows 7 64bit on the Intel i7-950 quad core 4*3.06GHz PC with 16GB
RAM, thus for all N = 12 subjects approx. 96 hours. Taking into account
that for every electrode for every subject’s Verum or Placebo condition
approx. 60 000 FFT calculations are performed for each EEG channel and
the final MATLAB workspace for the output of results for all subjects
contains a data volume of approx. 30 GBytes (yet compressed into a binary
*.mat – file), so these remarkable computation times are understandable.

Now, for each subject, for Verum vs. Placebo, for each EEG electrode, each
epoch and each EEG frequency band arithmetic means of the
logit-transformed EEG power time series are computed and used as input
for further statistical analyses, i.e. EEG biosignals under Verum and Placebo
stimuli conditions are represented each time as five arithmetic means
representing 5·5 min.

67 ECG

The raw ECG signal sampled at 1024 Hz is digitally detrended in MATLAB

and then imported into the MATLAB-based, but stand-alone program
ARTiiFACT 2.4. 64bit - A tool for heart rate artifact processing and heart
rate variability analysis (Kaufmann, Sütterlin, Schulz, & Vögele, 2011).
Under ARTiiFACT, first of all, ECG signal is 4 Hz highpass-filtered, using the
built-in filter function of the program, then a threshold is defined following
visual inspection in order to detect R – peaks of the ECG and in order to
obtain the interbeat–interval (IBI) time series, see figure 27.

Figure 27. Conversion of ECG signal into raw interbeat–interval (IBI) time series by automated
detection of R –peaks realized with the program ARTiiFACT 2.4. 64bit - A tool for heart rate
artifact processing and heart rate variability analysis (Kaufmann et al., 2011).

Raw IBI time series are then processed by the program’s module detect and

process artifacts in IBI data which offers automatic artifact detection with

the possibility of manual modifications. This step is very important because

only a few artifacts in IBI time series can distort the later results

remarkably. For finally deriving heart rate variability (HRV) parameters,

these processed IBI time series are exported in ASCII–text files and

imported to another MATLAB–based, but stand–alone program Kubios HRV

2.1 (Tarvainen, Niskanen, Lipponen, Ranta-Aho, & Karjalainen, 2009),

a typical analysis output is shown in figure 28.

Figure 28. Typical analysis output of the heart rate variability
(HRV) program Kubios HRV 2.1 (Tarvainen et al., 2009)
parameterizing IBI time series in time, frequency and nonlinear
domain for operationalization of parasympathetic outflow to the
heart and other phenomena. 69
Kubios 2.1 is used with parameters set to default values (no artifact
correction, frequency definitions VLF = 0 – 0.04 Hz, LF = 0.04 – 0.15 Hz,
HF = 0.15 – 0.4 Hz, interpolation rate 4 Hz, FFT spectrum window width =
256, window overlap = 50%, AR model order = 16, no factorization) with
the exception of remove trend components set to first order. All epochs, in
the case of Verum and Placebo 5·5 min epochs, are analysed by Kubios 2.1
with the mentioned parameters and exported as MATLAB binary data files
*.mat for final statistical analyses. Kubios 2.1 outputs parameters
describing heart rate variability (HRV) in time, frequency and nonlinear
domain, a short explication of each parameter is reported in the Kubios HRV
2.1 manual4.

For the present work, only a subset of the most important HRV parameters
is used for further analysis (see table 4), the most relevant is HFpower
normalized to total power being expressed in percentage: Because the
acetylcholinergic synapses of the parasympathetic nerves modulating heart
rate work remarkably faster than the noradrenergic synapses of the
sympathicus, and also faster than the relatively slow effect of adrenaline on
heart rate via β1–adrenoreceptors liberated due to activation of the
hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis in the medulla glandulae suprarenalis
and its transportation to the heart by systemic blood circulation,
modulations of HRV above 0.15 Hz can only be caused by parasympathetic
modulations. Spectral power of HRV in the range of 0.15-0.4 Hz is defined
as high frequency power (HF) and is a classical pure parasympathetic
parameter, confirmed by many pharmacological and chirurgical
experiments: When changes in HRV–HF power are observed while
respiratory rate Vf and the so-called tidal volume VT do not show relevant
changes (see Ritz & Dahme, 2006), then changes in HRV–HF powers validly
reflect changes of parasympathetic outflow to the heart. Now, the general
hypothesis concerning parasympathetic changes can be further specified:

“If the Binaural Beat stimulus employed in the present work indeed might
lead to changes in levels of arousal during its duration, then the classical
parasympathetic HRV–parameter normalized HF power expressed in
percentage should show significant change over time.”

Table 4. Subset of the heart rate variability (HRV) parameters used in the present work for
further statistical analyses. A short explanation of each parameter is given in the manual of the
program Kubios HRV (Tarvainen et al., 2009), downloadable at

HRV–parameter unit

MeanRR ms
pNN50 percentage
HRVtriangularIndex dimensionless

AR_PeakHF Hz

FFT_HFpower ms2
FFT_HFpower percentage
FFT_LFpower ms2
FFT_LFpower percentage

AR_HFpower ms
AR_HFpower percentage
AR_LFpower percentage
AR_LFpower ms2

Because percentage is just another form to express ratios, the same

argumentation given for relative EEG spectral powers applies to HRV-HF
powers: Data transformation by logit–transform is recommended to
transform skewed statistical distributions into Gaussian normal distributions
(see above, most relevant Gasser et al., 1982). Log– and logit–
transformations of HRV parameters are frequently used and recommended
in cardiology literature. Although maybe this transformation might be
perceived as quite arbitrary, an excellent justification for these data
transformations is given by Kerkhoff and Enquist (2009) published in the
Journal of Theoretical Biology:

“[…] The default status of the additive error model is perhaps on the deeper assumption
that arithmetic scales are somehow truer or more intuitive, and that log-transformation
thus represents a distortion of the ‘real’ data. However, recent research strongly
challenges the assumption that arithmetic scales are more natural. […]
Log-transformation is not simply a statistical convenience. It is indeed a non-linear
transformation, but it places numbers into a geometric domain in which proportional
deviations are represented consistently, independent of the scale and units of
measurement. But more importantly, it is often appropriate in biology because many
biological phenomena (e.g. growth, reproduction, metabolism, sensation) are
fundamentally multiplicative, and likely conform more closely to a geometric error
model. […] However, we should not try to force a geometric biological world into an
arithmetic box simply because we learn to count on our fingers. Log-transformation is
entirely appropriate, indeed necessary, for […] many other problems in biology.”

71 Respiratory Rate Vf

Because HRV–HF power only purely reflects parasympathetic outflow to the

heart under the condition that respiratory rate Vf and the so-called
tidal volume VT do not show significant changes, respiration has to be
measured and analysed for proper HRV interpretation (see Ritz & Dahme,
2006). While tidal volume VT can only be measured by more invasive
spirometry, Vf can be derived quite easily from the nasal cannulae pressure
signal by spectral analysis using the SPTool from the MATLAB’s signal
processing toolbox using Welch as method with Nfft = 60*5*1024,
Nwindows = 30*1024, window type = hanning and overlap = 0. Mean
respiratory rate Vf can be easily determined by manually measuring the
frequency of the corresponding characteristic peak, see figure 29. Mean Vf
of every epoch is manually measured and stored in a MATLAB binary *.m
file for final statistical analyses.

Figure 29. Mean respiratory rate Vf can be easily determined directly in Hz with
spectral analyses by manually measuring the frequency of the corresponding characteristic
peak using SPTool from MATLAB’s signal processing toolbox.

2.6. Experimental procedures

After subjects were invited to the first experimental session, presentation

order was determined by a third person, who was not involved in the
experiments, a colleague of the experimenter flipping a coin. This third
person renamed the prepared audio tracks for Verum or Placebo to neutral
descriptors subjectIdentifier_A.wav and subjectIdentifier_B.wav, where A
indicates the first experimental session, and B the second. These audio
tracks were copied to the SD card of the professional audio player.
Thus, neither the experimenter nor the subject knew which session
contained the Verum and which the Placebo stimulus (double–blind).
After the end of each second session, the experimenter opened a prepared
envelope which informed about the presentation order. Presentation order
was organized by this third person in such a way that 50% of the subjects
received in the first session Verum and in the second Placebo and the
remaining rest of 50% vice versa. Subjects were invited to come at 10:00
o’clock in the morning to the laboratory in order to do the experiments in
moments of circadian patterns where falling asleep is minimized and
because cortisol and other hormones show a pronounced circadian pattern
with peaks in the morning (for a review about circadian pattern of hormone
liberation see: Tsang, Barclay, & Oster, 2014). Although done at the same
hours of the day, subject’s chronotypes (Adan et al., 2005) of morningness
or eveningness could lead to chronobiological biases and thus were
excluded in the recruitment screening, so that only the indifferent
chronotypes remained. Before the first session, subjects were informed
roughly about the purpose of the experiments (without explicitly
communicating the hypotheses), that differences between Verum vs.
Placebo stimuli cannot be heard consciously and that presentation order will
remain double–blinded until the end of the second session.

In order to try to control unspecific factors which might influence the

arousal level of subjects, in the interpersonal interaction they were treated
in a highly empathetic, but in a rather neutral–distant way aiming to
establish the feeling of trust in order to reduce possible fears or
uncertainties and to maintain attention and interest.

Subjects were treated in a way that they felt in control over the situation all
the time. The room with the experimental setup was kept at 22 ° C by air

After connecting all sensors/electrodes, verifying EEG impedances < 10 kΩ

and checking quality of biosignals, subjects sat down on the lounger
(see figure 14). First, subjects were instructed by a 10 min recording played
back via loudspeakers to move their eyes in an exactly defined manner
using a fixation point and numbers attached to the walls, as to be seen in
figure 30. This first experimental phase aimed to generate standardized
EOG artifacts to later entrain the REG-ICA offline–algorithm used to correct
EEG signals for interfering EOG artifacts by merging this approx. 10 min
recording with the experimental phases of interest.

Figure 30. View from the subjects’ perspective sitting down on the lounger (see figure 14) in the
grounded steel mesh shield protecting for electromagnetic interferences. A fixation point and
numbers attached to the door/wall in combination with a 10 min recording played back via
loudspeakers indicated how subjects had to move their eyes in order to generate standardized
EOG artifacts used in order to later entrain the offline–algorithm used to correct EEG signals for
EOG artifacts.

Now, after a short rest of 5 min, headphones were put on subjects’ heads
and three baseline conditions were recorded by instructions played back via
headphones: (i) 3 min eyes open fixing the point attached to the wall,

(ii) 3 min eyes closed and (iii) 3 min mindwandering with eyes closed in
which subjects are instructed to vividly imagine/remember their daily way
to university or to their work. Without any pause and still with eyes closed,
the recorded voice then explained the pre saliva sampling in which subjects
had to incline their heads and fill a prepared test tube with saliva using a
small plastic tube while the experimenter measured the time needed by a
chronometer. Pre saliva samples were immediately flash frozen by
immersion in liquid nitrogen at −196 °C, then the experimenter left the
room for some minutes in order to store the sample into a freezer at
−20 °C while subjects waited on the lounger. An overview of the
experiments’ timeline is given in table 5.
Table 5. Overview of the experiments’ timeline for one single session. Verum or Placebo sessions
are identical (with the exception of the employed stimuli), took place with > one week temporal
distance, presentation order was randomly assigned (50% of the subjects Verum – Placebo vs.
remaining 50% Placebo – Verum ) and was unknown for subject and experimenter (double – blind).

hour duration Event

10:00 45:00 subject enters the laboratory,

in the first session the theoretical background is roughly explained to the subjects
without mentioning the exact hypotheses, that Verum and Placebo cannot be
consciously distinguished and that neither experimenter nor subject know the randomly
assigned presentation order (randomized double – blind)

10:45 1:00:00 subject and experimenter enter the recording room kept at 22° C by air condition,
connecting and checking all sensors/electrodes, verifying EEG impedances < 10 kΩ

11:45 10:00 instructions via loudspeakers for

standardized EOG artifact generation phase

11:55 5:00 short rest

12:00 15:00 initial instructions via headphones,

standardized baselines phases:
3 min eyes open  3 min eyes open  3 min mindwandering with eyes closed,
instructions for saliva sampling

12:15 10:00 saliva sampling PRE

12:25 1:00:00 headphones with eyes closed,

experimental/treatment phase (Verum or Placebo) consisting of:
30min relaxation exercise, 25min stimulus Verum or Placebo

13:25 10:00 saliva sampling POST

13:35 3:00 headphones with eyes closed,

control condition with 3 min exciting music

13:38 10:00 retrospective psychometry

by paper – pencil version of the Phenomenology of Consciousness Inventory (PCI)
(Pekala, 1991, 2009) in its Spanish translation

13:48 10:00 non-structured interview for subjective phenomenology

≈ 14:00 subject leaves,

hair washing in the bathroom because of electrode gel used for EEG

The exact wording of the played back baseline recording instructions in
Spanish language was as follows, for non–Spanish speaking readers a
translation into English is provided in the appendix of the present work:

“ Después de haberte colocado y probado todos los sensores, vamos a empezar ya con
el experimento. A partir de ahora, todo lo importante lo vas a escuchar por los
auriculares. Los sensores son bastante sensibles, por eso tienes que ayudarnos evitar
que haya interferencias..

Por favor, durante el experimento, no hables nada, solamente concéntrate en mi voz.

– Cierra ahora tus ojos; tus ojos deben estar cerrados durante casi todo el
experimento, es muy importante: mantén tus ojos cerrados. Aunque estén cerrados,
intenta no moverlos mucho. Los movimientos oculares pueden causar interferencias en
los sensores. En cualquier caso, no tienes que concentrarte en esto especialmente,
solamente deja tus ojos cerrados y relajados.

Vamos a hacer una prueba ahora, que luego NO debes hacer: Mueve tus ojos cerrados
AHORA tan rápido como puedas, de derecha a izquierda, de derecha a izquierda, ida y
vuelta, sigue…sigue…BIEN, ya está.
Ahora hacemos lo mismo, pero de arriba a abajo, mueve AHORA tus ojos tan rápido
que puedas de arriba a abajo…sigue….sigue…MUY BIEN. Ya sabes, lo que son los
movimientos oculares. A partir de ahora, deja tus ojos cerrados y quietos;
tranquiiiilos; relajados.

Otra cosa que tienes que intentar evitar es…apretar los dientes. Vamos a probarlo,
aunque luego NO lo hagas tú: Aprieta ahora tus dientes primero ligeramente, y ya está,
¡suelta! … [3seg pausa] Repítelo, aprieta ahora tus dientes ligeramente, y ya está,
¡suelta! … [3seg pausa] Y por última vez, aprieta ahora tus dientes fueeertemente, y ya
está, ¡suelta! … En el experimento, intenta NO apretar tus dientes, mover mucho la
mandíbula, la lengua o tragar mucho…todo esto puede interferir con los sensores. Si
tuvieras que hacerlo, hazlo rápido, pero suavemente. Tampoco te concentres
demasiado en esto, solamente deja tu mandíbula quieeeta y relejaaada.

Finalmente, lo más importante es que no muevas tu cabeza, tu cuerpo, tus brazos o tus
piernas; intenta quedarte quieto, búscate ahora una posición cómoda e intenta NO
moverte. Si no lo puedes evitar, hazlo rápido, pero suavemente. Si por ejemplo te pica
algo, es peor que luches contra el picor que rascarte rápidamente, pero suavemente. A
partir de ahora, intenta quedarte quieto.

Desde ahora el experimento durará unos 30 minutos y va a consistir en tres fases. Por
favor, no hables nada hasta que te diga que el experimento ha finalizado.

Ya, empezamos con la fase uno: Por última vez en el experimento, abre tus ojos
AHORA. Vamos a grabar tu estado habitual, lo que se llama en ciencia “línea de base”.
Mira, hay un punto blanco colgado en la puerta, ¿lo ves? Vale, vamos a hacer una
cosa: fija tus ojos en este punto e intenta no mover tus ojos… intenta no parpadear
mucho, solamente si te molesta y hazlo rápidamente, pero suavemente. Es un minuto y
medio, empezamos YA: FIJATE EN EL PUNTO…sigue…30 segundos, muy bien… un
minuto, muy bien… ya está. Relájate y cierra ahora tus ojos, ciérralos, no los muevas
mucho, intenta quedarte quieto.
[3min pausa]

Muy bien, AHORA, quiero que te imagines una cosa tan real como puedas, cuando
diga “YA”, pero solamente durante un minuto y medio…Imagínate ahora tu camino
diario al trabajo, o a la universidad o simplemente un camino que conoces muy bien.
Imagínate ahora, con todo detalle, los colores, los sonidos, los olores, como dejas tu
casa y como empiezas ese camino. Empezamos…YA…[3min pausa] Muy bien, ya
hemos grabado tu estado habitual con todos los sensores, la línea de base, con ojos

cerrados… Mantén tus ojos cerrados y quédate quieto…Necesitamos también analizar
los cambios en tus hormonas, la línea de base de tus hormonas. Usamos una
tecnología moderna, funciona con una simple muestra de saliva. Es bastante simple,
solamente necesitamos un mililitro de saliva. Ahora, te explico como lo hacemos: luego,
cuando te diga “YA”, vas a abrir tus ojos y te vas a inclinar con todo tu cuerpo en la
silla hacia adelante, inclinando también tu cabeza un poco hacia abajo. Los científicos
te darán una pajita de plástico en una mano y un tubito especial de ensayo en la otra.
Cuando el científico te diga “YA”, tragarás una vez toda la saliva que estaba en tu boca,
para eliminarla, pon rápidamente la pajita en tu boca y el otro extremo en el tubito de
ensayo. Mientras el científico toma el tiempo con el reloj, tu tarea es… continuamente
recolectar un poco de saliva en tu boca, sin hacer nada más que esperar un rato,
echarlo a través de la pajita en el tubo de ensayo, recolectar otro poco y echarlo, hasta
que te digan “YA ESTÁ”. Así pues, vamos a tomar un mililitro de saliva: el tiempo que
necesitas para recolectarlo no será más de 3 minutos. Después de que tendremos este
mililitro, vas a dar al científico la pajita y el tubo de ensayo, y tú simplemente te pondrás
otra vez cómodo en la silla, buscando una posición cómoda. Vas a cerrar otra vez tus
ojos y vas a quedarte quieto como antes. El científico saldrá de la habitación durante
unos minutos con tu prueba de saliva, para dejarla en el frigorífico. Mientras estas solo,
te imaginaras mentalmente otra vez el camino de tu casa hacia el trabajo, la
universidad o lo que te has imaginado antes. Vas a escuchar como el científico regresa
a la habitación y después de un rato vas a escuchar otra vez mi voz a través de los
auriculares y el experimento seguirá.

Ahora, cuando te diga “YA”, vas a abrir tus ojos y te vas a inclinar con todo tu cuerpo en
la silla hacia adelante, inclinando también tu cabeza un poco hacia abajo y el científico
te dará la pajita y el tubo de ensayo...Prepárate, empezamos…”¡YA!”. [El científico
marca este momento en el registro como cambio de fase experimental, y marca cuando
empieza otra vez la voz] “

After the experimenter returned to the room, now the real

experimental/treatment part Verum vs. Placebo started, instructions and
stimuli were again played back via headphones with eyes closed during this
entire part. In order to start the stimulation with subjects having reached a
maximal relaxed state, a 30 min relaxation exercise was played back which
intersected at its end directly with the following 25 min Verum vs. Placebo
stimulus. After it, subjects were again instructed for the post saliva
sampling. The exact wording of the previous relaxation exercise and post
saliva sampling in Spanish language was as follows, translation into English
is provided in the appendix of the present work:

“ Aquí me escuchas otra vez. Simplemente concéntrate a mi voz. Seguimos con el

experimento. Ponte cómodo, deja los ojos cerrados, intenta no moverlos mucho y
quédate quieto, ya lo conoces. La fase uno del experimento ya ha terminado y ahora,
empezamos la fase dos del experimento:
Ahora tu tarea es que te relajes tan profundamente como puedas. Disfruta de la
tranquilidad aquí, siente el sillón, siente que cómodo es estar en él. Intenta no pensar
en nada particular, simplemente déjate llevar un rato con la música, no pienses en nada
en especial, intenta dejar tu mente en blanco. Déjate llevar un rato por la música…

Simplemente escucha la música y mi voz. La música cambiará luego a un sonido

especial. Vamos, a trabajar con tu fantasía: te voy a pedir que te imagines algunas
cosas mentalmente; tu tarea será imaginártelas lo más real que puedas, como si fuera

una película y tú estuvieses dentro de ella. – Puede que mi voz, y lo que vayas a
imaginarte, te resulte quizás un poco extraño al principio – solamente espera un poco:
Te vas a acostumbrar poco a poco. Lo importante es que intentes imaginártelo todo tan
real como puedas.
No tienes que hacer nada, simplemente estás en el sillón. Ahora, lo importe es mi voz.
No tienes que hacer nada, solamente escuchar: Disfruta de la tranquilidad y relájate.

Tu conciencia deja ahora poco a poco la realidad del exterior – tu atención se

concentra más y más en tu mundo interior… tu conciencia se sumerge más y más en tu

Todo lo que viene de fuera, ya no tiene ninguna importancia: Los sonidos de fuera, las
luces de fuera, - todo lo de fuera te da igual ahora, ya no tiene ninguna importancia:
Simplemente estás aquí, tranquiiiiiilo, quieeeeeeto y agradablemente relajaaaaaado. -
Déjate llevar – más y más sumérgete en tu interior, más y más profundamente. Déjate
El tiempo pasa ahora más y más leeento, más y más lento; no tiene ninguna

Tu cuerpo está relajado y va a dormirse ahora, pero tu mente se queda despierta – en

un estado tranquiiiiiilo, quieeeeeeto y agradablemente relajaaaaaado.

Voy a contar ahora hacia atrás – del 6 al 1, cada vez estarás más relajado:

Seis – La frente, los músculos y nervios de la frente se relajan, se dejan llevar.

Cinco – Las mejillas, los músculos y nervios de las mejillas se relajan.

Cuatro – El cuero cabelludo, tus músculos y nervios se relajan. – La cabeza está

quieta, ligera y relajada.

Tres – Ahora relaja el cuello, la nuca, los hombros, los brazos y las manos – todos los
músculos y nervios se relajan.

Dos – la relajación se extiende desde el cuello, baja por el pecho, el vientre, por las
piernas hasta los pies – todos los músculos y nervios se relajan.

Uno – la relajación sube por la espalda, la espalda se relaja, la columna vertebral se

relaja – todos los músculos y nervios se relajan.

Todo el cuerpo está relajado, se relaja totalmente. Pero tu mente está despierta – en un
estado tranquiiiiiilo, quieeeeeeto y agradablemente relajaaaaaado.

Ahora, deja todos tus pensamientos y sentimientos de lado – mientras estés aquí en el
sillón. Los pensamientos y sentimientos pasan como nubes, vienen y se van –
vieeeenen...y se van – no tienen ninguna importancia ahora. Si una imagen o un
pensamiento se queda, di mentalmente: “Dejo eso ahora, me dejo llevar”. Los
pensamientos y sentimientos no tienen ninguna importancia ahora, son nubes, que
vienen y se van, déjate llevar. – Ahora el tiempo pasa cada vez más y más lentamente,
el tiempo no tiene ninguna importancia. Los pensamientos y sentimientos pasan como
nubes, vieeenen y se vaaan, no tienen ninguna importancia, déjate llevar.

Ahora, imagínate vivamente que estás en un prado, - tu estás en un prado – echa un

vistazo: es un prado de hierba suave, con flores de todos los colores, - escucha como
revolotean las mariposas entre las flores, - es un sonido muy suave, escucha como
revolotean y buscan néctar, mira cuan suave son las mariposas, suaves y sensibles –
huele como las flores emanan sus aromas: Solo hay paz y tranquilidad… Hace una
tarde maravillosa de primavera. El sol brilla, brilla suavemente y hace una temperatura
muy agradable para ti.

Ahora estás andando por el prado, lentamente. El prado termina en un lago grande de
agua pura y cristalina que reluce azul. Mira qué bello es el lago. A los lejos ves una
montaña grande, que se eleva hacia el cielo. El prado, el lago y la montaña son muy
Sobre esta montaña ves ahora, bastante lejos, una pantalla enorme. Aunque está lejos,
puedes verla bien. - Todas las imágenes, pensamientos y recuerdos, que te llegan,
aparecen en esa pantalla sobre la montaña – lejos de ti. Al igual que pasa en la
pantalla, en el prado delante del lago estás absolutamente seguro. Es como estar en el
cine: Por muchas cosas que pasen en la pantalla, tu estás seguro en tu sillón de cine –
el prado es tu sillón de cine. En el prado estás completamente libre. El prado es tu
interior, aquí estás a salvo, aquí hay paz.

Siempre hay algo que ver en la pantalla, allí hay una secuencia de imágenes. No son
reales, son imágenes, construcciones que el cerebro produce permanentemente. A
veces somos conscientes de ello, a veces no – pero la secuencia de imágenes nunca
se corta, se produce automáticamente. Las imágenes no son reales, sólo son
proyecciones a la pantalla – lejos de ti en las montañas. Esa cascada de imágenes es
como la sangre que fluye permanentemente por tu cuerpo.
Aunque siempre que hay algo que ver en la pantalla tú tienes el poder de tomar la
decisión de verlo o no. Siempre eres tú el que tiene el control y en el prado delante del
lago estás seguro y a salvo. Si algo aparece en la pantalla que no te gusta – no tienes
por qué verla, sólo espera a que la imagen se haya ido o cambie.

Deja todos tus pensamientos y sentimientos de lado – durante el tiempo que estés aquí
en el sillón. Los pensamientos y sentimientos pasan como nubes, vieeennen y se van,
vieeenen y se van. Si una imagen, si un pensamiento se queda, di mentalmente: “Dejo
eso, me dejo llevar”. El tiempo pasa más y más lentamente, no tiene ninguna
importancia. Los pensamientos y sentimientos pasan como nubes, déjate llevar. Nada
importa ahora, déjate llevar.

Ahora la música va a cambiar por un sonido, déjate llevar hasta que mi voz te
despierte. Ahora la música va a cambiar por un sonido, que se mueve lentamente
alrededor de tu cabeza … déjate llevar por ese sonido. No voy a hablar mientras
escuchas. Si una imagen, si un pensamiento se queda, di mentalmente: “Dejo eso, me
dejo llevar”. Los pensamientos y sentimientos pasan como nubes, vienen y se van,
ninguno tiene importancia ahora. ¡Déjate llevar! ¡Suéltate! ¡Déjate llevar! ¡Suéltate!
¡Dejate llevar por el sonido!

[25 min estimulo Verum vs. Placebo Binaural Beats]

[con la voz baja] Ya estoy contigo, de nuevo...Ojos cerrados, quédate quieto. [ya con la
voz normal] Ya empieza la fase tres del experimento. Ojos cerrados, quédate quieto.

Ahora, vamos a seguir con el experimento. Necesitamos tomar otra muestra de saliva;
es exactamente lo mismo que hemos hecho antes. Cuando te digo “YA”, te inclinaras y
te daremos la pajita y otro tubo de ensayo…Empezamos…”¡YA!” “

After the experimenter entered the room having flash frozen and stored the
post saliva sample into the freezer, subjects closed again their eyes and the
final control condition with 3 min exciting music was played back. The exact
wording of the control condition in Spanish language was as follows,
translation into English is provided in the appendix of the present work:

“ Me escuchas otra vez. Simplemente concéntrate en mi voz. Seguimos con el
experimento. [con la voz baja] Ojos cerrados, quédate quieto. [ya con la voz normal] Ya
empieza la fase cuatro del experimento. Ojos cerrados, quédate quieto.

[Música estimulante, 3 minutos: Junior Senior - Move Your Feet mesclado con música
tecno, mezclada cíclicamente cambiando stereo –panning para evocar estrés]
El experimento ya ha finalizado, pero quédate en el sillón, luego te vamos a quitar los
Abre tus ojos YA, inspira fueeerte y expulsa el aire fuertemente…otra vez… inspira
fuerte, expira fuerte y por última vez, inspira fuerte, expira fuerte… Estás
completamente de vuelta en la realidad, estás en un sillón en un experimento de la
Universidad. Gracias por participar, quédate en el sillón. ¡Estás completamente de
vuelta en la realidad! El experimento ya ha finalizado. ”

Immediately after the end of the played back audio track, headphones were
taken off subject’s heads for improving comfort and the paper–pencil
version of the psychometric instrument Phenomenology of Consciousness
Inventory (PCI) (Pekala, 1991) was given to the subjects. After they had
completed the questionnaire, subjects were interviewed shortly in a
non-structured interview for subjective phenomenology, with a focus on
experience of changes in time sense, body scheme, mental imagery,
convergent vs. divergent thought style etc. Special interest was paid on
signs of regression to primary object relations, changes of ego boundaries
and material related to primary processes. Due to international accepted
strict rules for safety of psychoanalytic processes, especially for situations
with possible regression to primary object relations, collaborators were
strictly instructed to never enter the experimental room during the
experiments, indicated by a sign attached outside the door. Following the
psychoanalytic rule of abstinence, personal contact with the subjects was
strictly avoided after the experiments, except responding eMails asking for
the results. Interviews with the subjects were protocolled by paper–pencil
for documentation.

After taking off all sensors/electrodes, the experimenter reassured following

his academic training that subjects did not show possible signs of hypnotism
any more, that defense mechanisms were again normal and that subjects
were completely oriented in reality; then they were said good-bye and left
the building.

2.7. Statistical methods

Biomedical data are often non-normally distributed and frequently contain

outliers, so the use of parametric inferential statistical tests (e.g. t-test,
ANOVA) is limited. The alternative of non-parametric methodology is often
regarded as problematic due to alleged less statistical power. This common
belief is often inadequate as will be explained in the following.

2.7.1. Wilcoxon signed–rank test

The Wilcoxon signed–rank test was proposed by the chemist and statistician

Frank Wilcoxon at the end of the Second World War to investigate if two

dependent samples differ in their central tendencies as a non–parametric

alternative to the Student's dependent t-test for paired samples (Wilcoxon,

1945). The Wilcoxon signed–rank test contrasts the null hypothesis H0 that

the median difference between the pairs is zero, while its alternative

hypothesis H1 is that median difference is not zero. Blair and Higgins (1985)

researched the statistical test power of the Wilcoxon signed–rank test

comparing it to the Student's dependent t-test for paired samples in

multiple Monte Carlo simulations under different population shapes

assuming a relative small sample size of N = 10: Normal, uniform, double,

exponential, truncated normal, log-normal, chi-square or Cauchy were

tested. Only under normal Gaussian distribution the Student's

t-test for paired samples had a small, but practically negligible advantage in

power, but for all the other shapes, the Wilcoxon signed–rank test showed

better powers. The authors concluded that when the shape of population

distribution is unknown or uncertain, the use of the Wilcoxon signed–rank

test clearly has more advantages and even if Gaussian normality is given,

no relevant disadvantages are accepted. This study of Blair and Higgins

(1985) suggests that the Wilcoxon signed–rank test should be the first

choice to investigate differences in two related samples with regard to their

central tendencies. In the case of the Wilcoxon signed–rank test, for small

sample sizes with N < 15, it is important not to use the common asymptotic

estimation of p–values as offered by most statistical software packages,

but the exact procedure has to be used. For this purpose, the Exact Tests™

module in SPSS Statistics 17.0 is used (IBM Corporation, 1 New Orchard

Road, Armonk, New York 10504-1722, USA). That the wrong use of

asymptotic estimation for small sample sizes is not just only a theoretical–

mathematical moaning, but unfortunately lead to wrong conclusions in

decades of work in entire research fields, was revealed in an important

paper of Mundry and Fischer (1998) at Free University of Berlin, Germany.

Although the Wilcoxon signed–rank test does not assume Gaussian

normality, it still needs some assumptions: First, the dependent variable

has to be measured at least at ordinal (or interval or ratio) level. Second,

the data have to be dependent or paired, which is always the case for

repeated measures. Third, all pairs have to be sampled from this population

without statistical dependencies between them. Fourth, the differences have

to show a distribution which is symmetric around its median.

The specific calculation procedure of the Wilcoxon signed–rank test is

described in the following: First, differences for each pair are calculated,

their sign is ignored (absolute values) and finally they are ranked from

smallest to largest while average ranks are assigned to ties. If differences

are zero, this pair is excluded and N respectively reduced. Now, the

obtained ranks for negative differences are summed, and the same is done

for all positive differences. The test statistic W is the smaller of both rank

sums and follows for N > 20 approximately a Gaussian normal distribution.

Exact procedures to determine p–values for N < 15 are reported in Sprent


2.7.2. Quade–test for k > 2 repeated measurements
(omnibus or overall test)

The Quade test was proposed by the biostatistician Dana Quade

(Quade, 1979) as an alternative or improvement of the Friedman’s test
(Friedman, 1937). The Quade-test is an extension of the
Wilcoxon signed-rank test over u subjects (“blocks”) for k > 2 related or
paired samples, i.e. k different treatments or, in our case here, k different
repeated measurement time points, while the Friedman test is an extension
of the sign test for k > 2. The Quade-test is more powerful than the
Friedman’s test in designs with k ≤ 5 (see Conover, 1999; Iman, Hora, &
Conover, 1984; Tardif, 1987), here we use k = 5. In contrast to the
Friedman’s test, Quade gives more weight to subjects (or “blocks”) whose
sample range (maximum – minimum value) is largest. Although less known,
the Quade-test was used before in other research analyzing change over
time of frequency domain representations of EEG signals (Tallon-Baudry,
Bertrand, & Fischer, 2001). Both Friedman’s test and Quade test are
so–called omnibus or overall inferential statistical tests, i.e. they contrast
the null hypothesis H0 that there is no difference between all underlying
populations for each related sample with regard to their central tendencies
which is the same as that all samples come from the same population.
In the case of repeated measures H0 consists of the assumption that there is
no significant change over all k repeated measurement time points.
The alternative hypothesis is that there are at least two (or more, or all)
underlying populations which show significant differences with regard to
their central tendencies. Hence, these tests are called omnibus or overall
tests, because in the case of a statistically significant result they do not
reveal which sets of measurments are responsible for the found
overall–difference with regard to central tendencies, they only extract the
global information that at least one of them is different. As explained in the
introduction of the present work, the main hypotheses primarily require
checking if there is such significant change over time or not; the exact
configuration or shape of this change over time is not so important for the
aims of the present work. This investigation of the exact configuration, i.e.
at which time points exactly are responsible for the overall change over
time requires so-called post–hoc tests, which usually are applied as pairwise

comparisons. Due to necessary corrections of α–error accumulation these
pairwise comparisons need much larger sample sizes to reach acceptable
statistical test power levels. Such large samples could not be measured in
the framework of a doctoral dissertation, because experimentation would
need several years.

As compared to the Friedman’s test, the Quade test uses an additional

weighting factor: The basic idea behind this weighting factor is that
measurement time points with larger variability are more likely to reflect
the true underlying order, i.e. they are considered to contain more
information and thus should receive greater weight in the analysis (Quade,
1979, pp. 680-681).

The assumptions of the Quade–Test are that the dependent variable is to be

measured in interval or ratio level as opposed to the Friedman’s test which
only needs ordinal level. This is due to the range information within the
repeated measurement points which is additionally used by the Quade test:
A range can only be appropriately determined if information of the distance
between the scale points is available. This also means that monotonic, but
non–linear data transformations which affect the range (such as log or logit
transformations etc.) will influence the Quade test, while the Friedman’s
test would remain unaffected. Further assumptions of the Quade test are
that the values in the dependent variable are independent over the subjects
and within time points, i.e. that data from one subject are statistically
independent from any other subject, but that they are paired between the
measurement points which is the case for repeated measurements.
Self-evident, being a non-parametric test, the Quade test does not assume
or need Gaussian normality of the underlying populations.

The details of the Quade test’s seven mathematical steps to derive its test
statistic W are explained in the following:

Data are organized as described in table 6: There are in total
u subjects (indexed with i) measured in total k times (indexed with j) at
which the only dependent variable x is observed:

Table 6. Input data organization for the Quade test

(Quade, 1979) for all u subjects (“blocks”) and
all k related samples (“treatments”), here repeated
measurement time points.

subjects i repeated measurement time points j

1 2 … k
1… ଵଵ ଵଶ … ଵ௞
2… ଶଵ ଶଶ … ଶ௞
3… ଷଵ ଷଶ … ଷ௞
…... … … … …
u.... ௨ଵ ௨ଶ … ௨௞

Note: In the following, in the case of ties, average ranks are used.

1) For each subject i, calculate the range of its intraindividual distribution in x over all
k measurement time points:

௜ ௜௝ ௜௝

2) Rank these u ranges and store them into a weighting-vector Qi, the smallest Rangei
gets a rank of 1 and the largest a rank of u:

௜ ௜

3) Rank all measurements ௜௝ within each subject i over all k measurement time points:


4) Qi is then multiplied by the difference between each rank and the average rank which
gives Sij . Conover (1999, p. 373) explains Sij as “the relative size of each observation
within the block adjusted to reflect the relative significance of the block in which it
appears”, the term block is here equivalent to subjects:

௜௝ ௜ ௜௝

5) Calculate the following based on the weighted ranks for each time point j over all
u subjects:

௝ ௜ୀଵ ௜௝ for j =1, 2,… k.

6) Calculate within-subjects variance A2 and between-time-points variance B:

௨ ௞ ௞
ଶ ଶ
ଶ ௜௝ ௝
௜ୀଵ ௝ୀଵ ௝ୀଵ

7) The Quade test statistic W is now defined as:

This test statistics W follows the F – distribution where F1–α (k1, k2) is the
critical F quantile with degrees of freedom k1=k – 1 and k2=(k-1) · (u-1).

The Quade test’s null hypothesis is:

H0: The ranking of repeated measurement time points effects are equally
likely, i.e. all medians of the underlying populations over the measurement
points are inferential–statistically identical.

The Quade test’s alternative hypothesis is:

H1: At least at one of the repeated measurement time points the observed
values are larger than at least at one other repeated measurement point,
i.e. at least one median of the underlying populations over the
measurement points is inferential–statistically different from at least one

In the present work, all Quade–tests were calculated using the

implementation of Cardillo (2009) under MATLAB 64bit
(The MathWorks, Inc., 3 Apple Hill Drive Natick, MA 01760-2098, USA).

2.7.3. Adjusted rank transform test (ART) as alternative to
classical ANOVA for the investigation of possible
presentation order effects

The concept of statistical interaction is generally based on comparing

magnitudes of effects in a dependent variable in function of different levels
of an independent factor. Because most non-parametric methods use rank
transformation of the raw data, i.e. they work with the only information that
something is higher or lower while rejecting the information of magnitudes
of these differences, investigating interaction effects with non-parametric
methodology is problematic. On the other hand, parametric statistics rely on
assumptions such as (multi)normal distribution, homoscedasticity,
sphericity (e.g. in the case of repeated measures with k >2) etc. which are
frequently violated by real-world data. With respect to the investigation of
interaction effects in the ANOVA context, a trade-off between non-
parametric vs. parametric methodology, a “middle ground” or “hybrid
technology”, was proposed and investigated in Monte Carlo simulations by
Leys and Schumann (2010): the adjusted rank transform test (ART).
As the authors state “[…] using the ART is advisable if the sample size is
under 30 per experimental condition and the requirement of a normal
distribution is not fulfilled, or when heteroscedasticity occurs along with a
non–normal distribution”.

The basic idea of the ART for studying interaction effects is isolating them
by removing the main effects via subtracting the sum of the marginal mean
of the line and the column from each relevant observation, then aligning all
observations in an increasing order, assigning increasing ranks from one to
N and adapting ties by assigning the same averaged rank to each one.
As the last step, a usual ANOVA is calculated using the data transformed in
the described manner and self-evidently, only interaction effects are

The same procedure is performed to study main effects, but now removing
interaction effects and thus isolating main effects by subtracting the mean
of the two diagonal group means from each observation.

3. Results
3.1. Psychometric instruments: domain of subjective
introspective experience

Comparing the PCI main scales, two scales show significant differences
between Verum vs. Placebo: Altered Experience shows highly significant
differences in the central tendencies of underlying populations as measured
by the inferential statistical non-parametric test for related samples
Wilcoxon signed-rank test with Z = -2.682 and pexact = .006.
With Mdn Verum = 2.039, SD = .927 vs. Mdn Placebo = 1.539, SD = .848
Verum shows higher scores in Altered Experience as compared to Placebo;
the items of this Altered Experience main scale can be found in figure 13.

Rationality scores are with Mdn Verum = 3.667, SD = 1.313 vs.

Mdn Placebo = 2.833, SD = 1.267 and Wilcoxon signed-rank test with
Z = -1.994 and pexact = .047 significantly larger under Verum as compared
to Placebo. The three items of this short main scale Rationality can to be
seen in figure 31. To correctly interpret this finding, it important to
understand that item 2 and item 24 are expressed inversely, so the
direction of this scale is that larger scores indicate more Rationality, thus,
surprisingly, under Verum subjects report more Rationality as compared to
Placebo, while at the same time they report signs of altered states of
consciousness, as shown above in the main scale Altered Experience.

Figure 31. The three items of the Spanish version of the short main scale Rationality of
the Phenomenology of Consciousness Inventory (PCI) (Pekala, 1991). Item 2 and 24
are inverse.

More relevant are the findings in the Hypnoidal State Score (HSS) which

was described above in the chapter methods. They have to be considered as

the psychometric main findings of the present work:

HSS are with Mdn Verum = 5.775, SD = 1.483 vs.

Mdn Placebo = 5.120, SD = 1.066 and Wilcoxon signed-rank test with

Z = -2.511 and pexact = .009 highly significantly larger under Verum as

compared to Placebo. The Placebo induced by its unspecific stimuli already a

hypnoidal state which is, following the authors, to be classified as a

moderate hypnoidal state (Pekala, 2009), with a typical baseline HSS in

healthy normal population found to be around 3.45 (Rux, 2002).

The Verum with its additional specific Binaural Beat stimulus caused a

highly significant increase in the same subjects, who did not know as

neither the experimenter which session contained which kind of stimulus

(double–blind). Thus, the difference in HSS magnitudes between Placebo

and Verum reflects the specific effect of the employed Binaural Beats

contributing to the introduction of a hypnoidal state. Quantifying the

magnitude of this specific psychometric effect of Binaural Beats on

hypnoidal state depth is easily done by the effect size which for the

Wilcoxon signed-rank test is calculated as follows:

with N = number of total observations, in the case of the present work 24

observations in total. This gives r = .513 which is, following the

classification of effect size magnitudes proposed by Cohen (1988), to be

considered as a large effect. Interestingly, predicting difference scores

between Verum and Placebo (which reflect the specific psychometric

Binaural Beat effects) by Placebo scores which reflect the unspecific stimuli

effects, only for HSS a significant non–parametric Spearman correlation of

rho = .671 and pexact = .020 is found, see figure 32, while doing the same

for Altered Experience gives rho = -.105 with pexact = .743 and for

Rationality rho = -.443 with pexact = .149.

Figure 32. Magnitudes of the specific effect of Binaural Beats on psychometric hypnoidal state
scores (HSS) (Pekala, 2009), as defined as the difference HSS_VER – HSS_PLA, can be
predicted by magnitudes of unspecific stimuli as defined as HSS_PLA with significant
non–parametric Spearman correlation of rho = .671 and pexact = .020. Doing the same for
Altered Experience gives rho = -.105 and pexact = .743 and for Rationality rho = -.443 and
pexact = .149. Interestingly, the two non–responder subjects (data points with negative difference,
plotted in blue) which showed higher HSS under Placebo as compared to Verum are the ones
with lowest initial Placebo HSS values among all other subjects in the sample.
When HSS_Placebo is understood as a measure of trait hypnotizability, these findings can be
interpreted as evidence that the magnitudes of the Binaural Beats’ psychometric outcomes can
be successfully predicted by trait hypnotizability: The higher a subject’s trait hypnotizability is,
the stronger will he/she experience subjective introspective Binaural Beat effects, i.e.
hypnotizability seems to predict levels of susceptibility to the employed Binaural Beats stimulus.

The HSS reactivity of a subject on Placebo stimulation predicts significantly

how much will be the increase of hypnoidal state depth caused by Verum
Binaural Beat stimulation: The larger subjects’ HSS response is yet under
Placebo, the more HSS increases will be observed as compared to Verum,
the magnitudes of the psychometric effects of the present work depend on
subject-specific initial values of HSS under Placebo. This holds also true for
predicting the two non–responders which showed higher HSS under Placebo
as compared to Verum, because they are the ones with lowest initial
Placebo HSS values among all other subjects in the sample. HSS under
unspecific Placebo seem to reflect levels of susceptibility to specific Binaural
Beat stimulation.

3.2. Illustrative example of subjective experience in the
retrospective unstructured interviews

In order to illustrate participants’ subjective experience, to give the reader

of the present work a subjective impression, the retrospective unstructured
interview after the Verum stimulus of the subject who showed the largest
psychometric hypnoidal state score (HSS) effect is reported in the following
in English translation:

I remember that I felt very relaxed, there was no moment of being nervous or
anxious at all. On the contrary, it was a very pleasant feeling, similar to listening
music being in bed before falling asleep, those moments when thoughts begin
to flow by themselves or also similar to the experience when you are listening to
music walking around and suddenly you notice that you reached your
destination without being conscious on the way to it.

I felt that my consciousness was somehow broadened, perhaps comparable to

when you are looking at clouds in the sky in a somehow meditative way; but it
was clearly the opposite of how you feel when calculating mathematics.

I remember that I was quite conscious, but not conscious to what happened in
the outer world, but conscious to what the voice in the headphones said.
I completely forgot that I was in a lounger in an experiment at university, I was
completely immersed into my inner world. Before that special noise came,
I remember very clearly the field with green grass which the voice told me to
imagine, the huge mountain. But it is strange, somehow I lost the sense of
distance, I cannot say that it was near or far away? Quite strange, but there was
this big, huge mountain… on its top, as told by the voice, I remember vividly the
overwhelming big television screen, where I saw everything which happened.
It is difficult to describe this state of mind, somehow it is like to be in a dream,
but with the difference to be conscious all the time. Somehow I lost almost any
sense of time, I mean I was so surprised when the experimenter told me after
the experiment what time it was. My time sense was that it has been much less
time as compared to how much time passed objectively, like in a good movie
when you go out of the cinema and you are surprised how much time has gone.
Moreover, I lost the consciousness of my body somehow, mostly of my arms. In
the experiment I did not notice what happened with my body, but now
remembering, it was like my arms did not exist at all, at least I was not
conscious about them at all, I cannot remember them.

For the time when this special noise came, I do not remember any details, but
I was very, very relaxed and my mind was somehow very far away, but I did not
sleep. This was a feeling which I never felt before, it is difficult to describe this in
words. Perhaps we can say that my consciousness was far away.

All in all, I remember shining bright colors, comparable to trick–film drawings of

spring, I mean the green was very green, the blue was very blue, but I do not
remember any smells. The green field which I was told to imagine was in
silence, totally in silence, but somehow it was audible this silence, this is also
very difficult to put in words. Emotionally the experiment was very intense. It
was somehow strange to actually see my own thoughts as a movie on the
television screen. My thoughts were a bit complex and not so strongly
connected, somehow like floating? The strange thing is that I cannot remember
details of the time when the special noise came, as I told you it was just like my
mind was in a state which I never experienced before, but I felt very, very
relaxed, cozy and in peace.

3.3. Physiological measurements
3.3.1. Domain of parasympathetic modulation of
Heart Rate Variability (HRV)

Parasympathetic modulation of heart rate variability (HRV) was

hypothesized to show significant change over time under Verum, but not
under Placebo and the most relevant HRV–parameter to test this hypothesis
was considered to be HRV high frequency spectral power (HF–power) from
0.15–0.4 Hz, normalized to HRV total power by expressing it in percentage.
As explained above, due to the different velocities of synaptic
neurotransmission in the autonomic nervous system, HRV HF–power is
exclusively caused by parasympathetic modulation of the heart’s own pace
makers and thus an indirect measure of neural parasympathetic outflow to
the heart. The 25 min stimuli Verum vs. Placebo are represented by five
epochs of five min length, for each of them the entire subset of the most
relevant HRV parameters (see table 4) was determined, ratio HRV
parameters were logit and other HRV parameters were log transformed, and
change over time over all five epochs in each parameter was tested using
Quade tests, both for Verum vs. Placebo, for results see table 7.

Table 7. Subset of the heart rate variability (HRV) parameters tested in the present work for
significant change over time by Quade tests over the 25 min Verum vs. Placebo (five • five min
epochs). Because HRV is influenced by respiratory rate via respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA)
(Grossman & Taylor, 2007; Ritz & Dahme, 2006) as a third variable, it has to be also checked for
significant change over time. A short explication of each HRV parameter is given in the manual of the
program Kubios HRV (Tarvainen et al., 2009), downloadable at Sign. results highlighted in bold.

HRV–parameter Unit data transform p – value Quade test p – value Quade test
Placebo Verum

MeanRR ms Log .791 .375

SDNN ms Log .553 .343
RMSSD ms Log .206 .971
pNN50 percentage Logit .210 .476
HRVtriangularIndex dimensionless Log .670 .804

AR_PeakHF Hz Log .915 .476

FFT_PeakHF Hz Log .271 .887

FFT_HFpower ms2 Log .963 .763

FFT_HFpower percentage Logit .317 .003
FFT_LFpower ms2 Log .549 .119
FFT_LFpower percentage Logit .775 .749

AR_HFpower ms Log .484 .647
AR_HFpower percentage Logit .994 .015
AR_LFpower percentage Logit .746 .164
AR_LFpower ms2 Log .921 .989

Respiratory Rate Hz Log .131 .358

As hypothesized, only normalized HRV HF–power (percentage) shows highly
significant change over time exclusively under Verum, but not under
Placebo, both for determining this parameter by classical FFT–Welch vs.
more advanced AR power estimation methodology. Interpreting HF–power
(percentage) in terms of parasympathetic outflow to the heart requires
control of at least the third variable respiratory rate or better of also tidal
volume (Grossman & Taylor, 2007; Ritz & Dahme, 2006): No significant
change over time was observed for respiratory rate and only the Verum
stimulus lead to significant change over time for HF–power (percentage),
thus it has to be concluded that Binaural Beats specifically caused
time–dependent fluctuations of neural parasympathetic outflow to the heart
over the time course of 25 min length of the Verum stimulus. Although no
correction for α–error accumulation due to multiple testing was employed,
with α–level set to standard .05 leading to 1.6 false–positive detections to
be expected, it has to be considered to be more than pure random that just
the two operationalizations of normalized HRV HF–power and moreover
both exclusively under Verum show significant change over time.

Summing up, the hypothesis that the employed Binaural Beat stimulus
specifically, i.e. contra null findings under Placebo and contra null findings in
the third variable respiratory rate, induces significant fluctuations or change
over time in the neural parasympathetic outflow to the heart is verified by
the observed data.

As explained above, the correct inferential statistical investigation of the

exact shape of this change over time within the five by five min epochs
would require many more observations which was not feasible in the
context of a doctoral dissertation. With regard to the interpretation of
change of (cortical) arousal levels, EEG data offer much more sensitive and
informative measures (see below) and results in HRV should better only be
interpreted on the level of global information as operationalized by the
concept change over time: That the Binaural Beat stimulus modulates
neural parasympathetic outflow to the heart has been verified by the
present work, but its exact shape of temporal development has to be
investigated in further studies with much larger samples.

3.3.2. Domain of cortical arousal as measured by
EEG logit–transformed relative spectral powers

All 63–channel EEG biosignals of all N = 12 subjects during Verum and

Placebo stimulation 2·12·25min = 600min, baselines 12·3·3min = 108min
and EOG artifact generation 12·10min = 120min had to be visually checked
and corrected for remaing artifacts by manual rejection, after applying
automatic REG–ICA methodology (Klados et al., 2011), as described above.
At the same time, the author of the present work watched out for possible
sleep signs in the EEG biosignals following the international standard
definitions of the classical Rechtschaffen & Kales manual and its
actualization, the AASM manual (Berry et al., 2012; Rechtschaffen & Kales,
1968) based on his practical academic training of polysomnographies at
Unidad de sueño, Hospital Universitario de La Princesa, Madrid. Apart from
subject’s confirmations that they did not felt having fallen asleep during the
experiments, no EEG signs of any sleep stage could be observed.
Thus, the findings in EEG biosignals presented in the following, cannot be
attributed to sleep.

Whether there is significant change over time in the different EEG frequency
bands over the 5 time epochs represented as 5·5min means of logit-
transformed EEG relative spectral FFT powers (after Laplace spatial filtering
in time domain), comparing each time Verum vs. Placebo by multiple
Quade tests, gives the results represented in table 8. α-error accumulation
at α-level = .05 due to multiple Quade hypothesis testing among 63 tested
electrodes leads to expected 3.15 false significant results in each EEG
frequency band, so approx. three results have to be attributed to this false
discovery rate due to randomness because of no correction for multiple
hypothesis testing; findings below this threshold of three are thus
represented in parenthesis. Over all 20 analyzed EEG frequency bands,
under Placebo, 46 electrodes show sign. Quade tests, while under Verum
328. Given the false discovery rate over all EEG frequency bands ∑total with
20·3 = 60, for Placebo all 46 sign. findings taken together are clearly not
more than random discoveries, while the 328 sign. findings under Verum
exceed ≈5.5 times the false discovery rate.

Hence, overwhelming evidence for change over time over the 5·5min
epochs in relative spectral powers of multiple EEG frequency bands was
found under Verum vs. no evidence at all was observed under Placebo.

Table 8. Significant change over time over the different EEG freq. bands in the 5 time epochs
represented as 5·5min means of logit-transformed EEG relative spectral FFT powers (after
Laplace spatial filtering in time domain). Verum specific sign. change over time is most
pronouncedly observed in Delta, ThetaLow, Alpha4, BetaMid and Gamma1 EEG frequency
bands, details are plotted in figures 33, 37, 41, 45 and 49.

EEG freq. band number of electrodes showing averaged effect size

sign. change over time over all sign. electrodes
(Quade test) at α–level = .05 (averg. total intrasub. variance)

Verum Placebo Verum

DELTAtotal [0.5-3.5 Hz] 15 0 0.6947

THETAtotal [3.5-7.5 Hz] 28 (2) 0.6137

THETAlow [3.5-6.5 Hz] 30 6 0.7071

THETAhigh [6.5-7.5 Hz]] 14 5 0.2944

THETA1 [3.5-4.5 Hz] 31 5 0.7313

THETA2 [4.5-5.5 Hz] 23 (1) 0.6806
THETA3 [5.5-6.5 Hz] 25 0 0.5513
THETA4 [6.5-7.5 Hz] 14 5 0.2944

ALPHAtotal [7.5-12.5 Hz] 17 (3) 1.0305

ALPHAlow [7.5-9 Hz] 9 (2) 0.3344

ALPHAhigh [9-12.5 Hz] 18 (1) 1.0693

ALPHA1 [7.5-8.5 Hz] 11 (3) 0.2294

ALPHA2 [8.5-9.5 Hz] 7 5 0.4900
ALPHA3 [9.5-10.5 Hz] 10 5 1.0738
ALPHA4 [10.5-11.5 Hz] 25 (1) 0.8681
ALPHA5 [11.5-12.5 Hz] 19 0 0.3186

BETAlow [12.5-18 Hz] 0 0 Ø

BETAmid [18-24 Hz] 19 (2) 0.5843

BETAhigh [24-30 Hz] 5 0 Ø

GAMMA1 [30-40 Hz] 8 0 0.7410

∑total = 328 ∑total = 46

Note. α-error accumulation at α-level = .05 due to multiple Quade hypothesis testing leads among 63 tested
electrodes to expected 3.15 false sign. results for each EEG frequency band, so approx. three results have to
be attributed to this false discovery rate due to random because of no correction for multiple hypothesis testing;
findings below this threshold of three are thus represented in parenthesis.
Over all 20 analyzed EEG frequency bands, under Placebo, 46 electrodes show sign. Quade tests, while under
Verum 328. Given the false discovery rate over all EEG frequency bands ∑total with 20·3 = 60, for Placebo all 46
sign. findings taken together are clearly not more than random discoveries, while the 328 sign. findings under
Verum exceed ≈5.5 times the false discovery rate.

Given that the same subjects represent Verum vs. Placebo experimental
groups and given that the presentation order was double–blinded and
randomized, these findings are to be interpreted as overwhelming evidence
for the specific (i.e. contra Placebo) efficacy of the employed Binaural Beat
stimulus expressed as change over time of relative spectral EEG powers
over the 5·5min epochs.

Verum specific significant change over time (as investigated by multiple

Quade tests over the 5 · 5 min epochs) was most pronouncedly observed in
Delta, ThetaLow, Alpha4, BetaMid and Gamma1 EEG frequency bands.
These bands are now investigated in detail; most important details are
plotted in figures 33, 37, 41, 45 and 49. With regard to these figures,
note that here the x-axes represent the EEG electrodes following the
scheme reported in figure 16, while the y-axes refer to the Quade–tests’
p–values (i.e. remaining error–probability of null hypotheses),
as explained in section 2.7.2.

To facilitate comparisons between these results in different EEG frequency

bands, the structure of the presented analyses and figures is each time the
same. Note that the found topographic patterns do not represent a single
subject, but represent the overall-response of a group of subjects as
response pattern to the employed Binaural Beat stimulus.

97 Results in delta (0.5 – 3.5 Hz) EEG relative spectral powers

Figure 33. Comparing Verum (red) vs. Placebo (blue) with regard to significance of change over time for each 5 • 5min means of relative
spectral EEG powers in delta (0.5 – 3.5 Hz) by multiple Quade tests for each of the 63 electrodes (x – axis), p – values on y – axis.
Due to false discovery rate, three false – positive findings are expected under Verum and under Placebo. Vertical black lines subdivide
scalp regions to facilitate the understanding of electrodes’ spatial organisation (frontopolar/anterior–frontal, frontal, central, parietal, 98
occipital). Mind the symbology explained under the plot.
Change over time of delta powers (0.5 – 3.5 Hz) is statistically
significant at the standard α-level = .05 under Verum in the Quade test at
15 electrodes vs. at none electrode under Placebo (see figure 33). As to be
seen, there is a large distance of the Quade test p-values of delta powers
between Verum and Placebo. Moreover, some adjacent electrodes to those
which show significant change over time at the standard α-level = .05 fail
significance only narrowly, but seem to capture the same effects. For
further analysis of the Verum topographic pattern of effect sizes of change
over time as expressed as total intrasubject variance at each electrode,
in this special case, α-level is thus reasonably raised to = .010.
This topographic pattern is to be seen in figure 34. A lateralization to the
right hemisphere is observed, most pronounced at central transversal line,
which is, interestingly, just the opposite pattern as compared to the left
hemisphere lateralization which has been observed in alpha4 powers
(10.5 – 11.5 Hz), see below. The effect of change over time in delta powers
shows relatively smallest magnitudes around Cz. Seen altogether, the
important part (in terms of effect sizes) of Verum specific change over time
in delta powers seems to have happened at right-central and right-posterior

Figure 34. Verum topographic pattern of effect sizes of change over time as expressed as
total intrasubject variance at each electrode for delta relative spectral powers (0.5 – 3.5 Hz).
Values are z – transformed to facilitate visual inspection of the topographic pattern.
A right–lateralized pattern is observed with maxima at C6 and C4. 99
Now, possible associations between psychometric effect magnitudes
(hynoidal state score Verum minus hynoidal state score Placebo) and
magnitudes of effects of change over time (total intrasubject variance
Verum minus Placebo) of EEG delta relative spectral powers are
investigated using Spearman’s non–parametric correlation, see figure 35.

# electrode Spearman’s rho pexact # electrode Spearman’s rho pexact

15 .405 .216 42 .724 .012

19 .629 .038 43 .342 .304
20 .574 .065 44 .269 .424
21 .688 .019 52 .228 .501
22 .743 .009 53 .169 .620
28 .519 .102 54 .164 .630
29 .583 .060 55 .000 1.000
30 .565 .070 57 .374 .258
31 .629 .038 58 .232 .492
32 .214 .527 59 .059 .863
33 .533 .091 60 .264 .432
34 .287 .392 62 .205 .545
36 .606 .048
38 .483 .132
39 .314 .346
41 .319 .339

Figure 35. Topography of associations between magnitudes of psychometric effects

(hynoidal state score Verum minus hynoidal state score Placebo) and magnitudes of effects
of change over time (total intrasubject variance) of EEG delta relative spectral powers
investigated using Spearman’s non–parametric correlation. A clear left–lateralized pattern is
observed. Relevant electrodes are shadowed in green and highlighted in bold.

The topographic distribution of delta powers’ (0.5 –3.5 Hz) change over
time as measured as total intrasubject variances under Verum (figure 34)
compared to the topographic pattern of relationships to the psychometric
effect expressed as Spearman’s rho (figure 35) reveals roughly spatially–
antiproportional patterns: Looking at the most predictive, i.e. meaningful,
electrodes in figure 35 a surprisingly clearly left-lateralized pattern is found
for frontocentral and central electrodes while the topographic pattern of the
scalp distribution of simple magnitudes of change over time (figure 34)
roughly shows a right-lateralized and rather posterior pattern. While for
alpha4 (10.5 – 11.5 Hz), see below, roughly comparable topographic
patterns of distributions of magnitudes of change over time vs. those of
correlational relationships to the subjectively experienced psychometric
effects were found, for delta (0.5 – 3.5 Hz) these patterns seem to relate to
each other in a spatially–antiproportional fashion. With regard to figure 35,
6 among 28 Quade test significant electrodes show significant Spearman
correlations with the psychometric effect within a false discovery rate of 1.4
electrodes, due to α-error accumulation because of multiple hypothesis

Determining the details of the time course over all 5 epochs in EEG powers,
the exact shape, is problematic as mentioned before. Extracting only the
information of the linear trend over the 5 epochs, excluding all non-linear
information, using the non-parametric Theil-Sen slope estimator (Wilcox,
1998) and referencing it to those obtained under Placebo, all Quade test
significant electrodes (at the modified α-level = .010) show without
exception only positive slopes (see figure 36), in contrast to alpha4
(10.5 – 11.5 Hz) and betaMid (18 – 24 Hz) which showed exclusively
negative slopes, see below. This means that under Verum the faster
brainwave frequency bands alpha4 and betamid show a decrease in their
linear trends over the 5 epochs, while the slowest EEG frequency band delta
shows an increase.

# electrode difference Theil-Sen slopes # electrode difference Theil-Sen
Verum – Placebo slopes Verum – Placebo

15 .0469 39 .0301
19 .0382 41 .0423
20 .0584 42 .1038
21 .0294 43 .1213
22 .0791 44 .1304
28 .0159 52 .0638
29 .0527 53 .0791
30 .0358 54 .0874
31 .0491 55 .0828
32 .1147 57 .0982
33 .1128 58 .1132
34 .1217 59 .0098
36 .0734 60 .0688
38 .0615 62 .0575

Figure 36. Extracting only the information of the linear trend over the five epochs, excluding all
non-linear information, using the non-parametric Theil-Sen slope estimator (Wilcox, 1998) and
referencing it to those obtained under Placebo, all Quade test significant electrodes (at the
modified α-level = .010) show without exception only positive slopes, in contrast to alpha4
(10.5 – 11.5 Hz) and betaMid (18 – 24 Hz) which showed exclusively negative slopes, see below.
Most relevant electrodes are shadowed in green and highlighted in bold.

102 Results in thetaLow (3.5 – 6.5 Hz) EEG relative spectral powers

Figure 37. Comparing Verum (red) vs. Placebo (blue) with regard to significance of change over time for each 5 • 5min means of relative
spectral EEG powers in thetaLow (3.5 – 6.5 Hz) by multiple Quade tests for each of the 63 electrodes (x – axis), p – values on y – axis.
Due to false discovery rate, three false – positive findings are expected under Verum and under Placebo. Vertical black lines subdivide
scalp regions to facilitate the understanding of electrodes’ spatial organisation (frontopolar/anterior–frontal, frontal, central,
parietal, occipital). Mind the symbology explained under the plot. 103
The topographic distribution of change over time of thetaLow relative
spectral powers (3.5 – 6.5 Hz), see figure 37, is statistically significant
under Verum in the Quade test at 30 electrodes under Verum vs. at
6 electrodes under Placebo from which three of them are probably due to
α – error accumulation because of multiple hypothesis testing and thus are
statistical artifacts without any relevant meaning. These findings show that
only under Verum at least one of the five epochs shows thetaLow powers
which come from an underlying population which is significantly different
from those corresponding to at least one or more of the other remaining
four time points and that this happens at ≈ 50% of all 63 electrodes.

Figure 38. Verum topographic pattern of effect sizes of change over time as expressed
as total intrasubject variance at each electrode for thetaLow relative spectral powers
(3.5 – 6.5 Hz). Values are z – transformed to facilitate visual inspection of the
topographic pattern. Effects are most pronounced at posterior electrodes.

Analyzing the topography of effect sizes of change over time (figure 38),
as measured as total intrasubject variances (intrasubject variance over all 5
epochs summed up over all subjects), shows that the most pronounced
effects of change over time are clearly observed at posterior, i.e. parietal,
parieto-occipital and occipital electrodes, while central and frontal
electrodes show minor change over time in thetaLow powers. No signs of
hemispheric asymmetry of these effects in thetaLow are observed.

# electrode Spearman’s pexact # electrode Spearman’s pexact

rho rho
4 .292 .384 45 .278 .408
5 .355 .284 47 .560 .073
7 .223 .509 48 .410 .210
9 .164 .630 49 .656 .028
15 .442 .174 48 .410 .210
18 .583 .060 52 .164 .630
19 .378 .252 53 .446 .169
24 .492 .124 54 .374 .258
27 .569 .067 55 .214 .527
28 .469 .145 56 .405 .216
32 .387 .239 57 .510 .109
33 .624 .040 59 .579 .062
39 .310 .354 60 .369 .264
40 .638 .035 61 .323 .332
41 .346 .297 63 .292 .384
44 .123 .719

Figure 39. Topography of associations between magnitudes of psychometric effects

(hynoidal state score Verum minus hynoidal state score Placebo) and magnitudes of
effects of change over time (total intrasubject variance) of EEG thetaLow relative
spectral powers investigated using Spearman’s non–parametric correlation. Relevant
electrodes are highlighted in bold. No clear topographic pattern is observable.

The topographic distribution of the effect sizes of thetalow powers’

(3.5 – 6.5 Hz) change over time as measured as total intrasubject variances

under Verum (figure 38) compared to the topographic pattern of

relationships to the psychometric effect expressed as Spearman’s rho

(figure 39) shows no consistent correspondence between both patterns.

Correlations are found to be most prominent at P3 and CP1 and also C4;

using Spearman’s correlation at α-level = .05 among the 31 Quade test

significant electrodes implies a false detection rate of 1.55 electrodes, so at

least one of the three found significant correlations is not due to α-error

accumulation because of multiple hypothesis testing.

Extracting only the information of the linear trend over the five epochs by

the non-parametric Theil-Sen regression slope estimator (Wilcox, 1998)

excluding all non-linear information, and referencing these linear trends to

those of Placebo (figure 40) reveals that all Quade-test significant

electrodes show a positive linear trend of the time course of thetaLow with

a clear pattern of increase of magnitudes towards posterior sites.

# electrode difference Theil-Sen # electrode difference Theil-Sen
slopes Verum – slopes Verum –
Placebo Placebo
4 .0311 44 .0496
5 .0484 45 .0662
7 .0205 47 .0992
9 .0330 48 .1089
15 .0256 49 .1015
18 .0618 52 .0830
19 .0509 53 .0708
24 .0395 54 .0864
27 .0785 55 .0850
28 .0771 56 .1047
32 .0591 57 .1011
33 .0636 59 .1177
39 .0908 60 .1168
40 .0583 61 .1359
41 .0558 63 .1306

Figure 40. Extracting only the information of the linear trend over the five epochs,
excluding all non-linear information, using the non-parametric Theil-Sen slope
estimator (Wilcox, 1998) and referencing it to those obtained under Placebo, all Quade
test significant electrodes show without exception only positive slopes for thetaLow
(3.5 – 6.5 Hz) as also observed for delta (0.5 – 3.5 Hz), in contrast to alpha4
(10.5 – 11.5 Hz) and betaMid (18 – 24 Hz) which showed exclusively negative slopes,
see below. ThetaLow shows a clear pattern of increase of slope magnitudes towards
posterior sites.

107 Results in alpha4 (10.5 – 11.5 Hz) EEG relative spectral powers

Figure 41. Comparing Verum (red) vs. Placebo (blue) with regard to significance of change over time for each 5 • 5min means of relative
spectral EEG powers in alpha4 (10.5 – 11.5 Hz) by multiple Quade tests for each of the 63 electrodes (x – axis), p – values on y – axis.
Due to false discovery rate, three false – positive findings are expected under Verum and under Placebo. Vertical black lines subdivide
scalp regions to facilitate the understanding of electrodes’ spatial organisation (frontopolar/anterior–frontal, frontal, central, 108
parietal, occipital). Mind the symbology explained under the plot.
The topographic distribution of change over time of alpha4 relative spectral
powers (10.5 –11.5 Hz) is statistically significant under Verum in the
Quade test at 25 electrodes vs. only at one electrode under Placebo
(see figure 41) which is still in the range of the false detection rate due to
α – error accumulation because of multiple hypothesis testing and thus has
no meaning. These findings show that only under Verum at least one of the
five epochs shows alpha4 powers which come from an underlying population
which is significantly different in terms of central tendencies from those
corresponding to at least one or more other remaining four time points and
that this happens at ≈ 40% of all 63 electrodes, which almost all of them
are not frontal electrodes.

Analyzing the topography of effect sizes of change over time (see

figure 42), as measured as total intrasubject variances (intrasubject
variance over all 5 epochs summed up over all subjects), shows that there
is a clear topographic lateralization of the magnitude of these changes over
time in alpha4 towards the left hemisphere. This pattern in alpha4 is
roughly spatially–antiproportional as compared to delta’s lateralization to
the right hemisphere (see above, figure 34).

Figure 42. Verum topographic pattern of effect sizes of change over time as expressed
as total intrasubject variance at each electrode for alpha4 relative spectral powers
(10.5 – 11.5 Hz). Values are z – transformed to facilitate visual inspection of the
topographic pattern. A clearly left–lateralized pattern is observed.

# electrode Spearman’s rho pexact
22 .592 .055
23 .282 .400
27 .255 .449
28 .469 .145
29 .428 .189
30 .182 .592
31 .424 .194
36 .178 .601
37 .132 .699
38 .437 .179
39 .337 .311
40 .401 .222
41 .046 .894
45 -.041 .905
47 .150 .659
49 .064 .852
52 .301 .369
53 -.005 .989
54 .292 .384
55 .269 .424
56 .164 .630
59 .155 .649
60 .364 .270
61 .319 .339
62 .383 .245

Figure 43. Topography of associations between magnitudes of psychometric effects

(hynoidal state score Verum minus hynoidal state score Placebo) and magnitudes of
effects of change over time (total intrasubject variance) of EEG alpha4 (10.5 – 11.5 Hz)
relative spectral powers investigated using Spearman’s non–parametric correlation.
Relevant electrodes are highlighted in bold.

The topographic distribution of alpha4 powers’ (10.5 – 11.5 Hz)
change over time as measured as total intrasubject variances under Verum
(figure 42) compared to the topographic pattern of relationships to the
psychometric effect expressed as Spearman’s rho (figure 43) reveals
comparable patterns, although p–values do not fully reach the standard
significance level α = .05, but this seems to be due to relatively small
sample size: None among 25 Quade test significant electrodes show
significant Spearman correlations with the psychometric effect within a false
discovery rate of 1.25 electrodes, due to α-error accumulation because of
multiple hypothesis testing.

Taken altogether, not only Verum specific change over time is observed in
alpha4 powers at many electrodes, but this change also shows meaningful
relationships with the magnitudes of psychometric effects sharing a similar
topographic pattern. Thus, the Verum specific change over time observed in
alpha4 powers can be considered as one electrophysiological correlate of
the subjectively experienced psychometric effect.

Determining or analyzing the details of the time course (or trajectories)

over all 5 epochs in EEG powers is problematic, as mentioned above,
because, in contrast to heart rate variability, it would have to be done not
only over the time dimension, but also at the same time over the dimension
of space: All time points over all Quade test significant electrodes would
have to be considered which would imply a quite high-dimensional space of
possibilities; but the sample size of N = 12 is far away from providing the
high amount of observation needed for adequately modelling such a
problem. The real nature, i.e. the typical over-all-subject-trajectory and
moreover the distribution of possible subtypes of such trajectories over
subgroups of subjects, will remain hidden under statistic random “noise”.

In order to at least gain some rudimentary access to the nature of the time
course, as done above, dimensionality can be decreased by data reduction
of simple linear projection, i.e. extracting only the information of the linear
trend over the 5 epochs, excluding all non-linear information. Although this
approach is somehow problematic because of the small sample size of

# electrode difference Theil-Sen
slopes Verum – Placebo
22 -.0500
23 -.0575
27 -.0150
28 -.0086
29 -.0335
30 -.0653
31 -.0840
36 -.0549
37 -.0556
38 -.0486
39 -.0103
40 -.0763
41 -.0792
45 -.0666 Figure 44. Extracting only the information of the
47 -.0478 linear trend over the five epochs, excluding all
non-linear information, using the non-parametric
49 -.0064
Theil-Sen slope estimator (Wilcox, 1998) and
52 -.1026
referencing it to those obtained under Placebo, all
53 -.1137 Quade test significant electrodes show without
54 -.1297 exception only negative slopes for alpha4 (10.5 –
55 -.0997 11.5 Hz) as does also betaMid (18 – 24 Hz), see
56 -.1178
below, and in contrast to delta (0.5 – 3.5 Hz) and
thetaLow (3.5 – 6.5 Hz) which show positive
59 -.0561
slopes, see above. As to be seen in this figure,
60 -.1126 alpha4 shows a pattern of increase of slope
61 -.0763 magnitudes towards posterior sites.
62 -.0974 Most relevant electrodes are highlighted in bold.

N = 12, results can be improved by robust statistics estimating the simple

linear regression slope, e.g. by the non-parametric Theil-Sen regression

slope estimator (see Dytham, 2011; Wilcox, 1998) which offers the

important advantage of robustness to outliers and superior precision in the

presence of skewed and heteroskedastic data as compared to standard least

squares slope estimators. The five time point linear trajectories under

Verum, referenced to Placebo by simple subtraction, gives the topographic

pattern as to be seen in figure 44 with alpha4 showing a pattern of increase

of slope magnitudes towards posterior sites. All Quade-test significant

electrodes show a negative linear trend of the time course of alpha4 relative

spectral powers, but among them, just in the electrodes where stronger

change over time was observed (expressed as total intrasubject variance)

and stronger relationships with psychometric effect magnitudes were found,

the linear trend is smallest.

113 Results in betaMid (18 – 24 Hz) EEG relative spectral powers

Figure 45. Comparing Verum (red) vs. Placebo (blue) with regard to significance of change over time for each 5 • 5min means of relative
spectral EEG powers in betaMid (18 – 24 Hz) by multiple Quade tests for each of the 63 electrodes (x – axis), p – values on y – axis.
Due to false discovery rate, three false – positive findings are expected under Verum and under Placebo.Vertical black lines
subdivide scalp regions to facilitate the understanding of electrodes’ spatial organisation (frontopolar/anterior–frontal, frontal, 114
central, parietal, occipital). Mind the symbology explained under the plot.
The topographic distribution of change over time of betaMid relative
spectral powers (18 –24 Hz), see figure 45, shows statistically significant
Quade tests under Verum at 19 electrodes vs. only at two electrodes under
Placebo which is still in the range of the false detection rate due to α – error
accumulation because of multiple hypothesis testing and thus has no
meaning. These findings show that only under Verum at least one of the
five epochs shows betaMid powers which come from an underlying
population which is significantly different from those corresponding to at
least one or more other remaining four time points and that this happens at
≈ 30% of all 63 electrodes, all of them are not frontal electrodes.

Analyzing the topography of effect sizes of change over time (figure 46),
as measured as total intrasubject variances (intrasubject variance over all 5
epochs summed up over all subjects), shows that the most pronounced
effects of change over time are generally observed at midline electrodes, on
the one hand at occipital sites (POz and Oz) and on the other at
frontocentral sites (FC1 and FCz).

Figure 46. Verum topographic pattern of effect sizes of change over time as expressed
as total intrasubject variance at each electrode for betaMid relative spectral powers
(18 – 24 Hz). Values are z – transformed to facilitate visual inspection of the
topographic pattern.

# electrode Spearman’s rho pexact
18 .665 .026
21 .679 .022
22 .506 .113
29 .579 .062
30 .396 .228
31 .027 .936
32 .264 .432
36 .597 .053
37 .378 .252
38 .355 .284
41 .328 .325
42 .542 .085
43 .232 .492
48 .542 .085
51 .670 .024
57 .401 .222
58 .560 .073
59 .424 .194
62 .661 .027

Figure 47. Topography of associations between magnitudes of psychometric effects

(hynoidal state score Verum minus hynoidal state score Placebo) and magnitudes of
effects of change over time (total intrasubject variance) of EEG betaMid (18 – 24 Hz)
relative spectral powers investigated using Spearman’s non–parametric correlation.
A left–lateralized topographic pattern is observed. Relevant electrodes are highlighted
in bold.

The topographic distribution of betaMid powers’ (18 –24 Hz) magnitudes of

change over time as measured as total intrasubject variances (figure 46)

under Verum compared to the topographic pattern of relationships to the

psychometric effect expressed as Spearman’s rho (figure 47) reveals that

indeed the mentioned electrodes with relatively largest change over time

are those which show largest relationships with the psychometric effect.

4 among 19 Quade test significant electrodes show significant Spearman

correlations with the psychometric effect within a false discovery rate of

0.95 electrodes, due to α-error accumulation because of multiple hypothesis

testing. Interestingly, the electrodes showing smallest such relationships

are mostly those at central midline sites.

Extracting only the information of the linear trend over the five epochs by

the non-parametric Theil-Sen regression slope estimator (Wilcox, 1998),

see figure 48, excluding all non-linear information, and referencing these

linear trends to those of Placebo reveals that all Quade-test significant

electrodes show a negative linear trend of the time course of betaMid

relative spectral powers. Looking only at midline electrodes from anterior

FCz to posterior Oz, posterior sites seem to show stronger negative linear

trends in betaMid.

All Quade test significant electrodes show without exception only negative

slopes for betaMid (18 – 24 Hz) as does also alpha4 (10.5 – 11.5 Hz), see

above, and in contrast to delta (0.5 – 3.5 Hz) and thetaLow (3.5 – 6.5 Hz)

which show only positive slopes, see above.

# electrode difference Theil-Sen
slopes Verum – Placebo
18 -.0676
21 -.0178
22 -.0405
29 -.0361
30 -.0196
31 -.0403
32 -.0603
36 -.0599
37 -.0350
38 -.0161
41 -.0568
42 -.1030
43 -.0669
48 -.0346
51 -.0228
57 -.0632
58 -.0769
59 -.0100
62 -.0897

Figure 48. Extracting only the information of the linear trend over the five epochs,
excluding all non-linear information, using the non-parametric Theil-Sen slope
estimator (Wilcox, 1998) and referencing it to those obtained under Placebo, all Quade
test significant electrodes show without exception only negative slopes for betaMid (18
– 24 Hz) as does also alpha4 (10.5 – 11.5 Hz), see above, and in contrast to delta (0.5
– 3.5 Hz) and thetaLow (3.5 – 6.5 Hz) which show positive slopes, see above.

118 Results in gamma1 (30 – 40 Hz) EEG relative spectral powers

Figure 49. Comparing Verum (red) vs. Placebo (blue) with regard to significance of change over time for each 5 • 5min means of relative
spectral EEG powers in gamma1 (30 – 40 Hz) by multiple Quade tests for each of the 63 electrodes (x – axis), p – values
on y – axis. Due to false discovery rate, three false – positive findings are expected under Verum and under Placebo.
Vertical black lines subdivide scalp regions to facilitate the understanding of electrodes’ spatial organisation
(frontopolar/anterior–frontal, frontal, central, parietal, occipital). Mind the symbology explained under the plot. 119
Figure 50. Verum topographic pattern of effect sizes of change over time as expressed
as total intrasubject variance at each electrode for gamma1 relative spectral powers
(30 – 40 Hz). Values are z – transformed to facilitate visual inspection of the
topographic pattern.

The topographic distribution of change over time of gamma1 relative

spectral powers (30 – 40 Hz), see figure 49, shows statistically significant
Quade tests under Verum at 8 electrodes vs. at none electrodes under
Placebo. These findings show that only under Verum at least one of the five
epochs shows gamma1 powers which come from an underlying population
which is significantly different from those corresponding to at least one or
more other remaining four time points and that this happens at ≈ 13% of
all 63 electrodes.

Analyzing the topography of effect sizes of change over time, as measured

as total intrasubject variances (intrasubject variance over all 5 epochs
summed up over all subjects), see figure 50, shows that the most
pronounced effects of change over time are observed at C5 and CP5, while
relatively smallest effects are found at FC1 and Cz.

# electrode Spearman’s rho pexact
21 .788 .004
28 .569 .067
29 .620 .042
31 .560 .073
36 .606 .048
37 .633 .036
38 .615 .044
57 .501 .116

Figure 51. Topography of associations between magnitudes of psychometric effects

(hynoidal state score Verum minus hynoidal state score Placebo) and magnitudes of
effects of change over time (total intrasubject variance) of EEG gamma1 (30 – 40 Hz)
relative spectral powers investigated using Spearman’s non–parametric correlation.
Relevant electrodes are highlighted in bold.

All electrodes with significant change over time as operationalized by the
Quade test show relative large correlations between the psychometric effect
and the EEG spectral power effects in gamma1, see figure 51, expressed as
contrasts Verum – Placebo of intrasubject variances to quantify the effect
size of change over time. Five among 8 Quade test significant electrodes
show significant Spearman correlations with the psychometric effect within
a false discovery rate of 0.4 electrodes, due to α-error accumulation
because of multiple hypothesis testing. Although the largest association is
found at FC1, no specific topographic pattern can be observed in gamma1
associations with the psychometric effect as compared to the other reported
EEG frequency bands.

EEG effects found above 20 Hz, especially in the EEG gamma frequency
band, have been criticized to be strongly interfered by non-cerebral
bioelectric sources such as EMG and EOG of miniature saccades (e.g. Pope,
Fitzgibbon, Lewis, Whitham, & Willoughby, 2009; Whitham et al., 2007,
2008), but it was demonstrated that the surface Laplacian filtering of EEG
signals, as used in this present study, suppresses remaining EMG
contamination (see Whitham et al., 2007), so the reported results in
gamma1 can be considered as indeed predominantly reflecting cerebral EEG
activity rather than EMG interferences. But even if they were exclusively
reflecting EMG, signals still would not be meaningless, but could be
interpreted as reflecting changes in arousal levels inducing changes in
skeletal muscular tone. Magnitudes of change over time in gamma1 seem to
be one of the best physiological correlates of magnitudes of the
psychometric effects found in the present work, because almost all Quade–
test sign. Electrodes show sign. correlations: Specific psychometric
reactivity to the Verum Binaural Beat stimulus correlates well with specific
physiological reactivity of change over time in EEG gamma1 relative
spectral powers.

Extracting only the information of the linear trend over the five epochs by
the non-parametric Theil-Sen regression slope estimator (Wilcox, 1998),
see figure 52, excluding all non-linear information, and referencing these
linear trends to those of Placebo reveals that all Quade-test significant
electrodes show a negative linear trend of the time course of gamma1
under Verum.

# electrode difference Theil-Sen
slopes Verum – Placebo
21 -.0264
28 -.0741
29 -.0677
31 -.0527
36 -.0656
37 -.0789
38 -.0905
57 -.0210

Figure 52. Extracting only the information of the linear trend over the five epochs,
excluding all non-linear information, using the non-parametric Theil-Sen slope
estimator (Wilcox, 1998) and referencing it to those obtained under Placebo, all Quade
test significant electrodes show without exception only negative slopes for gamma1
(30 – 40 Hz) as does also alpha4 (10.5 – 11.5 Hz) and betaMid (18 – 24 Hz), see
above, and in contrast to delta (0.5 – 3.5 Hz) and thetaLow (3.5 – 6.5 Hz) which show
positive slopes, see above.

123 Comparison/associations of topographic patterns of
linear temporal trends over the five stimulus time
points of EEG relative powers between the different
EEG frequency bands which showed most relevant
and sign. change over time

In order to compare the particular topographic patterns of change over time

of the EEG relative spectral powers at the distinct EEG frequency bands over

the five time points and over all N = 12 subjects, and this for the set of

common electrodes which showed significant change over time in the Quade

test, dimensionality was reduced to the linear trend using the non-

parametric Theil-Sen regression slope estimator (see Dytham, 2011;

Wilcox, 1998), as done above. As mentioned, this estimator offers the

important advantage of robustness to outliers and superior precision in the

presence of skewed and heteroskedastic data as compared to standard least

squares estimators.

To compare the found togographic distributions of linear trends over time in

the different EEG frequency bands with each other, i.e. how they

topographically relate to each other, a pairwise comparison of the Placebo

referenced Theil-Sen regression slopes is performed resulting in an

intercorrelation matrix: For every pair of EEG frequency bands to be

compared, first the set of those electrodes is selected which show significant

change over time using the Quade test in both bands. The length of this set

is reported as N, then association between slopes of linear trends of change

over time of EEG relative spectral powers of each two EEG frequency bands

over all their common Quade test significant electrodes is calculated using

non-parametric rank–order Spearman (rho) and also linear Pearson (r)

correlation coefficients. Gamma1 was excluded because common sets would

have far too small N for the calculation of correlations. This described

intercorrelation matrix is found in table 9.

Table 9. Associations between topographic patterns of linear trends over the five stimulus
time points of EEG relative powers between the four most reactive EEG frequency bands
using an intercorrelation matrix of Placebo referenced Theil-Sen regression slopes at N
common Quade test significant electrodes which are shared by the compared pair of EEG
frequency bands using non-parametric Spearman correlation coefficient (rho) and linear
Pearson (r): Correlations are calculated for each pair over its common Quade test sign.
Gamma1 was excluded because common sets would have far too small N for the
calculation of correlations.

alpha4 betaMid delta thetaLow


betaMid N = 10
rho =.605 p = .064
r = .346 p = .331

delta N = 16 N = 15
rho = –.640 p = .008 rho = –.697 p = .004
r = –.598 p = .015 r = –.736 p = .003

thetaLow N = 16 N=6 N = 15
rho = –.023 p = .933 (two small N) rho = –.200 p = .475
r = .006 p = .983 r = –.221 p = .427

As to be seen in table 9, topographic patterns for delta, alpha4 and betaMid

show strong associations between each other, i.e. the variability of
magnitudes of linear trends of change over time of EEG relative spectral
powers are strongly related in these EEG frequency bands: The higher the
positive linear trends/slopes over the common electrodes are in delta, the
lower were those of alpha4 and betaMid; these correlations are sign. o
almost sign. This means that at roughly the same scalp sites where higher
linear increases of delta were observed, at the same time, larger linear
decreases of alpha4 and betaMid happened. These findings could be
understood as a shift from faster towards slower EEG frequency bands
which is a clear sign of decreasing (cortical) arousal levels. Interestingly,
the thetaLow topographic pattern of magnitudes of linear trends of change
over time over the five stimulus epochs shows only low, non–significant
relationships with those of the three other EEG frequency bands, thus the

topographic pattern of linear trends of thetaLow behaves clearly differently
as compared to the remaining three other ones. Apart from this
investigation by the described intercorrelation matrix, topographic patterns
of linear temporal trends over the five stimulus time points can also be
compared manually–visually comparing the figures for thetaLow (figure 40),
delta (figure 36), alpha4 (figure 44) and betaMid (figure 48) with each
other. Summary EEG findings

Multiple evidence many times superior to false discovery rates is found for
change over time of EEG relative spectral powers over the five stimulus
epochs only under Verum, but not under Placebo: The employed Binaural
Beat stimulus induces specific change over time in EEG relative spectral
powers, this effect is most pronounced in delta, thetaLow, alpha4, betaMid
and gamma1. Associations of this change over time in EEG relative powers
clearly superior to random are found with the psychometric effects.
Extracting linear trends of time courses of EEG relative spectral powers over
the five stimulus epochs by the non–parametric Theil–Sen slope estimator
(Wilcox, 1998) shows that the slower EEG frequency bands delta and
thetaLow show, without excpetion, only positive slopes, i.e. they increase
within the five stimulus epochs, while the faster EEG frequency bands
alpha4, betaMid and gamma1 show only negative slopes, i.e. they decrease
over the five stimulus epochs. These temporal linear trends are strongly
intercorrelated for delta, alpha4 and betaMid, but not for thetaLow.
Comparing slope–magnitudes, delta, thetaLow and alpha4 show roughly
comparable levels, whereas slopes for betaMid and gamma1 are smaller.

3.3.3. Domain of stress–related salivary biomarkers:

Cortisol, α -Amylase and Salivary Secretory Immunoglobulin A

Comparing pre vs. post saliva samples under Verum vs. under Placebo
reveal that under Verum no significant changes are observed for cortisol,

α-Amylase and Salivary Secretory Immunoglobulin A (SIgA), while under
Placebo all these three stress-related biomarkes show significant increases,
see table 10. Baseline pre – levels under Verum vs. Placebo do not show
any sign. differences, which makes the observed pre vs. post findings more
attributable to the different treatment conditions.

Table 10. Results of stress – related salivary biomarkers, measured pre vs. post each time under Verum
vs. Placebo, collected by passive drool technique while collection times were measured.
As highlighted in blue, all three biomarkers show significant increases pre vs. post only under Placebo, but
not under Verum. Assay results for α – Amylase and SIgA were normalized for saliva flow rates [ml / min]
obtained by measuring total saliva volumina and dividing them by the measured times. Because cortisol
saliva concentrations do not depend on saliva flow rates, this normalization is not necessary in this case.

Cortisol [ µg / dl ]

M verum-pre = .0918 SD verum-pre = .05996 M placebo-pre = .1012 SD placebo-pre = .04408

M verum-post = .0847 SD verum-post = .04321 M placebo-post = .1197 SD placebo-post = .05125
Wilcoxon signed-ranks Z = –.800 , pexact = .465 Wilcoxon signed-ranks Z = – 2.040, pexact = .042
Spearman’s rank corr rho = .881, pexact = .0003 Spearman’s rank corr rho = .860, pexact = .001

Wilcoxon signed-ranks verum–pre  placebo–pre Z = –.628, pexact = .569

Spearman’s rank corr verum–pre  placebo–pre rho = .490, pexact = .110

α – Amylase [ U / min ]
M verum-pre = 84.06 SD verum-pre = 99.4840 M placebo-pre = 76.67 SD placebo-pre = 71.8080
M verum-post = 107.98 SD verum-post = 84.4756 M placebo-post = 102.90 SD placebo-post = 94.3575
Wilcoxon signed-ranks Z = – 1.334, pexact = .204 Wilcoxon signed-ranks Z = – 2.275, pexact = .021
Spearman’s rank corr rho = .692, pexact = .016 Spearman’s rank corr rho = .909, pexact = .0001

Wilcoxon signed-ranks verum–pre  placebo–pre Z = –.078, pexact = .970

Spearman’s rank corr verum–pre  placebo–pre rho = .776, pexact = .004

Salivary Secretory Immunoglobulin A (SIgA) [ µg / min ]

M verum-pre = 272.09 SD verum-pre = 152.0205 M placebo-pre = 304.83 SD placebo-pre = 297.6298
M verum-post = 391.13 SD verum-post = 250.0620 M placebo-post = 430.02 SD placebo-post = 337.7117
Wilcoxon signed-ranks Z = – 1.490, pexact = .151 Wilcoxon signed-ranks Z = – 2.197, pexact = .027
Spearman’s rank corr rho = .517, pexact = .089 Spearman’s rank corr rho = .734, pexact = .009

Wilcoxon signed-ranks verum–pre  placebo–pre Z = –.157, pexact = .910

Spearman’s rank corr verum–pre  placebo–pre rho = .580, pexact = .052

In order to compare pre/post response magnitudes under Placebo between
the three distinct stress–related biomarkers, as calculated as the differences
of post – pre, the intercorrelation matrix was computed using Spearman’s
rank order correlation: Cortisol  α-Amylase rho = –.070 with pexact = .835,
cortisol  SIgA rho = .147 with pexact = .651, α-Amylase  SIgA rho = .399
with pexact = .201. Obviously, cortisol response magnitudes under Placebo
are almost independent from those of the other measured biomarkers, while
α-Amylase and SIgA response magnitudes show certain dependency,
although not reaching significance, probably due to small sample size.

The individual increases in stress-related biomarker actibities as observed

under Placebo are not statistically associated with the psychometric
response magnitudes (hypnoidal state score, HSS) to the Binaural Beat
stimulus under Verum, because the correlation matrix does not show any
significant nor relevant correlations: Cortisol magnitudes  psychom.
magnitudes rho = –.119 with pexact = .716, α-Amylase magnitudes 
psychom. magnitudes rho = –.140 with pexact =.667, SIgA magnitudes 
psychom. magnitudes rho = –.049 with pexact = .886. Nonetheless, because
the same subjects were measured under Verum vs. Placebo, because effort
was made to keep all other conditions more or less constant and because of
the double-blind methodology, it seems no to be due to pure random that
an increase of stress-related biomarkers was systematically observed under
Placebo while not under Verum, e.g. because naturally occurring activating
processes under Placebo may be inhibited under Verum.

3.4. Excluding possible presentation order effects

The concept of statistical interaction is generally based on comparing

magnitudes of effects in a dependent variable in function of different levels
of an independent factor. Because most non-parametric methods use rank
transformation of the raw data, i.e. they work with the only information that
something is higher or lower while rejecting the information of magnitudes
of these differences, investigating interaction effects with non-parametric
methodology is problematic. On the other hand, parametric statistics rely on
assumptions such as (multi)normal distribution, homoscedasticity,
sphericity (e.g. in the case of repeated measures with k > 2) etc. which are
frequently violated by real-world data. With respect to the investigation of
interaction effects in the ANOVA context, a trade-off between non-
parametric vs. parametric methodology, a “middle ground” or “hybrid
technology”, was proposed and investigated in Monte Carlo simulations by
Leys and Schumann (2010): the adjusted rank transform test (ART). In the
following, main and interaction effects are investigated by classical ANOVA,
but then compared with ART results.

Investigating possible effects of the presentation order influencing

psychometric effects, a classical mixed-design repeated measures ANOVA
was computed with verum_vs_placebo_stimulus_condition as repeated within-
subjects factor, with the two levels Verum vs. Placebo, and presentationorder
as between-subjects factor, with two levels Verum-Placebo vs. Placebo-
Verum. As expected, the main effect in repeated within-subjects factor
confirmed the existence of the psychometric effect showing significance with
F(1, 12) = 10.307, p = .009, ηp2 = .508; comparison with the ART approach
gives similar results with F(1, 12) = 11.427, p = .007, ηp2 = .533. There was
no significant between-subjects main effect of presentationorder with
F(1, 12) = .153, p = .704, ηp2 = .015; using ART makes no relevant difference
with in F(1, 12) = .067, p = .802, ηp2 = .007 . There was also no significant
interaction effect between presentationorder × verum_vs_placebo_ stimulus_condition
with F(1, 12) = .039, p = .848, ηp2 = .004. Using the ART, similar results were
found for this interaction with F(1, 12) = .066, p = .803, ηp2 = .007.

In conclusion, neither significant main effects nor significant interactions
could be found for presentationorder, neither with classical ANOVA nor with the
advanced ART over the two employed presentation orders. Hence, the found
psychometric effects can be considered as independent from possible
presentation order effects and thus have indeed to be attributed to be
caused by the different auditory stimulation conditions and not by unspecific
presentation order biases.

Investigating possible presentation order effects on the heart rate variability

(HRV) effects in logit_HFpower_percents, the application of the ART is
problematic, because two intercrossed repeated within-subject factors have
to be used at the same time: first verum_vs_placebo_stimulus_condition and
second fiveTimepoints. Thus, only the classical mixed-design repeated
measures ANOVA was computed with the mentioned factors and
presentationorder as between-subjects factor. Because classical ANOVA is
sensitive to outliers, data were checked by the two-sided robust test for
multiple outliers proposed by Iglewicz and Hoaglin (1993) setting the
threshold for the modified Z score ≥ 2.4 which resulted in one outlier
detection for subject number 11 in epoch 1 under Placebo. This outlier was
replaced by the corresponding linear least square interpolation of the other
4 remaining data points of this subject. Neither the main effect of between-
subject factor presentationorder is significant with F(1, 12) = 1.938,

p = .194, ηp2 = .162, nor the interaction effects presentationorder ×

verum_vs_placebo_stimulus_condition with F(1, 12) = .795, p = .394, ηp2 = .074
nor presentationorder × verum_vs_placebo_stimulus_ condition × fiveTimepoints with

F(2.969, 12) = 1.723, p = .184, ηp2 = .147 (Greenhouse-Geisser correction

with ε = .742). But as expected, the HRV effect previously found by non-
parametric methodology can also be seen in the significant interaction effect

of verum_vs_placebo_stimulus_condition × fiveTimepoints with F(2.969, 12) = 3.000,

p = .047, ηp2 = .231 (Greenhouse-Geisser correction with ε = .729). While

as expected the within-subjects factor fiveTimepoints shows significance with

F(2.914, 12) = 4.843, p = .008, ηp2 = .326, its interaction fiveTimepoints ×

presentationorder does not show significance with F(2.914, 12) = 1.751, p = .180,
ηp2 = .149 (both with Greenhouse-Geisser correction with ε = .729). In
conclusion, the found HRV effects can be considered as independent from
possible presentation order effects and thus unspecific presentation order
biases can be excluded.

In the case of EEG findings, investigating possible presentation order effects

is very problematic: Because first, a MANOVA etc. would have to be
performed which would imply that the variability of all relevant EEG
frequency bands would have to be pooled which in itself is highly
problematic. Second, the found EEG effects do not appear over the same
electrodes, so meaningful comparison over spatially different patterns in the
distinct EEG frequency bands is not easy to operationalize. Given that
psychometric and HRV effects seem independent from possible presentation
order and given that significant and meaningful correlations were found
between psychometric effect vs. effects in the distinct EEG frequency bands,
it seems not very probable that the found EEG effects are significantly
contaminated by possible presentation order effects.

Investigating possible effects of the presentation order on the three saliva

analytes, a classical mixed-design repeated measures ANOVA was
computed with verum_vs_placebo_stimulus_condition as the first repeated
within-subjects factor, with the two levels Verum vs. Placebo, and
pre_vs_post as the second repeated within-subjects factor, with the two
levels pre vs. post and presentationorder as between-subjects factor, with the
two levels Verum-Placebo vs. Placebo-Verum. There was neither a
significant between-subjects main effect of presentationorder for cortisol
concentrations [µg/dl] with F(1, 12) = .281, p = .608, ηp2 = .027, nor for
saliva flow rate normalized α–Amylase secretion [U/min] with F(1, 12) = .000
005, p = .998, ηp2 < .000 000 1, nor for SIgA secretion [µg/min] with
F(1, 12) = .047, p = .832, ηp2 = .005. Corresponding interaction effects
showed values far from significance. Thus, the found effects in saliva
analytes can be considered as free from possible presentation order effects
and thus unspecific presentation order biases can be excluded.

4. Discussion
The present work aimed to find evidence superior to random and superior to
unspecific Placebo effects whether there is or there is not
psychophysiological reactivity to auditory stimulation by Binaural Beats in
the EEG alpha and theta brain wave frequency bands, especially in terms of
modulating levels of arousal. The present work is, to the author’s best
knowledge, the first study which found for the first time multimodal
evidence (psychometric–self reports, parasympathetic outflow by
respiration–controlled heart rate variability, EEG cortical activities and
neuroendocrinological stress biomarkers cortisol, α-Amylase and Salivary
Secretory Immunoglobulin A, SIgA) for the specific efficacy of auditory
Binaural Beat stimulation contra Placebo satisfying the standards of
Evidence-based Medicine (Sackett et al., 1996; Timmermans & Mauck,
2005): randomized placebo-controlled double-blind trails and rigorous
selection of bio–psycho–socially healthy participants for a highly controlled
laboratory study. Until today, previous works offer contradictory results,
and there are only few results available which satisfy the standards of
Evidence-based Medicine. Most remarkably, those previous studies did
neither exhaustively ask for volunteers’ medical conditions or
medication/substance (ab)use, nor operationalized nor test bio-psycho-
social health of the subjects by extended test batteries and most of them
neither used sufficient sample sizes nor discussed the problem of statistical
test power of the employed research designs at all (see e.g. Abeln, Kleinert,
Strüder, & Schneider, 2013; Carter, 2008; Kasprzak, 2011; Lavallee, Koren,
& Persinger, 2011; Le Scouarnec et al., 2001; Wahbeh, Calabrese, Zwickey,
& Zajdel, 2007; Waldkoetter & Sanders, 1997). Under the contradictory
studies are on the one hand works which report confirmation of Binaural
Beat effects (Brady & Stevens, 2000; Ioannou & Bhattacharya, 2012; Lai et
al., 2010; Lane et al., 1998; Padmanabhan et al., 2005; Reedijk et al.,
2013), while on the other hand others found no specific effects using their
specific employed research designs (e.g. Goodin et al., 2012; Stevens et
al., 2003; Vernon, Peryer, Louch, & Shaw, 2012; Wahbeh et al., 2007;
Weiland et al., 2011).

That the present work required that possible subjects had to answer a two–
step online test battery of both 45 min and had to interact via eMail after
the first one to ask for access to the second one, filtered out less motivated
persons and reinforced compliance of the included persons.
A further advantage of the present work is that subjects’ age has rather
small variability with M = 23.93 years and SD = 3.965, min = 19 and
max = 31, so the sample was kept more or less homogenous in the variable
age, reducing age biases of the found results. All participants were
university students which means that subjects’ educational level was kept

What gives special validity to the results of the present work is the use of a
within–subjects design in combination with a randomized double–blind
placebo–controlled methodology aimed to reduce confounding biases and to
control unspecific triggers. Moreover, the employed design of auditory
stimuli makes it impossible for the subjects to hear any perceivable
differences between Placebo vs. Verum stimuli which strongly underpins the
validity of the employed Placebo stimulus. This methodology, taken
altogether, strongly supports the causal attribution that indeed the used
auditory Binaural Beat stimulation specifically provoked the observed
effects. This causal attribution has to be taken even more seriously because
specific efficacy could be confirmed not only in one single domain, but
simultaneously in different physiological systems and these effects
moreover showed significant and meaningful associations to the effects
found in the psychometric domain. Although the present work still lacks
further confirmatory replications by other researchers, the author of the
present work found sufficient evidence to answer the unclear question over
decades in this rather small research field whether there is or there is not
specific psychophysiological reactivity to auditory Binaural Beat stimulation
with a clear: yes there is. Despite the impacts in this special research
domain, the success of the present work, as compared to previous works,
should be taken as an example that the key to successful science stays and
falls with the level of methodological rigor invested in all aspects of the
scientific endeavour.

Apart from fulfilling the requirements of a highly controlled laboratory study
following the standards of Evidence–based Medicine, the present work
operationalized the efficacy of auditory Binaural Beat stimulation under
question for the first time as change over time in combination with
non–stationary stimuli designed as a sweep, i.e. with perpetually changing
carrier (f1 and f2) and Binaural Beat frequencies (∆f), i.e. a stimulus with
slow, but perpetual change over time. The basic idea was to use a Verum
stimulus with perpetual change over time versus a Placebo stimulus without
such change: If significant change over time is observed in the dependent
variables only under Verum and not under Placebo, and given that subjects
cannot hear perceivable differences between both stimuli, then the causal
attribution is admissible that the Verum stimulus with its frequency sweep
has causally and specifically induced such change over time. Because it is
probable that subjects’ sensitivity to different stimulation frequencies is not
completely identical, which means here that they would show different
levels of reactivity at different time points of the sweep, operationalizing
efficacy as significant change over time by a statistical overall or omnibus
test partly compensates for those possible intersubject dissimilarities.
For the concept of change over time it is not so important when exactly,
i.e. at which frequencies of the sweep, reactivity occurs, but how much
change happens over all time points taken altogether: If at least at one
time point data over all subjects imply an underlying population with a
central tendency of its distribution which is significantly different from those
underlying the remaining time points, then reactivity is detected. Moreover,
the use of non–parametric statistics with adequate statistical test power
makes these inferences more robust against outliers, non–normal
population distributions etc. Furthermore, the within–subject design, i.e.
that every subject serves as its own control, reduces the influence of
confounding trait third variables and thus makes (together with the
randomization and post–hoc exclusion of presentation order effects) causal
attribution of the found effects to the treatment much stronger as compared
to between–subject designs, as unfortunately used by e.g. Crespo et al.
(2013). Moreover, within–subject designs offer a decisively higher statistical
test power as compared to between–subject designs, in the case of identical
sample size N. Taken altogether, all the described specialties employed in

the present work seem to be responsible for the clear findings as compared
to previous works. Which of the taken methodological decisions, or which
subset of them is in the end to be considered as the most relevant for the
achieved confirmation of Binaural Beat efficacy, cannot be answered by the
present work and has to be studied in further investigations. It might be
considered as most probable that all these decisions aiming to implement a
high level of methodological rigor enhanced each other altogether in a
synergistic way.

The found significant increases in salivary stress – related biomarkers

(cortisol, α – Amlyase, salivary secretory Immunoglobulin A) under Placebo,
which are absent under Verum, can be interpreted as neuroendocrinologic
signs for activation triggered by internal processes under Placebo which are
absent or inhibited under Verum: Because the same subjects were
investigated both under Placebo and under Verum, context conditions were
kept very similar, all instructions came from the same auditory recordings in
eyes-closed condition, so sensorial input other than the auditory stimuli was
absent and presentation order effects could be excluded, the found
difference in pre vs. post salivary stress – related biomarkers under Placebo
and not under Verum can be causally attributed to the differences in
auditory stimulation, i.e. the presence vs. absence of Binaural Beats
embedded into the dynamical noise mask. Although salivary stress – related
biomarkers suggest activating processes under Placebo, no corresponding
signs of arousal have been found in Placebo EEGs in term of significant
change over time. Although it is very unlikely that the increases in salivary
stress – related biomarkers under Placebo are just measurement errors or
are due to biases or processes which randomly occurred under Placebo,
especially this interesting finding of discrepancy between biomarkers vs.
EEG findings needs to be confirmed in future replications of the
experiments, as all the other findings of the present work also call for
replications. It could be suspected that the Binaural Beats under Verum
perhaps inhibit processes which naturally occur under Placebo and which
are of activating nature. Future studies combining EEG and fMRI could
moreover try to identify and locate brain regions associated with these
possible processes, which could help to generate hypotheses of what

exactly happens under Placebo, but not under Verum. Moreover, no hints
could be derived from the interviews, so extended psychometric
measurements could generate hypotheses of these possible e.g. cognitive
or affective processes – if they would be accessible to subjects’ conscious

Arousal levels
Apart from the demonstrated general confirmation of the specific
multimodal efficacy of Binaural Beat stimulation, more in detail, linear
projections of the time courses of EEG relative spectral powers by the
robust Theil–Sen slope estimator (Wilcox, 1998) clearly show a specific
decrease of cortical arousal over the treatment time which was not
observed under Placebo: Slower EEG frequency bands showed a linear
increase over the time of 25 min, while the faster bands showed a linear
decrease over time and moreover these temporal developments showed
strong associations between each other over topographical scalp sites
(see table 9). Thus, the employed Verum Binaural Beat stimulus has
demonstrated its power to specifically reduce levels of arousal. Apart from
manifold therapeutic implications for clinical contexts, as mentioned and
outlined in the introduction, further basic research using the proposed
paradigm could try to better understand the involved underlying cerebral
neurocircuitry: Further basic research could try to target these structures by
other stimuli than auditory Binaural Beat stimulation, i.e. by e.g.
(topographical 3D) neurofeedback or transcranial magnetic stimulation
(TMS) etc., all with the aim to reduce levels of arousal. A very interesting
application for basic research might be the use of the culture-free stimuli of
the present work in the emerging field of psychophysiology of modulation of
gene expression and epigenetics, as outlined in the very recent and higly
interesting publication of Kaliman et al. (2014). In the context of future
studies trying to target brain structures which underly the effects found in
the present work, the author of the present work feels obliged to warn
researchers that this possible new knowledge one day could be
unfortunately abused in e.g. military contexts, as humanity yet has done
with all new knowledge: Sensory deprivation e.g. was and is intentionally
used in the illegal Guantanamo prison by extraordenarly criminal US –

military psychiatrists (see e.g. Allhoff, 2008; Bloche & Marks, 2005; Marks
& Bloche, 2008) to provoke psychotic episodes in prison inmates, practices
which remind the native German author of the present work of the nazi
doctors’ terrible and unprecedented crimes in concentration camps during
the Holocaust under the horrible Hitler dictature (see the miletone
publication of Lifton, 2000). But the fact that obviously on large time scales
constructive discourses in the end have mostly won the perpetual fights
between constructiveness and destructiveness all over the time course of
humankind, hope is given that this possible new knowledge could rather
contribute to promote peoples’ salutogeneses and maintenance of health in
the hands of responsible professionals being able to love and to respect the
never-ending secrets of nature than it might do harm in hands of
protagonists who lack these fundaments.

Possible clinical applications

Apart from basic research perspectives, the employed Verum Binaural Beat
stimulus could be further investigated for its effectiveness in applied–
practical clinical contexts by field studies aiming to reduce states of
hyperarousal in clinical states or clinical populations as described in the
introduction: Further research should investigate effectiveness in e.g.
chronic psychophysiological insomniacs or as a booster before
psychotherapeutical sessions, i.e. that patients could relax approx. 30 min
with the Verum Binaural Beat stimulus before psychotherapeutical
interactions and thus, hopefully, the impact of these interventions could be
enhanced. It is imaginable that this pre-treatment could help patients to get
better access to suppressed material and to facilitate regression to primary
object relations in the context of psychoanalytical or psychodynamical
inspired psychotherapies. Problem actualization was identified in large
meta-analyses as the second most important factor for efficacy of all
psychotherapeutical interventions (Grawe, 2005), i.e. gaining access to the
problems to be treated following the motto talking is silver, real experience
is gold which means that problems can be better solved when the patient
can feel and experience them in contrast to “just talking about it”. What is
to be changed has to be experienced in reality in the psychotherapeutic
setting. Problem actualization for interpersonal problems can be described

in psychoanalytical terms as transference and countertransference
(see e.g. Etchegoyen, 2005). Gaining more emotional access to the
problems or traumata may be facilitated by the proposed pre-treatment by
Binaural Beats and thus the struggle for integration might be intensified or
even shortened. Certainly, as always, caution is given that every kind of
weakening of defence systems can over–challenge the possibilities of
patients’ integration resources, in the worst case, implying possible life–
threatening episodes. This is why first field studies with clinical population
would need special precautions for patients’ security. But, remembering the
problematic pharmacological options to treat states of hyperarousal, as
outlined in the introduction, i.e. their lack of sufficient specificity and their
dangerous side effects (at least for long term treatment), the proposed
Verum Binaural Beat stimulus is likely to offer better risks–benefits trade-
offs, once its effectiveness would be proven in field studies. Apart from
clinical populations, the Verum Binaural Beat stimulus of the present work
could be investigated as an intervention in the context of occupational
psychology or preventive medicine targeting the restorative processes
outlined in figure 1 aiming to reduce morbidity and even mortality. As
outlined in the introduction, the Verum Binaural Beat stimulus offers the
advantage that it does not require any active learning processes for its
application, as it do other relaxation techniques as e.g. meditation
practices, thus in the future it might be considered as a low–threshold
intervention to reduce arousal and support restorative self–regulation

Relations to hypnotizability
Psychometrically, observations in hypnoidal state scores (HSS) suggest that
just the Placebo stimulus itself provoked yet a moderate hypnoidal state
following the definitions of Pekala (2009), but that the Verum stimulus
specifically deepened it (while still in the “moderate” level) with an
remarkable increase as expressed with an effect size of r = .513 which is,
following the classification of effect size magnitudes proposed by Cohen
(1988), to be considered as a large effect.

First, the hypnoidal state score (HSS) measured under Placebo, a score
derived from the self–report Phenomenology of Consciousness Inventory
(PCI) (Pekala, 1991) by several regression analyses with the
coadministered behavioral Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility
(HGSHS:A) (Shor & Orne, 1962) over various stimuli and populations,
predicted well (Spearman’s rho = .671 and pexact = .020) the magnitude of
difference between HSS_Verum and HSS_Placebo, i.e. predicted well the
specific psychometric effect of the Binaural Beat stimulus (see figure 32).
Second, the two non-responders could be predicted because they showed
the lowest Placebo HSS among all subjects. Thus, it has to be concluded
that the magnitude of HSS psychometric reactivity to the employed Binaural
Beat stimulus can be reliably predicted by subjects’ trait hypnotizability:
They more a subject is habitually or trait–like hypnotizable as observed
under the unspecific Placebo stimulus operationalized as HSS, the larger will
be the effect of the Binaural Beat stimulation on the intraindividual increase
of HSS. How large HSS will be under Verum seems for ≈ 45% of the
intersubject variability predictable by the trait hypnotizability of the subject
(D = .6712 ≈ .450). Seen psychometrically, the Binaural Beats in Verum
stimulus thus enhanced or boosted subjects’ trait propensity/ability to enter
hypnoidal states, or in more colloquial terms, the Binaural Beats in Verum
stimulus could be named a trance booster. Given this finding of an
interaction between trait hypnotizablity and magnitudes of psychometric
Binaural Beat effects, rigorous selection of subjects is crucial for any further
works about Binaural Beat effects on human subjects: If mainly subjects
with low trait hypnotizability would enter the sample without the
investigators knowing it, the probability that many of them would show
small effects or even would behave as non–responders would be large.
Almost no studies on Binaural Beats controlled for trait hypnotizability,
which might partly explain the accumulated contradicting results in this
small research field with regard to Binaural Beats in alpha, theta or delta
EEG frequency bands.

This is why hypnotizability should be discussed a bit further. Following what

the authors of the consensus statement of the British Society of Medical and
Dental Hypnosis (BSMDH) and the British Society of Experimental and

Clinical Hypnosis (BSECH) addressed as the narrow definition of hypnosis,
hypnotizability refers to the differing propensity of individuals to enter
trance states, induced by any procedure which can induce such states, not
only by means of verbal suggestions in the context of social interaction
between a “hypnotist” and subject (Kirsch et al., 2011). Although the term
trance might seem at a first sight related to rather modern or even
postmodern discourses, one of the earliest uses of this word in English
language can be found in manuscripts of one of the most impacting English
poets of the Middle Ages, from the early year 1386, who was the first poet
to be buried in Poet’s Corner of Westminster Abbey (London, England):
Geoffrey Chausser (cited following Pekala & Kumar, 2000). Defining trance
by general verbal descriptions is difficult, but most definitions describe
trance as an altered state of consciousness which differs from normal
waking states in two main aspects: decreased sensitivity or responsiveness
to external stimuli (or total lack of it) and a shift from voluntary to
automatic activity (Pekala & Kumar, 2000). Other definitions include
furthermore decrease of executive functioning, redistribution of attention,
availability of memories and heightened ability for fantasy production,
reduction of reality testing and tolerance from reality distortion, increased
suggestibility, role behaviour, and posthypnotic amnesia (Pekala & Kumar,
2000). Apart from these problematic verbal–descriptive and general
conceptual definitions, most relevant for empirical research is the
operational definition of trance by the hypnoidal state score (HSS) as
described by Pekala and Kumar (2000): Integrating observational data of
manifest behavior to hypnotic inductions as quantified by the observational
Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility (Shor & Orne, 1962) and
retrospective self–report data from the Phenomenology of Consciousness
Inventory (PCI) (Pekala, 1991) by regression modelling using several
stimuli and several populations projects the multidimensional
phenomenology of trance onto one higher latent variable: trance depths or
HSS. Several weighted subscales of the PCI project onto this higher latent
variable. Apart from confirmed sufficient reliability, the operational
definition of trance by the HSS as developed by Pekala and Kumar (2000)
offers the advantage with regard to validity that it was derived by
integration of both a behavioral measure and an introspective–self report

measure, over several distinct stimuli and populations. Although a verbal
“expresis verbis” general definition of trance is problematic, the HSS offers
a reliable and valid operational definition which in the present work has
proven its utility another time.
Although hypnosis, trance and its related phenomenological domains still
suffer from some connotation of pseudo–science among uniformed persons,
high–quality neuroscience has taken these domains as an emerging field
under study, mainly in the context of neurocientific basic research of
attention (e.g. publication in Nature Reviews Neuroscience: Raz & Buhle,
2006), resting state networks, consciousness research etc. A literature
search in the data base ISI Web of Knowledge by the search strings TOPIC:
(hypnosis) Refined by: [excluding] RESEARCH AREAS=
GENERAL INTERNAL MEDICINE) Timespan=All years results in 13918
references found which indicates a quite large scientific interest, searching
by TOPIC: (hypnotizab*) Timespan=All years results in 1128 found
publications (retrieved 25/03/2014).
The neurocientific interest in hypnosis or trance phenomenology triggered
by the many observations which discovered high heritability of trait
hypnotizability and its correlations with properties of several specific
neuronal circuits, namely dopaminergic and oxytocinergic systems
(see e.g. Bryant, Hung, Guastella, & Mitchell, 2012; Ott, Reuter, Hennig, &
Vaitl, 2005; A. Raz, Fan, & Posner, 2006; A. Raz, 2005).

In the context of these emerging fields of basic neuroscience, the Binaural

Beat stimulus employed in the present work having shown its remarkable
interaction with trait hypnotizability could offer a new paradigm with
inperceivable differences between Verum and Placebo, thus a new so–called
culture-free hypnotic induction method which does not require verbal
suggestions. A replication of the present work with combined fMRI and EEG
could try to identify brain regions which are specifically stimulated by the
Verum Binaural Beat stimulus, substracting brain activity under Placebo
from that under Verum. Further studies should try to investigate the role of
the ascending reticular activation systems (ARAS) as theorized in the
introduction of the present work, e.g. by fMRI and PET/SPECT. Because the

magnitudes of these specific effects on specific brain regions are
hypothesized (following the findings of the present work) to be correlated
with trait hypnotizability, correlational statistical 3D maps could be
computed in order to localize those brain regions whose specific reactivity to
the Verum Binaural Beat is moderated/mediated by trait hypnotizability.
Doing the same with PET or in vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS)
could help to further elucidate the role of different neurotransmitter systems
in trait hypnotizability. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) together with Voxel-
based morphometry (VBM) could further discover anatomical correlates of
trait hypnotizability. Those proposed possible further developments of the
present work could contribute to elucidate the field of consciousness
neuroscience (see e.g. the peer–reviewed journal Frontiers in Psychology –
Consciousness Research) by offering a new experimental paradigm, i.e. to
better understand the neuroscience of hypnoidal phenomenology, i.e. how
the human brain creates altered states of consciousness vs. normal wake
states. These fields are related to neurocience’s remarkably emerging
mainstream interest of how exactly attentional neurocircuitry works, so this
new paradigm could offer fruitful contributions also in this context.

Experts in psychometry could argue that a fundamental limitation of the

present work is that up to now, to the author’s best knowledge, no
validation of the Spanish version of the Phenomenology of Consciousness
Inventory (PCI) (Pekala, 1991) has been published, thus the validity of the
psychometric findings of the present work could be legitimately questioned.
Hence, in order to give some empirical evidence for the validity of the
derived hypnoidal state score (HSS), subjects were invited after the last
experiments via eMail to answer the Spanish version of the
Tellegen Absorption Scale (TAS34) (Tellegen & Atkinson, 1974),
a 34-item scale with five–point Likert answer format which measures the
personality trait absorption, which is in the words of its authors to be
understood as “openness to absorbing and self-altering experiences”.
The TAS34 scores have been identified to represent one of the best
predictors of hypnotizability (see e.g. Glisky & Kihlstrom, 1993; Glisky,
Tataryn, Tobias, Kihlstrom, & McConkey, 1991). Absorption moreover has
shown to be statistically related to Openness to Experience of the Big Five

personality traits (McCrae & Costa, 1999), but only to its subfacet
imaginative involvement (i.e. Fantasy, Aesthetics, and Feelings), but not to
its subfacet sociopolitical liberalism (i.e. Actions, Ideas, and Values).
There is some evidence that intersubject variability of absorption and
response magnitudes to hallucinogenic drugs seem both associated with the
binding potential of serotonin 5-HT2A receptors (Ott et al., 2005; Studerus,
Gamma, Kometer, & Vollenweider, 2012), which are stimulated by
hallucinogenic drugs such as lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), psilocin
(the pharmacologically active metabolite of psilocybin) or mescaline while
being potently antagonized by so–called atypical antipsychotic drugs such
as clozapine, risperidone, quetiapine, olanzapine, asenapine etc. Activation
of hypothalamic 5-HT2A receptors increases concentrations of ACTH,
oxytocin, prolactin and renin. Psilocin causes effects which are typical for
excitation of the sympathetic nervous system, such as tachycardia,
mydriasis, sweating etc. Interestingly, the absorption trait has been shown
to be positively associated to dream recall frequency (Watson, 2003). High
vs. low dream recall frequency has been very recently demonstrated to be
related to differences in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) as measured by
[15O]H2O–PET in resting states during wakefulness and REM sleep in the
temporoparietal junction (TPJ) and medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC), where
high dream recall frequency was associated with increased activity,
hypothesized to promote mental imagery and/or memory encoding of
dreams (Eichenlaub et al., 2014). The same author found one year before
that the event-related potential (ERP) P3a during both sleep and
wakefulness, which reflects attention-orienting processes, was larger in
subjects with high vs. low dream recall frequencies (Eichenlaub, Bertrand,
Morlet, & Ruby, 2013). Interestingly, treatment with selective serotonin
reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) in healthy subjects suppresses dream call
frequency (Pace Schott et al., 2001). Dream recall frequency has also been
shown to be related to the psychoanalytically inspired concept of thick vs.
thin boundaries, where subjects with higher dream recall frequency show
significant thinner boundaries (Hartmann, 1989; Schredl, Kleinferchner, &
Gell, 1996). Probably interesting in the context of the EEG findings of the
present work with right-lateralized decreasing linear trends in 10.5 – 11.5
Hz alpha4 (see figure 44) is that awakenings from stage 2 NREM sleep with

successful dream recall seem to be associated with lower 8-12 Hz alpha
activity of right temporal areas (Marzano et al., 2011). Interestingly, among
N = 50 subjects, remarkable temporal stability for hypnotizability was found
over a 25 year period with test–retest r = .71, for 15 year even r = .82,
values which are as large as those which have been found for intelligence
and other personality traits which strongly implies important underlying
genetic factors of hypnotizability (Piccione, Hilgard, & Zimbardo, 1989).
Indeed, remarkable influence of genetics has been found for hypnotizability
in twin and genotyping studies (Bauman & Bul, 1980; Morgan, 1973; Raz et
al., 2006; Raz, 2005, 2007), but also for absorption (Ott et al., 2005) and
the Big Five personality trait openness to experience (Jang, Livesly, &
Vemon, 1996; Stoltenberg et al., 2002).

In order to obtain possible evidence for the validity of the hypnoidal state
score (HSS), given that the absorption as measured by the TAS34 was
identified as a good predictor of hypnotizability, as mentioned above, and
because to the author’s best knowledge a Spanish validation of the TAS34
was not published up to now, the author of the present work gave the
English TAS34 version to two bilingual (Spanish–English) psychologists
separately for translation, afterwards these two persons discussed possible
differences in their opinions. Later on, two other bilingual psychologists
back–translated this preliminary Spanish version which resulted in literally
almost the same English items. This final version was then presented in an
online questionnaire to until now N = 153 participants of Spanish university
population, advertised in digital social networks, posters and flyers.
Resulting M = 57.68 and SD = 22.049 are in line with the findings for the
English and also for the German TAS34 version
(Ritz & Dahme, 1995). Comparing the found arithmetic means of the new
Spanish vs. those of the German version (M = 60.05, SD = 19.98) using
Welch's t test, an adaptation of the Student's two-sample t-test for
independent samples to the possibility that the two variances are not equal,
gives t(296.681) = –1.0861 with p = .221. Thus, given that the employed
sample sizes are more than sufficient and thus adequate statistical test
power is to be assumed, no significant mean difference between the new
Spanish vs. the German version was found, which is to be understood as

one empirical hint that these two TAS34 adaptations behave comparably, at
least when applied to university populations. The Shapiro–Wilk test
(Royston, 1982; Shapiro & Francia, 1972; Shapiro & Wilk, 1965) confirmed
that the TAS34 sum scores of the new Spanish TAS34 adaptation are
excellently compatible with populational Gaussian normality distribution
with W = .994, p = .908. Moreover, exploratory factor analyses (EFAs) were
computed. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure of factorizability with
range between 1 and 0 which indicates whether the strengths of
relationships among all variables of the matrix are large enough to allow
adequate EFAs showed with KMO = .881 a value classified as meritorious (≥
.8), while marvelous would be ≥ .9, middling ≥ .7, mediocre ≥ .6,
miserable ≥ .5 and unacceptable < .5 (Cureton & D’Agostino, 1983). Thus
the found KMO indicates that EFAs are fully feasible with the given data
matrix. Now, the program Factor 9.2. (Lorenzo-Seva & Ferrando, 2011) for
EFAs was used which confirmed unidimensionality of the Spanish TAS34
version: As method for estimation of the factor model, i.e. dimension
extraction, unweighted least squares (ULS) was used, because it is
distribution–free (Krijnen, 1996) and moreover because simulation studies
have found that it is the method of choice in situations in which few factors
are retained (Jung, 2013). Parallel Analyses (PA) based on Minimum Rank
Order Factor Analysis (Timmerman & Lorenzo-Seva, 2011) were computed
using Pearson correlation vs. Polychoric correlation matrices with 5000
permutations of the raw data (Buja & Eyuboglu, 1992) as method to obtain
the needed random correlation matrices. Both options resulted in an
advised number of dimensions to be retained of one. Moreover, also the
new HULL method (Lorenzo-Seva, Timmerman, & Kiers, 2011) which aims
to find common factors searching for an optimal balance between model fit
and number of retained factors/dimensions based upon Pearson correlation
vs. Polychoric correlation matrices (and as model–fit parameters
Comparative Fit Index, CFI, vs. Root Mean Square Error of Approximation,
RMSEA) lead for both options to an advised number of common factors to
be retained of one. Thus, unidimensionality of the new Spanish TAS34
version and hence factorial validity is definitively proven. Using the obsolete
Kaiser–Guttman criterion (Guttman, 1954; Kaiser & Dickman, 1959) which
advises to retain as many factors as their eigenvalues are ≥ 1 and which

regularly overestimates dimensionality, 6 factors are obtained which is in
line with the results for the English version (Tellegen, 1992). It is to be
assumed that the use of actual methodology for determining dimensionality
on these former data would also result in confirmation of unidimensionality:
Absorption seems to be a unidimensional trait, but seems to have several
subfacets. Checking psychometric reliability by the parameter for internal
consistency, Cronbach’s α, results in a more than excellent α = .941 (Kline,
2000), with no item which would relevantly increase α of the remaining
scale if deleted. This finding is almost identical as compared to the German
version of Ritz and Dahme (1995) who found Cronbach’s α = .95 for the
TAS34. Taken altogether, this new Spanish TAS34 version has proven
excellent psychometric reliability and has shown almost identical M and SD
as compared to its original English and validated German versions. With
regard to convergent validity, this new Spanish TAS34 version showed
significant correlations in the N = 12 subjects of the present work only with
the scale Openness to Experience of the coadministered and very well
established Spanish version of the Big Five personality factors instrument
NEO–FFI (Manga et al., 2004) with Spearman’s rho = .641 and
pexact = .037, while all remaining four Big Five personality factors
demonstrated correlations around zero, far away from significance. This is
completely in line with the findings of Glisky et al. (1991) that the original
English TAS34 version showed significant and large associations to
Openness to Experience. Thus, quite strong evidence for convergent validity
of the new Spanish TAS34 version could be found, even more important, it
was found for the N = 12 subjects of the present work. Trait hypnotizability
was operationalized in the present work as the hypnoidal state score (HSS)
under Placebo derived from the unvalidated Spanish version of the
Phenomenology of Consciousness Inventory (PCI) of Pekala (1991). A
strong evidence in terms of validity that HSS_Placebo in deed measures
hypnotizability is the fact that within the N = 12 subjects of the present
work a significant and large association with the new Spanish TAS34 of
Spearman’s rho = .600 and pexact = .043 was found, which is just in line with
the findings of Glisky and Kihlstrom (1993) and Glisky et al. (1991) who
found the TAS34 score to be one of the best predictors of hypnotizability.
Taken altogether, although the entire Spanish PCI version still calls for

psychometric validation studies, sufficient empirical evidence could be found
to trust the validity of HSS scores in the present work.

Importantly, the absorption trait TAS34 did not show any statistical
associations for the N = 12 volunteer sample of the present work with
dimensions defined as pathological, measured previously in the inclusion vs.
exclusion online test batteries (references of the employed psychometric
instruments are cited above, see chapter 2.1 Subjects), although caution is
advised because of relatively small sample size: TAS34 scores did not show
neither significant nor relevant Spearman’s rank order correlations with
Schizotypy total scores (rho = .016, pexact = .962), nor with the SCL-90
subscale psychoticism (rho = –.144, pexact = .652), nor with Big Five
Personality trait neuroticism (rho = .035, pexact = .913), nor with the BDI-II,
Beck’s Depression Inventory (rho = –.004, pexact = .993), nor relevantly with
the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (rho = –.200, pexact = .529), nor with TAS20
Alexithymia (rho = .083 , pexact = .796), nor positively with Dickman’s
dysfunctional impulsivity (rho = –.307, pexact = .093), nor negatively with
Self Directedness (rho = .044, pexact = .892), a known common
psychometric negative correlate of many personality disorders
(see e.g. Laidlaw, Dwivedi, Naito, & Gruzelier, 2005). Although those
subjects who exceeded thresholds in pathological dimensions were
rigorously excluded from participation, variability of the included subjects in
pathological dimensions within subclinical magnitudes theoretically might
have been associated with TAS34 scores. The reported null results imply
that the variability captured by the TAS34 reflects interindividual
fluctuations of a normal personality trait, related to the domain of the
Big Five Opennes to experience. Thus, the TAS34 scores have nothing to do
with pathological dimensions, at least for the population represented by the
employed N = 12 volunteers. The same conclusion is obtained when the
mentioned pathological dimensions are investigated for possible
associations with the psychometric effect of the present work, i.e. the
differences between HSS_Verum minus HSS_Placebo and also with the
HSS_Placebo itself, interpreted as a measure of trait hypnotizability.

Interestingly, TAS34 scores show a significant negative correlation with

Dickman’s functional impulsivity (rho = –.601, pexact = .042) and surprisingly

a significant positive correlation with Edinburgh Handedness Inventory

scores (rho = .617, pexact = .036): Although left–handers were excluded

from participation applying strict thresholds, the remaining interindividual

variability in the dimension handedness was associated with TAS34 scores.

The psychometric effect of the present work demonstrated an association

with Edinburgh Handedness Inventory scores of rho = .359, pexact = .251,

while HSS_Placebo showed rho = .211, pexact = .507. This means that

although that reported interesting correlation of remaining variability of

handedness was found with TAS34 scores, the psychometric effect of the

present work and also hypnotizability (which itself correlates significantly

with the TAS34 scores, rho = .600, pexact = .043) show only weak

associations with handedness, which moreover cannot be investigated

properly given the relatively small sample size of N = 12. Thus, the

psychometric effect found in the present work can be considered as

relatively independent from remaining variability of handedness. Moreover,

handedness did not show associations with the Big Five personality trait

openness to experience (rho = .125, pexact = .695).

Topographic patterns/lateralizations

Although it is difficult to interpret the found EEG topographic patterns,

calling for replications with simultaneous EEG and fMRI recordings, Graffin,

Ray and Lundy (1995) reported an increase of theta power at posterior sites

during a standard verbal hypnotic induction, as it was also clearly observed

in the linear trends for thetaLow (3.5-6.5 Hz) under the Verum Binaural

Beat stimulus of the present work, see figure 40. Moreover, in the present

work lateralizations to the right hemisphere were found in central and

parietal regions for delta and alpha4: For delta logit–transformed EEG

relative spectral powers, the topographical pattern of change over time as

expressed as total intrasubject variance (see figure 34) and also the linear

trend computed using the Theil–Sen slope estimator (Wilcox, 1998), see

figure 36, show under Verum increases over the 25min treatment time

lateralized to right scalp sites: C2, C4, C6, Cp2, Cp4 and CP6, most

pronounced at C4 and C6. Linear trends of alpha4 (see figure 44) show a

decrease over the 25min treatment also at right scalp sites: P2, P4 and P6.

Note that operationalizing change over time not as Placebo–referenced

linear trends, but as total intrasubjects variances gives for alpha4 a left–

lateralized topographic pattern (see figure 42) with effects most pronounced

at C3, C1, CP3 and CP1. This is not to be understood as contradictory, but

as the consequence of the two distinct ways to operationalize the concept

change over time, i.e. two different manners to represent the phenomena.

Studies using simultaneous EEG and fMRI recordings have shown that

central alpha powers correlate positively with local cerebral blood perfusion

in brain areas associated with modulation of attention and preparedness for

external input and that delta powers correlated negatively with cerebral

blood flow (CBF), see e.g. O’Gorman et al. (2013). Given these evidences of

coupling between CBF and EEG spectral powers, a rough comparison of the

reported EEG findings of the present work with an interesting fMRI study is

valid: At the Bender Institute of Neuroimaging, Justus–Liebig-University,

Gießen/Germany, the psychologist Hannes Hempel studied in his doctoral

dissertation using fMRI the effects of trance induction by treatment with

12min African drum music and its visualization by the common computer

program winamp vs. 3min control condition (white fixation cross on a black

background) in N = 28 human healthy adults (Hempel, 2009). The contrast

between control vs. treatment condition searching for structures with higher

activation under control as compared to treatment shows a clear

lateralization towards the right hemisphere, see figure 53.

Figure 53. Contrast of 3min control (white fixation cross on black background) vs. 12min trance
induction by African drum music and its computerized visualization searching for brain regions
with higher activations under control as compared to treatment in an fMRI study with N = 28
human healthy young adults at Bender Institute of Neuroimaging (BION), Justus–Liebig
University Gießen/Germany by Hempel (2009) . A clear lateralization to the right hemisphere
was observed. Reproduced with kind permission of the author.

Not only Hempel (2009) found that the effects caused by his trance
induction method showed a lateralized pattern in fMRI measures, but also
an early neuroimaging study measuring regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF)
with inhalation of the radioactive gas Xenon found strong rCBF–increases
in the right hemisphere triggered by hypnotic induction (Crawford,
Crawford, & Koperski, 1983). In a very recent fMRI study, electronically
published at 26th of March 2014 in PloS ONE
(Huber, Lui, Duzzi, Pagnoni, & Porro, 2014), using voxel-based
morphometry and fMRI resting-state functional connectivity, found that

Downloadable in German language at

structural and functional correlates of interindividual differences in
hypnotizability among 34 healthy adult women showed patterns of clear
lateralizations: As the authors summarize in their abstract, hypnotizability
was positively correlated with gray matter volume in portions of the left
superior and medial frontal gyri, while a negative correlation was observed
with gray matter volume in the left superior temporal gyrus and insula.
For the domain of functional connectivity, positive correlations were found
(i) with connectivity between medial posterior areas, including bilateral
posterior cingulate cortex and precuneus, both lateral visual networks, but
interestingly also the left fronto-parietal network and
(ii) with connectivity between the executive-control network and a right
postcentral/parietal area. Hypnotizability moreover demonstrated negative
correlations with functional connectivity between the right fronto-parietal
network and the right lateral thalamus which seems interesting in the
framework of hypnotizability theories concerning interindividual differences
in thalamo–cortical gating.

Given that increase of delta EEG powers has been shown to be correlated to
decreased CBF (O’Gorman et al., 2013) and given the right–lateralized
findings in hemodynamic responses to trance induction found by Hempel
(2009) by comparing control condition with treatment, the observed
right–lateralization in the present work with regard to delta EEG relative
spectral powers might be interpreted as a neurophysiological correlate of
trance: Taking into account the findings of Hempel (2009), the EEG findings
of the present work at least in delta could be interpreted as an evidence
that the employed Verum Binaural Beat stimulus specifically induced, or at
least deepened trance. In contrast to Hempel (2009), the present work with
its specific methodology could not find effects in frontal brain regions as
hypothesized by the transient hypofrontality hypothesis of altered states of
consciousness (ASCs) proposed by Dietrich (2003).

Concerning previous psychophysiological investigations on hemispheric

lateralizations under hypnosis, Kihlstrom (2013) reports in a remarkable
recent review on the role of hypnosis for neuroscience that results have
been conflicting so far: Some found no signs for lateralizations, others

report evidences primarily for the right hemisphere, but again other works
report results concerning the left hemisphere (see e.g. Jasiukaitis, Nouriani,
Hugdahl, & Spiegel, 1997). With regard to brain asymmetries, especially in
the context of hypnosis, the interested reader is strongly advised to read
the vigorous warning of Raz, Schwartzman and Guindi (2008) in order to
prevent that the EEG findings of the present work might contribute to what
the authors denounced as urban legends, the dual–brain tale: that the left
hemisphere would be “the analyzing rationalist”, whereas the right
hemisphere would be the “holistic poet” or “the rocking rake” in us. Besides
these urgent warnings of simplistic exaggerations, the authors state that
“[…] brain laterality is very much a vibrant theme in hypnosis research”.
Reports of lateralized EEG findings and other evidences for brain
asymmetries need to be digested soberly and an umbrella of elevated
scientific scrutiny might prevent researchers’ heads from getting wet.

Taken altogether, although associations of the present work’s results with

those of Hempel (2009) concerning a trance state and the very recent
findings of Huber et al. (2014) concerning magnitudes of trait
hypnotizability can be seen, we should keep in mind the final conclusion of
the excellent and broad review of neuroscientific studies on meditation by
EEG, ERP and neuroimaging (i.e. fMRI, PET, SPECT, etc.) methods by
Cahn and Polich (2006): “[…] However, none of the approaches has yet
isolated or characterized the neurophysiology that makes explicit how
meditation induces altered experience of self. […]” In contrast to the wide
and rather diffuse spectrum of different meditation and hypnotic induction
practices and associated related domains of self–experience, which include
entire worlds of complex higher cognitive and executive functioning,
the Verum Binaural Beat stimulus of the present work might offer a
reductionistic, standardized and moreover inaudible paradigm (resulting in
more valid Placebo contrasts and moreover offering culture–free
stimulation). The proposed paradigm could help further multimodal research
to better identify especially the searched neurophysiology of altered
experience of self, but thus in general to identify the neurophysiology of
normal human consciousness and genesis of normal experience of self.

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The material of the project of the present work was funded by the Spanish Ministery of Economy
with grant MINECO TIN2012–30883 . 167

6.1. Translation of Spanish text on page 76 into English:

After we have fixed and tested all sensors, now we will start with the experiment.
From now on, everything which matters you will hear from the headphones.
The sensors are quite sensitive, so you have to help us to avoid interferences.

Please, during the experiment, do not talk, only focus on my voice. – Close your eyes
now, your eyes have to remain closed almost for all the time in the experiment, this is
very important: keep your eyes closed. Although your eyes are closed, try not to move
them a lot. Eye movements can cause interferences with the sensors. But you don’t
have to focus on that especially, just keep your eyes closed and relaxed.

Now let’s do a test on something which later you must NOT do: Move your eyes NOW
so fast as you can, from right to left, from left to right, back and forth, go on … go on …
GOOD, that’s it. Now, let’s do the same, but from bottom to top, move your eyes now as
fast as you can down and up, go on ... go on VERY GOOD. Now you know what eye
movements are. From now on, keep your eyes closed and quiet; quieeet; relaxed.

Another thing that you have to try to avoid is ... clenching your teeth. Let’s test this now,
although later you must NOT do it: Clench your teeth now, first slightly…and ok, ready,
stop it! [3 sec pause] Repeat it, clench your teeth slightly…and ok, ready, stop it!
[3 sec pause]. And for the last time, clench your teeth stroooongly…and ok, ready, stop
it! ... In the experiment, try NOT to clench your teeth, to move a lot your mandible, your
tongue or to swallow a lot… all this can interfere with the sensors. If you have to do it,
do it fast, but smoothly. But don’t focus too much on this, just keep your mandible
caaaalm and relaaaaxed.

Finally, the most important thing is that you must not move your head, your body, your
arms or your legs; try to keep yourself calm, find a comfortable position now and try
NOT to move. If you cannot avoid it, do it fast, but smoothly. If, for example, you feel
itchy somehow, it would be worse to fight against this itch than to scratch fast, but
smoothly. From now on, try to keep yourself quiet.

From now on, the experiment lasts 30 minutes and has three phases. Please, do not
talk until I will tell you that the experiment has ended.

Now, we start with phase one: For the last time in the experiment, open your eyes
NOW. We will record your normal state, which we call baseline in science. Look, there
is a white point fixed to the door, do you see it? Well, now we do a thing: fix your eyes to
this point and try not to move your eyes...try not to do a lot of eye blinks, only when you
feel uncomfortable and do it fast, but smoothly. It will last one minute and a half, here
we go NOW: FIX THE POINT…go on…30 seconds, very good… one minute, very
good… ready. Relax and close your eyes, close them, don’t move them a lot, try to
keep quiet [3 sec pause].

Very good, NOW, I want you to imagine a thing as real as you can, when I say “NOW”,
but only for one minute and a half...Imagine now your daily way to work or university or
just a way which you know very well. Imagine now, in detail, the colours, the sounds,
the smells, how you leave your home and how you start your way. Here we go...NOW...
[3 sec pause]. Very good, we recorded your normal state with all sensors, the
baselines…Leave your eyes closed and keep quiet…We also have to analyze changes
in your hormones, the baseline of your hormones. We use a modern technology, it
works with a simple saliva sample. It’s easy, we just need one milliliter saliva. Now, I
explain how we will do this: Later on, when I will say “NOW”, you will open your eyes
and you will lean forward in the lounger, and you will put your head down a bit. The

experimenter will give you a test tube into one hand and a plastic tube into the other.
When the experimenter will say “NOW”, you will have to swallow all the saliva which
was in your mouth, to eliminate it, put quickly the plastic tube into your mouth and the
other end into the test tube. While the experimenter measures the time with a
chronometer, your task is…continuously collect some saliva in your mouth, without
doing anything else than waiting a bit, spit it out into the test tube using the plastic tube,
collect a bit more saliva, until you are told “THAT’S IT”. This way we will collect one
milliliter of saliva: The time you will need to collect it will not be longer than three
minutes. After we have this milliliter, you will give the test tube to the experimenter and
simply make yourself comfortable again in the lounger searching for a comfortable
position. You will close again your eyes and you will keep quiet as before. The
experimenter will go out of the room for some minutes with your saliva sample to store it
into the freezer. While you are alone, imagine one more time the way from your home
towards your work, university or whatever you had imagined before. You will hear that
the experimenter will return to the room and, after a while, you will listen again to my
voice by the headphones and the experiment will go on.

Now, when I tell you “NOW”, you will open your eyes and you will lean forward in the
lounger with all your body, putting also your head down a bit, and the experimenter will
give you the test tube and the plastic tube…Be prepared, here we go…”NOW!”
[The experimenter manually changes the experimental phase in the recording by
keystroke and one more time when the voice starts again].

6.2. Translation of Spanish text on page 77 into English:

You hear me here again. Just focus on my voice. We go on with the experiment. Make
yourself comfortable, keep your eyes closed, try not to move them a lot, keep quiet, you
already know this. Phase one of the experiment now has finished, and now, we start
with phase two of the experiment:
Now your task is to relax yourself as deeply as you can. Enjoy the tranquility here, feel
the lounger, feel how comfortable it is to be in it. Try not to think of anything special,
simply let yourself go a while with the music, don’t think of anything special, try to let
your mind a complete blank. Let yourself go a while with the music…

Simply listen to the music and to my voice. The music will change later to a special
noise. We will work with your imagination: I will ask you to imagine some things
mentally; your task will be to imagine them as real as you can, just like a movie and you
being in it. – Maybe my voice and what you will imagine could seem a bit strange in the
beginning just wait a bit: – You will get used to it bit by bit. The important thing is that
you try to imagine everything as real as you can. You don’t have to do anything, you are
simply here on the lounger. Now, the important thing is my voice. You don’t have to do
anything, just listen: Enjoy the tranquility here and relax.

Your consciousness leaves now bit by bit the reality of the exterior – your attention
focuses more and more onto your inner world… your consciousness submerges more
and more into your interior.

Everything which comes from the outside, now has no meaning at all: All the noise from
outside, all the lights from outside, – everything from outside, now has no importance at
all: You are simply here, caaaaalm, quieeeet and comfortably relaaaaxed. – Let yourself
go – more and more submerge yourself into your interior, more and more profoundly.
Let yourself go. Time goes by now more and more slowly, more and more slowly; time
has no importance.

Your body is relaxed and will go to sleep now, but your mind will stay awake – a state of
being caaaaalm, quieeeet and comfortably relaaaaxed.
I will count now backwards – from six to one, every time you will be more relaxed:

Six – The forehead, the muscles and nerves of the forehead relax, they let go.

Five – The cheeks, the muscles and nerves of the cheeks relax.

Four – The scalp, your muscles and nerves relax. – The head is quiet, light and relaxed.

Three – Now, relax the neck, the shoulders, the arms and the hands – all the muscles
and nerves relax.

Two – the relaxation extends from your neck, goes down your chest, the abdomen, to
your legs towards the feet – all the muscles and nerves relax.

One – the relaxation goes up your back, the back relaxes, the spinal column relaxes –
all the muscles and nerves relax.

All your body is relaxed, it relaxes totally. But your mind is awake – a state of being
caaaaalm, quieeeet and comfortably relaaaaxed.

Now, let all your thoughts and feelings go – while you are here on the lounger. Thoughts
and feelings go away like clouds, they come and they go – coooome … and go – they
do not have any importance at all now. If an image or a thought stays, say mentally
“I leave this behind, I let myself go”. Thoughts and feelings don’t have any importance
now, they are just clouds, which come and go, let yourself go. – Now, time goes by
more and more slowly, time has no importance now. Thoughts and feelings go away
like clouds, they coooome and they goooo, they have no importance, let yourself go.

Now, imagine vividly that you are on a meadow, – you are on a meadow – look around:
It’s a meadow with smooth grass, with flowers of all kinds of colours – listen how the
butterflies flutter between the flowers, – it’s a very smooth sound, listen how they flutter
and search for nectar, look how smooth are these butterflies, smooth and sensitive –
smell how the flowers exude their aroma: There is only peace and tranquility… It’s a
marvellous afternoon in spring. The sun shines, shines smoothly and the temperature is
very comfortable for you.
Now you are walking around on the meadow, slowly. The meadow ends into a huge
lake out of pure and crystalline water which shines bluish. Look how beautiful the lake
is. Far away you see mountains which extend up to the sky. The meadow, the lake and
the mountains are very old …
On top of the mountains you see now, quite far away, a huge screen. Although it is far
away you can see it well. – All images, thoughts and memories, which come up to you,
appear on this screen on top of the mountains – far away from you. Whatsoever
happens on the screen, you are absolutely safe on the meadow in front of the lake. It’s
like to be in the cinema: Although many things happen on the screen, you are safe on
your cinema seat – the meadow is your cinema seat. On the meadow you are
completely free. The meadow is your interior, here you are safe, here is peace.

There is always something to see on the screen, there is a sequence of images. These
images are not real, they are images, constructions which the brain produces
permanently. Sometimes we are conscious about them, sometimes not – but the
sequence of imagery never stops, they are produced automatically. These images are
not real, they are only projections onto the screen – far away on top of the mountains.
This imagery cascade is like the blood which flows permanently through your body.
Although there is always something to see on the screen, you have the power to decide
whether to see it or not. It’s always you who has the control, and on the meadow in front
of the lake you are safe and secure. If something appears on the screen which you
don’t like – you don’t have to see it, just wait until the image has gone or changes.

Leave all your thoughts and feelings behind – for the time that you are here on the
lounger. Thoughts and feelings come and go like clouds, coooome and goooo,
cooooome and goooo. If an image, if a thought stays, say mentally: “I leave this behind,
I let myself go”. Time goes by more and more slowly, it has no importance at all.
Thoughts and feelings come and go like clouds, let yourself go. Nothings matters now,
let yourself go.

Now, the music will change into a noise, let yourself go until my voice will wake you up.
Now, the music will change into a noise which moves slowly around your head … let
yourself go with this noise. I won’t talk while you are listening. If an image, if a thought
stays, say mentally: “I leave this behind, I let myself go”. Thoughts and feelings come
and go like clouds, come and go, none of them has any importance now. Let yourself
go! Let go! Let yourself go! Let go! Let yourself go! Let go! Let yourself go with this

[25 min Binaural Beats stimulus Verum vs. Placebo]

[with low voice] Here I am again with you...Eyes closed, keep quiet. [Now with normal
voice] Now phase three of the experiment begins. Eyes closed, keep quiet.

Now, we will go on with the experiment. We will have to take another saliva sample; it’s
just the same as we did before. When I say “NOW”, you will lean forward and we will
give you a plastic tube and another test tube… Here we go... “NOW”.

6.3. Translation of Spanish text on page 80 into English:

[with low voice] You hear me again. Simply focus on my voice. We go on with the
experiment. Eyes closed, keep quiet. [now with normal voice] Now, phase four of the
experiment begins. Eyes closed, keep quiet.

[Stimulating music, three minutes: Junior Senior - Move Your Feet mixed with techno
music, cyclically changing stereo–panning to evoke stress/activation]

The experiment now has finished, but stay on the lounger, later we will remove the
sensors. Open your eyes NOW, breathe in deeply and breathe out the air strongly …
once again … breathe in, breathe out … breathe in, breathe … You are completely
back in reality, you are on a lounger in an experiment at university. Thank you for your
participation, stay on the lounger. You are completely back in reality! The experiment
now has finished.


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