About Advertising
About Advertising
About Advertising
While, Wells, Burnett & Moriarty state that "Good ads work on two levels: They
engage the mind of the consumer and at the same time delivering a message. They
involve selling viewers and make them wonder what the campaigns' creators will have
come up with next. Often than other emotions touch of humour has created memorable
characters capture the 'inherent drama' of the product. Great ads employ a variety of
techniques: celebrity and spokespersons, fantasy characters, children and puppies,
music, drama, significant imagery, and creative media buying. "
In addition, Liiweri, (1992) complete write that advertising is a communication
process which has the force is very important as a marketing tool that helps sell the
goods, or provide services, as well as the idea or ideas through certain channels in the
form of persuasive information.
Advertising can be used to create brand awareness in general public and to make
business more popular within the circle of potential buyers. Advertising, in a straight line,
increases profit of the companies by escalating its revenue. The expenditure made on
advertisement can turn as good boost in earnings.
Question 5
1. Brand awareness
This kind of advertising will attract consumer’s eye into the product that
is advertised. By using redundant words and delivery are so great as if,
producers hope will be able to attract the attention of consumers. Manufacturers
hope consumers will be interested to try and curious about the truth of the ads
promoted. Some kind of deceptive ads show the low price of their product even
though this product actually have some conditions to be had for getting this low
price. Because customer only see what they want to see, so if the advertising of
a product shows the great quality with the low price, these customers will go to
reach this directly, mostly without any asking in advance.
2. Brand image
When it comes to the level of a good brand awareness, the level of brand
image will increase indirectly. People will notice the product as this have a
famous name because of the advertising that company done. Here, the company
tend to do the deceptive advertising as it is considered important branch of
business which impresses the public about the superiority of product.
3. Increase sales
The higher positive brand image gained by the product, the higher sales will be
Brand Image
Question 6
Benefits and Weaknesses When the Company Use the Deceptive Advertising
Some of the benefits are excessive, such as display ads in the discourse of which are as
1. This advertising is very attractive to be read / clicked
Although far from the truth, many prospective customers who are tempted to pay
attention to ads that seem superfluous. It is usually because of the curiosity or
because they want to prove the truth of a given ads.
2. Prominent Among Other Ads
Because showing an exaggeration, these ads tend to stand out in comparison to
other ads. Manufacturers deliberately display it so that consumers are more
interested to see it.
3. Quick Sale Happen In a Short Time
Too much advertising tactics are proven to give results of sales transactions in a
way that is faster and in a short time. Out of curiosity, usually a buyer willing to
pay to buy the product or service advertised. Moreover, if there is a money back
guarantee. Usually, they are many victims are prospective new customers or those
who are not sensitive and keen in selecting the goods.
However, the actual ads that are too excessive and unethical holds the potential losses
are far more numerous and long-term impact, both for the marketers as well as
prospective customers. Some disadvantages are as follows:
1. Damage the reputation of the marketers itself
Excessive and likely to mislead ads actually damaging the reputation of private
marketers. The marketers quickly will be considered cheating because convey
information that is not true. It is not difficult to find consumer, in turn, it would
decrease the good name of the marketer.
2. Consumer Confidence Lower Candidate
Besides damaging the good name, this strategy will also reduce the reliability of
the products or services sold by the marketers. Those who feel deceived by
exaggerated advertisements will disseminate this information to become viral
negative marketing is a powerful tool to make other potential customers affected.
3. Cooperation Opportunities hinder With Other Parties
Although there are still opportunities in cooperation with other parties, those who
used excessive tactics tend to be shunned by those who do not wish to participate
accused of disseminating such advertising strategies.
4. Fishing From the aggrieved Litigation
In many countries, the creative exaggeration and hype advertising tends to
deceive as may be subject to penalty charges. Consumers who are harmed by the
misleading advertisements can do a lawsuit against the creator of the ad.
Unfortunately, in Indonesia there is no legal action being given to advertising
practices that use the strategy of this misleading advertising hype. Maybe YLKI
(Indonesian Consumers Foundation), which should facilitate make the rule for
misleading advertising practices.
Question 7
In Indonesia, the deceptive advertising has been running for such a long time. Many
customers found that this kind of advertising is exaggerating (but funny) and it could attract
them. Even if customer already know that this ads is misleading, they still keep buying the
product. Why? There are some reasons behind it all, which are :
1. Cultural Factors
Indonesian consumers are unique in terms of attitude, behavior and decision-
making process in evaluating and buying products. As Indonesia has so many
cultures in each region, then it will lead to the different perception and
preference toward the products. When one culture tends to be associated and
linked on a single product, most of consumers will choose that particular
product. Behavior in the culture is still closely related to everyday life.
Culture will make people keep doing the same things for a long time. So,
whether it’s deceptive or not, they will keep consuming the same product
after all.
2. Education Factor
One of the important external factors that make a difference in consumer
behavior is the level of education. Indonesia is a country where education
levels have not been too uneven. There are still many Indonesian people not
even finish high school. One implication of low levels of education are the
customer that don’t like to read. It leads to the reason of why advertising on
television is the selection of media that is still very powerful to reach the
Indonesian market. So, when it comes to this people, eventhough they have
already realize the deceptive ads for the product that they have purchased, still
for the next time they do the same thing, such as purchase the thing without
read for more information, and only see trough the advertisment of that
This low level education also lead to the emotional decision making
process. Indonesian consumers are not observant and not careful in
purchasing and selecting products. They are not too of whether an ad is too
excessive or even unethical. It is because they do not consider the analysis
and not fixated on it.