DLP-DISS Quarter 1 - Structural Functionalism

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School Grade Level 12 Quarter 1st

Learning Disciplines and Ideas in the
to 12 DAILY Teacher Karel A. Gal
Area Social Sciences
Teaching Date and

A. Content The learners demonstrate an understanding of: the emergence of the Social
Standards Sciences and the different disciplines
B.Performance The learners shall be able to: connect the disciplines with their historical and
Standards social foundations
1.1 Discuss the relevance of the course
Specific Learning Objectives:

1. determine the manifest and latent functions as well as dysfunctions of

social structure;
2. understand the concepts and principles of structural
C. Learning functionalism;
Competencies/ 3. give importance to the roles and functions of every individual in the
Objectives society
Principle of Teaching adapted: CONSTRUCTIVISM
- Learners communicate with each other, and share their understanding, feelings,
knowledge and experience to come up with new knowledge.
- The teacher becomes the facilitator, and the learners are encouraging to interact,
exchange views and experiences and construct meaning and knowledge that is
based on their needs (still with the teachers’ intervention).
II. CONTENT (Subject
Major Social Science Theories
1. Teacher’s Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences: Looking at Society through Social
Guide pages Science Major Theories Module 5
2. Learner’s


3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from PowerPoint Presentation, Manila paper, marker
the Learning
Resource portal

Books Dela Cruz, Arleigh Ross et. al. (2016) Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences.
Quezon, City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.
B. Other Learning
Tatel Jr., Carlos Peña (2016) Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences. Sampaloc, Manila:
Rex Book Store, Inc.

Preliminary routine:
A. Reviewing the
• Greetings
previous lesson or
presenting the new
• Prayer
lesson • Checking attendance
• Review of past lesson
B.Establishing a
purpose for the Activity: Day-to-day Activity
The students will label the number of minutes or hours he/she spends on a given day-to-
day activity.
Activity Number of minutes/hours
Preparation before going to school
Attending classes/school activities
C. Presenting Hobbies (Playing games/social media)
examples/instance Study
s of the new TOTAL

The teacher will show the class a video clip of daily routine activity and will ask the
“Why do we do the things we do?

D. Discussing
new concepts and The teacher will explain that we do the things we do because of society. That
practicing new every one of us has a different role and function in the society.
skills #1
As a student, what is your role in society and what do you think is your future role
and function in society?

Presentation of learning objectives:

1. understand the concepts and principles of structural functionalism;
2. determine the manifest and latent functions as well as dysfunctions of social structure;
3. give importance to the roles and functions of every individual in the society

Group 1:
Social Structure
Social Institutions Manifest Function Latent Dysfunction
Situational Examples

Group 2:
Social Structure
Social Institutions Manifest Function Latent Dysfunction
Situational Examples

Group 3:
Social Structure
Social Manifest Latent Function Dysfunction
Institutions Function
Situational Examples

Group 4:
E. Discussing new Social Structure
concepts and
Social Manifest Latent Function Dysfunction
practicing skills
#2 Institutions Function
Situational Examples

Group 5:

Social Structure
Social Manifest Function Latent Function Dysfunction
Situational Examples

Before the students present their work, the teacher will present the brief meaning
of Functional, Dysfunctional, Manifest Function, and Latent Function. After the
teacher presents the brief meaning of the topics, the students will present their

Rubric for Presentation:

Trait Criteria Points
Collaboration The The The The teammates
teammates teammates teammates always worked
never worked sometimes worked from from others’ ideas.
from others’ worked from others’ ideas It was evident that
ideas. It others’ ideas. most of the all of the group
seems as However, it time. And it members
though only a seems as seems like contributed
few people though every did equally to the
worked on certain some work, presentation.
the people did but some
presentation. not do as people are
much work carrying the
as others. presentation
Organization The There were The The presentation
presentation minimal signs presentation was well organized,
lacked of had well-prepared and
organization organization organizing easy to follow.
and had little or ideas but
evidence of preparation. could have
preparation. been much
with better
Presentation The Presenters Presenters The presenters were
presenters were not were all very confident in
were consistent occasionally their delivery and
unconfident with the level confident they did an excellent
and of with their job of engaging the
demonstrated confidence/ presentation class. Preparation is
little evidence preparedness however the very evident.
of planning they showed presentation
prior to the the was not as
presentation. classroom engaging as
but had it could have
some strong been for the
moments. class.


F. Developing 1. What do you think these social elements do if dysfunction occur?

2. Crime and inequality is one of the examples of dysfunction in society, is it
possible that they can also be functional in society?

G. Making
generalizations What is the importance of the roles and functions of every individual in society for the
and abstractions society to function?
about the lesson

H. Finding
applications of How will you apply the concepts of structural functionalism in your daily living?
concepts and
skills in daily living


1. sees society as an arrangement of interconnected parts that are

incongruity to keep up a condition of parity and social equilibrium.
2 – 3. The terms that are used by functionalists to determine the effects of social elements
in society.
I. Evaluating 4 – 5. Give the two types of function
learning 6 -10.

Social Structure
Social Manifest Function Latent Function Dysfunction
Situational Examples
J. Additional
activities for
application or
A. No. of
learners who
earned 80% in the
B.No. of learners
who require
additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the
lesson work? No.
of learners who
have caught up w/
the lesson

D. No. of
learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did
I encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other

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