SS 671

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SS 671 : 2021

(ICS 91.140.70)


Specification for performance of self-closing

delayed-action and sensor taps for water
SS 671 : 2021
(ICS 91.140.70)

Specification for performance of self-closing
delayed-action and sensor taps for water services

Published by Enterprise Singapore

All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this Singapore Standard may
be reproduced or utilised in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying and microfilming, without permission in writing from Enterprise Singapore.
Request for permission can be sent to:

© Enterprise Singapore 2021

ISBN 978-981-49-2559-4
SS 671 : 2021

The content of this Singapore Standard was approved on 18 March 2021 by the Quality and Safety
Standards Committee (QSSC) under the purview of the Singapore Standards Council.

First published, 2021

QSSC consists of the following members:

Name Representation

Chairman : Er. Mohd Ismadi Bin Mohamad Individual Capacity

Chairman : Mr Ong Liong Chuan Individual Capacity
Mr Seet Choh San Singapore Institution of Safety Officers
Advisor : Mr Chan Yew Kwong Individual Capacity
Secretary : Ms Dorothy Er Singapore Manufacturing Federation – Standards
Development Organisation
Members : Dr Chou Siaw Meng Nanyang Technological University
Ms Serene Chua Pui Hong Sport Singapore
Er. Goh Keng Cheong Housing & Development Board
Mr Steven Goh National Trades Union Congress
Mr Koh Yeong Kheng Association of Small and Medium Enterprises
Mr Bernard Kwok Hon Mun Ministry of Manpower
Mr Lee Kay Chai Singapore Contractors Association Limited
Mr Danny Lien Singapore Productivity Association
Mr Lim Kee Huat Society of Loss Prevention in the Process
Mr Steven Nah Association of Process Industry
Er. Ngiam Tong Yuen Individual Capacity
Mr Srinivasan Ramabhadran DuPont Sustainable Solutions
Mr Derek Sim Association of Singapore Marine Industries
Mr Harnek Singh Individual Capacity
Mr Birch Sio Singapore Manufacturing Federation
Mr Alvin Soong Kheng Boon Land Transport Authority
Mr Sze Thiam Siong Singapore Manufacturing Federation – Testing,
Inspection and Certification Interest Group
Dr Tan Ban Hock Singapore General Hospital Pte Ltd
Mr Tan Kay Chen The Institution of Engineers, Singapore
Mr Tan Poh Seng Singapore Polytechnic
Mr Francis Wee Terk Meng JTC Corporation
Mr Winston Yew Eng How Workplace Safety and Health Council

SS 671 : 2021

QSSC set up the Technical Committee on Personal Safety and Health to oversee the preparation of
this standard. The Technical Committee consists of the following members:

Name Representation

Chairman : Mr Winston Yew Eng How Individual Capacity

Secretary : Mohammed Farez Singapore Manufacturing Federation –
Standards Development Organisation
Members : Mr Patrick Ker Singapore Association of Occupational
Mr Lim Cheong Ministry of Manpower
Mr S T Moorthy Singapore Contractors Association Limited
Mr Seah Chong An TÜV SÜD PSB Pte Ltd
Mr Seah Liang Bing Singapore Institution of Safety Officers
Mr Derek Sim Heng Kiat Association of Singapore Marine Industries
Assoc Prof Velusamy National University of Singapore
Mr Edwin Yap Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of
Ms Molly Yuan Xiaomo The Institution of Engineers, Singapore
Mr Yusoof Aynuddin SETSCO Services Pte Ltd

The Technical Committee set up the Working Group on Performance of Draw-off Taps with Metal or
Plastic Bodies for Water Services to prepare this standard. The Working Group consists of the following
experts who contribute in their individual capacity:


Convenor : Mr Teoh Beng Sai

Secretary : Mr Arthur Goh
Members : Mr Thomas Ang Moo Keng
Mr Chen Yu
Mr Choy Peng Hoong
Mr Louis Chua Lee Choong
Mr Goh Sheng Jie
Mr Jimmy Lee
Mr Johnny Ng Tow Hock
Ms Noryati Bte Abdullah
Mr Amos Phua Chin Teck
Mr Steven Tang Wah Keong
Mr Toh Jing Sheng
Dr Xu Jian Wei

SS 671 : 2021

The organisations in which the experts of the Working Group are involved are:

Housing & Development Board

Institute of Technical Education
Plastics and Rubber Institute of Singapore
Public Utilities Board
SETSCO Services Pte Ltd
Singapore Laboratory Services Pte Ltd
Singapore Plumbing Society
Singapore Polytechnic
Singapore Sanitary Ware Importers and Exporters Association

SS 671 : 2021


Foreword 6

1 Scope 7
2 Normative references 7
3 Terms and definitions 8
4 Dimensional and design characteristics 9
5 Hydraulic characteristics 10
6 Mechanical characteristics for Class “A” and “C” taps 11
7 Physio-chemical characteristics 12

A Body bending test 14

1 Classes of taps 7
2 Flow rate and flow duration for class “A” taps 10
3 Maximum flow rate of class “B” taps 11
4 Flow rate and flow duration for class “C” taps 11
5 Dimension classification 12


A.1 Body bending test 14

Bibliography 15

SS 671 : 2021


This Singapore Standard was prepared by the Working Group on Performance of Draw-off taps with
Metal or Plastic Bodies for Water Services set up by the Technical Committee on Personal Safety and
Health under the purview of QSSC.

This standard resulted from the review of SS 448 series (5 parts) on performance of draw-off taps with
metal or plastic bodies for water services. This standard incorporates supplementary requirements and
recommendations made in the latest relevant overseas standards as well as to ensure relevance with
industry practices.

The main differences from the SS 448 series of standards are as follows:

1. Including the following types of taps and mixers:

a) Mechanical self-closing delayed-action taps;

b) Sensor taps; and
c) Sensor self-closing delayed-action taps;

2. Specifying hydraulic characteristic requirements, dimensional, design and physio-chemical

characteristics of draw-off taps;

3. Adopting the latest test methods; and

4. Updating of the definitions.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this standard may be the subject of
patent rights. Enterprise Singapore shall not be held responsible for identifying any of such patent rights.


1. Singapore Standards (SSs) and Technical References (TRs) are reviewed periodically to keep abreast of technical
changes, technological developments and industry practices. The changes are documented through the issue of
either amendments or revisions. Where SSs are deemed to be stable, i.e. no foreseeable changes in them, they will be
classified as “Mature Standards”. Mature Standards will not be subject to further review, unless there are requests to review
such standards.

2. An SS or TR is voluntary in nature except when it is made mandatory by a regulatory authority. It can also be cited in
contracts making its application a business necessity. Users are advised to assess and determine whether the SS or TR is
suitable for their intended use or purpose. If required, they should refer to the relevant professionals or experts for advice on
the use of the document. Enterprise Singapore and the Singapore Standards Council shall not be liable for any damages
whether directly or indirectly suffered by anyone or any organisation as a result of the use of any SS or TR. Although care
has been taken to draft this standard, users are also advised to ensure that they apply the information after due diligence.

3. Compliance with a SS or TR does not exempt users from any legal obligations.

SS 671 : 2021

Specification for performance of self-closing delayed-action and

sensor taps for water services

1 Scope
This standard specifies the following:

a) Dimensional and design characteristics

b) Hydraulic characteristics;
c) Mechanical characteristics; and
d) Physio-chemical characteristics

of ½ in and ¾ in nominal size draw-off taps which are suitable for use in water supply systems with
continuous line pressures not exceeding 10 bar and at continuous operating temperatures below 90°C.

The following classes of draw-off taps are set out in Table 1:

Table 1 – Classes of taps

Class Types of taps

A Mechanical self-closing delayed-action taps
B Sensor taps
C Sensor self-closing delayed-action taps

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this standard. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.

AS/NZS 4020:2005 Testing of products for use in contact with drinking water
BS 6920 series Suitability of non-metallic products for use in contact with water
intended for human consumption with regard to their effect on the
quality of the water
BS EN 10088-1 Stainless steels. List of stainless steels
BS EN 10088-2 Stainless steels. Technical delivery conditions for sheet/plate and
strip of corrosion resisting steels for general purposes
BS EN 10088-3 Stainless steels. Technical delivery conditions for semi-finished
products, bars, rods, wire, sections and bright products of corrosion
resisting steels for general purposes
BS EN 12163:2016 Copper and copper alloys. Rod for general purposes
BS EN 12165:2016 Copper and copper alloys. Wrought and unwrought forging stock
BS EN 12420:2014 Copper and copper alloys. Forgings
BS EN 1982:2008 Copper and copper alloys. Ingots and castings

SS 671 : 2021

BS EN 200 Sanitary tapware. Single taps and combination taps for water
supply systems of type 1 and type 2. General technical specification
BS EN 200:2008 Sanitary tapware. Single taps and combination taps for water
supply systems of type 1 and type 2. General technical specification
ISO 228-1 Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are not made on the
threads — Part 1: Dimensions, tolerances and designation
SS 270 Specification for elastomeric seals for joints in pipework and
SS 375 series Suitability of non-metallic products for use in contact with water
intended for human consumption with regard to their effect on the
quality of the water
SS 375-1:2015 Suitability of non-metallic products for use in contact with water
intended for human consumption with regard to their effect on the
quality of the water – Part 1 : Specification


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