Forum Diskusi B. Inggris
Forum Diskusi B. Inggris
Forum Diskusi B. Inggris
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Pert 2 : Pronoun -I will go to the US next year.
-You are really talented
1. A pronoun is defined as a word or -She has the most beautiful round eyes.
phrase that is used as a substitution for a *Possessive Adjective
noun or noun phrase, which is known as -That tall man is my brother.
the pronoun's antecedent. Common -Welcome to our home
pronouns are he, she, you, me, I, we, us, -Hey Sandra, I think that’s your mother?.
this, them, that. * Possessive Pronoun
2.-Subject pronouns: I, you, he/she/it, we, -The chicken noodle on the table is mine.
you, they. -See, these kittens are now ours.
- Object pronouns: me, you, him/her/it, us, -I believe that this money is yours.
you, them *Reflexive pronoun
- Possessive adjectives: my, your, -I bought myself a new phone.
his/her/its, our, your, their -Go find yourself a new pair of shoes.
- possessive pronouns: mine, yours, -She cooks herself her favorite meal.
his/hers, ours, yours, theirs *Relative Pronoun
- Reflexive Pronoun: myself, -She is the person who gave you a call last
yourself/yourselves, ourselves, themselves, night.
himself, herself, itself. -The woman whom you met yesterday is
- Relative Pronoun: That, Whose, Which, my mother.
Who, Whom. -That is the girl whose boy stole my purse.
3.*Object Pronouns
-Listen to me. ~Sumber :
-The teachers will be mad at us.
-I’m glad to see you. object-possessive-pronouns-4176482
* Subject Pronoun
-Jane will be driving to work. -Jane will have been working for 12 hours,
so I don’t think she will want to cook. - Preposition of Manner
-I should have been watering the plants - Preposition of Purpose
every day; I hope they won’t die. - Preposition of Quantity/Measure
-They will have been living in that house
for 10 years this March. 2. 1) Preposition Of Time
- He will have been driving since noon, so - I was born on July 4th, 1982.
he will need a rest. - I was born in 1982.
- I was born at exactly 2am.
* Modal Auxiliary Verbs - I was born two minutes before my twin
Modal auxiliary verbs, or modal brother.
auxiliaries, are essential in the future tense. - I was born after the Great War ended.
First, they show how likely it is for 2) Preposition Of Place
something to happen. Second (and more - The cat is on the table.
importantly), without them, we can’t form - The dogs are in the kennel.
the future tense at all! The main modal - We can meet at the crossroads.
auxiliaries are: - The sculpture hangs on the wall.
-can - The images are on the page.
-could 3)Preposition Of Movement
-may - He wants to travel around the world.
-might - I’m going to university away from home.
-must - She walked by me without speaking.
-shall - We used to walk down the hill.
-should - Why did the people plunge into the
-will freezing cold water?
-would 4) Preposition Of Manner
- We go to the market by motorcycle
Sumber : - She goes to school by bus - By using my handphone, you will learn
h-grammar/future-tense the technology - Don’t make the decision in anger
- He does the task in a hurry
5) Preposition Of Purpose - I’m studying English for my
dictionary/future-tense examinations.
- I would like to go for a pizza.
- They needs car seats for babies.
Pert 7 : Prepositions - She bought coconut oil for massage.
1. A preposition is a word used to link - He left her desk for lunch.
nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other words 6) Preposition of Quantity/Measure
within a sentence. They act to connect the - I just need to drive for ten miles to reach
people, objects, time and locations of a my cousin’s house.
sentence. Prepositions are usually short - She bought her computer for two
words, and they are normally placed hundred dollars.
directly in front of nouns. In some cases, - You can buy our ropes by metre.
you’ll find prepositions in front of gerund - They don’t sell bananas by the kilo.
verbs. - It is often sold by the milligram.
Types of prepositions :
- Preposition of Time 3. Functions of preposition is to describe
- Preposition of Place relations of nouns or pronouns to other
- Preposition of Movement grammatical units in the given sentence.
What does preposition do? Prepositions 3. Mixed Paragraphs
express relations of nouns or pronouns to Mixed paragraph is a combination of main
the rest of the sentence. Preposition+ noun ideas whose position is at the beginning
= object of preposition. and end of a sentence.
4. Descriptive Paragraph
Deductive paragraphs allow the core of the
Sumber : paragraph to be placed throughout the paragraph.
ent/grammar-rules/preposition/ Sumber :
%3Fhs_amp%3Dtrue 2. - A stated main idea is a sentence found
n-contoh-kalimat-preposition- in the reading passage which states the
quantity-measure topic and the main point or points being made about that topic.
n-contoh-kalimat-preposition-of- Example :
purpose Because the Internet exists in a world that is already regulated with policies and laws,
government officials, upholders of current
laws and the voice of the people, should be
preposition-of-manner-dalam-bahasa- ultimately responsible for the regulation of
inggris/ the Internet. With this responsibility comes the enormous task of managing the
on-of-movement protection of First Amendment rights
along with honoring social and public
interests across the world. That being said,
Pert 8 : Main Idea the ultimate responsibility still rests in the
1. Main Idea. The main idea is the most hands of Internet users who vote – they,
important thing the paragraph says about along with the officials elected to serve
the topic. The topic is what a paragraph is them, make up the global community.
all about. Voters have the ability to elect responsible
Sumber : individuals to the appropriate posts, and
q=definisi+Main+Idea+&qs=n&form=QB the elected officials have the responsibility
RE&sp=- to act on the will of the people.
1&pq=definisi+main+idea+&sc=0- Sumber :
19&sk=&cvid=003E211B8A8B4161A416 to-find-the-stated-main-idea-
EF229DD22A58 3211740#:~:text=Stated%20Main%20Idea
- Types Of Main Idea : %20Example%20Because%20the
1. Deductive Paragraph %20Internet%20exists,ultimately
Deductive paragraphs have a distinctive %20responsible%20for%20the
characteristic in which the main idea will %20regulation%20of%20the%20Internet.
be conveyed at the beginning of a
sentence. - Finding the unstated main idea is very
2. Inductive Paragraph similar to finding the main idea, or topic
Inductive paragraph, namely the core of sentence, of a paragraph. The difference is
the paragraph which is located at the end that the main idea is not a sentence that
of the writing. This is because inductive you find in the paragraph or reading
paragraphs have a writing flow from selection; it is unstated or implied.
general to specific. Example :
Carefully I pulled my jacket more tightly - Skim in the appropriate part of the
around my body. Even the thick sweatshirt passage for the key word or idea.
I was wearing didn’t help. The tip of my - Read the sentence that contains the key
nose was cold, and my fingers felt too word or idea carefully.
frozen to type. I looked longingly at my - Eliminate the definitely wrong answers
portable heater but didn’t want to use it and choose the best answer from the
because I was afraid I’d leave it on by remaining choices.
accident. Sighing to myself, I began to
type but stopped when I could almost see - UNSTATED” DETAIL QUESTIONS
my breath in the air. “Enough for today,” I While sometimes you will be asked in the
said to myself. “I’m headed home.” Reading Comprehension section of the
Sumber : TOEFL test to find an answer that is not
kshelves/Composition/Introductory_Comp stated or not mentioned or not true in the
osition/Book passage. It is called unstated detail
%3A_The_Roadrunners_Guide_to_Englis question. This type of questions really
h_(Crisp_et_al.)/1%3A_Reading_and_Wri means that three of the answers are stated,
ting_Process/1.7%3A_Unstated_Main_Ide mentioned, or true in the passage, while
a one answer is not. Your actual job is to
find the three correct answers and then
choose the letter of the one remaining
Pert 9 : Stated And Unstated Detail answer.
- STATED DETAIL QUESTIONS You should note that there are two kinds of
A stated detail question asks about one answers to this type of question: (1) there
piece of information in the passage rather are three true answers and one answer that
than the passage as a whole. The answers is not discussed in the passage, or (2) there
to these questions are generally given in are three true answers and one that is false
order in the passage, and the correct according to the passage.
answer is often a restatement of what is
given in the passage. This means that the To answer the unstated detail question,
correct answer often expresses the same you may follow the same steps as to find
idea as what is written in the passage, but the stated detail question. But then you
the words are not exactly the same. have to come up with the untrue answer.
If there are stated detail questions, students ~How to identify the question
should identify those questions. The - Which of the following is not stated…?
questions of stated detail questions are as - Which of the following is not
follow mentioned…?
- Which of the following is not
~ How to identify the question. discussed…?
- According to the passage….. - All of the following are true except.
- It is stated in the passage …….. - Where to find the answer
- The passage indicates that ……… - The answer to these questions are found
- Which of the following is true …….. in order in the passage
- Where to find the answer.
- The answer to these questions are found ~How to answer the question
in order in the passage. - Choose a key word in the question.
- Scan the appropriate place in the passage
~How to answer the question. for key word (or related idea).
- Choose a key word in the question. - Read the sentence that contains the key
word or idea carefully. 7. (A) overly sensitive to light
- Look for answers that are definitely true 8. (D) change the ocean floor
according to the passage. Eliminate those 9. (B) adapt their behavior
answer. Passage 4
- Choose the answer that is not true or not 10. (C) the lime in the water evaporates
discussed in the passage. 11. (A) enlarge cave ceilings
12. (D) what causes stalactites to disappear
Source: https://bahasainggrisfirst.wordpres 13. (C) above stalactites 14. (D) are more durable than stalactites
unstated-detail-question-correctly/ and stalagmites
2. Passage 1
1. (C) Ice covers a large portion of the Pert 10 : Stated And Unstated Detail
Earth's surface. Questions.
2. (B) Two 1. - A stated detail question asks about one
3. (D) Substances from other areas piece of information in the passage rather
Passage 2 than the passage as a whole. The answers
4. (D) force blood into the arteries to these questions are generally given in
5. (A) As the heart beats order in the passage, and the correct
Passage 3 answer is often a restatement of what is
6. (C) The right atrium and ventricle given in the passage. This means that the
7. (C) was a period when most of U.S. correct answer often expresses the same
mass transportation was controlled by idea as what is written in the passage, but
the railroads the words are not exactly the same.
8. (B) Improved economy in the If there are stated detail questions, students
transportation system should identify those questions. The
9. (D) before standardized track gauge was questions of stated detail questions are as
established throughout the U.S. follow
Passage 4 ~ How to identify the question.
10. (C) in the first half of the nineteenth According to the passage…..
century It is stated in the passage ……..
11. (A) should be paid by the sender The passage indicates that ………
12. (D) It could be used to send a Which of the following is true ……..
lightweight letter. ~ Where to find the answer.
13. (B) before Switzerland The answer to these questions are found in
14. (C) two different denominations of order in the passage.
postage stamps were introduced in ~ How to answer the question.
the United States Choose a key word in the question.
Skim in the appropriate part of the passage
-Exercise 2: Unstated Detail Questions for the key word or idea.
Passage1 Read the sentence that contains the key
1. (A) it is a deeply colored liquid word or idea carefully.
2. (D) It is a clear, colorless liquid. Eliminate the definitely wrong answers
Passage 2 and choose the best answer from the
3. (D) drowned when he was young remaining choices.
4. (A) It was used extensively by the
Huron. EXAMPLE :
Passage 3 Finally, for a fear to truly be a phobia, it
5. (D) are colorfully decorated must be recurring. That is, if the man on
6. (C) live in the deepest part of the ocean the plane had flown before without
incident and continued to use planes after choose the letter of the one remaining
this one panic attack without experiencing answer.
further bouts of unreasonable fear, then he You should note that there are two kinds of
would not be said to be suffering from a answers to this type of question: (1) there
phobia. A true aviophobic could never are three true answers and one answer that
contemplate flying in any form without is not discussed in the passage, or (2) there
experiencing severe symptoms of acute are three true answers and one that is false
nervousness. In this case, the man’s single according to the passage.
onset of severe panic would most likely be To answer the unstated detail question,
viewed as symptomatic of some other you may follow the same steps as to find
mental disorder, perhaps brought on by the stated detail question. But then you
unrelated stresses in his life. Obviously, have to come up with the untrue answer.
the fact that phobias are recurring fears, or ~ How to identify the question
rather, that they involve constant fear of Which of the following is not stated…?
the object of the phobia, should not be Which of the following is not
taken to mean that the fear can never be mentioned…?
overcome. A person who is suffering from Which of the following is not discussed…?
a phobia may, either through great effort of All of the following are true except.
will, or, more likely, through a course of ~ Where to find the answer
psychiatric treatment, conquer his phobia The answer to these questions are found in
and cease to be frightened of whatever it order in the passage
was he was formerly afraid of. ~ How to answer the question
Choose a key word in the question.
Question: Scan the appropriate place in the passage
1. According to the author, in paragraph 4, for key word (or related idea).
what might be one cause of a single Read the sentence that contains the key
instance of a phobic-like episode? word or idea carefully.
2. Seeing plane crashes on the news Look for answers that are definitely true
3. Watching too much violent television according to the passage. Eliminate those
4. Possessing a desire for public attention answer.
5. Having too much stress in one’s life Choose the answer that is not true or not
Analysis: discussed in the passage.
(D) is the correct answer. It is stated EXAMPLE:
directly in the text. (A) is incorrect. Seeing In English, there are many different kinds
plane crashes on the news is mentioned as of expressions that people use to give a
something that might cause non-phobic name to anything whose name is unknown
nervousness in airline passengers. (B) and or momentarily forgotten. The word
(C) are not mentioned in the passage. gadget is one such word. It was first used
by British sailors in the 1850s and
- UNSTATED” DETAIL QUESTIONS probably came from the French word
While sometimes you will be asked in the gachette, which was a small hook. In
Reading Comprehension section of the everyday use, the word has a more general
TOEFL test to find an answer that is not meaning. Other words are also used to give
stated or not mentioned or not true in the a name to something unnamed or
passage. It is called unstated detail unknown, and these words tend to be
question. This type of questions really somewhat imaginative. Some of the more
means that three of the answers are stated, commonly used expressions are a what-
mentioned, or true in the passage, while d’ye-call-it, a whatsis, a thingamabob, a
one answer is not. Your actual job is to thingamajig, a doodad, or a doohickey.
find the three correct answers and then Question:
1. Which of the following is NOT postage stamps were introduced in
mentioned in the passage as an expression the United States
for something that is not known?
2. A what-is-it -Exercise 2: Unstated Detail Questions
3. A gadget (page 100-104)
4. A thingamabob Passage 1
5. A doohickey 1. (A) it is a deeply colored liquid
Analysis 2. (D) It is a clear, colorless liquid.
This question asks for the one answer that Passage 2
is not mentioned, so three of the answers 3. (D) drowned when he was young
are listed in the passage and one is not. 4. (A) It was used extensively by the
You should look for the three answers that Huron.
are mentioned. Since gadget, thingamabob, Passage 3
and doohickey are listed in the passage, the 5. (D) are colorfully decorated
second, third, and fourth answers are 6. (C) live in the deepest part of the ocean
incorrect. A what-is-it is not listed in the 7. (A) overly sensitive to light
passage, so the first answer is the best 8. (D) change the ocean floor
answer to this question. 9. (B) adapt their behavior
Passage 4
Source : https://bahasainggrisfirst.wordpre 10. (C) the lime in the water evaporates 11. (A) enlarge cave ceilings
unstated-detail-question-correctly/ 12. (D) what causes stalactites to disappear
13. (C) above stalactites
2. -Exercise 1: Satated Detail Questions 14. (D) are more durable than stalactites
(page 96-99) and stalagmites.
Passage 1
1. (C) Ice covers a large portion of the
Earth's surface. Pert11 : Who, What, And Where
2. (B) Two 1. WH questions start with W or H (and
3. (D) Substances from other areas often Wh). So WH has become a
Passage 2 shorthand for speech therapists to refer to
4. (D) force blood into the arteries them. WH questions start with:
5. (A) As the heart beats - Who
Passage 3 - What
6. (C) The right atrium and ventricle - Where
7. (C) was a period when most of U.S. - Why
mass transportation was controlled by - When
the railroads - How
8. (B) Improved economy in the - WH Question Examples
transportation system CUE: Jane is riding her bike to the store to
9. (D) before standardized track gauge was get some milk.
established throughout the U.S. Q: How is she getting to the store?
Passage 4 On a bike
10. (C) in the first half of the nineteenth At 5pm
century To get milk
11. (A) should be paid by the sender The answer is On a Bike.
12. (D) It could be used to send a But you don't need to have a narrative (the
lightweight letter. Cue above). It's sufficient to have the
13. (B) before Switzerland patient choose an answer that is
14. (C) two different denominations of appropriate for the question. In fact, it can
help them focus more on the WH word.
- Answering WH Questions in speech - What
therapy is very difficult ~ What is your name?
WH words are harder to understand than ~ What? I can't hear you.
Nouns and Verbs, but I didn't know why. ~ What is your option?
(Pun intended!) In search of an answer, I ~ What are you doing?
interviewed Dr. Rich Katz, a who ~ What do you think about the movie?
pioneered research into Aphasia therapy
software and particularly on WH - Where
questions. He developed the first software ~ Where do you live?
program to work on WH questions. It was ~ Where did she come from?
so long it ago it was on the Apple IIe, if ~ Where have you been?
you remember that computer from the 70s! ~ Where will you go after this?
Nouns are the easiest for those with ~ Where are you going?
aphasia to retrieve and process. Verbs are a Source :
little harder. WH questions are the much /contoh-kalimat-dengan-kata-tanya-dalam-
harder because they are not as concrete bahasa-inggris-8w-1h.html
and it's easy to confuse them (Who for
What, etc.)
View more about why they are challenging Pert12 : Listening ; Negtives
- How to teach WH Questions
Teaching WH Questions is more about the 1. - Negative sentences are declarative
feedback than the questions. The simplest statements. That is, they relay information
type of WH exercise is a question and believed to be true. Negative sentences are
several choices, with one correct and typically formed by adding the word "not"
several foils (incorrect answers). To make after the helping verb. The most popular
it particularly challenging, make the foils helping verbs are a form of "to be,"
answers to different WH questions. including "am," "is," "are," "was" and
Example of Hints for WHY questions: "were."
Why is she going to the store? - Double negative is a non-standard
On a bike (How) sentence construction that uses two
At 5pm (When) negative forms. Double negatives are
To get milk. (Why)) created by adding a negation to the verb
On a correct answer, just tell them they got and to the modifier of the noun (adjectives,
it right : Yes, she is going to the store to adverbs, etc.) or to the object of the verb. I
get milk. won't (will not) bake no cake. I can't
If they get it wrong, explain the question: (cannot) go nowhere tonight.
Why means a reason. - Almost negatives are negative words that
Source : mean almost negative.
examples.htm Source :
2. - Who ative-sentence-examples.html
~ Who’s gonna cook dinner today? -
~ Who prepares the texts in the President’s things-you-must-know-about-double-
speech? negatives/#:~:text=2%20A%20double
~ Who will participate in the competition %20negative%20is,will%20not)%20bake
today? %20no%20cake.&text=I%20can't
~ Who can finish the meal? %20(cannot)%20go%20nowhere
~ Who will pick you up later? %20tonight
- rules.
sentence/ - Almost Negatives Sentence
• We are seldom go to school.
2. - Negative Sentence • We are rare to meet.
• I am not your priority • They seldom come in a party.
• she is not my bestfriend • Anita rarely comes there with her friends.
• you are not kind with me • I nearly didn’t make it to work on time
• He is not my king today.
• I am not beautiful but I can understand
you Source :
- Double Negative Sentence pulan-negative-sentence-dalam-bahasa-
• Rini said that she doesn’t want nothing. inggris-beserta-artinya-lengkap/
• I didn’t do none of the doctor’s -
suggestion. engertian-dan-15-contoh-kalimat-double-
• My father hasn’t no money to buy us new negatives.html
clothes -
• I haven’t no one to talk to -grammar-almost-nearly-hardly/
• He hasn’t never broken the school’s
Conditional Clauses or If Clauses. They
Pert 13 : CONTRARY MEANINGS are used to express that the action in the
main clause (without if) can only take
1. Contrary; use contrary when two things place if a certain condition (in the clause
are exactly opposite or entirely different. If with if) is fulfilled. There are three types
something is contrary to something else, it of Conditional Sentences.
is opposed to or against it.
Definition of contrary (Entry 1 of 3) - Example and Formulas
1) : a fact or condition incompatible with a) Conditional Sentence type I :
another : OPPOSITE —usually used with if + simple present, simple future “will” /
the imperative
2) : one of a pair of opposites Example : I will cook dinner tonight if you
3) a : a proposition (see PROPOSITION clean the house.
entry 1 sense 2a) so related to another that
though b) Conditional Sentence type II :
both may be false they cannot both be true if + simple past/were, would/could/might
— compare SUBCONTRARY + bare infinitive.
b : either of two terms (such as good and Example : If I owned a zoo, I might let
evil) that cannot both be affirmed of the people interact with the animals more.
subject c) Contidional sentence type III :
if + past perfect,
Source : contrary - Dictionary Definition : would/should/could/might + have + past participle.
Contrary | Definition of Contrary by Example : If you had told me you needed a
Merriam-Webster ride, I would have left earlier
Source :
2. - Describe about IF-CONDITIONAL
Conditional Sentences are also known as h-tips/conditional-sentence/