Blythe Target-Method-Match and Assessment Blueprint 1
Blythe Target-Method-Match and Assessment Blueprint 1
Blythe Target-Method-Match and Assessment Blueprint 1
A. Target-Method-Match
Math.K.4 Students will illustrate drawings and manipulate objects to produce and solve addition and subtraction equations.
B. Assessment Blueprint
Unit Outcome: Students will illustrate drawings and manipulate objects to produce and solve addition and subtraction equations.
Learning Targets Target Type Assessment Method Sample Size
(knowledge, reasoning, (selected response, written (number of items or tasks
Include the number of each Learning Target, for example SS8.1.1 (Social performance skill, or product) response, performance or and the number of points)
Studies 8th grade, Outcome #1, Learning Target #1) personal communication)
Learning Targets
Target #
Math.K.4.1 Compose and decompose numbers to 5 using pictorial and Knowledge and Skill Written Response 2 items
numeric number bonds to model story situations. Performance 3 points each
Math.K.4.2 Organize composition and decomposition of numbers 6-8 Knowledge and Skill Personal Communication 3 items
using number bonds and identify patterns in number pairs. 2 points each
Math.K.4.3 Demonstrate and construct addition stories with pictures, Knowledge and Skill Written Response 2 items
numbers, and equations to solve result unknown equations. Personal Communication 3 points each
Define what each numeral in an equation represents.
Math.K.4.4 Role play subtraction stories and match pictorial Knowledge Selected Response 2 items
representations to the equation. Define what each numeral Performance 3 points each
in an equation represents.
Math.K.4.5 Define and organize part-part-whole relationships and Product Performance 2 items
produce different combinations of numbers to 10 using 3 points each
fingers, linking cubes, drawings, number bonds, and number
Math.K.4.6 Calculate adding and subtracting numbers to 5 quickly and Skill Selected Response 2 items
accurately and solve word problems with total unknown and Performance 2 points each
addends unknown to 10 using 5-group drawings, pictures,
and equations.
Math.K.4.7 Solve and prove subtraction story problems with drawings Reasoning and Skill Performance 2 items
and number sentences. 2 points each
Math.K.4.8 Identify patterns when adding 0 and 1 to numbers. Choose Knowledge and Performance 2 items
strategies to model and create a part-part-whole situation to Reasoning 2 points each
present to others.
C. Summary
I do not have any prior experience to creating learning targets or assessment blueprints, so while this assignment
was a bit of a learning curve for me, it did make me think deeper about how to effectively assess students. Matching
learning targets to assessment types required me to think about what I need to know about student learning and how I
can get that information. I have never put much thought into the target type, and in doing so, I made connections of what I
want students to be able to do, with Bloom’s taxonomy in mind. Matching learning targets to assessment types also
allowed me to be more intentional about truly assessing and having a system to collect assessment data and developing
assessments that will accurately portray student’s competencies. This experience also kept the assessments closely
aligned with the standards. While it will take me more practice, being able to create learning targets will help ensure that
the learning outcomes are measurable and communicated clearly with students. Being able to create assessment
blueprints will help me to stay organized, focus on the learning targets, know how students will show mastery, and be
more intentional with instruction and how effective assessment can inform instruction.